#*ekaterina miotke
lovecidik · 11 months
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self-indulgent baby katya <3
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lovecidik · 1 year
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wearing her jacket ♡ modern day katjo for the culture!!!
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lovecidik · 1 year
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as helga aged, her final performance was fast approaching. it was held at a ball at the local hortense opera house, which the whole family of course attended. katya adored her grandmother and her talent, and although she was sad to see her retire, she was glad the hardworking woman could finally get some much needed rest and relaxation.
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also in attendance at the ball were the crowleys. both katya and nathanael's parents strongly suggested they dance with each other, which they ended up doing, wanting to please them. it had been a while since katya had seen nathanael. he had grown into a tall and handsome young man, who intimidated her - far from the giggly little boy he once was.
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the dancing was pleasant enough - he was clearly trained in it - and katya could feel herself getting lost in the music.
"i believe i have something i must tell you," he suddenly said. curious, katya responded. "what is it?"
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nathanael moved behind katya, continuing the dance. "do excuse me for being so forward," he leaned in closer to her ear, speaking quietly. "i fear our parents wish for us to marry."
katya felt shivers go down her spine. "marry?"
"yes, marry," he responded. "i've heard my father discussing a merger, and well, yours works in publishing too, does he not?" he continued. "besides, what must all this mingling be for?"
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katya was very confused. "marriage is done out of love, is it not?" she asked. nathanael scoffed at her. "are you really that naïve? arranged marriage has been happening for centuries." katya felt a queasiness growing in her chest.
"my parents wouldn't do that to me, they would never!" she exclaimed, her eyes filling up with tears. "please, let me go and stop with this nonsense!" she ran off to the balcony of the opera house and began crying - in her heart, she knew it may be true, as much as she tried to deny it.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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once katya became bedridden due to her illness, lydia was immediately called to her side. the worried mother wasted no time in rushing to her daughter, not bothering to change out of her travel frock before she tended to her.
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after a thorough examination, lydia turned away and stared at her trembling hands, quiet sobs coming out of her mouth. lisette couldn't contain her worry any longer. "please, tell us the diagnosis, mrs. miotke", she asked with a quivering voice, holding back tears herself. lydia sighed deeply before speaking, as if her saying it out loud would make it true. "...it must be the epidemic going around", she finally said, her voice heavy with dread. "the symptoms are awfully similar." nathanael, also in the bedchamber, finally spoke up. "the spanish influenza...? are you sure?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
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"regrettably, i am quite certain, nathanael", lydia responded, her tone tinged with irritation as she fixed her gaze on her son-in-law. "based on most other cases, she will not have long." her words carried a piercing glare as she spoke. although nathanael couldn't know for sure, he couldn't help but guess what the concerned mother was asking him to do. he shuddered at the thought - seeing her, face to face - but knew it had to be done.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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the day of katya and nathanael's wedding dawned bright and sunny. despite the cheerful weather, katya couldn't shake off the solemn feeling as she walked down the aisle with her father. as he kissed her forehead, releasing her for a final time, her heart plummeted to her feet. it was really, truly happening.
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nathanael's face lit up upon seeing katya, wiping away a tear of joy from his eye as he greeted his bride. katya herself felt a well of tears build up inside her as she walked towards him.
the couple exhanged their vows and sealed their committment in a deep but gentle kiss. as they walked back up the aisle finally as husband and wife, the guests cheered and clapped, congratulating them on their new union.
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wedding photos under the cut as always!
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lovecidik · 1 year
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happy mother's day from katya and her children, including the upcoming little one! to everyone struggling with today like myself, sending you lots of love and strength. <3
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lovecidik · 1 year
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katya found herself taking walks with the children more often with nathanael gone. while on one of them, she came across a suffragette protest, which she knew naztja was taking part in. she herself wasn't brave enough to participate in politics, but was happy that women's rights were being fought for regardless.
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it was then when she recognized an all too familiar face in the crowd - josephine, her first and only love. the two shared a short, shocked glance before josephine turned away, continuing the chant.
although disappointed by her continued anger, katya understood josephine's feelings and was glad to see her doing well for herself. it couldn't be easy seeing your stolen lover with another man's children.
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with that, the suffragettes were gone as soon as they appeared. katya took one last look back at them, hoping she might see them again.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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christmas arrived with joy and merriment at the crowley estate, but it brought a sense of unease for nathanael. despite his inner turmoil, the family embraced the festive spirit, reveling in the celebrations and commemorating the end of the war. however, amidst the cheerful atmosphere, katya found herself battling a cold, dampening her spirits.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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when katya ran off to the back porch of the crowley estate, nathanael followed close behind her, having seen her tears. he stood near her, giving her space but also offering comfort and asked gently what was wrong.
katya shivered at nathanael's sudden appearance. she knew he meant well, but his presence only reminded her of her now definite fate. wiping back a tear, she said, "it's nothing. don't worry about me, please."
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"katya, please, don't think me a fool," nathanael responded. "you're clearly upset. you can tell me anything." katya averted her gaze and decided to tell the truth.
"my friend, josephine..." she said with a shivering voice. "she's here, presumably for a family member. we did not exactly part on good terms," katya continued, feeling a weight slightly lift off her shoulders.
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"losing a friend, i see," nathanael responded softly, placing a gentle hand on katya's back. "it's akin to losing a lover. i'm sorry for your loss, katya."
katya bit her bottom lip and hesitated before speaking. "friends... no," she said, her voice cracking with emotion. she turned to face nathanael. "we were more than that," she said, thinking he might understand what she truly meant.
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nathanael stroked katya's cheek, moving a strand of hair from her face. "a kindred spirit, then," he said, looking into her deep brown eyes.
katya felt a flutter in her stomach at nathanael's touch and words. "yes," she whispered, leaning into his touch in her sorrow. "she understood me in a way that no one else did."
"i can be that for you, katya, if you'll only let me," nathanael replied, placing his hand to her shoulder. "nathanael, i..." katya tried, before being truly surprised.
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nathanael pressed his lips against katya's, kissing her gently while his hand cupped her face. although initially taken aback, katya returned the kiss with seemingly open arms. suddenly, their arrangement didn't seem so bad, after all - perhaps this was what love felt like all along?
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lovecidik · 1 year
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once his wounds healed enough, katya and nathanael took to taking walks around the estate gardens. despite the overcast skies, the blooms glistened with raindrops, and the air carried the fragrances of damp earth and blossoms. nathanael especially enjoyed seeing the familiar views he grew up with, as they brought him comfort when the disturbing memories of the war came up.
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with the dawn of his new life, nathanael experienced a subtle transformation in his personality. gradually, he grew more withdrawn and easily angered, surprising both himself and his family. unaware of the cause, he unintentionally inflicted pain upon his loved ones through his actions. innocent inquiries about his day could spark his frustration, leaving himself wishing to be left alone.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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time came for the twins' birthdays, who grew more similar - rambunctious and troublesome, that is - by the day!
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lovecidik · 1 year
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finally at the crowley estate, katya glided across the ballroom floor in her shimmering gown. she felt her worries fade away with the lively music, flowing champagne, and her family gathered around her, beaming with pride. everything was perfect - until a certain somebody caught her attention.
katya turned to see a figure standing in the middle of the ballroom. her heart sank as she recognized the unmistakable face of her first and only love, josephine, standing awkwardly in the doorway.
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"...josephine?" katya said, receiving nothing but a gasp in response. josephine quickly turned around, giving katya nothing but a unforgiving glance. as she ran after her forever-lost lover, katya cried out for her, but with no luck. josephine was gone as quick as she had appeared, and katya's eyes began flowing with tears once more.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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little alice ophelia crowley was born in 1915 in the midst of the war, her birth being assisted by her aunt and grandmother. luckily, the birth went over smoothly and the child was a happy and healthy little girl.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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a ward for injured british soldiers was established in the drawing room of the crowley mansion, fulfilling katya's heartfelt wish. the once elegant space was now transformed into a place of care and healing. lydia and naztja, having set aside their differences, worked tirelessly in the ward.
naztja found herself deeply engrossed in the profession she had learned from her talented mother. every day brought new challenges and opportunities to make a difference in the lives of those brave men fighting for their country. she admired lydia's dedication and skill, and the bond between them grew stronger as they worked side by side, saving lives and providing comfort to the wounded.
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katya enjoyed watching her loved ones work on their passions. it also helped having them around, too - they brought more much needed joy to the cold halls of the large mansion. for once in her life, katya felt a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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although katya clung to her father for the most of it, the miotke's little visit went over quite well. mrs. miotke was ecstatic to hear another little one was on the way, and wished to give the child a name, if their parents would only allow it.
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mr. miotke, on the other hand, was less bothered with children and stayed away from socialization for the most part, smoking his cigar in the corner of the room. katya found him a little scary - she preferred to avoid his company, if possible.
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lovecidik · 1 year
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with the days flowing by, it wasn't long before katya went into labour! nathanael was disturbed by the perils of childbirth and opted to stay out of the birthing room, leaving katya with only the support of lisette. fortunately her prior experience with midwifery ensured a safe delivery for her mistress.
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after a long and arduous night of labour, katya brought two precious lives into the world. the little boy, born first, was named joseph jonathan crowley, after katya's beloved friend and the boy's grandfather. the little girl, on the other hand, was named lucretia lydia crowley, after her grandmother.
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