#(dante uses they/them btw)
axolotlclown · 7 months
I suppose I'm a little late to the party, but I needed time to collect my thoughts.
Here's the thing, everyone's caught up on Caiti's age and whether she consented. To me, that isn't anywhere near the point. Her being so young is certainly creepy and strange, but not the point.
Here's the first thing, though less important than the next. As an adult, it is blaringly clear how irresponsible these "adults" were. Two grown ass men supplying alcohol to underaged girls in a hotel room. They were up drinking until 6am. They were one noise complaint away from getting the cops called.
Second thing. While underage drinking in the US is fairly normal, 18 is still pretty young here. Also, publicly admitting to supplying alcohol to an 18 year old is crazy, but not the point.
18 year olds can't compete with grown adults when it comes to alcohol. They don't have the same tolerance. There never should have been any "one upping."
No one should have gotten that drunk. The fact that there was a girl leaving, vomiting in her hand is fucking ridiculous. When someone, regardless of their age, is drinking too much too quickly, you cut them off and give them water. This is how college parties are run. Once you start wobbling a little too much, your speech is slurred, and you stop being a person, someone gives you water and walks you home.
And nobody walked her back to her hotel room?? Two grown men. I don't give a shit how tired you are. You always walk a girl home. Who the fuck raised you??
I am an adult man in college. I have been around a lot of different men. I have hung around men that behave like this. Let me promise you this: they got those girls drunk like that on purpose. They both wanted something. When they didn't get it, they just let the girls go. They were never interested in their safety. They were never interested in who they were.
And let me promise you this: there's never just one girl. And any well brought up man would have cut them all off and sent them on their way. There is way more to this situation than lets on.
And of course George never asked for her consent. It was never a question. They brought those girls back to that hotel room with the thought that they'd get something out of it. To George, he heard 18 and thought, "oh cool, she's legal."
I see this happen all the time in college. Usually men don't grow out of all of it, but they usually grow out of begging like a shitty dog in some random girl's DMs. To hear a grown ass man, 26 years old, behave like a fucking 19 year old sophmore in college is pathetic. I'm not interested in giving pathetic men any more time.
Also, love and light to Caiti, she looks like she's 16. "I didn't know she was 18!" First off, doesn't matter. Second off, I would've guessed she was a minor, so I know you checked first. Or else you're even dumber than the fucking college kids. Damn.
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Christian: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? 
Satie: Maybe a bit tipsy? 
The Doctor: Drunk. 
The Argentinian: Wasted. 
Toulouse: Dead.
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citrusotakutea · 6 months
People that make it a joke to be like: "Omggg the introductions to classic books are soooo annoying, why would they put so much of this useless shit here?" after they only started reading classics to be a part of the pretentious booktok fucks who read classics just to say they read them... Hi, pretentious fuck who always reads the introduction... It is literalllyyy a free literary analysis you dipshits. If you're reading some abstract shit, well it was written that way and people have been trying to read and interpret it since it was published. There is 200% popular explanations or theories of the plot there, if not straight up quotes from an authors diary/notes on their process and intentions for writing their novel (if those were left behind by the author). Fun facts, relevant historical context, translation deep-dives (which are fucking great btw, translation is an art and even the best translations will always lose something) and more. Honestly, people bragging about not reading it is like. ok fine whatever. To call it useless is just indicative that you are a VITCIM of the media comprehension crisis. If you're just going to parrot some rando from tiktok who summarized the plot (badly) in fortnite terms (do not recommend) read the fkn intro instead. If you're not going to try analyze the book yourself, or if you don't know where to start- read the intro!!!111!!! I am old enough (21. sarcasm.) to remember the time when the media lit crisis was in full swing before Lolita blew up on tiktok where people were making the most bare bones, surface level interpretations of it, calling the author and people who liked the book pedophilic. Saying they didn't know why it was a classic because it was just some old man's sick fantasy. I'm pretty sure there are old arguments on this blog of me trying to explain it to people. Nabokov was very open about the true meaning of his novel, there were many resources for people on and offline, plus the book that I had (not special, from library and then one from B&N) had an intro AND author's note. Yet people only got it when it was oversimplified for them on tiktok? Introductions are literally some nerd who was so obsessed with the author/book that you're reading that they who wrote something (barely anything usually, not a fucking lot) to help you understand the book better. Obviously, its meant to be supplementary and you can and should find your own meaning. Plus, usually for compiled works, the introduction are the guy(s) who made the fucking book, but ofc they are only credited in the intro (& copyright page) because they didn't write it. Surprise, people actually have to pick what works go into those types of books. Intros are usually just: "wow, I love this author so much that I did research on their entire life, read every single word they left on this earth, read 50 decades of analysis of their works and researched the era they lived in to understand why and what they wrote the wrote better, " and you mfs that don't even read it call it useless. fuck you. Oh and before anyone with -80 IQ reads this and gets upset, if you want to avoid spoilers for the 103935405739 year old book, read it after you finish the book...
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romeavebrainrot · 8 months
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hiii here are some of my redesigns for my MCD rewrite!!! The designs are very rough and are NOT final btw i just felt like posting these sketches
+ one fun fact abt each design :
▪︎ Aph's markings can damage any cloth it touches; the only exception is her cloak. Materials such as leather and metal gain less damage, however she prefers to wear clothes that are lightweight as they complement her style of combat (lots of running, surprise attacks)
▪︎ Garroth's cape was a gift from Dale when he first became a guard of Phoenix Drop. That's why its a lot newer than the rest of his armor
▪︎ Laurance's home, Meteli, trades a lot with pirates, so their clothing and jewelry also follow a similar style. He also wears a lot of accessories such as beads and earrings but i forgot to draw them lmao
▪︎ Nana, like all other meif'wa, has eyes with cat-like properties; yellow sclera, clear night vision, colorblindness, the like
▪︎ Dante used to live in the Eastern Wolf Tribe before meeting Aph, so he wears white padded clothing for camouflage + warmth. Although i might change the design cuz i dont rlly like it
▪︎ Katelyn keeps her hair long despite it being a nuisance in battle because her siblings love to braid them when she's off-duty (also i forgot to draw her scars dammit)
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animelovelover123 · 8 months
Hey there! You don't have to answer, but what do you think (insert DMC charas of your choice) would do for Valentines Day? Love your work btw. Always makes my day when you post 🥰 Have a great evening
Devil May Cry Boys Valentine
Parings: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, Nero, V x Reader
Author Note: Thanks for the suggestion! I woke up late today (was up and down all night because of period pain) and when I saw this and started imagining scenarios it made me feel better. Hope you like it, happy Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day!
This mans straight up forgot, like always. He is always forgetting dates and holidays, especially if he is out on a mission in some remote place so doesn’t have the typical festive decorations that litter stores to tip him off that some event is approaching. Even when he is at home though, sometimes he holes up in his house just eating delivery food and relaxing so the world outside and the passage of time goes on without him.
He scrambles to prepare something, anything.
What can he set up in less than a day? What do people do for Valentine’s Day? He is not used to having a partner.
Fancy restaurants? Can he get into any of those? No, they have all been booked months in advance.
Okay, candlelit dinner at home. Should he order something? No, that’s not special enough. So he should cook. He can cook, right? It can’t be that hard.
It was… it was hard.
Well while that disaster is on the way, what else can he do?
Flowers? Flowers sound nice. Again though, most florists are sold out of the traditional roses, but at least he can make his own with his demon abilities (see Lucifer from DMC4). How many does he make though? One? Six? A dozen? Well now Dante has enough roses to fill a hot tub but that’s fine, he can just sprinkle the petals around. What does he do with the stems? Uh… just throw them in the closet for now.
What else?
He should dress up! He still has a suit, right? Does it fit him still? He hasn’t worn it in years.
In the end, you have dinner with Dante who tries to act cool, despite the fact that he is in a suit that is two sizes too small, his food is a mushy mess (a good-tasting mush might I add but still), he nearly set the place on fire with the old candles he used, and you both have little nicks all over your hands from cleaning up the rose stems that came cascading out of the closet when you tried to hang up your coat.
He swears up and down that he will do better next year. Yes, it was a disaster, but by god he tried.
Reboot Dante
Dante is not into Valentine’s Day and how commercialized it is. Every ad, shop, and website proclaims that if you don’t buy your partner <insert product name here> then your relationship will fail. What bullshit.
But you know what is kind of fun? The day after.
Pounds and pounds of chocolate and sweets on sale for cheap.
Popular hangout spots mostly barren as everyone just went.
Bars and restaurants with half-used bottles of wine and champagne that are usually multiple tens of dollars a glass now being sold at a fraction of the price because it was quickly going stale.
Valentine-themed lingerie and sex toys practically being given away at stores.
So hold off on the celebration baby. Save that cash you would have spent.
The next day you and Dante will go on a shopping spree, buying more chocolate than you two could eat.
And as you two indulge in said chocolate, you can bounce from one place to the next, enjoying bougie alcohol at empty restaurants and practically having places like amusement parks, arcades, and waterparks all to yourselves.
And when you two get home, well you now have a drawer full of new lingerie and sex paraphernalia that Dante is dying to try. Which one does he want to try today? Oh no baby, you don’t get it. Dante wants to try them all.
Vergil is the kind of man who did not see a point in doing anything special for Valentine’s Day. He gave you love and affection all year round, why would doing something specifically on this one day mean more than any other?
But if you show even the slightest sliver of disappointment at this, he will do something. Nothing basic though. If he was going to go out of his way for this then he was going to be extra about it.
So on the day he picks you up from work, school, or just your home, in a limo.
He takes you to a dress and suit rental shop filled with gowns and suits of all styles and colours. He also made sure to find a rental place that also offered accessories so jewellery, headdresses, and shoes were also available.
He will not exert his will over your choice, but he does want to be present for you trying things on and he will suggest some things. He claims that he simply wants to make sure you are presentable, but he secretly is having a lot of fun seeing you in different styles, patterns, and colours. He takes mental notes of what kind of things you look good in so he can get them for you later.
Once you pick out whatever you like he takes you to a dance hall where a ball is being held. Men, women, and everyone in between are dressed to the nines and dance around the room to live music. The way the lights shine, the glitter of jewels sparkle, and the fabric of all the dresses swish around creating a dream-like atmosphere.
Vergil will lead you in multiple dances. If you seem nervous or mess up the steps, he does not criticize you. He brushes it off as there is no need to worry. Yes, this was an elegant ball, but that should not restrict you. He did not bring you here to try to force you to act fancy.
He brought you here to make you happy, and that’s all he cares about. Not just today, but every day.
Reboot Vergil
This man is always working and unfortunately does not spend a lot of one-on-one time with you. He makes exceptions for special events though, such as your birthday, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day.
He will spend time with you for these events. Note, though, that the likelihood of Vergil actually spending the specific day with you is low. His social life must work around his work, he warned you of this before you started dating. So your Valintine’s Day celebration will happen in about a month's vicinity of February 14th.
When the time comes though, Vergil spares no expense. Literally, this man is loaded and he will use this opportunity to shower you with luxury and attention to make up for all the time he spends working.
We are talking about a multi-day vacation to anywhere in the world you want to go to do whatever you want. And you know exactly where you are going because you are the one that planned it all. Again, Vergil is a very busy man.
This isn't to say he will not have a few surprises in store for you.
Despite what it may seem, when you are talking at him while he is typing away on his computer he is listening. He has a specific file on his computer that lists all of the things you are interested in and said you wanted and will secretly add to it while you talk.
The surprises he gets you for Valentine’s Day will be extravagant, not a simple book or game you have been interested in. He just buys those for you whenever they come up, if you don’t take the initiative and get it yourself with his card. So be ready for things like private concerts from your favourite singer and/or group, getting to play the beta version of an unreleased game you have been waiting years for, or getting to play a minor role in an episode or two of your favourite TV show.
The time you two had together would be relatively brief, as only a few days were scheduled and he reminded you that he would have to return to work as soon as possible.
It was almost two weeks later when he could finally pull himself away from you.
A traditional lover from a traditional city and religion.
Even if Nero was not really into the rules and restrictions of The Order of the Sword, some of his beliefs did line up with theirs.
For example, Nero wasn’t interested in getting you something sexy for Valentine’s Day as he felt it was a bit sleazy and he worried that it would give off the impression that he was only interested in sex. However, if you are the one to gift him with a special something something in the bedroom then he will be all for it.
No, Nero wanted to keep things clean and simple.
Flowers, chocolates, and a card filled with some personal and deep feelings that you better not tell anyone about because he would die of embarrassment if it got out.
He’ll take you out on a date, but not to a restaurant or anything. Instead, he planned a picnic for you two. He made all the food himself, with minimal help from Kyrie. Mainly she just acted as a recipe book and made sure everything he made was safe to eat. Nero was a decent cook, but he did not want to risk making you sick. It may not look immaculate (he doesn’t have a normal right arm, give him a break) but it tasted great.
On the day he will take you out of town, somewhere nice and natural. A peaceful place with a beautiful view and no one around for miles that can get in the way of you two being together.
This will be the first Valentine’s Day V ever celebrates, period. He knows of the day, of course, and many of the traditions that accompany it. But he has never gotten to experience them.
It was also a bit troublesome as many of the typical Valentine’s Day activities, such as fancy dinners, either at home or going out, giving flowers and reciting poetry were things V did for you regularly.
So if days with him are already filled with elegance and refined shows of affection, how would he make this day special? Well, he will do the opposite.
V invites you to make homemade chocolates with him. With his lack of experience, it is a messy task and the finished product is far from immaculate, but that did not matter to him.
He could clean later and his familiars could eat any mistakes created. (They were demons, they could eat chocolate despite their animal forms.)
What mattered was experiencing something new with you. To spend the day working together, laughing at the mess-ups and sharing the prideful joy of success.
And he also quickly discovered the appeal of licking chocolate off each other.
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ty for answering my previous question about boundaries btw! my first request is a little tame but i was wondering if you could do a fluff laurance x reader (preferably they/them pronouns used? if possible!) where it's just domestic kissing and cuddling?
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Yeah of course!! I am desperate for requests and asks so I'm so greatful to you!
Ugh, Laurance my beloved <3 there where so many potential scenarios for why and where this happens, but the dock got stuck on my brain so, I hope you enjoy ^^ and feel free to send more all of you out there!
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Sometimes, you liked being alone. A lord has ALOT of responsibility on the best of days without shadow knights, crazed preists, waring wolves, and toddlers once your sons age trapped in a death like slumber.
So sometimes, when the village was asleep and you had your best bet that no one would be coming to drag you away to a new emergency, you go out to the beach in plain thin night wear warm wind lightly billowing the cotton. You sit on the dock, legs dangling off the end and just... stay. It's where you go to process or unload your emotions. But tonight, you just want to be, without stress and expectation... just someone watching the star covered horizon and listening to the gentle waves of the ocean.
But, the sound of sand crunching beneath someone's feet after a while lets you know that it's over. Sitting still in hopes they might pass over you, but when is a lord that lucky? Soon, sand turns to the thumps of feet against wood. It's dissappinting but a simple reality you've come to peace with. You inhale deeply to take in the crisp night air before letting it out in a heavy sigh as the footsteps stop behind you.
"Well, that was *quite* the sigh, my love, something bothering you?"
Your head snaps over in suprise Laurance stands behind you but he's not in his Armour, which is double odd as he was meant to be patrolling the village tonight him being gone was part of what made you so restless tonight. He has a blanket draped over his arm and is holding two steaming cups that couldn't compare to the warmth of his gaze.
"Laurance? What are you?" You start to ask, confused by his presence but not displeased. As he hums, adjusting the cups to sit at your side
"Dante took over my shift early, said he couldn't sleep," he explains. "I got home, and you weren't there. I decided I'd join when I saw you from the window. " he finishes setting the cup at your side, using his now free hand to drape his arm and the blanket over your shoulder lightly pulling you into the warmth of his side. Pressed against your lover and with the smell of spiced cider tickling your nose, you feel yourself relax indiscriminately, muscles loose and mind a gentle hum.
"What were you thinking about pretty thing?" He whispers after placing a soft kiss to your hairline. You hum pleased moving the cup to the other side of you so it's no longer between you and Laurance. Moving to fully cuddle into his side, a warm chuckle from him rumbled against your head.
"Nothing," you say content, one hand on his knee and your other arm around his waist. He pulls away for a second to look down at you, causing you to do the same. He looks soft but incredibly amused, unusually pale blue eyes brimming with affection. Lips quicked into a dastardly handsome lop sided smile, your eyes flit down to his lips at that smirking lightly as you look back up to him. Leaning forward , your lips barely brush his, his eyes slightly widening in suprise olive skin flushing.
"Yeah, nothing." You coo lightly before closing the distance, kissing him softly and sweetly. He twists and leans to make the angle easier for you. His free hand moving to gently cup your cheek. You both are slow to part ways, foreheads pressed together just...soaking in the others' presence.
"Love you so much," Laurance whispers lightly, running his thumb across your cheek. Content affection bubbles up and warms your chest.
"I love you too."
You like being alone, but here by the beach, under the silver light of the moon, pressed into the warmth of your Lovers side, the smell of sandalwood and cinnamon surrounding you... makes you feel completely and utterly at home, and you conclude you like being around Laurance a lot more.
Requests are still open! Reblogs are appreciated <3
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bardofhype · 1 year
hi limbus company fandom
so i had a thought. and that thought was "what if the sinners and all their identities had voicelines for when it was your/the manager's birthday" and what was supposed to be a funny "what if" scenario rapidly expanded into me actually thinking about it. so. because it ended up so long, i'm putting all of this under the cut so that no one has to scroll for a mile to read it all in the tag. you're welcome btw /lh
Yi Sang Base LCB: "Another year prolonging your stay in this world… may the rest of it be to your ideal pleasantness, Dante."
Seven Section 6: "The director informed me it was your birthday today, and instructed me to hand you this parcel as a gift. … I cannot tell you why she has it memorized. I try not to bother the director with such queries."
Blade Lineage Salsu: "How old are you now, Dante? … You do not know. I see. Yet another mysterious facet of you to be intrigued by…"
Faust Base LCB: "This is for you, Dante. I hope you enjoy it. … Hm? What is it for? Yes, Faust expected you to ask such a thing. It is your birthday, Manager."
W Corp Cleanup Agent: "Due to the nature of my occupation, personal occasions and celebrations are not common around the work environment. However, I am not bothered with taking a small portion of time to wish you a happy birthday."
L. Corp Remnant: "Birthdays were rarely given much worth in my old place of work- if we were lucky, a few of us would simultaneously take our breaks in order to have a small celebration. Perhaps it may not be so different here… but I hope you have a proper celebration nonetheless."
The One Who Grips: "How fortunate you are, to have lived another full year in this world with your humanity intact! Such a wondrous thing indeed… though, must you still wear that mask, even on such a glorious occasion that's just for you… ?"
Don Quixote Base LCB: "Manager Esquire!! I doth heard today is your birthday! I have collected up the others, and we are planning a stupendous secret arrangement for thee! I hope thee shalt be prepared!!"
W Corp Cleanup Agent: "Doth my ears deceive me? Is it truly your birthday, Manager Esquire?!?! What ho!!! I shall pay for thy next ride on the Warp Train, friend- the greatest gift I could bestow anybody!"
Shi Section 5 Director: "Happy birthday, Manager Esquire!! I have acquired thee a cake and gift! … Ah, I seem to have surprised thee- was I too quiet, walking up to you? Aheh, 'tis a habit of mine!"
Ryoshu Base LCB: "Congratulations. You're now one year closer to the B.D." (boundary of death)
Kurokumo Wakashu: "That's one more year you've survived now. IFFY." (impressive feat for you)
Seven Section 6: "The director told me to give this to you. Use it wisely, or I'll CUT on you." (crudely utilize tranquilizers)
R.B. Chef de Cuisine: "Word travels fast through these streets- H.B.D. I made a special pie this morning, just in case you dropped by… enjoy."
Meursault Base LCB: "Congratulations on another year. … I was only expected to give you a statement like that for today, nothing more."
Liu Section 6: "I was asked to deliver this cake to you. The candles were lit by my flame, so please do not feel obligated to blow them out immediately."
W Corp Cleanup Agent: "I was told today is a special occasion for you. Here- it is a first-class ticket you can use on the next Warp Train you board."
N Corp Groẞhammer: "You may take a day of rest today. For The One Who Grips has deemed it so- and for today is one you must experience in all its purity."
Hong Lu Base LCB: "It's your birthday today? How exciting~! Tell me, Dante- are you going to choose the acres of land, the pony, or the-- Hm? My siblings and I were able to choose between several gifts on our birthdays, was that not possible where you're from?"
Kurokumo Wakashu: "It's a special day today, is it not, Lord Dante?~ Come with me… ah, haha, no need to be so scared. I'm simply going to treat you to the finest dining I know of. Come on then~"
Tingtang Gangleader: "Happy birthday, Manager Dante~ Why don't we hit the casino floor, hmm? I've heard birthdays can be days of immense luck for the fortunate."
Liu Section 5: "Ah, you're just in time- I just finished brewing some high-class tea. Would you like some? I'll even let you have an extra cup for your birthday~"
Heathcliff Base LCB: "Mm. Happy birthday, clockface. As a gift, I'll try not to make too many wounds for you to turn the clock back for today. You're welcome."
Shi Section 5: "If you're expecting much out of me today just 'cause it's your birthday, you can bugger off. I'm not doing anything bloody special for you. … 'Less you're in the mood for some right scran."
R Corp 4th Pack Rabbit: "Oh? It's your birthday today? Bloody brilliant- come with me. As a gift, this hare's gonna teach you how to graze some grass!"
N Corp Kleinhammer: "O-oh- happy day of birth to you. I'll… see if I have time to do something better than that between all the gatherings today…"
Ishmael Base LCB: "Happy birthday, Dante. I'll try to do work without much complaint today."
Shi Section 5: "Happy birthday, Manager. This is for you. … Huh. Did I really catch you by surprise that much?"
LCCB Assistant Manager: "Today's your birthday. An important occasion that's going to make it all the more terrible if one of us slips up… I can assure you that won't be a worry with my presence here."
R Corp 4th Pack Reindeer: "Ah… happy birthday- kgh. Can you make sure not to stir up too big a racket in celebration?"
Rodion Base LCB: "Happy birthday, Dante~ Surprise! I got you something. Open it up whenever you feel like- just make sure to tell me when you do."
LCCB Assistant Manager: "Today's your birthday, yeah? Figured- so I got you something good as a gift. … Hm? Where'd I get the money for it? Oh, don't you worry your silly head about that~"
N Corp Mittelhammer: "A glorious day for you, is it not? The One Who Grips tasked me with delivering you a present today- how lucky for you, fuhu. Treasure it as much as you can, her gifts are worth slaying thousands of heretics for!"
Kurokumo Henchwoman: "Surprise, Dante~ I got you a little something with my protection fee today. Put it to good use now, you hear? Or else my sword will be a bit rash in the next battle~"
Sinclair Base LCB: "Ah- I-I completely forgot it was your birthday today, Dante- I promise, I'll be sure to buy something for you at our next stop."
Zwei Section 6: "I have a package for you, Dante. For all the good you've done for the team… you deserve this gift. Happy birthday, and may I continue being your shield!"
Jefe de Los Mariachis: "I'm doing a special performance tonight- you'll be there for it, won't you, Dante? It's a routine I've been practicing just for you, after all…"
Blade Lineage Salsu: "I hope you have a nice birthday today. I'm afraid I won't be around much- I'm needed today."
Outis Base LCB: "Happy birthday to you, Executive Manager. If you'd like, I will gather the others and have them sing your praises for the rest of today."
Blade Linage Cutthroat: "I see it is a special day for you, Executive Manager. I shall leave you to it, then- I wish not to impede what you have in mind for it."
G Corp Head Manager: "For today, I will grant you a day of rest. Only today, though- try to get out of your duties on any day but this one, and you will regret it."
Seven Section 6 Director: "I'm very glad I was able to catch you- here's some money. Treat yourself to something good today. You've earned it."
Gregor Base LCB: "Oh, hey, happy birthday, Manager bud. You think Vergilius is gonna put a little less pressure on you today 'cause of it… ? Ha, wishful thinking, huh."
Liu Section 6: "Hey, Manager bud. Come find me when it gets dark, alright? It's your birthday and all… and fireworks are much more impressive against a black sky."
G Corp Manager Corporal: "Greetings, Manager Dante, and a very happy birthday to you! I have cleared your schedule for today and have prepared several squadrons to help celebrate this special day of yours!"
R.B. Sous-chef: "Glad you stopped by. I've made a few special pies for a certain someone's special day today- put a little extra love into them, haha. Enjoy."
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rocksibblingsau · 5 months
Ngl when you finish your rock siblings au I’d love to see you write a fic about classical branch bc the posts you make about it are super cool and interesting!
also would Broppy happen in the classical branch au? Actually thinking about it does it happen in your rock siblings au? If not do you see branch getting with anyone else ( both for classical branch and rock branch )
Bc I can kinda see Minuet and Branch working for the classical au
Btw can you tell me more abt your hcs for a Branch Dante and Minuet friend trio dynamic? How do you think they met?
I might but it would be far in the future when I'd have the chance, and I'd worry about it being repetitive of Rock Sibblings.
I don't think Broppy would happen in Classical Branch. In Rock Sibblings I don't plan to feature any ships because I want the focus to be on Barb and Branch. There may be hints to the pairing I personally would like to see happen but they'll be vague and can be seen as a platonic bond.
So I personally think Dante was asked by Trollzart to tutor Branch to get him caught up on the curriculum and help him learn how to communicate the classical way. I think similar to in Trollstopia, Dante gets a little obsessed with Branch as a muse (which I always saw as sort of a crush).
Minuet I think he met in school and they were partnered together a few times. I think Minuet saw Branch's hobbies as new talents to master and she asked him to teach her. Dante was less receptive to actually doing them, but he did come around!
Branch initially thought both of them would be sort of snobbish about his hobbies and general 'I'm fine being in the dirt' attitude, and was VERY surprised by how open-minded they were.
Branch and Minuet in school end up as the best pair of dancers, Branch is especially fascinating to watch because rather than altitude and wing tempo, he has to move his legs.
Dante and Branch are the only two with perfect scores in fine dining, specifically in cutlery etiquette. ("It's very obviously the fish knife. The cheese knife looks NOTHING like a fish knife, really the notion is laughable.") Branch canonically ranked silverware in Trollstopia, you think he doesn't eat up dining etiquette? (Pun intended)
Branch starts using some of the sayings Dante says. "Chicanery up his blousy sleeve" absolutely catches on to Branch. He also, like Dante, will add 'as they say' to sayings. ("You do you, as they say")
He also helps Dante with Dante's issues over validation, teaching him how to accept if one person or even NO ONE likes what he makes. Branch is used to no one liking anything he does, so it comes easy to him. Meanwhile Dante is a little worried by the fact Branch goes into anything under the impression no one will like it, but impressed that he manages to create even with that belief.
Branch has trouble believing both Dante and Minuet are his actual friends, as Dante was hired to tutor him and Minuet is a school partner/interested in his skills. It takes time for him to accept they're his ACTUAL friends.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Hi, Gen Z here who didn't grow up in a place where queer media was banned, but still had barely heard of anything pre-2015/16 that explicitly focused on queer characters, here to give my own POV!
When I was 15/16, I was kind of in a sexual identity crisis, trying to figure out what and who and if I liked/was attracted to anyone, so naturally I turned to media. I remember I frantically searched up things like "best gay movies" or "books about being lgbt", and even while actively searching for it, it was difficult finding something. There were a few books and movies that had a queer character in the forefront, but otherwise, it was more recommendations like "this book has a character that was gay who's featured in two chapters!" or movies that I wasn't very interested in.
Around 2015, books like Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Carry On and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Universe became more mainstream, and it was easier to find actual books and movies with queer characters without having to go on some treasure hunt for it. Still, 2022 was the first time I ever came across a movie with a wlw and not mlm relationship as a focus naturally, without having to try and find it myself (the movie was Crush on Disney+ btw).
This is not to say that there didn't exist any queer media before this, but it was exceptionally hard to find something that was both queer and something that did interest me besides the queer aspect. It was certainly not something you came across without having actively searched for it.
And it obviously becomes even more difficult and potentially dangerous if you live in a place where queer media is banned.
I, again, blame the rising shittiness of algorithms.
If you'd searched via a search engine 20 years ago, you'd probably have found some ancient-looking personal site where some specific queer person detailed their thoughts about older queer media. Nowadays, nothing useful comes up.
Matt Baume had some post about a bunch of queer films that were unwatchable for ages because of some issue with the distributor closing and leaving the rights in limbo or whatever. I was shocked to discover that a bunch of movies I remember being well known had apparently become obscure. They weren't movies I cared about, so I hadn't paid attention to them since the 90s, but they were things I thought of as relatively mainstream.
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hungry-tum-stuff · 4 months
Your character and their friends just ate lunch, but your character has a notoriously big appetite, and it's not long before they're hungry again. They feel silly saying so when their friends are still plenty full, so they keep quiet about it, intending to eat when they return home. Eventually, though, their rumbly belly gives them away, and their amused friends urge them to have a snack.
absolutely adore your writing & ocs btw
Thank you so much! It really means a lot to me when folks like my characters and my writing :D
For the first time in awhile, Buck had a weekend off.
This didn’t happen often. He usually only closed up his auto repair shop on Fridays and reopened on Saturday, but his buddies Lenny and Bruce, two of his regulars, had planned a fishing trip and invited Buck and Dante. Dante wasn’t on a case at the moment and Buck ran the auto repair himself, so he figured it wasn’t the worst idea in the world to close up shop and take a weekend to relax.
But it was also the weekend just before the full moon, which meant that Buck’s appetite was in full swing. Despite Dante worrying about it, Buck wasn’t going to turn during the trip. But he would sure as hell feel it coming.
Buck already had a pretty big appetite to begin with, being as tall as he was. He could clean his plate at any restaurant, he always took seconds, and he snacked frequently throughout the day. Now that he wasn’t a high school football player anymore and instead just beginning his thirties, his healthy appetite had left him with a strong physique and a soft middle. But during the days leading up to the full moon he just felt like a bottomless pit: Whatever he ate never seemed to be enough. Thankfully Dante was an excellent cook and had done enough research on werewolves to help keep his tummy quite satisfied, but when it wasn’t, it made sure everyone knew just how hungry he was.
During the drive up to the lakeside town his stomach had started to growl despite having eaten breakfast less than two hours ago, and as a result he’d had to endure Lenny and Bruce making jabs at him about his belly whenever it made itself known during the ride. They’d stopped at a diner as soon as they rolled into town, and were just now heading out to shop for supplies for their trip.
“That should keep Buck full for about thirty minutes.” Bruce teased, leading the pack down the street and towards the supermarket.
“Yeah well I’ll be full until dinnertime…” Lenny groaned, rubbing his stomach as Buck scratched his neck bashfully at the comment.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine until then too fellas.” He insisted, at which Dante raised an eyebrow in his direction. They’d all eaten a lot: All four men had gotten some variety of sandwich or lunch special with a side, and three of them were leaving the restaurant positively stuffed. And while Buck did feel fine, he also felt like he had enough room for a second course.
“I hope so, because we got a lotta shit to do until then.” Bruce said as he grabbed a cart. “Speaking of, Dante, you wanna find something for dinner tonight? Buck here tells me you’re a hell of a cook.”
“Oh yeah, no problem.” Dante agreed, smiling slightly at Buck.
“And we will find the rest of the shit for the cabin.” Lenny interjected, and they peeled off to hunt for their respective things. Buck tagged along with Lenny and Bruce because he knew they’d end up at the fishing counter, and he had to get some bait and tackle of his own. But not too long into their shopping, Buck felt that persistent ache begin to gnaw at his stomach again. He rubbed it discreetly and just hoped it would stay quiet as his friends were hemming and hawing over which bait was better and which hooks they should use, and the store was loud enough that any noises his tummy made weren’t too noticeable.
But once they rolled around to the food section to start picking up snacks, Buck found it much harder to ignore his tummy. It was definitely never a good idea to shop on an empty stomach, because now food was the only thing on his mind after walking through aisle after aisle of snacks, desserts, frozen treats, and everything in between. His tummy was already rumbling something fierce, but thankfully the hum of the freezers and whatever conversation Lenny and Bruce were having was enough to keep the attention off his noisy gut.
Eventually they regrouped with Dante by the produce section, flagging him down as they scanned for an open checkout lane.
“Wha’d you get for dinner?” Bruce called as they walked over to meet him, and Dante held up some of his ingredients triumphantly. Buck watched the package of raw chicken like it was a steak being waved right in front of him.
“I’m making one of Buck’s favorites: Chicken Scampi.” Dante proclaimed, only for Buck’s stomach to howl a terribly loud and hollow-sounding noise. He slapped a hand over his belly and chuckled nervously.
“Sorry, I s’pose I’m just really looking forward to that Chicken Scampi.” The other guys chuckled too, but Dante made sure to give him a pointed look that came across as worried.
“Well could you make it now Dante? Doesn’t sound like he can wait much longer.” Lenny joked as they got into line. Considering Buck’s stomach was snarling over the beeping of the cash registers, he was probably right.
“No, but I can get him a snack.” Dante insisted, piling his ingredients on the belt and adding a few extra bags of beef jerky on there with them. And as soon as they were checked out, Dante shoved them into Buck’s hands as Lenny and Bruce checked out their things.
“Eat.” Dante said sternly, standing beside the other. “This is your time off too y’know, so don’t worry about trying to follow our eating schedules. I know you hate being hungry.”
Buck tore open a bag of jerky and immediately stuffed as many pieces as he could fit into his mouth. Minding his manners, he did finish chewing before he got out a “Thank you, honey.” between bites. Dante just gave Buck’s belly an affectionate pat.
“Anytime. And don’t worry, I got enough to feed a family of ten, so make sure you eat you fill tonight.” Dante pointed at Buck sternly, as if he needed to be convinced.
“That shouldn’t be no problem at all.”
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prototypelq · 11 months
So, me and the ever-wonderful Raven @whitebeakedraven have been discussing the twins (S)DT forms, and quite a number of details were noticed by us over the course of that conversation, plus some worrying headcanons were born! I felt the need to compose them into a tumblr post for mutuals, especially since I have not seen them be discussed by the fandom at large.
To start off on a high and very shaky note: I believe Vergil’s horns were broken!
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The coolness factor and the amount of ‘exhaust pipe horns’ jokes kind of desensitized me a little, but if you look closer at the horns’ model - it is clear they suffered a lot of damage. The ‘exhaust pipe’ itself is my primary evidence for this - the horn structure around the power-flames looks sponge-y. That kind of bone structure is found in the innermost layers of the bone, right around the marrow. It is not built for sustaining pressure, but instead to support the living tissue of the bone and to allow for its growth.
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It is not built to sustain pressure or forces of any kind, it should not be the outer layer of any bone. Yet, Vergil’s Final Form shows it clearly on display!
If we go back to the previous DT models we have of Vergil’s trigger - namely his triggers in DMC3 and DMC4 - we can see that his horns…have not changed since then. At all.
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(the growth sizes are very approximate, but I think the pictures convey my meaning here)
Now look at how much Dante’s horn crown has changed from his original DT - that is a very, very sizeable growth spurt right there, his horn crown pretty much grew three or so times the size it was, plus he got the neck-/gill-guard second set of horns, same as Vergil. What I’m saying here is - it is mighty suspicious that Vergil’s horns remain unchanged since his teenagehood. Also, as Raven lovely pointed out - the damage done to horns is too symmetrical to be a natural occurrence or a simple mistake.
And where did Vergil spend his time in between his last appearance in DMC3 and his return in DMC5? In the hands of a professional demon torturer. I’ll just quote Raven here:
Horns seem to me like a point of pride for demons, which could be the reason Mundus targeted them and Vergil internalized that targeting. So his horns didn't develop much further except cracking open to show his power and having extra defenses in case they are targeted again.
Some other supporting evidence for this theory:
-  uneven ‘cut’: the horns look curved a little, the inner layer having died off and unable to grow out, while the outer layer tried it’s best to grow out again after the damage was done, but with limited success
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- the DMC5 DT Vergil concept art horns have a small inner part growing out - which I would interpret as the damage fully healing and the horns beginning to grow properly again. you can also see that the ‘powerline’ in the horns is straight, and not uneven as in SDT render in-game, plus they look more sleek and elegant.
- from the front the horn crown looks very, very rough. If we compare to Dante,  his horns are long, smooth, and the ‘powerlines’* of the horns can only be found on the inner side and are glowing.
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 [* btw Dante having long thin appendages around his head that exert a lot of heat makes me think of long-eared animal adaptation to hot climates, which are used to let the animal cool down faster. in demonic biology terms, I imagine having a ‘powerline’ being rerouted around the head like that to the horn crown instead might allow twins to remain in SDT without constantly frying and regenerating their brains back]
Vergil’s horns from the front look to be cracking from the power that is fed into them, like they should be able to contain it but cannot and it is ‘leaking’ out of the front cracks and result in the ‘side flamethrowers’ he got instead.
I admit, this theory is very SSDP (Syndrome of Search for Deeper Meaning - СПГС, an extremely handy term in ru), and can be explained in two simple words - Stylistic Choice, plus, as Raven pointed out - any damage should have been healed during Vergil’s resurrection... However, I had fun figuring this out, and the details align way too neatly into a single picture for it to be simply coincidence in my opinion. An alternate explanation for this - or a counterargument, provided by the lovely Raven - would be that Vergil chose this current form, one way or the other. He did not evolve a huge horn crown ‘cause that’s an easy grab appendage, and instead he influenced them to be more practical with smaller horns, getting himself some sick flamethrowers as a bonus. The ‘exhaust pipe’ design being either an intentional or a more subconscious display of Vergil remembering the torture and reacting accordingly to protect his horns from further damage, by making them literally untouchable.
Another interesting part of Vergil’s SDT design is his tail and wings. I admit, I was quite salty that Vergil got four wings and a tail, while Dante only has wings, but we might have found an explanation for that.
First, let’s take a look at Vergil’s SDT back…. It’s a goddamn mess! 
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He has a full-range-of-motion shoulder girdle (1.) , plus, five additional limbs sprouting from his back (tail (2.) plus four wings (3.)). The tail making it all even worse, because it is placed between the upper wingset shoulder blades!
If you know anything even remotely about birds or flying, you know that the wings need a lot of space to rotate and function properly, and having a tail right in between them is not a good idea at all. This is a mess, but let’s start simple - wings.
Interesting bit about Vergil’s wings is that, aside from one extremely stupid flying freight lizard attack (seriously, what was Vergil thinking, making a big show and parading like he did, only to have an attack itself be telegraphed miles ahead and very easy to dodge?...makes you think...), Vergil does not fly. Actually, he doesn’t use his wings at all, except as a flourish/added hit at the end of some big combos, so only when he knows he is safe and ready to deliver maximum pain. You can argue he prefers instantly teleporting around as his main movement tech, but still, it’s weird that even his jump doesn’t have at least *some* wing movement involved - he doesn’t even instinctively try to slow his fall or anything with them!
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(here is a screenshot of a fall part of jump animation - wings are kept low and close to the body, just as they are when Vergil is standing normally or attacking)
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Another look at his back might provide the answer to that. Here we see that the bones connecting the wingset to the chest are protruding out of the body so much, they are, anatomically speaking, tapered on, and very poorly at that. If not for demonic resilience, those wings should have been torn off from the body by their own generated take-off force.
So, the twins' wings are not built very well, mayhaps this is why Vergil is so protective of them and doesn’t use them too much, except for situations when he is sure it’s safe.
His tail in that case, is a great addition to offer protection for his wings! The tail is long enough to be an effective counter from all sides (imagine if Vergil’s parry was not with the sheathed Yamato, but with his tail… that pointy end does not look friendly at all), and its placement between the wings now makes sense, because the tail is actually a guard for his back.
During my previous photomode experiments, I found out that Urizen’s multitude of eyes track the camera movement. Even in photomode Urizen does not feel safe enough to be still, apparently. Raven interpreted that as a clear manifestation of Vergil’s paranoia and trust issues, and I completely agree... The tail then, is another feature that reflects this. Also, y’know, Vergil did spent a few decades in hell, where he had a very bad, no good, absolutely horrible time… and I’ll just quote Raven here:
And I mean, what better way to enforce the fact that escape, that freedom, is impossible towards a prisoner, than by ripping their literal wings off…
The poor connection of the wings to the main body could in that case also be a reaction to this trauma. If someone gets to them, they're easily removed without too much further damage, so that they can start regenerating immediately. But before that, any attacker will have to get by the tail that’s got a sharp enough end to provide ample amounts of protection.
Another reason why the tail fits Vergil so nicely is because of the speed and balance it provides.
DMC5 introduced us to lovely lizard demons like Riots, Chaoses and Furies, all of which are known for having a tail. Interesting bit here is that the higher back attachment makes the tail act as a great balancing tool for bipedals. All of the lizors mentioned above sure do love their speedy attacks, so it makes sense they developed the tail to counteract their erratic and swift movements. And Vergil’s SDT seems to have adopted that feature too.
As for Dante, as much as I would have loved for him to get a tail as well, Raven pointed out another detail here. If Dante had any control whatsoever over the SDT evolution... he definitely wouldn’t want any more demonic features. The four-winged and big horned flying form is probably the inherited template from Sparda that neither Vergil nor Dante would have been able to stray away from too much, but the tail is clearly a Vergil-only development. Dante might have gone ‘minimalistic’ in that sense, since he has no additional features of his own (anatomically speaking... technically speaking you might count his Luce, Ombra and Demolition ranged magic moves as special features)
Now, since we’re already on the topic of Dante, we have found another interesting tidbit - his DT face evolution.
We know that in DMC3 Vergil helps his brother unlock his demonic heritage, finally giving Dante his Trigger. The detail that made me curious here is that the DMC3 face is very similar to the face the SDT form has - specifically the lack of human features and the demonic jaws. Let’s have a look here at the evolution of Dante’s DT faces over time (in more ways than one…):
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In DMC3 his DT face is pretty much the template from which the SDT form will later evolve, since it lacks any human features that are present in other forms (save for SDT). This DT form is adaptable and changes depending on the Devil Arm Dante is using, showing that he clearly doesn’t have too much control over it yet. The most noticeable example would be the horns - they change form significantly... Also the horns Dante has sprouting here from the back of his head might be the neck-guard horns and the main crown he will fully develop later on. Unlike Dante, Vergil’s form seems much more stable in the sense that his horn shape changes as well, but not nearly as much, and nothing else is affected by the Devil Arms in his appearance.
DMC1, now THIS I almost overlooked, and I sure am glad that I didn’t. The DMC1 DT forms are also affected a lot by the Devil Arms Dante is using in the moment. The weapons seem to ‘overwrite’ Dante’s innate form a lot here, and without their induced features, his face in DT is actually…blank. There is just a blank head until the Devil Arms give him some additions… I have a feeling this might be connected to Dante’s twin-related trauma in the game, they have the same face, after all…
In contrast to everything that comes before, the DMC2 form is a mix of both Dante’s strive for humanity and his ever-growing powers, because his face in DT is - for the first time in the series - completely human. He can’t however, escape the transformation entirely unchanged, and the dark scales and skin color... they make him look a lot like Nelo, or at least to me it seems that way. This is also the game where the SDT makes its first appearance as a Majin form, which is a low-health DT transformation. The Majin form has all the classic features of an SDT - four wings, developed horn crown and even arm-blades like the ones SDT Vergil has. The Majin form is also my big evidence for the ‘SDT forms have a template twins were always supposed to evolve into’ argument.
DMC4 is the ‘mature’ phase where Dante’s DT finally stabilizes and stopped evolving (before SDT was thrown on the table). None of the Devil Arms alter his appearance anymore, the horn crown is finally developed properly, and his facial features are demonic, but the face as a whole still reads as human.
Additional stuff I have noticed but have nowhere else to place: 
- Vergil had undergone extensive torture in his time as Mundus’ captive. His horns were broken, wings - ripped out, and if we keep going down that route the V-cut on the SDT chest bears quite a similarity to a badly done dissection scar.
- Alternatively, the V-shape could be seen as the V signature Vergil used to mark his things. In DMC5 he is pretty much picking up the torn and scattered pieces of himself, so that characteristic shape might also be him Reclaiming his name, as one well-known song might have said
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- Meanwhile, Dante’s ‘chest rupture’ shape reminds me simultaneously of the numerous stab wounds  Dante has been subjected over time, but also a literal bleeding heart pattern, speaking of the heartbreak physical, and the metaphorical one he suffered and never recovered from. This is made worse, if you remember that Dante got his SDT form before the final battle with Urizen in mission 17, so it is also a manifestation of his inner conflict and hurt at that moment in time and story, as he had yet to kill his brother. Again.
- to end on, at least somewhat positive note - the twins’ scales are iridescent!!! Some scales make this more apparent than others, but ultimately all scales have this quality and it brings me much joy)))
Aaaaand the final piece of wisdom I have for today. It is no secret that the DT wings mimic the series-standard leather coats the twins love so much, but I have not seen much of a reverse read on this connection - the twins loving their long leather coats because they mimic the feel of DT wings. The wings have an intricate swirl pattern on the inside and there is a lot of power going through them, so they should be warm, and the pose the twins normally have their wings around - the coats might give them a similar feeling. They are, obviously, leather, they should be good at reflecting warmth, the coats cover the same ‘forward hug’ area like the wings, they are heavy, and they whirl around the back and legs like the wind one would be feeling if they were to move.
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This, just might damn be, why V(ergil) stuck to wearing that horrific goth clothing for the entirety of the almost two months he was alive (I say this because I don’t like that outfit, also because V is Vergil and I hope we can all agree Vergil himself would never wear that).He was alone on the street, had no power, no weapons, no money or anything on him and was painfully human, only to have a leather coat thrown his way in a merciful turn of fate. Vergil did not care how passable he looked at that moment, he stated that multiple times himself.What he cared about was the feeling of comfort the leather coat gave him. It reminded him of his better days, of days where his own wings were just one trigger away. And that might be why he didn’t change his clothing from literally the first stuff that was handed to him.
Sooo, that would be it for the post. This one was in the works for a while xD. Again, immense thanks to Raven for rambling about this with me, it was super fun and her contributions to that conversation have been ginormous. Thank you dear reader, for finishing this monster of a post too! Text your family you love them to avoid ending up as these losers here please.
p.s. the DT different forms over the series photos were taken from the dmc wiki, everything else was captured by me in-game
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sleepynxri · 7 months
“In hindsight, I should have looked at the instructions"
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A/N: THE DEMO IS FINALLY OUT OMG!! Congrats to the devs and the whole team for releasing the demo!! I love it so much to the point I think I'm the first one to make an x reader of it lol. But I chose my favorite (for now)Vince!! And a certain person might like it as much as I do hehe. I might not get his full personality right since it is still the demo and the characters might change their personalities depending the route you pick on the official release, but do enjoy everyone! And requests will be open until further notice. And of course spoilers for the demo!!
P. S. The reader is demisexual! If you don't know what it is it means a person who feels sexually attracted to someone after creating a close bond with them! It made sense to me since in the demo the mc was a bit rude and judgemental in their thoughts regarding their interactions with the different love interests. But hey! If you don't like it then just ignore this part! Enjoy it however you like hatchlings!
Pairing: Vince Matador x gn! reader
Warnings: curses, no use of Y/N only You/I
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What did I get myself into?
A sigh of exhaustion released itself from your mouth as you headed out from the diner where you now currently work at.
Who knew that you had to use the first few weeks of your summer in an unknown town after your car suddenly broke down in the middle of nowhere?
Fuck Fate and itself.
You started on walking around the streets of the said town, it was interesting to say the least. Almost everyone in this vicinity at least knew each other if they were a neighbour or a regular. You felt out of place whenever someone pointed out or asked if you were new around.
The only thing that wavered your mind was the interaction inside Cup o Jo Mama. The new part-time job you’ll be doing until you’re able to pay for both the hostel you were staying in and the repairs of your broken down car. (Srsly how did I should have checked it out before going on a long ass fucking road trip??)
Chris was quite a timid character to have as a co-worker, but I am quite the observing person to see how he changes personalities so directly. It concerns me sometimes but it wasn't my business to get into anyone’s personal lives.
And that Wyatt fellow…. Can’t say that the headlines were wrong about his looks. He was attractive, but his personality is that of a stereotypical rich people lifestyle. It's best to not not meddle myself into his work and business, if he was staying in Brine Bay in the meantime.
Placing your headphones over your ears, you started to tune out the noises, you needed some alone time after all the shit that just happened. Familiarising your steps to avoid on getting lost - (Fuck you btw Dante) again.
Clicking your tongue slightly in annoyance after remembering a certain front desk employee who didn't tell you the actual direction towards the diner you were supposed to go in.
Without you knowing, a familiar sheriff and an unknown male suddenly were seen in the corner of your eyes. Jean looked optimistic as ever, but to your surprise- he was with someone else who looked like the opposite of him.
Why not see what they’re up to?
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So… . The guy’s name is Vince. Jean momentarily left you both together to help with the white haired males socialising skills. You didn't mind, but you did feel guilty for forcing him to be with you. So you thanked him for staying with you.
You didn't expect the male to give you a half- smile. It almost caught you off guard. It was so pretty…
You shook your thoughts away and gave your own warm smile. Vince was a nice fellow, since he didn't know what to show you, you suggested that he showed the areas where he likes to stay at. You bonded with him with his different favorite places in Brine Bay. You were touched on how he could trust you to these places. You knew it held something for him to show you these areas.
Then you met Kevin….
You almost laughed loudly after hearing the nickname Vince gave him.
A fucking highlighter? You didn't think the male held so much humor. (Or your humor is just broken)
Kevin was a nice fellow. A bit flirty (then again who isn't? Almost everyone - not Dante- has started flirting with you before you could even muster a response to any of their introductions) but a passionate theatre kid.
‘pre’?? Is that a word or a different language? You’ll probably ask the next time you interact with him.
After saying goodbye to the green haired male. You and Vince were left alone together again. You pointed out how it was getting late so you and him started your way back to your hostel.
“Are you enjoying yourself? “ You paused after hearing Vince’s words. You… didn't expect someone would ask this question towards you. I mean it is technically your first day here after all.
You can feel the stare of Vince from the corner of your face as you racked up an answer for him.
“I… . Can't say much. My car broke down, Jean found me, he drove me here, I met a lot of people, found a part time job… . It's overwhelming to say the least” a flash of worry crossed the eyes of Vince as he tried to find the right words to reply.
But you beat him to it.
" But… I am enjoying it. I never expected to have an adventure while on summer break. It's new…. But not unwelcoming" a chuckle escaped your lips as you watched the sky growing darker.
“That's… . Good to hear” Vince relaxed his shoulders with another pretty smile he has. Your heart flutters after seeing it again. This was the second time you’ve seen it but you already knew you’ll always remember that smile he has.
Exchanging numbers with him was… eventful. It was cute to see him flustered while nervously asking if you wanted his contact number (who wouldn't accept his advances?)
You knew you had to take your chances and placed “Vimpire" as the contact name for Vince. (He’ll probably be disappointed but who’s to say he’ll just chuckle after you have him a silly nickname)
You told him your farewells and headed back to your temporary room. Doing your nightly routine and wearing your night wear.
You decided to call someone before heading off to sleep. The first person that popped up from the idea was Vince.
“Ah.. who is it?"
“You forgot about me already?" You teased slightly with a small chuckle as you looked outside the windows while watching the luminescent sky radiating from them.
“It's you… . I-i didn't expect that you would be calling me already” you wanted to tease him more but you asked him first if he arrived home already. He was still walking from home and you both decided to stay in the call for a while.
“Can I ask… why the sudden call? “
Fuck it.
" Is it bad that I wanted to hear your voice before I head to sleep? “
A pause could be heard from the other line. You grew worried when the call suddenly hung up and you panicked. You tried texting him but he suddenly beat you to it with a call.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I panicked!" A rush of apologies came after you answered the call. It was a relief to hear that you weren't stepping over boundaries and you asked him if everything was alright.
He reassured you, telling you that he just took time to process on what you said before. You couldn't see it but he was smiling on the other side of the phone (if Jean saw this he would be supportive yet teasing the poor boy).
“Hey uhm… if you have time after your shift ends… I could show you more around town? “
You were shocked again after hearing his words. This is the second time you got shocked by this man alone. You wonder what he got plans for you next.
" I would like that” you smiled warmly from the invitation. As you both continued chatting until you both shared your farewells.
You yawned and stretched your body and headed off to sleep.
You hope you can see Vince’s smiling face again.
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Threads of You: Beyond the Bay
Lavendeer Studio Discord Server
Disclaimer: I am not part of the Lavendeer Studio team, I'm just placing the links here to whoever wants to play the game or wants to join the server for more updates and upcoming events!!
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valtsv · 1 year
i feel like your ocs would have amazing aita posts
oh definitely. in fact here's a sample for you.
Annie: "AITA for constructing a moral framework based on my belief that I am a character in a cosmic horror setting where my knowledge of the horrors makes me a target and thus I must do whatever it takes to survive (NOTE: I have justified the ruination of the lives of hundreds of people thanks to this worldview, but in my defence most of them had the potential to kill me even if they weren't actively trying to do so)"
also "WIBTA if I were to wander the earth leaving a trail of destruction in my wake until someone puts me out of my misery because my boyfriend died"
Lincoln: "AITA for continuing to pursue my passion of making music even though it compels people to kill each other (btw my new album is now available for pre-order!)"
Samara: "AITA for helming a highly dangerous expedition to the Arctic despite my lack of experience in this regard in order to prove to my father that I'm worthy of inheriting his company"
Nicky: "AITA for becoming a tool of the state in the fight to prevent angels and demons from abusing or destroying humanity for extremely personal revenge quest reasons (I do torture people for information as part of my job)"
Eddie: "AITA for placing myself intentionally in high-risk situations to spite my overbearing sister (regardless of your verdict I will be continuing)"
Logan: "AITA for tying my loyalty to whoever I perceive to be the most capable of protecting me from harm at any given time and doing whatever they ask of me unconditionally"
Fen: "AITA for letting people drown if they don't pay me to ferry them across the marshland which I am a physical manifestation of"
The Radio Host: actually i'm not even gonna try to write one for him he's a genocidal dictator who wants to turn the universe into its personal surveillance state
Dante: "AITA for running away from home to play a game that could kill me because I didn't want to talk to my parents about my mental health and also being a nepo baby I guess"
Maja: "WIBTA if I just lay down and gave up while my team are waiting for me to bring back help and rescue"
Pentifer: "AITA for killing innocent people so I can use their corpses as puppets to get close to my assassination targets if I was abused by my creator until I became hateful and cruel and now have no reason to trust that anyone will treat me differently when I'm widely feared and considered an abomination"
Jocelyn: "AITA for being an opportunistic cult leader who eats people and turns them into cocoons for spiders if I was raised to believe I have no choice in the matter"
Ram: "AITA for dying so badly that it was the catalyst of the problems for everyone around me"
Radi: "AITA for being unable to fall in love with the person who loved the person I was before her personality and memories were forcibly erased and I was born from the ashes of her destruction"
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rexecutioner · 3 months
Buckle up campers this is a long one
spoilers for all of mystreet and a bit of mcd ig??? Idk there is Demon Warlock and Irene lore
This is all about Travis btw
So I was rewatching Emerald Secret and when Tatiana was loredumping about forever potions in ep 13, she mentions Michael testing a forever potion on his son not too long before the events of s4
(implied by the fact that she was there, and supported by the facts that 1) she was missing a lot of other info, like the whole fp backstory and not knowing about Katelyn and Garroth, thanks to only recently becoming human and only knows new info, and 2) the whole “Michael (Terry), Elizabeth and Zach have been trapped in a different realm for years and only recently escaped” thing)
and it “failing”. Knowing the events of Angels Fall, this plausibly aligns with the plotline. One problem. How tf did Travis get there??? And back??? Without anybody questioning where he went??? Or with nobody noticing???
I don’t think Tatiana was referring to Ein, as she describes him as a grunt to Michael’s plans, and it’s always pretty explicitly said that Michael has a son, stated by both Tatiana and Derek, and visibly is shown to be Travis in loredrops and the entirety of s6. A son. One singular son.
So the only person she could be referring to is Travis. But what does this even mean? What kind of forever potion was used on Travis? We learn from Ein that forever potions can be reaaally specific. It could have literally been anything. What does “failed” mean? Just not working? Or Travis fighting it off? The imagery shown with the scene is a broken forever potion lying on the ground by what is implied to be Travis’ limp hand, so failed may be a bit of an understatement.
Also, again, how tf did Travis get there and back with nobody taking note of it, him not remembering it (probably more forever potions), and it never coming up again?? Not even slightly mentioned in 3 to 4 side episodes OR Aphmau’s Year, although we do get some juicy Travis lore ep 2 of AsY.
That is also when his whole “omg i feel lightheaded wait did i do that” thing started, so maybe something happened at the lodge that is never shown but implied to be what Tatiana mentioned???
And ofc, my first question.
It’s a snowy forest for goodness sake. He had to have driven there. Why would he go in the first place? Maybe he got a letter from Terry (Michael) saying “hey kid i wanna reconnect heres my address dont bring anyone with you k bye” and he went “oh boy the father that left me shaken and traumatized who just randomly disappeared leaving me alone bcs everyone else i love is dead!! I love that guy!!”
And drove out to see him only for fucking Ein to be there as well as this man in a stupid ass cloak who sounds weirdly like his absent father, they give him a forever potion and it fails (again, whatever that means) and he wakes up in a random lodge with a random backround voice in his head giving him dating advice, having forgotten everything that happened, goes “welp ig he isn’t here i must have gotten the wrong address” AND LEAVES
weirdly in character for ms Travis lmao
Did he just tell Dante that he was going on a trip for a few days and dipped?? I haven’t rewatched the 3 to 4 side eps in a long time so I have no clue if he did leave but wasn’t Travis a mildly large role in them with the whole trash thing???
Alright so I just spent like 4 hours rewatching the transition episodes and Travis is a very consistent reoccurring character and isn’t missing from an episode for more than a two episode gap, and him leaving for a while isn’t mentioned, although they do make Laurance returning a big deal, which leads me to believe he left during/right before Aaron’s Ticket, a two part mini prequel to s4, taking place only a few days before ep1.
This makes the most sense, as Aaron in Part 1 goes over to Dante and Travis’ house to get money advice from Dante, and Travis isn’t shown or mentioned at all. He never appears in AsT, and there is an implied gap between the last side ep, Shadow Knights Rule and AsT, because we also never see Gene (and by that extension, the other Shadow Knights and Ivan) again after the final side ep, though they all played mildly large roles in that ep.
It would make sense if Travis left not too long after Laurance bothered him outside of his house (the last time we see the both of them until AsY 🥲) and came back to Lover’s Lane during the small two day gap before s4 starts, after Aaron and the gang left to Bunny Hill, and they just didn’t see each other on the way back. But this also leads to another frustrating question.
Why does Travis not remember the lodge after the whole thing? We could chalk it up to forever potions, yes, but that would be a really specific forever potion, making him have to go home and forget about it. I have the inkling that Dante would at the very least ask Travis questions about his trip, and if Travis just replied with “idk lol I actually have no clue what ur talking about” he’d at least be concerned and at least ask Lucinda for advice when she got back.
It’s shown in AsY that Travis has no recollection of the lodge, only knowing about it from Lucinda (another piece of good lore from ep 2), but he doesn’t get more of a chance to interrogate her about what happened there it until he gets possessed and leaves. It is very much shown that he has no memory of even being there. Which also brings up another point. Aaron and Garroth remember Bunny Hill Lodge, even if just a bit. How does Travis of all people not remember it at all?
Aughhhh so many questions! I’m probably going to chalk up the not remembering the lodge thing to a really specific forever potion that also plants false memories in his head. Forever potions are shown to be able to do that in s4, when Zane and Lucinda refer to Ein as their brother and their memories are completely altered.
Whenever Travis is possessed, he not only gets very lightheaded, causing headaches, but he quickly loses his memory (shown in his second possession) as Michael takes the spotlight and puppets him around until he’s done with him. Travis then regains his memory and remembers what he did while possessed, with it all being kinda foggy, with him questioning if it was really him that did that and being mildly confused about what he just did, before making up an excuse for it and going about his day.
We only just begin to see Travis getting possessed AFTER s4, which leads me to believe that during s4, Travis reconnects with a recently actually present Terry (guess who just escaped another dimension lmaooo) leading to him and Katelyn fake dating and going to Starlight, leading to the events of s6 and Travis getting possessed more frequently until Michael consumes him completely before he gets exorcised and murdered by Kim and Terry, leaving Travis behind unconscious on the floor.
-Born to Terry and his wife
-His mom dies (probably due to Michael?? I dont actually know lol)
-Child experimentation at a cool Lodge
-I recently learned that it was apparently a fp that gave Travis the little voice in his head, but its never acted upon until post s4
-Growing up with a father that’s possessed half the time
-Goes to middle school and meets Dante
-His father disappears at some point thanks to Garte and Derek using the realm breaker (they dont know Michael is actually Terry)
-Goes to high school and meets the rest of the main cast
-Whatever he does before season 1 during fcu
-Moves in with his homies (they kiss each other good night)
-Gets blasted to Love Love Paradise
-Starts to become actual friends with Katelyn (dont get me started on how both of these characters were wrote during season 1 and most of 2)
-Moves in with Dante thanks to his house exploding I wonder who did that
- 3-4 side episodes, he starts to learn about potions again from Lucinda
-Gets a letter from Terry, his absent father with a bad influence on him, asking him to go to Bunny Hill to reconnect
-Bunny Hill Incident #2, he goes home with a fabricated filler story, actually reconnects with Terry
-Travis gets possessed for the first time (to our knowledge) and steals Lucinda’s book under Michael’s influence
-Terry meets Katelyn, everybody's fate is sealed
-Terry invites Travis and Katelyn to Starlight Wonderland
-They enjoy themselves for a while (Travis gets possessed every now and then)
-Travlyn is canon for real this time
-Season 6. Travis gets possessed more and more frequently to the point where Michael takes over for him a lot near the climax, and Michael uses his control over the Guardian Forces to manipulate Travis into thinking he’s safe
-Travis gets fully possessed when Lucinda performs the exorcism, takes control over Katelyn and Garroth, Nana almost dies and Aphmau does die due to mildly unrelated events but dont worry she comes back thanks to the fact that shes a third of literal god
-Derek gets relic’d
-Ethereal Bonds my beloved, the lip syncing did Nana so dirty (Travis isnt really in this one i just love ethereal bonds story wise even though it’s definitely not perfect)
-Travis (Michael) threatens to kill Terry and has actually killed Holla and Derek as this twink so his threats are not empty
-Garroth and Katelyn (and Toby ig) are used as distractions to stall Michael, but he takes back control over Garroth by manipulating him and throws him at Katelyn
-Travis and Aphmau beat the shit out of eachother, cool lore, i love the Zane and Lucinda s4 trauma, everyone is a rock now
-Terry and Michael both die at Kim’s hands, the one thing she was good for (im sorry i hate Kim so much) using the cannon
-Travis is now back in control and wakes up to his bisexual girlfriend holding him and says a pickup line, very in character, and passes out again (understandably)
-everyone is no longer a rock, but thats some pretty hefty trauma you got there (i feel so bad for Dante and Laurance) (im making a separate post on them soon)
-Travis monologues about everything that happened and trauma dumps to the sky (fuck you Terry)
-Heart wrenching “not alone buddies” scene, seriously these two tried to kill each other and now they are traumabonding i love it
-Whatever the fuck Jesson has in store for him in One Last Time because i started writing this before it was announced so they might fill in my plotholes later
-He does NOT show up in Her Wish which scares the shit out of me (he isnt dead thanks to Katelyn and Dante not being utterly wrecked the entire time) (but his absence is not a warm one)
-whatever happens after that
Long story short I love Travis’s character and I hope we see more of him
there is no conclusion to this i just like ranting about characters i like and the plotholes that come in the package (headcanons sold separately)
tldr: Travis s4 plotholes are filled in by my overthinking
have some of my art as compensation 👍👍👍
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i will be re-drawing the Travis one bcs I don’t like the shading and I got the outfit wrong 😑
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
Btw, for anyone who is into medieval history, I HIGHLY recommend this book:
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"The word “medieval” conjures images of the “Dark Ages”—centuries of ignorance, superstition, stasis, savagery, and poor hygiene. But the myth of darkness obscures the truth; this was a remarkable period in human history. The Bright Ages recasts the European Middle Ages for what it was, capturing this 1,000-year era in all its complexity and fundamental humanity, bringing to light both its beauty and its horrors. 
The Bright Ages takes us through ten centuries and crisscrosses Europe and the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa, revisiting familiar people and events with new light cast upon them. We look with fresh eyes on the Fall of Rome, Charlemagne, the Vikings, the Crusades, and the Black Death, but also to the multi-religious experience of Iberia, the rise of Byzantium, and the genius of Hildegard and the power of queens. We begin under a blanket of golden stars constructed by an empress with Germanic, Roman, Spanish, Byzantine, and Christian bloodlines and end nearly 1,000 years later with the poet Dante—inspired by that same twinkling celestial canopy—writing an epic saga of heaven and hell that endures as a masterpiece of literature today.  
The Bright Ages reminds us just how permeable our manmade borders have always been and of what possible worlds the past has always made available to us. The Middle Ages may have been a world “lit only by fire” but it was one whose torches illuminated the magnificent rose windows of cathedrals, even as they stoked the pyres of accused heretics. "
It is an absolutely wonderful, humanistic depiction of the middle ages, spurred on by a wish to reframe our view of it as the 'dark ages'. I am about halfway through it and it has made me cry plenty because god, PEOPLE.
I first heard about it on the Medieval Podcast when Daniele Cybulskie interviewed the authors:
And have been slowly chipping away at it with my other books I'm reading.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
recently i saw on Pinterest a pic of a "Bimbo" girl and right below i saw a very funny Vergil pic as if he was reacting to the girl lol I inevitably thought about what it would be like if Dante, Vergil, Nero and V has a girlfriend look like a Bimbo Doll, it's sooo funny to imagine the so different style of both lmao btw I love all your hc and I thought I would give u this random idea! ly
lol thanks
Sparda boys + V x "Bimbo"!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-His reaction to your appearance:
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-Yeeah, Dante's a sucker for that exaggerated Barbie doll look, from the lips to the hips, it's all a big turn-on.
-He finds himself wanting to kiss you more than ever, the feeling of your massive, pillowy lips against his is just divine.
-Cracks playful, lighthearted jokes about you that aren't too mean and at the same time, aren't too nice.
-Your makeup is extreme, to say the least, but Dante is still into it. He's honestly into anything about you, because your looks don't define your whole personality.
-Even if you are a stereotypical dumb bimbo, you still have your talents and Dante loves you for them.
■ Vergil ■
-His reaction:
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(sorry for the huge picture, I pulled it off Google)
-He's not used to seeing someone with such exaggerated proportions, so forgive him if he's startled.
-His honest thoughts are that your huge lips, bust, and waist are ridiculous and that you belong in a circus.
-Slowly, he begins to adjust to this "new experience" and discovers your dramatic makeup and puffy lips are starting to work for him.
-Your waist is so tiny and slender, most of it can fit in one hand. He doesn't know why, but he thinks that's so sexy.
-Will find himself running his hands all over your curves when you guy are cuddling.
-Calls you his baby doll because that's what you literally are.
□ Nero □
-His reaction:
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-Nero initially thought you were a Barbie doll that was cursed by a witch and came to life.
-He thinks you're pretty, but your proportions are still a bit...umm...strange. He'll have to get used to this, but he thinks he can handle it.
-He knows that your appearance isn't everything, however, and won't judge you before he gets to know you.
-He does like your big lips, and how soft they must be to kiss.
-If you turn out to be a remarkably intelligent person in addition to your looks, Nero will be glad because now he's got the whole package.
● V ●
-His reaction:
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-V's never seen anything like this before, so now he's intrigued.
-He likes your curvy figure and bright pink clothes since they contrast beautifully with his dark attire.
-He is worried that your long acrylic claws will scratch him, though. Maybe file them down so they're not so sharp?
-He finds you to be an attractive person both inside and out; even though you look like a child's toy, you're sweet and charming in your own way.
-These qualities inspire him to write poetry about bimbo dolls. It's very odd for him to do so, and while they turned out alright, V probably won't be sharing them anytime soon.
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