#(but only for tbrm)
vohtaro · 2 years
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it’s just their dynamic
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emporiannee · 5 months
i love evil necromancer/enthusiastic mad scientist tobirama as much as the next guy but i think the way some of his haters use the creation of the edo tensei to demonize him is blown waaay out of proportion.
i think it's pretty clear in canon that jutsus don't need to be used to their fullest extent in order to be understood by their users/makers. it should be reasonable to assume that after shinobi gain a certain level of knowledge n expertise, they could do most of their experimenting in the theory department and not..with live subjects. After all, how did granny Chiyo figure out for sursies that her resurrection justsu will kill her to bring someone back while she was developing it? How can multiple characters one-take the reaper death seal? These aren't exactly justsu you can practice
tangentially, doesn't tobirama mention some justsu he has where he can project his soul to help someone? Like, are we assuming that he threw his soul out of his body several times in order to fine tune it? or can we imagine that he probably developed it til it was reasonably safe to use before actually attempting it for the first time?
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justsomeoneunordinary · 11 months
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Day 1 of @madatobiweek: Magic
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Tobirama is a con artist who performs as a magician and simply uses science to create his illusions, psychology to bullshit his way through his fortune-telling sessions, and chemistry to brew potions in eye-catching colors.
Because ever since the car accident that cost Tobirama’s parents and Kawarama’s life when he and Hashirama had only been teenagers, they both had to take on all kinds of jobs to keep them afloat and give their youngest brother, Itama, the best possible life.
And Tobirama is not above scamming people if it means it brings food into their kitchen.
Enter Madara, a fire-natured witch of the Uchiha Coven, as well as the greatest mirage artisan to ever have lived. He’s on the search for his younger brother, Izuna, who disappeared about a month ago without a trace, which is how he encounters Tobirama in the town of Konoha—whose trickery is so convincing that he believes Tobirama must be a real seer.
Desperate to find Izuna, Madara offers Tobirama a fortune to help him, even if it irks him to ask a seer of the Senju Coven. His father never had a good word for the Senju witches, and Madara can’t quite shake off the distrust of an old blood feud. But he remembers Hashirama from his childhood who was a trustworthy person, despite being unaware of the mighty earth nature inside of him, and that’s enough for him.
Tobirama hesitates to accept Madara’s money, as his request seems severe and dire, but gives in in the end. They could really use that money, and it’s hardly his fault that Madara is delusional enough to spend this much money on a trick fortune teller instead of an actual investigator. Might as well use this chance to figure out if he has what it takes to become a detective, no?
Which is how they end up on a trip through the Elemental Nations during which Tobirama bullshits his seer abilities while he uses his smarts to find traces of Izuna’s whereabouts, followed by a comedy of errors as Madara and Tobirama both have the wrong image of the other, yet manage to slowly fall in love with the other.
It all comes to a climax when Madara realizes that Tobirama is no real witch, and Tobirama gets his world turned upside down upon finding out that magic actually exists. And oh, fuck. He just scammed a real witch!
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I have no plans to ever write this fic, so if you feel inspired, please go ahead. You may run with this idea as you please, with proper credit of course.
All photos in the moodboard are from Unsplash and Pexels, both sources of freely usable images.
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maphel-n-doodles · 2 years
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my favorite sibling dynamic
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achilleslyre · 9 months
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(the set)
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tbrma · 2 years
DAY 6 - (the beginning of a) Secret Relationship
Court romance!!!
On Ao3
Madara idly listened to the koto strings being mechanically plucked as he stood still behind a finely decorated room divider.
The music, while not very good, was suitable company as he tried not to think about the circumstances that brought him to hide in the daimyo’s palace. Up to the last years of his father’s reign, the noble Uchiha clan had always been a honored guest at court. Now, however, the new daimyo saw his vassals with mistrust and Madara was forced to betray and kill the lords he was raised to serve to root out the worst of the prejudice against his family.
It was also just his luck that he would end up hiding in the rooms of this one of the daimyo’s new concubines. Madara spied the woman’s back covered by long silver hair and the elegant movements as she practiced with her instrument, ignoring the way his hair stuck uncomfortably to his skin, sweaty with exertion and heat.
There had been a glorious moment in the past year during which the Uchiha had breathed a sigh of relief as news reached them that the White Demon of the Senju would move indefinitely with the Uzumaki as part of princess Uzumaki Mito’s wedding contract. They had thought that, despite the disfavor they were facing at court, they finally had a chance to render their longtime enemies a harmless threat with such a strong player taken out of the picture.
However, that hope had soon been crushed when news reached them that the court had required the Senju, a ninja clan, surely, but one born of farmers and merchants with no noble blood whatsoever, to provide a consort for the new daimyo’s harem.
And the Senju had curried their lord’s favor by providing a perfectly suitable one: the clan head’s only sister, of rare beauty, blind -so, untrained- but otherwise perfectly healthy, a flower so sheltered that no one even knew of her existence before she was presented to court. (A jewel so protected that Hashirama hadn’t ever mentioned her when they were children, and maybe Madara is selfish for it, but he can’t help but feel betrayed by such a lack of trust from his old friend.)
Expanding his senses, he could feel the guards finally move away from the eastern wing of the palace, but he was too cautious to try to run so soon. The Senju concubine had been an unwitting ally when the guards had searched her rooms, demurely hiding her face behind the long sleeves of her sleeping robes and looking so shaken at being seen in her night garb by men that the guards had left without checking as thoroughly as they should have.
Madara wondered how such a soft person could have been raised by the Senju, known for their spartan way of leaving, but since it had worked in his favor he wasn’t going to complain.
The soft light of dawn suddenly sliding in through the paper of the shoji blinds took Madara by surprise. Apparently he had waited all night, lulled into a calm he rarely ever felt anymore by the clumsy music that the concubine was still diligently playing. He was almost tempted to stay some more, strangely mesmerized despite the woman’s lack of any particular skill with the instrument, but it would mean pushing his luck in a way inexcusable for a shinobi as consummate as himself. He left his hiding place, intent on blending in with the many noblemen who were leaving their lover’s chambers at dusk after a night of passion, as so often happened at court.
Madara was almost out the doors when a soft voice spoke up, and it was only his experience as a shinobi that stopped him from attacking on instinct.
“My honored brother’s intentions towards your clan are true.”
The fair haired woman’s unseeing eyes were fixed in front of her and there was no trace on her graceful profile of the previous shame at being in a man's presence. Now that was more in line with what he would expect of a Senju, trained or not.
Madara ummed as a way of not-answering, but the curiosity that so many times his father had tried to curb out of him stopped him from leaving like that.
"How did you know I was there?" and why haven't you ratted your enemy out, given the chance? he mentally added, not daring to say it out loud and remind her that it was an option.
"Uchiha Madara-sama is a shinobi of skill greater than most, but even is not immune to the summer's heat," she answered evenly, but he was sure a flash of amusement colored her face at his choked off indignant splutter.
He was suddenly very aware of the way sweat was making his clothes cling uncomfortably to his body and he viciously curbed the instinct to sniff himself, knowing that she would hear it. Surely he didn't smell that bad. Though it made sense that someone without the sense of sight would be more attuned to such things.
"I apologize for making your night uncomfortable."
She shook her head minutely. "You'll be forgiven if you at least consider my earlier words," she murmured, and then, after a moment of consideration, added, "and I never said it was unpleasant." 
Not knowing what to say, Madara left silently, and definitely not blushing.
Later that day, just before he was set to leave the capital, it occurred to him that, while she played her koto, the Senju concubine had been aware of his presence all along and he couldn't help but feel that the awkward performance had been entirely for the sake of relieving his boredom. To Madara's own desperation, his heart gave a squeeze at the thought that a person who should by all means be terrified of him would be this thoughtful without it being required. His eyes fell on the fragrant and pearly white flowers on the orange tree he was standing under, one of the last of its kind still in bloom.
He really, really shouldn't do this. Everyone in his family had berated him for his sentimental impulses towards the Senju since that fateful day on the river, and Madara had vowed not to let them down again.
But. Her soft words echoed again and again in his mind, coupled with Hashirama's countless pleas for peace during their fights. Her hair was pure white, just like the delicate petals in front of him. If the daimyo didn’t require that she stay indefinitely - unlikely, considering how far her rooms were from the main wing of the palace -, she would return to her family without prospects within two years, and then maybe…
Hoping dearly that he wouldn't regret this, Madara snapped a beautiful branch off the orange tree and cleaned it carefully of ruined leaves and flowers. Then he fished out of his pounce the finest paper he had - a supply just as important as kunai and shuriken when visiting the capital - and, after a moment of consideration, wrote the best verses he could think up in such a short time. He dearly hoped her skill with poetry was of a level with her skill with the koto, or she was going to laugh at him once she read his letter.
Wearing a light henge as to not be recognized, he waved over a servant directed to the palace, and handed his letter and gift over. "To the lady of the easternmost palace," he commanded, and the servant nodded with a knowing look.
The letter read:
A thought such as this won't be enough to return a courtesy, but I hope this is the scent you will remember our encounter by. As for me
More than the fragrance
Of summer's orange flowers
The good news, brought by
The soft whisper of the wind
Through the green leaves, warm my heart.
@madatobiweek2022 <3
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fashionredalert · 2 years
A sibling relationship between Mito and Tobirama is so important to me you guys.
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agoddamn · 2 years
Saw ur post about Tobirama needing to be stuffed with cock until he cries. I agree. But also, out of spite because he’s too bottom in fanfics, he’s now a top. Horse size dick, buckets of cum, balls like watermelons, u name it. Let him be a dildo with legs
He can have a huge dick and get stuffed with cock until he cries. Equality now.
He doesn't have to be a bottom to get stuffed with cock, either! Expand your horizons.
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Normal 'Izuna survives' au but he gets isekaid into canon founders era and doesn't notice for a week (everyone is convinced he's a ghost)
He literally lives in the same house as Madara but Madara acts like this is normal bc hes been hallucinating so this is clearly just another hallucination
He only realizes smthn is wrong with Tobirama sees him and immediatley goes "what the FUCK" and suddenly everyone is going "oh god you can see him too????"
Izuna is on a quest to convince people he's not a hallucination (it's a losing battle)
Realistically tho, in that era, wouldn't it be more believable that Izuna is a ghost / somehow came back to life than fucking dimension travel?
Cearly the ghost of Izuna just doesn't realize hes died (common enough in ghost lore)
Tobirama is the only one who believes Izuna bc he has the brain cells to think ab dimension travel / time and space jutsu
POV Madara starts to convince Izuna he's actually a ghost. Maybe... he did die? And he just doesn't remember?? Oh god is he a ghost??? Is he dead????
Tobirama is standing by watching this shit happen with a look of disgust on his face (I'm sorry Tobi the stupidity is genetic)
Madara really said gaslight gatekeep girlboss, starting with yourself first
@beatriceportinari :
hashirama is trying to be compassionate and get him to move on and izuna just. stays there (bc he's not a ghost)
hsrm so desolate abt it
tbrm he won't move on 😦 what if he's stuck forever 😦
Tobirama is standing nearby watching this shit happen fully aware Izuna isn't dead but no one will listen to him so !!! Might as well watch the show
@fashionredalert :
Izuna standing there like
Tweak it slightly to turn it into a happy ending where they get to keep him bc he eventually has to go back home: there was no dimension travel, for some reason he survived or was revived (zetsu interference gone wrong?? Or right ig, for Izuna)
@mengfm :
He fr came back to life/survived but everyone's convinced he's a ghost and are trying to lay him back to rest
The idea of people trying to re bury him is so funny. Left and right he’s trying to avoid having funeral rights just said to him
@beatriceportinari :
montage where they make him lay down in a coffin and he's just laying there fidgeting like "this feels weird is it working yet"
noooo asdfghjh he's letting them do it'
maybe i should be dead yeah' izuna!!!
@mengfm :
"No I saw you die"
"Ok convincing argument I guess" -Izuna, apparently
@fashionredalert :
I know there’s that trope about the Uchiha burning the bodies with funeral rites could you image…Bro having to run away from Madara trying to burn him alive to lay him to rest again
@mengfm :
@fashionredalert :
Izuna running through the village with rope ties around his hands as he runs
Madara is chasing Izuna through the streets with a lit torch as Izuna screams about wanting to try a different way and Madara screams about how it'll work if he just STAYS STILL
@instant-bull :
(Hashirama looks out his window and asks Tobirama if he just saw Izuna running through the streets and Tobirama tells him to stop making shit up to get out of work)
@mengfm :
That’s just a lack of sleep hallucination back to work!!!
@instant-bull :
Madara trying to burn his brother alive isn’t real!
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"You'll get used to them" Tobirama waved his hand, the years of insomnia experience making him sound particularly knowledgable
Hashirama’s already moukoton scrambled brain is going to feel even more insane. This is not helping his sanity
Hashirama starts to believe he sees into some alternate timeline or the past or whatever that shit was
The ending is literally just Tobirama hitting everyone over the head with a rolled up newspaper and yelling that they're all stupid, going "HES alive. YOURE not hallucinating. and YOU can not see into other dimensions!"
Only sane person in Konoha
(Then in the epilogue he goes home and has his own regular hallucinations of his dead brothers)
Parts of todays AU are brought to u with the help of @instant-bull @mengfm @fashionredalert and @beatriceportinari, everyone say thank you to them
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babygirl, i have wips in my wip folder not even i know about
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maphel-n-doodles · 2 years
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someone call the police i didn't draw peepaw w his sharingan
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vaan-goo · 3 months
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Next part of this
While Skr was a time traveler, Mdr also reborn into his body in the past (with all memories still intact). At first, Mdr only wanted to use Skr as a mean to save Izn and heal his clansmen but began to develop feelings for her afterward.
Izn didn’t die in this AU so Tbrm got confused at Mdr’s accusation of him murdering Izn.
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elhnrt · 3 months
Why is tbrm sleeping with his arms crossed? So cute
everyone in the tags of that piece are not only very nice and i love reading their thoughts on my work but also they have thought way more than i ever did about that drawing because i just think tobirama is a shitty sleeper and flings and flops his shit everywhere. this is my headcanon
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internal-ethics · 2 months
so...some tobirama things
[these are my old comments and chats and bullet points so will sound incoherent in a post]
the first major early era capitalist
aside from the literal ninja nuclear bomb jutsu that's his signature, tbrm inventions are all his attempt to redistribute some og bloodline bullshit his bro had and abolish the clan mindset.
shadow clones work the same way as Wood Clones. It tricks all magic eyes, kill time doing shit and for info gathering
flying thunder god is an advanced summoning jutsu (which senju are good at) where "teleporting" just means literally summoning yourself from one place to another as long as you marked the place before. No magic or jutsu could track it.
wood jutsus and sharingans and byakugans are bloodline limits only his bro and big clans could do. he couldnt.
so what do he do? Make similar stuff everyone could learn and do regardless of clans,
Tl dr , bro is an early era capitalist who took power and jutsus from the elite feudal clans, flipped them off together with their clannism, and produced accessible and user friendly means for non-clan , non blood limit people that are willing to pay for it
Cause everyone from big clans was just sticking to themselves and going all Dues ex MACHINA on power
And it really depended on who had the bigger better nukes, who was going to RULE
and that SUCKS for everyone else, the normal people
of course his stuff also served as counters of those very blood limits and middle fingers to them bc he's an bitter asshole that way, just not the kind everyone thinks
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in father's time, the eldest son of a clanhead becomes clan heads ALWAYS and they could do what ever they want. this is not father's time. this is the end of the feudal mindset. their version of democratic national republic, so you gotta get the people's rep votes to decide who rules.
2. sacrifice - the foundations of the new ninja world
Most fans, even his own fans, due to the databook's wording, remember him as "the one who built the village". as in building the infrastructures and concrete things. thats only scratching the surface of who he really was : he IS the village by virtue of his deeds. And the point of him doing all that he does is ...he literally is the only one who ado it to the highest standards and thats both great and ironic, because everyone does it, but NO one else does it like him.
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[easy for him to say lol]
he sacrificed himself, so everyone does the same, but others like Shikamaru sacrifice because they think they are the fittest to die, like they are the weakest or most sacrificable. tobiramas sacrifice should have hit hard, bc he sacrificed precisely BECAUSE he was literally the most unfit to die, the strongest, the most nonsensible choice to die. Thats how it paved such a strong legacy. And i think, while not meaning to do anything in that calibre, and never showing these qualities of ninja, and most likely having got a normal death, hashirama was the one tobirama learned from, by his almost suicide to protect tobirama, as the strongest in his clan. The difference is while hashirama was doing it just for his brother and his friend, tobirama imprinted that into his mind and did that for everyone. He made a brothers love into a worldwide legacy, a tradition.
Tobirama didnt just create the chuunin exams, he was the standards based on which they test shinobis in the exams. Intelligence, planning, general smart fighting and info gathering skills, time based choices, bravery and once again, the will to sacrifice yourself. Shikamaru is the only one who passed that time because he acted exactly like Tobirama would in all the exams. The chuunin exams is to sort out who is the most like him.
He didnt just create the Anbu who are special assasins and spies who has no name. He IS the special assassin and spy. Because since childhood he was THAT assassin and that spy, a deadly shadow behind a leader.
He didnt just create the Police Force. He IS the one with all the qualities to be the Police : strictness, caution, principles, law abiding, fraternity and loyalty.
bonus not to mention he is not the one who built the physical village. hashirama is. hashirama was the one with visual thinking and works in the present. he knew what the village is gonna look like and where to build it since he was a kid. hashirama built the physical village like the pillar tree he is, he takes care of it's SPACE, makes sure it exist for people to reside in. tobirama embodies the IDEA and standards of the village and takes care of it's TIME, makes sure it lasts for the next generation.
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doveywovy · 19 days
Tbrm.... born to be a bride, forced to be a ninja warrior 😔✊🏻
if only izuna had lived, then he could've been both 😔
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uh-oh-its-bird · 4 months
Part 1 of 4 of dumb fic ideas that I found buried in my notes app
Soft smiles, sharp teeth
"There is something deeply wrong with the man known as Senju Hashirama. Izuna, sage bless him, seems to be the only one who notices.
Or; Hashirama is sort of a maniac under all those smiles and Izuna is losing his mind over the fact that no one but him sees it."
// Maybe hashiizu, maybe not, would depend on just how the writing feels. Tempted to go with it tho bc it could be fun and there really isn't enough hashiizu content out there
Kind of dark!Hashi but idk how far I'd lean into it. He's definatley not as gentle as he seems tho— Tbrm is the only other person aware of it but they grew up together so he's immune to the "Oh hey what the fuck actually!" factor and Izuna is NOT.
Madara thinks Izuna crazy and p much everyone takes Izuna being weird ab Hashi as his 'usual' Senju paranoia but it really isn't actually, there's something legitimately wrong with that man
Scene where tbrm is like "you know he thinks you're clinically insane, right?" And Hashirama just goes "I know!!! Isn't it so cute?? :DD" and Tbrm sighs bc no. No it isn't.
Izuna and Tobirama finally bond bc after Hashirama does some crazy shit, Izuna looks Tobirama directly in the eyes and goes "I'm so sorry about ur brother" and Tobirama feels weirdly validated after years of being the only one to truly understand his brothers specific brand of insanity
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