#*diet culture
dykeulous · 2 days
women are expected to have minimal fucking bone density and fat it’s actually CRAZY. like i bought a pair of underwear and it was apparently “universal” without size & it was literally SO SMALL IT BURSTED. and i’m literally average like i’m not even near overweight lmao. i really wonder how big the differences between female & male humans really would be if female socialization didn’t play such a huge part in shaping girls & women’s lifestyles, wrt high voice & vocal cords, bodies & body shapes…… like diet culture, beauty industries & literally everything is teaching young women & girls to minimize their humanity as much as they can. it’s crazy i hate it i hate it i hate it!!!
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 7 months
Thing is, I'm not just anti-fatphobia as in "I don't want people to be mean to fat people"
I am pro fat liberation as in "I want to dismantle the systemic biases against fat people and the diet culture and medical industrial complex that feeds into the very real systemic oppression that fat people face"
I don't see fatphobia as a mere interpersonal issue where if you are being nice to fat people or saying things in a polite way to them you're automatically free of fatphobia. I see it as essential to challenge every bit of diet culture myth that we might encounter and break the unscientific ideas of "health" as defines by weight, fat, calories, bmi, and other nonsense. I see it as essential to view fatphobia as the political issue it is and take it seriously as such, and to unlearn and help others unlearn oppressive baseless ideas we have assumed to be true and natural.
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sitronsangbody · 7 months
Just the fact that so many people talk about "feeling fat" and "looking fat" despite not actually being fat, betrays that it's fucking not all about health. People fear even this perceived proximity to fatness. "I feel fat today" means "I feel ugly and therefore some kind of unworthy". "I look fat in that picture" means "I appear uglier than I consider myself to officially be". Neither of them means "I feel compelled to check my cholesterol" or whatever
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Another piece of diet culture to unlearn: that eating an "unhealthy" food negates the benefits of other nutritious things you've eaten. Put bacon and ranch on your salad? Congratulations, you still got a lot of fiber, that's great for your gut biome, and the veggies still contain nutrients. Finished up your dinner with a dessert? You still ate the dinner. You don't have to eat "pure" to take in nutrition from your meals.
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fatphobiabusters · 7 months
That person the other day who said they love seeing photos of thin people holding up 3XL jeans to show all of the "hard work" they put into living "the life they want," there's so much I could say about that.
I could explain that any fat person you see has almost certainly put in that same amount of "hard work" to become thin and then watched as their body refused to stay that way.
I could explain basic, unbiased weight science proving that weight loss is only temporary for the 4 millionth time.
I could explain that fat people are human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and humanity, again for the 4 millionth time.
I could explain and explain and explain, but I'm tired of explaining to people who don't listen and pull their views out of their ass. So instead, I think we should applaud photos of fat people holding up the jeans they temporarily wore as a thin person.
Let's celebrate the fat people who once were a size small. Let fat people hold up their old tiny jeans in celebration of:
Beating an eating disorder
No longer experiencing food insecurity
Recovering from an illness that had caused weight loss
Accepting their fat body instead of abusing themself to become thin again
Leaving an abusive family/living situation where they were starved and/or forced to conform to prevent abuse
Having the genes of ancestors who survived famines
Knowing that there is not a single scientifically-proven method of weight loss
No longer wasting time fighting their body's weight gain from health conditions that cause weight gain, like PCOS
Accepting their body that changed due to pregnancy
Accepting their body that changed due to puberty
Accepting their body that changed due to transitioning
Allowing themself to take the medicine they need to treat mental or physical illness no matter the weight gain side effects
Not listening to harassment from bullies, friends, family, or anyone else who demanded they be thin to deserve peace from mistreatment
Literally just getting older and having a body that has changed with time
Loving themself despite the entire world believing that fat people do not deserve love
Existing, because fat people do not need to justify their body and existence to anyone
And so much more
-Mod Worthy
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months
i was reading the recipe suggestions on some of the cans of mackerel i have in my cupboard, and I've noticed that on all of the recipe suggestions for pasta, seafood, anything really say "try this for a low-calorie, low carb, low fat, low sugar dinner". you. need those things when it comes to be mealtime. calories are a measure of how much "energy" you can burn, not how much weight you will gain from eating the food. carbohydrates get broken down into starches, sugars, and fibers, which are all necessary for you to function.
your brain & body operate primarily off of fats, sugars, and proteins, but i've noticed that protein is the only thing we push as absolutely necessary, which just isn't true. whenever you idle and not in motion, your body has nothing to do with the extra protein you're bringing in. it will be stored as extra fat if you do not give that protein a reason to build muscle tissue instead.
your brain consumes 20% or more of the sugar you take into your body- our brains NEED glucose, you literally need sugar to think. if you feel depressed and like you're sluggish reacting to things, thinking, remembering things, and other mental processes, if you are the kind of person who refuses to eat any sugar at all due to wanting to be skinny, you are doing your brain a huge disservice:
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i can't stand the hatred towards dietary fats, because it's causing so many people to be outright miserable or even sick. you need fats to function. they are an excellent source of energy and are literally required for you to be able to move, think, and combat disease. they are not this icky thing that you need to avoid at all costs. fats are extremely important for brain development, as well as brain function, and even immune system function:
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also for many people, 2,000 calories or less per day is nowhere near enough. your brain actively consumes calories, fats and sugars while you are awake, no matter what you are doing:
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i sincerely refuse to believe that if JUST YOUR BRAIN ALONE consumes somewhere in the ballpark of 400-500 calories just for being awake and active that we can only survive off of 2,000 calories a day. capitalism, diet culture and fat shaming forcing us to starve ourselves of vital nutrients so we are weak and too tired to fight back against the bullshit we face every day. food is important.
food isn't just to satiate the feeling of an empty stomach. it is the ONLY way you get vital fuel in order to keep moving, living, thinking, and breathing. vitamins and minerals are NOT the only vital aspects of food. you're not meant to restrict how many nutrients you get at FUCKING MEAL TIMES. YOU NEED FUEL. PLEASE FUEL YOUR BODY AND BRAIN. A CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE BODY ISN'T WORTH SUFFERING AND LIVING YOUR WORST LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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teaboot · 5 days
God I hate scrolling through Aesthetic and Transmasc tags and repeatedly getting blasted with a neck-deep wave of "pro-ana" #hashtag #Thinspo diet culture liquid diet grapefruit cleanse hip dip thigh gap top 10 easy meals under 10 calories low-carb keto Before And After Journey lose weight FAST! self care burn-fat-fast smart-snacking flat tummy bullshit
I don't even HAVE an eating disorder and here I am scrambling to block this crap taking -10 psychic damage every time a #coquette #gothic #dark academia thigh-high sock flies past like a string of paper lanterns in a hurricane
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purgatory2 · 4 months
kinda feels weird that body acceptance has shifted to focus on skinny women with a little pouch of fat on their stomach and maybe some on their thighs saying "normalize normal bodies! just don't take it too far!! #bodypositivity!"
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positivelyqueer · 9 months
I'm so fucking mad about how pervasive diet culture is. Like this shit is literally killing people in so many different ways but I can't open up a recipe book or grocery store magazine without reading words like 'bad' and 'sinful' and 'guilty/guilt free'. Like what the honest fuck is that?
And trying to recover from an eating disorder in that environment is like, I don't know, trying to recover from ingesting poison when the whole world wants to sell you repacked poison pills as pseudo scientific health supplements. And the poison pill industry is worth billions. And everyone around you is talking about how they wished they had the willpower to ingest poison, and sharing tips on how to make the poison go down smoother.
If you're currently recovering despite it all you are brave and powerful and strong as fuck. Don't let anyone diminish that.
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lylahammar · 8 months
hey this is a really really really amazing video and it goes over like all the talking points of societal fatphobia and why it's all bullshit and rooted in racism and ableism and a bunch of other stuff. It covers SO many different topics relating to fatness/fatphobia and Mickey Atkins put a ton of work into it (plus they're a licensed clinician and a fat person who knows what she's talking about). If you have a few hours and you wanna put somethin on in the background, please do so with this video!!
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sitronsangbody · 8 months
For those wondering: every fat person you know
- is aware that they're fat
- has heard of the health risks associated with fatness
- has most likely heard of the diet / drug / surgery / product you're considering recommending to them
- will have their guard up whenever they're around you if you make attempts to "fix" their fatness
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pillarsalt · 7 months
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
People say weight loss is for sure possible...but no one agrees on how to do it.
Dieting works...but there's now an "ob*sity epidemic" despite people lining the pockets of weight loss corporations more than ever.
Weight loss products work...but weight loss corporations are making the Exact. Same. Claims. about their products that they did in 1910 with the products that were sold and then discontinued over a century ago.
Humans are all meant to be thin...but there are families of fat people who stay fat no matter how much "willpower" they muster and have fat ancestors going back generations.
It's about health and not looks...but people who are losing weight due to smoking, cancer, illness, mental disorders, and other health conditions are praised for their weight loss and told to keep going.
Fat people aren't oppressed...but fat people have no positive representation, no proper access to clothing, face a wage gap, endure deadly medical neglect and abuse, have their deaths by police brutality excused with their fatness, and countless other aspects of oppression that they deal with every single day.
Fat people are all fat because they overeat...but you can point to any fat person on the sidewalk and there's an extreme likelihood that they're on their 30th diet attempt in the past 10 years while there's thin people who eat whatever they want, however much they want, and don't exercise yet never gain a single pound.
Fat people are privileged because they gorge on unnecessary food...but fat people are overwhelmingly living in poverty, are not paid the same amount of money for the same work as their thin peers, are not chosen for promotions, are turned away from jobs that an employer wants more than a "pretty face" for, are at major risk of workplace harassment, and endure oppression even beyond just that.
Fat people aren't treated badly...but people use the word "fat" as a metaphor and synonym for "ugly," "unlovable," and "unworthy," while at the same time believing "fat," the most basic term for a specific body type, is a dirty, taboo insult you should never allow to leave your lips.
Professionals agree that fatness is inherently bad...but almost any weight-related research study that people, especially weight loss corporations, use to justify demonizing fat people has the worst methodology imaginable with validity errors and logical fallacies galore as well as conflicts of interest due to how many of these studies just happen to be funded by the corporations that make millions and billions of dollars off of the demonization these studies promote.
All health conditions a fat person has are caused by their fatness...but there is not a single health condition that only fat people obtain, many fat people developed the health condition in question when they were thin or thinner, weight gain is often a symptom of said health conditions, fat people are not given the same amount or quality of healthcare as thin people, and repeated starvation attempts (also known as "yo-yo dieting") have been shown to worsen a person's health.
Fat people can't have eating disorders...but fat people are the group encouraged to partake in disordered eating by this fatphobic world the most and then are not given any support to recover.
Thin privilege doesn't exist...but thin people who see the way fat people are treated in society do their absolute damndest and take whatever drastic measures they have to in order to prevent themselves from ever becoming one of "Them."
Fit and fat are mutually exclusive...but there are fat athletes as far up as even the Olympics, and sports are intentionally made inaccessible to fat people to the point of fat children even being turned away when trying to join a sports team.
Fat people are ugly...but all we grow up ever seeing in media are thin, conventionally attractive people painted with layers of makeup next to fat characters who were intentionally designed with an ill-fitting outfit, matted hair, and all other traits that fit the "ugly" stereotype that the character designer could manage to slap onto a single person.
Fat people are big, bad bullies...but studies show that weight is the number one excuse that children use to bully their peers, outcompeting a multitude of other oppressed identities considered.
Fat women are just men and vice versa...but sometimes they're androgynous, and sometimes they're basically nonbinary, and sometimes they're just things, and sometimes they're nothing at all depending on what labels a fatphobe decides will hurt a fat person most that day.
Fat people are subhuman...but fat people deserve the same love, respect, compassion, and support that all people are born inherently deserving.
Fatphobia isn't real, but—
-Mod Worthy
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Whenever people who are entrenched in diet culture talk about how terrible chemicals are, I just want to whip out this:
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#diet culture#diet culture tw#described images#image description in alt#'it's got CHEMICALS in it' and so do you! and me too! IT'S ALL CHEMICALS ALL THE WAY DOWN#instead of running from this world we must learn to embrace it#i'm not particularly angry at people who say this because it makes me think that they're incredibly invested in diet culture...#...i just don't want the whole 'food = bad' or 'bodies = bad' to go unchallenged...#...part of the reason why diet culture seems just as prevalent now (if not moreso) is partially because it isn't really...#...challenged or questioned without provocation. it's just assumed to be correct because it makes you 'feel in control'#when chemicals are bad you can control what chemicals you consume. it's individualistic and places the blame onto you for 'being good'#it places responsibility onto the person in such a way that it becomes impossible to fulfill#it isn't that i'm upset that people want to treat their bodies in a way they think is responsible...#...moreso that the *way* they go about it ensures that they're stuck in a cycle of self-blame and even self-hatred#because the METHOD is ineffective. not the desire to treat your body well#also the state of ohio looks stupid and i do Not respect it#it looks like a ball that is simultaneously deflated and over-inflated#also their state flag looks silly to me#it looks like the person who was making it fell asleep making it#i'm just clowning on ohio at this point. have never been to ohio but. are you guys okay
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copperbadge · 3 months
Are you still looking for milk chocolate covered almonds? I saw some at Sam's Club (Member's Mark brand, which I think is maybe their house brand). They were available to sample and I thought of you
Aw, thank you for thinking of me!
So, one, I unfortunately can't really eat almonds anymore, they don't digest super well -- I can do almond butter but that's about it. But also, like, the point of the Milk Chocolate Almond rant was never that I couldn't find them, all else aside you can buy them online pretty easily. The issue is that it shouldn't be this hard to find them and it only is because as a culture we have lost the damn plot.
Like, I'm not mad Trader Joe's doesn't carry milk chocolate almonds, I'm mad that Trader Joe's, which infamously only carries one, two AT MOST types of any given foodstuff, had four -- NOW FIVE -- kinds of chocolate-covered almonds and NONE of them are milk chocolate. They have a "chocolate type coating" almond but they can't bring themselves to just dunk the damn things in milk chocolate.
And really I'm not even mad about that, I'm mad that it's because of the creepy orthorexic diet culture in this country that says once something is deemed "healthy" or "clean" it can never touch anything deemed "unhealthy" (or "dirty" though they never say that, they say "processed" or "artificial") ever again. I'm angry that we're so obsessed with thinness and "pure" eating that we can no longer allow almonds to touch milk chocolate because Almonds Good, Milk Chocolate Bad. Fuck forbid we have a moment of goddamn pleasure in this life that involves almonds. I'm angry that almost all "organic" or "natural" food stores will sell you a fifth of vodka, which if you drink it all at once can literally kill you, but not a can of Diet Coke, because Diet Coke is dirty.
SORRY ANON, I'm not yelling at you, you just triggered the yell reflex. I'm yelling, uh, near you, while still thinking it was very sweet of you to think of me.
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