#*** anemo archon of freedom *** (venti / barbatos)
angel-oftheday · 9 months
The Angel of the Day is...
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From Genshin Impact
Requested by Anonymous
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Hey Venti!
What do you call a snake that's 3.14 inches long?
Send a pun for my muse’s reaction to it.
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"A nice wordplay! I might include it in a song about serpents. Of course, you'd be credited for the idea~"
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ryawinters · 2 years
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Mark of an Archon ft. Venti / Zhongli / Ei / Focalors / Nahida / Neuvillette + gn!reader
cw/tags: Mostly suggestive but nsfw in some parts (mostly Zhongli, Neuvillette) marking, kissing.
notes: Alright so... this is different from anything I've written before but I got inspired by the concept of the elemental symbols used as marks by the Archons to denote those important to them. Just short fluffy little dabbles I guess, first time writing everyone except the dragon men heh. I tried REALLY HARD to keep this gender neutral and be inclusive in descriptions but regardless, reader bottoms lmao. Hope y'all like it. (Y'all will NEVER guess where did I get the inspiration for all the marks' placements hehe) Edit: Y'all I have never played obey me WHEEZE the marks placement actually comes from a very old magical girl anime I loved as a kid XDDDD (except geo, it was on the belly button but-//hit)
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It is said that the Archons place a mark on the body of their loved ones. A symbol of protection, perhaps of “ownership”, imbued with their elemental energy. Legends has it that they remain mostly invisible to the naked eye, glowing brightly only when the Archon in question touches it, but leaving behind a distinctive trace able to be identified with elemental sight.
However, none of this has been proven at all, and remains mostly as a fantastic tale, just a rumor…
Or is it?
Venti’s mark rests between your shoulder blades, the small Anemo sigil emulating tiny wings in the most appropriate of places. It makes him fond of calling you his “angel”, though, you know it cannot compare to his own real wings... it makes your heart flutter nonetheless.
It remains mostly covered, and yet without fail, Venti’s hand would always gently rest on it before his hand slides over to your shoulder or waist. At this point the touch soothes you and you’ve come to expect it every time you enter Angel’s share and bright Aqua eyes land on you.
In the dark of night, those precious moments of closeness and passion among the bedsheets, Venti’s nimble fingers, calloused by the Lyre and the bow alike, trail along your spine and stop at the mark, before he leans in and places a kiss on it.
For the God of Freedom to brand someone like this… it would seem as a contradiction, but you know it to be his blessing, his vow to you and your love. As his lips go up to your shoulder and his hands slide down to your waist, sneaking between your legs, he closes his eyes and hums a soft tune.
The Geo mark is found on a rather unusual place, and to tell the truth, it even embarrassed you a little at first. The golden diamond placed just below your navel, partially hidden by the line of your underwear. When asked about it, Zhongli simply murmured something about dragon mating, fertility or virility… his cheeks dusted red.
You admit though, that once you get used to it, you do find yourself idly tracing it from time to time. Sometimes it seems to glow softly, or feel warm, perhaps responding to the Archon when he thumbs gently at it, contrasting and comparing with his own blackened arms, etched with veins of gold. Amber eyes staring up at you with love and desire as he places a kiss on it making you shiver.
Zhongli constantly wants to mark you more, in all sorts of ways. Drape you in silks and cover you in gemstones and gold. Leave bite marks along your skin. Douse you in his scent. It appeases his draconic instincts. But nothing compares to that little geo sigil, a personal indisputable claim, tattooed on your skin.
In a way, the mark could be taken as the God of Contracts’ signature and an unbreakable oath to you, his mate. It makes the dragon purr as he rolls his hips into yours, sinking deep inside you and making you whine as his palm presses against it.
Right at the center of your collarbone, like a pendant held by an invisible necklace, that is where the Electro mark was placed by Ei. Sometimes it’s a real shame it can’t be seen normally by humans, it would make for a pretty nice tattoo…
It’s not like the Electro sigil is rare to see anyway, quite the contrary, a rather popular choice and common sight all over Inazuma with deep cultural and religious meanings alike honoring Her Excellency. But one look from a youkai or one of the mikos at Narukami shrine and you know this is different.
Ei could act aloof and have a hard time expressing or understanding feelings, but the way she looks at you as she straddles you… dark violet hair cascading down her back and sides, hands roaming your chest and settling at your shoulders. She pins you there under her intense purple gaze and then bends forward to kiss at the sigil before moving to your lips.
The Goddess of Eternity considers her choices deeply and rarely ever goes back on her word or breaks a promise, and that is what she bestows upon you with her mark, a promise. Of love, of respect, of loyalty. Who would’ve thought the Electro Archon could be so… passionate?
You couldn’t believe just where Lady Furina had placed a pretty, blue, Hydro symbol on your skin. When asked about it she’d just giggled and said everything had a reason when it came to divine marks such as these… then proceeded to not explain at all. But seriously, your inner thigh?!
You could only sigh but smile softly at her antics as she laid across the couch, head rested in your lap, taking a nap by using your thighs as pillow, or demanding to be fed more sweets and sputtering indignantly when you poke at her nose or cheek instead, blushing.
She often drives you insane, paying special attention to the hydro marking with kisses and nibbles when you need her lips to go just a little more to the side… but oh, how she enjoyed teasing and riling you up. Mismatched blue eyes blinking coyly under thick eyelashes.
This is Lady Furina’s pledge to you, her word of honor as the Goddess of Justice, to love and cherish you no matter what. For despite her innocent act, she is guilty of having fallen for you.
-Bonus: Buer (Platonic)
Many people underestimate and doubt Nahida. A grave sin, in your opinion. When she places her mark of Dendro softly in your forehead, you feel nothing but pride, willing to follow and defend her and her teachings, for it is an honor to be her acolyte.
You see her wisdom in her actions, in the contemplating looks at her beloved city and people, in the way she always tries to solve problems and learn from difficulties, in her kindness, gentleness and little smiles. You see her love in the way she helps the elderly and soothes the children, in the candied ajilenakh nuts she shares with everyone, in the sparkle of her unique green eyes.
Like any other Archon, her nation and all its inhabitants are like her children. Despite her preferred appearance, the way she holds your hand as she guides you along and brushes at your hair gently with comforting words and praise feel more akin to a mother.  
Just as you trust her, she trusts you, that is the covenant her sigil represents. And in the eyes of the Goddess of Wisdom, one day you’ll reach the sky and stars above.
-Bonus II: Hydro Dragon Sovereign
You stare at the sigil in the palm of your hand. An ancient symbol of power, no doubt, but with a meaning long since lost to time and shrouded in mystery. Yet, its significance is crystal clear to you: “I am yours as you are mine.”
The way the Iudex would always, without fail, hold your hand gently and kiss your palm instead of the back of it as it was traditional would no doubt confuse some people, but it makes your heart skip a beat. This special connection, the knowing look from those gorgeous lavender eyes and the hidden smile pressed against your skin…
Your back arches with a moan as Neuvillette ruts softly into you, slow and reverent, peppering kisses and nuzzling at your neck. His hand takes a hold of yours, fingers intertwining and you shiver as the marking in your palm seems to react. Your grip his hand tighter, canting your hips as well and surrounding him with your legs, asking for more, more, more-
It’s unknown if one day his kind will return to power, just as it’s impossible to predict the flow of the elements and the energy in leylines or just what the future will bring. But for Neuvillette, having you by his side feels like the most refreshing spring water and makes life that much sweeter.
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wandering-tides · 7 months
People always rank either Ei or Zhongli (or both) above Venti in power rankings. Like, who is the strongest archon? There are always two answers: Morax or Beelzebul. Never Barbatos.
I like to think otherwise.
This guy has cut mountains with his winds and thrown them so far away into the sea, made winter disappear and turned Mond into what it is today: from a barren rocky land that used to be filled with snow and raging blizzards into this green plain field with gentle winds where agriculture is so much easier then it ever was back then. I don't think people of Old Mond could have ever imagined for Mond to turn into what it is today.
But he still calls himself weak. And people took that to face value. And some still do despite it being proven otherwise by Nahida.
Venti said that an archon derives their power from ruling over their nation. But Nahida denies this later and says that archons gain their power through the faith of the people.
Clearly, Venti lied to us.
And if we go by what Nahida said,,,, Every freakin person in Mond has faith in the Anemo archon. They sing praises of him despite not having been in the presence of their god for 5 centuries. He has a statue and a Cathedral (who else has that?).
So, Venti is Strong.
Remember his gnosis is in the shape of a queen chess piece? Queen has the most freedom on the board. Venti's ideals are freedom. And his element is anemo. Anemo is the free-est element out there.
He might as well suck the air out of your lungs if he so wants to. He governs over it.
My point is, Venti is overpowered.
And let's not forget how that little wind wisp gained archon hood.
It was his desire to protect that helped him into becoming a god. When the nameless bard died, he felt the need to protect whats left. To protect what his friend died fighting for.
And its a pretty cliche concept out their about how a hero grows stronger, in any story. Its their need to protect. Right?
And Venti still wants to protect Mond- despite him saying otherwise. He shows up everytime Mond is in danger. Whether directly or indirectly, he always helps out.
So here is what I think. The reason why he calls himself weak.
Its because he is so strong, strong enough to scare Celestia. So Celestia has put him on some sort of leash. He can't use his powers in it's entirety. There is probably some sort of seal.
So Venti is weak.
Because he can't use all of his powers. Because he is chained to Celestia's whim.
Venti is weakest of the seven because he is the only one who has some sort of leash on him.
The god of freedom, chained.
Plus, it can definitely not be a coincidence that the defiled statue was of Barbatos, out of all the seven. Chained, hanging up-side down and corrupted.
And the fact that the abyss order was going to use Barbatos (chained) statue to create a machine to "topple the divine thrones of Celestia."
None of that can be a coincidence. Knowing hoyoverse, it definitely isn't.
So yeah. Venti is definitely not weak. He just can't use the full extent of his powers as of right now.
Venti is strong, but also weak. If he isn't chained- he is easily the strongest.
He can slice the mountains and throw them far into sea- if Zhongli throws a big peice of meteor on him, venti should be able to cut it in half too. if he has all his power on him that is.
I really hate it when people call him weak just because he said so himself. Especially when it's been proven that we shouldn't take his words to face value.
He is not like our sweet little Nahida, people.
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windcarvedlyre · 5 months
Thinking about Venti's role as an archon and how he might be doing his job- as Celestia intended- better than we think.
Archons, in Gnosticism, rule over the material realm and prevent souls from leaving it. Barbatos, in the Ars Goetia, "reconciles disputes between friends and those who hold power".
Everything we know about Venti implies that he hates Celestia and opposes all forms of tyranny, but if their goal is to keep humanity from advancing, realising the truth of the world and taking actions that could threaten the status quo...
...isn't the best way to prevent rebellions and slow progress to make the people you rule content with what they have?
Venti is all about making his people's lives leisurely and seemingly free (I'll get to that in a second). It's in his gemstone quote, the thing which summarises his approach as an archon:
"Still, the winds change direction. "Someday, they will blow towards a brighter future… "Take my blessings and live leisurely from this day onward."
We see this reflected in Mondstadt's culture and economy. There are still hardworking individuals in the Knights of Favonius, the Church of Favonius and the Adventurer's Guild, but this attitude isn't universal even within those organisations and the rest of Mondstadt's people generally have a slow, relaxed approach to life relative to other nations. They haven't produced any internationally notable industries outside of alcohol, and why would they? They have everything they need, graciously provided by the anemo archon himself*, so why strive for more?
This has already left them vulnerable to the whims of more powerful nations, incapable of meaningfully opposing the Fatui without inviting consequences they can't handle.
*Also see Jean's story quest for a scaled-down version of this. Mondstadt's general population relies on her hard work a bit too much and she enables them.
We also see Mondstadt have a softening effect on outsiders multiple times in-game. There are at least three cases of people questioning their life choices because its people and/or scenery are that nice. Two are branches of hangout events, one is a soon-to-be-ex treasure hoarder chilling on Cider Lake's coast. I've joked that Mond is a lotus eater hotel scaled up to a nation based on this, but what if that's somewhat intentional?
But why would he do this?
It could be an unintended side effect of efforts to improve people's quality of life. He was allegedly naive enough not to forsee the aristocracy situation, after all. But at the same time... he's a god of freedom and hope in a world where his people have no hope of freedom.
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-Harmost's Notes (II), Remuria.
He knows what happens to human civilisations that advance too far and attempt to rebel against this world. He likely knows a god much like him, themed around music and desperate to free his people from fate, tried and failed horribly. He lives in the shadow of a celestial needle. The Cataclysm would only reinforce this perceived futility of resistance. He still hopes for a brighter future, but he may be pinning all of his hopes on a descender taking pity on Teyvat's people and choosing to help them. To quote the description of Mondstadt Statues of the Seven:
A monumental stone statue that watches over Mondstadt. Legends say that it was sculpted in the image of the Anemo Archon. "Seeds brought by the wind will grow over time." The statue silently anticipates the arrival of a noble soul to arrive, while thousand winds of time will soon unfold a new story...
Apart from that, what else can he do besides be passive and complacent? Besides make his people comfortable and hope they don't rock the boat too much before liberation is actually possible?
And the thing about resolving disputes with those in power worries me. It could just translate into his pacifism, but it could also mean he's less willing to act against Celestia than we'd hope. Why did the Tsaritsa, the only archon named after a saint and willing to take a stand against Celestia, fall out with him? He has reasons to be pissed at her methods but I suspect that won't be the only factor.
All we can do is wait and see.
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anemoi-i · 8 months
Venti’s Presence in Mondstadt and in Lore: A Comprehensive List
Barbatos is an Archon that does everything in secret and wants virtually no recognition for it. Desiring not to become like Decarabian, he "disappeared" so Mondstadt could be free and without a ruler, yet he has still done what he could to retain Mondstadt's peace. Here is a comprehensive list of everything of note that he has done.
Disclaimer: I may miss details. Some things such as character voice lines about Venti, save for Xiao’s are largely omitted. All sources are present.
I. Wind Gliders
“The ability of wind gliders to glide is reliant first and foremost on the Blessing of the Anemo Archon. Of course, it’s also been intertwined with human engineering.”
Wings of Companionship
II.  But I do not intend to make my readers think that we could do without archons. On the contrary, say, if Barbatos had not guided the warm monsoons to Mondstadt with his divine powers, would Mondstadt still be so bountiful as to produce the brews that it does?
The answer would be no. Mondstadt is an inland city and would have struggled to provide for itself if not for the grace of Barbatos. If we look back through history, we learn that Mondstadt is situated on a land that was once frozen, where the living conditions were harsh and brewing would be virtually impossible. It was the power of Barbatos that changed everything.
Along With Divinity: Prologue
III. The songs that had once flown joyfully in the wind were drowned by a venomous dragon [Durin]. In the wake of its earth-shaking footsteps, even the cries and the flames were ripped asunder. The Anemo Archon heard their agony, though he had refused to rule. But to protect his old friends' dream, and defend the wind-kissed fields of green,He woke from his long slumber anew, and with the sky dragon [Dvalin] in battle he flew...
Elegy For The End
IV. In ancient times, Barbatos softly strummed his lyre and summoned the pure thousand winds and songs. Charmed by the free-spirited winds and songs, Dvalin the high dragon descended and swore loyalty to him. Barbatos rejoiced in making a new friend, and entrusted the people of Mondstadt to Dvalin. And so, the wandering Anemo Archon and the Wind Dragon forged Mondstadt's dawn with their relationship.
Skyward Harp
V. On the cliff facing the eastern sea, the ancestors worshipped the masters of Time and Anemo together. The two are intimately related, as expressed in the saying, "Anemo brings stories while Time nurtures them." This bow tells the story of the pioneers and the hardships they went through.
Sacrificial Bow
VI. When Mondstadt was born anew, and the Church finally unshackled, the scriptures of the winds could bear no longer being confined to a shelf, and so the book took flight, left the Church's treasury and was gone. Like the winds of Mondstadt, and like the people of Mondstadt, it belonged to freedom and the winds. The elegant handwriting on the title page reads:
Children of the Anemo Archon, heed these words:
From the winds we have come, and with the winds we shall go.
Never, ever grieve for me.
'Tis but my flesh and bones which rest in the soil:
My soul has become one with the thousand winds.
When flowers bloom, when leaves sway,
That is me who sings the songs of freedom, of the winds.
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds: Scriptures of the ancient winds, passed from generation to generation among the observers of ritual in service of the Anemo Archon.
VII. The Skyward Atlas consists of 100,000 odes to a single cloud or wind and calling it by name. The cloud atlas gave form to the winds, and odes infused them with personality. The myriad formless winds are now friends and family in the eyes of Barbatos. Legends tell that in ancient times, Barbatos summoned the four winds with the original version. He thawed the snow, drove away vicious beasts, summoned rainfall, and created Mondstadt.He permitted the atlas to be shared and copied among the people, giving it the name of Cloud Atlas.
­Skyward Atlas
VIII. In the days of the ruling aristocracy, the Church that revered the Anemo Archon was once split in twain by a schism: On one side stood the clergy, who ate at the lords' table, and overturned the archon's statues with them even as they wrote songs and hymns of praise. On the other stood the saints, who held no clerical office, and who walked the streets, the wine cellars, and the world beyond the walls. These saints drank cheap moonshine, blessing the slave and the plebeian with the original holy manuscripts that circulated amongst the people and with words that the wind brought to them.
And while they did so, they penned forbidden songs and poetry.
When the gladiator from a foreign land [Vennessa] arose together with the re-awakened Anemo Archon and raised the banner of rebellion, the aged saint known as the Nameless Shepherd mobilized the true adherents of the Church of Favonius.
Song of Broken Pines
IX. When he opened his eyes, he was in the sky above a mountain swept by roaring snowstorms, the green, tranquil land had already been painted crimson by fire and blood,and the song of that sky-blue bard's lyre was almost drowned in the howling tumult,and that bejeweled, lovely dragon, like a tender lover, had now pierced his neck through with its sharp fangs.
"Farewell, Mother! My journey is ended. I shall sleep beneath this white, shining silver... and perhaps this, too, is good. Farewell, O lovely bard! And farewell, O lovely dragon! Would that we had met in a different time and place, to meet, to sing and dance together!"
So he thought most sincerely as he lay dying.
Durin (Dragonspine Spear)
X. They say that a region's character follows that of its archon, and that this holds true both for the people and the land itself, but was it the unfettered archon who bestowed a love of freedom and wine upon the land and people amidst conflict? Or was it the people who nurtured the Anemo Archon's love of freedom as they pined for it amid the howling wind and frost?
This is a question that can no longer be answered.
Freedom Sworn
XI. Twenty-six hundred years ago was the era of Mondstadt's most ancient inhabitants. They swore a solemn oath, after the new Anemo Archon descended and reformed the world:
"For Mondstadt, as always. For the verdant plains, for the hills, and for the forests of Mondstadt. May they continue to flourish, as always."
"For Mondstadt, as always. For the everlasting freedom of Mondstadt from the blizzard and the tyrant, whose coldness and oppression are one and the same."
­­Royal Longsword (Refers to Gunnhildr Clan & the oath to protect Mondstadt.)
XII. Ludi Harpastum
Ludi Harpastum was established in commemoration of how Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, taught his people to brew wine and live freely. It was a festival meant for all people to enjoy. However, by the time of Vennessa's rebellion a thousand years before Genshin Impact's main story, Barbatos had long departed to avoid becoming a tyrant like his predecessor, while the aristocracy that ruled Mondstadt grew corrupt and abused their power.
The event turned into a mockery of what it originally was. It became an event enjoyed only by the wealthy elites. The head of the Lawrence Clan, the foremost clan among the aristocracy, cared not for the enjoyment of the people and canceled all the games, leaving only the climax of the harpastum. However, only Lord Lawrence's son, Barca Lawrence, had the right to touch that harpastum. Anyone else who dared even approach the ball would immediately face torture. Furthermore, Barca was also given the rights to take the maiden who will throw the harpastum home.
Barbatos awakens during the climax of the Ludi Harpastum in the manga and seizes the Harpastum.
Genshin Impact Manga
XIII. The Letter in the Chasm
Not as if I were to be outfitted as that guardian of Khaenri’ah,
Not as if my destructive self were made to be the lyre of Barbatos,
Not as if I were meant to soar like a Pegasus,
Not if I were the swift, snow-white pair of Morphes,
Add these to the feather-footed and the winged,
And likewise, call for the swiftness of the winds,
And though you should harness these, friend, and offer them to me,
Yet I should be tired to the bone, and worn away by frequent faintness,
My friend, while I would search for you,
The heavens fall to pieces,
And falsehoods collapse.
Mysterious Letter obtainable after completing The Chasm related Archon Quest(s) & World Quests (Information gathered by CatWithBlueHat)
It is important to note that each player who finished these quests only received one line of this letter in Abyssal Language, indicating this is a bigger part of something and made to be very secretive and hard to decipher if not for the efforts of players to translate it.
XIV. The Hexenzirkel
“Once upon a time, it even challenged the Anemo Archon himself, but he replied: “Let us make music, not war, and resolve our conflicts through song.”
Alice, The Mage’s Tea Party (Windblume’s Breath)
XV. Waterborne Poetry
“A soft breeze beckoned me unto a spring. “Sleep, weary wanderer. Your journey is over. May the dancing petals sweeten your slumber.”
Callirhoe, who recalled her journey to Springvale (Waterborne Poetry event)
XVI. Presence as a significant figure to Xiao
He longs for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers.
Barbatos appears as a cameo in Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti, playing the Dihua Flute. It suggests his music is powerful enough to suppress Xiao’s Karmic Debt. He also has a line for Barbatos indicaing he knows who he is, but cuts himself off.
Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti & Xiao: Mask (Namecard)
Other things to note:
As of Version 4.3 Mondstadt is the only nation that does not suffer from any “filth” that needs to be purged either by a Sacred Tree or otherwise. The battle that took place 500 years ago with Durin did not affect the nation in any way, instead, Durin died on Dragonspine which was already affected by the Skyfrost Nail and is an inhabited land that only Adventurers see as an area to explore. No one lives there. Even with the presence of his “heart”/”core” still beating, it would forever lie in the frozen wasteland unless someone were to deliberately disrupt it.
There are no storms in Mondstadt. Vind, one of the Sisters/Storm Watchers, says that she hopes she never has to do her job.
A large amount of npc’s around Mondstadt, especially in the area of the Anemo Archon statue, revere Barbatos and speak highly of him
It is important to note that during the second rebellion, Barbatos also forged Rex Lapis’ signature to dismantle the Aristocracy, indicating he would go to such lengths to establish freedom for the nation.
Barbatos’ voiceline about Albedo suggests that he knows close to “everything” about him, especially about his fear of “destroying Mondstadt.”
In addition to the above, Barbatos contradicts himself: “Ah, never mind! What goes on within Mondstadt's walls is up to Mondstadt's people to deal with!” Except that twice when the people cried out for help, he awoke to help them and has actively been helping Mondstadt with no recognition. From liberating Mondstadt to helping an Oceanid, this line will not hold any weight in any argument that suggests that Barbatos does nothing for Mondstadt.
Barbatos was already attempting to purge the Abyssal corruption from Dvalin prior to the Traveler’s appearance.
There is irony in Diluc and Jean finding out Barbatos’ true identity considering both the Ragnvindr’s and the Gunnhildr’s were primary protectors of Mondstadt.
The Skyward Atlas suggests Barbatos was originally a catalyst user while Amos’ Bow suggests he changed his weapon to a bow to honor Amos’ memory. He uses Der Frühling (E Skill) in a way a catalyst user might.
His appearance as his dear friend, the Nameless Bard is to honor his memory for the skies, bright sun and birds he could never see. To honor the songs he could no longer play.
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hihellomy · 1 year
How some characters would go about courting Paimons mama
-you would pick up on your daughter calling Barbatos,The god of freedom,the anemo archon,"tone deaf bard",made you hold in a laugh not be disrespectfull
-Venti will think that you agree with him being tone deaf and feel sadness wash over him,do you not like his songs? He'll be better at them he promises!
-god your daughter knew that she would get away with it,not just cause shes a child,but cause shes your child
-you reassure him dont worry and his happy
-but man dudes is love starved
-he clungs onto you like a new born (if you allow him to even be near you)
-Paimon isnt too thrilled about him acting like hes your kid,she is,you came down here to reunite with her
-Paimon wouldnt mind a second parent,that means more love,and you'll be happier (you did tell you wouldnt leave her again)
-but Venti? Yeah no,mans has to prove himself one way or another
-he will sing Paimon and you so many songs
-spoil you with everything he can (he admitted being Barbatos to be able to have VIP acess to you like all the other archons and important people)
-Paimon and him share a playfull tone and would absolutely mess with others,so this might actually work
-what do you say your grace? Venti is already worshiping you like never before
-1# follower comin' throught
-hes so polite and devoted,being your slave would be such an honor to him,but being your husband? Your daughters father?
-he doesnt care who he has to go through
-Paimon doesnt know if she wants a dad whos so bad with the literal thing he made from his hands
-Zhongli will serve you and praise you theres no tomorow,Paimon aswell
-hes telling her the best tales he knows,spending way too much on food and toys (thats more like a point for childe but-)
-his shield is on him 24/7 with either of you with him in the wild
-but like you have power over all the elements and slay so like dont know why he does this but oh well
-he is and always will be your most devoted your grace, isnt that worth something?
-spoils you and Paimon
-Zhongli isnt getting that much money from him cause now hes competiton
-Paimon and Teucer deffinetly are having playdates to get to know eachother and have fun
-they might end up being family if Childe succeds after all
-Paimon didnt like the idea of you marrying a fatui harbinger,so childe is on thin ice
-but Paimon is only so young,she could be convinced easily
-he is such a family man,hes perfect to be her father and your lover
-hes killed so many in your name,and he will leave the fatui if you wish,just consider it
-this is probably the easiest and we all know why
-they were with your daughter for so long,no one knows them like you both do,its only natural
-Paimon will however go "oh come on! Not you too! Why is everyone so intrested in Paimons mom!?"
-after all you both have control over all the elements in a way,so theyre perfect
-you took them as a vessel for a reason,right?
-but abyss twin?
-alot of drama
-Paimon is gonna tell them that if they even wish to be near you,theyd have to reconcile and apologize to the traveler!
-"say less" Paimon isnt even able to finish her sentence
-but yeah things will be difficult but oh well
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squiddy-god · 2 months
Crashing Winds
venti x reader soulmate AU
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Fjekekekeke more re-uploads (I'm going crazy) thankfully the 6 page nuvi smut is a light at the end of the tunnel (I know many of you where very excited for it lol) no beta, no prof 🎻🤏
♥︎REQUEST ARE OPEN♥︎ don't be shy, send request for any of the fandoms on my fandom list, you can even recommend shows/games if they aren't there. Or even if you just want to chat! Anon is also always open!
CW : bit of angst if you squint, fluff, soulmate timer AU
Venti had long covered up his soulmate timer, thousands of years counting down yet he never cared. The anemo archon had never liked the concept of soulmates, sure someone destined to love you was sweet to most "but what is love if demanded by fate?" He thought to himself, words echoing in his head. 
It was a warm day, birds sang their songs of joy as the wind caught their wings; the sun filtered rays through the large tree that the Bard stood under. It was the first time in so long that he looked at the timer on his wrist- 00:00:00 written on his skin. His lips quirked upwards as his eyes shone brightly even in the shade, perhaps his joy made him cruel, but he had denied fate, escaping the chains that once bound him to another. "Ehe, finally~" He sang as he spun around "freedom" It came out like a whisper, a hopeful plee for this feeling to stay, to not drift off like dandelion seeds. 
The snap of a branch caught his attention as he peered over to the God statue sitting in front of the tree. And there you were, sat on your knees with your head hung low as if ashamed of something. "Lord Barbatos is there something wrong with me? " You muttered, venti's eyes widened as he listened in, curious about what was the matter. "Why don't I love them? No matter how long I stay I can't find the love I should feel" You gripped at the fabric on your legs, knuckles growing lighter as your grip persisted.  "Why can't I love my soulmate? " Eyes downcast and shoulders tense you sat there. 
"Now what's a bright traveler like you mopping here? " The Bard sang. You jolted back, landing on your butt as your arm flew up in front of you to grip your chest. "Ah! You startled me! " He only laughed, his airy voice ringing out. "Why don't you come drinking with me? Maybe the sweet taste of wine will help to lift your spirits~" He said wistfully as you stood up. 
Your hands fumbled with each other as your gaze shifted out to the vast fields of windrise. "I'm sorry but I've met my soulmate-" The way your beautiful eyes darkened in a veil of sadness when 'soulmate' left your lips made the bards heart sign in sadness. "No no! This is just a friendly drink between friends!" He said, whisking you away as flashing his soulmate timer. 
The drink was fun, jokes cracked by an enthusiastic bard as he plucked the strings of his lyre. It was the most fun you'd had in ages, all your worries drifting off as his music seemed to carry them. "Hey, Bard? What's your name? " A cheeky smile etched onto his face "venti! And you dear traveler?" You chuckled "y/n!" You stated, taking another sip from your glass. 
The heart works in mysterious ways, yet still you wondered if you could even love. "Am I broken?" You asked yourself looking into the mirror, eyes stained red from your tears and worry. They were kind, a gentle person who seemed to love you fully, yet every touch from your soulmate sent no sparks through your heart. 
Three years of love not returned, you wondered if your heart could feel- "how can my heart work if it can't love the one person it's destined to? " You wondered. 
You saw others walk through the mondstat streets hand in hand with love and fate. Yet it left no bitter feeling in your mouth, only a sad longing. Can one really learn to love if their heart dines them so? 00:00:00 scrawled on your wrist in neat writing was a constant reminder of how cruel fate could be. 
For how can fate lead if the heart does not follow? 
Yet the bard's words caused you worry, "what is love if demanded by fate?" He had sung, the tune of his lyre clearing your mind as his words echoed through it. 
Why did your heart love another? The silly Bard and his damned lyre! The calm when your shoulders slumped and your brow relaxed! Damn the feeling of your racing heart and pounding veins! 
So enticing was the feeling he gave, the bubbly sensation in your chest and the feeling of wind against your face. You felt free! Like a bird soaring through wind and snow, or the soft petals of Cecilias swayed by cool breezes. It was an addicting feeling that he gave, but one you said you couldn't have 
Oh how he loved your voice, the way you laughed so freely as his teasing, or the look of wonder while he played his lyre. How angelic could a mortal really look? More angelic then he, he thought as you stood on top ruins with the wind blowing against you. 
And the warm feeling you gave him, as if you snatched his worries like stars from the sky and tossed them into the rivers below. 
He grappled with these feelings for only a few days before they took hold of him. His eyes went soft when they gazed at you, his songs always drifting to love when he sang to you, and the feeling of freedom that you gave him made it feel as if the wind was under his wings. 
It was conflicting, to gaze into the eyes of your promised one and only be able to think that it doesn't feel right. But as they stood in the home of your parents, a ring in their hand- you felt the constricting pressure of eyes burning your skin. The light seemed hazy as if the world had been shrouded in grey. Walls closing in and the floor seeming so much closer than before. You said yes. Could you really say no? With the peering eyes and excited chatter the words acted on their own, flowing like water from your mouth. 
Avoiding the jovial Bard was hard but you knew that you would have to. Yet his music always drifted in the winds, Harmony's of his lyre caught like dandelion seeds in the breeze. You knew you couldn't handle it if you saw him now, so as much as hit hurt you avoided him. 
Barbatos rang in his head, he had always heard when his name was said, but this was different. The sound of your voice echoed in his mind, his teal eyes going wide when you said wedding, how you didn't want to get married but- he knew what he had to do. 
The gentle tunes of the lyre outside were familiar, yet in the hazy state of your head you couldn't recognize it. You began to walk out and down the aisle, the music was too loud in your head- almost loud enough to drown out your beating heart. 
A flash of bright teals and greens caught your eye as you walked, sparkling pleading eyes that begged you to run as nimble fingers strumbed the astral iron strings of his lyre. Your thoughts raced as you almost frantically glanced between the Bard and altar. You didn't hear anything until your name was called, "do you take them to be lawfully wedded?" You snapped out of your haze and glanced at the Bard, the realization hit you like a brick, your throat felt dry as you took a deep breath before speaking. "N-no" Your voice was barely above a whisper but the winds carried it far, the winds also decided to carry the table cloths. Billowing and blowing sheets of white around the venue as a joyous laugh rang in the air, while all were distracted by gusts of winds and sheets wreaking havoc the Bard grabbed your hands. 
You ran, legs carrying you as you weaved through the crowd, venti takeing in your smile he found so radiant- no longer overshadowed by melancholy in your eyes. "Y/n, I don't care much for fate, I want to be free with you" He said, turning back as he slowed to a stop. Gazing down at the 00:00:00 on your wrist and smiled. "I want to be free with you to venti- besides, who needs a soulmate anyways? " You laughed as the Bard tackled you in a hug. "Thank you venti" You kissed him on the cheek and he flashed you a cheeky smile. "Awww~ just a kiss on the cheek? Is that any reward for your Savior?" Shaking your head you rolled your eyes- how you loved this annoying Bard was the archons best guess, but you relented. Lips pressing against his, a kiss all too short for his liking as his cheeky grin widened. "Ehe~ much better" 
The Bard, once ancient archon of wind was right, what is freedom if asked of you by a god, and what is love if demanded by fate? Nothing but silver shackles doomed to break. 
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
Freedom's Protection: Stirring Up a Hurricane
Summary: The bomb was finally dropped, leaving nothing but a series of chain reactions spreading around the area... Literally. Venti revealed himself as the Anemo Archon Barbatos to his people as a last resort for defending you, causing the entire nation of Mondstadt to go into chaos.
This is the fourth part of Mondstadt's storyline for the Reader Protection Squad SAGAU series.
Note: There are instances of grammatical errors, please bear with me. Also, the entire layout was now changed and I placed a title on them so I could not be confused while I write the next chapters. It's still the same story though. Honestly, I have a hard time writing this part, that's why it took me so long.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 (current), 5, 6, 7
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"You could say that I am more than just a mere drunkard bard, Miss Rosaria."
"After all, how could I ever spread blasphemous words about myself?"
The bomb was finally dropped, leaving nothing but a series of chain reactions spreading around the area... Literally.
You wanted to slam your head on the wall or slap Venti to his senses. He just literally drop a bombshell on everyone regarding the non-so-subtle secret he had kept for months, and the ones who had heard of it were looking at Venti like he had grown a second head.
What the hell, Venti?!
There are some who don't get it, but those people who are quick enough to understand what the bard has implied were shocked to the core.
This drunkard bard was delusional, is he really the Anemo Archon? He must be drunk.
Diluc should not let this drunkard drink Dandelion Wine again, he looks young but he can drink an entire stock in one go like there's no tomorrow, and now he spewing nonsense.
Rosaria just glared as she asked her usual drinking buddy in disbelief, "What do you mean, blasphemous words about yourself?"
The young bard ignored the vigilant nun and turn to one of the sisters of the Church, who was just standing with the common folk, "Sister Gotelinde, do you remember the first time we officially met, where I was trying to borrow the Holy Lyre der Himmel?"
Gotelinde nodded as she remembered the first time she had talked to the bard personally and responded with a thoughtful voice, "Yes, it was the time of the Stormterror incident. You tried to borrow the Holy Lyre to save Dvalin but since you have no documents permitting you to borrow it legally, you had the guts to introduce yourself as the Anemo Archon. I never believed you that time because it's preposterous and it's impossible for a simple drunkard bard to be the missing Archon."
The citizens of Mondstadt had exclaimed when they heard the nun's outrageous statement, the nuns had exclaimed the hardest.
Deaconess Barbara's eyes widened as gears started to turn in her head as she now connected the dots. She remembered the time Venti had temporarily fixed the Holy Lyre der Himmel a few months ago, she and the nuns had found out that the Lyre was broken again after weeks, but she was still wondering how this bard fix a holy relic, although temporarily. Now she had found her answer, it makes sense that the only one who could restore it (although temporarily) is the Anemo Archon himself.
Then she remembered her actions towards Venti and his friends at that time. It was embarrassing, and she couldn't help but paled at the thought of her Archon seeing her breaking down in front of him and accusing him of destroying the Lyre... His Holy Lyre der Himmel.
Calvary Captain Kaeya Alberich, who was just silent the whole ordeal, was staring at the bard with searing intensity. He wondered if his drinking buddy was the Anemo Archon because if he really is the respectable Lord Barbatos, Venti may have already known about Kaeya's real nationality. After all, he was considered to be a sinner from a godless land that was destroyed hundreds of years ago.
Venti smiled sweetly, as he bowed down like he always does after finishing his performance, "Now you know my secret, citizens of the City of Freedom. Now my disciples, rejoice! Behold, the Anemo Archon, Barbatos has descended!"
He then stood up with confidence in his voice, his eyes glittering in mischief, "Shocked, aren't you? Don't you just want to cry out and rejoice? How does it feel to finally meet the god you've been serving?"
Everyone was in chaos, some of the nuns had fainted, and the Deaconess seems to be in a catatonic state, as she remembered her embarrassing interactions with the bard before. The citizens of all ages were astounded to hear the bard's remarks, the devotees of the Archon were paling at the thought of a homeless drunk bard being the regal and freedom-loving Lord Barbatos.
You could say that was kind of... unpleasant, to say that at least.
One of the senior nuns of the Church of Favonius, Mother Maria, then spoke to some Knights who were standing awkwardly at each other.
"Arrest that bard and his comrades immediately! We will execute him and that imposter for emulating Lord Barbatos and the Divine Grace, and imprison the others for colluding with the suspect!"
"Now, now, Mother Maria, I think this is a mistake," Jean spoke up as she tried to reason out why they can't do such a horrendous thing. The fact that Mondstadt hasn't conducted an execution, whether private or public, in a hundred years makes this decision a little bit unfair. Especially with Jean knowing Venti's identity, the bard being killed and sacrificed at the hands of his beloved citizens to appease the same person they had adored and held in high regard was a little bit ironic. It is not a good way to show praise to their Archon, after all.
The majority of the crowd agreed as they screamed their approval of the decision to arrest them. With slight hesitation in their eyes, Knights rushed into action, with no choice over the matter. The lower guards are tasked to calm down the crowd, while others are tasked to take the rebellious young adults to their custody, especially you and Venti.
For the first time in her life, Jean felt helpless. She may be the Acting Grand Master, but she was against a bunch of angry mobs who had records of being devoted to Lord Barbatos with the Church backing them. The Knights and the Church have equal power in Mondstadt to maintain peace and freedom in the nation, and they both swear to the power of their Anemo Archon to serve Mondstadt and its people, hence giving them equal authority.
They rushed to Venti to capture him, as you yelped and covered your eyes as you can't bear to see the scene unfold in front of you, while Bennett and Razor pulled you in their backs to serve their bodies as your meat shield. The Prinzessin der Verurteilung was pointing her bow while Oz was preparing to strike the other team with Electro.
"As much as I hated to fight all of you since I'm your Archon and it's my duty to protect you but you leave me no choice..."
Venti sighed as he raised his hand to raise a small wind barrier, encasing himself, you, and the rest of the current Benny's Adventure Team. The guards who tried to reach the bard first were hit face-first in the barrier. Eula and Noelle tried to hit the barrier with their claymores many times but it never shattered.
Unfortunately, Amber tried to hit the barrier with her Pyro arrows, but since Anemo is known to be reactive to elemental power besides Dendro and Geo, they just bounced back and created a Swirl reaction, hurting some Knights nearest to the barrier. You opened your eyes in time and gasped in shock, as you see the injured knights and citizens who were unfortunately hit by the Pyro-Anemo combo. There have slight burns on their skins, some of them unconscious.
Screams of anguish and groans of pain were heard in the area, as many people were shocked by the tragic scene in front of them. Many voices had been heard, making your ears hurt over the matter, but you couldn't help but stare at Venti instead, who was turning pale as his favorite flower.
"He used his Anemo Vision!"
"I kind of forgot that that bard was blessed by the gods... Why of all people deserved of them, why them?"
"They had been injured, please help them!"
But there is one yell from one of the people that makes you stop in your tracks, and you knew that Venti is going to hear these piercing words:
The cliffhanger was a giveaway, isn't it?
Do I need to announce that Part 5 is in the works since this was intended to be long ass until I decided to cut it again into two parts? I got too carried away, it seems.
To be honest, I apologize for OOC Venti and other characters involved in advance if you feel like they are, it's just that it's my first time writing for Genshin Impact actually. I used to write for Detective Conan and Assassination Classroom before, and this was new territory for me. I'm so glad many appreciated the SAGAU fics I made for the fandom.
Taglist: @mulandi, @yuziriha, @multifandomvoyage, @chihawari, @angstylittleb1tch, @forgotten-blues, @yourlocaldrugdealerbutfancy, @shizunxie, @lunxa472, @foggyzinemuffinhands, @ann-aha, @birbtweettweet, @swaggyb0ke, @beezgobuzzbuzz, @that-boi-sus, @the-psychotic-blueberry, @campanula-rotundifolia, @fauxizs, @lilqi, @angstylittleb1tch, @forgotten-blues, @yourlocaldrugdealerbutfancy, @shizunxie, @lunxa472, @foggyzinemuffinhands,
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wayfayrr · 4 months
So here is the Menace with the word Freedom.
So gather 'round, sit back, relax and please stay in your seat. Kick your feet up and grab some popcorn. Oh, and of course, lest we not forget, enjoy the show.
Now here we go with a drunkard! A musician and poet and a true alcoholic but friendly companion who knows probably more songs than it exists in our world. The epitome of Freedom, Venti!Reader!
They use the name "Venti" because their Name "Reader" is known by their people. Like "Morax", the real name of Rex Lapis, Reader is the real name of Barbatos.
All of their people know it, but don't use it as it's impolite in their eyes to use the real name if their deity.
They are the Deity of Freedom and Anemo (Wind). And that's how they rule over their land, they do not.
They let their people have their freedom.
They don't care if it makes them the weakest Archon of the Seven.
Freedom is their priority.
They have two braids with teal tips and teal eyes as they ascended to godhood.
They can play lyre and flute and probably some other instruments.
Since they are originally a Wind Spirit, they can't die of corrosion.
They can see the past, present and future of people.
That's because they were created by a branch of the Tree of Time and the goddess of Time, Irminsul.
They love alcohol! Their favourite is dandelion wine.
They also love apples, have good memories with it.
They may look young, from 15 to 16, but in fact they are about 2600 years old.
They are very friendly but distant to the people.
They know mortals will pass away while they stay remained.
Their only "real friends" are other Archons and immortals like Xiao, the Yaksha of Liyue, and the Traveller from the stars (Lumine/Aether). Technically they don't need to do anything to change the wind or to make it stronger or weaker.
They love to sing ballads and write them themself.
They saw the future of Chain members twice.
The first one was wholesome in their eyes and very romantic.
Yes, they are a romantic at heart.
They slay the shadow successfully and go back to their time. Sky and his Zelda marry, Time and Malon get twins one boy and one girl, Four takes over his grandfather's forge and met the love of his life while making a shield for them, Twilight moves on from Midna and falls in love with a Cowgirl which came into Ordon because she wanted to buy a goat for her ranch, Wind gets together with Tetra and has a Sea wedding, Legend finally had the courage to let Marin go only to find practically her reincarnation moving in next door, Hyrule's Hyrule calmed down and is much more friendly to each other and of course found a person than completes him, Warriors got a promotion and got a well deserved a break where he met someone.
And now to Wild, they saw his second adventure and how he turned into a lone wolf, so they promised themself to be there as a Wind Spirit and be his guide, it comes really handy when you can see the future. They want everyone to have a good future after everything they did and went through.
So they will be his guide and friend over his second journey.
As you see they are a very caring person, they are kinda the same to their people in Mondstadt, they are always with them, just their people don't recognise them, but as soon as Mondstadt is in danger where the people really need help, they swoop in and save their people and land.
But the second vision shook them to their very core. They will always remember it as that also was the moment that the Chain really met them.
They saw the group standing in the middle or on corpses and they weren't killed, they were slaughtered in the most brutal and gruesome way possible. They didn't know what caused the change, but learned it fast as the group sucked them into their mess.
They still try to help Wild but they need to get his trust first as a Wind Spirit, so the make the same as Twilight, Twilight's vanishing and Wolfie's appear act.
They are so friendly to everyone but can roast you with rhymes.
They are also a big tease, but they never use things that traumatized or hurt the person like losing a loved one.
Hyrule feels that they are no mortal but they won't admit it or anything.
Everyone around them knows that they are a lot older than they look and know more than any of them, it's just their eyes and the air around them.
Their Song is "Soldier, Poet, King" from Erika Harlacher, the English VA of Venti.
How they met the tone-deaf bard!
Reader's PoV:
I stood in the middle of the main square of Castle Town. It was simple to learn their language by seeing the past of the people. That was very helpful. This time I sang about the Hero of Four as the people seemed to love stories about their heroes of the past and I got a good amount of information about them to make ballads. So I picked the strings of my lyre and began to sing.
„Many moons ago there was a hero.
So young yet so mature.
Lifted the sword which split him into four
And gave the kingdom sincere hope to the core.
He had to learn to be a team
With himself and this not a fluke.
I know, this seems like a dream
But they could give you quite the spook.
As the four looked all the same
With different personalities.
Their colours beg to differ
Who the one was who spoke your name.
They fought bravely against a Demon of Wind.
But still they were so kind!
As they slayed the evil
Just to save their people.
They got back to do what they love
As a blacksmith his abilities were just above
As he flies free like a dove.
And this was the story from
The Hero of Four.“
I played the last notes and let them fly through the air. The people applauded for me as I bowed down. I got some Rupees, the Mora version of this lands, which I stored inside my pockets before I began to walk away while plucking the strings of my lyre. While I walked away I saw the group from where I got my information of the heroes, the heroes themself. They were looking at me and I at them as I felt their stare on me. Then I saw a vision of the group standing on or beside but surrounded by corpses and these people were slaughtered! But I didn't see if it the group did it or not, what happened to their happy futures from two weeks ago? The group came to me and I wanted to walk further as the wind picked up on pace. A perfect day for windgliding! Then a hand was on my shoulder and I turned around. As I saw the group before me, I have to say they are fast. I took a step back and took my beret off to greet them.
„Greetings, gentlemen. How can this humble bard be at your service?“ I smiled at them and looked at them as I put my hat back on.
„How do you know so much of the Hero of Four?“ asked the smallest, which was said hero.
„Ehe~ as a bard I have my ways to find information! The same way I know, you are the Hero of Four. Pleasure to meet you! I'm Venti the bard!“ I said with a smile and the others looked at me suspiciously.
„How do you know that he is the Hero of Four?“ asked the tallest, the Hero of Time.
„That's simple. Listen here!
As a bard your travels go far~!
Learn about many legends, stories oh la la.
You have to twist the texts into rhymes to match the star!
And my star of this show was the Hero of Four!
But for my information I had no guarantor.
Have to figure out the truth
And believe me that doesn't go smooth!
But books and stories of elders are helping more
Than the wind when you want to soar!“ I told them in a cryptic way as I rhymed and began to turn again.
„So now excuse me, I need to get something for my next show!“ with that I skipped away. I disappeared into the forest nearby and looked around. As I saw nobody I made a wind current to fly with my wind glider and with the help of the thousand winds I can be in the sky for hours! Maybe I find an apple tree from here. Sadly they don't have dandelion wine. I hope, I get back home to Mondstadt fast! I wonder, what the Traveller is doing.
And this is how they met. Reader is always a distant person even if they don't look like it. So the Chain has to trail them for awhile before getting them into the group. But how the are the boys reacting to them. Well, Twilight finds it kinda funny how the animals are attached to them, even Epona! Epona even gets jealous if other animals get more attention than her. So he is with them when the play for Epona to "take care of her" but he finds their skill to call any animal quite handy. Maybe that way the goats finally stay behind their fence back in Ordon. Wind asks about everything of their world especially after explaining that their name "Venti" means Wind. They sing him ballads of Barbatos and their achievements. Legend is sure they are the Wind Spirit and stole their fake Vision just to learn that this thing is there so they can "control" Anemo, nobody except for Reader knows it's just a fancy piece of glass, and doesn't help them to turn into a Wind Spirit. Then there was an approach with the Twilight crystal. The whole group started to look for it until they heard Reader scream. Legend, Twilight and Sky were there first, they don't want the other know what Reader ended up as. But then they just see Reader standing confused beside the crystal and holding it by the string and as they asked why Reader screamed they just pointed at the crystal before touching it again. Instead being turned into an animal the crystal shines and get purified by Reader! But hey Legend can finally touch it without turning into a bunny and Twilight can still use it just fine. Sky is very attached to them as they played his harp like they never played any other instrument except for it. But he was surprised as he flew around Skyloft as they landed there and Crimson ignored commands like many other Loftwings. At first all thought something happend but Sky fell in love with the view that was offered to him. Reader sat there on the edge of Skyloft while playing the lyre, eyes closed and the Loftwings, and he was sure some monsters as well, sat or stand around them and just listened to their tune. It was so serene and ethereal. How couldn't he fell in love with them!? But Sky and Wind are the most intrigued with one story, it's the story of how the birds learned to fly. Wind even asked bluntly if a deity helped their birds too, but Reader didn't know it. They said.
„Barbatos teached them to fly
there is no doubt.
That what is in my home very known
And the story should bring courage to the kids
So they fly on their own!
But how your birds learned to fly?
I don't know,
Question the one in charge she should be aware by now.
Now if you excuse me, I need to play another tune
For an apple like I normally do at noon!“
They get everyone to sleep peacefully, even someone like Time and Legend, and as they don't need to sleep as a deity they can play the whole night for them. Legend is asking about their Vision, their teal tips and teal eyes as they shine when they use Anemo, happens that to every Vision holder? They say yes to it as they don't have Visions or other "Visions holders". Yes, they are still trying to keep their godhood a secret especially as Legend has enough of deities but he loves them and sticks by their side when it's time to sleep. The air around them is just so comforting and calming. Time sees in their eyes that they went through a lot probably, definitely, more than any of the group together. So he wants them to open up but they are just mysterious about their past and what they went through, but they know how old he exactly is, physically and mentally. But he still thinks they are to young to go drinking in taverns. Sky and Wild are fighting which Hyrule between the two of them suited Reader better. Sky's has Skyloft and a really open field on the surface with almost no buildings but Wild has a wide field and wilderness and will get multiple Sky Islands and you can see the surface from there, meanwhile you can't see the surface from Skyloft or vise versa. Hyrule loves it when the fairies are flying around them and even land on them while they play on their flute or lyre. The Chain use that opportunities to catch fairies but the only problem is that Hyrule doesn't really help them as he always gets distracted by the music. Then there is Warriors, this guy is writing poems we all know it, but Reader is a bard! They do poems for their job, THEY ALSO TEACHED IT IN EXCHANGE FOR ALCOHOL!! But they would do it for an apple too! Apples remind them on Venessa their second mortal friend who helped them freeing Mondstadt. But he is impressed by their calm mind while making strategies for a fight, especially as they can suck the enemies into a vacuum and kill them if they throw a piece of burning wood into it, swirl rules. So he asks them about teaching him poetry and they do it in exchange for alcohol. Then I also have Ravio for you, yes Ravio is a Yandere. It goes very slow with him, Reader saves him multiple times from the Chain's attempt to kill him, because Reader loves to speak to him about how to tease people. Reader normally swoops in, when one of the Chain separated Ravio from the others but Reader can see Ravio's future and saves him again and again, just by walking in as it was about to happen and find an excuse to get the Link follow them, they can't sleep, they want to go on a walk with him, want his opinion on this new tune and ballad. Nobody can see through their lies, well they are 2600 years old, after all.
ALSO THE MUSIC??? OH HELLO'S YES PLEASE - but may I also give them the offer of last words by vocacircus to be an alternate song for them? it is a song written explicitly for venti after all :3
there's so much that could be worked into them with all the theories about venti, like how he's the god of death?? then there's also the fact that they're 1. Not from hyrule, 2. THEY ARE A GOD
It's interesting to think about hylia potentially having an issue with a god coming from another world to interfere with her heroes, especially a god of FREEDOM. the moment reader finds out that they don't have any choice over their own fates? They don't get a say in what they do - even in who they fall for it's all prewritten. like they couldn't not interfere and try to give them some more freedom. so seeing that their future changed after meeting them is a good thing!!!! they're helping these guys out
and then they see what it changed too. And if there isn't regret around that. because now, no sky doesn't settle for sun - he's after their affection till the ends of the earth, even trying to take on a mantle of god hood one that he earned from killing demise. just so that he could be immortal to get them to notice him (after finding out that they're a god) also an awful awful idea that popped into my head courtesy of @peepthatbish is sky hearing about the other people who use anemo in teyvat. and coming to the conclusion that to unlock the ability to use dendro - he's got to have one of his closest friends die. now I gotta stress this wouldn't be an easy decision to make for him, reader would need to be keeping him at arms length for at least a couple of years after him learning about anemo before he does this. His closest friend is zelda. I think that yandere sky could very well come to the twisted conclusion that to get closer to reader (getting a vision) he would need to kill zelda. Hopefully reader can stop him before it happens.
Another painful idea is ravio learning about people who have visions and what happens to people who lose them. Deciding to take a page out of raiden's book, stealing visions only from anemo users to break their connection to reader and then selling the visions so that they have a more difficult time tracking them down and he gets more rupees to spoil you! he forgets to pray that you don't find out what's happening. Wars probably helps him between hyrule and teyvat at this point, he's always happy to help out an old ally.
Warriors probably spoils reader the most, and has the biggest clue as to who they really are, from his experiences with lana and cia. recognising that the way they talk about barbatos is pretty similar to how lana talked about cia, so he doesn't assume that they aren't two halves but!!!! he's on the right path!!! so he's going to be upping how much he worships them in the most subtle ways <3 from searching high and low for an alcohol they like just as much as dandelion wine in hyrule to buying out dilucs winery if they ever reach teyvat (if he can find a way to transfer rupees into mora) just to hear them sing more, and to have them sing his poetry out loud <3
I'm also thinking about the chain traveling around in teyvat well more importantly time meeting zhongli, an old friend of readers who used to fight with them? he'd know the most about keeping them in one place. and if time were to bribe him with some ozmanthus wine he could probably get some of the information without having to sign a contract stating that he'll never use the information against you
I love them trying endlessly to keep this bard by their side to the point of changing their own fate too, this other worldly person who knows far more than they have any right to know. through the small meetings that they do have they know they want to stay by your side no matter what the cost may be. Happily sacrificing their new found freedom in a twisted attempt to please you.
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also for specifically venti!reader I'm imagining them more as a fusion between venti and reader ie- an isekai reader who accidentally took ventis body :D he's there as a ghost following them around that only they can see, looking like a mix of the two of them, having his voice and memories in their head, even picking up some of his habits and acting them out as though they're natural to you. WHICH ALSO OPENS UP THE POTENTIAL OF YANDERE VENTI ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE you're the most free person he's ever met and now the fact that you're in his body (granted you've twisted it to look more like yourself wearing his clothes) proves that you're beyond perfect for him he can see you for who you really are and how he deserves you more than any of the chain in his eyes, because why else would the winds have pushed you two in this direction? (annnnnnd now I really want to write that, oops)
Omg I love this concept so so much venti reader my belovedddddddd
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mvskedxrtist · 1 year
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You're My God Now.
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Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: Darcyphilia, Pegging, Dumbification, Size Kink, Master Kink, Public Sex, PwP, Religious Play, Brat Taming, Degradation
Nᴏᴛᴇ: Am I going in some color patterns? Yes. Will I probably do the Fatui soon? Definitely. I wanna make a crying Pierro which would be so hot. But for now you guys can have a crying God.
AFAB Nun!Reader x Venti - You're My God Now
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You were probably one of the more well know nuns in the Church of Favonius. You always prayed to Barbatos every day and night, singing church songs with the others. You were sort of the role model the younger nuns could look up to, both mentally and physically as you were 6 foot.
Venti had heard of you before, hearing that you were his devoted follower and decided to maybe grace your presence. He had first decided to play a lovely poem for you on his Lyre in front of the church, which you felt embarrassed from this happening and had stopped him before he could continue.
Then he decided to try and help around the church, wanting to get closer to you but that ended up in him making a mess and disappearing from the church before reappearing drunk on Dandelion Wine. "Leave. Now Venti. Your drunk." "Aww.. But I haven't- hic! done anything too wrong!~" "Out!!"
Venti kept coming around the church everyday for the last few weeks and slowly over time, you got tired of it and just ignored him when he was there which turned him into an absolute brat who liked teasing you. And that's where he had a bright idea.
One night, before you locked up the cathedral, you looked around and checked to make sure every spot was clean and in its spot. Soft footsteps could be heard as you walled down the path and then you saw it. The most ethereal being you could of expected. "L-lord Barbatos?" You asked softly and wiped your hands off your skirt before you got on your knees in front of him.
Barbatos looked absolutely gleeful. Finally, now he had caught your lovely attention even though it took him exposing his identity to you. "Rise, my beloved follower." He told you as you stood up and gave him a smile. "I've been watching you for a while... And may I say, you have to be my most devoted believer. So for that, I'd like to give you a gift~"
The next few minutes were followed by you kissing the God passionately like he had your last breath and Venti sitting on your lap, marking your neck. "T-this is so wrong..." You muttered as you pinned the Archon against the wall and chuckled, looking at the tiny shorts he wore. "But doesn't it feel right?~" "It sure does~" You got handed a strap on by Barbatos and looked a bit amused that the Anemo Archon had something like that before lifting your skirt up and putting the strap on.
"Oh please ruin your God, please!~" He cried out for you before you had slammed the entire 7 inch dildo inside of his asshole, bottoming out immediately. Venti was in complete shock and moaned loudly, cumming on the wall already. "Seems the God of Freedom can't even handle something inside of you... By the Archons, you're such a dirty slut~" You teased him and chuckled before you started to thrust inside of him, soft clapping echoing the cathedral while you fucked him.
Venti adored this. It was what he finally wanted. And oh Archons does it feel amazing. You towered over his petite body, thrusting inside of him endlessly while he couldn't do a thing. He was an Archon yet he felt so satisfied with letting someone else taking control. "M-master~" He whined when you had thrusted deep and had hit his prostate. "G-gah~ nghhh— more, more, more!~" He moaned louder as your strap-on made him feel so weak yet delighted.
You had looked down to see his cock twitching again while you had started slamming into his asshole faster. "You better not cum right away you slut~" You growled in his ear and thrusted harder, covering his mouth slightly so no one from outside heard their rendezvous. "M-master~ can't..hold in much longer~" He whimpered and started tearing up from how fast you were inside of him.
The pleasure was too much, he couldn't hold it in anymore. Venti's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he came on the wall for a second time, tears running down his face. You had immediately stopped and slapped his ass before looking straight at him. "Did I tell you to cum?" "N-no master~" He looked exhausted after cumming twice and turned to look back at you, whining when you slowly pulled out of him until the tip of the silicone cock was inside of his asshole.
"Since you want to cum so badly, we're not stopping until I feel satisfied, Lord Barbatos. Or should I say Venti? Almost fooled me, but the fact you pulled this same ordeal on me during the day today and even showed me the dildo told me it all." Venti's eyes went wide and looked embarrassed that he was now actually caught. "Don't be embarrassed now you little whore!! Acting so bratty before, I might as well break you~"
You had immediately slammed yourself back into Venti's ass, groaning softly while the now weakened Archon screamed your name over and over like a prayer. My how the roles have reversed, instead of you praying for him, he was praying for you. Pounding his slutty hole endlessly while he cried tears of pleasure, he would definitely not forget this night.
Especially since after this incident, he snuck into the church a lot more when you had the night shift. And your routine would repeat once again. A sinful cycle he nor you wanted to break.
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"Shall I play the Ode of the Tits for this very fine Sunday?"
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the-white-void · 1 year
Unbounded by the Trivial
You are an imposter but you don’t really care about anything anymore so you just let it be, it’s not like if you try hard enough you could change it.
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You had a normal life and whatever happened you just let it be, “it is what it is” was your motto in life, so if there’s anything you don’t have control over, you wouldn’t go out of your way to change it.
And so after your mind was blown off you woke up in genshin impact and let your holy luck deal with what kind of situation you would end up in.
Oh lo and behold the Knights have swarmed you with weapons and blockaded your surroundings “Welp, I ain’t surviving this shit” you thought in your mind, the acting grandmaster marched through the crowd of knights while you simply stayed on the ground looking at everyone’s feet “you have committed high treason for impersonation of the divine one” her voice boomed across the field “you imprisoned until the gods of the nation’s decide what to do with you” as she readied her blade preparing for an attempt of your escape “ok” was all yet happened, you a criminal with unknown punishment simply just letting it happen?
The blade still in hand in belief that you were bluffing, you stood up with hands upfront “So what are you waiting for?” This move stunned the crowd as the Knight in front of you cuffed your hands with a puzzled face.
Taken to the dungeons of Mondstat you just waited while trying to chat with the guards and entertain yourself with their reactions, some were repellent against you, some were hesitant to reply, and some even turned into a therapy session.
It didn’t take long for the true creator to know of your arrival and then immediately start planning how they will greet their precious baby in their palace.
The archons rarely meet one another and especially all 7 of them in the same room and here they are because of you. It all started awkwardly since no one knew how to start this off, after some time the silence was broken by Zhongli “So it seems we all agree that something needs to be done with the imposter” he said looking suspiciously at the Tsaritsa “If you all agree?” he questioned, all of them nodded in agreement “so then what would you like to suggest then?” the dendro archon asked the other gods, the anemo archon quickly jumped up “a simple public execution would suffice their grace won’t it?” the green bard suggested but some were hesitant.
Therefore the hydro archon proposed a vote, those who wish for the undertaking of the imposter were to raise their right hand, and those who opposed were to raise their left. 4 raised their right hand, Zhongli, Venti, Ei, and Murata all agreed to punish the imposter by taking their life, and 2 presented their left hand in a debate against the option which was from the dendro and hydro archon, many were shocked by the god of justice going against the idea.
“Why would you of all people go against this?” Ei stood up and asked her in disbelief “Well serving unjust justice is no different than committing a crime and based on what I’ve heard they don’t seem to be doing anything wrong” she stated as the Tsaritsa cut her off “Your reasoning lacks evidence, as you said you’ve only heard it” her tone cold and stern sticking a nerve on the hydro archon “that’s funny coming from someone who chose no side and that is exactly why I wish to see for my self who this imposter really is if you’d allow me barbatoes” to which he approved.
The Divine overseer of teyvat ignored all their duties and continuously daydreamed about how their reunion would go as they decorated their place on all your desires with a joyous smile.
A few days pass until the God of Justice arrived in the city of freedom where the imposter was held imprisoned. Upon entering faint voices were heard from where they were supposed to be detained but when she arrived expecting a violent prisoner but saw a knight shedding tears at a figure behind bars gently patting their head and mouthing words she could not decipher.
The knight saw the high figure then quickly wiped their tears and greeted them with their voice croaking “Your majesty, welcome to Mondstat, the imposter is held here” They gestured to your cell while you were limped on the bars looking at the god before you “so are you here to kill me?” this question was unexpected from someone with the face the deity that sees all “no but I am here for answers, specifically from you” she glowered at you “although I am against just killing you for no apparent reason other than looking like them I do have to know your intentions. Now tell” as she motions the guards to leave
You sigh and tell them what you know including some hints about your world.
“So you tell me you are from another world where this world is implemented as a game where everything is recorded as a story for people all over your world”
“I see… am I any good?”
“You did say all of teyvat became a game in your world so what did you think of me?”
“I don’t know, you weren’t in it yet”
A disappointed sigh left her lips while you were confused. “As much as what you have told me does seem farfetched, how do you expect me to believe this?” your expression was all drained from thinking about what you’ve been doing with your life “Believe what you want to believe, it ain’t really my problem”
“Aren’t you a little too pessimistic?”
“It’s from experience and from that I just gave up on controlling things that are out of control”
The hydro archon stood up to leave the saddening aura of the room “You are one weak soul aren’t you” she said before she left “I am… and pathetic”
Out of the dungeon waiting for the god of justice were the other six archons waiting for what was information about the imposter.
“What did you find out about them?” the god of freedom taunted “Nothing? I bet they wouldn’t even talk to you”
“They looked lost and defeated, but what they said is unbelievable… but possible”
“Sympathy from you? They must be lucky?” the war wretched god teased
“Well, what did they say?” the wisdom-thirsty deity asked
“That is not necessary, 4 to 2 when we decided if they are to be executed for the public and for their grace” the former geo archon imposed on the group.
Not long when the execution day had come when your head was locked in a guillotine, you were shaking no your body was but you just stayed still as your tears ran down your face.
After decorating their palace and planning how you two will be with each other and replaying all these scenarios in their head they finally descend upon the lands of teyvat but it was quiet… and silent and they finally realized that they have not checked up on the people for some time and saw what was to happen, nothing but rage was all they could feel as they dashed through the wind to find you
Your head was cut but you did not die, you were wide awake while looking at your headless body, it did not have muscles or bones, it was like a tip bucked with golden blood being spilt across the floor, you tried to stand up and so did your body and it worked like it was normal.
Many were horrified by the blood they had spilt, divine blood, but you simply picked up your head and lifted it above your head
“Holy smokes dude, this cut is insane, shoutout to my barber daug”
Then the earth began to rumble and the winds and thunders covered the sky before the Divine Deity you’ve heard of appears before you, several thoughts came swirling down your head until you dropped then the creator’s face turned to worry as they trembled from the sound of your head clashing with the ground, it didn’t take long for your head blood to run out where you fainted.
You woke up in the arms of the creator snuggling you close to their arms humming a lullaby you are unfamiliar with “Oh, you’re awake, are feeling any better? Do you need me to get something?” Their words going through one ear out the other “Are you that god they talkin' about?” “Yes but no need for such formalities my dear child” their tone giving off the feeling ling clouds “So you are like my parent now?” “I always have been” You were beyond confused but you’ll ask about it later.
“Ok, but what happened to uh.. the hydro archon?” You were curious about her since that day “She’s imprisoned like the others” “but she didn’t do anything” “Oh, I see very well then I’ll get her”.
She was released shortly after and she thanked you for your generosity but you simply wish for a chat every now and then, the Tsaritsa was also released since she was merely listening for information
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roseapov · 1 year
Freedom of choice
Venti/Barbatos x GN!Reader
The warning: Mentions of obsession, imprisioning in a sleep, manipulation, use of divine powers
Spoilers to Mondstadt Main Story
Povtober 2023, Day 8 [Masterlist]
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Barbatos first met you, when Dvalin was corrupted by the Abyss. He was searching for his dragon friend to help him, when he saw another person, you. You were tending to dragons wounds and he seemed totally calm around you, unlike for the others where he acted hostile.
It immediately picked his interest, as he chose to hide and observe you for a little longer. He felt an invisible force drawing him to you, yet he decided to ignore it, to watch you longer whilst ignoring the painful sting in his heart.
When you entered the city for the first time, he planned your meeting to be as charming as possible, to lure you in and tell him all your secrets. The white pigeons surrounded him whilst he played his lyre, under a big statue of the Anemo Archon - Barbatos.
He instantly caught your eye, and he seemed to brighten even more for his crowd. After his performance he didn't wait for any applause like usual, but instead went straight to you.
You were so.. you, he never met someone like you before, so please, let him write a poem for you.
He quickly got charmed by you, firstly as a Barbatos and secondly as Venti.
Yet, he never told you about his feelings, no no, he wouldn't dare to. What if you would feel pressured to answer him and say yes, but don't even mean it? He can't have that, as a God of Freedom it's against his principles. That's why he found another solution.
As fast as he barged into your life, then as fast he made himself comfortable and at home, right by your side. You also couldn't help but start to feel comfortable around that goofy bard, which led you to trust him with all your heart, as he became your safe space.
But once you fell asleep on his lap, it was over. He wouldn't pressure you into doing anything, and yet he still created an alternative reality for you. A cage with the illusion of freedom, BUT it still had freedom, so everything was fine for him.
A reality, where you could do whatever you want, without the risk of being in danger. Despite the other people acting weird to you, you never really questioned it as Venti was always by your side, travelling the world with you, averting your attention from everyone else.
You never got bothered by your fuzzy memories, not when you have a companion who can make you feel better in an instant.
He never told you, yet he used his divine powers to stop your time, and took your consciousness into a place that never met the threats of the time.
When you finally fell in love with him, and was willing to stay with him forever only then he ended the sleep, but in a way that you never knew you were in a sleep at all.
He manipulated you and the situation into making you believe that yesterday you confessed to him in the Stormterror's lair, and he graciously accepted it. You both were on your way home, and this is where playing with this fake reality ended.
When you woke up in your bed in the next morning, you were in a real world again, but it's not like you knew about it anyway.
Venti looked just the same as 'yesterday', but why did everyone else look much older? Did you missed something? Why does the Mondstadt look different? You didn't know, but thinking about it was giving you deadly migraines.
Your new lover was now happily comforting and massaging you, knowing that you chose him from everyone else with your own freedom of choice.
He's so glad you decided to offer him all your freedom, to him, to your God. Oh you didn't? Not yet then.
What was he mumbling about? Oh, don't mind it, it wasn't important anyway.
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First fic with Genshin Impact characters in Povtober 2023 AND in total. That's a great feat Venti💚 It was really hard to find his pic that would show his personality as both Venti and Barbatos, but I think I managed it well💚 If this work have any grammar mistakes, I'm going to fix them this weekend, See you soon 🔜
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semolinapudding · 10 months
I fall in love with souls, not faces.
A concept of a romantic story with Venti in which Venti falls in love with a human for the first time.
In this story, Venti is attracted to not only you as yourself, but your very soul, your essence, and both of your souls become tied together by being compatible. After the loss of the nameless bard which he could not get over so early in his archon years, his sorrow and loss is manifested into the attachment and love to you.
Oh, how beautiful love is. Only now he can understand it himself. Being human. If only he was... Because your fates are two different paths, he's an archon and you're a mortal, and you're not meant to be by nature.
Barbatos the god of freedom and death. Who frees the souls into the after life or into rebirth on earth. They say that everyone will meet Barbatos once in their lifetime, and is when their lives are fading. Barbatos appears then with his wings and hands open, welcoming your soul. That's what you see when you fade from life young. Barbatos and Venti, the same being, guiding you to dance in the space between life and death, prolonging this sweet and painful connection for some little more time.
And when he guides your soul to rebirth, it does not go back on earth untouched. He leaves trails of anemo infusion within you, meant to bring you back to him again, in your next life, back to the Anemo god that's dedicating his immortality to only one soul.
A faint birth mark of the color of anemo is on your hand. The unique mark which means is that you belong to Barbatos, but you don't know. You're reborn, and meeting him again is once again the first time for you, but for him it's not.
And every time you die, every time he relives the pain, each time he sends your soul to be reborn, each time falling in love with you over and over, waiting for you. He can't let go of your soul, it keeps reliving in Teyvat instead of flying to the heavens.
And each time you're reborn, you always only love one song he sings, the same favorite song. It becomes a deja Vu. The more you're reborn, the more you get deja vu's, until you begin to remember, you get so aware.
The Anemo infusion into your soul brings memories back to you, like the winds that hold whispers and secrets. Your mind and soul are no longer two separate essences but they get merged, and you, in your essence are now just a fully aware soul with a mind and body, remembering what you shouldn't. Nature doesn't follow its natural state because you know Barbatos has loved you till the beginning of time and has never let go.
Archons are such weak and fragile beings in their essence. Tormented in their own pain, unable to bear the concept of human life. Of death. They get attached to humans and things more than anyone ever does.
At what point does immortality not feel like strength, but rather like a painful curse and fragility?
"My blume, don't you know, archons are nothing without humans? Humans can live without archons, but archons would not survive without humanity. Immortality is a curse, painfully engraved into our fates."
Who wants this story written?
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