#*history is hella misogynist
burningthegallows · 2 years
anybody else still thinking about lltg?
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youryanderedaddy · 7 months
wassup my guy. no pressure or anything but like, I saw your post about the incel kink and I was wondering (if you had time of course), would you mind doing the essay about why obsessive men are actually somewhat misogynistic. I'm so interested in that take and I really wanna hear what you say about it <333
Heey, I basically wrote some of my thoughts on the matter here.
To add a bit, I'd say that a lot of the newer social media trends aimed at men are pushing them towards being both obsessive and very misogynistic. Stuff like the alpha bro podcasts, all those red pill bullshit, they simultaneously tell men to obsess over women, while also viewing women as replaceable. Usually it's not even about obsessing over a specific woman, it's about obsessing over being in a relationship with a woman at all costs, otherwise you're not "manly enough", you're a failure etc. A lot of these creators are pushing the narrative that being single is somehow shameful. Their whole narrative is "Being single/not having sex is pathetic" and "Women are gatekeeping sex/relationships", which leads to hatred towards women, but also constantly obsessing over women. It's fabricated Master - Slave morality and Madonna - Whore complex all in one.
Also obsessing over women usually means obsessing over their sexuality. It means fetishizing virginity (which is obviously hella misogynistic), fetishing every ascept of their personality, style, hobbies, even things like race or ethnicity (which is basically objectification), and demonizing free sexuality.
Obviously not every obsessive man in fiction or in real life is a misogynist, but history has MANY examples of the two traits overlapping.
Anyways subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell if you want to see more deep dive analysis of the socio-economic issues of the contemporary world---
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
Helluva Boss is Hella Sexist To Both Men and Women - Part 2
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In my last post about HB, I was discussing how the main female characters of HB get shunted to the sidelines/used as a vehicle for the men's character development. And its about time we started talking about the male characters as well. Cos despite how female characters being mistreated is the more pressing issues (cos female characters always have trouble being written properly for hundreds of years because the writers were incels or misogynistic women) male characters have their own stereotypes or objectification that writers fall into. Especially in regards to mlm relationships (OH, WE'LL FUCKING GET TO THAT)
But for now, lets talk about the main guys in HB:
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I might as well go into full character analysis here cos Blitz is ultimately the protagonist of the show. Blitz is a interesting character by concept. A foul-mouthed demon with a literal devil-may-care attitude, completely unprofessional, loves his job as an assassin but also craves love and intimacy with others but struggles to due to a history of failed relationships in the past so he hides behind a mask. Hes an absolute mess of a character and I love that. Blitz is not only a good vessel for comedy but drama as well as his self-sabotaging of his relationships with his friends/co-workers can be a great character arc of him learning to trust others again and start to love himself...
HOWEVER Vivziepop just LOVES throwing angst upon angst onto this guy cos it seems that every past relationship he's had from an ex-girlfriend Verosika to his former partner/childhood friend Fizzarolli to even HIS OWN SISTER ends bitterly and it seems no one from Blitz's past even likes him or is on some amiable ground. Verosika is portrayed like an antagonistic ex, Fizzarolli condescends and humiliates him and from what we see of Barbie's view from that animatic, she comments on how he fucked up her life. So we have two women who are scorned at him (one for justifiable reasons since Blitz was an inconsiderate jerk and the other for reasons we dont know yet) and a guy who broke ties with him to be his rival. And its not like Blitz isnt remorseful because whenever Verosika talks about their relationship, you can see the look of regret on Blitz's face and he was shown to be scared whenever he encounters Fizz, like a kid scared of a bully.
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Even Blitz's relationship with his adoptive daughter is fucked up, Loona constantly abuses her father when hes done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to warrant it outside of him being protective at a few moments or babying her (and by babying her I mean calling her Loonypoo or showering her with gifts and hugs). Aka what a typical parent is like. And yet he constantly bends over backwards for her and Loona hasn't even learned her lesson to stop being a bitch cos apparently the writers think women hitting men is funny. There are a few moments of them getting along, but its only for comedy. I would say the only good relationships Blitz has is with Millie and Moxxie. But even that's pushing it cos Blitz barely interacts with Millie in any meaningful way outside of co-worker banter and with Moxxie, the only meaningful scenes they share is in the Truth Seekers episode or that little scene in Seeing Stars.
Ultimately Blitz' relationships with others is why he's such a fucked up mess of a person to begin with. While he has a more stable relationship with his current friends/co-workers, the people of his past keep coming back into his life to mess with him and while he clearly regrets how he treated some, like Verosika, others like Fizz, are okay with hurting him for the evulz and thus set them up to be villainous foils. With all this baggage plus his traumatic childhood regarding his father and presumably dead mother, Blitz sounds like a great character to explore, especially with two characters who both have history with Blitz in different ways. And they barely show up.
You see, Verosika and Fizz ONLY appear in a couple episodes. Fizz appears properly (not his robot double) in the season 1 FINALE and his past with Blitzo is only expanded upon in season 2 premiere whereas Verosika had her own episode in season 1 earlier and her only other significant appearance is in the finale. Apart from that, we only get snippets of info about their relationships from Blitzo's viewpoint. WE HAVENT EVEN SEEN A FLASHBACK WITH BLITZ' BREAK UP WITH FIZZ OR VEROSIKA.
And then we come to his relationship with Stolas...and its fucking awful. That image at the top of this post? Thats what Blitz thinks of Stolas. Doesn't look like a wholesome relationship, does it? I can talk about Stolitz enough to fill a bible but to summarise: Blitz' relationship with Stolas is incredibly fucked up and whats worst, its shown so far to be one-sided. What started as a transactional sex relationship in order for Blitz to use Stolas' grimoire to enter the human world to do his job. (the ONLY METHOD HE HAS, mind you) And from what we see of Blitz' view of this relationship, he's tolerant of him at best to annoyed and angry at worst. The one scene at the end of the season 1 finale cements this when Stolas wants to comfort Blitz after the scene at Ozzies and Blitz refused to have sex with Stolas cos hes deeply hurt and embarassed after everything thats happened that night.
(btw love this video is titled Blitzo hurts stolas feelings. Like the scene of Blitz being publicly humiliated by both his ex and his rival didnt happen not 1 minute ago with Stolas just standing there not even saying anything so Blitz is clearly hurt by that but nooooo sad gay owl uwu)
Throughout the first season, Blitz treats Stolas like an abhorrent admirer with how Stolas constantly coddles or flirts with him to the nth degree and the argument shown above thats supposed to be the climax of this relationship's problems isnt even RESOLVED when the second season rolls around, the show just treats Blitzo like a tsundere slowly becoming more chill with someone whom he's force-shipped with. The writers really REALLY want you to root for Blitz to be with Stolas yet Blitz has been nothing but uncomfortable or annoyed in his presence. Look at Blitz' face on these photos on Stolas' phone. He looks bored as fuck. oH buT ItS OKAy cos BLitzo hAS a PHOTo of HIm slightly smiling AFter the two had secks so its all good.
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That's not the gotcha card you think, guys. Still doesnt excuse how fucked up the relationship is
The main problem I have with Blitzo is that Vivziepop LOVES to torture this imp for drama with scorned lovers, estranged siblings, an abusive father, a presumably dead mother, an ex-best friend who's now his bully, a one-sided relationship with a powerful prince thats built on coercion and pity sex. And yet the show flits back on forth on making him this lol screw you memelord who doesnt give a fuck to a tragic, broken man who doesnt know how to love anyone and himself anymore and the show doesnt dwell hard enough into the latter. I want Blitz to get therapy already or have him actually learn from his mistakes and the show doesnt punish him for it or treat his abuse like a joke. Ive got nothing wrong with a protagonist who's an asshole but dumping all this trauma and angst onto this character who's already got issues to deal with in his current life (like stalking, his lack of respect for boundaries, saying the r slur or making fatphobic jokes) is just depressing.
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Moxxie is by far my fave character for how level-headed and kind he is but cos the writers are so indulgent with their tropes, they've flanderised him into a soft boi malewife, infantilising him to the point he literally cant do anything without his wife picking up the slack.
My three main problems with him are: his status as a butt-monkey, his lack of agency and his co-dependency on Millie.
To start with: he's the most morally upright imp on the team so its only natural he would be the butt monkey of the team, but despite how Blitz respects him enough as an assassin, Moxxie is still ridiculed, assaulted and attacked by Blitz, Loona, Verosika, practically everyone except his wife. And while having a butt monkey for comedy is fine, the show goes out of its way to mock Moxxie for things that are so nonsensical it feels more like degradation than snarky banter. For some reason, theres a running gag where Loona and Blitz mock how fat Moxxie is...Look at him! He's thin as a pencil! WHO THE FUCK CONSIDERS THAT FAT?! And whats worse, Moxxie has internalised this by saying to Loona in the most recent episode that he lost weight, to which Loona looks up at him and ignores him. Why is this a running gag? What is the reason? It feels so cruel and pointless.
Secondly, his lack of agency. Despite Moxxie being the most intelligent of the team and his name LITERALLY MEANS "fighting spirit." he's still delegated to a damsel in distress or be given the idiot ball so other characters can have more spotlight. In the Spring Broken episode, while Blitz is distracted with Loona and Verosika, Millie and Moxxie put up the slack and carry on the mission, but Moxxie accidentally gets drunk and spends the rest of the episode being an inebriated doofus. Little moments like this are funny but there was and entire subplot in Seeing Stars where Moxxie gets roped into buying demo CDs and merchandise from every hack artist he bumps into in Hollywood and its up to Millie to take charge.
In the Exes and O's episode where we finally meet Moxxie's father and the uncomfortable reunion plus Moxxie's traumatic childhood flashback perfectly builds up to a scene where he stands up to Crimson for forcing him into marrying a dickhead shark and yet Moxxie gets struck down in one shot and wakes up being tied up at the altar. So the one chance Moxxie gets to take down his monstrous father is completely negated. Thats fucking weak.
Isnt Moxxie supposed to be a professional assassin? Have him do more badass stuff. Let him take control of a mission or a rescue. Have another scene like the Harvest Moon festival where he intimidates a villain with a DEMON-KILLING GUN. Or that scene where Blitzo and Moxxie take down a bunch of human agents in Truth Seekers. He has incredibly knowledge of weaponry and technology which are excellent skills for an assassin to have, so USE THEM. Where's this Moxxie?
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This issue also ties into his relationship with his wife Millie. Even though M&M have the most stable wholesome relationship in the whole show, half the time it feels like Millie is doing the most physical work out of their relationship. Whenever Moxxie is in trouble, kidnapped, put in danger or held hostage, Millie always bursts in to save the day and that would be fine except it makes Moxxie look like some baby who cant even tie his bow without Millie there. That whole wedding crash scene in Exes and O's was all set up so Millie can burst in doing cool badass fighting and save her husband. Why couldnt Crimson lock up Millie and Blitzo too? Well, we wont be able to have our cool Millie fight scene where she murders a bunch of thugs and do a Shrek reference. It feels imbalanced calling these two a "power couple" where only ONE of them is powerful and the other is just the emotional support noodle boy. And its even worse how Millie so far hasn't been in a situation where she needs support from her husband so we dont see that much of Moxxie being a good husband outside of cute couple banter.
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Basically less this and more of this
Lastly, it seems he gets hit with the angst stick too, cos the most recent episode was about his traumatic childhood with his abusive mob boss father and it turns out he isnt even dealt with or killed by Moxxie, the imps just rescue Moxxie and fuck off so Crimson can continue to be more of a problem. Yeah, that's exactly what this show needed. More traumatised men having their abuse being completely glossed over/treated as a joke so we can have our precious status quo. Except the rich white guy, he gets his happy ending.
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Oh god, its time we talked about this fucker.
My issue with Stolas mostly stems from two things: his treatment of the people he's supposed to care about like Blitz or Octavia and his flanderisation from a clingy rich asshole from the pilot who is in a transactional sexual relationship with a low class imp to a precious soft uwu nice guy who tries WEALLY HARWD
Vivzie clearly likes Stolas and she's been pushing for him to be a main character since the beginning, but the problem was Vivzie wants Stolas to be a well-intentioned person WHILST being a barely trying father to his teenager daughter and still being in a borderline SA relationship with a commoner.
Now I like the idea of Stolas being a complex character, theres nothing wrong with a flawed but sympathetic character (which Vivziepop is clearly trying to do). Stolas has made mistakes, he's neglected his daughter, cheated on his wife and put the only person he claims to love in his life in a transactional sexual relationship with a commoner imp, whilst treating other imps with apathy or disdain. These are all great things to unpack with Stolas, giving him the reality check he desperately needs (lets not forget he's a privleged prince of Hell and hes always been rather ignorant) so he can improve and be a better person, not just for himself, but to his daughter and to Blitz, whom he's grown to care about beyond sexual attraction.
BUT NOPE! Lets give Stolas a tragic backstory in the season 2 opener (JUST AFTER THE PREVIOUS EP TALKING ABOUT HOW STOLAS CLEARLY REALISING BLITZ DOESNT RECIPROCATE HIS FEELINGS AND THAT STOLAS MISINTERPRETED THEIR RELATIONSHIP). Lets give him an unhappy childhood, a father who doesnt care about him (yes Vivzie slap on another abusive dad to your characters as a shortcut for the audience to sympathise with them, that'll work), an unhappy marriage to an abusive woman, his relationship of Blitz is now established as a childhood friends trope (although I use the term VERY loosely as the two aren't even friends for more than a day) and instead lets depict Stolas' affair from a messy, complicated dilemma Stolas has to deal with the consequences to a triumphant act of defiance over an abusive wife. And dont get me wrong, Im totally fine with Stolas divorcing Stella, it was clear their marriage even in Stella's first appearance wasnt happy. BUT considering how that whole Circus episode was used to make the audience sympathise with Stolas EVEN MORE than the show was already doing, its overcompensating at this point.
When a show is shoving so many sad tragic scenarios into a character's backstory so the audience can buy merch feel sorry for him, thats a sign the character himself isn't very well written.
Lets also talk about Octavia, his teenager daughter who's bared witnessed to her parents declining marriage careening into divorce and while this is happening, we see Stolas making bare minimum attempts to fix his relationship with her. In Loo Land, we see Stolas taking her to a park she's clearly not interested in going to cos he's too stupid to ask about his daughter's interests and spends half the episode flirting with Blitz. After a talk with Octavia and comforts her afterwards, taking her out of the park and suggests they do something she enjoys. Now, I loved that. It really showed how Stolas can put his horniness aside to help his daughter. BUT in the next episode about them, Stolas dismisses Octavia AGAIN cos hes too focused on arguing with his ex-wife, causing Octavia to run away to the human realm. And sure Stolas is worried sick once he finds out Octavia's gone but when we get into the human realm and both him and Blitz get shoved into a sitcom studio, STOLAS JUST GOES ALONG WITH THIS WHOLE SITCOM SUBPLOT AND AGAIN FLIRTS WITH BLITZ LIKE THE PREVIOUS EPISODE OF THEM INTERACTING DIDNT HAPPEN.
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With how anxious Stolas was acting throughout the first act of the episode, you would think that he wouldnt have time to deal with Blitz' sitcom shit and spend the day but NO FOR SOME REASON LOONA'S THE ONLY ONE WHO IS ACTIVELY SEARCHING FOR OCTAVIA. OCTAVIA'S OWN FUCKING FATHER IS TOO INCOMPETENT TO SEARCH FOR HER HIMSELF ALL BECAUSE OF SOME WACKY COMEDIC MISUNDERSTANDING WITH BLITZ. Oh sure, your teenage daughter's missing in the human realm but nah l'll just carry on simping for my imp bf cos HEY AT SHE'S NOT IN DANGER.
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Loo Land: Stolas wants to spend a day with Octavia but ends up distracted with Blitz and learns to pay attention to his daughter and support her.
Seeing Stars: Octavia wants to spend a day with her father but Stolas dismisses her because he'd distracted with arguing with his ex-wife, causing Octavia to run off to the human realm, Stolas goes there but spends half the episode watching Blitz in a live sitcom instead of finding his daughter and yet is forgiven for being a neglectful dad.
But its okay cos Stolas and Octavia have a big hug at the end (they dont even get a chance to talk about the divorce btw since this is the first episode featuring Stolas and his family after the divorce) and despite how hurt and neglected Octavia felt by her dad, she's like "ah its no big deal the furry here told me dads fuck up but they mean well so im good now". So Stolas makes the bare minimum amount of parenting and he's forgiven for it cos he TWIES. Not trying hard enough, just trying at all. "Cos hey, at least its better than nothing!"
Vivzie, this plus the amount of abusive fathers youve already got in this show, I think you have daddy issues. You might wanna get that checked out.
So, much like with its female characters: Helluva Boss has serious problems with how it portrays men. The man with shitloads of emotional trauma and abuse is glossed over/never resolved for the sake of drama and protecting the status quo. (Blitz, Moxxie) The soft-spoken male being infantilised to the point he cant even fight his way of a paper bag with his badass hypercompetent wife to help him (Moxxie), the father who does the bare minimum amount of effort for his daughter and is forgiven for it because HE MEANS WELL (Stolas), the utterly RANCID fetishisation of mlm relationships with the endgame couple going from a toxic sexual manipulation/transactional relationship into a forbidden lovers romance (Stolitz) and the rest of the men in the show are either sex-obsessed (Chaz, Fizzarolli) or abusive (Paimon, Blitz' dad, Crimson) cos MEN AMIRIGHT?
Yeah there are a lot of perverts, coomers and abusive dads irl. Im not saying Helluva Boss isnt accurate to that fact. But these are negative stereotypes about men that shouldnt be shoved in our faces all the time. I think the only recurring male demon character so far who ISNT a chauvinistic dick, cruel or abusive is Wally Wackford. I know people pull the "oh theyre from Hell, of course they're jerks" to excuse all of this but thats fine when theyre characters youre not supposed to sympathise with like Crimson or Blitz' dad but its another thing when your supposed to sympathise with characters like Stolas but they're fucking horrible and yet the show constantly treats them like precious babus who did nothing wrong, while the characters who ARE legit sympathetic (Moxxie, Blitz) are dumped pain after pain onto them cos that makes good dramatic scenes for Youtube, not a story.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/lolotheparagon/712718858369286144/helluva-boss-is-hella-sexist-to-both-men-and-women
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scriptscribbles · 8 months
Any hopes/worries for rtd2
I hope it makes me cry again. I think it's off to a really good start and making a lot of the moves I want to see. I'm thrilled that we're getting an all PoC TARDIS team next year, too, massively overdue. And I'm hoping we get some proper queer romances for the Doctor after the underdeveloped afterthought that was Thasmin.
Worries are always easier for me to voice cuz I'm the kind of person who's wired to be interested in criticism. I'm very worried that so far the writer and director slate has been hella white, especially with some clunky lines already (I can take "male-presenting Time Lord", but "range of colors" was too much, cut that). I'm also being reminded that while RTD is a very good writer, one of the best Who has ever had and a big step up from the last 5 years of the show, he's not as much my kind of Who as Moffat is and his storytelling choices don't necessarily land for me as well. I'm having to recalibrate expectations as a result and get back into his groove. (Thankfully, let's be real, it sounds like Moffat is back for this year's series and I bet that'll be the best episode).
I'm also worried that people continue not to be normal about those missteps. Already seen so many accusations of RTD fostering abusive environments, RTD being transphobic, RTD being racist, RTD being misogynistic, none of which actually line up with a single report I've heard of working with the guy (yes, Eccleston was mishandled, no, nobody else on the first run or his other shows seems to have had as negative an experience) or the lengthy history of being generally leftist and on the right side of things he's got to his name. It's gonna be another ridiculous era of discourse.
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I'm another person who knew absolutely nothing about assassins creed and found about eivor and Kassandra through you and I have to thank you for that 😭 I've been looking at fanfics on ao3 like "what??? Eivors not some guy she's my wife"
Haha basically Eivor is canonically a woman, but Ubisoft couldn't commit to a sole female protagonist without losing hella sales because AC has one of the most misogynistic fanbases in game history, so they added an option to play as Havi's model. They did the same with Kassandra and her brother for Odyssey. I firmly believe that there should be a separate "male eivor" tag but 🤷‍♀️
I'm happy to be the person who introduced you to them though! It is an honour ❤️
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nyxvrse · 2 years
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I posted 4,518 times in 2022
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#misunderstandings you know it’s okay to put yourself first right? stop sacrificing your own well-being for the sake of other people you dese
My Top Posts in 2022:
thinking about the fact that Jeonging will willingly hug or show skinship towards Felix and Felix only 
37 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Happy 2/2/22 y’all!! 
219 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
everyone: excited abt pjo show being greenlit
me, un dumbass: what the fuck does that even mean
276 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
HUGE thanks to @stanning-reyna for motivating me to write this
shout out to @ethannku and @sapphicbeautyy for the inspiration 
Notes: 1. This is probably gonna be hella canon divergent bcoz a) Rick can’t keep it canon himself b) It’s been a while since I read the books 2. A lot of the words I’ve used may have spelling errors due to me being dumb and also they may not be the words you usually see on desi posts coz I’m South Indian-
now. let’s get it. 
- First and foremost, Annabeth changing her name. Her birth-name used to be ‘Ananya’ but she got sick of people always mispronouncing it or misspelling it so she decides to take on a white name
- Since Fredrick’s race is never mentioned as far as I can recall let’s say his mother is brown/Indian. Let’s take it a step further and say she was South Indian. Annabeth and Fredrick trying to bond over movies which is canon but make it Indian movies. Annabeth pointing out all the misogynistic details while Fredrick just sighs and rolls with it
- Dancer!Annabeth who tried learning bharathanatyam (haha spelling who ;-;) but cannot for the life of her sit in aramandi for too long. Then she discovers kathak. 
- Indians are expected to be able to eat spicy food but somehow, this skips Annabeth (self-projecting LMAO) (i can still eat more than white ppl so stfu mom) and Percy teasing her for it
- Little Annabeth drowning herself in Indian mythology and culture. Who spends time trying to learn languages. Annabeth who was learning Tamil and Hindi but had to stop bcoz she had to run away
- Annabeth with thick beautiful lashes and eyebrows, and hairy as fuck arms bcoz INDIAN features.
- Annabeth in desi clothing. Her wearing chudidhars and dupatas and lehengas and half sarees and pattu pavadais. 
- Annabeth wearing bhindis/bottus. ANNABETH IN KHAJAL SOMEONE DRAW IT. Annabeth with a mukkuthi. ANNABETH WITH A MUKKUTHI AGENDA. 
- Annabeth who does her own mehendi and teaches the Aphrodite kids to do it to
- Annabeth who is Hindu. Who’s favourite story is the Ramayan. Annabeth who loves loves LOVES Seetha/Sita
- Annabeth who drowns herself in Indian history to learn more about her culture. 
- Annabeth who celebrates deepavali and navarathri and krishnajayanthi kuseryghfuyreghtuyrhtg
- Annabeth being obsessed with mangoes- 
That’s all I have rn but I swear, I will come back for more.
304 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
feeling very sapphic right now
would not mind if a girl held my hand and kissed my cheeks
565 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
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mer-birdman · 4 years
okay, a question i just thought of re: vnc50 that may be totally stupid & absent-minded to ask, but
how much does Vanitas actually know about Noé’s past? Especially with regards to Domi and Louis?
like, he’s absolutely being super insensitive this chapter (though i’d wager a large part of that is probably a knee jerk response to Misha’s appearance and the sudden threat of Noé drinking his blood even if Noé didn’t want to — Vanitas rly seemed to be kinda lashing out and distancing himself on purpose, and I don’t believe those were his entire true feelings — whatever the reason he can’t share those memories, it’s clearly got him messed up)
but with that all said, how much does/would he really understand about Domi’s importance to Noé and their history together? Like, Noé’s learned a bunch about Vanitas from Misha and the Moreau encounter, and Vanitas knows a bit about Noé, but unless I’m just wildly forgetting stuff I don’t think he knows most of the stuff we’ve learned from Noé and Domi’s flashbacks?
not to mention that since it kinda looks like Misha and VotBM were the closest things in his past that he might be able to equivocate to Noé’s relationship w/ Domi & the de Sades (again, i’m hella stretching here and have no idea what i’m talking about), I do wonder if that might color his impressions of Domi as well? Y’know on top of his unfortunate misogynistic tendencies and occasional bursts of possessiveness, because Vanitas... as you may have surmised... is a Mess
(also i feel like there might be something to be said of Domi and Vanitas both projecting facades of confidence or outgoingness that hide some really severe self-esteem and identity issues, not to mention complicated relationships with brothers or brother figures and potential issues with or caused by the adult figures in their lives... while i’m quite certain Vanitas doesn’t know nearly any of that about Domi, it does make me wonder whether he’d react even worse to her if he did.)
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zendyval · 3 years
Many conservatives have this “if you work hard you’ll get far” mentality, so I see why that anon listed all of those qualities. The issue, at least in the US, is conservatives don’t think about equity. Due to our history, some people can work hard as fuck and still not get as far as a white man. Now, they doesn’t negate that man’s work. But I feel like conservatives are often very black and white. Like “all you have to do is be a strong American, lift yourself up, and you’ll be successful” type shit. The truth is, it’s not black or white and it’s not so simple. But they refuse to see how history shapes the present and want to leave the past in the past. The American dream, which is what those qualities fall under, isn’t based on equity and equality and building shit with your hands to create something great. It’s structured on hegemonic power that gives white CIS men the upper hand. That is why people say conservatives are closed minded because they don’t want to see that things are still hella unequal. That’s why people say they are intolerant because they fail to see the gray areas.
This. I'm not going to speak on UK politics because I don't know enough about it to know the right terms for that but the point originally stood that Dom has said some extremely misogynistic and racist things either in his blog or while talking politics.
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 3 years
i am still alive. was wanting to wade back into panic fandom. what’s goin on, or do i want to know :P 
i’ve been watching empire and supernatural lately (about to start the last season of the latter). those are some gorgeous fucking men goddamn. seriously, jensen’s whole fugging faaaaace still gets me, and jussie smollett and trai beyers are two more of the most gorgeous men i’ve ever seen. and trai has one of the greatest asses in all of human history/present, i swear. seriously, whenever the camera frame includes DAT ASS... i can’t help noticing and appreciating it. whomever dresses him deserves many many blessings. so does his mama.
 already had 3 sex dreams about jamal (played by jussie) heehee (two him and i, one a threesome w another guy). i love love seeing his happy smiley faaaacceee. i know there was that controversy with jussie a couple years ago (most likely) lying about being brutalized in a racist attack (and the case against him is ongoing) but the boy has hella acting and singing talent out the wazzoo.
empire’s got issues i could go into (eg shallow understanding of feminism, treatment of male-male sex scenes vs female-female & het ones, objectification of women, sometimes quite literally as when women were in bikinis with tvs over their heads, hyperhyper femininity, misogynist slurs). but i want to say taraji henson is a fucking magnificent actor--i’d watch her in anything; she is brilliant (i also recently rewatched person of interest)--and it is one of the few shows that includes visibly gender nonconforming women at all. 
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
1-30 for the nonamerican asks
1. favourite place in your country?
My home - Northern Jutland - beautiful nature and oceans on all sides. 
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
Well, as I live abroad, I spend a lot of holidays going back home to Denmark. But I do love to travel as well! 
3. does your country have access to sea?
Hah, yeah - Denmark has oceans on both sides and we have easy access as we’re a teeny tiny country of little islands with Fjords running in between. 
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Ohhhh... I’m going to do a meal and a dessert
Main meal: Frikadeller (danish meatballs) with red cabbage and rye bread 
Dessert: real Danish pastries - we do an amazing cinnamon swirl!!!
Also check out PROPER danish Rye bread. IT will change your LIFE! 
5. favourite song in your native language?
ohhhh... “Han har tænkt” by Allan Olsen. Incredible lyrics describing my home and amazing music as well... 
6. most hated song in your native language?
HAh I don’t even know. Some of the new stuff which is just stupid and misogynistic 
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
HAHA okay. so. I'm gonna do the three words that all non-native speakers are challenged to say heh
“Rødgrød med fløde”
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
Language wise people ask if I'm from Sweden, Norway or for some unfathomable reason Holland (The Netherlands) 
Also “Is Denmark the capital of Scandinavia?” is a classic?
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
Germany is the only country that we neighbour physically but we’ve got Sweden and Norway just across the ocean. I love all three countries to be honest. We used to take day trips to Sweden when I was younger - the Danish Krone is a lot stronger than the Swedish so we saved a lot of money. I've been to all three a bunch of times but still have a lot to discover and explore!!! 
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
Well. Bae is actually danish for poo. I know it's not a swear word but it's hilarious. You're calling your s/o a poo ;)
11. favourite native writer/poet?
H. C. Andersen
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
Ohhh. Well H. C. Andersen was Danish and I think the translations are fairly successful.  
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
oh I guess we do? First of all, we do Christmas on Christmas Eve 24/12. 
We also have a “Confirmation” when we're 14 which is technically a confirmation of our Christian Fatih but now it's just an excuse for friends and family to give you money and presents. 
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Honestly, I think Danish tv is sometimes a bit cringey to listen to. Hah, I love my country and we have some hilarious films and tv shows but I honestly don’t get the whole hype of danish tv shows like the killing or Borgen
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
“Rosinen i pølseenden” 
translation: “the raisin at the end of the sausage” - or being the very last one in whatever situation you're in
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
that vikings had horns on their helmets. That's all Hollywood. Also Vikings might have been a bit barbaric but they were also ahead of their time with a lot of societal issues such as equality, cleanliness and other stuff - also we were hella good sailors and boat builders. We went to Canada and North America WAAAYYYYY before Columbus and the other guys 
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
Very much. My mom and dad are both really interested in history - my mom is a part time historian and my dad, while not formally educated in history, writes historical books in his spare time.
We are very interesting in history in general and love to learn more and I've definitely inherited that curiosity.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
YES. hahahaha. I'm from the very north of Denmark and thus I’ve got a very “flat” northern accent heh. 
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
I like the red and white flag. and our lion (the royal crest I believe). It’s very pretty. And yes I do enjoy the Danish national anthem. 
fun fact: in 2009, Alberto Contador won the Tour de France but they accidentally played the Danish national anthem instead of the Spanish. 
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
MENS soccer. zzzzz. even though we’re not very good. The women are much better and we’ve got so many other cool sports where we are so much better - yet football is where the money goes :( 
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
A lego set (YES IT IS DANISH) and one of the royal sausage dogs probably. 
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
we're small but we’re still doing really well
Ashamed: how we treated (treat) our former colonies (Greenland and the Faroe Islands) it's awful, exploitative and we still haven't seen a lot of apologies there.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
SNAPS. HAHA. and of course Beer (Carlsberg)
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Sweden. Germany or even the US. heh.
Scandinavian countries love to hate on each other - but if anyone else comes for one of us - be certain that the other two will come to defend. 
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
I don't think so. Honestly. I've gotten a lot of opportunities and security by being a Danish citizen and you don't find that in a lot of other countries. 
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Yes it does. I think it's mostly favourable? however, I will say: The utopia that Denmark is the proof that socialism works is wrong: we have our own issues people. Don't fall for it. 
27. favourite national celebrity?
The Queen. What a lady!!!! 
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
Hehe. We have some lakes. but no mountains or rivers. We have some gorgeous nature though - but we’re small, flat and green. 
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
oh yeah so I'm the furthest away from Copenhagen so there's always the Capital vs rest of the country... Copenhagen sucks anyways, it's basically a Swedish province ;) 
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
Well, my family is partly Faroese, we've got some English aunties and my pony is German. heh
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nagdabbit · 4 years
For the lovely, the wonderful, the incomparable @gideongrace​ , may I present: Daggs’ Guide to the Wild Ass World of Professional Wrestling! (and it’s goin’ behind a cut because It Got LONG!)
So, here is the things. Wrestling is STUPID. And great? And fun as hell! And the most carny sport to ever exist. But, also SUPER inside baseball a lot of the time just because it’s got such a long goddamn history that it can seem daunting to get into. Like I’ve only been back into it the last four or so years, so there’s a lot of history that I’ve missed! There’s also a whole lot of gate keeping, just like comics or video games. There’s also the bitter truth that a lot of people in the industry are absolute shitheels that should have been fired long ago (and I’ll only be vague about a lot of that). So, yeah. A WHOLE LOT.
First things first: HISTORY. There’s just so much. But, conveniently? You don’t need it. It can be fun if you end up really like wrestling, but contrary to what a bunch of middle-aged, racist, misogynist and WILDLY homophobic, White American Men will tell you, you don’t actually need it to enjoy yourself. If you DO want history, might I suggest the How2Wrestling podcast! It is a cheerful, lovely show hosted by two goddamn delightful humans, Kefin and Jo (who are also just wonderful people to interact with in general)! There is also the Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling by Aubrey Sitterson and Chris Moreno, which is a great read! Wrestlesplania is another good show for history of the sport and the wrestlers! They’re definitely, uh, hornier, but v fun!
Secondly: On the subject of inside baseball, wrestling jargon is a whole thing. The ONLY part of wrestling history that is 100% important: it is a carny sport. Like, some side-show, vaudeville ass shit, yo. And it has never evolved from that, so there are a whole lot of terms used that are very specific to like... early 1900′s carnival culture. Here is a wikipedia article, but there’s also a wonderful How2Wrestling episode about it all! I’ll try not to use much!
Thirdly: We can’t talk about wrestling podcasts without mentioning Colt Cabana’s The Art of Wrestling. A lot of the archives are behind a paywall now, but the show is great. If you DO get into wrestling and start to find wrestlers you enjoy, I highly highly suggest checking to see if they’ve done an episode. Colt is a goddamn delight of a human, deserving of support and a great interviewer on top of it. Even if you just bookmark eps you’d wanna listen to and then start a free trial to marathon them all. (See also: the Colt Cabana & CM Punk lawsuit(s), in which Colt got royally fucked over.)
Fourthly: Nobodies Watching Wrestling. Drag Queens watching wrestling. That’s all you need to know. Even out of context, they’re goddamn delightful humans. Might I recommend this episode with EFFY, because I sometimes just watch it when I’m having a bad day.
Fifthly: Tights & Fights is a great weekly wrestling pod, and is how I keep up on a lot of things that I might not be watching. PLUS, diverse group of (wonderful) hosts: Hal Lublin, Daniel Radford, Lindsey Kelk, Open Mike Eagle, and producer Julien Burrell. They’re just great. And horny, at times, but in a charming and respectful way.
Now... The boring part. I’m just gonna get some of the popular company introductions out of the way, and then the fun part of So Many Match Suggestions at the bottom. But, business first! (The Big difference between Larger Companies and Independent Companies is that the big guys have a contracted roster of people who sometimes can work with other companies [unless they’re the WWE, who have exclusive contracts and still call their employees Independent Contractors so they don’t have to offer health insurance or a union], and indie guys contract people usually show-by-show. ALSO, there is intergender wrestling [men vs women, which does bother a lot of people. I do side with support of it, but I do totally get how it can be hard to watch] in indie shows, whereas there is NOT in 90% of the big companies.)
(And, honestly, if you wanna skip this part, you can, but if I don’t do it first, I’ll forget..)
WWE - Here’s the thing. The WWE kinda... is a terrible capitalist bastard of a company, run by a morally bankrupt, egomaniacal, shitstain, roid-rage cryptkeeper of a man. And, if you want my personal opinion, RAW and Smackdown are both (currently) TERRIBLE shows, despite having some truly phenomenal talent. BUT, but. NXT (and NXT UK) is probably the best, like, weekly wrestling show (on TV, at least, but we’ll get there). The talent is INCREDIBLE, the storylines are less bad bananas, and they’ve adopted a LOT of the best indie talent lately (because they want to directly compete with AEW, but that’s a whole other thing). WWE programming is also the easiest to get a hold of because they are the longest running and basically Disney, so there are some full matches on YouTube, and Raw and NXT are available on Hulu. They are also releasing a lot of free stuff on the WWE Network that you can watch without signing up for a paid account, but there is a lot of stuff behind a pay wall.
Cons: Real Talk, run by a bunch of terrible people. Responsible for covering up a lot of truly reprehensible crimes for which no one was held accountable, despite being well documented. A blatant disregard for the (physical and mental) safety and/or financial security of a lot of their roster--specifically the people you don’t see on TV. (If you want some history, you can look through the past tweets of the New York 64 Tournament, but a lot of it turned my stomach, so I would not suggest, but it’s there if you have the same morbid curiosity that I did)
Pros: The company might be run by terrible people, but their roster is good. A lot of my top wrestlers do work for the WWE, sure, but they do hire a lot of decent humans that I sometimes feel bad about not supporting. Also, it is the dream of a lot of people to join WWE simply because of the prestige, the massive audience, and job security. I might hate Vince but I can’t begrudge any wrestler currently working for them.
NXT Pros: On the subject of rosters, NXT is LIT. But they have also stolen some of the best indie wrestlers recently: Mercedes Martinez and Jake Atlas, two of my All Time Favs. Both of whom deserve the world, because being openly gay in the wrestling industry is the pits.
All Elite Wrestling - AEW is a very new company, and they are my favourite of the big promotions. They are a company run by wrestlers, rather than a millionaire with a writing staff. I like the wrestling style(s) better, I was a huge fan of a lot of their roster before they hit TV last October, and I like not giving the McMahons money. The storylines are better, if only because they don’t have a writer’s room dictating scripts and such, and the characters are more fun (for me at least).
Easiest ways to watch for free: Their YouTube channel! There you can find a lot of highlights, behind the scenes, AEW Dark (the “dark” matches, or the non-televised matches from TV tapings), PPV pre-shows and a lot of stupid stuff.
Cons: A bit of an issue offering equal match time to the women’s roster the way they SAID they would at the start. A bit more violent of a style as a lot of the wrestlers came up death match style wrestling, or are from Japan/wrestled in Japan and typically wrestle “strong style” (wrestling style with less theatrics and known for Real Real Strikes that Hurt A Lot), which some people can find off-putting. Also, they hired Jake Hager, who is a real piece of shit.
Pros: Have a wonderfully diverse roster. Orange Cassidy. Sonny Kiss. Good storytelling. Jake The Snake Roberts doing Hella Promos. The Dark Order, who we affectionately refer to as the Spooky Perverts. Chris Jericho yelling at a Drone, and Matt Hardy being a wizard. A bunch of wrestlers who are married to other wrestlers who work for WWE, and good jokes are made.
BUT THE BIGGEST PRO-AEW THING I CAN PROVIDE: NYLA FUCKING ROSE. They didn’t make her the first women’s champion like they should have, but they put her in the first championship match on the FIRST episode of the weekly show, Dynamite, and she is now the CURRENT women’s champion. I don’t wanna make a big deal, only it is a BIG DEAL, because Nyla Fucking Rose is the first openly transgender wrestler signed to a major promotion, and if you think I didn’t fucking CRY LIKE A CHILD when she won, you’re wrong. So, yeah, a NATIONALLY TELEVISED WRESTLING PROGRAM’S CURRENT WOMEN’S CHAMPION IS A TRANSGENDER, FIRST NATIONS WOMAN. NYLA. FUCKING. ROSE.
As of right now, AEW seems to be done filming, which is both Very Smart and also heartbreaking, but you can find all the ways to watch over here on their site if it looks like fun!
WOW Women of Wrestling - Have you seen GLOW? This is a show created by the IRL creator of GLOW (the promotion the show is based on, not the show)! And it is? Incredible? The characters are fun and portrayed as superheroes, the stories are CAMP af, and the wrestling is GOOD. They’re a non-traditional show, which is fun. Their roster is made up of wrestlers playing different wrestlers. Wrestling is a bunch of super talented people playing characters while doing acrobatics. WOW gives us people playing characters, playing other characters, while also doing acrobatics.
Cons: All male announce team? On an all women’s show? Excuse? And also: Tessa Blanchard who is, it turns out, a great big racist. Also a little harder to get full episodes it seems.
Pros: Literally everything else.
Ring of Honor - For awhile ROH was handily competing with WWE. And then they weren’t. And then they got better. And then they got worse. And now, currently, they are a company that I hate supporting.
Cons: Run by assholes who don’t care about worker safety, and don’t put anything into the women’s division.
Pros: Sometimes they partner with New Japan Pro Wrestling. They’ve recently released a lot of goooood old matches including some Kevin Steen (currently WWE’s Kevin Owens) vs El Generico (definitely, 100% not at all, no way, no how, of course NOT WWE’s Sami Zayn [he is, this is another inside baseball joke that I’m just obligated to make every time I mention El Generico]) matches which are BRUTAL. Oh, and Dalton Castle:
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Impact! - It’s back! I don’t watch it, but they DO have Rich Swann, so they can’t be bad. There is an entire history to Impact that is BANANAS. Like AEW, a bit more rough and tumble, scrappy death match folks, and I like a lot of the roster, like Taya Valkyrie, Jessika Havok and Sami Callihan. Not a bad show, but the full show weekly doesn’t hold my attention.
Cons: Tessa Blanchard, mostly. She is an incredible wrestler, her matches are good, but.
Pros: Pretty easy to watch, actually? I believe they’re still on Twitch, and they have an entire channel on Pluto TV.
New Japan Pro Wrestling - NJPW is GREAT. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. The shows are long, and strong style just... hurts. Like, a lot of wincing on my end. But the wrestling. Oh, lordy, the wrestling is incredible. But it is brutal. Strong Style wrestling is much different than the typical American style that you see in WWE, and a lot more grounded than high flying lucha styles. (Though a lot of wrestlers do travel to Mexico and train in lucha style wrestling (which I am the least familiar with), so currently there is a lot of the very high flying flippty dos and the absolutely brutal strikes that you see in strong style wrestling.)
Cons: Show/match length is typically long and there is A Lot to See. The only way I know to watch full shows is through their streaming service.
Pros: Just the whole thing, really. They release a free match on YouTube every Monday. Also, Toru Yano, the best wrestler in the world.
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Indie Promotions that I know less about because I can afford only so many streaming services
Firstly, here is a Wiki list of wrestling streaming services. I’m gonna name a couple below, but the wiki page has a handy list of costs of the bigger ones because capitalism knows how to get you. (Personally, I only use IWTV at the moment. They’re a good company run by good people, and a lot of indie promotions would have died out without partnering with/support from them)
Beyond Wrestling - Beyond is My Favourite Promotion To Watch, Bar None. Their weekly show (when in season), Uncharted Territory, is fantastic. Diverse talent, diverse styles. They do have a lot of death matches, which can suck to watch if you aren’t into that sort of thing. I am, it turns out, into that sort of thing. But listening to interviews with a lot of death match wrestlers, specifically Jimmy Havoc, can help understand the w h y of it all! Available on IWTV.
Chikara - Chikara is So Fun! They are a (mostly) family friendly promotion and training school. Their shows are filled with young/newbie wrestlers as they learn the tricks. Run by Mike Quackenbush, who is a delightful person, BRILLIANT wrestler/trainer, and someone who is willing to take the safety of his people into account. He’s good people, who trains good people, and supports good people, and gives them a safe, open place to learn. It’s also very fun! A lot of comedy matches. Watch on: CHIKARAtopia or some of their archive is on IWTV.
EVE - An all-women promotion, providing a safe working and training environment for women and girls. They have put their foot in it on occasion, but they seem to still be good people. (I would recommend the Tights & Fights episode with founders Emily and Dann Read for a little backstory on the company, but not needed.) Ways to watch.
RIPTIDE - YO, RIPTIDE IS DOING THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SHIT. Cinematic wrestling, and it is great. The matches are good, the promos are good, the people are good. But the way they film it oh my god holy shit. When everything is a little less hectic, they are people I am definitely gonna support as much as I can. Watch here.
A Matter of Pride - Here’s the thing. They have put on some very good, inclusive shows. However, some serious allegations have come out about Rick Cataldo, who is involved with the company, and I think it’s important to mention. They have done a lot of good in the world of prowrestling and they put on good shows and they have given a platform to people who might otherwise have been pushed aside, however bad things have still happened there. Watchable on YouTube.
GCW (IWTV, Fite TV & Smartmark) * Black Label Pro (IWTV) * Prime Time Pro Wrestling (IWTV) * Uncanny Attractions * RISE (IWTV) * Bar Wrestling * PWG * Stardom * Bizarro Lucha (IWTV) * OTT
There is also NWA Power that is a good show on YouTube, however, they immediately hired (and now fired for being racist) Jim Cornette who is... just an absolute jackass. But I do feel I should mention them.
Is that over? Yes? Well..
So. The thing is. Wrestling is A Lot. SO, I’m gonna give you as wide a variety as I can! I’ll point out some fun people, some fun gimmicks and HOPEFULLY won’t completely turn you off! If you enjoy any of these, then the dumb stuff up above is useful!
First! The most important wrestling match of All Time. Invisible Man vs Invisible Stan. This is everything you need to know about the beats of good wrestling, but also why wrestling is fun. There are two people in this match: Referee Bryce Remsburg and the audience. And that’s it. This is literally just a referee (but it’s Bryce, so the referee) miming a wrestling match, and an audience buying into the kayfabe wholeheartedly. (Inside baseball: Bad Boy Vision - “Bad Boy” Joey Janela’s [another wrestler] sunglasses)
One of my favourite matches in recent memory, AND one of the best matches sort of just in general! David Starr vs Jordan Devlin at OTT. Quintessential wrestling, fantastic storytelling, and one of the best promo packages I’ve ever seen. BONUS: David Starr is a GREAT human fighting day and night to unionize the wrestling industry. He’s the Bernie Sanders of professional wrestling.
I thought about putting an actual death match on the list, but the closest I will get is this Nick Gage vs Josh Briggs fans bring the weapons match. I chose this match because my very best friend does not like this style of wrestling at all, but he did enjoy this match. It’s a lot, obviously. But it’s not as bad as it could be, but there’s also no shame if it isn’t your thing. Hell, I don’t even know why it’s my thing! I don’t even like bloody horror movies! I will say that Nick Fuckin’ Gage is one of the most prolific death match guys still working today, and also one of the nicest, kindest, most beloved guys there is and I would die to protect him. MDK!
Okay, this is the single most beautiful match to exist. Cara Noir vs PAC (fka WWE’s Neville). This isn’t wrestling, this is art. Great story, no commentary, gorgeous camerawork. Bonus: Cara Noir has the most fantastic and well rounded gimmick (character) in the business. Have you seen Black Swan? That’s it. That’s his character. And it’s great. Nailed. It.
Oh, did you know David Arquette is a wrestler? HE IS! Here’s he and RJ City.
On the subject of WWE and NXT, this Halftime Heat match of Aleister Black, Ricochet & Velveteen Dream vs Johnny Gargano, Adam Cole & Tommaso Ciampa. These are six of the best wrestlers work, and definitely TOPS in the WWE system. SEE ALSO: Black & Dream put on a HELL of a program together at NXT, but it’s been boiled down to this highlight vid that gives me feelings. Gargano vs Andrade Cien Almas is one of THE BEST matches of all time and here is a shitty highlight reel, but it’s still good. Adam Cole is 1) incredible and 2) the prettiest possum in the Denny’s dumpster, have a Cole vs Finn Balor highlight reel. God, I wish it were easier to find WWE stuff on YouTube.. All these matches should be on Hulu, tho.
NEXT! Kris Statlander vs Davienne for Beyond. Kris Statlander is A Legend, despite being real new to the business. Currently wrestling for AEW, former stuntwoman and, most importantly, she’s an alien.
FREE FOR ALL TIME. Solo Darling vs Penelope Ford vs Veda Scott vs Ashley Vox. They didn’t have to go that hard, but they did.
SPEAKING OF. Kylie Rae, Penelope Ford, Kimber Lee & Skylar vs. Shotzi Blackheart, Harlow &Twisted Sisterz. I just? I love? All of them?
And not to mention Kris Statlander vs Priscilla Kelly. I mean, I mean. I cannot sing the praises of both of these women enough.
Okay, so I am really only passingly familiar with a lot of Japanese wrestling. Mostly got into it last summer, actually. I get it, I love it, but I’m not as well versed in the people involved. Two badasses I do know? Meiko Satomura vs Kana (WWE’s Asuka). Fucking legends, both of them. Hard hitters, too, jesus.
If you do get into NXT at all, Keith Lee and Donovan Dijak put on one fuck of a program together, but the story started long before they ever entered the WWE! Please enjoy this absolute hoss fight from a couple years back.
NOW, some intergender matches! If you think they aren’t your thing, feel free to skip!
A fun match of (current IRL romantic partners) Keith Lee vs Mia Yim from before either of them debuted at NXT. I believe they weren’t dating at this point, so the next part will really hit, cuz it’s romantic as shit... This was not the booked ending. Keith Lee didn’t kick out on purpose. (Which, I mean, is literally all wrestling endings, but.) Mia was booked to lose (at least they told her that), and he purposefully took the L and went out on his back, to surprise her and give her a MASSIVE push.
Leyla Hirsch vs David Starr. I just. I goddamn love Leyla Hirsch. A very young wrestler, very new to the industry and I just love her so much?
Two great, intense matches of Joey Janela, the patron saint of bad decisions. Versus Kris Statlander (I can’t get enough of her) and versus Jordynne Grace.
Orange Cassidy and Penelope Ford vs Shockwave and Veda Scott. Shockwave is a robot and Orange Cassidy is Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer. I can give no other explanation.
COMEDY TIME, YO. Comedy wrestling is The Best. There’s a name, Orange Cassidy. Yeah, he’s very funny, and also the most divisive person in wrestling rn. He’s Paul Rudd. He knows he’s a wrestler. He’s lazy. And there’s one match that we need to get out of the way first...
Orange Cassidy vs David Starr. The thing is. Orange Cassidy can fucking wrestle. His gimmick might be that he doesn’t want to, but he can. And It. Is. Great.
Now we can get on with the funnies.
Orange Cassidy vs Colt Cabana. Not story needed. Just two dudes at a food festival. Oh, yeah, there’s also a Swamp Monster. We love Swampy.
Colt Cabana vs Toru Yano. It’s just. So. FUN.
You might know the name Joey Ryan as The Dick Flip Wrestler, or The King of Dong Style. His dick has magical powers, it’s a thing. Here’s he and Orange Cassidy.
Johnny Cockstrong is the opposite of Joey Ryan. Literally. Here’s him also vs Orange Cassidy.
Did you want to see a Dick Test of Strength between them? Well, it happened.
Back to RIPTIDE for (another intergender, kinda) Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate & Trent Seven vs Joey Ryan, Candice LeRae (the World’s Cutest Tag Team) & Colt Cabana.
Kinda almost but not really comedy but very funny and also full of good wrasslin’, here is EFFY vs Orange Cassidy. Pirated, technically, and in real low quality, but I Love It. EFFY is Daddy.
Now, you’ll notice not a lot of women in the comedy section. Real talk, women still tend to get treated as a joke by the wrestling industry at large, so they don’t get the luxury of being as funny as they want. But one woman out there doing the lord’s work is Session Moth Martina. Legend. Love her. Admittedly, another intergender match, but it makes me happy. Martina & Orange Cassidy vs Joey Janela & Penelope Ford (Janelope).
One of my All Time Favourite Matches to date, EFFY and Danhausen (Gaytanic Panic) vs Chris Dickinson and Pinkie Sanchez (Team Pazuzu). Yes, this is a Halloween show. Yes, the Ref IS dressed as Chris Dickinson. There are teeth, Jesus resurrects someone, Danhausen is in fishnets and Effy is in face paint. It’s great. Love that Danhausen.
And there we have it! A whole lot of information and a bunch of matches and some stuff. It’s real dumb, and sometimes the industry is dark, but there’s a lot of hella good people doing dumb things. I hope this was helpful?? And Fun! (But my feeling won’t be hurt if it wasn’t fun, I promise!)
I leave you with this, RJ City making coffee in his underwear with Danhausen. Completely out of context. Because I love it.
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into-control · 5 years
I love how a big part of the GP or people who just listen to their music but don’t know anything about them see through this shitshow, saying it’s PR or that it’s hella sus cause of the timing, the mv, the break up and basically everything. I just love it. But I read a thread on twitter twice and the second time I read it from GP’s POV cause it made much more sense to me, probably the person who wrote it is part of the GP. And before you attack me and start defending Shon just read it from another POV, imagine you don’t know anything about the industry or your faves. And I don’t agree with few things in the thread or they are not exactly right but it brings good points.
“I think this needs to be said, because I don’t see any discussion happening on this and this topic NEEDS to be explored - even regardless of all the movements and awareness that have taken place over the years, there is still rampant and unaddressed sexism in the music industry. On February 25th at the #Oscars, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper took the stage to perform #Shallow, from the ‘A Star Is Born’. Minutes afterwards, Gaga received 'Best Original Song’, and made history for winning a #BAFTA, #Grammy, #GoldenGlobe and Oscar, in a single year. However, this aspect was hardly covered by tabloids and magazines. The intimate performance by Gaga and Cooper of 'Shallow’ involved them locking eyes, leaning on each other while singing and a powerhouse vocal run by Lady Gaga. The main focus was on the chemistry between the two and the reaction of the audience members - particularly that of Irina Shayk (Cooper’s then girlfriend). Weeks later, Cooper ended his four year relationship with Shayk, with whom he shares a child.Rumors had been swirling around ever since initial shooting for 'A Star Is Born’ had commenced but intensified after the performance and skyrocketed after the breakup. Gaga appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s show and clarified that the chemistry was what “we wanted you to see"Some celebrities like Piers Morgan and Mel B did little to dispel these speculations, accusing Gaga of 'crossing a few lines’ and breaking "a woman’s code”. Tabloids, fans, magazines accused Gaga of being a homewrecker and being responsible for breaking up Cooper and Shayk. Which I feel is pretty sexist and defamatory as we’re automatically assuming that Cooper had absolutely no role in this, and that Gaga, being the woman and due to her infamous '100 people in the room’ quote had a major role to play in this. Months later, the song #S*norita by Sh*wn M*ndes and C*mila C*bello was released whose music video was scandalous at best, and a bit uncomfortable at worst, as they have described each other as being 'best friends’ consistently. After the #S*noritaVideo was released, Camilla and her then boyfriend M*tthew H*ssey’s relationship ended. And what do you know? Absolutely, NOBODY is accusing Sh*wn M*ndes of being a homewrecker or attacking him like they attacked Gaga. They shared passionate lovemaking scenes in the video, whereas Gaga just LOOKED Bradley in the eyes and leaned on him while singing a LOVE SONG from a LOVE STORY . Yet, Gaga is almost exclusively blamed for breaking up a relationship while Sh*wn M*ndes gets a free pass. Coincidence? I think not.The sexism that is deeply rooted in our mindsets proves that there is still a long way to go to dismantle the patriarchy and to eradicate the misogynistic thoughts that so many of us grew up with. .When situations like these arise, blame will almost always be allocated to the woman as they are expected to settle down with one man and remain faithful, while men will always get away due to sayings like 'boys will be boys’ which appropriate and normalize unfaithful and flirtatious behavior as being a personality trait for men. We need to talk about this. This isn’t fair and it definitely needs to be addressed. Peace.”
I just want to say, I don’t have anything against Shon, I pretty much have a neutral opinion about him – talented vanilla dude who sings cheesy songs and teens can obsess about him, putting face to their imaginary boyfriends, but he is talented. This is not about Shon, it’s about how unfair the whole situation is and what kind of an imagine they are gonna pass Camila. The media was already implying it even before these photos came out and now everyone is going crazy. And those photos are not in everyone’s favor – hotel, shirtless curly boy, holding hands, kissing behind a cactus. Basically TS 2.0, so I’m kind of anxious about how this whole thing is gonna play out. Also Fans of Shon who don’t like Camila are saying she is a cheater, a wh*re, jumping from boy to boy. And we know how the society things – if a girl sleeps with 3 boys – she is a wh*re, if a boy sleeps with 3 women – wow,what a man, respect, he is a hero. I may sound very crude, sexist and hypocritical saying this but I won’t sugarcoat it – men in industry are privileged just because they have a fucking dick in their pants. Sure, they are not allowed to do everything they want to and are still controlled but. A grown up man takes the mic from a 19 years old girl during her acceptance speech – that’s him speaking his mind. A woman taking a huge issue in the industry and making it public – she is a bully, she is having a temper tantrum. A grown up man making a video with naked celebrities without their consent, calling people names – but yeah, Taylor is the snake. Mhm. Sexism, double standards, misogyny, fucked up industry. And the media plays a huge part of all this shit, cause they try to stir up some bs, again using the double standards and people eat this shit up like a fucking bagel. The GP eats it and doesn’t think that there are two sides of the coin whereas in the industry there are 1000 sides. Even people who aren’t interested in all the celebrity drama are kind of forced to see, hear or read about it, cause it’s shoved to our faces everywhere. And they eat that shit and I hope there won’t be any more shit about Camila then there is now. I can already read some bs like “Sh*wn scored that Cuban booty who apparently jumps very fast between relationships” or something along the line just with better words but still implying it.
The second thing I want to say is about that fucking heteronormativity. Toucs said it really well and I just want to say again how fucking disgusting people are. And we are the one who has disgusting sexual fantasies, yeah right. Sh*wmila shippers using 50x zoom to see “a condom in his pocket during the party” and then comments like “they should go raw”. Fine, we write sometimes witty comments about strapons or other things when an astro comes by, but how the fuck are we the ones with the sick fantasies? Just because we ship two girls. Using the photos and making up sexual things, which are really sick that I don’t even want to say them. But yeah, we are the ones who are disgusting. And their teams do know how to bait those shonmila shippers like crazy tho. PRs were not invented yesterday, so they definitely know that fans pay attention and notice everything. Boy and a girl hold hands – bang, we have a couple. Seen outside a hotel – bang, they banged. But don’t hate the player, hate the game.
I just wanted to take this off my chest, I don’t even know if I make any sense or said the things I wanted to cause my migraine is killing me and my thoughts are all over the place. I guess we just must stick around and wait again until this “relationship” run “its course” too. And let’s hope something nice would happen to our ship or our community (Taylor please come out). Also, don’t go and hate shon or shonmila shipper, it’s not worth it, we already know that everything is our fault and we are wrong about everything and should rot in hell cause our sick fantasies.
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argyle-s · 7 years
Arrow Season One: What are queer people?
Arrow Season Two: Here's Sara, we're going to introduce you to her ex-girlfriend Nyssa, who is a remorseless assassin who plays into both the predatory lesbian and psycho ex-girlfriend trope, then have her spend the rest of the season banging Oliver. At the end of the season, she'll sell herself back to her ex-girlfriend to buy help for Oliver.
Arrow Season Three: Surprise, bitch, Sara's dead, and Nyssa, a canon lesbian, is forced into a marriage with a man. Oh, and Curtis is gay, I guess.
The Flash Season One: Um... Joe's boss is gay, and getting married.
Arrow Season Four: Nyssa is clearly crushing hard on Laurel, who's maybe sort of crushing back, but Laurel is going to betray Nyssa to raise Sara from the dead, only now Sara is a crazy killing machine, who we're writing off the show, and Nyssa will be abandoned to prison. Oh, and Curtis is still gay, and has a husband. And we're going to kill Laurel because she might flirt with Nyssa again in the future. Oh, and we'll let Nyssa out of prison so she can cry prettily over having another woman she loves murdered.
The Flash Season Two: Joe's boss is still gay *and* married to a guy! We have rep, really!
Supergirl Season One: No Homo! Look, Alex has chemistry with Maxwell Lord! SEE!!! She's totally not gay! And neither is Kara!
Legends of Tomorrow: Here is Sara. Sara is going to walk into a bar in the 70's and trash talk a think necked asshole by telling him she'd totally bang his girlfriend. Then she's going to seduce a nurse in the fifties, and flirt with Captain Cold while having a deep character arc about struggling with her mental health. She'll have setbacks, but eventually take huge steps towards recovery, and become pretty much everyone's favorite character on the show, and the emotional core of the team.
Arrow Season Five: Curtis! Totally Gay! Of course, we're going to destroy his marriage, and leave him single and basically sexless so he's non-threatening to our straight viewers while we rub the hetero all over the screen.
The Flash Season Three: Um, Joe's boss is still gay, but we're never going to bring that up. But we have Rep!
Supergirl Season Two: Here is Maggie Sawyer. She is very, very gay. Here is Alex Danvers. Alex Danvers is going to take one look at Maggie Sawyer, and there will then be an Alex shaped hole in the closet door, because any time Alex things of Maggie, she becomes too gay to function, and you have to function to upon a door. Here is Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor, both of whom look at each other like they hung the moon and stars, and are super straight. Look, Kara even has a boyfriend. He's such a great guy. He used to own slaves, and is a selfish, misogynistic sack of shit, who treats Kara terribly. It must be true love!
Legends of Tomorrow Season Two: Here is Sara Lance. Sara Lance is going to seduce or be seduced by women through every single period in history. She's going to be nearly executed for seducing every girl in a puritan village. She's going to seduce Queen Guinevere. She's going to bang the Queen of France while the rest of the team is having a superhero fight. Because Sara Lance just loves rubbing her grubby little bisexual hands all over your straight washed history. Also, Sara is in charge now, and she's the star of the show.
Arrow Season Six: Um... Curtis is still gay.
The Flash Season Four: Joe's boss is still gay. We will never actually mention or refer to it, but it's still rep!
Supergirl Season Three: This is Alex. Alex is super gay, and her engagement fell apart. She's struggling to deal with that. Also, Kara and Lena are both still super straight.
Legends of Tomorrow Season Three: This is Sara. She is still hella bisexual. She totally banged Supergirl's sister, hooked up with John Constantine and get an Enemies to Friends To Lovers arc with Ava that's straight out of fanfic. Also, we're introducing an alternate version of Captain Cold who's hella gay. Gideon is going to write Avalance fanfiction and show it to Zari until Zari becomes an Avalance shipper. Mick Rory is going to cheer Sara on every time she hooks up with a girl. Also, John Constantine is going to show up, flirt with Alternate Universe Captain Cold before the Sara hook up, and Ava Lance is going to be a completely useless lesbian in multiple episodes. Yes Homo. ALL THE HOMO!
Black Lightning: This is Anissa. Anissa is hella gay. Two episodes in, and you get a sex seen with her and her girlfriend that's hot and sweet. Then, she meets Grace, who is totally into her from the get go. Also, Anissa has superpowers, and gets a superhero origin arc this season, and it is awesome. She's brave, she's bad ass, she's afraid of dead rats, but that isn't going to stop her from kicking ass and taking names and God help you if you get in her way.
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mzyraj · 6 years
@selkiewife tagged me in a meme to pick ten favorite female characters from ten different fandoms and then tag ten people. 
I actually have very few fandoms and tend to cleft to male jerkass woobies (and also my memory is terrible nowadays so I don’t remember half the things I’ve ever read/watched), so this will be interesting... I also don’t have much GIFs, so I will talk rather than picture. Not in any particular order except how they come to me (and I make my mind up):
1. Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5
“Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova’s recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out!”
Man, a competent (Russian, Jewish) woman in a position of power, being badass but also human at the same time. It’s a good series in general (though the effects are hella dated), but she was definitely (one of) my favourite characters.
2. Laura Moon from American Gods
I like a complex female character, especially one I can empathise with, and I kinda do with Laura Moon. Wrote a whole post about it, even. Still think she probably had a depression/hormone balance issue, but don’t we all?
3. Good Queen Alysanne from A Song of Ice and Fire (also: Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Catelyn Tully-Stark, Asha Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen...)
It literally would have been easier to create this list with female characters just from ASOIAF. Fresh from Fire and Blood though, we are in love with Good Queen Alysanne Targaryen. On my ASOIAF blog @agameoftragedy I made a series of posts of awesome quotes from/about her. Better than your faves.
4. Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (also Willow)
It’s a shame I was still fairly steeped in misogynistic ideas when I first watched Buffy, I feel like I ought to rewatch it with adult eyes now. I do think back on Buffy herself though, especially in her first season when she really just wants to be able to be a normal teen girl, but you need to protect people, and there’s a prophecy of your death... I should rewatch it at some point.
Also WIllow was probably my first exposure to ~lesbians~ as a thing, and it was very cute.
5. Eleven/Jane Hopper from Stranger Things
Mostly for how adorable she is with Chief Hopper. She has some personality issues that cut a little close to home with respect to preteen girl-ness (especially rivalry with other girls) and being awkward af, but hopefully she’ll grow out of that with socialisation.
6. Toriel from Undertale (Undyne is pretty good too)
Oh cow mom. She doesn’t know you at all, but she just loves and wants to protect kids. Sometimes you just don’t want to leave her house. For all we know our character’s parents were crap anyway.
7. Ciri and Yennefer from the Witcher 3/the books
I’m mostly thinking Ciri from the game (the only one of the games I’ve played so far) and Yennefer from the books, but I couldn’t really decide. I was really impressed by how the game handled you and Ciri (and I got the best ending! ^.^), and Ciri’s character in general as a young woman still finding and figuring out her way while being fairly badass at points.
As for Yennefer, the allusions to her (and most other witches’) histories in the books really stuck with me. The witches did make her very beautiful and respected, but that wasn’t really what she wanted, and I think that comes through in the hardness of her personality at times.
8. Yasmin Khan from Doctor Who (I’d say the Doctor too, but that seems cheap when every previous series they’ve been male)
This is a fairly early stages one given that there’s only been like 5 or 6 episodes of this season of Doctor Who, but she seems pretty good - on the ball, able to take charge but still human, and some good current muslim representation for the world (and gave us an interesting if depressing episode about her grandmother’s past). Fingers crossed they’ll keep doing good things.
9. Clementine from the Walking Dead games
If you touch a singular hair on my precious daughter’s head I will end you. She goes from precious smol cinnamon roll to a slightly larger and much fiercer cinnamon roll with a gun who you will still love with all your heart.
10. Becky Sharp from Vanity Fair
I did not know basically anything about Vanity Fair until the recent TV version, and this is woman is kind of fascinating. Is she a psychopath? I’m not 100% sure, but she is certainly interesting. Rare to see such a complex, interesting and entertaining female character who’s also (kind of?) the villain.
Honourable mentions that occured to me after the fact: every woman in Black Panther, Hermione Granger, Professor McGonagall, Nymphadora Tonks, Elizabeth Bennett (Pride & Prejudice), Tarunga Leela (Futurama), Sybil Vimes (Discworld)
(Almost as difficult:)Tagging: @katrisims, @rosefyrefyre, @fuzzyspork, @thrumbolt, @ashley-bates-of-t-umblr, @chillyravenart, @omgellendean, @esmeiolanthe, @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly, @loyalannister
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nyxvrse · 3 years
HUGE thanks to @stanning-reyna for motivating me to write this
shout out to @ethannku and @sapphicbeautyy for the inspiration 
Notes: 1. This is probably gonna be hella canon divergent bcoz a) Rick can’t keep it canon himself b) It’s been a while since I read the books 2. A lot of the words I’ve used may have spelling errors due to me being dumb and also they may not be the words you usually see on desi posts coz I’m South Indian-
now. let’s get it. 
- First and foremost, Annabeth changing her name. Her birth-name used to be ‘Ananya’ but she got sick of people always mispronouncing it or misspelling it so she decides to take on a white name
- Since Fredrick’s race is never mentioned as far as I can recall let’s say his mother is brown/Indian. Let’s take it a step further and say she was South Indian. Annabeth and Fredrick trying to bond over movies which is canon but make it Indian movies. Annabeth pointing out all the misogynistic details while Fredrick just sighs and rolls with it
- Dancer!Annabeth who tried learning bharathanatyam (haha spelling who ;-;) but cannot for the life of her sit in aramandi for too long. Then she discovers kathak. 
- Indians are expected to be able to eat spicy food but somehow, this skips Annabeth (self-projecting LMAO) (i can still eat more than white ppl so stfu mom) and Percy teasing her for it
- Little Annabeth drowning herself in Indian mythology and culture. Who spends time trying to learn languages. Annabeth who was learning Tamil and Hindi but had to stop bcoz she had to run away
- Annabeth with thick beautiful lashes and eyebrows, and hairy as fuck arms bcoz INDIAN features.
- Annabeth in desi clothing. Her wearing chudidhars and dupatas and lehengas and half sarees and pattu pavadais. 
- Annabeth wearing bhindis/bottus. ANNABETH IN KHAJAL SOMEONE DRAW IT. Annabeth with a mukkuthi. ANNABETH WITH A MUKKUTHI AGENDA. 
- Annabeth who does her own mehendi and teaches the Aphrodite kids to do it to
- Annabeth who is Hindu. Who’s favourite story is the Ramayan. Annabeth who loves loves LOVES Seetha/Sita
- Annabeth who drowns herself in Indian history to learn more about her culture. 
- Annabeth who celebrates deepavali and navarathri and krishnajayanthi kuseryghfuyreghtuyrhtg
- Annabeth being obsessed with mangoes- 
That’s all I have rn but I swear, I will come back for more.
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finallymothman · 3 years
OH also re: lawyers, please don't flinch at the thought of one, there are plenty who will be happy to sue your workplace for the cost if it comes down to that. Just keep a paper trail (emails, recorded conversations) so that you have proof that any retaliation or harassment is based on your gender. As long as your area has protections for LGBT folk, it's a slam dunk and your workplace wants to avoid being sued over DickCoworker being a dick.
Do you have a LGBT organization in your area? Consult them re: workplace stuff. Idk where you live but most of the US considers gender a protected class (as in they can be sued if they f around and retaliate). Your local org may not be able to directly help, but they can offer advice on how to proceed (like the proper place to report transphobic harassment or lawyers who work with these kinds of cases).
So not to defend him, but he’s just… a white, Gen-x, cis gay guy, you know? And they’re just Like That™️ (generally). He’s not harassing me, per se, it’s just very clear he does not see me as a man and I catch him slipping up.
Honestly my biggest concern is that he overshares. Like, I know the man’s medical history, sexual preference, what kink bars he used to go to Back In The Day, what drugs he’s done and when, and I learned all of it against my will. And he’s casually sexist. He’s aware of it, but he’s definitely that Casually Misogynistic kind of gay man. He’s also racist and other people have complained about that part too. (He’s also hella incompetent at his job and really shouldn’t be working in a restaurant but that’s neither here nor there for this conversation)
I used to really respect him because he was literally the oldest gay person I’d ever met, and he was living history to me, but when he started being racist out loud it killed my respect for him, and he’s just been slowly chipping away at it since.
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