#(and by association the other humans with the wraith gene)
girlscience · 7 months
Decided to start my rewatch with The Gift because I had fairly recently watched the other season 1 episodes and just wanted to jump straight in. It did make me laugh though, I was talking about Teyla earlier and I completely forgot that is a Teyla centric episode.
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musette-thornsong · 5 years
Mighty Ducks: The Madness of Dragaunus, Version #2
The Saurian Overlord, Dragaunas, has conquered Earth for some years and left the planet barren wasteland after making an ancient evil prophecy come to realization. Many whom refuse to worship him perish while there are those who plot and lie in wait for the moment to launch a full-scale retaliation. Meanwhile, Dragaunus has started to grow tired of reign feeling unloved by his subjects and going mad from seeing visions of the Mighty Ducks after their “alleged” deaths. How far will his madness go when he thinks of taking on a queen to secure his immortality by means of his continued lineage?
Dragaunus x Fatimah
Warning: CREEPINESS & insanity may ensue!!!
Words: 1593
Fatimah Rhenzon and any other non-Mighty characters belong to me.Enjoy!
Dragaunus was sitting in his throne room like usual, relishing in being overlord of the galaxy. He had Ratna locked up just below him and keeps her around to amuse himself. But lately he’s felt something missing since everyone only worships him out of fear. Then one day, he suddenly asked Ratna.
Dragaunus: Ratna, why am I not loved?
Ratna: (shrugs nonchalantly)
Dragaunus: (struts about confidently) ♫ I am that rare and awesome thing. I'm every inch a king ♫ (places his hand on her cage while clutching his fist to his chest in anguish) ♫ yet I feel a twinge of doubt as I go walk about ♫
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: Hey, boss!
Dragaunus’ Saurian henchman had come in with several complaints. Unfortunately, he was so lost in his melancholy that he paid them no mind.
Dragaunus: (continues) ♫ When my name is whispered throughout the galaxy, is this talk of love or tragedy?  ♫
Chameleon: (confused) Traggie who?
Dragaunus: (sadly) ♫ Tell me I'm adored. Please tell me I'm adoooored ♫
Noticing he wasn’t paying attention, they decided to try their luck again. Only this time, a little louder.
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: HEY, BOSS!!!
Dragaunus: (shouts angrily) OH, WHAT IS IT!?
Chameleon: (annoyed) We got a bone to pick with you
Wraith: (points out) There's no food, no water...
Siege: (frustrated) Yeah. It's dinnertime, and there ain't no stinkin' entrées!
Dragaunus: (roars, practically scaring them stiff) YOU AND YOUR PETTY COMPLAINTS!! You don't know what real hunger is! Day after day it gnaws at the very core of my being!
Chameleon: (completely misses the point) I had that once. It was worms
Dragaunus: (angrily corrects him) No, no, no!!... it's like an itch... deep, persistent, profound...
Siege: (misses the point as well, giving some unneeded advice) That's it-- worms! When they get really bad all you gotta do is... hunker down and scoot
Dragaunus: (irritated, shouts reminding them of their original predicament) Thanks for the tip. INGRATES!! If it weren't for me, you'd be beating off buzzards for your next bite!
Knowing he was in a pretty bad mood to even care about their hunger, they tried to comfort Dragaunus in hopes he’ll get them a decent meal. The Saurians gathered around and serenaded him while Ratna did so from the background of her cage. This, however, was irritating Dragaunus even more than before.
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: (serenades) ♫ Yeah, you're our savior, thanks a bunch. But how about some lunch? It doesn't matter if it's fresh, I need a fix of flesh. My bones have moved to where they've never been. They are on the outside looking in ♫
Dragaunus: (growls) ARE YOU BLAMING ME!?
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: (reassured him fearfully) Oh no, it's the humans
Dragaunus: Oh
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: (continues) ♫ You are so adored ♫
Ratna: (joins in) ♫ You are so adored ♫
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: (bows down to Dragaunus) ♫ You are so adored ♫
Dragaunus: (gleefully) That's more like it!
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: (continue professing their state of hunger before enclosing around Ratna) ♫ But what I'd give for one more hit of yummy duckling wing or maybe sweet girl on the spit...♫
Ratna: (terrified as they drew in close to closed before crying out) Oh, how I miss dear WILDWING!!!
And as soon as name slipped out, that automatically became Dragaunus’ tipping point. He hated hearing the names of the enemies he had put an end to just to get his way and continue his tyranny uninterrupted. And if it was one being he hated more than Drake DuCaine or Canard, it was Wildwing most of all.
Dragaunus: (becomes furious upon hearing that name) Wildwing?! WILDWING?!
Chameleon, Siege, & Wraith: (shocked at hearing them in their master’s presence, though snickered before suddenly slipping out of the throne room)
Dragaunus: (grabs the bars of her small prison, glaring as his nostrils flared in anger) How dare you! I thought I told you never to mention that name or any of those meddling fowls in my presence!
Ratna: (scared, bows in defeat) Note taken. I promise I won't mention "M-m-m" or any of them again
Dragaunus: (becomes terrified seeing their ghosts everywhere he turned) Even in death, their putrid shadows loom over me. There they are! No!! There they are! And there!!
Ratna: (warns him) Calm yourself, Sire, or you'll get another one of your splitting headaches!
Dragaunus: (screams reassuringly to break himself out of his state of panic) ♫ I AM PERFECTLY FINE!!!
Ratna: (wipes her brow barely dodging his wrath)
Dragaunus: (goes into mental war with himself) I'm better than that Wildwing was. I'm revered, I am reviled. I'm idolized, I am despised. I'm keeping calm, I'm going wild! (physically goes into a tizzy) I tell myself I'm fine. Yes, I am. No, you're not. Yes, I am. No, you're not. I tell myself I'm fine. No, you're not. Yes, I am, no you're not. Yes, I am! No, you're not! Yes, no, yes, no, who am I talking to...!? ♫ (laughs psychotically)
Ratna: (shouts to him to calm down) Oh, pull yourself together, Sire!
Dragaunus: (calms down) Oh, very well. Ratna? Ratna, Ratna, Ratna...? (places himself down next to her)
Ratna: (responds secretly aggravated) Yes, Sire?
Dragaunus: (drapes his arm over the cage before expressing his life-long misery) Nobody loved me, there's the thrashing, not even as a hatchling! What did those loathsome pheasants have that I don't have? (smiles eagerly, excited to hear a redeeming answer)
Ratna: (sarcastically) Do you want the short list or the long?
Dragaunus: (annoyed, gets up while pondering on Ratna’s thoughts) Whatever!
Ratna: (happily but smugly states) Well, they had adoring allies and friends...
Dragaunus: (grunts at that impossibility)
Ratna: (goes on) A bond like a loving family...
Dragaunus: (grunts once again)
Ratna: And (in a certain term) “a devoted significant other they would treat as a king or queen...”
Dragaunus: (instantly latches onto the idea) That's it! I need a queen!
Ratna: (freaks at the very thought of some poor soul becoming the mother of this monster) A what!?
Dragaunaus: (goes on fanatically having finally gone off the deep end) A queen, man! A queen! Without a queen, what am I? A dead end, no line, no descendants, no future! With a queen, I'll have hatchlings... Immortality will be mine!
Ratna: (eyes widened as she covered her mouth to stifle her gasp)
Dragaunus: (raises in arms in victory, exclaiming) Immortality will be mine!
Fatimah: (walks in) Dragaunus
No sooner had this plan stuck to him, Fatimah suddenly walked into the throne room with complaints of her own. That mattered little to Dragaunus as he turned around to gaze upon this battle-hardened beauty before him. Regardless that she was human, Fatimah had the intelligence, strength, charm, and natural looks that would be enough to make her his ideal queen. But she was far less than interested in such a distasteful idea let alone being associated with Dragaunus. But her people were suffering and will do what it takes so they could somewhat coexist peacefully. Ratna admired Fatimah’s bravery but fears she may have come at the worst time.
Dragaunus: (turns to see her in the doorway) Ah, Fatimah... Your timing couldn't have been more perfect. (looks her up and down, licking his lips) My how you've grown!
Fatimah: (puts it off, adamant about her current mission) Dragaunus, you have got to do something. We're being forced to overwork!
Dragaunus walks around Fatimah with his tail suddenly stroking under her chin. All the while admiring her worthiness, he completely ignores her pleas.
Dragaunus: (serenades with his back to her) ♫ She's got those assets feminine ♫
Fatimah: (continues) You're the Overlord. Control the droids and Saurians
Dragaunus: (scheming while clutching his fist in confidence) ♫ I have to make her mine ♫
Fatimah: (angrily points out) You're destroying every planet in the galaxy
Dragaunus: (turns around before circling her) ♫ Nobility in every gene ♫
Fatimah: If we don't stop now, don't you see?
Dragaunus: (circles her) ♫ She has to be my queen ♫
Fatimah: (tries to get through to him) ...there's still a chance for things to be all right again...
Dragaunus: (brings her close to him moving her to balcony, staring at the moon profoundly) ♫ Come, sweet Fatimah. It's written in the stars ♫
Fatimah: (concerned by actions, feeling uneased) What are you doing? Are you listening to me?
Dragaunus: (proclaims his intentions towards her, completely insane) ♫ We'll create a host of little Saurs ♫
Fatimah: (winces in confusion at the very idea) What are you talking about?
Dragaunus: (pulls her closer to him before pinning her against the wall, gropes her backside and leg drawing his lips closer to her anxiously waiting for her to say the words he longs to hear) ♫ Tell me I'm adored ♫
Fatimah: (panics, struggling against him) Get away from me! (manages to grab the dagger strapped to her leg, immediately slashing Dragaunus across the face)
Dragaunus: (shouts in pain as his cheek bled, dropping Fatimah to the ground as he staggered back a bit) ♫ Tell me I'm ador-AH!!! (shrugs it off before responding, turned on before slipping back into sinister) Oh, Fatimah... you know how I loathe violence. One way or another, you will be mine!
Fatimah: (refuses outright before running out of the throne room) Never, Dragaunus. Never!
Dragaunus: (insistent on his position, proclaims) ♫ You belong to me! You all belong to meee-eeee-EEE-EEEEEE!!! ♫
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