#(so now i only fret over solomon--silly me~)
3vocatio · 2 years
since satan's event has ended, i wanted to ask what your thoughts on it were?
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now that i've finished both routes barbatos' event, i can now make a comparison with satan's event...
unfortunately, both follow the same pattern in which the prime subject of the face of the event...simply isn't. although they're advertised as events that center around the specified character, it's more accurate to call these types of events as a gacha in of itself. you don't know who the "real mc" of the event is until you make educated guesses based on the cards or you read through the story yourself. for satan's, it was diavolo; for barbatos, leviathan.
some people may disagree with me (i'm unsure because i haven't been familiarizing myself with current fandom matters), but satan's event was mediocre at best. the devs brought up some aspects of satan i wished they treated better, and i wish that some things hadn't gone as they did (i.e. making diavolo be the "good guy" and satan, the "bad guy". there is no black & white here, devs...look a bit closer).
barbatos' event was disappointing. there is no exploration of barbatos' character--they treat him as static as they have all these years later. i'll be honest with you, though, i'd rather choose one of two evils than to make him unfathomably ooc for fanservice purposes; the event may as well be leviathan's because barbatos only got a small spotlight shone on him in the very last locked book.
tldr; the devs were making baby steps in satan's event, and then embarassingly fell down 72 flights of stairs when releasing barbatos'. treat these events as though they were gachas because you don't know which character will overshine the one you expect.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
So I have a silly request, can I request the demon Bros who has an MC who just randomly puts up a good noodle board. Like there is no purpose to any of the stars on board and it's just a social experiment between MC and Solomon to see how the demons will react. I keep thinking of how funny it would be if MC went about a week just adding stars at random for no reason and one day taking two away from Lucifer with no explanation. Which makes them realize that they can now lose Stars. The bros get told that it's a social experiment after about a month of dealing with the good noodle board.
The Good Noodle Board (Demon Brother Headcanons)
“Hey, remember that one episode of spongebob? You know… the one?” Solomon asked over study break, and honestly… this man… this fucking man. If he wasn’t asking about Lucifer and how to get close to the demon he was asking shit like this. It didn’t make any sense, and it was so vague, it drove you nuts… but you were bored, so you decided to humor him.
“Ahhh, yes… I remember that one episode, out of 248… I remember the exact one that you’re talking about with no context or description. I know that one.” Was the sass necessary? Nope, absolutely not, but you couldn’t really be that way with the demon brothers because they knew how to sass you back twice as much, and you couldn’t possibly be that way with the angels because they wouldn’t understand it and their feelings were fragile. Solomon on the other hand was a little shit and his sass wasn’t even good so you could take it if he tried.
“Ha… funny. I mean the one with the noodle board, the Good Noodle Board.” Now it was ringing a bell, but it still made no sense why he was bringing it up, so you nodded to encourage him to keep going. There had to be some reason he was bringing this up. “Social experiment… see how the brothers would react to a Noodle Board. You gotta try it, a month tops, and tell me how it goes.” It wasn’t a bad idea, and it might be fun for everyone… or it could go horribly wrong… You’ll never know if you don’t try though.
You hung the Good Noodle Board right in the living room in the middle of the night, no explanation. They’ll just wake up to the noodle board, and that’s where the fun begins!
He is highly suspicious of the board. But right now he sees that everyone has the same amount of stars, so he doesn’t get it, but everything seems even, so it isn’t really a problem. Not yet at least. Things really started to get confusing when he came out of his office later in the day and saw two new stars next to his name. It was a good feeling because that meant he was ahead of everyone else… but why? How did he get those stars? What did he do? He said good morning to you this morning, and he remembered to eat something with his coffee, were those the reasons for the stars? This was more confusing than Lord Diavolos' out of order paperwork. “Oh! Y/N I caught you… the uh, Good Noodle Board… what is it? How does it work?” There was no fun in explaining it already, it wasn’t even day two at this point and he had racked up a bunch of stars. You didn’t know why he was worrying about it now, the real fun part hasn’t even come yet. You shrugged, smiling sheepishly at him before walking towards the stairs, waiting for him to go back into his office before running back out and sticking one more star next to his name. After two weeks came the fun part, taking away the stars. He yelled at Mammon for no apparent reason and made him sad… he got two stars taken away. He fell asleep at his desk overworking himself? One star is taken away, and after the experiment is over you’ll talk to him about that because it isn’t good. Every morning you wake up and see him fretting over this board, counting and recounting the stars just to make sure he’s not just seeing things and that his stars are going missing. “Y/N… The uhm… My stars seem to be going missing. Is there a reason for that? Do you think Mammon is stealing the stars? Hmm… Never mind. I’m not even worried about it. I have a meeting with Diavolo today. Goodbye.” Another star was taken away for accusing Mammon of things he didn’t do. To see Lucifer get so worked up over the board, you were sure Solomon would want to be there to experience it too. By the end of the month, Lucifer is frazzled and confused and thinking way too hard about all of it. You were kind of sad to end it, but seeing his face when you explained it to him made ending it all worth it.
“I-... Study break is for studying. Use it wisely, and stop letting Solomon put ideas in your head. If I may ask though… Why did I lose the stars?”
The Good Noodle Board is awesome. He’s got so many stars right now, and he already knows you did it. You think he doesn’t get suspicious of why you’re not in your room and sneaks down to see what you’re doing? Not in a weird way, he’s just making sure you’re okay. But yeah, he totally watched you put up the board and everything. He tried to stay on his best behavior because, well… things like this usually meant there was incentive, and that could mean money at the end. You were onto that too though, and you were trying to keep things fair, which was already out the window when you found out that he already knew what the board was. “Ya know… I’ve been real good lately and… I don’t think the stars are showin’ how good I’ve been. Don’tcha think I should have more?” He pouted at you, and you could only laugh as you shook your head at him before walking away. He was going to ruin the experiment if he kept questioning you, so maybe you should just add a couple more to get him to shush, or at least to keep him from telling his brothers about it. It took a couple hours for him to get busy enough to not worry about the noodle board for a few minutes, just long enough for you to run back down to the living room and stick a couple more stickers next to his name. It was hard for him to stay good the whole time though. The experiment lasted a month, and it was amazing that he was able to be on his best behavior for even one whole week. By the second week he was back to his typical self. One by one you pulled stars off, and each time he’d come to you whining about how it wasn’t fair. “Ya all just wanna see me upset! That’s why yer takin’ my stars away! I don’t need the stupid Good Noodle Board anyway… I know I’m a good noodle!” He stormed out of the room, making sure to stomp loudly just to show how upset he is. So the social experiment went well, and when you finally told him what it was… He was torn between thinking it was funny or being upset because it was done at his expense, plus it meant that you hung out with Solomon which he didn’t like at all.
“Next time ya wanna do somethin’ like that come ta me instead! I don’t want ya hangin’ with Solomon anymore.”
The Good Noodle Board didn’t seem like it would be a problem, he stays in his room all the time anyway, it shouldn’t be a big deal. He’s banking on his stars staying consistent, there’s no way he could earn stars because he doesn’t leave his room, and he doesn’t like being in competition with his brothers, so it’s better if he just stays up in his room anyway. The board can’t affect him if he doesn’t think about it. The thing is, he was getting stars randomly… It didn’t make sense to him. He’d find a new star stuck next to his name when he came down for breakfast and dinner, and on the days that he didn’t skip RAD classes he’d have five more. The system was strange, it was like whoever was running the board, although he did assume it was you, they spotted his good behavior even when he wasn’t trying to be good. “Hey Y/N…” He stopped you after dinner, leading you into the living room to point at the board. “What’s uh… What’s up with this… Do you know anything about it?” It would have been easy to tell him, but there’s no fun in that. You shook your head, walking away and leaving Levi to stare at the board, questioning his newly placed stars. Taking the stars away was even more entertaining than putting them on. If he stayed up all night and raged and kept the rest of the house awake, he’d wake up to stars gone. If he skipped his RAD classes, his stars would be gone when he came back home. There wasn’t really anything else to take his stars away for, but once he noticed the stars were gone he started to panic. “Wh-Why are my stars disappearing? What’s going on? What did I do? H-How does Mammon have more stars than I do?!” That didn’t seem right to him, not at all. Mammon couldn’t possibly be doing better than him. He was going to sulk about it until his star count was at least above Mammon’s. Waking up at the end of the month and seeing you take the board down was probably the happiest he’s felt all month. He wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore, but also, now he knows 100% that it was you, and he’s got a lot of questions.
“S-So it was you… Why was Mammon doing better than me? How did you come up with it? Why is it called being a Good Noodle? Why did I lose stars? Please don’t do it ever again…”
He had walked right past it the day that it got put up, he didn’t even notice it at first. Lucifer was known to hang weird decorations in the living room, and most of the things that hung on the wall didn’t interest him, so clearly this new wall piece wouldn’t be a big deal to him either. His curiosity got the best of him though when he saw you looking at it. Now he was invested in the star board, checking it every single time he walked through the living room just to make sure he was ahead of Lucifer. That was the only thing that mattered to him now. Being ahead of Lucifer on the Noodle Board meant that he was essentially better than Lucifer, and that would mean he was winning. “You see that, Y/N… Lucifer is below me… It feels good. Whoever is running this board knows who the best brother is.” He was going to lose stars for that as soon as you started taking them away, but for now he was still receiving stars for helping you study and reading to you at night. Once the stars were taken away though, he had a lot of reasons for getting them taken. He didn’t straighten up his books and you constantly tripped over them whenever you visited him in his room. He was sassy as hell most of the time, and his constant berating of Lucifer was kind of irritating, especially since it was pretty well known that he hated the guy, he just felt the need to constantly say something about it. Stars were disappearing left and right from beside his name, and he couldn’t understand why, it was stressing him out way more than it should. “Lucifer is doing this! It’s because I was above him and he couldn’t handle it! Look how many stars I’ve lost! He’s jealous. He’s so jealous. That’s fine. I know I’m better than him.” This whole thing cracked you up. It was hysterical how mad he got. Finally explaining to him that you were the one who ran the board and that it was yours and Solomon's idea, he didn’t know if it was a relief or if it irritated him more.
“So this was… your idea… and Solomon’s…? Did you write a book report on our reactions? Did you have fun? Sure seems like you did. Glad you enjoyed it. Never again.”
So when he first saw the Good Noodle Board, he initially thought that it meant… well… he thought that Noodle meant… dick, so it was really shocking that all of the brothers, including himself, had the same amount of stars, especially since he knew damn well that his noodle was the best. It wasn’t until he started getting stars after not doing anything sexual that he realized that the board wasn’t pertaining to having a good noodle, but being a good noodle, and that he as a whole is the noodle. It still wasn’t going to be hard for him though, he’s a good demon, he’s a sweetheart, he knows it. He didn’t have to do much to get stars either, he was just a happy guy who loved himself and everyone else. How could he not be raking in the stars with a personality like that? “Look at all those stars, Y/N! It’s not easy being a star, but whoever is running this board really understands that I’m the brightest star there is. They’re very smart.” He had no idea that stars could be taken away, apparently he assumed that stars were permanent once they went on the board. He couldn’t have been more wrong. He changed his outfit about 3 times a day, which meant that weekly laundry was way more than it should be and laundry detergent was going faster than food in the fridge when Beel was home. And some days… he’d wear certain lip glosses that stained every single glass that he drank out of, which wouldn’t really be a problem if you weren’t the one doing dishes and trying like hell to scrub those lip marks off. He didn’t lose a lot of stars for the last one, but every time you had to deal with it, he’d lose one star for the hours you scrubbed away at those glasses. “I think a couple of my stars fell off… which is weird because none of the other ones did. Do you think… do you think someone is taking my stars away? How could they do that? Hmph… And I thought they were smart. I guess not.” Finally telling him was like a weight off of his shoulders, he finally understood what the whole meaning of the board was and who was doing it. He became way more interested in it when he found out it was Solomon’s idea as well.
“So this whole thing was just an… experiment? And Solomon was in on it? I didn’t know you and Solomon hung out like that. Well, next time you do, tell me. I want to be in on your next idea.”
He also, like Asmo, thought the Good Noodle Board meant something else, although his thought wasn’t anywhere near what Asmo thought. He just thought it meant how many good noodles the brothers had made, which is why he was unsure of why Belphie and… well… any of the other brothers had so many stars. Their noodle making skills were not very good. You didn’t want him to be in the dark, so without giving away too much information, you explained the meaning of the board. Earning stars was really easy for him, and you actually worried that he didn’t have enough space next to his name for all the stars that he got. He was just… a sweetheart, and he was always being good to everyone and he never got into trouble or did anything bad. You were running out of stars, but he was so happy to see how many stars he’d have at the end of the day, it was really sweet. “Look Y/N. Noodles are really good, and I guess I’m really good too. Cool, I’m like a really good noodle. Goodnight.” Taking away stars was almost as upsetting for you to do as it was for him to see. You knew he didn’t mean to be a bad noodle, but… He was eating the lunches that you packed for yourself and you were constantly running late to your classes because you’d have to repack your lunch and… Well he had to lose a star for that. He also kept leaving his gym bag in the middle of the main hallway when he came home and you’ve tripped over it several times. When he saw that his stars were able to be taken away he looked really upset, which kind of upset you. “Am I not a really good noodle? I wonder what I did… Y/N, do you know what I did? No… I’ll figure it out. I have to be a good noodle.” You were really relieved when it was finally over, for his sake. It was fun with all the others, but he was thinking too hard about it and you didn’t want him to have to worry about it anymore.
“Oh, so I’m still a good noodle? I did have more stars than anyone else… Do I ever get to know why I got the stars taken away though, because I still don’t want to be a bad noodle… Even if the board is gone.”
He didn’t come out of his room often enough to even notice the board was up. Beel actually had to tell him about it, and that was the only time he came downstairs wrapped in a blanket to look at the board. All he did was shrug though, he legitimately did not care about it at first. It was hard to give him stars because… he was never around? Can you give people stars for sleeping? You’d have to use the same system that you used for Levi. He came out of his room to eat meals with the rest of the house… he’d get a star. He actually showed up at his classes instead of “accidentally” sleeping through them? He’d get a couple more stars. When he’d come home he’d see the extra stars next to his name and shake his head, but you could tell he was confused as to why he was getting them. “I get stars for participating in things I don’t want to do? I don’t know if I actually want the stars… but somehow Mammon has a lot which is stupid, so I guess I’ll just keep doing whatever so I can be ahead of him… And Lucifer. Stupid Lucifer.” Taking away stars was a lot easier than you thought it would be. Sometimes when you’d try to wake him up in the morning to get to class he’d throw pillows at you until you went away, and he’d lose stars for that. Other times he’d willingly go to sleep in the middle of classes, or meal times even though you knew for a fact that he had a full night's sleep, he was just trying to be rude. He got stars taken away for those things… and many others. When he saw that most of the stars next to his name had been taken he was kind of pissed off. “So according to the Noodle Board… I’m worse than Mammon, and Lucifer. I call bullshit, this whole board is bullshit and I’m taking a nap.” He was very sassy and he generally avoided the board. He couldn’t have been happier when he saw that it was finally gone at the end of the month, and when you told him that it was yours and Solomon’s idea, he just laughed, so you didn’t really know what that meant.
“I knew it was you the whole time. Only you and Solomon could come up with an idea that would throw all of us off like that. I’d have enjoyed it if I wasn’t involved and I got to watch Lucifer suffer. But now I can finally sleep whenever and wherever I want, so, I’m glad it’s gone. Night.”
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princessozera · 3 years
Fight Diavolo; The Aftermath
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A/N: The single most request sequel I've ever gotten- I'm sorry for the wait but hope gives some closure for the original
GN!MC (they/them, 3rd ppov)
Word Count: 1.7k
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MC looked over Lord Diavolo's shoulder to take in the moon, knowing full well that this might be the last time they can appreciate its beauty. They tapped their foot in time to the ticking of the grandfather clock, an annoying little tick-tick-tick, but still tolerable compared to the beeping of the heart rate monitor they'd woken up attached to.
MC had woken up that morning in the hospital, a cracked skull and some heavy bruising, but no concussion. With the way the brothers fretted around them, but refused to answer questions, MC completely forgot about the argument, until Barbatos walked in.
"MC. You've been summoned to meet Lord Diavolo in the student council room at lunch."
Now here they sat, clear across the room from each other. The brothers weren't subtle about the wall they made, standing between MC and Lord Diavolo. Barbatos, Solomon, and Lucifer all stood somewhere in between, only 1 actually looked neutral about the matter though. The silence stretched out into minutes, but neither made a move to apologize, or even speak first. If MC didn't know better, they would have guessed Barbatos was manipulating time to make them more anxious and unsettled, but that would be silly.
What did demons have to fear from 1 human student?
Diavolo straightens up to speak, and the brothers jostle in turn, crouching into slightly more defensive stances. Diavolo gives them a once over before speaking.
"This meeting can't continue as is, would you all leave the room?" In this moment, you remembered that he was truly PRINCE Diavolo, future leader of the Devildom. He didn't sound anything like the cheery student council president, or the prince that liked to pull hijinks on the brothers every month. This was a man who wasn't to be questioned, only obeyed. The brothers exchanged nervous looks, but no one moved. Asmo turned to give Lucifer a pleading look, but Barbatos spoke up first.
"My lord, I think it would be better if they stayed, but perhaps against the back wa-"
"You need to leave as well Barbatos. Solomon as well, but that should go without saying."
These 2 days were full of unprecedented events.
Barbatos hesitates for only a moment before giving Lord Diavolo a curt bow and walking out of the room, everyone else following suit. A few gave you tiny smiles in reassurance, most looked like they were trying to memorize your face before it could be lost to time. With the wave of his hand, a symbol burned into the door, making sure it was shut tight and, Lord Diavolo turned to appraise MC.
"Now. I've given some thought to what happened yesterday, and MC- I think I can forgive you if you apologize." MC's shoulders squared in indignation, but they were able to keep their voice fairly nonchalant.
"Funny, here I thought you were going to apologize to me. I tried to answer your questions as best as I could, not only as the human representative, but as someone who was trying to be your friend- and you mocked me?" If MC was being entirely honest, they couldn't remember the exact topic the fight was over, only the hurt of Diavolo making a joke of something they took so seriously. Maybe they were blowing this out of proportion, but Lord Diavolo wasn't off the hook either.
"You would say that was a reasonable reaction? Attacking me?"
"I might have taken it... a smidge too far, but what, would you say your actions yesterday were prince-ly? You laughed at me, and when I tried to tell you that that was kinda fucked up you treated me like a child. Tell me, was it because I'm human?"
"Solomon wouldn't have reacted like that." MC bit back a venomous smile, an anger-reaction they'd picked up from Satan; 'it's like he's trying to start another fight.'
"You could probably kill Solomon's mother in front of him and all he'd say is 'whack'. But, he'd still get you eventually, when you trust him most. He doesn't seem like a 'forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass us ' type of guy."
Never had their name sounded so threatening before, and yeah, maybe referencing the bible in the Devildom hadn't been the best idea, but if they were going to die to anyone in this hell, dying to the demon prince would be kind of a flex.
"Even with a cracked skull, you can stand there and act so bold. I really should commend you MC," Diavolo's voice was anything but approving. MC notices as his finger nails silently tapped against his council chair, nails looking a bit longer and sharper than normal.
"I'm always game for a round 2," MC said, knowing damn well that the best they could do is summon a puddle of water and hope Lord Diavolo slips.
"I promise that you wont have the same element of surprise as before."
"Why dont you swing at me and we'll test that theory out?" They both jumped to their feet, but neither took the next step forward. The breathing in the room grew ragged in anticipation. As MC continued to stare at him, the edges of his demon form starting to peak through, Diavolo suddenly looked bitter, a rueful grin as he spoke next.
"You know, if I were to kill you right now, I think Lucifer would come in and try to kill me."
"Funny, I was going to say the same to you," but at the mention of Lucifer, MC stood there and started to feel a bit ridiculous. Were they really going to get themselves killed over their pride? Can't they just take some satisfaction in having gotten the demon prince so riled up? Diavolo seemed to register their remorse, and pushed down his own irritation to try extending the olive branch again.
"MC, I didn't mean to belittle you. And I certainly didn't mean to crack your skull, but I do think there is an apology in order."
"Oh, I absolutely meant to hurt you, but then again I don't make fun of things I don't understand about the devildom." MC slowly started making their way to the center of the room, keeping an eye out for any sudden movements from Diavolo. "I dont mind dying here, not much at least. But I wouldn't really be the only thing 'dying', now would I? ...... Somehow, I feel like we're speaking 2 different languages, both insulted and expecting an apology, but neither really wanting to yield."
"I'll apologize-"
"Would you actually? Or would it be one of the bullshit formalities you do out of duty?" Now it was Diavolo's turn to be quiet, understanding this situation just a little bit better than before. It wasn't enough to have manners and etiquette, all the formal training in the world didn't mean shit if it wasn't genuine as well. After living so many years of fake smiles and faker relationships, MC was calling out Diavolo for something he hadn't even remembered was rude to so many others. Their fight yesterday was the first time he'd ever tried to pull the bullshit prince formalities on them and look how it escalated.
"I guess we both still have some communication barriers to work through." MC takes the final step forward to the dead center of the room and stretches out their hand. Not a peace offering, or even asking to wipe the slate clean, but a stalemate. "So, Prince Diavolo of the Devildom, will the exchange program meet it's end here?"
(( POV; outside the council hall ))
"Get away from the door Mammon, eavesdropping isn't going to do you any good."
"Well what if MC needs me?!"
"By the time you get inside, there won't be anything you can do."
"Satan, ever the voice of reason." Asmo's flat tone was edged in resentment. This is one of the few times in his life he had absolutely no control over a situation and he hated the feeling. No amount of pouting or seductive glances could placate the demon prince. He couldn't even be convincing enough to stay in the room. So instead Asmo stood by Solomon in the corridor, pretending to pick off lint and dust to stop him from wringing his hands.
Mammon and Belphegor continued to eaves drop while Satan, Lucifer and Barbatos stood opposite to the door. Asmo glared at Beel and Levi, their pacing was really starting to piss him off; he hadn't even notice Solomon staring at him for the last 2 minutes.
"Lucifer, Barbatos," Solomon spoke casually, seemingly the least affected by this entire situation. "How tall is MC?" Barbatos and Lucifer share a side glance before Lucifer answers, still trying to keep his voice neutral.
"I don't know off the top of my head, but it's probably on their student transcripts. Why?"
"Oh, I was just wondering how much MC's coffin would cost-"
"SOLOMON!" multiple voices snarled in protest, and Solomon couldn't even focus on the pain of Asmo's nails piercing through his jacket and into his skin before he was pinned to the wall by the neck. Beel's hand covered all of Solomon's neck, and while he was applying some pressure, Solomon wasn't struggling to breathe. Yet. Half the brothers stood frozen, torn between helping Solomon and throttling him themselves. Lucifer made no move to help, and Mammon stayed by the door, trying to listen in although his blood had also spiked with Solomon's little remark.
Asmo, Levi, and Satan moved to pull Beel off, and in that horrible reflex of his, Levi made an equally dark joke.
"Come on Beel, let's not make Devildom's humans extinct in one day." He hated himself the second the joke was out, but Levi knew that was exactly the kind of joke MC would make and that somehow made it a little better. Before his brothers could rip him a new one, Mammon yanked Belphegor back and they stood out of the way as the door swung open. There was a collective sigh of relief when MC appeared at Lord Diavolo's elbow, seemingly unharmed.
"Yes Beelzebub, today isn't the day for a human massacre, so how about we all go to Ristorante Six?"
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valnune · 4 years
Task 1: Chapters 1-5 (Marshmallow Perspective)
Task 1: Chapters 1-5 Before we start: I will be rewriting various sections of the story as a novel style thing, both for Wine Mom (Althea Severine) and Marshmallow (Dani Falko) these are both OCs with varying different personalities. I will be as faithful to the canon characters as much as possible only adding dialogue to make it flow better, or to add additional scenes or sections of scenes I think would be fun to explore. I may write in the future specific scene requests that are just named as MC with they/their/them as the pronoun, but for right now, both of my MC OCs are female using she pronounce. I think all MC OCs are valid, I welcome them all, encourage them all, because we all wanna share and enjoy this fandom together. Without further delay, enjoy! ----------
Where am I…?
I’m in a place that looks like a courtroom. Several men are looking my way. 
Everywhere hurt. It was the feeling of being ripped from the ground and thrown about, like a dizziness swayed over made you want to throw up. Such a pounding headache. Where was this? Turning around and looking about the room it was… a courtroom? Oh- th- there were people here. Oh that was concerning. Scratching a hand to the back of her neck, she was staring up at one, two… three, four, five… five men. They were in front of her and sitting at a long table like something out of Harry Potter. In fact, now that she looked about, this did sort of look like that, didn’t it? Well. Except for the windows in front of her and- wow. Look at that Moon. That was… that was a big moon. Wait, there were banners behind them between the windows. A phoenix, a.. Crow or was it a Magpie? A snake. A unicorn, scorpion, fly, bull… 
No- she could take a look at those later. There was something more pressing before her- people. Oh dear she must be making a terrible first impression. Rubbing a hand to her wrist, her eyes remained forward. It seemed that they were waiting for her? No, it couldn’t be. But, perhaps? They were giving her courtesy to help her gather herself. That would be nice. Who… were all of these people, why was she here? Just- Just breath. Just… calm down. It was going to be okay. Somehow. 
The man in the seat of the chief judge, higher than the others, be that symbolic or not, starts speaking. 
“Welcome to the Devildom, Dani. Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we? Well, that’s understandable. You’ve only just arrived, after all. As a human, it will probably take a while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom.” 
“Is… is this real…? Or… am I dreaming?” Those words fell from her lips as if she hadn’t realized it,  ah-! Jumping a little, Dani clasped her hands over her mouth and then realized how silly that looked as well, hands falling to her side.  
Yet he just gave a warm laugh and a comforting smile. Without knowing him, it did seem a bit out of place, but something about the expression seemed to fit on the welcoming man. 
“What a very human thing to say. Outstanding. I have a feeling you might be just the sort of person we’re looking for.” 
Rubbing her hands together, she was fretful, concerned, brow knit upwards. Devildom… As a human? Were these people not human? They looked human. But they were all un uniform. The person who just spoke was tall and had darker skin with brown hair. He was in a red uniform, the other four were in black uniforms that appeared militaristic. Wait. Why were all of them attractive? She didn’t like being stared at so directly, especially when she was already taken out of her comfort zone. 
“I suppose I should start by introducing myself. My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me and someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom. This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo… though we just call it RAD. You’re standing within the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business. I’m the president of said council.” 
Academy? This was a school? A school for… demons? She just sort of stared a bit with shock and awe upon her features. This… This was too much. This was crazy. A school. For demons. She was in HELL. Like. H. E. Double hockey sticks Hell. Like. Where bad people go where they die HELL. Yet. It looked rather pleasant and mundane well. As mundane as a place can be with a giant moon in the background. Still. It was like he was expecting a response from her so, with a deep breath in and a hard swallow from her throat, Dani took a step forward and bowed respectfully towards him, quickly, rising up, she had to take a few more breaths in and out to calm herself. Just. Well. She wasn’t nervous around others normally, of course not but, these were demons and this person was supposed to be crowned King one day? That made him a Prince? 
“H-Hello Ah… Hello there. It’s very nice to meet you- all of you. Ahem. As you said- I am Dani, but well, of course you already knew that. Ahem. Might I kindly know why I am here? Ah- Not that I am not grateful to be here- but I am rather confused. And well- do people know I am here? I… I don’t remember what I was doing before I came here. My parents are probably worried about me…” 
She rambled too much. That was going to make her come off way too immature and nervous. No. She wanted to appear cool in front of demons. A pained winced crept upon her brow, no just. Keep calm. It was going to be okay. No one was saying or giving any negative expression so far. Keep it all calm. But really. Did anyone know she was here? Was she dead? Were her parents aware of this? What was she doing before? She was… what happened.. Going to start school. That’s what.. But. Why is it all fuzzy? Why did it hurt whenever she thought about it. Ugh, there was that sensation in her stomach again, the one that made her want to throw up. 
Then a man stood up, the very definition of tall dark and handsome. Black hair with wisps of grey, deep red eyes, and a stare that seemed to melt the bones to jelly. Why was everything getting worse? Yet as he spoke there was something calming? Reassuring about it…  it brought a much needed sense of stableness, if only for a moment. It was needed. 
“I will explain everything to you.” 
“Dani, this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride. He’s also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man…and not just in title, I assure you. Beyond that, he’s also my most trusted friend.” 
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo.” 
Hearing that name. Lucifer. That caused her eyes to widen and snap her attention back. What? Lucifer. THE Lucifer? Him. Right. There. Standing in front of her? Her breath seemed to catch and freeze in her lungs, for she found herself out of breath. There was a bit of a tremble from her now. What was going on? Why was she here? Was this a dream? As if to check, she pinched at the back of her hand, and sure enough it was sharp to the touch. Oww. The imprint of her nail upon the skin. 
“Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours, I offer you the most heartfelt welcome, Dani.” 
As he addressed her once more, she folded her hands in front of herself and kept attention once more. Yet, he didn’t answer any of her questions. Would… would he answer them for her? Would anything happen? Did it matter? A bit of melancholy was sinking in, but what did he mean? Students? Demons really didn’t go to school. Did they? That just seemed a bit silly. What could they have to learn? 
“I… I am sorry, could I please have my questions answered- Uhm. At some point. Please…”  Her voice squeaked and cracked a bit as she tried to gather a bit more backbone to make a coherent sentence. 
“...Interesting. This one is quite different from Solomon.” He said in an aside while giving a glance to his left. 
“As for your questions, I will answer what I can for the moment. Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm. As a first step toward this goal, we’ve decided to institute an exchange program. We’ve sent two of our students to the human world and two to the Celestial Realm and we’re welcoming four students to our school: two from your world and two from the Celestial Realm. So, I take it you’ve probably put two and two together at this point, right? You’ve been chosen from among the people of the human world to participate in this program of ours. You are our newest exchange student. Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom. However, as not many of the human world know of the Devildom outside of Witches and Sorcerers, which is to say that no one knows you are here.” 
That just elicited a small, “Oh,” from Dani as she looked to her feet and shuffled them a bit. Yet, all of that information. Celestial realm. Is that… Heaven? Were there angels in Hell too? They must be even more uncomfortable than she was feeling right now but well. Chosen. Why was she chosen to be here? Surely there were better people, smarter people, more virtuous people. People who were more than just. Her. Like this Solomon guy, he shared the name of the great sorcerer king Solomon from the bible, or was it the Torah? Wait. The Torah was the old testament? Oh Gods, how much of that was true? Oh- And God? What? What was that? Was it true? Was it a lie? Did that mean she needed to start believing- ugh, the feeling just felt worse the more she thought about it. She just needed fresh air or water or something to calm herself down. 
“Well then… I.. will be glad and happy to accept. I am just sorry right now. I am not making the best impression. All of this is… It’s- It’s a lot to take in. So many things I didn’t think were real and.. They are. I… I think it will take a while to adjust. Please have patience with me. I really am excited for this, but it’s just.. Just a bit daunting.” 
“It’s not like I will abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon. He’s the Avatar of Greed and… how should I put it…? Oh well, you’ll understand soon enough.” 
It was at this point that Lucifer stepped down from the table and made his way over, handing a device that looked very much like a phone, in fact it looked exactly the same but apparently it was not. Did this thing have YouTube on it? What about Spotify?
“Here, take this device. It’s called a D.D.D. It’s a lot like the cell phones of your world. This will be yours to use for as long as you’re here. Now, go ahead and try calling Mammon with it.” 
Accepting the D.D.D. It was easy to be able to navigate its menu. D.D.D…. She was just going to call it a phone. That’s what it basically was, a phone. It had the call and messaging option, contacts, apps. It even had a handy little helper app with a picture of a crow on it. How cute. Maybe things weren’t going to be all that bad? And well.. She was excited. This was an opportunity she never would have before… 
“Yoooo.”  The voice over the phone awkwardly said upon picking up. 
“Hi there, Mammon? Am- I speaking to Mammon?” Dani first had the phone normal, but then switched it to speaker, even if she still held it closer to her ear. 
“Huh? Who the hell are ya? You ain’t Lucifer.” 
“Ah? Sorry- I’m Dani, Dani Falko. I’m right by Lucifer in the Assembly Hall right now. He said to give you a call so… I am. So. Uhm. Hello.” 
“Whaaaa? A human? Geez, I was gettin’ all chilly here thinkin’ it was Lucifer again. Ya should’ve told me right away. You’ve got a lotta nerves callin’ on THE Mammon, exchange program or not.” 
“I’ve been informed that you’ll be keeping an eye on me during my stay in the exchange program.” 
“No way! There’s nothin’ in it for me. Besides, Whaddya even mean by, keeping an eye on ya? I ain’t gotta do nothin’. See ya.” 
“Uhm. Ah- Well. Lucifer said you’d be doing this and well. I don’t really know what else to say or do here… I’d appreciate your help.” 
“Pfft, whatever. Ya think The Mammon would listen to ya just ‘cause you’re tryin’ to scare me with that name? And besides, I don’t help no one for free!”
Though, it was thankful that Lucifer stepped closer, pulling the D.D.D. from her hand for that conversation was going nowhere fast. Speaking into it, he barely needed to speak at all to get Mammon’s attention. 
“Mammon, You have until the count of…” “Y-Yessir!”
The line disconnected as he presumably was making his way to the assembly hall. Where was he exactly? Dani took the phone back and just clutched it tightly to herself. What sort of person was this Mammon? They really didn’t seem all that reliable, or responsible. But then again. He was a demon. 
“Well, wasn’t that a nice little chat you had. ” The expected smug reply from Lucifer as he certainly seemed self satisfied. 
“Are… are you sure he’s going to be able to take care of me…?” Dani murmured this from her lips. 
“Well, if you were suddenly brought to a strange place and then get told that an unfamiliar face will now take care of you, you’d feel anxious. However, Mammon isn’t the only one to help you out. Now then… we still need to introduce our new friend to your brothers, Lucifer. And it’s probably better that you do that instead of me, wouldn’t you say?” 
“There’s more brothers-”  Dani couldn’t help but give an even more confused look. 
“As much as I dread the idea of doing so, you’re right.”  Though, as Lucifer was about to continue, one of the other men at the back stood up and started to make his way down. 
“Oh, come now. Really? You should be honoured that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!” 
“This one here is Asmodeus. He’s the Fifth Eldest. He is the Avatar of Lust.” 
Asmodeus? She only really knew that name from… Well. From D&D but also well. What else did she hear that name from? Who was he related to in legends… Was he related to Solomon? It would be a bit impolite to ask but well. This young man didn’t really look anything like the others there. Well. None of them looked alike. Were they really brothers? He had soft almost orange hair, but was it still technically blonde? That, and eyes like coral, pink and orange and gold. 
“Wh… I can’t believe you totally ignored what I said! And not only that, you referred to me as this one. How rude!” Oh- The way he reacted was a bit concerning. That wasn’t really ignoring, was it? 
“Hmph. At least he didn’t ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?” The one who spoke up next had bright blonde hair and bright green eyes that had sparkles of yellow in it. He actually looked rather pleasant. 
“That one there is Satan, the fourth eldest of us. At first glance, he may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving.” 
“Aha, so I’m that one, am I? Nice to meet you, Dani. I’m Satan, the Avatar of Wrath.” 
S- Satan? Bloody… Satan and Lucifer… and Asmodeus of course but well. And the Prince of Hell, Diavolo..? Ah. This was just making the blood run from her face and go cold a bit. This was unbelievable in so many ways and yet… And yet it was? Why was the nice happy looking one the avatar of wrath? Well. Lucifer did say it, looks can be deceiving and well. Ned Flanders said that the devil would be attractive. Devils... demons? Was there a difference? Is that racist? 
“Thank you… ah- thank you both for the warm welcome. Once more, I am sorry that I am not really well composed right now. I do try to make better first impressions and well- I fear I am doing, hehe- ah- an absolutely dreadful one. I can only hope that you’ll forgive me and that our second and third meeting goes more smoothly from there.” 
“Ooooh! You are just so adorable, come now, don’t be shy. Come a little closer to Asmo, I won’t bite much. There’s something I want to show you, a little demonstration! Dani, could you gaze into my eyes for a moment? It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. I promise it’ll be fun…” 
As Asmodeus had come down from the assembly table and stepped closer towards Dani, even as she took a half step back, he took a half step forward. He was too friendly, and not in the Diavolo friendly. He seemed to take delight in how shy she was acting but… with a bit of a deep breath, still clutching onto the phone for dear life, somehow the small human managed to look upwards into his eyes. There was something pleasant about them. They reminded her of peaches. Just not as fuzzy. 
“Yes, great! That’s perfect! Now, keep your eyes fixed on mine… Just… like… that…” 
As his words trailed off, the expression of delight changed to one of confusion and then dismay. Something wasn’t going the way he intended. Should she say something? Wanting to look away, but not wanting to be rude, Dani stood there, a frozen little rabbit, or perhaps a deer caught in headlights. All of this was terribly confusing for herself as well. 
“You… you have pretty eyes…?” Dani just mumbled this out as she was at a loss of words on if she was supposed to do or say something. 
“Oh, why thank you dear, I knew that but there’s something not right here...hmm..” 
“I should probably warn you, Dani; you’d best be wary of Asmodeus’s gaze. He can charm and manipulate people and use them to his own advantage. If you’re not careful, he’ll charm you. And once you’re under his spell, he’ll eat you.”  As Satan spoke that from behind Asmodeus, Dani just froze up a bit and half-jumped back. 
“Hey, don’t go around saying things like that. Hmm. Regardless, my power doesn’t seem to work this time for some reason, I wonder why.” 
“Ah-! I- ahem. Well. I- Ahem. Ah...Thank you for informing me but I would have appreciated to know that before..” Once more a mumble parted from her lips as she shrunk back away from the two demons. 
“Are you done? Now, the one there with the very grumpy look on his face is Beelzebub. He’s the sixth oldest.” 
“Lucifer, I’m hungry.”  Beelzebub had hair as orange as well. Oranges. Or carrots. Or pumpkins. They were all orange. Regardless, from what she could tell he had pretty purple eyes with a bit of pink in them. All of them seemed to have pretty eyes and.. Painted nails? Even though Lucifer was wearing gloves, everyone had painted fingernails, even Diavolo. Was that a demon thing or like- a club thing? 
“That’s too bad. Now behave yourself.” Lucifer gave quite the stern expression in response. 
“I’m Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony.”  As he came down from the table as well, all of them were now in front of her and not behind a table. It was a bit daunting but at the same time comforting? They all looked like regular humans. Even if well. Lucifer, Diavolo, and Beelzebub were over a foot taller than her- not that it was hard to be, and not that the other two weren’t quite taller than her already but still. 
“So. There are seven of us brothers in all, and I am the eldest. Mammon, the second oldest of us, will be here soon. My other brothers aren’t here at the moment, but… well, we can get to them later. All in good time.”  
“During your stay in the Devildom, the seven brothers will lend you their strength. To keep you safe, you are to stay with them at the House of Lamentation.”  Diavolo seemed to be enjoying himself, light hearted and smiling. Was he doing that to try and make her feel better or perhaps he actually was doing this for a good reason. 
“Most agree with Diavolo, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t vulgar demons out there who wouldn’t harm you. If anything were to happen to you, it would be our responsibility. And I won’t betray Diavolo’s expectations. So, I will do everything in my power to make sure you survive your stay down here in the Devildom. Although we will all be living together, you should still have the means to reach us at any given time. All of our phone numbers are already in there. And your D.D.D. also has a messaging app. Make sure to add all of us.” 
“I’ll go ahead and send you a message!” Just as he said that, Diavolo sent a message and it buzzed within her hands, giving a bit of a startle for a moment. 
“Isn’t that nice, Dani. Now you will be friends with the future king of the Devildom!”  Looking towards Satan, he had a pleasant smile on his face too. 
All of them, except Beelzebub who seemed to be grumbling about food still, had a smile on their face and looked at her. As much as she wanted to just jump headlong into this and throw caution to the wind, there were so many things that just rattled her nerves. Yet. This wasn’t about her, of course it wasn’t. She was just someone selected, likely at random, to be dragged along in a whim of another more powerful person. These sort of things weren’t supposed to happen. This was like out of a bad movie or anime. Well. Harry Potter wasn’t bad and Izakai is a genre unto itself. Okay. Maybe not a bad movie or anime, but it still seemed cliched. Still. With a bit of a sigh, Dani lifted her chin up and put on as best a smile as she could showing she was on board for this. Even if she was internally stressing out. 
“Well. you’ve got that done now, and it seems the idiot has arrived as well.” 
“HEY! Just who do you think you are, human? You’ve got a lotta nerve summoning the Great Mammon! Listen up, because I’m only gonna say this once. If you value your life, then you’ll hand over all of your money now! And anything else of value, too! Otherwise I’ll wipe that happy-go-lucky smile right off of your face… by eatin’ you! Startin’ at your head and working my way down, until-” 
“Mammon, shut up or I’ll punch you!”  That was the warning- except Lucifer didn’t hesitate to follow up with his threat before giving Mammon a chance and decked him in the shoulder, causing the tanned skin, white haired demon to stagger backwards, nearly losing balance. 
This was Mammon? Her caretaker? The way that he walked towards her, practically stomping and pointing a finger towards her was a bit daunting but other than that he didn’t look too intimidating.  His uniform was a bit more disheveled than the others, loose tie, like he was some stereotypical popular teenager, even if he did look… maybe twenty? It was sort of hard to tell. They all looked ambiguous. Lucifer and Diavolo looked the oldest but even then they only looked late twenties at most. The other brothers seemed to appear around twenty? She was only seventeen herself but all of this just seemed to scramble her head. 
“GAH, OWW! Hey, what’s the big idea? I thought you were actually gonna give me a chance to shut up before punching me!” 
“Dani, Mammon here is the Avatar of Greed. He governs and oversees all forms of it. Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They’re left without a Grimm to their name.” The ever informative Satan. 
“And he’s also a masochist. That part’s important.” As Asmodeus added that last part, Dani couldn’t help but jump a little, a flush of red on her cheeks. Was that part really important? 
“Indeed. And it just so happens I have a job for my masochist of a brother.” 
“Y’all, stop telling lies! I ain’t asked for that punch, and I AIN’T a masochist!” 
“Mammon, you are going to be in charge of seeing to this human’s needs during the whole exchange. I expect your full cooperation.” 
“What?! Why me?!”  
All the while as she stared between the various people here, she wanted to run, wanted to hide. This was all very overwhelming for her but she did all she could to stand still, stand polite as she held her hands locked into themselves, gripping her wrist to prevent herself from fidgeting. Turning her gaze towards the windows, staring at the large and unnatural moon just beyond the vantage of the room, it was just starting to hit her that all of this was real. Real…  The stars that twinkled around the moon. Real. The demons around her. Real. God? Probably real. Satan was right there. Lucifer. There. Asmodeus. Beelzebub. Mammon. Wait. Pride. Wrath. Lust- these are the Sins. The seven deadly sins. Why didn’t she think about this before? 
“Aww, lucky you, Mammon! I’m so jealous…” A feigned pout came from the Avatar of Lust as he was taking care of his nails. Oh? They were pink and turquoise. That was actually rather cute. 
“All right, then why don’t YOU do it, Asmodeus?!” 
“What? Hell no, too lazy.”  Thankfully that was his reply. Dani didn’t like the idea of pairing with someone associated with Lust. 
“I thought you said you were jealous of me?!”
“Just give up, Mammon. There’s no getting out of this. You know you can’t refuse a direct command from Lucifer, correct?” Even though he was the Avatar of Wrath and told that he was basically two-faced. Satan seemed like a more reliable option than Mammon, so why was she being stuck with someone who didn’t want to, and didn’t seem like he was good at the task? Yet as if Mammon was thinking the same thing… 
“But why does it have to be me?! What about Beel. Why can’t he do it?!” As if to exclaim, Mammon walked in the direction of Beel, waving a hand towards him. He too had painted fingernails. White in fact. 
“This isn’t a job we can entrust to Beel. We might as well ask him to eat this human.” Asmodeus kept his poise disinterested in the situation, shaking his head as he canted his head to his younger brother. 
“Mm, yeah. I can’t promise I wouldn’t.” Though Beelzebub was younger, he was just as tall as Lucifer and Diavolo, and just as broad as the latter. Surprisingly, he also had painted fingernails. Orange like his hair. This was actually sort of a cute theme they all had. 
“You’re useless, you know that?!” Mammon continued to stomp and protest around, waving his arms and making a loud show of disliking the task. 
“...Mammon?” Lucifer stared towards his younger brother and just by saying his name it caught Mammon’s attention. 
“Surely you’re not going to tell me that you object to this arrangement, are you?”  Whatever Lucifer just did caused Mammon not only to remain focused, but seemed to become serious for a few moments. But beyond that, Lucifer seemed to have this aura around him that was one of authority and enforcement. It was practically visible, like the dark purple and black cloud of oppression as the sickness in her stomach just got worse. She never felt this kind of anxiety before that gave her physical sickness. 
Though it seemed that Mammon was giving in as he pulled back and shrugged his shoulders. Pacing about, the demon waved his hands when showing his displeasure. All of this just made her feel even worse now. She wanted to like that she had this chance and she did- really this was what people dreamed and fantasized over. This was the call to adventure that storybook heroes had. Just smile, it was going to be alright, Dani. It was all that she could tell herself now as Mammon looked in her direction. 
“Ugh.. I hate you guys! Every last one of ya! Fine… FINE! I’ll do it, okay?! All right, human, listen up. As much as I don’t want to look after you, I’ve got no choice. It’s a huge pain in the ass, and I’m too important for this kind of thing, but Lucifer told me to do it, so I will.  But in return, you better make sure you don’t cause me any trouble, got it?!” 
“I am sorry this is an inconvenience for you, Mister Mammon Sir. I’ll do what I can to not get in your way, and uhm. Hopefully we can get along? Maybe? I- If that isn’t too much of a problem for you! Th. That.. That is..” The quiet murmur fell from her again, trying to remain polite.  She didn’t have much expectations but perhaps they could at least not be enemies. 
“Good, that’s what I want to hear. As long as you do as I say, we won’t have any problems. Just be sure you don’t forget which one of us is the boss here. - And don’t go around callin’ me Sir. If you’re going to call me anything, call me The GREAT Mammon or somethin’ cool like that.” 
“Don’t do that, it’ll just go straight to that empty head of his.” Asmodeus couldn’t help but jab at Mammon, beaming a smile that seemed rather jovial. 
“Hey- Shaddap! I don’t have an empty head. I just don’t fill it full of dumb stuff like makeup and stuff like you!” 
The interaction was thankfully cut off as Lucifer spoke up, continuing the explanation of what was to take place, the tasks that would unfold before them, and what kind of expectations there were for her and to say the least, it was not what she expected. The more she heard him speak, the worse she felt about this. 
“We have decided who will take care of you, so on to the next subject: your tasks. Along with attending the Academy, your task is to polish up your soul nicely and to acquire the power to resist demons. You see, demons like humans with nice souls. Let me put it another way, nice souls look like shiny jewels. Do you understand now? Demons will use their wisdom and abilities to tempt humans so they can get their hands on their souls. Other demons at RAD also have tasks assigned to them just like you. In other words, either humans will be tempted by demons, or demons will lose against the shiny and noble soul of a human and make a run for it. You could say it is an experiment to find out who will win.” 
“I wanna make one thing clear right now; Don’t blame me if someone gets eaten, ‘cause it ain’t my fault.” 
“Lucifer, I’m hungry.” 
“That’s too bad. Now, behave yourself.” 
Was this all just a game to them? Certainly she didn’t expect to be treated as an equal when around demons. After all they weren’t demons for nothing. Even if things defied the expectations that she had of Demons based on movies and books and what religion says of it, but there was still a shred of truth in all of that. Now she was told that she’d have to polish up her soul and resist demons? She could hardly resist staying all day in bed on the weekends or sneaking an extra cookie when no one was watching. It’s not like she felt like she could be tempted with things. After all, she didn’t want for anything, not things that could be given anyway. Well. Not that she thought she had anyway. 
“Well. I suppose I.. I don’t have a choice one way or another, ah.. do I..? No... I- I don’t… But, well...I’d very much like to enjoy my time here- you know, as well, this isn’t something that I’d ever be able to dream of doing, let alone even thinking it could be actually possible. So, um... for that, I thank you for picking me, even if I don’t know why. I can only hope to do the best I can and be myself through all of this. I just hope that I can live up to whatever expectations and results you’re looking for.”   Her hands were fidgeting the entire time, eyes shifting ever so slightly  between the faces, even if she was trying to keep focus on Diavolo. All of this was something she was excited about, but at the same time, deeply, deeply concerned with. After all, she only knew things of Hell from movies, videogames, and books, and even the nicest representation of Hell, was a dark parallel version of the real world in some shows and games. They all still painted the place as one of those things you joke about with friends, but in reality would never really want to go to. 
“Well ain’t ya a goody-two-shoes. Welp, I won’t stop ya from havin’ some fun.” Mammon just sort of shrugged while Lucifer gave an enigmatic smile, apparently pleased with the response. 
“Dani,  from now on you will be living in the House of Lamentation. You’ll be staying there with Lucifer and his six younger brothers. Humans, angels, demons, I imagine a universe where each accepts the other. Where we are brought together as friends. This is my dream, and I’m asking you to be the foundation for it. One year, that’s all I ask of you. Though you may be nervous now, I think you’ll be able to help the brothers out just as much as they’ll help you. Good luck, Dani.” 
Help them out? How was she supposed to do that? Well. At least he did want to have angels and humans and demons all alongside each other as friends. She didn’t know if that was what he actually wanted or if that was just a facade. After all, he was a demon, even if he was smiling a lot. Still. She wanted to believe it, so for right now, she’d just smile towards Diavolo. 
“I want to believe in your dream as it sounds really nice. If such a thing can be real, I want to do what I can to help.. Wait- Living in the… House with all of them? S- Seven brothers, seven boys- is…”  The words just sort of stuck in her throat in realization. 
“Mm..? Is there something wrong Dani?”  Diavolo just smiled down at her, as if he already knew what was making her comfortable but just wanted to hear it. 
“Oh, don’t tell me you JUST realized you’d be living under the same roof as ME?” Asmodeus beamed, hearts practically floating around him as he spoke. “Who knows. You might even catch a glimpse of me stepping out of the bath.” 
“What, ya never lived with guys before?” Mammon looked over his shoulder, hands shoved in his pockets. 
“I have- Just. Not ONLY guys… and only my family so. I just- it was just an uncomfortable realization. I’ll get over it and not let it bother me. S- sorry. I- ahem. Sorry.”  As Mammon started to walk to the doors, presumably to lead her to the House of Lamentation, Dani turned and waddled after, trying to resolve the blush on her cheeks. 
. . .
As the pair left and the doors closed, Diavolo looked over to Lucifer and smiled, seemingly quite happy with how that interaction went. 
“Well, what do you think, Lucifer? She’s a very human human, don’t you think?” 
“Technically every human is very human. Except for Solomon that is.” Lucifer kept his eyes on the door, having watched the two as they left. 
“Well, I think this human is going to be fun to tease! The shy ones are always the most naughty.” 
Asmodeus’ response resulted in a group sigh that seemed to echo through the assembly hall. The moonlight which shifted through the windows showed that only a small passage of time occurred to what seemed like it lasted forever to the human taken from her home. However the silence was soon disrupted and the sigh drowned out by the thunderous grumbling from Beelzebub’s stomach to overshadow such a sound. 
“Lucifer, I’m hungry.”
“Yes Beel, I know.” 
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