#(the post is about me. this is what the refrance.)
crimeronan · 7 months
this is a bit silly but while i'm thinking about adam being low-empathy: another thing that hurt my feelings about Adam Discourse (TM) a few years back was the insistence among some people that you can't draw parallels between adam's dad and adam himself because adam's worst fear is becoming his father. this is probably uncharitable but a lot of it felt like it came from people who either hadn't been abused, OR people who HAD been abused but were Perfect Victims (TM).
like. adam isn't a perfect victim. he's vicious and temperamental and cold and easily frustrated and lashes out and cannot process his own emotions. he's stubborn and a control freak and a neurotic prey animal and he makes mistakes and he makes insane assumptions not just about himself, but also about other people.
it felt like some people read the "too much monster blood in him" line, when he's like Well I Guess I'm Broken Forever, & they were like oh nooo honey no baby you don't have any monster blood in you. you're not a monster and never could be
when the whole point is like. the whole point is that actually, adam COULD be. he could be!!! he's NOT a monster but he could be. pains are taken repeatedly to show that his first instincts are Not to nurture/care/be kind. he's (reasonably) callous about ronan's situation in the beginning, he doesn't give a fuck when kavinsky dies, his first thought about opal is "ugh i wish we could just get rid of her" and then he hates himself.
my point here is: he has to TRY. adam is trying so fucking hard for all four books. people who read him in bad faith read sins into him that he didn't commit -- wanting to hit blue once is equated to having actually hit her, etc. but people who stan him often have the opposite problem of acting like "monstrosity" is a quality that Good People couldn't have, and therefore adam can't have, because he is Good People.
adam isn't a monster. adam could easily be a monster if he stopped trying. the reason adam isn't a monster isn't bc he's a perfect victim, it's because he Gives A Fuck. u know??
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leprechaunsthings · 7 days
Dr Bright + SCP-963 Rewrite/Rework
Okay so I had a post/debate about what i would rewrite with Bright and SCP-963 and since it’s been a while (a day lol). I thought I would write out a bullet point list of my HC/Personal interpretation and rewrite of these two.
SCP-963 Rewrite
I wanted to start on the 963 first because my ideas for it changed the SCP quite a bit tbh.
SCP-963 regenerates the body of Dr. Bright. The exsnt of damage depends on how fast the the amulet repairs it
If Dr. Brught's body is fully dystroyed it takes about year for Dr. Bright to become operational and 2.5 years to be fully re-constructed.
Bright body is constistanly stuck at the age he became apart of SCP-963 (around 25-30)
Touching SCP-963 makes a mental/phycic link with the person, where Dr. Bright can Proxy through if/when required.
Dr. Bright Rewrite
Security Clearance level: 4
Special Security clerance level: ███████
Posistion: Site director of 17, 19 and 63.
Location: Where ever needed, usually at one site satated above
Education: Bioengenering and Abnormal Genetics
Raised and Educated in the Foundation due to his family having deep in the foundation itself. He is notably loyal to the foundation, however, dispalays an extrame dislike of The Cousel.
He/Him, Gay
Born Agust 12th 1874
Dosen't quite understand Sexuality and Gender, but he has the spirit.
Gambling and weed addict
Mercelously combines 1870's to modern slang
Frequantly baby sat Dr. Gears when Gears was a child
One the few who can call Gears by Charels / Charlie (Bright is basically his older brother / occasonal father figure)
Neglected Middle child
Has some strong ADHD just a really good mask
Will do Almost any dare given to Him
Bit of a prankster (it's harmless he just likes freaking ppl out sometimes)
Is 5'11, insists he is 6'0 to mess with people
Has this one 1870's vintage trench coat he wears all the time
Only flirts with people if flirted with first (probobly gose over his head most of the time tbh)
Anything relating to SCP-590 or SCP-321 is managed and handled by Dr. Bright
Slightly, but not fully, Catholic
Anyways that's my kinda rewrite / HC of Bright. Lmk of you have any ideas or questions :)
Also if you REALLY just don't want to use Dr. Bright as a name you can call him Dr. Burns Just make sure to tag me if you refrance/use him. (I highly dpubt anyone will, but just in case idk)
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harutheeclipsedfox · 1 year
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I saw the post about lil blueberry so I decided to be cute to draw my alternate timeline of underfell frisk- called Raspberry-! ^^ (I will maybe post more about Raspberry-! But for now- you shall know that they got their nickname from their love of raspberry tea. And they originally came from me roleplaying on roblox as underfell frisk and then became their own timeline *That went more into what the surface was like*) I used this as a refrance
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
I've said this in a post somewhere, but I think don't think that expected value actually works as a formalization of the intuitive idea of "rationally expected payoff". Like, let's say that a guy comes up to you and offers you a bet: flip a coin with a 1/10 probability of coming up heads and a 9/10 probability of coming up tails. If it lands on heads, he gives you ten dollars. If it lands on tails, you give him one dollar. The expected payoff is 10$*1/10 - 1$*9/10 = $1 - $.9 = ten cents. So you should take the bet! But actually, it would be irrational in the intuitive sense to expect this bet to turn out in your favor: the most likely outcome by a large margin is that you will simply loose a dollar! I personally would not take this bet, as what I would rationally expect to happen is that I'll loose money.
What the expected value is saying is that if you were given this same bet many times, then in the limit you would earn ten cents per bet. So if the same guy comes up to me and says "hey, I'll let you repeat this bet 100 times", then I would totally do it—and I could rationally expect to make money. But if he's like "you only get to try this once, then I'm leaving!" I don't think it's a rational choice for me to take the bet; I'd effectively just be handing him a dollar.
Probably you've considered this argument before and I'm just repeating stuff. Well whatever.
Anyway I'm not sure what a good formalization of "rationally expected payoff" is, but I don't think it's expected value.
The problem is that the marginal value of a dollar decreases very quickly and you cannot interpret the utility of money as just whatever corresponds to the numbers after the unit of caring $. This is a mundane point often elided in discussion by actual professional economists, whom one might have hoped to know better if one had forgotten much of their professional raisin detour is to sophistically justify the obscene riches of their capitalist masters both to the masters themselves and to us their benighted class war cannon fodder
The stuff about conservation of expected evidence tho isn’t anything to do especially with maximising expected utility. It is (I think roughly) that if ones (prior) rational credence in p is X, one should expect ones (posterior) rational credence to be X, i.e. E(E(X) = E(X) where X is 1 where p is true at 0 where p is false. This is an attempt (in a style one quickly grows accustomed to over the course of the sequences) to pass off as a trivial truth in the theory of probability a substantive falsehood in normative formal epistemology, by paying insufficient heed to the scope of the relevant operators. The Williamson refrances should explain this better than I am at the present moment in a position to (am tired and dumb and wanna play viddy games)
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eternityservedcold · 2 years
the amount of people saying “i hope all homestuck fans die and get slaughtered today” is so funny. do you want a medal? should we throw a party? should we invite chris poole
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rezmacro · 2 years
hi i’m rainy! your nice-but-not-friendly neighborhood white mage
this is a pinned post about shit you can expect to find here. sionce people want to follow this for some reason
almost everything is queued. almost nothing is proofread.
some things are tagged? #ff14 and #pkmn are what they say on the tin, #astral and #umbral are witchy stuff, #fukkin saved is for recipes and other kitchen stuff, #refrance is general stuff that is good to have on hand, #17 is cool mushrooms, #my beloved <3 are characters i am normal about in a normal amount (there are a few), #it me is for the rare occasion i like the way i look enough to post a selfie (here ahve a sample)
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this blog is “sfw” in that there shouldn’t be pr0nro posted here; that said there are suggestive text posts, nude bodies in artistic and medfical/scientific context, and it’s...not unprecedented...that i accidentally post something here that is meant for the other blog.
you shouldn’t be on tumblr at work anyway. twitter is for worktime slacking, tumblr is for hometime slacking.
as thanks for reading my pinned post, here’s that comma that works in the tags -> ‚
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kingdomoftyto · 3 years
Danny phantom and/or homestuck for the ask game?
[this is what the refrance]
Oh dear this is gonna be a long post lol. DP first:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - Probably Danny himself. Love that funky little superhero and all his puns and trauma
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - Dani, probably lol. I just want her to be happyyyyy
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - this is maybe gonna sound dumb but SAM. I feel like the fandom in recent years has decided that she's uninteresting or bad or something and in particular no one really seems to like the idea of her and Danny together romantically anymore. But I disagree with all of that and still think of her as one of my top favorite characters from the show...?? Let her be a flawed teen with dumb opinions who still loves her friends and contributes to the group dynamic, dammit.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - Hmm, hard to pick someone "obscure" when the fandom squeezes every ounce of characterization they can out of every minor character. Maybe Sam's grandma? :3 Goth kid Spike also has a lot of untapped potential.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - Everyone knows that Vlad is THE quintessential poor little meow meow, and we love him for it
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - *upends a big box of GIW agents over the plinko board and watches them flop around like the world's worst snowglobe*
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - Ghost Writer, for Poetry Crimes. Lmao j/k, a more serious answer would be Freakshow. For Clown Crimes.
aaand Homestuck:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - I will love Karkat Vantas until my dying breath
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - like... half of the cast tbh ghdsjgghasjd but if I had to pick ONE then I guess Jake
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - Over the years Tavros has really grown on me
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - Friendsim/Hiveswap probably shouldn't count but fuck it: Tyzias Entykk my beloved
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - Despite everything, I still love Dirk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - Vriska knows what she did.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - Gamzee. For Clown Crimes.
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 34
1. Sephiroth makes Cloud have a full on mental breakdown and now he feels bad. On the other hand the blond is crying into his chest, and he's really not sure what to make of that.
2. Cloud Strife: King of the Chocobos
Yuffie wouldn't stop calling him that, particularly on the account that they were being followed be no less that nine chocobos. It doesn't help that it's mating season. Yuffie keeps telling him to flirt with them to get a free ride.
3. AVALANCHE giving Nanaki a bath, which somehow induces a water war
4. Protective Cloud looking out for Tifa. He somehow gets pulled into the "Bouncer" role
5. Vincent scaring off one of Clouds many stalkers (of which, Cloud is oblivious)
6. Tifa's wolf ring can call to/ summon Cloud in cases of emergencies via the wolf emblem on his pauldron. Kinda like a summon materia
7. I'm in love with the Commander Strife thing where he joins Shinra post time travel shenanigans and fixed everything.
A. Commander Strife being babied by Genesis
B. Commander Strife becoming Zack and Clouds pseudo big brother
C. Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Cloud try, and fail, to find out Commander Strifes first name.
D. Commander Strife babying the Infantrymen and looking out for them since few people in the company actually care about them.
E. Sephiroth and Commander Strife exploring the bond through the J-cells
F. Commander Strife is given a soft light blue sweater, "so he doesn't have to wear his uniform at the mall again"
G. Kunsel is obsessed with discovering Commander Strifes backstory. He has the corkboard with pictures and string and everything!
H. "Bold of you to assume I know what I'm doing." - Commander Strife
I. Someone vandalized six large walls within Shinras training facilities. Six whole beautiful and highly detailed paintings, each portraying one of the Commanders and one of the General. The last one was all of them together, standing side by side with thier swords at the ready.
The five people in question were so flattered that the investigation was halted and the paintings remained. The perpetrator(s?) was never caught.
J. Cadet Cloud sending home a picture of him and Commander Strife together, to his mom.
She couldn't help but laugh at the goofy faces they were making.
K. Commander Fair cackling madly as he sprinted down the corridors carrying a blushing Commander Strife while being chased by an enraged cake covered Reno.
....the troops decided that they saw nothing.
L. A picture at a holiday party with the four Commanders and the General, all with hot chocolate in hand and wearing a whipped cream mustache
M. Commander Strife just hands Zack a whistle and walks away.
Curious, Commander Fair blows the whistle, and is immediately swarmed by dogs.
N. Genesis drags Strife out on a spa day
O. The Commanders were all in a room when Zack started asking hypothetical questions about thigh high socks and stuff.
He questions how they keep them from sliding down.
Strife answers the question without thinking, and grumbled about how uncomfortable sagging thigh highs were.
He froze, jaw closing with an audible click and slowly looked behind him to see Genesis and Zack looking at him with an odd gleam in thier eyes.
"And pray tell, little bird," Genesis cooed with a overly sweet voice, "how would you know that?"
The blond panicked a little, "It's a long story."
Zack snuck up to his side and linked thier arms together, "A story that you will definitely be telling us...if you don't want any rumors!"
Cloud stared that them in disbelief, "You're blackmailing me?"
"Of course!" The redhead sang.
P. Cloud making Genesis a custom LOVELESS themed motorcycle as thanks for letting him cry on his shoulder. Literally.
Q. Everyone is in honeybee outfits. Reno snaps a picture, and runs for his life.
R. Commander Strife is confronted by a man who claims to be his father, which he knows is impossible for time traveler reasons.
He quickly realizes what the man wants when the guy demands a DNA test...after all, the science department has been practically foaming at the mouth, wanting a sample of his DNA.
S. Sephiroth never gave up on figuring out what the mysterious blonde was hiding. He becomes even more invested in his investigation when he hears him mention the Wutai princess by her first name. Suspicious.
T. While he was on the run with AVALANCHE, Strife had always slept with his group. Being the way he was he unconsciously sought out things that were both soft and firm to use as a pillow, which often lead him to sleeping on his team mates.
He wake with his head resting on Vincents chest, Barrets arm or Tifas abs and always, always, always, they would wake him gently by running thier fingers through his hair.
He missed them so much.
U. Vincent has rejoined the world, but refuses to fully rejoin the Turks. This doesn't stop them from throwing him a birthday party.
V. Vincent is commonly referred to as "Vincent the Vampire" and "My Valentine" by Zack and Genesis respectively.
W. Cloud met the chairman/ chairwoman for his fanclub and he realy wishes he didn't.
X. Commander Fair is forbidden from picking movies at movie night. Thats what he gets for bringing X-rated movies, Though the part that Strife didn't like was that everyone was trying to cover his eyes and ears. He wasn't a child!
Y. Commander Strife runs into younger Tifa and has to explain that no, he is not Cloud.
She doesn't believe him.
Z. Zack, Kunsel, and Sephiroth somehow wind up inside Commander Strifes head and decide to snoop. They find out everything and aren't sure how to proceed.
8. Time travel fix it, but from Kunsels perspective
9. Time travel fix it, but from Zacks point of view and he gets caught up in the madness
10. Time travel fix it, but from random SOLDIERS/ Turks point of view
11. Clouds mom goes back in time and takes her 13 year old son by the hand and, armed with only a few materia, marched into the ShinRa mansion and went strait to Vincent.
She gives the wide eyed Turk the tounge lashing of a lifetime. She becomes enraged however, after the former ShinRa spy gives her some flimsy excuse and slams his coffin closed. Long story short, she drags the man out by his cloak with her son close behind, fiddling with his small sword and glaring at the man as if daring him to do anything to his Ma.
Valentine is baffled.
12. Reno makes the wrong move and Cloud finally snaps, telling him exactly where he can shove his rod
13. Cloud is just so tired of being grossly hit on and sexually harassed. He starts coming up with one liners/ insults /refrances to combat the crude remarks.
Woman: How big is your ****?
Cloud: *said in the tone of those tootsiepop commercials* The world may never know.
14. Tifa gets turned into a frog, but doesn't turn back. Even when using maidens kisses and ensuna she remained an amphibian.
Aerith convinces Cloud to kiss Tifa, which he does, shyly on the cheek. She poofs back to her normal self and they both blush while the flower girl giggles.
No one even suspected that it was her doing.
15. Sephiroth revives and meets Cloud and Tifa's kids, who took one look at him and decided to latch onto his legs and demand his attention.
They also boldly declared him to be thier uncle/ the moon God, and tell him all about thier wierd family.
They told Sephiroth that he'd fit right in with AVALANCHE, to which he genuinely laughed at the irony of the situation.
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specialagentartemis · 4 years
People are really into Lambert Week here on Wolf 359 tumblr (because it was great), so here I am presenting: a canon-divergence (quite literally) AU (also literally) that spins off of that.
What if... I took the “Lambert watches the events of the Wolf 359 liveshow” entirely seriously?  Lambert gets a vision of the future.  He is ordered not to tell Captain Lovelace.
He tells Captain Lovelace.
Weird things start happening to the timeline.
Rated T, no romantic ships, lots of friendships and enemyships.
Also, part of the reason I’m getting back on tumblr is to have a place to archive all my Behind The Scenes thoughts where I don’t feel self-conscious rambling about them.
I know I always love reading about what authors are thinking when they wrote something, and I always have Lots Of Stuff that I’m thinking when I write things, but I always feel so... vain and self-conscious expounding on it because Who Cares.
So that’s what tumblr’s gonna be for.  Every week I’m gonna post a chapter on AO3, and then here’s gonna be my rambles about my thoughts and Explaining What The Refrance.
- This fic will totally be an excuse to indulge in Weird Sci-fi Stuff, off-kilter timelines, paradoxes, unreality, more than a little recapturing of what I’m loving about the flashback scenes of Harrow the Ninth, and Lovelace and Lambert being friends.  And Lambert and Rhea being friends.  Both of those are very important to me.
Chapter 1, Prologue:
- because I need to have an explanation for what’s going on in my head to explain what does and doesn’t work re: time travel: my idea was that, the star turning blue and going haywire at the end of Season 2 also caused weird time fluctuations and all sorts of strange and inexplicable events that went alongside the whole “turning blue” thing.  One of those weird time effects was sending security footage that was in the process of broadcasting back to Earth back into the past instead.  That’s how this all started - an accidental side effect of the Dear Listeners not really caring how freaky their “attempt at welcoming Eiffel was, haha.
- “Peter Kuiper” is the product of an extremely useful bit-character naming algorithm.  Gabriel Urbina has mentioned that when he needed a minor Goddard employee for Cutter to talk to, he grabbed a name from the Bible.  Not sure this is supposed to be Implying anything; I leave that to your discretion.  It makes choosing canon-compliant minor character names very easy, though.  Catholic school + currently taking a statistics class gives me plenty of biblical name/mathematician combos. 
- The name “Kuiper” was chosen specifically, though, from the theory that Cutter steals the bodies of employees when he wears out his welcome in his old one, body-hopping promising young Goddard employees.  When your coworker suddenly gets promoted to Communications Director and the old CD quietly retires and nobody hears from him again... well, you don’t ask questions.  Cutter seems to have a preference for K/C-R names, though, so I imagine he keeps an eye out for appropriate candidates... and Rachel is aware of this and keeps potential candidates on the correct promotional tracks.  (Maybe also why she chose the name “Young” - Cutter has never been a woman before, but just to be on the safe side, latch onto a name with all the wrong sounds in it...)
Chapter 2, “Live Psychodrama”:
- I have a hard time coming up with titles most of the time... but I love giving chapter titles to serial works.  Partially I think it makes serial following more fun and interesting, partially it helps me keep track of what plot point happened where, partially it’s sometimes a place to stick another obnoxious reference because I think I’m clever.  (Someday I’m going to write my epic tragic longfic about the last days of the Lovelace Administration and every chapter will be titled after a line from a different filk song, and then you’ll all be sorry.  Specifically you’ll all be sorry I’m allowed to post things on AO3.)
- I will never stop putting references to the OC Squad in my fics.  Someday I will write real things about them.  In the meantime you just get oblique references.
- A while ago, upon rereading the script for “Change of Mind,” as u do, I came away with the new realization that Lambert and Rhea seemed notably closer to each other than to the others - Lambert was Rhea’s favorite, and Lambert was friendly with Rhea in a way that wasn’t as stiff and awkward as he was with his human crewmates.  Lambert week was extremely validating in that regard.  Lambert is ready to throw down for AI rights!
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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So, Homestuck 2 posted a bonus update of three minor characters, who are (Left to right),  Imode Kurita, Avril Thorpe, and Silas P. Beauregard III. I won’t post more than this of it because it’s paywall content, but I’m stumped on something. 
“Imode Kurita” (blue jacket, left) has a typing quirk where they use emojis in their speech somehow. The emojis we know today were first developed on the i-mode phone OS, and were developed by Shigetaka Kurita, so that’s a pretty clever and hard-to-catch reference. It made me wonder about the other two.
“Avril Thorpe” (center), uses hashtags a lot. Hashtags were invented by....Chris Messina, which isn’t even close. Searching Avril Thorpe just finds real people with this name. The only famous Avril I can think of is Avril Lavigne, but that has nothing to do with hashtags....
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Though it has everything to do with Avril Thorpe’s outfit, so apparently that IS what the refrance, at least for the first name. I don’t get WHY it’s the refrance, though. Thorpe is from “octothorpe”, which is what the hashtag shape is called, so that’s easy, but the Avril Lavigne thing I don’t get. Maybe it’ll make sense in a future update.
So that leaves Silas P. Beauregard III, and I’m a little stumped. “Silas” is a last name normally, and she’s dressed like an old-timey reporter and has a slightly old-timey way of speaking even though this bonus arc is about social media influencers. Since Avril Thorpe was two references, I tried searching for the two names sepearate. I think the “P Beauregard III” is from Confederate civil war general Pierre G.T. Beauregard, who’s famous for his late-in-life conversion to being a civil rights activist, just because that’s the name that keeps coming up. There’s a Civil War happening, and “Grand-daughter of a civil war general being a 1930s reporter” tracks, but it seems like a reach? Though if we’re going with the civil war references, the Silas might be Silas Chandler, a slave who was at the front lines of the civil war on the confederate side and was long considered the one black confederate soldier until the mid-1990s when everyone was all “wait he was literally a slave” and his descendants had the confederate monument to him removed. And given that Silas and P. Beauregard both lead to people who fought for the confederate army and later either decided slavery was bad or had their historical role updated, and this happens
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Maybe that is the intended pair of references? Did I do it? Did I crack the code? Did I solve the boring mystery that maybe didn’t need solving? 
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that's dumb but sometimes I still think about that one ex friend. Like she would love dsmp plot. She would analyse the shit out of it. She would life for Hamilton refrances. I know Las Nevadas would be her favourite arc. She would love Techno and SBI and probably would read Passarine in one sitting. I know she would move to hermitcraft with me or even before me but now. She would love Cloe and Joe. Jellie would be her favourite too. I know she would die for flower husbands.
And then I remember she would not get into it because moment I will tell her I'm watching minecraft roleplay she would call it childish. She would make me feel even more ashamed of enjoying it then I sometimes feel now. Later she would discover it on her own and get into it but act like she liked it from the start and ignore that I tried to get her into it. She would not shut up about it but wouldn't let me say my opinion or call my takes stupid.
And still miss her because I know her theories would be amazing. Her AUs would be immaculate. But I wouldn't be able to post any of my art here If I knew she would see it. I would to afraid to make my own posts. In a way she's a reason why I'm afraid to talk about my hobbies to people. But she's also the reason why I have any.
I miss her so much but I'm so glad she's no longer in my life. It's easier without her. But also emptier. And sadder. I miss having someone who I could share passions like this. But I don't miss being criticised all the time.
And if she somehow sees it because we still follow each other here even though I'm not sure she uses silly app like tumbler anymore. I hope she reads it and understand what I adored about her and what made me cut her off.
And Charlie Slimecicle would be her favourite of all. I just know her and I'm sad I can't hear her ramble about him.
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fata-vocant · 3 years
Hey this is Homestuck Dante anon. I was asking because when I was 13 my friend got me into Homestuck by saying "Bro I was reading Detective Pony and I found a reference to the Inferno guy you like" -- you know the chapter that starts Now, at the end of Acorn’s lifelong journey / He found himself deep in a silent wood etc etc?--and I saw you reblog that post about Karkat a while ago. I honestly don't really know about the common themes I just thought it was funny. Sorry for the block of text.
oh my god… so that’s what the refrance…
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solluxisms replied to your post: your dream of the day: dream Weaver keeps best...
I was - and am still - so confused because my main class in Guild Wars 2 is the Weaver, a subset of the elementalist, that weaves together the four elements (I am the avatar; it is me). You are definitely referring to something else but it’s driving me bonkers because I don’t get what the refrance, to quote Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
I mean it was a dream I had and summarized in post mostly just to record it (typing is faster than hand writing) but I guess I am referring to a person who, in the context of my dream at least, is able to create imaginary worlds in which they can trap people, perhaps through technology (this person was also apparently an ai) or through magic (they were also a princess). so they create a dream in which they can make other people live, hence dream weaver.
also there’s this song:
which now that I think about it, could be why there was a train in my dream
and also why I had this song stuck in my head all day
man the subconscious is a weird fuckin thing haha. could do with less giant spiders tho
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