#(and then i forgot abt it and just found it this morning so ya know
cheemken · 2 years
you can just delete this if you don't want to answer it, but I'm curious why did you delete your old blog? Did something happen there? No need to answer if it's too personal, I guess I'm just curious about it since I never saw you post much about deleting it, I'm sorry
Did I,, really not post shit abt it?? I honestly forgot na sorry chxmnd hahah
Ah but hey sure I'll answer this hahah
Ehh idk man the vibes there are starting to become more and more rancid each day
And like y'know it was so fun talking to my friends there, still is now, but there are some not so welcome guests and not so welcome messages y'know and sometimes I wish I should've just ignored them rather than actually... Talked to them.. but hey I can't take those moments back in my life anymore right hahah
Ah but in a nutshell, I just wanted to forget some stuff there and wanted to start anew so here we are, and now somehow I can breathe a lil bit easier hahah I mean sure I get some shit anons here and there but ehh not as bad as the ones I usually got back then hahah
Not to say some of them were mean to me, but man lemme tell ya some of em just fucked me up and it's not even hate asks
Like,, really man,, I don't wanna wake up again to an anon ask saying that someone I barely even know tried to kill themself like wtf did they expect me to do I was out cold and I just found out and don't get this the wrong way but Jesus that was not how I was expecting my morning to go hahahah ah god man that just... Didn't sit right w me ig...
And yeah I guess I just got tired of seeing so many negative shit in my feed back then, I decided to just create a new one and became more wary of who I follow, bc man that also took a toll on me like it legit fucked me up too
But anyways hahah
I'm surprised really how some of you are still here, I honestly expected for some peeps to forget abt me and forget abt this new blog and just kinda mourn in a way the old one,, but,, w some of the anons, ig they still couldn't accept this is who I am now, and not the active as fuck lil shit that spits out concepts everyday for content hahah but hey it is what it is right
But hey yeah don't you worry abt the ask mate hahaha I guess I should've been more clear w my reasons too yeah, but guess I wasn't ready yet back then, so hey, least to any of my mutuals or any other peeps that followed me since my old blog now knows a bit of why I deactivated that one hahah
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caveiras · 5 years
If you're "all for opinions being voiced" then why do you shut down people's opinions, which is the exact opposite of what you advocate for? Just wondering
this message was sent a few months or so ago but i’m fully aware of what it’s regarding. i’d had an ‘open ask’ evening of people’s opinions on things like rpf ships, pizza toppings, political stuff, and a myriad of stuff. there wasn’t any specific thing to talk about so, of course, some opinions brought up were ranging from somewhat to completely homophobic/transphobic/racist/sexist, and all that jazz. i shut those opinions down real quick and the ‘open ask’ evening came to a close soon after.
the first thing i want to say about this is that yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether it’s about if game of thrones finished on a good or bad note, if boris johnson is an absolute dipshit or not, or if pineapple belongs on pizza (it does. it’s glorious on the taste buds and anyone who says fruit doesn’t belong on pizza has to also say the same about tomato’s too!)
while everyone is entitled to their opinions and being able to voice them, there’s a difference between having a controversial opinion and having an opinion that diminishes someone as a human being and degrades a whole community of people, whether that opinion is anti-LGBT, racist, sexist, or just generally being an asshole. you’re entitled to an opinion, every single person is, it’s just a matter of some opinions being based on dehumanising people and supporting awful people (trump) who debase and belittle human beings.
an argument against my thoughts on this is often something along the lines of ‘oh it’s just an opinion, it’s not actually hurting anyone’ and it’s just the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard. just bc you’re not actively physically harming people that you have negative opinions against bc of who they are or where they’re from, that doesn’t mean you’re not a bad person as well. the fact that you ‘only’ say these things instead of saying them AND acting on them, this doesn’t excuse you for your words. this doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the people who physically attack or are a part of/lead groups of people against those that are ‘lesser’ than them.
grow the fuck up. be a goddamn adult. think about how you effect other people’s lives. think about how you can actively try to be a good, kind, loving and accepting person. think about how voicing oppressive opinions in public spaces can and will be heard by the very people your opinions are against. think about how this effects them. think about how you are a part of the problem in our society. just think.
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babymilkawa · 4 years
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ILL TAKE IT// but yea I didn’t rly put a limit cos ppl are decent enuf to not request like 10 at a time right?? 😅 here ya go swaglorddd
sick s/o headcanons with:
sugawara koushi, hinata shoyo, sawamura daichi, kenma kozume
gn!reader :)
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sugawara koushi
if you show up to his practice wrapped in layers of clothing and a red nose, he’ll excuse himself immediately and force you to sit down on the bench while he goes to coach ukai’s store to get some meds for you
when he comes back, both his hands are carrying two plastic bags
one of them has your stuff, warm food that isn’t greasy and cough drops too
the others are cold drinks for his teammates aww karasuno’s mom
you are forBiddEn to have the drinks too except for the warm water he put in your water bottle
rly wished you’d go home first instead of waiting for his practice to end but it doesn’t seem like you want to
he’ll look to the benches every few minutes to see your sleeping form
during break, he’ll gently move your head onto his lap so you don’t have to lay on the hard bench
as soon as they’re dismissed he’s giving you his jacket cos “it gets cold in the night time” and warms up ur hands
if you try to keep ur distance so he doesn’t get sick too, he’ll joke that you prolly already got the whole team sick
making you pout and him pinching ur cheeks 😖
once you reach your place, he’ll linger outside of your door,,,unwilling to let go of your hands SOB
“I’ll come back tomorrow morning ok? I’ll also bring porridge but you still need to eat something else and don’t forget to drink hot wat-”
“yes, yes I know koushi...now go home so you don’t catch a cold too”
but even when you’re standing by your window, you’ll see him looking around your house, tryna figure out which window belongs to your bedroom
and as promised, he comes back the next day with hot porridge and makes sure that your water bottle is full with warm water
and that your backpack has extra cough drops
he’ll still hold your hand and kiss ur forehead
maybe part of him wants to get sick so u can take care of him djhfjdhf
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hinata shoyo
he’ll pout a little once he finds out your sick but he’ll still stay by your side!
he’s still overflowing with energy but doesn’t wanna tire you out too much
you’ll hear him stop by your house in the mornings with a volleyball in his hands and maybe kageyama behind him, eating
he’ll bring random snacks from coach ukai’s store and place them at ur door
you’ll sit by ur window and he’ll sit outside of it, telling you about his day, what he did, how practice was
“y/n no one clapped for me T-T”
cos ur usually clapping for him after every successful hit
“kageyama was just yelling at me saying how my spike wasn’t even that great but I know you would’ve said it was good :((“
“aww shoyo, I’m sure it was! Don’t listen to him, ur trying ur best:))”
pet his hair
yes ur the one who’s sick but he misses u
will stop by ur house everyday
I mean he already does that
u usually help him with hw but he doesn’t think he shud ask u when u sleep
all his energy will just go p o o f when he sees u sleeping
he’ll prolly hear windchimes or smthing hahahah
but he’ll be able to sit quietly until you wake up
kageyama’s like HaaH???
but hinata’s tryna figure out his hw without u helping ok
once ur better, he’ll give you the bIGGGEST hug and sway you side to side AWW I MISS THOSE HUGS
and catch you up on evthing that’s happened
meaning everything that’s happened in the last 5 mins cos he already tells u everything 🙄
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sawamura daichi
he’ll make sure you have everything for school
brings you your hw, explains to you the concepts
will call u during lunch or smthing cos it’s boring w/o you
dating him means ur automatically good friends with asahi and sugawara so they’ll check up on you too
and sugawara will tell you how daichi won’t stop talking abt how he can’t wait till u get better dhhdjfjdjs
sometimes you’ll catch him having tea with your mom on your front porch and she’s tryna embarrass you hahhsjdf
Ok but that scenario is just,,, so,,, hubby material yk
like he prolly came by to drop some food and ur moms making him stay and gushing abt how handsome he is
“so you’re the one making my y/n all happy”
rare occasions that daichi blushes #1
he’ll softly knock on ur door and u quickly pretend to be asleep
places sthing on ur desk then just leaves the s o f t e s t kiss on ur forehead and whispers sweet dreams GAHSJFOEJ
when he’s gone you look at what’s on ur desk and it’s a flower crown from ur first date 🥺
keep him ok
will prolly do sthing like throw paper airplanes at ur window
and then when he sees you open ur window he’ll hide behind a tree and watch as u go outside to pick them up
inside he’s written little notes like “get better!” Or “i miss you!” or “WHAT ARE U DOING AWAKE GO BACK TO SLEEP”
like sir u woke me up with all that tapping 🙄🤚🏻
once ur better, you walk into the vb gym first and u can hear him yelling at Tanaka and noya then when he sees u walk in he’s all “oh, y/n” 😌
in the first couple of days you’re back he’ll still keep an eye on you and have his arm around your shoulder
occasionally putting his hand on your forehead and sneaking a kith 😚
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kenma kozume
u didn’t tell him at first that u were sick but he still found out 🙄
“ur sick, aren’t you”
“huh?? No I’m not :((“
will look at u like this -_-
and yk if u stay home from school, he’ll find excuses to hang out in ur room
kuroo will be calling like “is freaking kenma there?!”
yea he’s spooning u
since ur sick, hE’ll be the one to pet ur hair
if it helps u fall asleep
won’t play games in ur room like he usually does cos he doesn’t want the sound and light to distract u
he’ll most likely bring u take out bc he can’t cook and will prolly burn down ur kitchen cos he got distrayced by the tv or smthing ahHa
will check ur temp like every 5 min I swear
“no- ko i rly don’t think my temp is gonna change every 5 min”
“but just in case-“
he’s smart ok so he’ll tutor you with late hw if u need it
will sit next to you and wiggle his toes by ur feet :3
once ur better, y’all go back to ur usual gaming and eat the hell out of junk food 🤪
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a/n: rly hope u liked it 🥺💕 daichi’s was my fav hehe and TY @ilauvcoldpizza FOR HELPING ME W KENMA <3
haikyu!! masterlist
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everyothermouse · 3 years
Hmhm I love you I love the au u made I need the p l o t but I don’t want to bother you uhhh was yea ok <:)
ok!!! Basically there are 2 plots that converge, a silly lil camp in the woods and a fae love story! Let’s go under the cut for this cus I’m gonna be explaining them for a hot minute lol
I’m gonna make a breakdown of all the individual characters in a minute but for now here’s a chart I just finished so u know whos where in all this
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(Eros not on here but he’s a forest folk) So I’ll give u an expo on both of the plots (feel free to come ask questions as ur reading or after ur done, I would Love to talk abt this au as much as possible)
The fae side: Eliana here’s from two of her townsfolk (the twins) that there are fae in the woods. All her fellow townspeople say they’re just being pranksters again (the amount of times they’ve tried to convince the town there’s totally a werewolf just outside of town is too many for them to be a trustworthy source- and as aspiring nightwalker hunters of course they’re trying to spot fae in every leaf and under every rock), but Eliana, curious, decides to sneak off one night to investigate. After all if there’s a fae out there, it’s her responsibility to ward it off from her town! what she finds though is not a silly lie from the twins or a terrifying manipulative monster- in A flower patch she sees her, the most beautiful charming looking fairy she’s every seen, all alone weaving a flower crown in the woods. He spots her, and although she’s scared at first and wards them with her axe, she can’t bear to attack him. they hit it off really quickly, and Shirley shows her the beauty of the hidden parts of the forest, lit up by the magic of the moon, as opposed to the normal sunlit forest Eliana is used to. She returns home at dawn with promises to come back the next day. Meanwhile Shirley goes home to his ghost husband like ‘omg I just met the prettiest lady evr, she’s coming back tomorrow can we keep her’ and Thomas is like ‘bro we already have jr‘ and Shirley is like ‘no but I want to kiss her 🥺 and hold hands 🥺🥺🥺 and trap her in the fae lands forever with me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺’ and Thomas is obviously slightly jealous but he’s like ‘yeah whatever’ bcus he knows if Shirley does try and make out with some daywalker he’s prolly gonna kill her by accident anyways jdgfufndkc. so Eliana starts going out every night with the excuse that she’s choppin down wood, (ninas suspicious of this excuse but Michael tells her eliana wouldn’t lie,) and Shirley keeps trying to get her to stay forever and eat all their food and introduces her to Thomas and jr and stuff, and it’s nice and all but shirleys making her stay for longer and longer, and he can’t handle letting her go for even a second. Eliana doesn’t mind tho, she’s totally blind with love, and eventually she’s tells the town abt Shirley but that he’s totally not like other fae and definitely cool and there’s mixed feelings, some ‘awwww Eliana finally found a girlfriend, so sweet 🥰’s and some ‘they’re not different ur just being manipulated, we should go kill him’s and even some ‘huh, wasn’t that the name of the guy Harley was crying abt not being able to remember, lol crazy coincidence, Emerson let’s go bully harley’s.
yeah but Shirley has fucking crazy attachment issues and horrible death magic, so eventually one morning he does get REALLY upset abt his girlfriend leaving, like the whole tree (Thomas and Shirley live in a treehouse) is dying around him and Thomas is holding jr begging him to calm down, and Elianas finally like ‘hmm. Maybe this was a bad idea’ and that’s about where we are rn with that whole thing.
CAMP TIME: so as shown from chart above, there’s some ppl living in a lil forest camp together :) emi and graci moved there because they wanna learn how to hunt nightwalkers >:) there was a reason for it a couple years ago but they kind of forgot what it was (cough Shirley disappearing cough) but they’re still dead set on it! And lucky dink, as they’re moving to camp big Harley comes home to visit his brothers and ends up joining the camp for a bit since all 3 of his brothers are there! Camp Side of the story doesn’t have a ton of plot, mostly Harley low key having a crisis abt how busy his life at his actual home is and how everything feels so horribly off here even though hypothetically things haven’t changed much since he left and the twins fucking around and causing trouble around camp. Hallow thinks it’s funny that the stupid kids wanna hunt night walkers cus he is one, so he gives them the tip that theres a vampire in camp and they become dead set on it being Jane. All the kids like playing with Ben like he’s a whole ass jungle gym, he thinks it’s cute. kibi gets dragged around by emi and graci while they try to find the werewoof at the edge of town (sadly they only find Andy, darn, but he plays them some songs so not a total waste. also yes Andy is obviously the werewolf the twins are just stupid GDSHDSJD.) charlotte sits around crying and the other kids and counselors like to play a game where they all take turns trying to make her laugh (the first time the twins came to camp Emerson made her giggle, belle and Ben were so happy they were just sitting there sobbing bcus their girl finally smiled again, so Charlie quietly suggested they make it a new daily game because he hadn’t seen Ben and belle that hopeful in years :,) ). jr and Maria go around biting peoples ankles and collecting sticks. After hearing emi and graci talk abt town, Jane decided she wants to go visit town, Danny‘s super hesitant but the other 3 camp counselors all agree that since she’s 16 now she’s definitely old enough to go where she wants. While shes there she goes to a festival and meets Andy (17) and it’s nice :) also hallow has ero Boyf who visits sometimes and Danny’s got husb Sébastien who he and Jane visit a lot.
ya that’s pretty much all the plot stuff for now! there’s some more backstory stuff abt thomas dying with Charlotte watching and Shirley going missing and what not but yea that’s pretty much it :D
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zetheweirdo · 4 years
Welcome to part 2 of how Ze rants on why she hates her mom sometimes.
(Pink is mom, purple is me)
Okay, so update on the friend first of all:
He isn’t genderfluid rather a trans boy. There was a misunderstanding between the two of us. He told his parents and they are a bit.. iffy abt it.
Anyways, so I told my parents that yesterday morning and to use he/him pronouns for him from now on.
They were initially like ok whatever. But my mom had that trademark ‘I am so fucking worried for no reason face.’
I have other friends that are LGBTQ+ btw, my other best irl friend is pan and many other identities as once. And my mom knows that they are pan.
Not to mention my many LGBTQ+ online friends and/of coworkers she doesn’t know exist.
So one day we’re just walking at a publix store later that day and my mom says this:
“Are you cis?”
Easy question, I say yes. I am AFAB, and I identify as female. Therefore I am a cis person.
“N-no, are you a cishet?”
I answer “I don’t know”. Because I barely know my sexuality. Like at all. (I know I am ace-spec however, but idk where)
And she gets. So mad. She wasn’t yelling but she was lecturing me about how she can’t live with society these days and labels. Also how she hates my friends. Like, what? The transmasc friend is my only friend in my after school group, I would be screwed without him. The other LGBT irl friend is my emotional support friend. Again, would be screwed without her as well.
Like what?? What is wrong with you letting people be who they fucking ARE!?
And then she acts me who I am attracted to. I say
“I don’t know, But I’m pretty sure all the ‘crushes’ I’ve ever had were fake, so most likely nobody.”
like a fucking idiot.
“Do you want to have a family?”
“Yes, I want kids.”
“No, I mean a family with a husband.”
“Why does that matter?”
“Because it would be so much better to have a husband around.”
I don’t rlly reply to that because I was just sick of her shit.
“You just haven’t found the right person yet.”
(I am censoring deadnaming and using the wrong pronouns cuz that makes me sick.)
“*censored* is just confused, do *censored* really think *censored* is a boy?”
“Yes, because he is one, and his mind was born that way.”
“Born that way, schmorn that way, *censored*’s sick in the head.”
“No, he’s not. It’s who he is and I would want you to respect him”
“Do you really think this is normal??”
“Yes. Yes I do.”
We were just.. silent for a while and it never got brought up again.
But mom.. why. I explained to you some things and I can explain more but all ya gotta do is complain and be a fucking Karen abt this... just let my friends be. Yes they’re young but that doesn’t mean they can be themselves.
Also, my mom mocked me for not wanting to be hugged w/o consent, and yelled at me for having things I forgot were there and for being “messy”. (When it looked fine to me.) So yes. Mom. Shut the fuck up.
She doesn’t even understand boundaries. We have an argument, I’m pissed, it blows over. I need to spend time alone. I don’t want you mocking me or my comfort characters. Ok? (I have a self-made Kaito Momota poster in my room and she was also mocking it.)
This is why I don’t tell you about my job, my friends, my anything. Cuz whenever I do open up to you you act like this....
Whenever she does smth wrong and I get pissed she says.
“I guess you deserve a better mom.”
I NEVER EVER reply to that shit via text. I reassure her otherwise irl.
Just.. what’s the point. I don’t understand. Own up to ur mistakes. And she just said I didn’t care. I just don’t like her guilt-tripping me???
Edit edit: she owned up to her mistake.. of guilt-tripping.. and nothing else.
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furidojasutin · 6 years
Title: Valentine’s package
Pairing: Fraxus
Universe: Canon
Rating: M
a/n: Lmao so here I did it djwkf Inspiration behind this; me randomly thinking abt Freed eating Laxus’ ass one morning while supposed to be thinking about work and what I would be writing for them for Valentine’s day. And then @wyntersmusearsenal came along and was like ‘why not both in one??’ yes I’m tagging you in this mate so here we are h a h! Enjoy lmao djwfj I also wrote a kinda fluffy Valentine’s oneshot for them tho and posted it already
Tag Squad: @isbwvyja, @yellingschmetterling, @pleasantflowersheep, @icy-dancer, @myshipsaretruelove, @juvia-deserved-to-be-a-lesbian, @mdelpin, @1-lost-fander
Each touch of Freed's lips against his spine alighted a spark in Laxus' body. Every nerve that got stimulated by those feather-light kisses his mate was alluring him with set a fire deep within him. God, this felt heavenly.
Laxus had his eyes closed as he laid there on the king-sized bed that belonged to Freed and him. All tension had seeped out of his shoulders and no more strain could be found in any of his limbs.
As Freed made his way down along his back, the dragon slayer didn't bother suppressing the quiet noises of pleasure these light but absolutely effective touches earned the rune mage. His dick was caught between his own body and the mattress, and he wasn't ashamed to admit that he'd grown hard already by the time Freed had started touching him in a promising manner. He wasn't ashamed to admit that Freed had this effect on him.
Laxus felt how his lover's lips curved against his skin when he arched his lower body towards the given touches, bending towards them naturally.
“More of those?“ Freed asked, a knowing but loving touch to his deep voice. The green-haired man smiled before pressing a longer-lasting kiss to a lower part of the broader man's spine and he clearly indulged in the lingering sigh it got him.
“Feels amazin',“ Laxus growled softly, admittedly having a hard time not moving in any way. On the other hand it was so damn relaxing to be spoiled by the man he loved. His grown cock was itching, yearning for the touch of Freed's strong hands, skillfull mouth or anything else his lover was willing to give to him.
He could smell his own arousal. And he could smell Freed's, and the scent was almost mouth-watering. It made not moving even harder.
The sudden, determined grasp on his waist distracted him. Laxus blinked his eyes open and looked back over his shoulder just to be met with that kind of gaze that told him that Freed had something particular in mind.
Laxus didn't ask, only followed the next silent instructions Freed was giving him. He shifted a little, groaning when the rune mage let his tongue travel along his sensitive spine. It had him shiver under the other's touch, another uncontrolled moan spilling from his lips. God this was so simple but so good. The sparks of pleasure tingled all the way down to his groin, his cock twitching again.
“I like those sounds,“ Freed mused, an almost non-existent chuckle swinging in his voice. Having Laxus sprawled out before him, under him like this was nothing short of mesmerizing.
The dragon slayer just gave a grunt of approval and he felt heat seep into his cheeks when he shifted his position a little more.
His head was now further pressing into the pillow, his legs bent and his ass raised up in the air a little. This didn't come as a surprise; they had talked about this earlier, it’s part of why their shower had been as thorough as it had, and both his mind and body had been looking forward to this.
The first time Freed had done this to him was strange, then a mind-blowing experience. It shouldn't have surprised him with how many sensitive nerves there were, but it had still been a little embarrassing to realize how whiny and needy this act could get him; it was a different needy than the others. But it was the same thing with Freed and he absolutely loved the unashamedly panting, needy mess that his lover turned into when he did the same thing to him in return.
God it was glorious.
His focus was now on Freed's wandering hands as they made their way down along Laxus' sides. The only friction his cock has had was gone, with room between his body and the mattress now, and he growled when Freed purposefully stroked along his inner thighs and dug his fingers into them briefly.
He couldn't do anything without a little teasing, could he?
But Laxus didn't mind. Hell he didn't, even if it drove him mad sometimes. And sometimes, him going wild was exactly what Freed wanted to achieve with it.
Though not right now.
Freed's hands grabbed his ass and squeezed it a bit. Soft, rich skin against calloused palms. Laxus couldn't help emitting another grunt and he tried to relaxe into the posture, hands grabbing at the bedsheet beneath him.
The bed shifted beneath him when the rune mage moved his own position so he was kneeling right behind him and Laxus waited for any other touch to him.
He didn't have to wait for long.
Without a warning he felt teeth dig into the smooth flesh of one of his ass cheeks. Laxus growled at the sharp touch, his frame shivering softly. Freed's nose brushed along his skin and he allowed himself to close his eyes again. Freed and all the sensation he brought along was everything he needed.
Laxus swore that he could feel his lover smirk against his butt cheek for a moment and he huffed, a silent smile appearing on his face.
More or less hidden nervousness had been involved the first time Freed had started touching his ass like this. There was still a bit nervousness now, except that it was much more like nervous anticipation because he knew that something great would follow. It was the same great nervous anticipation and excitement he always felt when Freed and him got intimate.
Freed's warm lips spread kisses all over his ass cheeks, leaving out his butt crack and entrance purposefully yet. Only the smooth, full flesh got caressed for now and Laxus found himself giving a raspy sigh. The kisses left all the way down his spine had already stimulated him immensely, and all of this was making his heart beat hard in his chest with the increasing pleasure.
The rune mage took his time, though. Laxus felt as though Freed made sure to mark every single spot of his ass cheeks with his lips, giving gentle nips to the soft skin inbetween that had him shift and twitch.
Freed's hands stroked up and down along his sides. Sometimes they'd swerve to his legs but never touching his hard cock or sensitive testicles. Not yet.
The quiet sounds of the kisses left on his skin were swaying in the air like a gentle breeze, occasionally mixing with the yet restrained sounds of Laxus' growing need.
“Did I ever tell you that you have a quite nice... posterior?“
Laxus blinked his eyes open; the orange color had gone hazy with lust. He heard the amusement in Freed's voice and turned his head to look back at his man. “That's a gallant word to use for someone who's doing what yer doing right now.“
Freed emitted a brief, deep laugh. Laxus loved the sound.
“I'm teasing.“
“I know you are,“ the dragon slayer snorted and let his head plop down on the pillow again, grinning. “But yea, ya did tell me.“
“Tell you what?“ Freed purred, teeth playfully sinking into Laxus' skin again and the blond growled.
“That I have a great ass.“
“Oh yes, you do indeed have a great ass, Laxus.“
The blond shivered when Freed ran his devilish tongue along his butt crack. Laxus exhaled, eyelids fluttering shut again. Freed's hands had cupped his cheeks again and squeezed them before spreading them apart a little.
Drips of saliva where deliberately dropped on his skin and Freed kept teasing his butt crack with the tip of his tongue. Laxus' body shuddered. He was so damn turned on and he was so damn ready for this.
A groan slipped past his lips when Freed rubbed a wetted finger along his butt crack and brushed his anus. He groaned again when Freed inserted the finger in his ass and his shoulders tensed for a moment before there was a shuddery exhale. “Hggn..-“
His mate began thrusting his finger in and out in a slow, considerate motion and it had Laxus shift against it naturally. The ragged breath he heard coming from his mate didn't help his own arousal and he gave another moan of approval in response. A slow movement after another and it already drove Laxus crazy even though it was part of the foreplay. He wanted Freed to finger fuck him hard right there and the same time he was craving his tongue prove its accurate and fucking magical movements inside his ass.
Freed had made sure to use a bit more saliva inbetween and just as though he was able to read Laxus' mind, the rune mage pulled out his by now two fingers and cupped the dragon slayer's butt cheeks again.
Laxus barely noticed himself beginning to pant. His shoulders had gone just a little tense and he felt like he forgot to breathe for a second there when suddenly he uttered an unashamed exhale.
With his ass cheeks spread apart, Freed's tongue had been circling around his entrance before he pushed the tip inside. Laxus dug fingernails into the bed sheet. “Oh- Oh shit-“
He vaguely heard Freed groan, all his senses occupied and his testicles already feeling a bit strained. Drops of his own precum had already smeared along the sheets but he was still smelling his lover's arousal as well and it was driving him mad.
Laxus raised his head, wanting to look back at his man, but dropped it right away when Freed's tongue pushed inside as far as he could reach, Freed's nose buried between his cheeks.
“Fuck!“ The dragon slayer buried his face in the pillow with a needy moan. Fuck, this was too good. Freed's tongue was too fucking magical and that wasn't an overstatement.
This tongue was doing dirty, amazing magic on him. The way it moved against so many nerves and pushed inside and out was too strangely satisfying to explain. But Laxus didn't care about explanations anyway; his lover was eating his ass and it felt so fucking good.
He heard Freed growl and then the rune mage grabbed his ass cheeks a little firmer. Beginning to pant harder, Laxus shook his head with the pleasure overcoming him. Wanton moans kept spilling from his lips, his own tongue running over them to wet them.
“Feels good?“
Not only Laxus was panting. The dragon slayer could hear the rough edge to Freed's deep voice and he could just imagine how he was affecting his lover with his reactions and the way Freed was pleasing him. Gods.
“Hgnn, fuck yes-“
Rash kisses were spread all over his ass again and the suddenly the rune mage inserted one of his fingers into him again. Laxus bent his body towards the movement and moaned, broad muscles shuddering beautifully.
Laxus felt his legs become less steady and his dick felt like it was going to burst any second. Freed kept fingering him. He knew just how and when to curl his finger to drag the most delicious moans from the broad dragon slayer and Laxus didn't mind serving them.
Not that he did much thinking right then and there.
Especially not when Freed added his skillful tongue to the game again. The rune mage licked along his right ass cheek, then withdrew his finger to let his tongue do the penetration again. He stuck it inside as deep as possible and Laxus bent his body again, welcoming the thrusts and circling of his mate's tongue.
He heard Freed moan again and he heard a heavy breath. His own mind became dizzier and dizzier with the pure pleasure clouding it. A sound that almost rivalled a whine escaped Laxus before he buried his face in the pillow again, legs shaking.
By God, he swore he was just about to come when suddenly Freed held a tight grip around the head of his hard cock.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Laxus groaned and Freed gave a breathy chuckle. “Not yet, babe.“
His cock was twitching and Laxus growled. When he turned his head lazily, occupied by the pleasure sparking through his body, he felt like he would've come a second time immediately. The heated look Freed was giving him was so fucking sexy.
Both of the men released a shuddery exhale seemingly in unison. Freed released Laxus' cock again after a few short moments and then shifted so he could lean in towards his boyfriend. Laxus, giving a similar sound and returning the heated look, shifted as well to support himself on his forearms and turn his head.
Their faces only inches apart now, they were about to join for a passionate, open-mouthed kiss when suddenly a noise disturbed the movement.
Laxus and Freed froze, then their heads turned towards Laxus' phone that was resting atop the bedside cabinet.
With an annoyed growl the dragon slayer glared down the item. Fuck! It had ruined the moment!
Not that this had never happened before as they kind of had to be contactable most of the time but still...
His breath was still unsteady, his thoughts a mess and Laxus had to collect himself for a moment before dragging a palm down his own face. Then he reached for his phone with a growl – the ringing just wouldn't stop – and looked at the display. His grandpa.
Really, old man?!
Laxus gave an annoyed sigh, only glaring at the screen that showed his grandpa's name.
“Do you have to answer that?“ Freed asked, voice calm although a little unsteady in its tone as well.
Laxus just sighed again, thick brows furrowed hard. “He's doing this on purpose I swear.“ He loved his grandpa. He really did. But honestly! Freed denying his first orgasm was fine but cockblocked by his old man? Hell no, he could do without that.
As Freed slid above his body Laxus could feel the entirety of his mate's gloriously erected size slowly pressing against his backside, and it took some effort of him not to emit an encouraging groan. It was then that his boyfriend lowered his head as well, strands of green hair tickling his shoulders as Freed rested his weight on him and he huffed with a new grin. “You comfortable?“
“Mh-hm.“ Freed emitted a hum, the sound drowned out by the noise of the ring tone, and then pressed his lips to the curve of Laxus' neck. It earned him a quiet sound of approval before they both looked at the lacrima phone that was resting before them on the bed now.
“Well then...“
Here goes, Laxus thought, and finally accepted the call after what felt like an eternity.
“Hello brats, are you enjoying your evening?“ Makarov greeted them in a cheery voice and Laxus was just glad that he hadn't video called them.
The blond huffed, trying to sound as annoyed as possible. “Whaddya want, old man?“
Makarov went straight ahead. “I just wanted to see if you two lovebirds are enjoying your Valentine's Day. Freed's still with you, isn't he?“
Laxus could practically hear his grandpa's grin and he wanted to curse him for it right now. Feeling Freed's curved lips against his neck made it better and worse at the same time.
“Yea, he is. And we are, thanks.“ Laxus rolled his eyes at the chuckle from the other side of the phone. “Anything else ya needed?“
“Ah, no no. I just wanted to hear how my brats are doing. It's good you have each other.“ There was a pause in which Laxus wanted to say goodbye. He just needed this phone call to end quickly so Freed and him could continue where they left off. But then Makarov spoke again and his voice had that slightly higher, teasing tone in it. “Remember, I need you both in best shape for the mission tomorrow. Don't overdo it.“
The dragon slayer furrowed his eyebrows again, face heating up just slightly with a mixture of both, the fact that obviously his damn old man knew them better than they thought (or it was just a tease, or a lucky guess) and the exasperation that he had interrupted them just to say this.
“Don't overdo what-“ Laxus wanted to growl into the phone, perhaps a little too loudly and a little too enthusiastically, when Makarov hung up already.
Then there was silence for a moment. Freed's face had heated up in a similar manner. Laxus put his phone away and began to grumble. “Damn old man.“
His boyfriend didn't respond immediately. Laxus felt how Freed shifted his weight before he let his lips linger against his shoulder blade.
Laxus just sighed and tried to relax into the touch again. It was always so easy when he was with him. He definitely needed to return this favor after they were done here – Freed was doing all the work right now.
As the rune mage pressed his lower body against him he could feel his grown cock against his ass and that had Laxus groan again. His own cock was begging for attention still, beginning to make itself felt stronger again now that it was just the two of them once more.
Laxus let his head sink into the pillow, and Freed began a new journey along his backside. Lips brushed against the skin, sucking and biting and brushing, and Laxus grunted longingly. “Fuck, I can't take one more interruption. Can't take one more denial.“
Freed chuckled at that, hunger returned to his eyes. He let his lips linger at a single spot, making sure that Laxus felt how they curled into a mischievous smile before he whispered. “Well... I believe there's still a great ass and much more that I haven't given enough attention yet.“
And the raunchy tone to Freed's voice was a fucking sexy promise. With a teeth-baring growl, Laxus curved his body towards his man's touches.
Yea, he was definitely gonna return all the attention later on and he didn't care how long their night was gonna get.
No more interruptions.
Just them.
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hanjisungz-archive · 6 years
you have ghost stories :O tell us!
i have a bunch so ill tell one now (but if u want ill tell more !!!!) ((also its one in the morning for me so like Perfect time to get scared sdjkfhdkjsh)) edit: after finishing the story its Really Long so im putting it under a ‘read more’ sjhfkjdsh
okay i guess ill tell the cutest but also kinda the most unsettling (not rlly Scary just,,,, really creepy) so like three years ago, i was shopping with my mother and i saw the Cutest beanie baby penguin (it was small, like it fit in my hand, this is probably important to the story tbh). and of course, me being in Love with guins and stuffed animals, i bought the penguin for myself, i was so Happy he sat in my hand on the ride home and i even sat him at the table for dinner with us !!!!
and since my mother was off the next day, we always play games and watch ghost adventures together the Whole Night, and i had peter (that’s his name) with me at the table. so we play our games, laugh and eat food, and then we get comfy and go to sleep. im Sure that i slept with him that night, bc i introduced him to all my other friends on my bed....
so this continues for a few weeks maybe, i take peter everywhere with me, at the table while we eat and play games, sitting in my bed with his other friends, UNTIL one day, we go shopping, i grab peter from my room to bring him to the table to eat with us,,, everything is Great, we sit in the living room while peter is at the table, and we get tired and decide to head to bed.
i get up..... look at the table...... and PETER ISNT THERE. he literally disappeared like poof i looked where i put him, hes Gone. i tell my mother, we search around table, under it, in the kitchen. EVERYWHERE to find him and he is nowhere to be found literally Nowhere
the next day my mother was off from work so we spend the whole day looking everywhere else in the house, under our beds, in all of our closets, under couch cushions, literally everywhere (this is important)..... and at the end of the day we give up, we cant find peter.... hes gone forever.... im heartbroken like literal Tears bc i loved him so much
and eventually i forgot abt him, it had been about a month or two since he disappeared and i kinda forgot abt him, and then my mother and i go shopping, we see another beanie baby penguin (the exact same type like eye color, literal a copy ya know?) and my mother, being sad that i was so upset at losing peter, buys it for me and im so Happy !!!! i named her petunia and i smiled the whole way home, holding her in my hand as i did to peter.
so we get home, i take the key and petunia in my hand, unlock the door and walk in... everything is okay, we take the groceries in, put them up, and then i put petunia in the same spot peter was when he disappeared
i turn around and go to change into night clothes bc i was Exhausted, i open my closet and PETER IS SITTING ON A STORAGE BOX IN THE MIDDLE OF MY CLOSET, looking up at me. i Scream, call for my mother and then, shaking, point at peter. she laughs and says ‘thats petunia’ so i go out and grab petunia, then peter and put them next to each other.
peter has no marks, tears, rips, missing parts, hes perfectly fine..... so now i have two penguin beanie babies.......
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kissykiwi · 7 years
green eyes, red handed (part 2)
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wherein y/n finds harry confusing. (college au, 2700 words)
Y/N’s head swam as she walked out of class, full of education and politics and society.  They had a paper coming up, three topics possible from the entirety of the work, and she couldn’t figure how she’d be able to pick when she had so much to say about all of it.
“So, what are yeh thinking for the upcoming essay?  Worth fifteen percent, y’know.”
Y/N was startled to be addressed by the low, thick voice of the person she apparently bothered so much, and cut her eyes sideways as Harry bounded up beside her.  How fun, swinging back in the other direction.
“I was thinking of the one centering around justice,” she said warily.  She might wanna kill him half the time, but when they weren’t at each other’s throats he was a pretty good study partner, and Plato was not a joke.  “Figured that I could expand on the definition by taking the classical ambiguity of it.”
“Tha’s not a bad idea.”
“Yeah.  Do me a solid and don’t steal it, will ya?”
Harry laughed as Y/N raised an eyebrow in a perfect arch.  A girl down the hall fumbled her books.  
“Now, now, didn’t say it was good, did I?” he quipped, tone remaining light.  Y/N could see this for what it was, the peace offering that followed every spat and kept them on careful even ground, but she was ready to accept it.  Their relationship had been like this for three years now, and she had learned how to prolong the amiable Harry that came between fights, and how much she preferred him.
“Fine then Plutarch, what’re you doing?”
“The use of fantastical arguments in philosophical debate.”
“Dense,” she said, surprised.  They only had about three thousand words, and he was certainly taking quite the bite.  It was a gentle reminder of how much was hiding in that thick skull of his.
“Behind this pretty face is quite th’ mind, Y/L/N,” Harry sighed dramatically, pushing the door open for them both.
“It’s behind a face anyway.”
“See I could get mad at tha’ comment, but because I’m a kind and gentle soul, I will instead do as Clark asked and pass along the message that everyon’s stoppin’ in Fleming and then settin’ up in Old Quad for lunch.”
Definitely offering the proverbial olive branch then.  Often Harry would skip letting her know when these plans would happen (and Ginny always forgot) and she’d make it halfway back to her apartment before she knew that her friends had snagged a coveted slice of lawn.  In return, Y/N offered him a careful smile and a thanks.  Harry quirked a corner of his mouth back, opened it to say something, but was interrupted before he could.
Turning about, she saw black hair, blue eyes, an unassuming smile.  It was Mitchell, from her Human Skeletal Biology course.  He was sweet, so sweet, but nice and naive had never much been her thing and as many times as she’d tried to let him down gently, he just kept coming back.
“Mitchell, hey,” she said, voice kind and decidedly lukewarm, turning back towards Fleming and a now farther ahead Harry as the new addition came to her pace.
“Hey!  I know you said you were busy last Thursday with schoolwork and all, but I thought new week, new schedule, right?”
Y/N bit her lower lip hard, frustration sparking in her gut.  No matter what she tried he wouldn’t take the hint, and she was inching ever closer to the cruelty of brutal honesty.  There were days where she just wanted to say yes, fine, let’s go!  But she knew how uncomfortable she would be saying yes, had been down that road before often enough to tell.  Sometimes people just weren’t compatible, and two conversations with this guy had told her that he didn’t have enough pushback to keep her interested.
“Listen, I-”
“”Oo’s this then?”
Y/N looked up at Harry, caught off guard by his sudden interest and the arm he’d thrown about her shoulder.  Casual physical contact wasn’t out of the question between them (they were in the same friend group after all) but the warm bicep pressing into the back of her neck was certainly more than usual.  She suppressed the urge to lean back into the touch.
“I- This is Mitchel.  We have ANT334 together,” she replied.
“Ah, Mitchell.  I remember hearin’ ‘bout this one.”
“This one?”  She could see Mitchell’s face turning, a sour expression creeping across his features as he repeated what Harry had said.
“Yeah mate, one of ‘er boys. What were yeh sayin’ though?”
Now Mitchell was positively frowning, mostly at Y/N.  “I- nevermind, actually.”  Though it was just the time for food he turned away, booking off down the hall towards the doors they had all just entered through and away from the student commons.  Y/N turned towards Harry, a confused look on her face.
“When did you ever hear me talk about him?”
“Y/L/N, yeh bitch about how he’s not gettin’ the message two t’ three times per hour every time he asks yeh out,”  he said, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but I never thought you actually listened.  Looks like I won’t have to worry about him anymore, anyhow,” she said, thinking with some measure of relief of the displeasure on Mitchell’s face.
“And we won’ have t’ listen t’yeh anymore. Everyone wins!  Now hurry up ‘n get yer food, I wanna get a spot in th’ shade before Todd sprawls out and declares it all as his.”
Instead of getting annoyed, Y/N picked up a sandwich and some juice and paid in an example of decision making in record time.  Harry was right, Todd was an absolute slut for getting out of the sun, and she wasn’t much for the heat that seemed to ramp up as summer folded into early fall.  She and Harry both got irritable in the heat, so shade was probably the best idea.  Harry seemed pleased to have her agreeing, and they walked out to their friends in a warm and unexpected peace.
Old Quad was beautiful.  Lush, bright green grass (and props to the grounds crew for that, because it was pretty well trafficked) boxed in by the big, old founding buildings of their school, all dark stones and gothic arches.  The corners left spaces to get in and out but it felt like a universe inside the universe of the school, filled with cool breezes and big trees and the noises of college students taking a breath between classes.  The ever present crowd of students fanned out across the lawn for the peak noon lunch hour, but the blindingly pale hand of Ginny waving ecstatically from under her favorite oak tree showed that their friends had grabbed prime seating.
“This way,” Y/N mumbled, grabbing Harry’s hand distractedly as people flowed around them.  Their friends liked to call Y/N the gazelle because of her careful feet and how good she was at picking through a crowd- ironic when compared to her inability to walk over flat ground but then there you were.  Harry, on the other hand, had enormous feet, both of which were left.  Last week he’d fallen on a girl and squashed her sandwich, and the starry eyes she’d given him had inflated his ego to truly unbearable proportions.
“Holding hands?  My god, maybe world peace is realistic after all,” Clark laughed as they walked up to the group, Ginny staring with raised brows at their connected hands.  Y/N rolled her eyes and plopped onto the blanket laid across the grass, leaving Harry to take his hand back.
“More like keeping him from taking out half the quad.  I’m fairly sure the lovely young lady from last week is still thinking of ways to incorporate falling into a pickup line.  If he dazzles any more that way, we’ll never have another lunch in peace,” she replied, plastic crinkling as she unwrapped her lunch.  
“Not my fault tha’ these eyes make women fall in love, darlin’,” Harry replied smugly.  Y/N maintained eye contact with him as she took a large bite of her sandwich, chewing slowly.
“Nope, still wanna strangle you.  Who does that work on again?”
Todd sighed happily.  “God, Y/N, we need to bottle whatever keeps you from falling over sideways for this twat and vaccinate the rest of the campus with it.  You know that guy I’ve been trying to get closer to in physics, the cute tall one?  Came up to me and asked for Harry’s number this morning.”
“Well-” Ginny started, but Y/N was faster.
“Oh, not Andre, really?  I liked him, too.”
“I’m gonna ignore tha’,” Harry said breezily.  “Sorry though mate, ’s shit.”
“Yeah,” Todd shrugged.  “I gave it to him though.”
Idly, Y/N wondered what Harry might do.  Clark liked to say that Harry played with his food, never settling for long with one partner and keeping them on their toes if he ever took a brief landing, and she didn’t know if she could stand watching him flirt with the guy Todd had been on about for nearly a month now.  It seemed like the whole blanket agreed, breath held as they waited for Harry to reply.  Y/N could feel Ginny’s eyes on her.
“I’ll put in a good word for yeh then.”
Y/N’s phone buzzed in her pocket, undoubtedly from Ginny based on the elbow sneaking into her side, so she pulled it out to read.
>>babe u just visibly relaxed u have it SO BAD
>i was worried abt todd u absolute psycho
Ginny rolled her eyes, about to reply, when across the way Clark decided to ask “what’s so interesting there ladies?”  Her ginger head snapped up, almost hilariously conspicuous that they were discussing someone sitting on the blanket, and which meant assuredly that Y/N would have to save it.
“Your weak dick game, actually.”
Clark squeaked out a highly offended noise as Ginny dissolved into giggles, halfheartedly trying to convince him that that probably wasn’t what they were talking about, and Y/N was so amused by the overplayed outrage that she only barely noticed the boot nudging at her thigh.  It was Harry of course, poking at her with a delicately extended foot from where he was already draped in a long line on his side.  When she looked over, he beckoned, and since she was feeling generous she scootched over so they could talk.
“There’re free coffees for the next month of Classics with yer name on ‘em,” he said as she leaned down towards him, his breath blowing the ends of her hair like a light breeze.  Y/N gave him a doubtful look.
“That so?  What’s the catch then?”
“Yer notes.  Been readin’ em over your shoulder, ‘n they’re a damn sight more coherent than mine.  Jus’ lemme see ‘em to piece together my essay, that’s all I’m askin’.”  Y/N’s eyebrows stayed up, but she’d never been one to turn down caffeine and Harry didn’t skimp on good coffee.
“Make it coffee for the whole semester and I’ll keep letting you see them, how about that?”
Harry grinned, a certain amount of relief seeping through, and nodded enthusiastically.  From there it was easy to melt into a discussion about outlines, Y/N leaning down towards him to sketch out some tweaks on his main themes, Harry pushing up on an elbow to point at the book in her lap as he suggested the lines he thought would work best.  Neither saw it, but across the quad people were staring- here a sigh over Harry’s smile, there someone missing their mouth as Y/N brushed hair out of her face with a careless grace.
“I don’t mean to break up this weird, academic ménage à trois between you two and Plato, but Duncs just texted to plan next Monday Meal,” Todd called from across the blanket.  
Monday Meal was a longstanding tradition among the friend group, masterminded and orchestrated by the fourth roommate in the cellblock, Duncan.  He was a nutrition sciences major possessed of serious doubts as to his friends ability to care for themselves, and he’d decided about halfway through their first year that if they all died of scurvy he’d feel in some way responsible.  So once a week they all got together to eat (“vegetables, Todd, a human can’t subsist on mashed potatoes alone”) and have a beer after the gauntlet of a Monday.  It was where both Todd and Hil had come out to everyone, where Ginny and Clark were locked into a closet together so they would get together already, where hookups and Potential Serious Things™ got to be brutally scrutinized for a minimum two hours.  It also required everyone to bring something, on a rotational basis after they all realized that Hil would never learn to cook if they didn’t make her bring something besides beer.  It had been cancelled for the week (Duncs was out of town for his mother’s engagement party), but next week was on.
“Y/N and I already have a stuffed cabbage planned, so tell him that,” Ginny said, pushing herself up.  “But right now, we have some grocery shopping to do.  Up you go bubs!”
She grabbed Y/N’s hand, pulling her onto her feet.  Y/N quirked a brow, resisting the urge to sigh.
“I’ll see you all later,” she said flatly, nudging a goodbye to Harry with the toe of her boot.  He tapped her ankle before Ginny had her off.
“We went grocery shopping yesterday,” Y/N sighed as soon as they were out of earshot.  “What’s actually going on?”
“When are you going to accept that you have feelings for Harry?”
Oh, but Y/N didn’t like this.  Ginny was serious, dead serious, in a way that her bubbling smile almost never gave way to.  
“Ginny, I don’t,” Y/N groaned, rubbing at her temples.  Ginny grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into one of the archways.
“Y/N, I love you.  You’re one of my best friends, and we tell each other everything, which is why when I say this please know it’s because you’re important to me.  You like him, you’re in fucking denial about it, and it’s tearing you up.”
“Wh- I’m fine!  I am fine, and I’m not in denial about anything.”
“You fought this morning.  The two of you.”
This stopped Y/N, and she frowned slightly, tilting her head to stare at Ginny.
“How the fuck did you know that?”
“He’s always nicer to you and you’re always more careful talking to him.  Because you think it’s something you do to make him mad and you want to change it.  Because you like him.”
Y/N let her head drop. Sighed.  Rubbed her face.
“So what if I do Ginny?” she finally replied, voice noticeably weary to her own ears.  “It doesn’t-- it doesn’t matter, even a little bit.  He’s him and I’m me and we don’t get on and no amount of feeling whatever I feel or parsing out why is going to change it.”
This time it was Ginny’s turn to frown, and she reached forward to put her hands on Y/N’s shoulders, pull her closer with a soft little hum into a hug.
“Oh, peaches.  I know you hate to hear me say it-- and maybe that’s you protecting yourself, you are basically a pill bug-- but I don’t think he’s mean because he doesn’t like you.  I think you make him nervous honeybun, you know how strong you are.  It scares guys, especially ones like Harry, especially with what he was like when we met.”
Y/N rubbed her face into Ginny’s shoulder, mushing her lips together instead of replying.  The soft slide that her cherry chapstick produced was enough to ground her, let her whisper a soft “maybe.”
“What did you even fight about peaches?  It can’t have been much, usually it takes you two longer.”
Y/N had to breathe unhappily through her nose at the “usually”, no matter how fair it might be.  She took a moment before responding.
“I don’t really know Gin.  I was talking to the Professor, made a joke or somethin’, and as soon as Harry was in he was on my case.”
Ginny nodded, face thoughtful, then said, “Is this the classics prof, the one that half the campus wants on?”
Y/N had to roll her eyes at that.
“Yes, Professor Morrow is the one everyone else is drooling after.  What does that have to do with anything, you creep?”
“Harry was probably jealous, peaches.  You know he’s good at makin’ you laugh, bet he likes to be the only one.”
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sambashua · 7 years
92 questions/random questions/8 things tag~
hello friends !!! i’ve done the first two tags before but it’s been quite a while so ?? let’s see if i can come up w new responses i guess?? also these all have similar-ish questions so i thought i’d combine them so i don’t clog up everyone’s dashes~
tagged by (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚(ilya so dang much my favorite muffins)
92 questions: mariel! @jaehyunscult kelby! @yooncheoly and claudia! @s-lay-ing 
random questions: kolbo! @yooncheoly ommo! @strawberryboo​ and cloodoo! @s-lay-ing 
eight things: em! @seoulscapes mj! @jungnoir and kat! @atshinee
i’m going to tag @everyonesabiaswrecker @hoshi-ssi @king-hao @moonhyook @taeismyking @honestlay @yoonsunha @amessence @kylamassie1 @peachesandkili and also the beans who tagged me above!! you can do one of the ones you didn’t tag me in hehe(≧◡≦)
you guys can choose whichever tags you want!! or all of them ? idk it’s basically either long, easy or creative so whatever you feel like doing… or do none of them!! that works too! if you don’t want to be tagged just let me knowwww also you rlly don’t have to read this whole thing it is so damn long… but w/o further ado…
92 questions
the last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my grandma !
3. text message: “THEBOP OF THE SUMMER” (sic)
4. song you listened to: ‘love paint (every afternoon)’ by NU’EST started playing before i got out of the car last night… WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED I WATCHED MX’S NEWTON THIS MORNING OH MY GOD THE BOP OF THE SUMMER THAT’S WHAT THE TEXT WAS ABT BTW
5. time you cried: hmmmm not monsta x surprisingly ? but we have some rlly spicy food in LA and @everyonesabiaswrecker @taeismyking and i had to hide our eyes from the waiter lol
have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo (as i said last time i’ve never dated so these are all no’s so you can skip around a bit i suppose)
7. been cheated on: nooo
8. kissed someone and regretted it: nooo
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: nope
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: drinking makes ya do bad stuff kids
list three favorite colors (12-15)…
grey, light blue nd light green !
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yeAH SO MANY! irl and online i’m so thankful for everyone i’ve met~~ since i started uni i was rlly nervous abt meeting people and although i have one (1) new friend irl (shoutout to my main main main kat @atshinee literally where would i be w/o you i probably woulda gotten stuck at camp bc of the hail storm) i’ve met countless lovely individuals online that i am forever grateful for;;; now i’m being all sappy someoNE STOP ME
16. fallen out of love: nooo
17. laughed until you cried: almost everyday~~
18. found out someone was talking about you: oh yea
19. met someone who changed you: YES
20. found out who your true friends are: yeah!
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nooooooooooooooope
general stuff
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk like probably actually 80% but they’re not people i talk to now ? (kat still yells at me abt my answer last time)
24. do you want to change your name: i like my name a lot tbh (there’s so many endless nickname possibilities honestly)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i got gelato w two of my closest frandssss and also listened to nct dream like the whole day it was the best
26. what time did you wake up: um m m i think 9? yesterday i went to bed at 3:30 and woke up at 7:30 so i slept in more today lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to read a soonhoon fic from eep and messaging ivy:D
28. name something you cannot wait for: uM IDK EVERYTHING I WAS WAITING FOR ALREADY HAPPENED i guess just moving back to school and starting classes??? i’m so anxious ugh
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 4 ? hours ago ?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: um idk i think i’m pretty blessed to be completely honest
31. what are you listening to right now: there’s construction going on in the distance idk what they’re doing but it is LOUD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i’m so shook people haven’t talked to any toms i’ve met so many i don’t undeRSTAND
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance *finger guns*
34. most visited website: tumblr (i haven’t been on youtube much lately cry)
35. elementary school: yeahhh
36. high school: yeahhh
37. college: yeahhh
38. hair color: blonde 
39. long or short hair: it’s so long rn i’m constantly choking on it
40. do you have a crush on someone: crushes are for noobs
41. what do you like about yourself: “everything, love yourself.” -kat
42. piercings: ears but i never wear them
43. blood type: idk my parents are both AB so my mom says we’re that too but mom that’s not how genetics work
44. nickname: i have so many but my most common one is mir~ i answer to anything tho
45. relationship status: engaged to jeon wonwoo
46. zodiac sign: cancer~
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones or below deck (watch it it’s a reality show abt a yacht crew it’s so entertaining) 
49. tattoos: nope i’m too indecisive
50. righty or lefty: right
51. surgery: i had surgery junior year of high school
52. piercing: did they not already ask this oh jk this is first well i still only have ears
53. best friend: in the womb bitchhh (-8 months would be the official age)
54. sport: i think karate ? my dad is super sporty tho so sister and i tried every sport known to man
55. vacation: probably washington bc i have a lot of family there
56. pair of sneakers: literally who knows this tho
right now…
57. eating: nothing
58. drinking: now i’m drinking tea
59. i’m about to: eat a bagel maybe
60. listening to: good luck by aoa (yessss my girls)
61. waiting for: jordyn to get off work so i can see her new dorm:D
62. do you want kids: i always have
63. do you want to get married: i don’t really know marriage seems so outdated…
64: what career do you want: journalist (yay)
which is better…
65. hugs or kisses: hugs!
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: i don’t have much preference but i’m tall and i like being tall
68. older or younger: i don’t really care bc some older people are really immature and some younger people are really mature so~
70. nice arms or nice stomach: i really really don’t care
71. sensitive or loud: these honestly aren’t even antonyms
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: i’ve never been a troublemaker so ?
have you ever…
74. kissed a stranger: nooo
75. drank hard liquor: neh ?
76. lost glasses/lenses: i have above average vision boiiiii
77. turned someone down: i mean;;;; i think most people have at least indirectly
78. had sex on the first date: nooo
79. broken someone’s heart: i really doubt it lol
80. had your heart broken: jeon wonwoo breaks my heart daily
81. been arrested: nooo
82. cried when someone died: yeahh
83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in…
85. miracles: maybe ?
86. love at first sight: not even a little bit
87. santa claus:
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i don’t see why not
89. angels: maybe ?
90. current best friends name: sister n em n kat n cass n jords n val :3
91. eye color: grey ish
92. favorite movie: the proposal was my favorite movie for so long;;; i liked moonlight a lot too go see it
random questions
dude i fucking forgot abt this one i thought i was done fuck (why is this font so tiny)
relationship status: single for 19 years bishhhhhhhh favorite color: grey!! but i’ve been feelin orange lately hmmmm lipstick or chapstick: i like tinted lip balm:) but i even use vaseline sometimes try it okay it makes yo lips so soft last song you listened to: well i already said so i’ll do what’s stuck in my head rn: coffee by bts (it’s so good i get such calming vibes from it) last movie you watched: BABY DRIVER it was so ffffff good 100/10 would rec~ the car chases were so cool dude also ansel elgort is such a cutie top 3 characters: i’ll as april ludgate from parks n rec (are you happy jords), celaena from throne of glass, ndddd risa koizumi from lovcom:) top 3 ships: jejun ! soonwoo ! MARKHYUCK(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ books you are currently reading: rnnnn i’m STILL reading heir of fire (don’t worry cass i will finish it in time) top 5 musicals: mulan is endlessly iconic okay, hsm, phantom of the opera, the sound of music nd mama mia !
eight things
last movie watched: baby driver hoo hoo last song listened to: me gustas tu bitchhhhh last book read: Crown of Midnight still oops sorry cass i’m so damn slow these days  last thing eaten: fig newtons (buy newton by monsta x on itunes) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: wherever @atshinee​ is because i want to support her for her test but i know i would probably just distract her:(((((( a fictional character you would hang out with for the day: probably dorian from throne of glass bc he just seems like such a lovable dork i want to give him a big ole hug he needs it  what fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: i used to be obsessed w the series Gregor the Overlander as a kid and i’d really want to spend a day there that would be so awesome esp the one where they travel through the one rainforest jungle… but also Harry Potter bc i rlly want to go to hogwarts and just;;; look around? it’s so pretty and i want to see all the paintings and staircases and the people it’d be great last video game played: i’ve never rlly played video games… i used to play the sims does that count rip
well it’s finally frickin done i doubt anyone bared w me for this trainwreck…….. i’m so tired now will i even do more of these today jk i gotta i am so behind but no selfie tags i look trash
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goldenmilkstudies · 7 years
~Question Tag~
I was tagged by @fsstudies to answer these questions about myself.
I’m sorry it took so long for me to answering (holidays and introduction week of uni), so thank you for waiting patiently :).
 Since I’m quite new to all this I am keen to know more about y’all. I’m tagging the following to do this question tag. (If you’ve already done this, pls send me a link!) (If you aren’t tagged but still want to participate, do! and say you are ghost-tagged by me (I guess I just invested something – tell me if I’m wrong lol)).
@colorfulstudiess @rad-study @studioussummi @smallbeanstudies @hufflepuffsstudies @studyfeather @the-girlygeek @ubestudies
Drink – water
Phone call – a girl Andrea, bc I didn’t know how to get to her apartment
Text message – 8008, that’s a service in the Netherlands which sends a text to the number you texted them saying that you’d like to call them but you don’t have enough credit(?)
Song you listened to – Notion by Tash Sultana
Time you cried – Yesterday
Have you
Dated someone twice – I guess not
Kissed someone and regretted it – nah
Been cheated on – idk
Lost someone special – no
Been depressed – not diagnosed but I’m pretty sure I was a few years ago
Gotten drunk and thrown up – once the following morning with my first hangover :/
List 3 favourite colours
Forrest green | Burgundy | Yellow
 In the last year have you
Made new friends – yass, especially last week during my intro at uni
Fallen out of love – yup and fallen back in love (with the same person)
Laughed until you cried – I don’t remember so no
Found out someone was talking about you – sadly
Met someone who changed you – I think I met someone during the intro that is changing me
Kissed someone on your Facebook list – my boyfriend
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life – all
Do you have any pets – three cats and one doggo
Do you want to change your name – I want to move to an English speaking country so I would maybe change my last name
What did you do for your last birthday – cooked dinner for my friends and family
What time did you wake up – 4 pm (went to bed at 8:30am) (bc this was the last night of the intro)
What were you doing at midnight last night – at Andrea drinking and playing picolo
Name something you can’t wait for – to see/touch my boyfriend, but also uni to start
When was the last time you saw your mom – on Sunday
What is one thing you wish you could change in your life – not stopping with French and German at school
What are you listening to right now – the wind going through trees, myself typing and cars passing by
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom – yass, a friend
Something that is getting on your nerves – the mess in my sister’s apartment (which I made) (where I’m staying for the intro)
Most visited websites – Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and YouTube atm
Mole(s) – A lot, they tend to be in groups (idk why this happens lol)
Mark(s) – inside my left arm and on the left side of my back
Childhood dream – can’t remember oops
Hair colour – blond / dark blond / brown, it’s kinda all over the pace
Long or short hair – I have medium long hair but really want long hair
Do you have a crush on someone – nah
What do you like about yourself – outside, my eyes | inside, I have a pretty diverse personality & I am down to earth & I am accepting of all beings and expressions & I want to do a lot for the world
Piercings – two in both my lobes & helix in my left ear & industrial in my right ear
Blood type – the most common one (I forgot lol)
Nickname – family, Belle | boyfriend, Isaak | best friends, Belski
Relationship status – boyfriend
Zodiac – virgo (I read horoscopes and things but they never describe me….)
Pronouns – she/her
Favourite TV show – Grimm | Orphan Black | Dragons (from how to train your dragon)
Tattoos – none but want one
Right or left hand – right
Surgery – yas
Hair dyed in different colour – purple :0
Sport – rn nothing but at uni I plan to do yoga & strength training & boot camp and maybe dance if I like a class
Vacation – this year to Athens with friends and to Berlin with my boyfriend
Pair of trainers – black puma trinomic and salmon coloured asics
 More general
Eating – vegan, I aim for a whole foods diet | atm I’d like to eat Mexican food tbh
Drinking – water | rooibos & camomile tea | chai latte
I’m about to – eat bc the kitchen was occupied with people from the hall
Waiting for – the wifi to have a chill so I can actually be productive for once
Get married – I don’t necessarily want to, but I’m willing to compromise
Career – my dream is to have a vegan lunchroom, but I’d also like to write a blog or books or own a shop or a business
Hugs or kisses – kissing while hugging (?)
Lips or eyes – I think that eyes can almost never be ugly but lips can be, so eyes
Shorter or taller – I’m okay with my height (wow we are the same height @fsstudies)
Older or younger – I don’t mind growing older, I do mind not using the time I got
Nice arms or nice stomach – idc as long as it all works together
Sensitive or loud – sensitive
Hook up or relationship – relationship, tho I’d like to be able to have hook ups from time to time
Troublemaker or hesitant – neither (?)
 Have you ever
Kissed a stranger – yas
Drank hard liquor – gotta love the 43
Lost glasses / contact lenses – I don’t own them so no
Turned someone down – yas, a friend :(
Sex on the first date – nahhhhh
Broken someone’s heart – probably
Had your heart broken – can’t remember
Been arrested – no but I got a warning for driving (lol trying to) without a license
Cried when someone died – All. The. Time. I get really emotional abt other people’s deaths
Fallen for a friend – sorta
 Do you believe in
Yourself – too little
Miracles – no
Love at first sight – no, there can be a connection but I wouldn’t call that love tbh
Santa Claus – urm yeah…
Kiss on the first date – depends
Current best friend name – I don’t have a Best Friend, just a close group of friends
Eye colour – hazel
Favourite movie – atm, “I, origin” and “Mad Max”
 Thank you for coming this far :0,  enjoy your day ♥
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haunt-me-x3 · 7 years
all of them!!! and for 65, how do you describe the feeling of thinking abt ur future??
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?All the damn time2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?2.53. The person you would never want to meet?Trump4. What is your favorite word?Alleviate5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?Weeping willow6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?I look greasy7. What shirt are you wearing?Anti flag smash the alt right shirt8. What do you label yourself as?Weirdo9. Bright room or dark room?Dark10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Talking to matt11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?1812. Who told you they loved you last?My dad13. Your worst enemy?My dad14. What is your current desktop picture?Cole sprouse15. Do you like someone?Matt16. The last song you listened to?I will never be sorry again by infinity crush17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?Trump18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?My dad19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?My dad, everything he always yells at me to do20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)My face hot damn21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?I would have long dark hair and blue eyes and i would start a band22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?I do the art23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?Im afraid people think im fake, like not like fake like "oh that persons so fake" but like actually Fake like not real24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.I dont like sandwiches except pbj25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?Buying hulu for a few months to watch the x files26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?Ireland27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?Cinna sugar twist smirnoff28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Please do not yell at me29. What is your favorite expletive?Fuck30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?My stuffed elephant ellie31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Dating connor32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!Japan33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?My aunt rosemary34. What was your last dream about?Aliens35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?Dancer? No36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Yeah boi37. Have you ever built a snowman?Yes38. What is the color of your socks?Im not wearing socks39. What type of music do you like?The weird shit40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?Sonics strawberry cheesecake42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)I dont like sports43. Do you have any scars?V many44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Vfx artist or animator45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?My shit brain46. Are you reliable?Ya47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?How bad did i fuck up bro48. Do you hold grudges?Yes49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?A goat and a chameleon to create a chamelicorn 50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?I have too many to choose from51. Are you a good liar?Sometimes52. How long could you go without talking?A decent amount of time53. What has been you worst haircut/style?Scene phase hair54. Have you ever baked your own cake?Yes it was good55. Can you do any accents other than your own?British and cockney56. What do you like on your toast?Cinnamon sugar and butter57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?My face58. What would be you dream car?Who knows59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.I take baths more than showers tbh60. Do you believe in aliens?FUCK YEAH61. Do you often read your horoscope? HELL YEAH62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?E63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?Dragons theyre flame dinos64. What do you think about babies?They make me uncomfortable 65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.I forgot what you asked so im gonna answer rbis in a second post
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breadboylovin · 6 years
im a normie so i decided to do this ‘85 truths’ thing i did like,,, 3 whole years ago just to see how shits changed (plus i like talking abt myself fgjkdfgdfh)
last beverage
water fdgjfgdfg i dont rly...... drink anything else.............
last phone call
uhhhhh probably to my mom or smth
last text
to my dad asking if he can get mcdonalds dfgjdfjgdfg
last song
plastic love by our girl mariya takeuchi
last time i cried
i think it was on july 4th?? unless i cried after that and just forgot about it
have you ever:
dated someone twice?
lol nah
been cheated on?
no but i think one of my exes cheated on someone to be with me ??? as far as i know but i cant confirm bc i dont talk 2 her anymore lol 
kissed someone and regretted it?
cant exactly regret stuff that you never do
lost someone special?
to death, no, but in general? probably
been depressed?
imma keep it real witchu chief,,, idk fgjkdfgfg
list your three favourite colours
salmon pink
wine red
in the last year, have you:
made a new friend?
oh fuck lots of em yeah
fallen out of love?
........... presumably
laughed until you cried?
yeah dfgjdfgfg
met someone who changed you?
found out who your true friends are?
more or less
found out someone was talking about you?
kissed a stranger?
drank hard liquor?
im 15
lost glasses/contacts?
i dont need glasses / contacts fdgjkfg
had sex on a first date?
im 15
broken someone’s heart?
been arrested?
turned someone down?
no ones asked
cried when someone died?
i honestly cant remember if i did or not
fallen for a friend?
yeah :-////
do you have any pets?
2 cats!!! 
do you want to change your name?
i mean i like the name dorian ive had it for 2 years but i do want to legally change my birthname to dorian lol
what did you do for your last birthday party?
i jus invited friends to my house to do whatever
what time did you wake up this morning?
,,,, i woke up at 8:40 then decided i was too tired to do anything and slept for 3 more hours
what were you doing at midnight last night?
thirsting over greed the avaricious dfgjdfg
something you cant wait for?
going on t eventually
last time you saw your mother?
one thing you wish you could change about your life?
i just want to get top surgery lol
what are you listening to right now?
the wolf by siames
have you ever talked to a guy named Tom?
probably once at school lol
what’s getting on your nerves?
the uncertainty of my future
most viewed webpage?
either tumblr or youtube
pet name?
i mean,,,,,,,, my parents call me dosya which is just a cute version of dorian and i like being called baby boy but shhhhh
relationship status?
single owo
zodiac sign?
cap sun aqua moon libra rising
i mean im not in college but when i go i wanna go 2 some art college in montreal 
hair colour?
chestnut brown i think
long or short?
5′2″ or 5′3″?? idk
do you have a crush on someone?
ive been trying to subdue the one ive had for my own sake but there might be inklings of it still there
what do you like about yourself?
im cute bitch
nah im afraid of the commitment
right of left handed?
right uwu
first piercing?
i was too scared to get piercings when i was a kid so i dont have any FGJKDFGDFJG
first best friend?
some girl named katya that my parents knew the parents of. idk what shes up to now tho
first sports you joined?
i played soccer in like 1st grade?? i dont think i was good tho fdhdfg
first vacation ?
i think we went to san diego
first pair of sneakers?
im not cis i dont keep track of that
nothing rn 
water uwu

about to
try to beat the watcher knight in hollow knight for the 50th time
listening to
smoke and guns by mr. natewantstobattle bc i went on a spiritual journey lst night going back to his youtube page to see if he still uploaded and finding out he was like. a legit musician
waiting for
honestly? idk
want kids?
kinda but im scared i wont be able to handle it
get married?
i wanna be a comic artist or a character designer
which is better
lips or eyes?
lips bc lips are kissable and eyes are not
hugs or kisses?
hugs are nicer bc u dont have 2 be romantic w someone to get a hug
shorter or taller?
taller bc its virtually impossible to find ppl shorter than me
older or younger?
older, but still around my age
romantic or spontaneous?
nice stomach or arms?
this is a really hard choice but arms bc ya boy likes being carried
loud or sensitive?
depends on the situation ig. i think i like loud more bc i just wanna go apeshit with a bro sometimes
hook-up or relationship?
trouble maker or hesitant?
,,, idk
do you believe in
yeah most of the time
very slightly. i think fate and shit is there for you when youre at rock bottom and that could count as a miracle ig
love at first sight?
nah. you can click with someone rly well immediately but i dont think sight factors that much into true love
i would but i dont wanna get my hopes up too much
santa claus?
5 random facts
i constantly forget which side of my face my mole is on
im rly tired rn and i dont know how i manage to be tired like that when i slept 8 hours last night
when i was a kid i thought adults didnt sleep bc i never saw my parents go to bed before me
im the next level of gays not knowing how to drive bc i cant ride a bike
i used to be a markiplier stan and ngl i still think hes cute :-/
0 notes
cheerstocrazy · 6 years
Vegas Weekend Recap
Jenny hit me up to go to Vegas bc she got left behind, but I was supposed to have an interview on Friday. It ended up getting cancelled, so I started to pack frantically. I was freaking out bc I was SO FAT and felt so rushed. We finally got on our merry way, made it to Vegas after a truly pain-inducing car ride, getting lost, not being able to find a parking garage. It sucked, but I kept my cool the entire time. We parked so far and had to walk for what felt like a mile to the hotel. When we got there, no one even opened the door bc they were all passed out from the pool party. I thought 2 of the guys were gay bc their eyebrows were done lolol. FF a bit and we all got dressed to go to Marquee. We took quite a few shots. All in all, it was a bust of a night bc I wasn’t feeling buzzed, and the girls wanted to go home. Oh well, at least I got 6 hours of sleep. I was exhausted, but I could’ve gone ham too. Drank a crap ton for the pool party the next day, but felt drunk off 6 shots bc I only have falafels in the morning!! Made it to the pool party, and Jas forgot her ID UGH. Jen and I weren’t abt to wait on her, so we grabbed our 2 free drinks and just sat and wait around. Also Jen was kinna a buzzkill bc she was sick and couldn’t drink and was sober. Anyway, pool party was fun, I didn’t even finish my drinks and was feeling so drunk. I think I danced with Knox and had to take care of him too, bc he wasn’t a functional human anymore. Saw Kevin which was kinna cool. Oliver Heldens was the DJ, and the music was really good. We got a really cool Ethiopian driver with whom I enjoyed conversing, but turns out he only did it to get a large tip, so FUCK YA, YA DOUCHE. Jenny was so done once she got home, she couldn’t get up anymore. We walked everywhere to find food, and she wasn’t feeling it/hungry at all, so she didn’t go out at night. I also matched with a Welsh dude from Tinder and I told him we were going out to Omnia. We got dressed and pregamed pretty hard. I drink too much. I ended up wearing Susy’s pretty friggin revealing black cropped/tie top with no bra, and I felt so naked, but looked hot so whatever. We had such an annoying taxi incident again after when a fucking driver kept going when we said wait, we’ll get out. We ended up running over to Omnia bc Susy’s guy was so close to the front of the line and there was so much miscommunication. That killed our vibes and my buzz so much. We were sweating, hot, and annoyed. Finally found the 3 guys, so I asked the bouncer from behind if we could go to the front to meet them. Then we go up, and this fucking LATINO BOUNCER ON A POWER TRIP tries to start something with us and telling us either the guys enter only or everyone goes back. You just cut. The guys were helping us and making up valid excuses. Then the bouncer is like you should have asked if you could cut. I was like BRUHHHH, I FUCKING ASKED THE BLACK ONE BACK THERE. JUST FUCKING HOLD UP A SECOND, ILL GET HIM PINCHE PENDEJO. Wtf, why is everyone trying to start a fight with us. NO ONE HAS GOOD VIBES!! We went in and it turns out they didn’t even have a table FUCK. We’re like well shit, we ain’t paying, so we ended up having to get the guest list pass after all, and it worked out thank god. They ditched the guys which was kinna sad, but not my problem. Anyway, we made it up 3 flights of stairs and he bought us a round of tequila shots. I downed it like a champ and didn’t cringe while the girls made the sour face. I was shocked myself. Jas and I left her bc Jas was like ok, I’m abt to show you a good time, I love Omnia. We took a lap around the tables and didn’t see anyone that looked like they were offering a spot. We made it to the bar and were like we don’t even have our IDs or cards to buy anything. I see this super slim and drunk hairy Italian eyeing Jas. She talks to him, he’s saying oh, you are so beautiful, are you from the heavens? Then I cut to the chase and say if you think she’s so beautiful, buy her a drink! He’s like sure, so I called out 3 TEQUILA SHOTS PLEASE. lmao. He was dressed super shitty, but I guess after that shot, I was feeling loose, so he started hitting on me and who am I to resist? We just danced with each other and we hooked up (fml). He’s not a bad kisser by any means, and we spent a lot of time with each other. I gave him a HJ on the dance floor, and he fingered me a little too heh. I took a couple of photos and he kept kissing me along the neck, which I really liked. I just like to be held/touched when I’m drunk, which he was doing. Also, my philosophy is you gotta find a guy to do shit with to pass the time with. Jas was with a creepy guy and wanted to go, so I was like whenever you want to peace, just lmk. We left to find Susy, and Jas swore she was on the terrace, when I was like SHE IS ON THE BOTTOM DANCE FLOOR!!! GIRL, U IS DRUNK. Anyway, we finally find her and yay happy times! Also, I think the Italian found me again, so I was like shit how??? Jas bounced bc she didn’t have a guy and wanted to get more drinks. Danced with the Italian all the while the Welsh guy is texting me asking where I am. I’m drunk, I’m dancing with a guy, and texting Welsh all at once. Idk where I was or how I got there, so it’s just a lot of back and forth (read Whatsapp, kinna funny). I had no clue where I was, only described the music. Finally, he said he was at the Hearts Club, and I looked around and was like wait I’m here too!!! I told him to wait in an obvious place, and I’d go find him. It’s 3 am. I walked to the bar and passed this guy along the rail, Idk what came over me, but when I passed the end of the rail, I turned back and shouted Tom??? He turned around, and I was so elated! I remember thinking, “Oh, he’s cute!” I think I hugged him. I’m not sure if I grabbed his hand, but we went to dance with Susy. Everything is super fuzzy here. I think we were just dancing casually when we were with Susy, and he was still holding his beer. He ended up taking me to the bar and we took a love shot together. It was by far one of hte worst shots ever. After I took it, I was gagging and screaming at the bartender can I get a lime????? Then after he saw my reaction, he gave me a cup of water and a glass of pineapple juice. SWEET ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, TYSM. You know nothing in Vegas is free, but he gave me all of that!! After this, Idk where he lead me, but I’m guessing it was the main stage. He grabbed my face to kiss me, and his lips were really similar to the Italian’s, almost same kissing style too, but he used significantly less tongue which I appreciated. The one thing abt his kissing is that he was a tease, so he pulled away after a while, when I just wanted to keep kissing. I left my phone in his shirt pocket so I could dance hands free. Idr when, but I heard Disarm You play, so I opened my eyes and looked up, and we were 10 feet away from Kaskade, which was a total moment for me!! I was having a freakout bc I love that song!! Kaskade was there!!! Wtf how???? He played Atmosphere and Eyes too, I was gonna cry!! I would turn around so we were back to front, so I could dance, but he just turned me around. Then I look at my phone and start seeing texts from an unknown number so I assumed it was Susy. She’s like where the fuck are you???? I texted her and told her to leave me. I was gonna leave with him tonight. I just needed them to open the door later. We clearly weren’t on the same schedules bc I meant open the door later as in the morning (possibly at night, idk I was drunk. Idk the time) She thought I wanted to leave immediately. She also thought I was already at the hotel, and I was like no wtf I’m still in Omnia where you left us. So I decided to regorup, I took him outside, and we found them (with other guys milking them for drinks JFC they’re good). They were so relieved haha. Jas also met him and she’s like so you’re from Wales? Do you speak Wale-ish? He said no, I speak Welsh, and she proceeded to ask him that 3x more SMFH. I think after talking, I said ok we’re gonna go use the RR. Went to use it and I just remember (all night tbh) me holding out my right hand, so he’d hold it and come with me. We come back and Susy is like NATALIE YOU NEED TO STOP DISAPPEARING LIKE THAT!! I was like what??? I told you I was gonna use the RR wtf. Anyway, we sat to the way right of them, and Idk what took over my brain, but after he sat down, I was like I’m going to sit on you, then I proceeded to wrap my arm around him. Clearly, wasn’t thinking Idk (?????) Some convo topics we had that I vaguely remember: I think I began with so you’re Welsh? He replied, How do you know that? I said well, you went to Cardiff...He’s like right. me: I know my geography, I’m not an idiot.  I asked for 2 cups of ice and was like how would you address a bartender in British? Mate?? He’s like mate or pal. I was like uhh, I would never say pal pero ok weirdo. I also was feeding him the pieces of ice, and some of them didn’t even make it in. lol Then he brought up the word randy, but Idr the context, probably talking abt himself. He’s like it means sexually aroused. I was like uh, def never heard that before.  I asked him to speak Welsh, and he’s like do you want to hear one of the hardest phrases? Sure. He said it and I couldn’t even tell where the syllables began and ended. I repeated it to him horrifically, and he just laughed. I couldn’t hear either and ofc I was drunk, so I was prolly slurring.  I asked him what his last name was (expecting a cool Welsh name): Jones. Your name is Tom Jones? You’re fucking kidding, right? That’s so classic British jfc. I couldn’t believe it. I probably laughed. He was 5′10-6′. He was muscular and fit like an American, which surprised me. He was wearing a t-shirt, Idk how he got into Omnia. He had really nice arms, which I kept feeling. He also smelled really nice, both of which I’m sure I told him. He’s super sweet, nice, relaxed, fun to be with, and supe gentlemanly. Didn’t go up my skirt at all on the dance floor. He went through my top sleeves a few times, and that’s it. I was surprised. I was like you can grab my boobs dude (in my head). It’s 5 am at this point, and everyone decides to leave. We also finally took our full length photos looking hella trashed. I grab Tom and we start walking to our hotel across the street, and I was like Tom I can’t walk anymore, can you give me a piggyback ride? He’s like ya sure, so he did, but she said your skirt’s gonna show. I was like Idc, I literally cannot walk anymore, so he tried to cover me. He would always be on the lookout behind and sideways, and whenever he saw someone he would spin so that my butt wasn’t facing them. His watch was also cutting into my left leg, so I was like ow, what is that? It’s hurting me. He put me down, took it off, then carried me again. That’s when I tried recording him, and he’s like if you record me, I’m putting you down. *hence the video. They got pizza, and I wasn’t even hungry. I was just so tired!! They all sat down to talk and we found Justin!!! Wtf!!!!! The feeling of being reunited is second to none haha! I sat next to Tom and was so tired, so I just wrapped my arm around his left and arm fell asleep on his shoulder. I really like to be held and hold people when I’m drunk -- something I’ve discovered. Susy was telling me to be careful with my top bc it was showing, but I could not care less. It was 5:35 ish at this point and I have no recollection abt getting back to the hotel, but I was still with Tom and we didn’t talk abt spending the night, but I guess it was expected. Jas was with her guy still, so I was like I guess I’m ok *shrugs* Jenny’s passed out on the bed, so I was like Jenny, go to the main bed. I told her a few times, and she was mumbling something back to me, but I didn’t hear. Then finally I was like, Jenny, there’s a guy! So she grabbed the blanket and hauled ass over there. I changed super quickly bc I was so uncomfortable and tired. I just gave him a HJ under the covers, and he was moaning so much, so I kept telling him Shhh. Sidenote: Jenny said she thought he was snoring so much, which is why I shushed him. LMAO. I also remember him adjusting the sheets and kissing me and I saw him smiling. So sweet. Anyway, after a bit of the HJ, my head met his dick, so I just gave him a BJ. It was super lite and before I saw it, I was like it doesn’t look that bad tbh. It also tasted really good and felt good too. I was trying to be so quiet, so I hardly did anything good. Then I told him to go down on me but either he was ignoring me or didn’t hear me. I asked him if he had a condom, and he didn’t. I think this is the point where I rolled over from exhaustion and bc we weren’t gonna have sex (!!! no condom!!!) Next thing I know, Im wakened up by this motion in my butthole/vagina area?? I was like is he fingering me...but it was really consistent, and I could start to feel the pressure. Then I thought omg is this anal? Then realized it was sex, and he was fucking me from behind. Then I was like but wait, he doesn’t even have a condom. It felt kinna good (idek, I was so sleepy) I was surprised he even got it in by himself. I could hear him moaning too, but I was in and out of slumber at this point. He was starting to go harder, so I could hear and feel the slaps really quickly. He repositioned himself and I think it fell out and he wasn’t getting a good angle anymore. He took it out, and I felt my vagina was a little wet, but I couldn’t tell if it was because I came or not. I don’t think he finished though. I fell asleep shortly after. Then I hear loud knocks on the door, and I was like who the fuck is that?? I was gonna open the door, looked under the blanket, and was like wtf I’m butt-naked, where are my shorts??? I just stayed under the sheets, but I also needed to pee, so I grabbed my green throw and wrapped it around me. I found my shorts and undies on the floor so I grabbed it and went into the RR right as Knox was leaving. He’s like, so who is that guy?? Why is his dick so small?? *makes the hook gesture with index finger* Can’t believe you settled for that, Natalie. Kept talking to me, ALL IN FRONT OF TOM (I just realized this rn, omg I’m mortified lololol) I was so embarassed bc he was not the first I wanted to talk to abt this, and I just met him a day ago. It was like a brother scolding sister talk. So funny but so awkward. I was putting on my undies and struggling so much. Tom was super cuddly. When I was cuddling him, he had one arm underneath me, and the other was one was holding my hand (not wrapped around him) on his chest. I remember being super tired, but liked the sensation of his hand and wanted to see if we were actually holding hands, so I moved it a bit. Whenever I turned around, he would always turn with me and cuddle me. He would slip his arm under my right arm and into my shirt. He just really liked the touch of skin. I also remember telling Knox to close the blinds, and he’s like OMG THERE ARE BUTTONS?? smfh. Anyway with the darkness, I think I gave him another HJ, but he didn’t finish. We fell back asleep.He tapped me ever so softly on my shoulder, and he said he was gonna go. I got up too and couldn’t find my sandals, so I went barefoot. He grabbed his shoes and we both left barefoot. He thought I was gonna leave him at the door, but I walked him all the way to the elevator. I asked him for the time while we were walking, but his phone was dead. When he left, Idk how he felt, but he grabbed my face to give me a peck. I am not a one peck girl, so I went back to kiss him twice more.  When everyone woke up in the morn, they were like NATALIE, WHAT HAPPENED GIRL????? Knox asked me for more details in the morn, and when I told him, he fist pounded me and said I like you!  It took me all morning to piece together what happened and looking through time stamps of convos bc I hardly remember anything. I don’t think I browned out, but I def don’t have full recollection. FML I didn’t mean/expect the night to turn out like this!! Omg, I’m a nice and normal person!! Also, I slept only 80 minutes that morning and I was suicidal all Sunday and I’m still freaking recovering from it. That was wild and ugh too much for my body to handle. 
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