#(which really in itself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy)
ranger-kellyn · 5 months
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diyasgarden · 1 month
it’s definitely head-cannon that Patrick is a certified lover boy
-he defs cuts his hoes off once he knows he’s emotionally invested in someone
People assume that he’s a fuck boy because of his high body count & the activities he’s done when single but relationship Patrick? He’s ALL IN & it lowkey hurts his feelings that people can’t think of him as a serious boyfriend or being committed to someone that he truly loves & cares for
AGREE AGREE AGREE!!! I have some thoughts on this too
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I think if you’re friends with Patrick when he realizes he likes you, he gets a bit distant from you at first. His feelings are a bit overwhelming and he needs time to process what he is feeling, but he can’t do that when you’re around. When he finally feels comfortable being around you, he doesn’t want you to realize how he feels. He’s afraid that these feelings could change the whole dynamic. What if you didn’t like him back? He starts to tease and annoy you more than usual to make everything seem normal. Naturally, you find this weird itself.
If you were friends with benefits or just casually seeing each other, he also gets distant. He ends up ghosting you, and tries to get with some other people. Of course it’s not the same. He thought having sex with other people would help him get his mind off you, but It takes longer for him to get off. When he finally does he ends up saying your name and the other person slaps him for that. This happens multiple times. You’d also notice his distance in this situation.
In both situations, you’re the one who has to confront him about his odd behavior. Mostly because it’s confusing and you know something is up. And either way, his behavior kinda hurts your feelings.
He doesn’t even admit it when you do. He panics and acts like you’re overreacting, which just upsets and annoys you even more. After that, now you’re the one who starts avoiding him. This really freaks him out. He feels guilty but also scared he’s lost you completely, but he isn’t surprised. Everyone leaves him eventually. What else could have been expected from you?
If you’re not able to talk about your feelings, Patrick becomes the one who got away. (He feels the same way about, although he wouldn’t admit it)
If you are able to do so, you do end up contacting Patrick again. You guys get into an argument again. He still claims you’re the one being weird, but you maintain your position. Eventually the tension turns sexual and you end up making out with each other. One thing leads to another and you’re both in bed. He finally tells you how you feel about you when you’re laying down next to him. At first you think he may be saying it because of the sex, but you quickly realize he is being honest when you see his expression.
You both agree to try dating properly. He cuts off everyone else he was seeing without a second thought. He isn’t the best boyfriend at first, not really sure how to behave with you. If you were friends before this, he is still worried about what could happen if your relationship doesn’t work out. He’d lose you as a friend then too. If you were friends with benefits or casually dating, he is worried that you preferred just sex with him and may want to go back to something like that. In either case, he thinks losing you as a partner is very possible, and it stresses him out. It can make him somewhat clingy, which is annoying but eventually you’re able to set some boundaries (or you just get used to it). He’s also a bit self destructive, and sometimes it’s clear that his thoughts about your relationship falling apart is more of a self fulfilling prophecy than anything. He may find reasons to pick a fight with you, even when nothing is wrong. It’s up to you to deal with this.
Your friends make fun of your relationship every once in a while. It’s a joke, because they know Patrick’s past, but this just upsets him too. He isn’t one to care about what other people think about him, but this feels different. It’s not about just how they see him, it’s about how they see your relationship. He starts to wonder if everyone is just assuming is waiting for you both to break up. He rants about this to you, and again you’re left to deal with it.
You have to do a lot to show you actually love him. That your relationship isn’t just about sex (which is what he thinks he is best for). You do this by actually telling him how you feel, but also through your actions. Like showing up for his games and practice. He is also a big physical touch person, so you’re always touching or holding him in some capacity to show how much you love him and appreciate his presence. He is also constantly holding on to you in public. Holding your hand, hugging you. Squeezing your ass every once in a while. Sometimes you catch him twirling your hair around his finger. (You love it)
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
"i'm good for nothing" - kanghan's self-fulfilling prophecy
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oftentimes, "rich asshole" characters are humanized in stories by revealing that they're breaking down and acting out due to the intense pressure their family's put on them to be the best in all ways. but in dangerous romance, kanghan is humanized in the opposite way - by showing that his carelessness and cruelty have stemmed from his father telling him not to try, not to apply himself, not to be the best. he says his father has never expected anything from him, and that itself is an expectation, in a way. it tells kang that he's "good for nothing," and over time, kang has come to believe that label, enacting a self-fulfilling prophecy in which kang behaves like the careless, self-indulgent jerk his father expects him to be.
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"labeling theory" is a sociological concept that can help us understand kang's behavior. originally, labeling theory was applied to people who are labeled "criminals," with the idea that once society attaches a stigmatizing label to someone, they become trapped by it. for example, once someone is labelled a criminal, they are cut off from many opportunities that could help them change their status (e.g., jobs, housing) and thus find themselves stuck engaging in more criminal activities to survive. over time, they come to accept the label of "criminal" and incorporate it into their own self-identity.
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applying labeling theory to kang, you can see how his father's comments about how pursuing ambitious goals doesn't "suit" kang have affected his own self-concept. his father - who is a successful, ambitious man himself - keeps telling him that he's not good enough to achieve anything meaningful, so why should he bother trying? instead, kang comes to believe he is a "good for nothing" and acts in accordance with that label by not studying, picking on other kids at school, and running the other way at the first glimpse of responsibility.
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kanghan is trapped in a self-fulfilling prophecy (also called "interpersonal expectancy effect"), defined as "the phenomenon whereby a person's or a group's expectation for the behavior of another person or group serves actually to bring about the prophesied or expected behavior." he has ambitions (e.g., running for student council, playing soccer), but his father doesn't recognize them. when he catches kang playing fifa, he doesn't even seem to know that kang likes soccer. he doesn't really know his son, just the apathetic version of him he has created in his head.
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we don't know exactly why kang's father treats him the way he does. kang tells sailom that he started not to expect anything of kang after his mother's death, perhaps seeing him as "too fragile" to undertake difficult work after this traumatic event. but coddling and lack of expectations can be just as painful as pressure and too many expectations. kang wants so badly for his father to look at him, to acknowledge him, to believe in him... but he just doesn't.
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what's interesting is that since meeting sailom, kang is actively resisting the self-fulfilling prophecy his father has forced upon him. sailom takes kang's ambition to do well on his exams seriously and encourages him when he does well. he helps kang build new expectations for himself and see capabilities he never thought he had before - all because he has been trained to see himself as talentless, and thus, not to try in the first place.
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sailom can help kang rebuild a sense of self-efficacy (an individual's confidence in their ability to exert control over their motivation, behavior, and social environment), because he, in contrast to kang, is told by his brother, teachers, and friends that he is smart, talented, and destined for a bright future despite his veritable financial challenges. with sailom's support, hopefully kang will continue to break out of his self-fulfilling prophecy.
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not for his father. not for his grandma. not for sailom. for himself.
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nyaagolor · 2 months
Just finished Higurashi Arc 7 (Minagoroshi) and imma be honest with yall, I was not really vibing with the plot twist until i started thinking about it less as something to take at face value and more something to engage with as an extended metaphor. Higurashi as a complete work has four major thematic categories to me (agency, community, delusion, and fate) and Himinizawa Syndrome feels more narratively satisfying as an interconnection of those themes than as a home-stretch scifi twist (hear me out)
Ryukishi has an interview where he talks about his reasoning behind the plot twist, explaining that he wanted the audience to challenge their implicit biases around the ideas of mental illness and agency-- namely "if someone commits murder under the act of a drug, why are they not culpable when someone who does the same under the effects of a severe mental illness IS culpable?". From a metatextual standpoint, this serves as a challenge to the audience, but I think this framing has implications for the themes as well. Minagoroshi spends a lot of time focusing on the interaction between the themes we've been introduced to throughout the series, namely in the sense that if enough people believe something, it becomes reality. This is used in the context of Rika's miracle, the ostracism of Satoko by the villagers, and the delusions experienced by the "infected" themselves. It's not about the actual reality of the situation-- if a delusion is such a strongly held belief to an individual or community that it inspires action, that belief "becomes" real, and this is the part I think applies to Himinizawa Syndrome and Takano
The way that Takano talks about Himinizawa Syndrome and the way that people are encouraged to act based on her words is a pretty good mirror of the symptoms of the "disease" itself. She self isolates, operating entirely based on her own skewed view of the world and the people around her while engaging in conspiratorial thinking and retroactive explanation. Keiichi, Rena, Shion, and Satoko all develop Himinizawa Syndrome, but we see throughout the arcs how many people and situations act as instigators to exacerbate preexisting traumas and mental health conditions. The disease also only starts progressing when they're in Himinizawa, not "far from their queen" like Takano suggests. The fact that the nature of the delusions-- from their actual content to their frequency and the lines of the thinking the characters go down-- are extremely specific and more associated with the individual traumas and illness we know them to have further pushes me in that direction. Despite Takano insisting that lymph node itchiness is a symptom of Himinizawa Syndrome, the only people who experience it are those who knew about it beforehand. We have the benefit of knowing the loops, but Takano's "explanations" of symptoms feel more like working backwards from observable but likely unconnected events rather than something based on reality, which is exactly the kind of rationale that Rena was experiencing in the height of her own delusions
While I do think that Himinizawa is textually supposed to be an actual Thing, it makes more sense to me to view it as Takano's own false belief, made into a tangible reality because she believed in it enough to convince others of the same. We never see the "tragedy" that's supposed to happen after Rika's death, only that people acted because they believed it was coming. This-- the whole "a shared delusion becomes reality and thus fate itself" thing-- feels very thematically satisfying as a sort of final conflict for the series. Takano, the big bad villain, is stuck in a self fulfilling prophecy in a way, taking agency in such a way that she falls victim to her own actions. She believed so strongly in a "curse" that it became real, and ironically enough under her own definition, she is the one suffering from this "disease" she created the most
(Also Ryukishi loves tackling political issues so the idea that the local rural Japanese government of 1983 would misidentify and mistreat the mental illnesses of some teenagers isn't that out of left field to me)
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butwhatifidothis · 11 months
Hi, I'm really sorry if this does come off sounding rude. I've followed your 3h content for a while now so I was around to see the drama with raxis and things like moonlitboar occur. It really does suck and I've seen a lot of toxic edelgard stans myself in the fandom. I do understand how raxis does tend to block evade thus making it a prolonged conflict with no easy end. But I can't help but feel that the discord screenshots you've posted have not helped in resolving the conflict. I don't think that you have been wrong about the culture of toxicity inside the discord but I feel that the discord screenshots may have escalated the conflict since now there are people there who are becoming very paranoid about about "spying" (which in itself a little bit of a grey area because it is a public discord) . But I think that paranoia in the discord now has the potential to turn really ugly and further radicalize more people in the discord. And because there are some neutral people in that discord who do seem to want to just block and ignore/tired of some arguments, I think that an end to the discord screenshots would keep them from being swayed by the paranoia/ a sign of good faith. I really don't think that you are in the wrong when it comes to this whole thing with raxis. I think that raxis's actions and behavior do deserve to be called out in the past and present. But I just feel like trying to call out one person is one thing but a whole discord is just a very huge and impossible challenge. I think that the discord is just best left ignored as these people have clearly made it clear that they really don't want to be reasoned with or want to change and I think that they are getting really dangerous. I really do hope this doesn't come off as both sides are bad because I do believe that this problem has always originated from Raxis. Sorry this got so long and I really do wish you all the best.
It's no problem; I understand where you're coming from.
What I feel about it is this: people from outside the server did not know the depths this server was sinking into. Leaving them alone as we have been would have resulted in them continuing to go on as though everything was fine as long as they confined their rhetoric to a certain spot; I feel it's important to remind people that that is not true, as that would only isolate the problem while doing nothing to actually rectify it or stop it from getting worse (even though this of course isn't going to magically cure everything either, to be clear).
Even well before I posted these specific screenshots, they were paranoid about the entire fandom "persecuting and targeting" them for "no reason," they were paranoid about how everyone is "out to get" Edelgard in FE's general fandom spaces, they were paranoid that every single other person who ever criticizes them is some form of evil bigot (which would normally be a bit of an exaggeration, if it wasn't for them genuinely saying this every single time something like this happens); at worst, this will just be used as yet another scapegoat to continue their self-fulfilling prophecy of being generally disliked in the fandom. At best, this warns people about what's been going on - a miracle could even happen and some of the people in the server can see what the higher ups in their server have been letting slide and leave.
I called out Raxis because of the harm he was (and, frankly, still is) doing to others, and I am doing the same to the Edelgang discord because of the harm their mods have either allowed to happened or have outright participated in themselves. Given the general consensus of people from the outside's reactions (that being shock and/or disgust), I think it's ultimately important to warn people of harmful actors and the rhetoric they spread.
Especially given how they responded. If there was any sign of remorse for what was done - Shandale disavowing their previous beliefs, or if that didn't happen them getting unmodded/banned/some sort of action done from the mod team, or even just some pushback from the general members (something they were more than ready to do in defense of Raxis, and something they were willing to do when these sentiments were first said) - I would have been more than ready to delete the screenshots and apologize for showing them. But their defense of it - that it was "taken out of context," as though what was said could ever be alright to say, as though they do in fact stand by them - shows the importance of calling this behavior out.
They do not think it was that bad. They think these sentiments are okay to have, as long as they are in the "right context." And I don't think it's okay for people to not know that given how dangerous the rhetoric is
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haggishlyhagging · 10 months
Because of our social circumstances, male and female are really two cultures and their life experiences are utterly different—and this is crucial. Implicit in all the gender identity development which takes place through childhood is the sum total of the parents', the peers, and the culture's notions of what is appropriate to each gender by way of temperament, character, interests, status, worth, gesture, and expression. Every moment of the child's life is a clue to how he or she must think and behave to attain of satisfy the demands which gender places upon one. In adolescence, the merciless task of conformity grows to crisis proportions, generally cooling and settling in maturity.
Since patriarchy's biological foundations appear to be so very insecure, one has some cause to admire the strength of a "socialization" which can continue a universal condition "on faith alone," as it were, or through an acquired value system exclusively. What does seem decisive in assuring the maintenance of the temperamental differences between the sexes is the conditioning of early childhood. Conditioning runs in a circle of self-perpetuation and self-fulfilling prophecy. To take a simple example: expectations the culture cherishes about his gender identity encourage the young male to develop aggressive impulses, and the female to thwart her own or turn them inward. The result is that the male tends to have aggression reinforced in his behavior, often with significant anti-social possibilities. Thereupon the culture consents to believe the possession of the male indicator, the testes, penis, and scrotum, in itself characterizes the aggressive impulse, and even vulgarly celebrates it in such encomiums as "that guy has balls." The same process of reinforcement is evident in producing the chief "feminine" virtue of passivity.
In contemporary terminology, the basic division of temperamental trait is marshaled along the line of "aggression is male" and "passivity is female." All other temperamental traits are somehow—often with the most dexterous ingenuity—aligned to correspond. If aggressiveness is the trait of the master class, docility must be the corresponding trait of a subject group. The usual hope of such line of reasoning is that "nature," by some impossible outside chance, might still be depended upon to rationalize the patriarchal system. An important consideration to be remembered here is that in patriarchy, the function of norm is unthinkingly delegated to the male—were it not, one might as plausibly speak of "feminine" behavior as active, and "masculine" behavior as hyperactive or hyperaggressive.
. . .
The arbitrary character of patriarchal ascriptions of temperament and role has little effect upon their power over us. Nor do the mutually exclusive, contradictory, and polar qualities of the categories "masculine" and "feminine" imposed upon human personality give rise to sufficiently serious question among us. Under their aegis each personality becomes little more, and often less than half, of its human potential. Politically, the fact that each group exhibits a circumscribed but complementary personality and range of activity is of secondary importance to the fact that each represents a status or power division. In the matter of conformity patriarchy is a governing ideology without peer; it is probable that no other system has ever exercised such a complete control over its subjects.
-Kate Millett, Sexual Politics
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wandering-soul-girl · 1 month
「 ✦ Criminology: A Beginners Guide ✦ 」
╰┈➤ Where to Start?
↪ True Crime - I always recommend if you are just starting to spark an interest in criminology, you give a true crime podcast or tv show a listen/watch. While the people making true crime content are often not always the best to get information from and the genre itself isn't a perfect picture of what criminology is at all, it will give you a reference point. It will also show you if you can handle the gruesome stories and harrowing tales you come across in this line of work.
↪ Volunteer Work - If you can volunteer at a domestic violence shelter or a homeless shelter you can familiarize yourself with the at-risk population in your area while gaining some helpful skills. Often times, this volunteer work may be at a soup kitchen or pushing pencils, but the environment itself allows you to really see what goes on and how people treat these at-risk populations. These people are most likely to experience or have already experienced some form of violence. Showing them some compassion is also a great way to give back to the community while building your resume.
↪ The Library - Don't underestimate the power of a library. I have found textbooks, novels, DVDs, and more on the topic of crime and criminal justice. These can be really helpful for you to familiarize yourself with how some systems may work in the line of duty while indulging in some relaxing time with a book or movie.
╰┈➤ Learning the Basics
↪ Social Learning Theory - "a theory of social behavior that proposes that new behaviors can be acquired by observing and imitating others. It states that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement."
↪ Conflict Theories - "perspectives in political philosophy and sociology which argue that individuals and groups (social classes) within society interact on the basis of conflict rather than agreement, while also emphasizing social psychology, historical materialism, power dynamics, and their roles in creating power structures, social movements, and social arrangements within a society. Conflict theories often draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict, or a conflict continuum"
↪ Labeling Theory - "posits that self-identity and the behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them. It is associated with the concepts of self-fulfilling prophecy and stereotyping. Labeling theory holds that deviance is not inherent in an act, but instead focuses on the tendency of majorities to negatively label minorities or those seen as deviant from standard cultural norms"
↪ Strain Theory - "states that society puts pressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals (such as the American Dream), even though they lack the means to do so. This leads to strain, which may lead individuals to commit crimes, like selling drugs or becoming involved in prostitution as a means to gain financial security."
↪ Rational Choice Theory - "postulates that an individual will perform a cost–benefit analysis to determine whether an option is right for them. Rational choice theory looks at three concepts: rational actors, self interest and the invisible hand."
╰┈➤ Helpful Knowledge
↪ Law and Government - understanding the law even on a basic level will be very helpful when dealing with crime and punishment discussions.
↪ Psychology and Sociology - psychology and sociology are perfect sisters to criminology. you can't really have criminology without them, and therefor a lot of perspectives and theories are based off of theories found in psych and soc. with a base level understanding of these two subjects, you will likely cling to topics in criminology much easier than someone else who may just be starting with a blank slate.
╰┈➤ Other Criminology Masterposts:
↪ Criminology: An Intro
↪ Criminology: The Texts
↪ Criminology: Free Resources
↪ Criminology: Notable Figures
↪ Criminology: Study Tips
↪ Criminology: Tools of the Trade
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cinderella-ish · 3 months
Fruits Basket Personality Types Part 5: Kyo Sohma
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Gosh, Kyo is such a wonderful character, isn't he? Seeing him find happiness in the end was genuinely healing for me.
Kyo Sohma's Enneagram
Wound: Oof. Where to start? Kyo's father was shown to be verbally abusive and is strongly implied to be physically abusive. His mother kept him hidden away, and Kyo felt like she didn't accept all of him. He was called a monster from the time he was born, and then he was blamed for his mother's death.
Wounding message: You will only ever hurt the ones you love.
Core desire: For his loved ones to be safe
Core fear: Hurting the people he loves
Defense mechanism: hypervigilance, projecting blame onto others, pushing people away
Strengths: resilience, sensitive to others' needs and feelings, hard worker, loyal, diligent, responsible, loving, warm
Challenges: self-defeating, extremely low opinion of self, resigned, judgmental, hypervigilant
When healthy: kind, warm, relaxed
When unhealthy: aggressive, competitive, out of touch with feelings
Here's what connects when I go back to the Enneagram post:
Wound: could be 1, 6, or 8
Wounding message: 6, maybe 5
Core desire: 6
Core fear: 1, 2, 6, or 9
Defense mechanism: 6 or 8
Strengths: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8
Challenges: 5, 6, or 8
When healthy: 1, 3, 6, or 8
When unhealthy: 2, 6, 7, 8, or 9
I've written before that I see Kyo as an 8, but I was wrong! Kyo is clearly an Enneagram 6.
Sixes are a bit unique in that they have two different ways they show up: Phobic and Counter-Phobic. From Truity:
Phobic Sixes deliberately move away from the source(s) of fear, and tend to fly under the radar. They’re open and expressive about their vulnerabilities and weaknesses, so others can understand their situation and line of thought. This is their prime defense mechanism to avoid being manipulated. Counter-Phobic Sixes, on the other hand, possess a high-strung, irrational fear of fear itself — which may paradoxically translate to rule-breaking. They try to keep up an image of independence on the surface: a tough exterior to shield their persistent internal uncertainty.
Kyo is clearly Counter-Phobic, putting on a tough front to mask how scared he really is.
This excerpt, also from Truity, is such a good description of Kyo, I'm just going to include it in full:
As a child, the Six may have grown up in an unsafe environment, had overprotective guardians, or experienced a traumatic event that shaped their worldview. This type sees the world as a place of danger — anything or anyone outside of the Six’s circle of trust is a potential threat. Sixes are extremely logical types. They are constantly strategizing and planning for future events and how to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm. When you think of the stereotypical “survivalist,” you are likely imagining someone with several Enneagram Six characteristics. The Enneagram Six is part of the “head-based” triad, along with Type Five and Type Seven. Each of these types deal with fear as a core emotion, but no type tackles fear as head-on as the Six does. A healthy Six is a person you want to have on your side — they are loyal, trustworthy, honest, and protective. When less healthy, the Six can get in the habit of fear-based decision-making and creating self-fulfilling prophecies.
I wrote a bit in my series on Kyo's relationship with Momiji that Kyo's main focus from the beginning is on protecting Tohru, and he's often scolding her when she's in situations that put her at risk of harm.
It's typical of Kyo to get stuck in his head and become self-defeating. When I think of the "self-fulfilling prophecies," I think of his reactions in the True Form arc, or when Tohru confessed her love to him.
Sixes are in the Head center, and they tend to overexpress fear. This shows up for Kyo not only in his hypervigilance and attentiveness to Tohru's safety, but even in the way he's easily startled. Those moments are quite funny in the series, but it's kind of sad knowing the root of his jumpiness.
Sixes will tend to lean more towards some aspects of Fives or Sevens.
The Enneagram Institute refers to 6w5s as "The Defender," and 6w7s as "The Buddy." "The Defender" sounds more like Kyo to me.
EnneaApp describes 6w5 like this:
Seeks security by investing in strong beliefs and aligning with a group.
More inclined to delve deeply into a hobby or specific area of interest.
Can be aggressive for a cause; strong focus on fairness and loyalty
Skeptical; reactive to sources of authority that seems unjust or unfair
More introverted than 6w7; serious; very focused and self-controlled
This is such a good description of Kyo!
Since Kyo tends to be more focused on 1:1 connections (particularly his connection with Tohru), I think he's a SE or SX 6. Here's what Enneagram Explained has to say about SX 6:
SX 6s are the Countertype of type 6 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (fear), this is the subtype that is usually referred to as a “counterphobic 6” They may even be unaware of their fear as they tend to take on a “the best defense is a good offense” mentality.
They go on to say that SX 6s can sometimes be mistaken for type 8s.
Kyo's Tritype probably includes both 6 and 8, and his Heart type is probably either 2 or 3. After reading the descriptions of those types on Katherine Fauvre's website, I think Kyo fits 3-6-8 (the "Justice Fighter") the best:
If you are a 368, you are ambitious, inquisitive, and protective. You want to be accomplished, loyal, and straightforward. Verbally adept and a good reader of people and situations, you have the ability to identify unjust authority, rebel against tyranny, and verbally spar against it. You seek people and situations that share your values and work hard to achieve your goals. You want to get along with others but can struggle with being too direct and outspoken.
Kyo Sohma's MBTI
I already wrote a bit about how I see Kyo as ESFJ in my MBTI overview post, but here's a breakdown of why:
E vs. I: I think Kyo falls near the middle of these, but he tends to focus on the external world and on other people, so I'd lean toward Extroverted.
S vs. N: I see Kyo as strongly Sensing.
T vs. F: I see Kyo near the middle of these two again, but with a tendency toward Feeling.
J vs. P: I see Kyo as strongly Judging.
Type Dynamics: Here's how I explained Kyo's Type Dynamics in the MBTI post:
Fe- Kyo wears his heart on his sleeve and is highly attuned to the needs of others.
Si - Kyo prefers routine and predictability. He remembers details about the past which inform his understanding of the present.
Ne - since Kyo is still young, this process is probably not very developed for him, but he may tend to brainstorm aloud. He sees possibilities in the outside world and shares the connections he makes with others.
Ti - this process is probably more developed for Kyo than in most teens, since he's experienced so much trauma. Kyo possesses a strong internal framework and can sometimes make harsh judgments, especially about himself.
There are examples of each of these in canon, even Ne. Things like when he suddenly suggested pancakes at the beach house, or how he talked through his thoughts on the future with Kazuma might be examples of how he brainstorms aloud and shares the possibilities he sees in the outside world with others.
Here's the description for ESFJ:
ESFJ: Warmhearted, conscientious, and cooperative. Want harmony in their environment, work with determination to establish it. Like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time. Loyal, follow through even in small matters. Notice what others need in their day-to-day lives and try to provide it. Want to be appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute.
Wow, that fits him perfectly!
So, to summarize:
Enneagram: SE CP 6w5 (The Loyalist/The Defender)
Tritype: 3-6-8 (The Justice Fighter)
MBTI: ESFJ (The Provider)
What do you think? Did I get it right or wrong? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Next up: Yuki!
Fruits Basket Personality Types Series: Enneagram | MBTI | Tohru | Akito | Yuki | Haru | Kisa | Momiji | Hatori | Ayame | Rin | Hiro | Ritsu | Kureno | Shigure | Kagura | Kazuma | Saki | Arisa | Machi | Kakeru | The Hondas | Kaibara Students
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hepaidattention · 2 years
the scene where JJ calls Kie a Kook, regret washing over his face instantly, says so so much.
JJ is saying all of this because he doesn't want Kie to love him. He's trying to convince her they won't work, and no matter how much he throws stuff at her she just turns it back with "I care" and "I'll help." Basically, hes saying "I suck I suck I dont deserve you no one should ever love me" and Kie is just saying, "I love you I love I love you" and he can't take it. 
Then JJ pushes so much that he ends up saying something he doesn't really mean to push her away, and he ends up hurting her. I think that's why he ended up running away. 
He thinks he's destined to hurt her, because he thinks how his whole life his father hurt the people he loved, and everyone in OBX tells him he's destined to be just like his father. 
So he's pushing her away to protect her, but by trying to convince her they're not right for each other, he hurts her, and he can see the hurt he caused. He hates himself because he can't handle the idea that he hurt her in any shape or form. He thinks of his father, and how he used to say shit he didn't mean to him when he was mad, the shit he would say to his mom. 
He saw himself being his father and he couldn't do it anymore. 
So, just like he always does, he takes himself out of the equation. If she stays he might just keep hurting her and he can't do that, and no matter what he says she won't leave, so he leaves. 
And when he goes to the dock to have his little anger fit, kicking a few buckets before breaking down, I think he's beating himself up because despite his best efforts he still manages to hurt the people around him, just like his father. 
And becoming his father is a self-fulfiled prophecy mainly put on him by OBX itself, one that he has deep down started to believe. 
But JJ finally got away from that mindset on the island. No one telling him he was useless, no more poverty to force him to steal, no more house of beaten memories. JJ could be his whole self, he could be who he wanted to be. 
But the moment he comes home he's faced with every mistake his father has ever made thrown in his face, and he's reminded again that as long as he's home, he is seen as absolutely no one else but his shitty father (Mike and his old boss to verbally tell him this themselves). 
So, he can't understand why Kie doesn't see that, because everyone sees that, even John B has said it before, even JJ believes it.
But Kie just sees JJ for JJ.
The more she pushes, it breaks down his walls because she's not just saying "I care" and "I love you" she saying that she sees JJ for JJ, not his past, not his asshole of a father, but for the guy she knew on the island and the guy she's known since they were kids, and she loves him. 
and that's scares him, because he doesn't even know who that JJ really is. but the most beautiful thing about them is Kie helps him see who he is, really, because she believes in him enough to actually start believing in himself. 
and then she confesses her real feelings for him and if you notice, he decides to be soft and gentle with her. She's saying she loves him and she shouldn't be saying that because there's nothing to love but god did he want to say it back, and so many different responses run through his mind, all of which are self destructive.
Then he remembers how his dad would have handled this and he shakes his head and gently looks her in the eyes says that they won't work. He won't be his dad. He wont intentionally hurt her again just to push her away. He's done it twice now he refuses to become in father, he won't.
Every response possible runs through his head but no matter what he says, he knows he's hurting her. But he'll tell the truth, his truth, to minimize the pain. She'll move past it, its for her own good, and he'll do anything to make it as painless as possible.
Little did he realize that rather than being an ass and denying his feelings, rather than telling her that she'll get over it, rather than telling her she needed to stop loving him, all options he considered... His way of gently just saying the truth in his mind, telling her they would never work despite what both of them wanged, was also telling her he loved her back.
He didn't deny his feelings, all he denied was the possibility of both of them being able to actually be in love and happy for once. This let Kie hold on hope, this let her know he was just scared, and this met her confess her feelings again to him. She wasn't expecting a reply, but she knew he loved her back now.
JJ saving Kie from Kitty Hawk and apologizing and confessing his love was all actions he took that were something his father would never do.
Because John B said, "I think we've all done some things thag we regret" and JJ felt it in his soul. He felt the regret as heavy as a ton of bricks, the feeling weighing him down and making him want to do anything to not feel like this. Not to feel like his father.
So he didn't. He wouldn't live in regret anymore. Never again.
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arugula2048 · 2 years
need ur shen jiu thoughts
the fact that his character is defined by a single unconditional love to the end fucking kills me. from orphans on the streets to enslaved boys to just one enslaved boy to rogue cultivator to cultivators.
can you imagine shouldering all the pain from the qiu manor with a pipe dream that his naive friend has somehow cracked the wuxia code and become an honored cultivator, rich enough to buy his freedom? SJ was always a smart boy who found the one solace from his cynicism in YQY. when he let YQY go with that lie about his broken leg, i think some part of him accepted his death in that moment - in a dark, dirty hole, aching all over, alone and afraid, with YQY running off into a hopeful wide world with a snowball's chance in hell. that's how they both actually died anyway lmfao
we see that pattern repeat itself throughout their lives, that moment scarred them both to the soul. SJ thinks reaching out to YQY (or YQY reaching out) means dragging him back into the hellish pit he ran away from (and that SJ freed him from, which would make reaching out also spitting on both their efforts and all the pain he went through), and YQY thinks reaching back to SJ thinks it'd always be too little, too late, and risks SJ pushing him away even further. god.
and it just boggles me really, how SJ repressed and repressed and repressed until he became a caricature of a human to everyone who knew him, except maybe the prostitute ladies. SJ took those moments with YQY and decided that if his dear, childhood friend that he gave all his loyalty to, treats him like this, how good will others really treat him? better not try, so he... what, doesn't have to give his loyalty to them too? he can only bear so much weight. if he owes nothing to others, he will never be owned again.
and in deciding to never give anyone else his loyalty ever again, he turned everybody against him and decided to indulge himself with 1) dallying off to the brothels to hang out w the prostitute ladies, and 2) child abuse, repeating the cycle to act out his previous traumas?, both of which are comfortable routines that reinforce his belief that deep inside he's just the filthy slave boy who will never crawl out of his self-made grave. everything he touches will never be anything more than twisted echoes of him.
when LBH dropped the shattered pieces of Xuan Su in front of him, i think SJ finally realized this was his end game. the other shoe that he kept fearing would drop, finally dropped.
i do wonder if in his last years, in the privacy of his mind, if SJ had the time and health to do some heavy introspection and see how this came from his self-fulfilling prophecy. and if he knew that YQY's humiliating death could have been avoided if he just repressed himself even further. stupid number seven, he never learned his lesson.
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today's compilation:
Firestarter 1998 Black Metal
I guess ever since I learned about the history of black metal, particularly its Norwegian second wave, I've just been in a sort of shock over how popular it still managed to become. Like, clearly some of its tenets—pure evil and Satanic worship—were played up for sensationalistic shock value, and many ended up biting hard on that aspect of it, just like how lots of concerned American parents got whipped up into a frenzy over their kids listening to Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden in the 80s, convincing themselves that if their impressionable kid played the records backwards, that they could then become possessed by demons because of the imagined Satanic messaging that was hidden in the music. Just pure, laughable silliness, especially considering just how tame a lot of that music sounds today.
But early 90s Norwegian black metal was a far more serious beast, with some of the most extreme fears that were borne by that Satanic panic actually sort of coming to fruition. I mean, whether or not anyone within that Norwegian scene actually believed in their own bullshit, some of its members still managed to gain notoriety by doing some truly heinous and horrifying stuff, like murder. One of the scene's founders, Euronymous, from a band called Mayhem, and who also owned the Oslo record store where Norwegian black metal had originally started, once repeatedly stabbed a gay man to death.
And another thing that this scene manifested was a whole spate of church burnings as well; like fifty of them. Again, whether or not these musicians actually believed in any form of Satanism or held extreme anti-Christian beliefs totally becomes beside the point when they actually end up causing real world harm. But those actions that they took in order to gain credibility, by practicing what they preached in their music, caused the whole scene to become its own spectacle anyway, which is what it seems like some of its most vocal members had wanted all along; a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it were.
Now, while I viscerally tend to despise the sound of black metal itself, mostly because of its shrieking, demonic vocals, I'm not here to say that because a bunch of Norwegians took their shit way too far, that black metal, as a whole, should be canceled. I, personally, find its presentation and obsession with all things morose and evil to be really, really corny, but if you dig it, then more power to you.
But what I really struggle to wrap my head around—and perhaps I really shouldn't be as surprised as I am here—is that despite all of this violence and hatred that some musicians in the Norwegian scene themselves actually carried out in real life, that labels would still be willing to play footsie with those bands. Like, this comp, from Century Black Records, isn't from an obscure label of any kind; Century Black was a sublabel of Century Media Records, which is a very popular and diverse metal label that's now owned by fucking Sony! Like, you can easily find Mayhem's music on Spotify, the band of the guy who did that murder!
And understandably, there is a concerted effort by metal enthusiasts, and the industry as a whole, to deride and not platform black metal's Nazi subgenre, but if a dude who wasn't a confirmed Nazi committed a grisly, unprovoked killing that was also quite possibly a hate crime, and he and a bunch of others burned some churches too, well, Sony's capitalizing on their music right now. Fucking wild, right?
So, my objection here isn't to the sound or the absurdly cringy themes that black metal itself is steeped in, but it's that a label would still include a band like Mayhem on their comp. Like, isn't that some shit you'd wanna sweep under a rug, like with the Nazi stuff?! But no; I mean, do you see this album cover and title? Firestarter? What do you think they're referring to there, especially with this CD that's largely a showcase of foundational Norwegian black metal bands? Gee, I wonder 🤔.
And guess what? I didn't actually hate this album as much as I thought I would. I mean, I'm still all the way out on all of these songs once the typical black metal vocals kick in, but some of these riffs and melodies, combined with breakneck-paced drumbeats, are very impressive and satisfying to a tiny slice of me that enjoys some very heavy music from time to time. And some of these songs lean a little proggy too, which I can also get down with.
But can we please not do such a transparent allusion to one of the most truly abhorrent phenomena that Norwegian black metal begat? I mean, I understand the issues that people have with Christianity and organized religion more broadly, and I, myself, am a hardened atheist too, but can we please tone it the fuck down here by not flippantly making reference, in both the title and album art, to something reprehensible that actually repeatedly happened? Like, can we not glorify any of that extracurricular shit or present this album in such a way?! I mean, if you were making an album of Phil Spector's greatest hits, your album art wouldn't include anything that referenced the murder he committed, right?
No highlights.
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subjectsix · 2 years
*shakes bag of potential fic ideas*
kip do you have any Darling headcanons? Preferably how he was around Dylan?
I will share my fic ideas in return.
I do I do!! ;u;
I think he was very much like the Darling we see in his presentations-- something like a cool lecturer from college, or a neat teacher. At first this is great! I think Dylan and Darling were alike in a lot of ways. Dylan strikes me as the type who really loved learning and school and was 'a joy to have in class' and always enjoyed the positive attention, of which he gets plenty in the Bureau.
The Bureau is also like a book come to life-- Dylan's coping with witnessing murders and several fresh tragedies and uprooting life experiences that are not being addressed, so he latches onto the fantasy aspect of the Bureau hard. He's the boy in the book who gets whisked away to the magical world, but this is VERY real, and everyone is so eager to see him show off his powers. Apparently he's very interesting and powerful. And he wants to do good.
Darling just wants to help Dylan but doesnt know how, so does it in a semi-passive way, assuming things will sort themselves out and trying to spoil him-- letting him know little things he's studying and secrets, being the 'cool uncle, the 'fun dad'-- letting him stay up late or do things outside of his routine, talking to him like a peer and not a kid.
Pressure is building up on both of them immensely-- and neither of them talk about it. Dylan is just a kid who misses his family and watched his teacher die in front of him and feels responsible for a lot of events, and now all these adults are pushing him and pushing him to do more, do better, do good, in dangerous and fantastical ways. He becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, horrified of himself and despserate to become the monster they say he is, because any attention is attention, and turning every emotion and fear and panic and defense into offense is the only thing he has anymore.
Darling is trying to do good by this kid while balancing work and his friends and the Slide Projector studies and testing Dylan and rather than focus on one he distracts himself and tells himself it will all work out, never really taking responsibility except when things go wrong, and then removing himself entirely because he can't face the guilt and thinks he'll just make it all worse, pouring himself into other projects and hoping he just doesn't have to face things anymore, because its starting to sicken him. If he doesn't pay attention to it, maybe it'll go away. Maybe it'll fix itself.
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macawritesupdates · 4 months
Man I love how mol Sukuna seems like he needs Yuuji to need him. He's got this insecure attachment style thing going on poor guy. It really sucks that his desire to keep Yuuji ended up pushing him away. He loves him he loves his Yuuji but he can't trust that Yuuji won't leave him so he tries to hold him close through guilt and dependency but that's what forces Yuuji to leave ahh that hurts. Yuuji has to be dumb and weaker than Sukuna because if he's smart and strong enough to survive on his own, he could leave Sukuna. I don't think it's all on purpose it's like this subconscious insecurity that manifests itself through Sukuna trying to be superior and in charge when really deep down he feels like he needs Yuuji so much more than Yuuji needs him. He can't stand feeling like that so he tries to course correct but he goes too far. A lot of these issues could be solved if he was just able to trust Yuuji not to abandon him which hurts because the lack of trust becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hmm very good writing it makes me think of that old saying that you can't love someone else until you learn to love yourself first, I had always thought that was bullshit but I think I get what it's trying to say now you have to love yourself just enough to believe that you are worthy of love in the first place otherwise you won't be able to accept it. Sukuna doesn't believe that anyone could really love him at all, so he can't trust Yuuji enough to open up fully, and he'll probably never let anyone else get close enough to try. It hurts its beautifully written thank you for sharing but it hurts. I'm a big fluff kind of girl but the depth you can show with good angst is incredible. Still even knowing this is the bad ending fic I keep desperately wishing that somehow they'll be happy together again. I'm going to go read something sweeter like lessons to recover. (BTW I'm super super excited for the wedding!!)
The sad part is that he was already showing that behavior even when they were small as Sukuna grew up with very few people ever accepting him and clinging to them ; w ; Little Sukuna loses so much that it becomes obsession to keep things that make him happy...never really got the chance to learn how to be healthy about his relationships and so he self destructs and makes it everyone's problems. At least in Malevolence of Love that's how I see it as I write him going forward!
And it does hurt because so much could have gone right....but the characters keep choosing wrong ; w ; (And I too am looking forward to the wedding and have started to write it <3 It is as chaotic as you imagine it to be and Sukuna is being a nasty little gremlin...)
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alphaman99 · 1 year
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CB Hanify
"One day Dostoevsky threw out the enigmatic remark: "Beauty will save the world". What sort of a statement is that? For a long time I considered it mere words. How could that be possible? When in bloodthirsty history did beauty ever save anyone from anything? Ennobled, uplifted, yes - but whom has it saved?
There is, however, a certain peculiarity in the essence of beauty, a peculiarity in the status of art: namely, the convincingness of a true work of art is completely irrefutable and it forces even an opposing heart to surrender. It is possible to compose an outwardly smooth and elegant political speech, a headstrong article, a social program, or a philosophical system on the basis of both a mistake and a lie. What is hidden, what distorted, will not immediately become obvious.
Then a contradictory speech, article, program, a differently constructed philosophy rallies in opposition - and all just as elegant and smooth, and once again it works. Which is why such things are both trusted and mistrusted. In vain to reiterate what does not reach the heart.
But a work of art bears within itself its own verification: conceptions which are devised or stretched do not stand being portrayed in images, they all come crashing down, appear sickly and pale, convince no one. But those works of art which have scooped up the truth and presented it to us as a living force - they take hold of us, compel us, and nobody ever, not even in ages to come, will appear to refute them.
So perhaps that ancient trinity of Truth, Goodness and Beauty is not simply an empty, faded formula as we thought in the days of our self-confident, materialistic youth? If the tops of these three trees converge, as the scholars maintained, but the too blatant, too direct stems of Truth and Goodness are crushed, cut down, not allowed through - then perhaps the fantastic, unpredictable, unexpected stems of Beauty will push through and soar to that very same place, and in so doing will fulfil the work of all three?
In that case Dostoevsky's remark, "Beauty will save the world", was not a careless phrase but a prophecy? After all he was granted to see much, a man of fantastic illumination.
And in that case art, literature might really be able to help the world today?” Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Lecture
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sepublic · 2 years
I feel what makes Huntlow work for both participants is the fact that...
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Hunter and Willow have both struggled with the misconceptions of different identities assigned to them. Hunter is seen by Philip as just his brother reborn and is treated as such, everyone else considers him the Golden Guard, and when Luz even brings that up in Hunting Palismen (“You’re not my friend, you’re just the Golden Guard”) it freaking breaks him, and he has to reiterate he’s not that. Hunter isn’t a teen to people, he isn’t himself but a copy of another person and/or the Golden Guard... Which itself is a legacy title repeated many times before, and even Darius judges him by that precedent.
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Meanwhile Willow... She’s seen as weak and half-a-witch. Even her oldest friend Amity kinda viewed her as such, and it was that underestimation that led to a lack of communication, and a lack of agency for Willow in the two splitting apart. Everyone sees Willow as weak and timid and demure, Willow even struggles with her dads insisting she be in Abominations, which is NOT true to her! And even with her friends Gus and Luz, I feel Willow is just a bit haunted by the idea that they’ve known her originally, Gus especially, as the shy and bullied kid who had trouble standing up for herself. Luz remarks on how much Willow has changed, and while that’s true, to Willow this current self has always been what she really was. Hell, even her inner self laments that she was Willow until Amity damaged her mind, literally and figuratively.
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So I think that’s why Huntlow works for these two; They’ve only really ever known the other as the person they truly see themselves as, and it’s essentially a fresh start without the baggage of the past, the misconceived labels that are still hard to escape and that they want to move on from. Willow really only knew Hunter as himself, as a teen who she befriended, and him being the cold-hearted and professional Golden Guard didn’t come until after the fact, she was able to construct an understanding of Hunter separate from that persona and it clearly persists.
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Meanwhile Hunter has only ever known Willow as his Captain, as the incredibly brave, powerful, and confident witch she really is. The idea that she’s scared or meek in any way is unimaginable to him, and it allows Hunter to clear who’s a real Willow from the fake; And Willow loves that! It makes her feel seen and no longer weighed down by those past illusions of who she was. Willow was never this shy kid, to Hunter she’s always been the coolest, toughest, witch he’s ever met. When Willow calls herself half-a-witch in a moment of crisis, Hunter is genuinely shocked that Willow would ever see herself this way, that she evidently has to default to that when in doubt of herself, and of course the implication that others saw her as that.
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But like. Even when they realize who the other is/was, it doesn’t really change nor make them backpedal on their view of the other. If anything it might just make them double-down on that perception of the other’s true self, and appreciate it more in the light of how Hunter and Willow’s true identities managed to shine and break through in spite of all the labels placed on them for years, when such a thing could really mess with and change a person, become a self-fulfilling prophecy and a nightmare illusion that becomes reality. They’re just glad they go to know each other first and foremost as who they really are, and be known that way as well; So as people with struggles over this issue of past identity influencing perception, it just really hits home and they love that of the other.
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Again, that isn’t to say they don’t value the help of others who knew them as their hurt persona, who still reached out to encourage and cultivate that inner, true self; Luz, Amity, Gus. But at the same time, there’s something nice and refreshing about being able to sort of reinvent yourself with this stranger, and be only that idealized self to them. And not have to worry about your friends worrying you’re that previous self, because Hunter and Willow don’t want to always have someone second-guess that self-actualization for them.
The doubt, while from a place of concern, can be tiring and it’s nice to just be free from any reservations like that. Hunter and Willow just feel seen around each other, in a way that’s unique because it was never marred by the first impression of something different. Each was readily accepted at face value with no suspicions, this is who they are, and it feels good to be trusted and taken seriously like that.
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
Some Thoughts re: the 6's core desire
So it struck me in the light of recent discourse that when we think of 6, we think more of what the individual doesn't want to happen (to be a coward, to have no clue what to do on your own) than what it is that they're seeking.
Like we typically think of 1 as "the one that wants to be moral", 2 as "the one that wants to be liked", 9 as "the one who wants to be connected & at peace" etc. but someohow 6 is the scaredy cat type?
All the types have both desired things and outcomes they want to avoid. & there are effects at work self-fulfilling prophecies, enantiodromia, overcompensation etc through which one can shoot themselves in the foot, but still ultimately, a 6 is a person who wants to avoid being a scaredy cat. (So no wonder they all loathe the descriptions!)
Now part of this may be because 6 is a negative type & hence perceptions of absence, lack & insufficiency would predominate, but, we dont really think of 4 as the "boring insignificant pedandic" type or of 5 as the "deer in the headlights" type (though the latter would have moments where its accurate...)
Then it occurred to me that it may be the switcheroo thing.
Let me elaborate:
One thing that happens with 6s is that inside & outside stuff can get flipped - There are the classic examples of interpreting stuff as signs of cheating because youre jealous or taking other people's words as trash talk when you're feeling insecure, but there is also a reverse of this where a person seeks out in admired figures good traits that they themselves would like to have while maybe not realizing the extent to which they have said good trait themselves.
Cordon has like the sober realistic take on that in his 6 writeup; In Maitri's book she does this thing where she maps each of the types to some supposed aspect of the divine which such a person would wish to experience, embody and in a sense offer to others.
For the 6 its a sense of strength, courage, and grounded solidity and the kind of empowerment that coes from alingment with the truth (personal or universal), a theme that i certainly notice in art or inspirational speeches. It may not exist as an aspect of the divine but perhaps as an "obscure sorrow". While reading the text I was strongly reinded of the 6 athlete/motivational speaker guy that the BHE dudes did a video on & that speech thingy he gave.
It's the counterpoint to... not so much your destructibility & animal nature itself (thats more 5) but what being destructible & an animal might lead you to do. like cracking under pressure 1984 style or, missing some important danger because you're fallible, being blamed & accused...
Interestingly, here too there is a switcheroo - that the type 6 person either wants to be this ideal of strenght & courage themselves, or looks for a person or a belief that they connect with that ideal.
So, do we have the basic desire right even? Is it not as much to be strong & courageous yourself than to find a source of strenght? 'Courageous' is probably the best word, because it could imply both intellectual integrity & fortitude of character.
It's probably a nonsensical question, the split attention between inside & outside is itself the characteristic thing. 6 flipflops between "outside good, inside bad" and its opposite (whereas in 5 and 7 it's strongly fixed in one direction... )
If you have both they reinforce each other, they become part of the same thing, if you think of yourself existing in context.
The line blurs with the 'hyper-logical' 6s solid belief system & put it inside themselves to apply it & thereby become self-reliant.
Like even 6s that aren't tough feel they should be. (however the individual defines strenght - doesn't have to be the traditional macho way - could also be intellectual or moral.)
If you look at 6s on average, there is probably a higher rate of being resilient, disaster proof, sporty, street smart, knowing martial arts, having practical resourcefulness, or smelling bullshit a mile away.
An "authoritarian follower personality" isn't something anyone is born with - contrary to pessimistic 20th century conclusions about human nature, nowdays its believed to be a damage that happens if your parents over-control you as a teenager.
But like, my point is, the basic desire might be to be to be courageous & have inner solidity as it is to find solidity on the outside. Having friends and knowing your shit basically helps you be brave. Having strong allies puts you in a position of strenght.
Because of the switcherroo thing you might feel the others have the strenght you want - or rather, you will be on the lookout for it. Obviously the evil power structures of the world are not all imagined.
i mean, compare it with the other types - their desire can usually be summarized more as some desirable-sounding adjective ("righteous", "loveable", "worthy", "meaningful/deep", "capable/insightful", "free/happy", "autonomous/vital", "peaceful") than an external thing to have.
Why would 6 alone be about "fellating other people", as one poster so succintly put it?
but of course 6 has the split inner/ outer attention & the context focus, so its no surprise that there is an "outside" formulation of what it wants.
Actually all the Compliant types could be consider to have this "external cope" thing going on - 2 wants to feel loveable so to get that others must love them. 1 wants to feel aligned & "right" so they create order the environment.
It's also worth considerin how all the factors are connected.
Eg. 5 would tend to have that particular fear of the whole deer-in-the-headlights, cant-deal-at-all situation cause thats more likely to happen if you gpt a sensitive, easily startled disposition & little access to instinctive snap judgements. Having a clue of wtf is going on prevents that, so it seems attractive.
2 would have a fear of being unloveable cause they'd have an especially strong desire for love & connection, so you'd try to win it by acting all loveable. On the other hand having a strong desire for (and capacity for) love isn't bad! I guess even in the 5 example, introversion comes from having a higher baseline "activity level", so, the "overprocessing everything" might've come first, & that can be useful in some ways too. having a big imagination is fun!
Likewise the 6s ability to keep both the inner & outer world in view, to both observe someone's face & theorize about what it means, is actually an useful strenght. But the flipflopping & re-questioning of everything may leave you not knowing what to do & then starting to freak out about that, which you'd want to avoid. & hence you'd desire this sense of courage to make decisions. But the great mental energy & flexibility might've come first.
Tl; DR: The desire of 6 might be better formulated as to be brave, courageous and strong enough to withstand danger & adversity.
there is probably a bit of a sp bias in here and I anticipate that you guys are gonna want to nitpick & refine the specifics & terminology somewhat - just throwing this out there so ya'll can play with it.
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