#(last one uncertain)
thefloatingstone · 30 days
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Trying to figure out how to make squid boy emote because every time I've drawn him so far he looks very stern and it just didn't sit right with me. Also the more I played the more I noticed how his expressions change.
Anyway this is what I got so far. I plan to do more because hoo boy is it tricky to pull certain emotions out of him.
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Hail Apollo and Hermes for helping me get my ass in gear to take care of a couple financial things that have been stressing me out for a while! ...and for the reminder to not impulse spend.
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anicehomicidaltree · 8 months
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Here are some sticker designs in various degrees of completion!
I want to include more references to the songs in the power hours. Any ideas on how to include evl ppl and savages into the first one and thermo and and if I did into the second?
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bistaxx · 11 months
... Will you guys please let me talk about hgduo/gossipduo/mockingjays/ whatever they are called a little more pleaseeeeeeeeee, they make me unwell and I want to get my thoughts about them out of my head- or more specifically about them from Bad's point of view!
There's a familial air to it, but it's just not true to define it like that- and that doesn't make what they DO have any less powerful or significant- They have a unique bond and that continues to be true, even during painful times like this.
Cellbit WAS Bad's responsibility at one point, and that time came and went- he got him through the war and into adulthood ( aka 18 years old or close to it.) They meet again as old friends and generally respect each other as such... but even so Bad can't deny he still feels some duty to watch over the man once he starts crumbling- much like how Cellbit as well can't help but reach out to Bad during this time.
but there's limits.
like- Bad for years had and still wants to protect Cellbit, he's had an influence on him, he taught him how to survive, he himself acknowledges he has some responsibility over Cellbit, looking at Cellbit right now feels like looking in a mirror, he doesn't like having to give up on him, but if it's between him and the kids he's choosing the kids every time... and he knows there is no simple way to save someone who refuses to let themself be saved.
And it hurts! It hurts seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to let him burn! It hurts watching someone he cares for falling down the same path he is! It hurts knowing he's hurting others the way it did for him seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to choose his kids over his protege/ student/ former responsibility/ the kid he watched over years ago/ old friend/ his 'something'!
Like, cc!Bad brought up this internal mental tier list that q!Bad has- I still deeply believe that q!Cellbit is quite high up there even if he'll never be at the level his kids are at- like he loves Cellbit enough that he ACTUALLY CONSIDERED putting parts of his months long plan at risk to save him- even if it was just during the stress of that moment that still means a LOT from Bad- but he was always going to choose his kids in the end!
Based on what I know of q!Bad (which is admitably not a lot lol) there is next to nothing that'd convince him to give up on his kids- with Cellbit he's able to see that he can't help him because Cellbit sadly does not want to be saved- and for Bad that means he simply has to accept it even if he really doesn't like it- the emotions from that night have processed and he's looking at the situation from a more logical and resolute perspective. If it means him and Cellbit may one day clash, then with a heavy sigh so be it....
but if it was Dapper or Pomme... I just don't feel certain in saying he'd be able to come to that conclusion, especially not after one night. Even if it would be the 'smart' thing to do. It's one of the key differences between the dynamic he has with them vs Cellbit...
But, in a perfect situation, he would've done everything to save them both.
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Anyway thanks for reading, posting this at hell hours so my beloved mutuals won't see my hgduo ramblings but tagging this anyway for other people to see LMAO-
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Oh well, that’s Warwick confirmed as a relevant force in Season 2. Vi and Jinx are in for quite some trauma if this truly is what’s left of Vander...
Makes me wonder what the actual fuck Singed is doing with him here, espcially with this unfitting, Orianna-esque music under it all that links to the locket. Is he attempting to use Warwick’s freak-blood to find a cure for Orianna? 
What even is his connection to her in this case?! Arcane lore about to throw some stories upside down this fall...
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deva-arts · 1 month
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Human Vincent might be a daredevil, but he's still human. His unrepentant nature and tendency to run into things out of his depth doesn't bode too well for him either.
Honestly after the first five or so lines Bird Vince started feeling impressed. This did not quell his aggression, however.
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ilovedthestars · 5 months
I am abusing our friendship (affectionately) just to spam you with yet another ask game ask for 18. please imagine a little kid constantly putting quarters in the gumball machine bc they like the colors but it's me putting asks in your inbox bc your little deleted things are fun
[madjoy emoji] bardic i think you're really getting into the tumblr gremlin spirit. great job
(Fic writer asks)
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
Here's a bit from the end of Salvage or Repair. This is one of those moments where the characters wouldn't say that Out Loud, but it's the underlying sentiment that got revised into something that would make more natural dialogue:
“Tell me you didn’t come all this way just to be stuck here again. You shouldn’t have to die a pointless death here.” “Neither should you.”
Also, okay, just for Persistence you get one and a half answers for the price of one, because digging through the OUYU cuts folder again i found this longer alternate start to chapter 4:
The return to the deployment center is uneventful. I anticipate that due to this contract being cut short, I will be stuck in a cubicle for a long time awaiting my next assignment. Instead, I receive a new assignment 39 hours later. I am retrieved for inspection and deployment. I am the first to pass inspection, and I wait to be packed for transport as the other units are brought in one by one. When Unit 8891 is brought into the room, its eyes scan the row of waiting units until they catch mine. When the techs aren’t looking, it smiles.
and as much as i love the one-two punch of the end of chapter 3 leading into the start of chapter 4, i am........seriously considering editing the fic to put this back in because i genuinely like it a lot. maybe tomorrow stars will decide to go through with that and this will no longer be a Deleted Scene
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loadinghellsing · 2 years
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Do you like walking in the rain? When you think of love, do you think of pain? You can tell me what you see I will choose what I believe
Well, hold on, darling This body is yours This body is yours and mine Well, hold on, my darling This mess was yours Now your mess is mine
(Vance Joy - Mess is Mine)
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asleepinawell · 2 years
sadly I can only add 10 options but feel free to give a shout out to one of the missing ones in the tags
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bluesidedown · 8 months
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dykebeckett · 3 months
said I was going to work on queapmash tomorrow but I am in fact working in it right now in my pain nest. there’s themes
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pochapal · 2 years
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shidoukanae · 5 months
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Did a study of a panel i like for a manga with absolutely my favorite female character i've seen yet and thought i'd post it here too in the hopes of eventually finding fans of this series when they inevitably, like me, look for more content of this story :'D
I could gush about this funny, lovestarved, absolutely downright sympathetic and villainous lady who absolutely deserves to be family with the protag for so many hours if you let me she is literally so perfect and everything I have ever wanted from female characters before.
I've gone from going "ooooo she's such a cool antagonist who is such a funny little mystery i LOVE her" to "yeah she's kind of on the insane spectrum but tbf who wouldn't be fucked up in her situation TwT" to "i WILL cry over her and she is completely in the right for doing what she's doing and i can't believe i ever believed she wasn't the heroine she's supposed to be :'D"
#the mighty extra: one girl changes the world#helene de belliana#my love#i found the raws but haven't found if there's a fandom for this manga#if it exists it's probs overseas but idk how to find said fandom then bc searching by title is useless fghjgfhj#the manga itself isn't perfect but my god does it have a lot of heart put into it#i can tell the creator adores Helene because there's no fucking way they don't at this point#just woke up to read chapter 72 and i am#melting#for baby Helene and hopefully getting to know more about her relationship with the original Lyla#because that last panel of her looking uncertain is so adorbs#but also im not used to seeing Helene with long hair and for once i prefer short hair to long hair#literally Helene is such a cool character how do i write a character as cool as her#and the fact that she has a love interest (debatably) who is is on manipulative terms with atm is so interesting#esp because he's the only one she's showing her true nature to atm and im !!! at the implications of that#her being mischievous towards Paris (even if she's meanly funny about it) and the fact she used to be mischievous as a kid...#waaah i wanna see her and Paris develop a relationship together beyond their current sarcastic partnership#especially because there's something so neat about the funny self-interested dragon man obeying her without reason to#at least the narrative hasn't addressed why he would bother??? bc she's neither offered him the fragment nor is he completely amiable to he#but also i can't help but think there was some omitting going on after their second to last scene together...#damn this manga gives so much food for thought and for that alone this story is instantly in my top 10 rankings#For Helene alone it's probably close to my number 2 spot lmao#anyways yes i stan Helene and at this point i think im her number 1 fan and defender until (hopefully) proven otherwise~#bc god do i need more content for her waaaah
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whatsthatmagiccard · 1 year
The format is pauper. What's that six drop?
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(If this is too obscure I can give some one drops from the deck and it becomes pretty easy)
(That's a new one. I've no familiarity with the Pauper scene, so this is a shot in the dark.)
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They'll discharge my future roommate next Thursday - and then we'll really share my one room apartment for a while 😅 Let's see how this'll go.
Also, my new friend from the smoking area painted me a picture in ergotherapy that's now on my bedroom wall. He was discharged too, today, and sat with me for an hour until my bus came. I gave him a pear, he offered me a cigarette. His phone was stolen so we exchanged email addresses. We watched ants and bugs together and he told me about his home country.
My former roommate got breakfast for me again. Life feels exciting and new, and scary. Because taking steps is always scarier than staying in a familiar place. But for the first time in a long while I feel like I'm living.
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piningpercussionist · 9 months
(OOC: How about you tag me as.. i dunno, Doc? simple enough.) another psychic message. seems stronger...? a slight twinkling fills the air. barely noticeable. "my... Employers have advised me to broadcast a secondary message, as you seem to have shrugged off the first one. I personally found this to be a... suitable suggestion. being incorporeal. unanchored to this particular low level wavelength isn't fun. floating somewhere between *out there* and *in here*. it's very disorienting. conversing with another sentient thing would be preferable. my name is unpronounceable for your kind. and, indeed if spoken. would simply not register as a name within the consciousnesses of the tiny, infinitesimally small specks who collectively refer to themselves as 'the human race'. so, for the time being. you may refer to me as 'Doc'."
. . .
*Kim glances around to see if any of the others seem to notice the twinkling, but finding them preoccupied, she turns hear head to the window with a tight lipped expression.*
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(... I still feel like this is some sort of mental break... but I'm going to entertain this in the name of not having some sort of breakdown before the show, okay?)
*She represses a shudder as she reaches up to scratch the back of her neck, a little sick with dread.*
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(Okay "Doc," welcome to the next twenty four hours of what was already likely to be my fucking unraveling... lapse of insanity entire aside... You're probably going to be hearing a lot of swearing and violence in there if you haven't already...)
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