#(it was one of the worst season for hazelnuts in the past 5/6 years)
reputayto · 7 years
here’s part 1
Personal1 - How are you?- im fine, you?2 - Post a picture of yourself- you have tons of it, but i’ll post later for the anon3 - Do you ever wish you were someone else?- sometimes4 - What is your entire name? cant tell sorry5 - How old are you? 20 something haha6 - Age you get mistaken for: a lot younger than my real age7 - Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: libra, and yes im so libra8 - What did you do on your last birthday? i cant remember, maybe had dinner with family, dunno9 - What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?- get rich lol10 - What is your hair color? black naturally11 - Have you ever dyed your hair? always12 - What is your eye color? brown13 - If you could change your eye color, would you? hazelnut14 - Do you wear contacts/glasses? yes15 - Your opinion about your body and how confortable you are with it: im okay with it16 - Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body?- yes, eye bag removal or blepharoplasty17 - Say 8 facts about your body: im a size 6-8, i have long fingers lol, im kinda thin, i have a small feet for my height, i have belly fats18 - Do you have any tattoos?nope, planning to get one tho19 - Do you have any piercings? yes, ear lol20 - Left or right handed? right21 - What’s your sexual orientation? i categorized myself as a bisexual22 - Do you drink? occasionally23 - Do you smoke? i used to24 - Do you have any pets? yes dogs and cats25 - Where do you work? at a clinic26 - Something you are working on right now: learning to code with @aussiekaylor 27 - Do you have any “rules” about food? i just dont eat too oily foods28 - Where are you from? philippines29 - What would you say is your best quality? im easy to talk to30 - What do you think you’re really good at? nah, jack of all trades, master of none31 - What do you think you’re really bad at? relationships32 - What talent do you wish you’d been born with? omg singing33 - Are you a bad person? i dont think so34 - Are you nice to everyone? almost always35 - Say 3 facts about your personality: hmmm i think im well rounded,  a bit romantic, and i dont know anymore36 - Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? yes probably37 - What is your ideal bed? Why? hmmmm memory bed, omg have you tried it?38 - Do wake up cranky? sometimes39 - Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? nah i have emoji pillows tho haha40 - What do you think about the most? travelling41 - Share 2 habits: workout (which i dont always do anymore), hmmm cant really think rn42 - What you want to be when you “get older”? i just wanna be a good person lol43 - What are your career goals? i really dont know at the moment, im having a midlife crisis44 - What is your ideal career? 45 - Is your life anything like it was two years ago? yes same, im still a bummer46 - Do you replay things that have happened in your head? a lot47 - Have you ever had an imaginary friend? maybe, idk48 - Say 10 facts about your room: its messy atm, i have a double size bed, i have a desk that i dont use, my closet is really full, i have a small window, i have an ac that I cant live without, thats basically it49 - Do you have any phobias? yes but I wont tell50 - Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? yes51 - Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? um i have allergic rhinitis52 - Ever broken any bones? nope53 - Ever come close to death? yes54 - Things you like and dislike about yourself: like- me being balanced, dislike- im sometimes indecisive, i really find it hard to say no, i dont really open up, 55 - A random fact about yourself: i have braces lol56 - What are three things most people don’t know about you? my job, i love to eat, im a hipster wannabe57 - An unknown fact about your life: i keep a lot of things to myself; i always smile58 - Share something about yourself others might think is weird: my whole life is weird59 - Five weird things that you like: salted egg flavored chips, matcha flavored food, 60 - Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? i already did61 - Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? a lot62 - Describe yourself in one word/sentence: charming hahahaha jk63 - A quote you try to live by: live, not just exist64 - A famous person you’ve been compared to:  taylor swift, hahaha im kidding, how i wish65 - Weird things you do when you’re alone:  journals haha66 - Something you do without realising:67 - 5 things you want to change: my situation, my past, my career68 - Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: taylor swift, coz why not?69 - Leave me a compliment: youre a nice to everyone and I love you for thatFavourites70 - What is your favorite thing to do? watch tv series71 - What’s your favorite color? yellow, blue, 72 - What’s your favorite band/singer? taylor swift73 - What’s your favorite movie? ps i love you, white chicks74 - What are your favorite books? 11 minutes75 - What is your favorite quote and why? new beginnings are often disguised as a painful endings by lao tzu 76 - What is your favorite word? babycakes77 - What is your least favorite word? cunt78 - What is your favorite type of food? i eat everything!!79 - You favorite ice cream? vanilla80 - What’s your favorite animal? dogs81 - Dogs or cats? we have both but dogs82 - Describe your favourite texture: rough fabric texture lmao83 - What is your favorite flower? yellow roses, tulips84 - What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? eclat for me, clinique happy85 - What is your favorite season? summer and rainy hahaha86 - What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? iceland, melbourne, carribean, 87 - What are four things you can’t live without and why? rubbing alcohol, my phone, watch, pen- coz i cant88 - Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? fucking unicorn with rainbow coloured poop89 - What’s your favorite television show? how i met your mother!! but it ended90 - Favorite place to shop at? mall hahaha91 - Say 2 facts about your favorite things: phone and laptop,  im using a samsung phone, and a macbook proFamily, childhood and places92 - Say 4 facts about your parents: 1 female, 1 male, they separated few years ago, they love me93 - Are you more like your mom or your dad? mom94 - Do you have any siblings? 95 - Say 9 facts about your family: thats too many96 - What’s your relationship like with your family? fine, not always good 97 - Say 7 facts about your childhood: i play street games, i learned how to ride bike at 4. 98 - The best and the worst childhood memories:best- spending time with my parentsworst- when they fight in front of me, and its sometimes violent99 - Say 6 facts about your home town: its small, its the art capital of the philippines, we have weird food100 - Are you going out of town soon? yes on tuesday, 101 - Where would you like to live? somewhere safe102 - What would your dream house be like? it has to have bricks, thats it103 - Where would you go on your dream vacation?  anywhere with my baby104 - Where you want to be right now? @aussiekaylor’s room105 - Top three places to visit:icelandfranceaustralia
0 notes
baileyandmarley23 · 7 years
peace, love n applesauce
1.) applesauce or pudding? - i really don't think i have had either in years, but tapioca pudding is what is best
2.) what was your initial reaction when you first realized that your parents had to have had sex to have you? - my initial reaction was probably like "ew!!" or something, but i don't think i was overly traumatized because i don't know who my real father is lol!
3.) if you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be? - that is a very good question. i think i want a dog that looks like a baby cow. lol.
4.) what kind of bread do you prefer? - i love the maple oat bread, or onion bagels, or if i want to gain 10 lbs in   an hour i'll eat my moms crazy cheesy bread, that has sour cream and cheese melted on a sour dough bread.
5.) describe a moment that is a prominent memory, but didn't have a strong impact on your life. - this is challenging, because i feel like anything could be a strong impact on your life.   but maybe the other day when i went to star bucks, the gal there took my money, and said "have a nice day!" without   giving me my coffee. lol. no big deal in reality, but in theory that could be very dangerous in the morning :P.
6.) what is the quote/lyric that you relate to most? - oh jeez, i don't want to depress anyone haha, so i'll pick a cheerful song-- "Lose yourself to dance" by daft punk. Every time   I hear it in the car with Jon, it always reminds me of us trying to pick each other up on difficult days. the lyrics   "I know you don't get a chance to take a break this often" seems probably pretty relatable to most.
7.) if there was one problem/issue you could wipe off the face of the earth, what would it be? - i just hate the senior project so much. if it could go away forever, that'd be great.
8.) do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there? - i think in a way. what if i decided to go to the dentist office ten minutes early, rather than ten minutes later...   maybe a person was checking out their son at the reception   and then accidentally turned around too quickly hitting you and spilling your coffee all over the place. idk stupid example,   but i feel that the decisions every one does do affect the people nearest them
9.) Favorite knock-knock/cheesy joke? - knock knock, whos there? air, air who? air plane!!!
10.) how do you feel about getting your picture taken? - funny you ask, i feel horrible about it.
11.) most embarrassing poster you've ever owned? - psh, none that i personally felt embarrassed about haha.
12.) what are the 3 worst movies of all time? - Spiderman 1 2 3 with Tobey McGuire. lol.
13.) when was the last time you were in a public setting and a stranger annoyed you? - hmmmm, lol. i think yesterday i went to good will and i was eating food in my car and a homeless person came up to my rolled down window   and scared the shit out of me. but i wasn't really annoyed just nervous.
14.) strangest pet peeve? - i don't like when people scream/yell when they are talking... like i can hear you. no greater the age, the more annoying the loudness is, but it is still pretty annoying to me when children are loud too. so theres that thing about me. lol.
15.) what is a quirk you find cute in a significant other? - dorkiness, nerdiness, randomness, odd sense of humor
16.) if you could make a guest appearance in ANY show, which one would you choose? - lol, It's always sunny in Philidelpia, that way i could possibly see the characters in action!
17.) who do you think is the most underrated comedian? - demetri martin, aziz ansari, steve carrell, sarah silverman, oh man there are a ton  
18.) based on your personality, what do you think your spirit animal is? - hmmm, lol. i really don't know! i want to say a giraffe, but idk.
19.) color combination that you hate? - black and brown
20.) what is your favorite childhood memory? - sun river vacations, lehman hot springs trips, trips to Great Grandpa's house, playing pinochle with Great Grandpa,   listening to stories about his life and stories my mom told us about her when she was a kid, etc etc etc
21.) what cartoon character do you most resonate with? - Arnold off of hey arnold, obviously
22.) what game do you never lose at? - is there such a game? lol. survivor trivia maybe.
23.) what does your dream home look like? - it looks not too big, not too small, with a big yard for doggies to run around on <3
24.) Honestly, do you love your family, like them, dislike them, or hate them? - i loves them
25.) pettiest argument you've ever been in? - one time my ex boyfriends got mad at me for being too attached to my phone, so i threw it in a field   to prove that i didn't care about my phone. haha.
26.) what is the weirdest article of clothing you've ever come across? - idk anything in lime green
27.) what is your favorite day of the week? - friday
28.) Do you feel offended by swear words? - bad habits, but not a bad habit that is bad for you ?
29.) Stupidest dare you've ever done? - lol, one comes to mind! but is too condidential.
30.) How do you like your coffee? - iced americanoooo with hazelnut
31.) You get to be any person in the world for a whole week. Who do you choose? - i'd wanna be some sort of rock star maybe, or one of my evil teachers, because it'd be so funny if i was them for a    week, being non evil to people. but then who would play me?
32.) one food you hate that should be destroyed at all costs? - cole slaw is pretty fucking nasty people, common! lol.
33.) What is your favorite past time for each of the four seasons? - hmmmm, i really love floating down the river during the summer with my honey Jon <3
34.) what is something that will always make you laugh? - eat da poo poo. moms spaghetti. the thought of nigel thornberry. andy milonakis. sarah silvermans "i have a dream too" speech.
35.) what does your pet look like? - :( i don't have a pet, but if i did, it would look like a doggy.
36.) describe your favorite outfit. - anything purple, or comfy
37.) most annoying noise you've ever heard? - people screaming/shrieking
38.) at what age did you learn to drive? - 11 or 12 maybe
39.) What is something that you own which you know you probably shouldn't? - lol, pia
40.) last thing you made with your own 2 hands? - calculus, i guess it was more with one hand...
41.) Favorite time of day? - after 5 ;-), or the wee hours of the morningggg. the most quiet times of the day, basically
42.) Do you believe in ghosts? - no, but would love being convinced that there are ghosts from others who believe in them lol
43.) what sports did you do in school? - basketball, volleyball, tennis
44.) if you had been voted for a 'superlative' in your last yearbook (class clown, laziest, most likely to become president, etc) what would you have been voted? - lol, i wasn't voted for any of those in my high school but maybe class clown? idk
45.) reality show idea that you would most definitely watch on television? - i want to watch survivorrrrr 24/7
46.) do you still own a landline phone? - well, i tried to buy one last night, but was unsuccessful, lol need to buy one because i have a landline number!
47.) scariest storm you've ever had in your town? - non existent here in Salem lol, but there have been quite a few storms back home that made life more difficult for sure, maybe not scary.
48.) skill you wish you had? - i wish that i knew more about physics
49.) what is something you wish you could talk more about, but don't for fear of what other people would think? - ummm, politic stuffs, but i really don't wish i could talk about it more...
50.) last book you read? - linear algebra, i definitely haven't finished it though lol
51.) what does your calendar have on it? - what calendar?
52.) what do you do if you get stopped by a person selling something from a mall kiosk? - i just run by them awkwardly and quickly
53.) infomercial you're beyond tired of seeing? - thankfully i dont watch infomercials
54.) what was your first stuffed animal/doll's name? - dudley dooright
55.) have you ever said something out of anger and instantly regretted it? - yes
56.) how do you feel about raising minimum wage? - ummm i guess i think it really depends on the State. if it is more expensive to live in that State i think   it makes sense to make min wage higher. but then again i really don't know what i am talking about. lol.
57.) how would you spend a perfect day with your best friend? - go on a road trip to the beach, eat marvelous food, laughter and love and music and possibly some wine or beer or other recreational items haha <3
58.) when was the last time you changed the oil in your car? - i never have personally. actually i probably should have it changed soon though, thank you for the reminder.
59.) did you ever have to do speech therapy? - no lol, but i feel like maybe it would have done me some good. i have a slight lisp i think.
60.) something you're looking forward to in the future? - jonathan and will graduating this june!!
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