#(with no hopes of even being able to afford food or bills let alone healthcare they need or even the odd like candy bar?)
best by dates featherless, full can in hand consumed by inner turmoil bare feet on kitchen tile yet it has slipped away, white noise thoughts of stupid human shit waste absurd etched scars of all the lies why are we this way is it really even your life to live? one accident could end it and others can debate pulling the plug keep you selfishly alive, despite organ failure the thought makes me tremble or that to barely scrape by- costs more than is possible healthcare, or bills box of pasta/can of sauce or toothpaste you can’t afford any of it even if you worked twenty jobs when am i allowed to pull the plug? i don’t want to be dead, not really don’t qualify for the circus of governmental bs can’t earn a single cent best by dates my expiration is long past years of mental illness, poverty this body is crumbling in prolonged agony heart in constant pain nothing fixes it 22 years at risk of heart failure from 22 far too long years on this rock hurtling through space this suffering is cruel, naught for any purpose yet it’d be oh such an waste in other eyes best by dates, stupid can in my hand abandoned
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arcticfox007 · 3 years
Suptober Day 1: Harvest
This is my first time doing Suptober and I probably won’t do every day (and am already a day late) but I thought it would be a good creativity boost and looking through all the other work it seemed like a lot of fun! Thanks to @winchester-reload for organizing this :)
Check it out on AO3!
Castiel hadn’t meant to overhear the conversation. He was supposed to be on break, but had volunteered to reset room 5 for the next patient because he knew his friend Alex had been in dire need of a break. Cas was only a volunteer, spending his junior year of college shadowing various medical professionals to get a better idea of what a career in medicine would really be like. When Alex had suggested shadowing one of the doctors she worked with, he’d readily agreed, knowing that his friend spoke highly of both Dr. Barnes and Dr. Fitzgerald.
He’d already spent the past few hours shadowing Dr. Fitzgerald (or Garth as he insisted on being called) and had seen enough to realize that Family Medicine was understaffed and struggling to do the best they could for their patients given the absurd constraints on their time. Garth was currently seeing a patient who didn’t want a stranger in the room, so the doctor had told Cas to grab some lunch. Cas had intended to do just that when he saw Alex making frantic phone calls at the front desk. When she’d hung up, she’d looked at the end of her rope, explaining to Can that one of the other nurses called out and she couldn’t find anyone to cover for them.
Which is how Cas ended up in room 5 wiping down the surfaces and pulling a new paper cover over the bed. Cas knew all about patient privacy, but really, the conversation easily carried into the room when the man who must be one of Dr. Barnes patients had decided to continue talking to her out in the hallway. The man had a compelling voice and by the time Cas realized he was eavesdropping it was too late to avoid it as leaving room 5 now would have only made the unsuspecting patient realize he’d been overheard.
“Um, and, I’m really sorry about this doc, but I probably can’t afford the bill for today’s services right away.”
“Dean, just call Meg like I told you. Our pharmacy here is amazing at finding co-pay cards for these types of medications.”
“I will talk to her, I swear. It’s just when we had to switch insurance plans the new one says the co-pay for that grade of medicine is $100 a dose. I’m honestly not sure I can make that work Dr. Barnes.”
“I understand, but you need this medicine Dean. Your RA will flare right back up without it. If that happens you eventually won’t be able to work at all. Even skipping doses is ill-advised, letting the inflammation persist could eventually cause permanent damage to your joints.”
“I get it doc, I do, but $400 a month? It’s basically choosing between eating and my ability to move without pain.”
“Dean, just talk to Meg. We will figure something out. At least promise me you’ll take the Humira every other week. I know it didn’t manage your symptoms well at the lower dose before, but it was still better than letting the RA go untreated.”
Dean must have responded to Dr. Barnes in some way Castiel couldn’t hear, because after a few moments the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway, fading as they moved towards the front desk. Cas hurried out of room 5, the trash bag hanging unnoticed from his wrist. His heartbeat sped up as he worried that he wouldn’t catch a glimpse of “Dean” before he left the office. Cas didn’t really know what he was planning on doing, just that he couldn’t stand the thought of this man resigning himself to pain all because the healthcare industry was such an awful mess that it would burden someone with choosing food over medicine. Something about the way Dean had sounded reminded him so much of his sister, Anna, right before she had left Castiel forever. That feeling drew Cas forward to meet a man he didn’t know. Cas couldn’t solve Dean’s money problems, Cas couldn’t force the government to change how healthcare was run in the country, Cas couldn’t even make Dean’s medical issues any better – but he could meet this man and maybe make him smile for a moment. Maybe, if he was brave enough, he could offer him some sort of friendship so maybe he would have one more person to help him through his struggles. Cas had been too young to understand how alone Anna must have felt but he knew more about it now. Helping people like Anna was what had drawn Cas to medicine in the first place.
Turning the corner Cas was startled to see what could only be a 6-foot flannel-wearing freckled god. The man was Hollywood beautiful and for a moment Cas forgot what had brought him rushing around the corner in the first place. The sound of Alex pointedly snapping her fingers brought Castiel back to reality as he broke of his inappropriate staring. He felt his skin heat up rapidly as he blushed.
“Did you finish room 5, Castiel?” Alex stared at him expectantly. Silently, Cas handed over the trash bag and muttered something about taking his lunch break outside. Too embarrassed by his very obvious admiration of the man that must have been Dean, Cas didn’t think he could talk to him in front of Alex. He rushed out the front door in the hopes that the autumn air would help him pull himself together. He didn’t know why he’d felt so compelled to talk to a man who’s private and very personal conversation he’d overheard. He was almost glad that his humiliating gawking had saved him from speaking to the guy. After all, what would he have said anyway? The air alone wasn’t helping Castiel’s composure, so he began pacing in front of the building.
“I mean how do you go up to a stranger and tell them they aren’t alone and that good things do happen? It’s not like it wouldn’t embarrass the guy to know I overheard him talking about his money problems…” Cas froze as he heard someone clear their throat behind him.
“Uh, hey man. I actually came out to ask you something else, but I think this just got awkward.” Cas took a deep breath already knowing it was Dean standing behind him. Cas’ habit of muttering to himself when anxious had gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion, but never quite as badly as this felt. Sadly, his fervent wish to turn invisible on the spot was being ignored by the universe and he found himself staring into striking green eyes while wondering how he could possibly salvage this situation.
“H-hello Dean. I’m Castiel, and I can’t apologize enough for overhearing your conversation with Dr. Barnes. I swear it wasn’t intentional, I was cleaning out the room you were standing near and – “
“Whoa, hold up buddy. I’m not mad or anything. I mean, it wouldn’t be my topic of choice to start chatting up the hot new guy at my doctor’s office, but you clearly work in healthcare, I’m sure you’ve heard the same thing from lots of folks.” Cas’ brain froze a bit when Dean referred to him as hot, but then it caught up with what he was actually saying.
“Er, actually I’m just shadowing Dr. Garth for the day, but yes, I have heard stories like yours. My sister, Anna, went through something similar. That’s why I wanted to say something to you but wasn’t sure what. Then I actually saw you and, well, you saw. I’m not really good with subtlety. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable.” Dean threw his head back with a barking laugh and Cas found himself staring at the beautiful man yet again.
“Having someone like you checking me out definitely doesn’t make me uncomfortable. If it makes you feel better, I came out hoping to ask if you’d be interested in going to the Harvest Festival tonight. I have to work for a bit at my store’s booth but if you were free around 7, I’d love to talk with you more. Even if it’s just whatever you wanted to talk to me about before.” Dean smiled flirtatiously at Cas, and there was no way to resist that.
“Yes, I’d love to! Where should I meet you?”
They exchanged information quickly, and parted ways with matching smiles. Cas would get his chance to tell Dean how his sister gave up her fight with cancer because she knew her treatments were bankrupting the family. He’d tell him how he’d was hoping to be a doctor himself one day to maybe help someone else like Anna win their fight despite the shitty healthcare system. He’d also tell Dean that he’d chased him down the hall because he’d desperately wanted to tell him that maybe they were strangers, but that he hoped Dean didn’t give up and that he’d be willing to be there for him if having a friend would help.
Now though, Cas thought maybe he’d already made Dean’s day a bit brighter, and he looked forward to getting to know the handsome man better. Maybe his impulse to offer his friendship to a stranger wasn’t as insane as it first seemed, and if Castiel was reading things right perhaps friendship wasn’t the only thing they had to offer one another.
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I’m just going to copy/paste this because it took me hours and I’m drained. 
I guess I have to format it again if I want it to show up at all... 
I couldn't even make it back home before breaking down crying again.
Driving while chronically sleep deprived, exhausted, fatigued, and dissociating is bad enough. Doing it with all that AND without being able to see? How special. 
I barely had time to sit down, my phone rang. I answered it, begging for someone to hear me. For thirty straight seconds. "Hello? Hello? Hello???" Finally someone spoke, but they couldn't hear me. I'm sobbing. They hung up. I scrambled to call back, from my computer, because at least then I'm not fighting a lack of reception as well as my anxiety. They called again. I didn't answer. I waited for my computer to ring through instead. I'm put on hold.  I'm sobbing. It was just to ask what my pharmacy is. Which I already answered on my paperwork. Which I answered, again, at check-out. And I was forced into a third confirmation via a pointless, needless, anxiety-attack inducing phone call hazing. For something I already answered. 
It's not fucking fun. People don't choose this. I didn't choose this. But does it matter? "Call," the command comes. "Just call." "Call to confirm." "Call to ask." "Call." "Call." "Call." 
I want you to think of something that takes physical hold of your body and brings to you to tears. I want you to hold that and sit with it until it does those things. I want you to choose to reduce yourself to a sobbing mess, struggling to breathe, alone. And I want you to picture a world where you are commanded, demanded, required to do this. For virtually everything. Imagine needing help - but you must first re-traumatize yourself with your most painful memories until your nose is running and your eyes burn from crying. And you're exhausted for the rest of the day, too. Maybe multiple days. Absolutely exhausted. So fucking depleted that taking yourself to the bathroom is almost impossible. Feeding yourself - even eating something out of a can, or microwaved - is a herculean effort. Does that sound fun? Of course not. 
As for the appointment itself: It's the same. Much better bedside manner. But it's the same underlying capitalism-serving "care" system. It's my fault. I'm not trying hard enough. I'm not blacking out alone on the side of the road enough. I haven't dissociated hard enough and/or blacked out while driving yet, so it can't be that bad, right? Not until I'm maimed or dead, right? Why address the root of a problem when we can just plaster on endless band-aids instead? When we can blame you for hurting, instead of the environment that's poisoning you? I'm not medically sedating myself into an obedient little wage slave, and that's the real problem. I should aspire to produce capital for someone with most of the remaining hours of my life. That's the purpose of living, that's the reason for "health"care - not to care about health, no, just to keep the wheels of capitalism well-oiled with wasted human life. Inherent human value? Quality of life? Nah. 
They refused my medical history. I brought the 72-page pdf on a flash drive. Because that's how I was given it. Because I can't afford to buy and operate a personal fax machine and/or print out a chapter book's worth of pages of medical records. I went through the trouble of getting the files, and it took over a month - only to be told "we can't take anything but paper or fax." I filled out a file release form as best I could. But I didn't have the phone number or address memorized. Not even before that place became synonymous with medical neglect and trauma for me. So now they're going to go through the ancient months-long ritual of requesting the self-fucking-same documents from LISH, either by mail or fax, because they "can't" access a flash drive or a pdf or use email. Welcome to 2021. We're back to "normal" and teleheath never existed and the internet is fake and technology is a myth and why do anything efficiently when you can waste time and do damage to people instead? My Aunt called to check in on me during her lunch break. (Thank you again) She offered to get the file printed and try to hand it in for me. I'm too tired to hope. I'm too exhausted to think they'll accept it without fuss. Anything and everything to make things harder.
Top priority order of business is the whole "diseased for life" thing. Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism. Daily hormones for every day of the rest of forever, gatekept behind eternal doctor visits and prescriptions and pharmacies and copays and and and and did I mention this is forever? I've got a referral to have a thyroid sonogram done. Haven't ever had one of those before. Need to make that appointment. I was able to have my blood drawn for the thyroid testing without needing an additional appointment, which was a nice change of pace. Normally you're supposed to fast for that, but I wasn't expecting that could be done during the visit. Three years of having to make additional trips to the lab for blood work. I ate immediately before getting there, so hopefully nothing had a chance to metabolize and skew the results. Even though it was great not to have to juggle yet another appointment for health shit, it was stressful. The nurse took three tries before she had all the supplies she needed in the room. I already have anxiety spikes (which also raise my blood pressure and heart rate) for all doctor visits now. (White Coat Syndrome, I learned, it's called) I didn't need to have a rubber cable tied around my arm, popped off, tied again, popped off, and tied a third and final time to make it worse. A pro to that con: she was incredibly accurate and gentle. I normally have sub-dermal bleeding and some bruising after having blood drawn, and keep the bandage on for a day or two. The bandage didn't last even an hour after I got home - but there wasn't a single spot of trapped blood, and I almost couldn't even tell where she stuck me.
I have another new diagnosis to add to my growing collection. Hypertension. High blood pressure. I used to have slightly low blood pressure. It stunned the first doctor I ever saw (you know, because I'm fat, so that sort of thing is supposed to be ~impossible~) and it frustrated my last doctor at first, too. But now, with years of building stress and anxiety? It's almost like living with your most basic human needs barely provided (food, shelter, healthcare - let's not bring up social needs LMAO those don't count anyway, right?), and at constant risk of being taken away, for months (years, in some cases) on end, is some form of stress. It's almost like being constantly dismissed and told "you're just not trying hard enough" (WHILE TRYING YOUR BEST JUST TO SURVIVE EACH DAY) is some form of stress!It's almost like perpetual, ongoing, worsening stress has a negative impact on your heart! It's almost like there are decades of data that spell this out, plain as day!It's almost like I noticed my elevated heart rate back in NOVEMBER and mentioned it out of concern to my last doctor - who dismissed it outright because my reading in-office wasn't *that* bad, and also shouldn't I be on 5487 psych meds instead? If I was sedated out of my mind, I wouldn't be physically capable of feeling stress in my body despite the presence of real-world stress factors. That's healthy, right? Don't bother to solve the stressors, just neuter the body's response to them. Super healthy response. (Not) My GYN took note of my concern in December, when my vitals DID show as high in-office. Not that my GYN had the jurisdiction to do anything about it. I'm being put on another medication to try to mitigate this, and potentially also address some anxiety. I haven't picked it up yet. I don't know the name. I don't know if I'll be able to afford it. "Your copay is only a dollar!" Yes well, when you don't have a dollar, you can't afford a dollar, can you?
I was given a list of psychiatrists. To "Call!!"Precisely none of them are a reasonable distance away. Nearly half aren't even in my insurance network. Some explicitly exclude Medicaid. Others are exclusively for children. I was suggested a medication for depression and anxiety. I can't remember which one. Either Abilify or Lexapro? I declined it for now, either way. I wanted to be able to research it. Lexapro is just another SSRI and I already know those don't work for me. Adding a chemical bouncer to my brain to make sure the happy chemicals stay out to play doesn't help when there are no happy chemicals in the first place. A quick search for Abilify doesn't address anxiety at all so it was probably Lexapro. In which case, I am not interested in repeating a different-flavor-Prozac experience. It was not good. I didn't get any notes with that medication, regardless. I got a sticky note with "Valerian Root Extract (tea or tincture)" and "Magnesium Glycinate 2 capsules" scribbled on it, instead. Out-of-pocket home rem-maybes. I can't afford to experiment with snake oils, so mostly I'll probably just spend a bunch of time looking for data and research and studies for those substances, and that's it. If I get around to psychiatric care, I will have to start from scratch in my insurance's shoddy search tool, again. And, frankly, it's not a priority. My mental health struggles are the result of a lot of physical factors and external/social factors, and no amount of artificial chemicals bullying my brain is going to solve any of it. When your car starts leaking oil, you don't just commit to buying more oil forever and dribbling it all over, wherever you go. You fix the fucking leak. If your house has a gas leak, you don't invest in gas masks. You fix the fucking leak. If you end up with a burst pipe, you don't commit to wasting water and money and damaging your environment. You fix. The fucking. Leak. But in these comparisons, I'm getting prescribed oil and gas masks and infinite water damage/waste/bills as long-term care.
I mentioned my fatigue. It was the final straw that made me give up with the last doctor. It just keeps getting worse. It's been getting worse for over 3 years. And I'm so, so fucking tired of it getting pinned fully on the fact that I'm not on psych meds. I WAS on psych meds during part of those 3 years with my last doctor. And it didn't fucking make any difference! A daily chemical lobotomy does not address or restore my lack of physical energy. My decades-old medication-resistant insomnia has never vanished with psych meds before, and it's not likely to do it now. Especially not with yet another of the same family of chemicals that I already know don't work. I want my concern to be taken seriously. I don't want it just brushed into the mental health corner, again. Being too tired to even do the things you used to enjoy - no one fucking wants this! I don't want this! I miss being able to go for walks. I miss going to the gym. I miss seeing how much I could do, and feeling good, and feeling strong. And I can't do any of that now. Not without risking harming myself in the process. 
No one wants this. I keep talking, but it feels like no one listens. At the earliest opportunity, we're back to repeating the same tired old shit that doesn't work. I try to come prepared, and the stress and time and system make sure I fail to stand up for myself anyway. I didn't get to document my disordered eating history. The relapse this year. Restricting, sometimes to the point of not eating at all. I declined to be weighed, because I want my care to be based on relevant data, vitals, blood results - not the shape and size of my body. But I was too tired to realize I needed to dodge a verbal ask for the same information. Which, it turns out, is nearly as bad a trigger as having the scale spit it out for me. Being your own advocate for equal care, when you're already tapped out? I'm not winning that challenge. 
I'm frustrated. I'm not giving up, but I am frustrated and beyond tired. I don't really expect anyone to read this mess. But it's here.
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kariachi · 4 years
Some AF fic! Starring Kevin and Julie!!
Life in a big city isn’t cheap, especially when you’ve got as much going on as a Kevin.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Was not the sort’ve topic change Kevin had expected when he and Julie’s talk of sports died down. It was one of the rare occasions they got to hang out alone, Ben and Gwen having both cancelled on them at the last minute for non-emergency family things. So fuck it, just because their dates were busy didn’t mean they couldn’t grab some food and a movie themselves.
“What sort’ve something?” Julie nibbled on a curly fry for a long moment before answering.
“I’ve heard Ben call you greedy,” she said, “and Gwen, and you, but you don’t… seem like it, I guess? I mean I wouldn’t expect a greedy person to cover this.” She threw a smile at him and held up her sandwich in explanation.
“No, that’s stingy,” Kevin said with a laugh, “greedy’ll just pick your pocket while you think you’re safe.” The fact that she didn’t immediately check for her wallet, didn’t give him a Look, just laughed along? That was nice. He appreciated that she was that cool.
“I don’t know, maybe I just don’t know enough greedy people, but you don’t really act like I’d expect them too.”
“I was involved in war profiteering recently.” She paused.
“Okay, maybe that. But mostly you just, have a job. Not a legal one but… I don’t know. I’ve heard Gwen talking about how now you’ve got legal work you should stop but-” Kevin resisted the urge to groan, like he hadn’t had that argument about a million times. “I thought I’d ask you.” He took a breath, ate a bite of his sandwich.
“The Tennysons don’t get money shit,” he explained first off, “it’s easier to roll with it than argue with them, trust me I’ve tried.” A sigh and he leaned forward- it shouldn’t have, but this felt like a private conversation. “They don’t know, I think- I hope because if they’re being paid better than me I’ll pitch a fit- because their paychecks go straight into their college funds and they’ve still got their parents paying for shit, but the Plumbers aren’t exactly giving us a lot. I’m twenty-four grand a year before taxes-” He quickly held up a hand to forestall a response “-which sounds like a lot if you aren’t paying bills. Bellwood ain’t bad for a city, but living here ain’t cheap.”
“So, you’ve got your side jobs to pay your bills,” Julie said with a nod after a brief pause to be sure he was done. Kevin snorted.
“Jules, this is my side job. Even actual licensed Plumbers get shit pay before they’ve got some promotions under their belts because they provide room and board in the bases and use it as an excuse, meanwhile we’re only deputized. We get worse pay and no benefits. It’s the Plumber equivalent of part-time.”
“Seriously?” Her nose crinkled in distaste. Good, it should’ve, the whole mess was shit. “Not even healthcare?”
“Not even healthcare. Need to be licensed for that.”
“You got thrown through a wall last week!”
“I did. Thankfully aside from some stiffness I’m fine now so, don’t need to worry about that.” With a ‘just some stiffness my ass’ glare, Julie took a surprisingly pointed sip of her soda.
“So, you can’t afford to live on your pay.” Taking another bite of his sandwich- it was going to go cold at this rate- Kevin nodded.
“I’m taking home about sixteen-hundred a month,” he explained, glad to have somebody who was actually listening, “that pays for my apartment and my storage unit. It’s half what I pay each month on my mom’s mortgage, and about matches what I pay each for my garages. And that’s without factoring in food, healthcare, constant car repairs-” Heaving another sigh, he leaned back again. “Even if I dropped everything that wasn’t required to live, if I dropped my mom, I’d still not be making ends meet just because of all the money that goes into keeping my car running after it gets wrecked over, and over, and over again.” The fact he hadn’t killed anybody over it yet was astonishing.
Across the table, Julie nodded, and for tonight at least she was his favorite. From her scrunched expression it was clear that she didn’t fully get it either- of course not, she was still living at home, with her family, who she had no painful history with, getting her bills paid for her- but it was clear she was listening. Actually listening, not just pretending so she could try to poke holes in his arguments because crime was bad and only bad and/or greedy people committed it. It was nice, to actually be listened to by someone who wasn’t living it themselves. As much as he loved the Tennysons, the brick stick of reality hadn’t hit them yet and until it did everything would be an excuse.
“Okay,” she said after taking a moment to let the concept sink in, “that makes sense. Just, please don’t go into war profiteering again?” Snorting, Kevin threw her a grin, mind going back to the chest of cash he’d been forced to leave behind.
Every time it looked like he’d be able to pay off that stupid fucking mortgage…
“No worries, Jules. Didn’t get the returns I’d want outta that anyway.”
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"ninja quotes insurance
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I can't get affordable health insurance until I lose 20 pounds?
I need to lose 20 pounds so I'm no longer obese. Then I can get into an affordable health payment program. Until then I can't afford insurance so I hope nothing major happens. I've started eating healthy by cutting sweets, fried, processed, junk, and fast foods. Eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies with moderate amounts of whole grains and lean protein. I drink mostly water but will have tea sometimes with a spoonful of honey. For breakfast we have plain oatmeal with fruit but no sugar. My calories are 1300-1600. I'm not very consistent with exercise. I aim for 45-60 minutes of cardio 3-5 times/week and 2-3 strength training sessions each week, but don't always manage all that. So considering that, how soon can I reasonably expect to lose those 20 pounds?""
Can you cancel your car insurance for a month and the get it back?
I'm going out of state for like 3-4 weeks and I was wondering if there's anyway to stop your car insurance for just that month and then Get it back when I come back without having to pay for it since that's kind of a waste. I have allstate
Do you have to declare performance parts on to your auto insurance?
Like a new exhaust system, or an aftermarket turbo?""
On average how much more would the cost be for insurance for a house with a pool?
We are thinking about buying a home in So Cal that is a 4 +2 house on a 10,000 sq ft lot. The house has a pool though, and our concern would be what the cost of insurance would be. The pool is deep, and there is no diving board, and at the present time there is no fence. What do you all think? We have small children, so once we purchase the home, we will put a fence up, but we're just trying to guesstimate at this point. If anyone has any thoughts, by all means share them! I really appreciate any direction I can get with this. *I would rather not call 50 Insurance agencies to get quotes and have someone selling something I don't need yet!* Thanks a bunch.""
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don't i get the insurance afterwards... both of my parents just past so I'm trying to get my life going....just need a little help NO HATERS
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Were do i get classic insurance for 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old with a 1999 ford mustang cobra?
It has a ton of mods and yes I am looking at fast cars because ive been around them all my life. and dont be that guy that says get a honda. Thanks
Found a nice place for those who need free auto quotes?
Hey there just wanted to let everyone know i found this great site for free auto insurance quotes, its saved me $32 off of my montly policy. Read some of the auto insurance articles to help you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com""
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I need suggestions on good affordable insurance, keep in mind Im a first time driver.""
Why does car insurance cost more for males than females?
I'm guessing because we tend to drive more dangerously, but how is that legal being sexist like that?""
Should i be on my own insurance or be added to my parents?
My parents own a 2004 chevy trailblazer and a dodge caravan. If i were to get any type of 4 cylinder car.. would it be cheaper to be on my own insurance or just to be added on to theirs. I am 16 and not 17 til august, but i have money for a car and need a car but cant figure out which would be cheaper for when i do get a car. HELPPP""
Where is a good place to get insurance after having a suspended license without paying a large sum?
My license was suspended in 2009 for a year. I currently have insurance under American family but they upped my fees to around 200 bucks for even if i have a decent record. Can anyone recommend a decent company that might be cheaper with the suspension on my record?
""Difference in insurance price between 2007 4DR Chevy Cobalt, and 2008 Pontiac G6 GT 4DR?""
I currently have a 2007 Cobalt LT 4DR 2.2. I'm fairly happy with the car but I want a car with a little bit more room, that's still a GM or Ford and has a little bit better get up and go. I love my low insurance rates with the cobalt how much do you think i'd go up with the g6?""
On an application for car insurance does having the use of other vehicles increase or decrease the quote?
I'm filling in an insurance comparison and it asks if I have the use of other vehicles, I can drive my dad's but does it make it more or less expensive?""
Why won't anyone published my poems about car insurance coverage?
I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
Is it Ok to buy insurance for me and let other people buy the car?
It is cheap to buy me insurance, so I am just wondering if I can buy the insurance and let other people to drive the car.""
Is it legal for our group insurance company to mandate life insurance?
Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
Car insurance rough estimate?
55 years old, recent drink driving conviction, Mazda sports car worth < 2K.""
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What's the cheapest auto insurance ?
How much would a job delivering pizzas affect my car insurance premiums?
I drive a 1997 Geo Metro. I have no accidents or moving violations on my record. I have been driving since August 2005. I am 25 years old. My October bill was $91.17.
""There have been caps of $250K for healthcare lawsuits in California for years, and insurance premiums didnt?
....go down one cent! If fact they are still among the highest in the country. How will this help reform healthcare according to conservatives? When in fact all it does is funnel more cash into their Wall Street supporters pockets?
Where to buy workers compensation insurance cheap in NY state?
Where to buy workers compensation insurance cheap in NY state?
How to Insure a used car dealership?
I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
I do not have auto insurance and my license is suspended (child support). I live in California?
Is the other driver still responsible to pay for damages to my car? He has insurance. What do I do first? Thank you for your help
How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies?
How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?""
ninja quotes insurance
ninja quotes insurance
Switching car insurance providers?
am i able to switch car insurance providers before my year is up? i have 8 months left but i have had a cheaper quote elsewhere which saves me 900 a year!
Where's a good place to go if have cavaties and no dental insurance at the moment?
i'm taking a semester off (enrolled in college but not currently attending) and i just graduated h.s. and my dental insurance cut off my moms plan. They discovered 2 cavities and they i'd like to get them taken care of before i go away to college is there anywhere i could go for cheaper or that would accet paymnet plans at a semi-affordable price?
What are some good car with cheap insurance and good mpg for a 16. I wanna tune it up?
I want a car that has low insurance and good mpg i wanna tune it up to like 400hp to 500hp
How does having a salvaged title affect insurance?
Does it cost more? My dad told me that you're unable to get full coverage with a salvaged title.
Insurance companies scoop on value of totaled car?
If the market in your area is much higher then what nada is, the insurance is going to do a market analysis. How far can they legally go out. Meaning how many miles. If I am in ...show more""
Health insurance for 1099?
I am forming a corporation that will bring on several 1099 contractors as consultants, almost like a consortium of consultants. I'd like to offer them group health insurance. is this possible given that they are all 1099 contractors?""
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
Car insurance for teen help?
So am buying a car and my parents don't have a driver license But i Do But i am only 17 which makes the insurance a lot . So my moms friend said he would put me under his insurance but he isn't Driving but he has a valid new your license . So is there a way for me to be under his insurance with the title of the car in my name ? or does it have to be in his name does he add me to the policy as a Additional driver & The car Or just me alone and not the car ? what would happen if i get pulled over and the title is in his name ?
Do Car Insurance rates go up when being rear ended?
I was rear ended and it was NOT my fault. I live in California and have State Farm. Will my rates go up?
Has anyone purchased car insurance online?
I want to purchase geico online but would like some input on any experiences with online auto insurance policies?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?
What is the most affordable health insurance for children for a family who's income is $60k?
Does insurance agents give you the lowest price insurance?
or do they give you a higher priced insurance to make more profit?
What is a good cheap online insurance?
I have Allstate at the moment but I want to swith to something that is way cheaper but that is still good coverage any ideas? thanks. is there aperson i can go to that will help me find the cheapest insurance based on my information?
""Which car insurance companies are the cheapest in New York State( queens, new york) in particular?""
I just bought a new car and am hoping to get car insurance and register it. I am curious what the cheapest companies are. I just got a quote from Esurance.com, and am curious if there are other cheaper companies. I am 22 and have a bachelors degree and a job. I want to insure a mazda protege hatchback. Please let me know what your experiences have been.""
First car + First insurance policy tips?
Alright Y!A? :) Right, so I'm 17 and I'll probably be doing my driving test pretty soon because I'm far into lessons and I've passed my theory test already. (UK - Northern Ireland, Belfast) I'm just wondering what tips you guys out there have maybe from first hand experience or what your friends, siblings or general family have done etc. I'm getting around 3200 in the June when I turned 18 because of a car crash I was in when I was like 9 so I'm hoping to get a car + a year's insurance for around 2500 at the maximum. (Hopefully) I'll probably get a car of a maximum price of about 1000 because in reality I don't need anything fancier than that, the max engine size I'd consider would probably be 1.2 and I'd want my insurance to be such that I can use the car for work such as delivering pizzas or chineses etc. so I have more options trying to find a job atm. I'm just wondering what tips you people have? Could I realistically get insurance for 1500 (Max) or under on a 1000 (Max) car with a 1.2 (Max) Litre engine? I might have to borrow money off my parents and pay them back when I'm 18 if I pass a good few months before my birthday. I'm not coming here telling you to tell me where to get cheap car insurance, I hate questions like that lol cheap car insurance doesn't exist for 17 year olds because we're all boy racers Bla-bla-bla, it's head melting! I just want to use my car to drive to college (5 minute drive), possibly work in depending on if I get a job at this bar or not and drive to peoples' houses if I need to and other general driving. I'm not just going to drive it for the craic at 3am down the motorway doing 100mph, I couldn't be bothered with all that. All I want is tips to get it as cheap as humanly possible like what I should do about named drivers, voluntary excess and anything else that might drive down the price. When it comes to it I'll ring round every insurance company available to insure people in Northern Ireland and haggle them all quoting them against each other and hope for the best. Please don't tell me specific insurance companies to go for unless you know that they definitely include NI, a lot of them exclude us. P.S. I'm a sensible guy, I'm paying for it all by myself (as far as I'm aware) so spare me the irresponsible, kid, joy rider, inexperienced, spoilt comments that so often creep up in these areas. Thanks! :)""
94 firebird formula v8 insurance rate?
I'm turning 16 and I am getting the 94 firebird out of the garage. how much do you think it will cost for insurance for me? and how much do you think it would cost under an adult insurance rate?
PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!! discounts on insurance?
SO IM 18 YEARS OLD, I HAVE MY LICENSE... AND I WANT TO GET A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE (i know coupes are alot more expensive...) but i was wondering if i can get ...show more""
Car insurance - car pay out?
Recently my friend had an accident. His car is an import and the insurance company want to write it off and as they cannot get hold of replacement parts. Does he have the right to refuse their offer for pay out as the car is worth more than they are giving him. As its an import, and a sports car, he knows he can get more for it on auto trader and eBay. Or can he settle the claim with them by asking them to pay for the repair if he can sort out a garage who is willing to fix his car for less than the insurance company had suggested.""
Why does car insurance rates increase if you have a lapse in coverage?
For example, lets say I have car insurance and pay it on a timely matter and then all of a sudden I move to city where there is a lot of public transportation and my car breaks down. So, instead of worrying about my car I utilize the bus system as I cannot afford to have my car fixed, in turn I cancel my car insurance. Hypothetically lets say a couple months down the road I have a change of heart and am able to afford the repairs for my car. So now my car is up and running etc etc. Why is it that now when I sign up for insurance again my rates will be higher. My situation is that I have a vehicle but it is a lot older and it is broken down right now. It is going to be a few months before I can get it fixed. So, I thought of canceling my insurance bc I was wondering why should I pay insurance for something I am not driving. I, then, told my agent that once i got it fixed i would add the insurance back, he then told me what the consequences of my actions would be. Why do my rates go higher just bc I get rid of the insurance? It's not like I am doing anything illegal. I would not be driving the car bc it is broke down.""
Do you have to be on someone's insurance to drive a car?
In the state of Florida, if your name isn't on a policy, can you still drive a car? I know that some insurance companies offer uninsured driver insurance, in case someone without insurance hits you. But, do you need to be paying monthly on a policy if you don't have a car of your own?""
Where can I find affordable family health insurance?
Looking to find several health company quotes.
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
How much should a person pay for car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car to insure for a 21year old?
hey let me firstly tell you all my situation.....im 21 years old, a new driver only having just got my licence looking to buy and insure my first car. i wanted to buy a 1999 peugeot 206 1.1 which costs 700 but the insurance is almost 3000 which i just cant afford? can anyone think of any other half decent cars that arnt too expensive and also cheap to insure? they must be really safe cars though as i have a young child. im in full time employment, live in a safe neighbourhood, the car would be parked in a locked carpark overnight and im only really looking for third party insurance. please help!!!!!""
Average cost of sr22 insurance?
What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?
ninja quotes insurance
ninja quotes insurance
How much do you pay for full coverage car insurance?
i'm 19 and going to buy a car soon but i'm trying to get a ball park figure on how much i can expect to pay
How much did your car insurance go up after a speeding ticket?
I got a ticket a few months ago, and I got one today. Both were oddly enough 21 mph over the limit. I have not noticed a rate increase yet, and I was wondering what others have gone through.""
What is the approximate cost of insurance for a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder?
What is the approximate cost of insurance for a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder?
Car insurance question?
Originally I registered my car insurance with my previous address. Now I've moved to a new place, do I require to update the address? What happen if I don't update the address and continuously using my previous address as registered?""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much""
How much Do you pay for Car insurance every month?
and what car insurance you have?
What is the Cheapest Insurance?
Hi. My dad has been having AAA as his insurance for $82, compared to our other family members insurance, that is pretty over priced. Isn't the insurance price supposed to go down if you didn't violate anything over the year? And also, i am 16, and have my license, i basically have my dad's old car so he needs to get me into his insurance. What is the best insurance for me and him together? I know Im a minor and the insurance is going to go up but what is the cheapest insurance or best insurance for both of us? My dad wants to switch if ever we find a good deal?""
Does anyone know the best car insurance to buy from with just the minimum required?
i am so sick of car insurance companies taking advantage of people with these super high prices just because the dumb law says you have to have insurance.
How much has your health insurance gone up since the affordable health care act was passed?
I just got notice mine went up by 33.5% last week. Why is my insurance getting less affordable instead of more affordable?
How do you find out if a driver has insurance or not?
My car got hit and the driver took off. I have their name, address, and vin number but they did not provide an insurance company name either because they don't have it or there's a possibility that it was not provided at the time. Who can find this out for me, the police said they can't and my insurance company said they don't think they can either....""
Can I buy Motorcycle Insurance for 3 months?
Is it possible for Geico to do that?
How much will be my car insurance? (I'm serious)?
Guys please take this question seriously and don't even try to answer unless u r going to answer thoroughly I'm 18 and will be 19 in october And I'm getting driver license in a month My parents are not citizen and they don't live in US But I'm citizen and go to high school I heard that my car insurance is extremely expensive since my parents don't live in US But I really NEED to drive my own car ( Not i want to, i NEED it!) I'm aware that the insurance fee depends on companies ***So what I want is approximation or similar examples or similar cases (My GPA is over 4.0 so probably there will be discount... *** if there is, i need every info for discount) And only my mom got her license when she stayed here for few month last year She needs to renew it and she is registered to my uncle's car (I live with my uncle) ***Does this affect my fee? I'm working in city recreation department How can I go work if i don't have car? Now...I ride bike for 4miles to go there... Please help me""
I am looking to get a new car. I am currently on moms insurance - please read below?
I am 26 and purchasing my first new car - I am currently on moms insurance. I will be getting my own insurance. Do you need proof the day you purchase of your OWN insurance - or is proof of my moms insurance enough until I get my own? Also, when you purchase a new car - can you drive off the lot the day that you purchase it? Thanks!""
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What insurance companies are cheap for young drivers that have 6points due to non insurance?
What is Private Health Insurance?
My work provides me with insurance that covers medical and some RX. Is this considered Private insurance? Or is Private insurance when you go and purchase the insurance on your own?
How much does insurance cover?
I have blue cross shield insurance I am fourteen how much would I be for Invisalign On my bottom teeth? I got braces on my top years ago The insurance covered all of my tonsilectomy we paid nothing out of pocket.
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Is insurance affordable under the Affordable Care Act?
Auto Insurance Quote too high?
I got an insurance quote from Amica Insurance. I've never had any ticketes or anything and they want $ 180 per month. With Farmers it is $360 every 6 months. Why the big difference? I heard Amica is supposed to be cheaper? Thanks
Teen insurance and info two questions in one?
Hi, i am having a tough time with auto insurance qoutes and prices, so i could use some help. Question 1. ok, i am 15, will be 16 in May, if that helps, i have a 1994 Dodge full size van of my own (title was signed to me) and i am getting ready to tag it. i also live in Kansas. ok, i have $500 dollars saved up and have a job that i work 2 days a week and i make about $200 a week. now, i would like to buy my own insurance if possible. is it possible? Question 2. if i can not buy my insurance, can i put the insurance in my mom's name only, and then title it in mine? but one way or the other I HAVE to title it, the title is written out to me on the back in ink, so...................... thanks to any answers or if you know any good cheap insurance companies thanks""
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
""Im 17 how much would insurance be for an an Infinity QX56 2013? Its fully loaded and costs $80,470.?
I want one so bad!
Is insurance must for Two Wheelers?
I have a four years old Honda Unicorn. Till now I have insurance for my bike. Now if I do not renew the insurance, what are expected problems ? Legally am I bound to have some insurance ?""
Does anyone recommend a cheap company for my first car insurance policy?
I only have a 1.2 punto so I'm just looking for a nice cheap quote - if such thing exsists?
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)""
Do 'normal' car insurance companies insure exotic cars as well?
I've gone to multiple popular car insurance agencies websites and tried to get a quote for a Lamborghini, but in the drop down menu there is never an option for it. I'm beginning to wonder if they even do insure these kinds of cars?""
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ninja quotes insurance
How can I get medical insurance if I have a history of pancreatitis?
I've never had medical insurance b/c I've never had a reason too. Never had any major sickness before now, never a broken bone and never sprained anything. My pancreas suddenly became inflamed. It wasn't caused by drinking, I hate the stuff! I believe it was caused by smoking. I've had a few episodes of pancreatitis and was hospitalized once in which it cost an arm and a leg. Should have went to the hospital this last time, but I was so scared of the extra costs. Your pancreas is a major organ. You can't live without it. Am I going to just have to grin and bare it and leave a debt to my family when I die?! I tried applying for the discount but I wasn't eligible b/c I don't have a job. I haven't had one in 4 years. What are you to do. No insurance company will accept me due to the medical problems. I'm scared of what I'll be charged, but even more scared of the pancreas killing me.""
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
Car Insurance?
anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?
""If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
If we are getting affordable heath insurance, why can't my employer afford it?""
How much is small business insurance?
Hi I am doing a project for school and I was wondering how much insurance is for a small business. It will be a temporary food vendor. I am looking at owner, liability, product liability, and auto insurance. I just need an estimate if you could help. Thanks!""
Can my insurance tell what the ticket was for?
So, I live in CA and i have AAA insurance. My daughter got a speeding ticket and i know it will raise my insurance. and i know they can tell that thre is a ticket on certain person's name but can they tell what the ticket was for???""
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?
I also have GAP insurance.
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Motorcycle Insurance?
I am currently trying to get a motorcycle license and I'm wondering if there's any insurance company that would insure me. I'm 18, in California and I don't have a drivers license yet. I have passed the written test for a drivers license but haven't been able to schedule a behind the wheel test yet because my family's lack of cars (mom/dad uses them to get to work until ~8). So while I'm waiting for that to happen then I'm might as well try to get a motorcycle permit because we have my dad's old (but not so old) one. But question is, is there an insurance company that would insure somebody like me? Price isn't too much of an issue because I have a job with no added financial duties so to say.""
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Auto Insurance average for me?
I've had my temps for about 8mos now, and I'm going Togo to driving school for my license. I'm 17 years old. How much do you think average coverage should be?""
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Are there any health insurance programs like healthy families?
I know healthy families are for children and teenagers but are there any other medical low cost program for kids in their early 20's. There is medical but what if they don't qualify for medi-cal, and if the parents don't make enough money and kids don't have any job because our economy is whacked. How we suppose to take kids to the doctor when they're sick? Please help, any helpful information would be greatly appreciated. God bless!""
How can i get cheap insurance?
I'am going to be 17 soon and i going to buy a car so i was wondering what car should i buy or what shoul i do to get cheap insurance, because at the moment it's cost about 3.500 and that just too expensive... help please""
If my son is on my parents insurance does that mean they claim him on his taxes?
Okay my son is now 1 year old. He is on my parents insurance, we live with them, and my parents pretty much support him.(pay for all expenses).. Now my sons father wants to put him on his taxes. I know he just wants to get money to get him a new car. he also says he will get me a car too. but idk about that. When i told him i think my parents already claimed him, he started yelling its his son, and told me to give him his security card(he has a really bad temper and gets angry to where i get scared) so i did.. but now i need to sign a paper..and i dont want too.. Here is my thing i told him that he is automatically on my parents taxes, because he is on there insurance, so that would mean i would have to take aiden off of their insurance(Which means he wouldnt be on any insurance)he started yelling how stupid i am and just to sign paper, my question is is it true that because my parents have him on their insurance, he is on their taxes. What should i do? Thanks for anyhelp. Sorry long question. Please no rude answers""
Cheap auto insurance for mid-california...?
i had a accident in december last year and a speeding ticket doing 90 in a 55 last year.. 2 different occasions. i am buying a 2002 jeep grand cherokee laredo and wheni went to geico they said my quote was like $406 a month.. thats crazy. progressive was $199 a month.. but it still seems outrageous... cant i find it cheaper than this? please help..... im 23 female who has had my license for 7 years since i was 16, never had it revoked or anything.. how do i get my rates to go down?""
For my car insurance I have full coverage. Have a $500 deductible to fix a broken window. Is that normal?
A rock hit my window while I was driving and i have a $500 deductible to fix it. I wanted to see was that really high or normal? I have full coverage. I just want to see how this insurance compares to others. $500 deductible just seemed a bit high. Thanks!
Question about car insurance. Will give 10 points. thank you!?
Well i have a basic hometown insurance, and they charge me 415bucks, im 16 years old and male. We own a Chevy Venture, 2000 toyota camry, and 1989 toyota camry, i don't own any, so how can i be still getting charged? I thought only the owner will get charged, i can drive under my dads insurance.? My dad owns the toyota camry, 89. Sister owns the 00 camry., dad owns van.""
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
How much do you think i'll be paying for car insurance?
I'm 16 from Massachusetts, and i'm going to be getting my license next month! I have saved enough money and i'm going to be buying a volkswagen beetle from the year 2000. how much do you think i'll be spending a month on car insurance? i took drivers ed so that could help.""
Good car insurance??
I will be 16 in a few months and am hoping to get a Mustang two doors. soo it might be a little higher insurance..Is there an insurance company thats better than another?
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ninja quotes insurance
23 notes · View notes
A little background... I am 27 years old. I have a 9 year old. I have been with his father since I was 12 years old, I have never “dated” anyone else. I have seen others, but never been in a relationship with anyone else. in January 2019 my little brother (we were 4 years apart and very lose) was left for dead by police after he got in a car wreck and had a head injury. He had a pulse for 30 minutes yet was never taken to the hospital, that was 10 minutes away. A week later some rich yuppie blew their entire head off with a shotgun, 80 miles away from the hospital, had no pulse, but was air lifted to the hospital. I strongly feel my brother was left for dead due to the fact he had unpaid fines. Mostly due to no car insurance or “driving while suspended” over no car insurance. But I know only blacks matter in this country, not some mutt who is half native american half white. That has been made ABUNDUNTLY CLEAR. 
If you are one of those stupid cunts with the “driving is a privilege” bullshit mindset, (driving to work should not be a privilege should be a basic human right and “ride the bus” only big cities have busses and many people have to commute to larger cities in Oregon) when basic liability insurance is about $300 a month for people who are never on mommy and daddys insurance, please kindly fuck off. Housing in Oregon is insane, already, most people have half or more of their money going to rent if they can manage to get somewhere to rent to them at all, they should not have to have another 1/4th or more of their income going to basic liability insurance when they have never even had a ticket. I went through the same shit. Eventually police would just wait in the parking lot for me to leave work and just ticket me over and over, I was denied a hardship permit that is also such a scam. Pay a bunch of money for something you aren’t even guaranteed to get. I drove 1000 miles a week just to get to work, because I could not find work in the rural area I live in not could I afford the $1500 a month rent in the city that has jobs (that’s basically how much I made a month) it is what is is. I had no choice. 
Paying for car insurance crippled me financially. I was actually split up with his father at that time but had to come crawling back begging for money due to my $300 basic liability insurance. The tickets are not even on my record anymore, for driving with no insurance and driving while suspended but its still $260 a month. Absolutely sickening. I don’t have a fucking dime left over after i pay bills, and my boyfriend works and we STILL have no fucking money. Ever. We don’t get to go on vacations, we live in the shittiest neighborhood in the entire county, in a shit trailer, drive shitty cars, I assure you we have nothing nice. Nicest thing he had is probably his work boots which were paid for by his boss, working your ass off in Oregon does not pay off. “Get a better job” no shit sherlock, did it ever occur to you its difficult to not get fired from your job you are currently working, and still go to interviews? Employers be like “I know you have a job currently but can you drop everything and come in an hour?” Oh yeah, totally. And if you try and schedule it for a time maybe you won’t get fired its usually “Nevermind.” And the interview process is a begging a groveling process like you’re a god damn peasant. Why do I want this job? MONEY! Why else! Why does anyone want any job? I worked at a staffing agency for 4 years and I can not tell you how many people did well at those stupid cookie cutter questions but were shit workers. I wish places would just let you work a day or two and see. 
Then I got laid off as soon as stupid corona hit in March, they already fired my office manager and a sales person “over discounted bill rates”. Kinda like how the Dollar Tree stays in business because its cheap but more volume is sold (worked there before too that was horrible) so they have just as much profit if not more, as say Walgreens or something. With corporate clowns coming down and saying to clients basically pay the full rate or we are taking you to court, to 3/4 of the clients, sales tanked. They tried to blame corona but the sales were complete shit before that as soon as they fired the two people who had most of the sales, with discounted bill rates. I am still friends with someone who managed to not get fired. They said in a conference call this week they announced they would be lowering bill rates. *Face palm* now that you fired hundreds of people, you are lowering bill rates. How many lives did you ruin before coming to your senses? Companies here are just so fucking awful!
A few years ago I decided I wanted to move out of the country. However if you have a child, both parents have to sign a passport form unless you don’t have the father listed on the birth certificate. Norway in particular I like, its beautiful, free healthcare, minimum wage twice that of Oregon with cheaper rent and free healthcare, they also help with childcare. They claim they do in Oregon but your “copay” is usually so high you might as well just pay out of pocket and not deal with all the states controlling bullshit you have to deal with when you get state assistance. People like to say “Norway has higher taxes” please shut up and go look at Oregon’s income tax rate. One of the highest in the country. Expensive gas, INSANE housing, its just not possible to have a decent life here in Oregon. I love the ocean also. Norway is beautiful and comes in the top countries for quality of life every year, meanwhile USA is at the very bottom. 
Everyone called me paranoid all those years, I just had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen also and I needed to get out while I still could. Next remark “how can you afford to get there if you are so broke?” Simple don’t pay my outrageous rent and insurance for 1 month problem solved. My child’s father finally agreed to sign the passport form now that its too late and Americans are banned from basically every country in the world, once the racism and virus bullshit started. Super awesome. He will never hear the end of that from me. Its been months and I still do not even have the passport. Even if I did I AM TRAPPED HERE!!!!!!!!!! I can not even go to fucking Canada!
I decided ok, I will try and move to Montana/Idaho/North Dakota or something. Give up my ocean in attempts to get the hell away from all this mask and the non existent “racism” bullshit. Go somewhere with a lower cost of living, more jobs with higher wages. I absolutely can not stand wearing the face masks. There is no evidence they work, just go look at Sweden. Or the states I just named which have no mask laws. Also a lot of rural areas in Oregon do not wear them seems like the entire populations would have been sick or dead. I am not looking to argue with scared little sheep over this. Before you say “I hope your grandparents die” because I don’t wear them, something that I have seen many people say to myself and anyone else without a mask, my grandparents have said many times they would rather be dead than be completely isolated over some bullshit virus with a higher survival rate than the flu. Plus the media has lied so much, how can you believe a word they say? Seriously? They are all left winged biased. I am not even a conservative and I can see it. But people just eat the shit up. That 26 year old who they claimed died in Oregon from coronavirus, turns out did not even have the virus the CDC medical examiner said. So you choose for yourself what to believe. 
I did get a job in Montana very easily. In six fucking months in Oregon I had maybe 5 phone calls for a job, all minimum wage no benefit shit jobs. I did 2 years of business and law classes, 4 years of heavy payroll and accounting for work so its not like I have absolutely no experience in anything worth a fuck. Plus 8 years total of customer service or more I have been working since I was 18 with gaps here and there between jobs. But with my boyfriend and son back in Oregon, 900 miles away, it was really difficult. I had never been alone like that or even stayed a night away from my child. Never in 9 years. First of all staying in some shitty hotel... I hate hotels in general I like my little nest, as shitty as my house may be, even at a nice hotel I would rather sleep in my own shitty bed. I lasted 2 weeks, only having $100  week leftover for food and other bills spending $400 a week at the cheapest motel I could find, before I gave up. I could not save money for a deposit or loan and my boyfriend has absolutely no credit so he could not get approved for a loan or rental either. He also had absolutely no one to watch our child back in Oregon with everything being closed so he could not work during that time and almost lost the job he had. Done landscaping for 11 years and still only makes $2 above minimum wage because companies treat employees like such shit in Oregon. I was so close, had a decent pay (way more than I ever made in Oregon even though Montana has a lower minimum wage) with benefits, but it was impossible to move into a rental. My credit is good enough for a loan, but I could not save money for a down payment staying in a hotel. Plus I was so lonely and miserable. Now winter is coming and we will not be able to go back and forth in that snow in little cars anyways.
If we would have succeeded, I would have gotten us into a rental and then quit as soon as he got a job because we never have anyone to watch our child and the cost of living is so much lower we would not HAVE to both work like we do here in Oregon. Especially now. Seriously, what the fuck do they expect people with kids to do? Schools are closed and even if they weren’t there is no way in hell I would send my kid wearing a mask all day. SO bad for you! They have to wear them all day “except at lunch” ok so might as well just take the damn things off the entire day. These rules don’t even make sense how do people not see that? Or in a restaurant you have to wear them if you walk to the bathroom but not at the table what logic is that? How do people not see through this bullshit? And children are gross they touch everything masks are going to do shit at schools. Notice the schools that did open, masks or no masks still had a shitload of cases. Single parents are especially screwed in particular. I guess if you could somehow both find employers willing to work with your schedule (good luck with that) you could constantly work opposite shifts as your partner/spouse and never seen them and work. 
Anyways, jobs for him paid more up there too, rent is fucking half of what it is in Oregon. Their average rent is the price of “low income housing” in Oregon. But we just could not do it. I tried. I tried so hard. I even learned Norwegian jeg snakker norsk und ich spreche auch Deutsch because Austria was another country I was interested in. You can try and try and try here, but unless you get lucky, or your parents help you, I do not know how people do it. All the old people I know here don’t have enough money to live off either after working 50 years. Its so sad.
I am no perfect person either. I am pretty bitchy, I have horrible anxiety I quit public school at age 12 and finished online, yes I have a high school diploma. I actually did all my high school schooling in 2 years after skipping 3 years of school with no problem. I never even really went to middle school and still managed. I am not stupid. I just have a hard time doing things I am absolutely miserable doing.
I will go into more detail, year by year on what a shitshow it is to live in the USA but in particular Oregon. The entire west Coast really. I hate it here and I just want out but I have tried everything. 
0 notes
This is a very rare Anthy-rant.
Someone commented on one of my husband's facebook posts about how, if that repeal for Obama care had it/ if it will go through, that the reaction that doing so would mean "life or death," with death being the option for anyone not rich enough to afford insurance was, "over reacting," and "all hyperbole," then went on to say "why should I be responsible for someone else's medical care?"
And she simply refused to see why her view was a problem and that my husband was reacting in "hysterics"
I replied on facebook.  And then I blocked her, because after 50+ comments she just couldn't see why we were all "up in arms," over a bill that probably wouldn't be "that bad."
I leave you my reply. 
---------------------- Hello, Karen. Obviously, you can see my husband is very passionate about this, and, so am I. I'd like to point out that I suffer both from Depression, Bi-Polar II and diabetes. At the time of writing this, I am working on attempting to eat better and be healthier so as--if not to reverse the diagnosis of diabetes--to make it far more manageable and remain off insulin dependence.
I was, at one time, a Canadian. And at one time, I had the option of being able to afford to go to a doctor, as a canadian, any time I was sick. If I had stayed in Canada, as a person suffering from severe depression and Bi-Polar II, I would have been able to afford to go to a therapist. I would have been able to afford medications that treat my mental illness, which, without medication, was severe enough to keep me a non-functioning person AND have regular thoughts of suicide. In short: without my medications for depression, there is a high chance I would be dead. Before I started my medication, I was in the beginning stages of cutting myself with an exacto blade. At the age of 35. Because it made me feel better.  I absolutely shudder to think how far it would have gone if I were having those same untreated symptoms, with any chance of healthcare or insurance taken away.
Without my diabetes medication, there is an even higher chance of death. Diabetes doesn't just effect weight or eating. It is a silent killer, unchecked and untreated, it ravages eyesight, limbs, can cause nerve damage, heart damage and kidney damage. Without my medication being covered I would likely see the deterioration of my health in a further downward slide, perhaps needing things like kidney dialysis--which would probably no longer be covered either. The life expectancy of someone suffering from kidney damage, untreated, can be anywhere between 3 days to six months.
For the longest time in this country, I have NOT been able to afford health insurance let alone my medications. I have HAD to rely on programs such as GoodRX for coupons for my medications, Publix Pharmacy's free diabetic medications as well as the Sliding Scale and having to go to a not for profit place in order to get therapy as well as my depression/Bi-Polar medication. BEFORE this health care act--one visit to the therapist cost for 15 minutes was $75 dollars. Using THEIR pharmacy, my medication was roughly 30$. When we FINALLY got insurance--guess what? I was no longer under the sliding-scale there. A 15 minute visit would = $110. My medication cost...who knows. I do know that while I was there, one of the medications I was on at the time, that they were giving me free sample of--was $800 for 30 days.
Anyway, I know a lot of people who have worse conditions than I do--and like I was--they are going without because the cost for treatment is more than what they pay for mortgages or rent.
Even though I am insured now, one of my diabetic medications, if my DR had not given me a company coupon for a year--would have cost us $500. For a month. That is just slightly lower than what we pay, monthly, for our house. Lucky for me, if I can get my weight under control within the year before that coupon wears off--I might be able to stop taking Jardiance.
And what I am trying to tell you here is this: NOBODY. Absolutely, NOBODY, should have to make the choice of having to GO WITHOUT life saving medication in this country--medication that can prolong life, that can keep them living, AT THE COST of having a home or food. Nobody in this country should have to go: "Do I eat this month? Or do I buy the medication I need to live? Or do I pay rent/my mortgage and HOPE I DON'T DIE?"
This country's health care is fucked. Plain and simple. As it stands now, I see countless Go-Fund-Me's and charity campaigns for people desperately asking for help to cover medical expenses for things that SHOULD and WOULD be treatable and affordable in any other country...but the US.
Your commentary reads, to me, "Well, why should I help pay for your medication or anyone else? I would rather see you, and others like you, go into debt, lose your house, and possibly end up homeless or worse case: DIE without your meds, all because I refuse to pay anymore taxes. And that's fine with me, because I've done charity work and nice things so my opinion is more valid than yours."
That is unacceptable.
I, whom, for the longest time, had no money and NO RIGHTS in this country--am more than willing to pay out more taxes if it means that I, nor my loved ones, will fucking die or have to sell everything they fucking own just to get a simple pill or treatment in order to continue living.
This kind of insular and greedy thinking is the reason why people are getting fucked over in this country and it needs to stop.
I, and thousands like me, should not have to sit here, dying, whilst staring at the pills and treatments that could have saved us--if only we were rich enough to afford it.
6 notes · View notes
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"Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which auto insurance company will NOT check my credit?
I saw an advertisement for one, but forget which one it is. I have pretty good credit, but I do not believe in their correlation between credit & driving skills. I also do not believe that they should penalize people with bad credit under the assumption that these people will file a false claim. These insurance companies have all the incentive to damage people's credit files so they charge more for their products. I also pay in full, so they will not be extending credit to me. Even if the policy costs more, I do not wish to reward bad behavior by doing business with the big insurance companies.""
How good is your health care insurance?
Are your premiums are too high, coverage too low, or you simply cannot afford healthcare insurance and have no coverage at all.. Do your elected officials have healthcare insurance? Of course they do. After all you voted for them to not only get more paid vacation days per year, work less days; not have worries about homelessness, hunger, gas prices, food prices, unemployment or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, gas prices, welfare, retirement or health care insurance. In short you have voted in favor of them living better than you. Why should you be left out? Here is a start towards a solutuion. Now you too can be on your way to better healthcare coverage. Let's get America rolling again. - Lee Iacocca After all a goverment can only be as healthy as its citizens. http://www.michaelmoore.com/sicko/what-can-i-do/health-card/ I hope this helps.""
Can you trick car insurance companies?
Lets say I get a 4 door acura integra, the most basic LS kind. It should be pretty cheap on insurance. But if I do a GSR motor swap and mod it heavily(turbo etc..) Is the insurance company actually gonna be investigating into these things? I mean, for all I know I could just say I got it that way.. It's stil technically an integra sedan, a car made to get groceries.""
How much is insurance for a motorbike?
I am 18 years old, own a 125cc 2011 brand new honda cbr, currently m1 license holder. Live in the suburbs, so not a lot of traffic. That's all the info I can think of that's relvent. So can anyone with information tell me how much insurance might cost a month?""
Car insurance prices?
i just got a 1993 BMW 325i for my 17th birthday. Can anyone tell me how much car insurance is going to be on it? i have a 2.5gpa so the discount doesn't apply. and i live in florida. Also how much does it cost to get your license plate and registration
What is the *cheapest* car insurance for a 20 year old female driver in TX?
I'm going to pay. I don't have any close family that can put me under their insurance, so please give me the CHEAPEST choice... Thank you.""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Needing to find insurance/medicade/health care that will help a old man with cancer that dosent have any..?
my moms trying to help him by getting him on her health insurance, but it looks like the only way to do that is by mariage and she really doesnt want to marry the guy. looking for ...show more""
How can I buy car insurance?
Sorry, my real question is as follows: My mom owns a car, and I want to drive the car and get it insured. I do not know if I can find an auto insurance agent and tell her or him that I want to insurance the car for myself alone, without paying insurance fees for my mom. I just want to insurance my mother's car and drive it by myself without paying any premium fees of insuring both mom and I. Any one has experience about that? Is it possible?""
Short-term car insurance?
Im looking for a company that will do short-term (preferably 3 weeks but a month is fine) car insurance for a 17 year old male with a provisional licence, can anyone recommend one?""
Car Insurance in CA - Question?
If my dad added me onto his insurance policy (Farmers) on one of our family cars, am I allowed to drive the other car as well? I believe that both cars are under the same policy, since the insurance company asked my mom which car she was driving when she was making a claim. Would I be allowed to drive both cars?""
Why is it so cheap to live in America? but your hospital treatment is so expensive?
do these insurance schemes really cover you for major surgery?
Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong?
I go on gocompare, confuse.com, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!""
How do i find my previous car insurance providers?
all the different car insurances details how can i track them?
""I need prescription glasses but I don't have Insurance, how much would it cost approximately?""
First off, don't know if location is of any importance but I am from the Sacramento, California, USA area. Like the subject says, I have no insurance of any type, I was thinking of going with Aetna, but only making $90-$120 a week with a temp FedEx job its been kind of rough. But my eyes are going.and its just getting worse. Does anyone know an approximate price of what it would cost to get a pair of glasses without insurance? The charge of the exam and getting the glasses? Or any recommendations for Insurance? Thanks guys if anyone can help. Anthony V -aka TheDunceHat""
Lexus IS300 insurance rate?
Im thinking of getting an IS300 but im only 16 years old. How much do u think the insurance rate is goin to be?
Car Insurance...DUI.
does anyone have a 2002 poniac sunfire? with DUI? esimate of might that might cost?
How can i lower my car insurance quotes?
hi im 16 and am soon going to be able to drive so i have started to look at what my inurance quotes will be for a newly qualified driver, and there to high at 3000+ for a renault clio with a 1.2 engine. Just wondering how i might be able to lower this figure with some kind of higher qualififed driving licence, if there are any compaies that insurance new drivers for quite low amonts or if i am just going to have to wait until i am older?? thanks""
How much would car insurance be roughly for?...?
It is a Ford K.A. T 06 plate. I will be 17 when I pass and I was just wondering how much it would be monthly as a rough estimate. Oh and I also live in the United Kingdom.
Do different insurance agents from the same company offer different rates?
I just got my AllState bill and my home insurance just doubled this year! I want to switch to StateFarm but I got a quote a few months ago from a local agent, and it was very high too... However, it seems like this local agent is very successful and has a lot of business. I was wondering, if I go to another StateFarm agent, will they offer me a better rate? Or is purely determined by their computer system?""
My car was totalled when I got rear-ended. How do I get the best price for it from the insurance company?
The accident was the other guy's fault (in California). The insurance company chose to total it and pay me, rather than have it fixed. But the price they are quoting me is very low, lower than Kelley Blue Book and lower than asking prices in local classifieds. They say they use their own program, but I can't replace what I had with the amount they are offering. What rights do I have and is there anything I can do to get that offer up?""
""Families who live in America, how much is your health insurance per month?""
In an earlier question I mentioned that my boyfriend's parents are paying for his 24-year-old sister's health insurance after she got laid off and couldn't find another position and can't afford health care on her own, to the tune of $175 a month (and she's perfectly healthy) and was floored when someone said that was actually inexpensive. Btw, her parents insist on her having health care coverage for fear of her getting in an accident or whatever. I'm 17 and am quite obviously naive about the costs of health insurance, but I'm really curious about it, and would like to know how much it usually costs for a family to have health insurance in America. I'm in California. I don't know if it's more expensive depending on your state. If if you don't mind answering, how much do you pay per year, and how many people are in your family? Does it become more expensive as your kids get older? What kind of plan do you have? Through work or your own? Are you supportive of universal health coverage? Also: does anyone understand how Medicare / MediCal works and who decides who is covered and who isn't? Is it based on your yearly income? I'm asking because one of the reasons my boyfriend's parents want his sister to have insurance is that another family friend of ours broke her jaw in a roller blading accident when she was 26 and didn't have insurance because she was unemployed at the time, and not being able to pay the $15,000 hospital bill killed her credit score. Sorry for all the questions. I'm just really curious about all this.""
Affordable health insurance for self employed in Missouri?
Affordable health insurance for self employed in Missouri?
""I want to save loads of money on my car insurance!, but how?""
So i just started to drive and i have not that much money to spare for my car insurance.My question is that i have used many comparing sites,but i know that i can possibly get the car insurance quote i am getting much cheaper! What ideas do you have other than comparing site's that can save me money on insuring my car?""
Temporary test-drive car insurance for under 21s?
I am 19 years old and have just passed my driving test. I would like to buy my own little car now, but it's my understanding that I have to have insurance to test drive a car. Obviously there is little point in buying a year's worth of insurance for a car that i might not buy, but I'm struggling to find a company that offers 24 hour cover for young drivers, under the age of about 23. Any suggestions?? Do you know any companies that do provide cover for young divers?? I really don't want to have to buy a car without test-driving it, but I also don't want to wait 4 years. :(""
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
A question about car insurance.?
My girlfriend hit a small deer about 6 months ago, it did not do much damage, I called the insurance company and asked them what to do, they asked me what it did and then told me it probably was not worth it since she we have a 500 dollar deductible. Well today I took it in and got the oil changed and asked how much the headlamp was to fix so they looked at the car and told me that deer did about 1500 in damage. Is there anything I can do or am i screwed?""
How much will my auto insurance rate go up after an acciedent?
i have lieability insurance and pay 55 a month
Car Insurance!?
I am planning to buy a used 1992 Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. How does the insurance work? Does the price of the car that I paid or the retail price, plays as a factor of how much I would have to pay monthly for insurance. What insurance company would be the best for a new driver with her G2 only? Does anybody have an idea of how much it will cost me (approximately monthly) for the insurance? What other fees or cost will I have to pay for?""
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with ...show more
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
Could someone tell me how to get a speeding ticket reduced?
Hi. I got pulled today. It is my first ticket and the first time I have ever been pulled. I was going 47 in a 25. I thought that the speed limit was 35 becasue everywhere else around the place I was pulled is 35. I have no problem paying the fine of $222 I would just like to know if anyone could walk me through the process of getting the violation lessend so that it will not be put on my license. Any help that someone could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Where to have my car insurance?
My insurance is up for renewal soon and I have a little dilemma. 4 days a week I work away from home living with realatives close to my job and the other 3 days I am at home. not the best situation but as I can't take my kids out of school I have to go where the work is. Now If I insure my car at my realtives address it is 200 cheaper then at my family home but can I legally insure my car away from the family home.
Whats the cheapest auto insurance in NJ?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance in NJ?
Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?
My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!
Homeowners insurance?
Last night while at my girls house I slipped in mossy stairs and broke my ankle. I need surgery now. I was wondering is her landlord responsible for this? I don't have health insurance and I need my **** paid for. I don't want to sue i just want his insurance to cover me.. do they cover stuff like this and how does this thing work
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Question about Car Insurance?
I don't know if it's possible to get an answer from you guys, but it's worth a try! I have State Farm insurance, and I'm going to be driving a 2006 Hyundai Sonata, and i'm 16 years old. It's black, & I make pretty good grades, 3.5 is my avg (I heard that mattered) I was just wondering how much it would be per month! If you have any help, that would be great! Thanks :)""
Would the auto insurance still liable?
I was involved in a car accident and I was hit by a guy who ran a red light. A policeman was a witness to the accident and the report states that it was the guys fault. After a couple of weeks his insurance which was under his mom is stating that he was not listed as a driver on the policy so they are not liable for damages. My question is are they still liable for this negligence. I would really appreciate some help. The guy is still driving and I have been without a car for 2 weeks.
Can anybody give a good estimate on how much my insurance would be for me driving a 2002 ford mustang?
Im 16 years old and i'm a girl if that matters. My mom will not let me get one but I really want that to be my first car. Also can you give me some ideas to convince her to let me get it. I really need the actual price of how much the insurance would be.
Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8?
Around how much would classic car insurance be for a 1985 chevy silverado 350 V8?
Car insurance am I covered?
My 5yr old son got in driver seat and mashed my gas and held it and it blew up my engine.I have full coverage and wondered would this be covered.I know it sounds dumb but its gonna cost me over 3k to fix.
Can I get cheaper insurance while my vehicle is in storage?
I'm going to be out of the country for a while, and am putting my car in an auto storage place. But since I'm keeping it registered and leaving the plates on it, I have to maintain insurance. Do any insurance companies offer cheaper insurance or a special type of insurance that I can put on there, since I wont be driving the vehicle? This is because I'm deploying to Iraq, btw.""
""Car accident, insurance coverage, process?""
I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer.""
How would would car insurance be for a new driver in Rhode Island?
The car i'm getting is a pontiac grand prix, its older like 94 I think. I got my licence a few months ago, but i'm 20 years old. I haven't taken any driving classes or anything like that though. I'm just wondering if anyone knows about how much it would be so I know beforehand.""
Price of insurance on a scooter for a 17 year old?
Ive been looking at a Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic Twist and Go, is it a good first scooter for a 17 year old and how much is the insurance around. If not a good scooter could you give some examples of good ones in the comments.""
Which car Insurance do you recommend?
The cheapest, but also good at the same time.""
What is the best occupation to have to get cheap car insurance?
I'm paying the same amount as my car is worth to insure it. I''m old enough to not be a boy racer in a baceball cap and young enough to not be an old duffer in a flat cap .
Fire insurance in south florida?
I know I will never be able to afford full house insurance in south Florida. But I would like just fire insurance. any ideas? thanks
Auto Insurance In California : how far goes the liability?
I am french and don't know anything about auto insurance in the US. I just received my driver license 2 months ago and a very old bettle (1973, value < 1500$) as first car. I never drive before (even in France), I have a clean record. How work the liability here? Let's say it's not my fault but I crash in a schoolbus and 3 childrens will need medical treatment for the rest of their life because of me. Who will pay for it? And what if it's my fault? [ In France, we have something called civil responsability that will pay for that. It's automatically included in every car insurance. ] I am also browsing the net for cheap but good insurance. I want it cheap because the car is worth nothing. But I want it good because i am a young (no experience) driver. Any tips and links to some websites are welcome. Thank you very much.""
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Which is the best insurance company for motorcycle insurance?
I have honda aero motorcycle 750 cc.. may i know which is the best company to go with????? Thanks
Which insurance can my family get for this?
My sister is severely schizophrenic, and my mother is the only one in the family willing to deal with (ahem, work with...) her. However, my mother has HIV and stomach cancer, so we don't really know when she's going to die, but we're taking every precaution in the meantime. Which insurance can our family (my siblings and I. Our father is deceased.) get to ensure that my severely schizophrenic sister receives 24/7 inpatient medical care when my mother dies? We live in California, if that makes a difference. (and *don't* even bother with take classes and learn how to live with her. We all have our own lives, we've all decided she needs to be hospitalised permanently.) If there are no insurance plans that can ensure this, about how much would it cost to have her admitted and her care maintained? (An amount please, not just a whole lot .) Thanks. C=""
Car insurance question?
To cancel car insurance will be 480 plus 50 admin fee to cancel this now ive lost my job. ive had insurance for 2 months and know they are all doing this cancellation fee now but i only got a car for work purposes and now they've made me redundant how i am expected to pay the 530? what can i do is there any options because i simply cant afford that amount.
Car insurance spouse dui?
how can i get affordable car insurance after my spouse has DUI ? What if he choses to never get a license again? Do I have to kick him out so I can afford car insurance? I have a great driving record. HELP !!!!!!
""When you have a car accident and you are at fault and pay through your insurance, by how much will your All?
By how much will you All State insurance premium raise.
Tickets & Insurance Question?
I drive a 2000 Camry the insurance is in my aunts name........ So my question is if i got a ticket will the rates go up? If the insurance on the vehicle i drive is in her name will the rates go up if i get a ticket? Her name is also on the title of the car
Pregnancy Health Insurance??!?
I just moved to California a week ago and I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with no health insurance. Ive made a few calls and tried to look at all of my options but I want to take the best route, especially since I need to have my next appointment very soon to find out the sex of the baby and how everything is going......advice?!!""
Car Rental Insurance?
Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 USD Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 USD Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage 5.95 USD Which ones are really needed? We won't be carrying any luggage. We are only driving from San Antono to the coast and back for business. One day trip.
Which insurance company is the cheapest?
i live in ontario canada and i wanna know which company has the cheapest insurance. my insurance expires this month? please help........................
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
Where is the best insurance company to insure a subaru wrx turbo?
Im 40 years old and am going to be buying a subaru wrx turbo ,can anyone suggest a good insurance company and how much roughly would it be to insure it fully comp .THANKS .""
Auto insurance company that wants me to pay upfront?
I need general information concerning auto insurance complanies that pay claims directly to the driver. They want me to absorb all costs (repairs, rental, etc.) and then they will issue me a reimbursement check. I don't want reimbursed for something that their insured driver did to me! I just want them to cover all costs associated with the claim! What, if any, legal action can I take to have the matter proceed in my favor?""
How much would motorcycle insurance be?
I am a 16 year old caucasian male. Want to know how much insurance would be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my first bike, a 2001 Honda CBR600F4i.""
""What do you do if you pregnant, and you have no health insurance?
could the baby be covered on the father's insurance?
Car insurance for first time drivers?
im 18 and looking to buy a car soon, i need to know what i should expect to be paying monthly for car insurance.""
Do motorbike insurance count towards my no claims?
i have 2 years no claims on my car insurance and am looking to geta motorbike. will my motorbike insurance go towards my no claims in total
""Auto insurance question, need help!!?""
I have no idea about these questions, could someone explain them? Your neighbor has his own insurance policy with State Farm with the same coverages that you have with your Allstate Auto Policy. So when he says his insurance will cover an accident, you loan him your car. He promptly runs into a tree, causing $2,500 in damage to your car. How much will your insurance policy pay? A. $ 0 B. $ 2,000 C. $ 2,500 D. State Farm will pay E. Cannot be determined You are at the North Carolina coast when Hurricane Irene hits. Although you are able to get away, you have to leave your car and luggage behind. The hurricane blows your car into a tree, causing considerable damage and the trunk to open. Your luggage is then blown away and never recovered. It costs $8,000 to repair your car. The value of your luggage was $500. Your policy will pay: A. $ 7,500 B. $ 7,700 C. $ 8,000 D. $ 8,200 E. $ 8,500 After pumping gas in your new car, you forget to remove the hose from your gas tank. As you drive off, the hose breaks spilling some gasoline and starting a fire. The fire causes $325,000 in damage to the gas station. You are held responsible for the entire loss. Your policy will pay: A. $ 0 B. $ 100,000 C. $ 300,000 D. $ 325,000 E. None of the above Your twelve-year-old brother, who does not have a drivers license, is visiting you on campus and while sitting in your car playing with the transmission, he puts the car in drive and drives it into the front door of your sorority (or fraternity) house. The damage to your house is $22,000 and your car costs $5,500 to repair. Your brother is hurt, goes to the emergency room and is released with a few bandages and a bill for $1,500 Your policy will pay: A. $ 0 B. $ 1,500 C. $ 5,000 D. $ 6,500 E. None of the above""
Hit and Run Insurance Claim: How do you go about it?
I have case # from the police. Will the Insurance company send someone to check the car or should I have to get them quotes?
Car insurance after drink driving ban.?
hi, i was banned for 18month for drink driving when i was 16 ( i know very stupid) i am now 25 years old soon to pass my test how high will my car insurance be what would be the best, cheapest car for insurance, please constructive answers I know drink driving is VERY BAD i was 16 and very stupid, thanks for any answers.""
How much would an '89 Mercedes 300e cost for insurance?
So my dad has found a really good deal on a potential car for me in really good condition. It's a 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. Do you think that since this is a 22 year old car that it'd be a ridiculous amount to insure because of the Mercedes badge? Or do you think I could afford it with a job? My insurance company would be allstate, on my parents plan, I have a 4.0GPA and I plan on taking drivers ed. Advice?""
Insurance rates?
How much will insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 2007 Dodge Charger in the state of California? By the way, I get the good student discount.""
I got a ticket the same day as I got insurance?
I got pulled over but didn't have proof of insurance. I got a ticket, but only have to go in to the highway patrol to get the paper signed when I show proof of insurance. I got insurance that same day, will that work?""
""If you total a new car and have full coverage, does insurance pay off the loan you owe?""
Your Open Question Show me another  I totaled my car. Car insurance question? I got a new car that was worth about $19,000 last year. Ive only had the car for a year and 2 ...show more""
Where can i get life insurance for my daughter who has cancer ?
Where can i get life insurance for my daughter who has cancer ?
Why is my insurance so cheap?
I am a 19 year old male, and I own a 2011 Nissan Altima SL. I live in Baltimore City (which has the highest rates in the state) and have a speeding ticket and a not at fault accident. I carry 100/300/100 coverage with matching 250 deductibles. I also have vanishing deductible, accident, and minor violation forgiveness. I pay 172.00 per month. I thought I could save a few bucks and switch companies, however, I quoted literally every company available in MD and the lowest I found was 580 a month for the same coverages. Thats a HUGEEE difference! I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with my policy. I have had it about a year with no issues, and my not at fault claim went through smoothly. I am the sole policy holder, and no, my family is not with Nationwide either... What could cause such a difference? Any ideas?""
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
What are the consequences of driving without car insurance in florida?
What are the consequences of driving without car insurance in florida?
Why are insurance group 1 cars so expensive?
Looking at insuring a car - in the UK we have insurance groups for cars, I can look at an Astra in group 16 and second hand I can see decent ones for 500-1000, but when I look at the shittiest cars known to man, the ones in group 1 - they are all 5000-7000 minimum SECOND HAND. Why the hell is this? If I wanted to be ****** in the *** financially, I'd rather it be with the insurance because at least I'd have a decent bloody car.""
Temporary Car Insurance Cover?
I wanted to get a 1 day car insurance but my licence is just under 6 months. The car belongs to my Grandma. Some of the insurers are reluctant to this. I am 32ys old so not in the under 25 bracket. Any suggestions as to who I could try please. Thanks
Why does car insurance cost more in one state but is cheaper in another?
Why does car insurance cost more in one state but is cheaper in another?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Term Life Insurances-Unknown policy?
Could anyone, e.g my ex-wife, open an insurance policy for me and make herself the beneficiary without me knowing. If that can be done how can I confirm that there is such a policy?""
""I got into a car accident with my new car before i could get insurance, help?""
I just recently bought a 66 mustang from a private seller. My mechanic took a look at it and said it was good. I went to go pick up the car from the seller, and while driving home, 15 minutes into my drive the breaks gave out. I ended up hitting a UPS truck. My passenger and i ended up going to the hospital for injuries. I did not have insurance since i was just going to drive the car home and not drive it until i got full coverage on it. The previous owner still has insurance on the car, and i have not been to the dmv to have the title officially signed over. I need help; legal advice would be great.""
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
Good site for buy SR22 Insurance Texas?
I had my first Dwi... :(
New Insurance Law in Illinois?
Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for driving without insurance in Illinois and getting into an accident. I was driving my friend's car and got into an accident, it was my fault because i was changing lanes. I have already paid the other guy for his damages and have gotten a release from him. This is a first time offense, what will happen to me.""
""How can i set up my own Car Insurance, that i can sell to people....?""
Hi were i live there is this guy that sells day car insurance to youngsters for 40 a day. He insures anybody under any car for 40 as long as they have a driving license, and i really wanted to know how i can get into some of this action. This guys is making a hell of a lot of money, his office is rammed with people everyday wanting day insurance. I wanted to buy my own policy that could sell to people for a day, for a fee of course. Could anyone help on how i can set this up, and what kind of money i would need to set it up. Thanks You""
Know any good insurance companies that will insure a home under renovation that we're living in?
We bought a foreclosure that needs a fair amount of work. We made it habitable and then moved in so we can work on one room at a time. What insurance company would be able to insure this home without raking us over the coals, even though the home may not be considered complete ?""
Going on parents car insurance!?
Hi i am enquiring here, I have my driving test in 2 weeks 7th July, and i am looking around for cars and while i am getting quotes for car insurance they are quite dear at 19 even with a small engined car, i was wondering can i go on my parents insurance which i know can cut the cost quite a lot, but can i use my own car and add the car and me as the main driver of that car and it still stay relatively cheap? i have read up on the illegal action know as ''fronting'' and i want to avoid that happening but don't want to be forced onto my own insurance and be spending hundreds of pounds a month? any help or advice would be appreciated""
Purchasing car insurance?
I need a step by step guide to adding another car and driver to my mom's policy. I have a 1995 Ford Contour. How long will it take for her to get coverage on my car? How do I get proff of insurance?
SR22 insurance?
does anybody know of a low cost company that offers SR22 insurance for a good price. I got to many traffic citations and lost my licence in iowa and they are requireing me to get SR22 to get my licence back.
I need braces on my teeth but i dont no have Insurance that cover it what can do do help?
i really need braces for my teeth and my health insurance wont pay for it. i am 21 and my teeth are crooked and is in my way. i do get SSI but i wanted to know what can i do because Braces cost to much money.
Need a MRI and obgyn but don't have insurance?
I have had abnormal vaginal bleeding for a month and I found out the other day I have a tumor on my uterus and need a MRI and see a OBGYN but I don't have insurance. Would they just bill me? I'm low income and on work comp right now so it's even lower. I am applying for cmsp that's california state assistance but I won't have it by then
Could I get a subsidized health insurance when I retire?
Since the affordable health act will most likely go through, could I get a subsidized insurance when I retire at 60? I will have about 2 million dollars in mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, and some in taxed accounts. If I only have say $35,000 in taxable income when I retire, am I still eligible for the subsidized health insurance as it's determined by taxable income I believe and not how much a person have in retirement accounts?""
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
What company has the cheapest car insurance for a teen in north carolina ?
Is Obamacare's goal to provide healthcare for everyone? or requires everyone to BUY health insurance?
Is Obamacare's goal to provide healthcare for everyone? or requires everyone to BUY health insurance?
A question about my homeowners insurance check please. This doesn't make any sense.?
I don't understand why my homeowners insurance wants my bank to sign off on a check to cover my insurance claim. They plan to mail my check to me of which I then have to take to the bank to have them sign off before I can then cash it in. They never made me do this before when my tree fell into my barn. Why the change?
Cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
ok doing my driving test on tuesday and got a 02 reg 1.1 citroen saxo at most insurance companies im getting told around 10 grand however i have been able to get it down to 6 grand, btw im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone know a company where it is cheap for 17 year olds? Thanks""
How much will i save on my progressive auto insurance by parking in a garage?
is it a big savings? any estimated dollar amnt? i live in an average sized city in MN if that makes any difference
My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?
My car insurance company wants to use recycled parts for a repair to my car. Is this legal?
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
Oshkosh Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 54903
0 notes
eleonoremarie · 7 years
The Other Gift Guide: 10 Charity Presents for Christmas 2017
Christmas is coming closer with every day now, the shops are filling up on chocolate Santas, cookies, decorations for our homes and presents for our loved ones. But each year around this time, I am starting to ask myself a very important question. Why Christmas. 
I've stopped believing in anything religious years ago and since then, started somewhat of a love-hate-relationship with the favourite holiday around the world. I still truly love the idea of Christmas, the coming together of family and friends, celebrating ourself, being aware of what we have and how beautiful all of our lives are.  But while I was growing up, a lot of negative thoughts slowly came up in me and the biggest of all: What are people doing this day without a family? What are those doing that can't afford a beautiful Christmas meal, the ones that maybe lost everything to a natural disaster or even the ones who never had much?
Since then, I started writing those Charity Christmas Posts. I always saw those beautifully curated articles on other blogs and magazines, saying, get this for your loved ones, buy here, spend money there. And it made me sad, sad to realise we live in a society where we don't doubt buying a T-Shirt for 150 bucks but wouldn't give a hungry a few coins so they can enjoy a meal or tea. 
I am still a totally commercial chick, don't get me wrong, I am that person who is willing to spend 150 bucks on a stupid T-Shirt that probably wasn't even produced ethically correctly.  But still, I do give myself a monthly budget I HAVE to spend on people living in the streets. I will never not ask them if they need anything from a close supermarket when I am short on cash and have the time pop into the store for a quick shop and even if not, I will always try to give them at least a warm smile in those cold days.  We live in such a hectic world, we are all so busy, that we often forget about the real things in life, forget that there are people with real problems, who are not thinking about where to get the perfect party dress from, no they are probably thinking on where they can sleep tonight, if they can afford a hostel and how they will find a space to be safe from the harsh weather conditions we are experiencing right now. 
My biggest achievement in Life for myself is not that I managed to get into college in London all on my own or this blog, no, is that I spend one and a half months building up a refugee-home in Vienna during one of the biggest crisis we ever experienced. I am proud to have met so many wonderful souls, just looking for a safe place to stay for themselves and their family, proud to be able to take back on my life and being fully committed into the wellbeing of someone else. 
Anyway, I kind of had to write that from my soul right now. I did collect my favourite Charity Presents for your beloved ones below.  I tried to do a bit of a mixture of British and Austrian charity organisations, jewellery companies that help others and ethically good produced beauty products. There is truly something for everyone in here, so, please, if possible, think about maybe giving away a pig for a family in need, lunch for a school-kid that otherwise would be hungry or maybe just some seeds for a poor family living in a totally different World. If you are ever in doubt what to get your parents, grandparents, uncles, sisters or friends, I am sure they will appreciate the thought of getting them something that will mean the world for another human being.  I know it’s a lot to ask for, but if there is any chance you are willing to help, I’d be forever grateful and maybe, the person you are gifting too, will be too. 
None of the pictures in this post are from me, they are all sourced by either the charity sites itself or from people that posted about them. The other images, the homeless on the streets decorated with fairy lights, are from one of my favourite holiday campaigns so far, published by ADOT.COM in 2014. It is here, to make us more aware of people sleeping rough through the holiday season, the cold months of the year, and asks one simple question:
What will it take for you to see them?
One of my favourite charity ideas for London, here you can reserve a place for one person in need at their Christmas dinner, where they not only offer hot food, but also advice, healthcare screenings, learning workshops and most importantly, someone to listen. It’s a beautiful curated package for every person in need and, what I think is extra special, is not just for one day, not, it is for NINE days. With your donation here, someone could be able to have a beautiful meal every day for over a week straight, for just £26.08.
Givescent was found by two beautiful souls, after a trip to Italy. They not only wanted to create a new scent full of amazing aromas, also with every bottle they are selling they support the Women for Women International organisation, helping women all over the world to get the medical advice they need, help them to find jobs and educate them on their rights. 
One of my personal biggest surprises when researching possible charity gifts for you guys, was when I found that Vaseline is working together with Direct Relied to provide dermatological care all over the world where it’s most needed. The best part here is, that they have a new and engaging way on how you can choose how much and what you’d like to donate. On their website, you have to option to build your own Relief Kit, where you can drag and drop products like, Emergency Blankets, Soap, Plasters or Blood Pressure Cuffs into your little Box, which you can that purchase and send to places they are needed most. And with every one of those little boxes, Vaseline sponsors one pack of their own renowned Vaseline itself!
Another truly beautiful brand I found, is Soap & Co. Not only are they a fully sustainable and earth-friendly beauty company, producing products like Lotions, Exfoliating Soap Pebbles and well, soaps itself, no, each of their products is produced by blind people in London, who otherwise wouldn’t find work. For me this is one of those pioneer projects, everyone should know about and help, because that’s the way we should treat any kind of disabled human being, give them a chance at something they will succeed. Beside that, they have beautiful gift packages, who are insanely cute packaged and ready to give immediately. 
Schenken mit Sinn probably only really makes sense for my Austrian & German Followers, since it’s based there. It’s the present shop of Caritas, the biggest charity organisation in Austria and everything you can buy in their store will help someone else. You can choose from pigs for families in Africa, seeds, baby care packages or lunches for school kids around the world. As treat, you get a beautiful little card, explaining exactly where your money is going and how it’s gonna help. This is perfect for everyone you don’t exactly know what to get for example their grandparents, aunts and uncles or cousins. 
Oxfam is the equivalent to Schenken mit Sinn in the UK, where very similar, you can go and shop to change another person's life for the better this Christmas. They are called the Unwrapped Gifts, where you will get not something physical, but a beautiful curated card explaining your loved one exactly where their Christmas Gift is helping. You can choose between education for kids, medical help for refugee camps, grow vegetables or my personal favourite, a goat couple, giving a family milk and cheese to sell.
Coming to one of my personal heroes I found while researching, the Giving Keys Jewellery Brand form Los Angeles. They are another one of those companies, trying to change the world to a better place and in my eye, they are 100% succeeding. Every single one of their beautiful necklaces, bracelets or earrings, is made by a person transitioning out of homelessness. They make new jobs, teach every single person important knowledge in money management and other things someone might need trying to get out of the streets. People are treated to food and beverages and the brand also helps everyone to not only set their personal goals but also on the way to achieve them. Beside that, I think that their design is just undoubtfully one of the best ones I’ve seen so far. No one would ever think it’s for charity because it just looks perfect.
Let’s stay with Charity Jewellery, but a different cause this time. Purpose Jewellery’s beautiful item are all created by women reduced from human trafficking, by buying one of their products, you provide freedom, dignity and hope to so many poor souls. The young women are getting taught every part of the business, to gain important skills they will need in their future careers.
A classic under the charity organisations, where you can choose from many different places to send an important donation too. Syria, West Africa, Yemen and Iraq are some of them. It’s incredibly easy to donate, and even though if you’re not getting a pretty card or anything else out of it, just the thought that £30 alone would be enough to buy a food parcel for a whole family for a month, is extremely satisfying in my eyes.
Go Fund Me doesn’t seem like the traditional place for charity, but I recently became a bit addicted to it and wanted to share it here. I love the idea that there is real human being out there, just simply asking for a little help out of the comfort of your living room. There are projects to build schools, water fountains, pay medical bills for children, resume wildlife animals or just simply families that need a little help for a hard time. Her I can only encourage you to trust into people, look out for stories that touch you personally the most, and maybe even connect with some of them through social media.
0 notes