#**character aesthetics
kaitlinamberxo · 2 months
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“But I'm nothing without this suit!” “If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite fictional muses — 99/100: Peter Parker / Spider-Man
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imasradiantasthesun · 8 months
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The Kids of District Twelve – part 2
Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, and Madge Undersee
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wishmemellsworld · 6 months
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usahana aesthetic 🌈
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iolite-moodboards · 1 month
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two bit mathews with an orange grey theme for anon
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namusthetic · 1 year
The Writers' Series
Who wrote you, based on your aesthetic?
British Edition
Oscar Wilde
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"You can never be overdressed or overeducated."
Irregular sleep schedule
Sprawling on a sofa quoting poets long gone
The forbidden sweetness of guilty pleasures
The gently whispered name of a lover
Losing oneself to sensations and feelings
Writes poems for their lovers
Dressing up only for the pleasure of doing so
That dizzy feeling of late night adventures
Procrastination and unsent letters
An old silver framed broken mirror and forgotten withered roses
Sitting alone late at night. The thick, stuffy air in the room is making you dizzy and dulls your senses
Virginia Woolf
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"How many times have people used a pen or a paintbrush because they couldn't pull the trigger?"
The soft first autumn breeze
Spending winter afternoons in hidden library corners
Taking long walks along the riverbank in the early afternoon
Gives good advice but doesn't follow it
Scented candles and gentle nostalgia
The furious, quiet calmness of the ocean before a storm
Orange blossoms and sea salt
The texture of paper under your fingertips and the sound of chirping from outside the window
Wants to change the world one word at a time
Never forgives, never forgets
Reads poems in the golden afternoon light
Romantic but won't talk about their feelings
William Shakespeare
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"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
Wine stains on victorian shirts
The sound of footsteps on marble floors
Scribbling random Latin sentences in other people's notebooks
Dark, alluring, and a little bit occult
Writes poems on random scraps of paper and then forgets about them
The line between dreams and reality starting to blur
Loud, contagious laugh
Sword fights back stage
A lone flickering candle in the night
Laughs and cries at the same time when overwhelmed with emotion
Believes in the power of the unsettling and the forbidden
Sprawls on any available surface just to read tragedies and drink wine
Mary Shelley
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"When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster?"
The sound of your heart beating in your ears when waking up from a nightmare
Anatomy and science illustrations
Equations and formulas scribbled everywhere
The touch of cold metal on warm skin
The clap of thunder and insistent drumming of heavy rain on the windowpanes
The muffled sound of cracking thunder from outside
Organized shelves and absentminded humming
Cold gravity and solemn silences
The cold shudder of realisation
Pacing back and forth trying to solve grave problems and unexpected results
Empathizes easily
Agatha Christie
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"Poirot," I said. "I have been thinking."
"An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it."
Hot chocolate on cold winter days while people watching inside an old Café
Sitting down in parks and reading the paper
The scent of clean laundry
Windswept hair and sharp looks
Spontaneous conversations and smiling at strangers
Could prove anyone wrong solely for their own amusement
Wet pavements glinting in the sunshine after a rain shower
Apricot jam, fresh baked croissants and café au lait while reading the newspaper in the early morning
A glint in their eyes and a spring in their step
Peppermints and vanilla hand cream
Sarcasm and condescending smiles
J.R.R. Tolkien
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"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
Early morning dew sparkling on spiderwebs
The awareness and clarity that comes with crisp morning air
Daisies, gingerbread and warm comfy clothes
Really into folklore
Snail shells and acorns kept in a jacket's pocket
The scent of fresh homemade bread in the morning
The gentle murmur of the wind blowing through the trees
Nothing could make them miss their afternoon tea
Knows the name of every plant or bird species
Presses flowers in their notebooks
That spark for adventure glims constantly in their eyes
George Orwell
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"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
The smell of cigarettes and the sound of steps on the wet pavement
Long night walks around the city
The cold winter wind howling against the windows
Cheap black coffee drank in a small almost empty 24/7 coffee shop
Tired eyes and vivid dreams of liberty
Messy, rushed writing
The condensation on a cold window
Minimalist notebooks and black ballpoint pens hidden everywhere
Trying desperately to be free, to feel alive
The deafening silence of loneliness and the gentle quiet of solitude
T. S. Eliot
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"For I have known them all already, known them all / Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, / I have measured out my life with coffee spoons."
Coffee and ink stains
Tiny scribbled notebooks carried around in worn out messenger bags
Reads to escape the real world
Reading on public transportation and almost missing the stop
Falls in love five times a day
Strong coffee and dark chocolate
Feels like nobody can truly understand them
Doesn't take care of themselves
Stacks their books randomly around their house, forgetting empty coffee mugs and notepads on top of them
Flopping facedown on the bed and listening to the sounds of the life out the window
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yougonnashootme · 2 months
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✦ my darling, you will never be unloved by me, you are too well tangled in my soul.
wei wuxian & lan wangji; — the untamed.
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Ground Zero : Chapter 1
We were just kids
It was a warm, bright spring day. The air hummed with life as Viper and Lilian, two young sisters, climbed high into the trees surrounding their home. The divine nature of the children who inhabited this mystical place made everything flourish with abundance, especially the forest that enveloped their lovely manor. Today, the sisters were testing their climbing skills, eager to push their limits.
Lilian wore a pastel yellow spring overall set, her soft brown hair tied in a neat braid. Viper, slightly older, sported a sleek black jumpsuit, her wild, short hair whipping in the breeze. Viper had a firm grip on the bark as she hoisted herself up, the rough texture of the tree scraping her palms. She paused every so often to glance down, making sure her younger sister could follow, lending her a hand when needed.
The trees on the island were strange—foreign even to those who ventured from distant continents. Some stood as tall as small mountains, while others, like the teenage spruce they were climbing, barely stretched beyond a single story. To Viper and Lilian, this was just the right height for a bit of fun, their favorite tree for an afternoon adventure.
When they reached the top, the sisters settled, wrapping one arm around each other and the other around the rough trunk for balance. From their perch, they could see the vibrant world of the forest unfold below them—creatures scampering into tree hollows, birds singing sweet melodies, flowers blossoming in bursts of color that painted the earth like an artist's palette. The soft rustle of the leaves in the gentle breeze was almost hypnotic.
Viper let out a satisfied sigh, her lips curling into a smile as she took in the scene. “It’s beautiful up here, isn't it?” she murmured. Lilian pressed her cheek against the tree, the cool, textured bark grounding her as she felt the pulse of life flowing through it. “It’s like the tree is alive, breathing,” Lilian whispered, eyes wide in wonder.
Suddenly, Viper shifted her footing, but her shoe slipped on a patch of slick moss. Her heart leaped in her chest as her balance tipped backward. Panic flashed across her face as she felt gravity pull her down, her fingers clawing at the bark in a futile attempt to stop the fall.
“Viper!” Lilian’s voice rang out, sharp with fear. Time seemed to slow for the younger sister. Reflexes honed from their divine nature kicked in as Lilian’s eyes followed Viper’s fall. With no hesitation, her body reacted—muscles coiled like springs ready to release. Her wrist split open as if by instinct, the skin parting without pain. Out shot veins and nerves, twisting and transforming in the open air into vine-like tendrils.
The botanical tendrils lashed out, snaking around Viper’s waist just as she slipped out of reach. The vines tightened and jerked her sister back toward the tree. Viper grunted as she collided with the trunk and a few branches on the way down, earning a few scrapes, but she was safe. She blinked in shock, catching her breath as she looked up at Lilian’s pale, strained face.
“Gotcha,” Lilian exhaled, her arm trembling as her vines began to retract. The tendrils slithered back into her skin, reshaping into their original form. A few of them lingered, wrapping themselves around the open wound on her wrist, forming a leafy bandage that covered the cut and started the healing process.
Viper, still clinging to a branch just beneath her, rubbed the back of her head with a wry grin. “Nice catch, Lil’,” she said, her voice light but still a bit shaken. Her nails elongated into small, sharp claws, sinking into the tree for extra grip. “You okay? I didn’t make you use too much of your power, did I?”
Lilian, still slightly out of breath, nodded as she lowered herself onto the branch beside her sister. “I’m fine, just… don’t do that again, please,” she said with a shaky laugh, her vines tightening one last time before they vanished under her skin completely. “You scared me.”
Viper gave her a playful shove with her shoulder. “I’ll try not to make a habit of it,” she teased, though there was genuine gratitude in her eyes. She looked around as the last bits of adrenaline faded, and added, “Think we should head back?”
Lilian glanced toward the horizon, where the sun was already beginning its descent. “Yeah, Ty said we should only be out for a few hours. Plus, I think we’ve done enough climbing for one day.”
With a shared look and a nod, the two girls carefully made their way back down the tree, their feet finding steady purchase on each branch as they descended. The forest was alive with sounds, the wind whistling through the leaves, the hum of distant wildlife creating a serene symphony.
Elsewhere, the dead came in all shapes and sizes—some old, some young, and tonight, one of them was a child. Kaboo’s footsteps were silent as she moved through the dimly lit forest, her black aura shimmering around her like the wings of a raven. Despite her otherworldly appearance, she had a calm, soothing presence, the kind that could ease even the most terrified soul.
The little ghost girl stood shaking, her translucent form flickering with fear. Kaboo approached her slowly, her expression devoid of emotion, but there was something in her eyes—an unspoken promise of safety. “No one is going to hurt you here anymore,” Kaboo said softly, her voice a quiet, steady rhythm that seemed to soothe the child.
The girl, wide-eyed, looked up at Kaboo, her voice trembling. “I don’t wanna go…”
Kaboo knelt, her dark silhouette blending into the shadows. “Where would you like to go, then?” she asked, her tone patient as she reached into her pocket, pulling out a handkerchief to gently wipe the child’s tear-streaked face.
The girl sniffled, calming under Kaboo’s touch. “I… I want to see Mama and Papa again.”
Kaboo’s lips curled into a soft smile, the first real warmth she had shown all night. “They’re waiting for you behind those doors,” she whispered, pointing toward the shimmering light in the distance. The girl’s eyes lit up with hope, and she slowly began to walk toward the glow, disappearing as she crossed the threshold.
Meanwhile, back at the manor, Raiya lay sprawled on the floor, her face pressed into the wooden planks as her chest heaved with heavy breaths. “Dragon Witch… defeated…” she panted, her words muffled by exhaustion.
Jessa, a small toddler, sat triumphantly on her older sister’s back, waving her arms in the air. “I win! I win!” she squealed in delight.
Raiya groaned, too tired to argue. She had faced dangerous beasts, outrun law enforcement, and battled feral monsters in the past, but nothing compared to the bottomless energy of her little sister. She rolled onto her side, sending Jessa tumbling into the cushions of the nearby couch with a giggle.
“Alright, Jessa,” Raiya said, her voice heavy with fatigue. “Big Sis is tired. How about some cocoa before bed?”
Jessa’s face lit up as she nodded eagerly. “Cocoa!” she chirped, bouncing on the couch, her favorite stuffed animal Mr. Rex clutched in her arms.
Raiya smiled fondly, brushing a hand through her tangled hair as she pushed herself up. As she walked toward the kitchen, she felt the familiar dull ache in her shoulder—a reminder of the gunshot wound from the previous night. She winced slightly but shrugged it off, focusing instead on preparing the hot chocolate.
In another room, Tyra sat by the window, her eyes heavy with exhaustion from a long night of patrol. But when Diane toddled up to her, arms raised for a hug, Tyra felt a sudden rush of warmth. She scooped her little sister up and held her close, the setting sun casting a golden glow over them as they embraced.
For a moment, the weariness melted away, replaced by the simple comfort of family.
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guessillcallitart · 7 months
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You're gonna go far.
Bea🪻(moodboard pics from pinterest)
taglist: @aloeverawrites, @your-absent-father, @rbbess110, @yesireadbooks, @full-on-sam, @anonymousfoz, @albatris, @athenswrites, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @the-mindless (ask to be added or removed)
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maelancoli · 9 days
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kaitlinamberxo · 1 month
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“Everyone says Targaryens are closer to gods than to men, but they say that because of our dragons. Without them, we're just like everyone else.”
kaitlin's 100 favorite female muses — 42/100: Rhaenyra Targaryen
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imasradiantasthesun · 7 months
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Women (and Girls) of Twelve – part 4
Alys Everdeen, Prim Everdeen, Hazelle Hawthorne, and Effie Trinket
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iolite-moodboards · 2 months
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afrolatino, solar punk percy jackson for anon
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imdrowninginmoonlight · 8 months
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Alice Dyer 💖
Sam Khalid 🌻
Gwen Bouchard 🎀
Lena Kelley 👓
Colin Becher 💻
Chester 📼
Norris ☁️
Augustus 👁️
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scooby-unsolved · 1 month
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pov you live in crystal cove
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featheryfoxes · 3 months
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"It's not like - she tried to save my life. Let her rest here the night." Lestat had gone, not soft but kinder in their separation.
Louis was inclined to agree but one thing vexed him,"Can you hear her thoughts?"
The blond shook his head; rare were humans that could shield from Vampires and she had shown too many signs of humanity to be one of them.
They missed the woman coming down the stairs. "I'm Ophelia," she introduced deep brown eyes giving way to blue and green. "I just... wanted to save you."
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guessillcallitart · 5 months
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taglist: @aloeverawrites, @your-absent-father, @rbbess110, @yesireadbooks, @full-on-sam, @anonymousfoz, @the-mindless, @the-void-writes, @athenswrites, @albatris, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @aalinaaaaaa (ask to be added or removed)
(moodboard pics from pinterest)
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