#*nervous stutter*
nightinghoul · 10 months
PSA: If I talk slowly to you when I'm upset, it's not because I think you're stupid. It's because I have a nervous stutter. It's mostly only apparent when I'm flustered, and I have to slow way down to get a word out. I'm not the only one, so maybe times when you thought someone thought you were stupid, they actually didn't? I hope that helps.
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annoyingboing · 11 months
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what in the rom com did i just watch
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lingerdingdong · 3 months
Marc Revelado Documentary clip and English transcript
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
thinking thoughts about luffy blushing around zoro and luffy being nervous around zoro for, like, once in his whole fucking life because his aroaspec ass has never experienced romantic love before and he's having a crisis
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atlantis-area · 10 months
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Throwback SHINee: SHINee debut (Inkigayo, 080525)
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proxythe · 4 months
akihiko stuttering when complimenting shinji & shinjiro using a lot of “uh” in his sentences when complimenting akihiko is something i think we should all remember and use wisely
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fluent-in-lesbianism · 10 months
the phrase ‘stuttering like an idiot’ needs to be stricken from all forms of media
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factorydefaultlu · 5 months
Thinking about him again 🥰 (Gobtholomew Fallout 3)
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thistownisstrange · 7 months
My first ever Machinima for my upcoming BACC Challenge! I couldn't help but post it before the whole video was ready cause I'm soooooooooo proud of it AAAAAAAAFFNKDLN
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bylertruther · 2 years
modern au lucas has a crush on will but he isn't aware of it bc he thinks this is just a normal reaction to will byers, aka intense cuteness aggression, so he does things like give will his sweatshirt right off his back when he's cold even though he just made fun of dustin for being cold not even two seconds ago and kisses will's cheek with a theatric flair before they all go to bed bc he's "gotta kiss the homies goodnight 😌💯👊🔥" but when mike asks where his kiss is lucas suddenly doesn't know what the hell this weirdo's talking about and can't explain why it's different with will even tho they're All homies. and before you ask yes will is screaming on the inside yes he's always one second away from a heart attack etc etc. but!!!!! lucas is smart. and he's kind, honest, and True, so will is willing to give him time, as well as a little nudge, bc he knows that lucas will realize eventually and then they can be boyfriends for real. :3
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peaches2217 · 24 days
In a continued bid to overcome my social anxiety and do something on my days off besides run errands and hole up in my RV, I took a relatively big step today: I went to the library and applied for a library card! Being a small library in rural Oklahoma, it’s pretty slim pickings, especially since I have a heavy preference for nonfiction, but there’s a lot more they offer beyond books: they’re partnered with a handful of programs that offer a lot more in the way of ebooks, plus it’ll give me a place to bring my laptop and sit and get some writing done. I’m gonna explore all the online programs when I get home and see what I can make of it!
Plus I got to choose a design for my card, which was a lot of fun. I got one with the state bird on it!
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Insufferable (5/7)
Getting close to the endgame here, I think! I’ve been excited about this chapter of the Vox sickfic for a while. Previous chapters: 1 2 3 4
Next chapters: 6 7
Wavs: 1 3
If Velvette believed in prayer, she would be praying for a miracle right now. Of course, ending up in hell tended to make one think that any god would be unlikely to help out. So she resigned herself to hoping for a new development.
When Vox stumbled out from the bedroom, he was lacking all of the enthusiasm and energy he’d had the previous times. His screen was full of tiny cracks, though it was unclear if this was a broken screen or just a malfunctioning display. The center of his screen had a bright spot but everything else was dull. “Ugh, what time is it?”
“Morning, Vox. It’s 10.”
“Shit,” he said, rubbing his sore head. “Didn’t I have an interview today?”
Velvette shook her head. “That was yesterday, and it’s already taken care of. All you need to do is rest, love.”
Vox sighed and collapsed on the couch, as if he had used up all of the day’s energy just by standing and saying a few words. “I feel fucking awful.”
Velvette just nodded. “I know.”
“And I just…” he paused, turning his head around the room. “Where’s that radio coming from? Why the fuck is there a radio in here?”
“I’m not hearing anything,” Velvette said. “And besides, there’s no more functioning electronics in this room anyway.”
“I could have sworn I heard… hhh’tzzzch!” A small shower of sparks fell from his screen.
“And that’s why there’s no functioning electronics in this room,” she added, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “How’s that virus scan coming?” she asked, approaching his display.
“I have a virus?” Vox’s face froze, not like a broken program but rather like a shattered hope.
“And memory loss.”
“You sure you don’t hear that radio?”
She shook her head. “And hallucinations, apparently.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Val asked, walking in.
“Val, please tell me you hear that fucking obnoxious radio static.”
Val raised an eyebrow. “What the fuck are you talking about? All I hear is your fans whirring like a helicopter.”
“Fucking hell, I can hear his cackling too. Buzzing static and maniacal laughter and… heh’TZZZZCHT! Constant irritation.” He clawed at his arms. Valentino left the room and came back with an anti-itch lotion, rubbing it in generously. “Thanks, Val, but I don’t think that’s actually doing anything.”
Valentino shrugged. “Worth a try. Speaking of worth a try…” he found the volume controls on Vox’s side and turned them down. “Do you still hear the static now?” Vox’s mouth moved in response, but no sound emerged. “Damn it, he’s lost his voice again!” He blew some smoke into Vox’s vents and Velvette stared at him incredulously.
“You turned his speakers down, idiot! Of course you can’t hear him!” It was very strange to watch Vox sneeze with no sound. Just the flickering screen, the odd facial expressions, and the flurry of sparks. Eventually, she turned the volume back up just in time to catch the tail end of the fit.
“HHHH’TDDZZZZZSH! Heh’TZZZCHT! Hhh’TTTTZZZZZZCHHH!” Vox deliberately aimed the last few at Val to express his discomfort, and the other jumped from the shock. “Thanks for nothing,” he groaned, clawing at his throat. He grimaced and launched into a hacking cough, looking incredibly frustrated and confused when it was done. “You guys didn’t suddenly adopt a pet while I was asleep, did you?” Velvette and Val both shook their heads. “And Val, you haven’t seen Angel recently?”
“No, why?”
“Because I have the distinct sensation of fur in my mouth and it just won’t go away no matter what I do. Fucking gross.”
A warning popped up on Vox’s screen. “Sensors appear to be malfunctioning.” Yeah, no shit. Vox’s fans kicked into an even higher gear than the Vees had thought possible and he began to shiver so violently Velvette wondered if he was going to shut down for the fourth time since this disaster began.
“V-V-V-V-V-V…” Velvette and Val made eye contact with each other and then with Vox, having no way to tell which of them he was calling for. “V-V-Val, c-c-could you get me some… hhh’tzzzsh! S-s-some w-water?” Val nodded and came back with a cup of warm water. He handed it to Vox, whereupon it promptly fell out of the weak grip of the TV demon’s trembling hands. “Sorry.” Val began cleaning up the spill and winced when a sneeze from Vox electrocuted him through the puddle. “Sorry again.”
Velvette searched the cupboards for a pitcher with a spout, then filled it with more warm water and poured it into Vox’s mouth. She had to pause a few times to let him swallow, but eventually all the water was in his system. A small smile spread across his dim screen and he seemed a little calmer, though still clearly quite pathetic and uncomfortable.
His eyes went wide as he stared at a spot in the room. “Wait, what? Alastor… no. No, he can’t be here. There’s no way he’d get past security. It’s just… why does it feel so real?” He buried his face in the couch, trying to dull his senses but nothing worked. He began crying again, this time deep, wracking sobs that shook the whole couch as his fist pounded limply against the pillow. “Please, God, no! I can’t do this anymore!” Valentino’s eyes flitted towards the guns, but Velvette shook her head. Vox looked up at both of them, his screen crackling with energy that was somehow both weak and desparate. “How the hell am I supposed to deal with this?”
Before either of them could formulate a response, another warning popped up on the screen. “Virus removal has been halted due to insufficient resources. Recommend upgrading to stronger anti-virus protection… Checking for updates… No updates available. Try again later.” From the way Vox’s face fell so far it was practically off screen, it was clear he was aware of the message. “No! Please! I can’t… I’ll do anything!”
“Oh ho ho, anything, you say? This will be fun.” Velvette and Val winced as the voice rang out through the room, first from the sheer volume of it and then from the realization that now they could hear it too. This was far from the new development Velvette had been hoping for. But it was the new development they would have to face.
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wanderingelvis · 1 year
lil update... 🧚
lately my anxiety has been bad, due to a lot of personal reasons and as a result, the stammer/stutter i've had since i was a little girl is a lot worse than it usually is. i've had a lot of speech therapy throughout my childhood to help me get it under control but sometimes i go through phases where it comes back a lot worse and i find it really hard to get my words out and this summer has been one of those times
it's a bit of a vicious cycle because my stutter gets worse because of my anxiety but then my stutter causes me more anxiety but i'm trying really hard to try to make it better
i've always loved writing because i can't show my speech issues through writing (even though i've noticed that pretty much all of my reader characters in my elvis fics trip over their words at least once in each piece of writing lmao) and writing really helps me actually
i know i've been a bit inactive here this summer but i wanted to post why that's been the case, i've seen my speech therapist a bit more than usual and it's just been a bit chaotic but i've received so many lovely messages and requests and i promise to post more, especially as it gets colder and i don't have to be out as much (autumn is my fav!!!!)
that's it really, i suppose i wanted to vent and talk about it because it's not something i normally do... who knows, maybe i'll write a fic with a reader that struggles with her speech, i know elvis would be patient with her
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Sitting on Giyuu’s lap and telling him you want a baby with him and he malfunctions
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navnae · 2 years
Now I’m falling in love with Eddie being a mess around Steve after spending a lot of time together. The reason why he was able to pull off being openly flirty and confident was because he genuinely didn’t think he would hang out with him after the upside down situation but since the group embraced him with open arms he couldn’t really get away now (he loved them to death though). Eddie was getting all the shit back he did to Steve right back, Steve getting in his personal space, calling him nicknames, eyeing him like he was a full course meal. His heart would race any time Steve even came anywhere near him and it felt like his body was burning up whenever he simply called his name, Eddie was a complete fucking mess and it was all because of Steve Harrington.
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Need more dominant Nancy and submissive Robin PLEASE 😭😭
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