#(is currently in the google doc making him sadder)
parkitaco · 1 year
tonight i am thinking about how will said “where’s dustin right now? see, you don’t know, and you don’t care, and obviously he doesn’t either and i don’t blame him” during the rain fight and then by s4 dustin was the party member that mike was closest with
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kyurilin · 2 years
To finish off my writing posts for the end of the year, here's just a post about my other writing projects I have going on!
Obviously Stray, the erasercloudmic story from my pinned post is being worked on albeit slowly. I have maybe a third of it written (which is still 27k words) and it's done very similarly to Mic's Bullshit Life although it does switch characters up. @shabby-blog can attest that it's a fun read as they've read what I have and are currently my biggest cheerleader in actually getting it done one day
I have. Two entire alternate versions of Crumbled Rooftops. You can blame shabby for these entirely but also me. I feed off of angst and well. These are angst. One of them (called Everything Crumbles) is Crumbled Rooftops but Hizashi dies and Nemuri lives, which after the anime made Shouta almost watch Hizashi get hit by decay became infinitely sadder. It changes the entire dynamic of Oboro coming back by like, a huge degree but hey it's great for when I wanna be REAL sad. The other is All That's Left, and in this one Shouta dies so it's just Hizashi and Oboro having to pick up the pieces. This one was an excuse to push Hizashi to his breaking point and make people scared of his power tbh. Neither of these are likely to be posted and both of them are currently VERY early stages but hey if you ever want to read them and cry hit me up
Also Crumbled Rooftops adjacent, my doc aptly titled Here Be Crumbled Rooftops Angst Snippets which is literally what the title says. Basically it was a place to dump all the little side stuff before the story that lived in my head rent free so I could get it out of my head and somewhere else.
I have a document that STILL is just called AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Which is appropriate for the fact that it's an Erasercloudmic story where Shouta realizes he has a crush on both his friends and doesn't know how to cope, Nemuri teaches him about polyamory, canonly Oboro and Hizashi make out when they're bored and AREN'T dating yet and then try to compete for Shouta's affections only for Shouta to get so flustered he tells them he likes them both. Very early stages but I have IDEAS guys it's gonna be cute and I may keep the screaming title lmao. This one (when I randomly get the desire to start it) will be posted I promise I just have to write it.
I have an entire finished story I wrote this year that won't get posted, I wrote an urban explorers rooftop gang polycule story that is absolutely the dumbest thing I could have written, it reads more like an outline than a story, but I binge watched a bunch of urbex videos in a row and knocked it out in four days. It's lovingly called I Found My Heart in the Abandoned Roller Disco and no. You cannot read it. It's staying in my Google docs. You are allowed to know that Shouta and Oboro have a moment in an abandoned roller skating rink that is the cutest shit. But unless I ever get the urge to rewrite it the way I did the original doc for matching tattoos, urbex rooftop gang polycule is staying buried.
Oh. And one last one. Shouta's adventures through joining the hero course, trying his best to ignore the two loudest idiots on the planet (and failing), becoming friends with the two loudest idiots on the planet (and the class president and an upper class student), losing one of his friends, pushing the rest away, getting tough love from Nemuri Kayama, being occasional jogging buddies with Tensei Iida, and eventually running into Hizashi Yamada again. Lovingly being called Get in the Van Shouta, There's Cats in Here based on a playlist that me and Shabby joked Hizashi would make for Shouta in high school if he and Oboro kidnapped him to give him a better life, this is the prequel to Mic's Bullshit Life from Shouta's perspective. And yes this one is started, yes it will take me a long time to write, but there's so many little Shouta stories I've wanted to write that all have to do with my rooftop gang headcanons and I've been in my feels about Mic's Bullshit Life, so I figured what better way to tie it together by taking the mentioned high school stories from Mic's Bullshit Life and adding them to these other stories I would otherwise write as one-offs.
Anyways yeah I've not written as much as I did last year and I've still yet to start a few ideas I had last year, but at least I've been writing!!!! Can't say I haven't lol.
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d4rkwr1t3s · 3 years
Three Written Loves Chapter 5
Romoxiety and Intruloceit soulmate au where you are given a notebook to communicate with your soulmates at 16. You cannot say your name, address, place of school/work, number, etc.
Tw: Anxiety/Depression, ignoring one's own health, if I need to tag anything else let me know
Chapter is in Patton’s POV with mentioned Prinxiety
Fonts/Colors for the chapter from Google Docs: Virgil’s- Pacifico purple last dot  Roman’s- Pinyon Script red 4th dot Patton’s- Amatic SC Blue dot 3
V: You got more little hearts princey
V: Princey?
V: Oh right you’re driving. Talk to you soon
The entire ride Patton had been doodling little hearts near Roman’s more finished pieces. He tried to ignore the twin’s bickering and the writing from the purple writing. He was still very anxious to say anything to them just yet. However, his thoughts were quickly interrupted by being picked up once more.
Patton yelped in surprise and quickly latched onto the twin that picked him up. He huffed at both twin’s laughter. “That’s not funny.”
“It is a little funny,” Roman teased a little as he walked them both inside, “again Remus has your stuff, aside from the notebook that is.”
“No, not yet,” Patton answered honestly.
Patton blushed a little at the teasing tone of his notebook, “yeah..”
“Do your soulmates know?”
“You’re welcome!” Roman flourished before setting Patton down on what would become his bed, “I’ll be right back! Make sure to tell your soulmates!” He yelled while leaving the room.
“You should probably tell them.”
“I will.”
“Good. I’ll set you down in bed then get you some ice and medication for your ankle. When mama gets home I’ll have her check out your ankle just in case. Good?”
“Yeah. That’s wonderful. Thank you.”
Patton sighed softly and watched the current ink, waiting for a response from Roman to appear.
Ro: I just saw! Yeah I was driving me, my brother, and my new friend home. I’m getting them an icepack at the moment
V: Ice pack?
Ro: Yeah, looks like a sprained ankle. Dunno where they got it from tho which is worrying. Going to get mom to check it out later
V: Damn. Hopefully it’ll be alright
Ro: I’m sure it will be. I just want to know more about our mystery third and when I could find out where you’re goin
V: When they’re ready they’ll talk to us and I’ll get there when I get there and I can’t tell ya that princey. You gotta guess
Ro: Dumb rules. Homophobic if you ask me
V: Pretty sure it’s the same rules for everyone
Ro: Still homophobic
V: Whatever you say. You go take care of your guest. I’m not going anywhere
Ro: Will do! Will also keep you updated!
V: You better. Ttyl princey
Their conversation ended with a small red heart. Patton smiled at the small red heart just as Roman walked in.
“Sorry for taking so long. Didn’t want to worry my soulmate anymore than I already had,” Roman explained before moving to help elevate Patton’s ankle and set the ice carefully ontop of the ankle.
“It’s okay. I completely understand,” Patton’s tone took a fond note as he held his book close before his fond smile dropped to something sadder.
“You didn’t talk to them did you?” 
“No… I never had…”
“Just… family,” Patton’s shoulders dropped some as his grip tightened.
Patton took a deep breath but flipped to the back. The blank page glared at him but with another deep breath he doodled a small paw print.
“Well I don’t think that should stop you now. They’re probably very worried about you.”
“If they think I exist.”
“I’m sure they do. At least attempt? Even if it’s a simple hi?”
“Can I just doodle instead?”
“Sure! Just try it. I have to go do a few things. You’ll be okay here?”
“Yeah. Thanks Ro.”
“You’re welcome! I’ll check on you soon!” Roman smiled at him before leaving him alone once more.
Pat: Hi
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isabellehemlock · 3 years
Fanfic Ask Game
Thank you to the ethereal @disregardandfelicity for tagging me in this lovely fanfic ask game 🤗
I actually had done a similar one to this about ten weeks ago, but let’s see if any of the answers changed 😎
Now who to tag?? Hmmm
@tobebbanburg @kiaya (now that she's back!!) @mekana47 @fitzcamebacktome (no pressure though of course)
How many works do you have on AO3?
37 (with 6 being fanart)
How many fandoms have you written for (and what are they)?
The majority are for The Old Guard - and a few are for Luca Marinelli Multiverse Character crossover au’s. 
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
Well I’m outlining a prequel for The Witcher featuring Calanthe and Eist :)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Endless Ocean (TOG Modern AU)
Cleanse (TOG Post Canon)
Catch Me If I Fall (TOG Omegaverse AU)
The Bet (TOG Pre Canon)
The Purpose of Art (TOG Modern AU)
Which of your fics do you want more attention for?
They’ve had enough attention, it’s fine lol.  I mean I do love kudos and comments, and I do hope something that brought me joy, brings joy to someone else, but I don’t know if I think any works need “attention.”  I suppose if the question is meant more like, “Which of your fics do you hope people notice?” - I’d say, “Any that helps brings joy to someone’s day, or helps them process something.”
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I love commentary, I love to talk - words of affirmation is my love language <3 - and am always so grateful when someone has gone out of their way to let me know they enjoyed my fic/art (and seriously I’ve had a full range of commentary from like emotes to quotes copied back to me and everything in between and I treasure each one!  I even keep some saved on my phone).  I tend to reply back within twenty four hours, but sometimes it can take me up to a week and a half if I have a pretty full inbox (which hey, that’s a good kind of “problem” to have lol).  Right now I have thirteen I’m hoping to respond to by morning :)  
What sorts of things do you normally write?
I’ve been told I write two extremes - either fluffy or angsty lol.  And it’s enough of a pattern where I seem to trade off between the two between each work.  I’d probably say the tropes or themes that keep reappearing is simply down to discovering how someone feels loved (whether that’s romantic or platonic), and communicating that to strengthen the relationship, and lots and lots of healing and feelings.  So yeah, sometimes that’s adorable and fluffy, sometimes that’s angsty 🙈
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think it depends on your definition of angst?  Because I would say “none,” but then I do have a few that are probably close: The Necklace (TOG pre canon), An Interrupted Oath (TOG pre canon), and Memento Mori (TOG pre canon) - can’t really say too much without it becoming spoilery, but essentially . . . sad, sadder (because the reunion is off screen), and third is a cliffhanger 👀
What’s a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
All of them lol.  In one way or another, because I always have this moment right before I post a new work - or a chapter update, where I have to convince myself it’s a good idea (thanks anxiety 🙃).
Do you write crossovers?  What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yup yup - and oh hands down, Pwimo where Primo Nizzuto turns into a catboi.  But I have something even crazier in the works lol.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Co-planned EO, butttt - not yet, though fingers crossed for a little something later in the year 😎🐙
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh I’m going to finish them.  I might be six months behind schedule but it’s going to happen.  I have yet to make a google doc of like a whole outline and not do a fic 😏
What are you currently working on?
My Joe x Nicky precanon get together fic, Their souls were knit together (and he loved him as himself).  Last night I uploaded the angstiest, most depressing chapter I have ever written ever (which is really saying something), but I’m just under halfway through and the rest is focused on healing and growing closer and all that lovely jazz.
I'll probably be working on it for the next month and uploading once a week - do some fluffy one shots here and there, and then dive into my Cult AU around Valentine's Day 👀 I mean, I have started it, but figured I'd pause while I worked on some things during December 🎄
What are your writing strengths?
I think when it comes to within the fic itself, maybe character backgrounds and dialogue?  I really like to explore what makes a person them from all angles, and discover that through dialogue and explorations of their past.  So I suppose a chunk of my energy goes into those portions the most?  I do like to think I’m funny sometimes, but sadly the angst tends to outweigh my attempts to balance it with humor, because I have yet to receive a comment of “this was funny” on a heavy chapter lolll
And just in case the question was about writing in general, I’d say my strength actually lies in my neuro divergent brain.  I don’t really need to carve out time to write, because I can sort of tap in, tap out throughout the day/week.  Thirty minutes here, pause - work on an errand, then head right back in for another hour, and so on.  I mean of course it’s great to be able to schedule a block of a day to just really pump out the words, but it’s not a necessity, and since I’m a mom with a full calendar, it’s nice not to need a lot of transition time between activities.  Helps me to actually be able to get more done during the day, so I can do some fun creative stuff in between errands.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?  Most recent?
I have some vague memory of jotting down notes for Sailor Moon fanfiction when I was like fourteen but I’m not 100% if I ever posted it, or just dreamt I did lol (twenty two years ago ahhhh!).  The Old Guard was the first fandom I wrote fics for and posted them on AO3!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That’s like asking a parent who their favorite kid is, I can’t pick one haha. But feel free to check out the link at the beginning to see which baker's dozens I linked that came to mind first lol
What fic are you most proud of?
I can’t do the proud word lol, hmmmm - I think I feel most humbled by someone saying they felt seen, or something I wrote resonated with a reader. Love hearing it helped them process something. I wrote plenty of fluff, and even pwf, but honestly I do try to reflect "What would I have wanted to read growing up?" (Because one, it nurtures my inner child and two, it might nurture someone else's 🥰)
Thank you for the tag Felicity
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