#(sorry if it may look ooc xdd)
ao-xingyume1987 · 4 months
Bittersweetness (practice)
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rp-partnerfinder · 1 month
Well it has been a while since I roleplayed so disclaimer: I may be rusty af xdd
⚡️Hello⚡️!Im a 20-year-old female roleplayer who has been roleplaying for 10+ years! I’m looking for at least 18+ roleplayers to rp oc x cc doubles preferablly MxF for my side, your pairing can be any pairing
The fandoms I want to rp are:
-TMNT(2007 or 2012)
I am advance literate to novella so I would like for my partner to try and be advance literate at maximum, you don’t have to match me unless you want to. I may be doubling down my amount of writing so I can start getting back into rping without burn-outs.
I usually brainstorm the plot for my roleplays with my partner so that we are both comfortable during the rp as a whole. But I do have a few plot ideas in mind that I will share when I am talking with my rp partner so we can build a plot together!
As for ocs, I would like your oc to have a decent amount of info so I can have a good enough picture in my head of what they are. I will mention my ocs are a work-in-progress but I do have enough information on them to present!
As for canon characters played for my oc, Here is who I would like played against my oc!(and for the sake of the rp, we can age them up to 18. Just for comfort reasons)
Feel free to talk to me ooc! I love talking to my rp partner about head-cannons, different scenarios our characters would be in and such! It gets me motivated to roleplay and as well I love going into discussions about head-cannons, imagines, mood boards for each character. It makes me happy that you are happy and enjoying our roleplay!
For availability and timezone. My timezone being EET(eastern european). My availability is very tight as I am working. I still have some free time left before College. With College it may be harder for me with being more active but I will try my hardest for the roleplays I like and cherish! But still, be patient with me
💫Here is my discord for you to message: __.violet
Or dm me here on tumblr💫
(Sorry if I spammed the rp request twice, Don’t know if I sent it before)
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[Carewyn had secretly been very glad to cut her meeting with Penny and Beatrice short. After losing Jacob again and realizing that what she’d thought would be the end of a long road was really just the start of something even more dangerous, she really wasn’t in any mood to try to comfort Beatrice. Things were more dangerous now -- and even if Carewyn could put on a stoic face, she knew it was her responsibility to fix things. It didn’t help matters when Penny was talking about her own relief about being reunited with Beatrice -- Penny had realized her error quickly and apologized, and she’d even tried to comfort Carewyn about what had happened with Jacob...but Carewyn simply dismissed her concern with a reassuring smile and put an end to the conversation with the excuse that she needed to go visit Merula.]
I’m sorry, Penny...but I just can’t listen to you talking about how relieved you are. I can’t look at you and Beatrice together. Not right now...
[Carewyn entered the Hospital Wing and immediately made a beeline for the school nurse, who was standing by the cabinet at the far end.]
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“Oh...she’s resting, then.”
Madame Pomfrey: “On the contrary.”
[Out the corner of her eye Carewyn saw something flying through the air right at her head. She ducked out of the way, just barely missing a clipboard that slammed into the cabinet behind her.]
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Merula: “I WANT TO LEAVE!”
[Carewyn couldn’t see Merula, as she was no doubt in one of the beds further down, but her old rival’s voice was a vocal barrage of frustration and anger.]
Madame Pomfrey: “As you can see, Miss Snyde has quite the temper -- and a good arm.”
[As Carewyn straightened up, her lips pursed critically.]
“...Let me guess -- she’s throwing a tantrum because she doesn’t want to be taken care of.”
It’s not like I liked Merula looking so broken and sad...but this is just stupid.
[Madame Pomfrey nodded.]
Madame Pomfrey: “Ordinarily I wouldn’t use this level of patience with my...patients...but after being struck by the Cruciatus Curse, I really don’t think she should be moving too much.”
[Carewyn’s eyes narrowed slightly.]
“May I see her?”
Madame Pomfrey: “Yes -- as long as you’re prepared to duck at a moment’s notice.”
[The school nurse walked Carewyn down the row of beds to the one Merula was lying down on. Like before, she showed no physical injury, but she looked incredibly restless.]
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[Carewyn frowned deeply.]
“You know I’m not going to do that, Merula. If Madame Pomfrey says you should rest, then you should listen to her.”
Madame Pomfrey: “Well, I’m glad someone is talking sense. I’ll leave you to your visit, Miss Cromwell -- and Miss Snyde, behave yourself.”
[Madame Pomfrey turned and left the two girls alone.]
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[Carewyn crossed her arms, slipping seamlessly into “Mom” mode.]
“I’m sorry, Merula, but if Madame Pomfrey doesn’t think you should be exerting yourself, then you should slow down. The Cruciatus Curse is serious. The last time I saw Rakepick use it, the guy couldn’t even stand or talk -- and back then, Rakepick said she wasn’t even going full-force like she was with you.”
[Carewyn’s eyes narrowed, but this time it only served to make them softer.]
“...And...I know how much Rakepick meant to you. However much pain that curse caused you...it could only have been worse, coming from her.”
[Merula looked away, feigning carelessness.]
Merula: “It’s not a big deal. I’ve gotten over it. I mean, we broke the Portrait Curse anyway, didn’t we?”
[Carewyn’s lip twitched irritably.]
“Merula, come on...haven’t we gotten past this already? If you’re honest, it’ll be a lot easier to address the problem.”
Merula: “There’s nothing to address. We all went through a lot. We all were betrayed by Rakepick. But I’m over it.”
“Merula, nobody would be fine after what you went through -- so stop pretending.”
[Merula straightened up slightly, her pink eyes suddenly boring into Carewyn’s.]
Merula: “I’m pretending?”
[Carewyn was taken back by the intensity in her expression. There was anger, but one colder and quieter than before.]
Merula: “I’m pretending? Who do you think you are, saying something like that? You, of all people. Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you said to your brother in the Vault, Cromwell -- how you only ever wanted to save him, and you didn’t even care about Rakepick or the Vaults...”
Don’t you dare bring that up -- I don’t want to even think about you having seen me like that --
[Carewyn felt her face flushing slightly, but she kept her voice very level.]
“I already told you that was all I’d wanted.”
Merula: “And yet I bet you’ve been running around trying to get everyone else to talk about their feelings rather than take your own damn advice. Why aren’t you resting, Cromwell? I noticed you’re still limping a little on your ankle -- haven’t taken the time to fix that, even though you went to the trouble of changing clothes and cleaning up your make-up and hair?”
[Carewyn stiffened, her eyes hardening visibly.]
I changed clothes because I hated looking at them. I fixed my make-up because it’d gotten smudged from me crying. It’s not like I could’ve looked like a mess when Dumbledore called me to his office. And I...I can’t rest. I don’t have the right to rest, as long as R is out there and you all are in danger. It’s my fault you all got roped into this. If it weren’t for me...you wouldn’t have been hurt.
[Despite her convictions, she didn’t have the heart to articulate any of her feelings into words.
Merula didn’t look surprised by Carewyn’s stoic expression or the lack of a response, but she didn’t take any joy from it either.]
Merula: “You remember what I told you back in the Great Hall, don’t you -- when we first transported back?”
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[Carewyn considered Merula for a long moment. Then she exhaled quietly through her nose, her eyes drifting away.]
“...Fine. If you want me to back off...then I will.”
I can’t force you to accept my help. And really...do I even need to hear how you feel? I already know it. I guess I just thought it would help you, to get those feelings out...
[Merula’s words echoed in her head again.
“I’m pretending? Who do you think you are, saying something like that?”]
Well, it’s not like I have any other choice! I’m the one person who can’t fall apart -- not when everyone’s in so much danger, when I’m in so much danger --
[Rakepick’s words in the Vault returned to her.
“You can’t stop R! We’re too powerful!”]
I can’t show weakness. Not now.
Merula: “If you’re backing off, going away now would be a good start.”
[Carewyn was startled out of her thoughts by the bluntness of Merula’s tone. Noticing her irritated and offended expression, Merula reacted defensively.]
Merula: “What? I said it nicely...”
[Careyn gave her a beady look.]
“That was nicely?”
Maybe I should find you a thesaurus bookmarked to the word.
[Merula was distracted, however, by Ben dashing up to the two of them.]
Merula: “Why hello, Copper -- have you come to try to get me to talk about my feelings too?”
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[Carewyn’s eyebrows furrowed in concern.]
“What is it?”
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((OOC: Dang, Merula, actually calling my girl out on some of her crap?? Who would’ve thunk it... o.o;;
Also, love the new dance move, Carey. XDD))
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arthur-rex · 5 years
ooc: The Coming of Arthur Part 1
Ah ha, so that’s what the Cup of Life aka the “golden chalice” does to people whose blood is collected inside it!!
(( Whoops sorry @multimentium I might have accidentally made Arthur just a little bit immortal in our RP. I’ll figure out a way to make it work in the story... maybe he’s become a thrall now to the Triple Goddess? Maybe your Ygraine is now alive because my Arthur is technically undead? *shrug* ))
Speaking of Morgana and Morgause. That slow eye roll and knowing smile when Morgana turns around and sees her beloved sister right there behind her...(insert missing screengrab)... that honestly was one of the most slashy things I’ve ever seen, right up there with peak Merthur. I adore it. Tempted to RP a Morgause, but I probably won't do her half the justice she deserves. Oh look another blonde muse xDD
Anyway, is Cenred really that infatuated with Morgause or has he got ulterior motives? He’s another interesting one. I hope he sticks around to the end of the series. I’ve got a feeling he may be bumped off in the second part of this episode but we’ll see. (Edit: Oh crap, he didn’t even make the end of this episode hahha)
Gwaine vs. don’t touch me!Arthur .. well, that is a fun dynamic to watch. 
Of course, Merlin puts them both in their place. Isn’t it a bit like the two big boys scrapping over the girl? Sorry to feminise you Merlin, but it’s just the truth. You’re still the most powerful chess piece on the board <3
Also, I’m noticing a bit of theme here. In order for the narrative to include any sort of meaningful dialogue regarding Merlin’s magic - the writers seem to have to get Arthur shot/stabbed/taken ill and/or otherwise knocked unconscious. 
I understand it from the point of “keeping the magic secret/Arthur dumb” narrative but seriously how many times is Arthur going to be the blond damsel in distress? I suppose that explains the huuuge amount of h/c Merthur out there, but I digress.
THAT ENDING. And I thought Arthur was going to be crowned end of season 3..
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I’m not sure but I might have felt just the slightest bit of sympathy for Uther at this point. Arthur’s face though when he realised she’s his sister... Poor guy, I don’t think it’s ever really going to compute xD
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
[As per Duncan’s instructions, Carewyn came alone to the castle Courtyard in the hopes of talking to Peeves and getting the Vault Portrait from him. When she arrived, Duncan was waiting for her. It was strange to see his translucent blue frame outside -- the bright sunlight poured through him as easily as a windowpane, making it a little harder to see him than in the slightly darkened castle. Fortunately his eyes and hair were dark enough to see clearly.
Duncan noticed Carewyn’s faint squinting and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at her sardonically.]
Duncan: “What’s that look for?”
“Nothing, it’s just -- I’ve never seen you outside the Prefects’ Bathroom before.”
[His transparent arms slid down to his sides as he smirked.]
Duncan: “Huh, well...”
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“What is about to happen? You told me you set up a meeting for me with Peeves.”
Duncan: “Yes, I did. And I also told you that Peeves would only show up and stick around if you created a chaotic spectacle, didn’t I?”
“I suppose you did.”
Duncan: “Well, it turns out Peeves has a rather specific request.”
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[Carewyn was visibly taken aback.]
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Duncan: “I told you this would be Peeves’ brand of chaos. He insists on your target being a stodgy stickler for rules.”
“I guess those are his usual targets, but...”
[Carewyn frowned.
She found it incredibly ironic that Peeves would select her to do something like this. She’d never exactly been a rule follower, but she hadn’t ever been the type to pull pranks on people, let alone felt any desire to break rules just for the sake of breaking them, like her more mischief-oriented friends, Tonks and Tulip. And more importantly, she had been made a Prefect just last year. She only really liked rules when they suited her and she agreed with the rationale for them, but she had been given the power to enforce them, and she took that pretty seriously.]
But perhaps that’s exactly why he wants you to do it. He probably sees you as a “stick in the mud” like Tulip does...
[Carewyn rolled her eyes.
Duncan glanced at Carewyn out the side of his eye as he turned toward where Filch and Snape were talking.]
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Ugh, why does it have to be either of them? Snape is my Head of House, in case Peeves has forgotten -- he chose me as a Prefect in the first place! And after looking into Filch’s mind, I’d hate to target him again...
[She groaned in frustration.]
But I suppose of the two of them, Snape would be more likely to figure it out if I targeted him, since he’s a Legilimens...and Filch and Peeves do have a more active rivalry, so...
“...Filch, I suppose. But how will I distract everyone while I cast the spell? I don’t exactly want to have to hand in my Prefect badge after this whole thing’s through...”
[Duncan’s mouth spread into a full, oddly impish grin.]
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[Carewyn looked at Duncan, momentarily stunned.]
...I think that’s the first time Duncan has said anything about Jacob that’s actually kind of nice.
[Recovering quickly, she still felt her lips curling up in a very small smirk to match his.]
“...Okay -- show me how a pro works.”
[Duncan gave a low “Heh!” and he swept off into the air. Carewyn crept around the wall, staying low as Duncan flew in circles around the Courtyard, making faces and shrieking loudly.]
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[Everyone’s attention was drawn to the ghost spiraling in mid-air, including Snape and Filch. The people in the Courtyard were all so distracted that, sure enough, it took a few moments and Mrs. Norris hissing loudly for Filch to realize that his coat had been set ablaze.]
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[Snape quickly rushed the students assembled in the Courtyard back toward the castle so that he could put out the caretaker’s coat. Carewyn darted back behind the wall she’d first met Duncan next to, her heart pounding loudly in her chest and her face slightly flushed with anxiety.]
Did it! And thank Merlin, nobody noticed me...
[Brushing her bangs out of her eyes, she peeked back over the lower wall at the two staff members.]
Filch: “It must have been that Duncan Ashe, I tell you!”
[Carewyn exhaled in relief.]
Normally I’d be sorry that someone else got blamed for something I did, but...well, it’s not like Duncan could get punished!
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[Peeves’s abrupt cackling made Carewyn stiffen sharply like a startled cat and whirl around. Even though she should’ve been happy that the poltergeist ended up showing his face after all, Carewyn couldn’t help but frown reproachfully at him.]
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I can’t act like I really would’ve wanted to hurt anybody, but I don’t see how something like this is very “fun” -- seems like nothing but bullying to me...
[Duncan, however, was actually smiling -- not a smirk or sneer, but a real smile.]
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[The odd showing of support soothed Carewyn’s irritation somewhat as Peeves giggled gleefully.]
Peeves: “You were a smash, Duncan Ashe! Darting by in a flash!”
[Exhaling through her nose quietly, Carewyn gave Peeves her best smile. There was no point getting angry at him, not when he still had something she needed...]
“...I’m glad you liked it. So, then...may I please have the Vault Portrait, Peeves?”
[Peeves sniggered.]
Peeves: “Mini-Wynnie’s in a rush! But Peevesie’s not through, hoo hoo -- we’re just getting started!”
(OOC: From what I know about the next few chapters coming up, I have a feeling that this whole subplot with Peeves is going to feel very, very long indeed. *sighs dully* Oh well, at least I’ll have my headcanons of Duncan and Carewyn actually getting along better now -- I love the thought of Carewyn adopting Jacob’s old ghostly friend into her posse. XDD)
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