#* demon au { the hand you were dealt }
deadsetobsessions · 6 months
I would love to read more of your desecrated Grave AU if that isn't to much trouble?
Tbh, it was supposed to be a one time thing but I can give it another go :))
Zatanna's dealt with everything from demons to gods, eldritch horrors to cute little puppies. It says a lot, in her opinion, that the GIW managed to invoke such a response of recoiling horror in her.
The magician took in the blood and ectoplasm splattered walls, the writhing reanimated organism that came from exposure to said ectoplasm, and most damningly, the stacks of cracked and broken headstones piled in the corner of the room.
"Peek ruoy part tuhs!" she snarled, hands thrown out at the whimpering and beaten GIW agents. Her magic activated and sealed their voice boxes shut.
In the sudden silence, Zatanna walked to the stacked gravestones. She placed a hand upon the top most one and uttered a heart-broken apology, wondering how many ghosts perished.
"I'll bring you back to Phantom," she promised them. "Eb derots."
The gravestones vanished into her storage space, ready to be taken out when she willed them to be.
"Zatanna, everything finished?" Black Canary walked in, casting a disdainful glance at the agents. "You okay?"
"I can feel... there was much suffering here. They were supposed to be- dying was supposed to grant them peace. Not. Not this."
"We'll make sure it never happens again. The GIW is getting disbanded as we speak."
Their comms buzzed.
"Zatanna, the U.N. is requesting the presence of the ghost king in order to make amends." Batman said.
"Tell them he's going to be busy grieving the massacre of his people, committed by a branch of their government. We'll be damn lucky if he doesn't start a war over this, Batman. He'd be well within his rights to. It's bad."
"I'll hold them off."
"We're wrapping up on our end."
Zatanna turned to the scientists and agents and intoned "Eb devom edistuo!"
"C'mon Zee, let's go." Black Canary made sure she was out of the way before screaming, unleashing a wave of sound that shattered and crumbled the glass and walls of the facility.
"Fuck the government." Zatanna mumbled. How was she supposed to tell Phantom about the gravestones?
Phantom floated, the lost look on the young boy's face pulling at their hearts as his hands hovered above the broken gravestones, not daring to touch them.
"So many..." he whispered. Zatanna could do nothing but offer a nod, jaw clenched and eyes burning with fury and grief.
Phantom looked up at her. "Thank you, Zatanna, for bringing them back to us."
"It was the least we could do." Zatanna replied, and something about her voice must have resonated with Phantom because his apathetic façade broke and suddenly, Zatanna had an armful of a grieving, wailing ghost child. Her magic shielded her, but the glass began breaking at his ghostly wail. Still, Zatanna could tell he was holding back in attempt to not kill them all via the vacuum of space.
"Dleihs eht rewothctaw!" She quickly chanted. "Go ahead, you won't hurt us. I've shielded the place."
The glass stopped cracking and Phantom, no longer worried about killing her, screamed against her shoulder.
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neoplatinum · 7 months
opposing worlds | kim chaewon
summary: rooming with kim chaewon was a terribly bad (good) decision.
pairing: roommate!chaewon x roommate!reader
themes: enemies (?) to lovers, college au, fluff, very minor angst, chaewon is a micromanager!, implied sexual content, yunjin!
wc: 3.0k
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even though its below freezing outside, with a red nose along with frozen ears, you refuse to enter your apartment. fearing the demon that you live with, her legal name being kim chaewon.
a major pain in your ass is how you would describe living with her. you would rather step on legos than to live with her, but with limited on-campus housing you have to deal the cards that you've been dealt.
so you pace outside, on the welcome mat, biting your nails. just getting the courage to walk back into your apartment. one that turns into a war zone whenever chaewon's being a stickler for rules and regulations (ones that she's made for the apartment). you finally stop pacing when you feel the confidence back in your body.
"i'm not letting her dictate what i can and cant do." you say to yourself quietly, this was ridiculous. not being able to enter a space that you pay for just because chaewon was a micromanager pissed you off more than you would like to admit.
as soon as you enter the apartment, you're immediately hit with the silence of the apartment. it's odd, and you can feel a pair of eyes staring at your back. you pay it no mind as you slip off your shoes. you turn to the sight of chaewon with her arms crossed, standing in that familiar stance of authority. letting out a heavy breath, you know, watch her folded arms, tense jaw, and the most telling sign: her foot tapping rhythmically. so you walk towards her, like a child ready for scolding.
"what's it going to be tonight, chaewon? cleanliness, manners, etiquette, or are you going to comment about my clothes?" you explain, frustrated. It seems you can never get things right around miss perfect.
"cleanliness!" she exclaims, pointing at the many dishes piling up in the sink. you grimace at the sight, just remembering it was your turn to do the dishes. "look at our chore list! it's your week!" she continues point at the very detailed chore poster, your name in big bold red letters.
you groan and grab some gloves, preparing for the long lecture about cleanliness and maintaining a proper space. while you are busy washing all the bowls in the sink and placing them on a drying rack, chaewon begins listing off reasons to always maintain a clean apartment—a lecture you have heard far too often.
"enough, chaewon! i am not five, and i don't need to be lectured on why I need to wash the dishes for the 50th time!" you shout at her, cutting her off from her outburst. she stops, and you can see her lips waver, and her hands are balled into fists.
"then stop acting like a five-year-old!" she shouts back at you, stomping to her room and slamming the door. you wince at the sound, feeling a little guilty for yelling at her, she just really set you off tonight.
so you stand in the kitchen all alone with the sound of running water comforting you. feeling the weight of your words, you feel bad that she has to reprimand you for things you should figure out on your own. with a final dish on the rack, you sulk back into your room, thinking of ways to apologize to your roommate.
"chaewon?" you wake up early, feeling guilty that you yelled at her. even though you were tired of the lectures, you knew it was wrong to yell at the girl. you tried making a breakfast that she would like. so with a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of her favorite green tea, you carry the tray towards her room and knock on her door.
"what." her voice is flat and monotone. you shrink into yourself before speaking again.
"i made you breakfast...listen i'm sorry about yelling at you. i shouldn't have and i let my emotions get the best of me. could you open the door?" you explain, feeling awful just remembering her face when you yelled at her.
the door opens slowly and behind the door is an upset chaewon with puffy eyes and a bunch of tissues in hand. you slowly walk in and place the tray on her desk. she's busy with her schoolwork it seems, but it also looks like she's been busy crying with the pile of tissues in her waste basket.
it's weird being in her room ever since you found out how high-strung she was. so you have always steered clear of her room, this is the first time you've been inside. noticing how decorated the room is, it's cute, oddly. it's what you expect of chaewon's room, clean and proper. with a splash of green everywhere, that must be her favorite color.
she stares at the bowl of oatmeal you made her, eyeing it wearily. you groan at her.
"i didn't poison it, if that's what you're thinking." you comment quietly. she nods and sits down in her chair to eat it. you wait patiently, not really sure what to do. maybe waiting for feedback at this point. she just nods and you finally feel your shoulders release tension.
"phew." you say out loud.
"thank you for breakfast, i'll stop lecturing you so much." she says quietly. you nod, a little shocked at how dismissive she is. walking out of her room, you still feel a bit awful, maybe you should invite her out somewhere.
before you can begin to ask her, chaewon is already closing her door behind her. you're just grateful she accepted the peace offering.
she doesn't comment on your poor behavior in the next couple of weeks, you just feel inclined to do the chores that have been laid out. you don't hear from her for a while, feeling her absence in the apartment.
some days, when you're past boredom, eyes glued to the ceiling, and daydreaming of becoming rich. you think about chaewon and why she's so persistent about cleanliness. you always thought it was a bit extreme, but you never came back to a messy apartment. so you could appreciate that, you just hope she goes back to her own noisy self.
it's become strangely quiet in the apartment without chaewon's constant annoyance towards you. whenever you step outside in the living room in hopes of seeing chaewon, she's never there. your mood is considerably worse without a person to argue with.
you purposely leave out clothes on the floor for her to scold you, but she never comments on it. just stares at it and walks into her room. so with a dejected face, you pick up your own clothes. you hate to admit that you missing your nagging roommate.
"is that chaewon?" your friend shouts into your ear. saturday night out, and instead of staying inside with the awkward tension with chaewon, you're out here to party your anxiety away.
the thing that irks you tonight is that this house party is definitely a fire hazard—way exceeding the maximum number of occupants. you remember chaewon telling you to never stay in a place that breaks the maximum occupants.
you turn your head up at the question, looking around and you finally spot your roommate across the room. all you can conclude is chaewon is stupid drunk—dancing like her life depended on it. people all around her are egging her on, and chaewon breaks out the robot, making you laugh.
then some guy starts getting near her to dance with her, you frown at the sight. setting down your cup as you make your way to the other side of the room.
"woah buddy, back up." you put a hand between the dude and chaewon, he flips you off before walking away. you are about to chase after him to give him a piece of your mind, but then you remember chaewon in front of you. blearly eyes chaewon, with her stumbling and drunk laughter filling your senses. she refocuses her eyes, and they land on you, eyeing your outfit.
"what are you doing here?" she asks in a slurred tone, her finger wagging in your face.
"i could ask you the same thing." you raise your eyebrows, confused by the sight of miss perfect student chaewon partying on a sunday night. she scoffs at you.
"don't tell me what to do." she crosses her arms as best as she can, definitely feeling the drunkness.
"don't tell me what to do." you mock her tone, laughing at her when she gets mad at you. she starts to walk away, but you grab her arm. "hey, let's go home. it's late."
"no! let me go." she stomps her foot like a child.
"alright, let's do this the hard way." you say and and hoist her up, carrying her out the stuffed house.
"let me down! i'm not done partying." she shouts. you pay her no mind as she tries pushing you away. you laugh because she really isn't trying that hard.
so you take her back home, walking down frat row until you reach your apartments. by then she's fallen asleep, arms wrapped around your neck and snoring lightly. it's cute seeing chaewon so relaxed, you're glad you found her, it's been weird being at home without her. you hope whatever is happening between you two just returns back to normal.
you fumble around with the key to your apartment, and with a final push you walk into her room. unwrapping her arms from your neck, as you set her down in her bed. you admire the way chaewon looks in makeup, gorgeous and very serene.
but you also know that chaewon hates going to sleep with her makeup on, so you rummage through her makeup drawer, finding makeup wipes for her. you take the time to gently wipe all the makeup off, finding it peaceful and fulfilling to do so.
she fusses a bit when you wipe too hard. you pull back and let her calm down, before wiping the rest of it off. throwing the used wipes in her waste basket. when you turn around, you see her knocked out cold, laying like a starfish on her green comforter.
you smile at the sight and then roll her under her comforter, tucking her in. with light footsteps, you close her door, and return back to your own room. the smile never leaves your face.
it's been about a week since the party, chaewon was embarrassed that you had brought her home. so she bought you coffee and a muffin nearly every morning.
she lets you explain that night from your point of view, her face goes red at the embarrassing parts. you purposely leave out the part where that guy was trying to dance with her. for some reason, you feel upset when you talk about it, maybe he just looked too creepy.
she dissapears into her room soon after, something along the lines of, "i need to process all this."
later that night, you're writing on your laptop when you hear chaewon's door open. the sight of her in a nice form fitting dress and her hair done up, your jaw drops and you jump to your feet.
"where are you going?" you ask. she's checking her purse for something. she looks up at you confused.
"a party?" she states like it's so obvious. your body is jittery at the idea. you think quickly, she's not going out by herself. what if she gets kidnapped?
"wait, let me go with you." you say as you rush into your room to get ready, no way you're letting her go to that party alone. you need to fend off the creepy men for her.
"why are you going?" she asks from outside the doorway. a little confused at the sight of you throwing clothes everywhere. she even steps inside to pick up the clothes now littered all over the floor.
"just cause." you say and grab your outfit. rushing into your bathroom to change. within a few minutes you walk out ready to accompany chaewon.
she's on her phone waiting for you, and you examine her outfit. you rummage through the closet, looking for a nice warm jacket. slipping it over her shoulders as you both set out for the night. you miss how chaewon's cheeks warm at the gesture.
it has started becoming a regular habit: if you can't attend the party with chaewon, no matter how late or wasted she is, you always pick her up from the party. if she was too tired or drunk, you would help tuck her into bed.
oftentimes, you even had to help her puke her guts out from drinking too much. but that was never a pretty sight, so you try and get her to puke her guts out before she enters the apartment.
one night, she ends up just crawling into your bed. when you fall asleep, you feel her body warmth against your body. she makes herself comfortable under the blanket. wrapping her arms around your torso as she lays against your pillow.
you move yourself further off the edge of the bed as she scoots closer. she mumbles something about how warm her bed is, and honestly, even with her taking up your personal space, you don't mind.
it has somehow blended into a habit to sleep together every night when she came in the next night, and without a word, slipped under the comforter again. you let her, too scared of saying anything in case it scared her away. it's become a nightly thing to just sleep in the same bed together...even when she's not drunk.
"you two do what?" yunjin is staring at you with her food half chewed.
"dont talk with food in your mouth, you're going to catch flies." you comment.
"oh great, now you sound like chaewon too." yunjin bites her food. you decided to contact yunjin in hopes of figuring out what to do with this new "development" with chaewon. the habit of her sleeping in your bed with you. sometimes you wake up and catch chaewon staring at you.
"so you two sleep together in the same bed, brush your teeth together, go about your morning and nightly routine together, and even cuddle...platonically." yunjin questions you, but the sarcasm is dripping as she says it.
"yes." you answer.
yunjin takes a deep breath before starting up again, she didn't think you were so dense. "dude, chaewon is into you."
"no she's not, just two months ago we were at each other throats. don't you remember?" you ask.
"of course i remember, oh my GOD, is this my real life enemies to lovers slow burn 10k words fic in real life?" yunjin says to herself towards the end.
"you seriously have got to get off the internet." you cross your arms staring at the girl. "you aren't helping, by the way."
"help with what?" she asks, a little confused.
"what do i do?" you ask her. ever since the new habit of chaewon and yours, you've been going through your days all confused, always thinking about chaewon.
"you either grow a pair and confess you want to be more than 'sleep buddies' or you wuss out and just let her continue doing this." she says plainly.
you disregard her comment, "forget what i said." you say. yunjin just shrugs and continues eating her meal, letting you sit with your own thoughts.
so you do wuss out like an absolute coward. just letting the unspoken words take over you and chaewon's sleeping arrangements. you let her continue to invade your space, moving her stuff into your room. her decorations, her clothes in your drawers, and just recently she moved her desk into your room, placing it just next to your desk.
you were shocked at the arrangement but couldn't find the confidence to comment on it. it's weird; now you two practically exist in each other's space all the time; just two months ago, you were cursing the world for giving you chaewon as a roommate. now you can't imagine going to sleep without seeing her and her hair roller every night.
sleeping together turns into unspoken dates: going to the movies together, going bowling, getting groceries together, and even going to high-end restaurants together.
it's like you're dating unofficially. those were the exact words your friend told you when he came over to visit. when you let him into your room to show off your movie posters, he immediately thought you had a girlfriend, you had to explain to him how it was just chaewon.
he looked at you like you grew a third eye, confused at how chaewon went from most annoying person in the world, to someone who sleeps in your bed every night. you try not to let those words mean so much, but secretly you're hoping you can officially date her.
one night, you go out clubbing with chaewon; she looks gorgeous in her tight dress and her hair laid out, showing off her dancing to you. you recently found out thar chaewon was part of the dance team, often visiting her showcases. now you enjoy just watching her let loose, like a free soul, not bounded by her own rules. its beautiful to see.
by the third song of you two circling each other on the dance floor, you kiss her. pulling her into your embrace, hands reaching her back and pushing her closer to you. she welcomes the kiss and lets you pull her closer. hands running up your hair, tugging lightly.
you make out with her against the club wall, and drag each other home with urgency. laughing loudly in the streets like teenagers in love.
"be mine." she breathes into your ears that night.
"only if you're mine too." you kiss her shoulder, and she nods.
yunjin visits you two the next day, screaming at the sight of you two in your bed and covering her eyes immediately. you wake up horrified with chaewon clinging onto you as yunjin screams for the whole apartment complex to hear. she slams the door closed and runs out of the apartment. you and chaewon both look at each other before laughing loudly.
even though yunjin avoids both you and chaewon for the next two weeks, you don't feel an ounce of regret. you can honestly say that rooming with chaewon was the best decision of your life.
a/n: i feel like chaewon fits enemies to lovers really well but maybe that's just me. didn't really proofread this one but anyways. posting this piece first because it was decided by the people! i hope it was worth the wait! stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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anshares · 1 month
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Just full body designs from my Xianxia AU aka TTEOTM!RH AU
+ arc 1 plot below the cut
Dan Heng is a member of one of the last surviving sects in a world razed by the Demon lord, Ren. His sect has an artifact that could end Ren’s life so Ren is in the hunt for it since it is his only weakness. While they are holding back Ren’s onslaught on their sect his seniors himeko and welt decided to use the artifact and send Dan Heng to the past to prevent the Demon lord’s destruction. A few hundred years ago Ren was a human prince who was born with Shuhu’s flesh, the original demon lord.
It lays dormant within him but due to him being cursed the people treat him with disdain and suffer abuse, the moment he was killed from it is when he rose as the demon lord to return to them what he experienced tenfold. Dan Heng's mission is to ensure that Ren won’t experience the cruelties he suffered and that he would live on normally at the same time finding a way to destroy Shuhu’s flesh in him. As his seniors were completing the ritual to send him back in time, Ren has already breached the sect and is now standing in front of DH who witnessed the slaughter of his friends, before he disappeared he vowed that he would kill Ren.
DH wakes up 700 years in the past in the body of Dan Feng, a haughty second prince of the Luofu. He suddenly discover that one, he is married to Yingxing (Ren’s name before he became the Demon lord) for half a year already. Two he is also one of the people who abused him, three Yingxing is nothing like the Demon lord Ren he saw, where was the cruel Demon lord who plunged the world into chaos. This man seems docile and why is he kneeling in the garden in the middle of winter?! (“Master Dan Feng, you are the one who ordered him to do this….”his servant reminds him) Oh great! not off to a great start, why didn’t he travel to the time before he got married to him, how is he supposed to win the trust of someone who is wary of him already. also another hurdle is that he doesn’t know how he will interact with him esp the last time he saw him he slaughtered his friends how the heck would he interact with the murderer but that was him from the future, This is now and he will make sure he would succeed in his mission with the hand that he is dealt with but first he gets him out of there and stops the “punishment” that Dan Feng gave him.
Yingxing was confused on the sudden change of attitude with Dan Feng, he was suspicious and distrustful of this “new” Dan Feng since it might be another one of his ploys and it's back to beatings again.DH also finds out that the servants disrespect him and DF does nothing about it and just lets his servants, he doesn't really care about his husband cuz he is just a hostage prince.
Yingxing is a prince from Zhuming who was sent to Luofu as hostage as part of the peace treaty between two kingdoms and was chosen to be Dan Feng’s betrothed. DH tries to be nice to him but all he get is wary glances, one time he was able to make Yingxing talk, YX tries to warn him that whatever he is planning now gotta stop as if it would change his opinion of him because at the end of the day DF would still treat him as he always does. DH asks why he thinks that and finds out what he thought of everyone of how everyone simply enjoys on hurting the weak altho he hasn’t done anything to warrant such treatment” so DH asks him if he has any grudges he just answers with its already exhausting enough to survive in this hellish place he doesn't have energy to think about anything else.
It gave DH insight on YX and how he became Demon lord in the first place, no one showed him kindness and guided him on the right path since he was only shown cruelty so he will give back cruelty so he decided to be that person the one who will guide him to the right path.
After that, their relationship changes, DH tries to do things for him like feeding him proper food, buying him proper winter clothes, and hanging out with him. YX slowly warms up to DH since even though they don't talk much his presence is comforting since he is not alone anymore. YX thought that DF is starting to care for him but all of that was dashed when he accidentally eavesdrop on DF and crown prince Yubie, DH tries to act like the haughty prince that DF is since his brother inquired on the sudden shift in attitude with YX, He thought he hated him so he tells his brother that he extended kindness since he is worried that it wouldn't be good for the kingdom if Zhuming finds out they mistreated their prince, The peace treaty is already delicate as it is. If Yubie thinks that DF cares for YX, don't because he can’t truly care for him, it’s impossible ... he never liked him from the start anyway, he hates him with every fiber of his being.
YX was disappointed and furious because all of the kindness that was shown to him by DF wasn't genuine and was all just a ploy. Most of all he was angry with himself for believing it, he should've known, people dont change that easily. He was deceived by that kindness, that DF only cares so that Luofu would be safe but in the end they still think that he is a jinx who only brings disasters. For the first time, he wanted vengeance which activated his dormant powers
YX tried to unleash his newfound powers at a royal banquet hosted by Yubie by summoning spirits, he was surprised on how DF was able to protect his brother with warding charms, he didn’t expect DF to be capable like that. DH found YX and tried to protect him with his body from the spirits that surrounded them, this left YX perplexed so he got rid of the spirits.
DH was relieved that they are both safe now and checks if YX is injured anywhere while YX internally wonders if DF hates him why would he sacrifice himself to save him? YX is prepared to trust him again since for him actions speak louder than words, so he confronts DF on why go back and save him since he saw that he was running out of the mansion. DH tells him that they are husbands am i not suppose to protect you and be with you for better or worse
YX asks if he likes him, DH reluctantly answers yes and reasons out that they have grown fond of each other since they have spent time together recently.
YX: If you like me, teach me those charms you used this way we can spend more time together
DH: why would you want to learn that?
YX: because i also want to be capable of protecting my loved one
DH is surprised that someone like him suddenly has something he wants to protect, so he agrees and makes him promise to take care of himself too because he really doesn’t want to risk his life to save him again.
They spend time in the library with DH teaching YX illusion charms, he shows him an illusion of maple forest, and a vast galaxy of stars. They became closer and fell asleep on each other till Yubie found them the next day which embarrassed DH greatly.
They also went out and spent the whole day at a festival which made YX loosen up and felt special since all of DF's attention was on him, they even played in the snow and lit up fireworks. YX was smiling at DF as he watched him light up fireworks, he starts falling for him now.
Messengers from zhuming secretly contacted yx to let him know that he needs to go back to his kingdom and take back the throne from the usurpers since his father is now bedridden but why should he when they were the ones who threw him here in the first place being a cursed prince.
Also he doesn't want to go back since DF is in luofu but the situation seems dire if the messengers started begging so YX tried to take DF with him but refused since it can be seen as DF defecting and betraying the luofu if DF goes with him so yx has kidnaps him instead.
While on the boat to zhuming, it was revealed that the messengers were in on it too and tried assassinating yx but with yx powers slaughtering them was easy and DH who managed to escape from captivity witnessed this scene.
Even after all the time they spent dh still doesn't trust yx after all it's still his mission to prevent the demon lord rising. And his current actions just proves that his real nature cant be changed as he could easily slaughter people.
DH escaped by jumping from the ship, YX also follows later even with his powers he is still human, injured and outnumbered. Once ashore, he also find yx weak from injuries and apparently poisoned too so he tries to nurse him back to health and tells him he isn't allowed to die. When he is well enough, DH leaves him near zhuming where attendants who are still on yx side found him. He returned to Zhuming, overthrew the usurpers and was crowned emperor.
DH travels all around zhuming trying to find a clue about shuhu’s flesh, DH believes he can find information about it on yx homeland. At the same time Yubie deploys an army to rescue his brother that yx kidnapped and orders they kill yx afterwards.
Stay tuned for Arc 2~
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 13/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
For me, Goodie is not a total goody-two-shoes. Remember that she sees a soul's inner good. She is kind, yes, but only to those she deems worthy.
All I can say is that she and Roo are 2 sides of the same coin.
P.S. I'm not gonna put any snippets anymore, I end up not following them anyway aksjdlajk
Goodie: Such words! Angel, was self-preservation not included when you gave them the fruit of knowledge?
Lucifer: Apparently not.
Velvette doesn't dare to make eye contact when the King of Hell crouches in front of her. He roughly takes her face with one hand to forcibly make her look up.
Lucifer: A lot of you seem to think that 'King' is just a title I was merely given.
His claws were digging into her skin so hard that she knew for a fact that she was bleeding- if not for the wet sensation then the taste of iron in her mouth was a dead giveaway.
Lucifer: I can't blame you. I was not the most present ruler, after all. But I thought I made something very clear when I dealt with that moth man.
Velvette can feel her jaw dislocate from the sheer strength. Vox wants to help but he can't move- none of them could. He looks to his side to see Alastor smiling like he just got the best gift ever- the fucking psychopath.
Lucifer: I guess one example isn't enough.
She wants to struggle but her body won't fucking move. Her head was going to explode. She was going to die right here.
Lucifer closes his hands suddenly, crushing the lower half of Velvette's face. Surprisingly, she's still alive. Lucifer removes his command on only her, letting Velvette keel over. She's saying something but it comes out garbled. She makes an attempt to crawl closer to where Vox is.
Vox is looking at her with devastation and horror. His friend is going to die. Velvette produced a high-pitched noise as she felt something stab her leg, pinning her from where she lay. Then came the burning sensation. Her leg is on fire. It's on fucking-
Lucifer: So, let me keep it simple.
He twists Lightbringer and effectively cuts off Velvette's leg.
Lucifer: I'm Lucifer Morningstar.
He swings and slices an arm.
Lucifer: The creator of the first sin.
A stab to the torso.
Lucifer: The angel that damned humanity.
Velvette can't even do so much as a whimper now. Her whole body is mutilated. If she could still see, she's sure that all that's left is a gooey red mess.
Vox averts his eyes but something compelled him to keep his head facing the mess.
Goodie: Uh uh uh! A bit rude to look away, don't you think?
Lucifer: Í̷̫̈́́͂̒̚̕͝͝͝'̶̨̛̺̤̿̀͒͛̂̿͋̄̑͆́͘͠͝M̴̝̯̖̦͍̽̎̏͆̔ ̴̛̛̄̋̈̑̓̀̓̃̄͐͗ͅŸ̷͇̙̟͈̭̥̬̻̙͔̠̱́̽̊̊ͅÔ̵̤͙͈̬̫̪͕̼͍͌̀̔͜U̴͈̼͖̯̤͌̀̀̓̾̔͆̈́̊͑͗̕͠͝R̵̨̹͍̦͒͌̋͒͆͌̄͛̓͑̔́͜ ̸̝͑̐̀̉̃͠͝F̵̞͖̮̗̗̜̯̯͔̮͒̊͒̈́̈́́̽́̂̂͑̎͝U̵̟̙̱̙̯̤̼̙͈̳̘̫͊̈̀C̷̙̞̔̅̊͌͋K̷̖͙̼̪̠̾̄̅̾͘I̵̛̩̘̜͖̩̙̿̐̽́͊́̒͆̆̎̑͗N̴̤̏̂͝G̸͋̋̍ͅ ̵̡͈̩̹̗̹̝̻̬͍̗̬̲̳̟̍͋̽͛̒̉̍͊͑̑̋̅̽Ḳ̷̡̬͔̞̱̤̬̮͉̙͇̪͛̅͊̚I̵̤͙̪̞̝͔̱͎̜̩̖̺̟͔̙͊Ṉ̵͈̤̘͚̻̙̼̓͂̌͋́̎͜ͅĢ̸̭͔͇̹̹̳̭͋̓̒͗̈́̉̈́̂̚
Lucifer casts hellfire on the dying sinner. The king laughed as the flames grew tall. This is the power of the Devil and they will remember now of their place.
The flames dispersed leaving a charred mass. Lucifer turns to face the still-kneeling group of demons.
Lucifer: Û̶̪̌͐́̂̆͠͠n̸̛̟͕̱͍̫̘̻̣̱͈͈͇̱̜͛̓͗̏̅̇͋̒͆͊̓͗̚͠d̷̢̢̨̼̙͈̞͈͓͈͙̂̌͋̔̂̉̍̈́͆̿̈́̕͘͜͠e̵̛͍̯̫̼̫̐͛̊̒̆̉̓̊̽̓̒̒̚͘ŗ̶̨̢̧̮̜͙̪̹̯̙̪̤̠̝̓́̒̋͆̆̓̿͐̄̓̕̚̕ş̷̛̮͖̰̝̟͇͕̟̞̳̟̪̥̂̀̈́̈͗́̿̐̔̎̕̕͠t̶̮̖̭̹͓͉̪̣̦͙̖͍́͐͂̑͒̑͂̑̾̓̍̊͝ô̵̥͓̥͐̄̏̀̾̀̽̆ò̴̜͇̣̣̳͖̗̹̟̇̓͑͝ͅd̸̨̨͈͓̠͑͑̒̎̈́͘͠?̸̟̎̈
All nodded- he almost thought the sinner Overlords' heads would roll off from how frantic they were moving it. Except for Alastor- he kinda looks like he just experienced euphoria.
Lucifer: Good!
He claps in delight as transforms back to his normal appearance. With a snap of the King's fingers, everyone could move again. What they didn't expect was Velvette turning up in her dying place, perfectly fine, looking like nothing happened.
Vox runs forward to hold her as she shakes and cries in his chest. He gives the King a confused look.
Lucifer: What? Do you really think I killed her? Sounds counterproductive. We still have a situation at hand and you are no use to me dead.
They shuddered. His eyes say a silent reminder of how he could kill and revive them over and over again as he pleased. How he could, literally, show them what the phrase 'make your life a living hell' means.
Goodie: Up now! My sister is becoming restless.
Everyone reluctantly stands and gets in position.
Mammon: Show-off.
Leviathan: Ha! You wish you were that scary.
Goodie stands next to Lucifer, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Goodie: Remember, angel, if this fails, you must do what I have told you.
Lucifer nods. A giant red pentagram appears above the entirety of Sloth the moment he opens his palm.
Lucifer: Let's start.
Apologies Velvette stans
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jo-harrington · 2 years
Corrective Action (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Reader and Eddie have been hanging out for a little while and a lot of people seem to think it’s ok to voice their opinion around her.
Previous Part: Interview Prep
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual pining and slow burn (yes still, always). Bullying, manipulative/helicopter parents, ACAB, all around shitty people that might trigger some things. Thick skinned reader who is sick of said shitty people. Sad boy Eddie. Hurt/Comfort. Pinky promises.
Note: I really hope this one is good guys, I feel like I wrote half of this in an airport wishing I was actually drinking (I did and I was, but I'm sober and kind of currently wishing I wasn't). If this is me fishing for compliments...I guess this is just yummy bait.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager (in chronological order because I’m chaotic and I’m not gonna stop writing this way) and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
It started with Stacey at work.
You were sitting at the little desk in the stockroom, working out payroll and the next schedule, when she came to clock out.
“Hey, good job today on upselling diamonds,” you told her, incredibly proud. While she was great at customer service, she really had a hard time getting customers to add to their basket. You had worked on coaching her and she was quickly becoming your best sales associate. “I’m proud of you, you’ve been doing so great!”
“Yeah thanks! All of these rich PTA moms I swear to god,” she rolled her eyes. “I guess my mom was only a hard ass if I asked her to buy me things though. If anyone else tried to sell things to her, she always caved.”
She continued going on about her mom getting all the upgrades when she got a new car.
“…Mr. Harrington almost started singing when she finally signed the lease.” She laughed but then sobered up, glancing around the stockroom to see if anyone else was around. Stacey cleared her throat. “Hey I’ve been meaning to ask…”
“What’s up?”
“Are you, like…dating Eddie Munson?”
It would have been an innocent enough question if not for her tone. Or the way she grimaced and scrunched her nose, as if just saying his name put a bad taste in her mouth.
Eddie had been wary of your interactions with Stacey from the beginning, you recalled. And when you had asked him why later on, he beat around the bush a little before giving in.
She was someone who had been in his classes for as long as he could remember, she was not a cheerleader but certainly one of the popular girls, and when her jock boyfriend got a job at the local insurance office after missing his chances at getting an athletic scholarship, she stayed behind too and made all of the local gossip her business.
And for some reason, even if he swore he never remembered saying more than two words to her at any given time, she made rumors about him her specialty.
You’d been at a loss. On the one hand, you knew Eddie dealt with bullies and rumors even if he never outright admitted it to you. But on the other, you had no reason to distrust Stacey. All you knew about the people you worked with were just what they told you and what you were able to witness while working together. And you knew Stacey engaged in all sorts of gossip. But Eddie’s name had never exited her mouth.
Until now.
“What?” You were so shocked at the entire scenario that you didn’t even realize she would take that as an invitation for her to continue.
“Well he’s been hanging around the store and I’ve seen you guys sitting together sometimes. But like…well, haven’t you heard?” She got closer and sat in the chair next to you. “He, like, sacrifices virgins in the woods and has, I don’t know, summoned demons before. He’s a Satanist, a freak.”
You bristled at the name-calling and the accusations.
”And you’re new so of course you don’t know—“
“Stacey I’m gonna stop you right there,” you held up your hand and she immediately shut up and sat up a little straighter. “First of all, it is incredibly inappropriate to ask me about my personal life. About any aspect of it, outside of what I willingly share with you. I am your boss, I’m not your friend, this isn’t high school. We are all entitled to privacy and I am incredibly uncomfortable discussing this with you.
“Second, again not that you need to know, but no. I am not dating Eddie. Eddie works here in StarCourt and you make friends with people when you work at a shopping mall. That being said, Eddie is not only an employee at StarCourt, but also a human being and a neighbor to all of us—”
“Ew no he isn’t. He lives in that—“ she started but you weren’t having any of it.
“And because of that he deserves some respect. Calling someone a freak and spreading rumors isn’t respectful. Which leads me to the last point.
“One of the values of this company is integrity. Doing the right thing, even if it’s hard to do. And I’m sorry but bullying, under any circumstance, is not the right thing to do. So even though you are off the clock, you are still on company property and you are certainly not operating with integrity. I’m incredibly disappointed that I have to have this kind of conversation with you, but I will consider this a warning for next time.
“If I hear talk like this coming from you again, there will be disciplinary action,” you concluded. “Do you understand?”
You hated to do it, you hated to put on the manager pants. You hated that Stacey’s eyes welled with tears the longer you talked and that she trembled as she finally nodded. But even if Eddie wasn’t your friend, you wouldn’t condone this kind of behavior. You held your team to an incredibly high standard and this wasn’t it.
You sent Stacey home and got back to the schedule with a sour taste in your mouth.
The next time, you were actually out with Eddie.
He had told you that the sunrise at the old quarry was second to none and when you confessed that you had never actually watched the sunset or the sunrise before, he immediately figured out the best day for you to go together.
He had put together a picnic with all sorts of breakfast foods, because apparently no one made pancakes, bacon, and eggs better than he did—
“Got an A+ in home ec, thank you very much. Didn’t help me get my GPA up but Wayne is pretty happy when I have breakfast waiting for him after a double shift.”
—and treats from the gas station since he insisted that you needed to experience all of the convenience food he loved. There was a thermos full of coffee and a boat load of blankets in the back of the van. He picked you up at your apartment, ringing the bell at ass o’clock in the morning looking way too energetic for someone who woke up so early.
“What do you mean? I never went to sleep!”
The radio was low as he drove you towards the outskirts of town; he’d also surprised you with a replacement of your old Boston cassette that you had nearly played to death, and he hummed along and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel along with Foreplay.
You reached a certain sign on the road signaling the quarry was up ahead, only for the tell tale lights and “whoop whoop” of a squad car to sound off from behind you. Eddie cursed and pulled off to the side of the road.
“Sweetheart can you grab me, uh” he motioned for the glove box. You’d already popped it open and dug through to find his registration as he pulled the wallet from his pocket. “Thanks.”
The crunch of gravel caused Eddie to look at this side mirror and groan a low, drawn out “fuck.”
“Munson,” the officer greeted roughly once the window was rolled down.
“Callahan,” Eddie replied. “Hopper got you on traffic patrol now huh?”
“Very funny,” Callahan deadpanned. “You know why I pulled you over.”
“Actually I don’t,” Eddie chuckled dryly. “License plates are up to date, I wasn’t speeding, and that tail light you busted last time you pulled me over is fixed.”
What the fuck?
"I don't like the tone you're taking with me, kid," Callahan spat. "Not a respectful bone in your body, any time I have to pull you over. It's for your safety after all. And the safety of the entire town."
How many times had this guy pulled Eddie over? 5? 10?
“Anyway, we just broke up a party over in Loch Nora about an hour ago, lot of kids high and wasted,” Callahan continued and there was no way you could have guessed the words that were coming out of his mouth next. “I know how you like to hang around parties like those, do a few deals. Maybe you decided to take advantage of some pretty girl who doesn’t know where she is.”
Callahan leaned down a little further and shined a flashlight into the van, directly at you.
“How you doing tonight miss? Can you tell me your name please?”
Your world was shaken to the core.
“Excuse me?” You scoffed, clenching your fists.
“You got your wits about you, or do I need to call an ambulance or something? Maybe your mom, if she needs to come pick you up?”
“I’m fine, officer, but I don’t like what you’re implying about my friend here.” You responded harshly. “Or about me. I am a grown woman, I am in this van of my own volition, with full mental capacities other than the fact that I’m maybe a little tired because I just woke up 20 minutes ago to go see the sunrise with my friend.”
Callahan stumbled over his words for a second, immediately backtracking as Eddie sat speechless in the driver's seat.
“We were never at a party in Loch Nora. Eddie didn’t kidnap me. Neither of us are drunk or high. So I’m pretty sure this is an unlawful traffic stop officer,” you concluded.
Both officer Callahan and Eddie looked at you with dumbstruck expressions.
“What, it’s true. So unless you have another reason to have pulled us over, officer?” You asked. “Can we be on our way now?”
He cleared his throat and handed the license and registration back to Eddie.
“Must have seen another van outside the party. An easy mistake to make,” he replied. “Got yourself a smart girlfriend there, Munson. Don’t fuck it up like you usually do ok?”
Callahan did another “whoop whoop” before pulling away and heading back to town, but Eddie continued to sit stiffly, refusing to move.
“You ok?” You asked, putting a hand on his arm.
“I can’t…he didn’t…” Eddie stumbled over his words. “I’m not like that ok? I don’t…I don’t take advantage of girls at parties. Fuck. Please don’t think—”
“I didn’t,” you assured him.
“Callahan always has it in for me, man,” He explained. “I don’t even know what I did. Caught me smoking weed on school grounds with the guys one summer way back and it was like a permanent target was placed on my back.”
“Small town cops with a big ego,” you explained, knowing fully well how douchebags like that were. “And you’re the resident bad boy.”
“You gotta stop calling me that,” he groaned in, what you believed to be, embarrassment.
And it kept happening.
Whispers when you went out for pizza, eyes watching you at the grocery store with pity or disgust, you didn’t know for sure. The one time you both stopped in Montgomery Ward on lunch to get a new dress (and for Eddie not to spend his lunch alone) and the saleswoman kept hovering as though you were about to steal.
Well, not you. Eddie.
No one usually dared to say anything to your face but you could still hear it. “She hangs around that Munson boy. Ugh such a troublemaker. Poor girl. Someone should tell her. He’s a trickster, that one.”
And no, you knew it wasn’t everyone. Just the busybodies who didn’t know what they were talking about.
You’d usually roll your eyes and continue on with your day. You could take whatever was thrown your way—some people just sucked and they couldn’t keep their mouths shut—but you knew how it affected Eddie. You could see it when you were with him, how deflated he became.
Your friend, one of the best people you knew, regardless of your stupid crush on him. He became distant, shrunk like he wanted to take up less space in the world.
You just about had enough of it.
And it all came to a head one day, a week after you hired Chrissy Cunningham as a part-time associate.
Her mother dropped her off after Cheer camp one day and wanted to see the new store.
You had a pretty solid parent policy that you made known to your teenage associates, just as your old store manager did when she first hired you at 16. Parents could come in and visit, shop, sure. But they weren’t going to interfere with the business. No calling to complain if the schedules conflicted with family nights. No calling in sick on their kids behalf.
“If you’re old enough to take on the responsibility of a job, you’re taking all of the responsibilities, ok? Even the not so nice ones.”
Chrissy, just like the others, understood.
Chrissy’s mom, on the other hand, had a bit of a problem with that.
You were nice enough when they first got in, getting to hear how the whole family was so excited about her first job, how it would look great on college applications come Fall. Chrissy, of course, had told you all of this in her interview; she was a sweet kid who clearly was trying to take on a lot and once you met her mom, you understood where the pressure was coming from.
Your mom was like that too, in her own way. Picking and picking and picking.
“Oh actually,” Mrs Cunningham started and from her tone you knew it was just going to be the beginning of a whole to-do. “I was meaning to ask if Chrissy could change her schedule? I saw you had put her on Saturday afternoons. But there’s a junior cheer team at the park district that she helps coach and they have meets on the first Saturday of the month.”
The too-big, overly-whitened smile was an unspoken threat of “you’re going to give me what I want or else.”
You explained that weekends were a mandatory availability for your associates who were still in school, but it didn’t mean they would always be scheduled. You had already told Chrissy that you would give her the days of her meets off, if she let you know the dates at least 2 weeks in advance. It was only once a month, after all.
That smile fell, like it always did, when someone like Mrs. Cunningham, like your mother, like all the other Stepford-wife types in town, didn’t get their way.
She tried once again to explain, this was important to Chrissy and she could trade Saturdays for another day. Maybe Thursday afternoon? Only if she didn’t have too much homework, of course.
But there was no way to know that when you were writing the schedule two weeks out, you argued.
"Then I guess you'll just have to find a replacement for her shifts if she can't come in," Mrs. Cunningham argued.
“Ma’am, I leave the responsibility of schedule and availability to my associates when I hire them,” you explain. “Not their parents. You said you were excited for Chrissy to have a job. It’s only been a week. If she thinks she can handle Saturdays—or even if she doesn’t—I’ll leave it up to her. School hasn't even started yet; let's just give it some time before we try to make changes ok?”
And as one does when they feel attacked, she went after low hanging fruit.
“I wouldn’t expect you,” she sneered, “to know a whole lot about responsibility…or planning ahead for the future. You work in this little shop; it's not even a real job. I’ll bet you didn’t even go to college.
“And Chrissy said you’re friends with the Munson boy right? That he shows up sometimes to talk to you. He’s never known a day of responsibility in his life. He’s…he’s a drug dealer, a troublemaker—”
“Alright that’s it,” you interjected. “This is a place of business—my place of business—and we’re getting busy, so I will have to ask you to leave Mrs. Cunningham. Unless you want to stay for a piercing, I do have paying customers to tend to. I will discuss the schedule again with Chrissy. I promise.
“But for now, thanks for stopping by, it was so nice to meet you.”
“God she was such a bitch,” you complained as you watched Eddie throw cardboard boxes into the bailer.
This was typical for lunches spent together. You would both run trash down to the loading dock and complain about work while Eddie smoked—allowing you to luxuriate in his secondhand smoke for a little while—and then you would head to the food court to eat and just…spend time together.
Listen to music, talk about movies or books or whatever else came to mind.
This friendship was still new, there was plenty to talk about.
You kind of hoped there would always be something new to talk about. And that you two would be talking and having lunch together for a long time.
Best not get your hopes up though.
Currently, you were recounting the interaction with Mrs. Cunningham, purposefully leaving out the way she brought him into conversation.
What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Right?
“Poor Chrissy,” you sighed.
“Poor Chrissy?” Eddie scoffed. “Yeah, really sucks to be on top.”
“You know, she might be on top at school—”
“And her family might be rich, and she might live in a big house, and she might only need to work so it looks good on college applications. See where I’m going with this?”
“—but it sucks to have a parent constantly shitting on you. Even if they do it for ‘your benefit...'.”
“Why can’t you do anything right?”
“I stayed at home with you kids and this is the thanks I get?”
“I can’t make you respect this family. But don’t you have any self-respect?”
Maybe you were just projecting...
“Speaking of Queen Bee, here she comes now with her lover boy,” Eddie said, batting his eyelashes dramatically, and then he made a gagging noise. You were exiting the service corridors and spotted Chrissy, who had clocked out for the day, walking towards the food court with a very clean, athletic-looking blond boy.
“Now if you wanna talk about a bitch, look no further than Jason Carver.”
He proceeded to tell you all about how Jason and Jeff were neighbors, how they used to be friends as kids. How they stopped talking once Jason started up with sports, and he started picking on Jeff once he made varsity.
“He had some macho, roided up growth spurt last year, and that paired with the self-righteous bible thumping meant that Hellfire was an easy target. Those meathead jocks picked on us before, sure, but…I dunno, Jason is a whole other level of cruel. 
“And he doesn’t hesitate to beat up the younger kids, but if I’m around…well needless to say they’re a little scared of me, they don’t want to take a chance that I’ll put a curse on them or something.
“I’ll do whatever I need to, I’ll be their villain, if it means keeping those kids safe.” He rubbed the sleeve of his flannel against his nose and sniffled lightly. “But it’s not like there’s anything I can do aside from that. I have to just sit there and take it, let my friends take it, because if I don’t…if I don’t, then I become everything they say I am. Angry, dangerous, a menace, a criminal.”
“Eddie that’s terrible,” you grumbled, Chrissy’s mom and your own troubles forgotten. "You don't deserve to be picked on like that."
Eddie hummed in contemplation for a moment.
“Ok enough of them, do you want to share chili cheese fries?” He diverted. You hesitated, not wanting to drop the subject entirely, but also not wanting to push him. Eddie flashed you those big, pleading eyes, though, and you caved.
Asshole knew exactly what he was doing.
“Sure,” you smiled.
“And you’ll let me buy today,” he continued, holding his hand out before you could argue. “Because you feel bad for me you’re gonna let me do it.”
“What logic is that?!” You exclaimed. He giggled maniacally and motioned for you to find a table before he practically skipped to the line to order.
He was lucky that he was cute.
Chrissy approached you the next time she had a shift together; you were planning to pull her aside at the end of her shift to double check that she was sure about her availability and to go over the parent policy once again. It was kind of a relief that she took the initiative instead.
“I’m sorry about my mom,” she began timidly. “She shouldn't have come in here just to interfere. It's just that I do have a lot going on, and when I told her I wanted to work at the mall too...well, she just..."
"Chrissy, I understand," you interjected. "Really I do, you don't need to explain. I knew when I hired you that you had a lot on your plate."
"Thank you again, by the way."
"I just want to make sure that you're sure this is the right move. Do we need to look at your availability again?" you asked. "If your mom comes back to have this conversation again, I'm not going to stand for it. I need employees who are responsible for their own time."
"No I know..." she sighed. "I'll talk with her. I really do like working here."
"I like having you work here," you reassured her. "You're doing a really great job so far."
"R-really?" she smiled, eyes getting a little glossy. "Thank you. I'm trying. My mom...never seems to be happy with anything I do. If it's not what I do, it's how long it takes, and if it's not that, then it's how I look, and--" She was starting to breathe a little heavily and you sighed.
"Hey listen, I get it," you said gently. "Mom's...well, sometimes they can be the worst. They know exactly what buttons to push. And I don't want to sound insensitive because I want you to know you can talk to me any time, I'm here for you. But we are on the sales floor.
"I know your shift is almost over, if you want to take a few to go in back and settle down before you leave, you can," you encouraged her. It wasn't a busy day; you could afford to give her a few extra minutes to herself.
"You're sure?"
"Yeah, Mindy will be back from lunch in a few and I can come and grab you if I need you."
Chrissy gave you a watery smile and then headed back into the stockroom.
There were a few minutes of restocking bracelets before the shop bell rang as a new customer walked in.
"Hey! Welcome in!" You greeted brightly, mindlessly, before looking up to find Chrissy's boyfriend standing there. He smiled and nodded in greeting.
"Hey, I'm here to pick Chrissy up," he explained.
"You're a little early," you laughed, trying to be cordial despite Eddie's words about him echoing in your mind. "She's just in back finishing up. I'll let her know you're here."
"Nah, that's ok," Jason shrugged. "I wanted to talk to you really quick."
You frowned at him and narrowed your eyes.
"Boyfriends unfortunately don't qualify for the employee discount," you stated lightly, hoping that this was the only thing he had to ask. "So if you have a little sister or something--"
"No, it's about Eddie Munson," he continued. "You really need to stay away from him."
Yeah. That was exactly what you were afraid he would say.
Ugh, you were really getting tired of this.
And it wasn't just that you were sick of people meddling, it was this boy in particular who was really rubbing you the wrong way. Gossipy sales associates with jock boyfriends, useless troublesome cops, nosy housewives, and well-meaning grandmas were one thing.
But a high school boy who was still wearing a letterman jacket in July, with a too nice smile and the audacity to have a savior complex when he was the one tormenting other kids?
That was where you drew the line.
You just wondered if you were willing to lose your job because of him.
“I'm telling you this for your own good. The crowd he’s a part of…,” Jason leaned closer as though it was a secret. “They’re a bunch of wastoids, listening to that devil's music, trying to lure virgins into the woods to sacrifice. And if you want to sit with the right crowd at lunch when school starts--”
You barked a laugh at this, right in his face, and he backed away looking confused.
Ok, so this wasn't "lose your job" worthy.
You mentally pulled on both your Disappointed Older Sibling and Angry Store Manager pants to gear up for this fight.
"Ok kid, real talk," you started, clapping your hands like a coach would. "I'm not in the business of yelling at teenage boys. And as flattering as it is that you might think I'm still in high school, there is no way a teenager would be managing a store. So there's point number one. Number two, don't assume a lady's age ok? At all. In either direction. That's a life lesson I'm gonna give you for free.
"Number three, and not that this conversation isn't...just really lovely, I need to get a point across and I'm sincerely doubtful you're gonna listen to me anyway. I just need you to understand that...like, whoever is hanging out with who, or going where, or doing what, is generally none of your business. Especially your girlfriend's boss. It's really disappointing that a nice boy like you is gonna cause his girlfriend to lose her job because he can't mind his own business."
And that was the punctuation at the end of the sentence to make him look nervous and a little sweaty.
You felt a little bad saying it, because no, you weren't going to fire Chrissy because of this dumb boy. But hopefully this would be a lesson learned.
"E-e-eddie was hanging around Chrissy the other day," he stuttered, looking extremely out of his element. Never been the person who had to face consequences before; you knew the type. "I saw him in here when I came to pick her up. She said...you were his friend and he was just waiting for you."
"I'm sure he was waiting for me."
"He always had crushes on the cheerleaders," he explained. "He was sniffing around this girl Julie a few years ago and she found out he was into this satanic stuff...I figured either you or Chrissy were next..."
"Oh buddy," you sighed. "And you figured if you came in here and told me not to hang around him, I would be spared...and Chrissy would be too?"
"See? You get it."
"Except that's really not how things work in real life or at a shopping mall, kid," you said. "Everyone is allowed to go wherever they want and talk to whoever they want. And I, as one of the managers in this building, am able to assess what is a danger to myself and my employees and Eddie certainly isn't one of them. Except for his corny jokes, he is harmless.
"You on the other hand," you continued, savoring the moment Jason's eyes got a little wider. "Approached me with a very distinct and threatening energy. So unless you want me to call mall security and make sure you are no longer allowed on the premises, I will need you to...re-evaluate your tone of voice and your intention of visiting.
"So, what was your name again?"
"J-Jason Carver, ma'am."
Ew. Ma'am. Ok you weren't that old. But you could deal with it.
"Jason Carver," your tone changed immediately, back to the sickening Store Manager voice you defaulted to on a regular basis. Eddie had called it unsettling before, to hear you go from your regular tone of voice to that. Jason's eye twitched and you grinned maniacally. "It's so nice to meet you. Chrissy was telling everyone it's your anniversary coming up?"
His eyes shifted slightly, and he laughed nervously.
"Ye-yes ma'am," he agreed.
"And what are you planning to get her as a gift?" you asked. He froze again. Ok, no gift; Chrissy definitely deserved better than that. "I think a necklace would be really lovely. Not from here, I can see you looking at the jewelry wall. But there's a really nice jewelry store downstairs that has birthstone pendants and stuff. I think she would really love something from there."
"I-I think that's a great idea," he nodded vigorously.
The door to the stockroom opened and Chrissy walked out with her bag in hand, ready for you to check it.
"Ok, I'm all set to go then, thank you so much for--Jason!" Chrissy smiled when she saw her boyfriend. "I thought you were going to wait for me downstairs."
He cleared his throat and composed himself.
"Figured I would come up and surprise you," he grinned smoothly. "Met your boss, she's...really cool, just like you said."
Nice save.
Ok maybe he wasn't as stupid as you originally thought.
Chrissy waved goodbye as they left, and Jason had the right sense to keep his mouth shut.
You waited outside Tape World as the mall started to slow down and get dark. There was a little coin-operated horse right outside of the store and you leaned against it and wondered, if it was a real horse, how fast it could take you and Eddie out of this shit hole of a town, away from all of the people who said horrible things.
You had nothing to complain about though. Eddie had to deal with it for years. He did so much to protect his friends...all you wanted to do was to protect him too.
The gate opened up and Eddie ducked underneath, grinning at you once it was locked and he was upright once again. He muttered a quick goodbye to the associate who closed with him before he approached you.
"Hey, it's only Thursday," he laughed. "Did I forget we had plans? I thought you opened."
"No, I was a mid," you shrugged. "But I stayed because..."
Should you tell him? You didn't want to upset him, or have him pull away from you, like he always did whenever talk of his reputation around town was mentioned. You wanted your silly, carefree, wonderful best friend not to have to suffer because of narrow minded people anymore.
"Beeeccaauuuuseee." He hums for a moment. "Because you knew that I was planning a Little Debbie taste test for Sunday and that all of the snacks were in the van right now?"
"What?" you laughed. "Oh my God."
"You said you were more of a Hostess person. I am trying to change your allegiance to the Dark Side of the Force." He stood taller, theatrically trying to mimic Darth Vader. "What better way than with a joint or two and a shit ton of snack cakes at the lake."
"What? Don't tell me you have never smoked before," he said in mock offense. "What rock have you been living under? I'm going to have to call your parents, young lady. They did too good a job raising you."
You stared at him for a minute as he laughed and you couldn't help yourself; you quickly closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his waist. He went stiff for a second before placing one of his arms around your shoulders and his other hand on the back of your head.
"What's wrong?" he asked quietly. "I mean, I know I did good with the Little Debbie, but you don't have to smoke if you don't want to. I was just kidding."
"No, it's not..." you sighed.
Hugging Eddie was nothing like hugging a girl friend--all squeezes and giggles over something silly and stupid--or hugging a relative--stiff and a little cold, your family not really ones for outward affection to begin with. He was just the right hug shape, his arms at the right height, the right length to wrap around you. His cheek at the right height to rest on the top of your head if he really wanted to (which you really hoped he did). His stupid waist that was perfect for you to wrap your arms around and soft enough that you could squeeze a little bit and he would actually give instead of just stiff and there.
An Eddie Hug was a perfect hug.
And hopefully your hug was perfect for him too, so that it wouldn't hurt him or scare him away as you told him...
"You remember last week?" you began. "You said Jason Carver is the biggest bitch I'd ever meet?"
"Y-yeah," he replied hesitantly, getting a little stiff in your arms, but he did nothing to pull away from you.
"Well, I met him and he is," you continued.
"What did he do?" Eddie asked, irritation evident in his voice. "If...if he did something, said something to you, I swear to God I--"
"I handled it," you cut him off. "He tried to scare me away from you. He said...well, it doesn't matter does it?"
"I'm sure it's what everyone says about me."
"And I told him he could get fucked," you said.
"What?!" Eddie finally pushed you away from him, hands gripping your arms tightly, as he laughed. "No you didn't."
"No I didn't," you shook your head. "But I might as well have. I think I scared him."
"Did you do the creepy voice?" he asked.
"Yeah," you giggled.
"I fucking hate that," he shivered.
"One day, Eddie Munson, you will answer the phone with a 'y'ello' and you will forever be turned to the Dark Side too," you mimicked his Darth Vader impression. "Just you wait and see."
"Never, I would sooner die!" He threw an arm across his eyes dramatically and turned away from you. After a moment had passed, he stood up straight again, hands fidgeting at his sides. "So, uh, are we cool?"
"Why wouldn't we be?"
"Because everyone tells you to stay away from me," he shrugged. "That I'm no good. That I'm a freak. I've been hearing it all my life. But I don't think I could stand it if I heard it from you too."
"Eddie," you started, worrying at your lip for a second. "I know how soul crushing it is to constantly have to hear how bad you are, how you're never gonna live up to whatever expectations others have of you. But listen to me, and listen good: you are absolutely wonderful.
"A wonderful neighbor, a wonderful coworker, a wonderful friend. Who cares what other people think about you; who cares, even...what I think about you?"
"I care," he shrugged.
"But it doesn't matter how many people tell me that you're bad, I'm never gonna think that about you ok? You're so many things but you're also just...good. Ok?"
"Ok," he nodded, eyes getting progressively more watery by the second.
"And don't you start with the self-deprecating shit around me anymore either," you weakly swatted at his shoulder and his torso, and he laughed. "I can't take it. Only one of us can be a miserable piece of shit, and I'm older, so I have dibs."
"You're not a miserable piece of shit," he chuckled. "You're wonderful too."
"No more of this...sad sackery then? From either of us?" you asked and held out a pinky to him. "You can't break a pinky swear."
Eddie wrapped his pinky around yours tightly.
"No more. Upon punishment of death."
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.04
Tag List (can I call you guys the Sales Associates? OMG, that's what it's gonna be): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytchh @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! I'm sure I missed some tag requests, but I have been out of town with shoddy internet access so blame that, not me.
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
Heaven Can Wait.
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Yan (College AU) Juno x GN Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, manipulation, descriptions of violence, implications of dub-con sex (not with the reader), Chrollo is the worst, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 1k.
Can be considered to be an honorary part of Hier Encore. (Or as a standalone for a soft yandere hot woman)
You could have chosen a better place to eat. Everything was less than half the usual price compared to the more expensive places, yes. But the customer service was ghastly though, the food was near inedible, and everything smelled of cigarettes. Cracked white bowls and filthy cups littered every table, including the one you two are sitting at.
Well, Juno thought, at least I can smoke here.
That would ruin the mood though, perhaps. She wants you to only have the best opinion of her after all. She wants it so bad that she has dressed up to the nines for a simple late-night fast-food run. Like a single cloud hovering in a bright blue sky, she stands out like a sore thumb.
It’s half past midnight now, much later than she usually stays up on her days off. Not that she had many off days, to begin with. It’s a prison of her design honestly; always wanting to know more and do more sometimes gets her nowhere.
But most of the time it gets her somewhere.
It was easy enough to befriend you, having moments not too intimate but not too distant either.
Yes. Yes… you remind her of him, in some ways.
You tell her sweet words and your touch is as soft as the pillows she sleeps on. Those were not the only traits Sebaste had Juno sees in you, though.
You’re not the most aloof person she knows, that easily goes to Camus, but you still don’t know how to control your facial expressions much. You like the beach, but not necessarily like the ocean’s water. 
“How can you just eat all of that?”
You point. Juno looks down at the many empty plates on her side of the table, all piled high on one another and all having a thin layer of red sauce inside them. There must have been at least five, she thinks. She was too zoned out to feel the spice of the food most likely. 
Your bowl, on the other hand, was more than half full. Your side of the table was also covered in little splotches of hot sauce, while hers remained mostly clean. You were avoiding the vegetables maybe, or maybe you didn’t have as high of a spice tolerance as she did. Juno is undecided on which one would be more likely.
…Has… she really eaten this many bowls while her imagination roamed free?
She has dealt with far worse pain. Though around forests in the middle of the night only to be threatened with a taser was on the much lower end of the spectrum of unfortunate situations she has been in, the spiciness was somehow even lower. The device was set to the lowest setting, but her skin still felt like it was about to jump out of her body and run away. Being held with an ax right below her neck while another hand held her up by her hair was another one only slightly above the last two. She only had a slight cut just above her collarbone when the grip loosened and she was able to leave.
But she cannot tell you all of that; she wouldn’t want you in more danger than she has already made you be in.
“I’ve simply dealt with far worse… ‘dishes’, [First].”
You look confused at her answer but decide not to pry – another trait she loves about you, your ability to not invade others’ privacy – and decide to instead delve into the now cold cup of admittedly diluted green tea you ordered mere minutes ago.
When Juno locks the door behind her, she notices the tall lamp by her desk is on. It’s no mere coincidence, she knows it, but somewhere deep down she hopes that tonight it will be. Hell has to take a break sometimes, right? 
Juno has to remind herself that though the demons may have today to do whatever they please, Lucifer himself does no such thing. He enjoys making life for others unbearable – he lives for it.
She can’t make out Chrollo’s face because of the book he covers over it.
“The Collector, huh?” Juno sets her purse on the coat rack along with her cardigan. Her high heels come off soon after, though they do make a blunt thump when she puts them by her dorm’s entrance. Chrollo just turns a page, almost as if he is ignoring you entirely, almost as if this is his home and not yours. “I recommended that one to you, did I not? I thought that perhaps you could metamorphose into a better person if you see the damage you could potentially do to your crush.”
Her teeth push against each other as she says the last word.
“Is that how my lovely girlfriend greets me after cheating on me in the middle of the night?” He looks down at his watch – one of the many he wears on the regular, though she can swear that this one was the most expensive from the little diamonds around the outer rim of the clock. “At such a cheap place too.”
“A crush is all I am.”
“Are you now?”
Chrollo doesn’t even look at you as he stands up, the book still covering his face as he steps towards you. His posture is upright like it normally is, but his suit is without a tie and the button-up is a third way undone. He must have been in quite a rush to break in here – she hopes he did.
“Then what are they to you, huh? A crush as well?”
She shakes her head, and somehow he sees it because he nods in response.
“Then what are they?”
“Something you are not.”
“Are they really, Juno?”
Slowly but surely the book falls to Chrollo’s side – a blood-red curtain that does nearly nothing to hide the scene about to be revealed to the audience. The actors are not there and neither are the special effects done by the stagehands, but the props stay where they were placed.
It’s horrifying.
She struggles to come up with a coherent answer to the question despite her expecting it. It is like Chrollo used his damn book without even opening it – her painted lips feel dry and her freshly washed hair feels like it is about to fall off from stress. It is like a diabolical curse has been put over her like she will become a haggard old woman with a humpback in mere seconds. If that did happen, Chrollo would have her beg for months on end until he is satisfied.
She doesn’t want that.
She doesn’t want that any more than she wants you to get hurt because of her.
She doesn’t want you to see her hideous real face, nevertheless Chrollo’s.
You’ll stay with her, won’t you? You’ll stay until her flesh rots and your flesh rots and Chrollo’s flesh rots. If you allow her, she won’t let go of you even when she is long dead. Her pretty nails will dig into your skin and refuse to leave. You’ll stay – because you are all she has left in this cold, uncaring world. 
“Don’t hurt them.” Her fingertips hold onto her skirt like they are flies and it is a spider’s web.
He points – a clear order, a clear demand.
“Get on the bed then, dearest.”
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eatmekaneki · 10 months
Paradise Fallen-
Chapter One
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Series Summary: God is dead and so is the Devil. Only the angels and demons on earth are here to help us now.
You find yourself mixed in a battle between forces of good and evil when you witness a crime on a dark road at night and get moved into witness protection.
The criminal is baited into finding you so he can be pulled out of hiding. You start to have your heart and body pulled back and forth between this blue eyed angel and the fanged fiend who sneaks into your bed at night.
Warnings/Tags(*for entire series): Graphic Violence, Smut, Angels and Demons au, Vampire!Getou, Angel!Gojo, Angel!Nanami, Demon!Toji, Fallen Angel!Choso, FMM threesomes, Poly relationships, dubcon, knifeplay, gun play,
Notes: trying my hand at a series for jjk and crossing my fingers ! Hope you guys like it 🖤
~”The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”- Paradise Lost~
Humanity often yelled out to a god, wondering if he was listening. From the start of life, for most the call came unanswered. Over time the answers seemed even more silent and the world became even more violent.
People started to wonder if there even was a god to begin with at all.
A small group knew the truth, that yes god was here, at one point. The same few know the darker truth. That he’s been dead for quite a while, and those who killed him walk right among us every day, hiding in shadows and in our stores and businesses and maybe even in our very families and homes.
You never thought about fantastical or religious things like gods and angels and demons. You didn’t feel the need to curse a god for the shitty hand you’d been dealt in life and you never believed in one to start.
The biggest thing on your mind right now was driving your takeout chinese food home before it got cold.
The spring rolls and rice were sitting in white boxes tilting slightly to the side almost spilling over on the seat next to you. You were shooting your eyes back and forth checking on it at every turn as you drove, not wanting to make a mess and spill your precious food.
The mess could be dealt with, it’s not like your shitty car was spotless anyways. You certainly didn’t try and trash it, but you worked long days. Also who has time to take care of every little Tupperware container and wrapper on the floor?
Losing the food would break your heart though. It was rare that you could afford something like this.
It was a special treat, a congratulations to yourself for your measly little raise you got at the factory you worked at.
Though it was just a standard raise anyone got for working at the company for a year.
You sighed and turned up the radio to distract yourself from souring your celebration.
You had to keep a positive mindset.
You might be single, you might have a shitty job at a factory that makes folding chairs, you might have a shitty car and a shitty apartment, and shitty friends that don’t call…but…
You realized you almost lost the point of the whole thing.
‘but I have this takeout food’ you weakly grinned.
You had seen the flashing lights from a police car indicating someone had been pulled over coming up ahead.
They had parked off to the shoulder of the road. You didn’t think much of it at first, until only a few moments later there were red brake lights in your lane right in front of you.
You hadn’t noticed before that a car was ahead of you. Now they cut through the dark night’s dimness and shined brightly right in front of you. You had no choice but to slam your brakes down hard. Sending not only your already precariously positioned spring rolls and rice; but your main dish flying as well. They hit the windshield scattering with a splat, as your head slammed against your steering wheel hard with a smack.
Of course your shitty car had shitty airbags that didn’t work.
You didn’t feel anything on your head, you thought that was strange considering how hard you’d hit it. You were able to hear the metal crushing against metal as you had hit the car in front of you. You were well aware of the sweet and sour sauce dripping from a cracked windshield and splattered across the inside of your car.
You were now also aware your head was still resting on the steering wheel and you hadn’t lifted it yet. You were tired, this was all too tiring…
You closed your eyes for just a moment to rest…
“Are you sure you killed them all?” a raspy voice spoke.
There was silence.
Not even a cricket chirped as two men dressed in black clothing stood by 4 cars on this dark country road. The only thing illuminating the scene was the silent flashing red and blue lights of one of the cars, a police car.
“All of them,” a deeper, sturdy voice replied.
Two of the cars were badly damaged in a wreck caused by the situation the first two were in. Yours, the last one, was fully caved in, and you now sat unconscious with your head resting on the steering wheel dripping blood, or was that the sweet and sour sauce?
One of the men had checked on you and seeing the state you were in counted you as dead with the rest.
The car in front of you, a van, was filled with motionless passengers, a hand hung limp out of one of the back doors still slid open.
“Can you turn those fucking lights off Geto.” The first voice spoke again.
“Like I know how to work a police car?” The second man, Geto, snapped.
“It can’t be that hard, idiot” the other man bit back harshly.
The van was pulled directly next to the cop car, which was parked behind Geto’s car where he had pulled them over.
Dumb bitch in the van just had to stop and ask the cop if everything was alright. Wrong place, wrong time. She must’ve noticed something strange and when saw him sitting in his car hanging his head down lifeless with the bullet wound in his head.
She screamed when she saw him and struggled frantically to put her car back into drive as the passengers in her back realized the situation and started screaming at her to drive away quickly.
Geto had left him there only a couple minutes ago and had just gotten back into his car.
Toji, his boss, yelled at him to take care of it, and without a second thought he got back out of their car and shot the bitch in the head too, along with 3 other humans in the back seat.
It was honestly light work for a demon, especially the type of Fiend that Geto was…
Unfortunately he’d made quite a messy situation, as not even seconds after he’d done this and stepped back, another car came crashing through.
It slammed into the back of the van, shoving it forward a bit before stopping abruptly with a screech.
The woman inside almost instantly passed out and Geto considered that situation taken care of on its own.
“And all because you didn’t like the way he said your name.” Geto sighed as he closed the car door behind himself, getting in the driver's seat next to his boss Toji who was relaxed in his seat casually smoking a cigarette.
“Yeah, it was condescending. Humans should know better. Addressing someone like me in such a demeaning manner…” he coughed on his cigarette and a lot more smoke than should’ve came out of his throat. Almost as if it wasn’t just from the cigarette but from something deep within his chest.
“I know you’re new to the Overworld Toji, but I shouldn’t have to keep reminding you, humans don’t know about us. They aren’t going to bow to you here.” Geto heard police sirens suddenly in the distance. “Let’s go.” He quickly put the car into drive and sped away.
Toji looked back at the scene with a smirk. “They’ll know about me soon enough.”
You thought you’d died and woke up in heaven when you opened your eyes in that hospital bed.
You were certain of it when you turned your head to see a white haired man with the bluest eyes you’d ever looked on was sitting next to you.
A complete stranger dressed in an all black suit, toying with a cloth and cleaning a pair of dark sunglasses.
“H-hello?” You tried to speak out your words but realized how scratchy your throat felt.
You raised a hand up to your neck.
“Ah-“ the man stood up suddenly “nurse!? She’s up!”
A nurse walked in only a few seconds later, cheery and asking you if you needed anything. You asked for water and she left the room for a brief moment before returning with it and checking your vitals and looking under a large bandage you had on your head to make sure it didn’t need to be changed.
She seemed satisfied and before leaving the room she spoke to the white haired man.
“Detective Gojo? Please don’t question her too hard, it is a head injury she’s got after all.”
The man nodded and smiled a charming smile the nurse’s way. “Of course ma’am!”
The lady blushed a bit at the lovely young man’s glance. He was the type of cute that even a smile sent your way would turn most girls heart’s into butterflies. He looked sweet and kind but serious when he turned to look at you.
“I’m sorry I have to do this right away, I just want to get all I can when your memories are fresh so we can catch the bastards that did this.” He explained.
“I-“ you stuttered, grabbing your water and chugging down a good amount before continuing. “I don’t even know what happened myself. It was just a car accident wasn’t it?”
The man pulled his chair up closer to your hospital bed.
“You got in an accident, yes, you were lucky…” he looked down, not meeting your eyes. (Which you were thankful for, his piercing blue eyes were starting to cause you to not focus on anything else.) “the car you crashed into, they were dead before you’d even hit them.”
You felt your heart sink at that, and the young Detective explained the situation to you.
As far as the detectives were aware, there were two men who were being pulled over for speeding, the officer had already started writing out the ticket in his car when it appears one of the men came up and shot him. The van must’ve noticed the scene and they wanted to take out any witnesses.
You had hot angry tears in your eyes. You almost couldn’t believe what he was saying. Who would do something so evil?
As you squeezed your eyes shut to shake away the thought you realized something…
“I saw him…” you gasped “i-“
The detective’s face lit up. “You did?” He was sat up straight and leaning even closer to you, as if pulling the seat forward hadn’t been enough.
You nodded realizing how fuzzy the memory was.
“When he came to check on me…I think I opened my eyes just barely for a moment. He didn’t notice. But I saw him.” You nodded “he had dark hair, long, and when he smiled at me because he thought I was dead…” you suddenly realized you couldn’t say your next words outloud, or at least you’d have to rephrase them.
“I- actually think maybe I hit my head too hard” you chuckled nervously. “I was going to say when he smiled it looked like he had a set of fangs. Like a vampire in a movie.” You nervously giggled a little again, hoping the detective would join you.
But he didn’t.
He seemed to ponder this even more. His eyes grew narrow and he put on the dark sunglasses even though you were indoors.
“Fangs.” He whispered. “Here…”
You didn’t like the way that the detective was taking you so seriously. You definitely hadn’t meant him to, yet…something did feel increasingly more unsettling.
“And you didn’t see the other man?”
“No…only one.” The more you think about it , the more you remember the details of his face too.
You had barely opened your eyes for five seconds when he peeked his head through the door to see you.
He’d seen your open and blank wide eyes staring at him with a bloody head and assumed you were dead, not looking right at him.
But you saw. You saw how beautiful this killer was despite what you now had just heard about him. His dark thick long hair looked like it belonged in beauty commercials, and his strong muscular frame showed even though he was wearing a dark baggy shirt.
At the moment he opened the door to the car you thought he was your guardian Angel there to save you. But when he thought you dead and grinned, you saw the fangs and thought otherwise.
Your mind had blurred and you fell back into nothingness after that.
If no one had questioned you on it when you woke, you might have even thought of that as just a weird dream from hitting your head.
But it seemed like this pretty detective was taking you a bit too seriously for your liking.
There was silence for a while, the detective sat with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together in a tent. He rested his chin on his hands and thought for a good few minutes.
“Y/n..” the man spoke. “I’m nervous for your safety. If these men find out you’re alive they’ll come after you too.”
Ice ran through your body at that. You hadn’t really thought of it like that. But he was right. If any of this comes up on the news and shows a survivor, that devilish, and too handsome to be a murderer, man is going to fucking murder you next.
Gojo then stood and stared over at the window.
“I’m going to make some calls…but I think I need to have you stay with a Guardian for a while.”
The way he spoke the word guardian felt like much more of a title than most people would mean it as. It felt strange.
You were realizing something was off about all of this. Yes, you’d hit your head, and yes, you could just be feeling absolutely mad from that, but something was definitely off.
You were terrified of a murderer on the loose, one that knew you and might want to finish the job. You were relieving the horrors of the crash in bits, and mourning a $35 Chinese meal you won’t be able to afford again for years with the repairs you’ll need on your car. You felt sick and wanted to not even think about the other people that didn’t make it in the accident you survived.
But why…why was it that more than any of that, the one thing scaring you the most, replaying on a loop…was the smile that man gave, and the way he showed his teeth to be bright white fangs.
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slythepuffle · 5 months
Here’s a one-shot inspired by @dismissivedestroyer’s Dexter Lives AU! I hope I’m doing it justice. I’m planning on doing one for Tender Treats too if this one does well. Set during Unwanted Guest. TW for Demonic Possession and Demonic Throw-Up
Lila struggled against the grasp of the possessed exterminator, wheezing and gasping as the air was squeezed from her lungs. He was saying something about – Killing her and leaving her alive, somehow – when she heard the door open and she could feel a spark of hope – Maybe this person could help?
“MOM!” her son’s voice cried out, and her hope dropped, replaced with panic. She opened an eye, looking at the door where her son and his friend stood. They were both grinning happily, having not yet realized the carnage inside the house. “Can we–?”
He trailed off, taking a moment to take in the whole scene – His mom, being held up in the air by what appeared to be a floating yellow demon, with broken wood and glass shards scattered across the floor. “Uhhh…”
“K-Kids!” she called, hoping the pause would give them time to go and get help. She didn’t get the chance to, as she was suddenly thrown away as the demon snarled, “You two! You–!”
It went on a rant about being left in the attic for two years – Oh, so that’s what was making those sounds – but she wasn’t really paying attention to it. She was desperately trying to find something that would help – A weapon, a phone, a distraction, anything that could be helpful – when she saw the pieces of her ruler.
She had used it to try and fight the demonic being earlier, but it hadn’t really helped, resulting in it breaking into two pieces. An idea popped into her head, and she hastily rearranged the pieces, whirling back to where the demon hovered over the two boys. She shouted, accidentally interrupting the boys arguing, “T-The power of Christ compels you!”
“We are having an exorcism!” the two boys cheered once they saw what she had made, the argument already forgotten. It was a very badly made cross, both pieces shaking as she held it up in the air. The demon whirled around, eyes narrowed as it considered the terrified woman and her shabby defense.
“You think that’s going to work on me?” it snarled, flexing the dangerous yellow claws at the tips of the gloved hands. Lila, though terrified, glared back, commanding in a less shaky tone. “Get out of that body! It’s not yours! The power of Christ compels you!”
It sneered, advancing on her, before suddenly pausing. It could feel the body’s stomach suddenly churning, an almost sickly feeling rising up the throat. It growled under his breath – So the cross did work. Very weakly, but still. Bah, this isn’t worth it. It needed more strength. Perhaps a new host as well.
It turned back to the two boys, who were happily singing back Lila’s words, unaware of their danger. Both or either would do – They were chaotic little brats that could be useful to its endeavors. They owed it anyway – They were the ones who summoned it, so now they had to be the ones who dealt with it.
The woman behind it was still chanting, using her semi-functional cross as it glared at the smiling, oblivious boys. It snarled and then shot out of the body, a black sludge firing out of the mask’s nozzle and straight for them–
That’s when Dexter woke up.
Now, Dexter had no idea what the fuck just happened.
The last thing he remembered was being in the attic, preparing a trap for the little pest hiding in the nice lady’s house, when he suddenly turned around and jumped by what appeared to be a red demon.
He was an exterminator, not a priest. The hell was he supposed to do against it?!
Dexter would worry about that later. Right now though, he was focused on the disgusting, sticky feeling coating the inside of his mask and clinging to his throat, choking him. He gasped and heaved, fingers clawing at the base of his neck as he tried to take off his mask. He was able to get it off, and threw it off to the side somewhere, hacking out the sludge-like substance from his throat.
He could feel someone hitting his back, most likely trying to help him out, while also spewing out panicked and hurried apologies. He didn’t focus on that, eyes still squeezed shut, wheezing as he digested the events that had just gone down. The person hitting his back stopped, helping him to his feet and leading him somewhere else.
“I’m so so sorry about that!” Lila continued, her expression guilty as she led Dexter over to the kitchen and helped sit him down in a seat. He continued coughing, listening as she limped towards the fridge and poured a glass of water, pressing it into his hand. “Here, drink this, it will help.”
“Hey, Mom!” a kid in a skeleton costume – Wasn’t it June? – yelled, poking into the kitchen. Another kid poked his head in, this one wearing a pumpkin costume. “Can we watch something?”
“Sure, kids!” she replied, still looking at Dexter with a motherly look of worry. It reminded him of his own mom – Geez, he needed to call her after this, she was probably worried out of her mind. He realized that she was waiting for him to drink, and he quickly took a sip of water, almost sighing in relief as the liquid passed through his throat. Right, manners. He still had those. 
“T-Thank you, ma’am,” he mumbled, scratching at his face with his other hand. He felt a bit naked without his mask, but he had no idea where he had thrown it in the living room. She beamed at him and he glanced away, sipping at the water again. “It’s no problem! I hope you’re feeling alright, I really am sorry for what happened, I had no idea that it wasn’t a rat up there–”
“It’s fine, ma’am,” he interrupted, not wanting her to continue rambling. “At least it’s gone now, right?”
She nodded, reassured at the moment, before bustling around the kitchen, leaving him to quietly and awkwardly sip at his water. Well, this was an incredibly weird and rather fucked up day. But at least he’s still alive! He couldn’t wait to go home and–
His vision was suddenly filled with white and orange, two pairs of eyes blinking at him. “Hi!”
“Holy–!” Dexter leaped back, biting back the curse that lingered on his tongue. Children. He didn’t have much exchanges with them and he was a bit wary of interacting with them, more for their sake than for his. Especially given his… thoughts…
He blinked at them, awkwardly silent, and they blinked back, still smiling innocently. “Uhh… hi?”
“Do you want to watch with us, Not-Moloch?” the skeleton kid chirped. He tilted his head, eyebrows creased in confusion. “Uhhh… I’m Dexter. Not… not-moloch?”
“Oh,” the skeleton kid said simply. The pumpkin kid grinned at him. “I am Pump! This is Skid. Do you want to watch with us, Dexter?”
“Uhhhh.” He glanced back at Lila. She still seemed preoccupied, doing whatever she was doing in the kitchen. His eyes darted back to the children, still beaming at him brightly, waiting for his answer. Damnit, he couldn’t say no when they looked at him like that– “Sure?”
The two children cheered, taking him by his gloved hands and dragging him to the living room. He nearly tripped over himself with how fast they were pulling him, and let out a small ‘oomph’ when the two of them pushed him onto the couch. He let them, watching them silently as they took places on the floor to continue watching.
“Hey, Mr. Dexter?” the skeleton kid – Skid – suddenly asked, drawing his attention. “What were you doing in my house?”
“Oh – I’m an exterminator. Your mom asked me to get rid of a rat in your attic,” he mumbled in response, fidgeting in his place on the couch. The two turned to look at him with unblinking gazes, unnerving him slightly, before Pump asked, “How do you get rid of rats?”
Dexter blinked. That’s… not what he was expecting to be asked. “Uhh… Well, before I can get rid of them, first I have to catch them. There are a lot of different ways, but I prefer using insect traps. They tend to work better than the usual mouse traps because of the sticky layer. Makes it a lot harder to move.” 
The exterminator’s tone took on a bit of cheeriness as he continued, relaxing on the couch. “I’ll lay them out on the floor and add some cheese to it, to lure the rats in. When they step on the trap to try and get the cheese, they won’t be able to escape, no matter how hard they try. Then I take the rat and I–”
He cut himself off. He was rambling, and he knew if he were to continue he would scare them. He waited for them to go silent, to look away from him and go back to watching TV or–
“That sounds so cool!” Pump cheered, grinning as he looked at Skid, who nodded in agreement with a similar look on his face. “It’s super spooky! What else do you do?”
Dexter stared at them, confused. What? They… weren’t weirded out by it? He scanned their expression again, expecting disgust or worry or something else generally negative, only to see nothing but eager curiosity. They… really weren’t afraid. They were actually excited, judging by their expressions.
He opened his mouth to say something. Then he closed it. Then he opened it again, but was interrupted by Lila coming in. She was smiling, holding a plate of snacks and placing it down in front of them. “Here you are! Sorry for the wait, kiddos. Oh! Dexter, here’s your mask.”
She handed said mask to him, continuing to speak as he absently thumbed at the rubber. “I decided to clean it up for you, seeing as there was still some of that nasty sludge on the inside for you. Hope it helps.”
“Thank you very much, ma’am,” he mumbled, briefly peering into the mask. She really did clean it. That was… nice of her. She smiled at him. “It’s no problem! And you don’t have to call me ma’am. You can just call me Lila!”
“Uhh… Alright then, ma– Miss Lila,” Dexter corrected, slipping on his mask. He felt more comfortable with it on rather than off. Even if these people were really nice and actually seemed interested in what he was saying or doing– He abruptly stood up, causing the two kids to look up from their snacks.
“Is something wrong, Dexter?” Lila asked in concern, but he quickly shook his head in response. Putting on a chipper tone, he answered, “Everything’s great Miss Lila! But I’m afraid that I have to go. A lot of jobs, you know?”
That was a lie. This was his last job of the day and he doubted that anyone would need his services this late at night. In truth, he just wanted to go over and analyze the day by himself, without confusing distractions. The children let out a bout of complaints over it, wanting to hear more about his job, but Lila shushed them. “Now, now kids, we don’t want Mr. Dexter to get in trouble, do we?”
Skid and Pump shook their heads immediately. She nodded, and then guided Dexter to the door, digging through her pockets as she did. “Thank you again for your help tonight. I know it wasn’t exactly your normal job.”
She opened up the door and he stepped out, pointedly looking away from the sky. Lila stayed at the door, but offered her hand out to him and– Wow that was a lot of cash. “Here’s your payment!”
“I–I can’t take this!” Dexter spluttered, trying to push it back into her hands. But she shook her head, pressing it into his hands. “Tonight was a lot and I insist you get paid double for your troubles.”
Dexter tried to protest, but Lila wasn’t taking no for an answer, so he gave up. Pocketing the money, he smiled at her weakly. “Thank you for your hospitality tonight, Miss Lila.”
She nodded, smiling. “Of course! If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to call.”
The two kids suddenly popped out from behind her, shooting him wide happy grins. 
“Come back soon!” Pump chirped. Skid nodded happily, adding, “Yeah! Tell us more spooky facts next time!”
Dexter swallowed, returning their enthusiasm with a weak grin and nod. “A-Alright, kids. See you!”
He stumbled down to his truck, settling in before driving off with a wave to the house. Today was… definitely something. But, despite the whole ‘demonic possession’ situation, he didn’t mind it. Thinking back on it, the memories of their kindness lingering in his mind, made him smile. 
Yeah, he didn’t mind it at all.
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small-sinclair · 1 year
I Promise I'll Always Love Ya
A continuation for Take Me Instead. This IS NOT the final part. Please read that before reading this to catch up on what's going on :3
This au is inspired by @ahmnom; check out their art!
Welcomed readers: @lhhsol, @phantomcat394, @nameisrojda (thanks for giving me this idea), @akiranamio, @fluffy-little-demon, @sketchy-rosewitch, @zaras-really-dreamless
Told by Bo's POV
dad!Bo Sinclair x fem!y/n (y'all are married)
Tw: Reader's in the hospital, starting off with angsty right away, religion mentioned, past near death experiences, strong words, reader flat lines, Bo gets sedated
Enjoy! (sorry not sorry for this angst)
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That night, Bo didn't sleep, and he swore never left her side. He was scared that he would lose y/n if he turned away just for water or to blink. As night fell over the hospital, some nurses were changing shifts so the night owls took over. Nurse Macy, even though she was supposed to be off, didn't live the delivery wing until Dr. Henrik told her to, and he tried to tell Bo the same thing.
"Ya'll have to kill me," Bo answered, his eyes tired and drain. He didn't eat anything all day, missing breakfast to get extra cuddle time with his wife and kids. He didn't know what went wrong? Did he hug her too tight to make her here in the hospital with their child on a breathing box? Was this his fault?
"Excuse me?"
Bo's blue eyes, drained but still dangerous, glared at the doctor. "I said ya'll have to kill me. If ya wan' me out, then ya'll hav' ta shoot me." he looked back at his wife and brushed her hair back. "Ain't leavin' my girls."
Dr. henrik let out a deep breath. "It's hospital rules--"
"Fuck the rules," Bo snapped. "An' fuck you, too, if ya thin' yer goin' to drag me outta 'er."
Nurse Macy placed a hand on the doctor's shoulder and pulled him back gently. She's dealt with a father like this before; her own son acted the same when his wife was in Mrs. Sinclair's shoes. She stepped forward and sat on the chair next to Bo.
He was kneeling by his wife the whole day, his grandmother's rosary behind her and his hand. The amount of prayers and pleads he sent up was enough to make his voice horsed and strained. He rain out of tears to shed for awhile, but when he heard her heart monitor drop dangerously low, he started crying again. He felt helpless and broken, and he hated this feeling. As long as he lives, he never wants to feel this way. But his prayers never stopped. He hasn't prayed this hard since Lester's truck flipped into the ditch during a Louisiana storm.
He was in the ICU for two days, flat-lining for the first night. Bo wanted to forget how his brother struggled to breath, to say away in his arms as the EMS came to the country road. It was all over some tourist that almost got away, but Vincent took care of them so fast before any flashing lights came. As he waited, he held his brother tightly as he could without hurting him even more, glass cutting into his legs and knees. Bo thought promising his little brother that if he lives he'll do better, be a better big brother for him, to promise to be the best and not be like his father...
"'M tired, Bo," he breathed, his eyes slightly parted. Rain dripped off Bo's curls and hit his face. "'M really tired."
"Stay awake," Bo encrouged as he looked down at his brother. He cradled him in his lap. "I-I promise I'll be betta--"
"'M sorry..." Lester was struggling now. The glass and blood and pain; it was all too much. "... I fail-failed ya."
"Ya didn't fail!"
"Bo?" Lester looked up at the rain filled skied as he breathed out in a sigh, "Do ya believe heaven'll le' me in?"
Lester died in his arms for the first time, and Bo nearly lost it. He doesn't admit to his fears or show it, but his worst fear came through: losing his family, his brothers.
Bo will never forgot how easy Lester's ribs broke as he did CPR in the flashing blue and red lights, the driver running towards Bo while the other got the AFIB from the back. They took over for Bo as police came to pull him away, Vincent taking Bo into his arms to hold him back. When the stretcher came out to put him in the back, Bo went with them, holding Lester's hand as he laid so close to death. Him dying again in the truck then coming back again showed that he was fighting, but Bo knew he was tired... so tied...
Now, Bo feels like he's living that same stormy night again, but it's with his wife and new born daughter. He hated how he couldn't save them from this pain, and he hated how he couldn't take that doctor out back and beat the shit out of him.
"Mr. Sinclair?" Nurse Macy's voice wasn't above a whisper, but it was enough for him to look over his shoulder at her. "How about we take a break?"
"Can't," he breathed, eyes tired. "Won't leave 'em."
"I didn't say anything ;bout leavin, sugar," she said, offering a sad smile. "My husband is waiting for me at the front desk, and I asked if you could come with us to dinner at the Calbur's." She looked back at his wife then at his daughter behind them. "My friends, Jackie and Coby, will be the ones to take over."
"Don't wan' men 'round 'em."
"Jackie's not a man," she reassured. "She's a mother of five. Coby is the only male, but he's, well," she made a face, "fruity... if you know what I mean."
Bo relaxed a little. He felt better if... no, wait. No.
He shakes his head. "Can't leave 'er." He looked back at his wife and squeezed her hand. "Can't live without her."
"Then let her rest," Nurse Macy insisted. "What would she want you to do?"
He clinched his teeth too hard but he left out a shaky breath. "She-she would wan' me ta make sure our kids were safe an' feed."
"And what about yourself?" She hummed.
"Y/n would wan' me to eat." He didn't know why he sounded defeated when he looked back at the old nurse then back at y/n. "She'll be mad."
"That's right," Macy agreed, but she didn't sound mean. She was speaking to him as if he was her own son, and it made him feel comfortable and safe. His mama never talked to him like this. "So, how about you come with me, we get food, and drop you off? Sound like a plan?" He didn't realize that she wasn't from the south... huh. "Afterwards, I'll be back in the morning to take over again."
Bo looked back at his daughter, who was sleeping soundly, then back at his wife. She looked so peaceful and still, her chest rising and falling ever so gently under the covers. Bo swallowed dryly and stood up. His knees were numb and sore from kneeling all day, but he didn't seem to care at this point. If he stood the whole day by her side, his knees would still feel the same. He felt weak, powerless, and he hated it. he brushed her heair back and bent down, kissing her forehead sweetly.
"Be back as soon as I c'n," he whispered by her ear. "Won't be long... I promise, darlin'." He kisses close to her ear to seal it.
Bo closed his eyes before leaving the room, whispering, "Lord, don't take 'em while I'm gone. Don't do it."
Just like Macy promised, Bo was right back in the hospital, but he had something else in his pocket: a pack of Reds and a green lighter. He needed a hit, something to take the stress away. he stood outside the hospital as he smoked his first cigarette in 15 months, feeling guilty that he broke his promise to y/n of smoking. He promised that once this was all over, he'll go back to quitting again. He needed good-enough lungs if he wanted to play catch with his sons and run after them. If the twins were anything like him and Vincent, they'll be running all over the place. Jasmine, his oldest, didn't run as much, but she's still curious of the outside.
He put the cigarette out in the smoking bin and went inside towards her room. Bo could feel a thunderstorm coming, and he wanted his daughter to feel safe in the room, to know that he wasn't going to let the monsters or demons get her. He'll kill everything first before that happens. But Bo wanted y/n the most. He just wanted to feel his wife in his arms again, to hear her laugh at him for being like this and to be mad that he smoked a cigarette. He wanted to hear her scold him for breaking his promise.
But he was greeted by a familiar face sitting next to her bed, holding his hand, and his body tensed. Why was Vincent here? Why was he hear with her and not with his daughter?
"Hell ya doin'?" Bo asked, his eyes looking between him and her hand. "Le' go an' head home."
Vincent shook his head, and that's when Bo noticed that he wasn't wearing his mask, his face. His free hand lifted, signing, 'You should not be alone.'
"Wha' 'bout my kid?" He took a step closer, ready to hit his brother if he answered wrong.
'Lester is at the house in Ambrose.' Vincent's brow fell as he looked down at y/n. His thumb circled over her knuckles. Vincent didn't say it but he's scared. Terrified. What will happen if he ever lost her? 'Has she waken up?'
As much as Bo didn't want to have this talk, he found himself sitting on the bed, careful not to crush her legs. Bo rested his hand over her knee, giving it a slight squeeze. "Hasn't moved or nothin'." Then he looked over at his daughter. "She's made plenty of noise," the he chuckles, saying, "Reckon she'll be a screamer."
'Oh, no,' Vincent's shoulders fell and playfully signed, 'Not another screamer.' He gave a smile when he heard the baby fuss. 'But she is cute.'
"Cutest thin' ever seen," Bo added. A thought crossed his mind, and he liked the idea. He stood up and went to the sink. He washed his hands good and through, dried, and went to his daughter's crib. She was awake, her little arms wiggling in the cotton candy pink like a cat's tail, when he picked her up. He's been so worried that he hasn't held his daughter yet! He felt like the biggest jerk. "Hey there, little sunshine."
Her eyes melted his heart. Her right eye was a shiny ocean blue, like his, and it was so bright and filled with sparkles. Her left eyes was the brightest pine tree green he's ever seen, and it chest caved in as he looked down at her. "Oh, sweet pea," he breathed as he held her over her bed, careful not to move the wires or her oxygen. "You are so beautiful."
His eyes looked up to see his wife and his soul crushed. "Wish your mama would wake," Bo hummed. "Miss her like heck." He's not going to cuss while he holds his daughter. "But 'm happy I hav' ya, sweet pea." He takes a deep breath as his eyes meet Vincent, who was trying to get a glance of the child. Bo smirked and looked back down at his daughter. "Would ya like to meet yer uncle, Vincent?"
As soon as he mentioned Vincent's name, his brother was standing on the other side of the crib, ready to look down at the baby. If she's like her siblings, she would cry at the sight of his face. All three of them cried when they first aw Vincent, but her bright eyes looked upon him without fear. Instead, her little hands reached up and grasped his hair. She cooed happily, earning a smile from both twins. How could she looked at him without fear?
Vincent didn't tough her; Bo has to tell him that it's okay. "Look at that," Bo hummed, joy filling his eyes. "Seems like she likes ya, Vinny." Vincent nodded in agreement. "Must think yer handsome or somethin'."
"... I think he's handsome."
Their eyes shot up at the new voice, and Bo could cry. He laid his daughter down gently and hurried towards y/n's side. Her eyes were glazed and tired, and Bo knew she was trying to say awake long enough.
"Y/n!" Bo was overfilled with joy as he sat on the bed close to her, leaning down to kiss all over her face and cheeks. "Darlin, yer okay!" He held her face and rested his head against her forehead. "You're okay."
A weak hand reached up and cupped his cheek, and Bo held it there. He leaned into her touch and left hurried kisses along her palm and wrist, kissing up her arm and down again.
Y/n chuckled. "Breathe for me, baby," she whispered. "Deep breaths."
"Shh, shh, honeycomb," he whispered against her skin. "Don't talk. Please--"
"'M tired, Bo," she whispers. From Behind, Vincent eye looked up at the heart monitor. He looked at Bo then back at the machine. He started towards the door to find a nurse. "I'm really tired."
"I know, doll," whispers Bo, brushing her hair back. "I know 'at." He didn't realize that he was shaking. "But I need ya to stay awake."
Her head turns to the crib, a soft smile forming. She wanted to stay long enough to hold her child, but the pain was getting too much all at once. "Take care of them?"
"Don't say that--"
"I love you, Beauregard Sinclair," she breathed out, two nurses coming in the room as Vincent's hands wildly signed for help. "I love you..."
When a relaxed sigh escaped her lips, thunder broke and rain pattered against the wind. Glass might as well exploded on his face when he heard her heart monitor ringing loudly.
"No," he whispers as he felt Vincent pull him away from the bed. "No. No, no, no, no!" He's stronger than Vincent, and Vincent knows this as his grip became deathly hard annd fast as he dragged his brother out of the room. "No! Y/n, don't go! Don't go!" He didn't mean to scream her name as Vincent dragged him away, far enough for two doctors to rush in. "Don't go!" He pushed on his brother's arms. "Let me go! Let me go, Vincent!"
"No," Vincent answered, his voice raspy. "Can't do that."
"She-she needs me!" He shouted, trying like hell to be free. He wanted to run back in there and start her heart himself. He wanted to rip out his own just for hers to beat again. "I-I need her! I need her, God!" Soon, two night shift guards came to Vincent's aid to hold him back. "Let me go, now! Vincent, let me go!" He looked as the scene unfolded, his heart breaking as they wheeled out her of the room and hurried towards a surgery room. Bo wanted to kill. He wanted to taste everyone's blood on his hands, rip out their hearts and throw them away. He wanted blood. He wanted to kill God. he wanted y/n.
He felt like he was losing Lester all over again.
Bo was lowered to the ground as something pricked his neck, warm liquid shooting throughout his body. Sleepiness took over as Vincent hushed him in his arms. He held on to his brother tightly, crying in Bo's hair. Both felt their worlds falling apart over y/n, and who could blame them? She was the world to them and more. She made Ambrose better and showed them what it's like to love and to be loved.
"Don't take her, God," Bo breathed, looking up at the white ceiling. "Don't take y/n! She's mine. She ain't yours! Y/n's mine." He cried as he felt his eyes starting to close, and he begged, "Fuckin' take me! Take me instead! Take me... bastard, take me..."
Thunder rumbled over the hospital as it began to pour. Louisiana never sounded so silent before.
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Happy Hotel
Swap au because everyone else is!
(playing more fast and loose with the lore more than a cheetah who can’t tie their shoes plz don’t get mad at me) 
Emily paced back and forth wearing the carpet in the TV studio thin. 
Seven years ago Emily was a seraphim, the seraphim in charge of keeping everyone in heaven happy. She was a good girl, always played by the rules, and did her job well. 
Seven years ago for the first time in history a sinner was redeemed right in front of her eyes. 
Seven years ago she started questioning the rules she used to blindly obey.
Seven years ago she fell.
Emily was the first fallen seraphim. She was clueless and scared if not for that redeemed sinner to lose paradise in the name of helping her keep safe in Hell. 
In Hell where the naked truth, the whole truth, was before her eyes. Hell, a cesspool of crime, hate, and abuse. Where angels would fly down once a year to rake up sinners as if they were a pest infestation. Her heart bleeds for the lost sinners, even if they were awful people, most of them didn't deserve such a fate. She would have said all sinners, if Hell had not jaded her heart. 
She wanted to help sinners, they were her people now, the seraphim had made their say. Yes heaven had cast her out, but that didn't mean sinners wouldn't benefit from paradise. As much as she was upset with heaven, she knew it would be better for any wayward sinner than the cards they were dealt now.
“Any more pacing and you’ll tear a hole through the carpet.” Emily snapped out of thought. Sir Pentious. The first redeemed sinner, and her closest friend. 
“Ah yes I just, suppose I'm nervous.” She gave a lopsided smile that crossed with a grimace. Who wouldn't be? By some stroke of miracle she got an interview with 666 news and finally an audience to share her idea with, the audience of all of Hell and not just her stuffed animals and Pentious. 
“Underssstandable yesss, but you’ll do fine i'm sssure of it.” Pentious smiled making his way towards Emily, “you have practiced thisss ssspeach for ssso long now that I would ssswear you recite it in you sssleep.” He smiled, placing his hands on Emily’s shoulders. 
Nodding Emily took a deep breath, “your right, I got this!” she smiled a small twinkle returning to her eye.
“I believe in you!” he spun the ex-seraphim around giving her a gentle shove in the direction of set, cheering with the gusto of a wife sending her husband off to war.
“Oh suck it up you little-*beep*” The camera was set to commercials and the news hostess spun her chair around stretching her legs before producing a pack of gum from her bosom. Cherri Bomb, spunky myspace queen turned new hostess with a fuse as short as her name would suggest. 
“Hello there, I'm Emily!” Emily smiled, holding her hand out for a shake. The cyclops rolled her eye before popping a bubble.
“No thanks, I don’t touch preps.” Cherri spun around in her chair before propping her feet on top of the desk. Emily gave a nervous chuckle before taking a seat of her own. Emily wanted to greet the co host but they were currently walking off a bomb explosion. She had to give it to sinners, they were very restant. 
“Thank you so much for seeing me, I'm so grateful.” Emily smiled, tapping her feet on the linoleum floor. Looking across the set she could see Pentious giving two thumbs up and a fangy smile. 
“F*** you bi*** the only reason why your on here is because otherwise we hafta’ cover that dooms day s*** again.” 
“Were on in three-”
Cherri shoved Emily out of the shot and kicked her feet to the floor, “and we are back!” She plastered on a huge smile giving bear claws to the camera. “And we are here with a guest! So Emmie,”
“It’s Emily-”
“fu** off!” Emily gulped as Cherri lit up a small cherry bomb, “anyways what is this biggest breakthrough idea that’s worth all of hell knowing about!” she smiled, chuckling the bomb at her coworker. 
A tall blonde demon skipped down the street humming wizard of oz showtunes, as if Hell was her playground. Skidding to a halt her curiosity was piqued. A not so small group of demons stood in front of a small TV and radio store staring at a very special episode of the news. 
Oh but what could this episode be about? It must be so interesting if everyone was curious about it. 
Standing in the shadows of the sinners she smiled to herself, something told her this was more than the normal slog of Hell’s gossip. 
“Well I,” She gulped, scanning the crowd. Pentious smiled, waving his arms in the air. It was obnoxious but it made her feel a bit safer. “So Hell has been at the mercy of angels for centuries and it’s so, so unfair.” 
“We already know that bi***.” 
“Yes, but what if there was a way to change that?” She smiled while holding a notebook towards the camera. The lined paper was covered in crayon and stickers with a step by step plan.
“I’d say you're delusional.” Huffed Cherri Bomb.
“But there is! You can escape Hell, all you have to do is redeem yourself!” She smiled flipping the notebook page to show a doodle of a stick demon turning into a stick angel. The studio was filled with a hush silence before everyone broke into hysterical cackling.
“Redeeming yourself? What a joke! What and all we gotta do is say please and thank you and eat all our veggies? Is that it? HA! This b**** comedy gold!” Cherri cackled, spitting her gum in Emily’s face. 
Emily’s face fell, what were they laughing? This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out. “But I'm serious, I really am!” She slammed her notebook down onto the news table trying to make her voice loud enough to break the giggling fit within the studio. “I even have proof it can work!” That made everyone shut up. 
“Oh ya? What proof?” Spat Cherri. Cherri was more than willing to entertain this delusion, she was just waiting for this to be clipped for memes the next day.
“Him! The first demon to be redeemed!” Emily pointed to Sir Pentious in the crowd. Every camera and eye in the studio whipped towards the snake, a spotlight even glowing behind him. Sir Pentious froze like a deer in the headlights.
“Then why is he down here?” someone from the crowd spoke up. 
“HAHA! OMG b****! Are you for real right now?” Cherri cackled spinning in her seat kicking her feet in the air. “This is better than a HotTopic membership! KAHAHA!” She squealed. 
Emily bit her bottom lip, she didn't know if she wanted to scream or cry, she hadn't even told everyone about the hotel yet! This isn't going like it was supposed to! “I-”
“Listen b**** your cute, fu**ing adorable even,” Cherri cooed pinching Emily’s cheek before shaking the ex-seraphims face, “but if you really think any of this is real, that snake boi over there is a redeemed sinner? Give me your dealer's number!” Cherri shoved Emily to the ground by her face. Gold trickled down Emily’s face, signaling a broken nose, but nothing hurt more than everyone mocking her. She was right! She was right! Why did no one believe her? 
The demon tilted her head, my how amazing indeed! She was glad she made time out of her day to watch this trainwreck. Perhaps she should bid this Emily a visit?
Emily and Sir Pentious were chased out of the studio shortly after their segamat ended. The night was ruined! And to top it all off their bikes were stolen because of course they were! The two of them ran all the way back to the hotel they had set up. Maybe hotel was a stretch. It was a duplex house with a downstairs home and an upstairs home. They revamped the basement so it was now three-ish houses. The only reason they could even afford such a place was because they claimed the cheapest house in money launders ave. 
Pentious opened the door for Emily as she dragged herself inside. Above the kitchen was a birthday banner flipped over with WELCOME scribbled on with fruit scented magic markers. The dining table had cupcakes in the tin waiting for the new residents that were supposed to show up.
“You did your bessst Emily! You really did, it’sss not your fault that everyone was against you!” Pentious gave a weak smile before handing a cupcake to Emily. Emily sighed, setting the sweet back on the table. She knew Pentious was trying to cheer her up, she was appreciative of it, but that didn't stop the pain of her ego getting curb stomped on live television. She collapsed on the moth-eaten loveseat of the living room. 
Pentious sighed, it really wasn't her fault, this was just hell being hell. Didn't stop him from worrying for his friends' well being. Before he could get too deep into thought there was a knocking on their door. His frill popped up in surprise. Wait, did someone just-
He swung the door open with a huge smile on his face before fear overtook his face. “YOUR MAJESTY!” he shrieked, giving a salute. Emily scurried up to the door only to freeze in place herself.
There in the doorway stood the princess of Hell herself, Princess Charlie Morningstar. The most powerful demon in all of hell after Lucifer’s sudden seven years absence. “May I come in?” she smiled, raising a hand in a wave. The second time that night Pentious froze, his eyes bulging out of his skull.
“Oh yes! Yes of course!” Emily squeaked running around the kitchen trying to find a chair for Charlie to sit in.
“Oh I must say this place is far more humble than I would imagine!” She smiled taking in the sights of mold slowly growing on the ceiling. 
“I-I must say I am more than honored to have the princess here at our hotel!” Emily squeaked, “but why?” 
“Why?” Charlie smiled, spinning towards Emily before throwing her arms in the air, “because you're singing my song sister!” she grabbed Emily’s hand before twirling her, “Redemption! Redemption! Redemption! Such a marvelous idea! Consider this an investment!” 
Emily’s eyes widen with stars, “wait are you saying-”
“Emily dear, I wish to help you with your endeavors to save our people!” Charlie cheered. Every part of Emily was now vibrating, there was no way! 
“Alright before we get down to business this isn't much of a hotel now is it?” 
“Yesss I, we diden’t-” Pentious stuttered, failing to make eye contact with the princess. Charlie flashed a huge grin before waving her hands.
“Let's fix that then, shall we?” With a wave of her hands everything was bathed in a candy apple red. Charlie spun around and sang as the furniture and building shifted and cracked turning into a now fully furnished two story hotel with an ever present apple motif. 
“Amazing-” Emily and Pentious were stunned. How? Why? 
“And let us not forget about the staff now!” Charlie smiled, spinning her way to the new and approved living room turned lounge. The two followed the princess in nothing short of awe.
Charlie kneeled in front of the TV. The air started to crackle and buzz as static filled the room, as if from the ring. Charlie reached into the TV before pulling out someone. This person tumbled from the electronic system. 
This person had a TV for a head as they jumped to their feet, “who, I, were, oh!” They smiled before bowing, “Princess Charlie!” 
“Vox!” She smiled while hugging the TV.
“What has you today?” Vox smiled. Charlie grabbed him by the shoulder twirling him to be face to face with Emily and Sir Pentious.
“Hi!” Emily squealed grabbing Vox’s hand, “Im-”
“Ah Emily, Sir Pentious, hey, hey, hey!” Vox smiled, giving the two of them brush handshakes. 
“How did you?” Pentious’s jaw dropped.
“Know? Oh, I see, everything.” Vox gave a large and slightly malicious grin as his face rippled with static. 
“Oh my.” Pentious gasped, not knowing what to do with that information.
Charlie skipped her way to the kitchen being tailed by Emily, who was now filled with nothing but admiration for the princess. 
Kneeling next to the cobbards Charlie pulled out a smaller woman, who barrel rolled into the bar. Wait when did they get a bar? Grabbing the woman by the collar of their shirt Charlie smiled, “this darling is Velvette!” Velvette could have been less thrilled as she played games on her phone, the pings of candy crush filled the room. 
“Hello Velvette!” Emily smiled, only greeted with a slight hum. 
“Vox is going to be our bendtner and Velvette is going to be our maid! And now we need guests!” Charlie threw her hands into the air Emily bracing herself for something cool to happen. 
The front door swung open. “Hey’a toots.” there stood Angel Dust a fluffy spider dressed in a sparkly pink and white suit.
“Angel!” Charlie cheered, giving the spider a bear hug.
“What have you got for me now?” Angel purred.
“I just have a teensy tiny itty bitty little favor for you, please?” Charlie gave large puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. 
“Not like I have a choice do I?” 
Charlie giggled, “your our first guest at this-” She bent backwards to face Emily, “what is this place called?” 
“Oh!” Emily gasped with stars in her eyes, “I-I don’t know.” springing herself forward Charlie was now face to face with Angel Dust again, “the Happy Hotel!” she cheered creating a sparkly rainbow with her magic.
“Charming.” huffed Angel making his way to the lobby before draping himself on the couch, “how long am I in here for?” 
“Oh! Well, until I say so.” Charlie shrugged with a large smile, “and she should be here in three, two, one-”
A loud barrage of bullets greeted everyone's ears as the left wall blew up.
“Darling!” Charlie cheered at the woman standing in the rubble of the explosion. 
“Babe!” She smiled running to Charlie as the two spun around in a huge hug.
“And guest number two, my darling dear Vaggie!” Charlie smiled. Veggie in question has a grey and pink cameo outfit with a matching, well worn helmet. The helmet had a red bow tied around the sweatband and the words born in Hell scrawled in glitter glue on the side. A few bullets stuck under the ribbon. 
“I-I can’t say i'm not grateful, Im, I'm in debt to you!” Emily smiled with tears in her eyes, “but why? What, what do you want?”
Charlie bound her way over to the ex-seraphim before grabbing her hands, “let me put this in words we all understand.” She smiled. Vaggie rolled her eyes. “Here we go-”
“~you have a dream, your here to tell about a wonderful fantastic new hotel~
~Yes it’s one of a kind, right here in hell, ment to redeem clientele~”
I have no clue if i'm gonna carry on past the pilot but man are my ideas buzzing; anyways more notes!
Charlie owns Angel’s souls the same way Alastor did Husk
Lute takes Emily’s place, Nifty takes lute’s place
Adam is still adam lol
Vox and alastor still have beef because I can
Alastor is known as the big three as he has control over radio, tv, and gaming
Husk is still ex overlord of gambling and is still Al’s favorite play toy
Husk is gonna pull a pentious (as in join the hotel not die!)
This was not created to spread Emily and Pentious BFF propaganda I swear-
Vaggie is a sinner 
Charlie is doing this because she genuinely want to help but everyone thinks she is sketchy probably nothing to do with lucifer's seven year abastent nooooo 
Sinner Vaggie was created based off the full metal jacket poster (haven't watched the movie) and the dirty harry music video (gorillaz, two special interests with one stone ba-BY!)
Idk if im gonna switch anyone else’s role
Sera will still be Sera and I will do Sera slander until season two and we get her tragic backstory and then I’d feel bad for the Sera slander
Cherri is a scene queen and tom trench is still bullies on set lmao
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louellaby · 1 year
REPLACED!MC AU — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears
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「 Your Attention, Please! 」
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"I'm really sorry about earlier, MC... I was just confused and scared. Being teleported somewhere unknown is extremely terrifying. Just being teleported in general is.... well, you know, since, magic was thought to be... a fantasy..?"
You understood her. You really did. It was the same for you when you first arrived three years ago. You recalled the moment your surroundings suddenly changed from your bedroom in the Human Realm to the student council room in the Devildom. The only difference now is that she had you, someone who knew her situation better than the others; unlike you, who had no one on your first arrival.
Opening the front door of the house, you let her in first, which made her light up. You thought she was supposed to be used to that kind of gesture, but she lit up with glee when you just did a simple thing, such as opening the door for her. Maybe she really wasn't who you thought she was. Maybe she was more than the first impression took from her. Yes, MC, just think like that. You'll warm up to her eventually, and the feeling would be mutual.
"Welcome to the House of Lamentation!" You exclaimed with excitement as you threw your hands in the air. "This will be your home for your entire year, and as you already know, the seven brothers from earlier also live here with us. So I hope you don't mind noises and a lot of... disagreements here and there."
"Oh, I'm sure I can handle it. I've dealt with troublesome nobles before, so this would be nothing in comparison." ...is what she said to you hours before the brothers returned home.
They had yet to even step through the front door of the house, but Soley was already next to you, gripping your arm as tightly as you let her, while you both stood on the staircase at the entrance. Her eyes were slightly widened in shock and fear of the unexpected.
"N-Nevermind what I said earlier, I don't think I can handle this..." Soley whispered to you before the brothers arrived. "Who in their right mind would be able to tolerate a bunch of insa— I mean... d-demons.. regular ones..."
You stifled a laugh, slightly pressing your free hand on your mouth, and whispered back, "Don't worry, you'll be fine! I'm here for you!" You then turned your attention to the seven brothers who just entered the house and were both looking at you with mixed emotions. The look in their eyes tell you they're curious and jealous with how close the two of you were. "Welcome home, everyone! Soley and I have already prepared dinner, so meet us in the dining room after you get changed out of your uniforms, okay?"
The brothers responded in chorus. You were surprised they agreed at the same time, without hesitation or an argument after it. Another weird thing they did as they each passed you was pat your head. Yes, all of them. They patted your head one-by-one while heading up the stairs.
"Do they... always do that?" Soley asked as she was just as confused as you were. Pushing that aside, you took her back up the stairs, and you both made your way towards the dining room. When the brothers saw the table decorated with flowers in vases, they looked to you for answers.
"Soley and I thought it would be a wonderful idea to decorate the table for dinner, so we both went ahead and did it! Isn't it beautiful?"
Your excitement on the matter of change pushed the brothers' confusion aside, leaving their faces with warm and gentle expressions that caught Soley's darkened eyes. Asmodeus ran towards you and wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you in a tight squeeze.
"Everything you do is absolutely beautiful, MC! And I mean E-VERY-THING~! You're just so adorable, I want to gobble you up!"
"Asmodeus, that's enough," Lucifer ordered, walking into the dining room with a heavy exhale. The look on his face, the weight of his step, and the sound of his voice. You felt it, didn't you? Lucifer's state was slowly deteriorating. But why? How? He looked much brighter yesterday.
"You're not leaving MC enough space to breathe."
"You're just jealous, Lucy~" Asmo retorted, slowly releasing you from his grasp. Lucifer sighed again, this time deeper than the last. Before he could respond, Soley clapped her hands once in order to get everyone's attention, "Now, now, everyone, the food is getting cold, so why don't we start dinner?"
Everyone looked at her. The smile on her face twitched from the attention she asked for. The tone of wanted familiarity she had in her voice was unsettling, even for you. When she turned to you for support, you nodded your head at her and gestured towards the table. "Let's eat, everyone!"
During dinner, you were expecting the same atmosphere as you were used to: loud voices, chatter, chatter, chatter, and arguments thrown in every direction from every direction.
But this particular feast was silent.
All everyone could hear were utensils hitting the plates, Belphegor's light snores as he tried to keep himself awake and failing at every attempt, and Beelzebub's loud and enthusiastic chewing. It was uncomfortable— not Beelzebub's chewing, nor Belphegor's snoring— but the atmosphere was especially excruciating. It was worse than standing in front of a large crowd and being forced to give a speech without prior preparation.
You kept taking quick glances at the new member and kept seeing the same expression. Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed as she stared at the food she kept poking with her fork. It was unclear whether she was upset, uncomfortable, or afraid. You were sure it was one or another.
Her slight trembling became obvious to everyone, but only one person at the table knew why that was. You looked to Lucifer, who finished his dinner early and left the room after thanking you, and only you.
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"Do you think the brothers hate me?" Soley mumbled to herself, but it was clear enough for you to understand. You were both in her room after dinner, just chatting the night away. It was Friday, so that meant no school tomorrow. You could stay up late if you wanted to, and you decided to keep Soley company just as she had asked. She seemed down during dinner, keeping herself as quiet as possible. She even tried to breathe silently. You felt sorry for her.
"I don't want to lie to you, so I'm just gonna say that I'm not... sure about that." Your answer didn't help her light shaking. In fact, it worsened it, but you really weren't certain whether or not the brothers disliked her.
Three knocks on the door came, followed by the familiar voice of the eldest brother, startling both you and the girl beside you. "MC, I know you're in there."
Lucifer called out to you, extremely sure that you were indeed in Soley's bedroom. How did he know? Well, he knows you that well. He knew you'd want to help the new student out and keep them company in an unfamiliar place. That's the kind of person you were. The one he fell in love with.
You looked to the girl next to you who was just as curious as you. She silently sighed and nodded to you, allowing you to open the door and meet with the demon. "What is it, Luci?"
Soley's eye twitched.
"I need your assistance at the moment," he responded. His arms were crossed as he stared into your eyes, occasionally glancing at the one behind you. You noticed him narrow his eyes whenever he eyed Soley. Maybe he actually doesn't like her..
As if on cue, your body moved, blocking Lucifer's sight of the girl. You cocked your head towards his direction and asked, "What for?"
He seemed surprised by your action but dared not challenge it. He just wanted to get you out of there as quickly as possible. "Just come with me, and I'll explain it when we get there."
"Okay, I'll... go..." You hesitantly answered, eyes rolling to the side as if Soley was there right next to you, and you wanted to see her reaction. You then turned around to face her and showed an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Soley. I have to leave, but I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. I'll show you around the Devildom then, and we can buy you other stuff you need!"
The girl looked dejected, but she couldn't argue with Lucifer standing there menacingly. She saw what you couldn't see, and it was the demon glaring daggers at her, eyes slightly emphasising their red hue. She knew she had no choice but to let you go that night. So, with another silent sigh, she nodded. "Oh.. okay.. See you tomorrow, MC. Sweet dreams..!"
"You too!"
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Lucifer led you to his room and locked the door the moment you were far enough inside. He then pulled you towards him and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. He buried his face on your shoulder and whispered so only the two of you could hear, "Now that the new students are here, you're finished with your duties and preparations to accommodate their stay." He lifted his head up and rested his forehead against yours. You saw his greed swirling in his dark eyes, with envy dancing along with it. "You haven't given me any attention the past week, so I need to be recompensed for that, now don't I?"
"So, stay here with me.. Just for tonight. Please."
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geddy-leesbian · 9 days
start of my FE Serrennedy AU :3
Goddess, he was so stupid. What was he thinking, chasing a bandit down through a hole in a wall and then down a mysterious tunnel all by himself?
In his defense, what he did had made sense in the moment. If he'd stopped to call for the knights, the bandit would have slipped away. And it was just one thief! Leon would have easily struck him down in a one-on-one. No, the problem was that as soon as the tunnel opened up into a large open cavern, there was a demonic beast. Leon was not ready for that. Why would he have been? He's right under the church! Surely there should be some kind of magical protection keeping these nightmarish monsters away from the monastery. 
Or not. Definitely not, because he definitely did get his ass handed to him by a gigantic worm. He did put up a pretty valiant fight, giving the creature at least one gash in exchange for each bruise and bite wound it dealt to him. It didn't even kill him, it just left of its own accord after one well-timed thrash of its tail left Leon lying on his back with the wind knocked out of him. It could have been one hell of a story– the underdog Leon fighting a demonic beast all by himself and escaping with his life! And it would have been, if he wasn't down in some fucking cavern where no one would ever look for him. 
But he is. And a bite wound is bleeding heavily. He feels dizzy when he tries to get up. He'd survive this if he was anywhere else, with a light magic user able to heal him, or even just someone more run of the mill with a cloth to slow the bleeding and keep him stable until an actual doctor could get to him. 
All alone, goddess knows where, he just lies there and tries not to think about how much everything hurts and how cold he is until he finally slips out of consciousness. 
Somehow he wakes up. He's alive? There's still some pain, but he feels it fading, the hurt being replaced by the pleasant warmth of healing white magic. Someone else must have seen him enter the tunnel and got help before it was too late.
“Thanks…” Leon manages to open his eyes, and is shocked to see a tan stranger kneeling above him, mending his wounds with white magic. A stranger. Not a knight, not one of his magically gifted classmates. He panics and his right hand gropes at the… ground? Floor? trying to find his sword. “Who the hell are you?”
“I could say the same to you. Barging into someone else's home, swinging your sword around like you own the place… Bit rude, no? Tell me your name first, intruder, then maybe I'll tell you mine,” The stranger's face twists into a mischievous smile. “One of mine, at least.”
“If I'm a rude intruder, why are you healing me?” Leon gives up on trying to get his sword, it's not like this is a fight he could ever win. He doesn't even know where he is. Just that he's underground and can hear running water. “Could've left me to rot or finished the job yourself if you were impatient.”
“Because you don't seem like an intruder who came here with the intention of causing trouble for the inhabitants of Abyss. You seem like a garden variety idiot, not the type I kill if I can help it. And! Your uniform, you're a student at the Officers Academy. I might get myself a pretty penny for bringing back one of their precious students in one piece.”
“Fine. I'm Leon. Who are you and where am I?”
“Oh. Oh! I know you! Of you, at least. I'm Luis. You're Lord Marvin's adopted kid, right?”
“Yeah,” Leon stares at Luis's handsome face for a minute, until something clicks into place. “I think I saw you once. You're Spencer's adopted son, right? What are you doing down some horrible hole, Spencer must be worried sick about you! We should go back to the surface and get you home, with two of us we'll be fine even if we run into monsters.”
“Home? Spencer? I'd rather die than go back to him. This is my home. It's not a hole, and it's not horrible. This is Abyss. A hidden little city beneath the monastery, a refuge for those who can't live on the surface. Surely you've heard rumors? Maybe heard about the savage mockingbird, the handsome leader and protector of Abyss?”
“Uh, that does ring a bell. Isn't he like, a hardened criminal? Gang leader that's murdered a whole lot of people?”
“I suppose that isn't incorrect, I have done that.”
“You?! How did you go from a noble house, a student at the academy with a great future, to this?” Leon looks at Luis, completely appalled. “A criminal hanging out in a den of other criminals, even leading them.”
“It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you someday. But for now, you feel like you can walk?” Despite Luis being prolific enough as a cruel murderer to have earned a reputation and a nickname, he helps Leon to his feet with all the gentleness and care of the monastery's kindest priests. When he looks down at himself, he sees the lighter wounds that weren't worth healing magically were still expertly bandaged. “We should get you back up to the surface before anyone notices you've been gone, I'm sure you'd be in a lot of trouble for sneaking off to explore–”
“I wasn't exploring!” Leon interjects. “I was chasing a thief. He got away when the monster attacked.”
“Ah, one of my lackeys. Still, even with your noble intentions I get the feeling your activities would earn you one hell of a lecture for doing something so reckless. I suggest you sneak back into your bed, hide your injuries, in the morning say you're tired because you didn't sleep well, so no one has to know what you were up to.”
“Doesn't that defeat the purpose of you saving me? If you want your reward, you'll have to tell someone about it.”
“Forget the reward. This is just… Some charity work.”
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 3/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Oh my god?? Is that Michael from the Bible??
Again, please read Story 1 first before reading this. This is a sequel and you'll need the context of the first story to understand some aspects here!
Like how Charlie has the heart of an angel but the fierceness of a demon, or how Alastor can't turn off his bastardnesss but still conveys concern for someone, how Vaggie thinks no one can tell she beats herself up for missing Heaven, how Angel endured how-many-the-fuck years in that moth man's clutches, how Husk gives longing gazes towards Angel when he thinks the other is not looking (Angel definitely knows, he just likes to tease), how Cherri always taps Sir Pentious' portrait whenever she walks by it, how Nifty is... well Nifty.
Something he doesn't really think about is setting foot in Heaven again.
With anyone knowing, that is.
He came out of the portal into a familiar room. There's a desk with a mountain of paperwork on one side and an unfinished cup of still-steaming coffee on the other. Even with the mess, the multiple picture frames that were always there were not removed- like unmovable pillars.
Lucifer can't see what's on them but he doesn't need to see to know; after all... this isn't his first time here.
Michael: Samael.
He swivels around to face the owner of the voice.
Lucifer: It's Lucifer. How many times do I have to tell you that, Michael?
Michael: At least once more, brother.
Lucifer: Cut the shit.
The King of Hell angrily stomps towards his brother, hands grabbing the other's collar and pinning him against the wall.
Lucifer: How fucking dare you?! Y̵̬̮̾͊̍̈́̆o̴̧̺̞͎͒̌̿̀ͅṷ̵͇̒͆̉̒ ̶̢̢̖͕̳̋ç̶̼̝̮̌̽͛́͊ͅo̸͉̘͛̏̀̑̂u̴̜̝̦̒l̴͈̾d̵̗̾'̴̤̘̬̩̓v̸̟͈̠̯͕́̅̕̕ê̶̡̨̗͖̖̂ ̷̡̖̫͇̗̂͛̑̇͋k̶̘̪̲͓̜̋́͐͆́i̶͕̽̇́͊͜l̶̯͖̿l̸̛͉̝͊̈́̏̀ȅ̴̞͘d̸̡̫̬͈̝̈́̊ ̴̛͍͕͘͝m̵̻̂͂͐y̵̠̠̑͋ ̵̣̭̭̰͉͗̽̑̚d̴͚̠̈́̈́ȃ̴͙̪̂͐̉ų̶̛͐̋̃g̶̮̭̟͓̺̔̆h̵̪͕̞̟͈̋̊̌̒t̷̨̍͑ͅe̴͖͎̒̐̚͝r̷̡̎́!̷̡͔͚̜͆͋̔̄̈́
His demon form is coming out and he's trying so hard to suppress his disguise while being so utterly pissed off.
Michael's face remains unchanged from his usual calm and oh boy it just makes Lucifer want to kill his brother more
Michael: Relax, Lucifer. I knew you would have blocked it. Sorry for the pentagram though. Besides, I just needed to get your attention and call you here.
Lucifer: What?? A note can't do anymore??
His brother scoffed at his face. Scoffed! The nerve! Why he oughtta-
Michael: The council has become restless after the events of the last extermination. Sera has been dealt with, by the way. You're welcome. Nonetheless, they've tightened up security so that means I can't reach you the usual way.
Lucifer: So you tried to destroy my Kingdom?! I swear to Father, Michael if you do that again, I will-
Michael: Yes yes I'll send an owl or something next time. But this is urgent and I do not have the time to guess if you'll come or not if I did send one.
Lucifer let go of his brother in realization of what the Archangel just said.
Lucifer: Wait. You said tighten security? For what?
Michael dusts himself off and purses his lips.
Michael: Follow me.
They navigate through baren hallways without talking. Lucifer wants to ask more but from the look Michael is sporting, it doesn't seem like it's something he wants to discuss in a place where someone might hear it.
The more they walk, the more familiar the pathway becomes. Are they heading where he thinks they're going?
Michael halts in front of a door that Lucifer is sure holds-
Lucifer: The Fates?
His brother nods as he opens the door, locking it behind him once they enter.
The Sin of Pride had never been inside this room before, he only knows it by the stories his siblings and Father told him. How one day, once his duty on Eden is finished, he is to assume the responsibility of safeguarding The Fates.
And then the Fall happened and-
Now he's here, as the King of Hell. Heaven's supposed greatest enemy is in the same room with the most delicate aspect of existence.
The Threads of Life.
He stares at the golden thread spread throughout the entire room and it's so breathtaking that he almost can't breathe in its presence.
Michael: Something is changing in Heaven. People are restless and fighting. Souls are going missing. Angels are leaving their duties. Just like how-
Lucifer: The Rebellion started… What? You think there's another one coming?
Michael: The council seems to think so but the others and I don't see it that way.
Lucifer: But-
He cuts himself off because Michael is looking at him with those eyes. Eyes that always seem to know too much.
Lucifer: You know what's happening, don't you?
Michael: Heaven is on the verge of a civil war.
Lucifer's breath hitches. A civil war?? Michael not calling it a rebellion means whoever is opposing is not after freedom.
They're after power. Heaven's power.
Lucifer: I'm sorry but I'm not part of Heaven. Not anymore. What does this have to do with me? What's so important that you need to blast a hole through Hell's skies and get me involved in a Heavenly dispute?
Michael reaches out to grab a thread oh so delicately. A thread that, unlike the others, is cut short.
Lucifer: Mika?
Michael: Heaven's foundation is collapsing. With a war like this, it is only a matter of time until the very essence of Heaven is erased.
Michael takes lets Lucifer hold the thread with him and the King of Hell could feel a sense of home in it- almost like he's looking at a mirror with no reflection.
The threads pulse with their every intake of air, almost as if it's breathing with them.
Michael: And I think you're going to die with it.
God, is it also hot in where you're from? I'm literally melting.
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IWRY Fic Marathon 2023: Midpoint Roundup
Day 1: daughter by bonniesfire (@sarahmichelegellar) Summary: These are not the kind of endings people dream of. (Rated T. 3,362 words)
Day 2: Yours, Always by buffytargaryen (@buffy-targaryen) Summary: It was Buffy who called Angel this time, asking to meet in a diner outside of Sunnydale. No longer in the middle, this roadside diner was much closer to home. It's Buffy who wants to talk, but it's Angel with the confession. Can Buffy get through to him? Can they comfort each other the way they used to? (Rated G. 3,285 words)
Day 3: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do by NicHawkins Summary: Buffy and Angel are going through yet another breakup. Completely AU. (Rated T. 2,791 words)
Day 4: After School Special by a2zmom Summary: Years after NFA, Angel is finishing up his day teaching at a community college when his evening takes an unexpected turn. Or, in other words, porn with no redeeming value at all. (Rated E. 8,264 words)
Day 5: Insatiable by MadeInGold (@reallyreal-madeingold) Summary: Angelus catches Buffy in a moment of weakness. He takes full advantage of the situation, and sires her. The only question that remains is: will he be able to satisfy her insatiable appetite? (Rated E. 2,026 words)
Day 6: Isn't It Lovely? (To Die At The Hand of The One You Love) by TemperanceCain Summary: Set during Becoming Part 2. Buffy and Angelus fight, but by the time Angel's soul is restored, it is already too late. Their only choice left is to do what all star-crossed lovers do. Bangel. One-shot. (Rated T. 5,655 words)
Day 7: Amaranthine by Lalaith_Quetzalli (@lalaithquetzallicaresi) Summary: A visitant that crossed all barriers of time and space to right wrongs; a decision that will defy the past and set a new path towards the future; and a bond that, once formed, will never die… (Rated T. 5,121 words)
Day 8: Wake-Up Call by MamaBewear Summary: Takes place between The Girl in Question and Power Play Angel receives a phone call at 3 a.m. from the last person he expected. (Rated T. 1,849 words)
Day 9: Blush by aboutafox (@aboutafox) Summary: Buffy rarely thought far ahead. And even when she did, her thoughts didn't go this far. Years if ever have passed, but only now she realizes she never considered the morning after. (Rated T. 2,361 words)
Day 10: The kitchen won't collapse if men are cooking! by Liana_Medea Summary: How Angel learnt to cook (or an excuse in writing about one of my favorite things: cooking) (Rated G. 1,080 words)
Day 11: Alone by Lalaith_Quetzalli Summary: Alone. That has always been the key-word for her. How she’ll fight, how she’ll die. Alone. It’s something she’s long since accepted. She doesn’t see it as giving up, just doing what best she can with the hand she’s been dealt… Hers is a fire that has been long since put out… at least, until someone else lights it up again. (Rated T. 5,814 words)
Day 12: The Monster Stomp by a2zmom Summary: It's Buffy and Angel to the rescue when a demon terrorizes the scoobes. (Rated T. 5,179 words)
Day 13: The Circle by KairosImprimatur (@kairosimperative) Summary: This time, the only way that Buffy can save the world is by sending herself so far into the future that everything she knows may be gone or forever altered. The one who meets her on the other side, though, hasn't changed at all. (Rated T. 3,006 words)
Day 14: love thy neighbour by bonniesfire Summary: Thou shalt not crave thy neighbour - no matter how handsome he is or how much you want to kiss his perfectly pink lips. (Rated T. 4,956 words)
Day 15: Fool Me Twice by OveliaGirlHadItRight (@oveliagirlhaditright) Summary: "This was the moment of truth. She had to tell him. It was what she been building up to, after all. And there was only one answer she could possibly say. Her soulmate, more than anyone, deserved to know what she’d been through. And in her heart of hearts, Buffy knew that despite the fact their experiences were not the same, if anyone could help her through everything so she could eventually forgive her family, it was him. So why was it when Buffy opened her mouth to explain that she’d been in Heaven, that wasn’t what came out and instead she lied and said, 'Limbo. I was in Limbo.'?" A Buffy season 6/Angel season 3 AU. (Rated M. 22,341 words)
Thanks to all our wonderful writers for their contributions so far! Make sure to celebrate them with kudos and comments.
Sarah Michelle Gellar & David Boreanaz: Bangel stanning over the years. - gifset by @liam-summers
Buffy/Angel for "I Will Remember You" Month 2023 - video by @oveliagirlhaditright
Forever and Always - video by @bluestarsandclouds
She Promised - gif + wallpaper by @lalaithquetzallicaresi
Bangelus - Nine Inch Nails - gifset by @marie-moreaus
Moments - video by @bluestarsandclouds
Buffy and Angel art with chalk brushes - drawing by @kairosimperative
We appreciate all the amazing artists who are participating in the marathon this year! Please comment on and share their work!
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all-mirth-no-matter · 2 years
Mirth’s Masterlist
Explore: my everything tag | myotps
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Time After Time: (Peaky Blinders, Tommy Shelby x OC/Reader) You have been told by your mother since the moment you were born that you had the gift of prophecy. Convenient, since you managed to mysteriously transport back into time by one hundred years. What happens when you become wrapped up in the Shelby’s family business after the brothers return from the war? Will you ever get back to your own time or figure out how you got to Small Heath in 1918?
Reader Insert (tumblr): masterlist OC (multi-chapter): ao3 | moodboard
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Once Upon a Supernatural Time: (Supernatural x Once Upon a Time, Dean Winchester x Emma Swan) Henry Mills needs help convincing his new-found mother, Emma Swan, to believe in magic so she can break Storybrooke's curse. Could Dean and Sam Winchester be just the help he needs to get Emma to believe? Or will they also need some convincing? Dean's dealt with a lot of things - demons, angels, witches, werewolves - but magic may be a bit out of his belief system.
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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Our Lie Abilities: (Teen Wolf, Stiles Stilinski x Lydia Martin) She's a famous actress recovering from a difficult hiatus. He's a member of a band just trying to make it. They're lying to the world - but can Lydia and Stiles lie to themselves? Fake dating, non-supernatural AU.
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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Doctor Who University: (Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor x Rose Tyler) Rose Tyler is still mourning the loss of her beloved mentor when she starts a new semester of classes. Unexpectedly, she develops a strong bond with his replacement - a tall, thin professor with really great hair. [currently on hiatus]
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Once Upon a Time, Emma Swan x Killian Jones
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Tonight You’re Mine: Two feuding band members are handcuffed together at the Enchanted Music Festival. Emma Swan, part of a rising rock band, can't stand the egotistical Killian Jones, lead man of the popular group Skull Rock. How will they survive the festival and both perform before they find a way to become free of each other?
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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The Princess Bride: As the Enchanted Forest teeters on the verge of war, the reluctant Princess Emma is devastated by the loss of her true love, kidnapped by a mercenary & his henchmen, rescued by a pirate, forced to marry a prince, & rescued once again by the very crew who took her. Foiling their plans & jumping into their story is Killian, Emma's true love & friend to a dangerous pirate.
Explore: ao3 | manips
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Much Ado About Nothing: Shakespeare's comedy meets Once Upon a Time. Emma as Beatrice, Killian as Benedick, Snow as Hero, and David as Claudio. A story of gossip, rumors, sarcasm, scandal, and manipulation tied up with a bow of romance and humor. What could possibly go wrong?
Explore: ao3 | moodboards & manips
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Overdue: (one-shot) CS College AU. Someone keeps forgetting to return the book Emma Swan needs to complete her report, so she tracks him down and forces him to hand it over. Based on tumblr prompt.
Supernatural x Once Upon a Time Crossover
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Swan Hunting: Dean Winchester embarks on one of his first solo hunts since his brother went off to college. But as he searches for answers, he becomes acquainted with a certain blonde waitress he met in the most unconventional way. A young Dean/Emma AU.
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Other Swanchester One-Shots: a collection of one-shots usually accompanied by a manip.
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Credits & Disclaimers
I do not own series characters and original script dialogue, they belong to their creators. Original characters, narrative ideas, and word manipulations used to create these stories are mine. I do not give consent for any of my stories to be copied, reposted, transposed, or used for AI without my permission. I do consent to reblogging and link sharing.
Story Header art by me
Divider art by @saradika
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houseofthelilypads · 10 months
To celebrate the onslaught of the holidays
There's a lot of talk about American justice, its vengeance driven policies; and substitutes like alternate resources, restoration and rehab. Two movies come to my mind when I think about the way restorative justice is used:
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I am not kidding.
Now if you have been to my blog before then you'd probably expect me to drag Shrek the Third like a sack of wet gravel. Which is true but then, a sack of wet gravel is more entertaining. But do you know exactly WHY I don't like Shrek 3 and why I prefer TSC3? It lies with how these films handles its problems.
Charming lost everything including his mother but was able to find some support in the villains. Who btw, was depicted as a oppressed class with somewhat legitimate grievances with the status quo.
But it doesn't outweigh the bad: his new girlfriend babies him and only interested in being queen than actual loving him. Charming doesn't more moments to view his new faction as a new family. He doesn't challenge his own mother's toxic beliefs. No he gets crushed by a tower instead. Sure it was his own doing but there's no reflection on the heroes part. No "we could've saved him" or solemn, SOMETHING.
I'm Not saying the heroes should've forgiven Charming but they could've at least given him a proper burial! Or a scene where they actively help the villains the right way. The person who needed help the most gets killed in the most dumbest, most unsatisfying way. And then DreamWorks proceeded to not acknowledge his death at all. To say nothing about Artie and how his bullying was played for for meanspirited comedy, or how the rest of the villains were overshadowed in their own arc. The lack of compassion in thes situations makes the film's message ring hollow.
Despite having an entire season under his belt, all Jack Frost wanted his own holiday. It's nowhere near as dire as Charming's situation. You could say it's actually more selfish. Unlike shrek 3, when the say is saved the heroes confront Jack and...they iffer him another chance. Thhey talk DIRECTLY TO him, not down. The Santa Crew were able to understand/have empathy for Jack's situation. Lucy's kindness unfreezes him. Even more poignant earlier in the movie Jack froze her parents. And his timeline she became a spoiled brat. Yet despite what he's done she was willing to help Jack. It could've been so easy to destroy or banish him but they chose to restore him instead.
While the humor was REALLY cheesy, it wasn't as meanspirited and again, Jack is given a chance to heal. Heck, AU!Lucy is able to grow out of her meanness and help Calvin change things back. Both situations show that people aren't always born bad sometimes they're dealt have a bad hand in life
When the villain who had less sympathetic motives gets treated with more compassion, that's when you know you flubbed your message.
We don't always know what a person can be going through. A lot of times its much more worth helping them - if they choose it! But sometimes they can't choose. Sometimes they won't. But it doesn't hurt to try and it helps if you don't talk down to them, rather UNDERSTAND A THEM.
Overall Santa Clause 3 despite its flaws has a good message about the importance of compassion empathy and kindness, and moat importantly TRUE JUSTICE. Something shrek 3 could have done given its implications of hoe society demonizes people for their looks/deny criminals a chance to atone and rebuilt. But there wasn't just enough kindness and empathy in the story for that.
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