#(i say seems bc it's complicated there. but we'll get to that in a later post i bet)
weaverofink · 2 years
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You guys seemed to like the deity!Tikki AU so I decided to make some more for it!!
I think once Tikki is free, the first thing she does is try to hunt down Plagg to “free” him from his miraculous and his holder, who she deems little more than a thief. Adrien gets wind of this and decides to get the hell out of dodge with Plagg in tow. Plagg is very conflicted about all of this-- he doesn’t actually remember ever being a god (due to the enchantment on the miraculous) and has grown to like both Adrien and the life he currently has, but he is haunted by the existential implication that his current self is just a lie dreamed up by the guardians
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angy-grrr · 4 months
I keep seeing people worried abt potential Iz/ch but like. We know that he probably wanted to talk about the same thing they did at the cliff, and she will keep thinking about Toga.
Yeah, for a second I also got slightly worried -bc yk, heterosexuality can just happen at any moment-, but after reading it all it doesn't look romantic at all. At least to me.
I am going to use this ask as an excuse to discuss the leaks under the cut, elaborating on this too
This chapter, to me, looks like Izuku is considering what means for him to be a hero himself, and if he even gets to be called that.
He is really... reflecting, if we pay attention to his facial expressions. After that student who used to had Aizawa-sensei as her teacher says she realized she really wants to be a hero after dealing with his "pranks", he is contemplative, maybe thinking about what he believes a hero should do -and if he fulfilled that role.
Ochako is the person who opened up about her complicated feelings towards a villain -while keeping to herself her admiration for certain things-, and probably he wanted to know more about her fight/confrontation. Because Uraraka interrupts him to comment on his hair, they probably haven't talked during their time in the hospital -idk about medical stuff, but im pretty sure he already went thru the operation and had his head shaved in chapter 424, that's why im guessing they were more focused on healing physically than meeting each other.
Because of this, I believe Izuku doesn't know what happened between her and Himiko, and because she probably isn't as relevant for the public as AFO, the end could also be unknown to him, including Ochako's thoughts. But after seeing how she is all okay apparently, chatting like nothing happened just like most of them... he probably felt more alone.
I can't confirm what he feels bc, well, he doesnt say it. Izuku just looks to me like he is looking for someone who could understand his goal of saving a villain, and how it could hurt failing, even if you are glad everyone is okay, but the only people who were open about it -Ochako, who also was focused on stopping and saving a villain who is "not related" to her, and Shoto, who wanted to save his villain brother- don't seem to want to talk about it with him. Like they can move on into other things.
Uraraka seems fine, idk what that says about Himiko's fate -I'm hoping she is okay and we'll get to see it later-, and Todoroki directly says it... is he alone in this? Is he a bad hero bc he couldn't save Shigaraki fully, or because he's stuck in that moment?
This chapter doesnt go against the idea I expressed here -it was a promise to themselves, and he expected Ochako to tell him about the aftermath and the internal conflict of being a hero that saves villains, just like before. But now, Ochako isn't opening up to him, she is keeping it light, and he doesnt want to be a burden.
Izuku rn is isolating himself bc he isn't being vulnerable with others first -the only people he is like that is All Might, and slightly Katsuki because he can't just lie to their faces. Before, both Shoto and Ochako were the ones who would spill their feelings to him, and he expected to be able to also be honest in return -but not being the first one. If he starts it, he risks making others feel sad, angry or down for things they might not even think about, so he prefers to shut up and keep it to himself.
Him and Katsuki... is complicated, because with his feelings he ends up pushing Izuku to places he might not be comfortable with -for example, expressing his admiration and closeness to the point of being nasty and inappropriate, and not hating it bc they are parts of Kacchan. He doesn't feel like he can say that, yet Katsuki makes him see those sides of him instead of focusing on other practical things.
Izuku is a clueless character, who prefers to put others' happiness over his own, and feels conflicted over his fight with Shigaraki. He is the definition of the bad at feelings tag. When he looks for support in the people he knows could be in the same position, and start the conversation for him -give him permission to express his thoughts- he finds they are doing okay. They are not lost, confused, or stuck. They look... fine.
But he is not okay.
Making that moment just an izu///ocha moment... idk, I think that takes a lot from their characters and from Shigaraki and Himiko, like the villains are just tools to make them a couple.
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leporellian · 1 year
trying (and failing) to make a modern au of trovatore
one of the most campy operas, now as a modern au, because i find the process of making modern aus like really relaxing for some reason
first off. How Everything Went Down because There's A Lot Going On There
count di luna sr- obviously not a count here, but i'm not giving him a proper first name- is... let's say he's a government representative bc even though i know i've used that in the past, it works. he has two sons, as in canon, but unlike canon they have two separate mothers; the firstborn being the son of his actual wife and then his second son being the result of an affair with an employee or something similar.
the second child is abandoned somehow when he's very little; his birth mother can't really take care of him at all and she has no idea what to do with an infant. she abandons him and leaves him on a sidewalk near one of those flourescent-light dingy bodegas in the middle of the night... and he's found by azucena, the Only employee at said bodega, who is honestly initially none too happy about the situation for a myriad of reasons
Right Before azucena found The Baby, she had both suffered a miscarriage and lost her mother to some dumbass policy in large part funded by senator/representative/whatever diluna. (i don't think there's a way to translate 'threw wrong baby in fire' in a way that makes sense or is just, like, objectively darkly hilarious so we're going with this.) so having to deal with An Entire Infant is... well very emotionally complex. initially she tries to give The Baby up for adoption, figuring she can't be that good of a mother and he isn't hers by blood and someone could take better care of him, but then she realizes he's something of a little misfit in the world like herself and she takes him in.
(not that she doesn't like, Drop all her problems LOL. she's a good mother but she certainly isn't perfect.)
she doesn't learn about manrico's actual parentage until manrico is in his teens and even then it takes a few years for her to Tell Him Proper because she doesn't want to really even acknowledge that her son shares the same DNA as the man who doomed her mother to die. so... complicated stuff happening there LOL!
meanwhile. the other son
senator diluna's elder son, frederick (his close friends, of which he has none, call him freddie. but otherwise he is just frederick. just diluna when he's feeling self-important), is raised primarily by the staff around the diluna household and senator diluna himself. it was one of those McMansion 'they have a nanny hired' situations. frederick's mother left some time after she figured out her husband was having affairs; frederick has not heard from her since.
senator diluna honestly never really... liked frederick. (he loved frederick. but he didn't like him.) frederick was always a rather feeble hyperactive little thing that didn't really have any of the charisma or grace of his dad, and so often just sort of... fucked things up. i imagine senator diluna was physically abusive too, just a right old bastard- but frederick loved him.
there were a couple times where sen. diluna, when Tearing Through frederick for his son's many faults, would make references to 'see this is why i wished you had a brother so one of my sons would be competent'. which always fucked frederick up, so frederick took some solace in at least being the only child. (lol.) he was never really popular with his peers at school; given he was like... the cringy deviantart scenecore wolf-obsessed kid that Very Clearly had some sort of neurodivergence nobody seemed to address.
(well, he did meet leonora in middle school but we'll get to her later.)
sen. diluna died of... something- gestures vaguely- not too long ago, and on his deathbed he started going a bit delirious and talking about 'his other son' which, given the things he had told frederick before, fucked frederick up Hard. so frederick decided that he would at least make his dad proud from beyond the grave... but he has no idea what to do with his life, he doesn't Really believe in his dad's politics beyond a long set of internalized biases, and he has little to show for himself. so. Yeah
manrico is told about his true parentage by azucena not long before sen. diluna dies... and then when he finds out, he thinks 'well i don't like who my dad was but maybe if i go to the funeral i'll get some sense of closure about the dad i never knew.' (manrico does not think about what sort of ramifications this might cause for other people. he's a very kind young man, but he's also..... how you say.... stupid.)
meanwhile, frederick does have TWO friends! two! ...leonora, who he met in middle school and went to Catholic High School with, and ferrando. both of these friendships are objectively sort of hilarious.
he and leonora are like The Two Warrior Cats Wolfpack OC Kids In Middle School so they hung out often even though frederick is three or so years older than she is. they sort of kept being friends in high school but given leonora was raised by like, uber-Christian overprotective parents and sen. diluna's parenting style (when not kicking frederick around like a rubber ball) was 'just tell the kid to go run around outside and hope the coyotes don't get him', they sort of split apart naturally. after they finish high school neither of them initially attend college, leonora bc she wants to go take a couple gap years and figure things out and frederick because.... gesturing
ferrando, meanwhile, initially met frederick bc he interned for sen. diluna when he was in high school and was inexplicably asked multiple times 'hey can you watch my child for the day while i do stuff' which is just really funny because frederick was like 8 and ferrando was like 15 at the time. they only really became friends-friends when they were both adults however. ferrando was also given a pretty hard shake at it by sen. diluna and sort of Thrown Around as an office intern, so he empathizes with frederick's entire situation, but he doesn't entirely understand frederick's eccentricities nor does he understand why frederick is so desperate to Prove Himself. ferrando and frederick are housemates, which ferrando likes for multiple reasons. one, the house is a mcmansion. two, ferrando was born with a birth defect where he was born without a full right hand (he has a vestigial bump there but that's about it) and with a mostly-blind right eye, so he can get frederick to do stuff for him like unscrew jars when frederick isn't being particularly erratic.
so anyway when sen. diluna dies frederick is like 'hey you two you are like my only friends can you come with me to the funeral'. ferrando accepts. leonora also accepts but she thinks the whole situation is weird and awkward because like they knew each other in school but it's been a couple years now and she isn't like THAT close to him but she also doesn't want to say no bc she knows he is sort of desperate.
anyway manrico and leonora meet in community college. she's there after her couple of gap years to figure out what it is she really wants to Do with her life, he's a fresh-out-of-high-school grad there because (despite otherwise being a dumb football jock) he's actually quite fascinated by history. they hit it off really well. i actually think leonora is a lesbian and at firsttt she thinks she's into manrico but then she's like Nah. Nonthreatening Man. and he's cool with it ("oh cool so we both dig chicks!" "...you could put it that way yeah!")
leonora tells manrico about the whole. 'my weird high school friend messaged me asking abt his dad's funeral and i don't really Want to go to it' thing and manrico's like.... oh shit 1) that dead guy is my dad i just found out and 2) clearly that has to be my brother. and he asks to get in contact w/ frederick so he can attend. leonora, not knowing frederick Does Not Know about his younger brother, gives him frederick's email address.... and frederick responds as kindly as one could imagine to 'email claiming to be from a brother that as far as frederick knows does not exist when the concept of having a brother is an extremely sore spot'.
(frederick initially blames leonora for doing it as a prank but then he's like 'NO WAIT I'M SORRY I WASN'T THINKING STRAIGHT'. she's weirded out enough by this to ghost him, which, again, does not have a good impact on frederick's mental psyche either.)
manrico keeps calling frederick his brother every time they go on to meet in person. frederick does not believe him. neither brother is having a good time bc manrico thinks his one 'blood' family member and the older brother he always wished he had despises him, while di luna thinks some stranger is playing a sick joke just to fuck with him for no reason. etc.
where does it go from here? idk it depends on what one wants. in the Canon Compliant Version things come to a head like they usually do and frederick kills manrico in an alley knife fight or something before being told LMAO that IS your brother and you just got rid of your ONLY family left. in the silly this-is-all-for-the-sake-of-it au, things are reconciled with a DNA test and manrico and frederick- while maybe often argumentative and not CLOSE close- make amends. leonora and frederick also get on more equal footing but realize that they can be acquaintances without being... like... friends, so they never really go back to being friends i think but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. ferrando and azucena still hate each other but this time it's honestly kind of funny bc they don't really have anything to do with each other at all. manrico decides to intern at the local history museum only for it to turn out that ferrando works there as an archivist and that's a bruh moment. i think these characters have some funny ass character dynamics in a modern au
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scullysflannel · 1 year
asking out of curiosity, if an actor is non-american but in sag (most curious about british or canadian etc since they're the most connected with usa industry, but literally any other country really) would they be allowed to shoot something in their own country, that's not an american production? like a british actor doing a uk tv show that has nothing to do with usa for example. bc one article i read mentioned the strike refers to international shoots, but that's like idk, mission impossible filming in european or asian cities, not say, olivia colman doing a uk miniseries.
thank you for bringing olivia colman into it. we'll know more about this later today (and I'm not an authority on any of this), but it seems like there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. according to variety, equity (the u.k. actors' union) can't legally call a strike in solidarity. according to deadline, some international actors are still expected to strike. sag-aftra is an american union, but it doesn't only represent actors in the u.s., and actors can be in more than one union. so it's probably going to depend on who's working on and producing a show. not to mention writing it, since any show with wga writers should have already shut down production anyway (which house of the dragon didn't do. as if writing stops when filming starts!)
updating now that the strike is on: this variety report (which is about hotd, but it’s a problem for more than just one show) gets into how complicated it is in the u.k. because of their union laws
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im-a-goddamn-cat · 2 years
me and my mom had a massive fight with my dad earlier. not anything new but this one felt different bc my dad said he has thought about divorce over some stuff, even before the fight (i think?), and he said that i am part of the problem. (it wasn't just me but still.) he later said he just said that stuff in anger but like. i don't think that's true. i think he did mean it. i think for a long time now he's felt like that, and that he prefers my brother over me. bc yeah, i am a problem. i've been a problem in this house for as long as i can remember. i'm the mentally ill, loser failure, anger issue having problem who is responsible for a lot of fights and other complications. i'm not just going off my dad's opinion btw, also my mom and brother and my own. my parents and brother say that no one hates me or wants me to move out but i don't believe them. my mom also says my dad is the problem, not me, but idk. (apparently there was a fight between my mom and dad that happened yesterday while i was at class.) i do agree that he has issues but still, idk. (tho i might be biased bc of some stuff my dad did in the past that might've lowkey traumatized me so maybe i do still have a grudge/favor towards my mom but whatever.)
i think if i was gone, my family's life would be better. actually, not just my family, literally everyone i know. i don't fit in anywhere. (tw suicide) i am suicidal so much for many reasons and it's very hard not to be when everyone/everywhere seems bothered by my presence in some way/i am an always an outsider/different (end tw)
i could just be paranoid bc i do get paranoid a lot, also i just never handle fights well in general... but still. idk maybe i am overreacting and things will be fine tomorrow. idk.
anyways i'm tired af and it is 1 am but i can't sleep yet bc i have a final essay due tomorrow in class and i've barely started it so now i gotta stay up all night in this shitty mood doing that. (same tw) or maybe instead i just kill myself now. we'll see
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adamnagaitisnews · 1 year
Okay, it's like i have to break my promise not to write publicly, i hate it. but this one, i really want everyone to see it. first of all, i want @carolsfeelgoodstuff to read it bc she won't leave me alone and won't contact me personally.
We'll talk the concepts of YouTube and self-sufficiency.
YouTube is the world biggest platform for videos, it allows to upload the largest and the best quality videos possible. Also, YouTube is the first place anyone would go searching. I cut my vids to pieces to be able to upload every second available without violating the copyright of the original owner. Sometimes my vids get blocked, sometimes the rightholders unblock them, it's a very complicated system, and we're not talking about it today. but i always try to make everything stay on the channel the longest time possible. Why? It's done for the fans who may come not today, not even tomorrow. A year, 5 years, 10 years, whatever. It's an archive of everything in one place available for everyone from everywhere in the world. That's it. That's why i care about quality so much. Everything is categorized by folders (for the times when he is super famous ehehe) for quick search.
So, it's YouTube.
Now your favourite part. The word 'EXCLUSIVE' (my ass ™). That's where we come to the concept of
2) Self-sufficiency.
When i first started it, i was different, let's say so. I thought im gonna do something and people will love me (i know, ridiculous, ive grown up since then). It was not about archive, it was about me wishing to be included. Long story short, it failed. (i strongly believe everyone knows this story of me attacking people out of the blue like a rabid dog. Am i proud of it? No. But what's done is done.)
I had two ways. To stop doing what i was doing or to go on alone. I chose the latter :). This channel was the first thing in my life i didn't abandon after 5 minutes. I enjoyed every second of it. Editing, making covers, avoiding blocking and deciding what im gonna do next. Adam turned out a perfect muse for me. I never get tired of his face and he always inspires me to try something new. Months later, I understood that i didn't need to be included anymore, it was so enjoyable that i knew even if everyone unfollows me today, im gonna start from scratch tomorrow just because i love it. Even when it sux.
I stopped asking people here and on twitter to subscribe (i do ask on yt but it's a common practice). I became self-sufficient.
Wow! You ve read up to this! EXCLUSIVE (my ass ™).
When i discovered Branwell's vids, i was sooo excited (my ass ™), i posted an extract on twitter immediately but no one seemed interested. I won't describe the circles of hell i went through to upload it to yt in THREE, CARL, pieces to make it available all over the world. And i still wanted everyone here and on twitter to see it. The word EXCLUSIVE (my ass ™) seemed to fit the best to draw attention, bc i was absolutely sure no one saw it before. Then @wifeofbath asked me where i got it, but i was still pissed (not proud), and never responded. As simple as that.
You gonna ask me why i said no to you. Speaking both Louvel and Hamlet, when i do something i find especially appealing, i feel an urge to make a post here and on twitter. Even if no one likes it. it's a ✔️ for me. Like mission completed or something.
Speaking Hamlet in particular, first, because i wanted to gif this one myself. Hamlet is a really big deaI for me. Second, i was dumb and it took me longer than expected to find it (on rutracker, my ass!). Third, im so so so sorry to say it aloud, and please don't take it personally and for fuck's sake dont stop giffing, but like i said, i have nothing to lose. Im a rabid dog :). i stopped visiting tumblr as often as i used to because i couldn't find other people's posts through the mass of your gifs. I got irritated and just left quietly and went into post'n'go mode. Tbh i was embarrassed when you wrote me here through the question form. Also, later i found you annoying, and im sorry for that.
So these were all cases when anyone asked me for a source of anything.
Everything i post i found in open sources, it's like a sport for me. First you find it, then you post and then there's this russian roulette moment - will it be blocked or not? Or will i have to cut the shit out of it to make it available all over the world? With those videos, Im concentrated on yt only, i dont aim to upload it anywhere else, bc see pt. 1. I don't own them, i dont care who else posts them and where. Ive learned my lessons and i wanna go on in peace.
Thanks for reading this,
Seems like im finally free now,
If there are any questions, please ask, im gonna answer.
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thisisreallydumb · 4 years
the last few days I started being in houseparty with B, two friends of mine (one of them is the toxic one but that's okay now lol i am fuckkng overdramatic) and a few friends of him. and his best friend is kiiinda having a lil tension wirh the toxic friend (in a romantic way) but he just got friendzoned by his crush and she is still not over her ex bf and he and her ex are very similar to each other. so nobody really knows what's going on there. and three days ago after we were on houseparty i texted with B about his bestie and my friend and i was trying to convince him that something is going on and i said:“ they text with each other until 3 am and stay on houseparty after all of us are gone“ and he was like:“ yeah but we also text with each other for so long and there's nothing going on“ (it was 2am at that point btw) and well that was kinda friendzoning me and i thought „okay well then not“ and then I talked to him abt depressive stuff and was in a bad mood the next day but the friendzone didn't bother me too much. bc of that conversation i was kinda able to reflect kn myself and my life and i came to the conclusion that I don't need a boyfriend i just want somebody that i can share every thing in my life with. cuz ofc yeah best friends but 1. has a boyfriend, 2. also does, 3. is talking to someone, 4.has a girlfriend (idk if he's my best friend it's complicated, i'll get to that later) and i am over here lonely. then i was in a bad mood 2 days ago. then i went out drinking and smoking with 1 and cried at her shoulder for half an hour or so lol but the day after that i was fine again. but then the tea came in lol. the other friend of mine that is always on houseparty with B and all the other people and the toxic one went to visit Bs bestie and he told them that he asked B about me. and B said that we just talk about everything AND the bestie asked if he has a crush and well he said no. BUT he didn't just say it once, when they moved on with the topic he continued to assure him that he had no feelings. and now idk. B definitely is someone that suppresses his feelings and well that's kinda complicated but the bestie and the toxic friend now try to set us up and i don't hate it but idk abt it. we'll see where this is gonna go. and now lets go to 4. yesterday evening i kinda texted with him and he lives pretty far away from me, about 400km. and he is the worst listener ever and sometimes seems like he doesn't give a fuck abt me but as soon as we talk in real life it's nice most of the time and so funny especially when it's just the two of us. and he literally didn't tell me that he has a girlfriend since MORE THAN A MONTH and i always kinda update him on my feelings cuz they are confusing and yesterday he literally told me that he doesn't care about it. and not in a joking way. dead ass serious. and he always complains about stuff and i try to actually help but to me he his always like „okay, cool“ and that actually hurts. especially considering that we fought so much in the past bc of his ex gf and bc he doesn't take relationships serious at all. and idk what to do
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