#(feel like im in my own lil groove and thriving...tysm for all the love support and interactions over the last year!)
pridepoisoned · 2 years
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(ooc. Good morning!! If you're reading this, I've officially turned 29!! Happy birthday to me. 🥳
Today is extra meaningful for me because it also marks my 10th year RPing on this site! Recently, I've been taking the time to look back at my old blogs, threads and posts, and it's been a very bittersweet, reflective experience. So much has changed [both on and offline] since I timidly applied to my first closed group in 2013, and again when I took a chance and jumped blindly into the indie scene in early 2020. So many inactive/deactivated blogs and sadly unfinished threads, but--at the same time--so many great writing memories to revisit, and it's always awesome to see returning friends/muses!
This is going to sound weird coming from this blog specifically, but if I've written with or for you, or even if we have yet to interact but you've read my writing while scrolling through the dash, I hope you've enjoyed it! I know I tend to move at a slower pace and write a lot (like this lol), and I also really apologize for being so hard to reach via IM or DIscord at times--sometimes I just burn out because of my schedule, and I'll admit that I'm still trying to get over some lingering nervousness caused by a particularly toxic ooc interaction years ago...but I truly appreciate every message, have enjoyed every convo, and I feel like I'm slowly coming out of my shell again and finding balance. Thanks so much as always to the thread partners and others who have shown interest in my muses--if you're reading this, know that I am always down to interact or spin a story together on any of them! Let's do it!
It's Year 29/10, and I can't promise more activity here--life is changing too fast--but I can say that I'll continue to stay true in writing my unapologetically good and evil muses, while being as supportive/positive as I can OOC. Good vibes, and let's keep growing together--I can't wait to see what fresh adventures are around the corner ✌️)
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