realita-lampung · 9 months
Terima Bantuan CSR, Pemkab Tanggamus Sasar Warga Terdampak Bencana
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Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Tanggamus Menerima Bantuan Dari Forum Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provinsi Lampung, di Ruang Rapat Wakil Bupati Tanggamus. Senin (18/12/2023). Hadir dalam kegiatan Asisten II Sukisno, Kepala Dinas Kominfo Suhartono, Kalag BPBD Edian M. Toha, PLT Kepala Dinas Sosial Muzlina, Kabag Kesra Ahmad Ngalim, Hadir juga dari Forum Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provinsi Lampung Adi Susanto Sebagai Wakil Ketua yang mewakili Ketua Forum CSR Saptarini dan Jajaran nya. Asisten II Sukisno yang mewakili PJ Bupati Tanggamus Ir. Mulyadi Irsan dalam sambutan menyampaikan, bahwa telah menerima kunjungan dari Forum CSR Provinsi Lampung dalam rangka memberikan bantuan berupa Sembako dan Produk makanan ringan, melalui Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tanggamus untuk sebagian warga yang terdampak bencana banjir dan tanah longsor. "Terima kasih kepada Forum CSR Provinsi Lampung yang telah memberikan bantuan yang tujuan nya untuk meringankan beban sebagian masyarakat kabupaten tanggamus yang terdampak bencana banjir dan tanah longsor saat ini," ungkap Sukisno. Tambahnya, Semoga Forum CSR Provinsi Lampung kedepannya lebih baik, lebih maju dan berkembang lagi, dan selalu menolong orang-orang yang membutuhkan bantuan yang manfaat nya bisa di rasakan orang banyak. Sementara itu Adi Susanto Sebagai Wakil Ketua yang mewakili Ketua Forum CSR Saptarini dalam wawancara nya menyampaikan, bahwa kedatangannya merupakan bentuk kepedulian kepada masyarakat yang terdampak tersebut musibah tersebut. "Semoga bantuan yang kami berikan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang terdampak musibah tersebut, kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pemerintah kabupaten tanggamus yang telah menerima kami dengan baik di kabupaten tanggamus ini," ujarnya. Tambahnya, Forum CSR Provinsi lampung berkeinginan bukan hanya di kabupaten tanggamus saja, tetapi di seluruh kabupaten-kabupaten yang ada di provinsi lampung ini akan terpanggil untuk membantu masyarakat yang terkena dampak banjir dan tanah longsor tersebut. Harapan kita semua, semoga musibah tersebut tidak terjadi lagi," tutup Adi Susanto. (Hadi Haryanto). Read the full article
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
You're a stupid-edian, not comedian.
You’re a stupid-edian, not comedian. by creamster739
Words: 522, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yaoyorozu Momo, Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyouka
Relationships: Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Humor, Prompt Fic, Pining, Mutual Pining, Soulmates, FR
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46036675
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 173 - Raskreia wears at least two rings on her right hand so I'm just gonna hc she wears them on each finger. Let her punch people please.
- Extremely hilarious how Seira's all "I cannot lie to the lord, it is illegal and ignoble." Meanwhile Gejutel's just "Now what bullshit am I gonna spout today ^^?" The reason he and Frankenstein are unwilling friends is because they have that in common even if neither will admit it.
Chapter 174 - Ludis and Karias,,, adorable. In fact, Karias' first panel appearance had him at peak pretty boy. Love it. Otoh, Rozaria and Kei are intimidating. Between Rozaria, Seira, and Raskreia, and even Claudia and Edian, all noble women are intimidating as they should be.
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- The fact that Ludis keeps his coat's top buttons unbuttoned so you can see his plain white shirt underneath 😶. Works perfectly with my 'he's bffs with Rozaria and is closest to Karias since he's the only one who can handle and understand him completely' hc since that means the two rubbed off on him.
- Raskreia ily but could you not destroy the throne room just by raising your voice. That shit is expensive. Worrying that the clan leaders have no reaction though like okay maybe their infrastructure and architecture just all sucks.
- Ludis being the first to speak up,,, love him. Son.
- Still super fucked up that clan leaders who don't enter eternal sleep with the lord are looked down upon. Mvp lord obvsly was fine with it but the current generation? Yeah uh...
Chapter 175 - His smile to the Central Knight reporting to him 🥺 son boy ily
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- M-21, Takeo, Tao, dw about Frankenstein. Man only needs like 30 minutes of sleep canonically so he had plenty of time to write up your shit.
- Regis darling hasn't mastered the art of jumping down from impossible heights yet. I guess that's something nobles actually need to train for.
Chapter 176 - Imagine going home and learning your house, garden, and surrounding land is now forbidden territory like, I wouldn't know whether to be flattered or insulted. Like mostly I'd be worried about the state of the house ofc but aside from that.
- I still can't get over the size because it's not even just one building, it's multiple buildings for two people. Raizel and his brother.
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- Tao electrocuted the Central Knight so hard his clothes turned white goddamn.
Chapter 177 - Awfully romantic of you to give Raizel jewellery, esteemed lord. And even more awfully romantic of you to go find said jewellery as your first priority, beloved noblesse.
- Maybe mvp lord just trusted the traitors because he's only seen them mayne 10 times in his life. Nothing in canon proves me otherwise.
Chapter 178 - Raskreia, rebuilding costs. I'm begging you to stop destroying the throne room 😭
- Maybe it's cold because the entire estate has been abandoned and not had any upkeep for centuries. Ever thought about that?
Chapter 179 - The sanctuary only opening up on full moons is so dumb and inconvenient so I'm just gonna pretend that what it means is that it opens up for everyone else on full moons but noblesse can enter at any time.
- I do hc that the statues leading to the sanctuary/in the sanctuary are of previous noblesse but I also find it hilarious because... extremely buff noblesse. I bet unlike Raizel they'd beat people up and only use their powers as a last resort which is ofc exactly what he should be doing. In fact I bet all noblesse did that and he's just dumb. Angel noblesse whacking a noble with a stick until they die while still looking holy or perhaps looking like the devil <3 Door lady is just a noblesse with super high self esteem who wanted to make the sanctuary door cool.
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Chapter 180 - Better suited to be lord how??? Raizel would be a horrible lord he doesn't know how to do anything. I still say he's illiterate in Lukedonian. He struggles to learn to press a singular button. You want him to run a nation???
- So mvp lord 100% just uses Ragnarok as decoration yes? I bet he hangs it up above his bed.
- The "I am glad you are safe" at the end of the message in the noblesse' sanctuary always makes my heart hurt like god for all his humour and personality, Ashoka truly and deeply cared for everyone and everything.
Sidenotes - Raskreia looks so pretty with her red eyes and just extremely regal as always. I love her. Wonder if she ties that cravat herself though, or does she just magic it.
- I've said this before and I'll say it again, Rajak truly has no reaction to anything. He does not care. The guy does not give a fuck as long as the laws are upheld.
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lelleven · 7 years
(future classic)
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squirrelwrangler · 5 years
There are ships that their ubiquitous and influence on fandom annoy me (in theory I’d ship Maedhros/Fingon but you could not pay me to either read or write it, Celebrimbor/Annatar and Sauron/Melkor to a lesser extent) but to actively get angry at ... Celegorm/Lúthien and Caranthir/Haleth. Celegorm/Lúthien (or okay Celegorm/ANYONE) is non-ironically shipping Gaston from Beast and the Beast with someone, only an even more vile Gaston. Caranthir/Haleth especially annoys me because it a major NoTP that gets lumped in or toted as better/more popular than my actual edian/elven ships of Aegnor/Andreth, Beren/Lúuthien, and Tuor/Idril. A lot of the m/m ships that piss me off I can ignore easily (Finrod/Curufin for example), but Caranthir/Haleth wants to be included in fanart featuring the OTPs so it raises my hackles more.
Outside of the Silmarillion, my other most hated ships of popular fandoms are probably Katara/Aang, Naruto/Sakura, and especially Rey/Kylo. Fountain of rage for Reylo.
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lizzytime101 · 8 years
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Noblesse x Dream Drop Distance AU
So for those who don’t know Noblesse:
Noblesse is about a powerful noble - Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (referred to as Rai) - who has been asleep for 820 years with no knowledge of mankind's advancement and scientific successes. At the start of the webtoon, Rai wakes up in an abandoned building in South Korea,[1] and starts to get used to the modern world. He goes to a school, where he reunites with his loyal servant Frankenstein. With Frankenstein's help, Rai enrolls into high school and inadvertently befriends athletic teenager Shinwoo, computer geek Ikhan, and Shinwoo's crush Yuna, and a few others. Noblesse follows the group's often dangerous adventures against a secret organization while uncovering Rai's past.
For those who don’t know Kingdom Hearts:
Kingdom Hearts is a series of crossover action role-playing games owned by Disney and developed and published by Square Enix (originally by Square). It is a collaboration between Disney Interactive and Square Enix, and is under the direction of Tetsuya Nomura, a longtime Square Enix character designer.
Ok, so this idea has been in my mind for a bit. Reason because of how the Realm of Sleep is relatively ‘malleable’ so I could make work for this AU of mine.
Also there’s a lot of characters who died that we’ve never got the chance to see in a different light. Like the Traitor Nobles, the Werewolves, Modded Humans and the First Elder’s Royal Guard.
Why Dream Drop Distance?
Well because after the drama happened with Sora, Riku and the nightmares being everywhere. I’d think having some sort of security would be there to keep it together. Only strong spirits or ones with a want for redemption/life can become part of this ‘security’.
How this ‘security’ would get into the Realm of Sleep
Basically scanning magic from Yen Sid looking through worlds of strong spirits. He skims across the Noblesse world, and finds a few who meet those requirements. However he added up that ‘security’ gradually, because making the ‘security’ would take time as these spirits would be ‘special’.
He learned a couple of things from said test:
that strong spirit would first come with little to no memory of their life in the living, that would come back gradually
If that strong spirit has a strong bond or connection with someone or thing in the living they can go over into where they are, but only for a bit
They can also see what the ‘connected’ can see, like a mirror almost
Even if they don’t have a strong bond with anything they can still go into the living world but are like phantoms
Most recent memories would come first then past memories
Because they died in the living world the spirit would have to relearn skills and abilities they once had
Each of these ‘special’ spirits have exclusive moves only to them
The strong spirits would look like what they did in the living world but with characteristics of a Dream eater (I.e. yellow pupils in eyes, dream eater symbol, and maybe some dream eater body parts should they not have any when they died)
Don’t technically need to eat but not eating weakens them
Since time doesn’t work in the sleeping worlds, sleeping is all over the place
The one thing that’s known is that they become sleepy in the day and active at night
What they’d look like
for the Nobles, it’s relatively simple. If a family leader or noble dies and doesn’t have an heir they’re picked up into the Realm of Sleep. Eyes are still red but have yellow unique pupils.
A werewolf needs to have strong sense of repentance or to protect in order to go to the Realm of Sleep. Same eye color with yellow unique pupils so it’s the same as the Nobles.
A modded human.... is a bit more complex. It depends on what they did in their last moments, and if they’re truly repentant of what they’ve done. However, it is up to debate what it takes for a modded human to become a Dream Eater.
Out of all the types a modded human would look most like a Dream Eater. Though it depends.
So the Dream Eater ‘Security’ Team
So this team is a bit.... unique since it involves:
-Edian Drosia
-Urokai Agvain
-Zarga Siriana
-Kalvin(Maybe, because he was a 15 year old kid)
-M-24(cuz he needs a better ending than he got gdi)
-Roctis Kravei
(If you have more characters to add in, reblog~)
No definitive plot per say, as said before it’s like a second chance at life. It’s more for seeing the growth of these characters and to see them in more or less relaxed settings. As well of some Headcanons of mine~
There’d of course be action with taking down nightmares in sleeping worlds (maybe even unique type nightmares~)
But it would revolve around their regrets and them trying to make up for it AND RELATIONSHIP BUILDING~
And who knows? Maybe some Kingdom Hearts characters would visit to check up on them or to see these new ‘threats’
@mevekagvain I know you love the traitors, but don’t know if you know KH....
@earl-of-221b idk if you like the traitors or know KH
@argentinecosmos what do you think? I know you are in a slump but opinions?
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shiribeats · 8 years
Ta-ku & Wafia - Love Somebody (Mr Carmack Remix)
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angelitacaprichosa · 7 years
Pericardial Mesothelioma | Rare Type of Mesothelioma
How Is Pericardial Mesothelioma Unique?
As the least common of the three major types of cancer caused by asbestos, malignant pericardial mesothelioma only accounts for about 1 – 2 percent of all mesothelioma cases. Pericardial mesothelioma is different from other types in the following ways:
Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that's very important for good health.
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Location: Pericardial mesothelioma is located in the lining of the heart, known as the pericardium.
Symptoms: As the disease affects the heart, the main symptoms affect cardiovascular operation, including chest pain, fluid buildup in the heart (pericardial effusion), heart murmurs, arrhythmia, and pulse variance.
Treatment: The standard surgical therapy for pericardial mesothelioma is the removal of the pericardiectomy or removal of the lining of the heart. A pericardiocentesis can also be performed to remove fluid and relieve pressure on the heart.
Survival: Due to its rarity, the prognosis for pericardial mesothelioma is extremely poor, with about half of patients living six months or more.
What is the Prognosis for Pericardial Mesothelioma?
The prognosis for all mesothelioma types is poor; however, the prognosis for pericardial mesothelioma is even worse than other forms of cancer. The median survival period for peritoneal mesothelioma is 6 months, and only one pericardial mesothelioma patient is known to have survived longer than five years.
Part of the reason for the dire prognosis is the location of the tumors so near the heart. There is a lot of opportunity for complications, and it can be difficult for patients to overcome the stress involved with surgery and other treatments for the disease.
The biggest factors affecting the prognosis of pericardial mesothelioma patients are:
Tumor staging and size
Cell type (histopathology)
Gender of the patient
Whether cancer has metastasized (spread)
What Treatments are Available for Pleural Mesothelioma?
All forms of mesothelioma including Pleural Mesothelioma are treated using a combination of three types of therapy:
Surgery – Surgical removal of the pericardium is often required as part of the treatment plan. Other surgical methods may offer palliative relief.
Chemotherapy – Chemotherapy drugs are often administered to help destroy any cancer cells that might remain after surgery.
Radiation – Radiation is rarely used in combination with pericardial mesothelioma, given its proximity to the heart.
The removal of the pericardium (the lining around the heart) is known as a pericardiectomy. When treating pericardial mesothelioma, all or part of the pericardium may be removed during a pericardiectomy. Ideally, this will remove the tumor as a whole, as well as any remaining cancer cells.
In a lot of cases, pericardial mesothelioma patients suffer from a buildup of fluid in the pericardium, which can impose pressure on the heart and cause discomfort and malfunction. A pericardiocentesis removes this fluid from around the heart, which helps to remove the pressure and can provide relief from some of the symptoms caused by the disease.
Percutaneous Balloon Pericardiotomy
While a pericardiocentesis can remove fluid from around the heart, after a pericardiectomy, the chance of experiencing additional fluid buildup is very high for many patients. By inserting a balloon between the layers of the pericardium, more fluid can be removed, thus extending the length of time between pericardiocentesis procedures.
Emerging and Experimental Treatments
Given the very few cases of pericardial mesothelioma, there are not very many clinical trials focused on this type of mesothelioma. However, some of the trials being conducted have looked at the following treatments.
Immunotherapy: Using the body’s own immune system to identify and kill cancer cells has shown to be one of the most effective new forms of therapy in treating mesothelioma.
Gene Therapy: Mesothelioma caused by mutations in the genetic code, and finding a way to fix those mutations through gene therapy is potentially a way to cure the disease altogether.
Photodynamic Therapy: Researchers have demonstrated an ability to kill cancer cells through the use of a light source combined with a photosensitizing agent.
Costs Associated with Pericardial Mesothelioma Treatment
Like any other form of cancer, pericardial mesothelioma treatment costs can skyrocket quickly. Expenses accompanying this terrible disease can fall within several groups:
Testing and diagnosis charges
Treatment-related costs
Recuperation and follow-up care costs
The amount that a particular patient might have to spend on their mesothelioma diagnosis is a factor of many different considerations, including the specific diagnosis, the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed, how much of it can be covered by insurance, and even where the patient lives.
Asbestos has been shown to be the only scientifically linked cause of pericardial mesothelioma. As such, anyone diagnosed with this lethal disease might be eligible to receive legal compensation to cover things like lost wages, medical bills, and even damages for the pain and suffering they endured. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, you can get a free consultation to learn more about the financial assistance that is available if you.
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realita-lampung · 9 months
Terima Bantuan CSR, Pemkab Tanggamus Sasar Warga Terdampak Bencana
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Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Tanggamus Menerima Bantuan Dari Forum Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provinsi Lampung, di Ruang Rapat Wakil Bupati Tanggamus. Senin (18/12/2023). Hadir dalam kegiatan Asisten II Sukisno, Kepala Dinas Kominfo Suhartono, Kalag BPBD Edian M. Toha, PLT Kepala Dinas Sosial Muzlina, Kabag Kesra Ahmad Ngalim, Hadir juga dari Forum Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provinsi Lampung Adi Susanto Sebagai Wakil Ketua yang mewakili Ketua Forum CSR Saptarini dan Jajaran nya. Asisten II Sukisno yang mewakili PJ Bupati Tanggamus Ir. Mulyadi Irsan dalam sambutan menyampaikan, bahwa telah menerima kunjungan dari Forum CSR Provinsi Lampung dalam rangka memberikan bantuan berupa Sembako dan Produk makanan ringan, melalui Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tanggamus untuk sebagian warga yang terdampak bencana banjir dan tanah longsor. "Terima kasih kepada Forum CSR Provinsi Lampung yang telah memberikan bantuan yang tujuan nya untuk meringankan beban sebagian masyarakat kabupaten tanggamus yang terdampak bencana banjir dan tanah longsor saat ini," ungkap Sukisno. Tambahnya, Semoga Forum CSR Provinsi Lampung kedepannya lebih baik, lebih maju dan berkembang lagi, dan selalu menolong orang-orang yang membutuhkan bantuan yang manfaat nya bisa di rasakan orang banyak. Sementara itu Adi Susanto Sebagai Wakil Ketua yang mewakili Ketua Forum CSR Saptarini dalam wawancara nya menyampaikan, bahwa kedatangannya merupakan bentuk kepedulian kepada masyarakat yang terdampak tersebut musibah tersebut. "Semoga bantuan yang kami berikan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang terdampak musibah tersebut, kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pemerintah kabupaten tanggamus yang telah menerima kami dengan baik di kabupaten tanggamus ini," ujarnya. Tambahnya, Forum CSR Provinsi lampung berkeinginan bukan hanya di kabupaten tanggamus saja, tetapi di seluruh kabupaten-kabupaten yang ada di provinsi lampung ini akan terpanggil untuk membantu masyarakat yang terkena dampak banjir dan tanah longsor tersebut. Harapan kita semua, semoga musibah tersebut tidak terjadi lagi," tutup Adi Susanto. (Hadi Haryanto). Read the full article
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madameazzure · 7 years
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Ignes Kravei
Oh No!
Don't Say Things You Will Regret
My Money
Better Luck Next Time!
Butler Cafe?
Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia
Low Profile
Trio Outfit Swap
Lunark and Frankenstein’s Night Out
Cadis Etrama Di Raizel 
Don’t forget them
Rai Is Not Amused
M-21 x Rai 
I’ll beat those bad guys for you!
Vacation at the Beach 
Genderbent M-21 & Raizel
Human!Dark Spear
Random headcanons about Seira & Shin Woo’s relationship (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
RK3 (Tao, Takeo, M-21)
Noblesse Sims
Frankenstein x Raizel
Mini Boss
Frankenstein I
Frankenstein II
Noblesse Figurines
Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia
Frankenstein III
M-21 AMV
Frakenstein IV
Raizel & Frankenstein Sketches
Rai sitting atop a tree branch
Frakenstein V
Thy Daily Ramyeon – Chapter 8: A Small Human
Thy Daily Ramyeon – Chapter 9: Family Pets
Noblesse Shinwoo Headcanon
Noblesse Charm Bracelet
Frankenstein/Dark Spear aesthetic & playlist
Dark Spear!Frankenstein
The Powerpuff Boys AU: The Trio
The Powerpuff Boys AU: Frankenstein as Miss Bellum
The Powerpuff Boys AU: Seira as Ms. Keane
M21 and M24′s Relationship
A place to Call Home
Her Babies – Chapter 1
Her Babies – Chapter 2
Badass Raizel
Human!Dark Spear
Prisoner of War – Chapter 1: Mark
Prisoner of War – Chapter 2: Jagged
Broken ankle – Part I
Broken ankle – Part II
As long as…
Mystery of the Mysterious Pillow
Enchantment – Chapter 5
Frankenstein (Poledancing AU)
My Servant Wears Silk
Regis trying to hypno Rai
Live or Die – Chapter 3
Control AMV
The Signals
Noblesse Tarrot Cards I
Noblesse Tarrot Cards II
Rajak & Rael
M-21 transform!
Kei Ru
Rozaria Eleanor
Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia
Cadis Etrama Di Raizel
Rai x Edian
RK3 (Takeo, Tao & M-21)
• BOLD font for fanart & comics;
• ITALIC font for fanfiction;
• SIMPLE font for other (gifs, edits, AMV, photography, aesthetics, fanmixes, etc.);
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culdes · 6 years
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beat-2my-heart · 7 years
Parts 1-3
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earl-of-221b · 8 years
noblesse icebreaker
Thank you for tagging me @spectralmelon !
Name/nickname: earl, short for my fav drink earl grey tea
How did you find out about Noblesse?: When I was in the height of my Mangareader phase, I kind of just clicked on Noblesse when the title art was getting featured as one of those ‘recently updated’ manga. (That one old pic of Rai in the white uniform and then a close up of him.) Just because. And then I, someone who had only ever read japanese manga in black and white, was blinded by the full colour art. My brain could not compute. Full colour art? Every page? Every chapter? This manhua artist was a visionary. And there’s like three hundred chapters already.  Story-wise, I got whiplash when the supposed principal of this high school bowed to the Vampire Man™ (who clearly did not look like a high schooler imo but somehow was blending in anyway). But this interaction really interested me - immediately alluding to a history between these characters that I wanted to know. And then Rai started high school and M-21 and M-24 go kekeke~ and Rai couldn’t open doors and them pure jokes about Rai being a fish out of water were delightful. Also, in the early chapters Franken’s power was bright pink! And I gobbled that up I loved his pink killing powers how gorgeous. Yes, murder Mary and Jake with pink neon lightning while grumbling about getting vampire drool on your neat clothes. 
Favorite character(s)? Frankenstein and Raizel of course!
Previous Lord is also fantastique and M-21 will always be there in my heart. (And Tao. And takeo. And Seira and Regis. Sigh.) 
Favorite scene(s)? 
HOnestly, the first time Rai had ramen and thought it was an assassination attempt - this was like so masterfully animated in Awakening it was glorious. 
Rai trying to get out of the house via the window because he felt the need to make sure Franken was ok with Mary and Jake. Mary and Jake. 
OH MY GOSH Remember that early part where M-21 and M-24 were answering their phone thinking that those noblesses were calling them so early? And they were like shit, M-21, quick, answer it! Be serious! Be vigilant! Can’t let down guard! And it turned out it was just a telemarketer? 
Freaking heck remember when I was totally convinced that Takeo was a lady for his entire entry arc? But anyway Takeo sniping some bad guys. Takeo getting fake-mugged and then getting saved and making friends with the Yeran High group! Shinwoo Yuna Ikhan you guys are so sweet. (Has Suyi arrived yet?) Like. Tao and Takeo hanging with the yeran crew warms my heart, looking back. 
Any time Frankenstein has time alone with Rai. 
Any time the kids are over and trashing Franken’s place and having fun with Rai like you do and Franken twitching slightly in the corner 
The early days where translation was shaky and sometimes Franken called Rai ‘My Lord.’ Loved that shit
Franken walking home with sping onions in his supermarket bag before being captured by yuri. He was just trying to do the shopping. He has a family to feed.
When tao started being himself after been freed from the Union 
When Rai is using his powers in the beginning when it wasn’t all that painful and draining to watch, where we could all cheer guiltlessly as he crushed his enemies with finesse and ease without breaking a sweat
Rai’s blood fields and how beautiful they are when drawn nicely, the different shades of red that seem to glide but we know it’s all destructive force 
Any time Raizel pats Frankenstein’s shoulder in reassurance 
‘I would be able to experiment and stabilise your bodies. But that depends on Master. You see, I cannot disobey his orders.’ 
‘Really Frankenstein?” or something to that effect, “I recall otherwise”
Cue Franken trying to backtrack^
Any time Rai calls Franken out like that because Franken is Franken and its great
Raskreia pulling RAgnorok
‘Frankenstien caused many incidents. The Clan Leaders used to come to me to complain.’ d e c e a s e d
Frankenstein giving Rai earrings and a ring - and then Rai going ‘it’s not my colour.’ Which was great. But also, in retrospect, Rai probably said those things to try and take Franken’s mind off of bad thoughts like ‘oh no, is the power going to be compatible??????’
Raizel fighting Raskreia. UmPH. 
Frankenstein busting into the temple disheveled and half unclothed, trying to stop Rai from fighting even though he knows he can’t and then Rai reassuring him with a smile. 
Like wow
‘Are you alright, Master?’ 
‘I’m fine, Frankenstein.’ he says with a soft smile
‘There’s no way you can be fine after that.’ Frankenstein oh my gosh. You’ve never said it stark to his face that before Franken. It hurt my soul and I loved it. 
‘Master...that’s the wrong way...’
Ramen experiments. 
Any time Franken mouths off at enemies condescendingly 
Any time Rai makes a bad guy k n e e l
Oh my gosh I just remmbered his killer line ‘This is where your eye meets mine.’
 w r e ck t, j a k e 
That scene where Franken and Rai are having tea. It’s not a happy scene but it was huge. Rai drops his teacup for the first time (graphic) and remind us all that Cadis Etrama di Raizel is not ok and has never been since we’ve seen him awake. Then, worried out of his head, Franken can’t wait for Rai to talk himself and straightforwardly asks what caused his 820y sleep. There were two big things that kept me going with a burning passion while reading Noblesse, and that was
1) Franken and Rai’s history. 
2) With all this talk of traitors and conspiracy, what was this big coup and how were able to put the Noblesse to sleep. How did Rai end up in the box? Why were Franken and Rai parted for so long??? This kept me up at night. ( I expected something much more elaborate than what’s been revealed now but still.)
When the man-bat tried to make his hostage quiet, unassuming, high school uniformed Rai. 
Rai v Urokai and Zarga - AKA the first time Rai pulled out approximately seven blood fields that looked like seven raging red tornadoes when Urokai question his ability. 
Seira and Regis. 
Shinwoo actually beating bad guys up. Shinwoo is a good kid and kind friend 
Everybody’s fav scenes: Whenever Frankenstein goes ‘Allow me,’ and Rai pauses for a moment, ponders upon it, and then agrees. 
Then Franken gets out The Violence and has tangible killing intent spilling from him in throngs that make people question his sanity. This is up there in terms of fav.
Every single time Rai feels the overwhelming need to sigh. 
Rai sighing
Rai stuttering ‘hm....um....hn....’ 
NOnsu and Sangeen making disgusted faces at all this mystical crap going on. Remember when one of the union groups tried to sass them like ‘hahah you like him??’ because nonsu and Sangeen are happily married undercover strike agents
Tao getting Takeo some sweet new pistols and getting M-21 his sweet new optimised nail filer 
Any time someone is Recruited against their knowledge into Raizel’s Knights
Raizel’s Knights doing cool shit. 
Raizel finding out about Raizel’s Knights.
Regis running through the woods trying to fend off central knights encroaching on Rai’s mansion in Lukedonia 
OH. The trio stowing away in the cargo hold of their bosses plane, said plane falling, them wake up in hospital beds and 
M-21 - what’s happening?
Tao - huh?
Takeo - F-freeze! *gun fingers.
Any time ~mind control~ fails to work in the series. LIke Regis failing at F and R. the central knights failing on the trio
Seira calling upon Death Scythe. Seira wielding Death Scythe. Seira silhouetted by a giant spirit god of death. Any time Seira fights with her giant giant scythe 
Frankenstein v Rajak fight!!!!!!! Franken v Rajak fight never saw an end but what a fight!!!
Franken murdering Gradeus. Yes. But most importantly, that one shot of Franken turning his back on his kill, a empty ring of purple where Gradeus had been devoured alive by the souls of the undead in necromantic weapon Dark Spear
Dark Spear. Any time Franken goes ‘Answer my call’ 
Ok ok ok ok the f l a s h b ac k s. All of every major flashback. Gejutel and Ragar running through the woods in pursuit of renegade Frankenstein in laced cuffs and victorian suit in medieval days. 
I loved the scene where we actually see Gejutel fight. The giant sky tearing, body vaporising lance. Regasus was huge. 
Any interaction between Franken and Ragar, good friends
‘I just started working here, hahah’ *scratches head
Everything about Rai is stoic and monumental, Franken asks this great man why he didn’t make him see the Lord and ‘...I forgot.’ 
The brief Franken v Rai fight literally sucked my breath out of my lungs like n o they’re actually going to FIGHT even if it’s not really Franken there but the thought of Franken and Rai fighting is just RIVETING and IMPOSSIBLE and TERRIBLE 
fav fav scene: chapter 295
you guys all know what this is 295 when they made the b o n d 
Franken destroying ninth elder with just words and wit. How dare you speak to him, you traitor of humanity 
 A couple of weeks ago when Muzaka stopped what’s known as 废话, useless monologuing/ chatter, and straight up diced second-in-strength werewolf whom I cannot name. Blood went everywhere. Parts rained down like a chunky storm. It was glorious, Muzaka. 
Edian mildly threatening Franken and Franken sticking his head in Rai’s door to tattle on her. 
Forgive me for this list.
Why are you still following it? The characters. Franken and Rai are very important to me. 
How do you like to spend time in the fandom? (“I liveblog the chapters”/ “i roleplay”/ “I draw fanart” / “I like to read fics” etc.)
I write fanfic when I have time! 
Sometimes I sketch some fanart but I’m also prone to the one angle, one face, pencil-only thing. 
Do you have any ships and/or crackships that you’d like to share? When I started writing Who is the Monster, I didn’t ship Franken and Rai. In fact, I’d followed noblesse for a couple of years before finding that, yes, I do like them together. In a world where love feels very...cheap? in media, I don’t really like shipping and platonic relationships just appeal to me more. Unless there’s something that really draws me in I’m not that interested. I mean, there’s doumeki and yashiro, and victor and yuri and other ships that are great! But in the beginning of last year I got into Franken and Rai. Writing Who is the Monster really made me realise that Franken and Rai are romantic to me. Really getting to flesh out what’s up between them and making up in-character interaction changed the direction of the fic. It’s like that saying where - I wrote the characters the way they wanted to go. And where they wanted to go was be in deep love with each other to the point of self destruction. Hm. 
that, and I read other writer’s fics about them and found it so nice
(looking at you, Nerdanel/daylight-star - your rosa de sal - and Laryna6)
(also qdeanna later, your art is <3)
So that’s how I tricked myself into writing a 130k+ slow burn fic. 
My best contribution into the online literary world. 
when all songs on the radio you relate back to Franken and Rai you know things have c h a n g e d
I really want to talk to someone about ____________!
Writing more noblesse fic so I can read it. I want to read more noblesse material. Please write me more fic. I know I’ve been blocked for ages but maybe if you guys write some I can get back into it. I really love Franken and Rai. More Franken and Rai, please. 
I’d like to tag @qdeanna @laryna6 @daylight-star @alexvolkovvlad
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xisanamii · 8 years
noblesse icebreaker
tagged by: @spectralmelon (thanks <3) tagging: @rosehikari & @supercoffeecrusader (only if y’all want to, no pressure~)
on here it’s salmon~ though others might know me by different names.
How did you find out about Noblesse?
sweats buckets... well, i was on my tumblr dash one day and mei (the one who tagged me ;D) reblogged a gifset of raizel from the noblesse animation. as soon as i saw that i messaged her immediately literally saying “WHO IS THAT BEAUTIFUL MAN WITH THE BLACK HAIR AND RED EYES YOU JUST REBLOGGED.” then she introduced me to noblesse/webtoons and... well, here i am. my aesthetic for nice faces has dragged me down this far
Favorite character(s)? 
anyone that's seen me around/follows me knows it’s raskreia, haha. coming after her, in no particular order: m-21, raizel, rajak, third elder. after that, i pretty much like everyone else equally. sans a few villains, but...
Favorite scene(s)?
~raskreia stabbing raizel with ragnarok ~any of the little comedy bits throughout the series, i can’t name them on the top of my head but i’m sure everyone knows what i’m talking about pfft ~i just like it when characters work together in fights and just help each other out ~family scenes are the best ~call me basic but i did like all the traitors confronting raizel scene, revealing centuries of angst and pining and regret :’)
Why are you still following it? 
THAT’S A VERY GOOD QUESTION, GIVEN HOW MUCH I FLIP TABLES AT THIS SERIES RECENTLY. honestly i don’t like quitting series anyway, and although noblesse has a lot of flaws, i still love it to death. the characters are lovable, which is a huge part in why i’m still reading. also, let’s be real, we all want to see whether or not raizel will die by the end of it.
How do you like to spend time in the fandom? (“I liveblog the chapters”/ “i roleplay”/ “I draw fanart” / “I like to read fics” etc.)
lel, i run a roleplay blog, guess which character B) i also drawn fanart on occasion
Do you have any ships and/or crackships that you’d like to share?
YOU’RE TALKING TO THE EPITOME OF MULTISHIPPING. CRACKS KNUCKLES, ALRIGHT. ships i ship seriously: raskreia/rajak, seira/shinwoo, the entire household as a family, i honestly have a lot of PLATONIC SHIPS UNLISTED AND I’M DEAD crackships: raskreia/third elder, raskreia/m21, seira/rozaria, raskreia/rozaria, ludis/claudia, raskreia/karias, raizel/ramen, raskreia/edian, raskreia/gradeus (i have a story for all of them, however one should note that when i love a certain character excessively, i’ll ship them with like fifty other people somehow. poor raskreia...) all other ships i’m pretty neutral, i only have like one ship i’m iffy about but meh it’s whatever. honestly, the only reason i haven’t listed ships up there that might be “obvious” is because it’s usually portrayed as sexual and i’m like. backs up immediately. WHEN IT’S PORTRAYED IN FLUFF THOUGH, GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE.
I really want to talk to someone about ____________!
brah, just talk to me about raskreia and you’ve got my heart. on a more serious note, it’d be fun to throw more theories out and back them up with canon things. like, foreshadowing and stuff idk. or just talk about what you want to see in the future after this current arc is over. also, potential interactions between characters who usually don’t! role swaps! villains as good guys and good guys as villains! FIRE EMBLEM AU
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whileiamdying · 8 years
The chemistry between Australian singer-producer Ta-ku and his fellow Aussie singer-songwriter Wafia becomes apparent the instant you hear their voices intertwined in song. On their first collaborative EP, (m)edian, they draw on their individual experiences to touch on subjects like compromise in relationships as they trade verses and harmonize over hollow melodies.
Ta-ku and Wafia live within the sonic landscape of artists like Drake or Bryson Tiller, but their style puts them in a world all their own. With production characterized by weary low-end rumbles and resonant keys, the two float above the music, playing off each other's harmonies. Fortunately for us at NPR, they took a moment to grace our Tiny Desk with a stripped-down, intimate performance of three songs from (m)edian.
(m)edian is available now: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/m-e... Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/m-edian-Ta-ku-...
SET LIST: "Treading Water" "Meet In The Middle" "Love Somebody"
MUSICIANS: Ta-ku (vocals); Wafia (vocals); Sam Kuzich (drums); Will Langa (keys)
CREDITS: Producers: Cameron Robert, Niki Walker; Audio Engineer: Josh Rogosin; Videographers: Niki Walker, Nicole Boliaux; Production Assistant: Colin Marshall; Photo: Raquel Zaldivar/NPR.
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