#(i wasn't scared though because that already happened once or twice i think)
happyvalkyrieofdoom · 2 years
I think my trusty MP4 player that I’ve been using on an almost daily basis for about a decade is preparing for a happy retirement
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thekitsunesiren · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #29
Okay! I have seen plenty of prompts on both tumblr and Ao3 to think of one of biggest misunderstandings that I could think of for Dc x Dp.
Amity Park being mistaken for a base camp for training child soldiers.
Because think of it!
Mr. Lancer's class all going to Gotham and being unphased by everything that was happening. In fact, some of them seemed even excited at the possibility of interacting with a rogue or possibly fighting them. And teacher did nothing but give them light warnings about causing too much trouble.
Of course it was thought to be big talk from outsiders who didn't know how dangerous Gotham truly was. Once they dealt with their first villain, they'd see how much trouble they really were in for.
But the thing was, they didn't.
Oh, they dealt with a criminal alright. It was the Penguin. He held up one of the museums the class was touring for some priceless item that he wanted.
Of course, Penguin thought that the group of newcomers were going to cow under the sight of the criminal and his goons. But standing there, he immediately found out of wrong he was.
The group didn't look scared. No. They looked excited at the sight of him and his goons.
A few of the teens were brimming with excitement at the sight of the criminal, though a few did look a bit disappointed. Not afraid-disappointed! He heard a few whispers of how upset that "the Joker wasn't the one to show" or "how they expected someone else to show up". Those words were enough to make his blood boil.
You know what? Screw these kids! He was going to show them that The Penguin wasn't someone you just go around and make fun of. So, he orders a few goons to put the kids in their place. Confident that once they were thrown around a bit, they'd know what kind of trouble they're in for when they come to Gotham.
But they. Don't. Get. Scared!
Not even a little bit. Not even a small flinch. He swore that he saw a few of them yawn! If the threat of roughening up wasn't going to do anything, then some action would definitely was. A goon thought this as they reached out to try and grab one of the students. Unfortunately, that student he grabbed was Valerie Gray, and she didn't take well to some stranger trying to grab her like that. Well, one shoulder throw lead to a brawl between gangsters and a bunch a teens that were touring around. And, to the horror of both the Penguin and all Gothamites watching, the teens won. All goons were seen on the floor either groaning or unconscious, the teens above them looking satisfied with their work, and their teacher on the sidelines looking irritated of the whole thing. Thankfully, the police arrived not too soon after that to arrest the goons and the penguins themselves; leaving all Gothamites confused about what just happened.
And it didn't stop there.
All over Gotham, both civilians and rogues alike would experience the oddity that would be the Amity bunch.
A barista witnessed Paulina stop a robbery with a well practiced kick in her high heels, all while the girl muttered about her morning coffee before going back to her order like nothing happened.
An old woman was saved from a mugging by a group of jocks. Though seeing as one stopped it by grabbing the mugger by the scruff of his neck, she supposed that the blond was the only one that she needed. And multiple civilians all over Gotham took note of a black haired and blue eyed kid that walked around with a goth girl and a boy with a red beanie. If he wasn't mistaken as a Wayne kid, he was causing havoc that had him on the news either way. Already the kid was caught fighting the Joker twice on purpose! As if he didn't seem crazy enough.
Strength, not scared by any of the rogues, even openly fighting the rouges? This class was continuing to grow on the "do not mess with" the longer they're in Gotham with everything they do.
And if you were to ask their teacher, he would simply sigh and say "There's so much he could do to control those hellions." It wasn't long before the Wayne family caught onto their arrival, and became immediately suspicious. A group of teens with abilities like that and fighting both rogues and goons as if they were nothing wasn't a mere coincidence. And from a place called Amity Park that's supposed to be the most "Haunted Place on Earth", there's no way something fishy going on.
Bruce, Tim, and Damian are the first to believe that they are all child soldiers of some sort. The youngest pointing out that Danny was one possibly meant to infiltrate their family for an unknown reason. The rest of the family are still cautious, but still don't know what they are here for.
Now they just had to get close enough to find out the reason the class was really here without setting off any alarms the possible assassins could have.
But they didn't take account the total weirdness they might face in infiltrating the class.
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Checkmate you
the plot is: you often play chess with alastor but alas you always lose to him. you tired of being a permanent loser and you propose him another game to revenge. alastor wants to make the game more entertaining so there's a new rule: the loser fulfills the winner's desire
words ≈ 6.3k
warnings: alastor is a mean player, reader has a crush on alastor, suddenly aggressive alastor, kissing on the chessboard, possibly grammar mistakes :(
author's note: i'm not a chess expert, i'm just a little girl who's visiting a chess club at my university. i just really wanted to combine my hatelove to chess with alastor and add something romantic
*. ⋆ ✧.·:·.* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *.·:·.✧ *. ⋆
You wanted revenge. You needed to revenge. You weren't a vindictive person, but you were so tired of this. You were tired of perpetual defeats, and what defeats! You were an experienced player and not so weak, although you didn't know all the theory or strategy and tactics. Surely, you had a lot to learn, but what was the most annoying is that Alastor was just the same. He'd never read anything from chess books, never learnt anything special about this game. Just like you.
Playing a game, you tried to calculate the moves, but you never foreknew the plan for you or for your opponent for more then two moves in advance. Alastor was an antithesis of you. It seemed that he foresaw any moves you could make, and he had a plan for each of them. He never thought too long about a move, because when you, for example, began to move your bishop forward, he already knew how many moves had left to checkmate you. “Darling, you should practice more.” You didn't know whether he had a strategy, but you did know it was impossible to impress him with any. Because, once again, he foreknew your every move, your every thought, your every emotion.
You were a calm player. No matter what move you or your opponent made, the expression on your face never changed. Keep your head cold, keep your face stone. You didn't think about your move for too long too but for other reasons. You prefered to have more time in reserve than dozens of moves calculated in advance, because you knew you weren't really good at this, and often you didn't notice really good moves at all, rushing to make a new move and realizing your mistake only when a chess piece was in a new place and your hand was lowered to the table. But even this didn't cause blush or pallor on your face. And this was your advantage, because everyone was convinced of your confidence, and no one ever knew what you were up to.
But not Alastor. He always knew and anticipated with pleasure your every defeat, reveling in it. Though Alastor was really a gentleman, always well-mannered, in a game he showed his more wayward nature. You liked Alastor and you even never scorned his sometimes mischievous behavior. But during a battle over the chessboard he was insufferable even for you.
He was that type of a player who said to you “Are you sure?” or “You have enough time to think twice, my dear.” when you took a piece in your hand. And all of this was said not with good intentions. His tone oozed venomous mockery, his eyes flashed with self-admiration and this toothy grin as sharp as his remark...
Both of you wore masks during a match, but you also remained silent, while Alastor just couldn't shut up. And though you were all patience, your claws dug into a dark wooden table when Alastor chuckled after another move you made. “Ah, apologize, darling! Please, continue!”. After that you had to use all your strength to keep a neutral expression on your face and not to show him how much his criticism bothered you and sometimes even scared you.
But he wasn't always this way. Sometimes, when you played for fun, just to enjoy the game, he was a courteous man again. Usually it happened when you played without a time control. Not only his smile became less strained, but you also let yourself make a joke about your not very smart move or about the way his expression changed when he weighed the best move. He adjusted his monocle and tilted his head, saying, “Just let me think, dear. And while I'm reflecting, do show me what you would do in my shoes! Oh, that's interesting…” In no control games he didn't hasten to checkmate you, didn't laugh at you (almost) and you didn't feel like being mocked.
You did like these games and their relaxing atmosphere. You could learn something new not only about chess but also about Alastor. Or even yourself. ”You know, my dear, I find intelligence the most attractive thing in a person. And I believe you're a very intelligent little thing.” Alastor told you this once during a game, making you for a whole week carrying these words in your head, smiling spontaneously when you remembered them and blushing, realizing it was the highest praise he gave you and your game.
But your last battle was terrible. Grins, chuckles, bemused looks at you, tilts of head… Maybe you weren't at your best, but it didn't mean he could behave like this. And moreover, other inhabitants of the hotel watched your game. Usually they didn't care, as they found chess boring, especially just watching others' games, but that time everyone, even Angel, were interested. They surrounded the table where you were playing, gasped when Alastor checked you, whispered when you tried to block him, sighed when he checked you again. His ever present smile turned to a grin, his eyes ran from the board to your face to see your ever-increasing despair, while your gaze was fixed on the pieces. You felt others’ gazes and it made you sweat more. To lose just in front of your opponent was unpleasantly but bearable, but to let others see your defeat was too much for your pride.
And then you lost.
You lost with the King and a single pawn that didn't even have time to reach to the opposite side of the chessboard, stopping on B7. You played whites, but it didn't help you. You played with sixty minutes of main time per player and with a thirty-second increment each move. But while Alastor was accumulating time, you were racking your brains, trying to figure out how to escape the defeat as you saw his pieces drawn up in the fatal for you position.
And now you wanted to make him feel what you felt. Hesitance. You wanted to make him doubt, to make him panic. You wished to see his eyes running all over the chessboard as he was trying to come up with the escape routes. You wanted to make him so panicked and so rejoiced at the move that he'd found that he would forget to press the button on the clock after that move. You wanted him desperated.
A thin predatory smile spread across your face when you imagined Alastor acting the same way as you, when he checked you and you knew that the last escape route was cut off. You smiled, imagining him tugging his hair in despair, and chuckled, imagining his frightened eyes and his crooked smile with clenched teeth.
But you knew it was impossible. And his face with ever present smug smile flashed before your eyes, making you drop your head on the bar counter with a dull sound.
“What's the matter, kid?” Husk asked you, dusting the counter.
“I wanna die,” You pronounced in the wooden surface.
“Mmm,” Was the answer.
‘And this is how we talk,’ you thought, lifting your head.
“Hey, Husk. Have you ever played with Alastor?” You were rewarded with a frown look. “In chess. Have you played chess with him ?”
“I won't tell you anythin’.” And he turned away to put the clean glasses on the shelves.
“I just want to win him,” You sighed. “I love playing with him, but… I’m tired. Especially after the last time.”
When Alastor put a rook opposite your King and pronounced slowly, as if he was savoring every sound of this word, “checkmate” you felt a soft palm on your shoulder. You heard Husk's voice, but didn't look at him. “You did a good job.” Charlie waltzed around the board, admiring Alastor's position. Angel shook his shoulder and told you some supporting words, but you barely heard them, looking afraid at Alastor. He didn't took you for a stupid, did he?
Husk looked at you over his shoulder, hearing your low sad voice. You looked so miserable.
“Listen, kid,” Husked said with a deep sigh, “I just don't understand why you like him so much, and I don't wanna see you get in trouble. It seems to me that you began to spend more time with him.”
Did he notice a pink hue on your cheeks when you looked away?
“Well, it's true we've become, um, closer. Because I do find him as a good company. It's always interesting to speak with him, and I really like the way he plays. He's so good at it, really!” Husk looked with a frown at you, and you smiled, remembering all the good games you shared with Alastor. “I just don't like that he's… snobbish? Sometimes.”
Husk just sniffed.
“And also I don't like that he revels in others’ failures.” Alastor’s laughter resounded in your head again. “And he doesn't just enjoy them, he literally savours my defeats! That's very annoying.”
“That's all he is.”
“So I want revenge.” You placed your hands on the counter, bending down and looking straight at the bartender. Husk started, seeing the red luster in your eyes. Your irises coloured in darker shade, but somehow they glistened in the poor light of the bar. He had a feeling that you could defeat Alastor. “I know I can't checkmate him, but at least I can make him sweat.”
Husk cleared his throat and said, “You play with him for a long time, surely, you know ‘bout his weak points.”
Your eyebrows flew high, when you understood that Husk was ready to help you, to give you some advice.
“I'm not sure about the weak points, maybe just the things he doesn't like. For example, a blitz game. It is always important to him to have time for thinking, though it seems like he knows all in advance. Hmm.” You tapped your lower lip with your forefinger, trying to remember what Alastor avoided in a chess game. Husk looked at you expectantly. Surely, there should be something else. “Well, once Alastor made an illegal move,” You said and fell silent.
Husk still looked at you expectantly, as if he was saying ‘It can't be all what you're about working with.’ And then he said, “And?”
You threw your hands in the air and exclaimed, “I truly don't know what to do!” and dropped your head on the counter again.
“Jus’ deal with it and stop playin’ with him.”
“I caaaan't.” Surely you couldn't. These games may not have always been pleasant, but it was the only chance to spend time alone with him. To know him better. To become closer.
Suddenly a new thought like lightning flashed in your mind. You immediately lifted your head, and Husk could almost see how the thoughts in your head formed a tricky plan. Your eyes lightened softer and brighter.
“It's hardly a plan, but-”
“Where you are, my dear!” You heard a static voice from behind, and then a large palm lay on your shoulder. “I'm looking for you all over the hotel! It's not often to see you in the company of our dear friend Husker!”
Husk rolled his eyes and turned to the shelves to take a bottle.
“Alastor! Just thought about you!” You said.
“You did?” Alastor leaned forward, squeezing your shoulder and looking in your eyes. Then he harshly let you go and sat next to you.
“Yes, I want to offer you something. A game in chess.” You looked at him, playfully tilting your head.
Alastor cocked his eyebrow at you, “Why, my dear, I expected it'd take more time for you to accept your last defeat.”
You winced at his words but then smiled as wide as you could and said, looking directly in his eyes, “No, I'm absolutely fine, thank you.”
“So what is your proposal then?”
“Nothing difficult! We play blitz. Time control is five minutes three seconds. Ten second increment. And we have a judge, who records all illegal moves, because two of them mean defeat. And here is the judge!”
Husk chucked on his booze when you waved your hands in his side. “No way,” He said, coming to his breath.
“Why not, my good man?” exclaimed Alastor, “I've never seen you as a judge! Must be very entertaining!”
Husk shifted his frown from you to Alastor, thinking who of you two was more to blame for his new part. His gaze fixed on you when he sighed.
“But, my dear,” Alastor looked at you, “the rules are a bit strict, don't you think?”
“Nope.” There was no way to use other rules. These were perfect. They included everything Alastor avoided.
“Hmm,” He tapped his chin with his forefinger. “How about that, I also have something to suggest!” His hand fell on your shoulder again and went down to your forearm, he leaned closer to you, invading your personal space and said, “The loser fulfills the winner's desire.”
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
On the appointed day you three met in the room where you and Alastor usually played. It was not a big room in dark brown colours with wooden furniture. It was always warm and cozy here, thanks to the fireplace with a merry bright flame. The bookcases lined the wall on both sides of the fireplace. A rectangular coffee table with a light pattern on the edges stood in the middle of the room and was surrounded with two loveseats on wooden legs. In the left side of the room there was a chess table and two soft chairs with dark red upholstery, the same fabric as on the sofas. The room was also decorated with paintings of Charlie's family and landscapes of hell, candles in the bronze scones, and an old thick carpet on the floor in the center. The windows were always curtained with heavy maroon blinds and the door was two-panel, decorated with simple right-angle carving.
It was your favorite room in the whole hotel. You liked it even more than your own quarters. You not only played chess here, it was also a mini-library of the hotel, where you always could find a good book to read near the cozy fireplace. It seemed to you that this room suited Alastor’s style better than the style of the entire hotel, and maybe it was another reason why you prefered to spend your time here. You even made this place more comfortable by bringing two blankets and a tray with a teapot and a couple of cups. Now Alastor was pouring tea for you, while you were explaining to Husk how to set the clock. Alastor came to you with a cup of hot tea for you in one hand and with his half emptied mug of coffee in the other one.
“Thank you,” You said, taking the aromatic drink.
Alastor smiled at you and sat on the free chair.
Husk was still troubling with the device, muttering curses under his breath.
It was 10 am, and usually you played much later, often ending your games in the dead of night. But last evening Alastor said that he had unforeseen circumstances that he needed to deal with as soon as tomorrow, so your game will have to be rescheduled either for another hour or another day. “Thousands apologies, darling.”
And as you couldn't wait any longer you suggested playing in the morning to Husk’s discontent. He hated mornings, while you were a morning person. And Alastor never seemed to sleep, so playing a quick game in the beginning of the day wasn't a problem for him.
You emptied your cup when Husk put the chess clock on the table and said,
“Here. You play with five minutes three seconds of main time per player and with a ten-second increment each move,” He looked questionly at you, and you nodded, saying everything was right. “You two play, and I make sure that none of you make unnecessary movements or illegal moves and all that shit. As Alastor played last game with blacks, you both decided that now it's his turn to use whites. Oh, and the loser will do anythin’ that the winner asks them to do.” Husk twitched, saying these words. His worried look fell on you, but you were looking at the chessboard and didn't notice it. “Is everythin’ clear?” You both nodded. “Great. Shake your hands.”
For the first time this day you looked at Alastor. He smiled at you with his ordinary smile, showing all his fangs. In the light of candles his eyes were gleaming with bright red and his long eyelashes casted shadows on his cheekbones. Alastor extended his hand to you, and you shook his palm, squeezing gently his long, cold fingers. A thought ran through your mind, that you were the only one in the hotel, or maybe even in whole hell, who touched his bare skin so often. The handshake was firm but tender as always. Alastor traced his fingertips over your palm, letting go of your hand, and a pleasant electrik wave ran through your spine. ‘Wonder, how many hands he shook are bloodless now?’
Husk pushed the button, and the room filled with a quiet ticking and the loud sound of wooden pieces moving on the board.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
His fingers smoothly ran through the air, as if he was playing the invisible piano, when he was thinking which move was better for him to make. His long claw-like fingers took a piece contrasting brightly with the colour of his skin. With a graceful wave of his hand he put a wooden figure in a square with a short thud. Alastor held the claw of his forefinger on the top of the piece for less than a second, before letting it go and putting his hand on the table. The chess pieces seemed very small, being gripped between his long digits with sharp red tips. The pawns seemed most fragile in his grasp, the twin pieces looked firmer, and when Alastor took the Queen, you couldn't suppress the fear freezing your heart. Alastor often resorted to castling, and every time you were impressed how smoothly and easily he made it, taking both pieces in one palm, switching them quickly and putting them down on their new places.
The very movement of his hands was flowing and natural. You did like his hands, and often you felt hypnotized with them and forgot about a good move you wanted to make or even missed the precious seconds.
So this time you didn't let yourself look up, holding your gaze on the black and white board and glancing at the clock sometimes.
He moved a pawn, so did you, he moved a knight, you mirrored his move. You understood that the Spanish game started — the same opening you did in your last meeting. But this time you were not so aggressive, trying to attack a bishop and conquer the center. You just moved forward. You captured his knight, and Alastor had no choice but to capture yours too.
You were tired of feeling weak, tired of tryings to prove to him and yourself that you were a strong player, that you had a potential. Though every time meeting with Alastor at the chessboard, you said it was just for your own entertainment, just to enjoy the game no matter what the result awaited you, you still felt the urge to win. You played with everyone in the hotel, some you won on the first try, some you had to match several times to win, but after all you checkmated everyone at least once. Everyone but Alastor.
‘Not for long,’ You thought, placing all your remaining pawns (which amount was still huge and promising) in a zigzag line. And that was the moment when Alastor's hand, a very elegant and beautiful hand, hung in the air. His brows knitted in a thin line and one corner of his grin went higher. He took a piece, that was not the one to which his hand first reached, and made a move back. You repressed a smile.
After more three moves when you shifted only your pawns and didn't even try to attack Alastor but avoided him, Alastor said,
“Dear, I thought you wanted to play chess with me, not the fool.” He captured your pawn, and you took away his piece. Alastor frowned, sacrificing his last bishop.
“Why? You don't like my game?”
“It's not a game, dear,” He said, capturing another black piece. He began gradually clearing the center, though the board still looked absolutely messy. Your pawn fence was blocking any attack of him, because if he tried to capture your pawn, you would immediately capture his piece. Moreover, it was getting tightly on the board, and none of you could make a really good move until your pawns would be cleared away.
“It's an imitation.”
“I don't understand what you are talking about. If you don't like my strategy, try to defeat me then.”
“Oh, darling, I will.” He captured your bishop, and you quickly sheltered the unprotected Queen. “I highly doubt you have a strategy, after all.”
“Play and see.” You pronounced in a deadpan voice when he replaced your other piece with his one.
Now the silence was disturbed only by the loud claps on the bottoms of the clock and the sound of pieces moving on the chequered surface.
You glanced at the clock. You had forty seconds more than Alastor. A quiet sigh escaped from your lips, and you made another move.
Your hand flew over the board with a mad speed. You pushed the bottom with a harsh clack, which made Husk twitch every time. You didn't try to count the moves, nor Alastor's, nor yours, you just wanted to win the time. And soon it started to seem that you didn't lose minutes, but accumulated seconds.
“Illegal move.”
You froze when Husk stated it and paused the clock.
Was it your move now?
Your eyes ran madly over all black and white pieces, trying to find a mistake. Alastor sat in front of you, and you could feel how his own tension lay on your shoulders. You didn't dare to look at him, because you saw the mistake. Alastor looked like he was caught in a snare.
“Sorry, kid, didn't notice it before, but you move like a fuckin' hurricane,” Said Husk pointing at white unprotected King. “It seems that you attacked him a move ago, when you moved your pawn and opened a rook checking the King. And none of you noticed this in a rush, but so did I, so…”
You were afraid to look at Alastor but also you felt blushing on your cheeks. You outwitted him!
“Ok, let's go back to the position where you made the illegal move,” Said Husk, and the pieces were moved to the position they stood ten seconds ago, showing Alastor's defective position. Husk turned on the clock, and Alastor moved a knight, protecting the King.
You sighed, glancing at the clock. Almost a minute more than Alastor, and all he had was fifty six seconds. But you couldn't let yourself breathe a sigh of relief and relax, remembering how Alastor won you in an armageddon game, even though he played black. It was incredible how this man could win in any condition.
And as the number of your pieces diminished headily, and Alastor's annoyed grin became wider, you gave up all the thoughts about strategy. Now you could only use the time.
Your hand took a piece, moved it, stretched to the clock headlong, beaten them, and after three or four seconds you repeated everything. ‘When will it end?’ Your hand trembled and you missed the button on the clock, which now you took for your last resort. You understood you had a losing position, still you acted like you had an advantage, attacking Alastor over and over again, not letting him fulfill his plan of defeating you.
Your heart skipped a beat when you noticed it. The black King stood diagonally to the white Queen and was unprotected. How long was it? Why didn't Husk say anything? Did he notice it? Did Alastor notice it? You tried to give a deadpan expression to your face as if nothing had happened. You knew just several seconds separated you from the victory.
Alastor raised his hand to take a piece and froze. Did his gaze fall on your King? His hand reached to the Queen, but his claws didn't have time to grab the piece as Husk exclaimed “Time!”
You moved your eyes to the white clock face and saw a twinkling flag on Alastor's side. With a deep sigh you leaned back in your chair.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Though you wanted to triumph over him you didn't expect it could actually happen. Husk left the room, and the door was slammed by itself. You heard a click in the door, signaling that you were closed in the room tete-a-tete with Alastor. With defeated Alastor. And it scared you. He looked terribly irritated and to be honest you would feel the same. A defeat due to the elapsed time seemed to both of you dilettantish.
But you were scared not only because of his mood now. You were also afraid to tell him about your wish, especially when he was in such a mood. Last night you prepared yourself mostly to keep the poker face on you and to accept whatever his evil mind could ask you to do.
But now your mind had to command him, and you were not sure what to do with it. Yesterday you came up with a wish, but a playful one, not a wish you would actually voice him. After the game your brain felt melted, and you simply couldn't find strength to come up with something new, as you could hardly think right now. Moreover, you still felt stress and a bit of fear that didn't help you to come up with anything fruitful, but only made your hands tremble.
He sat opposite you, intertwined his fingers under his chin and resting his head on them. He stared at you with a cheshire smile and half lidded eyes, frowning. You thought that if he was a cat demon like Husk he would definitely shift his tail side to side in annoyance. You swallowed but didn't had time to open your mouth as Alastor ruined the silence,
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, I thought you were an honest player, my dear.” He said, shaking his head in disapproval, “You really think you can trick me in such a fraudulent way?!”
“Alastor, learn to accept defeat!”
“Pardon? I wasn't the one who kept silent about my pitiable state in order to later win in a completely cheating way!”
“It was you Queen, you didn't notice it! It's not my fault you blind as fuck and can't keep an eye on your own pieces! And!” You raised your forefinger like every time when you wanted to attract attention and hush your opponent, “Your illegal move was unnoticed by both of us until Husk pointed at it, and so was mine! So we're quits!”
You leaned back, crossing your arms. Alastor leaned both his hands on the table, his hair became more shaggy, and his smile was crooked, so you could see his black gums.
“Fair enough.” He suddenly pronounced and ran through his hair with his fingers. He placed his hands on the table again and tapped against the wood with the claws. “But still it was hardly a game, dear. That's not how we do it. You mixed up the pieces on the board like a child picking up chess for the first time, and made me correct all this chaos. You knocked on this hapless clock, accumulating time, but did not even use it wisely. And you even cheated, no no, my dear,” He waved his forefinger in the air when you tried to object,” you cheated when you didn’t defend your King, making an illegal move. I simply cannot forgive your shameless lie so easily.”
He stood up and you did the same, staying near the chess table. You agreed with Alastor, and knew that if you were him, you would be disappointed just the same. But still his words hurt you and you felt shame. It seemed you preferred a fair defeat to dishonest victory. Maybe not truly dishonest, but tricky after all.
Alastor nervously adjusted his sleeves, saying to you, “For I still find you quite a fraud and I guess I should give you a proper lesson, I do respect our rules, as distinct from someone,” He eyed at you from the corner of his eyes, smiling sharper, seeing your blush, “So, my little cheater, tell me your wish!”
Fuck. The wish.
“Darling, time is precious, I still have some business that must be finished.” He said when you didn't say anything.
“Um, Alastor, how about I tell you my wish later?”
He turned his head to you and looked at you, rising one brow. You felt yourself so embarrassed, you wished the ground would swallow you right now.
You murmured, “I just... I didn't expect I'll win. Yeah, I wanted to and tried to, but I didn't really believe I could… Soooo, I didn't prepare anything, and I don't know what to ask y-”
You didn't finish your sentence as Alastor harshly turned to you, pressed you to the chess table behind you, so the pieces quaked and fell on the floor with a deafening sound.
Alastor's hands were on the table both sides of you, and there was no way for you to escape, as he hovered over you and pronounced darkly and low,
The room drowned in darkness, as if all the light was sucked out the moment he captured you, and now the only sources of light were his red glaring eyes and several candles illuminating weak yellow flame.
“Darling, you are trying much of my patience now, so do tell me your wish.”
And then the normal lighting returned, but the man in front of you didn't move away, still pressing you to the chessboard, on which you almost sat now. His face was a single inch from you and you could smell the aroma of coffee from him. His breath fanned your burning cheeks. His voice had less static filter now and was lower.
“Or do you really want to miss this opportunity, hmm? Do you really have nothing to ask for?”
Oh, you did have and you were not ready to miss the opportunity. But how to overcome fear and tell him your wish? You stared at him and thought that maybe the worst things had passed already — he saw you fiasco, but still played with you, and he saw your cheat, but still was ready to end what you started, as if everything was alleight. Maybe he actually treated you better than others in the hotel, as Angel once remarked.
So maybe you could do it easily with your daring wish?
Right now, with no opportunity to hide and looking straight into his eyes, you felt like that poor King, who was staring at the Queen, awaiting his death. But the time saved him. You didn't have the time control to come to your help. You hopelessly stared at the demon in front of you, trying to understand why he insisted so much on fulfilling your wish right now. And what was his wish?
“Well, Alastor, I have something.” You pronounced timidly, and his gaze softed. He leaned back slightly, but his arms still didn't let you move.
“I need your permission…” You started, looking in his eyes and feeling how your sweaty palms slid on the table's edge. Your hand touched a piece, it rolled through the board and fell on the floor. From the locked door you heard some voices. Your mouth was dry and you licked your lips before opening your mouth again.
“What is it, darling?”
Your knees got weak and you pressed back to the table more, and Alastor leaned closer to you, ruining what was left from your personal space. His hot breath burnt your face, and you were sure he could hear your rapid heartbeat.
“Close your eyes and don't interrupt me!” You exclaimed in one harsh breath.
Alastor leaned back, widely opening his eyes in bemusement.
“Very well.” His hands slipped off the table to hide behind his back when he made a tiny step back and straightened himself. Then he closed his eyes.
Your wish was bold, so you didn't voice it to Alastor. After seeing his rage you were ready to forget about your stupid want, but then…
He was too close to you, closer than ever. He was as close to you as he was in your daydreams.
Casting all your thoughts away, you made a step forward, rose on your toes, but even so your goal was far from you. ‘Why is he so tall?‘ Carefully you clutched the lapels of his suit and drew him closer to you.
Alastor felt your lips on him. He didn't open his eyes and didn't move at all. Your warm lips were pressed to his skin. It wasn't quite a kiss, but a tender, chaste peck in the corner of his lips, almost on his chin. You held him by his suit, and he needed to bend down a little, so you could accomplish your desire. He smiled softly, imagining you rising on your toes, trying to reach him. He bent down a little more.
You felt his skin was tight in a lip closed smile. You slowly parted your lips from him, but Alastor put his fingertips on your chin, not letting you move aside from him, and then led your lips to his.
Alastor pressed his lips to yours, harder than you and braver. He made a step forward, with one hand still holding your chin and the other one placing on your waist, and you appeared sitting on the chessboard again. The remained pieces tumbled down, and like through the water you heard worried voices and exclamations in the corridor. You could feel his smile getting wider when suddenly something cut your lower lip. It made you gasp and finally open your mouth, letting his tongue slip inside, so he captured your oral entirely. You moaned into his mouth, and Alastor gripped you tighter. He tiltied his head slightly, when you cupped his face in your soft palms and caressed his cheeks. Now you heard a low moan.
The voices became louder and more anxious, and the door-handle began to tremble. Into your cotton mind a thought creeped that it had to be the residents of the hotel, trying to open the door and see why what was going on in the room.
You were short of air, but a thought of parting from Alastor seemed terrifying. His tongue explored your oral hungry, intertwining with your own muscle. Now both his hands held you by your waist and pushed you closer to him, and you could feel and hear his heartbeat against yours. You heard another piece beating against the parquet, and something or someone hitting against the door.
You threw your head back just slightly when Alastor parted his lips from yours. His hands held your hips, eyes shining as bright as the hell moon, red and blinding. He breathed hard just like you.
Next moment the door was opened, and a group of worried demons, and one angel with a spear, burst into the room. Alastor stood already aside from you, close enough to hold you again, but far enough to stay unsuspected. You stood in front of the table among the fallen chess pieces, red as a blooming rose.
“What happened? Why you didn't opened the door?” Vaggie ran to you, ready to spear the man next you.
“Are you okay?” Charlie appeared from your right, “We heard a quarrel and then a sound of falling something,” She glanced on the floor.
“What have you done?! It's bad bad bad bad!” Niffty rushed around the table, picking up the pieces and examining the floor for scratches.
Husk glared at Alastor, who didn't take his eyes from you not for a second, since the door was opened.
Trying not to step on the pieces and shifting his face from you to Alastor, Angel came closer, “Jeez, toots! Seems like ya spent a really good time together!” You still bit your lip, hiding blood on it, and your bashful look couldn't hide from Angel's gaze. “What’s happened here?”
All the gaze turned to you, and unconsciously you moved back, bumping into Alastor.
“Nothing! We played a game and I won!” Amused looks on you. “And then we actually had a little quarrel, but now we resolved everything, so no worries, guys!”
A huge palm, so familiar to you, lay on your shoulder.
“Not everything, dear, you still have to convince me that you can checkmate me without your lie.” He stressed the last three words, lowering his voice.
“You cheated?” Angel exclaimed.
“I didn't.”
“O-ho-ho! Call it whatever you want, sweetheart, but you still owe me a game. A true game.” His dark gaze was fixed on you, hands squeezing your shoulder and you couldn't take your eyes away from his gleaming eyes. Everyone eyed on you in silence. “Now, my curious friends, there is really nothing to worry about, so you can get back to your affairs!”
Angel cocked a brow, and Husk sighed heavily. Niffty tried to find a lost Queen, and only her tiny waving legs were seen from under the sofa. After you convinced everybody once again that you were absolutely fine (and your lip was bit by you, because of a brainstorm during the game), and Niffty found all the pieces and no scratches on the parquet, you were alone with Alastor again. The crackling in the fireplace was the only sound in the room.
“Now, my dear, I have to go. Duty calls!” And before he left the room he leaned to you and said in low,” But, darling, when I come back the pieces must be on their places — Niffty always confuses the royals — because we play one more game tonight, according to the rules: a clock, a judge and a wish.” His eyes were scanning you and then he stretched his hand to you and wiped away the last red pearl from your lip just to lick it from his digit, causing a bright blush on your cheeks. “And don't you dare to fool me this time, dear.”
*. ⋆ ✧.·:·.* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *.·:·.✧ *. ⋆
fun fact: this game in chess is based on my personal experience, when i pissed off a grandmaster by setting up pawns as a fence (it was my first day at the club, don't judge me, and!! he started it first, and i just imitated his actions, but he blamed me, and then he offered a draw) and when i won a cool player by randomly placing pieces on the board (i was so fucking tired that day, but i won, and the player said "i just couldn't understand what was your plan!" and was like "i didn't have any")
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months
"I forgive you."
I can't help but wonder...
And I have a lot of feelings around "I forgive you" because, to me, it goes so much deeper than that.
I think we need to go back to the very first scene of season two.
Before the Beginning
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Aziraphale is the first one to reach out. Yes, Crowley called him over for help, but Aziraphale is the one who introduced himself. Crowley wasn't expecting him to stick around for so long. He probably didn't think to introduce himself in return because, as he said in episode 6, angels are like bees (and the universe is huge).
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When Crowley becomes upset at Aziraphale's explanation of people and Earth, Aziraphale is confused because "you can't just ask God this shit, how rude", but you see the look on his face when Crowley asks how much trouble he can get into for asking a few questions.
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It was more than the fact that Aziraphale said something that made Crowley want to question God. He was looking at Crowley. He saw Crowley's wings become darker. It made him anxious, but why?
He was scared of Crowley getting into trouble, but why would he worry about that? What did it mean to him? How would he know? Why would he know? Had Aziraphale already been scolded for being curious?
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And the thing he was scared of came true. Crowley got into trouble and he became one of the fallen.
"Unforgivable. That's what I am." (Unforgettable. That's what you are.)
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As far as I can tell, Aziraphale never even learned Crowley's angel name (unless Crowley was so famous as an angel that he needed no introduction), but their chance meeting still changed the trajectory of both of their existences.
Why did Crowley fall? Why didn't Aziraphale?
It is something that weighs heavily on Aziraphale's mind. The name he goes by on Earth is A.Z. Fell, and the humans refer to him as Mr. Fell. He chose that name for himself.
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He was unable to save Crowley from Hell in Edinburgh and it changed both of them once more. I've already talked about Edinburgh being Aziraphale's Greatest Failure™️ in this post a little bit, which feeds further into the guilt that Aziraphale probably feels when it comes to Crowley's status as a demon.
For 6,000 years, they have had to speak to each other in code.
"Unforgivable. That's what I am." (Unforgettable. That's what you are.)
I think when Aziraphale is saying "I forgive you" he is telling Crowley that it doesn't matter what Crowley does, Aziraphale is going to love him anyway.
Aziraphale can't say "I love you" though because Heaven is always watching. Hell is always watching. Someone is always watching. The last thing Aziraphale wants is for Crowley to suffer more than he already has, and that's where Aziraphale struggles the most.
But I also think that, deep down, Aziraphale is asking Crowley to forgive him. Aziraphale freely forgives because even though he's never fallen himself, he struggles with the guilt of what happened to Crowley. He sees Crowley's fall as unjust.
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He tried to warn angel Crowley against the idea of making any suggestions because he feared what would happen.
He lost Crowley in Edinburgh because they had fallen into a pattern of role reversal and Crowley did a good deed in front of Gabriel's statue, which I've also discussed before.
Aziraphale is saying "I forgive you" the way humans say "I love you", and I think that deep down he wants to hear Crowley say "I forgive you too" because Aziraphale can't forgive himself for the part he believes he played in Crowley's fall.
The Metatron was watching when Aziraphale said "I forgive you". Aziraphale is already in enough trouble, which I have discussed before. Twice we have seen Aziraphale say "I forgive you" to Crowley, and both of those times were after Crowley insulted him.
"How can someone as clever as you be so stupid?" "You idiot, we could have been...us."
"I forgive you" is and always has been "I love you" in coded language because Aziraphale worries nonstop about Crowley getting into trouble with Hell (again). He's telling Crowley that no matter what he does, Aziraphale will always forgive Crowley because he loves Crowley.
But I also think he's looking for forgiveness himself because he internalizes his own failures so much that it's eating him alive. (This is common for people who have suffered religious abuse.)
And this is something I don't know that Crowley understands just yet because neither of them talk about what's really important.
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imacaprisun · 1 year
i know youve already written for him twice so you definitely don’t have to!but wheatley x autistic reader would make me spontaneously combust 
That's completely fine! He's one of the characters I put up for people to request me to write about. So I'll always be okay with writing him. Anyways, thank you for your request! Here's some headcanons for Wheatley x Autistic!Reader
Much like how he is with other mental disabilities, he isn't too sure of what autism is at first. He's heard of physical disabilities, but not so much of mental ones. You'd have to tell him a bit about the disability for him to know what it's about. Once Wheatley gets the idea of what you have, he'll go out of his way to research a bit on it. He wants to make sure he's being the best friend/partner for you.
Wheatley will let you ramble on about whatever you're hyper-fixated on for hours. Doesn't matter what it is. Do you like a certain part of history? Tell him everything you know about their civilizations. Do you like video games? Tell him everything about your favorite genres and which games you like the best. Do you like a certain show or cartoon? Tell him everything about the characters and the plot.
Sometimes, Wheatley will buy you something related to that hyper-fixation. Well, not sometimes, more like as soon as he has the money to do so. If it's a hobby you have, he'll buy you something for a new project or maybe he'll create something just for you. If it's related to a piece of media you like, he'll buy some merchandise for you. Wheatley will go to the deepest parts of the internet just to find you something you'll like.
When you're both out in public, Wheatley will make sure to keep a close eye on you. He knows that being out in public can be overwhelming for people like you. Be it the loud noises or just the vast amount of people in one area. If you ever seem like you're on the verge of breaking down, Wheatley will make sure he gets you out of that area as soon as possible. Don't you dare ever ask if you ruin everything for him because he's quick to shut down that argument altogether. You are his best friend/partner. As long as he's around you, he's having the most fun he's had in his life.
If you ever get so overwhelmed that you go nonverbal, Wheatley is always sure to bring something that you can write with. The first time this happened, he wasn't sure what to do. He had an idea of what breakdowns could be like and how to help you through them, but he never knew you could go nonverbal. To say he was a bit scared for you is an understatement. If you were so stressed out that you weren't able to talk, then he couldn't even begin to think how bad that stress could be! Thankfully though, you had your phone on you, allowing you to send Wheatley messages and inform him that this was completely normal for you sometimes.
Autistic Burnout can be the worst for you, but thankfully, you got Wheatley there to help you during those times. Most of the time, you'll be so exhausted that you can't do simple tasks when you go through burnout. At first, you were scared to tell Wheatley because of how people usually reacted to this information, but you should know by now that he takes things like this very seriously and will do whatever he can to help. He'll tell you to go rest and let yourself recover. Do whatever you like! Just as long as your giving yourself time to recover from burnout.
At one point, Wheatley was completely confused by stimming. "You just… flap your hands when you're overly excited?" It wasn't that he disliked you stimming, he just didn't understand it very well. You had to tell him that it helps you when you're feeling an excessive amount of emotions, most of the time being happy. Fast forward to when he gets overly excited about something he's interested in and he ends up rocking back and forth to 'experiment' with stimming. He enjoys it. A lot.
Honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if Wheatley was neurodivergent like you in some way. That would explain a lot… Although, as to why someone developed an A.I. that had similar behaviors as you, you would never know.
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knowltonsrangers · 7 months
TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
minor angst, in which Robert is wounded and the reader could not find him.
His hand finds yours, calloused palm sliding evenly against your soft skin, and though more of a subconscious tactic, it squeezes yours tightly, as if terrified to see you go. A breathless sigh fumbles from your lips, unsure of what to say, but you know he's staring expectingly down at you, waiting for your lecture or words of discountenance. Yet, you can hardly bring yourself to meet his eyes, let alone dip into a tangent of how much he just scared you.
"I wasn't planning on leaving," A chill runs the length of your spine as you settle next to him on the bed, eyes trained on the floor. "At least not yet."
Startling you slightly, he stands, his own hand tugging free from yours as he crosses the wooden floor to the window. Though candles bathe the room in a soft orange glow, the look on his face remains hidden as he leans against the window pane, arms crossed.
"If you want me to scream and yell at you, I won't," It’s here you begin, and ultimately Robert guffaws, but it has an undertone of desperation and miserableness. "I didn't think you would, just by the look you gave me when you entered," He says.
It's the first sentence he's really spoken, at least since you arrived, words exchanged first by worried once-overs and a gentle hug that he all but enveloped you into.
"I was worried-" Your tongue darts between your teeth, harshly biting down to keep the onslaught of tears at bay. If Robert had noticed your moment to gather yourself, he spoke nothing of it.
"Worried that something had happened when I could not find you, it’s unlike you to not show up for work. Or not be where you’re supposed to.”
You watch his eyebrows raise in the reflection of the window, nonetheless softened by your fretting. “At least, during the daytime,”
"Clearly, I was unqualified to show up in such a state." He uses the arm not holding himself up against the wall to gesture the length of his body. Your gaze bounces around to the many wounds that litter his pale skin, many easier to see now that he has shed his coat and remained in his trousers and white cotton blouse.
"I wouldn't have expected you to go to work like that." Your throat clears. "But I would have expected you to realize I would wonder where you were," You hesitantly shake your head, registering that what you've said was nothing but a mess of words.
However, the brunette turns, clearly piecing together what you mumbled, with ease.
"You're right," Robert muses. "Sorry. Part of me didn't want you to see me like this."
"All beaten to hell and looking like a kicked dog?" You tread dangerous waters, but are delighted to find that satisfied smirk of his brimming on a busted lip.
"Oh, y/n, how you wound me while I am already on the ground," Pushing off the wall, he makes his way back over to his bed, hand now resting on the wooden footboard.
"It's deserved, Robbie. I can say that with upmost confidence.” Sniffling, your palms splay flat against the blanket, leaning most of your weight onto the bed as you tilt back to look up at him.
“And who dressed those wounds?”
“Myself. I haven’t left my room today, in case you haven’t noticed, y/n.” The usual snark slips into his tone, a small bout of agitation in his brow, yet, his eyes remain soft and content.
“May I ask who—“ Any hope at all is instantly ripped from your chest, his reply firm and curt.
“No, you may not.”
You toss your head back and forth twice, mulling over the choice you had. You could either press onwards, or disregard the notion altogether and help him re-bandage his injuries.
“Is it because—“ It’s unable to be helped, so it seems.
“y/n, what did I just say?”
Robert sighs, joining you once more on his bed, one leg tucked beneath him so he faced you.
“It’s just in my nature to worry. I’m worried.”
“There’s nothing to be worried about. I made a mistake, and it won’t happen again.” He argues, right hand coming to the blanket, just shy of yours.
“You said that the last time.”
“That was different.” You blink. “How so?”
“You really are disregarding my wishes to not speak about this,” He stalls, and you relax, shoulders sinking in relief, not realizing how stiff you were.
“I’m not interrogating you about the how, I’m asking how it’s different than all the other times,” Robert shrugs, fingers sliding closer to yours against the blanket.
“It’s different because it was my fault. All the other times it was not.”
There it is. You smile, teeth sinking into your bottom lip to swallow the smirk that fights its way to the surface.
“You are not laughing.” When you don’t reply, turning your head away from him, he suddenly becomes exasperated.
“Are you?” Your own voice betrays you, a slight warble in your words.
“It’s not funny, I don’t understand how it being my fault is so hilarious,” He sounds tired, finally fed up with your nonsense for the evening.
“Because you’re so adamant that the other times it was not possible for it to be your fault. It’s not funny, you’re right. I’m sorry for laughing,”
“I am not saying I am always right,” He insists, fingertips brushing your knuckles.
“But usually, I am.” He adds, and your nose wrinkles, mildly indifferent to his gaze.
“Come here.” Robert slides closer to you, taking your hand in his as he does so, finding the empty spot next to your side easily.
“I’ll re-dress at least this one, I can’t stand the way you’ve done it so haphazardly.” His eyebrow raises.
“You cannot stand it? I’m the one who had to do it one-handed,”
You reach over to his beside table, grabbing the gauze he’d left there. Still at his side, you pull your hand from his hold and begin unwinding the knot he had tied.
“Such a child, stop moping.” He rolls his eyes.
There’s a welcomed silence that enters his room, his eyes trained on your fingers as they expertly peel away the now marred gauze, and wipe away any dirt or dried blood that had gathered there.
“I am sorry.” It comes quietly, nearly a whisper, and you have to move your eyes up to even see that his lips moved.
“I know you are. It’s alright.” You say, carefully wrapping his forearm, then tying the end in a small knot. “You know me, Robbie. I worry, and especially when you are doing things you shouldn’t be.”
“y/n.” You realize that your eyes are still on his arm, and you blink, eyes moving back to his, pulling away gently.
“Yes?” It’s meek, but it’s said.
“Stop worrying. I will always find my way back to you, no matter what.” His words are effortlessly sincere, and you sigh, hand settling in the crook of his uninjured arm.
“I know, I know. Can’t blame me, can you? I’ve been running around all day, looking for you, and you were in the first place I should have checked.”
“Well, that’s on you,” Robert snuffs, to which you gasp. “Rivington said—“
“I don’t care what he said, you should have known the only place I hide is here.” The candles flicker, almost loudly, enough to encourage him to try and get some rest soon.
“When you smile with a busted lip like that—“
“Enough, y/n, seriously. I’ve had it up to here with you.” He gestures above his head, but as irritated as he may sound, he only pulls closer to your side.
“Yeah, like I’ve heard that before.” You pause, before pressing onwards. “Get some rest, Robert. I’ll have to be on my way, so for the sake of my poor heart, please, just sleep.”
He nods twice before squeezing your hand, silently letting you know all was well.
“Come by tomorrow? I’m off of work as well. I’ll return Thursday,” It’s hushed, and there’s a twinkle in his eye.
“Of course. I’ll be over in the morning with something to better treat that arm.” You stand off his bed, feet dragging across the floor as he’s hot on your heels, reaching just past you to open the door.
“Can I at least walk you—“
“No. Thank you, but I’ll be just fine. Rivington will see me out.” You offer one last look before heading out the door, minding the narrow stairs.
Robert sighs, closing the door once you’re out of his sight and moving towards the window, hopeful to at least make sure you make it to the end of the street.
The candles are all extinguished, except for one, the same that sits squarely on his desk as rough hands run along parchment and folded letters.
For what it’s worth, it seems to have been an advantageous endeavor.
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yeniiyy · 2 years
"I saw you sleeping in the library the other day"
Spica said as he sat down in the chair opposite mine, those emerald green eyes peered right into me. I, on the other hand, was letting my thoughts wander somewhere and only got startled by his sudden intrusion.
"Yeah I think I found a pretty neat corner"
I smiled, recalling the memory I had the other day. A library is always a perfect place for napping, even though I was really determined to study, everything just started to fall apart with the right ambience and that impeccable silence.
"Were you tired?"
"Maybe a little bit" I didn't want to lie, but I didn't want to make him worry either "I just need time to rearrange my thoughts, you know"
The cafeteria in the afternoon was not too crowded with students. Most of them already left for the afternoon class, some of them remained here, working diligently to complete whatever task was displayed on their laptops in front of them with a bottle of water. And we were there, sitting across from each other, in this undoubtedly quiet area, our chatter was practically the only thing I could hear.
"You know you can always ask me for help, right?"
His sea-green eyes once again delved into mine, as though he was searching for any answer he could find in there. I flinched for a second, but quickly regained my smile.
"That is very kind of you" I hesitated "but, you know, there is stuff I need to resolve by myself. It's not that I don't want your help, sometimes things just got complicated".
I found myself averting his eyes, staring off into space. Those eyes, they were too powerful that I was scared if I looked into it any longer, I would end up coming clean and telling him the truth.
"Summoner" his voice was gentle as if soothing a little toddler "You are avoiding the problem"
I touched the hem of my uniform, not knowing what to say. He was right. As if it's only a matter of time before everyone else notices. Ever since that night, I have been hiding from "him". Avoiding group meetings, switching team missions, I've done everything I could in order to buy myself some time, to figure out what is this feeling inside of me.
"Little do you know" Spica once again broke the hush "That night when you went missing, he was the first one to contact everyone, and also the first one who seems like he would go crazy just because we couldn't contact you through Stella tab" he stopped for a moment before continuing to finish his words "To be honest with you, that was really out of character. Never have I witnessed Vega acting so impatiently before"
I finally shifted my gaze from the hem of my skirt to Spica, who was looking even more thoughtful than before. He wasn't joking, he surely couldn't withstand our little hassle and decided to step in.
"I just don't know how to face him right now" I spoke genuinely "So many things happened at once, and, you know, logically speaking, I'm not supposed to take it for granted and pretend like nothing happened. I just don't know. I feel like the more I look at him, the more I got drowned in my own frivolous thoughts"
"You're so slow, you know that?" I just heard the person in front of me sigh "Let me just dumb it down for you. Do you have feelings for him?"
"I" I looked down "I don't know"
"Then just tell him you don't know. Anything is better than eluding the problem right now" Spica said with concern "It's not your fault, there's no need to feel bad about it"
"But" I blinked twice "What if he doesn't accept it"
"Then we have no choice other than flinging him into the ocean" he said nonchalantly "But to be frank, I don't think that would be the case. Why don't you try talking to him first, or at the very least, listening to what he has to say?”
Surprisingly enough, as soon as Spica finished his sentence, my Stella tab flashed. I instantaneously took a glance at the display and saw that it was unmistakably he - the person we are discussing over - had called.
"Take it" Spica urged "We are not going anywhere if you keep agonizing over it"
I took a deep breath.
"Thanks, Spica" I stood up "I'm gonna take my leave"
He nodded.
I was totally unaware that after I left, Spica stared into the space where I had just gone from with a broody expression on his face.
_____________________________________________________ I have no idea what I just wrote but thank you for reading! :D
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
Do you think any feelings Galadriel might have developed for Halbrand survived after he made her think she’s drowning… just out of spite, or something? Maybe I lack imagination, but I assume if she were friendly with Sauron again in some context, she’d constantly ask herself, ‘when will he deceive me again, has he already, will he soon, will he never, what will be the little perceived insubordination that will plop the vein in his eyeball again and make him lash out and put me in my place?’ I’m sure shipping them but the more time passes, I can’t get over the fucked-upness of this guy and how he put her brain through the wringer. And I salute her integrity to hold on to her values after confronting him. I would assume this is so traumatic, it could bring about the change of her personality and a depression. Her longing for the West in later years? She’s tired of bearing the burden. Not to forget he constantly “gropes to see her”. Maybe Nenya is the only thing that keeps her from breaking. And her family. I can’t imagine any sweet feelings remaining for Sauron after this. Rather a melange of rage, horror, shame and regret which she must somehow overcome to not waste away.
Yes, I think any feelings she developed are still there, still survived. Feelings don't just disappear overnight just because someone did something mean or horrible to you. I don't believe your stance is a lack of imagination either. Why shouldn't she constantly question him? Why shouldn't she be wary of him? Why shouldn't she look over her shoulder at him? She most definitely should, in my humble opinion. While it can be argued Sauron didn't tell an outright lie, he still lied by omission, which still counts as a form of lying. Lying by omission, from a psych standpoint, allows the liar to manipulate the situation to their advantage by not revealing the truth because they weren't asked a question directly pertaining to the truth. Sauron still manipulated Galadriel, even though he never told a direct lie. He led her on to believe the falsehoods she generated herself.
Maybe it was to use her. Maybe he was genuinely scared of losing her by telling her the truth, and he simply didn't want to lose her. Maybe he was terrified of finally finding a friend and alienating that friend if she discovered the truth. There are so many ways to read this.
The problem is Galadriel grew to trust him, to see him as a friend and potentially more than that, and they developed a strong bond. This is painful for her, yes, and that doesn't just go away. Sauron dropping Galadriel into her memory of drowning, if you think about this—Sauron was the one who saved her from that. Sauron saved her from drowning, and he dropped her into that memory after she tried to stab him. Not once, but twice. Galadriel tried to kill him twice.
Now, let's rewind. Sauron saved her life. Rescued her from drowning when he didn't have to. He followed her to Middle-earth. To help her find peace. To help her save the people of the Southlands. He fought alongside her in battle. And when Galadriel finds out who he is, who he really is . . . she tries to kill him—despite all the good he has just done with her, alongside her.
Was it fucked up that he dropped her into her memory of drowning? Yes. But my reading of that scene is after everything Sauron did for Galadriel, it still wasn't enough for her to see him as a good guy. As a friend. As an ally. She wouldn't be alive to murder him if he hadn't saved her life. He saved her! That's why I don't believe everything he did was a lie. That's why I don't believe it was all manipulation. He just could have let her die, but he saved her.
Sauron dropped Galadriel back into her memory of drowning without him around to save her because without him . . . that's exactly what would have happened to her out in that ocean.
You would have died without me, it said, and yet you want me dead?
It was a reminder.
Her sorrow and pain is rooted in not being able to trust or forgive a former enemy who fought on the opposite side of a war that killed her brother, Finrod. Not only that, but it was Sauron who sent his wolves on Finrod. Finrod died because of him. I understand why this would delve her into depression. You're not wrong about that. This is a heavy burden on her, but what if she forgave him and released all that pain to the wind?
That is the pull of this ship for me. The potential of it. The 'what if' hanging in the air like a whisper on the wind. What if Galadriel forgave him? What if they had stayed friends? What if Sauron strove to be a better person? Not because of a woman, but because he had a true friend. A real companion. Someone he could actually trust. What if they had aligned together as king and queen?
What if they accepted him as one of their own instead of chasing him to the ends of the earth with their blood-soaked daggers and Elvish cries of war? What if? What if?
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phoebehalliwell · 10 months
Chris/Bianca spiraling? Always! How do you think Bianca would react in the chnged future if she found out about the old one?
i mean for starters i think it'd be like if you tell her she might blink like. once. then be like. okay..... and everyone would be a little underwhelmed by that reaction except for chris who would be like the only who could tell that her brain is absolutely fried by this information and honestly he'd probably laugh a little.
SO. three options / three timelines
She Finds Out Before Meeting Chris. and has a terrible time with it. maybe it was a backfired spell, maybe the phoenix granted her her memories, either way, she is not having it. because, um. What The Fuck Is That. Hey. Hey Guys. What The Fuck. bc she's bianca, master assassin. bianca, king badass, coldhearted killer, the best of the best, and now she has all these memories of like. feelings. and not just like. ooh not just that shit that she pretends like she doesn't feel like that Deep Deep Shit. like true love. with some guy??? with some Charmed Guy??? Oh No. Oh No No No NO!! No that is not who she is she would not turn her back on her coven on her lineage she would never risk a mission of love one of is not Thee Most blinding feeling there is. love and logic do not exist in the same room together she can't be in love. i mean. she's not. in love. obvi. that's a different her an unrelated her it definitely is a version of her but like. The Wrong Version. the version she needs to learn from to be strong in this reality. so i think she would definitely try to carve those memories out of her head to try to eliminate them because she can already feel them trying to skew with her judgement which she almost does but now she's just haunted by flashes of green eyes and a sick knot in her stomach telling her that she saw the truth, and where she is now is the divine lie
She Finds Out While Trying To Kill Chris. idk some potion or somehow maybe its their blood to blood contact that unlocks their memories in both of them. and i think chris would be the first to be like "bianca?" in a voice she realizes she knows all too well but No. No!! she's here to. She Has To Kill Him. but he's looking at her knowing she just got that full infodump that he did and there's this kind of glint in his eyes can you really kill me now? and she wants to say yes. but the answer is no. so she drives her blade in deep in a spot she knows will wound but not kill and hears chris laugh. it's pained, there's a damn athame lodged in his shoulder, but he laughs. and she knows she's gonna fall for him in this world too.
She Finds Out After Her And Chris Are Already Together. and she kind of wants to vomit. she's angry. she doesn't know why -- she loves chris -- but she's furious. so of course she tries to run away and of course chris finds her and she's so so mad because is this really all she is? is she just some pawn in the divine game? this entire time, she has felt so conflicted -- so (though she'd never admit it) scared, fucking terrified, at betraying all she is and all she had ever known for love -- but she it was her choice. for once she was thinking for her fucking self, she chose to broke the rules, to screw destiny, to take what she wanted, but it turns out that was just her following the script the entire time? everything she gave up was just her playing into destiny's hand? it was never even really her choice to make? and chris is like no, no, fuck destiny, you and i literally rewrote destiny right that's what these memories are. you and me. seeing the world. and saying fuck it. fuck it i'm not taking this lying down i'm not letting fate happen to me i'm taking it head on. and we won. twice, if you ask me. once there. once here. you picking me, that wasn't fate's choice. fate brought us together, sure. but you choosing to fight? that was always your choice.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
REACTIONS TO EPISODE 3 - ONE'S JUSTICE (... like the game?!)
That is a joke, folks. If I get "This chapter came before the game" or some other stupid reply I'm deleting it and blocking you. It is a JOKE.
Still salty from... nevermind...
You all know the drill, my reactions are genuine and played for laughs! Don't take them too seriously. Some of you need to be told this for anything, honestly.
Before we get into the episode, folks!
Look, I am aware that because of what happened some people hate Hawks and love Twice, and vice versa. Personally, I'm pretty neutral on the situation for the fact that it can be interpreted in many different ways so therefore I'm 🤷🏿‍♀️. I don't hate either character.
With that, it's been MONTHS since I got any message in my inbox of any hero or villain slander and I would love to keep it that way.
I already made a post about how I think it's very stupid that people have to choose sides because others insist they do. If you like Hawks, you like Hawks. If you like Twice, you like Twice. Let it be.
Harassing people over who their favorite character is because you hate the character is by far one of the stupidest, most pathetic thing you can do in this fandom and in other fandoms. Just don't interact with that person and call it a day!
I won't lie, I wasn't expecting a recap again but I'm glad they replayed that scene when Eraser Head tripped the Doctor.
Intro a banger as always!
When Re-Destro stressed out! 🤣 Man's went from 🙂 to 😠 and the delivery was *chef's kiss*. HILARIOUS!
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Edgeshot coming in with the killer move. "Move, you die. Try me, bitch." Okay, he didn't say that. Still though! I love Edgeshot.
"It's called Electrification?" What if Kaminari called it something else?! Huh?! Like Wattz?!
I forgot how acrobatic Midnight is... GO, QUEEN!! THAT FLIP!
If Curious hadn't died, I'm sure an interview between her and Midnight would be a fun one.
"Stay still and have a nice nap." Again, GO, QUEEN! Second, Midnight really out here "Take your ass to sleep" on people when you think about it! XD
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For anyone new, yes, I love 1B just as much as I love 1A.
*Shows Twice and Hawks* Hello Darkness my old friend...
Skeptic grinding his teeth was funny to me. He's like so irritated. Drop your hair care routine, my guy.
Twice was so scared and Hawks looks like an absolute menace! *shivers*
You know what, I love Twice, I do. But Hawks had a point about his quirk. If the cards were played right in the villains' hands sooner, Japan could have already be in absolute chaos. Luckily, Twice's clones are actually easy to wipe out with large attacks and well, Twice is Twice. Seriously, how can you hate the guy?
Just saying, even though Hawks looks downright scary... that shot of him staring out through the darkness has meme potential.
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I cried a little when Twice started to break down. HE CARES FOR HIS FRIENDS! HE CARES!! He blames himself for the Overhaul deal, and not once have I recalled the others in the LOV actually blame him which is so heartwarming and heartbreaking.
He thought it would be too sad had he not been welcoming to Hawks.
"You were just unlucky." Well, DAMN!
That's the thing with these characters. No character is really too good or too bad. Some of the villains show "heroic" traits. Some of the heroes show "villainous" traits. That's why I say we shouldn't have to choose which side we're on because it's not all black and white.
"You're a good person." Oooh, and there goes my feels. 😭😭😭
Okay, thanks to the Hawks and Twice scene, I had whiplash when it went to the other heroes because uh... what the hell is that??
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"So cool! Say it again!" "Leave me alone!" Oh, Suneater!... relatable...
FATAXI! I love how Tokoyami is just sitting there. Tiny little guy. Like even compared to his classmates, he's short.
"I'll become an even stronger hero." Yes. I believe in you, my goth bird son!
Oh! Twice got a half time cut title card! First villain, too, for this season! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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Oooh... nope, nope, nope. I refuse to cry. I refuse... and the tears are coming... 😭😭😭
"Twice, you did nothing wrong." See? Dabi cares!!!
Okay, the whole Dabi & Twice vs Hawks scene, still in my feels! So intense! That blue is BEAUTIFUL!
BUT! How did Dabi know his name... probably did his own research, I don't recall. Maybe Skeptic with his nosy ass.
As sad as that scene is... that poo line got a chuckle out of me. I forgot about that line!
Toga's reaction is just... I just got up. I need to lay back down.
WOW!! They made basically a tribute to Twice in the ending song! Anybody else notice?!
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As much as people complain about BONES, same energy should go into at least complimenting the creative team. Like Twice's VA, Daichi Endou, fabulous performance! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Excited to see what more goes down in the next episode!! "INHERITANCE" LET'S GOOOO!!!
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playingplayer2 · 3 months
Hi, vent post here. Domestic violence, child abuse, and court trauma below, no need to read this, I'm just kinda screaming and bouncing around my own skull rn.
I was just poking at my face in the mirror and it made me think back to about 8 years ago-
I was almost 14, just a few months shy of it, had called the cops on my dad twice in the last 8 months because he got violent on one or another of his custody days. That time, we got into an argument about me going to a school play I wasn't in because I'd missed too much school from being out sick, so, trying to be responsible I'd dropped out of the play early on to try and keep up with my school work, because fuck, I knew getting a scholarship was gonna be my only way I'd get to go to college and I need good grades for that shit.
Anyways. One of my friends- we're no longer friends- came by with tickets to the school play for me and my sibling because we'd planned to go for about 2 months. That morning, he'd been fine with it. That evening, he sure as fuck wasn't. We got into an argument while she was there, and I could see him getting starting to get aggressive, like the kind of oh-fuck-he's-gonna-hit-me-again, aggressive.
So I told my friend and sibling to gtfo of the room and wheeled back around to keep that fuckers eyes on me.
I don't really remember a lot of what was said. Frankly, after that, I don't remember jack shit except screaming at him to 'let me go, get your fucking hands off of me,' after he slapped me hard enough for my whole body to do a 180° turn.
I don't remember more than flashes of clinging to the doorway, and the white walls of the narrow apartment hallway to my room where he threw me down against my door and started screaming at me to go to my room.
I called the cops. Again. The third time in 8 months. Once had been in the summer. Then again in late fall/early winter. And then again, in February.
It wasn't the first time he'd thrown me around like that. Though it was the last. Physically at least— I still spent four more years terrified that he'd do it again, but maybe being found guilty of child abuse had scared him, because he never hit me like that again. He'd push me around, yell a bit, threaten me. But he never beat me till I was black and purple again.
I called my mother after that. She has been downstairs, waiting for us, she's been planning to drive us to the school for the play. She had to wait till the cops showed up before we could go to her, my memory was already feeling spotty and I'm pretty sure between the blunt force trauma and dissociating that I lost a good 20-30 minutes.
My then-friend was in the play and was allowed to leave shortly after the cops arrived.
The cops that showed up said that they didn't like their time being wasted, that they'd been called here before for similar things and nothing had been found any of those times. I recognized one of the cops, but not the one talking to us. They said there was no proof that anything had happened and that I wasn't even bruised, surely I was being hysterical and dramatic as a teenage girl was wont to do.
For reference, I'm half Chinese. My father is from Hong Kong, he, like his father who was from North of Beijing, has darker skin. My mom's fish-belly white. I take more after my father in terms of skin tone, especially when I was younger and spent so much time outside under the sun.
The aforementioned cop saying everything to me was a big white man, towering over me and my mother both, with very short, sandy coloured hair who took one look at my me and my mother and my father and said that without proof of injury, there couldn't be anything wrong, but oh no, we could go home with our mother and bring it up with our lawyers if we felt so strongly about it.
We left. We drove for a bit. All of us shaky and upset. Terrified. Furious.
We dithered a bit, really, I wasn't calm enough for an urgent care waiting room and, for whatever reason, I was hungry. So we got food and then we drove to an urgent care. Waited for a while, got seen and sent to the hospital because I apparently had a concussion. None of us had ever had one, as far as we knew, so we didn't know what the signs were. We probably would have gone to the hospital sooner if we had.
I see a slew of nurses and doctors who are all horrified, by then it's been 2-4 hours since it had all gone down and my father's handprint was pretty fucking clear on my face, spanning from my ear to the bridge of my nose, chin to forehead and getting darker and more colourful the whole while.
The only reason my concussion wasn't "severe" was because I didn't throw up past the back of my mouth. I wasn't even trying to not throw up. I just couldn't at that point, I was too fucking exhausted and overwhelmed.
It took a month and a half for his handprint to go away, and six months of PT, OT, and ST before I was mostly back to normal.
Alongside that was some of the most traumatic "family therapy" I'd ever gone to where the "therapists" threatened us, literally threatened, i'm not fucking kidding, in almost every session.
By the time I started my freshman year of highschool that September, my father had custody of us again. He'd been found guilty of child abuse and he got 50/50 custody.
We got told that if we tried to bring him [our father] to court again that she [the judge overseeing our case] would and could remove me and my sibling from our mother's custody.
That year we also found out that:
A) he'd sprained my wrist so badly that he'd almost broken it and we didn't know! So now it'll never be quite in the right spot ever again!
B) doctors would diagnose my dyslexia as "stress induced" (I've had it my whole life, actually? I'm still dyslexic, shockingly enough) but they wouldn't formally diagnose my "alarmingly high" stress levels, my (C)PTSD, or the glaringly obvious ADHD that had been brought up and dismissed directly in front of me. By the doctors. Because that "wasn't what they were testing me for."
C) that reading was never, ever, going to be as easy for me again because of the permanent damage he did (six fucking months to recover just enough to not need daily PT and OT at a specialized concussion clinic and it wasn't a "severe" concussion. Yeah. Fucking sure.)
D) there was SOMETHING wrong with my eye but we still don't know what because my then eye doctor gaslit the fuck out of us (we later, now two years ago) found out that I have a cataract in one of my eye from blunt force trauma. Gee. I wonder where that came from.
E) no actually, we went to get me evaluated (lk got threatened by the judge to do this, lawyers were right fucking there and heard it, and yet the threat wasn't in the transcript, hmmm....) at a clinic, I was not "delusional," "psychotic," or ""crazy."" (thanks dad, that was a great experience.)
F) that I'd gotten whiplash from when he slapped me.
G) that he could break the restraining order w/o repercussions by showing up at an appointment, but if I had a panic attack when they tried to force me to see him in "family therapy" they blackmailed me by saying that my mother was unfit to have custody until I just kinda... Blanked out on our appointments :)
8 years on, 4 of which I've been a legal adult, and he still sends me mail, I'm terrified of shouting and slamming doors and angry men being near me, I can't sing without my nose getting immediately congested and my cheekbone hurting, my collarbones twinge regularly, and I still can't remember most of those 5 minutes, start to finish from him slapping me to him throwing me into my door. But do get flashbacks when I'm in narrow hallways, especially if the walls are white.
And that's why I'm itching for a knife rn I'm just going to ignore that urge because I have yet to not be in a house without an abusive man and I'd like to see if life is any better without that before I make up my mind about that.
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gjenevarants · 7 months
Insomnia has been a bitch for the past few weeks. It's been at its worst this past week though. The least I've slept is probably four hours. The most I've slept is probably seven, but with that, I'm not falling asleep until four or five in the morning, meaning I'm waking up sometime between ten and eleven right before lunch. And that means I'm only eating twice a day.
Mostly I've been keeping myself distracted by reading when sleep escapes me, but I'm almost out of books. I think I have maybe two left now? Other times I've been writing, but as that is something I do during the day to pass the time, it doesn't do as much for me.
Tonight or today I guess it's three in the morning as I write this, I got in my head again. Mostly anger and loneliness rearing their heads. Maybe a bit of despair as well. I'm honestly tempted to take my meds again. They were only for anxiety and they didn't work all that well when it came to that, but at least while I was taking them I wasn't crying every other night.
Truthfully I'm writing this to try and keep myself distracted from the endless cycle of internalized self deprivation. At least with this, I can occupy myself with trying to keep track of typing and hitting the wright keys in the dark.
I have a to do list that I made in January. I started on it then when I came back from dad's and I haven't touched it since. I don't even know what's on it anymore. So I need to take care of all of that. I know doing my laundry is on there. I also need to talk to my parents and schedule my wisdom teeth removal. I should have had them taken care of years ago. Its at the point now where if their in for maybe... four more months I might have serious damage. I'm starting to feel weird jaw shit now too, so it definitely needs to happen as soon as possible, probably next month.
Another thing that needs to happen is my acquisition of a job. I don't know when my taxes are due for my car but I now it's some time within the next two-three months. I'm starting to stress about it. I need to set up an eBay account so I can sell some of my old action figures. Some of them are actually worth money even out of the box. I also need to finish up my mushroom hat project so that I can finish my earring project. I never should have started the mushroom hat without finishing the earrings but I got excited. The mushroom hat is a personal thing, but at least with the earrings I can make money.
I want to look into trying to get a savings account that my mom can't see. Both her and my dad have access to my bank account because they have passed money to each other through it before. I really want to remove mom's access but I have no idea how. She looks at it some times and asks me questions about it all nosy and judgmental like: "Did you get Starbucks again?" No. That shouldn't even be listed I literally bought that with a gift card. I think I'm scared she's going to seal from me? I've said it before but she is shit at managing money. I'm worried that once I get a job, she'll start skimming from my funds.
I already owe her money for the college classes I dropped out of. Who knows how much I'll have to contribute to rent. To taxes. I've been measuring my money in how much a week worth of personal groceries costs me. I've been forgetting about personal necessities because of that. Really, all of this scares me. At this rate everything scares me. So much for stopping tears. I'm crying again. I just woke up the cat from blowing my nose.
Speaking of the cat, I definitely have PTSD after Sabi. At the end of his life he had a mass in his gut as well as/caused by organ/intestine deterioration. His stomach would gurgle almost constantly. Hearing that with him was comforting because I knew it meant he was still alive. Nibi's stomach has been making gurgling noises too now. I think it only happens after she uses the litter box or eats. It freaks me the fuck out though because every time I hear it, I think there's something wrong and that she's going to end up in the same spot Sabi was in. My mom's cat is a whole other thing/mess. Ari's at the point where I think it's kinder to let her go, but mom doesn't listen. When she does it goes back to money.
Why does everything circle back to money? What dumbass came up with the brilliant idea of everything revolving around money. Who the fuck needs to revolve around the sun? We can use paper bills and tiny little coins that some random people somewhere will collect.
Nibi just came back from wherever she went. I'm going to keep an ear out for her tummy and hope for the best. Maybe I'll be able to get four to seven shitty hours of sleep now.
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kennyb0y · 3 years
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Protective Boyfriend
ryuguji ken (draken) x reader
imaushi wakasa x reader
Request by @devinsdaydreams "Can I get a jealous Wakasa and Draken staking their claim on the reader and scaring the shit out of the guy who was brave enough to grab their girl's ass in front of them." I HOPE U LIKED IT!!!
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Ryuguji Ken
Draken usually doesn't get jealous. Maybe it's due to the fact that no one dares to flirt or even look at you when he's next to you. His tall stature, visible tattoo and stoic face makes everyone think twice before going near you.
That doesn't mean there aren't some people lacking brain cells that try their luck even though your boyfriend is nearby.
One of the times that happened, you were on a date with your boyfriend. You took Draken to a small café and asked him to sit down while you ordered. The guy behind you tried to make small talk, you ignored him and kept waiting for your food while you occasionally looked at the table where your boyfriend was sitting. He didn't seem to pay much attention to his surroundings, looking through the window with his brows furrowed. You almost laughed at the fact that he looked so mad for no reason. You freeze when you feel a hand grabbing your ass. Everything happened too quickly and when you realized, Draken was standing next to you, holding your waist to pull you closer to him.
He doesn't do much. Obviously Draken knows better than to start a fight in the middle of a café, especially when you were still in shock about what happened. But his tall frame towers over the guy, sending him a death glare that visibly gives him the chills. The pervert turns around and almost runs away. Draken’s expression softens when he turns to look at you to ask if you're ok and if you want to go home. Whether you ask to go home or not, Draken starts walking behind you every time you two go out together. Sometimes he doesn't realize he's doing it until you grab his arm and pull him to stand next to you. He just doesn't want you to go through that experience again.
Imaushi Wakasa
A lot like Draken, Wakasa doesn't usually get jealous. He always has that bored expression so a lot of guys tend to flirt with you since your boyfriend doesn't appear to care. He does care. Not because he's jealous or insecure but because he hates seeing you uncomfortable.
Wakasa loves to walk around with his hand on your back pocket, it's normal for you and you're already used to it.
Once, you went to a bar with him and his friends. You left to get some drinks and when you were ordering, you felt a hand grab your ass. You didn't pay much attention, you just thought Wakasa followed you but you turned your head slightly to the side and realized he wasn't your boyfriend. You panicked and backed off, pushing the stranger away. They laughed and said something you couldn't understand but in a matter of seconds Wakasa was standing next to you and pushing you to stand behind him.
Like Draken, Wakasa knows better than to start a fight and his priority is your well-being. Wakasa doesn't start a fight but he will roast the guy. He’ll look at the person with such a disgusted expressions, saying how fucking pathetic they are. If they end up throwing the first punch, Wakasa will absolutely rock their shit. If they don't, he'll just keep insulting them until they leave.
After that, he does try to avoid walking with his hand in your back pocket but after a lot of reassurance, his hand will find its way there again.
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Tokyo Revengers Taglist: @bxnten @rinsie @spookygeto @rozcdust @chaoticwh0re @sweeneyblue1 @toobsessedsstuff @187skytree @kenmasbimbo @q-the-rockaholic @queen-flower @z0inqz @k-ryuuguji @sh4nn @devinsdaydreams @medusalovessnakes @kazufuyusluv @sh4gree @yunxbin @rizakari @lordbugs @wakasasucker @rxmera @crown5 @hanken @kisekihany @kokoswhore @yeehawnana @albedos-world @eriskaitto @iwaizumisbicep @xashiui @baditalianb @savagemickey03
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
SC: Pro Heroes' S/o's Pet Not Liking Them
Characters: Keigo Takami (Hawks), Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko), Taishiro Toyamitsu (Fatgum)
A/n: this fic is brought to you by my rabbit who has unrivaled hate for any man except my dad. He would literally cuddle with my dad but the moment my friend comes who let me tell you ADORES my bunny, he would COMPLETELY ignore him and sometimes even bite him, not like nibbling like bunnies do when they're happy. No, full-on bites like incredibly hard, anyways hope you guys enjoy it. (Also, this was longer than I planned)
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
You would think Hawks would have a good relationship with birds right? Wrong.
Hawks in the eyes of birds was a bird of prey, which only means one thing, he's dangerous. This unspoken rule amongst birds who are usually weaker doesn't exclude your own pigeon.
It all started when Rumi (Mirko) decided that the group's movie night would be at your house for the first time ever. Obviously, you were rather excited, of all the times you had these movie nights they were never in your home. Another exciting reason was you couldn't wait to introduce Keigo, your lovey lover, to your budgie.
"Hey, birdie." Once you opened the door to your apartment Hawks was leaning there in front of you with a small bouquet of flowers, wearing some casual clothing. Giving a quick to your forehead, you led Hawks into your humble abode.
Your budgie, as always, flew towards you to greet the guest, like he would usually. But instead of landing on your shoulder, he instead flew around Keigo and dove to bite his ears and the exposed skin everywhere.
"So this is the friendly bird you've been telling me about???" Keigo slightly confused and panicked tried to lightly shoo away the flying menace.
You at this point didn't know whether to panic or to laugh at the situation. Your budgie was incredibly kind to everyone, even strangers you just met, and yet here he was, squawking at Keigo trying to bite him.
After a few minutes, you were able to calm your bird down, letting him rest on the crook of your neck and reassure Keigo that he was usually really kind to guests, which Keigo doesn't believe at this point. It wasn't until Rumi came knocking that you stood up to greet her.
Keigo, watched from a distance, excited to see Rumi get attacked by your menace of a bird. "What?!" He exclaimed pointing a judgemental finger at your bird who was now on Rumi's shoulder nuzzling her cheek.
"Scared of a birdie smaller than you Keigo?" Rumi's laughter mocked Keigo, and you couldn't help but let out a few giggles yourself.
"Awww love don't be like that!" You walked over to Keigo and enveloped him in a reassuring hug, still slightly giggling, "I swear I don't know why he doesn't like you."
When the movie started, you and Keigo were cuddling as usual with Rumi slightly third-wheeling, not that she really cared. Weirdly enough you felt a weird tension around you, when you looked over at Keigo, you saw he was staring at your budgie who was on Rumi's shoulder.
Both looking at each other with so much menace it made you burst into laughter. "Is there some kind of bird rivalry?????" Rumi now realizing what was happening laughed extremely loud. "Are you jealous of Y/n's BIRD???"
She teased Keigo, who in retaliation threw a pillow at her. He groaned and pulled you closer. "Whatever, but we're never having movie nights in your house again." You laughed a little before snuggling more into him, "Sure you big baby."
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Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
"I'm telling you, that little piece of long-looking mouse stole my stuff!" Rumi yelled at you pointing an accusing finger at your ferret who was simply staring up at you her head slightly tilted as if confused about the whole ordeal.
This all started when Rumi decided to come to your apartment straight after patrol, something she's never done. She looked exhausted and in need of some comfort, so you let her in and gave her some clothes to change after showering,
When she walked in, she noticed your ferret staring at her. A weird sense of foreboding crept up onto her. She always had a slight suspicion that the creature didn't like her very much. Whether it was because she was taking up most of your play times with it, or something else, she couldn't care any less.
It was in the ferret's eyes, how they stared at her with intent and a glint of mischievousness. Though when she brought it up with you, you'd brush it off since ferrets are incredibly mischievous and smart.
But the icing on the cake was when she placed her clothes on top of a dresser, including her gloves, to take a shower. Only to come back with both of her gloves missing from the pile. The ferret looking up at her, as if challenging her.
"Rumi, love, why would she even know to hide BOTH gloves. She'd probably steal only one!!" Rumi's mouth fell agape at your statement. You were defending the THIEF???
"You said so yourself didn't you?!! Ferrets are SMART, SHE MUST'VE KNOWN." At this point it was borderline hilarious, so between your next words, you laughed and giggled.
"You probably just misplaced it, come on I'll help you search it. I'm sure we'll find it soon."
You both did not find it soon, it had actually been 30 minutes of nonstop searching. Searching your entire apartment close to twice already, you and Rumi both flopped on the couch, exhausted.
"Ok, maybe I should check her toys." Her being your ferret, you finally caved in and searched around her toys.
Low and behold.
"I TOLD YOU!!!" You found both Rumi's gloves tucked away in the long rubbery-plastic tunnel you made for your ferret.
Rumi crashed on the floor in a fit of laughter, with you holding the dirty gloves looking at your ferret rather disappointed at her. Your ferret looked up with its adorable eyes as if it had done nothing wrong.
"Your ferret's a demon I'm telling you!" Rumi wiped a tear from laughing too much.
"I'm sorry for not believing you." You said followed by an exasperated sigh. Rumi walked over to you and enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug, "It's fine, this was actually more fun than just watching random movies like we planned."
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Taishiro Toyamitsu
Taishiro loves animals and animals love him. Both skinny and fat form, he's just a lovable person for every single living being. Animals, humans, plants, all of them thrive when being cared for by him. Including you, but excluding your cat.
Taishiro knew the moment you said you had a cat that he would have to work a little bit harder to get her to like him. What he didn't expect was for your cat to completely ignore him no matter what he did.
"Trying to woo her again?" You smirked a little bit when you saw him in his skinny form holding a small bag of catnip smiling rather sheepishly.
"No cat can resist catnip." He paused shortly, "Right?"
You giggled at his adorable antics, reaching up to slightly ruffle his soft hair. Inviting him you watched from afar as Taishiro approached your cat who was sunbathing near a window and, as usual, ignoring him.
He slowly approached her, his big hands slowly opening the bag. When he did, her head immediately darted at him, you stood up straighter at this. Really curious at the first time your cat acknowledged his existence.
Taishiro couldn't feel more excited at the moment and slowly got closer to her, shaking the bag slightly. Your cat's irises expanded, showing that she might be rather happy.
But just as Taishiro was about to pet her, she stretched from her position and walked calmly away from him. Ignoring him once again.
You stifled a laugh at his dejected form, shoulders slumping down and a dark aura surrounding him.
You draped your body over his back, a small attempt in hugging him, "Hey you'll get more chances, I'm sure she'll warm up to you eventually."
Taishiro looked up at you with watery eyes and a small pout, making your heart melt at the sight. "How about this? You'll get even more chances if you live with me."
Your eyebrows wiggled at him, and his slumped figure immediately brightened up. Crushing you in a tight bear hug and shaking you around. "I'll make sure your cat loves me."
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scfttwice · 2 years
tattoos together
> jina and chaeyoung get matching tattoos.
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“nope nope nope, i change my mind, i don't wanna do this.”
chaeyoung did her best to bite back a laugh as she led jina into her usual tattoo parlor, watching the taller girl look around the shop with eyes wide in fear as she clung to the former's arm. “c'mon chae, let's just go home. i don't want a tattoo anymore,” she whined while gently tugging on chaeyoung's sleeve. “what happened to your excitement from just five minutes ago?” chaeyoung asked with one of her eyebrows raised teasingly. “we're already here, might as well get this over with.”
“how about you get the tattoo, while i sit and watch?” jina suggested, before pausing to think as soon as the words left her mouth. “on second thought, i don't think i can even watch. i'll just sit next to you and close my eyes.”
jina has a fear of needles, or more accurately, she hated the thought of anything piercing through her skin, the entirety of twice is aware of this fact all too well. so it came as a big surprise to chaeyoung and the other members too, for that matter, when she announced her interest in getting a matching tattoo with chaeyoung. chaeyoung had tried to talk some sense into her at first, but jina was adamant on getting over her fear, she had claimed. and chaeyoung, being the supportive, tattoo-loving friend that she is, was more than happy to help jina achieve that.
jina insisted that she wanted something designed by chaeyoung etched into her skin forever, but she couldn't quite decide what exactly she wanted chaeyoung to design. hence, they spent a little over a week trying to decide on tattoo designs together. in their free time, chaeyoung gladly sketched out a few ideas, with jina at her side to give her own input. when they were finally able to come to a design they both liked, chaeyoung scheduled an appointment to get both of them tattooed for the very next day.
throughout the car ride there, jina wasn't able to sit still, telling chaeyoung over and over again how excited she was to finally get a tattoo. and one that would match with one of chaeyoung's at that. they had been talking about getting matching tattoos for forever, and it was actually happening. chaeyoung was impressed, to say the least, by the korean-japanese girl's enthusiasm. she had sort of expected her to back out before even getting into the car, yet there she was, eyes shining with excitement.
until they got to the tattoo parlor.
“i promised you that i'd help you get over your fear, so we're not going home until we get you tattooed,” chaeyoung stated firmly, though her amusement was evident in her eyes, especially when jina began whining. a tattoo artist came to greet the two girls then, his face lighting up when he saw chaeyoung. “chaeyoung! it's good to see you again!” he exclaimed with a friendly smile. “what can i do for you today?”
“i made an appointment yesterday,” chaeyoung smiled and told the man, before she gestured to both herself and jina. “we're getting tattoos together.”
jina gulped as she watched the tattoo artist prepare one of the tattoo guns, squirming uneasily in her chair. “why can't we get tattooed at the same time?” she asked chaeyoung after managing to pry her gaze away from the gun, to look at the girl sitting next to her. “so that you can hold my hand as tightly as you need to while you're getting your tattoo,” chaeyoung answered with a chuckle.
“well, why can't you go first, then?”
“because if i go first, you're gonna get scared after watching me being tattooed, and chicken out.”
“...smart move.”
the whirring sound of the machine being switched on snapped jina's attention back to the tattoo artist. in an instant, she felt her heartbeat quicken and her breathing grow erratic, her fear crashing down on her all at once. when chaeyoung noticed the look of panic that flashed across jina's facial expression, she reached out to hold her hand and give it a gentle, reaffirming squeeze. “don't worry, you've got this,” she told jina while offering her a soft smile. “i'll be right here next to you throughout the entire process.”
jina nervously bit her lower lip as she looked from chaeyoung, to the machine, then back to chaeyoung, before she managed a weak smile. “you're right,” she muttered. “i can do this. how bad can it be, right?”
“thank you again, mr. lee!”
chaeyoung waved goodbye to the tattoo artist as she and jina left the tattoo parlor, waiting out on the street for their ride to come and pick them up. she turned to jina once it was just the two of them. “see? that wasn't so scary, right?” she asked, a hint of playfulness in her voice, earning herself a glare from jina. the taller of the two girls sniffled. “i guess not...” she muttered with a small pout.
while gripping chaeyoung's hand for dear life earlier, jina had struggled not to cry as she was getting tattooed. despite her efforts, a few tears did leak out every now and then, which were apparently enough to cause her to still be sniffling even long after chaeyoung was done getting her tattoo.
“i'm just glad it's over and done with!” jina looked down at her left inner wrist, where a small freshly inked tattoo of a shooting star with a lavender tail of light adorned her skin. chaeyoung lined up her right arm next to jina's left, showing off a similar tattoo on her own wrist, though its tail was a soft red color. the shorter looked up at the taller with a cheeky grin. “onces are gonna be so happy when they see these tattoos.”
jina chuckled at the thought. “they are so going to freak out! they'll absolutely love them!”
“yeah,” chaeyoung muttered. “but not as much as i do, though. i think this is my new favorite tattoo.” her smile softened as she admired her and jina's matching tattoos, then she looked up at the korean-japanese girl again. “you were really brave today, ji. i'm so proud of you. you got over your fear and this tattoo is proof of that!”
“i wouldn't say i'm over my fear completely,” jina corrected with a sheepish laugh, before she turned serious but not without a soft smile. “but i couldn't have done this without you, chae. thank you, really.” she gently brushed her thumb over her new tattoo. her first tattoo. “getting matching tattoos together with you was one of the best decisions i've ever made.”
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the only reason why this took me so long was because i didn't know what tattoo to give them.
jichae having matching tattoos is something i had been wanting to write about since even before this blog started. i figured with this being requested, it was finally the right time to give jina her first tattoo ♡
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startanewdream · 3 years
will we see james' thoughts and reactions of mia making out with dylan?
I hadn't thought about writing them because I imagine James' mind at that moment was a great emptness of shock and denial, so this fic would be like:
James yawned lazily. Patrolling the halls reminded him of his time as Head Boy, except with none of the merriment that came with Lily's presence. He'd rather be back at his room, enjoying a night talk with her—the last day before he departed home for the winter holidays—, than checking to see if any of the students were stealing ingredients in the greenhouses for potions or—
A noise caught his attention. He felt almost glad about the distraction, though he still felt strangely guilty of taking points and assigning detention. Oh, screw it, it was almost the end of the semester. He would just send them whoever he found back to their common room, only with a warning—it felt almost fair considering everything he used to get up at school...
Except it's not an attempt to steal herbs, nor someone pranking Professor Longbottom, no, it's his daughter—Mia, who should be up at her dorm, sleeping to wake up early the next morning to go back home—and she is not alone and they—snogging?—hands and—what?
"James? James?"
He blinked. His room—that spartan room that still smelled like cats even though Minerva didn't use it for years—entered into focus. He found himself holding an enchanted mirror on his hand, though he had no recollection of ever getting there or doing anything else.
"Are you okay? James, you are scaring me."
"I'm scared," he agreed, trying to focus on Lily's face; she was concerned, he knew, but he couldn't find strength to calm her.
"Do you need me to call someone? Minerva, or Mia—"
"No, no, don't. No."
"James... I'm going there."
"You need to talk to her."
"Who?" Lily looked even more alarmed. "Is Mia okay? Has anything happened?"
"She—they were—greenhouses and—"
"You are not making any sense."
"It's them, Lily! Them!"
"It wasn't just her, but them!"
"Mia was with someone else?" she asked, confused, then she blinked. Once. Twice. Slowly. "Oh." He saw her lips almost curving up in a smile, evidently amused. "She is 14."
"Exactly! I'm too young to be grandfather."
"You're already a grandfather," Lily replied, but then she frowned. "Wait, she's too young, was she—"
"No, no! I would have stabbed myself on the eyes if—Merlin, Lily, why did you have to say—"
"You are the one talking about grandchildren!"
"I just—just talk to her, okay?"
"Talk? As in—"
"Yeah, the talk. I can't—ugh, can you brew me a Memory Potion?"
"Hum, no."
"Can I obliviate myself?"
"If there is any consolation, I think she is probably more mortified than you."
James threw himself in the bed, closing his eyes. "I really doubt it."
"Why did you do?"
"When you found them—don't tell me you made a fuss out of it in front of—"
"No, I just—I ran away."
She laughed. "Good way of dealing with it. Better than hexing anyone, I guess."
"These days I handle detention instead of hexing people." And then he smirked. "Oh, detention. Good idea. Mia can't date anyone if she is detention all the time."
"I'm joking!"
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