#*screaming internally*
your-ne1ghbor · 8 hours
Star Boy Gang needs to happen guys !!!11!!11!!🗣🔥
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The last 2 are on yt so their channels are here:
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I. Am. Not. Okay.
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useless-prophet · 1 month
I’m going to die Brandon Sando did it again. Wrote ANOTHER secret novel. Just couldn’t help himself, huh. Couldn’t write one or two books a year like every other author does. Noo, had to bust out the writing-the-super-important-finale-to-the-first-half-of-my-magnum-opus-but-ooh-let’s-squeeze-another-one-in-there-shall-we?? Last year wasn’t enough, the flood gates have been opened and now they will never close
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ezziefae · 5 months
Prisoners Throne Snippet!
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Just did a little bit of clean-up and colouring on the actor au sketch of lute and adam
Idea is from @pumpkin-phones 's post, go check it out here!🙌
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clownrun · 10 months
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I don't think you understand who I will become if they animate weston collage arc
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peachyomega · 5 months
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✨Manifesting a return of the slutty ponytail soon✨
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sforzie · 2 months
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Poor Silk, stuck in that customer service grind.
Silk is another one of @dervampireprince's characters! He's an incubus. Silk, I mean. Prince is a vampire, obviously.
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citrusbusiness · 4 months
Listening to Keep Your Friends Close and drinking coffee
I did an actual spit take at "everything's changed since Polites" bc I forgot about that line
And now he's singing about home??
Time to be the father I never was?!
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the-epitome-of-sin · 6 months
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Sleeveless Chris 🥵
I repeat…
Sleeveless. Chris.
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ladymsinclair · 5 months
Me, calmly reacting to #DarkHeir ending
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When people take your statement about being aromantic and go "as a FELLOW AROACE--" like babe. I'm not aroace. I never said I was ace. Stop assuming all aromantics are also asexual.
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dexdia · 1 month
Highly considering doing a Seven Deadly Sins rewrite myself bc man there's so much missed potential and honestly a lot of things that don't make sense or haven't been gone over enough-
My biggest gripe being the Goddess race, we barely know anything about them, the archangels were said to be oh-so-strong but 3 of them died not to long after being introduced- And my biggest gripe is that the author definitely pulled that "Bloody Ellie" thing out of his ass during the fight with Demon King Zeldris.
Like man, even the Demon race feels so lacklustre..
Oh! And don't get me started on Chaos!! Especially since its literally the entity that gets put into Arthur who's the main antagonist and villain of the sequel series!!!
Like, I'm pretty sure we don't know about chaos until it's actually revealed,,
Like in my mind, if I was to add/redo things- One of the things I'd do is make the Supreme Deity into a religious figure, being praised as the "Benevolent Goddess" among humans, setting up basically a religion- And maybe this could stem into the magic, such as human believing that the magic they hold was a blessing of the Supreme Deity.
And maybe also set up a clearer hierarchy system among the Goddess and Demon race.
I just want the Goddess race and Supreme Deity herself to play a bigger role cause man I don't really like how she was defeated within like the final 20 minutes of that one film.
Because I think it'd be so interesting to have humans actively worshiping the Goddess race, specifically dedicated to the Supreme Deity and the archangels.
Also, I'd have Chaos introduced a lot earlier- who knows, maybe I could throw in like a group that are worshippers of Chaos.
Tbh I'm just spit balling but it's mostly bc I'm so frustrated at simply how bad the author is at writing- Cause I feel like a lot of the time, he throws in ideas just because he thinks it's cool and doesn't elaborate and explore said ideas.
As I mentioned earlier, the whole "Bloody Ellie" thing ( a character who was established a pacifist in the Gloxinia + Drole flashbacks thing) as well the thing with Helbram where he talked about how fairies were captured and had their wings torn out (I believe we never hear anything about it again after Helbram tells us it), honestly many things.
Also, I just thought of another thing I'd change- Instead of having Derieri, Tarmiel and Sariel die useless deaths, I feel like we could've had Ludociel fight Esta/Mael when the Mael reveal happened bc I feel that would've been so much more impactful-
Because imagine, Ludociel finally fights the person who he thought "killed" his brother and before he goes for the finishing blow, the spell corrodes away and Ludociel is left with the shock and horror that he nearly killed his own brother.
And one more thing or else I'll be ranting forever, have Meliodas' and Elizabeth's relationship questioned and have them actually have to go through challenges
Have people question as to whether or not it was their relationship that trigger started the holy war, have other characters question the way he acts towards current Elizabeth, have Elizabeth have questions herself and wonder if the war was worth it- Let them have arguments!!
I think the only one they technically had was when Elizabeth wanted to rejoin the adventure at the start of season 2 if my memory serves me right.
But yeah.
It's just those little tweaks and add-ins that really begin to flesh it out to its potential, imo.
Anyway, rant over before I continue ranting up to 30k+ words more.
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sadiecoocoo · 16 days
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I’m not okay and I wanna rant about it
The fact that Wrecker heard the beeping and knew almost immediately that it was a bomb shows how he really is a good demolitionist and such. The way that his face changed from confusion to realization to a hint of fear just makes me want to scream. The way that he ran to grab Gonky to keep him safe as well as himself makes me sob because Wrecker fully sees Gonky as a part of the family and someone to protect 😭
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thedailyplatypics · 1 year
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New Perry content in his original show form holy crap!
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