#(thankfully that was an easy fix) and another big part was realising that the default layout document is so detailed that i can basically
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Once again I managed to get my homework done way faster than I thought so I'm like "what do I do now"
#i completely understand why i had so many issues with eleventy on tuesday. for one thing i'd never encountered a .md file before#and second i was about to get my period and third i was hungry and fourth i was emotional#like i Get why my site had me in tears lol. it IS kind of uninituitive#but today... idk. something clicked. part of it was realising that git was ignoring a few of my files that it shouldn't have been ignoring#(thankfully that was an easy fix) and another big part was realising that the default layout document is so detailed that i can basically#just create a new file and as long as it's in the correct place & i copy the exact syntax in the front matter of any similar files#(i.e. if i'm making a new blog post i need to make sure the front matter is the same as in the previous blog posts#and if i'm adding a new post to be linked in the header i need to add the order: 4 or order: 5 or whatever)#like i Can style things individually if i want but i literally don't have to lol#so i finished my first assignment within about 15 minutes. 2 and a half weeks i've been avoiding doing that. yep#i really needed all that time to get into the correct headspace though. like genuinely#so then i did a little work on my other 2 assignments. coded up a super basic form & added bootstrap in the base layout#now i really just need to style my form; figure out why my images don't work (lol); add some bootstrap components#and probably screenshot my commit history. oh my god and finish my laundry!!! how long was it beeping without me noticing 😭#gotta also figure out why mabel is staring at me. idgi. she's usually napping at this time of day#she's been fed; she has a full water bowl; we went to the park where she pooped; and i've been letting her out like every half hour to pee#she gets sooo much fuss and attention too. like girl what IS it#i'm not leaving the back door open all fucking day. it is literally 5 degrees outside. gotta love october#personal
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Only the Good Die Young (Part 6)
Summary: It seemed like everyone in that godforsaken town was out to test your relationship
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Language, anti-religious sentiment, harmful relationship with parents, creepy threatening behaviour
Author's Note: Temptation. I feel like I’ve put these two through so much but I just. cannot. stop. Eventually I may need medical intervention.
You just stood there for a little while. Eyes closed, head resting against his chest, savouring the contentment and safety you felt in his arms. These moments of peace were few and far between for the two of you, so when they came along you held on to them for as long as you could.
Your serenity faded after a few minutes, as you found yourself struggling to prevent his mother’s words bleeding into the front of your mind.
You wanted to look after him, you wanted to heal and care for him the best you could, but you knew there was nothing you could do to make up for his past. You couldn’t fix it.
But at least now, you were able to realise that everything he’d ever achieved, he’d done completely by himself. 
All his life he’d had no help, no support and no real reason to outgrow the life that people like your mother expected him to lead. At the very least, you were determined to change that.
After a while, he piped up. ‘You hungry? I thought we could order food, there’s a really good-’
You cut him off by throwing your arms around his neck and pressing your lips against his, apparently shocking him a little, because it took him a few seconds to respond. He eventually tightened his hold around you and tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss while you moved your hands to cradle his face. Eventually, he pulled away.
‘-pizza place nearby.’
You laughed at his stupid grin, nodded and reached over to the drawer with the takeout menus.
The two of you ate in front of the TV, then curled up together on the sofa for the evening. You were still holding onto this moment of peace, savouring every second, knowing how fleeting it could be.  
As predicted, you only managed about an hour of relaxation before Bucky’s phone started buzzing. He picked it up and moved over to the kitchen when he saw that it was his mother calling.
You tried not to eavesdrop, but it wasn’t a big flat.
He didn’t say much, he was mainly listening to her, but as the conversation progressed you could tell he was getting more and more agitated. The only thing you could really gauge was that, at one point, she asked him for money. He told her he was pretty broke at the moment, so he didn’t have any to spare, but you had no idea if that was the truth.
It was heart-breaking to see the toxic side of their relationship in practice, especially after seeing all the love that his mother was capable of.  
Finally, he said a short goodbye and trudged back to the couch. You waited for a second to see if he’d share willingly, but he just huffed, heaved his boots up onto the table and necked the rest of his beer. You were going to have to do this the hard way.
‘Is everything alright?’
‘Yeah, fine.’ He gave you a short, tight smile and reached for the remote. You caught his arm.
‘It’s nothing, just...’ He gave an aggravated sigh and rubbed his eyes. ‘She’s not pressing charges.’
‘That’s not nothing. That’s a pretty valid reason to be upset.’
You were still very much testing the waters as far as talking Bucky down was concerned. You were sure that he’d calm down himself given enough time, but if you were going to move in here properly you’d prefer not to have walls full of holes.
He took a deep breath. ‘It’s not like I expected anything else, this is what always happens.’
‘Doesn’t mean it sucks any less.’ You shifted closer and interlaced your fingers with his, rubbing his forearm with your other hand, feeling some of the tension in his muscles settle under your touch. You were pretty pleased with that result, even if it was only small. ‘Y’know, for a guy who was so eager to find someone to talk to, you’re really not easy to get information out of.’
He let a reluctant smile spread across his face. ‘Good job you’re a ruthless interrogator then.’
The next few days were almost perfect. You were able to spend quality time together and unwind a little, just about managing to ignore the sixty-four missed calls from your parents and the texts begging for money from his. Bucky went out to work whenever repair jobs came up, but you quite enjoyed having free-reign of the flat while he was gone, making subtle changes that he barely noticed when he got back.
The decoration wasn’t bad per se, it just didn’t really… exist. It was your typical bare bones bachelor pad, you were convinced he hadn’t made any real changes since moving in- apart from a pile of magazines and a couple of suspicious stains on the carpet.
When your parents finally gave up, and when enough time had passed since the visit from Bucky’s mother, it felt for the first time like maybe everything could turn out alright. All the problems you’d faced seemed to be receding further and further, it seemed like they couldn’t penetrate the walls of this cosy little life you’d built.
So it was all the more disappointing when that turned out not to be the case.
You woke up to the sound of Bucky’s alarm. Stretching a little, you felt his body pressed up against the back of yours and his arms wrapped you. He reached over you to shut the sound off, groaned dramatically and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
‘Another morning I'll have trouble climbing out of bed.’
His words were muffled against your skin. You rolled onto your back and brushed a few strands of hair away from his forehead, smiling at the deep marks left on his cheek by the creases in the sheets. The two of you must’ve slept like logs, barely moving all night.
‘Stay then.’
‘I’ve got places to go.’ He placed a few soft kisses below your ear. ‘There’s a big job today, could be a few hundred bucks.’
You frowned and abruptly grabbed his head, lifting it away from you. ‘Hundreds? Christ, get out then.’
‘Wow, didn’t have you down as a gold digger.’ You laughed and tried to push him out of bed, relenting when he clawed his way back to you.
‘You could use some restraint, Barnes.’
‘I never said I was a saint.’
Ten or fifteen minutes later, Bucky finally got up and ready for work. You had a day of solid lounging around planned. Maybe you’d take a walk into town later, but only during the hours you knew your parents would be working. No way would you risk bumping into them.
He’d been gone for a few hours when the doorbell went. You couldn’t figure out who it was from the window, so you tiptoed downstairs and cautiously inched the door open. It was the blonde from the bar, the one who got Bucky thrown in jail.
‘What the hell do you want?’ The severity in your voice shocked you a little.
He gave a smug chuckle. ‘Calm down, suburbs. I wanna talk to Bucky.’
‘About what?’
He narrowed his eyes at you and stepped forward, stretching his arms out and bracing himself against the door frame. You instinctively moved back, tightening your grip on the open door, ready to slam it shut at a moment's notice.
‘I’d rather just speak to him, sweetheart.’
‘Look, he’s not here, but even if he was I’m sure he’d just tell you to fuck off.’
A sinister, calculating look spread over his face. ‘You’re here all on your own?’
The shift in his tone made your entire body tense up. You immediately defaulted into fight or flight mode, pushing the door closed as quickly as you could. Somehow he moved faster, shoving his foot into the gap and letting out an irritated grunt when the door slammed into it. You felt him pushing against the other side of the wood.
‘C’mon.’ You saw his fingers emerge through the gap and curl round the edge of the door. ‘I just wanna talk.’
Summoning strength from god-knows-where, you stomped down on his foot with all your weight. When it jerked out of the gap, you shoved your shoulder hard against the door, hearing the cracking of his fingers followed by loud yelp. He pulled his hand away and you swiftly turned the lock.
He was still shouting and banging on the door as you scrambled upstairs, your shaky knees finally causing you to collapse as you burst back into the flat. You crawled over to the window and peeked out, seeing him limping away down the street, cradling his injured hand against his chest. You breathed out for what felt like the first time in ten minutes, remnants of your adrenaline rush making your head spin.
Despite your overwhelming panic, you couldn’t help but feel a little pleased with yourself, cause damn that was pretty fucking badass.
You considered calling Bucky, but figured that as long as you didn’t answer the door again, you should be alright until he finishes. It’d be much easier to explain what’d happened after you’d had some time to think about it and to calm down a bit.
You made some tea and collapsed onto the couch, all the while making an effort to maintain deep, controlled breaths. Thankfully, it wasn’t too long before you managed to compose yourself.
When Bucky got back, you sat him down and reeled it all off, reassuring him throughout that you were fine. He seemed to take it surprisingly well, staying silent and still while you were explaining. You thought maybe he’d finally turned a corner with his anger.
That was, until you got to the end of your story.
‘He didn’t come back, right?’ You shook your head. He nodded to himself and clenched his hands together tight, dropping his head and taking a deep, shaky breath. ‘Fuckin asshole, man.’
You could see him ramping up to something, so you tried your best to diffuse. ‘It’s fine, I’m fine. I handled it.’
‘Nah.’ Bucky stood up suddenly and grabbed his jacket, storming towards the door. ‘He could’a hurt you.’
‘He didn’t.’ You followed him, managing to grab his arm before he made it out of the flat.
‘That’s not the point.’
You knew there was no fucking way were you going to stand back and let him do this again. His judgement was being clouded by anger, that much was obvious, so he needed a sharp reality check to ground him again.
‘Do you really think this is worth going back to jail for?’ He stopped tugging against you, turning his head slightly so you were in the corner of his vision. ‘Cause I guarantee I won’t be here when you get out.’
He was still for a second. You let go and took a couple steps back, waiting to see what he would do.
If he left, this was over.
He threw his jacket to the ground in frustration and ran his fingers through his hair, turning back towards you with a regretful grimace. You breathed a pretty big sigh of relief.
‘You’re right.’ He held his arms out in defeat. ‘Y’know, I try to be rational, but it all gets blown to pieces when I look at you.’
What a strange mix of accusation and romance.
‘If you don’t chill the fuck out soon you’ll only be looking at me through bulletproof glass.’
He rubbed his forehead exasperatedly. ‘God, I wish everyone would just leave us alone.’
You didn’t respond for a second, considering whether or not to tell him what you were thinking. It was something you’d been debating for a while, something you were going to bring up with him when it got closer to the end of summer.
Fuck it, now was as good a time as any.
‘We need to get out of this town. There’s nothing here for us Buck.’
He squinted at you in slight confusion. ‘You wanna move?’
‘Look I know it’s not been long, and I know there's a danger in wanting too much too soon, but I really think we could be happy somewhere else. Your parents, my parents, your weird creepy friends. We need to get away.’
He looked away, considering your proposal. You just shifted on the spot awkwardly for what felt like hours. Eventually he smiled, then grinned, and soon enough he was beaming at you.
‘Alright. Let’s get outta here.’
‘Yeah?’ Your head was spinning with possibility and optimism. ‘Where should we go?’
‘Wherever you want darlin.’
Part 7
@shawnie--jo @brilliantbellesoares @livingoffsavvyillusions @noiralei @bebeyeni @kingkassam @newyorkgoddess @sir-lili @im-squished @dancer3205 @thefallenbibliophilequote @supernaturalwintersoldier
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