#(and also that's one of my favorite pats that I've drawn yet)
chiropteracupola · 9 months
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lately I've been doing a very slow and leisurely reread of @cerebrobullet's excellent fic 'the long dark,' and having been reminded just how extremely fond I am of doctor thomason, I felt like it'd be a splendid idea to have a go at scribbling him up.
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princesssarisa · 8 days
Adventures in Wonderland (1992-1995): a detailed list of the Mad Hatter and March Hare's "Ship Tease" moments, Season 1
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@hathousehappenings, @spikrock
The Disney Channel's Adventures in Wonderland was one of my favorite childhood TV shows, and it's one that I love to revisit now as an adult. Not only do its charms still hold up, but I can see certain nuances now that I missed when I was younger. Namely, how much the show's versions of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare seem like an adorable gay couple.
Now of course they couldn't make it overt: this was a kids' show in the early '90s, so officially, they're just best friends. But their actors, John Robert Hoffman and Reece Holland, are both gay in real life, and from an adult viewpoint, it shows.
So I've drawn inspiration from the long list on the Recess Wiki of T.J. and Spinelli's "Ship Tease" moments to create a similar list for the Hatter and Hare. Every moment between them that's particularly affectionate, suggestive, domestic, or just plain cute in a way that's not quite typical of platonic male friends.
I've rewatched every episode of Season 1 and compiled the list below the cut. Warning: it's long.
Herstory in the Making: The show’s first Hatter/Hare scene would work just as well between a married couple, as they face having to do “the grocery shopping” (it seems the writers hadn’t established yet that the two of them don’t live together) and as each one tries to foist the job onto the other. Later, in the story that all the Wonderland characters write for Alice, the Hare is described as “handsome” – it’s easy to guess that the Hatter wrote that part.
Lip-Sunk: When the Hatter pours tea for the Hare and offers him lemon for it, they smile affectionately at each other, their faces close together, and then giggle.
Red Queen for a Day: Their role in this episode consists of arguing over whether tarts or cookies are best to serve at a tea party: the phrase “like an old married couple” comes to mind.
Objects d’Heart: When the Hatter reacts with horror to the Queen giving her ugly statue to him, the Hare grips his hand to steady him. (Granted, the White Rabbit also holds his other hand and pats his shoulder, but the Hare grasps his hand with both of his own.) Later, when the Hatter calls the statue “a stately stone statue, a carefully crafted carving, a magnificent monolithic modern masterpiece,” the Hare gushes “Amazingly awesome alliteration!” in an adoring tone. And at the beginning of the sculpture garden scene, the Hatter is standing with his elbow on the Hare’s shoulder.
Arrivederci Aroma: During their duet, “Goodbye, Old Paint,” the Hatter and Hare go behind a screen together, then emerge having changed out of their regular clothes into overalls for painting. Meaning that behind the screen, they undressed in front of each other. Later, at the tea table, we find the Hare adding a condiment (pepper) to the Hatter’s cup of tea – silly, yes, but still an affectionate, intimate gesture.
The Bunny Flop: When the Hatter and Hare admit that the Queen’s missing shoe isn’t in the attic, they cutely finish each other’s sentence.
Pop Goes the Easel: The Hare grips the Hatter’s shoulder as they face the Queen to make an excuse for postponing the portrait-unveiling, and again in the final scene as they invent an explanation for the salt container in the painting. Their dance in their duet, “Your Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” also includes some shoulder-holding. And in at the Hatter’s house, as they cover the portrait in protective coating, their arms tangle together as if they were playing Twister.
That’s All, Jokes!: The episode opens with the Hatter and Hare pranking each other: first the Hatter tricks the Hare into drinking iced tea from a dribble glass, and then the Hare tries to trick the Hatter into eating a hot cross bun with spicy chiles in it. As they offer each other the prank treats, each one leans very close to the other and entices him to taste it in a sensual way, and each prank hinges on how well they know each other’s tastes: the Hatter knows that the Hare loves tea with lemon, while the Hare knows that the Hatter loves hot cross buns. Then when Tweedle Dum eats the spicy bun instead, the Hatter and Hare clasp each other’s hands and shoulders as they laugh at him together. Later, in the penultimate scene, they cutely exchange silent nudges and pokes to get each other’s attention during the Queen’s speech, and as everyone backs away when the Queen’s temper starts to flare, the Hatter grabs the Hare’s arm.
Forget Me Knot: Nothing much, but they do sing a cute duet in matching fake moustaches, “Give Us a Call,” when the Hatter is disguised as “Professor Memory.” The Hare’s “photographic memory” also includes several photos of himself and the Hatter together.
Boo, Who?: The Hatter and Hare bake a cake together throughout their duet, “Cooking with Candy”: a cute domestic scene. Then when they become ghost hunters and set a trap for the “ghost” in the Queen’s palace, and are explaining it, the Hare crouches down and hugs the Hatter’s leg to stop him from stepping on the rubber duckie and setting it off the trap too soon – just grabbing his leg with his hand would have sufficed, but instead he gives it a full-body hug! Later, as they’re watching for the ghost at night, they huddle shoulder-to-shoulder next to the Queen’s throne. Also, the Hare asks the Hatter if he can keep the ghost as a pet. You’d think he could make that decision on his own, but he asks the Hatter’s permission, as if they were roommates… or something more. (Again, it doesn’t seem to be established yet that the Hatter and Hare live in separate houses.)
Double Your Bunny: The Hatter is first seen lounging in a Cleopatra stance on top of the tea table as he faces the Hare, who sits in the opposite chair.
Diary of a Mad Hatter: The episode opens with a domestic scene of the Hatter and Hare cleaning the Hatter’s attic together. The Hare starts it by telling the Hatter that the attic needs cleaning, then immediately picks up a feather duster and starts dusting. This leads them to discover Great-Grandhatter’s diary. Later, they cutely nudge each other and laugh together about how “trees don’t bite.”
How the West Was Wonderland: When the Hatter shows off his selection of cowboy hats, the Hare serves as his assistant, handing them up from under the table. Then when they learn that the Queen needs a horse, they put on a two-person horse costume, the Hatter playing the front end and the Hare playing the rear end: they wear it for the rest of the episode and even sing a duet inside it.
The Rules of the Game: When the Hare sneezes in the middle of their duet, the Hatter stifles it by holding his finger under the Hare’s nose: a stock comedy gesture, yes, but an awfully intimate one. Then when the Miwok players form two-person teams, the Hatter and Hare insist that “of course” they’ll be partners. And when they finally explain to Alice that you can change the rules of the game at any time, they cutely finish each other’s sentence, ending it by speaking in unison.
Something to Sneeze At: The whole storyline revolves around the fact that the Hatter and Hare can’t stand to be apart, and so they try and try again to find ways to be together despite the Hatter’s apparent allergy to the Hare. The Hatter calls him “my Hare” when he says that he doesn’t want to lose him, and their utter sadness at being forced to avoid each other is made clear throughout the episode. So is their utter joy in the end when they finally solve the problem. Also, during the Hatter’s second sneezing fit near the beginning, the Hare holds tissue after tissue to the Hatter’s nose with each sneeze. As with the Hatter stifling the Hare’s sneeze in the previous episode, you’d think an ordinary platonic friend would let him do that himself. And when they try to have a “TV party” (a proto-Zoom meeting from today’s perspective), the Hare asks, “How do I look?” and flaunts his face close to the camera for the Hatter.
Off the Cuffs: At the beginning before the Hare’s magic trick, the Hatter gives a big spiel and sings a musical number about what an amazing magician the Hare is. Then he serves as his assistant. Later, when the Hare finally remembers that the key labelled “This is not the key to the trick handcuffs” really is the key to the trick handcuffs, the Hatter affectionately exclaims “Hare, you are so clever!”
The Wonderland Enquirer: At the beginning of the Tweedles’ flashback, the Hatter is once again lounging Cleopatra-style on the table while the Hare sits beside him, and they sigh happily and smile at each other while remarking what a lovely day it is for tea and crumpets. Later, as they set the table for the next tea party, the Hare exuberantly praises the Hatter’s parties, first in dialogue, and then by singing a song, “The Host with the Most.” In the subsequent scene, when the Hatter cries because Alice won’t eat his crumpets, the Hare tenderly pats his shoulder, then grips his arm when they read the “Hatter Serves Stale Crumpets” headline in the paper.
The Hatter Who Came to Dinner: As the Hatter trims the Queen’s shrubbery, the Hare stands under the ladder and spots him, ignoring the leaves and branch pieces that shower down on him. After the Hatter hurts his back, the Hare fusses over him and looks after him throughout the rest of the scene, even saying “Ow, ow ow!” with him as if in sympathetic pain while helping him down from the ladder. The next day when the Hare comes back to visit the Hatter, and the Hatter first starts to get up from the bed during his solo song, the Hare gently tries to coax him to lie back down at first, like a spouse would. Then when the Hatter invites the Hare to stay at the palace with him, the Hare responds by leaping onto the bed and reclining next to him. And in the final scene, when Tweedle Dee says that what matters is that the Hatter is feeling better, the Hatter and Hare say the Hatter’s catchphrase, “How true that is!” in unison. (This episode also includes a scene of the Hatter sharing the White Rabbit’s bed at night, and in his sleep, he seems oddly determined to throw himself across the Rabbit’s body, then giggles as the Rabbit accidentally tickles him while trying to move him back to his own side.)
For Better or Verse, TechnoBunny: Nothing much, but these episodes do include two of the most fun Hatter/Hare duets: “Professional Diagnosticians” and “Robot Recipe,” respectively.
Party-Pooped: The Hatter/Hare feud episode plays out like a breakup, with all the other characters finally conspiring to bring their favorite couple back together. To begin with, the Hatter’s complaints about the Hare’s inconsiderate behavior sound almost like a stereotypical wife’s complaining about an inconsiderate husband, and he even claims that the Hare has “hurt [his] feelings.” Then as they argue about whether the Hare should apologize or not, their faces come very close together, almost close enough for a kiss: the TV Tropes phrase “belligerent sexual tension” comes to mind. (The show’s “blooper reel” has a funny alternate take of this moment, where the Dormouse calls them both idiots and orders them to make up, then adds “Happy Valentine’s Day!”) And after the Hatter calls the Hare “not my real friend” and the Hare storms away, the Hatter’s expression shows that he’s instantly horrified and remorseful, but his ego won’t let him admit it. During their split, it’s evident that they’re still preoccupied with each other; their chief focus is on hosting rival parties and each trying to outdo the other’s. The climactic party scene at the Queen’s palace is the real shipper’s field day, however. It looks like a Valentine’s Day party, with romantic-looking red heart decorations everywhere. Ostensibly this is just because the Queen is the hostess, but she’s never used heart decorations this lavishly before. Then the Hatter and Hare discover each other’s presence by accidentally finding themselves chest-to-chest. After they still snub each other, and the others huddle up to form Plan B, what they do in the background is worth noticing: despite the show they make of refusing to speak or look at each other, they still don’t leave each other’s side, and keep stealing stealthy glances at each other. Then, when the others confuse them, not only do they start speaking to each other without thinking, but the Hare even uses the Hatter’s usual catchphrase, “How true that is!” And when all the others startle them by exclaiming “Aha!” they instinctively grasp each other’s arms. Throughout Alice’s subsequent song, “Back on Speaking Terms,” she and the other characters try to literally push the Hatter and Hare into each other’s arms, and try to join their hands too, no matter how many times they pull away. And at the end, after getting caught up in the dance, the Hatter and Hare finally voluntarily join hands, which is followed by their finally making up.
Up and Anthem: The Hatter and Hare end “The Wonderland Polka” by leaning against each other shoulder-to-shoulder.
Pretzelmania: When the Hatter and Hare react with shock to Alice guessing that their invention is a pretzel machine, the Hare grabs the Hatter’s arm and shoulder. They also do a little arm- and shoulder-grabbing during the reveal of the pretzel machine. The Hare grabs the Hatter’s arm again at the reveal that the Queen’s ring is missing, while the Hatter puts a comforting/steadying hand on the Hare’s shoulder after they, the Rabbit, and Alice accidentally knock their heads together. Then, when the Hatter says “Search me!” (meaning “I don’t know”), the Hare takes it literally, and starts patting and examining the Hatter’s jacket and chest to search for the ring, with the Hatter willing and happy all the while.
White Elephant Sale: Nothing much, but they do sing a nice duet, “White Elephants into Gold,” which ends with the Hare calling the Hatter (and the Hatter calling himself) “a very brilliant guy.”
Rip-Roaring Rabbit Tales: The Hare grasps the Hatter’s arm and shoulder when the White Rabbit says he’s come on official business.
Happy Boo Boo Day: Again, the Hare grabs the Hatter’s arm a couple of times during their duet “Shh, Surprise!”
What Makes Rabbit Run: Nothing much, but they do sing a fun duet and have cute moments of finishing each other’s sentences.
Friday the Umpteenth: The episode opens (after the theme song) with the Hatter and Hare together in domestic mode, cleaning theDormouse’s teapot. Then, after they learn about Friday the 13th’s “bad luck,” they spend most of the rest of the episode in a state of anxiety, and frequently grab each other’s arms and shoulders.
Pizza de Resistance: Nothing much, but they do sing a fun duet, “It’s All Up Here,” and share a domestic scene as they cook their “pizza” (meatloaf) together.
A Litter Help from My Friends: They sing another fun duet, “A Picnic on a Bun,” where they build a giant submarine sandwich together, and at one point playfully “fence” with the knives. Then, when the White Rabbit says they have a big problem and the others gather anxiously around him, the Hare grabs the Hatter’s shoulder.
Busy as a Spelling Bee: The Hare precisely remembers the last time the Hatter went bowling and what he was wearing. Then when they decide to go put on their bowling clothes, the Hare says, “Let’s split!” and the Hatter replies “Spare me.” And their duet, “Pick a Word, Any Word,” ends with them sitting shoulder-to-shoulder.
Hic-Hic Hooray: Nothing much, but their duet, “Just Another Miracle of Modern Science,” does include shoulder-touching, and at one point the Hatter grooms the Hare’s ears for him while he looks in a mirror.
He’s Not Heavy, He’s My Hatter: First, there’s the title, if we assume it’s from the Hare’s perspective: “my Hatter.” Within the episode itself, the Hare comfortingly pats the Hatter’s shoulder when he cries about how tempting it is to eat cookies and. staunchly keeps his promise to the Hatter to hide the cookies and not let him eat anymore. At the end, when the Hatter realizes he’s lost weight from all the exercise he got looking for the cookies, the Hare proudly exclaims “You’re so smart, you fooled yourself!” and in the song “It’s Great to Be in Shape,” he sings “We like that eye appeal” about the Hatter’s slimmed-down figure.
Invasion of the Tweedle Snatchers: Twice when the “aliens” first speak to the Hatter and Hare, the terrified Hare leaps up into the Hatter’s arms and the Hatter holds him “bridal style.” And even after the Hatter puts him down, they still cling to each other in fear. Throughout the whole episode, as in other episodes they spend in a stage of anxiety, they repeatedly clutch each other’s arms and shoulders.
Bubble Trouble: When the Hatter and Hare come to dip their “tootsies” in the spring, the Hare tickles the bottom of the Hatter’s foot and the Hatter giggles. Later, they share a domestic scene with the song “Scrub-a-Dub-Dub,” as they wash dishes together.
Welcome Back Hatter: The episode opens with the Hatter and Hare making a list of all the things they plan to do together, and then they talk extensively to Alice about how inseparable they are. As the Hatter says, “Has a Hatter ever had a better friend?” he puts his arm around the Hare and pulls him close. But then, of course, the plot kicks in: the Hatter wins a far-away castle in a contest and prepares to move. Throughout the episode, the Hare is utterly heartbroken, yet for the Hatter’s sake he tries to seem happy for him and urges the others to do the same. Meanwhile, the Hatter is too ecstatic about his new castle at first to see the Hare’s sadness or realize his own sadness at leaving him, but gradually it sinks in. First, in the attic, he consoles the Hare by assuring him that he can come visit him; then, after the Hare leaves at the end of the scene, the Hatter has a delayed reaction to the Hare’s remark that the castle will have everything “…except me,” and gazes after him, then looks deeply troubled. In the same scene, the Hare’s “By the way, Hatter… I hope you love your new castle” reads almost (or maybe entirely) like an aborted declaration of love. Ditto for their eventual goodbye, where they both pretend to be happy but clearly aren’t at all. Meanwhile, the Hatter leaves his house and all his belongings to the Hare as a gift. But after he leaves, the Hare can’t bear to move in because there are too many memories and is too depressed even to drink tea. But inevitably, the Hatter comes back in the end: it turns out that all he won was a tiny toy castle. Their joyful reunion features the ultimate musical tribute to their bond, the duet “Welcome Back, Hatter,” with the refrain “Hatter and Hare, quite a pair!” The song is set to a montage of funny Hatter/Hare moments from throughout the season, which the two of them watch on Crystalvision, patting and grasping each other’s arms as they laugh nostalgically all the while.
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dark-side-laegrinna · 5 months
OC Songs (well, not really, but close enough)
@furbyq tagged me (thank you!) and since I don't really have OCs other than my sims that aren't based on characters, she suggested I do it for my Deception IV character playlists! I'll be doing ship songs as well.
Much of my vision of the game's characters are my own, as the plots (there are two, Laegrinna's and Velguirie's stories) are secondary and considered forgettable, which is a shame because I found them as enjoyable as the gameplay. The way I've developed their personalities probably makes no sense to the few other fans and would be considered wildly out-of-character, but tbh I don't give a shit because it brings me joy, and with no fandom, there's no drama. (Hopefully).
Ice Queen by Within Temptation: this has always been my favorite song by them but I came to associate it with Laegrinna. She is ruthless and cold for the most part canonically, however I think there's more to her than that and I'll get to that later.
Queen of the Night by Whitney Houston: This is, without a doubt, Velguirie's theme song. "I've got more than enough to make you drop to your knees," "They say I'm trouble and I don't give a damn," the lyrics pretty much speak for themselves. They don't call her the Nightmare Princess for nothing.
Shine On Me by Chris Dane Owens: This sounds like a hero's theme song and Zeno Shin is a self-proclaimed hero and big dumb idiot. Also, if you know me you're likely aware Laegrinna/Zeno is my OTP and it evokes the way I imagine him being awestruck by her. She is the Dark Side Princess but she is his light.
Who's That Girl by Madonna - Okay, so hear me out. Whereas Velguirie is entirely fire and I love her for that, Laegrinna is ice AND fire. You don't see that often because while she uses it to her advantage, she won't admit it. Kind of related to the last song it's about falling under the inescapable spell of a captivating woman. Which again is how I envision her effect on Zeno but may or may not also be something more personal.
Latch by Disclosure ft Sam Smith: This has been one of my favorite songs since it came out well before I played Deception IV, but now in my mind it's about how Laegrinna and Zeno are drawn to each other and the metaphors are right on for a game where the main goal is using traps on enemies. (Zeno is a major enemy, by the way. You defeat him, which means yes, Laegrinna canonically kills him. But that's what AUs are for, and I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers).
Sleeping Dogs by Merril Bainbridge: A song I've known since high school, holy shit that was 25+ years ago now?? 💀 Another one full of metaphors - Laegrinna and Zeno drive each other crazy, but they DRIVE EACH OTHER CRAZY. Somehow, even though I always thought I hated the tsundere trope, it suits Laegrinna in my head. She doesn't want to be attracted to him but she can't resist him.
Shadows of the Night by Pat Benatar: Although I don't think they meet in canon because Evelyn is from Laegrinna's story and I didn't get very far in quest mode (I watched my husband finish it but that was forever ago) I think Velguirie and Evelyn are perfect for each other. "Surrender all your dreams to me tonight" is the line that hit me, like I said Velguirie is the Nightmare Princess, and I'm not going into detail but let's just say Evelyn is quite keen on surrendering 😂 I haven't thought of any other songs for them yet but I hope to, they're a really fun pairing and I love them.
Okay, I've seen a lot of people tagged or participated already but I'll tag @kaylynn-langerak, @celestialspritz, @h0nkytonkangels, and @esotheria-sims.
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💌 love letter from jake to his crush that goes to j-high?
[As you leave the school gates behind, you are approached by your friend Jake, who smiles in a rather mischievous way as he hands you a folded piece of paper. "For you," he says, "And I'm gonna be busy for a while, so I wanted to give you a memory of me."
"What, like you're going to die?" you joke.
He doesn't reply, only laughing and patting your head before walking off as he says goodbye.
You wonder what that was about before you open the letter to read...]
Hello my love!
Or wait, I guess I can't call you that... yet [There is a winky face drawn here.]
Anyways, please forgive me for arriving late to our last hangout~ I promise it was because I was busy with my work stuff but when I told you that, you didn't seem to believe me, so I'm saying it again! I even left a lollipop to show my sincerity ♡
Also, like I said, sorry I won't be around much for a while. I hope this doesn't make you feel like someone unimportant to me, because I really do care for you. I'd hate to lose someone as lovely as you from my life, so please understand I've just got a lot going on right now. I'm sure you've got yourself busy with classes as well--make sure to keep doing your best! And to take care of yourself, too~
If you don't, I'd be happy to once I'm less busy!
Yours truly, the one and only, sincerely,
Jake Kim
[Attached to the paper is a lollipop of your favorite flavor, taped on the bottom.]
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kit-teung · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme ):)
template by @fiercynn, tagged by @hereforlou! this is exciting, thank you so much for tagging me <3
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
i'm (na)tasha, a freelance artist from eastern europe, i really love mountains, lemons, teal colour and when it's hot as hell outside. you might know me from c-drama/novel fandoms - that's what i mostly draw on my main blog (which i'm being weirdly secretive about, but if you want to know the url you can message me about it off anon)
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
episode 5 was trending on here and a mutual who abandoned tumblr almost completely suddenly came back to reblog like 15 rooftop kiss gifsets in a row, scream in tags and then disappear again which made me go huh. what's all this then. lemme check out the first episode. and then by the time episode 6 aired a few days later i'd been already all caught up (can't remember exactly but since i have a tendency towards binge-watching i have a suspicion i watched all five episodes nearly in one sitting). for some personal reasons i'd rather not get into i never got a chance to create anything back then when it was airing and after, and so here i am finally joining the fandom more than a year later!
favorite ship(s)
(apart from the obvious) 📢📢📢TONGYOD📢📢📢 !!! also i was never big on crossover ships but then our skyy 2 happened and altered my brain chemistry
favorite character(s)
sometimes it's pran, sometimes it's pat. i don't control the part of my brain that decides which one of them to hyperfixate on out of the blue
favorite episode(s)
(again, apart from the obvious) i really love episodes 2-4 where they get to reunite and just hang out with each other. i love you bus stop shenanigans. also episode 11 because i'm a sucker for beach episodes, especially when they are mellow and bittersweet
favorite scene(s)
episode 8 balcony scene my beloved. inkpa darkroom confession scene and the way love's voice was trembling as she was on the verge of crying. also that bit in episode 11 where pat wakes up alone, goes out and sees pran playing the guitar outside and pran turns to greet him and SMILES SO SO BIG ugh my heart is doing somersaults as i'm typing this
one thing you would change about the show if you could
put pat in crop tops. cmon
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
any of the artworks by @thatgothsamurai, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @shikanji, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @hereforlou, but especially this one
any of the artworks by @kornswasianguyswag, but especially this one
this fanvid, the best fanvid ever that i've accidentally stumbled upon when searching up "bad buddy same page" (i think i was looking for the mock trailer lol)
this fic by @oldlace
this fic by @aroceu
and a special shoutout to all the wonderful gifmakers and meta writers, you guys are the real mvps <3
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
well, i haven't drawn much bbs fanart yet, but from the ones i've done so far i especially love this inkpa
also pls look at this korn i drew in the bbs discord server
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a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
does same page count if it technically wasn't in the show ah no wait pat sang it in episode 12 damn it ok this one i guess
idk anything else you want us to know?
this show's name in my native language is a pun that i can't explain
unfortunately i don't really know anyone in this fandom yet (unless.. @aroceu have you done this thing?), so i'm not tagging anyone, but if you're reading this and you really want to do this, you can say i tagged you!
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divinerulerluvr · 3 years
Crimson and Leather
After a murder, you and Kai have some fun.
Pairing - Kai Anderson x Fem!Reader
Words - 1.8k
Warnings - smut, murder mention, blood (a little bit), oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, Kai Anderson is his own warning
"I wanted to request some Kai smut. The reader is just as messed up as he is. They are powerful together, he trusts her with everything and values her opinions over any other member. She’s the only one who can bring out the real Kai. There’s a moment where they had just killed someone and she has to clean the blood off of his boots and he is sitting behind her massaging her back and it leads to dirty things." Requested by @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul
A/n - I know it's been a bit since I last posted but I make amends with this. I hope you guys like it because I feel like everything I've written recently has just been... blah. *also, had to resist the urge to name this crimson and clover but didn't*
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Walking in through the door of Kai’s house, you watch as he closes and deadbolts the door. It was a habit he had adapted due to his heightened paranoia.
You guys had just gotten back from killing a couple. It was just the two of you since this was personal business and had nothing to do with the cult. You had always been Kai’s favorite since you were the most ruthless of them all.
He admired your lack of remorse.
Reaching his living room, you set your phone down on the coffee table as Kai removes his bloodied tee shirt. It was late at night and you and Kai were the only people home. Everybody else had left hours ago.
Kai sits on the couch, pushing his hair from his face as his eyes migrate over to you. Your shirt had blood on it as well but not as much as Kai’s had. “Make yourself useful and clean the blood from my boots,” he orders, his voice raspy.
“Only if you ask nicely,” you counter, pulling off your own shirt and tossing it to the ground, leaving you in just a bra and your pants. Kai sighs heavily, irritated at your reply.
“Can you clean the blood from my boots?” he asks again, this time in a nice tone. You smile and nod, leaving the room to get a wet rag. Coming back, you kneel down in front of him, ready to clean his boots.
You didn’t mind. It never bothered you having to do things for Kai. But you’d only do them if he wasn’t being rude about it. That was your rule.
There was more blood than usual on his shoes. You weren’t sure if it was because the guy Kai killed put up a fight or if it was because Kai had taken out a lot of aggression on the man. Either way, the dark crimson blood-soaked the damp rag quickly.
His hand rests on your head, using a gentle touch as he plays with your hair. You allow your head to fall back into his lap slightly, your eyes still drawn onto the black boots he wore.
“You know I’m proud of you, right? Everything you’ve done, everything you offer. It’s inspiring,” he says, his voice softer and kinder than usual. You just hum, leaning back into his touch. “You’re so open-minded. You listen to what I say and you never doubt. Unlike the other women in our cult,”
Kai always said “our cult” and never “my cult” when talking to you. It was strange, given he took high credit for starting and leading it. To hear him give you joint leadership was out of the ordinary. Then again, so was he.
“I believe in you. That’s why,” you reply, finishing off his right boot. You briefly move your head to face him, your head angled up to make eye contact. “I trust your philosophy,”
He smiles, patting your cheek lightly before running his warm hand down to your neck. “I know you do, little lamb,” he says. You move your eyes back to his boots, going to the still bloody left boot and cleaning off the leather.
Kai’s eyes watch you affectionately as you clean the blood, oddly turned on at the sight. The silence lays heavy over the both of you as you finish clearing his boots of any trace of blood. A proud smile falls on your lips as you admire your work.
Looking up at him, you’re met with his eyes already on you. “Done,” you say simply. Half-dried blood remains on his chest, stomach, and arms but you also had half-dried blood still stuck to your skin that had soaked through your thin shirt.
His hand runs down your neck and down the front of your chest, running over the splotched of blood that had fallen into the V between your breasts.
Your breath catches, your own hand running up his leg. Your hand quickly reaches up to his crotch, feeling his already hard dick through the fabric. “Someone’s a little needy tonight,” he comments snarkily.
“Just shut up and take your pants off,” you reply, not ready to put up with his stupid remarks. Kai had a skill at making the environment horny. It was like this weird seed was being planted in your mind going “fuck him, fuck him, fuck him,”
You didn’t care, though.
Standing from the floor, you watch as Kai pulls his jeans off so he’s in just his boxers. He pulls you down onto his lap, forcing his lips onto yours as your legs settle on either side of his thighs. He holds your face in his hands, keeping you secure as he kisses you hotly.
You grind your hips down on his bulge, suddenly desperate for some type of friction between your body and his body.
One of his hands strays from your face, wrapping around your back and unclasping your bra with ease. He pulls it off of you, all while still kissing. He tosses it aside and his hand moves to massage your breast.
Your moans become muffled by his lips, his tongue making its way into your mouth. Your hands go for his dick again but he grabs you and flips you so that you’re laying across the couch and he’s on top of you.
A giggle leaves your lips from the swift and surprising action, your eyes meeting his eyes now that he had stopped kissing you.
He starts trailing kisses down your body, starting with your neck and traveling down your chest. Reaching a patch of your victim's blood, he licks a slow stripe over the dark red stain on your skin. You squirm under him, a strangled moan leaving your lips.
His tongue trails back up your body, stopping at your nipple where he grazes his teeth over the peak tenderly.
After teasing your nipples, his lips crash onto yours again. His hands move down your body and he removes your pants and underwear in a single movement. Your own fingers slip under the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down.
Kai pulls his lips from yours, his hand petting your cheek as he lines up with your entrance. You hold your breath, preparing yourself for him to thrust into you.
He never did it nicely. That was his thing.
A sharp gasp leaves your lips as he pushes ruthlessly into your pussy. You were wet, but it still hurt. Your fingers dig into his shoulders, his sadistic smile hard to ignore. He loved the way you sounded when he fucked you.
He felt amazing, as usual. The house was dead quiet save for your moans and Kai’s soft grunts. It was awfully intimate.
Your hips buck up into his, his rough yet passionate thrusts making you unreasonably squirmy. “You’re so cute when you’re sensitive,” he comments, his thumb running over your lower lip. You whimper, your head pushed back against the armrest of his couch.
Kai moves so that he’s kneeling back on the couch. He pulls you down by your hips so that he can resume fucking you. He thrusts even harder this time, his tip hitting into your cervix as he uses his leverage on your hips to fuck you harder.
Your hands move to the cushion of the couch, digging into the material to relieve the tension building in your body.
You had gotten embarrassingly close already. You knew if you came now, Kai would make fun of you for it later. The only words you could piece together were “fuck,” and “Kai”. Making it rather difficult to get your point across.
Kai raises his eyebrow teasingly, his hands traveling over your breasts that move with every rough movement he makes. “Words, little lamb. I don’t answer to unintelligible whimpers,”
“I’m… I’m,” you stammer. “Kai,”
“I love hearing you say my name, believe me,” he says, punctuating his sentence with a particularly merciless thrust. “But I need more than that,” You whine, your back arching off the couch as you writhe around.
Your pussy clenches around his dick, your stomach filled with butterflies. “Please, Divine Ruler,” you finally manage to piece together. “L-Let me… cum,”
He smiles, leaning back over you as he kisses you. “Yes,” he says as his lips migrate to your jaw and to the crook of your neck. He buries his face there, his thrusts keeping a steady pace as he pushes you over the edge.
“God!” you cry out, your nails digging into his back as you orgasm. Your ears ring loudly and the world spins before you.
Kai fucks you through your orgasm, making sure you enjoyed every last bit of the feeling. You finally come down from your high, feeling Kai’s thrusts slow even if he didn’t finish. Panting, you regain your senses as the orgasm washes over you.
Your legs still shake, your body still going through the reverberations of your orgasm. Kai pulls out of you, still hard.
Kai moves so he’s sitting on the couch and you quickly get on your knees in front of him. He holds you by your hair, guiding your movements so your mouth wraps around his dick that was still coated with your wetness.
He pushes your head down onto his dick, only stopping when his tip hit the back of your throat. Kai was a head pusher but not in the bad way because you didn’t care.
He helps you get your movements steady before letting go of you and leaning back on the couch. Your head bobs on his dick, your eyes watering as he repeatedly hits the back of your throat.
A low groan leaves his lips, his eyes having shut as he indulges in the warmth of your mouth. “Fuck, your mouth feels so nice,” he exhales deeply, his chest heaving as he gets closer to his climax.
Tears streak your cheeks as you move your head a little quicker, helping him cum. He finally does, his cum filling your mouth.
Kai lets out a heavy sigh, his head falling back as he rides his high for a few more moments. You pull your mouth off his dick, his cum pooling on your tongue. Kai leans forward, pushing his two fingers into your mouth.
You suck on them, your eyes glued on his dark ones as your cheeks hollow around his ring and middle finger. Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he smiles. “Swallow for me,” he instructs plainly.
With a smirk, you swallow his cum, the salty liquid moving down your throat. He pats your cheek with his wet fingers, a proud look on his face.
“Go upstairs and shower. I’m not done with you yet, little lamb,”
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 4
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez X Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Warning(s): Mature (+17), sexual tension, graphic violence and language. Previous Masterlist Next
Word Count: 2.3k words
AN: Surprise bitches! I'm an impatient bastard and couldn't wait anymore. This picture is finally appropriate (speaking of, assume all photos for this series are not created by me unless specifically stated otherwise). 
@nicke0115 @1zashreena1 @mental-bycatch
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Something Nice turned out to be a dress Jazmine bought two years ago. A floral print with white petals she was sure a guy like Diego would laugh at. He still hadn't told her what he wanted with her, so she brought a change of shoes depending on the occasion. He got caught up in some work stuff, so the meeting had to wait until the morning. When he texted her the address, she wheezed. When she rolled up into the lobby, she gasped. It screamed elitist big money in every way from the high ceiling to the marble floors. A man who worked for the Jimenez's led her to the elevator, punching in a code for the right floor and stood silent as a statue. A dangerous, beefy, ranch-smelling statue. 
It's impossible to say why she expected anything less than the secure ritzy elevator to open straight into the home like a front door. There were voices in the room that the bodyguard led her away from, taking her up the stairs and planting her square in front of a door at the end of a hall. 
"Stay here." 
Jazmine did not enjoy waiting. She tapped her foot until her leg cramped, she stretched, she tried the door (locked), and she tried to guess what year the paintings on the wall were made. It was probably pay back. When Diego did show his face, he had the audacity to look surprised to see her. 
"What kept you?" 
"Just business," he said smiling. Bastard. "Inside." 
He let her enter first and it wasn't a bedroom like she had anticipated. There were large picture windows on the northwest corner of the room and a grand piano, other furniture suggesting a kind of study like a bookshelf and an armored cash (she knew a weapons locker when she saw one). Diego's hand slotted itself on her waist as he locked the door behind them. 
"Want to take some pictures," he said by way of explanation. 
"What kind of pictures?" 
Diego smiled cryptically. Jazmine did not miss the way he appraised her form, fingering the soft fabric of her dress before backing up. He pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a candid before she could stop him. He turned the screen her way, showing her own face in the amazing lighting and quality. 
"Nice, right? Sit down." 
He waited until she was situated on the piano bench before he took a seat of his own. She watched him set the picture as his home screen and shook her head. "We can do better than that." 
She missed the big, cocky smile he pulled when he said, "what do you have in mind?" 
"A guy like you? With a picture of a clothed woman in your phone? Unlikely." 
Diego hummed playfully. "I don't think your clothes are the problem." 
There was a huge plush bean bag next to the smaller book stand under the window. An odd choice for such high class taste, but it didn't look like this room got much use anyways. Diego plopped down on top of it like he had just come home from a long day at work. He looked up at her from between his legs, and beckoned her with a crooked finger. 
"Right here," he patted the inside of his thigh. Jazmine wasn't sure if he wanted her to sit in his lap or... but then he said, "on your knees," and she fell easily into position. "You look pretty like that. Haven't asked me what the pictures are for yet." 
Jazmine shrugged, picking up his phone and snapping a picture of him for herself. "I've already got ten ideas for how to use these. My back up plans have back up plans, but I usually go with the flow. It's saved my ass this long…" 
He hummed, motioned for the phone. "You trust me?" 
Jazmine tensed up immediately. "Yeah." 
His movements were slow as he reached up for the back of her head. Gently, he pulled her down until her cheek rested against his clothed thigh, her chin practically inches from his zipper. He watched her gulp but she didn't pull away and he let her go free. 
"That's a good one. Come here." He pulled her up into a wet kiss and she melted into it. He licked his way into her mouth and swirled his tongue around her plush lips until he was satisfied with how shiny and swollen they became. Jazmine settled back instantly into position, proper her hands on his thighs for support as she posed. If his pants were loose, the sight would be obscene. As it happened, he tried not to move too much as the space in his pants became too tight. Diego snapped a couple of pictures, frustrated he couldn't get far enough to get the framing right. She watched him lean his head back to get it right and she couldn't help but laugh. 
"Alright, alright. We done?" 
"One more." Oh, the way she crawled up his body should not have felt so good. She sat her plump rump right over the button of his jeans and he bit his lip to stop from groaning. Jazmine sat up on her knees, sinking into the bag and snapping the perfect picture. "There." 
He could tell she was doing something, her fingers flashed over the screen and he resisted the urge to snatch it from her hands. Her eyes lit up as a notification sounded and just as quickly her eyes averted. He saw as he took the phone she had her contact open, sending herself her favorite pictures (the first and the last), and he also saw that Alicia needed him. 
"I gotta go," Jazmine announced as she headed for the door. 
"Don't get lost." She did a double take at the sudden turn in his demeanor. It sounded like a threat. Diego’s verbal threat paled in comparison to the ice cold, regal look a woman gave her on her way out. That was how Jazmine got her first look at Alicia Jimenez. 
Bored at work, Jazmine let her mind drift back to the morning. She couldn’t get it out of her head, the way his hands absentmindedly twirled the fabric in her skirt between his fingers when he could have easily done so and felt her up. It was intoxicatingly soft, especially for how cheap it was. She slapped some pants underneath it and wished she’d taken out her earrings before her shift– they itched now but if she put them in her pocket she’d never see them again. 
The flow of customers was that of a leaky drainage pipe. They often rolled in and out without so much as a look at her eyes or her name tag, some even going out of their way not to touch her and to turn their bodies sideways as if her existence offended them. Pricks. 
This last guy was acting extra suspicious. Young man with a hat, sunglasses, and a hood drawn up. He was wearing loose basketball shorts in the middle of winter and had his head on a constant swivel. Definitely going to rob the place. Snatch and runs were commonplace, but they hardly looked like this. He was too old not to know you needed a crew for the best haul. But then that means… 
Fucking kid had a gun on him and he was pointing it in Jazmine's face. The chips he had thrown down on the counter were forgotten in favor of the cash in the register– all the cash. He seemed like he was looking for the thrill rather than the kill, but the way he was waving his piece around, he hadn't had much gun safety training. She wasn't dumb enough to try and correct his form right now. Every second he took his eyes off her to scan the area and the barrel of the gun drifted away from her person, she was able to breathe. He ran out the back door. 
Now came the real worst part. Yeah, almost getting shot over $87 wasn't the worst part– calling her boss was. He didn't like his employee's making reports to the police, they had to go through him. Jazmine knew he was into some shady shit, she never felt curious enough to have a look. She barely even registered how long the grown man had been screaming in her face when she heard the door open. 
"Sir we're temporarily closed--"she started to say until she turned to see Diego standing there. 
"What," Frank huffed, "no we are not closed– sir, take as much time as you need, we'll be with you in just a moment." 
Jazmine rolled her eyes. 'We' really meant 'she'. She didn't know how he expected to make change if we didn't have cash, but then something strange happened. 
"This guy bothering you, baby?" Jazmine did a double take. Diego was leaning dangerously over the counter and had locked eyes with Frank. Her boss actually gulped. Taking control of the situation, Jazmine pulled Frank's ass around the counter. Diego followed closely, mirroring their every step with an uncontrollable itch in his fingers. It was beginning to make her nervous. 
Frank turned to snap at Jazmine, "who the hell is this guy" when he came nose to nose with Diego himself. He looked like a panther baring his teeth, and Jazmine watched his hand disappear behind his back. She snatched his wrist, pushing him back to get between the two men. 
"Don't," she hissed in Diego's face. The cool metal of his gun sent tingles up her fingers. "Just my boyfriend, Frank. I asked him to take me home." 
"OK," Frank still sounded confused. Diego's hand slipped away from the gold plated handle of his gun and Jazmine stepped away to gather her bag and wrestle the vest from her shoulders. "Hold on– I didn't say you could go!" 
"Yes you did," she affirmed with a lie. Diego caught the bag thrown at him with a huff, and she fisted his shirt to push him backwards towards the alley exit. 
"No I didn't!" 
"Sure you did! I'll see you tomorrow." 
She knew Diego was pissed. But so was she. As soon as they were free from prying eyes, Jazmine stupidly punched the drug king in the arm. 
"You need to learn about something called boundaries!," she yelled. "From now on, there's gonna be rules about when and where you show up, and who you're allowed to shoot." 
"Eres loco?!" Diego's hand fisted in the collar of her dress and dragged up to look up at him. He pressed the barrel of his gun into her neck and crowded her into the wall of the building. "You think you can tell me what I can and can't do, little girl? Do you know who the fuck I am?" 
He put the gun down so he could slam her into the wall, harder this time until her eyes spun with stars. "You're fucking nothing, cabrona. Todo nada. Do you know how many drugs go through my organization into this city alone? How much money I make?" Jazmine's eyes screwed shut and she let out a loud and regrettable sound. "Are you really shushing me right now?!" 
Diego was about to put a bullet in her head when her hands flew up in surrender. The blow to the head had rocked her– if he wasn't holding her up, she would have fallen to her knees already. 
"I don't want to know about any of that stuff," she said. "I-I can't, Diego. You can't say shit like that around me." 
The man was at a loss. She truly amazed him with her audacity. He let her go as soon as holding her no longer interested him and she slid onto her butt to catch her breath. One hand clung to her throat and the other came up as if to protect her head from a bullet. He considered it, then put his piece away. Alicia would be furious if their deal with Healy fell through like this. For Porsche. 
Cooler heads prevailed. Diego only helped her stand so she would be easier to get into the car, and they drove in silence the whole way to her apartment. Not once did she look him in the eye or apologize, nor did he take his ferocious stare off of her person. Jazmine sighed in relief when the car finally stopped, but as she was climbing out, Diego caught her by the throat one more time and pulled her ear close. 
"I'm not your fucking boyfriend, Jazmine. We are not friends. Don't forget that, querida." 
Healy was waiting for her in her living room. His eyes drifted straight to the red marks rising at her pulse points and the soul crushing exhaustion in her eyes. He offered her a plate of pasta and let her eat in peace for a while. 
"I'm sorry, Jazmine. Really, I am." Healy kept his hands to himself, but he did offer Hercules a treat to keep her busy. "I'll have a talk with los Hermanos Jimenez so you don't have to be on the receiving end of another tantrum like that. The next time you see them, they'll be more careful about what they say around you." 
Tired and beaten, Jazmine merely nodded. 
"Make sure you charge your device. I can't help you if I can't hear you, sweetheart." He left in a moment and for once, she was so glad to be alone. 
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raccoonsinqueen · 7 years
Hi! I love 6S1M! I also enjoyed your quiz and ever since I've wondering if you'll ever write a fic about Edge being completely in love. In your quiz you said his type is "the angel" because at first he enjoys the idea of looking more evil next to a kind girl, but then he would come to truly love her for her selflessness and for who she is. I can't imagine what that would be like but it's a fanfic that would add years to my life LOL I WOULD LOVE TO SEE EDGE IN THAT RELATIONSHIP.
Me too
“You can’t do that.” Amidst all the calamity, a gentle but confident voice spoke out above the rest.
“…” Papyrus didn’t think he heard right. He straightened, towering over the small human. She didn’t show any signs of fear, which annoyed him ever so slightly if not impressed him. “I’M SORRY?”
“That’s not yours, you can’t take that.” She had the gall to say again, as if she had any power over him!
Most of the humans had fled the store after Papyrus had barged in; proclaiming his robbery with an onslaught of bones and maniacal laughter, save for a few who were trapped behind the counter. This… human girl, on the other hand, decided to stay for whatever foolish ideals she had. Papyrus puffed out his chest, “I CAN’T? IS THAT A CHALLENGE?”
“No, it’s a request.”
“Then consider it a demand.” The human girl stepped in between him and the new toaster he was trying to take home. How was he supposed to make toast with this opposition? Though, he had to admit, he didn’t exactly despise this girls attempt to thwart him. It was interesting, to say the least.
“I may not be able to force you, no…” She voiced, “But I can try. And that will be enough.”
Papyrus tilted his head, before leaning down to her level and smirking, clasping her entire jaw in his claws, forcing her to look up at him. “I HAVE TO ADMIT, I ADMIRE YOUR BRAVERY, IF NOT STUPIDITY. BUT I’M AFRAID YOUR EFFORTS WILL BE IN VANE, LITTLE HERO. I’M GOING TO TAKE THIS, I’M GOING TO WALK OUT OF HERE, AND I’M GOING TO WATCH YOU SQUIRM AS I LEAVE.”
With a smack, his hand was off of her jaw as she said with resounding confidence, “You will not take that, you will not walk out of here with guilt on your hands, and you will find it in your heart to refrain from stealing, tall villain.”
Despite her stubbornness, despite her obvious defiance, despite her doing everything that should frustrate him to no end, his soul skipped an agonizingly low and deep beat. It took Papyrus a second to find his words, “I-I. I HAVE NO HEART, HERO.”
Her bright and light-filled eyes scanned his slightly red face, only making Papyrus more and more anxious. Then, suddenly, she turned around and pulled out a wad of cash from her purse. She set it down on the countertop, before grabbing the toaster and returning to face Papyrus.
“Then gain one.” She held out the toaster to him. Despite her kindness, she was looking at him with pure stubbornness and defiance.
Papyrus was speechless. Surely this was a trick of some kind, nobody was that kind, especially not to a super cool evil-doer such as himself? Right? So instead he just stared at her like she was crazy.
Papyrus narrowed his eyesockets, but found no form of deception. For just a split second, Papyrus imagined keeping this defiant hero for himself. “… I DON’T NEED ONE.” 
And with that, Papyrus turned around and walked out the door.
Papyrus knocked on the door to Undyne and Alphys apartment. Undyne had invited him over for training earlier, but was furious when Undyne had mistakenly mad plans for that very same day with! So what if he comes over for training every single day? That still doesn’t mean you can just ‘make plans’! Though to make up for it, Undyne had reassured him that he could still come over. 
But instead of training, they would be having dinner with one of their new friends.
Speaking of new friends, that lead to question who was this ‘new friend’? Would they replace him as Undyne’s best training partner? Why had he not met them before? They better not, and Papyrus would have to ensure that.
The door opened, and Undyne’s signature (and, honestly, very creepy) smile greeted him. 
“Papyrus!” She forcefully grabbed Papyrus and squeezed the life out of him, “Glad you could make it!”
Papyrus pushed her away with whatever strength he had left, “OF COURSE I COULD MAKE IT, I MAKE IT EVERYDAY!”
Undyne patted his shoulder with overwhelming strength, “I know, but this time around’s special! We have a guest!”
Undyne laughed nervously, “Hah, right! Okay, well, don’t freak out…”
Papyrus was already freaking out.
“…But she’s a human.”
Papyrus let out a sigh of relief. A human. 
“That’s not the reaction I was expecting.” Undyne poked at him, “I was expecting more of a, ‘A HUMAN?? ARE YOU MAD???’”
“I don’t think this one would battle you, Papyrus.” Papyrus let out a groan as the former royal scientist leisurely joined the conversation. “Maybe throw some patronizing words of wisdom, but no punches.”
Undyne laughed wholeheartedly, before it came to a sudden stop, “Don’t do that.”
Papyrus started to sweat, before he heard a soft voice from the kitchen, “Undyne! Alphys! The Lasagna is done!”
With a hard pat on the back, Papyrus was pushed forward. “Come on! She’s made your favorite! I think you’ll like her, she’s a real nice type.”
Papyrus rubbed his back, “LASAGNA’S NOT MY FAVORITE.”
Papyrus heard a few soft footsteps, before his eyesockets widened. “Hey, is your friend here yet- !” Papyrus couldn’t believe it. The human who turned around the corner was none other than the girl that had been plaguing his thoughts for the past couple of weeks! Not only that but she was WEARING AN APRON! AN APRON! What sort of cruel twisted fate was this?!
“Oh, it’s you.” She just said. 
There was a tense silence, before Undyne unknowingly interrupted the silence. “Uh, do you know eachother? You’re looking a little red there, Paps.”
As if interrupted from a trance, Papyrus turned to Undyne and harshly said, “YOU HAVE AWFUL TASTE IN FRIENDS.”
And with that, he left the little hero for the second time.
Sometime in the Middle:
Papyrus couldn’t believe the situation he was in. He was at a dinner party, a rather large one at that, and currently everyone was on the dance floor dancing. 
Except for him. 
And the little human girl.
By this time, Papyrus was cursing Sans’ unabashed ability to get drunk the moment the party started. He was over at the bar beyond smashed so he was no help, the good for nothing… And Undyne and Alphys were having too much fun trying to recreate certain scenes from an anime involving ballrooms that he had little to no knowledge about, so they were out. All that was left was him and the girl who he was quite certain he couldn’t get out of his mind.
An he hated it.
Except for that one part of him that was screaming SUCCESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! but he kicked that part of him in the knees.
So far, after the past couple of months, their relationship was a strange one. At first, he did his best to avoid her, but she didn’t seem to be doing the same which was slightly frustrating. After that, it was his mission to antagonize her in everyway he possibly could, which wasn’t too hard. Their ideals were total opposites, so pulling up arguments was as easy as getting a stubborn human to talk. She thought that violence and bloodshed were never the answer, and he thought that was adorable. He relished in getting her frustrated as he told stories of his conquests. Her ideals were almost angelic-like, but that only made it more fun to oppose against. Not to mention how cool it made his evilness look.
But now they were sitting together, alone at a table, and he couldn’t think of a single thing to argue with her about.
“You look very handsome tonight, Papyrus.” 
Papyrus had a double-take. Did? She just?? 
“D-DON’T PATRONIZE ME WITH YOUR IDLE CHIT-CHAT, HUMAN!” He fumed, but he could feel his face heating up a bright crimson. He cursed himself as he lamented on how she could probably feel the heat coming from his cheekbones.
“I mean it, suits are a good look on you.” She mused casually. As if something like that should be said so casually!
The human hummed in agreement, but didn’t even bother to look at him as she watched the people dance. He couldn’t stop himself from saying anything to get her attention.
She turned to look at him, and he immediately regretted his decision. 
She started to laugh! LAUGH! This girl-!!
“Thank you, Papyrus.”
Something wasn’t right here. For some reason, Papyrus did not want to strangle her to death despite the fact that she laughed at him, and he knew that was wrong. She should’ve been dead WEEKS ago if he was being honest with himself.
“…YOU’RE WELCOME.” Is the only thing he could get out as he stared at her.
Another small moment of silence passed as the human’s eyes were drawn back to the dance floor with… longing? “It’s such a lovely night for a dinner party.”
“I STILL DON’T KNOW WHY UNDYNE INVITED YOU.” Papyrus crossed his arms, happy to change the conversation topic. “A HUMAN AT THE ANNIVERSARY OF OUR RETURN TO THE SURFACE? RIDICULOUS!”
“That’s a human over there.”
You laughed again, for the second time that night. “Nemesis?”
Papyrus felt warmth return to his cheeks. He didn’t know how, but he mad a fool of himself again! “Y-YES! YOU’RE MY NEMESIS!”
“Why?” You inquired, your eyes filled with laughter and a bright smile on your face. Why did Papyrus both hate and love that expression so much?
“WHY?” He reiterated, as if it were poison. “BECAUSE WE HATE EACHOTHER!”
“I don’t hate you.” She mused.
“Papyrus, I know we don’t see eye-to-eye all the time. In fact, most of what you believe makes me wonder if you even have a moral compass. But just because we don’t have the same beliefs doesn’t mean I have to hate you.” She looked back at the ballroom’s lights. “In fact, I think I actually like you.”
Papyrus didn’t know what to say to that. He was redder than his firetruck-red shoes at this point. What was he SUPPOSED to say to that? But there was something that he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “WHY? I ANTAGONIZE YOU BEYOND ALL END! YOU SHOULD HATE ME!”
“Why?” No, was that? Did she just? Blush?? “I mean, I suppose it’s because your so passionate about what you do. Even if it’s arguing with me. I think that’s very admirable.”
Papyrus couldn’t wrap his mind around her words for a long time, before finally it clicked. Papyrus stood up, “I’M CAPTURING YOU.”
“Wh-what?” She turned to him.
Without any warning, he scooped her up in his arms, despite her protests. 
“Pa-Papyrus! What are you doing?!” But Papyrus ignored her as he took her out of the ballroom. “Let me go! You can’t just-!”
Slamming the door open to the bathroom, Papyrus set her down on the countertop.
“What are we-?”
Papyrus pressed his teeth against her soft lips, silencing her protests. She squeaked, SQUEAKED, in surprise. Papyrus deepened the kiss, his sharp fangs protruding her lips almost enough to break the skin before she gave him access to avoid such an accident. But just as he was there, he slowly pulled away.
“…What, no way.”
She laughed for the THIRD TIME TONIGHT, making Papyrus question his decision making, before she pulled him into another kiss, settling the debate for him.
I’ll prob make a part 2 of this later with a “EVEN MORE LATER” and “END”
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