#*(goes back to listening to ''Waiting on a Miracle'' to the tune of 'is autistic and constantly feels left out/ignored even when shes not')
lunar-wandering · 3 years
vent but,
if you’re wondering why ive been so. weird i guess since november its 100% because my probable “seasonal depression” or whatever this is latched on to and wont let go of the fact that the only internet friend to get me a birthday gift was Skelle and then 3 days later another internet friend got a bunch of gifts on their birthday and i really shouldn’t compare the two things and im not mad at all but
idk my love language is gifts so. i know its understandable and that i really didn’t expect much in the first place and im happy with what i got but it still kinda...hurt and my brain hasn’t let go of it and probably won’t until i finally get to talk about it with my therapist next year
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dotzines · 5 years
Tumblr media
Artist Spotlights!
🎤 Bluzumara 🥁 Bom 🎷 boredlydoodling
🎺 Bri Penrod 🎸 Bubbles 🎻 C. Douglass
Interview below the cut!
Introduce yourself
🎤 Hi! I'm Bluzumara. I'm a  spanish artist more focused on digital art, and interested on manga creation. You can find me on Deviantart (Bluzumara), on Twitter (@AlmaViajero for art twitter or  @Bluzumara for personal) 🥁 Hi!! I'm bom, I do digital art and draw lots of cute ladies! I love dnd and I'm making an upcoming wlw zine featuring big women! I also love making new characters to sell to people! You can find my art at the following links! https://instagram.com/bombiibom/ https://twitter.com/bombombii/ https://www.deviantart.com/bombombii I follow back as well! 🎷 I'm an artist that enjoys both digital and traditional art. I love drawing cute girls and have way too many oc's. I'm currently in University studying character design and Illustration, and you can find most of my work posted to instagram. ->https://www.instagram.com/boredlydoodling/
🎺 Hello! I'm a nonbinary autistic guy. I love cartoons and drawing and I'm currently going to school to be a storyboarder. You can find me on tumblr at https://hey-lil-artslut.tumblr.com/ on twitter at https://twitter.com/HeyLilArtslut and on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/heylilartslut/ 🎸 Well... This is my first ever zine! I'm generally shy and awkward so please excuse how most of this is worded, I do tend to ramble, sorry;; I'm both a digital and traditional artist (I'm doing digital for this zine though hehe), and I'm currently mostly into Touhou and Granblue at the moment. You can find my art here!!: https://twitter.com/Bubblesdoodles 🎻 Hello, I'm a traditional artist.
Do you do commissions post? Where can we find the info?
🎤 https://twitter.com/AlmaViajero/status/1171118754249490433 🥁 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zCPqkp7ii/ 🎷 https://www.instagram.com/p/By0mjHlFdld/ 🎺 https://hey-lil-artslut.tumblr.com/post/186570288557/heyyy-ive-been-struggling-financially-since-my
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
🎤 Yes. For some reason, I can't stand podcasts or anything like that, so music is my go-to option 🥁 I watch a lot of speedruns or gaming vids when I draw! I love having constant commentary to give me background noise. 🎷 Totally! I usually can't do anything in silence, but I find music tends to help me more with my schoolwork while a fun movie or tv show is put on for personal drawings! I have a soft spot for animated pieces while I'm drawing.   🎺 Yes, I listen to music, cartoons, youtube videos and movies 🎸 I do listen to music when I draw!!
What’s your favorite music artist/band? If you could ask your favorite band/music artist one question, what would it be?
🎤 Parov Stelar. I would ask them about the starts of their career. How did they started to work to the public and how scary did they feel about it 🥁 I'm really into Ghost right now! I love their spooky tunes and the melody go HARD! 🎷 I'm not sure I have one! I like all kinds. Fan creators. Vocaloids like Miku and Rin and Len, classic artists like Supertramp and I grew up listening to Nickelback, Def Leopard, and Bon Jovi. I would, however, love to ask every single one what their favourite part of music and performing is! Because to me, music is so special and can affect emotions and events, so I would love to hear what goes through some singer and songwriter heads! 🎺 My favorite band is Mother Mother 🎸 I'm not quite sure exactly who my favorite is, considering I have quite a few favorites, I guess I should say Mili since my favorite song is from them. As for asking them whatever question I want? I guess I'd probably ask them which of their songs are connected into a story? 🎻 I really enjoy the music of Lenka. If I could ask her a question, I would ask if her songs are based on her life experiences.
Do you play an instrument? If not would you like to play one? Which one?
🎤 I don't play anything. But I would love to play the violin...Or realistically, the flute 🥁 Id love to play the keyboard or guitar! I'm not musically inclined so the best I could do is a uke or otomone (they're so cute hehe) 🎷 I play piano! Not very well, but I learnt it a few years ago and I still mess around with it from time-to-time. 🎺 I can just barely play the ukulele and the piano. I'd really love to learn to play the keyboard 🎸 I don't! I guess It'd be fitting for me if I knew how to play a trumpet, so that I suppose.
Which song(s) are you going to draw?
🎤 All Night, By Parov Stellar 🥁 A Thousand Eyes by Miracle of Sound, Night of the Werewolves by Powerwolf and Handmade Heaven by MARINA 🎷 I will be drawing the song "Melt" originally performed by Hatsune Miku, though I'll be focusing on the version covered by Youtuber JubyPhonic. 🎺 I am going to draw Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco & possibly another! 🎸 Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery 🎻 Lenka - "Maybe I Love You"
What do you expect from this zine?
🎤 I don't expect anything. More than anything, I expect myself to be able to finish it on time! 🥁 I expect to see many great arts from other contributors! Find new artists to follow and new music to listen too! 🎷 A fun time and a lot of beautiful works of art that express how important and magical music can be! 🎺 I'm just really excited to see everyone's pieces! 🎸 I just hope to gain some experience and confidence from it! 🎻 I look forward to a friendly community of artists working together to put together a nice publication.
Anything else you want to add?
🎤 I see a lot of people with creative ideas as for today, and I can't wait to be a part of it! 🥁 I hope this zine is a growing experience for all who participate and those who view it can enjoy all the beautiful art we all put work into it!! 🎷 I can't wait to see everyone's pieces and how they come together! 🎸 I really hope everyone has fun participating or looking through this zine, considering this is my first one ever I hope it's enjoyable for everyone involved! There's so many great artists here to share their work!!
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