hazbinsandweirdos · 7 months
Pierre could have gone his usual route, rob a low level goon or two from the few bars around town but desperate times called for desperate measures and nothing would be faster then getting his hands on what was in that casino vault!
Luckily most of the people inside were rather tall so, he could easily slip by unnoticed, using their bodies as a sheild to block him from being seen by any cameras or in the few cases, security.
He'd managed to make it all the way to the vault and was surprised when he found it wasn't a timer like most of the more modern versions. Maybe the cat in charge just hadn't upgraded yet but he certainly wasn't complaining.
Making sure he was alone for the moment and wasn't about to set off an alarm that he could see or hear, Pierre set to work on that pretty, metal shell, listening carefully for the clicking of the locks until he managed to get that door to swing open.
Dusting off his hands, he grinned, a little too pleased with himself with how easily he had gotten into the place, it was almost laughable how easy this had been! He had expected security to catch him by now!
Eyes settling on the stacks of bills inside, Pierre glanced around the entrance then over his shoulder once again before heading in to grab his reward. He suspected he didn't have much time now and needed to make this quick, stuffing what he could get his hands on into his bag and just in case, he stashed a few rolls of bills in his fluff for safe keeping.
If he was caught, he was sure to lose his bag before getting tossed out on his ass and he wanted to get something out of it at least!
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theastralexpresscrew · 2 months
@dumpsterdivingdiva liked for a starter!
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"Stelle?" the older man questioned in a fatherly tone as he found the girl laying down on one of the express's couches. "Are you feeling alright? Or were you just taking nap?"
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twcfaces · 10 months
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"You look like you have a question - I can practically see it rolling around in your head."
It's an uneventful day at Arkham, which is saying ... nothing at all. They can't possibly stage a riot every day. Mostly, it's just treatment, therapy, and sitting around, waiting to be medicated. Not much else to do but suffer the boredom of it all. Harvey flips a checkers piece like it's a coin.
"What is it?"
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dreamingonthedaily · 6 months
@entangledmuses starter from Anthony Bridgerton
He knew this season would be different. The roiling of his gut told him so…
He had wasted so many seasons doing what he wanted, when he wanted, with whom he wanted… and now that his sister was married, the pressure was higher than ever before for him to settle down and take up his responsibility as Viscount.
His eye already twitching with irritation, he stood in the corner of the ballroom at the Featheringtons as he contemplated his next move. If he were to do this, he would be practical, logical, and above all, his way.
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n0fa0e · 7 months
The lights were glamorous as they danced across the marbled floor. It’s the sound of stifled laughter and the clicking of heels. The women in red, who’s dresses hugged their bodies as tight as the men hanging off their waists. A lavish cocktail party, where the music was smooth, and the lights were dim. People who deemed themselves above each other stuck together. It was an easy way to show off wealth but act as if you were being classy about it.  It was the type of party you needed an invitation for-
Though that was not the case for one guest, a man who stood rather tall. Their skin brown, their hair slicked back, they walked around the crowd as if they belonged. Taking drinks off trays and handing them off. They moved from person to person until they came across young women that caught their eye. And from the humbling of the other guest around him, they too had taken notice.
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“Dance with me.”
It wasn’t a question, and it wasn’t quite a demand either. Stuck naturally in the center golden eyes peered down at the young women. His hand held out for her to take or not.
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upon-blades-twilight · 8 months
It has been another rough evening of battles for this Vergil mirror.
Ever since Mundus' death Ouroboros had been blessed with freedom--but so has all of his other minions. The odd origins of this one made him a prime target for the others. After all, consuming a kin of Sparda must have granted something. If not power then certainly a wave of dopamine for claiming such a trophy.
Thankfully, he managed to find himself a break from the pestering in the form of a nearby mirror. He used it as a means of transportation into the human world. The ability was a remnant of Nelo Angelo, which his creators chose to grant him as well. Now that he was in the human world, he chose to use his glamouring abilities to retint himself into that of his mirror's; blues and flesh that actually didn't look entirely dead. Otherwise if anyone saw him his looks and crimson eyes would have been incredibly questionable.
With help of the dusk as cover, Ouroboros was able to quietly slip between the buildings where he would find further cover. Leaning against the wall there he grit his teeth. Wounds weren't suffered by much but rather it was fatigue that was taking its' toll on him. He clung a hand against his dominant right arm and slid into a sitting position. The malformed shape it was beginning to take on suggested that there was something extremely wrong with it.
"Damn it... Why now? Normally I could last longer than this. Pitiful, really."
With a quivered sigh, he tried to steel himself against the pain of the deteriorating flesh of that arm. It oozed and leaked in ivory through his sleeve.
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
Like this post for a starter! Specify muse if you’re multi and verse/character if you want to interact with Wakaba or Sojiro. I need some motivation for longer form rps so I can get to my old stuff I have due uwu
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The Guild really liked giving out the worst problems. Roako could handle beasts and most monsters with no problem. They often didn’t have much in the way of higher thinking..... usually. But this time, the Guild had received reports of bandits attacking travelers on the road which meant his target would be a bit more annoying.
He was actually at the scene of one of these attacks now. Carriage emptied and trashed, horses dead... yet the carriage’s owners and bodyguards were nowhere to be seen and there was no blood besides the horse’s.
Roako had his greatsword drawn and was busy trying to pick out a trail when he heard someone walking up behind him, causing him to whip around and level the blade at the intruder. “Who’s there?!”
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poqu · 2 months
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torchic and piplup play in the water
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retrogamingblog2 · 5 months
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hinamie · 15 days
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sympathy for cain
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hazbinsandweirdos · 7 months
Pierre let out a sigh as he made his way into the speakeasy, head tilting as he looked around the place. It wasn't nearly as busy as the night he had met Cain but still had a few milling about that he could see.
Usually he wouldn't bother someone he had interest in while they were working but it was a bar and he did need a drink. It wasn't like he was just there for the handsome doorman who, he had just realized was not at the door when he came in.
Sliding up to the bar, Pierre took up a seat and looked to the bartender, he was pretty sure his name was Able but he couldn't be sure at the moment though he did know, this little, white spider, was Cains brother and the owner of the place and that was enough to put on the pleasantries.
"I missed your lovely door man on my way in, a shame, I thought he would be working." He chuckled, leaning his chin on the back of his hand. "Ah well, I could still use a drink if you don't mind?" The flea smiled at the other as he drummed his fingers on the bar.
He was willing to believe Able didn't recognize him, it was dark and busy the night he showed up and he was sure Cain had plenty of new arm candy each night after they had met, besides that, they hadn't laid any ground rules yet so, Cain could have been out for all he knew.
Brows lifting momentarily to himself, Pierre almost laughed but stopped himself, seemed he was more attached to Cain then he had thought. He found himself disappointed by the very idea he wouldn't get to see his smiling face and Able hadn't even told him if he wasn't there, yet.
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theastralexpresscrew · 2 months
@bishonenprince liked for a starter
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"It's been a while my friend. I hope you've been well," Jing Yuan greeted with a warmth to his tone reserved for those he deemed close. Reaching out he gave the catboy a few scratches behind the ear.
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so i dont usually go on reddit
but has someone on the dungeon meshi subreddit figured out more detailed recipe amounts of the pan-steamed bread that senshi makes in the orc episode?
once we run low on bread in my household I wanna make some anime-ass bread
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zukaichu · 2 years
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Significant otter 🦦🦦
Thought I might share this piece on here too ^-^
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cyndaquilism · 11 months
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