#*         003.         ›         KEEPSAKES.
lgclili · 4 months
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one would think that lili’s first thought of being selected for a model for a brand would be of course it would be me — but you could not be anymore wrong.
she is surprised, so much so that she doesn’t believe it at first. 
being selected as a brand model is an honor — not a right — truly a privilege bestowed upon her by some higher power — was it jisoo? or had it been pure luck? — that lili had no hand in. and this is what stumps her — the go-getter in her is baffled that such a prestige just lands in her hands. 
( because lili knows —
seen it,
lived it,
had the deepest of traumas to prove it,
nothing is really that easy )
putting her feelings into words had never been easy. even now, she has yet to exclusively apologize to jisoo for things she knows she’s done, and if she were being honest, she probably will never really give him the apology he deserves. so, asking to put her feelings on the matter into words as so under the guise of reviewing the video of the brand’s overall concept as done through the eyes of its creator, lili may be a little less obliged to speak.
but — since it is lili — she has things to say, even if she doesn’t truly wish for them to be said.
“i like it.” she says at first, as if testing out how the compliment tastes on the tongue. it’s not bad — maybe because it’s not ingenuine. “it has an understated elegance that you would usually feel with an older standing brand.” a remark that flatters the brand for understanding its roots and not straying from it. 
“han jisoo-씨 has quite the eye.” would she have utter it to his face? would he hear these words from others? would lili have preferred it if he did? “i’m glad i was given the chance to be a part of this, i don’t know what other brand i could identify more with. i might even buy something for my grandmother.” another keepsake her grandmother would say she cherishes only to be thrown to the back of her wardrobe with the rest of lili’s unnecessary gifts to the matriarch. 
“or maybe i’ll buy one for myself.” a testament to a triumph she'd like to remember for later.
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sonyclasica · 2 years
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DUALITY, el último álbum del pionero de la música clásica alternativa Dardust, saldrá a la venta a nivel internacional a través de Sony Music Masterworks y Artist First el 28 de octubre de 2022.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
DUALITY, un álbum doble con un total de 20 temas, estará disponible tanto en formato digital como en CD y vinilo. Llega tras el lanzamiento de tres EP que sirven de muestra: #001 Coordinate, #002 Hymns y #003 Horizons (con Horizon In Your Eyes, preestrenado en el Festival de Eurovisión 2022).
Mientras que en álbumes anteriores Dardust ha añadido paisajes sonoros electrónicos a sus composiciones minimalistas de piano, creando un género a caballo entre el neoclásico y el pop, aquí ha optado por dividir sus dos ámbitos en dos experiencias paralelas pero convergentes.
"Me fascina la psicología humana y mi pasión por este campo de estudio me ha ayudado a comprender el dualismo que siempre ha formado parte de mi forma de expresarme musicalmente", explica el artista. "En mis álbumes anteriores, el mundo emocional del piano y el mundo más cognitivo de la música electrónica se fusionaron para crear nuevas perspectivas sonoras y un cruce entre el neoclásico y el pop, con elementos mágicos extraídos de las bandas sonoras de las películas, un cierto tipo de escena de club, las películas de fantasía y el romanticismo. Para mi último proyecto decidí centrarme en los dos aspectos diferentes como si estuvieran influenciados por los distintos hemisferios de mi cerebro. Blanco y negro, música electrónica y piano. Los dos extremos de mi imaginación musical y artística como Dardust".
Por tanto, los dos discos que componen "DUALIDAD" representan los dos hemisferios del cerebro humano. Los temas de piano solista de RIGHT HEMISPHERE expresan la emoción pura y la inocencia del virtuosismo pianístico contemporáneo a través de una música inspirada en el mundo natural y un sentido de la improvisación más emocionalmente espontáneo, como el de un poeta. Sus puntos de referencia provienen de la cultura del Lejano Oriente: El teatro kabuki y el budismo zen. Los conceptos que recorren estos temas están vinculados a una filosofía japonesa ejemplificada por la sakura, la flor del cerezo, que representa la fragilidad, la belleza, la mortalidad y la renovación. En conjunto, estos 10 temas retratan la naturaleza cíclica de la vida a través de las estaciones y la forma en que todo conduce no a un epílogo, sino a un prólogo, una sensación continua de renacimiento.
Por el contrario, las pistas electrónicas de LEFT HEMISPHERE simbolizan la parte racional de nuestro cerebro, el "ingeniero" que hay en el artista. Se han moldeado con una nueva geometría sonora vinculada a patrones, ritmos, sintetizadores y mundos musicales pertenecientes a diferentes estilos, mezclados entre sí para producir un nuevo tipo de narrativa artística. Cada una de ellas tiene un tema y un riff que le da una identidad propia, dentro de la cual podemos escuchar referencias al sonido de los 90, a las bandas sonoras de las películas de John Carpenter, al grupo de prog rock Goblin, al Italo-Disco, al UK garage y al Nu jazz. En este mundo de contaminaciones estilísticas, el enfoque analógico se combina con lo digital y lo orgánico, gracias a los intros y outros creados en colaboración con el colectivo Studio Murena.
Lista de temas de "DUALITY":
1. Parallel 43
2. Space Samurai
3. Fluid Love
4. We’re Ready to Shine Again
5. Horizon in Your Eyes
6. Forget to be
7. Addó Staje feat. Tropico [Where you are]
8. The Whistle
9. Petals (Exterior Night)
10. Hymn (Epilogue)
1. Lucciole [Dalla Finestra] Fireflies [From the Window]
2. Petali (Interno Giorno) [Petals (A Day Indoors)]
3. Nuvole In Fiore [Clouds in Bloom]
4. Dono Per Un Addio [Keepsake]
5. Hanafubuki (Attraverso La Tempesta Dei Fiori Di Ciliegio) [(Through the Cherry Blossom Snowstorm)]
6. Komorebi (Luce Che Filtra Tra Le Foglie Degli Alberi) [(Light Filtering Through the Leaves of the Trees)]
7. Dune [Dunes]
8. Stormi Di Origami [Flocks of Origami Birds]
9. Nintai (Spada Nel Cuore) [(Sword in the Heart)]
10. Inno (Prologo) [Hymn (Prologue)]
Dardust saldrá nuevamente de gira el año que viene para la DUALITY TOUR 2023, en la que mostrará las dos mitades de su alma musical -el piano solista y la electrónica- en una experiencia multidimensional única en directo con espectaculares efectos visuales.
Organizada por BPM CONCERTI (www.bpmconcerti.com), estas son las fechas de la gira confirmadas hasta ahora:
04 marzo 2023 Ascoli Piceno @ Teatro Ventidio Basso
07 marzo 2023 Turín @ Teatro Colosseo
08 marzo 2023 Bolonia @ Teatro Celebrazioni
09 Marzo 2023 Milán @ Conservatorio di Milano
10 de marzo de 2023 Prato @ Teatro Politeama Pratese
11 de marzo de 2023 Roma @ Auditorium Parco della Musica
26 marzo 2023 Berlín (DE) @ Frannz Club
29 marzo 2023 Bruselas (BE) @ Ancienne Belgique - AB Club
30 de marzo de 2023 Amsterdam (NL) @ Melkweg
03 Abril 2023 Londres (Reino Unido) @ O2 Academy Islington
Dario Faini alias Dardust, es uno de los pianistas italianos con más seguidores de su generación. Su música se ha escuchado en eventos mundiales como la Superbowl, el All Star Game de la NBA, un discurso de presentación de un producto de Apple y la entrega de la bandera en la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Pekín 2022, entre otros. Como compositor y productor excepcional, ha cosechado varios éxitos en Italia, con más de 70 discos de platino y 500 millones de streams hasta la fecha. Como compositor, abrió nuevos caminos con el primer proyecto de música instrumental italiana que combinaba un mundo pianístico minimalista con los sonidos electrónicos contemporáneos del eje geográfico-musical Berlín-Reikiavik: una trilogía de lanzamientos que culminó en "S.A.D. Storm and Drugs”, publicado a nivel internacional por Sony Masterworks y Artist First en enero de 2020. En los dos últimos años ha colaborado con toda una serie de artistas internacionales, como Benny Benassi y Sophie and the Giants, que se unieron a él en el escenario del Pala Olímpico de Turín para actuar en el 66º Festival de Eurovisión. El nuevo álbum de Dardust se publicará en otoño de 2022, y también ha anunciado una serie de fechas de la gira "DUALITY" en 2023 en salas de Italia y otros lugares de Europa. Página web: www.dardust.com Instagram: @dardust
Facebook: @dardustofficial Twitter: @DarioFaini YouTube: DardustVEVO
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emperorsfoot · 5 years
Well, I updated. 
It’s garbage. But I wrote the chapter, like, three times and this was by far the best version. You guys will come to realize that I’m not actually a good author. 
Horde Prime was rarely bothered with every little signal sent from every little unit in his army. The cloning crèches produced 45-thousand units per batch. Four batches every Standard Imperial Year, meant 180-thousand units a year. Personal signals from almost 200-thousand soldiers were mostly ignored.
Horde Prime only listened to communications from four signals.
The four clones he observed to be competent, resourceful, and clever enough to be useful in command positions. The four he personally promoted to his cabinet.
So, when he received a signal from one he stripped from his cabinet, banished to the front lines, and was presumed dead, Prime paid attention. From the Adarion system. A single yellow star, orbited by three planets: Preternia, Infinita, and Eternia. Eternia was the world where Prime sent 66694-42-003:Hordak. To try and put down another uprising by that ever-annoying thorn, Randor, the self-proclaimed ‘King of Eternia’.
66694-42-003 never returned from that deployment and Horde Prime assumed him killed in action.
But here was a signal from that same KIA brother. Proof that he did not die in service to the great Horde Empire, as he was supposed to. And a distress signal no less, begging for aid, proof that Horde Prime was right to strip him of his rank and powers. He was weak. Useless. And now, a liability.
A mistake had been made here, and mistakes must be corrected.
Horde Prime analyzed the message personally.
It was encrypted with an older code. One that was in use during the height of 66694-42-003’s cabinetcy, when Prime allowed him to be ‘Lord Hordak’. It made sense that 66694-42-003 would be using it. Removed so long from the Empire and his Brother, he wouldn’t know the more recent –more secure- encryptions.
But that also meant that others could intercept the signal and decode it for themselves. After all, the reason they changed and updated their encryptions were to prevent a hostile faction from ever being able to break through their communications.
If 66694-42-003’s message held any value beyond just the desperate call for help from a defective clone, Prime wanted to be the first to know.
It was a short message. Cut off abruptly before a full debrief could be given. Apparently 66694-42-003 was inexplicably pulled into a shadow dimension from which he could not return on his own. He needed Prime to open a portal from his end and free 66694-42-003. Pathetic. There was also some pathetic attempt to appeal to Prime by attempting to conquer the world in the shadow dimension, but his progress was blocked by hostile natives with inexplicable powers, blah, blah, blah. Please send reinforcements. The natives had a champion with a magical sword that-
That that was where the message was cut off. The signal lost. Whatever ‘portal’ he was sending the transmission through snapped shut.
Prime sat up straight.
‘A champion with a magical sword that-‘
A champion with a magical sword.
A champion.
Prime had gone up against champions with magical swords before. Two of them. Not one. One of them, he managed to defeat. Defeat and take the sword for himself. The other one… got away…
It was absurd to believe that defective and weak 66694-42-003 found the one that got away. Completely and utterly absurd.
But the message did come from the Adarion System, the same solar system they came from. The same solar system… Zed died in…
‘You said you could heal him!’
‘Anillis-! I’m sorry! He was too far gone.’
He tried to raze that system. But he was new at this back then. Inexperienced and angry. Clumsy.
He managed to get He-Ro, and He-Ro’s sword. But, Mar- the other one –got away.
Not just got away, but managed to take one of the planets from the Adarion System with her. The fourth planet –the name escaped him at the moment but he remembered it being there, then not being there anymore.
It was utterly absurd to think that Hordak found the one that got away.
But the location was correct, and the description seemed to fit.
Prime could not ignore this.
If there was even the slightest chance that it led him to the one who got away.
Tapping a button on the arm of his throne, Prime opened a paged the bridge of the Velvet Glove. “Change course.” He commanded. “Take us to the Adarion System.”
“Yes, Sir!” Came the answering voice almost immediately. Then, more hesitantly. “Which planet, Your Grace? Eternia?”
Eternia was the metaphorical ‘problem child’ of the Adarion System. It seemed like twice every generation there was a new rebellion that had to be put down. First Hiss, then Miro, then Randor, then Randor again, and then… the defector Randor’s brother seduced to their side…
Prime stood from his throne. Descending the stairs he retreated into his Inner Sanctum. His own private chambers above the Velvet Glove.
Eternia was a frequent problem in the Adarion System, but 66694-42-003’s signal had not come from Eternia. It came from empty space. Between Eternia and Infinita, in the darkness where Etheria used to be.
The one that got away…
Crossing the dimly lit room, Prime gentle, almost affectionately caressed the side of a tank. Not the same as the industrial vitrine used in his cloning crèches. This one was smaller, narrower, and did now bow out like the cloning tanks. This thank was not meant to grow a clone, but rather preserve a body. Prime kept it draped with a sheet. Most days he could not bear to look at it. But he never had it removed either. He could not bear to part with… what was inside.
Through a gap in the fabric, the tip of a red wing could just barely be seen.
Prime passed by this tank and continued on to the far wall. Considering the span of his unnaturally long life, Prime had not collected or kept many mementoes. Neither trophies or keepsakes. He kept the body in the tank, and he still strummed his baliset from time to time. But aside from those, his Inner Sanctum was markedly bare of personal items.
He did, however, keep one trophy.
The Sword.
More accurately, a Sword.
One of two.
Pulled from the cold, dead, hand of Gray. A Prince of Eternia and the one Chosen to wield the Sword of Power as He-Ro. Killed on the field of battle by Anillis Kur. But he was not the one Anillis wanted. He wanted the one that got away.
The one that promised him she could save his son’s life. Heal all ailments and return Zed to the level of health he enjoyed before they left Revena. But she lied. She didn’t. The Sword did not heal him. Zed died. And when satisfaction was demanded, it was not She-Ra, but He-Ro that faced him in the open field. The other, choosing to flee, and take her planet with her.
Prime didn’t just lose his son. He lost his vengeance.
But not this time.
66694-42-003:Hordak found her. Found her and left a signal for Prime to follow back to coordinates. Where Etheria used to be. And instructions on how to get to her. How to cut through the fabric of space and reality. Into the shadow dimension she cowered in.
Cut through.
With the blade of steel and light of a legendary Sword.
Prime lifted the Sword of Power off the wall. Hefting it in his hands. Revenanti were very strong in proportion to their size. Every other race he came across was surprised and impressed by the deceptive physical strength of him and his clones. But the Sword always felt heavy in his hands. Heavier than its size would imply. Heavy as if its weight came from more than just the hammered metal of a blade and a gilded and Runestone fitted hilt.
It was the Power of this sword that allowed Prime to prolong his life.
Now it was going to lead Prime to its twin. To the one that got away.
Nobody really knew what to think when the night sky suddenly lit up with light. So bright it outshone Eternia’s two moons. Cutting across the sky. A blade of light.
The first panic stricken thought was that it was some kind of Horde attack. That the Empire had grown weary of constantly putting down rebellion and decided to just destroy the planet and be done with it.
But Horde Prime did not believe in superweapons. He preferred massive armies with lots of moving pieces. Small parts that could be easily replaced. If some lucky rebel made a shot down a superweapon’s exhaust port, the whole thing blew. But if some lucky rebel managed to kill a cabinet Lord, then he could just be replaced.
So, the blade of light could not be a Horde attack.
Some realized this faster than others.
Some realized it had to be something else. Something more.
The Lord of Snake Mountain saw the light and looked deeper. Looked for a source. After all, light had to come from somewhere, and this was not the light of Adarion, Eternia’s sun. Nor was it the sun’s light reflected off either of the moons. This was its own. Coming from a source that was not a star.
And inside that light, was a signal.
Encrypted, obviously. Not everyone would pick it up. Even if they did, they wouldn’t understand it. It was a Horde encryption, but an older one. Not in use anymore. So, not an official Imperial transmission.
A distress signal.
A cry for help.
Except clone troopers did not ask for help. Help was for the weak.
But the identification stamp on the message gave him pause. The Lord of Snake Mountain re-running the decryption program and double checking his results in the Imperial issued datapad his late partner left with him. Both the second pass with the decryption and the secondary datapad confirmed the ID was correct –at least, not faked, or a mistranslation. Former cabinet Lord Hordak, serial number 66694-42-003.
Running a palm over the smooth dome of his head, the Lord of Snake Mountain stared at those last three digits. Zero-Zero-Three. Hordak.
Hode’s Zero-Zero-Three.
He only met the clone twice. Briefly each time.
The first not long after Hode was killed. As highly as the older clone spoke of his younger brother, the Lord of Snake Mountain hoped to find a new ally. Hode’s protégé and heir. At least, that was what Hode lead him to believe. But what he met was just another clone trooper. A tool of Prime’s. There was the shadow of an intelligent mind capable of independent thought. But only a shadow.
They crossed paths again after Hordak had been deposed from the cabinet. Stripped of his rank and name, returned back to only his serial number. Sent to the front lines of another one of Randor’s ill-fated revolts. He hoped to find Zero-Zero-Three of a different opinion then. Prime cast him out and sent him away. Surely the clone must have realized how little the Emperor cared for him, or any of his brothers. Prime called his clones ‘little brother’, but they weren’t much more than dolls to him. Playthings that could be thrown away the moment they were broken.
Zero-Zero-Three did make his way to Snake Mountain, and the Lord did hope that Hode’s favorite might join him. Imp was certainly glad to see him.
But they never got the chance to exchange words. Inexplicably, for reasons the Lord of Snake Mountain was still trying to find explanation for, Zero-Zero-Three was teleported away. A blade of light cutting through the very fabric of space and time and pulling Zero-Zero-Three, along with Imp, through the rift.
He had hoped Zero-Zero-Three had learned his lesson. That Prime could not be trusted. That Prime had to be removed.
But here he was, calling for his big Brother. Begging Prime to come get him. Take him back. Look, I conquered this world for you. Please come pick me up. And send reinforcements. The natives are making things difficult for me. They have this champion with a magical sword-
The Lord of Snake mountain was glad the message cut off there. When he was a younger man, he would have jumped up and been ready to rush off at the mere mention of a magical sword. But that was years ago. He was older now. Older and jaded. He made his grab for a magical sword, and in the process, lost his face.
His face, his identity, and his partner.
‘But- the sword-!’
‘But your life, Keldor!’
He wasn’t ‘Keldor’ anymore. Now he was the Lord of Snake Mountain, the Lord of Destruction, Revenant of Hate… Skeletor.
Skeletor lacked the means of opening a portal and answering Zero-Zero-Three’s call. Only a Sword could open a portal and Skeletor did not have a Sword.
But Prime did.
Horde Prime could open a portal and bring Zero-Zero-Three back.
If only Prime cared about Zero-Zero-Three enough to do that. But Prime cared about nothing and no one. He would not answer Zero-Zero-Three’s call.
It was a moot issue.
Nothing would ever come of it.
The Velvet Glove came out of hyperspace just within the Adarion System.
Prime hated this place.
Any time any action was required in this despicable spit of space, he always found someone else to send. Hode. Or Hordak. Or, literally, anyone else.
But he could not send anyone else for this. This required the Sword, and Prime was not going to let the Sword out of his sight.
The Lycra Pant and Leather Vest appeared half a moment after the Velvet Glove, materializing from out of hyperspace. Prime had to come here to use the Sword, but that didn’t mean he planned to be the one to go down to the planet –a planet he hated- that’s what the clones were for.
Standing on the bridge of the Velvet Glove, Prime watched Infinita, and Eternia pass by the main viewport. Neither planet was their destination. Their heading placed them in an empty space inside Adarion’s circumstellar habitable zone. Few knew it, Prime never included it in official Imperial records, but –originally- this system did not have three planets, but four. The fourth one vanished along with its guardian. But Prime still remembered its coordinates, its orbit within the system’s sphere of gravity.
The bridge crew surreptitiously shot each other confused or uneasy glances. Those that worked closely with the Emperor –his private staff, his cabinet, and his bridge crew- knew that their Brother was prone to bouts of temper and impulses made in anger.
But this did not seem like that.
Moving the Velvet Glove and her complement of soldiers, along with the Lycra Pant with all her batwings and pilots, and the Leather Vest full of drop-ships and troops, to an empty bit of finite space where there was nothing there. Ignoring three other planets within the system, one of which was an almost never-ending source of work for the military. This was erratic and irrational. But not an episode of temper.
In fact, Prime seemed very calm and collected. Deceptively so. Quiet.
Holding non-standard issue sword in one hand.
“Cut the engines.” He commanded suddenly. “Bring us to a stop here.”
His bouts and fits might make his staff and crew wary, but they were not incompetent. There was no hesitation. Even if they didn’t understand it, they were sure their Brother had his reasons for this erratic behavior. The main bridge pilot decelerated, switching to forward thruster to compensate for the direction of their motion in the zero-gravity space, and bringing the Velvet Glove to a full stop. The communications officer sent a signal to both the Lycra Pant and the Leather Vest to do the same.
Within moments, the whole fleet came to a full stop in the middle of nowhere.
Empty space floated in front of them.
“Charge the hyperdrive.” Was Prime’s next order.
He lifted the Sword he held and crossed the space to a segment of the main command console. Forward, center.
It was strange that Prime would move the fleet somewhere else immediately after bringing them to a full stop in the middle of nowhere. But when the Emperor commanded, they obeyed.
“The new coordinates, Your Grace?” Asked the navigator.
“No new coordinates.” Prime informed them. “Charge up the hyperdrive and funnel the dilithium into the forward canon.”
The bridge crew of the Velvet Glove, Horde Prime’s hand chosen group of clones than ran his ship, never hesitated. But Horde Prime had never ordered them to funnel hot, active, charged dilithium from an active hyperdrive, into the ship’s weapons.
“Your… Grace…?”
Prime turned to the one that had spoken. Glowing eyes blazing a silent warning. How dare they question a direct order from him. He was more than their Big Brother. He was their creator. He made them in his own image. Gave them the gift of sentience so that they could better serve him. This job was to serve. Not to question.
The one that spoke swallowed a lump of nerves. “Y-yes, Your Grace.”
Together, the Chief Engineer and Science Officer overrode the safeties and emergency shut-offs that prevented any leakage in the hyperdrive core. Engines and pistons groaning under the pressure and strain they were being put under. A choir of stressed equipment and hardware. Every console and screen on the command bridge lit up with alerts and warnings that the core was open, the hyperdrive was compromised, the dilithium was leaking, the forward cannon was being flooded by charged photons that could bend spacetime.
Prime inserted the Sword into a slot on the console.
All new alerts lit up across the screens.
“Fire the forward canon along the trajectory of these coordinates.” He commanded.
Uneasy as it made all of them, there was no hesitation again. Their Brother gave an order and he already made it clear that he did not appreciate his orders being questioned.
The canon fire streaked across the empty space in front of the Velvet Glove. An energy and particle beam that was usually red in color was stained an uneasy mottle orange and yellow. Prime giggled the Sword in its slot, aligning it better with the non-Imperial tech rigged into the console. The stone of the hilt of the sword glowed, and the beam outside changed color again. Shifting from orange and yellow, to sickly green, then blue, then white.
In space, if a beam did not impact with anything solid, it just kept going. Shooting through space until it finally did collide with something.
But this one didn’t.
It cut through the empty space, like cutting through fabric. Edges of darkness fraying like threads and peeling back, curling away from the cut like an overly tight knit. A tattered tare opening up in empty space. And through the tare was darkness. No stars. No planets. No light. Save one sphere. Orbited by several smaller moons. A planet. One single planet floating in otherwise empty despondent darkness.
It had been centuries since Prime saw it last. But it was an image that was burned into the back of his mind. A place synonymous with the loss of this son.
Somewhere on that world was the one that got away.
“Ground the dilithium.” Prime ordered. “Stabilize the rift. I want it to remain open.”
The Chief Engineer and Science Officer had to do some quick calculating and jerryrigging to fulfill their Brother’s command. But when the forward canon was shut down, the rift remained open.
Everyone paused a moment. Staring at it.
Did- did Horde Prime just break the universe and creature a portal to another world?
“Open a hailing channel to the Leather Vest.” He commanded. “Red Hord is to take his ship and his forces to that planet, retrieve unit 66694-42-003, and if he finds an alien female that wields a legendary blade of light, bring her to me. I want her alive. I want her sword. And if there is anyone on that rock she cares about, I want them too.”
Alive. So that he could kill them in front of her. So that She-Ra could know what it felt like to hold her most cherished person in her arms as the life drained out of them, and realize that there was nothing she could do. That the universe was cruel, and cold, and she was helpless. Hopeless.
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fragmented-desire · 6 years
Just a fun little character game. fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by. Repost & tag away !
TAGGED BY: @kitakaze-no-ryu​ TAGGING: @cybernated-angel​ , @themanofgloom​ , @luzofthedigitalworld​, @pixi-spit​, @fire-spitting-demon-bastard​, @biochemically-refined​ , anyone else!
001. Rash.
002. Withdrawn.
003. Scornful.
004. Empathetic.
005. Combative.
001. An acknowledging nod.
002. Both arms crossed with a subtle, or sly grin.
003. A punch to the face.
001. Crimson, scarlet red.
002. Black.
003. Purple.
004. Silver.
005. A blacker black times infinity.
001. Vampire Blood (incense).
002. Rain.
003. Static electricity.
004. Freshly unpackaged computer components.
001. A punk, gothic mixture with fishnet, striped arm sleeves and thigh-highs, with a filled, layered skirt and some chains.
002. Long-sleeved shirt with sleeves long enough to cover both hands, tight pants ripped at the knees. All black!
003. Full cybergoth getup; red cyberlocks, fluffy red legwarmers, straps and a mini skirt. Can’t forget the gas mask (thank you, @cybernated-angel​, you’ve infected me).
004. Steampunk, with a leathery corset. Knee-high boots and plenty of lace and frills!
001. A bat-shaped necklace with a red gem in its center.  
002. Rubies, of all shapes and sizes.
003. Any electronics device, likely broken.
004. Black lipstick.
005. A single, icy runestone kept as a keepsake from her deceased ex-lover.
001. Wrath.
002. Stubbornness.
003. Impatience.
004. Jealousy.
005. Recklessness.
001. Arms crossed, glaring. Suspiciously.
002. Crouched, partly on all fours, either ready to attack or transform.
003. Crystalline claws formed in place of her fingers, defensively.
004. Shoulders slumped, leaning against a wall with arms, again, crossed but loosely. Avoiding eye contact.
005. Kneeling down on both hands or (just) knees; submissive or compliant (rare and situational!).
001. A red, computerized matrix.
002. Corruption, and glitching within electronical devices (computer, console, cybernetics).
003. A bat in motion.
004. A stereotypical haunted castle, or cathedral.
005. [X] Ahem.... Black lipstick.
001. Madness - Battle Beast
002. Die Tomorrow - Lord of the Lost
003. Lithium and a Lover - Sirenia
004. Reich Mir Die Hand - Blutengel
005. Catharsis - Die Verbannten Kinder Evas 
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stolendress · 2 years
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The Hoodoo Factory Episode 003 - Inappropriate Part A In this episode of The Hoodoo Factory we discuss the episode Inappropriate. This is the first of three episodes in our “Dave and Lisa” unit. Part A is the gameshow portion of the Hoodoo experience. In the ABSA fever round we’ll discuss some of our favorite scenes, quotes, keepsakes, and
View the Original Post Here
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squirrclgirl · 6 years
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❛ ✶ ⦂  EVERY GOOD SUPER HERO HAS A PLAN B  ☂ —— ( memes )
❛ ✶ ⦂  MY GIRL-SQUIRREL, TIPPY-TOE!  ☂ —— ( follow forever )
❛ ✶ ⦂  THEY'RE UNBEATABLE!  ☂ —— ( promotions )
❛ ✶ ⦂  UNTIL DREAMS BECOME A REALITY  ☂ —— ( wishlist )
❛ ✶ ⦂  LISTEN UP!  ☂ —— ( psa )
❛ ✶ ⦂  THERE IS NO FRIEND AS LOYAL AS A BOOK  ☂ —— ( reference )
❛ ✶ ⦂  LIFE IS A GREAT BIG ACORN  ☂ —— ( keepsakes )
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astroliability · 7 years
just a fun little character game. fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by.  REPOST & TAG AWAY !
TAGGED BY.  @hlccup​    a million years ago whoops TAGGING.  @dayspriing​ @littlegynt​  @worldsaver​  @dontmakeitweiird​  @amulatlas  and anyone who wants to!
001.  tenderness; lingering hands; pulse beating beneath soft fingertips; hands pressed to fevered brow.
002.  determination. steel in his eyes, blood beneath his nails.
003.  fear; the kind that burns you. the kind that cuts you open. a voice whispering always, always, always. a curl in his gut  /  uneasy dreams  /  fingers scrabbling at a ledge.
004.  yearning -- melancholy :  nostalgic, seeping, untouchable  /  a heavy heart to match the atlas-burden on his shoulders  /  his voice soft, slipping, slipping.
005.  bravery; fingers trembling, pulse loud in his ears, fearlessness.
001.  dusty, early-dawn blue.
002.  metallic grey  /  rough granite.
003.  silver;  stone glinting in dark soil, fingernails covered with it.
004.  sepia: old photographs, cardboard boxes of keepsakes.
005.  red :  rust, copper, carnelian. blood-hot  /  the thrill in his veins,
001.  early morning air through the open kitchen window  ( flour on fingertips, fresh vegetables ), cold and invigorating
002.  soil, grit beneath your fingernails, under the skin of your knees, fresh & wild.
003.  the warm, nostalgic scent of breakfast on the stove from two rooms away  ( back when your mother would cook for you  /  hot chocolate warming the big house, empty with just the two of you  /  long days in your bed, piled high with blankets; your mother setting a tray before you & caressing your face )
004.  tire burn  ( sharp turns, hiss and sputter, dark treadmarks on asphalt, grit spun into the air )
005.  rain  /  the crackle in the air of lightning, the way the whole world comes alive beneath it.
001. oven gloves, chopping knives, the piled assortment of kitchen things in the cupboards, all yours 
002.  amulet of daylight, an astrolabe set to chart his doom.  /  you are awash with light. you are dawn incarnate. 
003.  your bike helmet, old, worn, a comforting pressure
004.  1955 vespa. your dream, built with your own hands. this is what it means to fly; this is what it means to be real; you are limitless.
005.  amulet of eclipse, a godsend at the darket time of your life, terror thrumming through you and you becoming the most terrifying thing alive.
001.  relaxed, draping, arms too long for your body, and you still getting used to all your angles and edges
002.  arms wide, chin tilted, imperious  /  impetuous. 
003.  shoulders inward-drawn, the weight of secrecy warping their angles, the weight of atlas’s burden transforming you from boy to titan.  ( you dream of being a hero, like atlas did. you are destined to fall. )
004.  dark eyes like brushed charcoal, set lips, fear and fury mixed. quiet tears, brushed quickly away
005.  sudden motion, an exodus of buried energy
001.  prolonged exposure photographs of the night sky  /  stargazing with friends through your bedroom windows
002.  blood & grit-covered hands.
003.  this story undoing itself, telling itself backwards :  unbecoming
004. tarnished gold -- you have never been so afraid  /  you have never been so alive.
005.  metallic blue, star globes, lazy morning light through curtains  --  you are something so radiant it hurts
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dependenceborne · 6 years
mun tags
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desorot-blog · 7 years
#*         000.         ›         VERSE   00.   /   BEFORE.#*         000.         ›         VERSE   01.   /   THE   RAVEN   BOYS.#*         000.         ›         VERSE   02.   /   THE   DREAM   THIEVES.#*         000.         ›         VERSE   03.   /   BLUE   LILY   /   LILY   BLUE.#*         000.         ›         VERSE   04.   /   THE   RAVEN   KING.#*         000.         ›         VERSE   05.   /   AFTER.#*         001.         ›         IN   CHARACTER   /   THREADS.#*         001.         ›         IN   CHARACTER   /   ASKS.#*         001.         ›         IN   CHARACTER   /   STARTERS.#*         002.         ›         INBOX.#*         003.         ›         KEEPSAKES.#*         004.         ›         META.#*         005.         ›         PREY   ANIMALS   WERE   BORN   AFRAID.#*         006.         ›         VISAGE   :   ADAM   PARRISH.#*         006.         ›         VISAGE   :   BLUE   SARGENT.#*         006.         ›         VISAGE   :   RICHARD   GANSEY   III.#*         006.         ›         VISAGE   :   NOAH   CZERNY.#*         006.         ›         VISAGE   :   RONAN   LYNCH.#*         006.         ›         VISAGE   :   HENRY   CHENG.
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socsmisery-a-blog · 7 years
*   CHERRY BOMB !   tag dump.
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sonyclasica · 2 years
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Dardust presenta su nuevo álbum doble Duality, que estará disponible el 28 de octubre en formato LP.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
"DUALITY", el último álbum del pionero de la música clásica alternativa Dardust, saldrá a la venta a nivel internacional a través de Sony Music Masterworks y Artist First el 28 de octubre de 2022.
"DUALITY", un álbum doble con un total de 20 temas, estará disponible tanto en formato digital como en CD y vinilo. Llega tras el lanzamiento de tres EP que sirven de muestra: #001 Coordinate, #002 Hymns y #003 Horizons (con Horizon In Your Eyes, preestrenado en el Festival de Eurovisión 2022).
Mientras que en álbumes anteriores Dardust ha añadido paisajes sonoros electrónicos a sus composiciones minimalistas de piano, creando un género a caballo entre el neoclásico y el pop, aquí ha optado por dividir sus dos ámbitos en dos experiencias paralelas pero convergentes.
"Me fascina la psicología humana y mi pasión por este campo de estudio me ha ayudado a comprender el dualismo que siempre ha formado parte de mi forma de expresarme musicalmente", explica el artista. "En mis álbumes anteriores, el mundo emocional del piano y el mundo más cognitivo de la música electrónica se fusionaron para crear nuevas perspectivas sonoras y un cruce entre el neoclásico y el pop, con elementos mágicos extraídos de las bandas sonoras de las películas, un cierto tipo de escena de club, las películas de fantasía y el romanticismo. Para mi último proyecto decidí centrarme en los dos aspectos diferentes como si estuvieran influenciados por los distintos hemisferios de mi cerebro. Blanco y negro, música electrónica y piano. Los dos extremos de mi imaginación musical y artística como Dardust".
Por tanto, los dos discos que componen "DUALIDAD" representan los dos hemisferios del cerebro humano. Los temas de piano solista de RIGHT HEMISPHERE expresan la emoción pura y la inocencia del virtuosismo pianístico contemporáneo a través de una música inspirada en el mundo natural y un sentido de la improvisación más emocionalmente espontáneo, como el de un poeta. Sus puntos de referencia provienen de la cultura del Lejano Oriente: El teatro kabuki y el budismo zen. Los conceptos que recorren estos temas están vinculados a una filosofía japonesa ejemplificada por la sakura, la flor del cerezo, que representa la fragilidad, la belleza, la mortalidad y la renovación. En conjunto, estos 10 temas retratan la naturaleza cíclica de la vida a través de las estaciones y la forma en que todo conduce no a un epílogo, sino a un prólogo, una sensación continua de renacimiento.
Por el contrario, las pistas electrónicas de LEFT HEMISPHERE simbolizan la parte racional de nuestro cerebro, el "ingeniero" que hay en el artista. Se han moldeado con una nueva geometría sonora vinculada a patrones, ritmos, sintetizadores y mundos musicales pertenecientes a diferentes estilos, mezclados entre sí para producir un nuevo tipo de narrativa artística. Cada una de ellas tiene un tema y un riff que le da una identidad propia, dentro de la cual podemos escuchar referencias al sonido de los 90, a las bandas sonoras de las películas de John Carpenter, al grupo de prog rock Goblin, al Italo-Disco, al UK garage y al Nu jazz. En este mundo de contaminaciones estilísticas, el enfoque analógico se combina con lo digital y lo orgánico, gracias a los intros y outros creados en colaboración con el colectivo Studio Murena.
Lista de temas de "DUALITY":
1.       Parallel 43
Space Samurai
Fluid Love    
We’re Ready to Shine Again
Horizon in Your Eyes
Forget to be
Addó Staje feat. Tropico [Where you are]
The Whistle
Petals (Exterior Night)
Hymn (Epilogue)
1.       Lucciole [Dalla Finestra] Fireflies [From the Window]
Petali (Interno Giorno) [Petals (A Day Indoors)]
Nuvole In Fiore [Clouds in Bloom]
Dono Per Un Addio [Keepsake]
Hanafubuki (Attraverso La Tempesta Dei Fiori Di Ciliegio) [(Through the Cherry Blossom Snowstorm)]
Komorebi (Luce Che Filtra Tra Le Foglie Degli Alberi) [(Light Filtering Through the Leaves of the Trees)]
Dune [Dunes]
Stormi Di Origami [Flocks of Origami Birds]
Nintai (Spada Nel Cuore) [(Sword in the Heart)]
Inno (Prologo) [Hymn (Prologue)]
Dardust saldrá nuevamente de gira el año que viene para la DUALITY TOUR 2023, en la que mostrará las dos mitades de su alma musical -el piano solista y la electrónica- en una experiencia multidimensional única en directo con espectaculares efectos visuales.  
Organizada por BPM CONCERTI (www.bpmconcerti.com), estas son las fechas de la gira confirmadas hasta ahora:
04 marzo 2023 Ascoli Piceno @ Teatro Ventidio Basso
07 marzo 2023 Turín @ Teatro Colosseo
08 marzo 2023 Bolonia @ Teatro Celebrazioni
09 Marzo 2023 Milán @ Conservatorio di Milano
10 de marzo de 2023 Prato @ Teatro Politeama Pratese
11 de marzo de 2023 Roma @ Auditorium Parco della Musica
26 marzo 2023 Berlín (DE) @ Frannz Club
29 marzo 2023 Bruselas (BE) @ Ancienne Belgique - AB Club
30 de marzo de 2023 Amsterdam (NL) @ Melkweg
03 Abril 2023 Londres (Reino Unido) @ O2 Academy Islington
Dario Faini alias Dardust, es uno de los pianistas italianos con más seguidores de su generación. Su música se ha escuchado en eventos mundiales como la Superbowl, el All Star Game de la NBA, un discurso de presentación de un producto de Apple y la entrega de la bandera en la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Pekín 2022, entre otros. Como compositor y productor excepcional, ha cosechado varios éxitos en Italia, con más de 70 discos de platino y 500 millones de streams hasta la fecha. Como compositor, abrió nuevos caminos con el primer proyecto de música instrumental italiana que combinaba un mundo pianístico minimalista con los sonidos electrónicos contemporáneos del eje geográfico-musical Berlín-Reikiavik: una trilogía de lanzamientos que culminó en "S.A.D. Storm and Drugs”, publicado a nivel internacional por Sony Masterworks y Artist First en enero de 2020. En los dos últimos años ha colaborado con toda una serie de artistas internacionales, como Benny Benassi y Sophie and the Giants, que se unieron a él en el escenario del Pala Olímpico de Turín para actuar en el 66º Festival de Eurovisión. El nuevo álbum de Dardust se publicará en otoño de 2022, y también ha anunciado una serie de fechas de la gira "DUALITY" en 2023 en salas de Italia y otros lugares de Europa.
Página web: www.dardust.com Instagram: @dardust Facebook: @dardustofficial Twitter: @DarioFaini YouTube: DardustVEVO
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