#*am gonnae fuckin sleep. eat food. go for walks. dance maybe. kiss my mates
calamitys-child · 1 year
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espressoo-patronum · 7 years
Fairytale gone bad - part 2
Warnings:  swearing, smoking?
A/N: not edited. sorry for the grammar mistakes, i am too tired to edit it now.
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      It`s been 3 days since you broke up with him. You haven`t been yourself during this time. Your friends tried to comfort you but you just shook your head and told them you`re fine. You needed time to sort everything that was going into your mind and heart. You belived that you should have been happier than this because you finally  escaped that endless circle of pain and disappointment, but you weren`t. You needed to be next to him, to snuggle into his chest and be told that everything was fine.
     You shook those thoughts out of your mind and entered the Great Hall for breakfast. You sat down next to Remus, not paying attention to the looks your friends were giving you. You stared at the food when you heard a worried voice.
“You haven`t eaten well lately, (y/n/n).”
  You didn`t  bother to turn your head to know it was Remus. You answered so quietly that if  Moony wouldn`t have been so close to you, he would have missed it.
“ …-not hungry.”
“You should try to eat a little.” Lily squeezed your hand gently.
  You sighed and grabed a slice of bread, trying to bring yourself to take a bite. You hated feeling so weak. Yes, it was true, you loved Sirius more than anything, but he didn`t seem to do the same. That`s just how it was. You kept telling yourself that everything will be fine in the end.
   Out of nowhere you felt a hand on your shoulder. You could swear you almost snapped your neck from how fast you turned around. Behind you was a tall boy with light brown hair and deep green eyes. You reconized the boy from your house. He was a muggle born, same year as you.
“Hey, (y/n), sorry to bother you, but can we talk for a second?” he asked a little hesitant.
   You nodded and got up from your seat. You waved to your friends and left the Great Hall with the boy.
“How can I help you, Dearborn?” you asked as you two walked slowly.
“I know you are not ok right now, but i need your help with something.”
  You raised your eyebrow and nodded for him to continue.
“I`ve been dating Marlene for quite some time and I just can`t take it anymore. She is cheating on me and I want to make her pay somehow.”
“And that is my buisness because…?”
 He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“I want to break up with her. In public. I liked the song you sang a few days ago. Do you think you can help me write one too?”
  You were surprised. You thought a little about it, not feeling good about doing this to the poor girl, but you never agreed with the lack of faith she had. You looked into the boy`s green eyes and smirked.
“Wait me in the common room after dinner. Bring a quill and a piece of parchment.”
  He thanked you and ran away with a wide smile on his face, passing by the marauders. They turned their heads towards you who still had a smirk on your face and frowned. This is gonna be fun.
  It was already dark when you left your bedroom wearing a pair of black jeans and a (y/f/c) sweather that made your (y/e/c) eyes seem brighter. The common room was still pretty busy. You saw the boys in front of the fireplace before your eyes fell on the tall boy with green eyes waiting for you. He carried the items you told him to. You smiled at each other when you reached at the end of the stairs.
“Ready to write your overly-dramatic break up song?” he laughed at your comment.
“I`m as ready as I can. So where are we going?”
  You already started to walk towards the portrait hole so you had to turn around to look at him, your (y/h/c) hair flying around you.
“I`m thinking about…the lake?” You raised an eyebrow, waiting for his answer. He nodded and you two left, missing the daggers Sirius was sending the boy.
  You sat down by the lake and wrote lyrics, laughing from time to time at a silly joke or story about his soon-to-be-ex. You were having fun. It was the first time in days when you had a good laugh and you missed it. Sometimes your mind would wander back to your friends and him, but you shoved those thoughts away. 
  You kept working on the song with the boy during the time you were in the Great Hall or in the common room. You could feel a pair of eyes burning your back whenever you spent time with Dearborn, but you did your best to ignore it.
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       It was late in the night. You couldn`t sleep because of the storm so you slipped out of your bed and out of the dorms. You went to the Astronomy tower where you sat down somwhere dry and lighted a cigarette, watching the rain. It calmed you somehow.  You remembered how you used to do this with Sirius. You felt tears forming into your eyes when his smiling face came into your mind. You missed that idiot so much. He didn`t try to talk to you since you broke up with him and it hurt you. A disappointed chuckle escaped your lips.
 “What was I hoping for? Him running after me? Him asking me to come back? That bastard is too proud for that.”
   As your mind wandered you didn`t heard the footsteps approaching so you jumped a little when you hear a voice behind you. His voice.
“Well, I won`t deny it, but what was I supposed to do when you`ve putted me in my place like that?” you turned around and saw him smirking, holding a cigarette.
  You frowned , trying to figure him out. He lifted his hand.
“Do you have a lighter?” He said his face becoming serious.
   You nodded and took it out of your pocket. He stepped closer to you and lighted his cigarette.
“So what are you doing here alone? Where is your friend?” he spitted the last words as they were venom on his tongue.
“I couldn`t sleep because of the storm. And he is not my friend. I helped him with something.” You turned your head to look at the rain again.
“You seemed to enjoy yourself.”
“Is that a crime?!” he started to piss you off.
“No, I`m just surprised to see that you are the first one to move on. Quite easily too.” his words were bitter. 
   He sounded angry and sad, almost like he was…jealous. The thought made you smile but you made sure to erase it as soon as it appeared on your face.
“Jealous, Black?!” You saw pain on his face when you called him by his last name.  “I`m surprised you didn`t come to tell me how you jumped in bed with another girl the next morning and how I never meant anything to you.” You looked him in the eyes. 
   He frowned at your words and opened his mouth to say something when he saw you shivering from the cold wind.
“Are you cold?” You nodded in response. “Come here.” he opened his arms and before you knew what you`re doing, you were hugging him. You could feel him relax after a few seconds and holding you tighter.
“You mean the world to me, baby girl. How could you say that I don`t care? I haven`t touched anyone else than you in a very long time.” he kissed your forehead as you snuggled into his arms. 
  It was raining and it was cold, but right there, everything felt right. You felt like you were home and if you weren`t so close, you would have missed next words because of the storm. He bringed you closer if it was even possible and whispered in your ear. 
“I love you.”
     The next morning, everyone was in the Great Hall for breakfast. The other marauders seemed to notice Sirius` good mood but he refused to answer what happened when they asked.
    You sat down next to Remus and filled your plate with everything you could. He laughed and shook his head amused.
“Looks like someone got her apetite back.” You looked at him, your mouth full of food and smiled.
   You heard Dearborn calling you so you turned your head in his direction.
“Wanna sing it with me?” You swallowed your food and shaked your head.
“It`s your message, mate. My job is done.”
“How about you give me a beat then.” You laughed and nodded.
“Say no more.”
   He turned around and called for Marlene.
   James gave you a quizzical look and you mothed the words “ wait and see.” You took a deep breath when the boy with green eyes waved his hand for you to start singing and gave him a beat.
“ Do, re, mi, fa, so” 
 And he continued.
“ Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh
Do, re, mi, fa, so
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, if I could go back to the day we met
I probably would just stay in bed
You run your mouth all over town
And this one goes out to the sound
Of breaking glass on my Range Rover
Pay me back or bitch, it’s over
All the presents I would send
Fuck my friends behind my shoulder
Next time I'ma stay asleep
I pray the Merlin my soul to keep, oh.”
  He looked straight into Marlene`s confused eyes and you couldn`t help the smile spreading on your face.
“ And you got me thinking lately
Bitch, you crazy
And nothing’s ever good enough
I wrote a little song for ya
It go like.”
  You started to dance on your seat and sing with him.
“Do, re, mi, fa, so fuckin’ done with you, girl
So fuckin’ done with all the games you play
I ain’t no Tic-tac-toe
Send the X and O’s on another note
I’m do, re, mi, fa, so fuckin’ done with you, baby
So send the X and O’s on another note, I’m ghost.”
  James looked at you and asked if you wrote it. You nodded and kept singing. He smiled and laughed, he seemed proud.
   When the boy stopped singing, a crying Marlene rushed out of the Great Hall. He came to you and grabbed your hand, kissing it lightly. It took Sirius all his control not to jump on the poor boy right there.
“Thank you for helping me, (y/n). You are amazing. How about I take you on a date on our next trip to Hogsmade?” he winked at you and you laughed, looking at Sirius who shot daggers at Dearborn.
“That won`t be necessary, but thank you.” the boy followed your eyes which landed on a jealous Sirius. Realisation hitted him.
“Oh, so you two are back together then. Such a loss. Well, if he ever break your heart again, you know where to find me, love.” 
  You turned around and looked at Sirius who gave you his signature smirk.
“So I guess you are free this saturday?” he raised his eyebrow.
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