#(public as opposed to private‚ of course)
doctorwhoisadhd · 9 months
you know. as a teacher. this discussion is a little too #real.
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endusviolence · 7 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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vernoniekiss · 27 days
hi! love ur writing sm :(( got me kicking my feet and smiling at my phone like a dumb idiot lol hahahshsa, could you write how ot13 would react to their s/o kissing them or be very pda live on a variety show/live broadcast? (their relationship is public and adored) thank you!!
svt s/o being publicly affectionate with them on a live show | [ ot13 ]
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[🫧] seungcheol
- he would be flustered for a quick second but kisses you back a hundred percent. keeps you close to him for the rest of the variety show. voicing his support to you throughout the show even if you’re on opposing teams.
[🫧] jeonghan
- he would be shocked. gives you a quick kiss back before acting that nothing happened. you can see the light pink blush on his cheeks if you were close to him. teases you throughout the show, if you were all playing a game. you bet he’s gonna try and cheat.
[🫧] joshua
- his eyes goes wide like when he’s angry but he’s not angry. he just wasn’t expecting the kiss. he holds your hands throughout the show, beaming at you whenever you get a question correct.
[🫧] junhui
- would let you do anything you want to him. whether it was a small kiss or a hug. he’s really happy to be with you at that moment on the show or a live broadcast.
[🫧] hoshi
- would be the one to cuddle up to you. he’s makes it known that you’re his beautiful s/o. a clingy man, whines when you move away from him. gets really excited when they ask him a question about you. “what’s their favorite food?” “oh my god. I KNOW THIS”.
[🫧] wonwoo
- not big on pda for the public but you are but you’re mindful. asking if it’s okay to hold his hands, give him a hug and he assured you that it’s okay because it’s you and he trusts you with his life.
[🫧] woozi
- man goes RED. all the blood goes to his cheeks immediately when you turn affectionate to him. would also let you do what you want, he likes seeing you happy. holds your hands after the live ended and all the way home :)
[🫧] dokyeom
- also a very affectionate man whether it was on camera or off camera. accepts all you’re affectionate gestures, kisses, hugs, holding hands. he thanks his fans everyday for supporting his relationship. really likes it when you first initiate affections.
[🫧] mingyu
- happy puppy, reciprocate all your affection back. really happy when you hug him. he makes sure to cover the camera when you kiss. you can see a faint blush on him, the members tease him.
[🫧] minghao
- subtle blush on his cheeks. would return the gestures of course. wouldn’t do anything more but hugs, kisses are meant to be shared in private with you and him. no viewers.
[🫧] seungkwan
- sides eye you but he warms up later to show pda. holds your hands throughout the live show. hugs you whiling jumping around when you win a game. “YOU WON!!”. just lets you continuously pinching his cheeks :D
[🫧] vernon
- wide eyes and looked at you as if you committed a sin right infront of him. his cheeks goes pink IMMEDIATELY, awkwardly patting your back while bringing you in for a small hug instead. he prefers to be more affectionate towards you in private rather than public.
[🫧] chan
- doesn’t mind showing pda in public and doesn’t mind you being more affectionate in public, esp in the eyes of his fans. kisses you back when the cameras are turned another to another area (to his members). he’s happy to return all your affection gestures!!!
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mwahsol · 5 days
Jewelry with initials
Description: You and Paige are in a semi-private relationship, as she's doing an interview the interviewer notices a certain ring on Paige's hand. The ring on Paige's hand is the one you usually wear with your initials on it. When the interviewer asks Paige about the ring, she hints about your relationship.
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“So Paige I couldn't help but notice that there's a certain ring on your hand that has an initial of someone very familiar.”
“I mean what can I say it's a nice ring.”
‘Does the ring belong to a specific teammate that may or may not wear the number 12?’
‘Yo not too much, but yeah it's her ring. I wanted to bring a little something of hers with me because she couldn't come with me so it'll do for now.”
“Aww that's so cute seeing your close bond.”
After hearing that Paige can feel her face heating up and the smirk she's been trying to hide is slipping through as she answers, “Yeah for sure, but imma see her in a week so when she gets here she can give me my chain back.”
As soon as those words slipped out of her mouth the interviewer had to get all the information she could, “Oh she has something of yours too? Who's idea was it to swap items so you both could have something?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle remembering how she was almost ready to beg you to just come to Seattle with her, being too impatient to wait a bit to hold you again.
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“Baby I’m going to see you in probably less than a week. I just need to visit my mom for a bit.” Even though she understands she can't help but be clingy towards you, I mean how could she not she follows you around like a puppy most of the time not ever wanting to be too far from you. “I know mama I’m just gonna miss you.” As you see Paige pouting on your bed you can't help but walk up to her, you settle in between her thighs and hug her around her shoulders while she wraps her arms around your waist and buries her head in your chest. To make her feel a little better you come up with a cute small idea, “How about I give you something of mine that you can wear so in a way I’ll be there hm? How does that sound love?’ Her head instantly shoots up so you can see the excitement in her eyes making you giggle a little. “Really? Can I pick it out?” She's too cute, “Of course you can.”
“Ok but if I get something of yours then you have to wear something of mine.’ Even though that wasn't part of your original plan you couldn't help but blush at the fact that she wants you to have something so you won't miss her too much. “I wouldn't be opposed to that”
As she gets up and looks through your jewelry box she sees the ring you wear almost all the time, except when you're playing or at practice, “Can I get this one babe?’ You knew how the public knew that ring was specifically yours. It had your initials on it and you know how much the public loves Paige, you know they're more than likely to ask her about it if they notice, and if they don't then all of the fans will. “Are you sure P? I don't want to make you comfortable if they start asking questions about it,” her heart swells up with adoration seeing how much you care and think about her first. “I’m sure, private not secret remember. I’d be happy if they asked me about you. I won't get into too much detail obviously but I can drop a few hints here and there but only if you're comfortable with it mama.” God, she knows how to make you blush, as you look down a giggle a little getting a bit shy you say, “Of course, I am, just wanted to make sure with you first.”
Paige can't help but admire how even after almost two years she still has this effect on you. “Ok, since I got your ring, how do you feel about wearing my gold chain with my initial on it so we kinda match.” You can see her little smirk knowing how much you love that necklace and can't help but say yes to getting the opportunity to wear it again. “Sounds perfect.”
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“Nah it was hers but I added a little but that's it,” the interviewer and soon the audience will be able to see how giddy she was just to talk about you.
“Alright Paige, thank you for talking with us. Good luck and hopefully you see y/n soon,” she couldn't help but laugh towards the ending seeing how Paige was so happy just to hear your name.
“Ay thank you, have a good rest of your day.”
What Paige didn't notice is that while she was being asked about you and remembering the day you traded pieces, she was playing with your ring and smiling so hard that people would rewatch the interview and repost it everywhere talking about how your guy's relationship was definitely more than platonic.
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I'm slowly releasing things please bare with me y'all, law is kicking my ass and my job is NOT helping. I promise I'm trying to rerelease my old work and somewhat write new ones. LOVE YALL THO <3
Kiss the sun 🌞
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triplecreature · 5 months
actually I'm kind of curious about this because it was a huge debate among my peers in my community
Clarifications under the cut:
The poster is in a public space where it is typical for everyday people to post things. It is not someone's private property or possession. Think piece of paper taped to a telephone pole, not sign in a storefront or in someone's yard.
The poster is not protected by law; you are very unlikely to face legal consequences for vandalizing it. Caveat: some peers have argued that it risks being socially consequential because an organization or demographic that you are a part of may be judged as intolerant/oppressive/disruptive/otherwise unpleasant if people witness your actions, and thus advocated against vandalism for fear of damaging your public image.
The poster is not an expensive or personal piece of artwork; it is a mass produced print on letter paper.
You are vehemently opposed to the message displayed on the poster, but it is an opinion that people are free to have in your country.
The 4th option refers to things like intentionally putting your own poster over top of the bad poster or otherwise making the bad poster harder to view; some people argued that targeting the poster for removal is out of line, but posting your own messages is an innocent action that you are well within your right to do (in this context, posters regularly eclipse each other as new ones are posted over top of outdated ones due to limited space)
The poster is part of a campaign; it's not unique. There are many postings of it across the community.
This is all assuming that the offending poster is not old and would typically not be considered fair game for pruning for quite some time, and that it is being specifically targeted for removal because of its message (rather than petty vandalism or because it's obstructive or damaged). E.g., if a poster is advertising an event happening on April 20th, it's typical to prune it after that date but not before.
Of course the situation that prompted the real life debate did involve a specific offending message, but I'm not going to specify what it was for now because I think it'll skew the results as people will just end up voting based on whether they like or dislike that message, which isn't the point of this. For this poll we are assuming that it IS a message that you are very opposed to; you can substitute in your own opinion that you have strong feelings about.
Please reblog for sample size!
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caitlinsclark · 3 months
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𝗖𝗔𝗜𝗧𝗟𝗜𝗡 𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗥𝗞 WINNER | caitlin has a very apparent soft spot for her favorite reporter. RECKLESS REVELATIONS | you made an agreement to keep your relationship private from the media, caitlin seems to be changing her mind. ALREADY DONE | reader comforts caitlin through a tough migraine. MIGHT BE WORTH IT FOR ONCE | caitlin's hesitance being in a public relationship doesn't apply to a pretty basketball player on the opposing team. IN THE EYES | caitlin's pictures come out best when they're taken by the photographer she gives heart eyes to. LOVE TRICYCLE ¹ | kate becomes an accidental matchmaker and honorary third wheel. THIRD WHEEL ² | kate owns her honorary third wheel title. CASUAL ¹ | it was always casual for caitlin. NOT CASUAL ² | it was never casual for caitlin. WHERE'S THE TROPHY ¹ | caitlin can't admit the romantic nature of your relationship until she tosses away the bond you'd built. SHE JUST COMES RUNNIN OVER TO ME ² | in a moment of desperation, you agree to a plan that might push caitlin too far.
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✰ bree's 500 follower celebration ✰ FEELIN' 22 | caitlin's celebrity crush is discussed during jada's live. REFRESHER | kate's sister comes to crash an Iowa basketball practice and finds herself getting a refresher course from caitlin. REASSURANCE | caitlin needs to be reassured and you're the only person who can do it. BRIDGING THE GAP | caitlin can't seem to play nice with the newest rookie. AFTER MIDNIGHT | you learn that only the best things happen after midnight when caitlin's involved.
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✰ multi-part series ✰ GOOD LUCK BABE | based on good luck babe! by chappell roan.
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𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗚𝗘 𝗕𝗨𝗘𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗥𝗦 FLIPPED | once you couldn't handle being the hopeless admirer from afar anymore, the roles finally flipped.
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ryebread0605 · 2 months
Hi! Are you okay with us requesting smut? If so, could I request maybe Jamil pulling Reader/Yuu into a private area after a basketball game and taking them? It's up to you if they won or lost, but he just has so much adrenaline after the game he needs to let it out somehow, and Reader/Yuu dressed up in a like cheerleading outfit and was cheering him on and he couldn't stop looking at them throughout the game. Bonus points for jealousy because the other team was checking Reader/Yuu out- thank you so much!
Smut is 100% ok to request! As long as it isn’t Floyd x jade, silver x Lilia, or anyone x ortho! 
I love soft dom Jamil so I hope that’s ok if I kinda added that! Jealousy will be included cuz I find it cute to have him want your attention on him! 
Includes: dom Jamil, public sex, fem reader, some light degradation
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Jamil never thought himself one to be jealous, especially not after he let his jealousy cause him to nearly harm you when he Overblotted. So when he felt the familiar twist in his stomach, seeing members of the opposing team watching your cheer routine? He tried to ignore it. Surely the feeling would go away overtime, right? Yeah, of course they would. And afterall, how could they not want to look at you in that cute crop top and pleated skirt, embroidery of the Night Raven College logo dead center across your chest. Those twirls, you bending down, the cute smile on your face.. sevens he had to try hard to focus on the match. 
You ran to Jamil with a huge smile on your face as the match ended, NRC winning 7-5 making it a close game. Pom Pom’s still in your hands, you wrap your arms around his waist. 
“Jamil! You guys did amazing! Did you hear how loud I was cheering? I hope so!” Your voice was cheery as you bounced in place, Jamil finding it harder and harder to keep his gaze on your face and not at your cleavage pressed against him. He was still annoyed at how the other boys had stared at you, but that annoyance and jealousy grew far FAR worse as Floyd and Ace decided to come over and make things worse. 
“Heyyy sea snake? Did ya see how those Royal Academy boys were lookin at shrimpyyy? Looks like shrimpy’s got more fans than usss~” Floyd’s teasing tone made Jamil have to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself which he was almost able to until Ace’s snarky voice added in.
“Ha! I bet they’d die for a chance with you (y/n), better make them know you’re dating Jamil. Don’t want her to get taken as a Royal Academy cheerleader~” oh that was it. A low growl came from Jamil as he dragged you out of the gym, leaving behind a laughing Floyd and Ace along with the other team members looking confused.
“J-Jamil where are we going? Everyone is still in the-“ 
“You’re mine (y/n). Mine only. And I want to make sure everyone knows” in an instant, your chest was pressed against the wall as you felt yourself sandwiched between it and Jamil, his hand slipping under the crop top and groping your breasts. His voice was barely above a whisper in your ear, the sound of it causing shivers to roll down your spine,
“I bet you liked the attention, right? Liked having other guys ogle you? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they all stare~” his hands made quick work of the cheer uniform, tossing both the skirt and shirt to the ground and leaving you in the panties and bra you had on underneath. Your breath hitched in your throat as he pulled his jersey off and dropped it atop your uniform.
God, proof of how hard he worked at those practices was on display for your eyes to hungrily take in. His hands push your panties to the side as you are distracted by his abs, a finger pressing deep inside you making your breath hitch. His finger moved fast and soon one became two as he scissored your now dripping cunt open, stretching you for him as he felt his shorts tighten. Once he felt you were sufficiently stretched, he removed his fingers and chuckled at your soft whines from the loss of something inside of you. His shorts joined yours as he wrapped your legs around his waist, rubbing his cock up and down your slick folds and teasing his tip at the entrance. 
“P-please Jamil please I need you!” Your voice held a soft whine, making his smirk widen as he left hickeys along your neck, removing your bra to access your breasts as well and leaving marks along the sensitive skin
“Oh? Do you really need me that badly? So goddamn needy, you wanna risk someone hearing us?” The soft moan you let out confirmed to him that even just the idea you *could* get caught had turned you on and, with that, he pressed the tip of his cock into your cunt with a grunt. Barely giving you time to adjust, he quickly bottomed out with only a few thrusts.
“There, that enough for you princess? So goddamn horny, just for me. Such a good little slut, wanting everyone to hear you call my name~” Jamil’s voice in your ear, so soft and sensual with his degrading comments just made your cunt clench around him, eliciting another groan of pleasure. Your soft begs for him to move soon faded to moans of pleasure as he started off rough right away, his hips slamming against yours and the sound of skin slapping filling the once silent halls. The brutal pace didn’t let up, not even as your head was thrown back from the pleasure and the knot forming in your stomach. 
“Good little slut, so loud for me~ telling everyone who owns you” each word was emphasized with another hard thrust, his cock hitting that one spot that made you see stars and, before you could warn him, your fluttering walls convulsed around him as the knot in your stomach snapped. Fucking you through your orgasm, Jamil’s pace didn’t let up until hot ropes of his cum shot deep into you.
The two of you stood there panting, both coming down from your highs, basking in that post sex glow you always seemed to have. That moment, however, was interrupted by something that turned you both into blushing messes, 
“God really? You two couldn’t have waited until getting to a bathroom at least?” Ace’s annoyed and embarrassed voice rang through your ears as you two turned to see him covering his blushing face and refusing to look either of you two in the eyes.
“Well, hopefully you’ve learnt not to make me jealous Ace, take this as a lesson” Jamil’s smug smirk returned to his face as the former muttered a quick ‘fuck you’ before walking past you two quickly
Returning his attention to you, Jamil leaned to whisper once more in your ear
“wanna go for a second round~?”
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
You Cannot Create A Solarpunk Future Under Capitalism
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I am feeling like a broken record, but I just need to make this clear once more: No, Solarpunk in any form is not possible under capitalism. If you think it is, you either fail to understand Solarpunk, or you don't get what capitalism even means.
Technically I wrote about this already almost exactly a year ago. Let me reiterate it again, though: Solarpunk at its core is build around a couple of ideas. Those are:
Living in relative harmony with our environment, rather than destroying it. (Which includes using renewable energies.)
Social justice and the same rights, chances and possibilities for all people.
Neither of those three points is archievable under capitalism, as the end goals of capitalism are opposed to each of them.
Let me go through each of them.
Environmental Sustainability is not archievable under capitalism.
This is the point people tend to argue about the most. Because they will go: "But if the renewable energy sources are cheaper than fossil fuels, the capitalist will see more possibilities to make money with it." Well, do I have news for you: A variety of renewable sources, such as solar and wind power, are already a lot cheaper than fossil fuels and yet somehow the capitalist argue against using them. Care to explain that? No? Well, I'll do it for you. (Technically already did in that blog last year.)
See, when someone's net worth is listed somewhere, most of them actually do not have billions of dollars on their bank accounts. And no, they also do not swim in gold coins. Instead their net worth comes from calculating how much money they would be able to make if they sold all thier assets. A lot of those assets are shares in companies they have, as well as stuff like their fancy houses, fancy cars, fancy private jets and fancy yachts. Most billionaires have not more than a couple tens million dollars in liquid money, meaning money they can just spend. If they wanna buy something that is more expensive, they will usually go to a bank, say: "Look at all the stuff I have. I wanna buy myself more stuff. Gimme money?" And the bank will go: "Of course, Sir Billionaire, here you go. Have a nice 10 billion dollars."
And this is where the issue arrises: Most of the billionaires who are investing in the energy market, have already invested billions in fossil fuels. Be it by owning shares of fossil fuel companies, or by owning mines, oil rigs, power plants and the like. And this puts them into a silly little position: Even if they wanted to make more money through renewables, they cannot without harming themselves. Because in the moment that renewables become even more viable than they already are, fossil fuels lose their viabilities - and hence all the assets they hold in fossil fuels lose their value in an instant. The billionairs know that. The banks know it, too. Which is why banks do not want to give the fossil fuel billionaires money for that, even if they ask.
And that is only on the energy-generating side of it. If you go into the other stuff that harms our environment... Simply put: Public transport will never make as much money, as selling everyone their own car. And plastics are just so much cheaper than any alternatives. And the companies need fast fashion, because they won't make as much money, if folks only go buying new clothes every ten years.
Capitalism is build on the exploitation of the environment.
You cannot archieve decolonialization under capitalism.
Let's talk about the call to decolonize next. This is even easier explained: Capitalism is build on colonialism. And contrary to what you might have been told in school, colonialism has never ended. Most indigenous folks never got their ancestral land back - or have to fight to remain on it to this day. The most notable examples you know off might be indigenous people on their land (at times the land they originally had been forced onto after their ancestral land had been stolen from them) fighting pipelines that the capitalists want to put onto that land. That is colonialism.
In fact a lot of the raw material we use to power capitalism is produced on stolen land or is moved across stolen land to be financially viable. Be it oil springs, that can be found there. Or be it mines. That is both mines that produce coal, but also mines that are used to produce lithium and other materials used in batteries of electric cars. These raw materials should technically belong to the indigenous people from whose land those materials are sourced. And we do know for a fact that some of them will prefer to leave those materials in the ground. Maybe because of the harm to the environment that mining for them creates. Maybe because the land is sacred to them. Maybe because some of them just do not care about cheap electric cars.
It is more than that, of course. Because colonialism also allows for slave labor. And yes, I mean slave labor. Like classical slave labor where people are pressganged into laboring in those mines, or in other factories, where they are not paid at all - or are paid in breadcrums. The reason that the global south is so abhorently poor, even though most of the raw materials powering our world are found there, is, that the people in the global south are exploited, while the land is often owned by people from the global north, who either got it through colonialism - or by buying it from someone who got it through colonialism.
And once again: The profit motive of capitalism is directly opposed to decolonizing - and because of that it won't happen. Capitalism is built on colonial exploitation.
You cannot archive social justice under capitalism.
Capitalism as a system was invented for one reason and one reason alone: To allow former nobility, who were close to lose their power and influence in a Europe of anti-royal revolutions, to hold onto the power and influence and veil it underneath the idea of meritocracy. Basically saying: "Everyone gets what they deserve based on the work they got in." Obviosly they got the most, because they owned the land that everyone was working and living on. And then they did their best to brainwash everyone into believing this - at which they actually succeeded.
Here is the thing: Capitalism needs an underclass to exploit. Sure, a good chunk of that exploitation will happen in other countries, where the poor white middleclass folks do not need to see them toil, but some of that exploitation simply cannot be done in those other countries. At times because the work physically needs to happen in the western nations - stuff like road contruction, general contruction work, cleaning and such are an example of this. And at times because some things might be time critical, cannot be transported that far and stuff like that - like farm work in some cases, or also all the Amazon warehouse stuff. Oh, and all those fastfood jobs belong into this area. Stuff that is paid minimum wage and exploited to no end.
And then there is of course prison labor in the US, which once again is just slavery.
And all of that does not even go into the care and nursing work that is either underpaid by a ton when it is happening on the open market (like in hospitals, schools, kindergardens and other care facilities) - or is happening completely for free. Mosten done by women, who will care for both children, as well as elders and disabled family members for free.
The true endgoal of capitalism is to turn the labor of the lower classes into money and value for the upper class to hoard like bloody dragons. As such capitalism will never be compatible with any sort of equal rights and equal chances.
Those three aspects are truths that just cannot be changed. Capitalism will never be able to create any sort of justice, equal rights, or sustainability. It is not in the interest of capitalism to do so, either.
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paradiseismine · 4 months
Finn and his characters tying you up - Headcanons
Pairing: Finn Wolfhard + Finnverse characters x f!reader
Love note from Nina: Yes, all of Finn’s characters would tie their partner up. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
Summary: Headcanons for Finn Wolfhard and his characters, on how each one of them would tie you up sexually.
Warnings: a bit of kinky stuff, but no smut. kinda fluffy I guess (?)
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Finn Wolfhard (himself)
How did he bring it up the first time?
Finn said he needed to talk. You got curious and even a bit anxious, he seemed to want to keep a very serious tone to the conversation. His face was absolutely flushed as he grabbed your hands and, looking into your eyes, said:
- Babe, I want you to know that I love you and respect you very much, ok? It’s been such a joy and a privilege to have you in my life… To get to call you mine, to be a part of your life, to kiss you, to make love to you, all of it. It’s just that… I’d like our intimacy to be a bit more, uhm, intense, you know?
- I love you too, babe. You’re my everything. But I don’t think I understand… What do you mean by that? - you asked, fondly. Finn scratched the back of his neck, apprehensive.
- Could we… Maybe… I mean, could I tie you up sometime? Just the hands, if you’re ok with it… - his face was really flushed as he said it.
- No problem, my love - you agreed. - I trust you 100%, you know that. I’m glad you could trust me with your desires. Next time we do it, you can tie me up, ok?
Finn smiled, relieved. He feared being misunderstood, or taken as a creep. Little did he know, now you were dying to be tied up by him.
What does he use to tie you up?
Some fancy “tying bdsm kit” he made his assistant buy while he was out filming, so no one but you would ever know about this side of him without signing an NDA. It’s apparently made out of some special fabric-like material that doesn’t bruise your skin and is very comfortable. Being a celebrity, Finn’s not only afraid of accidentally hurting you, but also of people seeing any sort of scrape or bruise on your body when you go out in public. What if they think he’s violent with you? Well, he only is when you ask him to be.
How/where does he tie you up?
With his busy schedule, the first places you get to be tied up in are hotel rooms, as you guys would meet in between his shootings and band gigs. He ties your hands gently at first, but as you get comfortable, he begins tying your ankles too. Seeing you all tied up feels so private, so intimate… He loves it, and so do you.
Boris Pavlikovsky
How did he bring it up the first time?
Boris was always into “weird” stuff. He liked to drink while fucking you from behind, he’d ask you to spit on his body (just to see what it felt like) and stuff like that. When you two were getting it on and he found something that could be used to tie you up, you pretty much knew what he had in mind. He looked at you in an inquiring way, and all you had to do was nod and put out your wrists for him.
What does he use to tie you up?
He uses pretty much anything he can find at the moment. You’ve been tied up with dish cloths, robe belts, shoe laces and even a measuring tape. If it can be tied around your wrists and you don’t oppose to it, you’re getting tied up with it.
How/where does he tie you up?
Anywhere that tickles his fancy. He’d tie you up in the bedroom, in the kitchen, even in the shower. He keeps the knots simple, but firm. He only ties you hands, though: your legs need to be all spread out for him.
Mike Wheeler
How did he bring it up the first time?
He took you to the basement for the usual make out session - at least that was what it seemed. After some heated kisses, he held your face, making you look into his eyes.
- Do you trust me? - Mike said, gently caressing your cheek, his eyes always as dreamy as ever.
- Of course, angel - you responded, smiling.
- Tell me if you get uncomfortable at any moment, ok?
You simply looked at his hands doing the work. Ugh, he’s so hot.
What does he use to tie you up?
A belt. Specifically, he likes to take off the belt he’s using beforehand and tie you up with it. There’s something about undressing you, then undressing himself and tying you up with his own belt that gets him extra hard.
How/where does he tie you up?
He simply ties your wrists together. You don’t resist in the slightest, of course, completely taken by his dominant energy. He likes to have that kinkier type of sex in the basement, where you guys can make some more noise without getting caught/heard by anyone else in the house.
Miles Fairchild
How does he bring it up the first time?
Very early into the relationship, actually after your first kiss, Miles was already calling you “mine”. And being “his”, you knew what kind of stuff he liked: the freakiest possible. He started tying you up within your first month together, and as time went on, it got more and more sophisticated. You two have a safe word, so if you don’t like something, you can say the word and he’ll stop immediately to check on his precious doll.
What does he use to tie you up?
A rope. The same kind that could be used to tame the horses in the manor’s stable. He finds it animalistic and sexy, like you’re a wild creature he has to tame and take care of - that’s kind of how you feel, too.
How/where does he tie you up?
Miles had read an awful lot about shibari - he has literal books on the subject. Expect to be in his room, tied up in some crazy positions, with very elaborate knots concocted by him. There will be ropes all over your body - if not actual ropes, warm ropes of his cum.
- Slutty princess of mine, how would you like to be all tied up and hanging from the ceiling? - he asked, his eyes darker than ever. - You’d look so pretty like that, like my own little puppet sex doll…
Trevor Spengler
How did he bring it up the first time?
You two were making out, you know, as you usually do. Trev stopped kind of abruptly, and you could tell he had something else in his mind.
- Babe… - he started, his voice raspy with lust. - There’s… There’s something I’ve always wanted to try, I don’t know if you’d be into it, and it’s totally fine if you’re not, but I-
- Trevor - you interrupted, reassuring him with a gentle caress and a loving smile - It’s ok. What is it that you want to try?
- I, uh… Can I tie you up? You know, as like a sex thing?
- Sure - you chuckled. - I think I’m gonna like that too, love.
What does he use to tie you up?
A silky tie. He’s afraid anything rougher would irritate his princess’ delicate skin.
How/where does he tie you up?
Trevor is a sucker for car sex, and loves tying you up in the Ectomobile. He’d usually tie your hands up and ask you to suck his dick with your hands tied. You look so submissive doing that, it drives him crazy - specially when you grab his dick with your tied hands.
Ziggy Katz
How did he bring it up the first time?
He knew he’d feel embarrassed: that was a given. He had finally gotten a pretty girlfriend and didn’t want to scare her off, of course. After a lot of pining and reconsideration, he simply blurted it out while you two were making out on his bed after school.
- Would you let me, like, tie you up? I mean, it would be Tera hot to have you all tied up to the bed frame while we do it, you know?
- Sure - you laughed. - How do you wanna do it?
What does he use to tie you up?
Bedsheets. It had to be something that doesn’t look like it’s gonna be used for sex, ‘cause his lazy ass will totally forget to hide it afterwards, so if it’s just the bedsheets, his mom won’t be suspicious.
Where/how does he tie you up?
He makes sure you can’t “escape”, making firm knots and tying your hands above your head onto the bed frame. Ziggy secretly loves it when you struggle to free yourself and try to touch him, because then he gets to hold you in place and feels even more dominant.
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daistea · 3 months
Can i request general relationship headcanons with lycion? (I hope you aren't overwhelmed with requests, I love your writings)
Thank you love! !
This was fun, I haven't gotten to explore Lycion much but I really enjoyed coming up with these!
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Lycion would be a great partner because he’d be your best friend. He isn’t really romantic in the traditional sense, honestly he couldn’t care less about that stuff. A relationship with Lycion is based on comfort and vibes and mutual acts of service.
He’s generally pretty laid-back and playful, but there are definitely moments when he gets worked up— those moments usually concern him being offended at someone critiquing his decisions. He’s pretty defensive over his decision to get into ancient magic and change his body, he would prefer you affirm him rather than try and change his ways. 
Which means that when he runs off to join an illegal fighting tournament, please don’t freak out. He knows what he’s doing and it’s genuinely just for his own ego and pleasure. 
I get the feeling that he doesn’t like being worried over. 
I also get the feeling that his near-obsession with his appearance results in him only expecting praise for that. And he loves praise for his appearance and his beastman body and his hair. However, when you actually dig deeper and praise his personality and show a desire to love every single part of him, he kind of tenses up and doesn’t really know what to do with that. He’s not opposed to it, but it’s very new to him. 
If you’re in an established relationship where he’s assured that you love him, he’ll accept your concern. Still, if you try to stop him from doing what he wants, he’ll just ignore you– unless it’s super serious, of course. He does not consider being mauled by another beastman a serious situation. 
Despite his tendency to be reckless, Lycion is also a natural caretaker for those he cares about. (Him watching over Fleki while she trips, etc.)
He’s not a worrier, he’s pretty practical and looks for solutions rather than freaking out over the details or lecturing anybody on their decisions. 
He’s rather independent. I feel like a relationship with Lycion would have a lot of understanding and equality— that remains unspoken, though, because it’s just how he naturally is and he doesn’t need to make a big speech about how he respects your autonomy to do stupid crap if that’s what you wanna do. As long as you survive the stupid crap and come back to him, he’s fine. 
I feel like Lycion would have insight into the lesser known parts of Elven culture. The illegal markets and the underground fighting scene and the tribes that live deep in the forest– the ELF CANNIBALS I can’t believe Kui just mentions that elf cannibals exist and then never talks about it again. 
Lycion is pretty worldly and experienced, overall. Imagine him having a sheltered partner, he would constantly tease and push your boundaries. In public, he’d wrap his arms around you and bite at your neck right in front of everyone, then laugh lightly when you get flustered. 
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Lycion would whisper a lot. You’re with a group of people and he just casually lays an arm over your shoulder and whispers what he’s thinking about the people, their outfits, something they’ve said, gossip, etc. Or he’d whisper about how much he wants to whisk you away and go somewhere private. 
If you ever want to curl up next to his beastman form and take a nap in his fur, he would gladly oblige. He isn’t stinky like a dog and he keeps himself well groomed. 
I’m not sure how he’d react to being brushed… It might feel like he’s literally a dog, then. But hey maybe he’d like it. Don’t know. 
I do believe that if he trusted you enough, he’d let you mess with his hair. Brush it, braid it, put it up in fun styles— It’s very intimate for him, a vulnerable moment and a gesture of love. 
It’s canon that beastmen do adopt the traits of the monster soul they’ve taken on. (It’s mentioned that weretigers take on feline traits and become quite antisocial). I believe he’d have a better sense of smell and hearing. He’s generally quite carnivorous. His ears twitch when he hears things, which all elves do to an extent, but his ear twitching reminds you of a puppy. He tilts his head. Sometimes you can imagine a tail wagging when he’s happy. 
Actually, when he’s in his beastform and he sees you, his tail does wag. He can’t help it. 
Other traits include fierce loyalty, practicality, playfulness, self-confidence, and defensiveness. Despite his laid-back personality, he does have the tendency to be combative at times and will not hesitate to tell someone what he thinks of them. 
Sorry but Lycion is a bit of an exhibitionist. Not in a perverted way, he just likes to show off. He wants you to watch him fight. He wants you to notice him. He’s a little obsessive about it, actually. Think about it, his dysmorphia made him so distraught that he would get beat up almost as a way to punish himself, like self-harm. He didn't care about his body or his health to the extent of heavy drinking. Now that he has the body he wants, he isn’t punishing himself anymore, he’s proud. And it’s important to him that you’re proud too. Look at him go look at him rip someone’s limbs off look at the form the muscles the teeth just look! 
One comic mentions that he got pissed when he was taken out with one punch by a werebear. Pouty angry Lycion laying face down in your shared bed as he complains. He requires your attention, please. Also he might just track down the werebear and challenge them again— then get knocked out again. Enjoy finding your boyfriend lying unconscious in the street! What fun. 
I love the comic of him picking Fleki up while they’re running away and then letting her ride on his back as he transforms. Imagine him doing that with you. He would be comfortable manhandling you while in his beastform, picking you up like a rag doll or even biting the back of your shirt with his teeth and carrying you around like a puppy lol 
What if he’s a biter… What if he bites during intimate moments. He might even just bite for fun. Lightly, of course. Just a wee nibble on your arm in an attempt to get your attention. 
Sometimes he just hangs out in beastform. You’ll find him like
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Credit for the pic
This elf thinks he is a god of seduction. In some ways, he’s right. He is. But sometimes he doesn’t realize he’s being cheesy by giving you a certain bedroom look and then he gets irritated when you laugh at him. 
He’s rather sociable! And casual as well, he would just hang out around other people with his arm over your shoulder or around your waist. 
He likes your scent… He likes you surrounded by his scent. 
Overall, Lycion is a good partner who makes an effort to understand, respect, and take care of you. He desires the same. He’s a show off and very self confident. I don’t think he’d be the jealous type but there are occasions where he’ll be a little territorial. He shows intimacy in a very casual way and doesn’t do traditionally romantic things. He’s your best friend and your partner and also the guy who sometimes bites you when he wants attention. 
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notfreetoday · 1 year
The Importance of Amae in My Personal Weatherman
Masterlist || Language Analysis Part 1
I have seen a lot of discourse in the English-speaking fandom surrounding Segasaki's apparent dismissal or trivializing of Yoh's desire to pursue his manga, and most of it is negative. His comments about wanting Yoh to remain dependent on him, or that Yoh does not need to earn money are seen as patronizing or controlling at best and oppressive at worst. It appears that Segasaki does not understand nor respect Yoh's need for independence, and that is what strains their relationship.
But what if I asked you to consider that Segasaki's behaviour is actually an invitation to Yoh to reinforce their relationship? And what if I told you that Yoh's withdrawal from Segasaki constitutes a rejection of that invitation, and it is that rejection that strains their relationship instead?
Of course, the end result is the same - a strained relationship - and in reality there is never one side wholly responsible for this. The point of this is to simply challenge the cultural notion that a successful relationship is the coming together of two equally independent individuals, as opposed to the co-creation of a relationship formed by two interdependent individuals.
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"If only you could stay drunk forever..." "It's okay to feel down again for me too you know" - Segasaki, Ep 4, Ep 5
This isn't about Segasaki wanting to keep Yoh is helpless and dependent on him, but about wanting Yoh to be able to be true to his feelings and express his own desire for affection honestly, without having to hide behind "I hate you" or rejection.
Or, let's try and talk about how Segasaki and Yoh reinforce their relationship through the use of amae (featuring a brief mention of tatemae/honne) who am I kidding this is not brief at all
First: Cultural Context
The way people conceptualize and make meaning of the Self differs between Western and East Asian cultures, and this plays into the differences we see in the basis for our self-esteem, the personal attributes that we value, and even what constitutes the behavior of a mature individual. Broadly speaking, Western cultures tend towards the Independent Self Construal (whereby the Self is a distinct entity separate from others) whereas East Asian cultures tend towards Interdependent Self-Construal (whereby the Self is connected to and defined by relationships with others). Thus, in the West, expressing one's individuality is very important for one's self-esteem, and being able to communicate clearly and confidently is valued and a sign of maturity. Conversely, in the East, one's ability to integrate and become a member of the group is prized, and contributes significantly to one's self esteem. In order to be seen as a mature individual, one must learn not only to read a social situation but also how to modify one's behavior in order to respond to the changing demands of that situation, with the ultimate goal being to maintain group harmony.
tl;dr - In East Asian culture, behaviors and attitudes that emphasize interdependence and promote group harmony actually play a big role in reinforcing relationships and one's membership towards the group.
Segasaki is an expert at this - his "public mode" that Yoh refers to actually shows us how good he is at social interactions. This is the Japanese concept of tatemae/honne (crudely translated as public self/private feelings) - which I could link to a bunch of articles for you, but I'm going to suggest you check out this 9 min street interview instead. At 6:41, one of the interviewees comments that another is sunao, or "honest" (we'll cover this later too) and at 6:49 specifically talks about how reading situations is important as an adult. Segasaki reads the room well, but most importantly, he reads Yoh well.
Yoh is not good at this, at all. In Ep 6, we see that he does not integrate well with the group, and he doesn't realize how he might appear to others when he stares and sketches from afar. Yoh does not read the room well because he doesn't pick up on social cues and does not adhere to social norms (I'll point these out in Ep 6's corrections). He cannot read Segasaki, and especially cannot read Segasaki's amae, or his attempts at reinforcing their relationship. Part of this is because his low self-esteem causes him to withdraw from Segasaki's affection as a means of self-protection, and so he valiantly tries to deny his feelings for Segasaki. As Man-san commented in Ep 4, Yoh is not sunao - he has difficulty with being true/honest about his feelings, even to himself.
Sunao is another term that usually pops up when talking about feelings/relationships. It can be used to describe one's relationship with oneself, as well as the relationship with another/group. With oneself, it is usually used to mean "being honest/truthful/straightforward/frank/open-minded about one's feelings". With another person/group, it is usually used to mean "to cooperate/listen/be obedient, or "to be humble/open-minded". In essence, the word encompasses an ideal virtue that is often taught from early childhood - that we should treat both ourselves and others with humility and honesty, because that is how we accept ourselves and stay in harmony with other. This is what becoming an adult, or gaining maturity, means (not gaining independence, as adulthood is often equated to in the West - do you see a running theme here 😂). Of course, that's actually really hard to do, so you'll often hear children (and immature adults too) chided for "not being sunao" (this can therefore sound patronizing if you're not careful). We'll revisit this in a little bit.
Second: What is Amae?
Amae is a key component in Japanese relationships, both intimate and non-intimate. It happens every day, in a variety of different interactions, between a variety of different people. But it is often seen as strange or weird, and those unfamiliar with the concept can feel uncomfortable with it. This stems from the difference in self-construal - because independence is tied so strongly to an individual's self-image in the West, it is very hard to fathom why behavior that emphasizes interdependence could be looked upon favorably. It is telling that every possible English translation of the word "amae" carries a negative connotation, when in Japanese it can be both negative or positive. The original subtitles translated it as "clingy", for example. Other common translations include "dependence", "to act like a child/infant", "to act helpless", "to act spoiled", "coquettish", "seeking indulgence", "being naive" etc.
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From A Multifaceted View of the Concept of Amae: Reconsidering the Indigenous Japanese Concept of Relatedness by Kazuko Y Behrens
*Note - the word "presumed" or "presumption" or "expectation" or "assumption" used in the above definition and in the rest of this post, can give the impression that all of amae is premeditated, which adds a calculative component to this concept. Whilst amae can indeed be used in a manipulative manner (benign or otherwise), it is not the case for every single situation, and often amae that seeks affection is often spontaneous and without thought, precisely because the situation allows for it to appear organically. This is the amae that Segasaki and Yoh most often exchange - so think of these assumptions and expectations as "unconscious/subconscious" thought processes.
Third: Amae Between Segasaki and Yoh
Yoh shows a lot of amae when he is drunk:
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He whines, buries himself into Segasaki's embrace, refuses to move or let go of him, and keeps repeating "no". In these interactions, Yoh wants Segasaki's affection, but instead of asking, he does, well, this, and he presumes that Segasaki will indulge his behavior. Leaving to get some fresh air might not be as obvious - but it is a form of amae as well, because Man-san is his guest, not Segasaki's, and he shouldn't be leaving Segasaki to entertain her. The expectation that this is okay, and that neither of them will fault him for it, is what makes it amae.
Segasaki obviously enjoys indulging Yoh when Yoh does amae, because he recognises this as Yoh's request for affection from him. It's not that Segasaki enjoys Yoh in this drunk, helpless state; it's not even that Segasaki feels reassured by Yoh's requests for affection. Segasaki knows Yoh likes him, and recognizes that Yoh is struggling with those feelings. That Yoh is actually able to do amae to Segasaki is what delights him the most, because it is something that requires a lot of trust in Segasaki and a willingness to be vulnerable in front of him. This is how amae reinforces relationships - when a request for amae is granted, both the giver and the receiver experience pleasant feelings.
That said, an amae request can also be perceived negatively - if amae is excessive, or if the person responding feels they are obligated to do so. In Ep 5, Man-san chides Yoh for his amae - the fact that he expected to do well from the beginning, and became upset when he failed. He told her about his unemployment, presuming that she would comfort him, but alas.
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Segasaki also does amae - but unfortunately Yoh misses many of his cues, and so neither of them really gain pleasant feelings from the interaction (ok so maybe Segasaki does, but I will argue that is more because Segasaki also enjoys it when Yoh obeys him - see @lutawolf's posts for the D/s perspective on this!).
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Did you catch it? Segasaki wants Yoh to pass him the Soy Sauce, which, clearly, he is capable of getting himself. He tells Yoh to feed him, because he wants Yoh's affection. And the real kicker - he asked for curry, and expected Yoh to know he wanted pork. In all these interactions, Segasaki presumes that Yoh will indulge him and do for him things he can do himself perfectly well (and even better at that) - this is what makes this amae. But look at Yoh's reactions:
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Yoh just stares between the Soy Sauce and Segasaki, between Segasaki and his food, and then just at Segasaki himself. He doesn't recognise any of this as amae, and in the case of feeding Segasaki makes the conclusion that this is somehow a new slave duty he's acquired. And therefore, he does not gain pleasant feelings from it.
In Ep 3 we see a turning point in Yoh's behaviour - his first (sober) attempt at amae (the argument in Ep 2 is debatable - it's not amae from Yoh's POV, but Segasaki responds as if it were, with a head pat and a "when you get drunk, you talk a lot don't you?").
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Here, Yoh wants to express his desire for Segasaki's affection, but he can't bring himself to say it aloud. Instead, he dumps bedsheets on Segasaki's lap, as if the bigger the scene he makes the greater the intensity of his desire he can convey. It is the presumption that Segasaki will understand him that makes this amae. And then, we get this:
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Not only a happy Segasaki and a sweetly shy Yoh, but also a Yoh who's emboldened by Segasaki's response, and who finally, for the first time, reciprocates touch, and considers the possibility that Segasaki might actually like him.
With every episode, Yoh gets more and more comfortable with doing amae towards Segasaki, because Segasaki picks up on his cues and always responds to them. In Ep 5, Yoh's amae comes out naturally, triggered by the stress of his unemployment, and we see it in all those moments he sounds and acts like a child, and as I mentioned, Segasaki spends the whole episode reassuring Yoh that his amae is welcomed, and that Segasaki likes responding to it. If you've been wondering why the relationship between Segasaki and Yoh can, at times, feel somewhat parental in nature - this is it. It's because Segasaki sees the contradiction between Yoh's childlike insistence that he does not like Segasaki and his desire for Segasaki's attention and affection, for what it really is - Yoh's struggle with accepting himself. When Yoh is able to be sunao, he does amae naturally, and Segasaki responds to him in kind.
Now, all we need is for Yoh to recognize when Segasaki does amae, which will likely happen soon, given that Yoh has grown with every episode.
As always, thank you for reading :))
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helloaugustmoon · 3 months
Michael Jackson x she/her!reader
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·˚ ◌༘͙[PDA with MJ] ! ˊ
- there’s definitely an era-dependent element to this one: earlier eras he’s shyer about affection in general nevermind publicly, later eras he’s more confident but more wary of his privacy, so would keep PDA pretty minimal
- that said, there are definite exceptions to this
- for one, Michael’s not going to suppress his need to be affectionate with you just bc he’s in public, he’ll simply be more subtle about it
- where at home/in private he’ll makeout with you anytime, anywhere, in public he’ll switch out to holding your hand, playing with your fingers, placing a hand on the small of your back
- Mike keeps it very respectful, of course - you’re his love
- PDA is subtle, but at a constant rate
- keeping contact with you helps relax him in front of the media etc, and he feels a lot more confident with you at his side
- especially since you’ll often lean close to his ear to remind him how handsome he looks, resulting in some lovely pictures of him smiling in front of the press (courtesy of you)
- Michael’s not opposed to putting on a bit of a show (COUGH Lisa Marie MTV VMA’s 1994 COUGH), so giving you kisses on your knuckles in front of the press, on your cheek or your forehead, he’s all about that, and he’ll laugh against your skin when the cameras start flashing like crazy
“Look how crazy they go for you, angel.” He’ll murmur against your skin.
“It’s not for me and you know it.” You’ll giggle, making him laugh quietly again as he insists,
“It is, it is!”
- but, proper kisses? those are for the two of you only
- he’s not gonna makeout with you in public, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy the tease
- quiet moments in dark corners of public events where you can still a kiss or two, feel Michael’s fingertips caress your cheeks, place your hands on his chest through his outfit
“Those lips are going to get us in trouble, girl.”
“Baby, where are your hands going?”
“Shh, just let me have you for a minute. Drives me crazy, seeing you dressed so pretty.”
- bc you know as soon as he gets you in the limo on the way home, it’s game over
“Were you teasing me on purpose, baby?” Knowing deadass you were
- partition’s up and so’s he
- no but fr
- apple’s not the only head he knows
- sorry
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cinemastyles-blog · 2 years
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Summary: Y/N gets invited onto The Late Late Show with James Corden and does a game of Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with Harry.
I feel like this is a long beginning but just go with it because I promise it gets F I L T H Y.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, praise kink, squirting, oral, fingering, unprotected sex, biting, F I L T H and some fluff
Master List
∘₊✧── 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 ──✧₊∘
"As you all know, we have the wonderful and talented Mr. Harry Styles here with us tonight!" James reintroduces his guests and the audience claps and cheers, especially for Harry.
"Y/N. Are you ready?" One of the crew asks. I nod, "Oh, yes." She nods and gives a thumbs up to some people.
This is going to be so fun. I've known James for years and everyone knows that Harry and I are friends, but what they really don't know is that we're actually together.
We agreed to keep our relationship as private as we could, for now. I’m honesty surprised we have been able to, It's more intimate for us that way, but Harry has been acting.. weird? I don’t know. He’s asking if I’d ever want to go public and I’m not really opposed to it.
But anyway, I've asked James to keep it a secret that I'm coming on the show, so I've been labeled as the surprise guest for weeks now, so Harry is going to be put on the spot, and we're going to have to pretend that we're strictly 'just friends'.
"As you all know, I like to play a little game.." The crowd starts to cheer, "What? I haven't even told you the game yet!" James laughs, "We'll, since you all know what I'm about to say next, Harry." He motions for him to get to come over to him.
Harry gets up and pulls his suit jacket down as he walks over to him, "Yes, James." He lays an arm around his shoulder. James looks at him with a smile and starts to laugh, "Are you ready to either spill your guts or fill your guts?"
Harry covers his face and laughs, "Oh god. I knew it."
James laughs and motions to the table, "Why don't you go and have a seat over there, but don't touch anything!" Harry walks over to the table and has a seat.
"Now, Harry. You know how this game works correct?" James walks over and sits down across from Harry.
"The title is uh, pretty explanatory, James." Harry chuckles.
"Right, right. Of course it is." James rolls his eyes exaggeratedly and reads his cards, "Oh wait. One more thing before we get started."
"Okay." Harry nods.
"I won't be doing this challenge with you." James stands up and laughs, "Everybody, if you would please give a wonderful round of applause for the very talented and very beautiful Y/N Y/L/N!"
James claps and turns to welcome me onto the stage.
I walk out smiling as I wave my hands to the crowd. I walk over to give James a hug, "Hello, hello." He kisses my cheek, "Hello there, love. How are you?"
I nod, "I'm good, how are you?" He smiles, "I'm great. You look amazing by the way." I smile and wave to the crowd again.
Harry looks at James, "Now I see why you wouldn't tell me who the surprise guest was." He smiles and shakes his head.
I smile and walk over to greet Harry, keeping it very professional. He kisses my cheek, "Hello, darling." I walk around to take my seat and Harry gets up and helps me push my chair in.
"What a gentleman, yeah?" James motions towards Harry. Harry bats the air and pretends to be shy.
That man is not shy around me, let me tell you.
"Okay." I look down at the table and make a face, "Harry? You want to go first?" He shakes his head quickly while smiling, "No, all you."
I roll my eyes, "Fine." I bite my lip and tap my fingers on the table, anticipating Harry's first question for me.
"On your phone.." he smirks and the crowd "oohs", "Calm down, I didn't even ask the question yet." He laughs and looks at me, "On your phone, what is the last thing you google searched?"
He leans back in his seat and watches me as I think.
I shake my head, "I don't.. I don't know."
Then it hits me, "Oh. Oh no. I can't- nope. It's embarrassing, we'll not.. no." I laugh and can feel my cheeks getting red.
"Y/N? Is it that bad?" James asks leaning in. I shake my head, "Not really.. just like.. personal?" I shrug, "Oh god that's not-" I look down at the glass in front of me, "What the hell is this James?"
Harry wags his finger at me, "Naughty, naughty." I roll my eyes and look at James, "Y/N.. that is blended up fish with plain yogurt."
I gag and shake my head, "I was-" I laugh and cover my face, I lean back and hold my arms out, "Vibrators. I was looking up vibrators. A girl has needs, people."
The crowd cheers for me as I look over at Harry and his brow cocks up as he smirks.
He clears his throat and looks up, "Definitely didn't expect that." He laughs, "Go." He nods towards me and I shake my head with a smile, "hmm."
"Y/N, what are you going to ask Harry?" James asks walking over and sitting down.
"Are there any songs on any of your albums that are about me?" I rest my elbows on the table, knowing damn well there is because he told me himself.
The crowd '0ohs' again and Harry shakes his head laughing, "Yeah, actually there's track.." he mumbles into his napkin, "On the-" he mumbles into his napkin again, "Album."
He shakes his head and tucks the fabric into his shirt. I laugh and clap my hands together, "You don't have to eat that. You can just tell us."
He looks up at me, to the crowd, at James then back at me, "Bull Penis.. sounds.. delightful." Harry shakes his head, "Can I just tell you one?"
I look at James and he looks at Harry shocked, "So there's more than one?"
Harry cuts a piece of the disgusting food off and locks eyes with me as he pulls it off with his teeth, "That's disgusting." He says leaning over to spit it into the garbage can.
He takes the napkin and wipes off his mouth, tongue and teeth. The crowd absolutely loses it with laughter. Harry turns to the crowd, "It's really not that complicated to figure out." He laughs.
I shrug, "Wow. Looks like I'll have to give your albums another listen." I smile and shake my head, "I'm nervous for the next one."
He laughs and nods towards me, "Rank my Movies." I lean my head back, "Damn it, Harry." I shake my head and spin the table, slowly looking at my options, "My policeman, Don't Worry Darling, and Dunkirk."
James scoffs and laughs, "My god that was fast."
Harry nods, "I honestly didn't expect you to answer." He laughs and claps for me, "Thank you."
I shrug, "I'm not eating bird saliva, sorry."
"Okay, y/n, you get the final question and Harry, you get the final spill or fill." James taps the table, "Let's do this. Drum roll please..”
The crowd drums their legs and I smirk slightly.
"Is it true, Mr. Styles." I lean forward a bit, "About what the magazines say?”
He leans in, “What do they say exactly?”
“That there's a possible future Mrs. Styles floating around with you?”
Harry's smirk turns into a slow smile as he quickly picks up on what I'm asking. He gives me a look and I nod and smile, "Go on. Tell us or enjoy those delicious-" I lean over and pick up the the card, "grasshoppers in ghost pepper sauce."
He look at the crowd and looks over at James, "I will say.." he picks up the napkin, "You know.." he laughs and shakes his head, "These grasshoppers don't look half bad."
I hide my smile behind my hands and watch as he teases everyone.
"So Harry." James says, "Is it spill or fill?"
Harry stares at the plate and then his eyes glance up at me. I nod once and my heart starts pounding.
The crowd goes absolutely insane and James leans in, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Alright, alright, alright." He waves his hand to get the crowd to quiet down.
I look over at the crowd and lean back in my seat, "Spill your guts, Styles." I smirk, "We're all dying to know."
He sighs, "I've had a girlfriend for four, going on five years now." James mouth drops and he looks over at me, "What?"
I laugh and shrug.
The crowd loses it again and Harry laughs and shakes his head, "You'll know who she is soon enough and that's all I'm giving you!" Harry stands up and throws the napkin down, “That’s all I’m giving you.” He walks away and turns around laughing.
God I love his laugh and smile.
I’m so in love with this man, it’s insane.
"Wow." James covers his mouth, "What on earth, y/n. You just got Harry to-" he stands up and walks over to him, "Come on, you have to tell us one thing. Do we know her?"
He smiles and nods, "Mhm."
"Wow. Unbelievable! There you have it ladies and gentleman. Mr. Harry styles and Y/N Y/L/N!"
I walk over and stand on the other side of James. I smile and wave to the crowd when they suddenly gasp and start screaming.
"What's going on?" I look at James and he quickly turns around and gasps with a smile, "Oh my god."
I turn around to see Harry down on one knee. I cover my mouth and my eyes instantly well up with tears, "Harry."
"It's y/n!?" James yells, "Oh. my. god." He gets the crowd to quiet down and he holds his card over his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes now, too.
I look back down at Harry and he smiles, "Y/N, you stuck by me these past, almost five years and I am forever grateful for you. You kept me going and stayed with me through the highs and lows of making music. I want you to be the one who continues to do that for me in ever single thing for the rest of my life. Will you please, do me the honor in marrying me?"
I don't even have to think about my answer, "Yes. Yes. Yes!" He hugs me as he stands up, lifting me off the ground. He spins me around and sets me down, immediately taking my hand to slide the ring on.
"What did we just witness here today? Magic. Absolute magic!" James hugs us both and congratulates us.
"What a way to end the show. They really had us going there for a while, didn't they?" He claps and thanks the crowd, "Goodnight!"
We walk backstage and I look up at Harry, "I had no idea you were going to do this, I thought we just talked about confirming that we were dating."
"We just did." He leans down and kisses me, "Now if you don't mind. I want to take my new fiancée and fuck her in my dressing room."
My cheeks get hot as Harry lays a hand on my back.
James stops us and congratulates us again.
"Thanks, mate." Harry pats his shoulder, "We're off to celebrate."
"Don't break anything please." James laughs with a sigh as we practically run into Harry’s dressing room.
He shuts and locks the door, peeling my dress from my body. He shrugs off his plaid jacket and starts to unbutton his shirt, "You just got so much sexier, Mrs. Styles."
He throws his shirt down and pushes his body against mine. His lips attack my lips before they quickly move down my neck.
He lifts me up and takes me over to the couch, setting me down and getting on his knees between mine.
He leans up and kisses down my chest. His hands kneading my boobs. I moan as he sucks and leaves a little trail of bite marks down to where he takes one of my nipple into his mouth.
I moan and arch my back as he holds it between his teeth and flicks it with his tongue.
"Harry." I moan tangling my fingers in his hair. He switches and does the same to my other boob, only this time he takes a hand and slides it down to my pussy.
His fingers slide up and down my slit teasingly.
"You're so fucking wet, baby. Fuck." He groans kissing and leaning another trail of bite marks down my stomach.
He slips two fingers in and I gasp, pulling his hair tighter. He moan as my action and kisses down my one thigh.
His fingers move in and out and I can hear how wet I am.
"You hear that baby? You hear how soaked you are for me?" He looks up at me and I look down at him, nodding as my eyes roll back, "Ye- yes, baby." I grip the couch and arch my back.
"I'm going to devour you. You're so fucking- Mm." He groans and dives in, licking and sucking my clit as he fucks me with his gorgeous hands.
I moan loudly and struggle to keep it together.
I can feel the pressure. I can feel myself getting ready to cum.
He quickly slips in another finger and curls them upward as he thrust them in and out.
I brings my arm up by my head and dig my nails into the back of the couch, "oh fuck!"
"That was fucking hot, sweetheart." He pulls out and lifts his hand up, liquid drips off and onto the floor. I smile shyly and shake my head.
"Don't be shy baby. You squirted all over me. I love when you do that to me." He smiles and goes right back to eating me out.
His tongue fucks my pussy. His nose rubs against my clit. His fingers squeeze my thighs. He sends me into absolute bliss, "H-ha-" I arch my back and my legs shake against his body.
He continues to eat me out until I'm panting.
"You taste so fucking good. Fuck. I can't get enough of my fiancée and her delicious fucking pussy." He goes back down and the pleasuring sensation makes my mind go blank.
All I can do is moan.
He pulls away and come up, his lips wet with my slick. He kisses me and I wrap an arm around his neck.
"Did that feel good, baby?" He kisses down my neck slowly, "Are you okay?" I nod and smile, "That was amazing."
He smile and kisses back up to my lips, "Want to continue?"
"Please." I whimper, "I need you."
He stands up and take the rest of his clothes off, gently positioning me on the couch, "You're so beautiful when you're fucked."
I smile and bite my lip as he pushes my leg up slowly, "You're so fucking-" He moans as he slips the head of his cock in, "Fucking amazing."
He pushes the rest of the way in, moaning as his hips hit my body. He reaches down and grabs my chin, his thumb running over my lips before I open and take his thumb in my mouth.
I grab his wrist and suck while I keep my eyes on his.
He starts to thrusts and my eyes flutter shut. My lips part as I let out a loud moan. He groans and slides his hand down to my throat.
My boobs bounce with each of his thrusts and I whimper as his hand tightens around my neck, "I love you so- fucking.. much." He leans down and kisses me, his hand still around my neck.
I moan quietly into his mouth and grab his hair, pulling as I feel myself about to cum again. I don't even had to say anything for Harry to know.
"Cum again baby, I know you can do it." He whispers into my ear, "I want to feel you cum as I fuck that tight little cunt of yours."
I moan and arch my back, "f-fuck." I whimper pulling his hair harder.
He moans and slips and arm under my back, holding me to him as he continues fucking me. I cling to him as much as I can, clenching around his cock as I cum again.
"Fuck, I want to cum so bad." He moans, "I-I." He lets out a loud moan and buries his face into my neck, "Fuck, y/n. You feel so, so good."
He continues to praise me, "You're taking me so, so well, baby."
"You feel so good around my cock."
"I love it when you cum for me."
I dig my nails into his back and practically scream out his name.
"That's it baby, let the studio know that you feel good."
He groans as I drag my nails up his back, "Fuck."
His thrusts get sloppy and he pushes as deep inside of me as he can go, "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He pants, "Y/N?" He asks brushing hair out of my face.
"I'm still here." I smile and look at him. My eyes are heavy and my brain feels fuzzy. "You fucked me good, baby." I lay a hand on his cheek as he kisses me, “I love you so much.”
He smiles and kisses my forehead as he slowly pulls out. I wince slightly as he lays my leg down, "Sorry."
I shake my head, "No. no. That's a good kind of pain." He smirks slightly and kisses my hip, "We’ll go home and I'll run you a bath, give you some time to recover before we celebrate again." He winks.
I shake my head, "I'm giving you a blow job in the car on the way home."
He smirks and nods, "Fair enough."
Requests are accepted! Send me a message!
Part 2?
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the-catboy-minyan · 7 months
why so many people don't recognize that their antizionism is antisemitic, in my opinion:
(disclaimer: this is not an educational post, it will not have sources for claims, and is not meant to be read as the objective truth. it is solely my observation and opinions. civil debate and criticism is encouraged in both the notes and reblogs, I will do my best to answer those and correct my post if necessary. edits will be highlighted in pink, if this is a reblog, press the original post to see the most updated version. English is not my first Language, I might have used the wrong words for some terms.)
The Meaning Of Zionism:
this section is meant to highlight the difference between
firstly, they falsely believe the term Zionism means supporting genocide or Netanyahu's government, when most Jews don't use the term Zionism that way. Zionism has many different meanings and subgroups, as Jews love to argue (/j but Judaism encourages debate and personal interpretation), but all meanings are built on the original idea of "Jewish self determination in their indigenous land/creating and maintaining a Jewish country somewhere in the world" (yes, technically believing giving Israelis land somewhere else to be Israel is a form of Zionism, I've seen that take). the methods for creating and maintaining the lands differ, so is the belief of what land should be considered Israel, but all forms of Zionism rely on that core belief. while Zionists may support those things, that is not an integral part for Zionism, and many Zionists oppose those ideas and condemn them.
in addition, they falsely believe Zionism is in favor of illegal occupation and apartheid, which only specific subgroups of Zionists (extremely right-wing Zionists) are in favor of. Zionism is, again, mostly about an end goal (establishing and maintaining a Jewish state (which currently means in Eretz Israel)), and people will have different opinions on how to achieve it, including extremist and racist opinions. all movements have people who hold extremist beliefs, and are usually condemned by other members of their movement, Zionism is no exception.
they don't see Zionism as Jewish. I mean, there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jews in the world! of course it's not Jewish! lets ignore the fact the movement started by a Jewish man, was widely popular in Jewish communities and is what led to the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state.
now, let's for a moment ignore the misinterpretation of the term and assume that by saying Zionists, they refer only to people who support Netanyahu, illegal occupation in places like the west bank, war crimes committed by the IDF, etc. regardless of the Zionist's religion/ethnicity/race. (keep in mind that while that's their assumed intentions, their antizionism will still ultimately include self-identified Jewish Zionists who are strongly against these things)
Antizionist Activism and Beliefs:
have you heard accusations of antisemitism and the response "I'm not antisemitic, just antizionist"? this section will highlight the reasons why many antizionist actions or claims are seen as antisemitic by many Jews.
No Zionists Allowed: as in, excluding zionists from public, private, and online spaces. this tactic is used today to exclude many groups deemed problematic, "no [queer]phobes allowed", "no racists allowed", "no men misogynists allowed", etc. which is why on the surface, it doesn't seem antisemitic. yet this exclusion tactic is derivative from historical exclusion of ethnic groups, groups that were seen as evil/violent/sinners/subhuman were ostracised from society and denied access to public/private spaces. signs like "no blacks allowed", "no gays allowed", and, of course, "gentiles only".
Zionists Are Nazis: comparing any "evil" group to Nazis is common, they're so overly exposed to ww2 stories, especially ones that paint Nazi germany as pure evil cartoon villains, that they have no idea what the term Nazi actually means anymore. Nazism is based on race theory and antisemitism, it's the creator of the term antisemitism to make it sound more scientific instead of discriminatory, in Mein Kamph, Hitler wrote that almost every "issue" in the world is the fault of Jews. comparing the extremely antisemitic, supremacist, racist, homophobic, ableist, etc. ideology of Nazism to a Jewish movement for self determination is in fact antisemitic. (it is also wrong to throw the term Nazi around for any reason, but especially for a Jewish movement)
Zionists Control The Media/Government/etc: the belief that there's a secret organisation controlling the media is an old conspiracy theory, which comes from the genuine fear of your government feeding the people propaganda to sway their opinion in favor of the government to let it do what it wants. it's is good to believe the media is biased, as it's written by humans who are inherently biased, but to outright claim the entirety of media is untrustworthy when it's not hailed from a dictatorship is a harmful belief. this is what antivaxxers believed during the pandemic, what conspiracy theorists believed for centuries, and believe it or not, it's at least partially derived from the antisemitic belief of Jews controlling the banks and conspiracies like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Rid The World Of Zionists: again, there are many other activist groups that believe their enemy should be eradicated, that if they believe in or have done xyz, they deserve their rights to be taken away from them and to die. this is dehumanization, and an oppression tactic. the moment you say "this type of person doesn't deserve rights because they're evil", the moment people are gonna start getting falsely accused of falling into that type with the purpose of silencing them or getting their rights revoked. + the before point of political exclusion being derivative of ethnic/religious/racial exclusion. we've seen many people getting accused of being secretly Zionists for even mentioning the hostages.
Zionists Want Genocide/Are Bloodthirsty (a reminder that this is under the assumption that Zionists blindly support the current Israeli government and the IDF's war crimes): this is both straight up a variation of blood libel, and extremely hypocritical.
blood libel started as the antisemitic accusations that Jews kidnapped Christian children on Passover to creat Matzot, while no one beliefs are that extreme anymore, the underlying belief that Jews are violent and enjoy murder still exists, and was shifted to be about Israelis. the "it was self defense!" accusation that claims Israelis are just itching for their enemies to strike first to get the opportunity to respond violently and use self defense as an excuse, for example.
hypocritical as in, this goes hand in hand with the belief that Zionists should be killed. "Zionists support genocide so they should all die a violent and gruesome death" is a take I've seen MULTIPLE TIMES - and being said completely seriously, not in the comedic tumblr way of "my blorbo is cringe? wrong, killing you with hammers :3" - and is extra hypocritical when they very strongly oppose the idea of "Hamas are terrorists who committed atrocities therefore they should all die" (and ftr I don't claim they should support that).
there are people who believe that violence is necessary for an end goal, extreme violence even. that doesn't make them bloodthirsty or violent people, it makes them radicalized. there are some Zionists who believe the only way to maintain safety in Israel is to not only eradicate Hamas, but to eradicate Gaza, as they believe that all the people of Gaza are brainwashed to be violently against Israel and pro martyrdom (as in suicide attacks), and thus a threat to Israel's safety. there are some antizionists who believe the only way to free Palestine and bring safety to Gaza is to eradicate Zionists, as they believe that all Zionists are brainwashed to hate Palestinians and to be pro illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing, and are thus a threat to Palestine and their human rights. both of these beliefs are radical and false.
Zionist Blocklists: this is mostly an online problem, but Zionists have been doxxed IRL (and I don't mean individuals, massive lists of hundreds of alleged Zionists) for the same reasons those blocklists exists. people are gathering usernames of "Zionists" online to "warn other users" from interacting with them, with the disclaimer of "I'm not telling you to harass them, don't interact, just block". not only does it encourage to never hear the opposing side, thus pushing you further into an echo chamber of only voices that agree with you and never actually learning from the source what are the opinions you oppose, it ultimately creates a neat little list of people to harass because of the before mentioned dehumanizing belief that evil people deserve violence against them. suddenly sending death threats is easier than ever, and it's justified since these are allegedly evil people. you're not encouraged to double check if these people are actually Zionists, there's no explanation as to why they're on the list, you just have to trust the op.
Boycotting Zionist Companies: The Idea of boycotting companies or other organisations that support unethical causes is also, again, not new. People boycott companies that donated to anti-lgbtq organisations or that relied on slavery for their product creation. and yet the companies who are being boycotted are
Israeli companies, which are not necessarily supporting the Israeli government, it would be like boycotting every Chinese company because of the Uyghur genocide.
companies which helped Israel in some way, like McDonald's, which donated meals to Israeli soldiers during the start of the war (this is again a reminder that the majority of McDonald's income is real estate). there are arguments to be made to justify these type of boycotts, as they're similar to other justifications for different causes, yet unless these companies have directly funded the IDF's weaponry, the arguments for boycotting is flimsy at best.
companies which mentioned the hostages, like Paramount, which ran an Israeli ad for the release of the hostages. mentioning the hostages is not the same as condoning war crimes, it's recognizing there are innocent Israelis wrapped up in this conflict, just as supporting a free Palestine is not the same as supporting Hamas.
organisations that allowed Israel to participate, like Eurovision. there's just no reason to disallow a country to participate in a songs competition due to being in a war.
events that happen "while Israel is bombing Gaza". American events like the Oscars that happen on a set date and have nothing to do with Israel have no reason to be boycotted just for happening on the same day a war is happening.
Starbucks. why is Starbucks being boycotted? it had done nothing in support of Israel, literally fucking none, it's being boycotted for supporting Palestine wrong, once, on October. it doesn't operate in Israel, it never said anything publicly in support of Israel, there's literally 0 reason to boycott it????????????
anyways. while there are different reasons and justifications for every company or event, there's this silly little thing that happened in Nazi Germany that was boycotting Jewish business, in response to the "anti-nazi boycott". the Jewish boycotts were unsuccessful on paper, but ingrained the Nazi idea of Jews being inferior.
The Harm It Does For The Jewish Community:
The Overlap: the majority of Jews are Zionists, not in the sense of supporting genocide, but in the Jewish meaning(s) of believing a Jewish state should exist or is in some way beneficial for Jewish safety. by excluding and silencing Zionists, the antizionist crowd are excluding and silencing the majority of jewish people. a Jewish person who wants to integrate back into their circles has to refute their Zionism in fear of being seen as a genocide supporter, a Jewish person who refuses to hide their beliefs will be labeled evil and be ostracized. actual right-wing zionists would stay away from these spaces anyways for being leftist/centrist spaces, thus the exclusion is effective only on leftist Jews who dare believe Israel should exist.
"Zionism Isn't Judaism": is a claim many antizionists make, yet time and time again we see synagogues, Jewish schools, and Jewish neighborhood get targeted by antizionist protests. Jewish spaces are being attacked, even if you claim it is by a minority, these are still actions that are largely ignored by the antizionist crowd and aren't being condemned. you know, by the people who believe that silence is violence?
Can't Have A Single Positive Opinion About Israel: you have an Israeli relative that enlisted to the IDF? they should have refused servitude and gone to jail, you're a genocide supporter. You've done a birthright trip and it was nice? ew, everyone knows every inch of Israel is full of illegal settlements and apartheid, genocide supporter. you talked about the hostages? propaganda, genocide supporter. Israel passed a pro lgbtq law? pinkwashing propaganda, genocide supporter. you don't think Israel is an occupying terrorist force that oppresses their own citizens and deserves to be burned to the ground? genocide supporter, from the river to the sea!!!
Eretz Israel (not the State of Israel) is an integral part of Judaism. most of our holidays are about Israel in some way, some our traditions require Israel as a place, we bury our dead with soil from Israel, we vow to never forget Jerusalem during our weddings, we celebrate our agriculture and our miracles which happened there, our ancient holy cites are there, so are our ancestors (for ethnic Jews). many Jews are going to have at least a single positive or even a neutral opinion about Israel, and see it as a Jewish land.
The Israeli Identity: since people see Israel as an illegal settlement, apartheid, genocidal, terrorist state, etc, they also see Israelis as complicit in those crimes. every Israeli they meet is going to immediately be a criminal, Israelis are not a "real Jews" (that makes half the Jewish population fake), in the case Israel is dismantled and Israelis are forced to "go back to where they came from", will those countries accept them with open arms? or will the boycotts continue? what about Mizrahi Jews which hailed from the Arab world? do you think they'll even be allowed to live after their country's crimes against Palestine? will the Houtis let them when their flag has "death to Israel" on it (most Mizrahis are Yemeni)? if citizens are the same as their government, would that mean every Russian immigrant is an evil spy who wants to murder Ukrainians? just some questions to think about.
in conclusion: I'm tired. I've been writing for 3 hours. bye.
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lady0ctavia · 1 month
Hetalia Kiss Headcanons (Allies)
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Headcanons on how the Hetalia characters would kiss their S/O, as well as who I think would initiate your first kiss as a couple~
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America: Alfred is the kind of guy who gets all giddy and smiles whenever you kiss. You can feel his lips curling into a goofy grin upon yours. His kisses are a little more forceful and abrupt from being fueled by his impulsive "do or die" mentality, causing you to feel a little lightheaded, needing a moment to register what just happened/what is happening. Because of his mentality, your first kiss was 100% initiated by him. He probably kissed you when you were going about your day and the thought of kissing you just came to his mind. He's also not opposed to attacking you with kisses as soon as the two of you are alone.
England: Arthur is a gentleman, alright? As such, PDA is kept to a minimum, and this includes kissing. There's a difference between how he kisses you in public vs. in private. Kisses in public are restricted to kisses on the hand, typically as a form of greeting or just when the mood strikes him (the latter of which is rare). Kisses in private are far more casual but are still sweet and gentlemanly. His kisses take place at random moments throughout the day, such as a peck on the cheek when you're making breakfast. Depending on his mood, his kisses on your lips can range from tender and chaste to firey and intense. There's no in-between. I think he'd be the one to initiate your first kiss, but he'd respectfully ask to do so beforehand.
France: Do I really have to write anything here? Francis is the personification of one of the most romantic places on earth. You can bet your life his kisses are nothing less than the best. Romantic, emotional, passionate, and, depending on his mood, full of desire. Kisses from Francis always manage to leave you breathless and lightheaded. He'd hold you in his arms or hold your hands as he kisses you, doing so as if no one is watching. Shockingly enough, he'd wait for you to initiate your first kiss as a couple. Sure, he's flirted with the idea of surprising you with a passionate kiss for your first. But he wants to make sure you're comfortable.
Russia: Ivan's a great big teddy bear of a man, so of course his kisses are going to reflect that same level of warmth. His kisses are soft, almost barely there, as if afraid he'll accidentally hurt you. He'll kiss you on the top of your head or forehead more often than on the lips or cheek. And when he does kiss your lips, it's so gentle you swear he's barely touching you. Because of his size, he's afraid of accidentally hurting you, so you'd have to reassure him that everything's fine. Because of his shyness, you'll be the one to initiate the first kiss. However, you'll have to stand on your tiptoes to do so.
China: He may seem young on the outside, but internally he's an old man. Yao would resign him to mere kisses on the cheek to show affection. Kisses on the lips are reserved for when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night. His kisses are usually quick but never underestimate the meaning or emotion behind them. He's fairly reserved with affection, so these gestures, while small to others, mean a lot to him. These small kisses are full of affection and love. Despite being more reserved, the first kiss was initiated by him. Being around for so long has allowed him the ability to easily read other people, so he'd be able to figure out if you wanted to kiss him or not.
Canada: Matthieu is, as we all know, exceptionally shy and soft-spoken in public, and so his kisses reflect this. And, much like England, his kisses will differ depending on whether or not the two of you are out in public or not. In public, he'd be the kind of guy to give you a kiss on the cheek or side of your head. But in private... Let's be real here, this guy was raised by Francis. Now, I'm not saying his kisses in private are to the intensity of his father, but he will show an uncharacteristic display of passion and love, holding you tight as he ravishes your mouth (when he's more comfortable with you, anyway). But, regardless, you'll have to be the one to initiate. He's too afraid of messing something up.
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Kiss HCs for the Axis can be found here!
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ayyyez · 1 year
Can you mayhap do more goshiki and Tsuki headcanons? Maybe first date, first time, first kiss etc
A/N: oh yes more of the side haikyuu boys! sure thing!
TAGS: first kiss, making out, first date, first time mentions and descriptions but not explicit, mentions of foreplay but not explicit, headcanons, Tsukki being a little shit but also a secret simp, Goshiki being a loveable dork who sometimes gets a big head lol, undercut for length
CHARACTERS: Tsukishima Kei, Goshiki Tsutomu
First and foremost, to date this guy you gotta be able to call him out on his shit because he NEEDS that.
Doesn't matter about personality in regards to being either shy/reserved and preferring to do it in private or being confident/ outspoken and doing it right there when its needed (or any combination of them) AS LONG AS IT HAPPENS! CALL HIM OUT!
It makes Tsukki respect you, listen to you (depends on the situation on whether he follows through on the change lol) and also is what makes him attracted to you in the first place.
See the thing is he wants to be seen so you calling him out leads to banter and banter leads to a familiar rapport and eventually one of you cracking (yes cracking because its a game of how long either of you can last without spilling your feelings!) and confessing.
Definitely a confess -> date -> kiss kinda guy but in saying that these things can totally all happen in the span of a week with him.
Once the balls rolling he moves FAST
Likes chill, casual dates and your first date is no different.
Something like a cafe, a lowkey restaurant to eat or even just going over each others houses for a study date.
Prefers being out of the eyes of the public.
Will also leave the control of the date (in general), including the venue, up to you (with those previous preferences as his contribution).
When it comes to telling you this though he's kind of jerky about it (to a strangers eye anyway) as Tch-ishima makes an appearence.
'Tch, we're just hanging out like usual.' and then will add 'Shouldn't a date be just us two and away from everyone else.' While internally he's just gunning for the date to be at home lol.
It also gives him ample opportunity to go in for that first kiss. Tsukki you sly guy!
Will never admit in a million years.
Feel free to try teasing and asking him about it though!
'So did just bring me back here to try and pull this huh?' Right after a kiss.
He'll just give you one of those smirks and poke your forehead.
'I don't know did I?'
Tries to act indifferent but you see that smirk soften ever so slightly into to a the hint of a real smile.
Psh what a dork. Forever the internal simp.
While he moves fast in terms of the from first date to first kiss scene the first time comes with a bit more time.
He's ever so patient with that kind of thing and doesn't really see the whole point of rushing in unprepared that leads to everyone having an awkward ehem unpleasant time.
Okay so maybe thats a bit of a mild—not fear exactly—it's definitely a bit of a concern though. So he keeps those kisses wanting and makeouts steamy but cuts them off Jussssst~ when they're about to get good.
It's not on purpose he's just got to stay in control ya'know?
He's not letting those floodgates open until you bring it up. Maybe a part of him wants you to beg a little. It's not a must of course! He's just not opposed to it.
This is the part where you can comply or give him a little smack upside the head to reground himself. It gets a smirk either way.
Either way the first time with Tsukki comes when you ask for more and you both agree to finally (your words not his) move forward. Tsukki is the kind of guy who has the patience to wait a lifetime. No qualms.
Once you've got him going though. He's like oh damn. This is something else. Even better than those makeout sessions!
A first time with Tsukki is a more drawn out first time. It's exploratory and sensory with lots of touching and not lots of talking (unless it's from you, it's okay to be a nervous talker - he's just only going to talk when necessary or to respond).
There's definitely communication for needs from him he's just not the type to have a chat during (at least in the first time and early days).
He also has a concentration frown and sometimes he's biting his lip so hard your afraid it's going to break and bleed. It's cute honestly.
Lots of foreplay before the main act. Lots of exploratory touching. There's no jumping in even though it's the first time. He takes his time and his patience can be frustrating at this point if you wanna just GO.
He can get a little teasing here. It's where he probably talks the most. 'Oh raring to go huh? Well lets just take our time.' Little shit lol.
Once you're doing it though he's actually pretty sweet. Making sure you're okay. You're comfortable. Expects the same from you too. It's an act of trust after all.
May confess a sweet thing or two during. Depends on how he's vibing. Feels a bit awkward about it afterwards but won't take it back. Just will tell you to shut up if you tease him about it.
Perfect time to make him blush. Yes he will get you water and help clean each other up and spoon you after if you are into that. It's good manners afterall.
Goshiki is a little sweetie okay and deserves someone who appreciates and respects him.
However much like Tsukki it's kind of the same where you have to be real with him and tell him when he's getting a too big head sometimes.
Definitely a friendship to lovers vibe or even a you respected me to call me out as an acquaintance then I fell in love with you and chased after you vibe (Goshiki being the chaser lol)
Goshiki is definitely a 'fall in love at first sight' kind of vibe. Like he doesn't actually but he thinks he does. He just gets swept up very easily by people who make a strong impact on him and runs with it.
Him chasing you can go two ways depending on the type of person you are and how you want this sweetie to react.
You could be the type to catch on to his very obvious crush on you. He's not stealthy about it to the point it's likely his whole team knows lmao and whats worse is he THINKS he's so clever, calm and collected about it but he's...the opposite lol.
Using this information you could do you both a favour and just confess to him first. Goshiki will become the most flustered mess you've ever seen.
He'll be bright red, shocked silent until he barely recovers, saying 'Haha of course you wanna date me!' while also internally is like Omg you want to date me!?
But you know him. You've learnt to read the doubt behind his eyes whenever such words leave his lips.
'Yeah I want to date you, so whats your answer?' You reiterate.
This throws him of balance again and he's spluttering because oh yeah this isn't one of his daydreams he has about being the best ace and getting his crush. This actually is his crush asking him out.
'Yes please.' He manages to get out. Ever so polite just as his parents taught him. It takes everything in you to keep your smile composed and not laugh at him. Adorable.
The OTHER WAY this could go if you're not one to ask someone out or if you just want to see what he'll do, is wait. He'll sit on his crush until he just sort of explodes.
It'll take awhile of him running over to you at every opportunity he gets, you can always count on it like clockwork.
Then one day he's not there? Nor the next or the next. You kind of get worried. You see a friend of his wave them over and begin to ask when you FINALLY see Goshiki come over.
he's redder than usual, frown on his face like he'd been....sulking? huh.
Wraps his hand around your wrist. 'Can we go?'
Tugs! Tugs you away somewhere a bit more secluded. Away from prying eyes.
You stand there and scan his expression. Still stuck in a sulky frown. Almost pouting? huh cute.
'Do you-' He stops looking down. 'Will you-' He stops again groaning. 'I'm the ace right?'
'Huh?' Okay major confusion. 'Yeah?'
'So that makes me pretty cool right?'
You frowned, scanning him up and down. Was Goshiki asking if you thought he was cool? With a sulky expression? Something had to be going on.
'Naturally.' You cleared your throat watching him smile. 'Whats going on?'
'Well since I'm the coolest guy you know it's your lucky day since I've got a question for you!'
And with that Goshiki went bright red and stumbled into asking you out in his own awkward, self concious way.
Very sweet when the two of you start dating. Always trying to show off for you and share volleyball with you but also shows that he makes you one of his priorities.
Heckin loves food so loves food dates especially to lowkey restaurants, loves showing off in this regard by showing you nice places but likes to be spoiled too so show him cool places.
A sucker for hand holding. Thinks its peak affection along with cheek kissing.
Takes him awhile to move up with physical affection because he combusts and gets anxious about it and his feelings. He's self concious from various complexes he's developed over time.
You probably have to initiate the first kiss or have to make do with being VERY patient. He's so shy. If you do intiate it be prepared for him being flustered. It's cute.
Making out is a very big deal to transition to as well. You gotta talk him through it. He's all stiff, clattering teeth and noses and forehead bumping at first. Whoops. Its sweet though.
Once he gets though he REALLY gets it! Really gets into it too like this boy is a quick study after all and he just gets the kissing bug. It'll be you who will be like OKAY BABY WE GOTTA COME UP FOR AIR YOU'RE ALL RED AND ABOUT TO PASS OUT.
But he looks~ well if looks could kill~ he's a hot mess you could devour right then and there. All red, flustered, panting? Lips all slick? Love bites on the neck? Hair disheveled? Hello Goshiki where have you been hiding?
First time is much like the first kiss in terms off nerves. He's all stiff and jumpy.
Again, you'll have to talk him through it but it doesn't mean he won't attempt to take initiative. It's a team effort on both fronts. It won't be drawn out though, he's too worked up and nervous.
A lot of bumping into each other and awkward moments but there's also a lot of sweet moments and feeling good.
Lots of communication and awkward mess talking. Lots of kissing and touching. Grab his hair for good moans hehe.
Things are loud with Goshiki. He's vocal, he can't help it. Don't make fun of him though he's sensitive.
He needs aftercare in form of cuddles and pillowtalk. Very clingy after and he's also VERY warm so if you run cold then good news for you! You've now got your own personal heater.
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