#*    ♡   ◞    peter   quill   .
murdrdocs · 1 year
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farmer life with peter quill.
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
ken ˗ˋˏ♡ˎˊ˗
let me love your OCs masterlist
i had so much fun doodling this character??? thank you SO much @thismonthshyperfixation for letting me play with your rad-as-hell original character. they are so fucken fun
meet ken, who stumbles across a newly-rehomed Peter quill in a local earth music shop. ken & pete get to chatting about music recs & things go from there. ken is also a contractor & local woodworker, and pete eventually is like “hey you should meet my friend rocket who also builds shit, including a gun for blowing up moons and the weirdest fucken spaceship you’ve ever seen.” (this is not hard to believe as ken has presumably not seen a ton of spaceships, though i could be wrong about that.) anyway quill says “so you wanna go visit my buddy at his place? it’s in a floating skull in deep space if that’s cool” to which ken, of course, is like “fuck yeah i wanna meet your friend”
then pete and ken hop into whatever runabout Pete’s using these days (maybe the old benatar?) and head back to space on a road trip which i imagine to be much like groot’s adventures in the 2015 i am groot comic run. there’s a ton of bonding and then ken meets rocket who is ((i personally believe)) extremely and grouchily impressed by ken’s skills and very eager to see exactly how they can collaborate on making some very cool shit. then they bond too and everyone is very happy
i fucken LOVED drawing and painting ken. their tattoos were my favorite part (i used a lot of existing tattoos gif reference so they’re certainly not fully original compositions). but i also really loved their hair & eye colors, especially in combination with each other.
thank you again, @thismonthshyperfixation for the privilege of getting to doodle your awesome character in my style ♡♡♡ I appreciate you so much!
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♡ — Quill & Poe
Send me a ♡ plus a ship and I'll tell you...@dasmirakel
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? Quill asked Poe out first.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝙸𝙽 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂? Poe, randomly, thought he'd be upset she did it but she did it and now..no regrets!
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙶𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙺𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂? No nicknames, but she prefers to call him Peter over Quill.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙲𝙾𝙾𝙺𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙻𝚂? When it comes to comfort meals, Poe is the go-to gal.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝙱𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙸𝙲? They share it, he shares his favorites with her, and her with him.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙷𝙾𝙶𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙳? Considering the size of the bed it's equal
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝙵𝙸𝚁𝚂𝚃? Poe is totes the early bird
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙴? Do they have coffee...?
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙸𝙶 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙽? Peter most nights, but Poe can be.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝚄𝙿 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂𝚃? Poe won't let him stay up late. She will drag him to bed one way or another.
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷𝙴𝚂 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳? They both reach for each others hands.
𝚆𝙷𝙾'𝚂 𝙰 𝙵𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙿𝙳𝙰? Peter >>
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚁𝙴𝚂? Both do lightly
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚂 𝚂𝙴𝚇? I'm going to let Poe have this one >>
𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝚂 𝚆𝙷𝙾 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙸𝙰𝙶𝙴? Peter will have to ask, as Poe is very old fashioned.
𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴'𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝚅𝙾𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙴 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚁𝚈 𝙾𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: The first time they danced.
𝙰 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝙼𝚈 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚁𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂: The pain he's been through after what he's lost. But it's made him who he is, but she'd give anything to take his pain if she could.
𝙸𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶: Nothing, everything happens for a reason.
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iamgonnagetyouback · 5 days
Hi I just saw a really cute tiktok by lilys.niche. And in the video she acts out 2 Ravenclaw student arguing if the marauders are together or not. And I thought it was such a cute idea. But to do marauders x reader. And it’s them talking reader/the marauders around and collecting evidence. And you just see cute moments that can either be friendly or romantic. I don’t know. I just thought it was a good idea, and your such a good writer I thought you could have fun with this. Thank you for your time. And have a nice day.
i loved the idea as soon as i saw it; so here it is!!
𝟷.𝟹𝚔 || 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐄
♡ ︎ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Winora and Elira are on a case to reveal the truth behind your relationship with the Marauders.
♡ ︎ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: None
♡ ︎ꜱʜɪᴘ: poly!marauders x Reader
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Hogwarts was a big place, but somehow rumors spread faster than a snitch. For weeks now, whispers about you and the Marauders being more than just friends had been bouncing off the stone walls of the Ravenclaw common room. And no one was more dedicated to solving the mystery than two curious, determined Ravenclaw girls: Winora and Elira.
Winora, with her quill poised and her notebook ready, had turned this investigation into her personal project. Meanwhile, Elira was the silent observer, collecting 'evidence' like a seasoned detective. The two of them were often seen trailing you and the Marauders, whispering to each other and exchanging glances every time something happened.
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The First Clue: The Courtyard
Winora scribbled furiously in her notebook as she nudged Elira. “Look, look!” she whispered excitedly, pointing toward you sitting on a bench in the courtyard. Remus sat beside you, a thick book open between the two of you as you leaned in, your heads almost touching.
“They're studying,” Elira noted, her brow furrowing. “That’s hardly romantic.”
“Ah, but did you see how he just smiled at her?” Winora countered. “That was not a friendly smile.”
Just as Elira was about to respond, Sirius sauntered over and dramatically flopped across your lap, earning a giggle from you and an amused roll of the eyes from Remus. You playfully shoved Sirius’s shoulder, telling him he was crushing your legs.
“See! That’s evidence!” Winora pointed, eyes wide. “You don’t just casually drape yourself over someone like that unless you're together.”
“They are very touchy,” Elira mused, jotting down a note.
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The Snack Incident: The Great Hall
The next piece of 'evidence' came during lunch. You were seated between James and Peter, laughing at something James had said. Sirius sat across from you, tossing a piece of bread your way, which you caught effortlessly.
Winora and Elira were a few seats down, pretending to be engrossed in their own lunch while secretly eavesdropping.
“You’re like, my favorite person in this entire castle,” Sirius declared dramatically, making you laugh as he shot a wink your way.
“That could so be romantic,” Winora whispered, nudging Elira.
James leaned in, too, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Oi, don’t steal my girl, Pads.”
You playfully shoved his arm away, but you were smiling the entire time. “I’m not your girl,” you retorted teasingly, but your tone was light, as if you were used to this kind of banter.
Elira scribbled down a note. “Alright, that’s definitely suspicious.”
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The Midnight Stroll: The Astronomy Tower
Later that night, Winora and Elira followed you and the Marauders up to the Astronomy Tower. They hid behind a pillar as the five of you sat in a loose circle, looking out over the darkened grounds. You were wrapped in James's jacket, as you had forgotten yours in the dorm.
The Marauders seemed relaxed, talking about nothing in particular, but every now and then, there was a moment that made the girls' hearts race.
Like when Sirius, mid-conversation, leaned back on his elbows and lazily rested his head on your lap. Or when Remus tucked a stray strand of your hair behind your ear with a soft smile. Or when James pulled you closer when you shivered from the cool night air, letting you rest your head on his shoulder. Or when Peter kissed your cheek out of nowhere (which you didn't object to.)
Elira nearly squealed. “Did you see that?! She’s resting her head on James's shoulder—while Sirius is on her lap and Peter is kissing her cheek! That's practically a declaration!”
“Shh!” Winora hushed her. “We need more solid evidence.”
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The Big Reveal: The Gryffindor Common Room
Winora and Elira sat on the couch by the fire, pretending to study while keeping one eye on the Marauders and you.
Sirius was sprawled out beside you, feet kicked up on the armrest, while James and Peter were playing wizard chess nearby. Remus sat in the armchair beside you, reading. There was nothing particularly romantic happening—until Sirius lifted his head and peered at you.
“Y/N, darling,” he drawled. “Would you rather snog me or Moony over there?”
You rolled your eyes, a grin tugging at the corner of your lips. “Neither.”
“Ouch,” Sirius clutched his chest dramatically, as if wounded. Remus, however, shot you a secretive smile over the top of his book.
Winora and Elira exchanged glances.
“Okay, but what if you had to choose?” James called from the chessboard. “Just hypothetically, of course.”
“Not gonna happen, Potter,” you teased, throwing a cushion at him.
James chuckled, catching the cushion with ease. “Yeah, well, too bad for you—you’ve got four boyfriends, so I guess you’ll just have to deal with it.”
You rolled your eyes again, but there was a playful, knowing smile on your face. “Lucky me.”
And that was when Winora and Elira's jaws dropped.
“Four?” Elira whispered, her eyes wide.
“They’re all together?!” Winora gasped, flipping open her notebook to furiously scribble down the final conclusion.
Case closed.
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taglist: @anawritez-posts
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bellalaufeyson69 · 1 year
Peter Quill x Reader
Enemies to lovers (sort of)
(Spoiler if reading this next sentence! Takes place after GOTG and before GOTG3. Gamora is with the Ravagers and is no longer with Peter in any way. Also meaning that as confirmed by James Gunn, we the reader can understand what Groot says because we’ve been with him so long 🥹)
Description: Quill and Yn hardly ever get along and it’s gotten on everyone’s nerves. Nebula comes up with a solution to the problem by making them spend time together in hopes of working out the differences.
Wc ♡ 3.5k
Masterlist ♡
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Rays of sunlight burst through the wide front windows of the Milano as the team sat around the table waiting for Groot to finish the breakfast. We all took a straw from a hat daily to see who had the duty, though when any one of us pulled the straw and saw it said groot, we’d discretely pretended it said someone else’s name. It wasn’t that we didn’t trust him to be a good cook, it was just that he can get a little… distracted.
“What day is it today?” The tree pondered, looking over to Mantis awaiting an answer all the while completely unaware that a twig from his arm has now caught fire from the stove.
I was quick to catch this and jumped from my spot to put it out, though as I ran to help him I came crashing into a tall, decently sweaty Peter. “Common Quill!” I hissed before turning back to Groot only to be halted by his annoying voice.
“Oh like that was my fault,” he complained throwing his hands in the air and looking to the team for reassurance yet getting none as they tended to zone Peter and I’s arguments out.
“Maybe if you payed any attention to anything you ever do!” I snapped turning back to face him feeling a rise of irritation come over me causing me to completely forget why I’d even got up in the first place. “Also, you’re disgusting. We have showers for a reason, you literally soaked my arm in your nasty sweat,” I made a disturbed expression whilst wiping the warm wet liquid onto my pants.
He scoffed with an eye roll while taking a glance at the ceiling. “Im sorry if I get a little sweaty when I work out, it’s natural, and I was going to take a shower, not that it’s any of your business; after we ate breakfast.”
“How convenient, so we can all join together and eat while inhaling your B.O.”
“Oh would you two please just shut up! I’m sick of all the incessant bickering you make me want to rip my ears off,” Nebula intruded from beside Groot. She and Rocket had been busy helping Groot put out the small flame that Peter and I had long forgotten about. “You’ve been irritating because Gamora’s gone, and you’ve been a living-breathing brat ever since you failed the last mission,” she called out our behavior almost in a motherly way. She’s been weirdly diplomatic when dealing with us instead of just telling us to go yell at each other somewhere else.
With a huff I went back to my seat and sank in the chair feeling a tinge of embarrassment overwhelm me at the memory of that last mission. I had never failed before, and this time put everyone at danger because I couldn’t control my emotions and attacked a guard too soon. I got a lecture about it from pretty much everyone except Mantis and Groot. That experience definitely hurt my pride quite a lot, so sometimes I might have a little extra sass to try and build it back up. “At least mines a real reason to be acting like a jerk,” Peter mumbled while sitting down in the seat farthest from me.
I snickered to myself at his comment. Sometimes he can be a real idiot. “You realize you called yourself a jerk too right? Nice one Einstein.” I clapped back not willing to let him win this argument, or really any in the future. Peter Quill just always has to be the leader, the cool guy, always right. Not when it comes to me.
“That’s it!” Nebula shouted in pure aggravation. She stomped over to the both of us and grabbed one of our arms with a decent strength considering she’s part bot. “You two are on breakfast duty, and if I hear you argue once while doing it then you’re both gonna be stuck cleaning the engine for two months,” she snapped, shoving us both toward the fridge. We often all had chores to do but we made it fun by having a spin wheel to see who has to do what. Cleaning the engine was always the worst one, but what made it easier was knowing you only had to do it once and then you could spin the wheel next chore week.
“Who said you were in charge? I think you’re forgetting this is MY ship,” Peter defended while crossing his arms.
“Yeah,” I added confidently. Who the heck is Nebula to tell us what to do.
“Nah I agree with that. You two are the most annoying a-holes I’ve ever had to share a space with. Mantis and Drax don’t even argue as much as you do,” Rocket chimed in matter of factly.
“It is true! I would much rather sit and listen to Mantis’s pathetic stories than hear you two fight anymore,” Drax said as he stood tall and serious.
Mantis glanced over to him with a bubbly smile. “Awhh thank you!”
“You are welcome idiot,” Drax replied with a pleasant smile. In his mind he was being respectful, and Mantis didn’t know any better.
Nebula turned her head back to us with an expression as of saying ‘that’s what I thought’. “So it’s settled. You two are gonna work this stupid stuff out, and if we hear so much as a bad tone, then you get stuck with Engine duty,”
We’d both surfaced a similar response between grumbles and eye rolls, yet had no choice but to accept our fate. Majority rules is how this ship functions, which was a feature I loved when it was in regard to someone else. Soon the rest of the group piled out, rocket on his way out mumbled on about how we’d better be quick. I gave a short glance to Peter which was a mistake as he’d so very annoyingly been standing there sifting through songs his Walkman and earbuds. Of course he’d tune me out, I wouldn’t be surprised if he just stood here the whole time too.
I started gathering some of ingredients and pans we’d need, already feeling angry at the fact that he hadn’t even attempted to move to help me. This was a clear indicator that my assumption of his laziness was likely going to be right. I semi aggressively dropped down the container of bacon onto the counter letting my current mood take the control of my motion. I grabbed the unused pan and placed it down and began putting strips of bacon on it. “You’re doing that wrong,” Peter softly mentioned. He seemed tired, I wasn’t sure if it was tired of the arguing or just in general but the tone definitely helped ease my anger a little bit.
With a huff I turned to look over at him and was surprised to find him standing so close, hovering just inches from my frame looking down at the pan, then making eye contact with me. His expression was blank, and calm which confused me. “I’m putting the strips out, how else am I supposed to do it?” I felt my brow still furrowed down in the looming frustration I felt before. We always fight, and one of us always takes it too far, those are times that make it hard to ever not be annoyed at the man’s presence.
He took an earbud out and let it hang by the cord before stepping closer until his body was pressed against my side. I stayed long enough to feel his warmth until I realize the normal thing to do would be to step out of his way, so that I did. Part of me wished he’d do it again, that he’d give me an excuse to accept his embrace. If I hate him so much why did that little ounce of intimacy feel so nice? A confusing mix of emotions. “You don’t put them all at once only do half so they cook more evenly,” he explained whilst taking off some of the already placed bacon. “Also put them folded like this so that- F*CK! AGH!” He’d instantly jumped back from the grizzling pan holding his hand in pain. “Stupid grease, ow!” He complained to the pan as if it were alive which made me laugh quite a lot. The whole scene was funny really.
I hadn’t noticed that through my laughing he’d been looking at me smiling ever so slightly, until I caught him, in which he looked back at the pan. “Are you alright there captain?” I amusingly teased his super strong title, while instinctively placing a caring hand on his shoulder with a soft rub. The moment I placed it I felt the mortified realization of my actions and ripped my hand back off. Too embarrassed to comment on it I’d redirected my focus to making eggs in the other pan hoping he wouldn’t mention it.
I cooked in silence for a little while until I felt as if I was being watched. Hesitantly I turned my gaze to Peter and surely enough was met with him staring right back at me. He looked to be deep in thought until I caught him when his lips curled into an arrogant grin. “Oh no no no, are you kidding me? You’re tellin’ me you can’t even cook eggs either? What can you do?” He provoked in amusement making me roll my eyes.
I waved my hands in the air in defeat. “Fine! You do it yourself then.” I stepped aside from the counter and began to walk away until I felt a warm hand take a light grip on my forearm and pull me backward. I stumbled back to my position in front of the pan where Peter was beside me holding my arm.
“Relax,” he soothed while slowly inching closer, it almost seemed like he was hoping his movements were slow enough for me not to notice. “You’re not gonna get any better with that attitude,” he continued, his hands slowly brushing my hips while I was too distracted listening to what he was saying. He moved cautiously almost trying to catch me in the distraction. “So much attitude all the time,”
I scoffed at his comment. “Attitude? I don’t have attitude, you’re the one who’s always moping around making little comments at everything.” his fingers now wrapped around my waist as he stood behind me, his breath tickling my shoulder.
“Let me show you,” he furthered, completely ignoring what I’d said and going on with his own point.
I’d attempted at pushing his hands off me. “No, I don’t need your help Peter,”
He stood there his grip strong as he looked down at me with a little ‘huh’. After the death glare I’d given he kindly explained the cause of the sound. “You called me Peter,” he pointed out with a grin.
I felt taken off guard at that comment and honestly a little flustered. I always made it a point to call him by his last name, I felt that first names were for people I respected. Why did that slip so easily? “I was just distracted…” I trailed avoiding his gaze and looking back to the pan. “Are we gonna cook the eggs or not?” I redirected the conversation away from the tension as I didn’t know how to react. My heart fluttered at his proximity but my mind reminds me of our dynamic. We’ve never got along let alone been close in this way.
He took my cue to move on and eagerly grabbed the spatula, handed it to me then paused and hesitantly slipped his hand on the back of my own. His other hand rested on my waist still as he guided the cooking. “It’s all about the wrist” he spoke softly.
I let out a breathe as I stood stiffly. I wasn’t sure what to do with this but I didn’t hate it. In fact it was quite the opposite. “This isn’t going to help you get over Gamora,” I bluntly stated without really thinking about it. I didn’t intend on being rude and my tone pushed that. Truth is that must’ve been an insecurity festered up. He’s a flirt and I can’t be his distraction.
He was silent for a moment but his position didn’t budge. “Why are you always so quick to push me away?” He quietly asked sincerely. He seemed hurt which was the last thing I expected from him. Was I reading our dynamic wrong? I couldn’t have been I mean we fight constantly.
“I don’t-“
“Don’t.” He interrupted. “Be real with me, just this one time,” he took the spatula from my hand and placed it on the table before grabbing the hand back again and bringing it to my waist to hold there. “What can I do to fix you and me?”
I didn’t know how to respond to that whatsoever because I didn’t know what that meant. You and me. As in no more arguing? As in becoming friends? As in something more? It doesn’t help that Peter is known for his flirting. “I-“ I sighed. “What do you mean?” I felt myself submitting to his touch as my body relaxed against his.
“Last weekend, we’re sitting on the couch. My arm was up around the top of it and if I moved it down just a little bit it would’ve literally been around your shoulder. Everything’s fine we’re all watching a movie, and I make a bad joke about your favorite character because I think it’s cute when you’re mad and you storm off cursing at me.” I couldn’t see the point he was pushing for but found myself blushing at the compliment. “Can’t you tell I do those things to get close to you? We don’t talk what so ever and the most I get from you is if I pull it out of you by making a dumb comment,” he explained his head now stooped closer to my shoulder, resting slightly against the side of my face and neck. “I know I can be childish, or a jerk but I don’t know what else to do when all I want to do is talk to you,”
“Oh really?” I perked up a little bit ready to make my point taking a step away from Peter. “What about the time we were here drinking and you made a comment about how I was ‘acting different to impress people’? How romantic,” I poked feeling his logic start to crumble.
He let out a huff. “You’re not remembering that the way I am and yeah I shouldn’t have said that but you spent the entire night all over that xandarian guy,” he expressed stepping forward to grab my hand and pull me back in. “You know how much I wanted to punch that dude straight in the jaw every time he touched you? Why should he get to kiss you?” He seemed to be getting offended just remembering the night, and honestly a little heated.
“Peter,” I softly tried to intercept.
“No, I’ve been here this entire time. For years it’s been me here with you, we go on missions, we’ve explored new planets, had ups and downs, and I have to sit there and watch some guy kiss you? Some guy who just came along that same day, put no effort into his relationship with you and got you,” he rambled on with pain in his eyes. I hadn’t seen him show that much emotion over someone since gamora. “It’s not fair,”
I felt horrible for not seeing this sooner. I couldn’t help but rethink everything but at the same time he definitely went about this in the wrong way to get my attention. He got it alright but it was never good. To me he was just constantly nitpicking me and all the things I liked and it drove me crazy. I guess that’s the fault in miscommunication. A lot of the stuff was pretty dumb to get genuinely mad at, often he’d just tease my favorite movies or comment on my fighting skills. Nonetheless in this moment I felt truly sad for him. “I didn’t know…” he was focused very intently on every word I said and I could just tell the anticipation anxiety was eating him up. In reality this was a confession of his feelings. “If I would’ve known…” I trialed off not wanting to press further as I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings.
“If you would’ve known then what?” He softly nudged me to continue. He took our interlocked hands and held it on his chest.
“I don’t know, things would’ve been different. I didn’t know that’s how you felt I just thought you hated me honestly,” I admitted awkwardly.
He exhaled with a frown. “I could never hate you, and that mission…“ he got softer watching my expression because he knew this topic was sore for me. “It didn’t matter to me that we failed, all I could think about was how I could’ve lost you,” he admitted keeping eye contact as he spoke. “I can’t lose anyone else, and I just miss what we used to be like.”
This confused me as what he’s referencing is our friendship back when he was with Gamora. Is he trying to say he wants to be friends or is he being romantic? He’s so hard to read sometimes, but his actions are telling me romance. Clearly he could see the confusion etched on my face because he clarified all my questions without ever having to hear them. “You know, how close we were. Cracking jokes, playing pranks on the rest of them,” he explained. “I want that. But… something a little different…” he seemed a little more awkward now like he didn’t know how to word what he felt.
“How different?” I asked feeling my heart pick up just a little bit. Perhaps MAYBE the reason I got so mad at everything Peter did was because MAYBE I valued his opinion, because MAYBE I was sort of always secretly into him.
He perked up at the question surprised I hadn’t shot it down right then and there. “Well,” he started while taking my hand and giving me a dramatic twirl. The guy is smooth. “Maybe a little romance, I’m thinking Jim and Pam,” he referenced my favorite Earth show as I’ve forced him to watch it after our trip there.
A mischievous smile found my lips at that. “Ohhhh, so someone was lying about not liking the show?” I teased in a ‘I told you so’ kinda way.
He chuckled at my call out. “I told ya Y/N, I just love to mess with you.”
“Hmm, fine but you have to watch rom coms with me,” I laid out my terms matter of factly.
His eyes widened. “Fine? Fine what? Fine to the romance?” He double checked as I hadn’t made myself all that clear.
“I GUESS,” I dramatically excepted in a fake disinterested tone.
“Well then Mrs. Y/N” he pulled me into him yet again wrapping his arms around my torso, though this time I let my hands rest on his chest. “I’m gonna romance the shit outta you,” he grinned that same cocky little grin that used to make me wanna smack him.
I rolled my eyes at his over confidence but was thrown off at him leaning in closer to me. I couldn’t find anything sassy or witty to remark because now all my focus was on the fact that Peter Quill’s lips were so close to mine. The lips of always secretly wanted to kiss. I let out a breath feeling the tension before he’d made the move to fully go in. He kissed me softly, and slowly. His hand cupped my cheek and when he pulled away he gave a real genuine smile.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me” rocket yelled out from the doorway next to a very shocked Nebula.
“I give them a week tops,” she jokingly murmured but I could tell she was genuinely happy for us.
Rocket groaned from his place clearly fed up with the fact that he’d suffered through our bickering just for us to end up into each other. “If I’d known all you two jackasses needed to do was bang it out- WHY ARE THE EGGS BLACK?” He ran over to the stove to turn off the switch as if that would save the already far gone breakfast. “that’s TWO breakfasts down the drain, that’s it! I’m done! We’re getting fast food from knowhere,” he flailed his hands in the air and walked out of the room in defeat making the rest of us chuckle.
“I’m glad you two figured it out finally,” Nebula gave a small smile. “Really thought you were blind,” she dryly joked.
Peter and I looked at each other in confusion for a moment before smiling and accepting the fact that apparently we’d been obvious about our unknown feelings. With that she left the room to follow Rocket to the controls of the ship to fly us all to knowhere. This left Peter and I alone once more, he stared down at me in amusement. “I knew you were into me.”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes for the millionth time, slipped my fingers into his and dragged him out to the main area of the ship preparing for the rest of the teams reactions.
My first Peter Quill fan fic! Sorta rushed so I apologize for any errors! Let me know if I should make more!
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thewulf · 2 years
Works and Requests
Oh man I knew this day would come, I finally have to make seprate masterlists for some fandoms, this main post is too massive now! Masterlist's below the cut <3
If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up
Fluff: ✿‎ ‎
Angst: ✦‎
Hurt/Comfort: ‎♡
Top Gun Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
The Lord of the Rings Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
Accidentally in Love ‎♡✿‎ ‎
Always & Forever Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎ ‎
Here For You ‎♡✿‎
Tides of Comfort✿‎
Rafe Cameron
Who Did This To You? Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Big Blue World✿✦‎
Terrible Liar✿✦‎
Whatever The Hell This Is✿✦‎
The Outsiders
Darrel "Darry" Curtis
I Want To✿✦
By Your Side♡✿
Sunflowers and Second Chances♡✿
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Don't Cry✿✦
A Safe Place♡✿
Second Sunrise♡✿
Love Strikes♡✿
Igniting Affection✿‎ ‎
Steve Randle
Peachy Girl♡✿
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Adorably Clueless ✿‎
That Was the Moment ♡✿
Treat You Better✿✦
Paul Lahote
Forever Yours♡✿‎
Trust in the Tide✿‎
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe
Bound by Shadows✿✦
The Quiet Between✿✦
Teaching Trails✿
Beneath the Healer's Touch♡✿‎
Soothing Shadows♡✿‎
Frosted Steel✿✦
Hidden Away✿✦
Eris Vanserra
A Realm Reborn✿✦
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain John Price
The Price of Protection♡✿‎
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Breaking Point♡✿‎
Through Your Eyes✿
Avatar Way of Water
Neteyam Sully
Different | Part 1 | Part 2 ✿‎ ‎
James "Bucky" Barnes
At Odds ✿✦‎
Miles Teller
Thank You Kind Stranger ✿‎
Works In Progress (WIP's)!
Steve Randle x Reader - Request!
Sirius Black x Reader - Request!
Legolas x Reader - Request!
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader - Request
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Who I Write For:
Top Gun: Maverick & 1986
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Bob Floyd
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Any other pilot upon request!
Harry Potter
The Marauders Era
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Paul Lahote
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Ateara
Edward Cullen
Emmet Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis
Sodapop "Soda" Curtis
Ponyboy "Pony" Curtis
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Steve Randall
Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Outer Banks
JJ Myabank
John B Routledge
Pope Heyward
Topper Thorton
Rafe Cameron
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Neteyam Sully
Lo'ak Sully
Jake Sully
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Ellie Williams
The Lord of the Rings
King Thranduil
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe (ACOTAR)
Any High Lord really
Any other upon request!
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bruisedboys · 9 months
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this celebration is now closed. all finished blurbs can be found here
YOU ARE INVITED! to celebrate hitting 6k followers, and seeing as the holiday season is upon us, I’ll be hosting a super cool and awesome holiday celebration! there will be blurbs, moodboards, games and more. please come and join the fun (there will be lots of hot men there I promise) !! the celebration will run from dec 19th to jan 1st. below you can find the party agenda ♡
( please read the rules at the bottom of this post before sending in a request )
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( pick and choose your characters from the list below! )
───── james potter, remus lupin, sirius black
───── finnick odair, peeta mellark
───── miguel o’hara, tasm!peter parker, peter quill
───── bruce wayne (the batman)
───── bradley bradshaw, jake seresin
───── steve harrington, eddie munson
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( combine an item from the menu with a character on the list above! )
───── gingerbread house . . . send in a character from the guestlist + a dialogue prompt from this list or this list and I’ll write you a blurb!
───── candy cane . . . send in a character from the guestlist + an action prompt from this list or this list and I’ll write you a blurb!
───── hot chocolate . . . send in a character from the guestlist + an au + a prompt from one of the lists linked above, and I’ll write you a blurb! (eg. rockstar!remus, firefighter!james)
───── marshmallow . . . send in a character from the guestlist + an aesthetic, concept, trope, or colour and I’ll make a moodboard!
───── ribbon. games! kiss marry kill, cym, would you rather, etc. (you can send in as many of these asks as you like!)
───── gift wrap. mutuals only! send this ask and I’ll make a moodboard to match your vibe/your blog ♡
please send no more than two requests per item on the menu. I don’t want to much of a buildup in my inbox otherwise I’ll get overwhelmed!
be considerate of my time and my efforts! although I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to fill out every request, I promise I’ll try my best! even if I don’t answer yours, please know I appreciate every request I get
no smut requests please! this is a sfw only blog, any nsfw asks will be deleted
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✉️ a message from the host …
hello my angels! 6k!!!!!!! I am going to cry. thank you so so much for all the love and support, 6k feels huge! I’m really grateful I get to have my own little corner on tumblr to talk about what I like (aka silly fictional men I’m hyperfixating on) !! I’m grateful to every single one of you, and thank you especially for sticking with me even when I’m stuck in my (seemingly never ending) creative ruts, it means the world. also!! happy holidays!!! and merry christmas to everyone who celebrates. this is my little gift from me to you. have fun! x
♡ mutual tags!
@darling-im-wonderstruck @moonstruckme @ddejavvu @ghostlyfleur @venuslore @inkdrinkerworld @taintedcigs @bcyhoods @prongsio @starryeyedstories @zstrn @headkiss @thyme-in-a-bubble @earthcowgirl @sp1rit-realm @fxllfaiiry @wolvisms @spiderfunkz @rocklnds @oncasette @fitzells @louvrr @bradshawed @iovesia @amourrs @cosmal @vampieteeth @ouchvns @girlcanines
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cactus-cuddler · 1 month
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Hello everyone! Below you will find all my works on Marvel characters. For anyone who wants to make requests, please consider this post. Thank you so much for your attention <3
What kind of boyfriend are:
🛸 Peter Quill
🕸️ Peter Parker
⭐️ Bucky Barnes
This character as your Best Friend:
⭐️ Bucky Barnes
**✿❀ FANFICTION ❀✿**
💝: fluff
💥: smut
⧗ Natasha Romanoff
╰┈➤ The prom we never had 💝
Avenger!Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
You have been engaged to Natasha Romanoff since your penultimate year of high school and you will get married in a few months. You have only one regret in your entire relationship: not going to the prom because you were afraid to show yourself to the world for who you are.
╰┈➤ Spy seduction 💥
Spy!Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
You and Natasha are two spies who have worked together for many years. During these years, a particular chemistry has arisen between you that will make something emerge that you couldn't have foreseen
Part 1 - Part 2
╰┈➤ Baking memories 💝
Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
After an argument with Natasha, your partner, you retreat to a friend's place feeling lost and devastated. Two days later, Natasha surprises you by showing up to leave a letter. Filled with anxiety, you're unsure whether to read it, fearing it might end things between you.
╰┈➤ A year of smiles 💝
Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
It's your anniversary and as gifts Natasha gave you a picnic under the stars and you something to relive your memories together
╰┈➤ An irresistible ass 💥
dom!Natasha Romanoff x sub!f!reader
Natasha can't resist your ass in a pair of jeans
╰┈➤ The Witch's Throne (link for the series masterlist)
Witch!Natasha Romanoff x Queen!witch!reader
As the queen of Veloria, you are devoted to transforming your kingdom into a prosperous and thriving realm. Veloria is your heart, the land where you were born and raised, and you know it is destined for greatness...[continue]
╰┈➤ Tap dancing lessons 💝
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
You, Natasha and Wanda have been best friends since high school but you feel something more than friendship with Natasha. One night, unable to sleep, you head to the kitchen but you hear strange noises from the living room
🐊 Loki
╰┈➤ Buried heart
Loki x gn!reader
After joining a protest against the monarchy you find yourself imprisoned alongside Loki, who is dealing with his own inner turmoil. Despite initial animosity, you both bond over shared experiences of suffering and loneliness. As you spend time together in the cell, a friendship blossoms, providing solace and understanding in the midst of despair. Together, you navigate grief, redemption, and the possibility of finding happiness even in confinement.
🕸️ Peter Parker
╰┈➤ Heartfelt birthday (Andrew Garfield's Spiderman) 💝
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x f!reader
your birthday is approaching and your boyfriend is in crisis because he promised you an unforgettable day
⭐️ Bucky Barnes
╰┈➤ Midnight guard (link for the series masterlist) 💝
Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x bartender!f!reader
With your kindness and your sweetness you will little by little penetrate the heart of this man who will decide to become the bodyguard of the bar where you work just to protect you from other men, no one knows like a man what they are capable of doing.
(5 chapter + epilogue)
╰┈➤ Deadly ✭ attraction 💥
dom!Bucky Barnes x sub!virgin!f!reader
There is no specific plot. Bucky and the reader like tease and are both dangerously attracted to each other
╰┈➤ Courtside 💝
Bucky Barnes x f!reader
While reading in a park, you unexpectedly run into one familiar faces—Sam Wilson, your old high school friend, and his colleague, Bucky Barnes. Sam humorously pushing the two of you together. Despite Bucky’s awkwardness and Sam’s meddling, you find yourself drawn to Bucky’s genuine nature, leading to a sweet first date and the promise of more to come.
☆ Austistic!Bucky Barnes
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raccoonfallsharder · 2 months
FYI, there's actually a transcript for the Guardians game! It's only up to Chapter 9 at the moment, but there's still a lot of optional stuff in there you probably didn't get to see!
Not sure if I missed it, but what were your opinions on the game overall? Did you think the game did some things better than the MCU or vice versa?
hello you darling lil lightning bug. i am sorry for my delayed response — i totally forgot about my inbox for a hot minute. sincerest apologies. i am going to consume this transcript as soon as i can. thank you so much for sharing!!!!
i don’t know that i have a lot of opinions about things the game or the movie did “better.” i think they were both really amazing new interpretations of the source material. i think the game pulled more directly from the comics but i don’t think that’s good or bad — just interesting. i will say that the game had the more likable peter quill imo (mcu quill infuriates me. imagine saying “wow i know im an ass but it really distresses me when you call me X, which i interpret as deeply negative” and your friend is like “fuck you im gonna call you it anyway, especially weaponizing it when im mad” — ditch that friend bby)
anyway, i really enjoyed the story in both. i appreciated that they both had detailed backstories for all their characters and seemed to understand their characters really well, and that those stories were unique to their respective incarnations but stayed true to the core spirit of the characters, if that makes sense.
i hope that doesn’t feel like a cop-out answer but genuinely i’m just grateful for having multiple injections of quality content about my fave characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe i’ll have more thoughts when i read the transcript! in the meantime i would love to hear your thoughts too ♡♡♡
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⌨️ — quill & poe
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Poe can tell you the exact moment she fell in love with Peter, and that's when she looked into his eyes and saw the sadness that lies behind the leader and the humor. The moment that she says that he has beautiful green eyes - yeah that's the moment. That's the moment she knew she fell and didn't want to get up from it.
I haven't figured out all of the details yet, I just know that when it came to joining them Poe didn't hesitate to want to go. Having been so in tune with Earth due to her powers, she really wanted to get to know the universe as intimately as she has her home planet. She wanted to learn how different and how much the same things are. There was probably small argument, but Peter gave the okay.
The necklace he got her for Christmas remains around her neck, she never takes it off. She absolutely refuses. In fact, she tried to bite Rocket when he reached for it once.
0 notes
m0chaminx · 9 months
Marvel Masterlist
*•.¸♡Smut= ☆
*•.¸♡Suggestive= ◇
*•.¸♡Angst= ♤
*•.¸♡Fluff= ♡
*•.¸♡Platonic= ♧
*•.¸♡Dark= ○
Bruce Banner Soft Headcannons ♡
Wong Relax Gone Wrong ♡ ♤ ♧ Your relaxing day with your father is cut short when something attacks
Steven Strange Wizzard ♡ ♧ Steven Strange's struggles as a father Soft Headcannons ♡
Bucky Barnes Soft Headcannons ♡
Sersi My Sun ♡ Sersi proves your powers aren't scary Love and War PT1 ♡ ♤ | PT2 ♤ A love story that transcends lifetimes Never ♤ ○ You never turn your back on family Waited For Centuries ♡ ☆ Sersi comes back to you after an exciting night, a few hundred years ago
Druig Problem ◇ ♡ your mission to find a mind controller spiraled into something completely different Kingo / Druig Poly Headcannons ♡ Kingo / Druig Poly Headcannons waking up beside you ♡ Wishing ☆ Kinktober day seven, masturbation I'm Not Going To Hurt You ♡ ♤ Druig comes to find you after you lose your memories Promise Me ♡ You like Druig + Druig likes you = cute confession I've Missed You ☆ You find Druig once again and you want to prove you missed him
Kingo Make Up ☆ Kingo wants to make up with you Kingo / Druig Poly Headcannons ♡ Kingo / Druig Poly Headcannons waking up beside you ♡ Tea ♡ Kingo doesn't want to get out of bed Just Leave PT1 ♤ | PT2 ♤ The. Worst. Argument. Ever The Things I'd Do ☆ You had been flirting with Kingo and he finally made a move
Ikaris Flowers ♡
Gilgamesh Idiot ♡ Gils an idiot, your idiot
Katy Chen Soft Headcannons ♡
Peter Quill Soft Headcannons ♡
Steve Rodgers Soft Headcannons ♡
Peter Parker (various) Another Chance ♡ ♤ ○ Peter Parker's last chance to say I love you Soft Headcannons ♡ Spider's Web ◇ You decide to tease Peter Snow Storm ♡ Peter comes back from a night on patrol in the middle of winter
Miles Morales Selfish ♡ ♤ Right when you need Miles, he always seem to be missing Arepa's ♡ Peter helps Miles strike up a conversation with you Cold ♡ Its cold, thank god Miles has a hot friend Watch Yourself ☆ Kinktober day twelve, in front of a mirror
Carol Danvers Soft Headcannons ♡
Monica Rambeau Snow ♡ A cute winter moment with your beloved
Natasha Romonoff Soft Headcannons ♡
Yelena Belova Soft Headcannons ♡
Matt Murdock Can't Wait ☆ Kinktober day eight, against the wall Mystery Man PT1 ♡ | PT2 ♡ ◇ Claire has to rush off so you have to patch up the mystery man she left you with
Loki Soft Headcannons ♡
Sam Wilson Soft Headcannons ♡
Wanda Maximoff Soft Heancannons ♡
Pietro Maximoff Soft Headcannons ♡
Eddie Brock I'll wait ☆ Kinktober day two, trapped in a small space
Shuri Soft Heancannons ♡
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mushrubes · 2 months
Marvel masterlist !!
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home | prompts
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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↪ Natasha ‘Black widow’ Romanoff ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Don’t ever let go’ | i, a | exes!au, mutual pinning, character death | 0.5k
↬ “ You know I wouldn’t call unless I was in pain. ”
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↪ Steve 'Captain america’ Rogers ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Lose you’ | i, a, f | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 0.5k
↬ “ Why do you do this to yourself? ”
ੈ♡˳ ’ What did you do?’ | i, a, f | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 1.9k
↬ “What did you do to me to make me fall in love with you.”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Kiss her you fool’ | i, a | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning, mutual pinning | 1.4k
↬ “ You’ve only got one chance. ”
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↪ Stephen 'Doctor Strange’ Strange ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ fate ’ | i, a, f | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 0.5k
↬ “ we’ve run into each other too many times for you to tell me that this isn’t fate.”
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↪ Sam 'Falcon’ Wilson ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Catch you ’ | i, f | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 0.4k
↬ “ So I dropped you one time–we don’t have the time to argue about this! ” 
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↪ Peter 'Spiderman’ Parker ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Apple cider ’ | i, f | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 4.6k
↬ “ I don’t even like you that much - wait, i do, fuck. ” 
ੈ♡˳ ’ Could have lost you ’ | i, f | established relationship | 0.3k
↬ “ “You could have died! I could have lost you!”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Do to me ’ | i, f, s | friends to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 0.6k
↬ “ “You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”
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↪ Thor 'god of thunder’ Odinson ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Always been you ’ | i, f | exes to lovers!au, mutual pinning | 0.5k
↬ “ It’s always been you. It will always be you. ”
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↪ Loki 'god of mischief’ Laufeyson↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Choose ’ | i, a | exes!au | 1.6k
↬ “ Why didn’t you choose me in this one?”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Your voice ’ | i, f | lovers!au, mutual pinning | 0.3k
↬ “ i like the sound of your voice.”
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↪ Bucky 'winter soldier’ Barnes ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Unbelievable ’ | i, f | established relationship | 0.2k
↬ “ You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired. ”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Use them ’ | i, a | exes!au | 0.5k
↬ “ I know, but you didn’t have to use them like that! ”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Apologise ’ | i, a,f | exes to lovers!au | 1.3k
↬ “I came here to apologize.”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Everything to me ’ | i, f | friends to lovers!au | 2k
↬ “ You’re everything to me. ”
ੈ♡˳ ’ One time thing ’ | i, f | lovers!au | 0.8k
↬ “ That was a one-time thing. ”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Sit in the shower ’ | i, f | friends to lovers!au | 1.6k
↬ “ You’re taking care of me. You love me.”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Ghost ’ | i, a | friends to lovers!au | 1.2k
↬ “ I’m okay with my heart being broken, as long as it’s you. ”
ੈ♡˳ ’ Three stages of falling in love ’ |s, a | friends to lovers!au | 
↬ “ I’m falling in love. “
ੈ♡˳ ’ Unfair ’ | i, a | friends to lovers!au | 0.4k
↬ “I can’t help the fact you’re terrible at mario kart.”
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↪ Peter 'star lord’ Quill ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ ’ Life saver’ | i, f | friends to lovers!au | 0.4k
↬ “It feels like I’ve been slapped but on the inside.”
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
others i am open to write for ; gwen, vision, wanda, mj, ned, mary jane, tony, bruce, clint
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bellalaufeyson69 · 1 year
Peter Quill x Reader
Jealous FWB
Description: Peter and Yn have a friends with benefits type deal. Yn is always secretly jealous of Peters other girls he brings around but she deals with it. Though one day to Peter’s surprise Yn actually has herself a boy of her own. Peter doesn’t like that at all and feels rather territorial.
Wc ♡ 6.6k
Masterlist ♡
Warnings ♡ suggestive content, swearing
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Peter and I have been friends with benefits for a long time. Our agreement started after Gamora died and came back a totally different person: someone who didn’t love Peter anymore. I was going through a bad breakup at the time too so we agreed to be each others rebound until we were back on our feet.
Our agreement started with cuddling and kissing. I have this thing where I don’t have sex unless I’m in love, but after so long of having this innocent friends with benefits with Peter I felt I’ve known him so long and I trusted him enough to add it in. So that’s what we were, basically a couple without the label. Neither of us thought about it or what it meant which made it a-lot easier. It was really a go with the flow type of thing.
That’s what I like to tell myself that is. Since we’re just friends we have the freedom to do whatever we want with whoever we want. Peter definitely takes that freedom to use. He’s always been the smooth player type who could bed a decent amount of women. He’s outgoing and shoots his shot, sometimes he gets denied others he doesn’t but it never bothers him either way he just goes with the flow. I on the other hand am not nearly outgoing as he is and I also don’t find any interest in having sex with a bunch of random men. Not that I’ll tell Peter that. Part of me wants him to wonder what do I. That desire is what worries me the most. “Hey,” Peter came in from the hall and left a kiss on my cheek. “I’m gonna be with a chick from knowhere tonight I already told the rest of the gang, is it cool if I use the living room?” He nonchalantly questioned as he grabbed a few chips from the open bag on the coffee table and popping them into his mouth, then plopping down onto the couch.
The thought of him with another girl never used to bother me until we started having sex. It’s my own fault really, it’s because sex isn’t something loose for me, I don’t just do it with anyone. It’s always only been someone special, someone I loved, or someone I knew and trusted for a long time. The realization that I’d given my body to someone and that person taking it, then going around and doing a bunch of other girls right after made my stomach sink. Feels kind of gross. In a degrading way (again my own fault), and also in a… jealous way.
“Hey, did you hear me?” He questioned from his spot on the couch his feet now kicked up on the coffee table.
I quickly snapped out of my jealous trance and nodded my head. “Yeah sorry, I was thinking about the stuff I gotta do today” I lied giving him an innocent smile. “That’s cool with me, just let me know when she leaves I wanna watch my show” This was my way of finding out what him and that wh- girl where really going to do.
He gave a cocky chuckle. “Oh you’ll be waiting a long time then,” he smirked with a tilted head giving me a look that said ‘we’re gonna be doing bad things’. “We’ll probably take it into my room though…” he paused his sentence for a moment in thought. “I mean I can text you when I take her into my room so you can come out if you want…” he said a little more awkwardly now. We both knew that him texting me that was basically him texting me that he was currently boning another girl.
I felt a growing pit of pure rage building up inside of me. I wanted nothing more than for this girl to never show up. No scratch that, for her to show up and for me to punch her in the face. How humiliating is that, the guy I hook up with is going out and banging another girl under the same roof I sleep, he kisses my cheek when the other girls leave, he cuddles me and watches movies, tells me jokes, takes care of me when I’m sick, then fucks another girl. “Ahhh that’s okay, I don’t feel like waiting around all night for a text” I replied through a slightly passive aggressive tone.
He definitely caught that and was a little taken aback by it. His mouth opened for a second then shut again canceling out whatever comment he was about to make. “Okay,” he pursed his lips together and looked around for a second before standing up and walking out of the room.
“Well that was awkward” Rocket noted from the corner of the room where he sat messing with a box of wires.
My face reddened at the realization he’d been there the whole time. “Uhm,” I was at a loss for words because truthfully neither Peter or I ever told anyone about our relationship status. We just kinda snuck around, so I have no idea what’s going on in Rockets head right now. “I-“
“I don’t get why he thinks it’s not weird for us to have to evacuate certain rooms of the ship because some girls coming over and he wants to do gross things with her,” he continued on after noticing I wasn’t really ever gonna get out with a full sentence.
His comment made me feel pretty good. “Yeah! Thank you!” I agreed feeling very understood. Nobody cares what stupid girl you’re with Peter. “Like keep it to yourself dude!” I complained feeling myself get a little too hyper about the situation.
Rocket tilted his head at my energy toward this almost as if he was piecing together my secrete rage jealousy toward the situation. “Yeah…” he trailed looking at me in deep thought before snapping out of it. “Well, that’s Quill” he shrugged then started sifting the wires again.
I decided to go and get ready for our arrival on knowhere. We were originally stopping for fuel but now it’s that and Quills booty call. Like he didn’t already have someone to do that for him on the ship. I thought to myself as I dug through my closet for a cute shirt. Am I not good enough? That he has me as a choice but proceeds to go out and bring someone else in like I’m not even here? I picked out a tight white crop top that fit my body perfectly. It was one of my favorite shirts that I always pair with a cute skirt. Maybe she’s better than me in bed. I grimaced while yanking my shirt over my head. I shook those thoughts out of my mind as they were only getting me riled up. I stood and inspected myself in the mirror to take in my very Earthy style. A tight white crop top, white and light blue plaid skirt with grey Nike Air Force 1 high tops. I spun to look at myself from the back when I heard a knock on the door. Not that the knock mattered any because Peter had already been opening it as he was knocking.
“Hey, oooohh,” he grinned while eyeing my outfit from the door. “I like” he sauntered over and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me as we looked into the mirror.
I can’t show any hint of negative emotion because I don’t want Peter connecting it to the this dumb girl. So I do my best to fester up a happy little smile. “Thanks” I put my hands over his as he leaned in and kissed my neck a few times softly.
“You guys are all going to go up to Xardecks to hangout and drink, it should be fun” he informed placing his head in the nape of my neck while swaying us. “Just as long as Rocket and Drax behave” he snickers at the thought of those two ever behaving while drinking.
Ordinarily this would be really fun to me but right now I can’t help but to be a pessimist because the thought of him ditching us for a girl is firing me up. The worst part is that he’s sitting here talking to me like it’s no big deal. Which is what I agreed to… I hate that. “Yeah that’s true, we’ll see” I gave a fake laugh before pulling myself from his grip. “How far are we?” I asked while grabbing my phone from my dresser.
He placed his hands in his pockets. “We’re here actually.” He smiled warmly thinking that this would’ve made me excited. Nope, just a sick feeling in my stomach.
I nodded trying my best to not show the pure disinterest in this conversation. “Cool, is everyone ready to go then?” I asked glancing to the door then back at Peter.
He nodded his head. “Yep, ready to get absolutely plastered,” he joked and stepped closer to me taking my hand into his and leading me to the door frame. “I wish I could be there to witness drunk YN, she’s my favorite” he smirked then pulled me into him and held my hand to his chest while rubbing it with his thumb. His eyes darted around my face taking in my features with a small smile before slowly going in and placing a soft and slow kiss on my lips. “Have fun tonight, don’t do anything I would do” he grinned before letting go of my hand and stepping out of the room.
I followed him out into the hall. “Wouldn’t dream of it” I teased earning a silly look from Peter.
We all piled out of the ship and headed into town in a jardec. What the rest of the galaxy calls their version of Uber. A very fancy space car, and or little pod controlled by a bot. Once we got there Peter parted from us, and the rest of us went into Xardecks, a pretty awesome bar/ club we always went to whenever we’d visited Knowhere.
We walked into the building and set for the bars through the sea of drunken aliens. The crowd was a mix of pretty much everything, all types of people and aliens all mingling together which was basically what Knowhere itself consisted of. Drax lead the way as he was always our little body guard who’d shove through anyone to get a spot at the bar. I’d always been too shy to 1 even get a spot at the bar and 2 be seen by the bartender to order a drink. Drax always had both fronts covered. Sometimes Groot was a little mischievous like right now seeing as he’s extending a branch behind the bartenders back to steal an entire three bottles of some random liquor. He turned to us with a wide smile of excitement to which we all cheered him on, except Nebula who’d seemed pretty annoyed to be in the bar at all.
We took the secret bottles and made our way over to the booths and quickly staked our claim at an empty one, placing down our items and the drinks on the table. These boothes were curved booths with only one side and a table in front of it. We always picked the booths at the back of the building because they were next to the weird fights that they had going on with little alien creatures. The guys loved to place bets and instigate other peoples losses. “Okay, who’s taking a shot with me?” I asked while unscrewing the lid of the bottle and taking a sniff. Immediately I’d cringed at the strong scent of the alcohol which made Rocket and Drax laugh historically.
“Let us handle that sweetheart.” Rocket insisted with a cocky attitude as he swiped the bottle from me and took a few chugs. “Whooh. That’s good” he took a scan of his surroundings before patting Drax on the shoulder. “What are the odds that that guy in the blue punches that dude in the yellow?” He pointed out two men who’d seemingly been placing bets on the creatures.
“If that man punches that man I will buy you five shots!” Drax offered full of excitement at the possibility of violence.
Rocket perked up at the comment before grabbing the second bottle of the three and sliding it over to Drax. “Hell yeah, and if not Vice versa. Take this buddy we’re gonna have some fun” Rocket led Drax off over into the chaos of chanting men. Groot stayed for a minute but not without longing looks for his best friend, eventually he’d apologetically left to go and find them leaving me, Nebula, and Mantis at the booth.
We’d all been sharing the last bottle of liquor passing it around in a little circle. “I wish Peter was here, I feel like we’d be having more fun” Mantis sighed as she sat in the booth watching all the people around us dancing, drinking, or doing something crazy. Her comment made me kind of sad because she was completely right. Whenever we went out with Peter he’d always made sure every single one of us was having fun, there was no sitting down, we were all dancing, drinking, and having fun.
Nebula just silently nodded in agreement while her finger traced the table in boredom. “Yeah, me too,” I admitted somewhat sadly. “Enough of that though, let’s get drunk!” I exclaimed trying to hype everyone up. I plucked the bottle from the table and took a big chug. “Common Mantis your turn lets go!!” I chanted pushing the bottle to her. She smiled widely at my energy and took a big chug but not without a cringe after at the strength of the liquor.
“Common Nebula!!” Mantis joined in the changing which definitely made me feel pretty good. We’d both been chanting on Nebula while she took like four chugs being a little show off. “Yeah nebula!!!!” She yelled out waving her hands in the air.
It’s safe to say us girls were definitely feeling it now. We’d definitely started to get a lot more chaotic and a lot more loud. We’d gotten to about a quarter left of the bottle and we’d been sharing funny embarrassing memories of the boys that have happened over the years. “Oh my gosh I have one!!” Mantis slurred grabbing me and Nebula’s arm. “This one time, we were on Earth and it was during one of the Earth celebrations, E-uh- eister?”
I laughed hysterically at her mistake. The liquor definitely made everything ten times more funny. “It’s Easter” I corrected still giggling.
“Easter!! It was Easter and there were soooo many plastic eggs with candy, Drax picked one up thinking it was a real birds egg but he ended up dropping it to find the candy inside. He picked up a few more eggs off the ground and kept opening them to find more candy, he started FREAKING out saying that the birds on this planet gave birth to candy,” she laughed the entire time while trying to explain the story which made even Nebula laugh a little.
“He’s such an idiot” Nebula smiled enjoying the story. She was drunk as a skunk, her head swaying as she listened to us talk. She was smiling a lot more now than on a sober day. Drunk Nebula is so fun.
I went to go and tell another story when I’d noticed Mantis’s eyes shifted somewhere behind me. “Hey ladies,” a few voices spoke from behind me. I turned around and was met with two guys, one of them was jaw droppingly attractive. “I couldn’t help but notice your bottle was getting pretty low,” hot guys friend motioned toward the bottle.
“We’d love to get you a new one if you’d offer us a seat? There’s so many people here, all the booths are taken” hot guy offered with a polite smile, making sure to make eye contact with each of us girls.
I quickly turned my head to the two knowing full and well Nebula would be the only one to disagree. Though to my surprise she’d just happily shrugged. “Eh why not, but make it two bottles of whatever this is” she slid over the bottle to the boys. The blonde (hot guys friend) picked up the bottle to inspect its label. “Ahh, okay sure, two bottles for a seat, we’ve got ourselves a deal,” he smiled before they both went off to the bar to retrieve the liquor.
As soon as they left I whipped my head around to the girls with a wide grin. “That brown haired guy was SO HOT,” I leaned in excitedly.
Mantis was thriving in my good mood and nodded along with me. “He was very handsome! You should make him your boooyyfriend” she dragged out the last word teasingly with a playful smile.
The thought of that made my heart flutter just a little bit. She’s gonna make me delulu talking like that. “He wasn’t terrible” nebula chimed in.
“So, what I’m hearing is that I should flirt with him?” I asked the group and received all yes’s. I slapped a hand over my mouth feeling the adrenaline kick in. “Guys! I can’t, I don’t know what to say!” I whined as if it weren’t my own idea. I turned to see where they were and luckily I did because they were approaching with three bottles in their hands. I looked back at the girls with a finger to my lips signaling them to be quiet about my little crush.
“We decided on three, that way we can all share,” hot guy informed as Mantis scooted over to the left side next to Nebula and I followed her movement to give the boys some space. Hot guy started to get into the booth before his friend paused his motion.
“Oh wait, my buddy says he thinks he knows you, come here real quick I’m gonna show you a picture of him” the friend waved me over out of the booth. I scooted my way out and over to him to glance at the phone at some random guy.
With a furrowed brow I shook my head. “No, I don’t know him. Must be thinking of someone else”
He nodded in acceptance. “Ah, I figured, no harm in seeing though right?” He smiled warmly and I nodded my head back with a yeah.
When we’d turned to get back in the booth he was quick to get in first and get a spot next to Mantis. That sly dog. I grinned at the realization, hot guy slid in next leaving the last spot open for me.
“So girls, who’s gonna take the first drink?” Hot guy asked while him and his friend opened the lids to two of the bottles.
“Why don’t you-“ Mantis began but got stuck on his name. “What is your name?! We don’t even know?” She laughed leaning over the table in her drunken state.
“I’m Malcom,” the hot guy introduced giving each of us a hand shake. When his hand touched mine it was warm, and soft. I glanced up and made accidental eye contact which sent butterflies soaring through my stomach.
“Nice to meet you Malcom,” I smiled flirtatiously. Drunk me was a whole different girl. I had some pretty decent confidence and flirting skills, because if anything went wrong my motto is that it was the liquor talking not me.
“Lovis,” the other introduced copying his friends actions of shaking our hands.
The three of us introduced ourselves to the guys back. “Well Malcom, and Lovis I think you’re due for the first drink since you bought them” I playfully poked pushing the bottles to both of them.
They played around like I was crazy for saying that then both took massive chugs. “That’s strong stuff! You girls are crazy!” Lovis let out an exhale after drinking it and passed it over to Mantis with a mischievous smile. “Your turn”
We all watched Mantis with a smile as she took her turn, Lovis cheered her on. The bottle went over to Nebula but she took a sip and kept it which made us laugh. We decided to let her do her thing and crack open another bottle. Lovis went to take a sip before Malcom stopped him.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s Mrs. Yn’s turn” he turned to me with an adorable smile before grabbing the bottle from his friend and handing it over. “Let’s see it!” He encouraged.
I smiled back. “Thank you,” I specifically looked at Malcom to tease the fact that Lovis had stolen my turn which made the boys laugh. I took a little sip and put it down.
“Booo” lovis bellowed out making Nebula and Mantis laugh.
“ahh common, you can do better than that!” Malcom pushed the bottle back over. He wrapped his other arm around the back of the booth where I sat, just inches away from being around my shoulder.
I grabbed the bottle and took a few more chugs earning myself some cheers from the group. We continued on getting to know each other and getting drunk. We laughed quite a lot and we felt honestly comfortable with these guys. I could safely say we were having a lot of fun and they were pretty cool guys. At one point in the night Malcom’s arm finally found its way around my shoulder which boosted my confidence to lean into the side of him.
“Guys! Look who the hell decided to show up!” Rocket yelled through a slur making the group turn to look at him. Peter stood there his arm around the girl, he was whispering something into her ear before he finally looked over at the group. When his eyes landed on Malcom’s arm around me he seemed to have zoned out from the conversation for a bit.
“Peter!!!!” Mantis exclaimed “That’s my brother” she explained to Lovis happily.
He played off his emotions with a laugh but he seemed pretty stiff. “Hey guys! The parties here!” He joked taking a sip of his drink. “Who’s this?” He nonchalantly asked Mantis, specifically not me.
“Oh this is Lovis, and Malcom!” She introduced showing Peter who was who with a wide smile. She was just happy to have the people she liked meet.
I couldn’t help myself from continuously looking over at that girl who’d been standing pretty clueless just sipping on her drink. I hate her. “Nice to meet you man,” Malcom reached out to Peter over me slightly.
Peter looked at his hand hesitantly before accepting the shake. “Yeah, for sure” he weirdly responded. He seemed pretty off, his posture was different and the way he was talking just didn’t seem like him.
“Well common everyone sit down!” Mantis insisted while scooting arm to arm with Nebula which she scowled at. Everyone scooted down as much as we could to fit the rest of the group which meant we were all arm to arm, Peter’s girl was going to go in next to me but Peter went in first then grabbed her hand and pulled her into the booth.
He slid all the way down until we were arm to arm and once he was comfortable turned to finally acknowledge my existence. “Oh, hey” he spoke like he didn’t know I was here the whole time.
“Hey,” I kept it short with him because he’s really starting to piss me off. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, maybe I’m being dramatic but whatever.
He didn’t even seem to notice because he just kept on going. He looked over at the two empty bottles us girls had finished before and then the opened one that sat in front of me from last rotation. “Someone’s drunk,” he commented trying to start up a conversation. He nudged me with his shoulder playfully.
I nodded my head giving a small smile, “Yeah, the boys got it for us,” I turned to give Malcom a smile which he returned.
“Speaking of, let’s get that rotation going again huh?” He held the bottle up for me and I drank from it.
He went to go and drink for himself but I grabbed it. “No! I’ll hold it,” I playfully teased him. I placed one hand on his chest as the other held the bottle to his mouth. I watched as he took a few chugs and once he’d finished I’d cheered, and like a chain reaction the rest of the group did. All but Peter. Lovis grabbed the bottle to continue, while I grabbed Malcom’s face holding it for a minute before wiping the spilled liquor from his chin that I’d spilt. “I’m sorry,” I laughed still holding his face.
He glanced down at my lips for a moment and smiled. “Wowww,” he played back. “Spilling all over me,”
I softly pushed his chest with my hand. “You spilled on me too”
He glanced down to my shirt that actually was a little wet from when he’s fed me the drink. “Aww I’m sorry,” he tilted his head with a cute apologetic smile. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
As I was trying to think of a smooth line to snap back with I felt Peter’s body shift closer to mine, now instead of arm to arm we were pretty much just pressed up against each other side to side. I whipped my head to look and see what was going on and he gave me a shrug. “Was making more room,” he said over the music. Before I could turn back around he’d leaned into my ear. “What are we drinking?” He asked me like he couldn’t just ask the other million people at the table.
“I don’t know Groot stole the first ones and then the boys brought us more,” I explained back, he leaned in to me to hear what I was saying. Part of me felt like he really didn’t need to do that because I could hear Lovis who was further than Peter was from me.
He nodded his head. “So what did you guys do while I was gone?” He watched as Malcom had leaned toward Lovis in conversation and his arm slip off of me.
“We just drank and hung out,” I didn’t know what else to say because that’s really all we did.
He looked at me like I did something wrong, and smiled. “That’s it?! What’s my one rule of going out?” He asked but as he was talking managed to slip his arm up on the top of the booth right by my shoulders like Malcom did earlier.
I turned to look and see if Malcom had any reaction to that but he was still deep in conversation with the other side of the table. When I turned and looked back at Peter his expression was sort of pissed off. Maybe it was because I’d looked for Malcom’s reassurance instead of answering his question? He used the hand that was right above my shoulder to reach it down and grab my shoulder giving it a playful shake. “You gotta dance,” he finished his own sentence for me. Funny enough he decided to leave his hand there. He examined my face for a minute and seemed a little panicked that I hadn’t responded like I normally would’ve. “Plus, I know Xardecks like the back of my hand, you don’t wanna drink this, here come on I’m gonna get you something real to drink”
I huffed turning and see Malcom was still in conversation with the rest of the group. Part of me didn’t want to go with Peter because I find it really annoying he’s acting like this now that I finally have a guy. Of course when it’s him with a girl he can do whatever he wants and I just let it happen. I guess I can use this time to talk to him about it, maybe even consider Malcom as a real thing too. I nodded my head that I was going to go and he turned to talk to the girl and tell the rest of this side to let us out.
We got out of the booth and he glanced around behind him, once he did that he quickly placed his hand on the small of my back before I could turn and see too and led me toward the bar. Once it started to get more crowded he went behind me putting his hands on my hips and led me into a spot at the bar. While we were waiting for the bartenders attention he’d leaned against the counter and gave me a smile. He pulled me in closer to him but covered that up with him trying to tell me something. “You having fun tonight?” He asked into my ear over the now much louder music and talking.
I nodded my head and turned to take in the chaos around me. I felt his thumbs start to rub circles on my hips which made my heart flutter until I remembered why I even came over here with him. “Actually, can we talk outside?” I asked him trying to be as sober as possible for this conversation.
His body stiffened at the question and he didn’t say anything for a little bit. He perked up and held his hand to his ear. “Oh hold on wait, listen to the song!” He did his best at distracting me. “It’s the one we always play on the ship no way! Now you have to dance with me,” he lowered his head giving the expression like I just had to do this.
“Peter…” I sighed which he completely ignored and pulled me out to the dance floor anyways.
He put his hands on my hips swaying the both of us while looking at me. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips then back up again. He put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me chest to chest with him in a romantic way, before talking into my ear over the music again. “You look so pretty tonight baby,” he flirted but the way he was talking was so genuine and loving.
He leaned back and held my chin in his hand and rubbed softly. “Peter, I can’t” I pushed his hands off me and took a step back. His eyes widened and he seemed both shocked and scared all at the same time.
He was quick to follow my movement and step closer to me again. He pulled me back in but this time kissed me with hunger. I pulled back from him again and his face dropped. “You don’t even know that guy,” he seemed rather offended and started answering his own assumptions.
Though his comment actually pissed me off because he made me sound like some slut who goes with anyone. “That’s not the point, and you don’t know the girl you’re with either. Kind of like it is with all the girls you fuck,” I spat finally letting all my anger out.
He looked around angrily with a sigh before back at me. “Don’t change the subject, ever since this guy came around things are different with us,” he pushed back with a furrowed brow. The jealously was dripping off of him.
“What are you talking about?! We’ve literally only been around each other for a few hours,” I snapped back growing more annoyed.
“You’re different with him, I don’t act like that with the girls I go with, it’s never that personal, or- or romantic. You were sitting there with your hand on his chest, talking to each other like he’s your fucking boyfriend,” he really started to let loose now and I could tell this was all from his heart because he was just piling out everything he felt, some of the stuff didn’t even connect with the point he was making before.
I rolled my eyes at this and turned away from him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back again and held me there for a minute before letting go when I yanked away. “I don’t care what you do with those other girls, I don’t care what you do, who you do, it’s none of my business, you live your life and do your thing and I’ll do mine,” I somewhat broke it off with that one sentence hoping he’d get the gist. The flooding of angry and jealous emotions really took over all rational parts of me and now I’m just acting on emotion and alcohol.
“What?” His mouth propped open then turned into a frown. “No,” he seemed to have been saying this more to himself than to me, like he couldn’t believe it. “You don’t want that,” he pleaded with his eyes. “Tell me, is that actually what you want?” His breathing started to get heavy and his eyes searched mine. He knew the answer he was aching for.
“I’m sorry I don’t do this, I never should’ve. I don’t hook up, I don’t do friends with benefits, I thought that it would save me from feeling my last breakup but now I’m just as sad about this. It’s not who I am I don’t do this, okay?” I felt myself started to get worked up and I knew if I didn’t get out of the building now then everyone in there would see me cry. I shoved myself through the crowd as fast as I could before Peter could pull me back into him again. I wandered off into the night street and blessed the lord when I saw an empty jardec pod. I rushed and climbed inside of it looking around for the button to type in where I’m heading.
“Yn, wait” Peter yelled out from the doors of the building. I started typing fast knowing he’d be making his way over. I can’t handle talking to him right now, it’s not going to go anywhere and I just want to be alone. Right as he was a few steps away from the pod I’d sent my location and it started to drive away.
I put it in to send me to the ship which was about fifteen minutes away. I sat in a sad silence looking out the window at the city around me. I saw a flashing light from my phone when I picked it up to see three missed calls from Peter and one from Mantis. With a huff I tucked my phone back into my pocket and sat out the rest of my ride. One I made it I trudged into the dark and quiet ship, all the way to my bedroom. I plugged my phone in seeing that I’d now had five missed calls from Peter. I figured I’d just talk to him in the morning when I was sober. I was sure I would at least be a decent person and tell him I was home safe. I sent him a quick text.
| Talk to you tomorrow, I’m in the ship right now. Tired. Goodnight, have fun
After literally seconds he’d already responded before I could leave the chat.
| please don’t fall asleep I’m almost there, I need to talk to you
As I was reading I heard another ding
| I’m serious, please
My heart started racing. He’s coming here, he’s almost here. I have no idea what I’m gonna say but I really don’t want to deal with any sadnesses tonight. I paced around my room until finally I’d heard some noise on the ship. My eyes widened and I stood there just listening as his foot steps got closer. The door knob twisted and in came Peter slowly and cautiously. He kept his eyes on mine the entire time as he walked up to me. His eyes seemed irritated and red like he’d been crying or something of the sort. “Can I just say that I never ever wanted to hurt you.” He seemed sad, and he spoke so delicately to me like I was a wounded little bird. “I don’t want you to go,” he admitted full of emotion.
I felt my heart drop at that comment. Peter’s been through a lot, especially after what happened with Gamora. He’s got some trauma and I can see now that even smaller things like this effect him a lot. Tears swelled up in his eyes which he did his best to choke back by clearing his throat and looking away from me. “Peter, I’m not gonna go,” I softly comforted, I reached my hands up and turned his face to me. I rubbed the sides of his cheek while looking into his eyes.
“Not like that yn,” his eyes glanced down at my lips and stayed there. “At first I was doing all that to get over gamora, then I started to realize what we had was real, and I got scared. So I started doing it to get over you,” he glanced back up at my eyes now trying to see my reaction to his confession. So all this time, all those girls, was him trying to get over me? “I just assumed you didn’t feel the same and I know it’s stupid to not have talked to you, but- I don’t know.”
He put his hands over the backs of my hands until I dropped mine while I was taking in what he said. He took that opportunity to rub my cheek instead. His hand trailed down to my chin, until his thumb traced over my lips. “I fell in love with you,” he whispered.
I stood there silent and shell shocked. He. what? “I planned so many different ways to tell you and I never wanted it to be like this but, I couldn’t stand seeing you with someone else. And I know that’s not fair, I know that’s what we agreed on, but I don’t want that,” he rambled on getting a little nervous. “I don’t want anyone else to touch you, I don’t want anyone else to be with you, to even so much as think about you, I want you to myself,” he admitted and trailed his hand back to my jaw.
For a while I was mesmerized. I looked into his pretty teary eyes, his handsome nose all the way down to his perfect plump lips. I said nothing, all I did was nod my head and it was enough for him to know what I meant and what I wanted. At that he immediately leaned in and kissed me. This one was hungry, and full of passion, one hand on my jaw and the other wrapped in my hair on the back of my head softly. I had one hand on the side of his face and the other on his chest as we shared that kiss for a little while. Once we’d backed away we’d both caught our breathe. “I fell for you too Peter, a long time ago,” It felt so good to finally admit it, and the look on his face right now made it so much better. “I want you all to myself, ALL to myself,” I reiterated the last part dramatically with a smile making him chuckle and place his forhead on mine.
“I couldn’t agree more baby,” he couldn’t stop smiling and truthfully neither could I. He was finally mine. A love that was there all along and I never knew.
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eekshade · 10 months
☆ marvel masterlist ☆
{■ headcanons, □ drabble (1000 words or less), ♡ full fic (1000 words+)}
☆ steve rogers;
Muse (favorite) ♡
Death ll (platonic) ♡
☆ bucky barnes;
Napkins ♡
Cliché (Napkins ll) ♡
Injury □
Death ♡
Death ll ♡
Surprise! ♡
Fluff Alphabet ■
☆ natasha romanoff;
nothing yet
☆ peggy carter;
nothing yet
☆ tony stark;
nothing yet
☆ bruce banner;
nothing yet
☆ loki laufeyson;
nothing yet
☆ sam wilson;
nothing yet
☆ peter quill;
nothing yet
☆ scott lang;
nothing yet
☆ marc spector;
nothing yet
☆ steven grant;
nothing yet
☆ matt murdock;
nothing yet
☆ peter parker (♤ tom's, ◇ andrew's, ♧ tobey's)
nothing yet
☆ eddie brock;
nothing yet
☆ jessica jones;
nothing yet
☆ danny rand;
nothing yet
☆luke cage;
nothing yet
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byanyan · 5 months
STATISTICAL CHARACTER ANALYSIS: take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character of your character, then select 5-10 results from the ‘complete matches’ list that you feel resonate with your character the most.
Tumblr media
i. faye valentine - cowboy bebop ii. maeby funke - arrested development iii. jane margolis - breaking bad iv. peter jason quill - marvel cinematic universe v. selina kyle - gotham
tagged by:ㅤstole it from @gnarledbite ♡
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amelia-mariee · 2 years
Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special Spoilers!
I would be lying if I said I didn't cry when Quill found out the truth about Mantis. She was so confident the whole time, especially when it came to her fighting abilities and using her powers in battle against innocent civilians lol, but she was so scared to face Peter with the truth about being his sister, like she thought that it would ruin everything or like he would be mad but of course he wasn't, he was so happy and she seemed happy and sooo relieved that Quill was happy and that things were not only back to normal but better than ever before and the whole thing ended with a focus on Quill's real family out in space, Yondu and Mantis (and ofc the other Guardians) and we got a very sweet sibling hug and it was great
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