#*˖ ⊹       talia sultana      ☆゚      (  mirror  )
ramle17-18 · 7 years
not a bad rest of the week!
tuesday night nurit’s mom and nieces and nephew came over to make shakshuka, and it was DELICIOUS. just tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, onion, eggs, and some spices. it was spicy but i really enjoyed it, and it’s definitely making me like fantasize about living in my own place and making shakshuka for dinner-  healthy, filling, delicious, etc.
we did some line dancing with the nieces after (they were so cute! and i got to practice my hebrew a bit because they didn’t speak english) and then i taught sultana how to do yoya, then we did zieben zieben which the older niece knew, bc apparently even the dance is from eurovision, which i didn’t know
wednesday morning we went to the bank and got our debit cards - awesome! except there’s no money in our accounts yet lmfao; then around noon david picked me up and brought me to his and rachel’s house to stay for the rest of the week.
wednesday night we went to noam’s house (one of their sons) for erev rosh hashana dinner. they had a cute dog and i was petting him and then he like laid down on my feet and gave me his tummy so i was rubbing his tummy, but then he was growling (which is assumed was a happy growl like riley) and then he tried to bite me lol..so then i was afraid to pet him for the rest of the night
dinner was good, a lot of stuff i didn’t like but i managed to find more than enough to eat. nothing particularly great, though. 
thursday - sat around the house and did nothing all day! i made some tarot cards out of notebook paper and pencil (which i’ve already managed to rip) so i might make some sturdier ones out of construction paper now that i’m home. 
thursday night we went to rachel’s sister’s house for dinner. the family didn’t treat me much differently than noam’s family did, but i liked them better for some reason. same deal with dinner, lots of stuff i don’t eat but i ate plenty, then we went home
friday - david and rachel took me to an idf memorial museum for the armored corps (which is the tanks). super fun! lmfao. i was really uncomfortable the entire time, and didn’t say much, and i think they picked up on that bc i’m fairly certain we ended up leaving earlier than planned. it was. awkward and not great
then we had a quiet dinner, the two of them, me, and gilad, david bbq’d some chicken and steak which was good. 
and then this morning david drove me home.
talia told me last night that when she went home riley got really excited to see her, and then went back to the door to look for me. even just typing it now it’s making me tear up, i really really fucking miss her and it makes me so sad that she misses me too :(
also i’ve lost weight since getting here somehow?? i genuinely don’t know how that’s possible, because i could’ve sworn i was eating more than i should be and not exercising nearly enough, but idk i guess i’m eating less than i thought. my blue shorts are getting a bit roomy, the only pair of actual blue jeans i brought were too tight on me before i left and now fit me almost perfectly, and the green little shorts aren’t too far off from fitting - i can button and zip them, they’re just tighter than i feel comfortable wearing in public (camel toe, etc)
i measured my waist with the tape measure i brought and it seems i’ve lost an inch or so. and then i weighed myself a million times at the garber’s, and adding an extra pound or so to be safe i’m about 147-148 pounds now. i was 155 on august 28th. i know i’d gotten down to 151.1 at one point, but the last entry i had in libra was that one, which makes sense because i was awful awful the week or two before i left. 
but yeah i officially reached (surpassed!) my goal of 150lbs which is the initial one i’d put into the fitbit app (hoping to have reached it before i left but whatever), so i have it set to 120 now as another short-term measure, which is pretty much exactly the amount of weight my first goal was, so i just need to do that again. seeing the scale on the app start at 148 and end at 120 instead of 177.5-150 is SO rewarding..even though i don’t see it in the mirror and hardly see it in any comparison pictures.
but i know it’s not the scale because like i said, my clothes are all fitting me differently now. so since i was able to do the first 30ish pounds in about 3.5 months, i’m gonna see if i can get down at least another maybe..20ish? before the end of the year. so if that happens i’ll be like 130ish when mom and talia come to visit, which will be cool because 129 is my lowest. 
i might invest in a bathroom scale at some point soon because it’s going to be difficult to stay motivated when i can’t weight myself regularly. although it’s been working for me for the 3 weeks i’ve been here already, so who knows. plus i saw on r/loseit this morning that someone had a bathroom scale that said he was 210, a gym scale that said he was 180, and a doctor’s office scale that said he was 168.5. so that’s terrifying, but also that variance seems really ridiculous to me. even if the doctor’s office scale is always a couple of pounds higher, that’s usually at most. so we’ll see.
otherwise hopefully the gym will have a scale, and hopefully we’ll get our gym memberships soon.
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