#(don't need to commit murder for his hair i already have similar hair
categoricalglitches · 9 months
This is so funny "Thomas" "Zane" even looks bigger than Alan just. By silhouette? Because of the hair. It's significantly more voluminous lmao
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yuesya · 8 months
I see you've taken after the Nasuverse quite well, making so many alternate versions of your main heroine :)
This latest one actually reminds me a bit of Zero from Drakengard 3. Both of them have similar backstories, being sold into slavery and suffering a cruel betrayal at the end of it. Both have a devil may care attitude towards murder and do it on a whim or as a reflexive response. Both also share similar appearances with their stark white hair and skin.
Moreover, since Shiki probably wasn't raised as a proper young lady like her canon counterpart and being more open about her visceral desires she'd likely have a more crass vocabulary. Once agian, quite similarly to her Drakengard counterpart.
Although I am a bit befuddled about Jujutsu society's response to Shiki since it seems kind of... muted. Yes, Shiki is a special grade curse user who definitely killed her fair share of sorcerers to earn that title. However, I don't think the sorcerers would let her go around committing whatever atrocities she wanted without offering some resistance, they certainly didn't with Geto.
On that topic, Geto and Satoru would also definitely take an interest in her for a variety of reasons. Geto would likely be thrilled to have another special grade helping achieve his genocidal ambitions, especially one as murderous as Shiki. Whereas Gojo would've likely encountered her one way or another since he is already on the look out for a homicidal special grade curse user.
Although given what little we know from the AU so far it's likely Shiki would reject them both. Shiki would probably want nothing to do with Geto's dream since she'd see no difference between sorcerers and "monkeys." She would also be uninterested in making the world a better place.
As for Satoru she would probably mix with him as well as oil does with water, meaning not at all given their tense interactions in a different AU. This would likely culminate in a battle between the two leading to the infamous [REDACTED] incident, which leads to both of them developing a mutual understanding to stay out of each other's way.
There are so many AUs haha. It feels like a new one crops up whenever I turn around...
Interesting parallels to Zero! And fitting, in some ways. Araya doesn't strike me as someone who would take an active parental role for Shiki; he'd probably decide to observe her 'natural behaviors' instead. Remember how in zenith of stars Shiki experiences some struggles with her desire to 'be good' versus her instinct to kill? How she initially tried to claw out her own eyes because she recognized that humans aren't supposed to visualize death?
In this 'verse, Shiki has no such restraints tempering her. She was never taught the difference between 'right' and 'wrong.' There's only Araya, who watches her silently no matter what she does.
I haven't sorted out timeline details, but Shiki would escape from Araya sometime while Geto is at large, which means that most of the jujutsu headquarters' attention is focused on Geto as the major threat. Shiki gets mistaken for one of Geto's compatriots multiple times. Geto attempts to recruit her and fails, but he doesn't particularly mind. Shiki has killed many non-sorcerers according to her whims, after all. He probably tries to direct her towards non-sorcerers as best as he can from the sidelines.
Shiki comes into prominence after Geto's death, and that's when people start realizing that this girl is a lot more dangerous than she seems at first glance. There are multiple sorcerers sent after her -all are killed. They need to cut their losses, and their last resort is Gojo Satoru-
But what if Gojo tries to recruit her to his side? The girl is like a wild beast that can't be controlled; worse than Tsukumo ever was. What kind of damage would she cause? What if Gojo succeeded in taming her? Which probably then leads into the attempt to bribe Shiki out of Japan with one of Sukuna's fingers.
I haven't made up my mind on how the meeting between Shiki and Satoru would go, but lots of collateral damage sounds like it would be on the right track haha.
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cursedvibes · 6 months
Hey, I would like to ask you what you think about sukuna saying kenjaku doing the grossest thing in relation to yuji.I thought what it is that can make a body snatcher and cannibal say this, ngl my first thought was yuji being that girl kenjaku used for death painting wombs because in anime when that girl was introduced there was sakura tree behind her. And I connected it to yuji hair and his bday that has relevance to spring. Other than that It would serve as a perfect twist. But I am open to other interpretations too.
I don't really see the Yuuji - Death Painting Mother comparison. They do have in common that they can take some essence of a curse or cursed energy inside them and they have unusual bodies, but aside from that, their specific capabilities are very different. I have thought about the possibility of Kenjaku keeping the mother's uterus in case they need it later, but I don't think Yuuji is literally her.
I also don't see the Death Painting experiment being the reason Sukuna thinks Kenjaku is gross. He found out about the whole thing in Shibuya I assume and he never seemed that bothered by it or even think much about it positively or negatively. Besides that, I don't think what someone finds "gross" necessarily has that much to do with what level of atrocities they perform. Especially with murderers you often have very particular things that put them off even if it's not always rational or something we from the outside would say ranks below the act of brutally killing someone or cannibalism. A serial killer can gut someone and still think not washing your hands after going to the toilet is disgusting. Sukuna is the most powerful sorcerer in history and he thinks Yuuji in his entirety is already gross and an annoying pest. Not because Yuuji is objectively that terrible, but because he gets under his skin. (although an annoying amount of fans do believe that and take Sukuna's opinions about Yuuji as absolute truth and a reasonable metric to judge Yuuji's character) Kenjaku is similar in that way, since in terms of pure strength they don't measure up to him at all, but they still have immense power over him and can literally rip his soul apart.
So I think what bothers Sukuna about Kenjaku is for one the kind of human experimentation they did to create Yuuji, which led to imprisoning Sukuna and he might also just think Kenjaku's whole pregnancy schtick is weird. Even more so, since he's partially being forced to participate in it like with the curseTengen parent transfer we saw recently. Basically, I assume Kenjaku did some messing around with genetics and cursed energy using pregnancy to create Yuuji out of it and Sukuna's not a fan of that. I think it's just Sukuna's personal bias and whatever Kenjaku did isn't all that much worse than other crimes Kenjaku has committed just because Sukuna doesn't like it. It's hard to scale atrocities like that anyway. Sukuna already thinks that Yuuji as a person is worse than mass murder, cannibalism and reproductive exploitation combined.
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mdverse · 1 year
rating the glee kids based on how easy it was to animate them
finn: 9/10
-1 bc i kept underestimating how long his part was and had to go back and add more frames at least once
all of the frames were pretty similar and tbh that was simultaneously a blessing and a curse
britt: 10/10
im a britt apologist, she can do no wrong to me, so she's the only one whose bopping around did not cost her any points
honestly the best person to get me started experimenting with smear frames here! i love her
-1 bc these aren't my best britt drawings (sorry babe)
+1 bc she somehow managed to look cute in her transitions from finn and to puck. i didn't think that was possible. who else is doing it like her <3
puck: 2/10
did not need to be moving that much. sir pls stop why were u whipping ur head around like that
also the mostly bald head keeps tripping me up but that's just a general puck thing
mike: 7/10
pretty quick, pretty easy! no complaints there he is vv cute and it's nice to draw him more
rachel: 1/10
i was feeling pretty neutral about her for a while but i'm back to hating her just bc of this
i can draw her from one angle only so everything else was a nightmare and i learned to draw her out of sheer spite
she was singing the "it's tough for you to get by" part so a. i had to sync her mouth to the words and b. it felt like a personal attack 😔 yes it was tough rachel thank u for rubbing it in
every time i thought i was done with her i had to go back and add more frames and i was seething about it
mercedes: 5/10
still not used to drawing her so genuinely who knows if the resemblance is there or not
very short segment for her tho so i suppose it could've been much worse? but i don't love what i did
sam: 8/10
so little screentime (literally 4 frames rip samuel)! quick and easy, i have to appreciate that
the hair transition from mercedes to sam was so fun actually
kurt: 9/10
literally the same :D expression the entire time! adorable <3
rory: 5/10
i have never drawn this man in my life and i may never do it again (not an insult)
santana: 9.5/10
the "go girl give us nothing" lack of movement in her shoulders is everything to me
thank u for making my life easier and looking flawless the entire time ily queen
-0.5 but only bc i got really sad the entire time i was drawing her and tbh that's not her fault in the slightest
also shoutout to her for getting The Best frame in this entire animation??
quinn: 4/10
listen usually i like drawing quinn but this was a struggle
miss ma'am did not need to be tipping her head up and down like that :(
honestly i did my best but ive definitely drawn much better quinns than these
artie: 3/10
by this point i was ready to commit murder this lil fucker would not stop moving and i wanted to cry
why. what was the point of all that. he was doing the most like his part wasn't already The Longest by a lot
every time i thought i might be getting close to the end i realised i was wrong. genuinely so emotionally devastating u don't understand
he earned himself points back tho bc i drew so many good arties and im proud of that. growth babey <3
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razoarmachi · 6 months
Answering About OCs!
So lately, there have been a few tweets in @/ocsbase2 about QnA for original characters. And here, I will answer some of them! Today's topic is family and friends.
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Q: Who are your OCs that perceive their family as their pillar of happiness?
A: Obviously it's Elise. Just like a typical superhero, she vows to preserve them from any twist of fate. Elise is willing to take any damage for the sake of their safety. I'd like to half-put Riley in this situation since she loved her younger brother so much but not the other family members.
Q: OCs who have siblings, do they get a happy ending?
A: Too bad, Riley didn't get a happy ending with her beloved brother. He went missing, and she had no place to go home and no reason to go back from Fazbear Entertainment. While for Lucel, neither a sad nor happy ending, she got what she deserved. Her twin, Lucia, doesn't need to suffer from the abuse of becoming a perfect model for society even though Lucel barely wants to meet her in person. As long as Lucia is happy and enjoys her new life, Lucel doesn't mind. Also, Lucel's case is similar to Kanon's.
Q: Who are your OCs who don't get along with their family, why?
A: Lucel's family formed a long-time cult which made her become a sacrificial lamb to the devil they worshipped just because she's the only one who is blessed with The Destruction path after decades. Tired of being tormented and experienced hours of sickening ritual for a hundred life loop, Lucel killed her parents and committed mass murder to all followers of that heretical cult. In Yuki's case, he was raised as a perfect child in order to be his family's successor. He absolutely demised that, which is why he spent more time with his mentor at school in his childhood. He started to get mentally abused, and that's where he also started to rebel against his parents. The result was, even though he was very young, he became violent towards anyone who limits him to do something he likes.
Q: Are there any OCs who are abandoned by their family?
A: Amia. She was abandoned and only left with a house and transferred money that flowed while she had not yet graduated from school. She lived alone, but of course, she wasn't being abandoned since she was a baby.
Q: Your OCs who look alike but they're not twins?
A: Amia and Keira. They both have the same hair color and length, but different bangs. Haruka and Elise, same hairstyle but different color.
Q: Do you have OCs who are in a friend group?
A: I will never separate this trio; Elise, Romelle and Claire.
Q: Does your OC have a platonic/romantic relationship with another OC?
A: Elise is platonic to Romelle and Claire, but Romelle has a spark of romantic feeling for Elise deep inside. Fyodor and Anzhelina are romantic partners. Daniel has a romantic feeling towards Kenzie.
Q: If one dies but the other is alive, what would they do?
A: This is literally Fyodor and Anzhelina. Fyodor died in a big conflict that happened in his family. Anzhelina was extremely saddened, but she was glad that he came back as an undead even though he's not 'alive'.
Q: Is there any OCTP that constantly fights but they actually care for each other?
A: Yuki and Kanon. They fight over silly things, sometimes Yuki is the one who starts it because his ego is kinda high + he's a tsundere and Kanon is always ready to tease him. They get along again as time flows but hey, it's already their daily life.
Q: How and with whom do your OCs celebrate their birthday?
A: Elise only celebrates it with her fam and her bffs, and she doesn't use tart cake. Kanon celebrates it with Yuki and Kaoru. Kenzie celebrates her birthday by herself because she doesn't like crowds and also wants to keep her birthdate as secret information.
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer Reid x Reader
Part 20 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader 
Warnings: Just normal stuff for this fic. You already know everything tbh. 
A/N: Sorry for the late update. I was tired and achy today too, but I wanted to get this part out to you guys. Surprisingly, I’m really proud of it. Let me know what you think in the comments! 
Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess, @ssahoodrathotchner, @egg-boy03, @helena-way07, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @serendipity-imagines, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @thatsonezesty13 
Spencer paced outside the interview room, gripping the manilla case folder that had almost become attached to his hands. He had begun to sweat, and his mind was working in overdrive to figure out what he was going to do with the information he had received from your brother. Morgan would be so much better at this, Spencer thought, running an anxious hand through his hair. 
“Woah, somebody’s nervous. You about to enter the presence of the Wicked Witch of the West’s evil sister?” 
Spencer turned his head and sighed at the sight of Prentiss leaned against the corner. Spencer closed his eyes and nodded, slowing his pacing down to only a few steps a minute. “Y-yeah, she’s requesting me and I-” Spencer began, taking a harsh deep breath to let his body catch up. “I’ve met her before. She’s…” Spencer lets out an exasperated sigh and grunts “She’s what Morgan calls a bitch. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to be in that room with her,” Spencer exclaimed, gesturing with his hand directed at the window. “Without losing my cool.” Spencer finished, taking another deep inhale.  
Prentis winces and walks over to him. “Yeah, I get it, Reid. She hurt the girl you love. She sold her own daughter. I was pretty enraged too. But you gotta remember this is your job too. Try to think of this as you interrogating an unsub. They’re pretty similar, don’t you think?” 
Spencer ponders this notion for a few moments, biting the corner of his lip as he thought. “You are right. She shares many characteristics with our past unsubs, especially narcissism. She may not have committed any murders or kidnappings, but she still committed a federal offence-” Spencer’s eyes lit up with the answer, pulling a smile onto Prentiss’s face. 
“Which she needs to confess to. It’s simple, Reid. You’ve done this plenty of times before. Think with your head, not just your heart. I swear your IQ gets chopped in half when it comes to (Y/N).” She chuckles. Spencer smiled gently and nodded at Prentiss. 
“You’re probably right,” Spencer agreed. “I should head in though. She’s going to have an aneurysm if I don’t. We would still be rid of a nuisance, but where would we get the information we need then?” Spencer asked Prentiss slyly. She snickered and smiled at him. 
“Go on.” she said as she turned to leave. Spencer then turned around and gripped the handle of the door. He was just facing the literal bitch of hell. No big deal. 
You stretched painfully against the wall as you woke up from an impromptu nap. It had only been a couple of hours, and you felt exhausted even after sleeping for as long as you had. 
Derek was still awake, rubbing his face tiredly. He turned his head and looked towards you, sighing gently. 
"You're awake?" He asks. "I thought you'd be out for the rest of the day." Derek shifted his position, yawning afterwards. 
"I guess I'm more restless than usual." A soft throbbing pain began to show itself as you stretched your legs. You clutched at your stomach, sighing softly. "Maybe it's the nightmares." 
"Already?" Derek asked, moving as close to you as the restraints would allow him. "I don't usually get nightmares after cases until a couple days later." 
"Well this unfortunately isn't a case. And he's been my abuser before. I see him sometimes. When I close my eyes? And I can feel his hands on my body all the time…" you sigh and run a hand through your hair. 
"I guess it's just the effects from the trauma." 
"Kid… you know you don't deserve this. Peter is-" 
Just as Derek began to try and reassure you, you heard the rumble of gravel under tires again. You felt your heart immediately pick up and start pounding in your chest. Derek panicked and held up his hands to you. 
"It's gonna be okay, alright pretty girl? It's gonna be alright. You're gonna be fine." He began, trying to encourage you to calm down. 
You wrapped your arms around your knees and began to breathe heavily. In for four, hold for 7, out for 8. That's what you tried to remember. But once you already began panicking, you were too far gone to get your breathing under control. 
The jingle of keys was the second trigger that caused your heart to jump in your chest. Derek looked at you yearningly, wishing he could hold you to calm your nerves. 
The door opened not too long afterwards, revealing the nightmare behind it. Peter stormed in and growled, launching himself towards you and gripping at your shirt. 
"Did you mean it?" He hissed, yanking you forward harshly. You gasp and take a deep breath, confused at what he was asking. You took a brave look into his eyes and saw how blown up his pupils were. There was barely any green left in his eyes. 
"M-mean w-wh-what-?" You stuttered, gasping for breath at how tightly he held your shirt collar. You knew what he was asking, but annoying him made him mad, which made his decision making worse. 
Peter yanked harder on your collar, grabbing your neck with his other hand. He picked you up and tugged at your chains. His nails dug into your soft skin, choking you. 
"What the fuck do you think? Don't play coy with me, bitch!" Peter spat, gripping your neck even harder. You gasp and scramble to scratch his hand away. 
"Y-yes-!" You manage to cough out. Peter then dropped you, causing a sharp, stabbing pain to shear through a portion of the skin on your shin. 
"Fine. You'll get your end of the bargain afterwards-" Peter began. 
"No." You growl, your hands forming fists that gradually grew in their strength. 
"No what? I keep promises-" 
"No you fucking don't. Let him go. Only then will I give into you." You demand, your nostrils flaring at the audacity he had to try and double cross you. 
Peter sneered and grumbled, letting out a frustrated grunt. He then, in a fit of rage, pulled the ring of keys from the hook and yanked Derek's hands forward. 
"Hold still, or I'll just cut your damn hands off." Peter scolded, lifting Derek's fist from the shackle once it was unlocked. Then he quickly did the other. Derek was then allowed to stand, but at a limp due to his wound. 
Peter sighed and growled at Derek. "Just go, before I change my fucking mind. Try to come back here and she'll be dead within the hour." Peter threatened, pointing a finger at Derek. 
You look past Peter and give Derek an encouraging look. You hoped he'd get the message. You would unfortunately have to sacrifice your sanity for his freedom, but that would be okay. 
Derek nodded to you before he took off out the cellar door as fast as his wounded leg would carry him. He could hear Peter��s evil laugh as he ran, causing a pang of regret and guilt to enter his chest. He debated on going back. To save you. But then he remembered that he hadn't gotten enough sleep the past week, let alone the nutrition he usually had. His legs were already screaming at him for running after not being on his feet for 5-6 days. He couldn't really tell due to Peter not bringing them food for a few days.  
Derek felt terrible. He knew Spencer would hate him for this, but he wasn't physically able to fight him off right now. Nor was he physically capable of carrying you. So instead, like a lowly coward, he ran. 
He ran, and he ran, and he ran till he could find a road. It wasn't terribly busy, but they were in rural West Virginia. Somebody had to help him. He limped towards the side, and waved towards in-coming cars. 
He was unsuccessful the first few times, one even flipped him off. But then thankfully, a car stopped. It was black, but an old model Impala. A man got out of it, rushing over to Morgan. 
"What the hell happened? How can I help?" The man asked. 
"I-I just need a ride to the n-nearest police station. I'm an FBI agent. Can you do that for me, man?" Derek asks, almost pleadingly. 
The man widens his eyes and nods, gesturing for Morgan to get into his car. "Yeah, Yeah, my god. You also need a doctor. You want me to call one for you?" The man asked. Derek shook his head rapidly. 
"No… no I just need to contact my team, please." Morgan begged, losing breath as he went. 
The man nodded towards him and he led Morgan back to his car, speeding him off towards the nearest police station. Morgan just hoped he wasn't going to be too late when they got there. 
He hoped that you weren't going to have irreparable damage when they found you. He hoped they wouldn't lose you and you have to deal with him and his abuse for the rest of your life. He just hoped he'd find you again on time. But the clock was ticking. And you didn't have much time. 
Spencer walked into the interrogation room, looking down at the case file like it was much more interesting than the woman who sat in front of him. 
"Finally! Someone in this godforsaken place listened to me! What the hell do you all want? I don't know where my daughter is, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you." Margaret, or otherwise known as your mother, insisted. Spencer had to fight the smirk that wanted to play on his lips. 
"You don't? Well you see, based on the way you immediately brought up your daughter, despite not knowing my first question shows some guilt in your subconscious that tells me there's something you aren't telling us." Spencer expressed, raising an eyebrow at her. He dug two fingers into his palm, hoping that would be enough to prevent him from going off on this woman. 
Margaret just gasped in offence, giving Spencer an open mouthed look that wouldn't catch flies even if she put honey in it. "How DARE you examine me like some common criminal?!! Do you even know who I am? My husband and I can destroy everything you love with just a few phone calls!" She screeched, slamming the table. Talk about over reaction. 
"Do you mean how you ruined everything (Y/N) loved over the course of 18 years? Or how you sold her to the highest bidder at 18 years old, and then sold her location to said bidder when it was clear he had ill intent for her?" Spencer questioned, his nose scrunching up as his anger bubbled. 
Margaret stared back at Spencer in shock, unable to formulate a response at first.  "I-I did not sell my daughter-" 
"Really? Then how do you explain the transaction of 10,000 dollars into you and your husband's shared bank account the day before Peter Calvin proposed to your daughter the first time? How do you explain the influx of 5,672 dollars into your account three months ago? Around the time you saw your daughter again?" Spencer questioned, slamming the bank receipts onto the table. 
Margaret scrambled to find an answer, making suggestive noises but without any words. "M-my husband and I closed a deal with a client for 5,672 dollars. This has nothing to do with our whore of a daughter." 
"Mrs. Grant, our technical analyst can search deep into your financial records and pull out the name of who the sender of that money was. If that sender so happens to be Peter Calvin, I can hold you accountable for the selling of another human being, which as you know is illegal in all forms." Spencer grunted, leaning forward. 
Margaret's face was pure shock for a few moments, before she shifted and her face grew back to it's evil smirk. "Hm, as if. She's my daughter. She was and is my property. She will marry whom I choose. And I chose Peter. I will have the family line continue with success, not some teachers aid." Margaret quips, smirking at Spencer to assure him she meant him. 
Spencer blew a hot rush of air out of his nose. He stood up straight, showing his height. And then he ran a hand down his cardigan. "Right, you wouldn't want your daughter to marry a genius with an IQ of 187, a doctor with three PhD's and three BA's respectively, that works with the FBI to catch the most wanted killers and terrorists. You wouldn't want her to marry a man who can read 20,000 words per minute but can also see straight through your bullshit and call you out on it. You don't want her to marry a man who would encourage her to follow her damn dreams and cut all ties with her abusive mother. She is not your property. She is your blood yet you treat her like trash!" Spencer's voice raised as his anger rose. He pointed at Margaret's chest accusingly, his eyes full of anger. "I feel sorry for your own mother to have to see what you've become. You could've been there for her when she needed you the most. You could've had the late night stories about boys she was interested in, about her favorite subjects, about what was currently happening in her life. But you decided instead to be a tyrant. And you wonder why she ran away." Spencer snapped, hearing the door open behind him. He immediately held up a hand and a finger, as if to say 'one moment'. 
"You may have power, but so do I. With only a few phone calls, I can arrest both you and your husband for child endangerment, child abuse, slavery, fraud, and money laundering. I could ruin you." Spencer hissed, leaning forward and getting into Margaret's face. 
"Don't test me." 
Spencer then leaned back and left the room as calmly as he could, the steam coming out of his ears almost phasing into existence. 
Spencer left the room and realized he was so angry he didn't even know who had come to the door. All he had been focused on was defending you to the woman who had sold you and abandoned you. If he never got to see you again, he was at least glad he could do that.  
Spencer sighed, running a hand through his hair. JJ walked up and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped a bit and turned his head, relaxing when he saw who it was. He rubbed his face annoyedly, grunting tiredly. 
"So… that was pretty heated." JJ finally spoke. 
Spencer groaned and looked up for a moment, his hands falling back to his sides. "Yeah." He says matter of factly. 
JJ looks away for a moment, as if trying to find the right words to not offend him. "It was pretty badass too for you to defend (Y/N) like that. If Will ever did that for me, and we weren't married, I'd propose to him right then." JJ laughed, smiling up at a now surprised Spencer. 
"W-what?" He asked, giving JJ a confused look. 
"Yeah, pretty cool Spence. It's pretty clear you like her now though. Hotch isn't too happy you interviewed her, but hey, we got a clear verdict and enough evidence to charge her at a trial. Once we get that info (Y/N)'s brother gave you to Garcia, we'll be that much closer to finding her." JJ encouraged, putting a frown on Spencer’s face. 
Spencer let out a tired sigh, his light brown eyes filling with sadness. JJ sighed and rubbed his back. "Spence… we're gonna find her. Soon. And then you can ride in there and save her. She'll be able to live without real fear." JJ promised, nodding to Spencer before beginning to walk off.  
Spencer watched as she did, sighing as he looked down at his phone. He wished he had a photo of you other than the one you had for work. One of you actually smiling. 
He pulled up said picture though, hoping seeing you, even a serious one, would bring up his mood. It wasn't a few moments after though, that the screen changed to a nearby number. Spencer usually never answered numbers like this, but something compelled him to this time. 
When he hit the answer button, he had no chance to even introduce himself. 
"Spencer Reid, Right? The guy my best friend had over? What the fuck?! I just had to find out on the damn TV that she's fucking missing?! Who's got her? Peter?! Tell me you muttonhead! You got her taken, you son-of-a-bitch-!" 
Spencer held the phone away from his ear and let the angry man rant. From what he managed to hear, he could tell it was your roommate, Gabriel. Spencer forgot to update him. But either way, he wouldn't have been allowed to know until the news covered the story. 
"A-are you done?" Spencer asked after he only heard breathing on the other end. 
"Yes I am, motherfucker-" 
"Yes, yes, I get I'm an asshole, alright? Just… know that it wasn't my fault." Spencer attempted. 
"Wasn't your fault my ass-" 
"Just listen, okay? We're currently working our asses off to find her. I already tell myself every day that if I had just stayed a little later, If I had walked her home instead, she would have me there with her. Or that if Morgan and I both went with her she wouldn't have been taken at all. I know I deserve the fault, but just blaming me won't bring her back, okay? I'll let you know of any updates. Promise." Spencer rants back to the short man. It was quiet for a few moments before he responded. 
"...Fine. I know she likes you for some reason. Just find her, okay? I trusted you. Don't prove me wrong." Gabriel answered, before he quickly hung up, giving Spencer no time to respond.  
Spencer raised an eyebrow and looked down at the screen, shaking his head and putting his phone away. Just as he did, Hotch hurried down the stairs and put the phone on speaker. 
"What's going on Hotch?" Spencer asked urgently. 
"Morgan’s calling us from a police line." 
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whattodowithace · 3 years
It's Basically The Lion King [Chapter 2] (Seyoon)
Tumblr media
Title: It's Basically The Lion King
Pairing: Seyoon x Reader
Genre: Angst; Fluff; Spice
Word Count: 15,072 Words [All Chapters]
Writer: Kpopmadness & Whattodowithkpop
Warning: Mentions of death
The princess  awoke to the sound of her prison door  being opened. She had actually slept for the first time in the weeks following her brothers death.  She had spent many nights sobbing and wishing her brother would wake up. That this was all a dream. Or perhaps a prank, like the ones her brother used to pull on her as children. But reality always hit her like crashing waves. He was gone, her uncle killed her brother,  framed her as the murderer.
Something between sadness for her brothers death, and hatred for the man she had grown up with and had betrayed her,  stayed in her mind every hour she sat in that prison. It grew until she didn't feel shame over the false accusation laid against her. She didn't feel anything. Her emotions were worn out as a plan to somehow prove her uncle a liar formed in her swirling thoughts. Giving her a ray of hope. 
Her uncle had informed her of her departure to Exile Island. The thought of the island made her stomach burn and her heart race with anxiety.  She had read about it in her history books, but to actually be going there herself, for a crime she did not commit made her feel sick. The only thing good about the trip is that it would take them a month to reach the island. Giving her time to somehow break free and return to reclaim her kingdom. But if she couldn't do that,  she would never return. 
A guard stepped into her room and ordered her up. Once she brought herself up to full height, the guard put chains on her that cuffed onto her wrists and then had a longer chain for him to have a hold of.  The cold metal from the chains bit at her hot skin, causing it to itch slightly.
Without a word, he drug her from her old cell and out into the sunlight. Her eyes burned as they slowly adjusted to the harsh contrast of the dark prison. But her ears, her ears immediately heard the sounds of her former people, a people that once loved her and greeted her warmly, were now shouting and cursing her as the guard led her along.  
Even as shouts filled her ears she refused to cry. She refused to bow her head in shame and act like the criminal.  She saw her uncle dressed in royal attire just in front of her making a fresh wave of anger course through her as she met his smug eyes. She jerked against the chains slightly, wishing she could break them. The guard jerked her hard, pulling her to the front, her balance slipping slightly as she went to her knees. The crowd gathered around them laughed.
Her cheeks burned but the princess still brought herself up to full height as the guard handed his end of her chain to the solider in front of them. He stood beside a camel loaded down with bags and equipment for their journey. 
His dark eyes felt like they would see straight through her, making her shift her feet uncomfortably.  His face remained expressionless as the guard handed over her chains and the key to let her lose, which he promptly put in a breast pocket on his dark tunic. 
Her royal gown had been taken away and a dark pair of pants and a matching shirt with boots were given to her. The clothes were designed to block the suns rays and protect the skin from burning. They would be walking all the way to Exile Island. The thought of walking through the hot desert for several miles made her heart drop. 
The new king walked over to the blonde solider and put a hand on his shoulder, a proud smile on his face as if the man was his favorite nephew. Then he turned to her, his gaze turning to ice. 
"Well my dear, i hope you enjoy the island. It is a fitting place for criminals like you to go after all."
The princess met his gaze, a fire igniting in her heart. She opened her mouth to speak, since she was in front of people she could take this time to speak loud enough for people to hear her.
But the king quickly took a cloth and tied it around her mouth, stopping her words. 
"Don't even try, snitch. You are going to that island to die and that's final." He whispered darkly in her ear. "By the way," He added, "This is the rope i used to strangle your brother. Have fun living with this fact on your way to the island."
She jerked against the rope roughly, screaming against the cloth stuffed in her mouth. The solider that had a hold of her rope jerked her roughly, forcing her to walk forward to him. More soldiers walked up to her to place a long chain at the end of the rope to give the solider taking her away a more sturdy restraint.
The crowd cheered as they made their departure from the city, the new king encouraging the crowd to cheer louder. Slowly, the sounds of cheering faded as  they got further and further from the city.
They went on silently for some time. Slowly the lush meadow that surrounded the city and the palace faded, the trees slowly disappearing as the landscape turned into sand. The air turned more dry as the sun felt like it was steadily getting hotter the further into the desert they walked.
The princess took in the appearance of the man leading them. The solider was a few inches taller than she was and had much more muscle and physical strength than she. He had slightly wavy blonde hair that highlighted his tan skin. He seemed quiet but alert. His head turning continuously to check their surroundings. Every now and again he would look behind to her, his dark eyes only staying on her for a moment before turning his head back to look straight ahead. 
They went some time, the sun beating down on them harder and harder as the day progressed. A steady stream of sweat had begun to fall down the princesses face and back. Her white hair clung to her neck, making her wish she could put it up somehow. The cloth stuck in her mouth only made her lips feel chapped and her mouth dry. Her legs aching with every step taken through the thick sand. 
The solider came to a stop, pulling on the reigns of the camel, making it slow. The princess immediately sat down on the sand. Not caring that it was hot.  The solider took a skin bottle from one of the leather bags slung over the camel before crouching down in front of her. His hands reached up and untied the gag from around her mouth. A rush of relief filled the former princess at being able to fully close her mouth again.
"Drink." He said, putting the water skin into her chained hands. 
She took several swigs as she watched the man walk around the camel to retrieve a long scarf like material from another bag. He crouched down in front of her again and took the water from her hands before replacing it with the scarf.
"Put this around your head." He ordered as he stood up and took a swig of water himself.
"Why?" The princess asked, her own voice sounding foreign from not having used it in so long. 
"Because the further we go the hotter it will get. We need to protect our heads from getting burned by the sun." He answered shortly as he wrapped a scarf similar to hers around his head. 
The princess stood up, the chains rattling as she did so, causing the solider to take a defensive stance.
"How long are we going to walk today?" She asked, wrapping the material around her head, the shade it provided bringing her burning cheeks a measure of relief.
The solider  put the water away before making a clicking sound with his tongue, making the camel walk on. The solider gently tugged at her chains making her start walking.
She gave off a huff and fell silent for a moment. Then she asked, "Do you have a name?" 
The solider was silent, the only sound was the sound of his feet sinking in the sand slightly as they walked. 
"We're going to be stuck together for a month." She whined, "At least let me know who's leading me to a life of exile." 
The solider kept walking for some time, silence stretching between them. The princess had given up getting a name out of him before he said, "Mouse."
The princess stared at his back puzzled, "Excuse me?"
"At my regiment, the boys have a name for prisoners. We call them mice because the prison is located under ground. They only see the light of day if they're lucky. And at Exile Island, you defiantly won't be seeing the sun."
The princess let out a gasp, "I am not a mouse! I asked for your name." 
Silence answered her, making her feel more angry. "Savage." She muttered under her breath.
The solider stopped and turned toward her, "What did you call me?"
"Isn't that all you soldiers are? Savages determined to show off how skilled they think they are. People that obviously seem to get their fun from calling people names when they haven’t done anything wrong.” 
The solider who she had now deemed as a savage scoffed and started walking again. Then he stopped and pulled her chain extra hard so she fell onto the sand. Her face coated with the rough texture. 
She glared up at him, his dark eyes met hers evenly. His frame towering over her.
“Let’s get something straight, mouse.” He snarled. 
“I’m supposed to bring you to exile island, alive. But until we get there, you are under my supervision. So I would suggest you watch your mouth and do as I tell you. Because if I had it my way I would leave you here in this desert to die. Do you understand me?” 
She huffed and stood back up, brushing sand off her clothes. She could already tell this was going to be a long journey. 
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It's Basically The Lion King Masterlist
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