#* ♡ 。  para thread.
dollieour · 5 months
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en   el   momento   justo   en   que   kai   se   sentía   listo   para   dar   el   próximo   paso   con   cheonkyu,   el   destino   jugó   en   su   contra.   el   sonido   de   la   campana   resonó,   marcando   el   final   del   momento   que   había   estado   esperando.   con   un   suspiro   frustrado,   kai   se   vio   obligado   a   separarse   de   cheonkyu   con   un   beso   rápido   en   los   labios.   otra   clase   perdida   significaría   una   llamada   del   director   a   sus   padres,   lo   que   solo   empeoraría   las   cosas. y   para   colmo   de   males,   no   había   tenido   la   oportunidad   de   ver   a   cheonkyu   durante   la   tarde.   ser   hijo   de   uno   de   los   principales   benefactores   de   la   escuela   tenía   sus   desventajas,   como   la   obligación   de   asistir   a   cada   reunión   y   evento   innecesario   y   soportar   la   atención   no   deseada.   sin   embargo,   kai   no   iba   a   quedarse   de   brazos   cruzados.   sin   embargo,   kai   no   iba   a   quedarse   de   brazos   cruzados. cuando   cayó   la   noche   y   las   últimas   monjas   se   retiraron   a   sus   dependencias,   kai   salió   de   su   habitación   y   caminó   por   los   pasillos   en   penumbra,   envuelto   en   un   largo   abrigo   negro.   asegurándose   de   que   nadie   merodeara   por   los   corredores,   se   encaminó   sigilosamente   hacia   el   cuarto   de   cheonkyu.   esta   no   era   la   primera   vez   que   lo   hacía,   así   que   sacar   la   cerradura   con   uno   de   sus   hábiles   trucos   no   representó   un   desafío. con   paso   silente,   cerró   la   puerta   tras   de   sí   y   se   despojó   del   abrigo   y   los   pantalones   de   pijama,   dejando   al   descubierto   solo   la   sudadera   que   había   tomado   prestada   de   cheonkyu   y   su   ropa   interior.      se   deslizó   bajo   las   sábanas   hasta   encontrarse   con   el   rostro   de   cheonkyu,   y   una   sonrisa   se   dibujó      en   sus   labios   al   contemplarlo.   tan   hermoso,   tan   sereno . . .   ajeno   al   peligro   que   se   cernía   sobre   su   sueño.    con   delicadeza,   se   montó   sobre   su   cuerpo,   apoyando   sus   piernas   a   ambos   lados,   y   se   inclinó   sobre   él   para   besar   suavemente   a   lo   largo   de   su   mandíbula   hasta   llegar   a   su   oreja.   " despierta. "   susurró,   continuando   con   los   besos.   " no   puedes   permitirte   dormir   cuando   tienes   a   tu   hyung   encima   de   ti. "   añadió   con   una   sonrisa   traviesa,   acunando   el   rostro   de   cheonkyu   en   su   mano   y   girándolo   hacia   él.
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byanyan · 6 months
ok i have 7 lil things in the queue... so we accomplished a few things today, at least ;u;
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midncghts · 10 months
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" puede que la ames ahora , pero me amaste a mí primero. " @rib8on
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zarinaz · 1 year
♡ ⠀ ⠀    ╱     ⠀ ⠀𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉   @sevbitch​​​   ;
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·⠀⠀⠀⠀determinada a desvendar os mistérios que permeavam os eventos do dia da corrida, zarina sentia-se impelida a buscar respostas incisivas. a academia não deveria, em hipótese alguma, deixar seus alunos às cegas diante do que havia ocorrido. sinceramente, desconfiava da veracidade da maioria das palavras proferidas naquela manhã - exceto, é claro, na sua inocência de beren - pois acreditava veementemente no lema de "todos são inocentes até que se prove o contrário". erguendo a cabeça com uma expressão resoluta, seus olhos irradiavam uma persistência implacável. consciente da necessidade de cautela, juntou-se sutilmente a um pequeno grupo de estudantes que debatiam acaloradamente o incidente ocorrido na corrida de dragões. com indiferença fingida, soltou uma pergunta como se fosse casual.   "    vocês acham justo tudo o que aconteceu? tamanha crueldade não pode passar impune.   "
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ncstya · 3 months
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# ʚ♡ɞ  STARTER para @thxbellamour em chalé de afrodite .
"Ei, Trice..." Não sabia como Bellami estava depois de todos os acontecimentos que desencadearam nos últimos tempos. Confessava que tinha sido uma irmã ruim, negligenciando os anseios dos irmãos e colocando as vontades acima de qualquer coisa. Não teve tempo para conversar com eles, mesmo que tivesse se certificado que estavam bem. Tinha passado os últimos dias tão focada no treinamento e, com a aparição de Hécate, sentia como se estivesse em um constante esgotamento. Aproximou-se dela, sentando-se ao lado do sofá que tinham na área comum do chalé. Aparentemente, quase nenhum irmão queria ficar enclausurado, então a maioria aproveitava o dia, o que deixava ela e Bellami sozinhas para que pudessem conversar. "Como você está indo?"
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2birds1song · 10 months
. . 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫 𝔱𝔬 𝔪𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔞𝔩𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔪𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔞𝔩𝔰.
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❝ you didn't have to hurt 'im! ❞
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bexduri · 10 months
tag dump.
♡. 박두리  ⎯⎯ tag.
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dasom-bh · 11 months
tag drop
₊˚⊹ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡︎ : tag
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itblackggirl · 24 days
Dicas para ajudar você a criar um s/p ou s/o do zero! / Tips to help you create an s/p or s/o from scratch! ♡
pt-br - eng!
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"Oh, i love this view! Which view? Your eyes!"
Olá a todos!!
Vou dividir essa thread nas seguintes partes:
1‐ Físico.
2- Mental.
3- Relacionamento.
4– Hobbies.
5 - Dicas extras.
s/p: specific person ( "cr" )
s/o: significant other ( dr )
1 - FÍSICO..
Eu acho que uma das partes mais "complicadas" de fazer um s/o / s/p do zero e pensar no seu físico! Isso inclui, aparência, porte físico, altura e etc. Minha dica para isso é: Use personagens de desenhos ou livros!!! Sério, isso ajuda tanto no físico quanto no mental e no relacionamento de vocês (próximo tópico).
Eu por exemplo, usei o Príncipe Naveen como base principal para criar meu s/p! Eu não tinha uma fc 100% igual a ele mas tem um ator que no momento que eu vi, já sabia que era o meu s/p e desde desse dia eu uso ele de fc única do meu s/p.
A parte de porte físico e altura vai de pessoa para pessoa! Meu sp é jogador de basquete profissional, por isso que eu coloquei que ele é alto e tem um porte atlético! Mas você pode mudar e pôr do jeito que quiser, não existem limitações para isso! 😉
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2 - MENTAL..
Chegamos no tópico que para mim, é muito importante!! A parte mental, é de grande importância que você pense bastante em como você quer seu parceiro, não adianta dizer "Ele/a/u é obcecado/a/e por mim e me ama muito!!" Você tem que especificar! Depois que aparece um doido stalker, vem dizer que a culpa é minha!!!
Agora é sério, criem pessoas saudáveis, compreensivas, calmas, pacientes, de preferência que tenham maturidade o suficiente para estar em relacionamento! Alguém mentalmente estável!! Dependência emocional não é bonito, viu? Nada de por que ele/a/u "não vive sem mim", tenham consciência!!
Eu, por exemplo, fiquei bastante tempo nessa parte porque coisas que eu achava "saudáveis" na verdade eram bem problemáticas, recomendo vocês fazerem uma profunda auto investigação antes de criarem seus amores!! Uma relação para funcionar, precisa de duas pessoas 100% mentalmente saudáveis! ☝🏻☝🏻
Outra coisa importante, idade!! Escolham uma idade de boa para vocês se conhecem, onde você já tenha mentalidade e maturidade para estar em um relacionamento, eu como exemplo, vou conhecer o meu sp quando eu tiver 19 e ele 21, porque eu sei que lá eu estarei 100% bem para estar em um relacionamento e ele também.
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Agora vem a parte bonita, como vai ser o relacionamento de vocês??? Como é a dinâmica??? Quem é mais o que??? Tudo isso é importante na hora de produzir essa parte!! Dica: usem casais de desenhos, filmes, séries, livros ou até mesmo músicas (eu fiz e recomendo!!) Eles são os melhores modelos que vocês podem usar se não tiverem em mente como querem o relacionamento de vocês! (Usem casais e músicas com relações saudáveis, pelo amor!)
Minha dinâmica com meu sp é Tiana e Naveen, um pouco de Lara Jean e Peter Kavinsky, Love Maze do BTS, Serendipity do Jimin, Trivia: Love do Namjoon, BTBT do B.I e entre outras!! Nossa relação é algo leve e calmo, algumas vezes é agitada mas não é algo cansativo, eu sempre quis algo calmo então estou satisfeita com a nossa dinâmica!! :(
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4 - Hobbies...
Essa parte é tranquila, se tiver seguido minhas dicas, a personalidade dele já deixa claro os hobbies, você pode colocar que ele/a/u tem os mesmos hobbies que o seu ou diferentes! Vou deixar alguns exemplos aqui:
– Esporte (natação, futebol, tênis...)
– Leitura.
– Jogos digitais.
– Fazer algo artesanal.
– Karaoke (meu hobbie com meu sp ♡)
– Pintura e desenho.
– Culinária.
– Jardinagem.
E entre outros! Fica tudo a sua escolha!! 😉
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5 - Dicas Extras..
– Situação financeira e emprego são coisas para serem colocadas e pensadas!
– Relação entre a família de vocês, se aprovam o relacionamento ou se eles gostam de vocês!
– Relação entre os amigos é SUPER IMPORTANTE! Seus amigos gostam dele/a/u ??? Gostam em que nível?? Se ele curtir alguma foto de alguém do deu grupo, eles vão ficar tirando print e mandando no grupo de vocês para dizer que seu s/p ou s/o não presta?? 🤔 (específico, eu sei! Mas pense em tudo!) 
– Higiene pessoal é de EXTREMA IMPORTÂNCIA!! Você pode pensar que não é necessário, mas anjo kkk é sim. Você não quer ficar perto e nem se relacionar com alguém que não sabe ter higiene básica, não é?
– A fidelidade do seu s/p é importante sim!! Construa alguém com bom caráter e que nunca iria fazer coisas assim.
– Respeite as decisões de ambos quando o assunto for construir uma família!! Apenas mude se tiver certeza disso!
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English Version!
Tips to help you create an s/p or s/o from scratch! ♡
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"Oh, I love this view! Which view? Your eyes!"
Hello everyone!!
I'm going to divide this thread into the following parts:
1- Physical.
2- Mental.
3- Relationship.
4- Hobbies.
5 - Extra tips.
s/p: specific person ( "cr" )
s/o: significant other ( dr )
I think one of the most "complicated" parts of making a s/o / s/p from scratch is thinking about their physical appearance! This includes appearance, physical build, height, etc. My tip for this is: Use characters from cartoons or books!!! Seriously, this helps both physically and mentally and in your relationship (next topic).
For example, I used Prince Naveen as the main basis to create my s/p! I didn't have a 100% identical FC to him, but there's an actor who, the moment I saw him, I knew he was my s/p and since that day I've used him as my s/p's only FC.
The physical build and height part varies from person to person! My sp is a professional basketball player, that's why I said he's tall and has an athletic build! But you can change it and put it however you want, there are no limits to that! 😉
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2 - MENTAL..
We have reached the topic that is very important to me!! The mental part is very important for you to think carefully about how you want your partner. There is no point in saying "He/she is obsessed with me and loves me very much!!" You have to be specific! After a crazy stalker appears, he/she comes to say that it is my fault!!!
Now seriously, raise healthy, understanding, calm, patient people, preferably those who are mature enough to be in a relationship! Someone who is mentally stable!! Emotional dependence is not nice, you know? There is no reason why he/she "can't live without me", be aware!!
I, for example, spent a lot of time on this part because things that I thought were "healthy" were actually quite problematic. I recommend that you do a deep self-investigation before creating your loves!! For a relationship to work, it needs two people who are 100% mentally healthy! ☝🏻☝🏻
Another important thing, age!! Choose a good age for you to meet each other, where you already have the mentality and maturity to be in a relationship. For example, I'm going to meet my partner when I'm 19 and he's 21, because I know that by then I'll be 100% ready to be in a relationship and so will he.
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Now comes the good part, what will your relationship be like??? What is the dynamic like??? Who is more what??? All of this is important when producing this part!! Tip: use couples from cartoons, movies, series, books or even songs (I did it and I recommend it!!). They are the best models you can use if you don't have in mind how you want your relationship to be! (Use couples and songs with healthy relationships, for the love of God!)
My dynamic with my partner is Tiana and Naveen, a bit of Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky, BTS's Love Maze, Jimin's Serendipity, Namjoon's Trivia: Love, B.I's BTBT and many others!! Our relationship is something light and calm, sometimes it is hectic but it is not tiring, I always wanted something calm so I am satisfied with our dynamic!! :(
4 - Hobbies…
This part is easy, if you followed my tips, his/her personality already makes his/her hobbies clear, you can say that he/she has the same hobbies as you or different ones! I'll give you some examples here:
– Sports (swimming, soccer, tennis…)
– Reading.
– Digital games.
– Doing something crafty.
– Karaoke (my hobby with my s/p ♡)
– Painting and drawing.
– Cooking.
– Gardening.
And so on! It's all up to you!! 😉
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5 - Extra Tips..
– Sexuality and gender of the person are parts to be thought about too, don't ignore who YOU ​​ARE for someone!
– Financial situation and employment are things to be considered and thought about!
– Relationship between your family, if they approve of the relationship or if they like you!
– Relationship between friends is SUPER IMPORTANT! Do your friends like him/her??? Do they like him/her to what extent?? If he likes a photo of someone in your group, will they take a screenshot and send it to your group to say that your s/o or s/o is no good?? 🤔 (specific, I know! But think about everything!)
– Personal hygiene is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! You may think it's not necessary, but angel, lol, it is. You don't want to be around or have a relationship with someone who doesn't know how to maintain basic hygiene, do you?
– Your s/o's loyalty is important!! Build someone with good character and who would never do things like that.
– Respect both of your decisions when it comes to building a family!! Only change if you're sure about it!
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We've reached the end of the thread! I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to me, sorry if there are any errors in the translation! Until next time, kisses!!
Chegamos ao fim da thread! Eu espero que tenham gostado, qualquer dúvida ou sugestão, podem me mandar, perdão se houver algum erro de tradução! Até a próxima, beijinhos!!
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lucca-strangee · 4 months
Um "sumário" pra você não precisar ficar procurando no blog! :)
𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕤 / 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕤
▶ᴛʀ4ɴꜱᴛ0ʀɴ0ꜱ ᴀʟ1ᴍ3ɴᴛᴀʀᴇꜱ:
▶ᴏ ǫᴜᴇ ǫᴜᴇʙʀᴀ ᴇ ᴏ ǫᴜᴇ ɴãᴏ ǫᴜᴇʙʀᴀ ɴꜰ ᴇ ᴄᴇᴛᴏꜱᴇ:
▶ 60 ɪᴅéɪᴀꜱ ᴅᴇ ᴄᴀꜰé ᴅᴀ ᴍᴀɴʜã:
▶ ᴅɪᴄᴀꜱ ᴘᴀʀᴀ ᴇᴍᴀɢʀᴇᴄᴇʀ ʀáᴘɪᴅᴏ ᴅᴇ ᴀᴄᴏʀᴅᴏ ᴄᴏᴍ ꜱᴇᴜ ɪᴍᴄ:
▶ ᴍɪɴʜᴀ ꜱᴏᴘɪɴʜᴀ ᴀɴᴀ:
▶ ᴍᴀᴄʀᴏꜱ ᴇ ᴍúꜱᴄᴜʟᴏꜱ:
▶ʙᴀɪxᴀʀ ᴘᴇꜱᴏ, ᴘᴇʀᴅᴇʀ ɢᴏʀᴅᴜʀᴀ ᴄᴏʀᴘᴏʀᴀʟ, ɢᴀɴʜᴀʀ ᴍᴀꜱꜱᴀ ᴍᴜꜱᴄᴜʟᴀʀ:
▶ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇɴᴅᴀçãᴏ ᴅᴇ ʀᴇᴍéᴅɪᴏ ᴘᴀʀᴀ ᴏꜱ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴜʟꜱɪᴠᴏꜱ:
▶ ᴄᴏᴍᴏ ʜɪᴅʀᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇíɴᴀ ᴅᴇ ꜱᴏᴊᴀ:
▶ ᴀʟᴍôɴᴅᴇɢᴀꜱ ᴅᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇíɴᴀ ᴅᴇ ꜱᴏᴊᴀ:
Eu ia continuar atualizando, mas só pode até 10 links por post, então não posso mais :((
Irei atualizando de acordo com novos posts !
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thatbiqth · 9 months
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a thread in English and Portuguese ! (translator was used, so there may be some grammatical errors)
Um evento canônico de qualquer pessoa é ter se deparado com a meditação em algum lugar, quando criança, por exemplo, é mostrado nos desenhos e filmes de forma totalmente estereotipada e cômica, onde você se senta no chão na posição de Lotus e fecha os olhos.
Mas agora você sendo shifter, não dualista ou praticando alguma lei deve ter escutado pessoas falando da importância da meditação, mas não sabe por onde começar, bem estou aqui para te ajudar!
Bem a resposta é simples, observe, não é um bicho de sete cabeças, observe.
"Mas como eu observo e o que é observar?"
Observar é como o nome já diz consiste em você observar os pensamentos do seu ego(seu corpo físico), pensamentos negativos, alguma lembrança, pensamentos positivos, basicamente tudo o que vier na sua cabeça, observe e não bloqueie.
"Mas eu estou pensando que não estou tendo resultado"
Caso surja um pensamento assim, observe silenciosamente e não faça nada, deixe com que esse pensamento suma sozinho e faça perguntas para si mesmo (irei fazer uma thread apenas falando sobre auto-indagação ou autoquestionamento).
No fim, meditar é mais simples do que você imagina e não é um monstro horroroso. Isso foi o jealous, math te ensinando cada vez mais, beijos💋
A canonical event of any person is having come across meditation somewhere, as a child, for example, it is shown in cartoons and films in a totally stereotypical and comical way, where you sit on the floor in the Lotus position and close your eyes .
But now, if you are a shifter, non-dualist or practicing some law, you must have heard people talking about the importance of meditation, but you don't know where to start, well I'm here to help you!
Well the answer is simple, observe, it's not a big deal, observe.
"But how do I observe and what is observing?"
Observing is, as the name suggests, consisting of you observing the thoughts of your ego (your physical body), negative thoughts, some memory, positive thoughts, basically everything that comes into your head, observe it and don't block it.
"But I'm thinking I'm not getting results"
If a thought like this arises, observe silently and do nothing, let that thought disappear on its own and ask yourself questions (I will make a thread just talking about self-inquiry or self-questioning).
In the end, meditating is simpler than you think and it's not a horrible monster. That was jealous, math teaching you more and more, kisses💋
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enteryid · 1 year
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warnings: flashing lights, food, drink, beer; flashs, comida, bebida, cerveja.
INFO: born in 1995, 27 old, chinese. SOBRE: nascida em 1995, 27 anos, chinesa. SIZE: 268x168. QUANTITY: 101 gifs. LINK: in the source. no link no source (fonte).
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DISCLAIMER: don’t racebend, don’t claim as yours, don’t repost (send the link to this post instead), don’t use to act / rp as esther and PLEASE, don't use in smut threads.
DISCLAIMER: não faça racebend (trocar etnia), não diga que é seu, não reposte (envie o link desse post que é melhor pra mim), não use para interpretar a própria esther e POR FAVOR, não use para textos de smut.
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take good care of them. if you find it useful, please leave a like or reblog; se for útil, deixa um coração aqui ou um reblog. dedicated to my dear friend (💗).
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angie-long-legs · 4 months
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rp blog for angel dust from hazbin hotel
18+ | indie | selective | carrd
♡ performed by phoenix ♡
drafts: 21
queue: 3
inbox: 2
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Rules Under Cut
This blog is 18+: absolutely no exceptions. I will not RP with minors, nor will I allow minors to follow or interact due to the adult content portrayed on here. If your blog does not clearly state that you are an adult, you will be blocked.
My blog is mutuals only and selective. Standard RP etiquette is expected. I don't do exclusives, but I do have mains. I am a slow writer, please be patient with me! I don't do passwords, but rest assured I have read your rules if I've followed you. No limit to the number of threads between us. OC friendly. Crossover friendly but will require major plotting to build a workable verse. I follow duplicates but likely will not interact IC unless it's crack. Currently high activity. Do not involve me in drama or discourse.
Multi-para/novella is my preference, but I am open to single para. One-liners are reserved for asks and crack. I don't expect length-matching - I have a tendency to write a lot and I don't want to overwhelm my partners. However, mutual effort is necessary. Not bothered by literacy skill, however, if your language or grammar make it so I cannot understand you then I won't be able to write with you.
Angel Dust is not a "nice" character, to put it simply. He might not be kind to your muse, even if your muse is kind to him. I will always ask if I feel he is about to say anything particularly hurtful or get physically violent. Angel will also portray views or hold ignorance that does not align with what the mun thinks, believes, or understands. This is a work of fiction.
This is Angel Dust - dark topics and are going to be a common occurrence. Please be mindful of your own wellbeing and/or triggers. Sexual violence, physical violence, abuse, trauma, sex work, substance abuse and addiction are all big parts of Angel’s story, and while I will do my best to tag things accordingly, if this is likely to trigger you, I would advise not to follow.
I tag common triggers such as abuse and violence, but if you need anything more specific tagged, let me know! The only non-standard trigger I ask be tagged if we are mutuals is animal cruelty.
I would suggest not following if you do not want suggestive content on your dash - I try to tag it but it's a struggle with this particular muse. However, I will always tag and censor NSFW and explicit content.
NSFW content will be present! However, I won’t write smut unless we’ve been writing together for a while, and usually with some OOC discussion to get a feel for my partner’s ideas, preferences, and boundaries. All NSFW content will be tagged, and anything explicit will be under a cut.
My main ship for Angel is Huskerdust. However, I ship based on chemistry, so if our muses develop a connection, I’m open to exploring this. I prefer this to be discussed OOC if it starts heading in that direction. And, obviously, Angel Dust is gay - I will be writing him as such.
I love writing Angel and Val and their dynamic is intrinsic to my portrayal, but I don’t consider my particular interpretation to be shipping. Writing characters who have a toxic and abusive relationship while also acknowledging love, sex and trauma bonding as a realistic part of that relationship is, in my opinion, a nuanced approach to take when portraying abuse. I enjoy exploring the dark aspects of their dynamic as well as the lighter and more comedic ones - and, consequently, all the horrible grey areas these contradictions create.
Do not involve me in shipping discourse.
I consider my soft limits to be topics or actions that require permission/prior discussion before implementing into a RP. Please ask me before including the following in any thread of ours: sexual assault, mentions of CSA, suicide, self-harm, one muse causing massive injury to another, or one muse killing another.
These are topics that I will not touch. I will not write: Non-con/graphic descriptions of sexual violence, sexual or romantic interactions with a character who is a minor, incest, zoo, or m/f ships (last one is muse-specific, obviously).
I only block for age restriction reasons, bad conduct, or for posting content I find triggering to ensure my own wellbeing. If I no longer want to interact with you, I will unfollow or soft block. If we have written before and I decide to unfollow, I will message beforehand. If you prefer to be blocked to avoid accidental re-following, let me know. I have no issue with anyone blocking me for whatever reason, curate your online space as you please! It's just my personal preference to be restrictive with my blocking habits.
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sevenofteyvat · 2 months
Profile under construction.
Heya! You can call me Seven or Sev. I'm a female writer who's 21 years old, and my pronouns are she/they. This is a temporary pinned for my roleplay account. Everyone, here's what to expect:
This will be an independent multimuse Genshin Impact roleplay account where I will play the Seven Archons (but as for Mavuika & the Tsaritsa, not yet), Neuvillette and the Vision Holders.
Multiverse RP is more than welcome, but I want to focus on the Genshin Fandom more.
— My Requirements —
1- Mutual Respect: Treat me & other muns with respect. Drama is a waste of mental energy. If you have a problem with me, talk to me privately or simply block me, I don't mind! 2- SFW Content Only: This account is minor-friendly, despite the writer being an adult. Therefore, I won't write smut nor problematic themes. 3- Roleplay Zone: I prefer RPing in the threads over DMs, mainly because of time, and also because I have a roleplay account on X, @SevenofTeyvat. Also, I have many responses I need to get to. Long gone those days when I could say "I'm bored". I'm the opposite of bored now, and I don't have time to spare for DM RP, so please understand.
— Expectations —
1- Plot / No plot? I'm okay with either! If you want us to plot the interaction of our muses, then my DMs are always open! (Even if you just want to chat. Go right ahead!) And if you don't care about the plot being planned, fine by me! We can go with the flow alright! 2- Activity I'm ♾% patient with replies, so take all the time you need! ♡ As for me on the other hand, expect me to be very slow; Other responses are waiting, I have an online job, I play Genshin when I'm resting, & I have a life outside of my devices. Please don't rush me! 3- One-liners or multi-para? I could mirror your writing style as much as possible! Writing length doesn't matter. What's important is the quality, not the quantity. However, I need at least one thing to work with. Don't be passive, RP is a story written by TWO, not just one!;;
Problematic people and pro-shippers (even if it's only fiction. A child is a child, and a zombie is a zombie) DNI. Pedos, zoophiles, necrophiles, lolicons and others of the same category, I'm looking at you.
Bigots DNI. Adding me to your blacklist for no friggin' reason ain't funny even if it's roleplay. At least ask me beforehand (though there's a high chance I will say no). This is a hate-free zone! Keep your destructive opinions to yourself.
Pro-NSFW (especially pro-smut) DNI. I don't write lewd & problematic themes and I never will! Got that?
Toxic shippers DNI. Shipping isn't a big priority of mine, but ship wars are absolutely ridiculous. Grow up, won't ya? While there is ONE ship I love above ALL the others, this DOESN'T give me the right to look down on people who don't share the same view about those two!
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avengefulbat · 5 months
hey there tags ! 21+ discord-based writer here looking for comic / mcu threads. i write a variety of muses from the comics and i'd love some mxf or fxf threads. my writing ranges from para to literate and i love aesthetics, especially the nsfw kind, and worldbuilding. if you're down to clown, ♡ this and i'll hit you up.
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krp1x1finder · 1 year
hey hi hello! ♡ i'm seeking new 21+ writing partners on discord.
i'm looking for oc x oc! right now, i'd rather pick up some female ocs: so i'm happy to write fxf, mxf or nbxf. i have a fairly good selection of fcs that i rotate through ( from groups like twice, loona, fromis_9, aespa, etc. ) and will share a more specific list in dms. your fc is completely up to you, as long as they're over 18!
i always have a variety of plots at hand to brainstorm from, but if you have any ideas that you've been dying to write, please do let me know! i will not write horror. i love angst & enemies to lovers/opposites attract dynamics, and a lot of the ideas that i do have tend to fit into the modern/slice of life genre. that being said, i don't have that many triggers at all, so if anyone would like to delve into more dark/dead dove content, hmu! i also love a good smutty plot, but there has to be a good storyline alongside it!
i write in third person, multi-para. i reply as often as i can, but my availability comes and goes. i'm also down to do texting/sns threads to flesh out our ship! between replies i am always down to plot, discuss headcanons, create/collab on pinterest boards and do all the fun stuff that comes with plotting. let's have fun! i'm a pretty easygoing writer :) feel free to interact if you're interested!
🌸 !
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