#*         004.         ›         META.
rwbyrg · 11 months
Reason Why Rosegarden is Canon: #004
Oscar's fairytale allusion has been confirmed by Miles Luna - one of the show's lead writers - as The Little Prince.
Which is a story that links back to many of Oscar's character themes and story beats. The most notable of which is the two characters' shared love for a Rose.
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RWBY fairytale allusions work in complex ways. Most of the main cast has a primary allusion, and then secondary allusions for what roles they fill in other character's stories. For instance, Yang is Goldilocks from Goldilocks and the Three Bears in her own story, but she is also the Beauty to Blake's Beauty and the Beast.
Ruby is very clearly Little Red Riding Hood at her core, but she is also the Rose Red to Weiss's Snow White, and the Rose to Oscar's Little Prince.
I also just think the parallel of both their stories being "Little" when they're both the youngest of the group to be very cute.
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purgemarchlockdown · 10 months
Milgram and The Rose Bride
(CWs: Child Abuse, Cults, Unhealthy Relationships, Bullying, Sexism, Discussions of Ownership in the context of Marriage, minor mentions of sexual abuse and minor mentions of sexual abuse in relation to Minors)
(Spoilers for Utena!)
Alright so, since I'm putting this on the Milgram blog, most likely most people who see this don't know what the Rose Bride is and what that means so lets answer that question.
The Rose Bride is a concept in the 90s Psychological Shoujo Anime Revolutionary Girl Utena, in which the main premise is that a bunch of highschoolers are dueling for marriage (ownership) of the Rose Bride so that they can revolutionize the world.
Now, the thing is, The Rose Bride is a Real Person, and the implications of her ownership and the environment that Allows for that to happen are explored through the series, and the reason why I'm bringing it up in relation to Milgram is this.
"In the end, all girls are the rose bride."
Let's talk about Mahiru for a bit since her being so focused on romantic love makes it a lot easier to explain what I mean by this.
In T1 we get this interrogation from Mahiru:
T1Q20: What do you think about smoking? I've never smoked before, but I might copy him if who I love smokes.
This is a deeply concerning sentence, Mahiru has just stated that she is willing to do something incredibly physical destructive to herself if the person she loves is doing the same. This connects back to her thoughts on having "matching love."
We fought sometimes, I was happy to get hurt Let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad This is a claim of responsibility From the two of us with matching love
Now, the Rose Bride has to anything the person who is engaged to her tells her to do. The Rose Bride is not allowed any sort of Autonomy or Agency.
(Transcript Link for Utena Scripts)
Touga:  The Rose Bride, cooking? Touga:  You shouldn't do such things as cooking. Touga:  You should only take care of the roses here. Touga:  This birdcage is your territory. Touga:  And you are the beautiful little bird which lives here. Touga:  I want to possess this birdcage, and everything in it.
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Touga:  Himemiya Anthy is the Bride of the victor of the Duel. Touga:  While she was engaged to you, the Code required her to obey you.
I Love You:
What am I supposed to do now? If you won’t tell me, I can’t be me
Mahiru is also probably the most traditionally feminine out of the entire female cast. With her priorities being love, romance, and having children.
(Mahiru Interrogation)
T2Q1: What's your opinion on Marriage? Mahiru: It's something I really dream of.
T2Q10: Do you like children? Mahiru: Yup. I always dreamed of having the older being a girl, and the younger being a boy.
Mahiru is willing to do Anything for love, even if it gets her hurt in the process. That's what she's Supposed to want, that's what is Supposed to bring her joy, that's what is Supposed to bring everyone joy. (Mahiru T1 VD)
Es: I honestly have no interest in those matters.  Mahiru: What? No, no. There’s no such thing as that. Being in love is like a landmine. It’ll explode someday, you know? The only thing that differs is whether it happens earlier or later in life. It’ll happen to you too. Even if you don’t have any interest in it now, one day it’ll explode for you as well. All because you’ll have that fateful encounter with your special someone.
Love is what Everyone Wants and if you say you Don't you just haven't found the right person.
Mahiru: Yeah, yeah. You’ll deny it at first. I mean, I was like that as well. Before then, I always admired soap operas and shoujo manga because I thought that they depicted a world different from our own. 
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Voice:  Once upon a time... Voice:  ...there was a princess grieving over the deaths of her mother and father. Voice:  Before this princess appeared a prince traveling upon a white horse. Voice:  His appearance gallant, and his smile gentle, the prince enveloped the princess
The amatonormativity in Mahiru's worldview is clear. People are Supposed to fall in love and have the Normal Idealized Heterosexual Romance and there's Nothing Else Outside of That At All.
Mahiru: Yeah, yeah. You’ll deny it at first. I mean, I was like that as well.
Anthy:  But I've been engaged to you, Utena-sama. Utena:  I've told you to stop mentioning stuff like "engagement" and the "Rose Bride." Anthy:  Nevertheless... Utena:  Look, no matter how you look at me, I'm a regular wholesome girl. Utena:  I'm only interested in wholesome boys, not a bride or stuff like that.
And Mahiru does a lot to preserve a "marketable" quality to her actions and behavior. TIHTBILWY is formatted like a magazine, something that is sold and bought by consumers. Erasing the messiness of her relationship or even Romanticizing those qualities to seem appealing.
Giving you love to the point of pulling you down It's just because I still get worried, please forgive me Even when I test you, even the times we do the breakup ritual, Is because I love you
Voice:  but because of the strength of her admiration for the prince, Voice:  the princess made up her mind to become a prince herself! Voice:  But is that really good for her?
The story of the Prince in Utena is one that is a fabrication, it hides and excludes multiple Very Important parts of the story all in the favor of portraying the Ideal Fairytale Heterosexual Romance.
Unlike Utena who chooses to become a "Prince" (which is a concept I'll get into in a bit.) Mahiru is trying to make Herself the Rose Bride. She orientates her life around who she loves, she's willing to accept a lot of abuse for the sake of an Ideal Relationship, she even actively downplays her intelligence and strength! Something that is explored in detail by this post by archivalofsins you should check out.
Now that isn't to say Mahiru isn't a horrible partner. She is, and this is why. Mahiru is Expecting this sort of incredibly idealistic fairytale romance from her partner, an ideal that no person can possibly live up to without harming the people they care about and themselves!
Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, let's just overheat together The things that I only want to say to you, and the things that I want from you Is love
My emotions are out of control, that’s inconvenient? I don’t care!
You can't live up to this and you shouldn't want to! It's an unrealistic and unachievable ideal with a horrific power imbalance to boot! Yet Mahiru is Trying to conform to these ideals, trying to conform to the unrealistic expectations of women and relationships in society, and that's why she's here in the first place.
"He who believes friendship exists is a fool."
So these toxic and unhealthy ideals and expectations are at the core of Mahiru's character and her situation. But there ideals are perpetuated by an environment that promotes this sort of behavior, one that isn't unique to Mahiru's situation.
Muu Kusunoki is a 16 year old teenage girl who is both a victim of bullying and someone who bullies others for her own gain.
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She also might of had a homoromantic relationship with her murder victim.
Let’s meet up inside the pain, a place just for me Postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret The stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note “I love YOU”
I wonder who that reminds me of.
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I'll get into Shiori in a second, but it's important to note that Muu introduces a concept that's present in Mahiru's story but is particularly present in Muu, the concept of the cycle.
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Saionji:  No... I was to be the one to rescue her from the coffin this time. Saionji:  No! I am the one who will save her this time. The castle said to contain eternity... Saionji:  the power to revolutionize the world...
The concept of eternity and nostalgia in Utena tends to be depicted as a coffin, one you need to break out of to grow.
Touga:  If the egg's shell does not break, the chick will die without being born. Touga:  We are the chick; the egg is the world. Touga:  If the world's shell does not break, we will die without being born. Touga:  Break the world's shell! Touga-Juri:  For the sake of revolutionizing the world!
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The duelists want the Rose Bride so that they can gain the power to revolutionize the world. Who she is does not Matter as much as what she can Give Them.
Now, this idea is particularly present in characters like Shidou and Kotoko who position themselves as saviors, not for the benefit of others but for what they Get out of that arrangement, thematically fitting the concept of the prince.
However, Muu is not the prince, she is not a savior. In fact she always positions herself as the victim, as someone pitiful and weak. (Crying B)
Muu: Hey… Prison guard, when you say “I”… Who are you talking about? Es: [breaking down]  Muu: Prison guard? Es: [stumbles]  Muu: Prison guard. What’s wrong? Prison guard! [shakes Es] Hey! Prison guard! Es: Shut up! Don’t touch me! Muu: [cries] You’re so cruel… I… Even though I was just worried about you… [cries again] I can’t take it anymore. I hate you, prison guard! 
Es pain and breakdown is caused by something Muu said, and yet when Es very sharply tells her not to touch them because their uncomfortable with it. Muu immediately starts crying and talking about how much They got hurt because of what they did, when Es is currently unresponsive due to what she did to them, albeit unintentionally.
Muu needs to to be the victim, After Pain shows all the bad things that happened to her and not Any of the bullying she participated in. It's Not My Fault is a whole song about how everything she did was right actually and that everyone else was wrong.
Now, Muu isn't a master manipulator or anything. She's an impulsive 16 year old. If Muu was a master manipulator she wouldn't be here, would she? She'd be still in school taking the honey up as she was before Rei did whatever she did.
Muu gains power by being pitiful and weak so she'll be loved, and by its' very nature it's self-destructive. She cannot be Happy because if she Was this wouldn't work anymore. She Must be in a worse situation, she must be the victim, or else no one would pity and love her.
I am innocent as everybody desires
Juri: You're just like Shiori... Juri: ...cruelly innocent.
Muu cycles from being "weak and pitiful" to being "queenly and powerful" and tends to hurt herself in the process. This attempt at grabbing power and love through pity Harms Muu, and she seems to even be drowning in a lot of self-hatred and self-pity, and is looking for external validation to confirm that she's "good."
But I guess some of it is my faultMaybe it’s ok as it is I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?
Hey, what if If I am a bad girl Don’t hate me. Don’t even try to proof from “After Pain”
And, in an attempt to gain power and control, Muu traps herself in a coffin.
Shiori: This is me, the real me! Shiori: And not the underdog that was living a miserable life in the shadow of the bright shining Juri! Shiori: The real me that surpasses the light. Shiori: Yes, this is the me that controls Juri.
But, it isn't all her fault.
Again, Muu really was bullied, horribly so if were judging by her lyrics in After Pain and the sequences we see in it.
If I was gone, If I had just disappeared I overheard, I found out How much I’m not needed
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T1Q4: Is there something you hate? Scary people and ghosts. And right now, school.
Muu isn't lying about this, and Rei isn't fully sympathetic either, she did Hurt Muu and Muu really did want to apologize to her.
T1Q9: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed? A: The person who did the wrong thing first should apologize.
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Shiori: Juri-san was so kind to me. Shiori: But I thought she was kind to me because she looked down on me, Shiori: and that she had pity on me for being plain and useless. Shiori: That's pathetic! Shiori: So I wanted to change my relationship with Juri-san. Shiori: But what I did with him made me more miserable than before. Shiori: I should have wanted it for myself! Shiori: But now... Shiori: Now I'm on equal terms with her. No, I've won! Shiori: I always had a place in Juri-san's heart. Shiori: I'm the winner! Shiori: What shall I do? I'm so delighted to know my friend's secret I almost can't bear it! Shiori: She suffered alone, looking at my picture in secret... Shiori: That was Juri-san? Poor thing! Shiori: No good! It's still no good! Shiori: How could you look at me like that?!Shiori: Why did it all turn out this way?
The school as a whole is letting a horrible environment of bullying and toxicity be left to rot and fester. You Really Can't create a healthy friendship in a world like that, it just won't let you. If your not friends with someone because you gain something from them, you'll suffer.
Muu: Wow, poor thing,.. I’ll teach you! Friends aren’t like that, you know. Rather than using each other for something, we just get along because we’re comfortable around each other. That’s all. Es: Well, I’m sorry about that. Muu: Haruka-kun is really nice! He accepts anything I say, he listens to anything I tell him. For me, that’s really comfortable. Es: And that’s… “friendship”? Muu: What do you mean? Of course we’re friends! Haruka-kun is happy with it, so it only has benefits for both of us! Es: I, as someone who has no friends, can’t judge, of course, but isn’t that just exploitation? Muu: Exploitation…? Um, I don’t really understand, but… I do help him pick out clothes [in return], and I recently gave him a hairpin I didn’t need anymore as a hand-me-down!
Akio:  But sincerity by itself changes nothing. Akio:  Without power, one finds themself merely depending on others to live.
Jackalope describes this relationship as a "Master-Servant" relationship and it seems like this is the type of friendship Muu is familiar with. She's emulating how her friendships were in school, just with someone else as the servant and her as the master.
T1Q1: What is a friend? A: Someone who properly listens to what I say.
Now this doesn't completely absolve her obviously, what she did was still Very Bad and even though she Breaks the hourglass in her MVs. She doesn't really leave it.
Muu does not want to accept responsibility for her actions, she believes herself to be justified and in the right, even when she has Done Wrong.
This unwillingness to accept when something she did is wrong and the unhealthy environment of Milgram that assigns strict moral value to people's actions and has no nuance in its judgement...leads her back into the cycle she was trapped in.
“A girl who cannot become a princess is doomed to become a witch.”
Now we've tackled the gender roles and horribly toxic cycles and ideals, so, what happens when you Can't work within those confines, or even want to break out of them? Just, hypothetically, if you cannot become a princess (which is everyone because the ideal of a princess is so incredibly unrealistic that anyone who aspires to be it would destroy themselves in the process) or Don't want to be a princess, what happens?
You become something Other.
Something Evil and Unnatural.
Something that needs to be Punished and Harmed.
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So, now, this is where I have to mention that Utena as a show deals with underage sexual abuse, I didn't mention this for the other sections since they were not as relevant to those discussions. However since this section deals with the abuse received by the Rose Bride it feels important to mention.
I will not be referring to it in the context of Amane's due to how we don't have information in the text pointing to Amane being a csa victim. This is for the sake of Tact, as it feels wrong to speculate about it here and I do not feel like I'm the right person to examine this.
It will, again, be mentioned and alluded to, so stay safe and do what's good for your health.
So, Amane Momose is repeatedly dehumanized throughout her story.
This is a consistent theme with her, she is treated as something subhuman and terrifying.
In Purge March, Amane is consistently depicted as scary, threatening, or otherwise evil.
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There's even a section in her T2 VD where Amane calls herself "evil," though it is done in a roundabout way while she's talking about Shidou (who I will get to in a bit.)
A: Both pain and illness are trials. According to our teachings, those who run from them are the worst evil there is. That’s one of the four great principles. No matter who you are, that cannot be forgiven. E: What are you…? A: Oh – speaking of which, there is one among the prisoners right now. An evil existence that’s trying to steal people’s trials away from them.
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Shadow:  The witch roams this world of darkness even now. Shadow:  Seeking the young and noble, to sacrifice them anew! Shadow:  Surely the light presents an obstacle to the witch, to her dominion over the dark. Shadow:  Beware! Beware! She is still somewhere in this world...
Not only that, but Amane is The Cat, a symbol constantly associated with sin and impurity throughout the MVs with Kazui and Yuno.
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And is implied to have actually Been asked if she was human by her parents.
(Amane T1 VD)
Amane: Yes. It is only natural for a person(/human) to apologize to another for breaking a promise. Es: … Amane: Why are you looking so doubtful? Are you not human?
I promise! A good girl that keeps a promise is like, mwah!
Amane is not to be considered human, she's even collared and leashed in her Prisoner design, the medal and bow on her outfits in the MVs being another "collar" of sorts.
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Amane Needs to be Restrained and Domesticated or else she'll bring harm to the people around her. She isn't good enough to be a "good girl" and seems to Know This.
Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl
It's always "I can be a better girl" or "I can be a good girl" and not "I am a good girl," and the line above implies its impossible for her to be one. It's not something she can do.
When she gets punished by her parents its to make her a "better girl," and to "change" her into a "good girl." It is love, for they are not leaving her to die as an animal.
(Amane Interrogations)
T2Q9: What does love mean to you? A: To spread mercy with no limits.
But it’s not scary at all, because it’s love I can really think it’s great. See isn’t it a great thing?
Even though these punishments keep on Almost Killing Her!
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It's what she needs to go through to be good! And even if she doesn't even believe its possibly anymore what else can she do? Run? Running away from trials is a sin! One of the worst there is! She can't allow herself to be more sullied than she already is.
Plus she knows this is love, she isn't scared anymore, it's childish to be scared of it.
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Akio:  A child like you can't appreciate my ideals. Akio:  The Rose Bride exists because of ideals you don't comprehend.
Plus there's a sort of comfort in it, she knows what happens next. She idealizes Milgram somewhat in T1, believing that it's possible for this world, that resembles her abusive environment so much, could be Good.
Amane: Ah, I am looking forward to it! Seeing whether your judgement will align with that of these higher standards! If that is the case, maybe Milgram would be the right world for us to live in, rather than the outside world! Milgram relies on your judgement, isn’t that right? In that case, you could become the mediator for a far more righteous world!!
There's a comfort in Milgram's strict forgiven/unforgiven verdict system with a (theoretical) possibility of growth! And she later takes comfort in the same religious doctrine that Harmed her when Es does declare her as unforgiven.
If your so used to a situation, even if it harms you, why would you ever want to leave it? It's scarier if you leave it, you don't know what will happen next. At least at home, Amane knows what to do so she can get off a bit longer without getting hurt.
If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out This is the magic that stops that from happening
Akio:  Anthy, the sword. Akio:  That's right. You're a good girl, Anthy.
Amane's suffered for twelve or so years, an eternity trapped in a coffin. A cycle of abuse and pain and horror and fear. Why would she Ever want to leave it when what she's seen of the outside world is so horrible?
Amane: In fact, there have been people who said that to me. I’ve been told things like, “You’re being deceived.” “You can still make it right now.” “You’re crazy.”
People are always positioning themselves as stronger than her, people are always positioning themselves as smarter than her, people are always positioning themselves as Her Prince.
Shidou: I…… I just don’t understand. If everything about MILGRAM is true…… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad…… Amane: ……*sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. I don’t agree with the fact you refuse to acknowledge that I have my own free will, and that I should be held accountable for my actions, just because I’m a child. I may have only been alive for 12 years, but all the choices I’ve made, even if they weren’t the best ones, were entirely my own. What point is there in you getting sad when I have no regrets myself? ……please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead. Shidou: Amane…… I don’t think that’s true. However smart you may be…… you’re still just a child.
Utena:  Cut it out with that "Rose Bride" or "possession" nonsense. Utena:  That girl is an ordinary girl named Himemiya Anthy! Touga:  Is she? Touga:  Is it true that you're an ordinary girl? Utena:  You don't like it, do you? Utena:  Being the Rose Bride or whatever... Anthy:  I... Utena:  Go ahead, speak your mind! Anthy:  My mind... Utena:  Yeah! Utena:  You hate being treated as the Rose Bride, right? Utena:  Tell him clearly! Anthy:  All right. Anthy:  I hate being treated as the Rose Bride. Utena:  What's so funny?
Amane: You are treating me as a child after all. Because I’m a child, you believe that I must have been brainwashed. It’s not like that. I, too— children, too, understand everything! Please don’t just decide that people must be unhappy.
What she wants doesn't matter! When has it ever mattered? The people who say it does, don't like it when she acts in a manner they don't expect and her parents have made it Very Clear that what she does isn't important to them.
Any sort of happiness she could possibly get tends to come from things that are outside of her cult. And because of that, she isn't supposed to have them, and she is wrong for wanting them in the first place.
And yet...Amane cares so much about having free will and autonomy though, it's her main argument in her T1 VD and her biggest problem with her treatment.
Amane: I see. Then, are the things that I as a twelve-year-old think irrelevant? Are you going to cast aside the feelings that I know I have in this very moment, purely based on the fact that I have not yet lived for a very long time? Judging these things based on someone’s age will not take you very far. Do I, at age twelve, not have my own will?
That's the thing with Amane Momose, she doesn't want to be a "princess."
T2Q13: If you could be reborn, would you still choose to be yourself? A: Obviously.
She wants to stay as her, no matter what. In spite of all of this she doesn't want to be anything else But Her. Even if it gets her hurt.
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Amane helped the cat because she wanted to, she saw it hurt and couldn't look away.
Utena:  Hey, save her! Utena:  It's too cruel! Utena:  Save her! Utena:  Save her...
And in the eyes of god, she was wrong for doing so.
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Dios:  She can no longer be saved.
’Tis ordained, thou shall follow thine destiny
But again, Amane doesn't want to die.
T1Q12: What is the meaning of life? A: I think it is something you learn for the first time when you look behind yourself when it ends. I do not want to have regrets then, so I live on with all my might.
This was the tipping point of her, how much more is she willing to suffer? How much longer is she willing to stay here? Because she will die, it's not an if, its a when.
So, she decides, to break out of her coffin, and while it is partially due to how she was given a righteous reason to kill her mother. It is a crime that is mainly motivated by self-preservation and hatred.
Amane: Furthermore, isn’t it condescending of you to assume that just because I happen to be a child, I am incapable of hating someone enough to kill them?
Unfortunately for her, the audience isn't as willing to accept that.
I talk about it in more detail over here but we are Constantly positioned in the place of her abusers. From framing to her opinions on us, ever since we voted her guilty in T1 for the primary reason of "making her realize her mistakes." we mimic her parents.
Since she cannot become a princess, she becomes a witch, and is forced right back into that cycle she desperately tried to escape.
And Someday, Together, We'll Shine
So, that's a bit of a downer. But even so we have hope!
It's not exactly easy when the system built is so counter-productive to everyone's wellbeing and development that it often makes them worse instead of better.
But Amane has made a promise to live. Muu Does want to have genuine relationships with the people around her. And Mahiru has admitted her relationship wasn't as ideal as she initially thought.
And sometimes, you just need to see a possibility for something outside of all this to be able to get out of it.
Anthy:  What will you be doing in ten years? Utena:  I dunno. But... Anthy:  But? Utena:  But I hope we can be together like this drinking tea then. Anthy:  Yes. I hope so too. Utena:  I'm sure that'll be great. Utena:  Let's have tea and laugh together ten years from now, okay? Utena:  Promise? Anthy:  Yes. Definitely.
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decoysouled · 8 months
also need to write a post about how Kaveh argues with Alhaitham a lot not only out of annoyance, but because he's waiting for the other shoe to drop / for their inevitable next big fight that ends with them cutting ties again. and how he's afraid that one day, when he finally has fallen into a sense of security and stability in his friendship with Alhaitham & living situation, that the rug will be pulled out from underneath him.
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yngai · 1 year
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going forward i’ll probably walk back a majority of resident evil 6 canon divergence, for a number of reasons including that i’m too lazy to sit down & rewrite an entire resident evil game but also that as i’ve matured both as a person & as a writer i’ve come to better understand my issue with RE6 is that an it’s an incredibly interesting story told very poorly (where the chance of the characters wrestling with their discoveries is almost always whisked away by an overdrawn, jarring action set-piece that barely advances the plot) & the way to solve my issues is not removing some of the central themes of project ada but to attempt to make good on capcom’s blunder by adequately portraying them .  if you were to truly commit to rebuilding the game’s narrative from the ground up with ada in a leading role instead of a background one, then maybe some of my ideas would work but, again, who has the time to write endless drabbles about a stupid action-horror video game ?
joke’s on me, i have time
trigger warning, the following section contains mentions of implied assault, domestic abuse & forced pregnancy
my second reason is that i want to better work ada wong into the themes of resident evil 7 & 8, going in a direction for her character i’ve honestly never imagined myself considering but i think i stumbled onto a concept that’s a bit too good to pass up that involves making project ada just that little bit worse .  inspired partially by the series of files on derek’s transformation whose endnote detail the family’s plans to leave him for dead in china & usher in a new heir in his place, their displeasure & disappointment in him over all the wasted resources (& potentially the building of facilities in rival economies, his obsession with an asian woman, the family does exist to ensure global stability through white/western/american hegemony) spent chasing a docile, obedient substitute to a woman who will never love him back .  speaking of poorly told, by the by, the fate of the most powerful organization in the franchise after the death of its leader isn’t told to you in-game, you have to go to RE.net for it .
i doubt derek c. simmons was fully unaware that elements of the family were planning to oust him, he is meant to be the franchise’s overarching villain, with an heir prepared to take his role (a collateral descendant, i imagine), & his obsession with ada’s beauty & intellect, their compatibility as partners, tells me that he viewed her as more than just a showpiece to hang beside his throne, his desperation to have her back under his grasp because she, & only she, is worthy of being a mother to his child, of giving him a son that carries on his legacy, a child that bears their best qualities to lead the world into a future he envisions, him offering guidance from the shadows, clinging desperately to his power .  without a true heir, the coup would succeed even without derek’s death as him & carla had become a liability to the family’s ultimate goal & he is nothing if not a man made of contingencies .
i think you know where this is going .
of the many secrets ada finds through the lower levels of the quad tower, destroying carla’s final experiment & her research logs detailing neo-umbrella’s plans & operations, everything to do with project ada so that the theft of her identity is erased from stated record (though some reports from tatchi note the presence of two ada wongs based on cross-referenced sightings from BSAA personnel, plus, well one is dressed in reds & the other in blues, kind of hard to change clothing so often when you’re on the run from chris redfield), she uncovers a video diary of her doppelganger, one where she is constantly oscillating between extremes, between the happiness that derek, the one man who loves her most in the world, blessed her with the gift of motherhood & with a child that will show the world the love they share for each other & the other, the inner voice of the woman trapped within that screams to cut that thing out of her, take a knife & rip herself apart & spill its guts to show derek that she won’t allow his legacy to continue .  it sets the kernel of an idea she will build onto later, a child of her own incubating beneath the sea bed, a monster much like simmons, one that will destroy the world he’s created .
they stand at odds & fight as the logs go on with the inner voice ringing a hollow victory, carla realizing she can’t rid herself of the pregnancy, she has already done so much beneath simmons’ ever watchful gaze to ensure the world his & his family controls burns to the ground & failing to deliver the child would put her under too much scrutiny, she can’t allow her plans to fail .  the final few videos showing her, cradling a baby daughter in her arms, one final struggle between love & hatred that’s only decided when simmons enters the frame, enraged at carla’s failure to give him a son .  it’s wasted rage, he can’t afford to wait another nine months as the family accelerates their moves against him & ada averts her eyes the second she sees him raise his hand .  she’s seen enough, she knows what awaits in the dark laboratory that still stands in the quad tower & every nerve in her body tells her to run away, let it all burn down to cinders, but a pang of guilt pushes her forward, some kind of sick, perverted curiosity to uncover one final mystery that plagues her need to know everything .  a foregone conclusion whose answers & resolve she’s already internalized that she has to see through, for herself, for carla’s sake, for the ten thousand woman that suffered at her & simmons’ hand .
they wait for her, lost in a corner of the laboratory that has yet to burn, a room off to the side where something can be so easily forgotten,
whatever carla’s motivations were, the benefit of studying the offspring of a chrysalid mutant for the development of enhanced c, the strain used to turn simmons into what he always meant to be, or maybe a kind of unwanted bond formed the moment derek rejected his daughter, much in the same way he rejected carla despite her devotion to him in favor of ada (something to speak for a remnant of carla’s humanity), much like her reason for involving ada in her plans, either to see her burn with the rest of the world & pay for simmons’ obsession with her or because carla knows ada will put her life on the line to keep chaos from engulfing the planet, calling upon her as a way to quite literally stop herself, ada can’t parse it, not really .  she does like to guess, of course, & she’s the only character in RE6 that shows carla any kind of understanding & sympathy (what the hell did simmons do to you? / i don’t condone your actions carla, but at least now i understand them), aware that she can only really lay blame at the feet of simmons & trying to at least affirm carla’s humanity before she completely sheds it (but it was your conscience carla, that saw you fail. after all, isn’t that why you brought me into this? which is an oddly written & delivered line, but far be it from me to suggest RE6 isn’t the most well considered game in the franchise .  ada turns sour on carla the second she becomes an active threat, but there is a solemn goodbye to the carla that was after she starts biting back, some guilt in it too) .  which is why she carries out the only part of carla’s plans that should be seen through to its conclusion, ending simmons .
a young girl, two, maybe three years old at most, cowering away from the destruction right above them, left without carla or the scientists that took care of her .  the final unknown, the answer ada didn’t want to find .  a palpable fear hangs in the air, a dread that settled within her ribcage, she wished that the shadows could hide her, that she would only be a brief silhouette in the doorway that vanishes the second its seen but the flames flicker brighter, her face is shown in the fire, blood & dirt & watering eyes, & the child runs to her, she clings to her & it’s like a chain around her ankle, a weight to drag her down & a single word echoes through the chaos, softly spoken, relief, sadness, happiness, something that sinks ada’s soul, she drowns beneath the waves, in depths of herself left undiscovered—
in mandarin,  “  mother ?  ”
a sound like shattered glass, sharp & piercing, plunging its way into her heart, a new wound from which to bleed through, whatever & whoever ada wong is now .  she closes her eyes, daring not to glance below, tightening the grip on her MP9, placing her finger on the trigger .  it was her first thought, how she could end it all right here, project ada, simmons’ legacy, the decade of pain & suffering that led to marhawa, edonia, tall oaks & tatchi, but then she would become a monster too, wouldn’t she ?  beyond sympathy, beyond humanity, a hypocrisy that rings in her ear, makes it hard to hear whatever else the child says, the happiness of their reconnection, her cries of an undelivered promise, that they would one day leave this lab together .  she recants, a heavy sigh that brings no relief with it, as if from new lungs & she finally looks down, into a mirror of something she’d thought lost .  what she sees in that child is not carla, nor derek or the monstrosity that led to her birth, but ada’s own eyes reflected back .  an unwanted child born to a woman unfit to be a mother .  it’s a shock through her body, a jolt that forces her to act, holstering her gun & grabbing the child’s hand instead, another of carla’s promises she intends to keep .
another mess she has to clean up .
there’s a life out there waiting for them, one of many she’s built up over the years as a contingency, far too many times forced into hiding by those like simmons (as i doubt project ada was the sole outlet for his lust & obsession, why settle for a replica when you can have the real thing ?  & derek is a man used to getting what he wants), who would want to claim ada wong & her secrets all for themselves .  a small, tight-knit cantonese speaking community occupying an apartment block in singapore, where a travelling business woman returns home once every couple of years, now with a kid in hand .  there was a kind of slight heartbreak in hearing how “her” daughter could only speak mandarin, when so much of the ada wong persona is intertwined with growing up in cantonese-speaking hong kong, its culture, its cinema, her youth spent learning & performing cantonese opera, & the disconnect she felt in spite of it all, with a han chinese father & a mandarin name .  she wouldn’t expect simmons to have understood that, nor carla, it just lends itself to another way her identity had been perverted, degraded, lessened into a parody of itself that took center stage over the original act .  she can’t afford to be ada wong anymore, at least for now, & there is something at stake other than herself for once, a new purpose, a new way to be that has to be learned as she goes, & thus sheng ming hui & her daughter settle into a domesticity that is as much a welcome respite as it is a prison for a woman who has lived her life always wanting to spread her wings .
the child’s name is mei, a reference to the ada wong persona’s chinese name, 黃美芬 (wong mei-fan) & ada resolves to complete it with a flourish of her own, mei-li, something taken from her own mother’s name (judith yuen li-zhen (袁李贞), which, yes, is lifted directly off maggie cheung’s character from in the mood for love, i am nothing if not wholly unoriginal) .  though the surnames change as they move around the world in an effort to stay hidden, in time ada does begin affectionately calling her meimei .
there’s very few that know of ada’s fate after tatchi, among them :
jill  valentine  (@goetiya​),  her confidant, the only person allowed a peek beneath the veil in their mutual dance, a playful romance that dragged itself out from those precious few months before the raccoon city incident, who ends up taking mei-li under her own care after ada’s survival is discovered by the “ organization ”, the seedier underbelly of the federation of pharmaceutical companies that have begun sinking their teeth into the BSAA, as per my village verse .  through her, of course, other characters learn of mei-li, though not her connection to ada wong (subject to plotting, naturally), jill saying she has taken the child of “one of her contacts within the bioterror underworld” under her care, for a time .  chris redfield, rebecca chambers, barry burton & most importantly claire redfield, who ends up spotting in for jill as a babysitter when she’s at the beck & call of a darker BSAA .  it’s a risk assumed, how ada casts her shadows over jill’s life, forcing her to withhold the truth from the people closest to her .
leon  s.  kennedy  (@knnedy​),  whom ada drags to singapore one faithful autumn day, two years into her exile, a way to say goodbye, a way to air out the existential horror of carla radames to the man who stands the best chance of understanding it, something they both share, like raccoon city, like spain, yet ada knows her wounds run deeper than his .  maybe she’s grown softer, spending time as a mother to a child that shouldn’t have been born, maybe there’s still a few knives she’d like to twist into his back, some blame she would like to place, a way to motion guilt from herself onto him, but there’s an absence of choice here & so she serves him a warning, the cost of his bleeding heart .
mia  winters  (@terrorgone​​),  an old contact from ada’s days investigating tricell in ‘09, a riskier, more self-destructive side to her that’s shown after jill’s “death” .  a tumultuous relationship she holds no pride in that scorched prague for a month, someone she would be happy to forget about as she moves on to new marks & new identities but fate plays funny tricks on people & mia ends up being more significant to the world than she has any right to, in ada’s mind .  after dulvey, trading hands between various BSAA safehouses before being settled in romania, mia spots a familiar looking young girl following jill around as she’s interrogated at the BSAA’s north america branch .  she’s smarter than ada gives her credit for & she knows her & jill have something in common, peering down ada’s eyes up close .  it’s a chance to put a knife to ada’s throat much in the same way she once put a needle to her neck back in prague, to see the woman beneath the mask after ada didn’t give her the right .
anyone else is open for discussion .
some final thoughts, what, did you think we were done ? :
on the surface level the notion of ada wong as a mother is laughable, to me, but that’s usually because the avenue to motherhood people use is her relationship to leon & if this post wasn’t long enough i could list out all the reasons why it wouldn’t work, but like anything regarding the ada/leon romance you have reduce both characters to tropes they subvert in order for it to function & make their dynamic that much less interesting & that much more intense in a way that it isn’t portrayed on-screen .  
hopefully i’ve argued my case for taking her character in this direction, because keeping in with ada’s overall subversion of the femme fatale archetype, it’s not the narrative that treats motherhood as the end of her character (as her story goes on well into the events of village), but herself, she views it as a punishment, as a prison, as an end to the illustrious career of super spy ada wong when that’s not really the case, small joys though she finds in playing a doting mother to an unloved child, she can’t keep away from her calling & she continues observing the motions of the world from afar, as well as her side hobby as a grey hat hacker trading in sensitive information to dismantle legal & criminal organizations alike .  her inability to reconcile with her new life eventually leading to her capture & her separation from mei-li before the events of RE8 .
i think it gives ada more of an in with ethan winters & a reason to help him over the course of RE8 beyond just using him as a way to get to miranda & her research, as she too, like him, like miranda, is a parent desperate to reunite (or just reunite, in ethan’s case) with her daughter .  a woman otherwise unfit to be a mother (miranda, alcina) that does what she can with the broken pieces of herself to make a life for her child (mia) .  it also serves to tie an overall narrative between games that feel like they’re from different franchises, RE6 & RE7, through the uniting theme of family & the children who grow up in resident evil’s rendition of our very own global forever war .
anyway, i think that’s my piece, thanks for reading !
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turojo · 2 years
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@futurefocused asked:
"...?" Okay he might have an AI of himself once but this felt more like he was looking at another version of himself. So after casually poking him, it was clear his finger poked flesh and blood (and fat).
"...oh. Are you the me that managed to time travel? Wait. Shouldn't this cause a paradox that too many science fiction stories dread?"
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" I wouldn't touch. " Said as he imply guided the other's fingers away from him with the tip of his pen. " General Relativity rules. Until we're sure this crossed stream is secure and what mode of time travel is used it's best we refrain from interacting too much. It could collapse the space we're in. "
" I'd say that would be you perhaps. My theory of time travel uses speed on a straight parallel to utilize time dilation, meaning it's quite impossible for me to meet another parallel of myself. I'd be heading in a straight line forward from my point. "
" Science fiction utilizes the impossible 3-D model however, meaning it's quite possible to meet yourself .. should the universe not try to fix the paradox itself. Which in hindsight, it will by force. " Which is why he'll take a nice step back away.
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" So really what's happening right now is just that. Fiction. "
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unpossession · 4 months
as the author i need 2 state for the record that growing up, willow’s family did not have money - living in london, they barely scraped by and actually lived in a very small, cramped flat until she was about ten years old, when hugo (and his inheritance) moved in. her parents moved into a house, namely so they’d have space for hugo, using money left to them to ensure hugo’s care, and spent money very frugally except for when hugo needed or wanted something. when he turned eighteen he got access to most of the money he inherited from his parents, by which point all the other inheritances from the other family deaths had kicked in for willow’s parents, leaving them with a large sum of money, which was left in willow’s care after their passing.
she’s never lived with money, she doesn’t consider herself as rich growing up, and the money she has now is so overwhelming that she actually gave most of it away to charities, keeping only enough to buy her place in LA (which obviously wasn’t cheap) and living off of the income of her books (and felix’s credit card).
she hates being called rich even though she is now, and is actually really ashamed of the way she lives, although she really wouldn’t know how to do anything else at this point. she doesn’t need to do anything but write to sustain herself, which is The Dream, but she still gets deeply embarrassed when people ask about what she does for work. she doesn’t do anything, in her mind.
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sacrecean · 4 months
tag drop.  
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vindictaes · 10 months
tag drop.
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swordcoasted · 1 year
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decoysouled · 1 year
need to type this out better, but on blade stuff: i am pretty convinced his whole thing about paying prices comes from being killed by Jingliu so many times. specifically the line "remember this feeling of death and bring it to them" kind of makes me wonder if that's the time it came from / the idea that those who made him immortal (i.e Dan Feng) were who he had to kill.
Due to being mara-struck, Blade has limited memories and almost none are positive, so he isn't aware of who exactly Dan Feng was to him most of the time, aside from that he was the one to make Blade immortal. Both of these combined are why he keeps trying to track down and kill Dan Heng - because he cannot separate him from Dan Feng and he feels / knows his purpose is to bring death to those who must pay the price + abominations of the abundance.
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traightor · 1 year
i think i'm developing carpal tunnel
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blitso · 2 years
new tags !
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vtino · 2 years
ok take two 😬
#001.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    gen.#002.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    asks.#003.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    memes.#004.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    saved.#005.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    edits.#006.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    promotions.#007.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    self promotions.#008.    ❮   OUT OF CHARACTER.   ❯    💖    starters.#009.    ❮   FREAK  LIKE  A  TRIPLE  X  FLICK.   ❯    ❤️    study.#010.    ❮   DADDY‚   MAMA‚   BUTCH  MADONNA.   ❯    ❤️    vis.#011.    ❮   WON'T  YOU  LET  ME  POISON  YOUR  HEART?   ❯    ❤️    in.#012.    ❮   MINDREADER‚   HEARTEATER‚   FEARFEEDER.   ❯    ❤️    meta.#013.    ❮   LEATHER‚   FEATHERS‚   AND  MAKE  IT  SQUIRT.   ❯    ❤️    aes.#014.    ❮   I  JUST  FUCKED  YOUR  GIRL  BEFORE  THIS  SONG.   ❯    ❤️    audio.#015.    ❮   ADORAME  PORQUE  SOY  TU  DIOS.   ❯    ❤️    in‚  asks.#016.    ❮   I  ONLY  FUCK  WITH  HOMIES‚   I'M  HOMIESEXUAL.   ❯    💕    dyn.  vvv.#017.    ❮   SHOCK  ME  AND  I  IGNITE.   ❯    📺    dyn.  vox.#018.    ❮   SHE'S SUPER BAD‚ HEART UNDER ATTACK.   ❯    🧁    dyn.  velvette.#019.    ❮   I'LL  EAT  YOU  UP  AND  LEAVE  YOUR  HEART  DEAD.   ❯    🕸️    dyn.  angel.#020.    ❮   LAY  'EM  DOWN‚   FEEL  'EM  UP.   ❯    ❤️    dyn.  misc.#these LITERALLY work on my other identical blog. new tumblr editor have mercy on me for the love of god
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bhaalkin · 10 months
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#BHAALKIN ; an indie, semi-selective, private ( mutuals only ) , 18+ depiction of baldur's gate 3's orin the red. slaughtered by rev ( 20 / they/he/she / gmt/bst )
also available at @janeromeroshow , @rcluctantfollowcr , @selfawxre & @vindixta
carrd and blog under construction, placeholder rules below
( profile pic credit | psd credit )
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001. this blog is 18+, and due to the nature of the muse will contain graphic ( WRITTEN ) depictions of violence and gore. no depictions of irl gore will ever be shown on this blog, and any drawn gore will be tagged appropriately. this blog may also contain :: suggestive or sexual content ;; discussions of domestic and child abuse / trauma / incest that may be triggering ( none of which will be romanticized and the latter is only there because it is part of orin's canon backstory ! ) ;; written and visual depictions of blades / knives, meat and blood ;; and generally triggering topics due to the nature of the muse. please stay safe when viewing this blog - if you need me to tag something that i do not already tag, please just let me know!
002. please use common roleplay etiquette when interacting with me. this includes, but is not limited to; not god-modding or hijacking threads that are not yours, not taking control of my character / meta gaming, etc. this blog is also mutuals only and private, so please make sure we are mutuals before sending asks and starters in! ( note that "mutuals-only" does not mean i am not open to making new mutuals. )
003. please soft-block me if you unfollow so that i do not unintentionally keep contacting you if you've decided you do not want to write with me. i will not be offended, i promise! if i re-follow after you've soft-blocked, just drop me a message or hard-block me and the same applies there.
004. i will likely be low-activity and slow to reply at times. please do not be pushy or rude if it takes me time to respond! if you genuinely think i've missed a thread or lost it or you want to know if i'm still up for it, my dms are open and welcome!
005. i very much dislike drama, so please don't expect me to reblog callout / drama posts unless the person is a genuine danger! i also do not vague post or interact with vague posts about specific people. please respect this. i also try not to make more general vent posts, but i do struggle with my mental health, so if you do see something, it will not be about you!
006. shipping is not a priority on this blog, but that does not mean that i'm not open to it! however, i will never go into an interaction expecting a ship and everything is chemistry and the comfort of both writers based ( also please be aware that orin is like, objectively a terrible person. if i DO write a ship with her it will not be sunshine and rainbows, and i'd like any writing partners to be aware of that from the start! )
007. speaking of orin being a bad person - while i do want to explore a lot of darker themes, i will always ask before inflicting harm upon your muse(s) and i totally encourage plotting to make sure we are both comfortable! mun does not = muse and i do not want people's experiences writing with me to be unfun or uncomfortable.
008. i, the mun, struggle often with severe anxiety and depression, and i also happen to have adhd. my motivation may be sporadic - i promise it's not personal!
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spy-in-the-house · 2 years
SpyInTheHouse 674.fm podcast 064 27022023 [SCIENCE FRICTION 01.23]
The February '23 Spyinthehouse Excursion - as always presented by Psycho Thrill Cologne and 674.fm as well as mixed and compiled by Claus Bachor - this time draws a line from earlier Rave Club Cologne anthems such as Armando's "Uhaceeid" or Adamski's "Killer" in the relevant Ben Chapman Remix, to timeless electronica club classics by Duplex, DJ ESP, Millsart/ Jeff Mills, Abe Duqué, or Mike Huckaby to contemporary productions by Oliver Way, Byrion The Aquarius, DJ Bone, Thomas Barnett, Drivetrain/ Derrick Thompson, Rennie Foster, Paranoid London, Marcell Dettmann or Chicago's Traxman and many more.
The 674.fm radio broadcast mix itself features 50 vinyl-only tracks by Drivetrain/ Derrick Thompson (2), Rennie Foster (2), Byron The Aquarius feat Kyle Hall, Jamie 3:26, Byron The Aquarius, Steve Crawford, Mike Huckaby (2), Billy Lo, Oliver Way (3/ remixed by Aphrohead, Plaid, Robert Hood), Duplex (3), Dave P feat. R.T (3), Acid Maria & Abe Duque, Myriadd, Gerd (2), Adamski (remixed by Ben Chapman), Armando Gallop, Paranoid London, André Cannon, Marcel Dettmann (3), Thanos Hana, DJ ESP/ Woody McBride, RHYW, Traxman, Thomas Barnett (3), DJ Bone (3), GEN-Y (2), Sound Synthesis, Mike Wilson & August Artier, Millsart/ Jeff Mills (2), Gigi Galaxy/ Gary Martin (remixed by Delano Smith), Arbilla (remixed by Scan7/ Lou Robinson), Gene Le Fosse & Abe Duque//
01 DRIVETRAIN [DERRICK THOMPSON]: It Can Never Be The Same (Part 2) [ A1-Track from "Empress Enigma" SRT-179 US Test/Promo-12” / Clone Distr. | 2023 ] 02 RENNIE FOSTER: Guiding Light [ B1-Track from "Empress Enigma" SRT-179 US Test/Promo-12” / Clone Distr. | 2023 ] 03 RENNIE FOSTER: I Haven't Forgotten [ B2-Track from "Empress Enigma" SRT-179 US Test/Promo-12” / Clone Distr. | 2023 ] 04 DRIVETRAIN: It Can Never Be The Same (Part 1) [ A1-Track from "Empress Enigma" SRT-179 US Test/Promo-12” / Clone Distr. | 2023 ] 05 BYRON THE AQUARIUS [BYRON DEWAYNE BLAYLOCK] feat. KYLE HALL: Evolution [ A3-Track from "Black Man Of The Echo Tree" House Of Underground HOU-004 / DVDE FRA 12” | 2023 ] 06 JAMIE 3:26 [JAMIE WATSON]: Feelin' It [ B-Side from "Live My Life / Feelin' It" Nu Groove Records NG 119 / Defected UK 12” | 2022 ] 07 BYRON THE AQUARIUS: People Of The Kemet _ Dub Version [ B2-Track from "Black Man Of The Echo Tree" House Of Underground HOU-004 / DVDE FRA 12” | 2023  ] 08 STEVE CRAWFORD: Arctic Vibration _ Osunlade's Yoruba Soul Remix [ B-Side from Upstairs Asylum Recordings UA-010 US 7” | 2022 ] 09 MIKE HUCKABY: The Jazz Republic [ A1-Track from "The Jazz Republic" Cross Section Records C.S.-119 UK 12” | 1997 ] 10 BILLY LO [SEDFAT ERDOGAN]: Reality Of Life [ A-Side from Rumpsheyka RSK-006 BEL Promo-12” | 2001 ] 11 MIKE HUCKABY: Jazz Delirium [ A2-Track from "The Jazz Republic" Cross Section Records C.S.-119 UK 12” | 1997 ] 12 OLIVER WAY: Music's So Special _ Aphrohead Remix [ B2-Track from "From The Shadows Remixes" EPM Music EPM-OW01 Ltd. UK 12” | 2022 ] 13 DUPLEX [CHRIS AARSE & JOHN MATZE]: < Meta > [ A2-Track from "EP 4" Clone C#18 / Clone Distr. NL Promo-WL-12” | 2000 ] 14 OLIVER WAY: Dust Storm _ Plaid Remix [ A2-Track from "From The Shadows Remixes" EPM Music EPM-OW01 Ltd. UK 12” | 2022 ] 15 DAVE P [DAVE PEOPLES] feat. R.T [RICK TURNER]: Kingdom Of Space [ B1-Track from "Project V Saturn EP" Sakskøbing SKKB-016 / Subwax Distr. RU 12” | 2022 ] 16 DUPLEX: Scenes Of A Life EP 5 B2 [ B2-Track from "EP 5" Clone C#21 / Clone Distr. NL Promo-BL-12” | 2001 ] 17 DAVE P feat. R.T: Atlantis Incident [ A1-Track from "Project V Saturn EP" Sakskøbing SKKB-016 / Subwax Distr. RU 12” | 2022 ] 18 DUPLEX: Monotremata [ A2-Track from "EP 5" Clone C#21 / Clone Distr. NL Promo-BL-12” | 2001 ] 19 DAVE P feat. R.T: Gigabyte 52C [ A2-Track from "Project V Saturn EP" Sakskøbing SKKB-016 / Subwax Distr. RU 12” | 2022 ] 20 ACID MARIA & ABE DUQUE: Turn Down The Lights [ B-Side from Abe Duque Records ADR 010 US WL-12” | 2005 ] 21 MYRIADD [ACID PHREEX aka CRAIG STANTON]: The Way We Were _ Original Mix [ A-Side from Signals SIG.MMXII.VII UK Promo-10” | 2012 ] 22 GERD: We Bring U Muzik _ Original Mix [ A1-Track from Nu Groove Records NG 123 UK 12” | 2022 ] 23 ADAMSKI  [ADAM TINLEY] feat. SEAL: Killer _ Adamski & Ben Chapman Remix [ A1-Track from "Killeremix" MCA Records MCAX 1400 UK Promo-12” | 1989 ] 24 GERD: We Bring U Muzik _ Warehouse Mix [ B1-Track from Nu Groove Records NG 123 UK 12” | 2022 ] 25 ARMANDO GALLOP: Uhaceeid [ A1-Track from "Volume 2" Missing Dog Records MDR007-009 / Barney's Distr. US 12" | 1989 ] 26 PARANOID LONDON [GERARDO DELGADO & QUINN WHALLEY] with MATADO PINTADO: Suck A Dick _ Vocal Mix [ A-Side from Paranoid London Records PDON-012 UK 12” | 2022 ] 27 ANDRÉ CANNON: Total Recall [ B2-Track from "Tracks From The Dungeon Vol 2" L.A. Club Resource LACR-033 US 12” | 2022 ] 28 MARCEL DETTMANN: X12 [ C1-Track from "Fear Of Programming" Dekmantel DKMNTL-095 NL 2x12” | 2022 ] 29 OLIVER WAY: Stained Glass Shadow _ Rober Hood Remix [ A1-Track from "From The Shadows Remixes" EPM Music EPM-OW01 Ltd. UK 12” | 2022 ] 30 MARCEL DETTMANN: Renewal Theory [ A3-Track from "Fear Of Programming" Dekmantel DKMNTL-095 NL 2x12” | 2022 ] 31 THANOS HANA [THANOS PAPADOPOULOS]: Jon Always At 1210 [ B1-Track from TH Tar Hallow TH-006 / TAR Electronics NL BEL-12” | 2017 ] 32 DJ ESP [WOODY McBRIDE]: 4 Days In The Laboratory [ A1-Track from "The Mad Scientists" Communique Records COMMUNIQUÉ 008RE / DBH-Music Distr. US 12” | 1995/2022 ] 33 RHYW [ALEX TSIRIDIS]: Skull To The Chest [ B1-Track from TH Tar Hallow TH-005 / TAR Electronics NL BEL-12” | 2016 ] 34 TRAXMAN [CORNELIUS FERGUSON]: Dat Hot Number [ B1-Track from "The Jackin EP" Factory Music Chicago FMC-004 / DBH-Music Distr. US 12” | 2022 ] 35 THOMAS BARNETT: Motorize [ A-Side from "Motorize EP" Exarde XRD-010 RU 12” | 2022 ] 36 DJ BONE [ERIC DULAN]: Rising [ A1-Track from "Black Market EP" Fabric Originals FRO-002 / Fabric Records UK 12” | 2022 ] 37 THOMAS BARNETT: Dirty Bounce [ B1-Track from "Motorize EP" Exarde XRD-010 RU 12” | 2022 ] 38 DJ BONE: Fulmination [ A2-Track from "Black Market EP" Fabric Originals FRO-002 / Fabric Records UK 12” | 2022 ] 39 THOMAS BARNETT: Overlords [ B2-Track from "Motorize EP" Exarde XRD-010 RU 12” | 2022 ] 40 DJ BONE: In Solution [ B1-Track from "Black Market EP" Fabric Originals FRO-002 / Fabric Records UK 12” | 2022 ] 41 MARCEL DETTMANN: (Batteries Not Included) [ C2-Track from "Fear Of Programming" Dekmantel DKMNTL-095 NL 2x12” | 2022 ] 42 GEN-Y: Type 0 7 [ B1-Track from "Earth Experience" Clone West Coast Series CWCS-018 / Clone Distr. NL 12” | 2022 ] 43 SOUND SYNTHESIS [KEITH FARRUGIA]: You Are The Force [ B1-Track from "Exit Planet Earth - Krypton" 20:20 Vision EPE08 UK 12” | 2022 ] 44 GEN-Y: Kirby Step [ B3-Track from "Earth Experience" Clone West Coast Series CWCS-018 / Clone Distr. NL 12” | 2022 ] 45 MIKE WILSON & AUGUST ARTIER: Akira's Cry [ B2-Track from "Exit Planet Earth - Krypton" 20:20 Vision EPE08 UK 12” | 2022 ] 46 MILLSART/ JEFF MILLS: Got To Get Down [ B2-Track from "Every Dog Has Its Day Vol. 4" AXIS-030 US Promo-Single-12″ release | 2003 ] 47 GIGI GALAXY [GARY MARTIN]: Interview With An Alien _ Delano Smith Remix [ B-Side from DET 313 DET313E / Sushitech GER 12” | 2023 ] 48 MILLSART/ JEFF MILLS: Untitled [ A2-Track from "Every Dog Has Its Day Vol. 4" AXIS-030 US Promo-12”/ Single Version | 2003 ] 49 ARBILLA [PHIL ROBERTSON]: Virtual Reality _ Scan 7 Remix [ A1-Track from "Envision EP" Xistence Records XIST001-12 IRE 12” | 2022 ] 50 GENE LE FOSSE & ABE DUQUE: Take Me To Heaven [ A-Side from Abe Duque Records ADR 010 US WL-12” | 2005 ]
⦿  All about Claus Bachor/ Psycho Thrill Cologne/ SpyInThehouse via LINKTR.EE
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witchfirst · 1 year
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⸻  #WITCHFIRST; this is a slow activity,  heavily plot based writing blog for  EMILIJA BENNSON based upon the vampire diaries universe with a myriad of verses to accommodate other fandoms.  private. as  cherished  by  louise. 22. gmt.  est  april 2023.  this blog uses the beta editor.
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a study in: the first born. immortality. becoming a loophole. the power of resurrection. family legacy. finding oneself. the powerhouse. fighting your inner nature. magic and vampirism. blood dripping from her lips. fangs with a spell. what you're born into. women in tragedy.
— [ 001 ]  THIS IS AN INDEPENDENT,  roleplay blog for emilija bennson / bennett, an oc based in the vampire diaries universe. all headcanons / metas are of my own creation.  i am block friendly.  if you do not like my muse there is always an unfollow button on my blog. constructive criticism is always appreciated as it helps. my psd is by supersources and all icons on this blog are of my own creation.
— [ 002 ] ACTIVITY ON THIS BLOG IS SUBJECT TO MY MOOD,  i am often overwhelmed,  to help with this, plotting is a big thing for me. i encourage plots.  i may sometimes drop threads.  although i’ll be sure to inform you. never be afraid to reach out if we’re mutuals! i also work part-time and attend university so my free time can be sparse.
— [ 003 ] THIS BLOG IS SELECTIVE & PRIVATE,  i am picky with who i follow,  this means i will only roleplay with mutuals, those that i follow who follow me back. non mutuals can send in asks. however, i reserve the right to refuse / delete them.  i am huge on plotting dynamics with my mutuals. you can spam me with memes if you so wish!
— [ 004 ] IN REGARDS TO SHIPPING,   this blog is multi-ship and chemistry based,  please know that i will not force ships on you. i trust you to treat me in the same vein.  i love ships, they’re super fun to write.  feel free to let me know if you see a ship happening. i more than likely feel the same!
— [ 005 ] again i would like to reiterate that this blog is very plotcentric. i adore having interesting dynamics and threads with my roleplay partners. i will always prioritize plotted interactions as they spark muse and create more meaningful interactions.  i am fine with random interactions but they are not the priority. i would much prefer to get to know my writing partners so we can cook up something fun and fulfilling for our muses.
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