#(trauma and righteous anger)
laufire · 6 months
also while we're at this jason is far less of an "unreliable" narrator than you always act like he is, you just can't accept the other bats ever fuck up.
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lacefuneral · 1 year
hares really are such a bizarre animal to me though.
let's take a rabbit and make it Long and Haunted and Ready To Kill
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gulava · 1 year
Sometimes I forget to tell myself it’s okay to admit that I’m angry because anger isn’t inherently violent like the way I’ve experienced it from others.
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suispiria · 2 years
I really could talk about it for hours kaladin was a doctor in training forced to join the military by the village’s rich guy that had a grudge against his family then he’s wrongly convicted to a life sentence because another rich guy wanted what he won in battle THEN it turns out the life sentence consists of slave labor of the suicide mission kind where they’re sent to the frontlines having to carry huge planks of wood and they’re unarmed human shields and bridges for the army and it only stops because his crew develops superpowers and the king’s council turns them into a super task force and this is all framed as a good thing . Insanity
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
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vizthedatum · 1 year
I came home, and I want to throw up and cry. And not just because I’m sick or because of narcissistic abuse.
It’s because I’m channeling my human right of being righteously angry at the audacity of people who can just use others, especially those with visibly less privileges, and just… leave them.
It’s so stupid - like there’s no common sense?
No empathy?
And I know. I’ve known since I can remember as a young child that there are people who walk around like empty husks or self-involved assholes who pretend to be good to just placate their need to be seen as “good.”
And I will still be angry even while knowing. And I feel fucking good about it. Because if I stay angry, I can actually do something about it.
And I am.
What the fuck are YOU doing?
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luulapants · 7 months
How about a story where the hero realizes that the villain has the capacity to change and for once, instead of convincing them to turn themself in and take responsibility for their crimes, understands that prison is the absolute worst environment in which to heal from trauma and make positive changes to one's relationship with society. The hero keeps the villain out of prison but then realizes they are now responsible for babysitting an unredeemed villain, what a monumental task they've taken on. In a moment of righteous anger, they lament the lack of non harmful options at their disposal. Prison will make them worse, but otherwise how can the hero ensure they do no more harm?
This is the hero's villain origin story.
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horde-princess · 1 year
feel like i need to watch this movie 3 times but one thing i thought was an interesting change from the graphic novel was that very little of the destruction in the final scene was caused by nimona herself - most of it was because of the soldiers shooting at her as she made her way to the statue. and then the director attempting to wipe out half the kingdom just to kill her. it really drives home how queerphobia is based on unfounded fears and how a society that vilifies us and mocks the value of diversity in general is only hurting itself.
another big change is nimona risking her life to save the kingdom from itself, a kingdom that always hated her (after one guy showed her there might be something worth saving). though i love the graphic novel's take on it too i think both endings are brilliant in different ways. to me it shows the shift in nd stevenson's work, from a story grounded in righteous anger when he was young and in the middle of processing a ton of trauma, to one that reflects a confidence about who he is and his place in the world as a bigender person fighting for justice. nimona saying "it's time to rewrite this story" is so fucking meta
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traumatrivias · 2 years
Sometimes I miss how angry I was
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autisticrosewilson · 4 months
The thing about the All-Blades and killing "true evil" is that evil is subjective right, and I imagine he can sense more mundane evil too he just doesn't feel the same call to use the blades. But like, I think it's fair to say that the Joker is the exception. I think even aside from the trauma Jason can feel the pull to rid the world of him. Imagine being Jason "literal divine power of justice" Todd and having Bruce tell you that actually you don't get to decide who lives or dies. Your anger is literally so righteous and purifying that you have magic swords attached to your soul and some rich man is telling you that you can't play god. I would be soooo mad like what are you even talking about. Perhaps you can't but I am the subject of a prophecy and also probably immortal and also I'm definitely not entirely human anymore. So.
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Ive seen an influx in posts asking the LGBT community to hold itself accountable for ace/aro bigotry and they're fucking right.
How are we supposed to hold homophobes and transphobes accountable and demand they do better when we won't even do that for each other?
We're a community right? A family who's supposed to look out for each other? What happened to everyone being valid? Is a sibling saying "you hurt me, please correct it somehow" not valid?
For my part I'll admit I was part of this.
I was on the side of the asexual exclus back in the late 00's/early 10's. I was deep in the belief that oppression had to be systematic in order to count and at the time I didn't see any systematic oppression faced by aces. I even identified as ace and I didn't consider myself oppressed for being asexual. I saw the hostility and vitriol directed at aces everyday...but I didn't see it as wrong. I didn't see it as bigotry. I saw it as righteous anger.
I know how awful things were because I was one of the people making them that way. There is Real trauma that was experienced. There's no fucking way that a normal person could be invalidated that much and take the vitriolic bigotry aces/aros did everyday and have it not leave a lasting impact.
I fucked up. That was wrong and awful of me and I'm genuinely so fucking sorry.
I see the broken trust and promises between us now in 2023 and I see how shattered the community is and it's partly my fault. That gap is there because of me and people like me.
We should have loved and supported and welcomed you. We should have saw the way you were being treated and said something. You deserved to be protected and loved and supported from people who treated you that way.
And you weren't. We didn't. And it was normalized.
We absolutely fucking failed you as a community and as human beings. I need to own that. And I need to be one of the first people to trying to repair that.
And I know an apology is barely even a first step and I know it's just a drop in a giant bucket but I am sorry. For everything it's worth to you, I'm sorry.
Because of me and people like me you experienced the kind of identity trauma that typically only homophobes are capable of. And you experienced it at the hands of the community that's supposed to be fighting specifically that sort of ignorance against a-typical sexualities.
We fucked up
And it'd just be hypocritical salt in the wound if 10+ years later we ignored your asks for accountability and didn't do anything about it when it's resurfacing.
So yeah.
I was a bigot. I hurt people. I hurt my own community. I thought I was right and I wasn't. I was wrong. And so is everyone who insists on continuing that today.
There is no excuse or justification for it. I thought there was too but I was wrong and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making up for it.
Whatever justification you find for treating people with a-typical sexualities and genders is shit. It has no leg to stand on and it sure as hell isn't being done for the sake of the community.
The LGBT community was founded not by people with checklists on how to be a Good Gay or Acceptable trans woman but by people being treated like shit for who they were choosing to love or not love. It was founded by people who's gender didn't fit in cishet boxes. It was founded by people who just wanted to be free to exist as themselves.
You can't treat asexuals or aros or bisexuals or pansexuals like shit and say that it's in the name of the LGBT community.
It's not.
It spits in the face of everything our community is supposed to be and it's time someone besides aces and aros said it.
None of us should be okay with how they're treated and all of us should be part of stopping it
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cosmic-light-fics · 3 months
My favorite scene by a long shot in season 3 is in episode 3 Doors. It's so brief and it's impact on me is shockingly large.
Starting at 25:59 and ending at 27:05.
Everything is becoming too overwhelming for Carmy. He's caving in, lashing out louder and louder as his past and traumas pile on top of him. He's losing the fight for self control. "Hands, please!" "Fucking hands!"
The orchestral music is replaced with this jarring rendition of something sinister and it swells the longer Carmy loses his control.
He's right on the brink of losing it.
Shouts. "WHAT THE FUCK!"
He's right there. A hairsbreadth away from from spiraling into true chaos. The Carmy from 1x07 review. He's right there. It's just about to happen.
And then-
Sydney. Softly. "Hey."
The jarring music abruptly fades away. The squeezing terror you feel on your heart loosens. Carmy breathes.
Sydney. "I need you to calm down."
But he pushes back against it, tries to double down. Tries to hold on to the dominating anger he feels is necessary for the kitchen.
"They're going too fucking slow!" But it's not confident. He's pleading, not commanding. Trying to make her see that his anger is righteous, when he knows it's not.
Sydney, cutting him off, more firmly and still soft. "I am not asking. You need to calm down."
Carmy stares into Sydney's eyes. Regaining control. Coming down from the spiral.
"I'm not your fucking babysitter." An implicit reminder that she can't keep regulating his emotions. He must get a better hold on himself.
He agrees. Whispering back. "Yes, chef." Yes, he needs to calm down. Yes, he understands she's not his babysitter.
But he still won't acknowledge that her very presence is what tames the spiral. He can't regulate anything without acknowledging and confronting those triggers.
The quick, fast-paced orchestra picks back up again.
Once Sydney leaves his side, the calm she brought is gone.
The moment is fleeting.
The cycle continues.
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teojira · 4 months
(Planet of the apes) Please can you give me anything about Caesar like head cannons a fanfic anything please I am just in the mood for Caesar :(
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[Assortment of Caesar headcanons]
Summary: Just random headcanons for Caesar x reader <3
Warnings: Monster/Human romance, angst, can't think of anything else!
A/N: Caesar my BELOVED, I hope these are okay anon! You didn't specify if you wanted romantic or platonic so I'll do a mix of both that you can read as either or! I love my man sm
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Caesar is an old man at this point, he's tired. This being said, he is not above pinning you down and resting his entire fucking body weight on you.
You can struggle all you want, you cannot lift him up and you just have to sit there and let him do what he wants. And what he wants is to have 5 minutes of quiet with his favorite human, okay? Let him have this.
Caesar also takes it upon himself to help groom you, parting your hair, scratching at your scalp and checking you for anything, taking your face in his hands and twisting and turning your head every which way.
Very very huge worrier, he worries for you so much and it comes out as anger. He's not mad at you for doing what he seems stupid shit, he's mad because he's scared of you getting hurt and he can't fix it.
He usually won't leave you alone without at least one ape he trusts in the beginning, he's worried about another ape like Koba emerging, so for his sake, please stick around with Maurice.
Maurice loves you by the way, and so does Nova. Since you're immune to the sickness, you're able to freely interact with her, so whenever you're not with Caesar or Cornelius, you're with them.
Caesar watches you alot when you're not looking, especially when you're laughing and smiling with the young girl. It fills his heart with warmth, even more so when you include other apes in on your jokes.
Give him hugs, he'll never admit just how touch starved he is, the only apes he has physical affection with often were Cornelia, Blue eyes and Koba. He won't admit it that he misses it, but he gets a little huffy if you go on to hug Rocket and not him.
You make him feel younger, almost like how he used to be when he was with Will. Yes, he's a leader and he will always predominantly be the collected and righteous leader, but he has his little shit tendencies that come out when he's around you.
I don't care what anyone says, Caesar is asshole at his core, he's just repressed it because he's a leader. He's the kind of person to have a bug in his hand, and gesture for you to open your palm.
"Open your hand."
"...I don't trust you."
"You do trust me, now open."
And then you have a centipede in your hand and you screech and he just smirks and huffs out a laugh.
I've said it before but he is so overprotective, you will not leave the confines of the colony if he can help it.
He knows you're a grown adult, and that you are capable of holding your own but he doesn't care. He much rather have you here when he can keep an eye out for you.
That being said, he will go with you if you're insistent, he has to teach Cornelius how to hunt and fish anyways, so you come with. It's a family day trip:)
Caesar doesn't like guns, but he gives you a pistol, it's a huge sign of trust due to losing his wife and son by them, by being shot by them, and you know he's trusting you with his life.
Speaking of trauma, he littered with it. Sleep doesn't come as easy to him anymore, he's too anxious, to the point you're scared he'll have a heart attack.
The only way you've found that he'll relax enough to sleep is when you and Cornelius are by his side, his arms wrapped around the both of you.
He finds it hard to tell you about Cornelia, especially since you're both teetering on the verge of something more, he feels like he's betraying her, but you reassure him you'll wait for him as long as he needs. Never overstepping any boundary he has.
He loves you, truly he does, he didn't think he could continue on, even with getting everyone to relative safety, but you've always been there, loving not only him, but everyone else around you. He doesn't know what he'd do without you.
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
i don not understand this strategy of pretending that trans men never suffer, and if they do it's always below the amount of suffering that trans women face. i cannot understand how such a strategy could benefit trans women at all? why do so many people fall into that line of thinking
Tbh I don't think it's pretending.
I think it's just that people are hurt and blinded by that hurt, especially when there are communities that encourage an us vs them mindset towards other vulnerable people. Transfems' trauma and suffering isn't taken seriously by society, they are often left to rot without support by their communities.
Combine that with the pre-existing transmasc erasure: most people don't really know much about the kinds of things transmascs can experience. Most people rely on their cultural knowledge on transmascs' and their interpersonal experiences, which leaves a fuckton of holes in our understanding.
Ultimately, to be pretentious about the whole thing, people want to be heard and have their pain validated. And because we are deeply insecure creatures, we often end up seeing other people, unfairly, as our enemies in this goal. When that feeling interacts with internalized biases, you get people who make wildly inaccurate claims about others in an effort to validate their own pain. There's a reason that screenshotted post is a single sentence for the transmasc and then an entire, in-detail example for the transfem. The point, to me, seems to be venting about the pain of anti-transfeminine violence. But because Tumblr, the OP felt the need to rope in a vague strawman of a transmasc who exists for no other reason than to be Whiny and Less Oppressed based off the OP's view of how transmascs experience the violence of gender. It makes no sense if you, like, critically think about how misogyny works or if you talk to transmascs (especially those raised in strongly conservative cultures). But the point was never to be accurate about transmasc experiences in the first place.
The same thing happens with TERFs. Many of them have real, genuine trauma and pain that comes from their experiences with misogyny. But, because of pre-existing internalized transphobia and the influence of their TERF community, they feel the need to frame this pain through the lens of trans women being super privileged. They have only a bare understanding of the violence and hatred trans women face, but the point isn't to be accurate about trans women. It's about getting to that feeling of righteous anger and being heard via making a strawman out of a group you are already predisposed to hating.
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strawberrystepmom · 11 months
izuku x f!reader. enemies to lovers au, workshopped with @izvmimi <33333 her follow up part can be found here. wc 3.6k.
With an exasperated sigh, Izuku points the remote that looks comically small in his hand toward the flat screen TV screwed into his office wall to turn the volume up the moment you come on screen. 
“This week, yet another family was displaced by the inaction of heroes. When the focus shifted from merely catching villains rather than protecting the public…”
Your voice drifts into a blur, the man choosing to focus on your mouth and how it’s moving rather than what you’re saying. Plush and soft, topped with camera ready shimmering gloss. Your eyes are wide and doe like, your cheeks round and trustworthy. You’re the picture of empathy, pretty and polished, immaculate in every way.
It certainly isn’t hard to imagine why VOHSV, Victims of Hero Supported Violence, picked you as their spokesperson. Who else could manage this busy talk show circuit with expert precision? Watching you play the crowd and hosts’ emotions like a violin makes him roll his eyes but he can’t deny you are damn good. 
Your message is infuriating to him and his colleagues but at least you look like heaven sent while spreading it. It’s probably why everything you say spreads like wildfire across the social media apps he has open on his unlocked phone that rests on his desk. 
He’s listened to your spiel enough times that he can already fill in the blanks of what you’re saying but he picks up the remote and turns the volume up an additional click to be certain you haven’t deviated from your usual points. Costly property damage, displacement, lack of available care to those affected by the trauma of villain attacks, blah, blah, blah.
The interviewer appears on screen as the camera pans, nodding at the last comment you made that Izuku didn’t care to actually listen to.  
“And how does your organization suggest the Commission begin combating these issues?”
The camera is quick to pan back to you with your perfect smile, teeth striking and bright and dazzling. The man watching from his oversized office and overstuffed chair clenches his fist watching you, uncertain if it’s annoyance or desire that fills his chest, but he doesn’t look away despite the flashing red light on his desk phone telling him he’s being paged by his assistant. 
“I am personally calling upon the top heroes to do better.” Your smile doesn’t waver and the camera zooms in on your head and shoulders, allowing your next impassioned plea to land directly where you intend it to. “Deku, you claim you care, yet you are responsible for the most costly property damage caused by a hero in Japanese history. How do you explain that with that big smile plastered on your face?”
Bold of you to be taunting the man chuckling humorlessly from his desk about plastered on smiles with a high definition flat screen sized Cheshire grin of your own on your face but he appreciates the audacity. 
“Be a hero instead of just talking about being one.”
Perhaps if your life’s path were different you’d be a hero just like him or maybe he’d even be you, full of righteous anger toward those who only wish to help no matter the means. Or collateral. 
Without thinking, Izuku pulls his phone off of the top of his desk and his jaw slackens when he presses the little pen in the corner of the current most popular app in the app store. The speed of his thumbs is almost impressive, big hands on a little phone screen won’t stop the number one hero, and he smirks when his phone pings letting him know his post has gone live. 
Deku (@fight4smiles)
Name the time and place, VOHSV. I’ll gladly drop a check by to cover some of the damage you allege I’ve been doing. 
He gets to see your reaction in real time, the camera panning from you to the interviewer who grins excitedly, pressing on their in ear microphone and back. The man chuckles to himself, swinging back and forth in his chair, lips curved into a smirk. 
“It appears the current number one hero has responded to your challenge. He’s willing to meet.”
Your smile droops but you’re quick to put it back in place, brows raised and head nodding wildly. The adversarial relationship between the two of you is nothing new, Deku having spent the better part of this entire year ducking and dodging your direct invitations to speak with the VOHSV. 
He watches you smack your lips together and purse them, primly placing your hands in your lap and laughter comes easily. It’s no big deal to him to cut a check to help put some buildings back together, the many zeros on the end of his bank balance just one of the many perks of being at the top but it has never been about that for him.
Deep down, he knows he’ll never change your mind about your crusade but he would love to shut you up at least for a little while. 
“How brave of him to finally step up. I will be reaching out to him soon with details.”
The red light on Izuku’s desk phone continues to blink wildly and just as he leans forward to answer it, his office door opens and his assistant stares at him with disbelief with the current number two Dynamight hot on their heels, pulling his mask off of his head and gently shoving them out of the way.
The assistant scurries back to their position outside of Deku’s office as quickly as possible, allowing the men privacy.
“Why did you do that?” 
Izuku looks down at his cell phone and tosses it on his desk with a relaxed shrug. He catches a glance at your pretty face one last time before shutting the TV off, tossing the remote aside and turning his attention toward Katsuki with his arms folded over his chest. 
“You know that you’re giving them what they want, right? Giving these shitheads attention is just going to create more of ‘em.”
More of them - outspoken victims’ rights activists. VOHSV is simply one of many groups that have cropped up over the last several years as hero academies have continued to churn out bigger and better heroes with every graduating class. It has been a decade since Izuku and Katsuki graduated and the classes after them have only become stronger, a source of pride for both of the men, given their hefty donations to their alma mater. 
Sure the battles have become bigger, spectacles to be adapted into films and documentaries later, but isn’t that what being a hero is all about? What’s left behind after you save the day, no matter who may be affected?
The heroes of today are simply doing what they’ve been taught to do and that’s save the day no matter the cost. It’s hard to hold it against them when it’s systemic and historically that has been the main reason why most advocacy groups have fallen apart but not the VOHSV. They are succeeding because they have you, coiffed to perfection and ready to take anyone you can to task, including the devilishly handsome and arrogant man topping the hero charts.
Izuku sighs, his phone buzzing persistently on the desk in front of him. It’s certainly his agent or his PR team or someone eager to scold him for what he’s done so he ignores it, sliding the little piece of metal aside.
“I’d care more if their points were valid but we both know they aren’t. I’ll cut a check, flash a smile, and hopefully make their mouthpiece look silly enough she’ll stop doing press circuits. It seems like a winning situation to me.”
Bakugou snorts, unimpressed with the answer.
“What if this backfires and you look stupid?”
Izuku’s phone continues to buzz and he opens his desk drawer, sliding the device inside rather than deal with the issue at hand. He’ll comfort everyone later, what matters the most to him right now is when you’ll be brave enough to reach out to show him your hand. Right now, he has you backed into a corner and he simply wants to watch you make your way out of it, smug that he’s the one who has you pinned there.
“Impossible. People don’t take these organizations seriously enough for me to look stupid.”
Katsuki snorts, leaning against the door frame rather than fully entering the office. He was asked to stop by earlier this week, the two of them supposed to be ironing out details to appear at a hospital opening in another part of the city, but the task has clearly been put aside for a petty online feud headed by the Beacon of Hope himself.
“I think you’re already stupid.”
Izuku offers a curt smile and nods at his friend.
“I’ll take that into consideration along with all of your other opinions, don’t worry.” 
Any further argument between the two is cut short when Deku’s assistant bursts back onto the scene, peeking around the door frame. 
“Uh…the VOHSV spokesperson is on the phone for you, Mr. Midoriya.”
Izuku laughs and raises his brows, shifting forward in his chair and pressing the flashing line one button indicating a call is waiting. He presses his thick finger to his lips to encourage Bakugou and his assistant to be quiet and he hits the speaker button immediately.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.”
It takes all of you not to toss your phone across the room at the sound of his voice through your speaker. You’re in the back of a chauffeured vehicle, phone pressed to your ear so hard you swear that your cheek and head are going to hurt later, nursing a bottle of water in your free hand. 
You weren’t expecting to hear from him so soon, either.
“I figured since you are so eager and have so much to say we may as well get this over with. We have an event on Friday night and you will be forwarded the details on location and attire and we are anticipating your donation of over five million yen. It will help many who have been harmed due to your recklessness.”
The blood pulsing in his ears makes the room seem smaller, the walls caving in on him with your words. You’re so adversarial toward him, so eager to bite and nip and bat with your claws out, and he wants to know why. What happened to make you distrust people like him so much? 
Remembering he’s the one who has you backed into a corner, he shifts in his chair and tents his fingers on the desk in front of him.
“I’ll have your check, don’t worry. I won’t let you look silly in front of the fourteen VOHSV supporters you have to impress.”
You scoff incredulously. There is something seriously wrong with this man, his arrogance blinding his common sense. Your fingers ache where they grip into the metal sides of your phone and the driver keeps shifting his gaze from the road to the mirror to see your face twist into varying degrees of frustration and anger. Taking a deep breath, you let your lips curve into a smile and narrow your eyes. 
Focus. You have him where you want him.
“I didn’t realize this conversation was meant for stooping to petty insults but I can’t say I’m shocked. It’s hardly a surprise you refuse to take anyone else’s safety given your own personal record of injured civilians while you’re handling villain attacks.”
Bakugou’s jaw drops and Izuku leans forward to lift the phone from its cradle, pressing the button to turn it off speaker at near record speed. It takes all of his self control to keep from snapping the cord in two knowing it would effectively end the call and thus his opportunity to antagonize you further.
“Well, you aren’t the only one who has done their homework. We pulled a profile on you months ago and know your entire background. You have no relevant experience that would allow you to criticize heroes the way that you do. Put yourself in our shoes.”
You snort from the other end of the phone, impressed by how bad he is at lying. Arrogance has truly won out over any logic this man may have in his entire body and you suck your teeth, jaw slackening because you have truly won this round.
“See, Deku, here’s the thing. If you were telling the truth about anything you just said then you would already know that I am a graduate of an international hero academy. I have been where you are, or at least wanted to be, but then I came to my senses. I used to hope you’d be able to do the same but it appears my faith was misplaced.”
Now Izuku’s jaw drops, his emerald eyes darting across the room as though the words he needs will magically spring forth from the walls. Sadly, nothing happens and he sits there with his mouth agape dumbly. 
“I look forward to seeing you on Friday. Don’t forget that check.”
You pull the phone from your ear and end the call, laughing to yourself knowing that you left this cocky asshole speechless. He mimics your motion in his own office, pulling his desk phone from his ear and placing it back where it belongs. As badly as he wants to be frustrated by the loss to you, he’s impressed by how easily you hit back without an ounce of fear or worry of what you’re getting yourself into.
A woman as beautiful as she is brave and irritating.
He feels his cock stiffen slightly in his sweatpants the longer he thinks about it and frowns, immediately thinking of exploding buildings and grandmas to distance himself from the fact he’s into how eagerly you spar with him.
His assistant and Bakugou both stare at him, his friend laughing and turning on his heel to leave, waving dismissively.
“Like I said Deku, you’re already stupid. Have fun on Friday.”
Izuku’s assistant follows suit and closes the door behind them, giving him time to lick his wounds.
The rest of the week continues like his weeks usually do. He’s called four times to handle villain attacks, each one ending a little less destructive than the last, and Thursday is when he sees you on TV again, smiling brightly on a different talk show in the same time slot you were in on Monday.
He keeps the TV muted, uninterested in what you have to say about the people he saved this week, but he watches your mouth move silently. His eyes narrow every time your tongue darts out, the tip of it wetting your bottom lip and his freckled cheeks heat when your lips twist into that winning smile. 
That damned smile.
This man has made bringing smiles to faces his entire personality since the day he zipped up his prototype suit years ago, vowing on that day to work as hard as he could no matter how bleak things seemed. It worked and it’s what he’s known for, joy and hope and safety the things he strives for the most. 
Watching you smile while calling his character into question makes him simultaneously furious and hard again and he has to cross his legs and imagine those same exploding buildings when you press your lips together on the screen in front of him. 
A knock on the office door captures his attention and his assistant opens the door, clipboard in hand.
“You have a tux fitting for tomorrow.”
Reaching for the remote he turns his TV off and rises with a nod. Everyone knows you have to look your very best for your biggest battles and he has no intention of showing up to meet you face to face looking like anything less than a magazine cover.
He just never imagined you’d do the same yet here you stand, 8 pm on Friday night, draped in dazzling gold silk that hugs every inch of your body. You’re taller than he expected, one long leg jutting from the slit in your dress and elegant neck draped in simple jewelry.
You’re beautiful in a way that TV did little to capture and the arrogant man finds himself speechless when you hold out your hand in his direction, grinning at him. He searches for hidden fangs and finds none, just perfect pretty teeth.
“I wanted to apologize for earlier this week, this organization is my passion and it gets the best of me sometimes.”
Your words catch him off guard so he just nods and shakes your hand. If you notice his sweaty palm you keep it to yourself and he internally chides himself for his nerves. He is the fucking number one hero, his face is plastered on every single corner of Japan, and he needs to remember that. 
“Hey, we all have bad days. I’m just glad to be here to shed some light on a small cause.”
Your smile dims and his widens, your palm quickly leaving his. Heat simmers in your core and you feel disgusted by your own desire. Sure, he’s one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen - all big muscles that his tuxedo does little to hide and pretty green waves falling over his face but he’s also the biggest asshole you’ve had the unfortunate luck of meeting.
Drawing your hands close to your body, you fight the urge to petulantly fold your arms over your chest, and he digs in his pocket to produce the check he promised. He holds it out in your direction and you pluck it from his hand, eyes widening when you notice that the amount written on the check is far larger than the five million yen previously discussed. 
“Doubled your donation. Very kind of you, Deku.”
He smirks and you feel warm again, cheeks heating in perfect time with your core. Perhaps it’s the glass of champagne you downed an hour ago to calm your nerves or the low lighting of the event space but he is undeniably attractive and you are undeniably attracted to him.
A terrible realization to come to while face to face with a man you called a liar and a fraud four short days ago.
Izuku enters your space and crowds around you, dipping his head low enough that his mouth is just above your ear. He’s bigger than you expected, an entire head taller than you, and you feel overwhelmed by the scent of his cologne and the way he carries himself. He has the demeanor of a man who knows he’s the shit and as much as it aggravates you, it thrills you too, the same heat lashing through your stomach with every flutter of his long lashes.
“Call me an optimist but I think we can still salvage a friendship out of this situation.”
You laugh, shaking your head and clutching the check he provided to your chest.
“There’s an after party starting soon if you don’t have more buildings to go destroy. I’m sure the rest of the VOHSV team would love to thank you personally for your generous donation.”
The hero presses his lips together and raises his brow, blazing green eyes meeting yours. The tension between the two of you is so thick that even the most unaware onlooker would feel it but the room is relatively empty and you’re grateful for it.
“Maybe I only want one person to thank me for my donation.”
Raising a brow to match his, you purse your lips and quickly consider your options. You could give in to the undeniable attraction, a sordid affair with a man you seek to change as part of your life’s work couldn’t possibly be good for optics if you were to be exposed. You could walk away and publicly embarrass him but that doesn’t sound like fun either so you do what you do best - think on your feet and hide your true intentions behind big doe eyes and a winning smile.
“There’s a powder room down that hall, last door on the right,” you motion to a corridor to your left and his eyes follow your movements. “Be there in ten minutes.” 
Izuku nods, moving enough to allow you to slip past him and he watches the way your dress shifts across your ass with each step you take away from him. He isn’t going to bother to be polite anymore knowing what is coming next, his mouth watering at the mere thought of watching that pretty little dress drop to the ground below both of your feet while he uncovers the treasure beneath it. 
His half hard cock presses against the zipper of his tuxedo pants and he doesn’t bother to adjust himself, taking a shortcut that keeps him against the wall and away from prying eyes to the hallway you instructed him to follow. Each step makes his cock throb and he groans when he reaches for the door handle, wondering what he’ll find when he opens it.
Twisting the handle, he chuckles humorlessly when his eyes fall upon an empty powder room. A large mirror framed by lights with a small sink and counter in front of it are all he finds and he shakes his head, eyes falling upon a folded piece of paper sitting on the counter.
Flicking the paper open with his thumb and index finger, he frowns at the words he reads first.
Better luck next time.
Followed by your name signed in delicate penmanship he traces the tip of his thumb over. The ink is still wet and it smears, his thumb marked with black. His eyes trail further down the note and spot your number below your name, the ink the digits were written in still shining.
At least you leaving your number tells him there will certainly be a next time.
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
Rhaenys reaction to Corlys infidelity is so disappointing. This wasn’t Corlys sleeping with some whore, barmaid or camp follower once. Corlys had an actual bond and prolonged relationship with this woman. He made a baby with her and then did it again. He was playing house with her and the babies for a time.
Rhaenys is now childless, she lost her 2 children- really because of Corlys ambitions. Then she sees that Corlys has 2 more children? She should’ve raged.
Rhaenys is way more passive than she and team black accuse Alicent of being. In the end there’s nothing a woman can do about her husband’s infidelity and bastards in their society like divorce. They have rights over your body, you can’t withhold sex. The only thing she is allowed is to show her displeasure and anger about the situation and fans are applauding Rhaenys for not embracing that tiny bit of resistance??
The writers fail every time they refuse to let team black have any inner conflict when they have just as many issues as the greens. Everything is solved by good faith and some self righteous speech.
Everything must be neatly packaged with a bow on top by the end of the episode, while they have TG carrying generational trauma and several ongoing plot.
I suppose Jace’s issue with Rhaenyra is solved because she told him that irrelevant ass bedtime story that will soon be lost to history. He’s now a grown man and his mother has never had an honest discussion about his father’s. There is no anger or resentment towards her for the situation she put him and his brothers in. Team Black collectively blame Alicent more for not pretending to be blind than they do Rhaenyra for making an immensely dangerous decision 3 times, 1 time was after an 8 year age gap.
Rhaena now fully accepts her claim to Driftmark died with the pretender Luke. She’s now reconsidered her original feelings about becoming a nursemaid to Rhaenyra and her father’s children (because Rhaena is never treated like family, Rhaenyra never appeals to her by calling them her brothers. Poor Rhaena has had to live the last 6 years of her life as an outsider looking in on her “family”) because Rhaenyra gave her a task to make her more pliant and agreeable like you do with little kids when you hand them a shopping list because you want them to behave and stay out of the way.
Daemyra isn’t even over, he is still tb’s tortured misunderstood devoted malewife “babygirl”. Eventually Daemyra will reunite and talk about twin flames, burning together, a dragon alone in the world or some fake deep shit like that. Rhaenyra is going to accept him back into her heart. He’ll be magically cured of his jealousy and tendency towards domestic violence because Alys sent him some dreams at Harrenhal. While on the other side you have Alicole taking the blame from the writers and the fandom for the murder of their grandchild that Babygirl- Daemon had committed, entrenched in Catholic guilt, fucking and fighting and having secret abortions.
This is why watching team black scenes is like watching white paint drip down a wall. When a team black scene comes on, I can look away from the screen, have a conversation, go online shopping, zone out a little and answer texts or scroll the socials.
They’re dreadfully boring. I saw something yesterday that I never thought I would see from team righteous. The comment section of a promo video HBO posted on IG, a lot of people who said they are team black admitting to finding team green characters more interesting because they have flaws. Saying that they enjoy team green scenes more because the blacks are boring.
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literally why i'm team green. anon ATE and left no crumbs. that was amazing please let's be mutuals
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