#(chat | celine)
redtippedfox · 2 months
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And here they are, ALL of Marinette’s updated kwami swaps from my Timey Wimey AU including her new Multimouse design! Now that she’s FINALLY done and I’m completely satisfied with her designs we can get a move on with the other character designs! YAY!
*Updated version*
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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“I fuckin love it here”
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I had the best time bumping into Miles Kane randomly on the street last night! Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with music and The Last Shadow Puppets are one of my faves so it was a crazy coincidence and he was the nicest guy ever with loads of love for music, and we chatted about Sheffield and The Leadmill
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Miles’ cover of the echoe&bunnymen back of love
The way his eyes crinkle, I adore his crow’s feet🥺🥺🥹
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regalfairytaleacademy · 7 months
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tony-baxter · 2 years
LOCATION: Celine’s House WHO: @celinecerberus​
Earlier that day, Tony ran into Celine at the store and the two had a friendly casual conversation.  One thing stuck in his mind though, she needed some handiwork help around the house.  The young man felt terrible, she was such a nice lady and had a hard time with her ex-husband being in prison.  Plus his heart went out to her and her two kids.  Unable to get her off his mind, he decided to take it upon himself to lend a helping hand, which led to him ‘borrowing’ his brother’s toolbox without permission.  Outside her front door shirtless (because every video he’s seen with a man going to a MILF’s house started the same exact way), Tony rang the doorbell and leaned and he flashed a smile when the door opened enough to see her on the other side.  “You needed someone to look at those pipes?”
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
Oh I am all about this trend.
My favorite thing about your writing is its precision. You could be writing the raunchiest most extra af smutty scene and the way you use the language perfectly communicates exactly what is going on and the nuanced way each character feels about it, which translates to a very scintillating reader experience. Snappy, punchy, hot.
!!! thank you!!! precision is what i strive for, always -- i get so so obsessive about sentences and i'll just spend ages on them.
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glasslippcr · 2 years
who: @celinepotts​ where: pixie hollow park
Ella was on a walk to clear her mind when she started to get lost in her own head. All she’d been able to think about was the secret that was dividing her from some and bringing her closer to others. Her heart had been nothing but heavy since. Seeing someone sitting at a bench with a warm beverage between their palms caught her attention. “Pardon me, do you happen to know where the nearest coffee shop is? I must admit, yours made me have the craving for one myself.”
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rottenjudgemcnt · 2 years
The last thing Meg was in the mood for was a conversation. She’d had a late night running more errands for Harold, he’d been keeping her busy lately. A part of her wondered if it was because of Blaise and that he was trying to keep her as far away from him as possible. In reality, she figured he just saw it as another way to get to her if she acted up. The last thing she needed was more weaknesses. That’s why she’d come here was to escape and this place was the only one open this early that served decent fries. When the woman next to her starting some small talk after they had bumped into each other she wasn’t sure how to even pretend like she cared. “Are you always this friendly this early in the morning?”
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dogandcatcomics · 11 months
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#repost @celinemdraws Céline Moya (based in London, United Kingdom). I am a fan of the ample feline representation in Moya's work.
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redtippedfox · 10 months
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All characters in this AU are aged up and adults
Well we can all guess who won the Poll! Here’s the new version of Celine Titania! I cleaned her up a bit and now she’s all ready to go! Now Celine Titania looks immobile and vulnerable but she isn’t, in fact she has more knives and sharp objects to stab you with than Titania does.
Also she has sharp long nails so be very careful when trying to attack, she can fight back. Just like Titania’s and Bleu Celines dress her bottom part can be torn off for combat. She can strangle you with her see through shawl and her shoes hurt when kicked with. She always has her fan covering her mouth as she speaks to her senticreatures or her champions, it also hides the mouth that knows all secrets of the future.
Also her roses are definitely a symbolism.
I’m gonna be honest, this was a small doodle that turned into something really pretty, I was a bit upset that Celine Titania’s original design had no Chinese aspect to it because I could never figure out how to design something that added both parts of both Miraculouses. But I took OG Celine Titania’s colors and mixed it with this doodle. I really like it and am FINALLY satisfied with it.
Not all Miraculous designs are going to be Chinese themed unless they are unified with the peacock and butterfly and we will definitely be seeing more main seven unifications since I’ve decided that those should just be the main Miraculouses Marinette uses instead of using the Chinese zodiac ones(Because we still have the power ups and that just is too much designing man). Don’t worry the rabbit, mouse, dragon, and snake will be seen and used but only those ones.
Anyway I’m home for Christmas break so chapter 4 will be updated soon!
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atoltia · 1 month
What his eyes can see. I
inspired by this post, March being perceptive, by @just-a-bea
Written in March's pov
tw: mild swearing
word count: 884 words
His brother said it was a gift.
The gift to see things most people wouldn't, couldn't. To see things most people would deem unimportant but actually were.
To him, at least.
He'd see the minute way Errol's leg would twitch on particularly stormy days. Olric said he banged up his knee pretty badly many years before and it just didn't heal that well.
He'd see Ryis sitting by the river close to the eastern ruins and know he was upset about something, even though his friend would have laughed it off and say he was fine whenever March decided to ask him about it.
Olric would insist that he was fine even though March could tell that the man was close to collapsing from exhaustion. If he dared to ask anyone to back him up, they would just look at him and say his brother looked alright.
He noticed when Celine had an extra bounce to her step and then he'd find out from Nora, for whatever reason the woman wanted to talk to him, that they'd receive a special package of rare seeds from the far northern border of Aldaria.
He saw many good things, his brother reminded him, but that didn't stop him from being annoyed.
Because it really did annoy him.
It annoyed him that even though he could see a lot of things wrong, he didn't know how to fix it. Didn't know if he should. A lot of the times he asked people what was wrong they'd just look at him like he grew a second head. A lot of the times he tried to fix things, he felt that he just made them worse.
So he stopped.
He stopped because there was nothing he could do and it pissed him the fuck off. It wasn't like hammering against iron and steel to make a blade, to carefully grind an imperfection with absolute precision and polish it until it was nonexistent.
There was no method to it, none that he could see. It wasn't something he could just set down and analyze until he figured out the answer to the puzzle. It wasn't something that he could observe for hours at a time. It wasn't something that he could just fucking fix.
So he ignored it.
And yet he couldn't ignore her no matter how much he tried.
Sandra, newly minted citizen of Mistria, would pop out at the most random of times. Always running around town carrying supplies, delivering orders. She'd been here less than a month and she's already gathered enough supplies to fix the entirety of the main bridge.
She was polite to him, too. No matter how much he tried to push her away, no matter how many times he was snarky or rude to her, she was kind.
It baffled him.
And yet there was an unreadableness to her that he couldn't quite place. She'd be smiling at people whenever they'd stop for a chat, laughing with Holt whenever he made a pun, grinning whenever the kids were conspiring something. She even chuckled at him and patted his arm when he called her useless the other day.
But it didn't reach her eyes, not always.
He'd watch her at the Saturday markets whenever she decided to stick around instead of running to the mines to do whatever the fuck. She'd just be standing there, tall and proud, but silent and stable, like a mountain amidst a storm.
She was the same today, dressed in a comfortable long sleeved shirt and worn pants while seated on the lip of the fountain with the trio of kids animatedly retelling her stories of their adventures.
Sandra had a presence that managed to calm the children down so they weren't too rowdy, and the children definitely reciprocated as she laughed with them while Dell told her of one of her pranks that he was sure the kid already told the woman two nights ago at the inn.
But there was a tightness in her eyes, a tension in her arm. He didn't miss the way her left leg trembled at the slightest movement, the way her fingers lightly curled around her forearm.
He knew full well she was in the mines all day yesterday.
But she was laughing, smiling in her quiet way. Not even their hawk eyed doctor, Valen, paid her any mind.
He didn't get it.
She excused herself early. He didn't hear what she told Balor and Eiland. Probably some reason or other about taking care of her cows. But his eyes never left her.
She was walking normally, a steady, graceful gait emphasized by long, long legs, so no one else paid attention as they'd much rather chatter on with someone else or exclaim their ooh's and ahh's at the set pieces Merri brought. Others much too focused on the sweets Darcy was selling. No one bothered to look her way when she left. Didn't have a reason to watch.
But he did.
He could still see her, even when she went past the inn, past everybody else's eyesight.
And then saw she was limping.
It pissed him off.
"If you watch her that much you're gonna burn a hole through her head."
March snarled, his head slowly turning to Olric innocently sipping a hot chocolate, the paper cup failing to hide the grin from the man's face.
"Shut up," he grumbled, and brooded even more when it was met with boyish laughter from his older brother.
By the time he turned back to watch her, she was already gone.
if y'all missed it, this is the introductory part hehe
also i don't proofread these so it is what it is
there will be multiple parts of this particular title and will be sprinkled in between other parts :>
Previous story: New Farmer in Town
Next story: Thanks for worrying, but I'm fine
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skz-celine · 1 month
the relationships types celine has with the maknae line ! of skz
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✯ JISUNG && CELINE : rank 1 in popular relations ( they're a comedy duo and absolutely always producing something weird as well as always hugging, cuddling, or touching in some way but 100% platonic )
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pin board now playing : sure thing - miguel
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these two are like twin flames in the way they work. their interactions are often filled with light-hearted teasing and affectionate gestures. They share inside jokes that revolve around playful nicknames and funny anecdotes, which bring a sense of warmth and joy to their friendship.
you will not find these two sitting next to each other and not hugging, cuddling, or anything of the matter ( unless in interviews of course ) , they're always together like her legs could just be on his whilst sitting and they'd just be paying no attention to it bc its so subconscious its a natural habit.
she also feeds him a lot and whenever she cuts fruit or cooks food, he'll be the first she feeds ( besides leader bang chan )
many fans would describe their relationship as mother bird to baby bird since she tends to often care for him as such. She is a little shorter than him ( and I mean by sooo little, emphasizing so) so he'd often lean on her whenever she was standing next to her.
we all know jisung is notorious for using baby/jagiya as a nickname and it's something he also tends to call her as well. "자기야 그거 나한테 줄래?"
he also sometimes jokes and calls her noona ( older sister ) because she scolds him sometimes for his messiness.
and to that of course our comedian is gonna reference his first line in "WOW" and be like "jeogiyo nuna hoksi namjachin-gu isseoyo" ( excuse me noona, do you have a boyfriend?)
they weren't always peachy though, their relationship is crazy.
back when she first joined the group, he was also one of the unsure members but he was a little vocal about it often mumbling stuff as she messed up and got frustrated. it was a hard time for all of them at that time and that contrast just made it worst.
it wasn't until he caught her crying in frustration that he went over and spoke to her, apologizing if he's made it even worse for her and explaining how he was stressed. she explained how it wasn't just what he was saying or the distance of the members but with the add on to the fact that some fans weren't happy with her joining and that she was nervous to officially debut with the group because she'd be even more hated if she didn't do things right
they had a long chat that day and talked deeply about everything.
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✯ FELIX && CELINE : rank 4 in popular relations ( physical playfighting as a love language, teasing and mockery duo, they both love changbin)
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pin board . now playing: young, dumb, and broke - khalid
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they are notorious for always hitting each other. it's always soft and never actually hurts but it's something they always stick to bc their love language = hitting
whether it be her wearing a hat and he just hits the top of it, covering her eyes or her randomly jumping on him , hitting his arm, they're somehow always in fight or flight mode.
they're close in the aspect of teasing , that's their way of bonding. "cejin-ssi, wanna watch me play this game?" "are you platinum yet?"
he's for sure glaring at her with a tired and insulted smile on his face while she's cackling like a witch.
in fact, he even referred to her as one.
"what is my favorite holiday?" she was reading a comment before she leaned back, pondering before felix squinted his eyes and begun to speak
"i think... halloween maybe? cause- you're like... a witch y'know?" cue the grin and her glare before she pushes his office chair across the room.
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✯ SEUNGMIN && CELINE :: rank 2 in popular relations ( they act like such a married couple and he always acts opposed to her affection but he secretly adores it. )
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pin board . now playing : looking after you - joy again
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absolute married duo, they're always arguing in some way but it's like their debate love language.
seungmin will not pass up an offer in finding some way to bother her and she both hates and loves it.
like for example, she could be lying down on her bed scrolling through her phone and then he comes into the room and sits down next to her before surprising her with a pillow to the face and now a pillow fight has broken out with lots of silent giggles and cries from whoever is being sat on with a pillow on their face
celine is obsessed with seungmin's teeny waist and will grab it randomly with affectionate aggression , squeezing it tightly as she replicates that little angry puppy face he always does.
he'll do it as well sometimes but it's only ever subtle and when she doesn't notice.
we know seungmin is someone who seems like a menace and revels in being cold and heartless but he's very deep when it comes to love and care towards the kids and whenever they have talks, like he'll listen to her, she'll listen to him. and thats what he truly likes about her; the fact she'll listen whenever he rants and shows genuine happiness whenever he gets her a gift despite pretending to hate it when he initially gives it to her.
whenever they do lives, she'll have her phone angled to where seungmin can see it from where his head rests on her shoulder. she knows they always tend to use his phone for the lives for whatever reason so she'll have something to keep him entertained.
they hold hands sometimes , especially when it's cold she'll just be slightly jumping beside him, trying to get rid of the cold feeling that freezes her skin
and seungmin will just be standing statue-like as he has a small smile on his face, his forearm slightly bouncing because of the jumping girl beside him
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pin board . now playing : where is smiley ? - serani poji
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celine and jeongin, since their days are so close are the type of people that act like twins who are fighting to see who's the eldest.
celine and Jeongin’s relationship can be best described as twin-like, marked by playful banter and an affectionate sibling dynamic. with celine’s birthday just days before jeongin’s, she often embraces her "older sister" role, delighting in asserting her dominance over him. she often says stuff like “I’m older than you, respect me.” which often gives her eye rolls and playful protests from jeongin
she doesn't often like physical affection by him since she's not used to it ( he doesn't like physical affection either ) but she'll resort to head massages which he often likes and will clothes his eyes for them because they comfort him.
she's one of the first he'd call if he'd gotten arrested, besides seungmin and the obvious leader bang chan. she's always there to listen to his rants and his insecurities and there to help him feel better
sometimes, when he comes to her room to nap, she'll say "tell me about your day" and he'll be lying in her bed just talking about the day. she uses it as asmr and ends up drifting into the best sleep imaginable and wakes up, drooling with vocalracha standing over her face giggling and taking pictures
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SKZ-CELINE , 08 / 24
< back to masterlist
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fieldsofwriting · 2 months
How do you think the love interests would react to an accidental love confession from the farmer? Like during a Friday night they just BLURT it out in front of everyone?
Anon, I answered this ask in full almost. And then Tumblr crashed on my computer and I lost it ALL. I am foaming at the mouth. I can't remember all of what was written so pls enjoy these two I could actively remember but let me know if you want more!
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The last thing that anyone at the Inn had expected was to be so involved with the D&D campaign that happened at the table by the door. Truly, it hadn't been on the docket to basically watch it unfold for the entirety of Winter but where the Farmer was involved the whole town loved to watch them.
Eiland sat as the DM, then Balor the rouge, Ryis the Druid, Brad the Bearded Bard made his return with his daughter- Brightclaw at his side. And you, the fighter. Currently the store was at the climax of it all- with the spring air just looming around the corner it was almost time to switch off on someone else's campaign. But as you and the rest of your party entered the lair of the big bad you'd been hunting the last thing you were expecting was for Ryis to fall.
The party had, for lack of a better word, gotten thier asses handed to them. Brightclaw was knocked out on the ground, Brad the Bearded Bard was trying to help her get back up. Balor was knocked down, but still valiantly trying to get back up. And Ryis. Ryis in his final act had given the last of his health to get Balor back up. He had tried not to focus on the way your eyes watered and you pleaded with him out of character to not do it. But as Balor gets up and manages to get the final blow in an Epic victory, Eiland starts to narrate again.
"Ryis, as you take your final breaths, is there anything you wish to say?" He asks giving his friend a smile.
You rapidly flip through your spells and items trying to stop this- you couldn't- even if it was fake you couldn't loose Ryis like this. As your eyes land on one of your spells you gasp, slamming your hands on the table as you stand. "I cast Summon Deity!"
Eiland blinks, looking to Ryis who gives a nod to let you do this. "Which deity do you wish to summon then?"
"The God of Death!" You say frantically. "I want to plead with him to save Ryis." Eiland gives you a nod to continue. Taking a deep breath, you nod. "Dear God of Death please spare my party member."
Eiland raises an eyebrow, "And why should I?" He asks you.
"Because! Ryis doesn't deserve his end here! He can not die here! This isn't how it was supposed to be! Ryis is kind, selfless, compassionate! He likes to have ice coffee every Saturday! He thinks that watching the birds fly and sing is cool! He likes to make birdhouses and put them all over Mistria! His fate shouldn't be dying here- even then! He gave the last of his health to help defeat evil. Is that not admirable? Is that not thing you should reward?" You plead.
Eiland smirks, knowing exactly what he was doing. "You sound as if you're in love with him."
"I am!" You rush, "I love him so much, and I can not bear to be without him. Please!" Eiland grins raising a hand.
"Your request is granted." He nods, looking over Ryis. And then it hits you. You just admitted that you were in love with him. In front of everyone. While playing D&D of all places. Ryis joins you in standing from across the table.
"As I feel my life coming back to me, I reach out my hand and take y/n's. Looking into her eyes, I say that I love you too." The Inn erupts into cheers causing you and Ryis to startle before breaking out into laughter.
"Hear that Joise! You owe me twenty Ters!"
Friday night at the Inn were also fun. And they were especially fun when all of the younger single townsfolk gathered together to drink. It wasn't often that it happened but every now and again it was something you would all sit at the bar and do- it often left Hemlock very entertained.
But now, as you all sat and started chatting you were sharing the worse pick up lines that you had ever heard. Giggling at how awful they were with each other. "Ugh! We once had a guy where who did that dumb 'is your dad a baker? Cause you've got nice buns pun to me." Reina says with an eyeroll as she tips her head back to drink. The rest of the girls groan in unison.
"Shouldn't the line be about your mother? Considering she was the one who was pregnant?" Adeline says with a frown and crease in her brow. Celine pats her shoulder.
"Don't think about it too hard." She smiles, "And as much as that sucks. I do wish I had at least one of those stories." She sighs, "No one has said something like that to me." Celine frowns a little, her pout adorably cute.
"Wait- you've never been hit on?" You asks with a gasp. "That just seems like a crime." Your friends go a little quiet as they process what you had just said, but in your slightly tipsy state you continued to blabber on. "I mean, seriously. You're like the cutest person ever. I can give you a good pick up line-" You lean over, wrapping an arm around her chair. Not realizing the way that her face flushes as she watches you intensely. "Are you a rose? Because you're making my heart bloom."
Sighing, Orlic gets up. "Okay c'mon Y/N lets get you home." He smiles as he helps you, "Hemlock's orders."
In the morning, you wake up with a raging headache and a...banging in your head? Getting up to see the sunlight shining in you blink as you realize the banging isn't just in your head. Hopping out of bed to open the door, Celine stands there with a bright red blush looking anywhere but you. "H-hello y/n...uhm...do you remember last night?"
Opening the door more you nod, silently offering for her to come inside. "Of course I do. Why? Should I not?" You ask with a raised eyebrow as you go to make some coffee.
"W-well you hit on me." She stammers out.
"That is what people who have crushes tend to do with the person they have a crush on, do." You smirk.
She stands there before blinking rapidly. "I- you-" She lets out a sigh as she rushes over and wraps her arms around you. "I like you too." She breathes. Letting out a quiet laugh you hold her tightly. Happy that it has turned out for the best.
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A/N: I can definitely do the others- but like I said Tumblr crashed and I wanna throw hands. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed!!
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avionvadion · 1 month
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...Fair enough, upsetting though it is. T_T I just wanna give him all the nice things, darn it. I'm just gonna headcanon that the farmer brushes all the leaves off of his statue in the fall. Gotta keep him clean and pristine throughout the seasons so his statue doesn't waste away! Caldarus only deserves the best.
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Balor... daw, shucks... *looks at Balor, looks to Ryis, looks to Eiland* I love them all so much T_T
But, nay! CALDARUS!!!!!
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Also can we please talk about how much Reina and Ryis SLAY in their outfits???? Like, yes, Juniper's gorgeous and her outfits are amazing, but also Reina and Ryis. Ya'll are sleeping on these two. THEY LOOK SO PRETTY IN EVERY SEASON. I think these are my favorites outfits of theirs so far.
Also, Reina, sweetie, you better tell me about all the gossip because I am HERE for this tea. Better yet, let's invite Celine. We can all chat about this juicy love triangle over snacks and tea.
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I need to take a screenshot of Caldarus' little cozy orchard picnic place during the daytime, but... yeeeee! I was trying to put everything in place before two am, lol. Also it's nearly five am irl and I need to pass out. This game is so fun. I've got a little over 31 hours in it so far and I still haven't finished the mines or the in-game year.
I'm currently on the inn expansion quest...
Also, I just got to my birthday in the game, and only Balor and Eiland sent me birthday mail T_T I guess you have to have four hearts to receive presents and stuff. But also YAY, my farmer has friends!!!! Granted it's only two of them that have four hearts, Celine and Reina are only at two while Ryis is at three, but!!! My farmer has friends!!!! Or, rather, I guess Balor and Eiland are the besties???
Hmm... makes sense.
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treason-and-plot · 8 months
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Wednesday 10.37 am
Roy’s work day usually begins with him phoning or video-calling as many of his clients as his schedule allows; today looks like being a good day as not a single one of his flock is facing any new lawsuits, nor has anybody been cancelled on social media in the past twenty-four hours. The best news of all is that his star basketball player Otiene Henare’s groin injury is finally on the mend. Otiene sustained the injury three weeks ago in a game against the Twinbrook Tigers and has been out of action ever since, but his mother Carleen tells Roy in a voice emotional with relief that Otiene’s medical team has given him the all-clear to play this Saturday. Roy feels a little bit emotional too; Otiene is not only his mother’s ticket to a cushy retirement but probably twenty other people’s meal tickets too, himself included. He’s just finished chatting with Harrison Steiner when Celine knocks on his door. She waltzes into the room without waiting for him to answer, and announces that his lunchtime meeting with his boss Gus and several of the firm’s lawyers and accountants has been postponed because Gus woke up this morning with a bad attack of gout. 
"Booyah!" whoops Roy, punching the air.
"Your concern for Gus’ condition is so touching,” says Celine.
“Hopefully the old fart will be off for the rest of the week,” says Roy. “Hey, what are you doing for lunch? Do you want to check out that new restaurant down by the waterfront? Alec reckons their smoked trout is life-changing.“
“Thank you very much for the offer, but I’m having lunch with my boyfriend today,” says Celine. A becoming pink tinge blossoms across her neck and cleavage.
“Celine! You sly minx! You didn’t tell me you have a boyfriend!” says Roy.
“You never asked,” says Celine. “Anyway, I’m telling you now.”
“What’s his name?” says Roy. “What does he do? How long have you been seeing him? Have you blown him yet?”
“Oh dear, I think I can hear my phone ringing,” says Celine. “Bye, Roy!"
After she’s sashayed from the room Roy ponders his contacts list for a few moments, then dials Joël‘s number.
“Hey, Mahogany!” he says when Joël answers on the fifth ring. “Are you allowed out of the house to come to lunch today? Or do you need a permission slip from Neets?”
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 months
heyyy i am in absolute aww of your abo au and u would love to read about cele’s dynamic in the pack
i was wondering if u could write about cele’s relationship with marc cuz he wasn’t there during the whole marc visiting ranch before the breakup so they have zero interaction and even now he’s in moto2 so i was wondering what their dynamic would be like or whether u could write about him being sad cuz of his injury and moping cuz he can’t race and only marc is free so he takes care of him and it’s a bit awkward at first cuz they’re never alone just the two of them but then they get close and he’s basically marc’s child after that
Rosquez a/b/o au, part 4
This isn't really at all what you asked for (lol I'm sorry!) but I sort of took the injury idea and ran with it! I think this is when Marc really starts to get comfortable being a 'pack mom' of sorts. Thank you for the ask!
Celestino breaks his collarbone and he makes it everyone else's problem. Temperamental and sort of a pain in the ass normally, he becomes insufferable. Everyone has empathy, obviously, because there is nothing worse than wanting to race and being unable to. Still, there are only so many times one can hear Celin whine about being unable to race before you want to cover your ears.
Celin also doesn't want to speak to Bez, which is new for everyone. The two are codependent in the way only two trouble-making best friends can be, and Bez is apprehensive about Celin's refusal to depend on him for emotional support through this.
"You recovered faster from yours," Vale says, when Bez whines about it to him. "Leave him alone and he will get over it."
Still, Celin is driving everyone insane. He lurks around the ranch, and his contributions in the pack group chat are all depressing.
Marc realizes that as the other omega of the pack, he must step in.
He knows Celestino less than the others in MotoGP, simply because they spend less time together. Celin doesn't get as much time in the pack motorhome as the rest of them, and when they are together Bez is usually present.
Marc isn't sure if he's ever spent time alone with Celestino.
Still, he has to give it a shot. He waits until the weekend when he and Vale are home, and he invites Celin over.
You need to get out of your house. Come mope at ours, Marc sends. He follows up with I will come get you.
He sends Vale off to go run errands and says he wants to deal with Cele one-on-one.
"What if he doesn't want to speak to you either?" Vale asks, obediently grabbing his keys but looking incredulously at Marc. Marc gives Vale the softest, most pathetic, stereotypically omega look he can manage, and he watches as Vale has to consciously refrain from coming across the room to hold him in his arms. He knows that Cele will be powerless against him when he looks like that.
"Okay, fine, if you think that will work," Vale laughs. "Let me know when it is safe for me to come home."
He kisses Marc sweetly then he's out the door, presumably to go bother Uccio or the staff at the ranch.
Marc grabs his own keys and drives to Celestino's. He has to put it in the GPS, because he's never driven there alone. Marc parks outside and sees a curtain fall back into place in one of the windows, followed shortly thereafter by a pathetic looking Celestino coming out the door. He's half wrapped in zip-up a hoodie, one half hanging off of his shoulder because of the sling in the way. Marc gets out of the car and opens the door for him, and Celin says thank you in his most pouty voice.
"I don't have anything planned," Marc admits, getting in the driver's seat and pulling away. "I thought we could lay on the couch and watch whatever you want. Vale isn't home and we can eat all the snacks we want."
Celin hums in response, and Marc realizes he has his work cut out for him.
They drive in silence back to the house, and Marc guides Celin into the house. He has blankets and pillows already piled on the couch, and Celin looks suspiciously between Marc and the couch.
"I thought I would ask before I nested," Marc says.
He's had Celin in his nests before, but never alone, and he doesn't want to force the younger man to cuddle with him if he doesn't feel like it.
"Please," Celin says softly, not making eye contact.
Marc assumes that since he's been ignoring Bez he must not have been in an omega's nest since breaking his collarbone.
Marc carefully constructs it to give support to Celin's arm and sling, and then gently pulls the blankets around the both of them.
"Comfortable?" he asks.
Celin hums in response. He shifts around a bit, and Marc waits nervously as Celin tries to get comfortable. He still hasn't made eye contact with him yet, and Marc wonders for a minute if this was a bad idea. He doesn't want to make Celin feel bad if he won't be comfortable with him. His omega instincts are also starting to kick in, and that part of him wonders if his nest isn't good enough for the young, injured alpha.
Celin finally relaxes, and he tentatively wraps an arm around Marc's shoulders. Marc takes that for the invitation that it is, and snuggles close. He tucks his nose against Celin's neck, and scents the younger alpha. His scent is a little depressed, and Marc moves his head in an encouragement for Celin to scent him. The younger man does, and Marc purrs in encouragement.
They both relax a little more at that, and Celin keeps his face pressed against Marc's neck. He has clearly not relaxed like this since the injury, and Marc feels a pang of sadness for the younger man. He didn't have anywhere near the same experience Celin has had coming up through the different categories, but he does know what it's like to feel like you're on your own and isolated. He imagines it must be even harder when the people you surround yourself with have already made it to the place you want to be.
With that in mind it's a little easier for Marc to consider Celin's feelings. He must feel like his injury sets him even further back than the group, without remembering that the pack don't care where he's racing; they love him no matter what.
A shudder runs through Celin's body, and Marc kisses him on top of the head, feeling a rush of affection for the younger man.
"This is nice," Marc offers.
Celin nods, finally separating from Marc's neck enough to relax against the pillows.
"I was always nervous around you because Bez hated you for a long time, but you've never seemed bad to me."
Marc tries not to snort. That's all Vale's fault, once again.
"I appreciate that," he says softly. "You giving me the benefit of the doubt."
Celin smiles. "It turned out okay, right? I was right and you aren't bad."
He sounds a little smug, and Marc smothers a grin.
"I'm glad to be part of the pack."
He snuggles a little closer, and finally reaches for the remote now that they've both finally gotten comfortable.
"I'm glad you are too."
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lostcaused1 · 5 months
Damien and Celine as a ghost threater mask face
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