#*luna purvis
mmonetsims · 4 months
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that's that me expresso !
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babsconsf · 7 years
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It’s Animation Domination as BABSCon Welcomes its First Community Guests of 2018: Minty Root, Toucan LDM, Lightning Bliss and Yaasho!
It’s the holiday season and we’re spreading the joy as we welcome our first community guests for BABSCon 2018! 
First, you know him as the animator of many great works including Luna’s Determination, the Project Thundercloud series, The Return of Queen Quake (which is totally the best one, though we could be biased), Good Morning Baltimare, and many, many more: Minty Root will be making his return at BABSCon next year.
What would happen if Batman, Elsa, Sailor Moon, every other series under Celestia’s sun met MLP? ToucanLDM is answering that question, and he’ll be attending as our second community guest!
Next up is our first animator from the analysis community. Animator of several works such as Bronies Stamp the Ground as well as many a review, you may know her as the TF2 Analysis Anarchy's Head Editor and Blue Team Heavy, and we’re pleased to welcome the rainbow-colored analysis alicorn herself: Lightening Bliss!
Finally we have our first SFM animator of 2018, who’s most famous works include Lone Digger (in which Octavia and Vinyl pull off the most bad-flank bank heist in Equestrian history) as well as contributions to fandom projects such as the popular Doors  and Doors 2, self-professed lover of beef jerky: Shaun Purvis!
 Check out their respective bios below, as they were provided to us:
Minty Root:
Minty Root is a Canadian fan animator, known for his work on Luna's Determination, Good Morning Baltimare and many more animated projects.
He's interested in cinematic storytelling, dramatic lighting and ambiance, but also cute little ponies.
I’m known as the creator of the My Little Pony meets series on Youtube. Some of my most notable works include Batman, Spider-Man, Rapunzel, Elsa and Sailor Moon meets MLP!
Lightning Bliss:
Meet Lightning Bliss, the spunky, tiny, rainbow alicorn of the Brony Analysis Community, proud member of the Secret Rift Cafe as well as the Blue Team's "Heavy" and Lead Editor for Josh Scorcher's and DRWolf's TF2: Analysis Anarchy Series! When she's not reviewing or training on the battlefield, she's learning how to control her magic, work on her artwork and animation, or is up to silly shenanigans with her friends amongst the Brony Community! With her pet and guard dog Twink the rainbow monster watching over her, Lightning Bliss takes on the world, exploring new conventions and making new friends and meeting her fans! So keep an eye out for her, she would love to meet you all, but don’t call her cute! If you do! You risk getting zapped with
Shaun Purvis:
I'm an amateur Source Filmmaker (SFM) animator with roughly 3 years of experience who loves animating ponies! It's one of my favorite hobbies next to playing World of Warcraft (For the Horde!). Coffee and beef jerky are two addictions of mine. Someday, I hope to travel across Europe.
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sedonalace · 7 years
We Paint Our Bodies To Show Love
This is inspired by Tahlie Purvis' Fractured and Arden Rose's One Million Rosebuds video. With some of the concept coming from this video. I hope this makes any sense at all (?) .
There are very few times that Matteo has seen Luna breakdown. Once when she failed her Anatomy test junior year. Once when she twisted her ankle during rehearsals and had to sit out for several days. And the time she found out that she was Sol Benson. When Luna comes through the door of his apartment, on the verge breaking down, the feeling of sadness Matteo gets in his chest gets heavier the tighter he holds her.
"Matteo. It's just so much. I have all of my final exams coming so soon, The internationals competition halfway across the world is so close, I feel so unprepared for all of those, and then Sharon is trying to take control of my life. I can't do this anymore!" the girl bursts into tears into her boyfriend's chest. He strokes her hair and hums in her ear in an attempt to calm down.
The poor girl has been through hell and back this entire last year of school. All of these things building on top of one another has finally made her collapse. Matteo feels so helpless in the situation. One minute he was recording a new cover to post online, the next he is protecting the girl from the world in his arms. The only thing he can think of is just staying by her side. That may be all she needs, all to make her better.
They lie down together on his bed as she continues to cry and cry, letting everything out. As soon as she is somewhat calm, he decides to finally say something. "Do you mind if I ask. Why hadn't you come to me earlier about this? Why let it all build up?" he asks curiously. She looks up at him and tries to breathe steadily. "Because I thought it wasn't a big deal. I thought it was nothing. That I could handle it all by myself. But I can't. It makes me feel so worthless. So weak. Like I just gave up on everything, when I should have been fighting back for it. It's like I'm not good enough to do well for any of it." she cries even harder than before.
Matteo's eyes widen when she puts herself down. "Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Right here." she gasps heavily for air as she turns her eyes upwards at him. "Listen to me. Don't say that about yourself. Ever. You hear me? Don't ever say that. Because you are the strongest person to have ever entered my life. Every day you show me something new. You show me compassion and strength and courage. You are the damn most persistent and motivated person out there. You put your whole self out there when you are determined. You never half ass anything. And I admire that so much from you. It's okay to not have everything together sometimes. Sometimes you need to ask for help. And I can be there to help you with that. Or Nina or your parents. Anyone you feel best with. You don't have to do everything alone. And Luna, you are worthy of everything. You just have to see it."
She smiles a little as he says all of this and hugs him a bit tighter. "Thank you, Matteo. really." she manages to say. "I feel like because of all this, because of all the stress, I haven't been able to spend enough time with you. I haven't been able to make you happy. Because I keep coming back only when I need you." she sniffles. "Luna," he says. "Do you have any idea how happy you make me? Extremely. Every single damn day. Even when I don't see you that day I think of you and it lights up my entire day. And I'm obviously here when you need me. But you're with me for so much more. Aren't you? Can't you see that?" He is so shocked that she can't see in herself of what he sees in her. It frustrates him on what she's missing out. As she continues being curled up next to him in sadness, he gets an idea. To prove to her how happy she makes him and how incredible she is.
He gets out from the bed and tries to pull her to her feet. "Get up. Come on," he begs of her. She whines and slumps out of the bed and he pulls her over to in front of the white sheet background he uses to make his covers with. He grabs a pile of newspapers and places them underneath her feet. "Take off your clothes," he instructs her. "What? Why?" she asks very confused. "All of them?" He softly smiles down at her. "No, you can keep your bra and underwear on. Just take them off. Trust me." Luna looks at him weirdly but does what she is told. She slides her shorts off her legs blushingly and Matteo throws them to the corner. He helps her with her tank top and pulls it over her head and to the corner. "Wait one second," he tells her, as he runs over to a closet. He begins pulling out various paints and brushes. He fills a bowl of water and puts them on a stool next to her. "What are you doing?" she asks him and softly giggles. "You'll see. Just close your eyes," Is all he says.
He takes a dense paint brush and dips it into a jar of purple paint. He holds her left arm in his hand and glides the brush in different patterns all over. She closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of cool paint being spread through her skin. Sometimes it tickles her skin, touching her softly, but it mostly feels relaxing. She opens her eyes when he stops. Only to put the brush in the water bowl and use a fresh new one to dip in red paint. And then he continues outlining her body. Luna stands still the entire time as Matteo covers her entire body in color. He designs her arms, her legs, her stomach, her neck, her chest, her back, even her face. She sinks into the feeling of calmness. It feels so refreshing and breathtaking. In a situation so intimate, she feels so free and careless. Luna enjoys every single bit of it with all of her being.
After about an hour of painting, Matteo instructs her to open her eyes. When she does, her eyes roam all over her body, looking at all the colors. He puts his hand gently on the small of her back and guides her to the full-length mirror to view everything for herself. She gasps in amazement and sees beautiful shapes and symbols that he painted for her. "Matteo, what is all of this?" she asks in shock. He glances down blushing and looks with her in the mirror. He touches the image of a staircase on her thigh first. "The staircases represent how clumsy you are," he says. Luna starts laughing at this and so does Matteo. He then points to the squiggly lines on her arm. "This represents your sound waves when you sing. Because of your beautiful voice." Luna blushes while looking into the mirror. He crouches down to her feet, where small skates are painted, that looks just like her own. "This obviously represents your passion for skating. How you dedicate your all to it." He puts both his hand on either shoulder, where the sun and the moon are. "This represents who you are identified as. You are Sol. You are Luna. But most importantly, you are you." She smiles and continues. He puts his hand on her heart. Where a heart is drawn. "This is your love. You have a big heart. You fit everything in here. Your parents, your friends, your love for skating. And even me." She melts and places her hand over his on the heart and looks up at him in awe.
He points out all the images on her body one by one. By the end, she is in tears all over again, but this time out of happiness and love. He takes both of her hands in his looking deep into her eyes. "All of these things about you, not only make me happy but make you the most special individual there is. They show the world your power and strength that you hold. And nobody else can the way you do. It's all you." Luna smiles so wide and pulls him down into the most bone-crushing hug to ever exist. He loosens her grip a little only so the paint doesn't come off. She pulls back when she realizes it. "You have no idea how much this means to me. I absolutely love it. And I absolutely love you." she says. Matteo smiles and kisses her forehead. "I'm glad you like it, love."
"Why did you do this? Like where did you learn it from?" she asks curiously as he scratches behind his neck. "Remember when I went to therapy because of my vocal rest?" he asks. She sadly nods at him but with a hopeful smile. It was a darker time in their life. When Matteo was put on vocal rest for several weeks, he felt completely helpless. He wasn't able to do what he loved best. He was suggested to go to therapy to compose. He was never totally into it at first but went anyway. It was a very sensitive topic for him, he never talked about it, so Luna never brought it up. But he did feel a lot better once he was able to get back to singing, so it must have helped him in some way.
"Well, I never told you that it was actually art therapy. It actually really helped in letting me release my pain and stress. My therapist taught me this technique. Drawing what made me unique and special. On paper of course. But drawing on your body was an idea to visually point out where you stand out." he explains to her. Luna smiles at him and looks around at all the various paint pots, gaining an idea of her own. "Can I paint on you now?" she asks him excitedly. He chuckles at her but firmly nods. "Yes, you may." She squeals giddily and positions him on the newspapers.
He takes his shorts off and throws them on top of the pile where her clothes are and she blushes seeing him in his underwear. She removes his shirt with him and does the same as before. "Close your eyes," she tells him. He does so and she begins going through all of the different jars of paint and brushes. She finally settles on a color and starts on his back, drawing different designs and patterns, working from there and on. He feels relaxing sensations as she coats his body. Just as he did to her.
When she is finished, She puts him in from of the mirror, where he inspects her work. She uses his hand to point to the different symbols. The first one she does is his back. So she grabs a smaller hand held mirror so he can see the reflection. She painted a giant guitar and microphone on his back. "This obviously shows your passion for music. Your complete dedication toward it. That's why it's the biggest." He smiles at her and lets her continue. She guides his hand to the inside of his arm. "A strawberry because you're the biggest chico fresa I know." she laughs and so does he. She crouches to his feet, where she painted skates just like he did, only the way his look. "Skates because you are determined to be the best and make the best skate partner out there for me." He continues smiling at her as she points. On his leg, there is a flat shape of the world. "A globe, because you have lived in more places than I can count, making you a world explorer," she explains. On the opposite leg, there are two shapes that form Italy and Argentina. "Italy, your home in which you were born in and have a family. And Argentina. Your home here. With all your friends, your new family, and me." He smiles softly at her for the sentiment.
As she points to every single image on his body, his heart feeling fuller at every remark. By the end, he has a few tears in his eyes as he lightly pulls her into a hug. She keeps him in his embrace, feeling all the emotions. They both feel truly loved from all that is appreciated by them. They had never realized it before until they were pointed out of it, and it made them feel more special knowing that there were parts of them they didn't even care about, that the other did. "I love it, Luna. It's beautiful. Thank you." She smiles up at him and kisses his cheek. "You are very welcome. Thank you for showing me this. For making me see things in another way. I'm truly astonished."
He feels warm inside in a mutual feeling. "I love you. So much," he says as cups his hands on her cheeks delicately a kisses her. She smiles into the kiss and hugs back. "I love you, too."
They both lay back down in his bed, looking up at the blank wall together. They are half naked, covered in paint, probably staining the sheets, staring into nothingness. It's an odd feeling. But satisfactory. Knowing that they are happy, they know their worth.Luna feels a lot better, all she needed was to see the love. And she did. She really did.
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elcorreografico · 7 years
Este lunes por la mañana asumieron los tres consejeros escolares que  se vuelve una compoción más cercana al oficialismo de Jorge Nedela en la ciudad. con la presencia de éste último se llevó la ceemonia el el edifico del consejo escolar de la calle 6 y Avenida Montevideo.
Para llevar adelante el recambio y jurade las tres incorporaciones del cuerpo, el acto estuvo a cargo del consejero Darío Luna, uien siendo parte de los Consejeros a nivel provincial tiene la facultadde tomar el juramento.
Luna en su alocución previa a la incoporación expresó que ““ser consejero significa aprender a escuchar, escuchar al otro, escuchar a los otros. Significa estar atentos a que nos golpeen las puertas desde que entramos hasta que nos vamos, y nos vamos y seguimos recibiendo llamados porque las escuelas necesitan de nuestras respuestas”.
  Las palabras completas de Darío Luna en este audio:
  Acto seguido, tomó juramento en primer término a Elizabeth Franchi como la presidenta del cuerpo; los ingresantes Claudia Valerga como vicepresidenta; Omar Medina como tesodero y Gastón Palomino que ocupará el cargo de secretario. Y complentan el cuerpo los vocales en primer y segundo término Gabriela Bernardo y Darío Luna.
Tras jurar la nueca compcición, Franchi tomó la palabra dicienqdo que en una parte que “vamos a seguir trabajando mancomunadamente junto a su gestión (en alución del intendente presente), para fortalerce el bienestar y la trayectoria de los alumnos a través del Fondo Escolar Educativo, que por primera vez están llegando en forma de obras en las escuelas”.
Discurso de Franchi:
  A su témino, su par que la secunda, Valerga expresó que “”los directivos son los que afrontan cada día las problemáticas en las escuelas y son los que nos nesecitan de verdad”, y que en materia educativa “nesecitan el trabajo y el apoyo nuestro, que tienen que tener una infraestructura adecuada, un servicio alimentario como corresponde y ahí estaremos para escucharlos y entregarles respuestas”.
Discurso de Valerga:
Seguidamente, Omar Medina comentó que “la eduación está pasando un momento crítico”, y que “el 48 % de los alumnos está terminando la escuela secundaria” y “el 27 % que empieza la carrera universitaria la termina”, entre otras menciones de su discurso a continuación:
Luego, Gastón Palomino, de Unidad Ciudadana y cercano a Ramón Garaza, tuvo un discurso más crítico a las políticas de Cambiemos respecto a los trabajadores y la educación que molestó a los funcionarios oficialistas.
“Hay una realidad que nos choca y es que hay cada vez más comedores escolares, aumento de precios, la realidad que nos choca es que tenemos cooperativistas que ahora están afuera y no van a pasar fin de año como deben pasar, los compañeros municipales no vamos a tener aumento. A esta realidad es a la que tenemos que empezar a dar pelea. Nuestra función es que nos vean, somos servidores públicos, tenemos que servir”, futigó en un fragmento de su discurso a continuación:
Tras las palabras del los conejeros entrantes, se le dio uso al intendente Nedela, quien se mostró muy descontento en su alocución tras los dichos de Palomino a suu gestión en particular.
“Para eso nos elige la gente, para que podamos acordar y encontrar soluciones concretas a los problemas concretos que tienen nuestras escuelas en este caso en particular o problemáticas en general que aquejan a la comunidad. Después habrá tiempo para la crítica, para marcar la diferencia y posicionarse políticamente”, expresó al público afín en su mayoría, quien luego en privado se dirigiera al consejero de Unidda Ciudadana para decirle que primero se informe sobre los manejos de la intendencia.
Discurso de Nedela:
Tras concluir el acto se entregó unos presentes a los consejeros salientes al cumplir su mandato: Alejandra Purvis, Juan José Villabona  y Hugo De Simone.
Asunción de los consejeros escolares de #Berisso Este lunes por la mañana asumieron los tres consejeros escolares que  se vuelve una compoción más cercana al oficialismo de…
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zealharris · 7 years
I'm in this one... PRIZM 2017 OPENS FOR GENERAL ADMISSION WED DEC 6 MANA CONTEMPORARY DOWNTOWN 145 E. FLAGER ARTISTS EXHIBITING: Zeal Harris | Adrian Richards | Alfred Amadu Conteh | Akilah Watts | Amber Robles-Gordon | Andre Leon Gray | Andrea Chung | Anina Major | Anthony Olubunmi Akinbola | Carmen Neely | Christopher Carter | Dáreece J. Walker | Deborah Jack | Delano Dunn | Delphine Adama Fawundu | Dominique Hunter | David Gumbs | Ezra Wube | Ibrahim Ahmed | Ifeatuanya Chiejina | Jamea Richmond Edwards | Jared McGriff | Jeannette Ehlers | La Vaughn Belle | Katherine Simóne Reynolds | Kearra Amaya Gopee | Kennis Baptiste | Kishan Munroe | Larry Cook | Leonardo Benzant | Llanor Alleyne | Louise Mandumbwa | Loyiso Mkize | Margaret Rose-Vendryes | Mario Moore | Mark King | Maya Amina | Helina Metafaria | Musa Hixson | Nahid Navab | Nandita Mukand | Nathaniel Lewis | Nazanin Noroozi | Nicole Awai | Nyugen Smith | Olalekan Jeyifous | Onajide Shabaka | Oneika Russell | Olivier HÖlzl | Philip A. Robinson Jr. | Renee Cox | Richard Mark Rawlins | Rick Ulysse | Rodell Warner | Rose Marie Cromwell | Sharon Norwood | Shawn Theodore | Sheena Rose | Sheila Pree Bright | Shervone Neckles | Simone Asia | Stephen Towns | Tauliaut Henri | Terry Boddie | Terence Price | T Eliott Mansa | Vaughn Spann | Versia Harris | Vicke Pierre | Victor Ekpuk | Victoria-Idongesit Udondian | Wendell Mc Shine | Wesley CLark | Yadichinma Ukoha-Kalu Purvis Young | Coco Fusco | Leslie Hewitt | Juana Valdes | Yanira Collado | Dinizulu Gene Tinnie | Wardell Milan | Aramis O’Reilly | Nicolas Sanchez | Lou Anne Colodny Arturo E. Mosquera | Debra Priestly | Donald McKnight | Torkwase Dyson | Adriana Farmiga | Derrick Adams | Wayne Hodge | Arthur Polendo | Heather Hart | Colin Chase | Carl Pope | Nyame Brown | Rashawn Griffin | Loren Holland | Onajide Shabaka | Izel Vargas | Bronwyn Katz | Ernesto Oroza | Charo Oquet | Robert Wade | Luis Gispert| Robert McKnight Najmeh Pourshojai | Hasan Golbon | Asad Faulwell | Behrouz Moslemi| Nahid Navab | Esmael Cheshrokh | Saeed Gholami | Sabba S. Elahi | Antonio Francisco Lopez | Rhonda Wheatley | Mev Luna | Norman W. Long | Samantha Hill | N.Masani (at Miami, Florida)
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elcorreografico · 8 years
Se realizaran charlas sobre la Gripe A en escuelas de Berisso
Se realizaran charlas sobre la #GripeA en escuelas de #Berisso
Autoridades del Consejo Escolar junto al director del Hospital de Berisso, Alfredo Zanaroni se reunieron con motivo de organizar charlas de prevención contra la Gripe A en todas las escuelas de Berisso.
El objetivo del encuentro es interiorizar a docentes y alumnos sobre la importancia de la higiene y la prevención de enfermedades.
Las mismas, se dictarán en tres puntos de la ciudad como La…
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elcorreografico · 8 years
Durante la jornada de este lunes personal de la Municipalidad de Berisso continúa realizando tareas en la vía pública, domicilios particulares y de asistencia a las familias damnificadas, por lo que se decretó en el distrito el estado de Emergencia Social.
Hasta primeras horas de la tarde se habían efectuado desde Defensa Civil más de 250 intervenciones ante llamados que solicitan variadas atenciones por parte de vecinos afectados por los fuertes vientos.  Como lo hizo durante la jornada de ayer, este lunes el intendente Jorge Nedela recorrió distintos barrios y se contactó con vecinos perjudicadas por el fenómeno climático que presentó ráfagas de unos 100 kilómetros.
Entre los puntos visitados por el jefe comunal esta mañana, estuvo la Escuela 24 Dardo Rocha de Avenida 122 y 80, la que sufrió la voladura parcial de su techo. En la oportunidad y acompañado por el delgado de la Zona I Gabriel Kondratzky, junto a la presidenta del Consejo Escolar Alejandra Purvis y los consejeros Elizabeth Franchi, Darío Luna, Gabriela Bernardo y Juan Villabona, las autoridades se entrevistaron con los directivos y personal del establecimiento educativo, “desde ayer comenzamos a intervenir en esta Escuela retirando el material que se voló y nos pusimos en contacto de inmediato con la Dirección Provincial de Infraestructura para solucionar estos problemas, teniendo en cuenta que tenemos muy próximo el inicio de clases”.
Nedela volvió a hacer mención hoy a la labor de los empelados municipales y de todos aquellos que prestan colaboración ante esta emergencia climática. “Es necesario destacar todo el trabajo que se está haciendo, acercándonos a los vecinos y viendo cuáles son sus problemáticas. Todas las áreas del Municipio se encuentran a disposición desde el primer momento y actuando rápidamente, articulándose con el Hospital local y con Bomberos Voluntarios”.
Del mismo modo el intendente manifestó su agradecimiento “a las empresas de la zona que colaboran aportando herramientas, equipamiento, camiones y grúas”. “La solidaridad de todo el pueblo de Berisso, de los funcionarios y los empresarios es muy importante para que los daños se solucionen rápidamente, junto al Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires que nos asiste ante las problemáticas”.
  Emergencia Social
  Desde la Secretaría de Promoción Social se informó que debido a la gravedad de la situación derivada por el temporal del día de ayer, se decretó el estado de Emergencia Social, para agilizar la atención. “Estamos asistiendo a las familias que sufrieron inconvenientes aportando chapas, tirantes y alimentos entre otros elementos, de acuerdo a las necesidades de cada caso”, detalló el responsable del área Manuel Simonetti.
El funcionario repasó que hasta el momento se tienen registrados unos 200 casos de viviendas afectadas por los fuertes vientos, mostrando distintos niveles de gravedad, “Hay casos como en barrio Santa Teresita en el que hubo una casa que resultó totalmente dañada y otras que quedaron en una situación muy compleja en sus estructuras, mientras que situaciones parecidas también tenemos en la zona de La Franja. A esto se le suman roturas parciales pero que afectan la vida normal de las personas. Para todo esto contamos con la asistencia del gobierno provincial”.
Simonetti aportó como dato que se asistió con agua potable a vecinos de calle Nueva York y otras zonas, servicio que comenzó a restablecerse en la ciudad.
  Más de 250 intervenciones
  Las tareas desde el Municipio tuvieron como centro de operaciones a la Dirección de Defensa Civil, desde donde se dispuso una red de comunicación interna, por medio de la cual los distintos integrantes del Gabinete reportan hechos que merecen ser atendidos, mientras que desde el organismo comunal se da aviso a las empresas de servicios locales de los reportes que les incumbe en cada caso.
“Comenzamos con los trabajos en la tarde del domingo y continuamos hoy, ya que este fenómeno afectó a gran parte de la ciudad, abarcando de manera importante a los barrios de La Franja, Los Talas, Villa Zula, calle Nueva York y la zona céntrica. Entre los principales reportes aparecen muchas caídas de postes del alumbrado público, como así también de árboles, varias voladuras de techo y daños en domicilios”, repasó el director de Defensa Civil, Leandro Nedela.
Sobre las tareas el responsable del área destacó que se actuó de manera coordinada con las distintas dependencias del Municipio, “todos los funcionarios pusieron sus recursos a disposición, junto también con la imprescindible actuación de Bomberos Voluntarios. Hasta el momento llevamos más de 250 intervenciones desde la Municipalidad y estamos a la espera del retorno del servicio eléctrico en varias zonas, ya que el de agua potable comenzó a prestarse con normalidad en casi toda la ciudad.
    Situación normalizada en el Hospital
  Pasado el mediodía la situación se fue normalizando en cuanto a los servicios en el Hospital Mario Larraín, ya que había vuelto el servicio eléctrico y el de agua potable. El nosocomio de cualquier manera se encontraba abastecido por un grupo electrógeno y provisto de agua por parte de un camión cisterna aportado por Bomberos Voluntarios.
  En el caso de los barrios que abarca la Delegación I de La Franja, su titular Gabriel Kondratzky, repasó: “Registramos alrededor de diez casa que fueron dañadas por la caída de árboles y la Escuela N° 24 que fue la más afectada de la zona con la voladura del techo de la parte del frente del edificio”, puntualizó, “seguimos recorriendo todos los barrios y pedimos que los vecinos se comuniquen con Defensa Civil, ya que estamos en contacto directo y ante cualquier reclamo o pedido de ayuda para acercaremos de inmediato”.
Por el lado de la Delegación II de Villa Zula, los efectos del temporal fueron similares en especial en la zona de Santa Teresita, “en calle 40 y 172 una casa fue destruida de manera total por la caída de un poste de luz y registramos otras voladuras de techos, entre los inconvenientes más significativos”, detalló el delegado Carlos Lozano, “en todos estos casos estamos interviniendo junto a los afectados, porque además fue muy importante el número de postes y árboles que cayeron de manera total o parcial”.
Mientras tanto cuadrillas municipales se encuentran prestando distintos tipos de  colaboración y de limpieza en distintas zonas, tras la gran cantidad de ramas y hojas que se encuentran en calles, veredas y espacios públicos.
  Teléfonos útiles
  Desde Defensa Civil Berisso: 103
SAME: 107
Policía Bonaerense: 911
Hospital Larrain: 461-1101 / 461-1102
Bomberos Voluntarios: 100
Cuartel Central: 461-2425
Destacamento Villa Zula: 464-1737
Destacamento El Carmen: 486-9924
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  #Berisso se decretó en el distrito la #EmergenciaSocial tras el temporal Durante la jornada de este lunes personal de la Municipalidad de Berisso continúa realizando tareas en la vía pública, domicilios particulares y de asistencia a las familias damnificadas, por lo que se decretó en el distrito el estado de Emergencia Social.
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