#* quietly calling other dogs cute because I don’t want him to get jelly *
latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
°• ✾ •°𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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You were currently locked inside a secret room in your mansion. Hongjoong specifically had it made for situations like this. Even though the possibilities of someone finding you were slim to none, you were still frightened. You just wanted Hongjoong to get there as fast as he could and comfort you.
As if on cue, the door opened and Hongjoong appeared. You immediately got up and held onto him as if your life depended on it, the tears you've been holding in now finally pouring out.
"Shhh calm down honey, it's ok. I'm here now, don't cry." Hongjoong ran his fingers through your hair in an effort to comfort you, get you to calm down.
"I was so scared. I kept thinking they'd find me and maybe harm me or our.."
You couldn't finish the last part, but Hongjoong knew what you meant when you placed a hand protectively around your baby bump. He smiled at you softly and put one of his hands on top of yours.
"I promised that I'd take care of you both and I'm not breaking that promise. Don't be scared anymore, I won't let anyone hurt either one of you."
°• ✾ •°𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪°• ✾ •°
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Seonghwa was currently trying to discuss a possible merge with another gang. Things seemed to be going pretty well, both sides satisfied with what the other had to offer. They were finishing up details on the contract when one of Seonghwa's men burst in, interrupting the meeting.
"Sir! Your wife just called! Some enemy broke into your house!" The man exclaimed, trying hard to catch his breath.
Seonghwa completely forgot about the meeting. Not wanting to waste another second, he ordered his car to be ready as he ran out of the room, some protests and groaning heard from the other people in the room.
But Seonghwa didn't care. You and the child you were carrying were his top priority. That's how he went well above the speed limit so he could reach the house in time to save you. Once making sure you were both all right, he started packing a few things.
"I'm taking you to stay somewhere else. I'm not risking anything again."
°• ✾ •°𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸°• ✾ •°
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At first, Yunho wasn't going to take the call, but when they told him it was you, he immediately took it, knowing you wouldn't interrupt a meeting if it wasn't an emergency.
"Baby? What's wrong? Is everything ok? Oh my god! Please don't tell me the baby is already on the way!" He kept rambling on.
"No, not that. However ..... we have a little problem..." You stated.
"What kind of problem?" Yunho asked.
"Well, I heard glass shattering in the living room, so I went to look-"
"You went to look?! What if it was someone breaking in?!" Yunho scolded you.
"Well you hit the nail on the head, it was someone breaking in." You sighed.
"What?! I'm on my way! Stay calm! I'll bring back up just in case." Yunho was already grabbing his car keys.
"Can you also bring one of the medical staff?" You asked kinda sheepishly.
"Why?! Are you hurt?! Is our baby hurt?!" Yunho felt like he was getting a heart attack.
"No....but the guy who broke in is. You see, I was in the kitchen, so before I went to check, I was holding a frying pan.... and I may or may not have hit him really hard on the head with it and....well he ain't moving." You confessed rather awkwardly.
Yunho stood silent on the other line, trying to process all of this. He didn't know whether to laugh or get mad or just continue freaking out.
"Well I guess it's good to know you can still defend yourself. I'm on my way."
He shook his head as he hung up.
"That girl is gonna be the death of me."
°• ✾ •°𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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Yeosang kept fidgeting his finger on the armrest of his chair. He couldn't concentrate anymore on what was being said at the meeting. His mind was thinking about you, worrying about you and your baby's safety. He knew he could trust the men he sent to go help you out, but he was still worried about you. Perhaps he should have gone himself, he kept thinking that.
One of his men quietly came up to him and whispered.
"Your wife is safe. We found the intruder and we have locked him up. You have nothing else to worry about."
Yeosang released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He thanked the man before excusing himself from the meeting. He neglected you for too long. Upon seeing you, he ran to you and hugged you tightly.
"Thank God you're both all right!"
You could tell he was becoming emotional so you smiled to ease his worry.
"Yes, we're fine. Nothing happened." You assured him.
He took your hands in his and looked down.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there myself..."
You leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"I trust you Yeosang, you know that. I know that even if it's not you personally, you'll still protect us no matter what. That's why I'm never scared." You confessed.
Yeosang felt immensely happy when you said that. He kissed your forehead and held your growing belly.
"Thank you for never doubting me or my love for you both."
°• ✾ •°𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷°• ✾ •°
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San burst into the house, not caring that he literally busted his own front door down. He signaled for his men to quietly search around, not wanting you to be more frightened than what you probably already were. He searched in your bedroom.
"Y/N?" He called out to you.
Slowly, you peeked out from underneath the bed.
"San?" You asked.
"Y/N! What the-"
He walked over and pulled you out.
"Out of all the places, you choose to hide underneath the bed? You could hurt yourself or our baby!" He began fussing around as he gently rubbed your barely visible bump.
"Oh relax. I'm not that far along yet, and leave me alone! I panicked and that's the nearest place I could think of." You pouted and crossed your arms.
San chuckled at how cute you were and cupped your cheeks.
"You're so adorable." He pecked your lips.
One of his men interrupted you two.
"Sir, perimeter is clear, no sign of any intruder anymore."
San's smile disappeared and was replaced by a scowl.
"Fine. Search for any clues that could give out their identity. Report back to me when you find something." He ordered.
"Right away sir."
San turned back to you, who was standing with a smirk.
"What?" He asked.
"Your duality seriously is no joke." You teased him.
San giggled and pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek repeatedly.
"I'm just really soft for you and our little jelly bean."
°• ✾ •°𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲°• ✾ •°
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"Mingi! I think someone broke into the house!"
Your voice echoed through the entire room, as Mingi had put you on speaker.
"What?! What do you mean?!" He asked.
"There's a mess all over the living room and kitchen! The couch is ripped up and several furniture is turnt over!" You were shouting now.
"Oh my god! I just heard some shuffling..." Your voice suddenly went quiet.
"Baby....just stay down and we'll be there." Him and the other members were already getting their guns ready.
"I see something moving in the corner! It's still here! It's it's-"
"Just lock yourself in the safe room!" Mingi interrupted.
"It's a dog?" You suddenly said.
"What?" They all asked in unison.
"Yeah. It's a dog." You repeated.
"What kind of dog?! Does it have a collar?!" Yunho asked happily.
"I think it's a golden retriever, let me get closer."
"No! Don't get close to it! It could have rabies!" Mingi warned you.
Suddenly the sound of something falling was heard.
"Y/N! What happened?! Do I need to call animal control and put the dog down?!" Mingi asked frantically.
"No! Don't put it down!" Wooyoung begged.
Your giggles were heard, making everyone confused.
"It's licking my face! And he's so cute! Can we keep him?!" You squealed.
"If you say yes, can we help name it?!" San asked.
Mingi pinched the bridge of his forehead, trying to calm down.
"Well this was certainly a very entertaining meeting." Seonghwa laughed.
°• ✾ •°𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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"So uh... don't freak out Wooyoung..." You started off.
"Oh no. Every time you tell me not to freak out, it's cause it's something worth freaking out about. So what is it?" He asked.
You sighed. "Ok. So while I was sleeping, someone broke into the house."
"What?! How?! Do you know who it was?!" He began asking, already gathering some people to go with him.
"No, I was sleeping." You calmly said.
"How could you have been sleeping?!" He exclaimed.
"Hey! Being pregnant makes me tired and when I'm asleep, I'm practically dead!" You defended yourself.
"Ok fine! But are you sure you didn't hear anything?" He asked.
You face palmed on the other end.
"Wooyoung... I told you! I was asleep! I didn't see or hear anything! I only know that someone broke in because the front door knob is broken." You responded.
"Ok that's it. I'm installing better security and hiring someone to watch you while you're sleeping since clearly, anyone can just come in then hurt you and you won't even notice till you're dead." He said, his voice raising 2 octaves.
"No! I won't be able to sleep if I know someone is watching me." You cringed.
"Fine. I'll watch over you and our baby then." He said decidedly.
"That's even worse!" You shouted.
"It's called making sure you're alive! Goddamit woman, stop being so difficult." He screamed back.
°• ✾ •°𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸°• ✾ •°
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Jongho looked back and forth at you and the man currently tied up to a chair in front of you both.
"Run that by me again?" He asked, unable to believe your story.
"It's simple. I heard someone looking through some documents in the office, so I went to go check-"
"That was already a pretty stupid decision." Jongho cut you off.
You glared at him.
"I took a weapon with me!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah! The expensive vase that my mom gave to us on our anniversary!" Jongho gestured to the broken pieces of porcelain scattered around the floor.
"Well it was the closest thing I had in hand! Besides it worked! Knocked him out long enough for me to tie him up and wait for you to get here." You were actually proud of yourself for being able to handle the situation like you did. Jongho always said you were tiny and couldn't protect yourself, that's why you needed him.
Jongho sighed and looked back at the guy next to them.
"I mean.....I'd asked you to confirm her story, but I think you tied up basically sums it up."
The guy only nodded.
"Are you going to torture me now?" The man asked.
"Listen my man, you got knocked out by a tiny and pregnant woman, you a grown man. I think you've suffered enough humiliation for one day." Jongho snorted, but he was also proud of you for protecting yourself and your child.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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mrplumman · 3 years
The guy with the plums
AN: So, this is my first story ever, so please bear with me. Also english isn’t my mother tongue, pleasy don’t expect to much and there could be some grammatical or spelling mistakes. I’d love some feedback and also I take requests if anybody has some. So enjoy my work.
Bucky x GN!reader
Summary: Y/N meets Bucky on the streets and they get to know each other
Warnings: none, just fluff
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I was walking through the streets of Bucharest, I lived here since a few weeks. Originally I’m from San Francisco but I’m doing my year abroad over hear in Europe. I’m on my way to work, at a bookstore, near  from my apartment, so I walk there every morning. On my way I come near the market where I can see a very good looking man. He wears a baseball cap and some brown jacket. In Romanian he orders some plums, I can see his beautiful smile… What am I even thinking? Simping over a total stranger? I concentrate again on my music and move on to the store. Today was a very boring day, only a handful people entered the store and the most didn’t even buy anything. After work I packed my thing and left, walking the same way back home. On the way I pass the same market stall, where the man bought the plums and a smile creeps on my face. Without concentrating on walking I move on and suddenly I bump into somebody. As I look up I recognize the man from earlier. >>I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you. Are you okay, really I am so sorry!<<, I got really nervous from his presence and he’s still just looking down on me without saying a word. But at least he is not looking hurt or angry. My nervousness seems to amuse him, slowly he starts to smile down on me. His smile is so beautiful, I can feel my legs weakening by his intens stare. I’m remembering that were still standing in the central of the sidewalk and I am trying to just walk past him. But he grabs my arm and keeps me where I was. >>Hey, you ran into me and now you just wanna walk away?<<, what does he want from me? Isn’t he a cute guy like he looks like, does he gonna do something to me? But before I could think about more cruel scenarios he lets go of my arm and starts to laugh. >>I am so sorry, you just looked so scared, it was just a joke. But maybe…<<, now he seems nervous. >>Maybe you would like to grab a coffee with me?<< Oh god he really went from cute to scary to funny to nervous in seconds. >>Yeah I would love to<<, I hear saying myself without thinking. His smile grows bigger, >>So, we gonna grab it right now?<<, he asks. I have no plans for tonight, why not? >> Sure, why not<<. He turns to the right and starts to walk the street down. >>So how is your name and why do you speak english without an accent?<<, he asks. >> Well, my name is Y/N and I am doing my year abroad over here and originally I am from San Francisco, and you?<<, god I am really bad at small talk, it’s always so awkward. >>My name is James, but you can call me Bucky, and I’m from New York but moved here a few years ago?<<. >>And what did you do before you moved here?<<, suddenly his look turns forward and he clenches his jaw, obviously nothing good happened. >>You don’t have to talk about it, if it’s to personal.<< I say, because it was clearly uncomfortable for him to talk about his past. >>Thank you<<, he says and I’m trying to tell him more about me, so he doesn’t have to talk. But now I’m curious what happened. At the café I order a hot chocolate and he orders some black coffee. We sit on at a table in the back where they’re less people so we could talk without any disruptions. We’re currently talking about my dog, who past away a few years ago and I show him some old pictures I still got. He isn’t that quiet anymore but he clearly doesn’t wanna talk about himself. He always dodges any questions about himself so I stopped asking them and told him more about me. We were sitting on a bench and after some time I notice him shifting more in my direction. I just smile to myself and keep talking. >> So Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?<<, that’s direct. The question comes completely out of the blue, >>uhmm, no actually.<<, I say and he smiles again. >>That’s great.<<, he says it so quietly, I think I wasn’t supposed to hear it, but I did and a smile creeps on my face, again. After we finished our drinks I wanted to pull my wallet out, but he lays his hand on mine and my hand instantly starts to tingle, does he has such an impact on me? I only know him for a couple hours! He insists on paying for me and leads me out of the café. >>So it’s already late, where do you live? I wanna take you home?<<, he’s such a gentlemen so I lead him the way. Back at my apartment we pause in front of the building and keep on talking. I don’t wanna let him go but it was really late. >>So Y/ N, I really enjoyed the time with you, and I hope we can repeat that.<<, >>I just can give that back. It was really a great evening Bucky.<<, we both don’t wanna go but eventually Bucky turns around and starts walking around. I want to get my key out of my bag, but before I can do that somebody, Bucky, turns me around, pushes me against the wall and presses his lips against mine. He kissed me slow but passionately, his whole body pushes me against the wall and his hands are cupping my face and he is caressing my cheeks. He glides with his tongue over my bottom lip and asking for entrance and I open my lips. Instantly he enters his tongue and starts fighting with my tongue over dominance, which he easy wins, and deepens the kiss. Never has a kiss been so passionate and breathtaking before. Too quickly he detaches from me, now I realize that I hold my breath, he was as out of breath as I was. >>Goodnight Y/N<<, he whispers and leaves. Completely scattered and with jelly legs I stayed there a couple more minutes before I could move on. I yet again was craving for his lips, his smell and his smile.
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What's everyone's reaction too a kitten?
(It's going to be sort of like when it lives with the others and how they deal with that.)
Scout!: After finding a kitten outside of the base, the first thing he'll do is probably place his baseball in front of the tiny creature and see if it'll play with it. He'd just like to watch the kitten and see what it'll do, and probably pick it up and dance with it to Tom Jones while cradling it in his arms. If anyone dares to touch his now rightfully owned kitten (Despite the agreement of everyone equally sharing the cat.) he can and will shout, "Woah, woah, woah! The hell?" Basically he's very protective of the kitten.
Soldier!: Being alone with the kitten will probably result in Soldier trying to make this new, small kitten a strong soldier. He'd place a rather large helmet in front of it and watch as it snuggles against it and paws at it. And he'd talk to it about Sun Tzu for hours until the kitten walks away to their new bowl for food, or simply crawl into Soldier's lap and snuggle like a cinnamon roll.
"And, from that day forward-! ... *In a whisper* Anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a Tzu.."
Sniper!: Well, one things clear, he'd place the cute thing in one of those baby carrying things you strap to your chest and call the kitten, "Roo", walking around casually once he's in charge of the kitten. He just doesn't want the kitten to get lost in a big and weapon filled place like this, so he keeps the kitten in a quiet place for now, like his trailer.
"It's my Roo,"
"But, that's a cat-"
"You dare tell me otherwise, mate? It's my Roo and you all can deal with yourselves."
Heavy!: Is absolutely terrified, mainly because of his strong and tough nature he doesn't want to crush the tiny thing, I mean, it fits in the palm of his hand like a jelly bean. Still, he's very, very protective of it and will care for it like a little baby. He will definitely watch the kitten play with toys they can chase while he reads quietly once he's done watching, the kitten will become peaceful by his much more calm nature and stick close to him and rest in his lap, that's when he feels safe about him touching the kitten.
Pyro!: Becomes much more happy than they already are! Snuggles, nuzzles, pets the kitten non stop! The kitten doesn't seem frightful by their mask and muffled voice, which Pyro is very happy over, everyone else seems so shy and.. almost scared around them. That's okay by them, at least! Will get the cutest cat toys and collars. Let's the kitten lay on their stomach or chest while they sleep, in so much peace and love by this small animal.
Engineer!: Oh. My. God.
"Can ah' keep it?"
He will become all giggly and cheerful around it, petting it and building it a giant cat house no problem. Just like Sniper, he's scared about the kitten wondering off in this dangerous work space and getting hurt by a bomb or a weapon of any kind, so he likes to keep it close in his workshop. And he'll absolutely build it a tiny hard hat, giggling and smiling at it happily.
Medic!: When he first sees the cat, he'll make sure it has all it's shots and proper medical treatments, yes, he is a doctor for humans, but he knows a thing or two about felines (And much.. much more..). That doesn't mean he particularly likes it, he's worried it'll attack his doves and scratch up his paperwork. So, if he does come across the kitten he'll simply look at it, quirk a brow and walk away and leave it to whatever it wants to do. Not that he cares.
Demoman!: Prefers dogs more than cats, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it! He would like to place it on top of his benie and shoulder like it's a parrot.
"Whatcha got there, lassy/lad- Oh, bloody hell-! Not me bombs-!"
Yeah.. he'll have to be careful where he leaves the cat, especially in his profession, ESPECIALLY when he's drunk, although, he'll probably just keep calling the kitten a taco- but, that's just Demo for ya'.
Spy!: Well.. he's allergic. Not only that, he despises cats, they might be a symbol of royalty, but to him, it's an annoying trinket that leaves fur everywhere and follows you around. Which is what the kitten does, almost like a duckling with it's mother.
"Can you not? I am not picking you up."
Next thing he knows, the next morning the whole chest of his silk pajamas is covered in fur, will throw a mild fit because of his constant sneezing but eventually gets over it.
Miss Pauling: Because of her job, she constantly sees the kitten a few times a day and is in love when the team shows her.
"Oh, my gosh- okay, please tell me you have a name for it. I mean, if you don't I will gladly name it."
She's just very happy because in her profession she can't be around to care for a kitten.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
A longtime affair revealed ; Brian May x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well be prepared to do some binge reading because for my Rock Angel series I’ve got 3 chapters ready for ya’ll. Now for this one, I just wanna let you all know THIS IS PURELY FANFICTION!!! In this chapter we’re gonna get into how the Rock Angel soon found out about Brian and Anita. Now like I told my Wattpad followers and readers, if this causes any wars, harrassment or bullying in ANY SHAPE OR FORM. THIS. CHAPTER. WILL. BE. DELETED!!!
I’m writing through how the Rock Angel would react plus a bit of combination on facts that I have gotten from seeing/reading interviews from Brian about this topic.  
Warnings: Angst, cheating, affairs, swearing, more angst, maybe fluff (if you squint). 
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*April 14th, 1988. LA home*
Now don’t get me wrong, I love having the guys over and my door is always open to them but—this is just weird.  To brush you all up, around late February just a couple weeks after my birthday, Brian shows up out of nowhere on our doorstep in our home in LA wanting to stay with us for a while.
He didn’t give us any rhyme or reason just that he needed to be out of the country for a bit.  So Jack and I welcomed him in and he’s been a great help around the house. Helping with the laundry, cleaning the place, taking care of Kelly, and he’s also been helping me produce my music.
Since Queen hasn’t decided to do another tour in the past 2 years, Rog and Bri took this time to do some solo works.  Freddie also did a couple of solo stuff and Deacy’s worked with a different band playing the bass for them but his days are just spending it with Ronnie and the little Deaklings.
But back to Brian.  He’s been so secretive lately, late night phone calls (and I’m talking about phone calls at like 3am our time), wanting to keep certain letters or mail to himself, and anytime I mentioned Chrissie at all, he’d get all tense and try to leave the room by making up some excuse regarding Kelly or working on his next solo project.
One night at almost 4o’clock in the morning, I woke up cause I was thirsty.  So quietly I went downstairs to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk.  But just as I poured myself a cup and was about to drink it, I could hear the soft murmuring voice of Brian out on the back deck.
“I know, I know. I just needed to get away for a bit, besides, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the Kline family and they are important to me.” I silently stalked towards the back door to see Brian standing with the cordless phone up to his ear. “I’ll be back by the end of the week. I love you too, bye.” He spoke with such love as he made his declaration of love.
Okay maybe I’m being paranoid but he couldn’t be—no not Brian Harold May. There’s no way he could be cheating.  Could he? No, no, no, no, no snap out of it! Just because it happened to you (and Dominique, god I wish I could just slug Roger sometimes) but there’s no way that Brian could do something like this.
I heard him sigh as he now sat on one of the lawn chairs we had along the back deck while I silently snuck back to the kitchen and quietly rinsed off my cup after I downed the milk.  After putting it in the dishwasher I snuck back upstairs and fell right back asleep.
The next morning I had made a full buffet for breakfast for my two hungry boys, myself, and my baby girl.
“Okay here we go breakfast. The most important meal of the day. Eggs Sunnyside up, bacon on a side of toast. A stack of humungous chocolate chip pancakes which do smell incredible, if I do say so myself. And for my favorite guitarist Jelly filled muffins, and wholesome banana bread with tofu dogs and a tall glass of OJ.”
“Alright mama lioness, thank you.” Jack praised as he cut his Sunnyside egg and ate the piece of it.
“Ba bou mama.” Kelly thanked me in her baby tongue.
“You are most welcome my loves.”
“It really does look delicious (Y/n).” Brian told me.  While the three of us began eating our meal, Brian just sat there with his hands in his lap staring at his food.
“You’re not hungry again?” Jack questioned as he paused from eating his bacon.  I set my knife and fork down and said as I walked up to him.
“Okay what’s going on?” Brian looked at me humming in confusion. “Last night for dinner you hardly touched my veggie lasagna, which you say is my best dish ever, and now you don’t want breakfast. Bri are you sure you’re not sick?” I cupped his face in my hands trying to feel for a fever.
“I’m fine darling, really I am.” He took my hands off his face and kissed the back on my right one.
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’m fine just—a little tired is all. Hadn’t really been sleeping well these past few days.” I raised my brow at him skeptically.  I hummed suspiciously as I went back to my seat and finished up my breakfast.
After breakfast, Jack went to work selling cars (ever since we officially decided to stay in LA around last year, Jack got a job at a local car dealership.  It pays well whenever I wasn’t working and it’s nice to see two breadwinners instead of it just being me).
While I was cleaning up the dishes and Brian was cleaning up Kelly of the chocolate from the chocolate chip pancakes she wanted to devour I said to him.
“Hey Brian.”
“Yeah poppet?”
“You know there are additional ways to try and go to sleep that don’t involve raising my phone bill.”
“Wait you knew?”
“Bri, I have a toddler that still wakes me up every now and again. I’m sorta trained to wake up at odd hours in the morning, even when she doesn’t need me. So who is it that you keep calling at odd hours of the night and risking a higher raise on my bill? Cause I sure as hell know it’s not Miami or the guys.”
“It’s uhh—it’s uhh well it’s…..Chrissie!”
“Yeah, yeah. She-she’s just been wanting to check up on me. In fact she’s in New York for a conference.”
“Ahh I see. So you wanted to call Chrissie at a time that was convenient for her because of the time difference.”
“Yes! Exactly because of the time difference!” Brian cheered.  I turned off the tap and dried my hands off agreeing with Brian.  I then took my baby girl out of her high chair as I told him point blank,
“So you waited until it was 1am her time. That makes perfect sense.” His face dropped but he suddenly blurted out.
“Actually!” my brow raised at him challengingly.  He better come up with the best lie right now. Hell he calls me a bad liar, well he’s even worse, especially once he’s put under the radar. “It was 7pm her time. See while she was in New York for business, she’s now been transferred to—Paris.” What?
But doing that cute little nod of his and smiling confidently, he thought he could make it believable.  I would’ve continued on but I was gonna be late if I kept at it.
“Nice save.” I took Kelly into the living room and set her down in her play pin where she grabbed her stuff lion that Roger gave her for her birthday. “Alright look Bon Jovi, I know you’re producing my new album but I need you to stay here and look after Kelly since Jack is working late today and we can’t find a sitter for her. Besides Elton’s coming over for our duet song today so we can handle that.”
“Okay sure. I can keep little Kelly company. Maybe we can go for an outing in the park today.”
“No outings! Remember what that bastard reporter did last month when all of us were out?” long story short, a vulgar male photographer from an LA tabloid stalked me, Brian, Jack and Kelly while we were out for a spring picnic.  He even went as far as to shove his camera in my baby’s face.  
Had it not been for Brian and Jack holding me back, I would’ve knocked that camera right into his eye. And he’d have a camera lens for an eye for the next 20 years cause technology of today wouldn’t be able to get it out of him less he dies.
Needless to say, my name went on the tabloids the next day as Rock Angel throws Raging Rampage! Of course I did my explanation to a radio station in England and now it’s divided fans on whether I was in the wrong or right to do that.
“Oh yeah. Okay fine, we can find some stuff to do here, can’t we Kelly?” she babbled as she continued to play with her stuffed lion. “See?”
“Okay. But—promise you’ll call if anything comes up.”
“No worries mama, I can handle things from here. We’ll see you both tonight. This time I’ll cook dinner.” He said as he came up to me, cupped my face and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs.  Looking down at me with those soft blue eyes finally made me submit to his will.
“Okay, love you both.” I kissed Brian’s cheek before going over to my baby girl and gave her many kisses all over her cheek and finally heading out the door to work with Elton on our duet song.
Later that night both Jack and I returned home exhausted and tired from a long day.  As we met up in the driveway of our home, we met each other and kissed each other.
“How was your day love? Sell any good cars?”
“Yep. Managed to sell off this old ’79 corolla that’s been in the shop since they came out. And for a good price too.”
“And how was working with Elton John? You know my mom would die if she found out. She’s a huge Elton John fan, ever since she was a teenager.”
“I know. She showed me her collection of Elton vinyl’s she’s collected in the past. But working with Elton is—certainly a challenge. I mean David was tough enough but Elton—yeesh. But they both are my idols and dearest friends. They have their own way of doing things, and you have to find a compromise.”
“I’ll bet.” Just before we went back inside the house, we saw walking right up the sidewalk a women around her 30’s possibly even 40 years old.  She had curly red hair, and she had that vibrant glow about her.
“Ohh sorry, I figured you both would still be out. But I guess it had to come out eventually.” I turned to Jack and he said alarmed.
“I swear baby I have no idea who this woman is.” I turned back towards the woman and said.
“Can we help you Miss?”
“Oh right, sorry. I’m just here to return Brian’s jumper that he left at my place.” His jumper? At her place?
“Okay well I can just give it to him, and—how exactly do you know Brian? And no offense ma’am but how did you get my address?” she softly laughed.  Laughed? What the—why the hell was she laughing?! Is this chic on something?
“No worries darling I’m not some deranged fangirl or anything. Freddie told me where Brian was staying at. I’m Anita Dobson.”
Wait, wait I know that name. Yeah I know exactly who she is. She’s an actress from the soap opera EastEnders.  She’s also a singer and rumors have been speculating about her and Brian—oh god no! Oh HELL NO!!
At that point my fist clenched up and my breathing grew sharp and heavy.  I turned back towards the house and stormed towards it.
The door slammed open and I cried out.
“BRIAN HAROLD MAY!! GET YOUR FUCKING ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!!” I heard a thunderous and rapid pacing of footsteps coming down the stairs as Brian with a horrified look on his face.
“What the hell (Y/n) you’re gonna wake up your own daughter.”
“Oh no you don’t get to talk back to me after what you’ve done!”
“What did I do? I-I-I-I hadn’t done anything.”
“You call this not doing anything!?” at that moment Jack came inside the house with Anita.  Nervous she waved at Brian and greeted him.
“Hello Brian.”
“Anita? Wha—what are you doing here? I told you I would be back by the end of the week.”
“I know, I know but—you know that jumper you left over at my place at New Years, I found it.” She then took out Brian’s jumper that I had given him as a Christmas present the first time I spent my first Christmas with them.
I crossed my arms over my chest as Brian awkwardly came down the rest of the stairs and took his jumper back.
“Thanks love.”
“Someone better start talking or I swear heads will roll.” I threatened.  Both Brian and Anita shifted on their feet as Brian said.
“(Y/n), Jack. Anita and I—well……we’ve been…..we’ve been seeing each other.”
“As in—”
“Yes Jack. Anita and I have been very secretly involved with each other.” At that point everyone went silent.  At this point I was beyond pissed off.  This was just like seven years ago when I caught Adam with that blonde bitch Becky in our bed shagging each other.  Now here was Brian.
Brian May! One of the four men who helped comfort me the day after I found out I had been cheated on.  And now here he was doing, what my dick of a boyfriend did, to Chrissie!
I just……I couldn’t even look at him.
“Look. I—I didn’t mean to impose, especially to you (Y/n), maybe I shouldn’t have come.” You think?! “Maybe I should go?”
“No, no Anita I can’t have you walking out this late all alone.” Brian said as he took hold of her hand.
“Well where am I gonna sleep, here?”
“Whoa-ho!” I warned them. They looked at each other and Brian said.
“We’ll go to a hotel. I think uhh—after tonight I—might not be welcomed back here.” Anita looked at Brian and said.
“If you insist.” They walked towards the door. I beat them to the front door and locked it saying in a low, threatening tone.
“No you’re not.”
“No we’re not.” Anita enforced as she and Brian walked away from the front door. “If you both go to a hotel you’re gonna be—” I tried to ease out my breathing trying to get them mental picture out of my brain. “Doing things. I want you both where I can see you!”
“Wait you’re gonna keep an eye on us?” Brian asked in a ‘are you serious’ manner.
“That’s right Brian Harold May and I don’t care how old you are. As long as you live under my roof, you’ll obey by my rules! And that means no sleeping with your girlfriend.”
“Wow, you weren’t kidding, she can be a fierce lioness.” I heard Anita whisper to Brian and he nodded.
“Now Anita, there’s a guest room down here you can rest in. Brian, you’ll stay in your room. Jack take Anita to her room.” He nodded and guided Anita just down the hall.
Once they were gone, Brian turned to me and tried to explain everything.
“Now (Y/n) this isn’t what it—”
“Oh so you didn’t invite your hussy to my house so that you could finally bring into light that you’re cheating on Chrissie with an actress? The typical Rock Star affairs! I expected this from Roger but never from you Brian! Do you realize how sick this makes me feel?”
“I just—”
“I don’t wanna hear about it anymore! Now go to your room!” I yelled as I pointed up the stairs.  He sighed heavily and walked up the stairs, shoulders slumped and his spirit broken.
As Jack and I now prepared for bed, I didn’t speak a word to my husband as I angrily got into bed.  After a long bit of awkward silence Jack said.
“You know I hadn’t seen you this angry since Prenter went on that interview and spilled out all of Freddie’s secrets.”
“If this is your way to try and cheer me up, I’m gonna boot you to the couch for the next month.” I turned away from him, “I don’t wanna discuss this anymore till morning, good night Jack.”
“Night (n/n). Love you.” I didn’t respond back. All I kept thinking was the rage I was feeling towards Brian about this whole thing.
The next morning, Anita showered up, got dressed and Brian helped pay for her cab fair to the airport.  Once she was out of the house, Jack went to take Kelly out for a walk leaving Brian and I alone in the house.
I was currently getting lunch started cutting up some cucumbers, peppers and onions for a sauce while Brian stood on the other side of the island I was cutting on.
“So……how long have you and……” I couldn’t even finish my sentence so I just went back to rapid cutting the veggies.
“Anita and I met 2 years ago, in Beverly Hills for a premiere. I even invited her to our show at Wembley stadium when we did our last tour. She said you were phenomenal on stage.” I ceased my cutting and looked up at him.
“Flatter will get you nowhere hound dog.”
“(Y/n) seriously you’re not playing fair.”
“And you’re one to talk about fair. Does Chrissie know about her?!” Brian didn’t say a word. “See? Brian you—you know what I went through when I got cheated on. Hell you comforted me! But yet here you are doing what that dick Adam did to me! Tell me something, does Anita provide you the same sexual pleasures that you used to have with Chrissie?”
“Oh my god (y/n) how do you…..”
“When you’re friends with one Freddie Mercury and one Roger Taylor. You hear a lot more than you should.”
“It has nothing to do with sex, lust or anything like that. I—I love her. I fell in love with Anita.”
“But what about Chrissie? Your kids? Would you really leave them for that actress?”
“The kids never. But—” Oh my god.  He would willingly leave Chrissie.  Oh my god that poor, poor woman. “Listen (Y/n), I didn’t want to tell you this but—my marriage has been falling apart for years. I just—I didn’t know what else to do, but when I met Anita, she was like—a light force had come into my life.”  I remained silent as I stuck the knife into the cutting board.
“I can’t do this anymore. I—I want you out of this house within the hour.” His eyes widened and he softly said my name.
“(Y/n). I—”
“GET OUT OF HERE!!!” I shouted as I turned my back on him.  Silence once again surrounded us and it was then I heard him gently tread up the stairs to pack his stuff.  Next thing I heard was the front door opening and then closing.
A few weeks later; I was cleaning up the house while Jack and Kelly were out having their monthly Father-daughter bonding time.  
As I turned the vacuum off, there was a loud, thunderous knock at the door.  I at first jumped, startled by the knocking, but I went to answer the door.  And I was surprised to see just who it was.
“Chrissie?” for the first time in 2 years since I’ve seen her she suddenly appears on my doorstep in LA with a bag full of groceries. “What are you doing here?”
“I first came to give you this,” she handed me the bag. “And this!” that’s when I got slapped hard in the back of my head.
“Owie! Why though?” she stormed into my house as she said.
“Why did you have to fill Brian’s head about trying to make things right!?” She sat down on my couch.  “Honestly (Y/n), now there’s some ice cream in there, put it in the freezer before it melts.” I quickly did as she said and I turned towards her and asked her in complete shock.
“Wait so—you knew?!”
“Of course I knew!”
“Why didn’t you say anything? To Brian or even reach out to me?” I said as I sat beside her.  She took a deep breath before saying.
“Sweetie I hate to tell you this but—our marriage has been failing for years.” I looked at her in shock.
“What? How long?”
“It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten now. But it’s really been hard since 2 maybe 3 years now.” What? But—they always seemed happy together whenever I saw them.
“Chrissie I—why didn’t you talk to anyone about it?”
“Brian and I tried to work in marriage counseling but with the final Queen tour it got too much, and once the tour was over it—felt like we were both wasting our time. So we just—agreed to not talk or be near each other for a bit till we both came to an agreement on what to do. Plus we didn’t want to upset the kids. Do you know how hard it is for a child so see their parents screaming at each other constantly?” From what I remember my parents rarely got mad at each other, they always had the perfect marriage.
Now I’m not naïve I know that some marriages never work out.  Some of my friends I once had in secondary school had to go through their parents getting divorce and it really affected them.  Hell I can even give my aunt and uncle, they hated each other and yet they continued to stay married to each other (to my knowledge I don’t think I ever heard them say I love you to each other).
“Plus all this fighting and the arguments it hasn’t been helping Brian mentally.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “There’s—also been some stuff going on beyond just us. His father got diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer and he’s getting sicker and sicker by the day. That, plus our marriage crumbling to bits, Brian he—he’s said if it weren’t for the kids, as well as you and Kelly…….he would’ve contemplated suicide.”
What? He—he never mentioned that to me. Oh god and now I’ve……shit.
“Chrissie if this is a way to try and guilt me, it’s working.”
“Oh sweetie I don’t mean to guilt you. I’m just telling you all on what’s been going on.”
“I knew Brian had his dark moments but—lately, especially since Kelly was born, he’s always put on a happy face around us. I just—I can’t believe I never saw it.”
“Even the brightest people can have their darkest moments.” No shit.  I mean I should know cause I’ve had those days myself.  God I feel like such a hypocrite now.
“I will say this though; ever since he did meet that—actress. He’s been more involved with the kids, he’s been more attentive to them, more loving, and involved in their lives. In fact I’ve never seen him happier than he is right now.” God now I really feel like shit. But what about Chrissie herself?
“But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine. I think—I think Brian and I have come to an understanding in the last few months that…..it’s best for us and for the kids that we get a divorce. Because at this point it’ll get too crazy. Now you little miss. You gotta make things right with him.”
“I don’t think he’ll listen to me. Chrissie I—I unleashed every ounce of anger I had. It felt like I got cheated all over again. I thought back to when—and then I thought of you and…….” She wrapped an arm around me and she said.
“Oh angel, I know you were thinking your heart was in the right place. Especially since I’m the mother of his kids and we’ve been married for over 10 years. And Brian told me what had happened to you when that bastard of an ex-boyfriend cheated on you. Being cheated on its—it sucks.”
“I agree it totally sucks.” I groaned out as we both softly laughed.
“Go get the ice cream, we can drown our sorrows in that instead of wine.” I went to the freezer and got the ice cream out as well as two spoons and we both shared the ice cream together.
After finishing the tube of ice cream, I was lying on the floor while Chrissie was sprawled out on my bed.
“Can I be honest with you Chrissie?” she hummed. “Since—you and Brian are gonna be….you know divorced, does—does that mean we won’t see each other again?” she slid down the couch to come close to me and she said.
“That’s up to you honey. I’ll tell you what; if you ever need a neutral ground to stand on, and rant about how crazy your child and future children make you, I’ll be there for you.”
“Thanks Chrissie. And I’m really sorry I screwed this up.”
“You should be. But—I forgive you.” she said as she hugged me.  As we both swayed from side to side she then asked me, “So—have you met her?” I knew that she was referring to Anita.
“Yes. You’re ten times prettier than she is.”
“That’s sweet. Could I take her?”
“With this right hook, no contest Lady Ali.” She chuckled and embraced me tighter.
After that, she left my house and she stayed at a hotel nearby before she would fly back to LA.  It was then I decided to call Brian to talk this out.  He agreed and so I was going to fly out to London to see him so that he and I could talk about this like reasonable adults.
So that night I booked a flight for tomorrow morning and told Jack what all was going to happen.  I would stay with Roger for a few days while Brian and I tried to talk things out.
When I got to London, I was sitting in Hyde Park with my shades (well an old pair of Roger’s shades he had back in the 70’s that I ‘borrowed’) on protecting my eyes from the bright sun.
“(Y/n).” I looked up and there wearing his own pair of shades was the curly haired guitarist himself.
“Shall we walk?” I nodded and soon the two of us walked side by side.  There was a bit of awkward silence between us at first till I finally spoke up.
“Chrissie came to the house and told me everything that’s been going on.”
“Of course she did.” He muttered.
“You should be grateful though. Bri—I really wanted to try and forget you after hearing about what you did. But hearing about everything that’s been going on in that head of yours—I can’t believe you’d think about killing yourself.”
“It’s—I’ve got no excuse. I’ve been feeling like an utter failure these past couple of years outside of Queen. Chrissie and I just….we were constantly fighting all the time. But when I met Anita—it was like finally coming out from the water I had been drowning in.”
“I don’t condone the cheating cause—you know how I went through it. After getting both sides of the story I—I know I can’t be involved in this situation cause it’s none of my business. This is between you, Chrissie and—Anita. But…..just promise me this. Tell me again this has nothing to do with anything sexual.”
“It had nothing to do with the fact that Anita was prettier than Chrissie. Nothing about appearances, not about urges. Nothing of that sort.” I nodded.
“It’s gonna take some time. I mean hell I don’t even know if I can accept her but—I’ll try my best to not be a total bitch around your new lady friend.”
“That’s all I ask for (Y/n). I won’t force you to be friends with Anita. I just…..want you to understand where I stand on this matter.” I nodded. “Are there any other questions you have for me?”
The rest of the day was just Brian and I talking about his relationship with Anita.  How it began, when they first started falling for each other, things like that.
By the first week of May, Chrissie and Brian finalized their divorce papers.  Brian May was now officially separated from his wife and he was now freely able to stay with Anita over at her place.  I’ll be grateful that they didn’t go off and get hitched as soon as it happened.
In fact Brian invited Jack and myself to have dinner to officially get to know Anita better.  It was a calm, quiet meal with small talk of just getting to know one another on a more stable level.  
I apologized to Anita on my behavior when we first met and she immediately forgave me (Brian had told her that I had been cheated on and that’s why I had flipped my shit on the both of them).
Now I won’t get into too much after this but I will say this, it took me a year and a half to finally come around to Anita and accept her into the ‘Queen/Angel’ circle.  Cause like Brian said, she is charming, witty, sweet, loving, a bit cheeky, but she is passionate about what she does and—she is definitely a force not to be reckoned with.
Chrissie and I still kept in contact but eventually when my schedule soon started back up with recording and doing my tours again, we lost contact with each other.  And I hate to admit it but eventually all contact suddenly just ceased from her end.
Yeah I was heartbroken at first, but I had a feeling deep down that Chrissie might have wanted to just cut ties with everyone. I’m even told by Veronica and Dominque that they hadn’t heard a word from her either.
In the end, not all relationships can be successful and eventually old ties must be severed if we are to continue on in life. But in my mind I’ll still remember the support and love Chrissie gave me.
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bing-fucker · 4 years
Chase brings his kids fishing bc that's a Dad Thing to do and imagine his surprise when he accidentally reels in a whole ass merman with a bright green tail and hair. Didn't know they lived in lakes, but this one sure does. (His ex-wife thinks the kids are just making up a story when she goes to pick them up and meets Chase's new boyfriend with bright green hair)
I've never had a dad so I honestly assumed dads taking their kids fishing was just a thing in TV shows, but I'm gonna trust you on this, kitten-
Grayson is the canon name of his younger son, while Trey is said (by the wiki) to maybe be the name of Chase's older son. Trey is eight, Grayson is five. Also I adore that Chase canonically calls his kids "sweetie" and so now he has a million and one sweet nicknames for his kids and you all can suffer-
Warnings: Fishing accidents, mentions of blood, light monster fucking, merman anatomy that I made up on the fly. As always, ask me to add any necessary warnings!
Chase was always grateful to get to spend time with his kids. Being away from them was one of the hardest things Chase had ever had to deal with. But luckily, it was summer break and Stacy was feeling generous. Chase had a whole two weeks with the kids before he had to give them back, and they were just as excited as Chase was. So Chase did exactly what he'd always wanted to do with his own dad- he rented a cabin out in the countryside by a lake, and he brought the kids.
They'd been there for three days and, for being raised by their spoil-prone mother (it was adorable, really. Stacy loved spoiling the boys in the best ways), Grayson and Trey were beyond overjoyed about the cabin. The presence of wifi probably helped that, but Chase liked to think that it was because they took after him and his wilderness exploring ways.
Breakfast went (mostly) beautifully, even though it was about two hours earlier than the boys were used to getting up. But Chase was determined. If they wanted to get good enough fish to be able to have them for dinner, they needed to start early! So Chase and the boys were up, dressed, lunches packed, and in the boat by six AM. Grayson was more sleepy than Trey was, but that was understandable since he was only five. Chase smiled softly as Grayson leaned sleepily against him. Grayson had been too sleepy to eat, so Chase had packed an egg sandwich for the little boy for when he got hungry soon.
"Daddy!" Trey exclaimed, looking over his shoulder at Chase. "Daddy, daddy, something's pulling!" Chase smiled and set his fishing pole to the side, carefully shifting Grayson to make the little one sit up properly.
"Okay, little bear," Chase said, crouching behind Trey and guiding his hands on the reel. "Remember, you have to reel for a bit, then give it some slack. Can you do that?"
"I got it, daddy!" Trey declared proudly, dancing in place as he reeled in a surprisingly big trout. "Whoa! Daddy look!"
"Whoa!" Chase gasped, looking at the fish and pulling Trey into a hug. "That's incredible, bud!" Trey giggled and snuggled into Chase's chest, giggling more as Grayson sleepily tried to join the hug.
"Daddy, how do we get the fishy off the hook?" Grayson asked sleepily.
"Well," Chase said, setting the boys to the side and carefully gripping the rod between his knees. "Trey has done really good in that the fishy has the hook in his lip, see?"
"How is that good, daddy?" Grayson asked, more alert now as he watched Chase's hands.
"Well, the fishy isn't that hurt yet," Chase explained, carefully removing the hook and setting the fish into the cooler he brought. "See, that way he stays alive until we need him!"
"Can we let him go, daddy?" Trey asked, looking at the trout. "I think he's cute. I don't wanna eat him!"
"I don't wanna eat him either!" Grayson protested, looking at Chase with the biggest puppy dog eyes alongside his brother. It really was incredible how the boys managed to look so much like their mother with dark skin and curly hair and big, bright blue eyes.
"You two, I swear," Chase laughed, shaking his head fondly. "Okay, my sweetie-pies. We can let him go." Chase kissed both of their foreheads before carefully lifting the fish out of the cooler and threw it back into the water.
And that was that for the next six hours. Chase and the boys didn't catch another thing, and Chase had pretty much given up. The boys were currently playing in the water with all fishing hooks safely in the boat so they didn't risk getting hurt. They were having fun, luckily, and didn't seem to mind that Chase had dragged them out early for seemingly nothing.
"Daddy!" Trey called, swimming back to the boat slow enough that he didn't lose Grayson. Chase grinned and lifted both boys into the boat once they were close enough, wrapping their towels around them.
"Daddy, we're hungry," Grayson declared, sitting next to Trey.
"Really? You are?" Chase replied, pulling out the lunches he packed for the boys. "Then it is a very good thing I packed these, hm?"
"I want peanut butter and jelly!" Trey said, bouncing in his seat. "With potato crisps in it!"
"Well, you can certainly put your crisps in it," Chase said, handing Trey his back. "I didn't want them to get soggy!" It wasn't true peanut butter. Since Stacy found Grayson's allergy a few years back, all tree nut products had been eliminated from both Brody households with a vengeance. Instead, it was sunflower seed butter. But Trey liked to call it peanut butter anyway.
"Roast beast!" Grayson cheered, reaching for his back.
"Roast beef," Chase corrected patiently. Chase was pretty sure Grayson picked up calling it roast beast from The Grinch. He didn't mind it, but Stacy said the other moms at Grayson's school could be vicious, so correcting him it was.
"Roast beef," Grayson repeated, joining his brother in slowly and neatly arranging his lunch on his lap. Chase shook his head fondly, watching his boys for a minute before grabbing his fishing pole and preparing it quickly before casting.
"Daddy, we saw something in the water," Trey said, trading one of his potato crisps for one of Grayson's barbecue ones.
"Did you?" Chase asked, looking back at the boys as he waited for something catch.
"Mhm!" Trey hummed. "It was pretty and shiny!"
"Yeah? What color was it?" Chase asked, grunting softly as something pulled on his pole strong.
"Green!" Trey replied. "It was bright green and blue and super shiny! Was it a fishy?"
"Well, it might've been," Chase grunted, pulling on the pole strongly. "But most fish around these parts aren't very brightly colored."
"It was a mermaid!" Grayson declared.
"No way! Mermaids live in the ocean!" Trey replied.
"Nuh-uh! They just live underwater! They can live in lakes!"
"No they can't!"
"It was a mermaid!"
"It wasn't!"
"It was a mermaid!"
Chase yelped as he suddenly pulled out something large and glittering bright green and blue. Chase yelped again when he fell back against the boat as it landed on his chest, looking down at him. It was... a man. With bright green hair and bright blue eyes and pale, powder blue skin as he looked down at Chase. Large gills slit his sides and his skin faded into glittering blue and green scales at his waist.
"Actually, boys," Chase said, laughing weakly. "I think it's a merman."
"Whoa!" Trey and Grayson exclaimed in unison.
"You hooked me!" The merman exclaimed, lifting his tail and showing off a large tear in his fin, dark red with blood.
"Oh, shi- shoot!" Chase replied squirming a bit to get out from under the merman. "Uh. I-I have a first aid kit with sewing stuff at the house, is it- can I- is it okay to take you there?"
"I suppose," the merman replied, glaring at Chase skeptically. Chase nodded and carefully helped the merman shift so he was fully in the boat.
"Uh. I-it's kinda lucky that the hook went full-way through, so we don't have to pull it out," Chase said awkwardly, taking the hook off the line and putting it in his tackle box before starting the boat up again and turning it towards the cabin.
The boat ride was surprisingly pleasant, given that the merman was probably still mad at Chase. Trey and Grayson were ecstatically curious, and the merman answered all their questions patiently. Chase gratefully docked the boat and tied it off.
"Boys, run ahead and fill the big bathtub in the master bathroom with water," he said. Trey and Grayson nodded and took off running for the nearby cabin. Chase carefully put one foot in the boat and kept the other on the dock, carefully lifting the merman up bridal style.
"Thank you," The merman said, looping his arms around Chase's shoulders and blushing faintly. Chase blushed as well, getting out of the boat and holding the merman close.
"I-I'm really sorry I hooked you," Chase said quietly.
"It's okay," the merman said. "I know it was an accident. I'm Jack."
"Nice to meet you, Jack, I'm Chase," Chase said, carrying the merman up to the cabin. "My boys are Trey and Grayson. Trey is the older one, he's eight. Grayson is younger at five."
"They're beautiful," Jack replied, smiling softly. "You and your wife must be very proud."
"Ex-wife," Chase corrected. "But we are very proud, yeah. They're brilliant boys." Chase carefully carried Jack through the cabin and up to the bathtub in the master bedroom.
"Here we go," Chase said, carefully setting Jack in the tub. "I'll be right back." He left to the kitchen to get the first aid kit.
"Daddy, he's pretty," Grayson said when he saw Chase. The boys were both on the floor, trying to clean up the water and blood Jack had dripped.
"He's very pretty, yes," Chase agreed absentmindedly.
"Are you gonna marry him now?" Trey asked.
Chase looked up so quickly he hit his head on the door of the cabinet. "What!?"
"In the fairytales, the fisherman always marries the mermaid! Or the prince does! And you're a king, so you have to!"
"Wha- I am not a king," Chase said for lack of a better reply.
"But mommy says we're her little princes, so that means you're a king!"
"But he's a merman, not a mermaid! So he can't marry daddy!" Grayson replied.
"Yes, he can, stupid!"
"Trey, don't call your brother stupid!"
"But you said that the mermaid has to marry the fisherman and prince!"
"But two boys can get married, so a merman can still marry the fisherman and prince!"
"Boys, stop! I'm not gonna marry Jack!" Chase exclaimed, face burning as he stomped back to the bathroom. Trey and Grayson both shrugged and turned back to their task.
"So. Marriage?" Jack asked, quirking an eyebrow at Chase when he entered the bathroom. Chase blushed more and sat down next to Jack's tail, carefully getting to work sewing it up.
"They read a lot of fairytales," Chase said sheepishly.
"It's adorable," Jack said, laughing and fluttering his eyelashes at Chase.
Chase blushed and looked back at Jack's tail. The rest of the time was silent and Chase practically ran from the room when he was finished.
For the next three days, Chase and the boys fell into a sort of routine with Jack. They brought him three meals a day, occasionally sat and talked with him, and otherwise went about their adventures by the lake.
After the boys were asleep, Chase carefully knocked before entering the bathroom on the night of the third day Jack had been with them. Jack had explained his tail needed a few more weeks to heal before he thought he could safely go back into the lake, so Chase had rented out the cabin for a while longer to stay with him. Of course, the boys would still need to go back to Stacy at the end of the week, but that didn't stop them from enjoying spending time with Jack.
"Hey," Chase said, smiling at Jack as he entered. "I was gonna shower, is that okay?"
"Yeah, go ahead," Jack replied, resting his head on the lip of the bathtub. The bathroom was huge- the whole cabin was huge, really. But the bathtub was right across from the separate shower. Chase had been using the downstairs bathroom for the past couple of days, but he really needed to shower now.
Chase grinned awkwardly and turned his back to Jack as he stripped and started the shower, barely waiting for the water to warm up before he climbed in and closed the glass door, internally cursing that the glass wasn't even warped or frosted to hide his body. Chase was by no means insecure about his body. He was muscular and he knew it- he took great pains to be that way, in fact. But there was a difference between showing his chest off at the gym and to friends, and in having a merman you've known for three days see your entire body as you wash. Chase could definitely feel Jack's eyes on him. He didn't even have to glance over at Jack to know that the merman was blatantly watching him wash himself. But Chase made the decision to ignore the feeling Jack's eyes on him- and the way his cock was quickly hardening at said feeling.
Chase was almost grateful when he climbed out of the shower, except that he'd forgotten a towel and now he didn't even have the illusion of the shower door to pretend Jack wasn't looking at him. Chase cleared his throat awkwardly, looking away from Jack's blatant staring at his cock.
"Are you large for a human?" Jack asked.
Chase squeaked, blushing brightly. "Jack! Jaysus! You don't just ask a dude that!"
"I'm curious," Jack said, frowning curiously. "Please tell me?"
"I-" Chase blushed and ran a hand through his hair anxiously, walking closer to Jack. "I'm a bit above average, yeah, but not by much."
"Can I touch it?" Jack asked, leaning closer.
"Can yo- What!?" Chase exclaumed, blushing somehow brighter and staring down at Jack in shock.
"Please?" Jack asked, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.
"Jack, you know what that means, right?"
"Well, duh," Jack replied, rolling his eyes. "It's like sex or foreplay. Please?"
"I-I guess," Chase consented, carefully climbing into the tub with Jack once the merman made room.
Jack quickly shifted around to be next to Chase, resting his head on the human's shoulder. Chase's breath hitched as Jack wrapped a webbed hand around his cock, slowly stroking him. Chase moaned softly, gripping the edge of the bathtub tightly.
"Fuck, Jack," Chase moaned, licking his lips and looking at the merman. Jack bit his lip and slowly guided one of Chase's hands to a slit in the scales. Chase leaned down and kissed Jack passionately, gently rubbing Jack's slit. Jack moaned into the kiss, pulling away and panting.
"Chase," he whined, arching his back. Chase carefully slipped his fingers into the slit, moaning as Jack's hand tightened around his cock in shock. Jack pressed his forehead against Chase's, moaning and rocking into his fingers.
"There's something hard in there," Chase said softly, thrusting into Jack's hand.
"Th-that's my cock," Jack explained, kissing Chase deeply. Chase moaned into the kiss and pulled his fingers out as Jack's cock slowly emerged, the merman rutting against Chase's thigh weakly.
"Chase," Jack breathed, pulling away from the kiss. "I want you to fuck me~"
"Yes," Chase moaned eagerly, rolling over on top of Jack. Jack pulled his hand away from Chase's cock, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
"D-do I put it in-?"
"Yes," Jack replied, whimpering desperately as Chase slowly pushed his cock into his slit.
"Oh, fuck," Chase moaned, gripping Jack's hips tightly and straddling his tail for stability as he slowly started rolling his hips.
"Hah~ Chase~" Jack moaned, thrusting his cock up against Chase's stomach weakly.
"Relax, baby," Chase breathed, thrusting in and out of Jack quickly. "Fuck, you feel so good, baby. So perfect~"
"Harder, Chase~" Jack moaned, gripping Chase's hair tightly and pulling him down. Chase leaned down willingly, moaning as Jack kissed down his throat. Chase groaned and sped up his thrusts wincing briefly as Jack dug claws into his shoulders.
"God, Jack, I'm not gonna last much longer," Chase moaned, pressing his forehead against Jack's shoulder.
"Do it," Jack moaned, draging his claws down Chase's back. "Fill me, Chase, let me feel you, please~"
"Oh, fuck," Chase moaned loudly as he thrust deep inside of Jack and came. Jack gasped, biting deep enough into Chase's neck to draw blood as he came at the same time.
Chase pulled put of Jack, flopping to the side when the merman released him. He lifted a hand to his neck, wincing slightly at the pain.
"Fuck, dude," Chase laughed breathily, wincing at the press of the tub against his back. "You did a number on me, huh?"
"Sorry," Jack apologized, resting his head on Chase's chest. "It's something merrow do." He carefully touched Chase's neck. "It's a claim mark. My way of saying you're mine."
"Oh." Chase laughed weakly. "Should I give you one, too?"
"If you'd like," Jack replied. Chase hummed and leaned down, latching onto Jack's throat and sucking a dark mark into it.
"Yeah, that'll work," Jack breathed, his still exposed cock jumping at the sensation.
"Yeah?" Chase laughed. "That feel good?"
"I think you should do it again, just to make sure." Neither of them got much sleep that night.
At the end of the week, Chase had managed to find a wheelchair and carefully covered Jack's tail, settling the merman on the front porch so he could say goodbye to the boys properly. He was wearing one of Chase's shirts to hide his gills.
"Hey, Stacy," Chase greeted when Stacy got out of the car. Chase blinked slightly. He thought Stacy hated box braids because of how long they took, but there she was.
"Hey, Chase," she replied, smiling softly. "You look a bit beat up."
"Yeah, took a few tumbles playing ball with the boys," Chase laughed, glad that Stacy couldn't see the rest of the marks Jack had left. It was unsurprisingly easy to get bruised on a bathtub. "You look beautiful. Should I be giving a guy the talk about not hurting you?"
"Ha, no," Stacy replied. "New job, I wanted to look my best."
"Oh! Congrats, that's awesome," Chase replied, nodding. "The boys will be down in a minute, Grayson is still packing."
"That's okay, I'm good to stay for a bit," Stacy replied, smiling faintly. "And who's your friend?"
"Oh!" Chase grinned. "Jack, this is Stacy, the boys' mom. Stacy, this is my boyfriend, Jack."
"It's nice to meet you, Jack," Stacy said, grinning and shaking Jack's hand.
"Mommy!" Trey and Grayson yelled, running down the stairs with their backpacks.
"Mommy, mommy, daddy took us fishing!" Trey exclaimed. "And I got a big fish! But we let it go!"
"Really?" Stacy gasped. "That's amazing, little bear! Does that mean I can send you out to find dinner now?"
"Mhm!" Trey hummed cheerfully. "I'll be a man, like daddy! But better, because daddy sucks at fishing."
"That I do," Chase agreed, sharing a look with Jack.
"Mommy, mommy, guess what!" Grayson sound, bouncing until Stacy picked him up.
"What, cutiepie?"
"Jack is a merman!!" Grayson declared.
"Really? Is he?" Stacy replied, humoring the little boy. Grayson nodded and Stacy laughed, setting him down. "Okay, baby. Say goodbye to your daddy, grandma's waiting for us for dinner."
Both boys quickly said goodbye to Chase and Jack before following their mom to the car. Stacy waved goodbye cheerfully and Chase returned it before turning to Jack.
"So. What should we do now?" he asked.
Jack looked at Chase with a smirk. "Oh, I have a few ideas~"
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blackcatanna · 5 years
Playing Kazama's Route Because I Guess I Hate Myself Part 1: Kyoto Winds
So, I'm going to play through everybody's routes on Hakuoki and vent my feelings and frustrations on here! I've already done Saito and Iba but I will play them again soon, too. Next up is Kazama, mostly because I'm curious to find out if this fucker has any redeeming qualities. Maybe if you're into nonces. Idk.
Wow, I had forgotten how gloriously campy this intro is :') I love it so much!
Playing through the prologue because it sets the tone of blood, death and assholes. This game is much more violent, tragic and much less horny than I had predicted and I guess I'm into that.
Aw, Chizuru bae is so lonesome and vulnerable <3
Kodo flashback! HIIISSSSSSSSSS!!! >:(
Just taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful and romantic the nighttime environment and music is <3 At least, until people start getting slashed up X_X
Okita is enjoying this waaay too much X_X
Chapter 1
Thank you for untying me, InouBAE!
Apparently, "They are all truly gentlemen." Uh-huh.
Hooray for Chizuru calling out Okita for being a douche. And Hijikata for calling everyone a bunch of kids! Where is the lie? :')
Um, why has the camera zoomed in on Nagakura's crotch? Chizuru, please control your thirst. This is a life or death situation.
Now Saito's telling Okita to stop being a prick and Okita's response is, "hehe." X_X
Casual suicide jokes... Reminds me of my friends at uni X_X
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE 8O I can't see how this could possibly backfire...
OMG Kondou describing not recognising a girl as "The shame of a lifetime!" XD
"Maybe it's time you spilled your guts, kid." Is he... Is he telling me to commit seppuku?! O_O "I looked at him and nodded." GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD.
Although, with Harada threatening to strip me, suicide doesn't look like such a bad option X_X Tell me, Inoue, WHERE ARE THESE GENTLEMEN YOU WERE TELLING ME ABOUT?!
Feminist Hijikata wants to kill me regardless of gender :') We stan a woke queen.
Feminist icon Sanan also thinks that gender is irrelevant but doesn't want to kill me because THEIR JOB IS LITERALLY TO PROTECT PEOPLE.
You search so hard for Kodo and he turns out to be such a treacherous snake :'(
Bad feminist Hijikata calls the Shinsengumi "sons of bitches" for feeding me to him as his page. The Shinsengumi are strong, independent bitches in their own right.
Escaping execution but being quietly upset about having to wear ugly boy clothes for the foreseeable future is a mood.
More of Hijikata threatening to cut off Okita's tongue, please!
What does Chizuru have against afternoon drinking :P Clearly she has never enjoyed a long glass of Pimm's on a warm Summer afternoon! I guess she is pretty young...
Hijikata isn't here so can I please sneak out with you guys instead of staring at the wall all day?
Reeeeeeally want to pick the yes to dressing like a girl option but apparently that's not what Daddy Nonce wants :( HE'S NOT EVEN SHOWN UP YET AND HE'S ALREADY RUINING MY FUN! >:(
Well, now we're literally running away from Nagakura and Inoue. I'm getting High School flashbacks.
Wait, why is Heisuke being weird about Saito being in my room? Did this happen last time too? Maybe I just forgot or maybe it's because I was hanging out with Heisuke and Harada before...
This dinner is terrifying.
Survival of the fittest? More like survival of the FATTEST! Amirite? Anyone? No? I'll stop.
Takeda admittedly has a point about you not earning your place in the Shinsengumi. And he has great hair. So I can almost forgive him for being a mega bitch.
"His swordsmanship is decent, BUT he is well read and possesses a cunning mind for military science." Not sure if a translation error or Hijikata just hates nerds?!
Does accompanying Hijikata as his page get me bonus Kazama Sexy Points purely because it pisses Hijikata off?
Chizuru once again being in mortal peril but getting distracted by Iba's beautiful face is relatable af.
"Takeda huffed smugly to himself and WADDLED out of the store." What a majestic image we have been blessed with :') The bitchiest penguin ever to waddle this Earth!
Iba happily munching his bean jelly is a MOOD.
Chapter 2
Okita telling you that you're here to keep him company on his rounds is exactly the kind of bullshit that I'd expect from him X_X
Guess I'm just running into a battle...
Oh, it's Kazama. Sitting on the windowsill like the edgy bastard he is.
Aaaand he just killed a guy on his own side. Classic edgelord move.
And apparently I have to thank him for this display if I want him to be my waifu.
Seemingly, Chizuru is thirsty for this slut and is being REALLY FRICKING OBVIOUS ABOUT IT X_X
I have a feeling that a lot of this will be typed in caps from now on -_-
Oooh he winked! I cannot handle this intense eroticism!
Surprise Saito! My favourite flavour of surprise (see, "Shinsengumi's bitch")!
The Shinsengumi are grateful for my efforts and, thus, have gifted me with the great gift of sweeping <3
Hijikata and Iba are so cute <3
Kazama's being edgy again X_X and murdering people. Classic Kazama.
Oh wow, he's actually calling us peasants.
Aw, we're talented peasants <3 How generous of him!
HOW DARE HE TRASH TALK OKITA LIKE THAT! Wow, I'm actually defending that asshole X_X
Hijikata baring his teeth like an angry doggo XD
I'm super mad at Kazama for killing that poor Shinsengumi guy :'( Such a thoughtless waste of life :'(
Now he's mocking Nagakura's obedience to the Shogun. What are your lofty ideals, Kazama? Ah yes, you want to subjugate and enslave the human race. How... noble...
Okay, so, apparently, Kazama is being a huge, murderous pain in the ass because he's just OH SO CONCERNED for the pride of his human allies. I don't buy it.
Ah, Hijikata called Kazama a petulant child :') Truer words were never spoken!
Okay, now Hijikata is saying that they don't deserve an honourable death?! Wow, Hijikata. That comment is not going to age well, I can tell you.
So maybe I agree with Kazama here!? He still shouldn't have murdered that guy, though.
I seriously don't understand why Hijikata is so keen to slaughter these guys and potentially lose more of his men just to force them to suffer a shameful death?! Maybe he doesn't see dying that way as dishonourable but I have no patience for people forcing their ideals onto others.
Aaah! Kazama throwing Hijikata's insult back in his face is pretty brilliant!
Kazama just sliced me in the face! Sexy?!
Sexy Points with Kazama because he's confirmed your full BROOD MARE potential.
Kazama likes calling people bitches so we have that in common.
So, now Hijikata respects them for committing seppuku?! I am CONFUSED.
Oh, now I'm getting Itou's origin story?! This is unexpected!
Wait, have I broken the game and accidentally romanced Kondou?! What is happening right now?! X_X
Oooh! I'm getting sword training! Yes please! This is better than sex :D
Feminist icon Kondou isn't going easy on me just because I'm a girl :D
Chapter 3
Aka: Sanan's breakdown!
"Those were his last words." O_O I... hope that that's not true...
Okay, now he's throttling me! I take it back! Somebody fillet this crazy fucker!
But why is he choking me when he could be sipping on my delicious blood? O_o
The awkward moment when your creepy brother is a hotter woman than you X_X
Apparently, Kazama's gazing at me with bloodlust. How romantic.
Haha! Apparently Kazama's hand is "pale and grasping like the tentacle of some hideous subterranean monster." X_X Hot.
Yay! Rescued from tentai boi by HajiBAE and SanoCUTEY! And Harada is calling out Kazama for being a creep :') This is a good day.
Kazama's response burn is weak. The culture and the nose of a dog? What does that even mean? Even if Harada's nose looked like a dog's, that'd still be pretty weak, imo.
Ha! Saito's response is basically just an Uno reverse card but I'm always here for calling Kazama out on his hypocrisy.
Omg, now Yamazaki is kidnapping me and Shiranui's calling him out! None of these hos have any chill!
Amagiri is taking a break from fighting to read Shiranui for being a hotheaded pain in the arse.
Hijikata is rightfully calling me an idiot for drawing my sword on Kazama :')
Kazama's insults are so blunt and childish but it's so funny! He just called Hijikata a weak shit! Apparently, fighting him is an honour and Hijikata isn't giving this diva the attention he believes he deserves.
Hijikata needs to stop calling me Kid X_X
"Sleazebag" = accurate.
Ooh, Sanan is paying me a late night visit! How risqué!
Of course I want to learn more about the water of life but The Grand High Nonce would apparently disapprove so I guess I'll have to wait until another route to find out :'(
Apparently Kazama's not going to abduct me TODAY. How reassuring.
I relate to Kazama admiring the beauty of the temple but he lost me by being a hypocrite again. Apparently, he doesn't understand how humans can destroy their creations with their wars. KAZAMA IS FIGHTING WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO BURN KYOTO AND THEY PARTIALLY SUCCEEDED. Kazama can only destroy things, as far as I can tell.
Now he's ranting about how they lie, deceive and kill. Pot kettle black? "If they want something, they'll steal it." UGH, KAZAMA, YOU HAVE REPEATEDLY TRIED TO STEAL ME YOU HYPOCRITICAL FUCKWIT. HE'S SO FRUSTRATING. SUCH AN INSUFFERABLE COMBINATION OF PRETENTION, HYPOCRISY, CRUELTY, HUBRIS, I could go on XD I should stop... For now...
Sen = <3
Chapter 4 (This is where I went to sleep)
I feel like we could have got away with killing the guy who was SENTENCED TO DEATH if fricking Sanan hadn't shown up and revealed his alive-ness!
Aw, Itou is concerned about my arm!
Aaaaand he's ruined it by being a cunt XD "Would you like to know?" "Yes." "I won't tell you." X_X
Heisuke, Saito... HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME... WHEN I NEEDED TO... POSSES YOU... I HATED YOU; I LOVED YOU TOO... BAD DREAMS IN THE NIGHT.... *Continues singing Wuthering Heights and dances around the room dramatically*
"And then they were gone" :'(
Tbf, I'd be pretty mad if my comrades had been doing such dangerous, fucked up experiments behind my back.
"I am more concerned about the soldiers being left behind." - lies!
Wait, Sanan knew Itou "really well"?! Their only interaction until now was Itou being a mega-douche to him. I have so many questions!
Aw, Sanan trusts that our friendlings will return <3
Ooh! Going on a manju adventure with YAM!
Kazama strolling down the street and everybody being pushed out of the way by the douchebag waves rolling off of him.
Okay, so Kazama has come here alone to get pissed amongst humans?! That seems implausible...
"I might even allow you to pour me a drink." BLEUGH BLETCH BLUUURGH.
If I'm supposedly so curious about the demon lifestyle, can I PLEASE just run away with Sen? :'(
"Yukimura. What do you have to say about this?" FINALLY!!! THANK YOU, KONDOU!
I really want to go but the game won't let me XD
Souji is correct. I clearly have rocks for brains XD
"Gosh" Appropriate reaction.
Ooh! Physical contact with Kazama! Sure, he's violently grabbing me but this thirsty bitch will take what she can get XD
Harada has the best put downs :') "Barging in here to get yourself a wife! You think you'd get the point by now after all these rejections..."
"She is most valuable when used by a fitting partner." THA FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!???! NOPENOPENOPE. A FITTING PARTNER WOULD NOT "USE" ME, BITCH.
"HA! So you decide to take her against her will just because you're too scared of the rejection you'll get from flat-out asking her out, huh?" YES HARADA!!! YOU CALL OUT THIS FUCKING NONCE!!! ALL RAPISTS ARE COWARDS!!! "You're so lame and creepy." WHERE IS THE LIE?!??
Meanwhile, Hijikata just makes it clear that he'd happily slice through me. Good to know.
I shall WIGGLE my way out of this situation! What do you mean it didn't work?!
"Tell me... How is it? On top of me. Does it feel good?" O_O O_O O_O This game just got a lot more spicy!
Just fuck already! If only to piss off Kazama X_X
Aw, poor sick Okita <3
How dare they mention that the new HQ has a huge bath for warriors to bathe together and not have another thirst scene :P
Now Harada and Nagakura are slut shaming each other for having their tiddies out in Winter :')
Does this count as sexposition? Politics + tiddies?
"Itou dies." This is what happens when you base a game around true events! Problems aren't solved with the power of love and friendship! X_X
Chapter 5
At least in the normal route where nobody loves me, I don't get shot at by cannons O_O
There are a lot of typos in this chapter already. Perhaps the developers didn't expect anyone to be INSANE enough to romance Kazama.
Yes Queen, you call out those murdering cowards :'(
FFS I just got hella shot X_X
Apparently, I'm a "Noble Demon specimen" BITCH WHERE?!
"Shoot me? To death?" XD
"Kazama glared coldly at the pile of dismembered corpses on the floor" :') So romantic!
"Actually a man." UM, A CHILD, SEEMINGLY.
The whole creepy demonic family together at last :')
"What you're doing is disgraceful." YOU TELL HIM KAZAMA.
"Mind if I kill your family, right here and now?" O_O Kazama has zero chill! Thanks for asking, though, I guess. Go for it, Kazama XD
Oh, apparently I'm going to "talk to them" X_X
"Kodo, I could murder you over a thousand times, and it still wouldn't be enough for me." This is the most I've ever liked Kazama.
Doesn't Kazama work directly with Kodo in various routes?
Why can't I vanish like smoke? :'( Where are MY cool demon powers? :'(
"If your idea of a good time is seeing the rotting corpses of your friends, be my guest..." 8_8 :'( No, they can't all be dead! Surely not! Kazama don't say things like that!
The Yodo are going to betray the Shogunate?!? I must warn them D:
Wow, this just got heavy and real sad.
Wait, did he just admit to meddling in the war?! He is such a hypocrite!!!! Aaaaaaah!!! Somebody call him out on his bs!!!!
Even Shiranui sees that humans have a variety of complex motivations X_X
Do the Shinsengumi just assume that I'm dead?!
Great, now I'm on a road trip with this cunt.
"I've never actually been this close to a man before..." Calm down! That horse is third wheeling so hard right now. And what about that time you fell ON TOP OF Okita?!
Welp, that's it for Kyoto Winds! Onwards to Edo Blossoms! I still don't like Kazama but at least murdering the ever-loving FUCK out of Kodo is a cause that I can believe in. Although, one of the reasons that I hated Kodo in Saito's route was because he was helping the same sex pest I'm now galloping across the country with. Huh. 
This is the most that I’ve ever used the word, “nonce” in my entire life and this is only the first game.
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anythingforcrepes · 5 years
(hey so I really don’t post my fics often, but i’ve been so excited about good omens that I felt the need to share! hope u enjoy!)
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[1.2k ; Aziraphale x Crowley at a carnival by the ocean ; fluff ; slight AU?? ; no spoilers]
A flock of seagulls tumbled and glittered in the light wind, blissfully unaware of the sticky, hot boardwalk below them.
Aziraphale closed his eyes and listened to their chortling. He sat on a metal bench in the full sun and in his hands he clutched a half-empty bag of jellybeans. He scooped up a handful, opening his eyes only to quickly inspect them, and began popping them in his mouth. They melted quickly there, staining his tongue and teeth with a riot of colour. The yellow and blue beans were wedged between the bench slats–the rejects. He leaned back and sighed through his sugar-coated teeth, listening to the seagulls cackle overhead. It was far from the most beautiful sound on earth, but he got a subtle pleasure from its roughness.
The sun was eclipsed by a shaggy mane of red hair. Aziraphale, unsurprised, squinted at the ironically haloed head and patted the spot next to him.
Crowley shook his head in disgust and sat beside Aziraphale, avoiding the melting sweets.
“I can’t believe this,” Crowley said, picking a yellow bean out of the bench. “You’re wasting perfectly good jellybeans.”
Flustered, Aziraphale looked over at Crowley, his mouth full of green jellies.
“It’s notf wmaste!” he protested. “It’s feeding the ants, see? They love it!”
Crowley scowled and threw the bean behind him. Anyone passing by would think he was angry, but Aziraphale knew better. Behind his dark shades and scowl, Crowley was laughing.
Rifling through the packet, Aziraphale pulled a red bean and placed it in Crowley’s hand.
“There, that one matches your hair.”
Crowley rolled his eyes and tossed the candy in his mouth. He nearly spat it out. Cinnamon heart flavour. Ugh.
“So, what’s the plan, angel?” Crowley asked, stretching his legs. “Stroll on the boardwalk? Corn dog or two? I can win you one of those stuffed panda bears if that’s the real reason we’re here.”
Aziraphale chuckled. “Well, no, but I was wondering if we could go up in… that?” He pointed hopefully to something behind them.
Crowley whipped around, lowering his glasses. He hoped to G-O-D that Aziraphale wasn’t pointing at–
“The ferris wheel!” said Aziraphale, nearly dropping his candies. “I’ve always wanted to go on one. Look how cute it is!”
Dragging a hand down his face, Crowley took a second look at the thing. It looked like a bunch of haphazard steel poles, some wires, and a couple buckets of pastel paint decided to go on a bender together.
“Aziraphale,” Crowley said, patiently. “May I remind you that you literally have the power of flight?”
“No need to remind me, Crowley. I’m well aware.”
“And that you can go about a thousand times higher than that thing could take you?”
“Yes, I am aware of that as well.”
Crowley took a long, slow breath, then jumped to his feet, striding towards the ferris wheel. “Well, c'mon then, let’s get it over with,” he said, glancing over his shoulder to watch Aziraphale blush with joy.
Each of his steps were three of Aziraphale’s, so naturally he reached the wheel first.
“Ticket please,” said the pimply gate watch, automatically extending his hand.
Turning to make sure Aziraphale hadn’t quite caught up yet, Crowley waved a hand in front of the teenager’s face. Instantly, the boy’s expression livened and he stood up straight.
“It’s free today, sir!” he said.
“Free?” Aziraphale said, a little out of breath. “Excellent!”
The pair picked a light pink carriage and sat down. It was a tight fit, to say the least. Crowley experimentally rattled the metal handle bar that rested across the two of them. Flimsy crap. Well, as long as Aziraphale was happy…
The ride jolted to a start, scaring both of them. Slowly, the wheel started to turn upwards. Crowley flinched at the creaking noise the carriage made as it swung in the wind, but his thoughts were directed elsewhere when he looked over at Aziraphale. The angel was in his element; with his eyes shining and white-gold hair being tousled by the sea air, he embodied the term angelic. Aziraphale held the bar with one hand and pointed out with the other.
“The ocean looks spectacular from up here, look! And the motion of the ferris wheel feels like waves…it’s almost as if we’re really among them.”
Crowley grinned and started violently rocking the carriage. Aziraphale gave a little yelp and clutched at the handle.
“Crowley, stop! I didn’t mean it like that!”
They laughed as their carriage made it to the top of the wheel and gently halted.
A few moments of comfortable silence passed between them, punctuated only by faraway seagull calls, the crash of a wave, and the gentle swish and creak of their carriage. Crowley eyed Aziraphale’s hands, still wrapped around the metal bar. If he could just scoot one of his hands closer, his pinkie finger could brush against a single knuckle. Aziraphale wouldn’t notice, would he? No. He hardly ever did. Crowley inhaled gently, and started to inch his hand along the bar.
Before he could get very far, Aziraphale lifted a hand and placed it on top of Crowley’s.
“Thank you for coming up here with me,” Aziraphale said, smiling at him. “I know it’s a bit of a silly bother, but it’s just one of those human contraptions I find so interesting…”
“Uh, yeah,” Crowley said, feeling his face go red and turning away. “No prob.”
As Crowley turned back, Aziraphale’s other hand was there to cup his face.
Crowley froze, instantly remembering the words that had haunted him ever since Aziraphale said them just a few years ago:
It’s no risk for you and all the risk for me.
After an extensive dinner outing and several drinks they had been dancing, or swaying, more like, in the back room of Aziraphale’s shop. Crowley could hardly remember to move his feet, as the angel’s head was on his shoulder, and they had never been close like this before, despite their many previous drunken expeditions. Before Crowley could think too much about it, he had placed his fingers under Aziraphale’s chin and tilted his face upwards. Aziraphale eyes had flicked through emotions like a slot machine before landing on neutral seriousness. And then he had said the words.
And now, he would say them again. So Crowley sat still, and waited.
“I know what you’re thinking,” said Aziraphale. “But it’s okay. For just this moment, it’s okay.”
It was like letting a ferret out of a cage. Crowley instantly reached across and buried his fingers in the back of Aziraphale’s hair. So soft, like duckling fluff. Aziraphale marveled at how Crowley’s fingers tangled desperately in his hair, and how hot his face was under his hand. Crowley leaned towards him, remembering the movies he’d watched, the half-joking, half-serious practice sessions he’d had in front of the mirror.
The ferris wheel took this moment to clunk back to life, throwing the pair forwards and almost out of the carriage.
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake!” said Crowley. He slammed his hands down on the bar, half out of frustration, and half because his tongue burned the second the H-word was on it.
Aziraphale began to laugh, reaching up to cover the deep blush that had spread across his face.
The carriage soon touched the ground once more, and Crowley leapt out of it as if it was doused in holy water. Aziraphale took his time, dusting off his pants, getting a handkerchief out to wipe his forehead, thanking the ticket boy.
They walked back towards the boardwalk in silence. Crowley shoved his hands deep in his pockets and squinted at the sun, the hot dog vendor, anywhere and at anything but Aziraphale.
“Crowley, could we stop for a moment here?”
The pair halted by a booth for a ring toss game.
“Want the panda after all?” Crowley asked, unable to keep the gloomy edge out of his voice.
“No thank you, I’d much rather show you a magic trick,” Aziraphale replied.
Crowley groaned. Not another one. One a year was enough for him.
“Just bend down a bit…” said Aziraphale, rummaging in his pockets. “That’s right so your face is level with mine…”
They looked at each other for a few seconds, long enough for Crowley to see that Aziraphale was still blushing, ever so slightly. Then, Aziraphale leaned forward and pecked Crowley on the cheek.
“There,” he said, quietly. “I didn’t want you to go on that terrifying wheel for nothing.”
“It was fun, angel,” Crowley replied, giving Aziraphale a quick, barely perceptible nuzzle before straightening up. “So…corn dogs ?”
“Yes please,” the angel said, entwining his fingers in Crowley’s. It took nearly all the demon’s concentration to remember how to use his legs.
On their way to the stand, they passed a bench. In the slats, blue and yellow jellybeans had melted together under the midday sun. Soon, the ants would be upon them. But for now, they looked like crystals: sparkling, fresh, and bright.
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kdrama-anime-world · 8 years
Riley-- Confession
Final part of my short story about Ski Lodge! A different version so please read all three of them so it makes sense! It starts with Maya, Lucas, Riley! Riley -- Confession This wasn’t the Skiing trip I hoped for. I spent two of our four day trip in a hospital and tomorrow we are going home. I don’t think being on this cast it's going to be fun. Mr. Scott, uncle Josh, Maya and Lucas all went to pick me up at the hospital. Maya helped me get ready but she was really quiet.   "Maya what’s wrong?" I asked as she brushed my hair.   "I was really scared" she said and I can tell she is crying. "You wouldn’t move" I feel her pain because I can't imagine what I would do if anything happens to her.   "I'm okay" I hugged her because she needs to feel me here. "I wont ever go anywhere" The ride back to the Ski Lodge is very short maybe because I spent the whole ride back talking to my parents. Josh convinced them not to come since we are going home tomorrow anyways.   Everyone was waiting for me inside with a big welcoming party. I feel a little bit stupid that it had to be me the one to get hurt on our trip. I feel like it a way I ruined it for them.   Everyone was talking and having a good time but I felt like I needed some fresh air. "I think I need some fresh air" I told Maya she offered to take me outside but I told her I was fine. Lucas on the other hand didn’t listen and decided to carry me outside. "You don’t have to carry me" I told him.   "You are not walking if I can help it" he really could be very stubborn but I liked it that he worried so much about me. I sat on a bench out in the porch when Evan stepped out.   "Riley I wanted to talk to you" "Sure Evan, Lucas can we have a minute" "Riley I really don’t think you....." "Lucas I need to tell him something, please give us a minute alone" I said not raising my voice but I needed him to understand. Lucas turned around upset walking away. "He is very protective of you" "He is of all his friends" "No" he says getting closer to me "I think he's in love with you and I also think that you are in love with him too" "Things are complicated between us right now. A relationship is not in my mind" "Riley I wanted to apologize for not taking care of you properly" "Please don't! It wasn’t your fault" I could tell that he felt bad and I could feel the tension between Lucas and Evan. I think Lucas blames him too. "It was." He said putting his finger over my mouth so I don’t interrupt him. "I never met a girl like you before, you are so interesting.I was nervous because I wanted to impress you and I think that is why I was careless." "Please don’t feel bad. I really don’t blame you for what happened. I think a part of me like the attention you were giving me" "I like you Riley! You have an amazing way to look at the world. You care about people and nature and I really like that about you but I think you like someone else" "I do" I said. I wanted to be honest with Evan because I wasn’t honest with Charlie and I hurt him. Evan was cute but somehow no one has ever made me feel the way Lucas does.   "Can we be friends?" "Yea I would like that." "I better go before your guard dog comes in and kicks me out. I had fun hanging with you" he hugs me before he walks away. I turned around to look at the beautiful sky above me.   "What did he want" Lucas asks moments later, I expected him to come back and it makes me happy that he is here.   "He wanted to apologize" "He should it was his fault after all. Here let me help you"  he said as I tried to walk over a little on the bench so I could sit. I can see how much he wants to take care of me but I want to move on my own. "Lucas I appreciate your help and concern for me but I am okay I can do this!" "You could've died" he says in a very serious tone. "I'm fine" "You don’t get it" he yells and I can see there is something else he is trying to say. "You don't get it! You could've died. You looked cold and pale and you wouldn't open your eyes" at that moment it hit me. I woke up from what to me seemed like a dream but to them it was probably a nightmare. I missed the moments of agony they must have felt while I was unconscious.   "Lucas" I called his name slowly walking towards him. He was on the edge by the rails staring into the night. I grabbed his hand and made him look at me. I could see his sad watery eyes. "I'm sorry" I said grabbing his face and I could feel his hurt. "I thought I was going to lose you. Riley I don’t ever want to feel that way again"   "You really care about me that much?" I asked but I think I already knew the answer.   "More" he said touching my face and even though it's cold out here his touch makes me feel all warm inside. "I have never been so scared in my life before" and before I knew it I felt his lips on mine. They were warm, sweet and perfect. This was my first real kiss and it feels scary because I don’t ever want it to end but it feels  wonderful at the same time  that I want to laugh and scream because I can't describe how happy it really makes me feel..... It was the kiss I have been waiting for a long time and it’s a moment I will remember for the rest of my life.   When we finally let go he just stares at me and I cant understand how one person can make you feel so much. How can someone look at you with such intensity. I don’t know what to say, I am not even sure I can speak after what just happened that I just say "Hi" "Hi" he says back giving me the biggest smile I had ever seen on him. He grabs my hand "This is for you" he says pulling out a Small red box. I grabbed the box between my hands but inside I am freaking out because as much as I love him and I know I do, it scares me a little bit to see what's inside. When I open it I see a small purple jellybean inside. I look at him confused and he smiles.   "When I was trying to sort out my feelings, we used this scale and jelly beans so I could make my decision. This jellybean means you. It's you Riley! It has always been you the girl I like" "So this is our moment??" "Yes, I promised you that our moment will be our moment and this is it. I'm sorry I have been so stupid I should've been braver. I don’t think I was ever confused I think I was just scared but when I was in the hospital waiting for news about you, well I realized that I don’t want to waste any more time. I should've told you a long time ago" "It's okay. That is not the person you are, I know you didn’t want to hurt us and if you weren't that kind of boy well I wouldn’t be here with you tonight. I would be out there with Charlie or Evan" I joked. "That's not funny" he said carrying me and taking me over to the bench. "Sit" he says with an authority tone. "You need to rest your leg." We sit there quietly holding hands and staring at the beautiful scene in front of us. "What are you thinking?" He asks.   "I'm thinking about how lucky we are to be able to feel this things, to be here together." I said grabbing his hand, I know his hands are bigger than me but somehow they fit perfectly together. Sitting next to him I feel warm and safe. "We are very lucky"  
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ecotone99 · 4 years
Strength [RO]
Levi had been walking the same block for two and a half hours. He wanted so badly to get out of the cold, go up Stella’s steps, knock on her door, and just collapse into her arms. But he couldn’t allow himself to do that. He was 6’3, well over 250 pounds, and regardless of size, he was the man. He was built to be collapsed into, not the other way around. Or at least, that’s what he thought. Because that’s what he’d been told just about his entire natural life.
Sure, he’d been mildly vulnerable with a few past girlfriends. He even had some close friends who were girls that saw some private sides of him now and again. But somehow, he wasn’t even sure when, Stella had become the most important person in his life. He was closer to her than he had ever been to any living thing, in a deeper and more complicated way than he’d ever experienced before. It was the kind of feeling he’d read about in books and heard cowboys sing about but didn’t think actually existed for regular people unless they‘d gone looking for it.
As the wind picked up, his flannel shirt felt even thinner than it had when he’d stepped out into the street. He hadn’t even intended to end up at Stella’s house, he’d just gone out to get some air. His elbow length hair was whipped in all directions as it went from brisk to frigid. It froze his pride out from under him. The next time he lapped past Stella’s front door, he made himself knock.
Stella was lying half naked on her couch watching a reality courtroom show that was probably definitely staged and eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. To put it lightly, she was not expecting company. “No one should be knocking at this time of night.” She thought as she brushed some crumbs off her bra and propped one elbow up to try and discern the figure through the blinds. It couldn’t be anyone she knew, they would’ve texted her first before just showing up.
Just in case she was about to be robbed, or win the Clearing House Sweepstakes, she threw on a pair of gym shorts and checked the peephole. “Levi?” She could barely make his figure out in the darkness, but he was too distinct to mistake for a stranger.
She opened the door and pulled him inside. “Bro, what are you doing? It’s like negative zero degrees out. Also it’s 2:00AM. And why didn’t you text me?” He just stood in the doorframe, resisting the urge to throw himself onto her couch and sob. “Just came over to see if you were ok.” He said, avoiding eye contact. These were the first words he’d spoken since the phone call, and he could already feel the lump in his throat rising at the opportunity.
“Ok about what?” Stella asked, thinking back to their most recent text exchange frantically analyzing it to see if they could’ve had a fight she didn’t pick up on in context. “Just, things. Life is hard sometimes.” He said, sitting on her couch and staring absentmindedly at her courtroom TV show. “How weird is this?” Stella thought to herself. “If he wanted something sexual he knows he needs to text first, it can’t be that.”
Then she remembered. Levi always projected his feelings onto her when he couldn’t talk about them himself. When he was feeling mad, he’d ask, “Why are you so angry?!” When he was feeling sad, he’d ask if everything was ok. When he was feeling tired but didn’t want to be the one to end their night he’d say, “You seem sleepy, you want me to go?” It was an annoying habit, but she preferred it to his giving her no clues at all.
She sat down next to him and lowered the volume on the TV. “How about you? How are you doing?” “You know. Keeping on.” She wanted to shake this ridiculous macho side out of him, but she knew it was the price she paid for the benefits it came with, like his hyper-protectiveness and his always letting her have the last piece of pizza. “You want something to eat? I have half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some yogurt that’s expired, but… not very expired.” “As tempting as that sounds, I’ll pass.” Levi replied, with something that almost resembled a smile.
Stella resisted the urge to just ask “Why are you here?” Because she didn’t want to give him that idea that there was anything wrong with him coming over. She was pleased by the surprise visit. She would’ve appreciated a few minutes notice to put some underwear on underneath her scratchy gym shorts, maybe get some of her old plates out of the sink, but at the same time, she took his showing up without notice as a sign that their relationship was progressing. “Whatever it is, he’ll either bring it up or he won’t. He’s a grown man, I can’t make him talk about it.” She thought, settling in next to him and turning the show back up.
Stella wrapped her arms around his. That’s all he wanted. This is exactly what he came for. He felt her soft hair, still a little damp from the shower, rub against his forearm. Listened to her beating heart pulsate in near perfect sync with his own. Her presence was the only thing in the world tranquil enough to repress his sorrow. He didn’t realize it still hurt, just someplace else, because repression was comfortable for him. He mistook the familiarity of denial for comfort. It would’ve worked, at least, worked for avoiding his problems, had Stella not tried to make small talk.
She attempted to think of lighthearted topics that might get him to open up about whatever was bothering him. “I saw that cute pic of Curly on your feed. I don’t know how you get your dog to wear hats. Mine just shakes them right off.” There was a millisecond of silence, and then, Levi was like a detonated building. In an instant, he transformed from immovably solid into an explosive crumble.
He still couldn’t bring himself to reach out for her, as badly as he wanted to. Like any solid building, he collapsed in on himself rather than onto anything else. Layer by layer, crushing into the ground. He buried his head into his knees and let out a mournful sob unlike anything Stella had ever heard from him.
It took her a minute to process what was going on. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen him cry. She turned the show down, but deliberately, not off. She pulled her hair back and sat right next to him. He’d demonstrated through his actions that he wasn’t eager to talk, so she had to show him that she was here for him before she could tell him she was.
He composed himself pretty quickly and went silent. But it wasn’t a peaceful silence. He stayed balled up, sniffling, too focused on trying to compose himself to actually focus on composing himself.
Stella thought of all the things that could possibly be hitting him this hard. His biological father had always had some problems with the law. He could be back in jail? His mom had a cancer scare a while back. That could have resurfaced? She realized speculating would do no good. “Levi…” She whispered, sinking down closer to his level, “What’s up?” “It’s nothing, sorry.” He murmured. Grabbing a tissue, trying, and failing, to play off the episode. It was moments like this he was particularly glad Stella didn’t have close neighbors.
He could see the fear in her eyes. But worse than that, the concern. He wasn’t supposed to be her burden. Especially not over something this fucking childish. “I have to go.” He said, standing to rush out, thinking he’d made a serious mistake ever coming here in the first place. “Why?!” Stella asked, in disbelief as to this whole bizarre situation, wondering if she might be dreaming, or maybe stroking out. “This isn’t fair to you.” Levi said, halfway to the door. That irked Stella. “Hey.” He was still walking. “Hey!” Stella insisted, rising to follow him and block his path. “You show up in the middle of the night, break down with no explanation, then leave, and that is fair to me? I’m sorry if you don’t want to talk to me about what’s going on, but we’re past that now. Sit down.”
Worst case scenarios were starting to flow through Stella’s mind. What could he be this hesitant to reveal to her? Could there be someone else? Could he have cheated? He wouldn’t be bawling over that, he’s not the type. Oh no… Could he have cheated on her and gotten the girl pregnant? Before she could imagine any more catastrophic a scenario, Levi blurted it out. “My dog died, ok?”
Stella stopped dead in her tracks. “Curly?” She asked, as it suddenly all made sense. “Yah,” Levi explained, his voice cracking. “It’s not a big deal. I’m an adult, I shouldn’t be here bothering you with this in the middle of the night. I’m sorry. I’m just going to go before I make all this any worse.” “Oh, Levi.”
Stella stood between him and the door. She enveloped him in a hug that made him feel ten feet taller and a hundred pounds lighter all at once. Sometimes it was hard for Stella to remember that underneath the bravado, the wear, and the scars, Levi had only just been a little boy a few years ago. And that no matter how big and strong and mature he’d ever be, he’d always need love.
She felt him resist for a second or two, but finally he gave in. He collapsed the way he’d longed to the entire two and a half hours he’d circled her block in the dark, cold, and intermittent bouts of rain. He cried into the softest spot in her neck and let her hold him up so he didn’t have to.
Everything about her was soothing. The warmth of her embrace, the smell of her body wash mixed with the faintest hint of peanut butter and jelly, the even whisper of her breath against his ears, and ever his favorite thing, her heart pulsating in near perfect sync with his, audible even over his cries.
After a bit, she led him into bed, and they lay there in each other’s arms. She drew the shades and clicked the lights off. The streetlights were illuminating enough, even through the blinds. “When did you hear?” She asked, quietly. “Just a few hours ago. My parents called.” “You’d had him almost your whole life, right?” “Mmhmm. I picked him out myself, from a box of puppies. Everyone thought he was the ugliest, but I knew. I knew his fur was just growing in curly.” “You gave him such a good life, you know. He lived 15 really good years.” “You’re right. I just… I wish I’d been there. You know?”
Stella nodded as he broke down again. She stroked his hair, patting it as flat as it ever went. She traced her fingers down his back. “I’m sorry Levi. I’m glad you came over.” “No, no.” He forced himself to backtrack. “It’s a dumb reason to be upset. He was a good dog, but he was… He was… just a dog.” Levi dissolved into a fresh round of sobs as he choked those words out.
“You don’t believe that.” Stella replied with sincerity. She continued, “I’d say you don’t have to be strong for me, but that’s not relevant here. It’s strong to face tough feelings. Loss hurts. Curly was your first pet. You had him 15 years. You weren’t there when he died. I’d be concerned if you weren’t devastated. Dealing with it is the mature thing. Pretending like you’re not upset so you don’t have to face the problem is not.” “Losing a pet is sad, but I’m not a kid anymore, Stel. I shouldn’t have anything to confront, because I’m too old to be feeling like this.” Stella looked him dead in the eye and asked, “Since when is grief a childish emotion?” He didn’t have a rebuttal for that.
Levi spent the night in Stella’s bed. In Stella’s arms to be more specific. She dabbed at his eyes with a cool washcloth to bring the swelling down. She talked to him about all the memories he had with his crazy dog and looked through old photos. She’d never know the full extent of the healing power that night would hold for him.
Levi hadn’t adopted these ideals about manhood all on his own, they were taught. More than that, they were enforced. No one he’d ever loved so intensely had let feel anything but happiness or anger without criticism before. Stella had opened up all kinds of emotions for him, but at this point in their relationship, only a few months in, it was by far the most intense he’d ever allowed himself to be in her presence. It changed him. Which is why the next morning was so bone chillingly terrifying for him.
Levi had barely been awake two seconds when Stella turned to him and said, “Look, this isn’t going to work, going forward.” Levi tried to get words out, but his mind was racing, thinking, “Oh my God, it’s happening. She’s breaking up with me. I knew I shouldn’t have come over here. I ruin every good thing.” Stella continued, “This thing where you try to deal with all your problems on your own until they’ve swelled to an unmanageable size, that’s not ok. If we’re together, we’re together in everything, good and bad. I can’t feel confident coming to you with my crises if you aren’t calling me on your bad days. You know?”
If it was honesty she wanted, then it was honesty she’d get. “Stella, actually, I don’t. I’ve never been with a girl who wanted me to put my walls down. Or if they did, they never said anything about it. So it’s going to take some work, and it’s going to take some time. But I’ll do the work if you’ll give me the time.”
He gave her a real answer, she was satisfied with that as a start. “I can do that if you can.” She replied, snuggling in close to him again. She could feel the drop in his chest as he let out of a sigh of relief and drew her in even closer. In the months that would follow, Levi and Stella would get to know each other, and as a result, themselves, better than they ever had before.
submitted by /u/Nightingale_Effect [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2A0QqZZ
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