#*puts on my clown nose and my clown wig*
I've truly hit rock bottom.
The major complaint with all our delusional takes regarding Tech's survival is that we are taking them out of our asses, but in this case, it is quite literally outta someone's ass.
Look, I don't wanna dunk on my main man, but Tech's got no booty. He is as flat as an airport landing strip in the Netherlands. I don't know what voodoo dark magic Nala Se did to strip Tech of the standard issue clone tushy, because our next possible candidate for Clone CX-2 is Cody, and dude is packin'.
Exhibit 1:
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Certified 0° booty.
Exhibit 2:
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That's a category 10 booty right here ^.
Now, fortunately for us the creatives put Clone CX-2 in a leotard from the waist down, so we got an unobstructed view of the clone's behind and I gotta say, it's some pretty convincing evidence right here that CX-2 is Tech.
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Also, I made this account three years ago and have never changed the profile picture before, but today I did cause delusion is swallowing me whole.
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auroblaze · 1 year
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...Now I may seem to be completing doodle pages rather than the several WIPs open but I swear I’m trying to get those done as well @v@
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guzhufuren · 25 days
Fans: will you collaborate with Lele again?
Du Le (Huaien's evil dad/Zongzheng Yuzhan’s actor): yes, i will
Du Le on a weibo live today 2.09.24
he also said that if he was the one promoting myatb he'd go ham and release a lot of stuff
tr. xiaoqiaoo_
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moon-buggg · 8 days
the worst part of the haunted house au is trying to figure out what the inside of the haunt looks like for comics and what not
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fate-motif · 11 months
me holding on to a sliver of hope that the feel-good children's show is going to criticize starfleet and the federation 🤡🤡
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holdinglines · 3 days
i have 100+ hrs into Pillars of Eternity and i JUST learned that you can switch out party members at any ol' inn
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all this time...i've been running back to Caed Nua whenever I needed to swap 'em out.......for NOTHING....
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mitano-omori · 2 months
Sooooo the other two accounts are on HERO while we're about to drop SUNNY, sooooo I'm just going to be catching up over the span of the day XDD Keep an eye out!! I'll be dropping everyone in Headspace!!
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brokcncrowns · 5 months
gerion lannister you will always be famous
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salemontrial · 1 month
The way I'm able to jinx my romantic life just by being excited about it should be studied i think
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oh god oh fuck i forgot the dannypocalypse existed
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betheny-esda · 11 months
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pluckydean · 1 year
i love being right and winning
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A source of great joy to me this weekend has been watching Boris Johnson's fucking transparent-as-oxygen game of Schrödinger's contestant because my god, this man's ego
Like he cancelled his holiday, came home early on Saturday, and he was ready, Tumblrs, he was ready, little blue boxing gloves on, sweatband in place around his little ham ears, Carrie Antoinette mopping his brow... He was here and prepared to FIGHT Rishi Sunak. He was going to WIN. This was his chance to unite the Tories, to be vindicated and exonerated, to get back to his ugly flat in number 10 that he had decorated like a colonial officer's room in the British Raj, and everyone was going to pat his wig and honk his dick and it was all going to be great. All he needed was a hundred supporters! He could beat his mean former Grand Vizier! It was going to be beautiful.
...Except people did hate him when he left, didn't they? They said very mean things about his face and also his brain. When he was packing up he even found custard in his clown shoes, Tumblrs, and he's pretty sure it was Michael Gove that put it there because he smirked at the squelching. So wouldn't it be awful - wouldn't it be HORRIFYING - if he tried to compete...and LOST.
:O :O :O
Solution - campaign without ever actually telling anyone you're campaigning. If you win, huzzah! You're so popular! If you lose, it's fine, you were never actually competing. Schrödinger's contestant. A perfect plan. The only thing that would undermine it is if you then very obviously and visibly start canvassing and competing.
The highlights included:
Getting back into the country yesterday and immediately claiming that he already had over 100 votes, because hey, lying always worked before
He did not
He had 54
Calling Penny Mordaunt today and begging her to drop out so he can have her votes
Penny Mordaunt telling him to fuck his own clown nose
Penny Mordaunt telling him her supporters will switch to Sunak anyway if she drops out
Penny Mordaunt telling him some of his own supporters have already switched to her
Claiming tonight (Sunday) as the Monday deadline approaches that he has 102
102 is the exact number you'd claim because 100 or 101 would sound too unbelievable
Realising he is definitely not going to win because he does not, in fact, have 102, or even 100
Announcing 15 minutes ago that he isn't competing anyway so really when you think about it he hasn't lost
He should have stayed on holiday
Anyway people keep asking me but I'm telling you, it'll be Sunak
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Izuku talking to the Vestiges: so what was your favorite moment before you died? It has to be the closest to when you died though.
Nana: my very last moments when I flipped off All for One and gave a sassy hair flip, just before he crushed me with a giant bolder.
Banjo: That one time when I dropkicked All for one using my blackwhip
2nd, still in the corner: I made All for one cry once
Yoichi: when I escaped the vault and left a recording of my voice that was triggered by the vault door opening that had me cursing him out and telling him that next time he wants to keep someone in a vault to take care of their mental state too, because I'm coming for him.
Everyone: silence
2nd: when did this happen?
Yoichi: I had it recorded for a while, it was supposed to be either for my funeral or for a last message when i got out sort of thing. I set it up while you guys were getting some stuff to take with us back to camp but I had almost nothing to pack so I just did that and then shoved everything I owned into a bag.
Izuku: that sounds fun.
Aizawa, walking in on the conversation: Izuku who are you talking to?
Izuku, looking him dead (haha) in the eyes: dead people. They are talking about the best experiences they had before death.
Aizawa, tired: and why does that sound fun?
Izuku, forgetting to give Aizawa context: well, the one who is all for one's brother left him a voice recording telling him off once he was able to escape the vault he put him in, that's what sounds fun. Not being in the vault, but the voice recording.
(I will let you continue this before I get out of hand and use too much space for the ask space to handle)
(im just laughing my ass off at this it's funny as fuck thank you for the ask!)
aizawa sitting down next to izuku : okay so... what else was the others best moments?
izuku : nana flipped him off and did a sassy hair flip! Banjo drop kicked him with the help of blackwip! second made him cry! ans ofc yoichis! so someone else go!
aizawa pale : how did they die again?
izukj : all for one. they all died to him apart from the 4th!
aizawa : Oh....
en: I mean I told him to go suck a rubber duck before throwing a bunch of them at him..
izuku snorting laughing : YOU DID WHAT?
aizawa : what they do?
izuku : en threw a bunch of rubber ducks at all for one while telling him to go fuck himself with them!
aizawa chucking : okay that's good.
third : I gave him a clone nose and wig and told him to go be with his brethren
aizawa : care to share?
izuku : pffttt 3rd gave him a clown nose and wig and told him to be with his brethren!
aizawa snorting a little : pfft that's amazing
izuku nodding : well now I feel like I gotta step up when I die.
aizawa : no.
one for all users : absolutely not.
izuku : dahm shut down so fast....
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rivalsforlife · 2 months
pardon me if you’re tired of discussing this but. we know aa7 is on capcom’s radar on some level. and now they’ve rereleased every game right?? they’ve finally run out of backlog material after almost yearly releases since 2019…. Not to put the clown wig and nose back on too early but do you think we’ll actually get news about, or get to see, aa7 next year?
Never tired of discussing this!! This is right around the time of year where I'd be preparing to make my yearly AA7 Speculation Post anyway so this is great timing. (TGS, my enemy, is approaching.)
So just to make sure everyone's on the same page, here's a quick recap of where we're currently at:
In November 2020 we got internal Capcom leaks which included a calendar from 2019 with the roadmap for the AA series the next couple of years. This included:
DGS1&2 collection, which I did not think was going to happen ever, releasing April-June 2021
AA7, releasing around October-December 2021, right around the 20th anniversary.
Through late 2019-mid 2022, reconsider porting 456
We got DGS1&2 (a bit later than in the plan, but by like a month), we got the 456 ports, we got bonus AAI ports, we have nothing for AA7 nearly three years after it was supposed to come out. The pandemic is an obvious feature that could contribute to its delay, but at this point with 456 ports out I think we can safely say that this was not the only cause.
Some other things that may or may not be contributing to AA7's delay include:
Yamazaki, the previous main writer for 5&6 and the AAIs, left Capcom in 2020. If he was involved in AA7 at all, that could throw a wrench into things, but I recall hearing he intended AA6 to be his last AA game (I AM STRUGGLING TO FIND THE SOURCE THOUGH SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME), so I don't think this contributed very much. It does, however, mean that we're unsure about who the next main writer is - depending on what Takumi's up to or if they had to bring someone new on, there could be complications related to that.
I think TGAA did way better than anyone expected, which I covered in this post. It's possible that this could have shifted Capcom's priorities to porting more old games / porting to all modern consoles. It may have made people at Capcom think "damn everyone loves Takumi" so they tried to lure him back to AA7, and I have no idea how well that would have gone or if Takumi is even interested in continuing mainline AA right now. (I do think this at least contributed to the Ghost Trick ports.)
In my first ever AA7 speculation post I talked about how the ending of AA6 kind of wrote them into a corner re: how to continue with the series and which protagonist to use. I still stand by that argument even if a lot of that post aged badly.
Console ports! Previously new AA games were for whichever Nintendo handheld is out now (GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS). But now that the series is doing really well on all consoles, they may have decided to try to make their next mainline entry on all consoles, which would take more development time. Adding to this is that the Switch is near the end of its lifecycle with the Switch 2 (or whatever the successor will be) being announced soon - meaning that, if AA7 is coming out soon, Capcom is in the position of "do we try to squeeze this into the end of the Switch's lifecycle" (which, I'll need to find sources for this, is speculated to be some of the reasons behind why AAI2 and DGS2 sold badly when they were first released, and they can't make the same mistake thrice... right...?) or "do we try to time it with the release of the Switch 2"?
Also, a lot of this depends on how far AA7 was into development whenever it was derailed. If it was derailed from the pandemic, then according to the calendar, it would likely have still been in the prototype stage. It may be early enough that they would have had to start from scratch whenever they picked it up again. I don't work in the gaming industry so I have no idea how long it takes them to make a game or how easy it would be from what stage they're in.
One thing we can compare to is some of the comments about the recent AAI ports: in this interview, Shunsuke Nishida, the producer of the AAI collection, says that development on the collection began in 2022. He also mentions that this began once development on 456 was concluded. This leads me to believe that (contrary to my previous assumptions) 456 and AAIC were not developed concurrently (or if so, had very minimal overlap), and that the process of upscaling graphics, porting, and localization took them... about a year, maybe? So that takes time, even without taking into consideration how long it would take to come up with a new idea + write the script + the bulk of the programming that would have to be done that isn't considered with porting + probably way more than I can think of because again I do not work in the gaming industry.
There's also the question of why 456 and AAIC weren't developed concurrently. The calendar from 2020 shows that TGAA and AA7 were meant to be developed at least somewhat concurrently, and the staff from TGAA would eventually merge into working on AA7. Once again, we don't know what happened to the staff that were supposed to be working on AA7. It's possible pandemic complications meant they got shuffled onto other projects. It's possible the AA-related team is smaller now than it was in 2020, so they only have enough people to work on one project at a time. It's also possible that there's a team that was working on ports, and a team that was working on a new game, and now the "port team" is freed up to work on the "new game team".
Either way though, pretty much every interview with the staff for the 456 or AAI ports are all saying "look forward to the future of the series", which is definitely Corporate Speak, but unless they're bringing the ports of the Layton crossover (fingers crossed) that can only mean one thing. (AAI anime?) Plus, like I've discussed in this post, AA is having fantastic sales in general. They've seemingly either hired a new social media manager or changed the strategy so there is much more engagement on twitter. And AA is getting on bigger and bigger announcements - though AA trilogy ports were announced at TGS (at an AA-specific panel), TGAA duology ports were announced unceremoniously on twitter. Afterwards, 456 ports got announced at the Capcom Showcase during Summer Game Fest. And now AAI collection got announced at a Nintendo Direct, which I imagine is even more expensive, so the series must be going in a good direction for them to think that's worth it!
That's a lot of rambling for me to say I definitely think it's coming.
When are we going to see it though!!
Coming up in September is my eternal enemy Tokyo Game Show. Since AAI collection is being released at the beginning of September... it might be a bit too soon to announce a new game, but who knows. They might think it's profitable to ride the hype they're building now for AAI collection to announce a new game. Or they might let it sit for a while.
With AAIC getting announced at a Direct, I'm thinking they'll want to make AA7's announcement a) big and b) global. AA6 was announced in Famitsu, but the problem with that is that it's a mostly Japanese audience, and some interviews have been talking about how AA's global audience is particularly contributing to how big it is right now. So I'm expecting AA's next announcement to be at something major and something that will get attention from overseas audiences.
If they have been working on AA7 concurrently -- and honestly I do think there has at least been some progress on it since 2019 -- we could definitely see an announcement within the next year. I was also saying this in 2020, though, so don't take my word for it. There's been two year gaps between ports up until the AAI collection, and they seemed pretty proud about releasing 456 and AAI in the same year, so... maybe they'll want to keep it going and announce AA7 within the next year, especially if they'll have a longer announcement -> release period than they normally would for ports.
Potential candidates include:
Tokyo Game Show: As previously stated, it's very close to the AAIC release, so I don't think it's the best timing for it. I would not want my favorite AA game overshadowed by whatever the hell they're going to do with AA7. Likelihood: depends on how fast they want to follow up on the hype.
The Game Awards: is the next major gaming event, but that's already massive in terms of the type of games that get announced there, and it's expensive! Nintendo Direct is one thing since AA has always been a Nintendo-first series, but I don't think it's big enough to justify putting in a Game Awards ad. and I already have my clown wig on for persona 6 there. Likelihood: pretty low tbh
Next Year's Summer Game Fest-related Shows: I think this is the most likely, considering both the 456 collection and the AAI collection were announced around this time. For AA7 I'd say a Nintendo Direct to get lots of eyes on it, especially if AAIC sales pay off. Likelihood: pretty high!
Which leads me into my wildcard answer:
Switch 2 Announcement Stream: If Capcom decides to go in and make AA7 one of the first games for whatever the switch successor would be, it could be announced here. I regret to admit that I am a very bad gamer and only like two things, and therefore have not ever been present for one of these things to know how many games get announced as launch games for a new console, but, like, it's possible.
In the above scenario, I'm not necessarily saying that AA7 would be a Switch 2 exclusive - because I think that would be stupid after so much of the support they've gotten from the ports has been from playstation and steam - but I am definitely the kind of person who would buy a console for one video game. Shoutout to me buying a switch in part anticipating that aa7 would come out on it and that is not looking likely
Anyways, that's my speculation!! Reminder that this is mostly uninformed and that I have no knowledge of anything related to sales or marketing or video game development, and as a result of that, I have been wrong (aside from the one time I accurately predicted AAI ports as a joke) for four consecutive years.
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
i've seen some talk about how it's been nice clowning with y'all but now that we know s2 will release in October it's time to pack it in since the clowning about its release is over. my bozos in red noses there is still so much we can needlessly over-analyze and project secret messages onto that aren't really there in the lead up to October. when will the trailer release? what is the exact air date of s2? how much of the stede/ed romance will they showcase or will they once again edit the teasers to make it look like a beefy pirate show? there's no need to return to civil society just yet lads we can continue piling into this hilariously tiny clown car together for longer still. put that rainbow wig back on
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