#- they might be a fallen angel? i knew they were going to get chewed out for being careless and losing valuable souls for no good reason
gramophoneturtle · 10 months
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Another TWEWY OC introductory post! This is Null, who uses they/he pronouns, with a preference for they/them. Their modern design is a work in progress, but I'm quite satisfied with the top half and the (maybe platform) boots. They're about as tall as Mother with the current boots when she's wearing her usual footwear.
Null had another name a long time ago, but after allowing an awful incident to occur that Father spoke about in this history lesson due to their neglect and arrogance as the Composer at that time, Null was striped of their name from their own memory by the higher ranking Angels. Despite how Father might make it sound, Null is still around and has fully recovered. Sometime after Father moved away from working under Null, they gave up their Composer position and focused solely on researching and recovering lost Souls, unknown to Father.
I haven't decided if being striped of their name was a normal punishment or if it was something specific for Null, and if their name was not only removed from Null's memory but from everyone else's as well. If it's only Null, then revealing their old name would result in severe punishment. I also haven't decided whether Null chose the name "Null" to remind them of their errors, or if they were forbidden from picking a name. Losing their name affected them greatly and they're working hard to earn the blessing of a new name.
At the moment I don't have any plans for Null to be involved with the main events of the Healthy Dose of Chaos AU. They might show up after the potential chaos has occurred and visit a potentially injured Father due to those events. Despite Null and Father being on rough terms, Null still cares greatly for Father, and after hearing about Father's potential injuries from the AU's events, that is finally enough to spur Null to get over their avoidance and visit Father.
I've answered some questions about Null here for an October OC Q&A, but outside of that, they are still a work in progress.
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kit-williams · 9 months
Your blood is like heaven to me
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tw: Yandere Blood Angels, cannibalism, dubious consent?
@moodymisty cuz I remembered you gushing at being the Flesh Tearer's cure for his appetite... so here's more with just a normal blood boy
Your feet slip along the sand as you swallowed down the cold gasps of the night air. You at some point would have said you were in love with Sirus... Sirus Amah... a poet at heart... a tender warrior poet. Oh how he could just swoon you off of your feet and make you forget the world around. Make you forget he was a weapon of war... make you forget with the way his red eyes danced over your flesh... the crooning of his poems... it was all a lure to bring you closer.
"Moonlight..." You hear his voice echo behind you and you forced yourself to run behind the dunes trembling as you can feel the traces of strands of his blonde hair between your fingers. You had ripped out a lock of his hair in your initial frenzied attempt to get away.
You finally saw the monster under the skin and he practically preened in the fact you saw him. Covered in gore and viscera... the way his tongue moved over his teeth in a lazy swipe. How he crooned out his love poems for you and you could finally see the double meaning behind them.
You slipped and hissed as your hands tore under the sharp rocks and you knelt there trembling. The looming shadow that itched behind your mind... the dread as you realize you're bleeding and you force yourself to look over your shoulder. "There is my moonlight..." He practically moans out looking at you with the familiar loving gaze but it has taken on a sinister meaning.
You can only let out a small scream as you try to run but large hands sweep you up. You can feel the crushing pressure of his hands on your arms as he moans with each swipe of his tongue against your palms. His blonde hair with its gentle curls is wild as those red eyes of him practically glow in the faint light. You scream for help that will not come as his hips rut against yours for a moment as his tongue forces open the scrapes more. "You taste so sweet just like I knew you would!" He moans so eagerly.
Your world seems to shrink to a pinprick as you scream out your lungs as pain blossoms across your body. His mouth ripping into the flesh of your shoulder. He avoids biting near your neck but you flail as you can feel his teeth easily gnawing on the bone. Blood rushes into his mouth as he rips his head back moaning and taking a chunk of your flesh with him. You're going into shock you're certain as you thrash and spasm in his arms. You don't know if you're screaming anymore or if you've fallen silent but you can feel the way he spins you around and continues his poetic praises of you.
You feel the way he returns to the bite mark and chews away more flesh from the bone. To moan in a delirious ways as blood... your blood dances across his tongue. His soft moan as you can taste your own blood on his tongue as you tremble against him... darkness crowding the edges of your vision. He shivers licking away the blood around his lips. "Beloved moonlight... it seems I might have taken a bit more than I intended." Sirus coos as he turns to head back, "Fear not I'll patch you back up and I will happily return to crooning my devotion to you." He moans licking up a bubble of blood as his moonlight pales in his arms from the bloodloss.
She really was a delicious as he thought she was.
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genshin-no-simp · 3 years
Diluc x Reader (Smut)
Pairing: Diluc x You/Reader (Female)
6.4k words below the cut.
You liked Kaeya, a lot. And everybody knows it, including the blue haired Captain himself. You tried not to make it so obvious but when Kaeya flirted on with you it was hard trying not to fawn over him.
Currently you were sat in Angel's Share, happily chatting away with Diluc who was behind the bar tonight. You enjoyed his company even if he was a bit rough around the edges. That's what made him so charming, you thought.
"You think Kaeya likes me too?" You asked the red head, who shrugged his shoulders in response while polishing the wine glass.
"It's hard to say but I think so?" For Diluc it was hard watching the woman he fell in love with go on about another man. But he wanted you to be happy even if it wasn't with him. Because for him seeing your smile and happy face was enough for him.
"Hmm okay. I was only wondering since he asked me what my favourite flowers were the other day." You smiled softly at the memory.
"Well it's certainly a possibility..." Diluc couldn't help but frown and feel a tad bit jealous. He wanted to know what your favourite flower was too. Just as he was about to ask, the door to the tavern opened and in came the devil himself along with a woman clung to his side, holding a bouquet of cecilias. Diluc could piece together what's happening.
"(Y/N), don't turn around." He spoke softly, despite the anger seering through him.
You looked at him nervously, "W-why?" You asked in equal softness. What was behind you.
"Ah (Y/N)!" Kaeya cheerily called out. Your heart leaped out of your chest in delight and you spun around to greet him.
"(Y/N)." Diluc wanted to reach out and stop you but it was far too late. Besides its not like he could've done anything to keep you from knowing.
You felt you heart drop at the sight. Who was this woman? Why was she clinging to his arm and why did she have a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Kaeya caught your stare and smirked a little.
"Ah this is my girlfriend?" Kaeya stated ever so casually.
It was as if your world had come crashing down on you. And though you wanted to run away and cry, you held strong and pulled your best smile.
"Aww, that's great. I'm happy for you. Despite the overwhelming saddness you felt, you were happy for him.
...who were you trying to fool? You weren't happy at all. For anyone. Especially that bitch.
You turned away from them, picking up your glass that had been empty since before this perdicament. You sighed feeling even worse, you just wanted to drown your sorrows away. You could feel your eyes burn with tears as you gazed at the bar counter. As you chewed on the inside of your lip, Diluc slid a fresh glass of wine to you.
"Thanks," you forced a smile.
"Don't worry about it." It was the least he could do to try and cheer you up.
That certainly was unexpected. Diluc looked over to the table that now occupied Kaeya and his supposed girlfriend. Who even was she? Diluc didn't regconise her, and he knows everyone in Mondstadt. From what Diluc could deduct, Kaeya was acting no different than usual. He didn't even look as if he wanted to be with that women. So just what was he up to? Regardless of what it was, Diluc knew it wasn't going to be good.
After a while you couldn't stand how happy that girl was. Laughing and giggling like that, it was like she was doing it on purpose to piss you off.
It should be you! You stood from your seat at the bar and fished into your pocket.
"It's fine, (Y/N)." Diluc shook his head. He wasn't about to take money from you, when you hadn't been ordering. He's been the one giving you drinks on the house.
"Oh no, I couldn't Diluc." You continued to rummage through your pocket.
"(Y/N), it's okay. You just head home." He gave you a gentle smile. There was something about it that made you smile back even though you didn't want to.
"I appreciate it." You said your goodbyes with Diluc and didn't stop yourself from taking one final look at Kaeya. You regret doing so when you saw him kiss her hand.
Little did you know, he had planned that. He was watching you the entire time, waiting for the right moment.
When you got into the comfort of your bed, you cried. And you cried till you had fallen asleep. When you had woken up the next morning, the headache you had was unreal but it didn't come close to the ache in your heart. Well heartbroken or not life must go on and you had work to do. It was spring now and the tailors you worked at was getting in the spring stock. You had to be there earlier than usual to help set up shop. This would be a good way to distract yourself from Kaeya.
It has been two weeks since you last saw the Cavalry Captain. Safe to say you avoided all his usual spots, and just when you thought you were over him, he pops out of nowhere.
"Well look who it is. I haven't seen you in a while. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were purposefully ignoring me." Kaeya smiled but it seemed to only darken his facial features.
"Of course not. I've just been super busy with work. I haven't even been to the tavern in a while." You giggled hoping he wouldn't question you.
While it wasn't a lie, you were busy with work, especially now in spring a lot more people came in for custom orders. But you weren't run ragged that you couldn't visit the tavern. It was just the other place you avoided like the plague considering it's where Kaeya went when he had time off. Though you were sad you couldn't see Diluc. But were you certain he understood why you didn't go. You would have to make a plan to visit him.
"Hmm," Kaeya leaned in close which made you blush, "well in that case, it looks like you're free now. How about accompanying me to the tavern tonight?" He pinched a strand of your hair between his fingers bringing it to his lips. It was unfair how much this man was affecting you right now.
"I would but I don't think you're girlfriend would like that very much." You sounded a lot more displeased then you had anticipated but Kaeya on the other hand seemed to be pleased with how upset it made you.
"Oh that little bird." Kaeya paused for a bit, "she broke up with me." Kaeya placed a hand over his heart, giving you a sad face. You own expression softening.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Maybe now is your chance.
"Well then, I'll ask again. Will you keep me company tonight?" He leaned in close to you again, you shyly looked away with a blush forming in your cheeks.
"Okay, just for a little while then." You couldn't help but give into him.
You felt yourself spiral down the path that is Kaeya. Ever since his so called girlfriend had broken up with him, he had been back to your side, well more like he had you wrapped around his finger. You were like his personal little puppy.
Kaeya found it highly amusing how quick you were to run to his side at his beck and call, and that's what made it all the more sweeter to watch you break when he was tired of you.
Which was one of those times, you cried softly at the bar in Angel's Share.
Diluc had closed the tavern early upon seeing your disheveled state when you had entered the bar. Now he sat beside you with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. You rested your head on his and sniffled pathetically.
Diluc couldn't stand to see you like this. He was so heartbroken and he didn't know what to do to help. Killing Kaeya might do the trick. It would definitely devastated you but you would get over him, it would be worth it, in the long run, he wouldn't have to deal with the irritable captain himself. No Diluc wasn't going to kill Kaeya even if he was really tempted right now. As Diluc held you, he wondered what Kaeya was even thinking. Why would he play with your emotions like this? You're such a sweet and caring girl. You were also very hardworking. It wasn't fair on you to be treated this way especially when Kaeya knew you liked him. Kaeya doesn't even deserve your attention. But he doesn't know how to tell you, or if you would even accept it. And maybe he shouldn't tell you how he feels about you, it's probably best if he just stays as your emotional support. It was better that nothing, he thought. He didn't want to ruin anything.
"I'm sorry Diluc. I don't mean to go on like a baby. I just don't understand. Why am I so stupid?" You sniffled, trying your best to dry up your tears that seemed to fall endlessly.
"You're not stupid. Why would you think that?" It made Diluc upset to hear you degrade yourself like that.
"Because I've realized that Kaeya doesn't care about me at all. I'm only a plaything for when he gets bored. Yet I can't seem to stop him." You covered your face with your hands, and began to cry again.
Diluc thought about it for a while. You needed a distraction from Kaeya. He had a plan for that but he didn't know if you would agree to it. The next thing you needed was to stay away from him. But that seemed to prove very difficult for you to do. Diluc would think of something.
"I can help you." Diluc spoke softly giving you a gently squeeze.
You whimpered looking at him. You dreaded to know what you looked like. Red puffy eyes with a equally red and runny nose. The epitome of unattractive ness. Yet Diluc still thought you were as gorgeous as ever.
"You can?" You blew your nose with a tissue.
"You need a distraction, so use me." Diluc was being so soft with you. Since he was always so stoic and monotone it was weird seeing him like this but it was certainly pleasant. Somewhere it made you feel special.
"Use you?" You weren't too sure what he meant at first but then it clicked, "No Diluc, I can't." You shook your head.
He was afraid of this, not that he didn't expect it of course. He knew you weren't that type of person.
"It's fine, I want to help you." His arm around your shoulder dropped to your waist pulling you closer to his side. Your breath caught in your throat. He was pleasantly warm.
"But I can't do that to you." It wasn't right. You couldn't use Diluc in that type of way. You'd rather go to a brothel...maybe not you weren't too fond of the either of random men touching you.
Diluc lifted your chin so you were looking at him. His ruby eyes pierced through you, lighting your core on fire, "I don't want some random person touching you." He couldn't help but frown at the idea, that some strange man or woman would touch you and...no that wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't allow it.
You found it incredibly sweet but strange, why was he so adamant about it? That's when you figured it out.
"Diluc...do you have feelings for me?" You asked softly while looking up at him.
He averted his eyes from you briefly. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised that you figured it out. But now it would be even harder for him to get you to agree.
"I do." He looked back at you.
It made sense now why he was different with you. Why he was so gentle and soft with you. And that's why you couldn't accept his offer.
"And that's why I can't." Your voice as below a whisper as he brought his face closer to yours.
"You don't need to worry about my feelings. Let me help." He cupped your cheek. Your heart began to race. Was this really okay?
"I'll make you a promise. We can set boundaries later, for now just submit yourself." Diluc closed the gap between your lips and kissed you.
You didn't make any move to stop him and instead gave into him. Diluc was glad to feel you had accepted when he felt your lips press back against his. He pulled up you off your stool and onto his lap. Your legs draped either side of him as you straddled him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed yourself against Diluc's chest while his hands gripped tightly at you hips.
Diluc had to admit it was nice finally having you against him like this. So much so he was having a hard time holding himself back. But he had to for your sake. This was about you after all. And he was going to do everything he could to get you to forget about Kaeya.
Slowly he removed himself from you. You panted softly feeling a little sad at the loss. A light blush dusted your cheeks. Diluc removed himself from his seat and gently he set you onto the ground.
"I have a room above the tavern." He took your hand and lead you out of Angel's Share and up the stairs that were connected to it.
You were always curious as to what this room was but you never thought it would be a living quarters. Thought it did make sense, the Dawn Winery was a quite a distance away.
Upon entering Diluc made sure you were completely comfortable before he did anything, even if he himself was getting incredibly restless and uncomfortable in his pants.
Diluc started by gently kissing your neck while his hands lightly roamed your body. Slowly but surely he removed each layer of clothing, making sure to give every part I'd your body equal attention.
Kissing, licking, sucking, touching.
Every action drove you deeper into ecstasy. Soon you were tugging his clothes off. Your back arched as you let out a moan. You gripped the bedsheets below you tightly as you felt Diluc enter you. His large girth stretched you wide despite all the prep work he did with his mouth and fingers. You pulled him close latching yourself onto his lips. Diluc groaned softly into yours as he ravaged you. He would enjoy this type of intimacy while it lasted.
Your climax was nearing and quick, you begged to Diluc to go faster and he happily complied. Picking up the pace he thrust into you deeply. It wasn't long till you were coming all over him with a loud moan. Which in turn caused Diluc to cum inside the condom he had on. He panted softly as he slowed his thrusts to help you ride out your high.
Once your breathing returned to normal, Diluc slid out and sat at the edge of the bed. You rolled onto your side and your eyes fell on his back which was married with scars. You realized just how hard he worked to keep Mondstadt safe. You reached out with your hand to touch his back when he turned his head to look at you. Quickly you retracted your hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
You gave a gentle smile. Honestly you felt great and it was thanks to Diluc.
"Yeah I am." You yawned soon after and giggled, "just a little sleepy."
Diluc smiled in return, "well you can sleep here if you want. I still have some things I need to take care of." He said as he started to dress himself.
You took Diluc up on his offer and after he was gone, you dressed yourself and was soon fast asleep. When you woke up the next morning, you could hear the birds chirping.
"Good morning." Diluc's voice called out from the mini kitchen. He brought over a cup of coffee for you, which you gladly accepted. Then he handed you a piece of paper.
"Morning. What's this?" You took a sip from your cup and looked at the paper now in your hand.
"I told you, we would set some boundaries right?" He sounded a bit indifferent.
"Ah right." You nodded and you both proceeded to set up your boundaries.
When the list was complete, these were the conditions:
1. No kissing.
2. No frontal sex.
3. No hickies.
4. No oral (except you receiving).
5. No aftercare.
You felt a bit guilty about the fact that Diluc didn't ask for anything in return. But he reassured you that he was fine, since this wasn't about him anyway. He was doing this for you which in the end made you feel even worse. But you accepted it.
Whenever you needed the distraction, Diluc was always there to provide for you. You did your best not to go to him too often. You were glad you were still able to talk to him and hang out around him without things being weird. And it was thanks to the boundaries that you two had set. Diluc too was happy you didn't distance yourself from him and he did his utmost best to contain his feelings for you so he wouldn't make things awkward, even if it was difficult for him. Though he supposed it wasn't all that bad, he got to have you after all. He just wished you actually his.
You had to admit Diluc had helped you a lot by doing this for you. You just wished you could do something in return for him but you didn't know what, so instead, in your time off and after work and providing Diluc wasn't gone off somewhere you would take the chance to learn about him. You found that the both of you had a few things in common. Like birds for instance. You loved birds they were so beautiful and graceful. There were also so many different types. So you were delighted to find out that Diluc had his own bird companion and you were ecstatic when he showed you his nightingale. You were like a giddy child when you were able to pet him. Diluc fell harder for you after this moment. It was becoming harder for him to keep this up.
The more time you spent with Diluc, the more you thought about the red head. He was so different to Kaeya in every way. For one he actually cared about you and your feelings, he didn't use you for his own amusement. And everytime you were near him you felt so at ease like nothing else in the world matter. This feeling that you had towards the Pyro user...was it love? But then what had you felt for Kaeya? Perhaps Kaeya was just an infatuation. You were confused, you had to think about it more.
It's been about a month now since you started this arrangement with Diluc. Things had gotten a better for you. You didn't fawn over Kaeya as much as you used to. Naturally the blue headed male noticed and he was hardly amused by it. But he could still sway you every now and again. You still had no idea why he held this power over you, you guessed you still weren't fully over him. That was until both Kaeya and Diluc got sent out on a mission together.
You had no idea how Jean had managed to persuade Diluc into working for the Knights never mind with Kaeya. It made you a little nervous when they had both left Mondstadt. You knew about they're unstable relationship and honestly you were more worried about Diluc than you were with Kaeya. Diluc was more temperamental. He fell into Kaeya's bait traps everytime. You couldn't help but pray that everything would be okay and that Kaeya wouldn't annoy Diluc too much.
You were starting to get incredibly restless as the days went by. The boys still hadn't returned and it's been five days now. They should have been back by now. To keep yourself from worrying to death you kept busy at work and you tried not to bother Jean or the other Knights too much with regards to them. Jean reassured you that you would be the first person she would notify once they had returned.
During their time away it gave you time to think about both of them and what they meant to you.
When you thought about Kaeya. His looks and appearance was the first thing that caught your attention. He was exotic and unfathomably handsome. He was hot sure but his personality was a major let down. All he did was use people for his own gain and amusement, he didn't really care about anyone but himself, as long as his plan went accordingly, that's all he cared about.
When you thought about Diluc. He made you happy. Neither his looks nor personality was what came to mind first but instead it was how he made you feel. He actually made you feel appreciated and loved. Of course you knew his true feelings for you and that's one of the reasons he was so kind to you but even before you knew, he still treated you kindly and respected you. But besides that you found him adorable. He wasn't used to affection or having friends so sometimes he came across meaner than intended and his intentions were pure, it's what made him cute. And its not like he wasn't attractive. In fact he was absolutely stunning. Dressed or undressed.
You blushed deeply thinking about it. You only ever get to see him naked briefly before you were face down on the mattress. You felt your body grow hot thinking about it. Kaeya was never as thoughtful as Diluc. Diluc only thought about your feelings, he was never selfish. If anything you felt like the selfish one.
But you would change that, you understood now. Diluc was the one you loved and for a while now not Kaeya. You only hoped Diluc still felt the same.
As you were walking home one evening, there was a commotion at the front gates. Curious you went over to investigate. Your heart both leapt with joy and sunk at the same time. In an instant you were over to Diluc's injured body, swating away the other Knights who dared try to help. Diluc was surprised to see you and how protective you were being of him but he was grateful, not to mention the happiness that he felt was unreal. He couldn't stop the small blush that graced his porcelain skin.
Kaeya on the other hand finally understood why it had been getting increasingly harder to charm you. He was annoyed he had to find a new plaything to train.
You walked Diluc to the room above Angel's Share upon his request. You had insisted on going to Barbara but Diluc was adamant that he didn't need to see a healer. You only sighed and instead began to patch him up instead after you convinced him to take a bath. Now with clean skin you could clearly see all the wounds on his body not only that but he definitely had at least one broken rib with how deep his side was bruised.
"Diluc, you-"
"I don't need a helaer." He cut you off. You frowned looking at him. You knew the basics of first aid but that was about it. This was out of your comfort zone.
"I'll tell you what to do." He could see the worry in your eyes. It wasn't the first time he's been injured like this or even worse. He's learnt how to deal with all sorts of injuries by himself. This thought upset you. Diluc's been alone for so long and he's been willing to let you in. You wouldn't waste it.
You gave a small nod and followed his instructions. Who knew sweet flower oil and mist flowers combined had healing properties? Not you, but you did now. You began to bandage his wounds after thoroughly rubbing the oil onto his skin. It felt nice to be able to touch him. If he wasn't so injured you would've pounced on him here and now. You made sure to be careful not to wrap the bandage too tight. Sitting back you observed his body more, just like his back, his chest and arms were also littered with scars. Your heart swelled thinking again about how much he does to protect his home and it's people.
"What's wrong?" He asked. You didn't realize you had spaced out while staring at his chest. Lifting your gaze to his you gave a small shake of your head.
"Oh it's nothing." You smiled.
"Are you sure? Do you need-"
It was you're turn to cut him off, "You're in no state doe that. Besides that's not it. I was just thinking." You said packing away the access oil and bandages.
Diluc tilted his head to the side. You giggled softly, "don't worry Diluc. I was only thinking about you." You winked.
Diluc blushed deeply and to distract himself he began putting his shirt back on. Once he was a little calmer he asked you why.
"Because you need rest, you work too hard." You grabbed his coat from him, and he gaped in shock.
"Well if you want this you'll have to get in here." You pulled the duvet back revealing the tempting bedsheet underneath.
"Are you trying to blackmail me with my coat?" He asked not even believing it when he said it out loud.
You gave a soft giggled, "I mean, if it's working than yes." Diluc couldn't help but chucked himself.
"Alright then." Diluc smiled softly.
He decided to give you this one and get into bed. Besides he would need to recover his strength quickly in case you needed him.
As soon as Diluc had recovered you had visited him at the Dawn Winery. Where you sat straddling his lap, your hand in his hair as you ravaged his lips.
Diluc was surprised when you had unexpectedly arrived at the manor and whisked him away to his office. You would've taken him to his bedroom but that was too far unlike his office, where you had him seated on the couch. It was unlike you to ever initiate like this, Diluc was unsure what to think of it, but he would be lying if he wasn't enjoying it. The feeling of your lips against his as your tongues fought for dominance, that he gladly gave to you once he felt the fervour and intensity you held. And the feeling of your fingers tangled in his disheveled fiery hair you light tugs every now and again was driving him insane.
But what did this mean? Perhaps it was best not to know, in case he recieved an answer he didnt want to hear. But he didn't want to do this anymore. Especially if this is what it was coming to. But he would soon find his fears were for nothing.
Removing your lips from his a string of saliva connected you to him.
"Diluc?" You whispered softly, removing your hand from his hair you cupped his cheek gently, rubbing your thumb over his plump moist lips.
Diluc shivered under your touch as his lips parted ever so slightly. Experimentally you slipped your thumb inside his mouth. Diluc let out a soft moan as he sucked on your finger. A satisfied hum escaped your throat.
"Diluc?" You asked again, removing your hand from his face.
His eyes meet yours in silent question. His chest heaved with heavy breaths.
"Do...do you still love me?" You couldn't stop the shake in your voice.
Without hesitation he spoke, "of course I do." His hands gripped your hips tightly as he pulled you closer to his chest. You bit your lip feeling his erection through his pants.
"Thank goodness," you pressed yourself against him, closing any distance that was between you two, "I love you too."
Without giving him any time to really process you smashed your lips against his once again.
You loved him? Diluc never thought he would hear those words come from your mouth, as sad as that sounded. He couldn't help but push you away. which left you quite upset.
"Diluc?" Your heart sunk. Did he not actually love you?
Diluc saw the hurt in your eyes and immediately regret pushing you away but he needed to be clear about this.
"Sorry, I just want to be sure." He felt guilty about it but it had to be done.
Now you felt selfish, being so greedy and not taking Diluc's feelings into consideration. So you cupped his cheeks resting your forehead against his.
"Sorry I was being a bit selfish wasn't I?" You smiled softly, "but it's true, I love you. And it's not like how I was with Kaeya, he was an infatuation I realized. But you Diluc, I want to be with you. I don't want to be apart from you."
Diluc could hear and see the love and affection you had for him, he didn't know why he had doubted you, but he just wanted to be on the same page.
"I'm sorry it took so long, it must've been tough for you. But I promise, this is a two way street now," your eyes shone mischievously. Diluc was both nervous and excited at the same time.
"Diluc~" you cooed into his ear.
A shiver went down Diluc's spine as he gave a little hmm, that more came out as a moan than a question.
"You've done so much for me." You licked the shell of his ear. You felt his grip tighten on your hips holding you desperately close.
"Let me," you gave his ear a little kitten lick, "show you my appreciation." You lightly nibbled and sucked on his ear while grinding down against him.
Diluc gasped, his hips instinctively bucking up into you. You let out a little "ah" into his ear before working down his jaw with soft butterfly kisses. You made quick work of his dress shirt. You were grateful he wasn't wearing his coat or his vest. Dragging your fingers down his chest, you attacked his neck with your mouth, you began leaving dark hickies on his pale skin.
Diluc's hands moved on their own, one travelling up your shirt, his bare hand caressed your waist, squeezing and pulling you closer, while the other had slipped into your shorts to massage your butt cheek.
You hummed in delight, your hands dropping further down his abdomen to his black pants. You teasingly tugged on them, eliciting a grunt from the male beneath you.
You gave him one final kiss on the lips before lowering yourself off his lap and onto your knees, pulling his pants down with you. Diluc watched impatiently as you slide your hands up his thighs, you could feel how the muscles on his thighs tensed under your touch. You giggled softly, it was cute watching him squirm for your touch. You reached up further palming him through his boxers. Diluc bit his lip, it was so unbearably tight but it felt good at the same time.
"(Y/N)." He wanted you and he was getting a little desperate.
"Just be a little more patient love~" you cooed softly giving him a few strokes. Diluc grunted tilting his head back. That's when you took the opportunity to pull his boxers down, freeing his hard leaking member.
Your eyes widened at the sight, you couldn't believe how he could fit inside you. But you weren't going to complain. Spreading his legs slightly so you could sit between them, you leaned down licking his tip. Diluc shuddered picking his head back up to gaze down at you just as you took his tip into your mouth.
Diluc's hand found purchase in your hair, the feeling of your hot mouth around him caused him to push you further down. He wanted to feel more of you. You moaned around him, your mouth stretching wide to try and accommodate his size. You gave soft sucks while pressing your tongue against a vein on the underside of his member. Diluc bucked into your mouth, pushing deeper inside. You winched softly due to the light burning sensation in your mouth. It would take some time before you got used to this, but you weren't going to back out so soon.
Diluc moaned giving your cheek a gentle rub. As if it apologize for the pain. Your eyes fluttered closed at the simple gesture. Diluc could feel how you relaxed your mouth, deciding to be a little selfish he thrust into your mouth again. You choked on a moan as your eyes opened to gaze up at him. His eyes meet yours with a burning passion that set your core on fire. You couldn't help but moan at the sight. Each moan you made sent vibrations down Diluc's throbbing member. He began to thrust lightly into your mouth, he didn't want to hurt you after all. But you wouldn't mind if he was a little rougher with you. So you reached up with your hand, sliding it from his thigh to his balls, and massaged them.
"Shit." Diluc swore as he furrowed his eyebrows, his hips jotted upwards roughly into your mouth, his tip brushing the back of your throat. You did you best not to gag, and moaned around him. Your saliva dripped out the corners of your mouth and down the sides of Diluc's cock.
Diluc didn't know how much longer he could last like this. You truly were a sight to behold, watching you struggle to take his cock but yet do so well for your first time with him.
"B-baby, wait," he called out as he slowed his thrusts. You took his cock out your mouth with a wet pop. You licked your lips panting softly through lidded eyes.
You stood up and slipped free from your clothing, letting it pool on the ground. Once you were bare in front of him Diluc wasted on time in pulling you back onto his lap. Diluc could feel how wet you were for him, when his cock slipped between your folds.
"Look how excited you are." He cooed, pressing his tip against your needy hole.
"Oh Luc please," you firmly gripped his shoulders as you pushed yourself down onto him.
Diluc grinned as his nails dug onto the flesh of your hips.
"You beg me, yet proceed to take matters into your own hands." He certainly was not complaining. In fact it thoroughly turned him on, he was loving this side of you.
Instead of giving him a proper reply you mewled out his name, and continued to sink onto his cock. You never got used to this feeling. How he stretched you out and filled you so good. Your walls tightened around Diluc as he helped you up and back down onto him. Despite his previous sessions with you, this felt so different and so good. It was intimate.
Bringing your lips to his slightly parted ones, you stuck your tongue inside and began bouncing up and down on him. Diluc moaned into your mouth but this time dominance was his. He pushed your tongue back into your mouth as he claimed your hot cavern for himself. Your hands fell from his shoulders and to his chest, your fingers grazing over his nipples. Diluc groaned feeling you clench around him again. Breaking the kiss he pushed you down onto the couch as he spread your legs wide. You wanted to protest but this new position allowed Diluc to hit that special spot inside you. All previous thoughts disappeared as Diluc rammed into. You screamed in pleasure as he abused your g-spot that he's learnt so well.
Between your moans was the wet slapping sound as Diluc thrust into you. Your slick coated his length and seeped out of your pussy, it made it so easy for Diluc to ram into you. Diluc leaned down to attack your open neck, your arms instantly wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. Just as you did, Diluc left many love bites on your skin, from your neck to your chest.
You could feel the familiar knot bubble inside you, and Diluc could feel it. He could feel how your body trembled and your walls convulse around him, sucking him in deeper. He panted and groaned gripping your hips he lifted them up. Throwing your head back you came heavily on Diluc's cock. His grip tightened and he came inside you. You let out one final moan as you felt him fill you up. It was hot.
Diluc waited a few moments before pulling out of you and gently placing your hips back down. You let out soft gasps as you came down from your high. You gazed up at Diluc and smiled reaching out for him. The red head returned your smile and leaned down, letting you pull him down onto your chest as you held him close.
Diluc muzzled into your breasts letting out a content sigh. That's when he realized he didn't use protection and started freaking out. He pulled away from you in a panic, the abruptness scared you as you held your arms to your chest.
"What's wrong?" You asked concerned.
"I didn't use protection." He wasn't against having children, he just didn't want to have any too soon.
But you only sighed in relief waving him off, "it's fine, I started taking birth control, a while ago."
Diluc looked at you with a raised eyebrow, "define, a while ago."
"Right after you returned from your mission." You sat up to face him properly.
Diluc found himself smirking, "oh so you planned this?"
You couldn't help but blush and look away from him without answer. Which resulted in a chuckle from the Winery owner.
You were gently pushed back down onto the couch, "I mean I'm not going to complain, I get to fill you up until I'm satisfied."
You shuddered in delight and pulled him closer, "I'll take everything you give me."
Diluc grinned, "good girl." He praised sliding back into your still wet hole.
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hellfire-munson · 4 years
Looking Up Luke x Reader Pt 1
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Pairings: Luke x Reader (Briefly at the end), Julie x BestFriend! Reader
 Warnings: Fluff, Brief mention of sad memories.
Word count: 2211
This is My first post so bare with me. I’ll get better at the edits and stuff as I learn my way around Tumblr. I also took inspiration from Paramore and the reader was strongly based on Hayley Williams in my mind but you can make her in your image. I don't own Paramore or their music. The song I took inspiration from is Looking Up.
     “Jules, you and Flynn are coming tonight, right?” You ask while you and your best friend throw you school books in your locker after your last period. Julie looks over and smiles at you.
     “Of course! The boys were wanting to tag along especially after I told them how you were in a band of your own. They wanted to know why you denied their offer after Luke heard you shred the guitar solo during that one rehearsal.” She says.
      “If he thought I was shredding that guitar, just wait till they see what I really got going on. Right now all they know and all anyone knows and thinks is I play guitar for the band. Also Luke wanted me to join so he could see me everyday.” You smile.
      “Wait, Jackie walked?!” She screamed excitedly.
      “Yeah, after her and I got into this huge argument about the upcoming shows and letting me actually sing vocals for MY songs she walked away, and someone had to take her place. I wrote this new song we are going to play tonight, you’re going to love it.” You smile at her.
      “Y/N this is amazing! Our mom’s would be so proud of us.” She smiles longingly.
     “Maybe we could collaborate one day, I know you’re a bit more popish than what Paramore is but we could make something work!” You smile at her. She jumps up and down loving the idea of the whole thing.
    “Yes! That would be amazing! Let's head home, we have to get ready for tonight. Oh how will we get in? I thought the venue sold out in minutes?” She asks turning to look at you as you two walk through the doors to your car. You pulled 5 vip lanyards out of your bag and handed them to her.
    “I got you covered girl, don’t worry.” You smile unlocking the door. The drive back to your house was filled with you blasting all your bands old songs and singing along. You were lucky enough to live in the same neighborhood as Julie and the boys so you often carpooled to school but the boys had things to do after school before the show so they went their separate ways. Julie was trying to help you choose your clothes for tonight but with you two being so entirely polar opposite it was hard. If anyone was to help you it should have been Luke since you two share almost the same fashion sense with a hint of Reggie mixed in. You eventually settled for an old cut up Sunset Curve shirt you “borrowed” from Luke with a lace bra underneath and you paired that with your highwaisted, ripped black skinny jeans and your studded Doc Martens. What you decided to do with your hair and makeup will come to you once you hit the venue. You gathered your things to pack into the car while Julie made some final accessory details to your look. She handed you your chain to attach to your jeans along with an assortment of rings and bracelets. Everything was looking perfect for your first big performance as the lead singer.
    “Okay, I gotta head to the venue for soundcheck. You, Flynn and the boys should be there around 6, the show starts at 7:00.” You smile, dropping her off at her house. You see the boys sitting in the garage waving at you. You smile and wave back before backing out of Molina's driveway and head towards The Orpheum.
           Soundcheck went perfectly and it left a little time to grab a light snack before you had to get ready. You knew not to go to the street dogs stand after the incident with the boys that ended their lives 25 years ago before they met Julie and you and somehow were brought back by the two of you. Your drummer’s  girlfriend decided to have catering come out with healthy choices which you were enjoying as we speak. Heading back to your dressing room the security guard stopped you saying there was a group of people here to see the band.
    “Oh that’s my friends from school, you can let them on back. Thanks Alan!” You smile popping a strawberry in your mouth.
     “You didn’t tell me you were playing the Orpheum!” You hear Flynn yell causing you to turn around with a piece of cantaloupe hanging out of your mouth.
     “Well you didn’t ask.” You say chewing the part that was in your mouth.
“Okay smartass. Also when did you change your hair color?” She asks pointing to your now orange hair. You smile slyly at her.
      “I did last night, but I wore it up in a hat today so people didn’t see it until now.” You say getting up to hug your friends. The boys are just standing at the door staring at you.
    “I don’t bite, you can come in.” You joke ushering them in.
“You’re playing the Orpheum tonight Y/N how does it feel to make it big?” Alex asks.
     “I’m not sure yet, maybe I’ll know after the show. Which speaking of that when you guys head down to the floor just find Alan and he’ll take you to the spot that’s reserved for you guys.” You smile at them.
    “Your hair is so bright.” Is all Reggie can say making everyone burst out laughing.
    “I can’t wait to see you shred the stage tonight. That day at rehearsal when you and Julie were goofing off… Holy shit, that was sick!” Luke says jumping up and down.
     “It runs in the family to be honest. Our moms were in a band when they were our age and my dad is a world known rockstar so I learned at a young age.” You smile winking at Julie.
     “Well we should start heading down so you can get ready. We are going to dinner after this to celebrate just so you know.” Julie says smiling at you. Once they left you started getting ready to meet up with your band to do your before show ritual handshake.
    “All right guys, this is the Orpheum. The place is packed with execs. This will be our big break. Let’s rock it!” Andrew says putting his hand in the middle as the rest of you follow. The opening band finishes their set signaling your time to go. The band runs out causing the crowd to erupt in screams of your name. You stay back to surprise everyone as they begin playing your new song.
    “Los Angeles! Are you ready!” You scream from backstage as the beat picks up.
Things are looking up, oh finally!
I thought I'd never see the day
When you smile at me.
We always pull through, oh when we try,
I'm always wrong but you're never right.
Oh you're never right!
       You run out causing everyone to scream as you work the stage to the music. Luke, Flynn and the boys look up in awe hearing your voice for the first time. The way you rocked out was breathtaking to Luke.
Honestly, can you believe
We crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, 'cause I've always wanted this!
And it's not a dream anymore!
No. It's not a dream anymore!
It's worth fighting for.
     You interacted with the audience as you sang the lyrics. You shot a wink over at Luke when you noticed his jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Julie looked over at him and knew right then and there he has fallen in love with you even more than he already was. She smiled at her bandmate. She saw the smile break across his face as he began banging his head to the beat.
Could have given up so easily
I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me
Taken for granted, almost everything that I would have died for
Just yesterday,
Just yesterday
Honestly, can you believe
We crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, 'cause I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore!
Oh. It's not a dream anymore!
It's worth fighting for.
     You interacted with your bandmates as they played their instruments, dancing around the stage as you had the time of your life. Jumping and head banging with your guitarist.
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God knows the world doesn't need another band, (whoa, whoa!)
But what a waste it would've been! (whoa, whoa!)
I can't believe we almost hung it up (whoa, whoa!)
We're just getting started (whoa, whoa!)
Honestly, can you believe
We crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, 'cause I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore!
Oh. It's not a dream anymore!
It's worth fighting for.
        You stood there smiling, taking a breath letting the crowd think you were done before you jumped off the drum stage singing the final line of the song.
I can't believe we almost hung it up!(whoa whoa)
We're just getting started! (whoa whoa)
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
       You dropped to your knees as you held the final verse as the lights went out sending the crowd into a fit of cheers and screams. You smile to yourself as you hold the microphone in your lap. The lights come back on letting you see the crowd still cheering you on. The surreal feeling you had was causing your heart to sing and you were pretty sure you saw a sign off in the distance of the audience that let you know your mother was proud of you. Composing yourself, you finished the night with 6 more songs.
    “Thank you guys for coming out to support a small band from this sleepless city. We are Paramore! Good night!” You said before running off backstage. You are met with your friends and a very starstruck Luke.
    “Oh my god! That was amazing! I mean we knew you could sing but that was epic! Why haven’t you fronted before?” Flynn asks.
    “Jackie wouldn’t let me. The band was my idea back when I was slowly getting back into music but I was still wanting to stay back and play. I wrote all the songs and let her sing them. When I finally said I was ready for a shot she threw a fit and when the rest of the band sided with me she walked.” You say taking a swig of water.
    “So this is why you refused to join us?” Alex asks.
    “That and your style isn’t my style of music. It’s to pop centric but I told Julie there might be a chance of collaboration in the future.” You smile seeing Reggie get excited about the idea.
    “And then we can do a country album!” He yells causing your bandmates to start laughing at your reactions. During your laughter you didn’t see a man dressed very businessy walk in.
    “Y/N…” Julie says tapping your shoulder pointing to the doorway.
    “Oh, hi!” You say walking over with your band to meet the man.
   “I’m Eric from Capitol records. Are you Y/N?” He asks.
   “Um, y-yeah I am.” You say reaching out to shake his hand. Your friends are eavesdropping behind you while pretending to hold a conversation of their own.
    “I’ve seen many bands here, I’ve scouted some of the biggest names in music but the energy you displayed tonight is something we’ve never seen but have been looking for, for our label. Capitol records would be happy to have you join. Here’s my card. Give me a call and we will set up a meeting with the head of the label and get you signed.” He says handing you his card.
    “Oh my, wow! Thank you. Also if you don’t mind me spreading the word but I know of another you might be interested in. I’ll send you their latest video if you’re up for it.” You smile sneaking a look over at your friend and her bandmates.
    “Of course, we are always looking for new talents.” He says before exiting the room.
    “Was that?! YES!” You scream jumping into Luke’s arms. Everyone starts dancing around cheering.
    “We are being signed to Capitol Records!” You yell into the air as Luke holds you close to him. His eyes never leave your smiling face. He throws caution to the wind when you look back at him and he crashes his lips onto yours making everyone stop and gasp.
    “Well it's about damn time!” Alex shouts as you two pull away.
    “Well damn Patterson, if that’s what I get for getting signed I wonder what I’ll get after I tell you I sent your video to him as well.” You smile.
   “YOU DID WHAT?!” The band screams together.
   “We’re all getting signed.” You smile.
    “I’m going to marry this girl.” Luke says kissing you once more with more passion than the first. Everything was falling perfectly into place and you couldn’t wait to see what the future holds for you all.
I don't know how good this is, it sounded good and looked good when I was writing so I’m throwing caution to the wind and going for it. 
@parkeret​ I promised I’d tag you in my first one, I hope it doesn't suck!
@issaxcharlie thank you for also pushing me to do this as well!
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heejinnien · 4 years
bts | roses chapter three
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word count: 3.0k words
pairing: bts x reader
synopsis: y/n is a member of the seoul behavioral analysis unit. usually, she’s the cat in the typical game of cat and mouse played with the criminals they catch, but when a mysterious string of murders has her on edge, she discovers she’s caught the attention of one of a dangerous criminal — and he’s determined to make her pay for it.
or, not all attention is the good kind.
genre: horror, angst
warnings: yandere themes, descriptions of gore, descriptions of violence, murder, the reader carries a gun because they need to defend themself against bad guys, guns, manipulation, victim blaming, this is overall just a very dark fic
author’s note: originally, i was going to end this series at this chapter; however, i think it makes the most sense to end this chapter where i did. note that i updated the rosses masterlist according to my new plans for roses. as always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask or dm, or just let me know your thoughts! i would be happy to explain things to you, and i would also love to hear your feedback or who you think is suspicious. as always, adhere to the warnings and do not read if any of those things trigger you.
roses masterlist
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You pace the length of the ER’s waiting room, chewing your bottom lip nervously.
The rest of your team is assembled around you in various states of being, the same gnawing worry that you feel reflected on their features. Jungkook sprawls listlessly on an overstuffed armchair, Jimin stares stoically at nothing, Hoseok holds an angry staring contest with a potted poinsettia, Namjoon speaks furiously into his phone, and Jin buries his face in his hands, fingers tugging at the locks of his hair. You have never seen your team look so despondent, so heartbroken before, and the sight makes your heart wrench.
The sound of footsteps cause your head to snap up.
“Agents.” A kindly looking woman gives you a sympathetic smile, eyes raking in the various states of your team. Her white lab coat signifies her status, and your heart jumps at the sight.
“How is he, Dr. Chou?” You ask, reading the ID card pinned on the doctor’s coat.
“Please, call me Tzuyu.” She clears her throat, tucking a stray lock behind her ear. “Dr.  Taehyung had a lot of bleeding, both internally and externally, and, quite frankly, it’s a miracle he didn’t bleed out on the way here.”
“Was all of the bleeding from the stab wounds?” Namjoon asks, managing to retain his professionalism and composure despite the fact that it’s Taehyung that you’re talking about.
“The external bleeding was,” Tzuyu confirms. “The internal bleeding was due to damage to some of Dr. Taehyung’s organs. It appears that whoever attacked this young agent also beat him, causing this damage.”
The thought of Taehyung — sweet, loveable Taehyung — being beaten and stabbed by the unsub your team has been trying to catch makes your head swim. Your hand shoots out, using the wall to hold yourself up, to hold yourself together. You feel Jungkook stand, resting a hand on your arm and murmuring something consolatory, but it feels as though nothing can take away the deep ache that has formed inside of you.
Tzuyu continues talking, but you can’t bring yourself to care. After all, who gave you the right to be here, alive and well, when Taehyung lies on his possible death bed?
“All I can say is, it’s lucky you found him when you did, Agent Y/N.” Your name from the doctor causes your attention to return to the current conversation, the crashing guilt pushed aside for a moment. “Much longer and Dr. Taehyung may have bled out.”
Tzuyu gives you another sympathetic smile, before gesturing behind her. “I have to return to work, but you’re welcome to visit your teammate. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell when he’ll wake up, but we’re hoping for the best.”
Namjoon gives Tzuyu his thanks as you attempt to process the doctor’s words. Jungkook’s hand is warm against your skin, and you’re sure if it wasn’t there you would be lost, ungrounded from the world.
You’re a federal agent, for God’s sake, so why can’t you pull yourself together?
Your head snaps up as Namjoon calls your name, eyes coldly appraising you. His face is expressionless, but Namjoon subtly threatening to remove you from the case rings in your head. You notice that sometime while you were lost, drowning in your uncertainties the rest of the team stood from their various positions around the waiting room, faces grim. They gather around you and Namjoon, waiting to hear your leader’s next move. Now that your attention is focused on him, Namjoon clears his throat, no trace of any emotions except professionalism apparent from him.
“Y/N, Jimin, and Hoseok, I would like you to remain here. Jimin and Hoseok, run through a cognitive interview with Y/N and see we can determine anything that might indicate as to why the unsub attacked Taehyung. The rest of you will come with me back to the station. We’re going to be working similarly on the unsub’s motives, but we’ll be using the evidence we’ve gathered so far to see if we can link it to Taehyung.”
Your teammates nod, the team’s usually determined energy following the command of orders now subdued. Jungkook squeezes your shoulder reassuringly before following Namjoon out of the waiting room, Jin giving you a small smile and following suit. You stand after they’ve gone, shifting awkwardly. You’re too embarrassed by your unprofessionalism, by the way that this case has affected you when the rest of your team seems to be keeping themselves level.
“I know after everything doing a cognitive isn’t exactly what you want to do right now, but…” Hoseok’s voice trails off as he and Jimin stand beside you, uncertain.
“I get it,” you say, giving Hoseok a tight smile. “It’s all part of the job.”
Jimin motions for you to take a seat on the overstuffed armchair Jungkook had vacated earlier and you do. Tension seeps through each of your limbs, and Jimin notices, grabbing one of your hands and sitting across from you.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. We’re right here with you,” Jimin says reassuringly.
You swallow dryly, nodding. Your free hand taps against your leg, and your back is stiff as you sit as straight as a rod. You close your eyes, exhaling, and force yourself to return to when you found Taehyung.
“Walk us through how you stumbled across Taehyung’s body,” Hoseok says, voice sounding from your right. You nod, swallowing quickly.
“I stayed late to review the case files. It was getting late, and I knew that the team had taken the rest of the unit’s vehicles so I was looking on my phone for a rideshare service app.” You pause, taking a shaky breath. “I wasn’t looking where I was going. I remember pushing open the doors to the station, and I had only made it a few feet when I tripped. I remember falling forward, and when I regained my bearings I noticed that my hands were coated with blood.”
You swallow harshly, free hand clenching into a fist. “You’re doing great, Y/N,” Jimin coos, rubbing his thumb idly against the back of your hand. You force yourself to count to ten before continuing.
“The first thing I noticed was a foot, and that the foot was attached to a leg, and I followed it upwards until I saw… Taehyung. He was unconscious, and there was so much blood everywhere.”
“Can you remember anything specifically about the scene?” Hoseok asks gently.
“I just remember the smell of all that blood.” You choke out. “I think it was still seeping out when I found him.”
“So he must have been attacked not too long before you found him, then,” Jimin assumes.
“What was Taehyung doing at the police station?” Hoseok presses. “Did you hear anything from him?”
“No, I thought he left with you guys,” you say, frowning.
“He did, but when we heard that Taehyung had been attacked and we went to drive here, one of the vehicles had been taken,” Jimin supplies. “He must have taken it to get back to the station, I’ll call Namjoon and see if the vehicle’s there.”
You furrow your brow in confusion. What was Taehyung doing at the station that late at night? 
“Surely you know something.” Hoseok says, voice infused with a cold undertone that you can’t detect. Your eyes snap open in disbelief at his statement, and Hoseok coldly appraises you, as if you’re lying.
“I’ve told you everything I remember,” you say defensively.
Despite your refusal, Hoseok continues, coiled like a snake about to pounce on its victim. “Maybe you called Taehyung back to the station so you could attack him because he knew something you didn’t want us to find out. The unsub has taken an uncanny interest in you Y/N, why is that?”
“Hoseok, enough,” Jimin stands, his chair rubbing against the hospital’s floor loudly. The sound makes you wince, and Hoseok pounces on the sight, striking.
“Everyone thinks you’re this perfect little angel, Y/N, but why don’t you tell us the truth? I bet you enjoyed hurting Taehyung, feeling his bones break as you beat him repeatedly. You try to act innocent, but sweetheart, I can see right through you.”
The gleam in Hoseok’s eye is feral, sadistic. Jimin shoves him backwards angrily, but the action is drowned out as you’re lost in the anger in Hoseok’s eyes.
You feel so small, so powerless, and something inside you snaps.
“Go to hell, Jung Hoseok,” you hiss, shoving past your teammates. You don’t care where you’re going as long as it’s away, and you swipe furiously at the angry tears that have fallen. You ignore Jimin’s cries for you to come back, your feet on autopilot as you shove open doors and storm down unfamiliar hallways. 
Somehow, you find yourself on the hospital rooftop. It’s still dark out, and a soft breeze gently wraps around you, ruffling your hair and slipping under the edges of your clothing. It calms you, and you wander to the rooftop’s edge, leaning against the iron railing wrapping around the rooftop’s length.
Since it’s the crack hours of the morning, the sound of traffic is dimmed. Neon lights and gentle hues paint the city skyline, and it feels peaceful.
You used to be naive until you joined the NIS. You didn’t believe that people were capable of such vile and despicable things, and most of all you hadn’t known the true depths of the evil that reside in the city, in the world, unless you had seen everything that you had. You don’t think you can ever get used to the sadness you feel whenever someone innocent loses their life, the disgust or horror you feel whenever someone commits a heinous crime.
The soft creak of a door being pushed open pierces the night’s tranquility. Quiet footsteps sound behind you until you see a familiar profile from your peripheral lean beside you. You aren’t ready to speak, to face the reality that is outside the peacefulness you’ve constructed for yourself here, and so you are content to remain, unwilling to break the fragile silence.
“It’s beautiful up here,” he says finally, and his voice drags you back to reality, forces you to accept the truths of the world all over again.
“It is,” you say honestly. “It makes you forget the horrors that happen down there on the streets.”
He hums noncommittally, and you wonder what’s going through his mind. Out of all of your teammates, he always seems to be the most collected whenever you hear news that makes you want to vomit, the most unflinching when when trying to reason with the most depraved souls, the most calm when you hear that yet another innocent life has been taken.
“Things won’t always be like this, you know.” He says, pulling you out of your once more spiralling thoughts. “I was like you, at first. There will always be bad guys, but it gets easier.”
You shudder at the thought that one day, the loss of an innocent life may not bother you anymore, may not matter as much as it should.
“I hope not,” you admit, and you know it’s true. You turn, scanning the face of your teammate for any traces that he feels the way you do. Jimin’s face is unreadable as he studies you in return, pain and frustration filling the void between you and melting away to tenderness and care.
“For your sake, I hope not, too.”
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“Let’s review our profile.”
Your team gathers around the conference room table, grim expressions adorning their faces. Taehyung’s vegetative state weighs heavily on your minds, and you’re all blatantly exhausted. You feel powerless — usually you’re the cat in a game of cat and mouse with your unsubs, but this time you’re the one being preyed on. Namjoon speaks from the head of the table, pinning crime scene photographs on a bulletin board behind him as he speaks.
“So far we know our unsub is calculated, controlling, and sadistic. They’re most likely a he due to the strength required to subdue the victims, as well as the violent nature of the wounds inflicted upon each of the victims.”
“We also know he loves taunting us, which factors into his control,” Jin adds. “He took a huge risk using lamb’s blood and leaving roses — both of those could have easily been traced back to him.”
“But they weren’t because he’s smart enough not to get caught, which speaks to who he is,” Hoseok chimes in. “Maybe he has some sort of criminal background.”
“He chose high risk victims,” Jungkook says, clearing his throat. “Speaks to his confidence in his abilities.”
“For the first few victims he dyed their hair,” Jimin adds, confirming Jungkook’s statement. “He used excessive overkill when he murdered them, and then dumped their bodies in alleys to be found.”
“The coroner confirmed the victims had been dead for at least twelve hours by the time they were found, but each victim went missing a few days before then.”
“He even sent me notes directly, which means he wants us to feel that he’s in charge.” You stare at the mahogany table as you speak, Hoseok’s gaze burning. You refuse to meet his gaze, instead choosing to flicker your gaze between your other teammates as you speak. Hoseok’s accusation still rings in your head, and you’ve refused to speak to him since then. Your other teammates have noticed the icy distance you’ve kept from Hoseok, but nobody has dared to mention anything. “He’s toying with us, this is all a game to him.”
“Yet he said it was our fault, as if he’s telling us we’re supposed to stop him,” Jungkook says. He nods once in your direction — brief, but you know that it is his way of showing you support. The action causes a warmth to spread through you, as if he has helped you to gain footing in a tumultuous storm.
“As the unsub murdered more victims, he got sloppier. The stab wounds were less deep, which is probably due to the decreased amount of time the unsub kept the victims for.”
The sound of a phone ringing cuts Jin off, and Namjoon turns, pulling out his phone in one motion and setting it on the table, saying, “What is it, Yoongi?”
“So, I was doing some digging and apparently the cardstock that each of the notes were written on can only be bought online from a specific retailer.” He snorts, and the sound of typing fills in Yoongi’s silence. “Our unsub has expensive taste, I’ll say that. That cardstock is not cheap. So, I tracked the most recent shipping to an abandoned apartment complex, and, get this, the address also had a bouquet of roses sent to it recently.”
Your heart races as Yoongi’s words register. Around you, your team is already in action and you struggle to keep up, shoving your case file in your bag and checking that your gun is holstered.
“Thanks, Yoongi,” Namjoon says, already grabbing his phone and turning on his heel. “Let’s get this guy.”
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“Hey, Taehyung.”
You stand by Taehyung’s bedside, staring at your teammate’s broken and listless form. The steady beeping of a monitor sounds in time with the steady rise and fall of his chest, and the smell of chemicals makes your nose burn. Taehyung’s cheeks are hollow, sunken, and his skin is ashen. You grab your teammate’s frail hand, fighting the rising sadness within you.
“I stopped by to tell you we’re going to capture the person who did this to you.”
Your voice cracks, and you quickly swipe at the moisture forming at your eyes. The sight of Taehyung’s listless body makes your heart break, and anger and pain rush through you. “Jimin and Jin are waiting in the car, but I just had to see you first. I’m so sorry that this happened to you. It should have been me, not you.”
You close your eyes and fight to breathe, your inhale shaky and ragged. You force your feelings down, wrestling them away. You’re so focused on evening your breaths that you miss a slight rustling, miss the feeling of the hand against yours pull away.
You gasp as a familiar voice calls your name, your eyes snapping open. Taehyung moves, head lilting from side to side. His eyes flutter, and he groans.
“Taehyung, oh my god.” You quickly move closer. “How are you — ”
“I was on my way to tell you it’s someone on our team.”
Taehyung’s confession is like a splash of cold water, dousing you. You blink your eyes rapidly, trying to process his statement.
“What are you talking about?”
Taehyung opens his mouth to respond and is cut off by an intense bout of coughing. He doubles over, the beeping of his heart monitor increasing in frequency. Your hands flutter as you panic at the sight, unsure what to do.
“I’m going to go get a nurse — ”
“Stay.” Taehyung’s hand shoots out unnaturally fast, capturing your wrist and halting your movements towards the door. He turns his head as he lets out another cough, his grip not loosening for a moment. “I have…to tell you…about what I found.”
As Taehyung speaks, his voice loses its power. His grip on your wrist weakens, and he leans back against his bed, groaning. His eyes flutter closed as he lets out another cough.
You receive no response, and you shake Taehyung’s hand desperately.
“Taehyung, please, I can’t do this without you,” your voice cracks as the realization that Taehyung has left you once again hits you. You close your eyes as a single tear escapes. You count to ten slowly before opening your eyes, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to Taehyung’s forehead.
“We’ll catch the person who did this, mark my words,” you vow, turning on your heel and storming towards the vehicle where Jimin and Jin are waiting for you.
Whatever happens next, you’re ready. And you’re determined to make someone pay.
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send me an or dm if you would like to be added or removed from the taglist!
tagging: @kassrole​, @hoebii​, @biaswreckme​, @taegularities​, @moccahobi​, @scarlet2007​, @deepdarkdelights​, @birbdae​, @mieohmy​, @samros95​, @ggukkieland​, @glossiestrawberry​
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Red String of Fate
Something a little different! Drabble lead + headcanons! I really like the idea of being connected to someone, so have this~
Also: very long, so I only did a few of the brothers. I tend to do them in order but I tried to jump around for variety’s sake since I published a partial post the other day.
Features: Lucifer, Mammon, and Asmo (short-ish, but for a reason. Makes sense when you read the lead-up),
I have to get to bed. Need to get up early for studying + a morning class. Really love this idea so I’ll be working on something unique for the rest of the bros :)
Casual conversations about soulmates and bad dates inspires Asmo to find your one true love. He swears up and down there’s a book that can do it. Being a lover of love and feeling like it’s his duty to see you off into the best of hands—the hands made to hold you!—he sets out to find the book. Legend says Cupid pricked his finger while writing out love lists with his enchanted quill and threw the dirty pages away, deeming them unusable. Instead of being discarded, they were salvaged by another and turned into a book that would answer any love-related question the reader had.
All it would cost is a drop of blood.
Cupid, who was very serious about his task of uniting hearts and forging bonds, felt insulted by the book. He felt cheapened and could not see the joy it would bring before his arrow was destined to arrive. In a fit of rage he threw it from the heavens, assuming it would disintegrate before landing in another’s hands.
He was wrong.
The book circulated for centuries, making its way through humble and haughty, poor and princely. Some say it even inspired the most romantic of playwrights. It was kept by a family of matchmakers for generations before their home was pillaged and burned by a spurned heart. Traded out of guilt or in a desperate moment for silver or food (Asmo didn’t remember which), it ended up in the hands of a scholar. He sat with his crush and read the book, the two asking it hundreds of questions and finding themselves quite content with each other.
After the two got married, they were convinced it was a lucky charm of sorts and passed it along to their friends. Once those friends found their true loves, it started a chain of giving. When one family had all of their children married off, they would pass the book on to someone else. The book spent a fair amount of time collecting dust when one person lost their soulmate too soon and didn’t open it for about five years, convinced it would stay blank. A new love came into their life and they were so moved by the magic, by the joy, that they donated the book to a thrift shop.
Asmodeus lost the history after the thrift shop. Too many people went in and out of it, too much time had passed. All he knew is that it ended up in the hands of a witch who made serious money off of love potions and romantic divinations. One of her grandchildren—a quarter succubus and three-quarters human—had donated it to RAD’s library.
He should’ve just texted his friends about the damn thing instead of researching it like Levi does his events. Should he be proud of all the effort? You could be, but he was kind of put off by all the work. It was shabby and beaten, hardly bigger than a typical planner. Definitely unassuming and definitely looked like it’d seen some things. Asmodeus was expecting something gorgeously gilded and velvet.
Hopefully a peek into your future would make up for all the disappointment. “I bet it’s me.” he touched a finger to his soft lips with a giddy smile, little ring glinting in the light. He practically skipped out of the library and back to the House of Lamentation. At the very least, he’d get to go on and on about how he found it and how grateful you should be that he cares for you so much to do so!
Asmodeus whisks you away into his room, the bed already set with pillows that were both aesthetic and luxurious. Nothing too out of the norm for him, but he wanted something that complimented the romantic undertones of this little endeavor. He coddled the two of you in a plush pink blanket before cracking it open and guiding your finger along the edge of the page. The red soaked in, ink blossoming in a faint pink that turned a brilliant scarlet.
The book grew warm, almost burning as the scarlet began to sear and shimmer on the page. You heard him hiss and grabbed the book as he started to squirm and scoot out from under it. You’d barely grabbed the book when pinky-red smoke exploded violently in your face. It didn’t burn or have a taste but it was surprisingly thick.
“What? No names!” Asmodeus had finally swatted away enough of the smoke to see a blank book. “It’s supposed to be names!” he scowled, kittenish fangs threatening to poke at his lower lip.
“Maybe there’s been a revision,” you blinked distractedly, talking more to yourself than him. Nope, still there. You wagged your finger at Asmodeus, showing off the bright red string tied around it.
His oncoming rant receded immediately, eyes shining a gorgeous and unmistakable pink. “Let’s see where it goes!”
To Lucifer:  
He’s in the middle of doing paperwork (shocker) when he finds a vibrant red string tangling in his pen and catching on the lines
Tries to shake it off (very undignified, glad no one saw it)
Puts his pen down to pick at it and untie it. When that doesn’t work, he slips the opposite glove off with his teeth and lets his demon aura come out just enough to turn his fingernails into claws
That didn’t work either
Physically tries to pull the string off and begrudgingly stops when he realizes his finger might come off first
A huffy, annoyed man
Takes an awkward pic with his D.D.D and sends it to Diavolo, wanting to know if it’s a prank
Diavolo swears it’s not and Barbatos suggests it could be the red string theory, that thing some humans believe in.
Could it be true? Does he have a soulmate? Could he, being a fallen angel? Demons had soul mates?
All the questions swirl and he just leans back in his fancy padded chair to absorb it all. There’s something beautifully sad and...comforting...at the thought of demons having a soulmate, someone made just for them
Lucifer doesn’t really think that a soulmate’s at the end of the string, but he tells himself it’s a walk for the sake of his health, to stretch, and sets off to find the string
The eldest is quite surprised to run into you and Asmo, the string clearly tied around your finger.
“A bit overboard, don’t you think, Asmo?” Lucifer’s a little aggravated by it. What is this, a set up?!
His little brother swears against it, holding up a beaten book not even Mammon would waste money on.
Apparently, the string disappears when the soulmates touch their fingers together. Lucifer rolls his eyes and tries to soften his scowl as he presses his finger to yours.
You’re both surprised when the string thickens until it resembles a ribbon, kinking in the shape of a heart before disappearing in a burst of pinky-red smoke that has your fingers tingling
Lucifer says nothing, silently stunned and heart yearning at the tingling in his finger. It’s warm, like your love.
To Mammon:
First reaction: “OI! What the hell?!”
Also shakes his finger
Immediate second reaction is to chew on it and try to get it off
Ends up sucking on his tender finger like a baby because he basically chewed on himself instead of the string
Texted all the sorcerers and witches he knew. They all deny hexing him or mentioning him in potion-making.
He’s surprised to find he can still move around with the string. It’s not straining or limiting him, so he goes in his closet of magical seals, peeling a few back to reveal a sizeable hoard of stuff he’d stolen over the centuries (including some stuff he had on him from the Fall).
He tries daggers of all sizes and types. They don’t cut the string, either
When nothing seems to work, he marches towards the source, wrapping it around his fist with a grumble.
He pulls on it at random just because it’s a minor inconvenience and he couldn’t get it off.
Mammon notice that it runs under Asmo’s door and he yanks on it really hard, hoping he’s tearing thread off of a sweater or something. Annoying ass little brother!
When you yelp he freezes. Brain hasn’t quite kicked in yet and he yanks it again to check the reaction. Another yelp, and a thick thud behind the door.
Sounds like you’re involved somehow. Oops.
Turns out you had a hard time coming out of the room because he wound the string too quick (and weren’t strong enough to tug it back to yourself)
Asmo’s in the middle of lecturing him as he squishes your poor little face, scowling and lamenting that MAMMON is your soulmate. MAMMON, of all people, who’d been smacking you against a door for the last few minutes!
Now Mammon’s interested and needs the story
Gets a biiiig shit-eating grin when he realizes what’s happened.
Takes your hand with his usual fanfare of ‘’Course I would be! I’m their MAIN man! Their BEST man!”
The string seems to tie your hands together for a brief moment before exploding in a burst of smoke and Mammon’s still grinning like an idiot.
He doesn’t let go of your hand
To Asmodeus:
He’s waving that smoke away when he feels a new, subtle weight on his finger
Whatever it is, it’s flitting and ticklish. He can feel it catching on some of the fashion rings he wears
Asmodeus doesn’t know whether he wants to purr or squeal. He did something that hurt your human ears though.
Didn’t realize it hurt your ears until after the noise bottoms out to a lower pitch, and immediately cups his hands over yours ears, sliding them up into your hair while he showers the crown of your head in apology kisses.
Makes a video clip to send to the bros in a group chat and has to redo it several times because they can’t really hear his words over the smug purring and clicking
It warms his heart to know he has a real soulmate. Asmodeus really struggles with the concept of genuine, non-sexual love.
He figured the most he could ever get was platonic love or brotherly love, but this is a whole new thing for him and he’s honestly blown away
For a brief moment he feels like Heaven’s Jewel again, so treasured and special. It almost makes him cry
He’s lowkey crying.
100% takes advantage of the fact that your fingers are tied together until you touch fingertips. You guys giggle quietly and cuddle close as he loops the string around his finger so you put your arm around his neck
“You don’t need a string to make me touch you, you know.” you tease him, wrinkling your nose in that cute human way you have
“I know,” Asmo gives you an Eskimo kiss that turns into a few butterfly kisses on your mouth, leaning over you and into you.
Totally uses the string as an excuse to cuddle you and turn down any activities the bros want you to go to. (”Can’t, they’re kind of tied up.”)
Let this baby bask in his sure thing, okay? He really needs it, and you know he’s good for it
Gives you hand kisses and cuddles into you
Gets the bright idea to try to bottle the smoke that’ll erupt when you touch fingertips. Sacrifices his most beautiful perfume bottle to immortalize this moment
Catches the littlest bit, so thin that he has to hold it up to the light to see it.
Complains about probably swallowing most of it during that attempt
Is now even more shameless about demanding his cuddles and attention because you guys are destined lovers.
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Your Last Love
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Pairing: Jensen  x Reader
Summary: Jensen has been crushing on YN for years and he finally has the guts to tell her how he feels.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Mention of Anxiety, Slight Cursing, Passionate Kissing
A/N: Thank you @tvdspngirl314 (AKA @allywritesblog ) for inviting me to this! I'm thrilled you thought of me. And happy early birthday! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
Jensen: 42 YN: 38
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom One-Shot Masterlist
It was a very late Friday night when Jensen parked in YN's driveway. She had gotten home only an hour ago with her boyfriend, and Jensen wanted to make sure she was all right.
After all, he was her best friend.
The two have been very close friends since since Supernatural started filming. YN was the newest makeup artist on the set when the series began. She and Jensen grew very close while working on and off set.
During filming days, YN was off the set ready to run on and fix someone's makeup. Normally it was Jensen, who kept touching his face during the scene. But she was always there with him.
They had late night movies in Jensen's apartment, complete with pillow forts and slumber parties. There were a few times when he would go to her apartment on their days off and just hang out.
Now that Supernatural had concluded, YN and Jensen moved their friendship back to Austin. She had a house roughly a half hour from Jensen's and they'd try to hang out as much as they could.
The two were inseparable, the best of friends. The 15 year long friendship had its ups and downs, but neither of them would change anything for the world.
Well, except Jensen.
Jensen had fallen in love with YN from the moment he first walked into the makeup trailer. In his eyes, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, inside and out.
She was perfect to him with the way she'd sing off key, dancing around when she thought she was alone, her love of books and music, her love of writing and creating, and most of all the way she was just down to Earth.
But he'd never have the guts to tell her that.
He might play a bold, strong, and independent hunter on TV, but in the real world, Jensen was one of the most shy people anyone would know. He avoids crowds, he would rather have someone make phone calls or talk to people for him, and he could never tell anyone how he truly felt.
Especially YN.
But as her best friend, he had always been protective of her. He disapproved of almost any guy that came close to her. He would always see a flaw in them instantly and once he told YN, she could see it as well and break up with them.
After the last relationship she was in, YN had begged Jensen to leave her relationships alone from then on and let her find love by herself. He couldn't say no to her, so he agreed to stay out of it.
Or at least watch from further away.
Which is the reason why he was currently parked in her driveway and watching her through her living room window. He wasn't stalking her or trying to be creepy. He just wanted to make sure she was safe and no one would hurt her.
Jensen pulled out his phone to check the time, "Past midnight and he's still here? He normally leaves way before that," he looked back up at the window, "What are you up to?"
He watched as YN and her boyfriend came into view in her living room. They sat down on the couch and her boyfriend wrapped his arm on her shoulders. She moved closer to him and laid on his chest.
Jensen made a face, "He better not be thinking what I think he's thinking."
Just then, YN's boyfriend lifted her chin to make her look at him. He bent down slowly to kiss her, but at the last minute, YN pulled away.
"Good, don't let him kiss you, YN," Jensen smiled.
She stood from the couch and walked towards the window with her arms crossed. The boyfriend followed her to the window and wrapped his arms around her. YN pushed his arms off of her once more.
Jensen could see her lips moving, but obviously couldn't tell what she was saying, "I hope she's okay. Maybe I should...no, I can't. I promised her."
But that promise flew out the window when he watched YN's boyfriend grab her shoulders and spin her around. Jensen instantly saw red as he pushed his car door open and slammed it behind him before sprinting up to the house.
He jumped up on the porch and pounded on the door, "YN?! YN, open the door!"
Suddenly the door swung open and YN stood in the doorway with an annoyed and pissed off look on her face.
"What in the world is wrong with you, Ackles?!" she screamed at him.
He was shocked at her yelling, "N-nothing. I just had to make sure you were okay. I...um..."
"You what?" she snapped.
"Is everything all right?" her boyfriend walked up behind her.
YN turned to him, "Yes, everything's fine. This is my best friend, Jensen. Jensen, this is Elliot, my boyfriend."
Elliot stuck out his hand to Jensen, "Any good friend of YN's is a friend of mine."
Jensen shook his hand and looked back down at YN, "Can we talk for a minute, YN?" he looked at Elliot, "Alone?"
Elliot chuckled nervously, "Hey, it's cool. I should get going anyway. It's pretty late."
"Elliot, it's okay. This won't take long," YN spoke softly.
"No no, it's fine. You two have fun, I'll see you later," Elliot walked past YN and out the door, "Nice meeting you, Jensen," he called out as he walked off the porch.
"You as well," Jensen nodded to him.
YN crossed her arms and stared Jensen down, "This better be good, Jay."
"Can I come in?" he asked.
She rolled her eyes and stepped back so he could walk inside, "I suppose."
Jensen walked into YN's house and stood in the entry, "Thanks."
YN shut the door behind him, "Now, are you going to tell me why you were banging on my door like a lunatic?"
He took a deep breath, "Listen, I know you're going to be mad-"
"Well that's not the best way to start this out," she interrupted him.
"And you told me not to get involved in your love life-"
"Get to the point, Jensen."
He closed his eyes and sighed, "I-I was watching you two from your driveway and I saw him put his hands on you."
"You what?!" YN exclaimed.
Jensen rubbed the back of his neck, "I thought he was hurting you, YN! I got worried. And when you wouldn't let him kiss you..."
"Jensen, we talked about this," she said in annoyance, "You promised me you wouldn't get involved anymore."
"I know I did. I just...I feel like I have to protect you," he said quietly.
YN stepped towards him, "Why do you feel that way?"
He shrugged, "I've felt like that for years, YN."
"But why?"
"I don't know."
"Well, you're going to have to get over that feeling, Jay," she turned her back to him, "And with Elliot, I wouldn't let him kiss me because his breathe smelled like garlic from our dinner tonight."
Jensen had to hold back his laughter, "Wow, what an ass. Did he not chew gum or something afterwards?"
YN rolled her eyes, "No, he didn't. I didn't even know we were going to hang out for as long as we did tonight. But when he was trying to come near me, his breath was just so bad that I had to walk away from him."
"What about when he put his hands on you and made you face him?"
"He was trying to figure out why I didn't want to kiss him. He thought he did something wrong and he wanted to know what. He wasn't going to hurt me, Jay."
"But what, Jensen?" YN faced him again, "What? Because nothing you say will change the fact that I love Elliot. And he loves me back."
Jensen was speechless. He felt like all the air in his lungs was pulled out. He didn't know what to say to her in that moment.
Truthfully, he wanted to tell her about his feelings, but he was too shy to do so.
"You...you love him?" he asked.
YN nodded, "Yes I do," she paused a moment, "Why?"
Jensen shook his head, "N-nothing. Um, I should...I should go."
"Jensen? Is everything okay?" YN asked.
He walked towards the front door and put his hand on the doorknob, "I guess I should've said something sooner," he mumbled to himself.
YN stepped toward him, "Jay?"
He didn't know where the courage came from or why his confidence suddenly had a boost, but later on in his life he'd be grateful for it.
"YN, you'll never know how I truly feel about you unless I just say it," he kept his back to her, "I love you. I'm in love with you. From the moment I first walked into that makeup trailer, I knew one day I had to make you mine. I knew I had fallen for you."
"Let me finish," he interrupted her, "You have the most beautiful smile in the entire world. Your energy and your presence lights up a room. Hearing your laugh is like hearing a choir of angels. You love having fun and creating new things, but you also love your down time when you can just sit by a fire and read for hours and hours," he paused a moment, "But the best thing about you is how much you care for other people. It doesn't matter if it's someone you've known your entire life or someone you just met on the street. You want what's best for them even if that means sacrificing something of your own to help."
YN felt tears welling up in her eyes, "Oh, Jay..."
"And that guy, Elliot?" he turned to face her, "He's no good for you, YN. I can see right through him. He doesn't love you. He loves the idea of you and him in your bed. If I didn't knock on your door tonight, that's exactly where you would've ended up," he paused, "And I don't know if you truly love him or not. But I know this: He is your first love, I intend to be your last. However long it takes."
Jensen let go of the doorknob and walked over to YN. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She sobbed into his chest as he hugged her.
"Oh, YN, don't cry. Please don't cry. Pretty girls shouldn't cry," he spoke softly to her, "I didn't mean to make you upset. I just...I needed to tell you how I felt."
YN pulled back from the hug, "I'm crying because I feel like I should've known. We've been in each others lives for 15 years. You think my eyes would've been opened by now."
"Shh, YN. It's okay," he smiled through his own tears, "You couldn't have known. No one could've. I was just too shy to tell you."
YN wrapped her arms around Jensen's neck, "I'm sorry, Jay."
"What for?" he pondered.
She chuckled, "Because if I would've just taken the leap, I could've saved us a lot of time."
"I love you, too, Jensen. I've loved you for years. But I just thought you wanted to be friends so I tried moving on. I tried to date and find other guys, but none of them could ever be half the man that you are. You're so special to me. You're the best part of my life. Without you, I probably wouldn't be who I am today."
Jensen thought for a moment, "YN, I...I, uh..."
"Shh, Jay," YN laid a finger on his lips, "Let me take it from here."
She leaned forward and closed the gap between hers and Jensen's lips. Her lips brushed his, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her breath, feel the warmth of her skin, and the taste of her lipstick lingered. He was gentle with her as he laid his hand on the back of her head and brought her closer to him
The kiss was like fireworks, so passionate and loving. Time stood still in that moment.
YN kissed him like she wanted to be kissed, like no boy had ever kissed her: soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.
When the two broke apart from the kiss, they panted for breath. Their eyes were still closed as they stayed close to each other, noses and foreheads touching and arms still wrapped around one another.
Jensen's eyes fluttered open as he smiled at YN, "That was the most amazing first kiss."
"It was like a movie or a book," she agreed with a smirk.
"Maybe we should-"
"Way ahead of you."
The heat rose in YN's cheeks as her tongue touched Jensen's, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them.
Jensen broke away for a moment, "This was so worth the wait."
"Agreed," YN nodded.
The rest of the night was spent with YN and Jensen on the couch, watching romance movies and making out during the kissing scenes. The two became more inseparable in their relationship than in their friendship. The love between Jensen and YN was stronger than they knew.
And Jensen was true to his word. He was YN's last love, no matter how long it took.
My Cherry Blossoms
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 3 years
 Part 3 of the Reba au. Pat one and part two.
Summary: The weekend comes and Janus deals with paperwork, one-night stands, and meeting his ex-husband's new boyfriend. 
A/N: So I went on a vacation to see @forever-forgotten-angel and took a break from writing. But I'm back and writing! Special thanks as always to @amazon-me-bitches and my qpp @forever-forgotten-angel for beta reading this fic! And now, without further ado, my fic.
When Janus woke up on Friday things seemed almost normal. He dropped Emile and Remy off at school, Patton agreed to pick them up. Virgil had ridden with Thomas, which meant that Janus didn’t have to worry about any pickups today. That was good, considering he was working late. He had a trial coming up in two weeks, a factory worker who’d been injured on the job due to company negligence of machinery. Janus had been happy to take the case. 
 Of course, it meant that he wasn’t leaving the office until 8 PM. Janus yawned as he left the office, ready to get home and sleep. It would be lovely. A full night’s worth of sleep and then the weekend. Not that he wouldn’t be working of course. But his home office was far superior to the one he had at work. Maybe he’d take the boys out for a picnic if he had time. That would be nice. Emile had been wanting to go to the park and see the ducks before it got too cold. They could feed the ducks.
Janus was interrupted from his thoughts by a loud clang. He reached for his pepper spray, better safe than sorry. There were clangs, seeming to come from a dumpster next to the parking lot. It was most likely a raccoon but Janus wasn’t taking any chances. He began quickly walking to his car, eyes trained on the dumpster the whole time. He was halfway to his car when the source of the noises showed itself.
 Janus prided himself on his eloquent speech but all he could find it in himself to say was, “What?”. Brilliant Janus, just brilliant. 
 It was a person, taller than Janus. They had dark curly hair from what Janus could see, and a mustache as well. They held a possum in their arms. Janus blinked, “What did I tell you about running off Tallulah? You’re not going to find any tasty treats in a law office’s dumpster. We have to go to taco bell for that. The only thing you’ll find in there is paper, office supplies, and-”, they looked up and made eye contact with Janus, “And the sexiest man alive.”
They’d ran up to Janus before he had a chance to react, “Hello sexy. Are you a lawyer? Because it’s illegal for someone to be as sexy as you are.”
 “Sorry about that. I tend to get over-excited.”, they offered a hand out to shake, “I’m Remus. He/him pronouns.”
“Janus.”, he found himself saying, “He/him pronouns. What exactly were you doing in the dumpster?”
“How dare you insinuate that Tallulah is merely a pet. She is my baby.” 
 “Oh! Tallulah here thought she could get snacks in that dumpster over there so I had to get her out.”, he held up the possum in his arms.
“Right. And Tallulah is your pet?”
 “Well, it appears your baby wants to eat office supplies.”, Janus reached out to pet the possum in question,  scritching her ears. He smiled as she leaned into the touch. He smiled at the sight.
 “Believe me she doesn’t want that. I’ll take her to taco bell. She enjoys their burritos. You’re more than welcome to join if you want?”, it was a stupid idea. They’d just met, Remus was a total stranger. He could be a serial killer for all Jan knew.
 Message sent to Patton at 8:23 PM.
 “Hey Pat, don’t wait up for me. I’m gonna get take out on the way home. Make sure Remy’s homework is done before he plays on the Switch.”
Taco Bell, Janus thought, was best enjoyed at night. They’d gotten fast food and now sat out in the parking lot, a feast of fast food laid out before them. He watched as Tallulah happily ate her promised bean burrito. It was nice, relaxing even. Janus smiled as he watched, “So how does one end up with a pet possum?”
Remus grinned, “I birthed her from my womb.”, seeing Janus’ unamused expression he turned serious, “I rescue animals. She was rescued from an exotic pet dealer. She can’t be rehabilitated into the wild, unfortunately.”
“I see. She’s very sweet.”, Janus continued petting the possum in question, “So what do you do with your time? Besides rescue possums and climb into dumpsters of course." 
 “I’m a midwife actually.”, Remus grinned. Janus looked over to where he had unhinged his jaw to deepthroat his burrito like a snake. He waited for Remus to finish before speaking. 
 “A midwife?”
 Remus nodded, “Yeah. I make bank. Which is nice cause it means I can foster lots of animals.”, he continued deepthroating the burrito.
 Well, that was unexpected. Janus stared at the man in front of him delivering babies and truthfully he couldn’t picture it. Remus seemed more like the type of person to go into a job that didn’t involve babies. He seemed more likely to own a demolition derby, “You don’t seem like the type. Can I ask a dumb question?”
 “Well, it’s not a question. I just didn’t know men could be midwives.”
 “It shocks a lot of people actually. Most people don’t think women would be comfortable working with me.”
“I’m guessing that’s not true.”
 “I work with trans men mostly. Having a trans midwife is reassuring. I know what they’re going through. And sometimes cis midwives can be judgy.”
“You’re trans?”
 “Is he?”
“Well then.”, Janus took a bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully, “My son’s pregnant.”
 “Yeah. It’s been super stressful because he’s 17.”, Janus sighed, “How much would it cost for you to work with us? Any resources would be helpful.”
 “For you? I’ll do it for free. I know all too well what it’s like to be a pregnant teen. And I think you’re cute.”, he winked and Janus felt his face warm in a way he hadn’t felt in years. 
 “You- you got pregnant as a teen?”, he forced himself to get out. Remus nodded and for a brief second Janus thought he saw a tear in his eye. 
 “Yeah but I miscarried. Lack of resources and all. So now I make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through.”
 Message sent to Patton at 11 PM
 “That’s amazing. You have to let me pay you though.”
“I told you, helping a cutie like you out is payment enough.”, he leaned forward, “I wouldn’t mind a kiss though. That is, if you’re agreeable?”, Remus leaned forward and Janus could smell his cologne. The warm, spicy, citrus scent drove him wild. It was like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, staring at the abyss below. And Janus was happy to fall.
 Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be back late.
Patton Picani-Hart had never been a morning person. Sure, he wanted to be; but late nights at the restaurant and his sleep schedule meant that he had trouble pulling himself out of bed in the morning. It also meant he could barely function without at least three cups of coffee. He was currently standing in front of the coffee maker, staring at it as if he could will the coffee to brew faster. 
 It had been a long night. Janus had to work late, which meant it was up to Patton to pick up Emile and Remy from school and drive them home. Luckily Virgil and Thomas had agreed to watch them because then he had to rush back to the restaurant for the dinner shift. He got back by 11 to all of the kids asleep and leftover greek food waiting for him. He’d been so tired that he’d eaten the food and fallen asleep immediately, never seeing the message he had from Janus.
 He hadn’t seen it until the morning when he awoke to Emile sitting on his chest asking for food. A quick check of his phone revealed it was 9 am and Janus had stayed out all night. So Patton did the only thing he could do; he got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.  Six breakfast burritos later, and he was beginning to wonder where Janus was. Clearly, he’d had a good night if he was gone for this long. At least he hoped it was good. Regardless, it was good for Janus to start exploring romance again if he was ready. Hopefully, the relationship would be good for him. He couldn’t wait to hear the details. 
 Patton was considering calling him when there was a jingle of keys at the front door. Janus walked through the door. His hair stuck out in multiple directions, his suit was unkempt, and Patton could see multiple hickeys on his chest. It had been a good night after all. He handed him a cup of coffee, “Good morning. Looks like you had a good night.”
 Janus blushed and Patton knew exactly how good of a night he’d had. He grinned as he watched the man in question try to come up with an excuse, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”, his ex may have had a silver tongue, but that all went away when he was flustered. 
 “I’m not mad. You seem to forget that we’re separated, soon to be divorced. Going out is healthy.”, Patton handed him a plate of food with a smile, “So who is he?”
 “His name is Remus and we met last night. He’s nice. I invited him over for dinner Tuesday night.”, Patton frowned. Having a one-night stand was one thing, heck dating was fine. But bringing this guy around the kids after one date didn’t seem like the best idea. 
 “I support you dating Jan, but don’t think you should date a little bit longer before bringing him home. Virgil won’t mind but it might confuse Emile and Remy.”, it was the truth. The boys would be confused if Janus introduced them to a new boyfriend and then it didn’t work out. Best to wait until it was serious. That was what Patton had done.
 Janus blinked as if it was a new idea to him. “Pat, I’m not introducing him as my boyfriend. He’s a midwife. I invited him over to meet Virge. I thought it might be a good idea to have a midwife as well as an OBGYN.” 
 Patton sighed in relief; he didn’t want to sound like a jealous ex, especially when he’d been the one to ask for the divorce. This Remus coming over as a midwife was different though. And it meant that he wouldn’t have to worry if the kids would be confused. Speaking of the kids, Emile ran in at that moment, practically bouncing in his shoes, “Is breakfast ready yet?”
 Janus smiled at their youngest, picking him up and balancing him on his hip, “Yep. How about you go get your brothers and then we can eat.”, Emile nodded and ran off as fast as he could. Janus nodded and went to leave the kitchen, “I should go change.”
Pat nodded, a thought coming to him, “Virgil wanted to come to help me prep for lunch rush today at the restaurant. Could you pick him up before the dinner rush? I don’t want to stress him.”, Janus nodded before leaving, leaving Patton alone to wonder what this Remus was like.
Janus hummed as he drove to Pat’s. He’d spent most of the day in the office today, getting caught up on his paperwork. He’d promised to take the boys to the park tomorrow for a picnic, which meant he had to get it all done today. Thomas had luckily agreed to watch Remy and Emile once Pat and Virgil left to prep for the day, giving Janus ample time to work. 
 Soon 5 o’clock came around and Janus was leaving to go pick up Virgil. He was sure that Virgil would be ready to go home. Janus had seen just how busy the restaurant could get during the dinner rush. Virgil may have wanted to be a chef, but he wasn’t ready for that. Especially right now.
 He pulled up behind the restaurant, parking in the employee parking lot. Inside he could see the kitchen was a flurry of work, prepping as much as possible before it got truly busy. Waving to the kitchen staff, Janus headed to the back office where he knew Patton would be finishing paperwork before he went to go work in the kitchen. Virgil would most likely be in there with him. Only he didn’t see Virgil when he entered the office. 
 Patton stood in front of his desk, kissing an unfamiliar man as if his life depended on it. Janus blinked before realizing this must be the Logan he’d heard about. He quickly realized he was staring and, unsure of what to do, coughed to announce his presence. Patton jumped and turned around, Logan blushing and looking down. 
 “Janus, hey, what are you doing here?”, Patton looked flustered, like they weren’t divorced, “This is Logan, I told you about him.”, behind him, Logan nodded, still blushing too much to properly speak.
 “Nice to meet you, I’m here to pick up Virgil. I said I’d be here at 5, remember?”
 Pat’s eyes went wide, “Is it 5 already? I need to go get started in the kitchen.”, he moved away from Logan and ran to put on his chef’s coat, “Virgil was taking inventory in the fridge. Janus nodded and left the office, hearing Logan saying he should get going as he left.
 He did in fact find Virgil in the freezer, stocking ingredients and taking note of what was low. Upon seeing his dad he handed the list to a cook before standing up to leave. They got to the car, Virgil getting in, and Janus was about to when he heard someone call his name.
 Logan stood in front of him, looking made together and not at all how he looked when Janus had seen him earlier, “Yes?” 
 Logan took a deep breath before speaking, “I just wanted to apologize that we had to meet like that. I wanted to meet you and the kids properly, not having you walk in on me kissing Patton goodbye.”, Janus nodded in understanding.
 “It’s fine. Patton and I were separated before you two started dating. Just treat him right. We may not be together anymore, but I still care about him. He has a good heart and I don’t want to see that heart broken.”
 “I never want to hurt him.”
 “Then we’ll have no issue. Goodbye then.”, Janus got in the car, giving the man a wave before driving off. He turned to Virgil, who was listening to music next to him, giving him a tap on the shoulder.
 Virgil looked up at him, taking off his headphones before speaking, “What’s up?”
 “How does Indian sound for dinner?”, Virgil nodded and Janus set off to get take out. There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again, “Virgil, you don’t mind if your father and I date again, right? I mean date people that aren’t each other.”
 Virgil shrugged, “It doesn’t bother me. You two are getting a divorce, dating seems to make sense. And I know you’ll both always be here for me and Remy and Emile.”, Janus nodded, comfortable in the fact that he knew at least one of his kids was ok with him dating.
A/N: We finally meet Remus and Logan. All that's left is Roman, who will be in the next part.
 Disclaimer: Possums are not pets, they are wild animals. Furthermore, I do not know their diet but I'm taco bell isn't part of it. Tallulah is a magical possum and real-life rules do not apply to her. Do not inbox me saying possums don't eat bean burritos. 
Besides that, I'm taking prompts for this verse, so if you have prompts send them in! I'd love to see your hcs for this au. And as always, if you like this fic, leave a comment. Thank you for reading!
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runwithwolvcs · 3 years
You Know I'm No Good - nine
prove them right
Warnings: none
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I have a happy personality with a heavy soul, it's very tiring.
Waking up the next day, Tallulah was more than confused. She remembered Paul driving her home, but not getting home. She must’ve fallen asleep, but that wouldn’t explain how she got into her house, let alone her bed. There was a throw blanket draped over that she quickly tossed to the side. She was still in her jean shorts and tshirt from the night before, which were the last of her clean clothes from her duffle bag, she groaned out loud, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her stuff from Seattle still hadn’t arrived. She left her room, and knocked on the door next to hers, Lennas answered, clearly getting ready for work and raised one eyebrow at her half-sister, “Yes?”
“Can I borrow a hoodie, please.” She asked quietly, she's never had to ask to share clothes with anybody before, and only hoped this would go in her favour. Lenna sighed, and opened the door further, nodding her head in the direction of her closet.
Tallulah made quick work of the many hoodies Lenna owned, selecting an oversized red hoodie that had their school name on it. “Thanks, Lenna.”
“No problem. But, I get to borrow that brown flannel you own”
“Deal.” Tallulah agreed, throwing on the hoodie before leaving her to finish getting ready. She walked downstairs to the kitchen where she knew her dad would be, deciding there was no time better than now to ask about the Port Angeles trip with her friends from Seattle. She smiled at him as he looked up when she entered the room, “Good Morning, Tal.”
“Morning Dad.” She chewed her lip, before spitting out nervously, “Can I visit with my friends next friday? They’re going to be in Port Angeles.” she looked at her dad expectantly as he mulled over the idea, before ultimately shaking his head no, “I don’t think that's a good idea, Tally.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance, “What do you mean it's not a good idea!? They’re my friends who I have known since I was a kid! You let me go out with pretty much strangers just last night!” She nearly yelled, she was angry and annoyed that the level of control she had in current life felt like it was at zero. “These same friends that got you into all this trouble are the reason you are not going to see them.”Her dad's voice now raises slightly too, clearly she gets her ability to stay calm from him, or lack of.
“They didn’t get me into anything! I did that myself! Those were my choices. And maybe I shouldn't have. But I did, and now I’m here and you're refusing to let me move past them. It’s not fair!”
“You’re not going, Tally and that's final.” She spoke with such authority that she knew better than to argue.
“Fine!” she fumed, turning on her heels and heading for the front door. Grabbing her car keys as she did so. She slammed the front door as she made her way to her car, climbing in and slamming that door too. She rested her forehead on the steering wheel as she took a few deep breaths to collect herself.
After figuring she was calm enough to drive, she started the engine and pulled away from her house, following random roads with no destination in mind.
Turning right, a mix of stand alone stores came into view, Uley's BookStore amongst them. She could see Paul's blue truck sitting outside of it. She didn’t know exactly why, but she wanted to see him and before she could stop herself she was parking her car next to his and climbing out.
She walked into the store wearily, a small chime alerting that someone had just walked.
She spotted Paul almost immediately as he lifted his head up from his spot at the counter that he was occupying, pen in hand and papers all laid out, ‘Hey, you didn’t tell me you were going to stop by today.” he said, his smile mirroring her own. All anger from 15 minutes prior had left her mind, just from being in his vicinity. “Last minute decision.” Tallulah admitted,
“Do you work here?” she asked as she marveled at the petite shop, its painted a forest green colour with dark wooden bookcases. Some were already lined with books, others were bare. Tallulah assumed those were recently put together. There's a bright red spiral staircase that leads to the second floor in the corner of the room, adjacent to the door she had previously walked through. It felt so cozy and welcoming.
“No. I’m just helping Sam and Emily out.” he said, setting down whatever he had been working on before she had walked in.
“Oh. What do you do then?” she spoke as she continued to look around the store, “Did you build these yourself?” she asked, thoroughly amazed as she looked at him. Paul nodded, “I do lots of things.”
Tallulah tilted her head, clearly looking for more clarification.
“I, uh, fixed up Chief Blacks wheelchair ramp a while back and kind of just stuck with odd jobs like that around the rez. I liked to do something else eventually. When I’m able to settle down.” Paul spoke, watching her as she ran her index finger down the spine of a book. “Settle down?” she asked curiously, looking over her shoulder at him. He nodded in return, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, “I work for Sam mostly, but I don’t want to be doing that forever.” Tallulah held back the urge to roll her eyes, “Right, his little protection squad he’s got going on.” she turned back to the bookshelf she was looking at, picking a book up off the shelf to read the synopsis. “Is that what they’re calling it these days'' She nodded her head while still looking, “Yeah, and from what I’ve gathered you guys are a real pain in everyones ass.” she teased, thinking about the night before when he had showed up with Sam in the clearing. Paul laughed before saying, “I’ll tell you more about it another day. Can you help me with this?”. Tallulah nodded and walked to him, he was holding a wooden shelf against the wall, but it wasn’t quite centered. They traded places and began to adjust it, stepping back to make sure it was centered before marking the wall so that he could drill the wall studs. She could feel the heat radiating off of him, making her want to be closer than they already were. She shook the thought from her and handed him the shelf before making her way to another bookshelf that had already been set up and filled.
She found a book on Quileute legends that she had yet to hear about and plucked it off the shelf before making her way to the counter and hopping up, and reading the first few pages.
“Here. You’ll like this one.” she heard him say, looking up as he brought a book over to her. She placed the one she was currently holding beside before taking the one from his hands, reading the name out loud, “The Wolves Are Back”, Tallulah looked up at Paul amused, “Very funny.” Paul laughed lightly at her reaction, “You’re the one who wanted to know if there were wolves here,”nudging her teasingly, “And you said there are wolves in the forest!” she exclaimed, “and if a bear could wander close to the rez so could the wolves, plus I heard one earlier this week” she stated, and he nodded his head, no doubt. “You’ll hear them all the time, but they're deep in the woods. They don’t come anywhere near civilization.” he assured.
Tallulah and Paul stayed at the bookshop until dark. The more she got to know him, the more she realized she had misjudged him. They way he talked about his group of friends, especially Sam made her realize just how similar they were. Loyal to a fault.
It also made her realize how she could in fact go visit her friends with just a simple white lie. And sure, she was supposed to be spending her time in LaPush bettering herself, but clearly after what her dad said, they don’t think she can. That she will always be no good. She’s not going to change their opinions of her, so she might as well live up to their expectations of her.
Tags:@cperry0516 , @bhasbhabiessss, @fuzzyfingersandcavier
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hot-tea-gardenparty · 4 years
Destiel Coda to 9.06 “Heaven Can Wait” 
They were both drunk off multiple shots of cheap vodka chased with admittedly nasty bottled lemonade that warmed their stomachs along with slices of greasy, cheesy pizza. Dean hadn’t thought he was going to be spending the night with Castiel, but after what had happened earlier and seeing Castiel’s pained face as he slowly lowered himself into the Impala, Dean held back from his previous plans.  
He knew what always seemed to help him in situations that left him feeling hollow….booze, fast food and stupid decisions. It wasn’t a perfect solution and maybe it wouldn’t work, but Dean figured it was worth a shot.  So Dean hauled them to the nearest pizza joint with take-out, ransacked a convenience store for their cheapest alcohol and convinced the stubborn fallen angel to ‘stop bitching and get out of the fucking car already’ when they made it back to his highway motel.
Dean was now laughing uncontrollably at Castiel’s confusion over the road runner cartoon on TV in their motel room. Cas’ head lolled to the side and he asked in a drunken ramble why the coyote was so intent on catching the road runner,  “Especially when the road runner obviously always wins.” Cas burped, “I mean, wouldn’t the coyote get sick of taking on bodily harm?”
“It’s just a cartoon, Cas.” Dean replied, swigging down another shot, “Don’t think so hard.”
Cas nodded and poured himself another shot, giggling as his now drunken lack of coordination made the clear alcohol slosh over the brim of his coffee mug, “Whoopsie!”
Dean pushed himself to slide along the foot of the bed where both he and Castiel were leaning against the large bed frame, trying to get himself closer to his best friend’s side. “When did you learn that?”
Castiel grimaced after he chugged down the shot, grabbing another piece of pizza and taking a bite, “Learn what?”
“The uhm…” Dean couldn’t concentrate with this much alcohol drowning his synapses, the room and TV seeming to sway and swim in his field of vision, “Whoopsie?”
The rest of Castiel’s pizza slice was then forgotten and thrown back into the box with a slap, his eyes glazed as he finished chewing, “A young girl…came into the store…” he wiped his hands on the questionable, rosy-hued and stained, motel carpet, “She bought an ice-cream cone with chocolate fudge.” He looked over at Dean, whose eyes followed Castiel’s hands as he mimed her holding the ice cream and going to take a bite…and then, “Splat!” Castiel shouted, one palm slapping forcefully down on the carpet, shaking the pizza box slightly, “Ice cream and chocolate all over the floor.” He cleared his throat, smiling, “She said, whoopsie. It seemed endearing.”
“Wow.” Dean chuckled as he watched Cas push his empty mug away as a nonchalant sign of being done with the vodka, “Learning all kinds of...stuff.”
Castiel nodded, “All the important skills…how to mop up ice cream, how to clean the slushie machine, get unknown substances off of bathroom walls…” Castiel’s eyes narrowed as he glared at the TV, unseeing the cartoon still playing on low volume, “How to read signals from people.” He chuckled without humor, “Apparently that skill still needs some honing, seeing as I didn’t notice how Nora’s advances were more focused on getting a babysitter than a boyfriend.”
“I wouldn’t say that, exactly…” Dean said, setting his own empty mug down beside him.
Castiel swung his head in Dean’s direction, “I WOULD say that, exactly.”
“Disagree with me all you want, Cas.” Dean closed the pizza box, moving it on top of the bed, scooting himself even closer to Castiel’s side, “I am sure you are better than you think at….reading signals…or whatever.”
Castiel crossed his arms as he continued to stare intently in Dean’s direction, barely blinking and bringing Dean to wonder how many hues of blue he could find in Castiel’s eyes if he looked long enough. “How about you try to read me?” Dean proposed.
A roll of Castiel’s eyes broke them from out of their shared gaze, “I am sure I will fail at this endeavor.”
They argued drunkenly, Dean continuing to goad with ‘come on, it’ll be easy’ and a few slaps to Castiel’s, thicker than expected, upper arm. With a sigh, Castiel finally agreed, Dean standing up and turning away to go through in his head the multiple different poses and facial expressions he’d seen women throw his way over the years, trying to narrow down the ones he figured would be easiest to decipher.
After a few seconds, Dean spun around on the balls of his feet, his voice cranked into a woman’s higher pitch and his hands in a pose he hoped came off as dainty in his drunken state, “Hey, you must be new because I definitely would have remembered you if you’d worked here before.”
Castiel sat silent for a second, “Uhm…I think that means she finds me attractive?”
Dean nodded and stepped closer to give Castiel a slap on the shoulder, “See, no problem! I don’t even have to do more than one. You’re a master.” Then sat down on the carpet again, this time near the end of Castiel’s outstretched legs.
Dubious was the best word to describe the look on Castiel’s face, “Dean, even if I read all the…” Castiel flailed his arms, circling in the stale air coming from the rattling air conditioner, “signals correctly…that doesn’t mean much.”
With a shake of his head, Dean replied, “It might not, but that’s no reason to quit trying!”
They fell quiet, the TV now flickering through an infomercial and softening the silence around the room with a low level drone.
Dean cleared his throat, “Listen,” he started, unconsciously scratching at his wrist, “I’m sorry about Nora. She, uhm....she doesn’t know what she’s missing.”
Castiel shrugged, “Possibly…”
Dean cleared his throat, he needed to say something to make Cas feel better…and he knew what it was, but it still took a second to give himself the slap to the balls to start, “You know, I never meant to kick you out of the bunker, Cas. I can’t explain exactly why right now, but believe me, I wanted you to stay. Honestly.”
Cas nodded, picked randomly at his bandages, and quietly replied, “Yes, I know, Dean. Thank you.”
Dean didn’t know what came over him, maybe it was the forlorn look in Castiel’s eyes or the fact that his shoulders looked taught with the burden of human life and emotions, but he felt the need to prove his words.  He needed to get Castiel to understand how much he meant to him, how much Dean wasn’t lying when he said he needed him around, wanted him around.
Without thinking too much and trying not to knock over his own nearby mug, Dean grabbed Castiel’s cut hand, slowly bringing his lips to Castiel’s palm and looking up as he deftly kissed over the layers of bandages. Cas’ eyes widened and his mouth parted in a sigh as Dean looked up into his face, green eyes glittering in the soft yellow glow of a nearby bedside lamp.
A beat. The air was suddenly heavy and thick.
A halt in the murmur of the television and the hum of the air conditioner had Castiel slowly leaning forward, stopping close enough where Dean could smell the sweet lemonade on Cas’ breath and see the sparks of gold slicing through the bright blue of his glassy eyes.
Another beat.
Dean realized Cas was waiting for him to finish the push forward. He was waiting for permission. Waiting for Dean to cut the caution tape. To smash the invisible, unspoken about wall they’d put between them.
And he did. Oh boy….he did.
He brought a hand up to the back of Castiel’s neck, gently gripping at the soft hair and coming into taste the lips he had desired for so long. Castiel sighed into the kiss, body beginning to lax, his mouth opening, sweet and warm, his undamaged hand coming to rest between Dean’s shoulder-blades while the unbandaged fingers of his other lean against the jut of Dean’s collarbone. 
Gripping the back of Cas’ head a little harder, Dean nipped once, twice, at Castiel’s lower lip, pushing the kiss from soft and gentle, into a thundering territory of hard desire and feral, desperate hunger.  With his one free hand, Dean slid it to the small of Castiel’s back, gently maneuvering Cas to straddle his outstretched legs, not once breaking their searing deep kiss.
Dean could feel his heart pounding as his mind drowned in a flood of excitement. He was kissing Castiel, he was kissing his best friend, an angel of the damn lord….and he was loving every second of it. He loved feeling Castiel’s soft, silken hair running through his fingers and the muscles of his back flexing, he loved hearing Cas’ little moans and deep breaths between the rhythms of their lips. It was intoxicating.
Castiel gave back as much as he took from Dean, his hips instinctively rolling forward repeatedly with every swipe of his tongue along Dean’s lips and teeth. His good hand trailed down Dean’s spine, his fingers tickling along the band of Dean’s jeans and under his shirts, back and fourth, over the dip in his lower back while scratching at the soft skin of his hipbones.
Dean pulled away, just barely, to suck in much needed air, “Fuck, Cas…” he trailed off, his hips pushing up to meet Castiel’s, the muscles in his thighs aching from the repetitive motion. Their lips still rubbed together, slick with spit and hot with their breath.  Dean ran his palms down from Cas’ neck, over his strong shoulders and trailing along the front of his shirt, biting his lip as the muscles underneath twitched. Looking down, following his hand’s path, Dean could see through the opening the two undone buttons of the shirt to the golden skin beneath.
After a few more moments, Castiel moved his head back a little further and Dean took in his kiss swollen, red lips, his mussed hair and wide chest flushed with exertion. Dean knew he probably looked the same.
“We should stop.” Cas whispered, but not physically moving from Dean’s lap. He swallowed, “We are drunk.”
Dean shook his head, not really knowing what to say but blurting out, “Not drunk anymore.”
Cas smiled and chuckled sadly, fitting his warm palms to frame Dean’s face, his thumbs trailing over the shape of Dean’s lips and down his stubbled chin. Words didn’t need to be spoken, Dean knew what Castiel was trying to tell him, even through the fog of alcohol and sleep deprivation. They did have to stop. As much as it felt impossible, no matter how desperate their desire, no matter how intensely as it tore their hearts in two, this time was not the right one. Not yet, anyway.
Dean sighed and nodded, “Let’s get some shut-eye, then, I guess.”
It took all of Dean’s strength to pry himself off and away from Castiel on that musty motel floor. Not only because his legs were still half asleep even after Castiel stood up, but because his body didn’t seem to want to leave their heady embrace. 
After they both stood, Dean allowed himself the chance to watch with a heated stare as Cas took off his jeans and white button up and slipped quietly between the bed sheets. Castiel looked up at Dean expectantly, wordlessly showcasing his intent. Dean chuckled and took up the invitation Castiel gave, stripping down to his boxers and sliding into the bed. Clicking off the lights and scootching close to Castiel, Dean bent his arm to lay on Cas’ toned torso and push his cheek against a broad, strong shoulder. It was different to lay like this with another man, but it was still warm. Still calming. If Dean thought about it too much, he might have even admitted he felt safe. The safest he’d ever felt. 
“Goodnight, Dean.” Castiel whispered into Dean’s hair as the early morning dark enveloped them.
“Goodnight, Cas.” Dean replied, knowing that they were both trying to stay awake, trying to cling to this reality as long as they possibly could. Sleep would come and the dawn would arrive, and with it, the personalized forced forgetfulness of what had just occurred. They would get dressed and go their separate ways again, focused on their self-imposed missions. No more time for whatever this night brought about. Put those feelings and those intense desires back into the box, lock them away again….because emotions and feelings….those things made you a target. Made you malleable. Made you weak. And they both knew it.  They knew, it was plain and simple, that this comfort was all they could have for a while. This was the limit to what they could allow themselves to have.
But until the morning, until the clock struck the final hour, they could just be together. Hold on to each other in the dark.
Because hell…what more could a repressed hunter and a fallen angel of the lord really need anyway?
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tealquacks · 4 years
They Share a Kitchen 4: Breakfast in Bed
Originally posted here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24317644/chapters/69731439
It’s been many months, I know, but I hope you all like this chapter! 
Remus knew he should get out of bed. 
Out of bed, down the stairs. 
Down the stairs and into the kitchen.
He owed Janus rabbit, and he wanted to talk to Logan.
It had been a few days since they’d gathered ingredients, and they’d talked almost every single day since. They met in the kitchen. Talked at night. Sought one another out. But it would never last. Logan would say something about the light sides and then scurry away, or get all quiet if he thought he heard footsteps. It never felt like it did when they were alone, truly alone. 
He rolled over in bed, curled in on himself. 
Come on. Up, out of bed, down the stairs, into the kitchen, make something with rabbit, then find another reason to talk to Logan. Maybe they could find a good paella recipe. And that would get Logan to come into the kitchen and talk to him. He could talk to Janus, too, and cook as he did so.
Up, out of bed, down the stairs, into the kitchen.
Remus stared at the wall. 
Up, out of bed, down the stairs, into the kitchen. It was 7:30 am. Janus would be in the kitchen soon. And if he wasn’t in the kitchen before he left, he’d get that look from Janus, one of those looks that said ‘are you okay?’ And made him feel all queasy and miserable.
The long and short of his situation was that the bed was nice and soft, and he didn’t see a point in getting out of bed. Even though there was food to be made and conversations to be had. Remus sat up, but didn’t get out from under the covers.
He got like this sometimes. When was the last time? Remus looked down at his hands. Maybe he could paint his nails. In bed. Then he’d get up, out of bed, down the stairs, into the kitchen. What had he been—
—yes, when was that last time he couldn’t— right after Thomas decided to skip the fucking callback. He’d spent most of the wedding laying in bed, marinating in a horrid, heavy feeling that he couldn’t quite identify. It was like trying to pin a still flapping butterfly to a board. Remus flopped back onto bed.
Now it was 9:00 am. Where did that time go? He must’ve fallen back asleep, or zoned out. He sighed. At least he had a reason to feel heavy then. Now he was just being stupid.
“No, you feel heavy because he abandoned you,” a deep voice echoed, “like all the others.”
“Shut the fuck up, Orange,” Remus grumbled, “I’m tryna fucking sleep.”
“No you’re not.”
“Shut the fuck up!”
Orange laid his hand on Remus’ head. It was freezing cold against his skin. He gently ran his fingers through the brown strands. They stayed like that for a few minutes, in a cold, uncomfortable silence.
“Green, you know they’ll never apologize to you,” Orange whispered, “they’ll never accept you. They’ll never stay by you. It’s a fact of life, it’s alright-”
The words drifted away as Remus shut his eyes, mind wandering far, far away. It left the room entirely- bed, stairs, kitchen, Logan- and found itself back at that night on the dock, Logan’s pale skin under bright moonlight. He’d offered him a castle, a cottage. He gave him a pearl. Had he kept that pearl? Or did he throw it away? 
Orange chuckled darkly, hand still in his hair. He pet him slowly, as if consoling a dying animal.
“You poor little creature.”
“I’ll kill you,” Remus growled.
“You can’t even get out of bed.”
“I’ll still kill you.”
It had been several days— four, maybe— since Logan and him dove into the cool black of the ocean. He returned to the dock just yesterday. Slow waves lapped against the shore, illuminating the night in a bright blue bioluminescence. If Logan had asked, he would’ve made him a cottage on the beach. He would’ve turned the black sand to glass. He would’ve destroyed it all. 
“You’ve let yourself change too much. Remember, Green,” Orange mumbled, playing with Remus’ hair, “you are nothing but one part to a whole, a scrap, a husk. You’re empty and hated, hated by Red, by Purple, by Indigo—“
Remus moved without thinking, hands wrapping fast around Orange’s throat, squeezing with whatever might he had. Orange toppled off of the bed, and Remus went with him, slamming his knees into Orange’s chest as his back hit the floor, hands clasped around his throat like a prayer.
“Don’t you fucking dare say anything about him you goddamn piece of shit,” Remus snarled,  "He is nothing like them— nothing like me! And that’s… that’s none of your business! That’s what it is! Do you hear me?”
Orange just grinned, his unreadable face flickering. Remus throttled him back and forth, slamming his head into the dirty floor of his room. Orange’s face never shifted. Still cold, unreadable. Remus dug his nails into his throat. His breath came in shallow puffs.
“Do you fucking hear me?”
Someone knocked on the door quietly. Janus, probably. Remus held fast to Orange’s neck.
“Do you hear me, motherfucker? He doesn’t hate me! HE DOESN’T HATE ME!” Remus screeched. All Orange did, the absolute bastard, was raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Look at that, I got you out of bed. You should thank me, Green.”
Remus punched him in the nose as hard as he could, a loud crack echoing through the room. Orange’s blood dyed his knuckles a shifting cascade of color. 
The door quietly creaked open.
“I heard something fall, and then yelling,” Logan began carefully. "I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Remus looked up from where he knelt on the floor, hands clasping at nothing but air. Cowardly bastard had up and vanished without a trace. Even the blood had vanished from his knuckles. Logan was still looking at him, tray in his hands, angelically haloed in the light of the hallway. Remus coughed, attempting (and probably failing) to not look like he had just tried to brutally murder someone.
“Hi, Logan, what’cha got there?”
“Janus said he didn’t see you at breakfast, so I, um. Grabbed some pancakes Virgil made, and made you a little plate. Are you alright?”
Remus stood, brushing dust off of his dirty pajama pants. He hadn’t washed them in… had he ever washed them? He sat back on the edge of the bed. 
“I’m perfectly peachy, Logan.”
Logan frowned. “It’s 9… 9 something. I didn’t check the time before I came up. But I thought you’d be hungry.”
Remus tilted his head, sloshed the sludge of his brain around trying to find coherent thought. The urge to scream at Logan welled up within him, a thick feeling in his throat as if he was about to puke up a torrent of slugs. He wanted to ask him for so many things- stay with him, hold him, tell him he doesn’t hate him. He gingerly pat his bed. 
Logan stepped inside of his room, closing the door behind him. Remus turned on the lights with a clap of his hands. Logan sat (on the bed,) facing him, and set the tray between them. There was a plate of pancakes— probably banana nut, knowing Virgil— as well as two glasses of water with lemon on the rim, and an orange. Two glasses of water.
“Were you planning on eating with me?” Remus asked quietly. Logan picked up one of the glasses.
“If you wouldn’t be averse to that,” he muttered. Remus snorted.
“You know I love spending time with you.”
Logan sipped his water, the slice of lemon bumping his glasses a little. Remus couldn’t help but stare. He wanted. He wanted. He didn’t know what it was, but whatever it was, he wanted. 
“How have you been?” Remus asked. Logan swallowed a mouthful of cold water. 
“Well. And you?”
Remus picked up the fork and knife on the tray, gingerly cutting into the stack of pancakes. He poked one with a fork, and lifted it to his mouth. Banana nut, just as he’d expected. He hated the taste of banana nut, but Logan didn’t know that. 
“Good, I’ve been doing good. I couldn’t get out of bed this morning, but besides that, I’m all good. I haven’t washed my sheets in close to twenty years and I’m so glad I’m not a human or else they’d smell absolutely horrible and be covered in dead skin.”
Logan looked down at the blanket. Remus chewed slowly.
“That’s okay,” Logan mumbled.
Remus chewed, then swallowed.
“Do you still have that pearl I gave you?” He asked.
Logan sipped his water. Remus’ heart started to pound.
“Do you still have that pearl I gave you?” Remus repeated. Logan lowered the glass from his lips, then nodded.
“Of course I do. It’s beautiful, Remus.”
“Just beautiful? No little scientific quip about pearls?”
Logan opened his mouth, then closed it. He cleared his throat.
“Cleopatra, according to legend, dissolved crushed pearls in vinegar to drink them. The pearls would dissolve in the vinegar, since pearls are 85-90% calcium carbonate, which is also the main component of snail shells, and eggs. Calcium carbonate is also suspected to be found on Mars.”
“Space oysters!” Remus said between bites of pancake, “speaking of Cleopatra, how has Roman been doing? Get it, since Cleopatra fucked Caesar and Caesar was Roman, though I doubt Roman is getting any. Did you know Cleopatra made a vibrator by sticking a bunch of bees in a dildo?”
The corner of Logan’s mouth twitched up.
“That is quite an interesting fact.” “So how is he? Roman, I mean.
Logan raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, he’s been hanging out with Virgil a good deal. They were working together. I… don’t know if Roman is feeling any better, though. The two of them, surprisingly enough, seem to bring out the best and worst in one another. Roman makes Virgil brave, in an odd way.”
Remus nodded.
“I regret teaching him to cook.” 
“Who, Virgil?”
“Yes,” Remus said, “cooking’s my thing and I hate him so much and I hate Roman too, they left me, they hate me, and I hate them.”
Logan went silent.
“...Virgil made those pancakes. Do you want to move downstairs? We could make pancakes, and they wouldn’t be his.”
Remus nodded. 
“That sounds great! Are you sure the others won’t be there?”
“The kitchen has been mostly empty since Roman and Virgil’s little… escapade. It would be just the two of us.”
Remus stood, leaving the tray of food on the bed.
“Alright then! Race you to the kitchen!”
He lept off of his bed and burst through the door of his room, almost slamming into the wall before turning and running down the stairs on all fours. He toppled over his arms, and slid down the rest of the stairs on his back. His feet touched the floor, and he sprinted into the kitchen, only to find Logan already standing there.
“How the fuck?”
“I teleported,” Logan said, a small smirk lighting up his features. He still held the glass of water with a lemon slice on it, “we’re not real, remember?”
“You little shit,” Remus said with a smile. Logan raised his glass in a mock toast. Remus walked over to the cupboards, keeping his eyes on Logan the whole time. He wanted.
“The griddle is still out at least,” Remus observed, “Virgil never was one to clean up his own goddamn messes. Now sit down, unless you have an award winning pancake recipe!”
Logan sat, and said “your pancake recipe has won an award?”
Remus snorted.
“No, but Janus once told me it deserved an award.”
He knew the steps. Get the flour. Scoop some into a bowl, then baking powder, eggs, sugar… it felt like too much. He’d made it so many times. Now it felt like too much.
Logan stared at him.
“...do you wish for me to help you make them?”
“Yes, please,” Remus said, absolutely relieved, “get the flour.”
Logan stood from the table, and went over to the cabinet. He reached up, and Remus couldn’t help but stare at his arms as he got the milk and eggs out of the fridge.
“You should wear less clothes,” Remus said, “you have nothing to be ashamed of, really, you’re just as handsome as everyone else here.”
“Nobody else is here except you.”
“Are you saying I’m not handsome?” Remus teased, conjuring a bowl.
“I certainly am not.”
Logan pulled the flour down, as well as the baking powder. 
“Is there anything else we need from the cabinet?” He asked. Remus grabbed the milk, eggs and butter from the fridge.
“Salt and sugar, and the rest is moist ingredients!”
Remus used his fingers to squeeze 3 tablespoons of butter from the stick, watching Logan get all the ingredients lined up on the counter.
“How much of each ingredient do you need?”
“One point five cups flour, like, four teaspoons powder, tablespoon of sugar. You seem much more alive today, is that because the others aren’t around?”
Logan sighed.
“I constantly remind you that I have to keep up appearances in front of the others—“
“And I constantly tell you that you don’t have to listen to them. You can make them listen, too.”
Logan took out the measuring cups, starting to measure the ingredients. Remus melted the butter into the bowl with a snap of his fingers, then cracked the egg into the bowl.
“How would you suggest I go about making them listen?”
Remus giggled quietly.
“Patton’s afraid of death, right? Just threaten him. Say you’ll tear his throat out. Or stomp on his neck until he dies. And then when he comes back up you explain everything to him! Or you just scare him! Make your face all scary and spook him!”
Logan frowned.
“I don’t think that would do much for the situation, especially considering that Patton doesn’t listen to you because you scare him.”
“Have you tried asking Patton and the others to listen to you?” Remus asked, stirring the butter and eggs together. He wasn’t really focused on the recipe, just on Logan. That odd heaviness still lingered, but he tried to push past it.
“No, I don’t think so. If I did, it didn’t work.”
Remus sighed.
“My offer still stands, you know. A cottage, a castle, anything you want.”
Logan looked up at Remus, then back down at the measuring cups.
“I can’t, I’m sorry. With how much Thomas’ emotional state has been spiraling, I can’t leave him or the others unsupervised. Relations between the sides can move from arguing to breakdown inducing levels of tension.”
“When has that ever happened?”
Logan frowned. All of the ingredients sat neay measured in front of him, sat on the counter.
“Besides the memorable incidents concerning the wedding, Janus was the one who encouraged you to become more present in Thomas’ day to day life, was he not?”
Remus shrugged. He walked over to Logan, grabbing all the measuring cups and dumping them into the bowl, one by one, haphazardly mixing them together with a summoned spoon.
“I’ve always been in Thomas’ life, and I always will be. I just decided to become more present in his life, to piss off Patton and Virgil. So I’d wait until he was about to sleep, and scream my ideas into the imagination, which certainly terrified Patton and Virgil.”
Logan raised his eyebrow.
“You did all that because Janus told you too?”
Remus stared at Logan blankly.
“He’s the only person that’s always been there for me.”
An awkward silence fell between them. He mixed the contents of the bowl until all of the chunks of flour and baking powder were mixed in, making a liquid smooth batter. He considered adding blueberries or chocolate, but Logan liked simple things. Water with lemon, saffron crocuses. Remus looked over to Logan. 
“A cottage, would that be nice for you? Or would you want a more modern house with lots of bells and whistles? A smart house like that one Ray Bradbury short story, you know the ones with the lions and the kids and the lions ate the parents? I could make it in the crocus field you helped me make and you’ll have infinite saffron— you’re frowning, is that not nice? It sounds pretty nice to me.”
Logan shook his head.
“I’ve told you many, many times, I can’t.”
“Because of how your little light sides would feel?” Remus snapped, “What about how I would feel?”
“And how do you feel?” Logan asked sharply.
“I want to eat your heart,” Remus blurted. He felt his face burn. Logan blinked, staring right at him. 
“I don’t have a heart, Remus,” Logan whispered.
“What if you had a heart, if you were human? Would you let me eat it then?”
Logan looked away from him, staring down at his hands.
“If you wanted to,” Logan mumbled.
“I do,” Remus exclaimed, “with saffron and sea salt!”
Logan’s face burned bright red. His hands pressed flat against the counter, and he turned to Remus.
“It’s a damn shame I’m not human then,” Logan spoke, “because I would love every second of that.”
Without thinking, Remus dropped the bowl and the spoon, letting batter splatter all over himself and the stove. He turned, pressing himself close to Logan, placing one hand on his chest where his heart would be. It covered his shirt in batter, but Logan didn’t seem to mind.
“Then let’s pretend we are human.”
Logan turned to face him, eyes wide, and face flushed.
“Are you going to kiss me?”
Remus smirked. He leaned in, just enough to smell the coffee on Logan’s nervous breaths.
“Do you want me to?” He asked. Logan swallowed. He looked over Remus’ shoulder, then grabbed his wrist. 
“What about the others?” Logan whispered. Remus’ face fell. He set his hand on Logan’s cheek.
“If this makes you happy, the others won’t care who kisses you,” he promised. Logan smiled softly. 
“Then I want you to, Remus. Kiss me,” Logan said breathily. Remus leaned just a little closer, foot happily tapping against the ground.
Remus leaned in closer, closing the distance between them, and gently pressed his lips against Logan’s. He tasted like coffee, warm and inviting, and something very familiar. Probably spit. But it was good, because it was him, it was Logan, Logan kissing him and moving his hand from his wrist to the small of his back. Wonderful, so wonderful. Remus pulled back, just for a breath he didn’t even need, and pressed his lips to Logan’s cheeks, then his nose, his brow bone.
“Is that necessary?” Logan mumbled. Remus laughed quietly, pressing a small kiss to Logan’s eyelid. They fluttered open. Remus stared into his eyes, and cupped Logan’s cheek in his hand.
“A cabin,” Remus muttered, “a cabin where we can be alone and I can kiss you all the time, and you never have to be scared again.”
Logan sighed, leaning closer to Remus. They bumped their foreheads together, Remus wrapping his arms around Logan possessively. 
“I can’t leave. But we can still kiss,” Logan whispered.
“I’m so glad I got out of bed.”
“What the fuck is going on?!?”
Remus turned his head quicker than he ever thought he had before. There, standing in the middle of the kitchen, Virgil glared at them.
“Oh, hi Virgil, don’t you look cheerful as ever,” Remus crowed. He looked back, Logan’s face as pale as a pearl. 
“Get the fuck away from him,” Virgil ordered. Remus tilted his head.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because if you don’t, then I’ll fucking kill you.”
Remsus’ brows shot up. 
“Over what, you perpetually pissed purple pussy? Just because Logan wanted me to--” “I doubt he wanted anything from you,” Virgil growled, “what could he possibly fucking want? Get away from him. Now.”
“Why don’t you just ask--” “Get. Away.”
Remus glanced back at Logan. Any trace of emotion had vanished, replaced with that cold, stony stoicism. Remus wanted to grab him. Grab him and scream at him to say something, scream until something got through to him, scream until Logan realized that even if he did piss the light sides off, he wouldn’t be alone, they’d always have the ocean and the kitchen and one another--
“You are a really, really shitty person, Virgil. And the worst part is that I don’t even think you see it. I mean, what gives you the goddamn right to come wandering in here and tell me what to do, and assume what Logan wants?”
Virgil took a step forward. “I know that he wants nothing to do with a shitbag skunk-cunt like you.”
“Oh, what an original insult!” Remus exclaimed. He laughed, then the smile suddenly dropped from his face. ”Actually, it isn’t. That was the same thing I called you when you left me, left me behind to rot, you and fucking Roman, and you know, I know what you want with him. You want everything about him, you want to leech off the love he gets from the others since none of them fucking love you, and you know that deep down, don’t you? That nobody likes you!”
Remus reached behind him. He grabbed Logan’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Logan’s hand was limp in his grasp. Virgil glared at him. “Wow, I’d sure be hurt if you weren’t such a fucking hippocrite. At least I’m wanted. I may have my moments, sure, I can be paranoid and snappy, but that’s not my constant state of being. You’re just a rabid dog. Sure, Janus may tolerate you, but once he really figures out how useless you are, he’ll leave. I’m sure that’s why he suddenly decided to play nice with the light sides, he realized that you couldn’t do anything for him anymore-- you certainly can’t scare me or Patton-- and you’re useless to him, time to throw you away like the shitsack you are. You’re useless to everyone, you know? If you just locked yourself in your room for the rest of Thomas’ life, nothing would change. You’re Roman’s lesser half, his fucking shadow-- are you crying?”
Remus touched his face. It was wet. His feet felt like they were glued to the floor. 
“What,” Virgil mocked, a shaky smile on his face, “Can’t handle the heat? Then get the FUCK out of the kitchen!”
Remus raised his arm to throw a punch. Logan’s grip tightened on his hand.
“That is enough, both of you,” Logan said calmly. He stepped in front of Remus, letting go of his hand.
“Virgil, thank you for being vigilant, but I assure you it’s fine.” Virgil stared at Logan’s chest. His usually neat dress shirt had a messy stain in the shape of a hand, right over his heart. “Did he hurt you?” Virgil asked.
“He didn’t hurt me, I’m okay. We were having a simple conversation, nothing more.”
Remus stared at him sadly. He wiped his face with the back of his hand. They weren’t just talking, they had something. They kissed, for gods sake, they kissed--
Remus grabbed Logan’s shoulders and spun him around. He slammed Logan against the table, and kissed him deep and hard, desperate. Logan’s hand pushed against his chest. Remus could feel Virgil’s hands grab his shirt and yank, the collar choking him, but he didn’t need air or water or food, he didn’t need anything but Logan, his Logan--
Logan shoved him away with both hands, staring at him sadly. As if he was nothing but a hurt animal. 
“Virgil, let go,” Logan said. Virgil let go of his shirt with a quiet grumble.
Remus stared at Logan. He backed away, until he could feel the stove against his back, the heat of the griddle.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Virgil shouted. Remus stared at the floor. If Virgil said anything else, it was lost in the dark tidal wave of emotion that hit Remus. He didn’t even know what it was. He was drowning, and the water was devoid of any life. Dark, too dark, too cold. He shook. A sudden heat jolted up his arm-- when had he set his hand on the griddle? He could smell his skin cooking. Bubbling. He watched Logan. He said he wanted to kiss him, he said he wanted him to, and they kissed and it was so wonderful. Virgil left. Logan walked out behind him. His palm burned on the griddle.
“What’s cooking?” 
Remus looked up. Orange sat in front of him at the kitchen table, straddling a chair. Remus stared at him, trying to see past whatever Orange did to make himself imperceptible, but his form kept on shifting in dizzying spirals of color, like oil on water. Remus slowly raised his hand from the griddle. If he was human, the skin would be white and blistered, maybe even peeling in a few places. But just like Logan, he wasn’t human. His hand was fine.
“A heart,” Remus mumbled, “and I’m eating it with saffron and sea salt.”
Orange tilted his head.
“There’s no need to repeat yourself, Remus. I heard everything. And I’m here to say that I told you Indigo would leave.”
Remus moved without thinking. He rushed at Orange. Instead, he collided with a chair, sending it clattering to the ground.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” Remus screamed. 
“No you won’t, because you know I’m right. I’ve always been right.” This time, Orange sat atop the counter. Remus summoned his morningstar with a flick of his wrist.
“No you’re not, you’re not right,” Remus growled. He swung at Orange. Orange vanished into thin air before it could even come close to hitting, the heavy iron ball instead slamming into the counter. It cracked the counter, and sent flour flying.
“I’ve always been right, Remus!” Orange said from in front of the fridge. He leaned against it oh so casually, “I’ve been right that you’re only playing house because you think they’ll all leave. Well, look at you now. Making pancakes, right? How sweet.” Remus swung again. The morning star collided with the fridge. It dented the door, and made a horrible screech of metal on metal. He pulled back, ready to strike again.
“You believe that Indigo deserves to be listened to no matter what, correct?” Orange asked. He laid on the table. Remus swung. The morning star collided with wood, splintering the wood.
“I take that as a yes,” Orange said. He was back on the table. Remus swung again. It hit the table in the same place as last time.
“Fucking stay still!” Remus screamed.
“You think he should be listened to no matter what he says or does. No matter who he truly is. And yet, you hold yourself back.” For the third time, the morningstar slammed into the table. This time, it broke through, splitting the table in two. Splintered wood flew in every direction.
“You cook because that makes you palatable,” Orange repeated. He sat on the stove. Swing. The griddle broke under the force of the morning star.
“But you aren’t.”
Swing. Miss. Break.
“You are a monster, that’s how you were made, that is who you are.”
Swing. Miss. Break. 
“You’re really good at swinging that thing around. Did you know that Lucifer was called the Morning Star? And he got punted out of heaven for defying God. His brother was an angel, I believe.”
Remus stilled, panting. Orange stood on the countertop, back pressed against the cabinets, 
“You’re nothing like them. You are the parts of humans that they hate, the beast in the brain, a reminder that humans evolved from animals. They hate you, Remus. They all do. Because they don’t understand you.”
Remus’ hands tightened around the morning star. Orange tilted his head.
“If Indigo loved you, wouldn’t he have said it by now?”
He hefted up the morningstar, and swung recklessly at Orange. The wood of the cabinet splintered and cracked. Glass shattered with a massive crash, like a wave hitting the shore, and millions of glinting shards flew at him, some sticking in his skin and others harmlessly bouncing on the tiles. 
“You are so much more than what they think you are,” Orange said, breath tickling the back of Remus’ neck, “so why try to make them like you? Do you really care that much about them? They’ve done nothing but abandon you, Remus. Over and over again. Nothing has or will change that.”
Remus whipped around, morningstar in hand, but Orange was gone. Remus dropped the morningstar. It clattered to the ground with a thud. He opened his mouth to scream, but no words came out. Nothing came out. He shakily walked to the destroyed table, and sat down on a chair. He looked around. Broken glass littered the floor. The stove had a massive dent in it, and the griddle had been snapped in two. The fridge had a dent, the counters had a dent and harsh scratches from his mace’s spikes, and the realization that he did that just because Orange made him angry made bile rush up his throat.
He didn’t scream or cry or vomit. Just stared at the mess he’d made.
Really, he’d made a mess. Maybe Logan didn’t want to kiss him. Maybe it was an experiment to him, like that stupid fucking schedule that had started this all, made Logan come to the kitchen, see him cooking…
Remus closed his eyes.
When he opened them, he sat on the edge of his dock, watching the glowing waves crash against the shore without end. The place he’d shared with Logan, offered him everything he wanted. Their skin was pale under the moonlight. Remus pulled his knees up to his chest.
He still owed Janus rabbit. He’d make it, then that would be the end, and he’d never set foot in that fucking kitchen again.
He watched the waves.
Tag list: @alexalexisalexej @breezy-skribblz @the-real-comically-insane @gravestone-monarch @heartwitchhouse @appleflavoredkitkats
82 notes · View notes
makoodlesarchive · 5 years
a gift
pairing: bakugou x reader
summary: drunk reader finds a kitten in an alleyway and brings it home to surprise their boyfriend bakugou. it doesn’t quite go to plan
word count: 2030
i uploaded this last night but apparently it didn’t work properly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  so here we go again
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It was possible, that you were maybe, a little bit drunk. 
You stumbled a little on a kerb, but managed to keep yourself on your feet as you clutched the little furry bundle in your arms to your chest. A quiet giggle bubbled out of your lips, but you kept hurrying along in the darkness - it really wasn’t a good idea to be out on your own at night on the streets, especially while drunk, but it had been your coworkers birthday party and you would have felt guilty if you had missed it. Still, maybe the rum had been a bad idea.
Your pocket was buzzing. You squinted down at it, puzzled. It buzzed twice more before you realised it must be your phone ringing, and then you fumbled to answer it one-handed. “Hello.” you said, hoping you sounded at least a little sensible.
There was a pause, before you heard. “[Y/N]?” 
“Katsuki!” you tried to whisper, but it came out far too loud. You frowned, puzzled, then tried again. “Katsu-ki!” it came out quieter that time and you smiled, satisfied.
“Where are you?” he sounded irritated, but you knew him well enough to be able to hear the subtle undercurrent of amusement in his tone.
“On my way home.” The furry little bundle in your arms squirms a little, and you peer down at it in delight. “I have a gift for you!”
“Mhm.” you turn left at the donut shop on the corner, and put a little more speed in your step as you come up to your apartment. “I found it in an alley, just now.”
“You’re bringing me something you found in a fucking alley as a gift? How fuckin’ drunk are you?”
“Tipsy!” you correct with a frown. You struggle for a moment to find the keys to the front door with one hand, the other arm cradling your precious find while your shoulder kept the phone pressed against your head. “Are you coming over?”
“It’s 2am, idiot.”
“Okay.” you say easily, keeping your voice low as you slip in the front door; the walls are thin in your building, and the last thing you need is Mrs Namamoto from down the hall giving you another lecture on keeping the noise down. You don’t think you’ll ever forgive her for her claims that your ‘heavy gait’ keeps her awake at night. 
“Tch.” Bakugo said, then paused for a long moment. When he spoke again, there was a vein of forced casualness in his voice. “I’m on my way.”
“You don’t have to.” You press the button for the elevator, listening to the rattling sounds of it approaching.
“Fuck off. I’ll be there in a few.”
“I can just see you tomorrow, Katsi.” you say as the elevator arrives and you absently press the button for your floor. “It’s no big deal, you don’t have to go out of your way or anything.” Fatigue has hit you now, probably as a result of the alcohol. You feel sleepy, and listening to Katsuki’s deep, rumbly voice always has a way of relaxing you further.
“Whatever, asshole. I’m nearby anyway.” 
You smiled at the tinny sound of the wind whistling through the phone. “Nearby? At 2am?”
“You got a problem with that, fucker?” Katsuki said, a little bit too fast and a little bit too breathlessly for it to be entirely believable. 
You laugh a little as you step out onto your floor, and as you step up to your door the little animal in your arms stirs. You had found the kitten in the alleyway outside the bar your work friends had been in, where she had been rustling through the garbage rummaging for something to eat. Scooping her up and bringing her home had seemed like the right thing to do - she was so small and thin, you didn’t like to think of what might happen to her if she was left on her own in that dank alley. 
“Hello, pretty baby.” you coo as the kitten blinks up at you, slow and lazy. The alcohol turns your words a little syrupy and they slip out slower than you’d intended, but at least you’re not slurring.
”Who are you talking to?” Katsuki asks, a little suspicious now.
“Hm?” you ask, heading for your small living room. You had almost forgotten you were still on the phone, distracted by the little ball of fur in your arms. “You’ll see in a few minutes!” Your balance is a little off, but you manage to curl up on your beat up old couch without disturbing the kitten.
The sound of Katsuki’s impatient tongue clicking sounds distant over the phone, but the familiarity of it still makes you smile. You position the kitten carefully on your chest, making soft little cooing sounds to try and keep her docile and unafraid; it seems to work, because she lays passively just below the hollow of your throat, taking in her surroundings with dark eyes. She’s such a sweet little thing, so mild and gentle.
“Few blocks away now, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
You hum, satisfied at the thought of seeing your boyfriend in a few short minutes. “Guess you weren’t that close by at all, huh?” you laugh a little as Katsuki grumbles, and run a hand down the kitten’s skinny back. The fur is oily and a little matted in some places, no doubt as a result of the time she spent on the street. Your heart goes out to her, and you sigh quietly as you pet her. She doesn’t purr, which you find a little odd, but then you consider the fact that this might be her first contact with humans and you get sad all over again.
You doze off, just for a few moments, but come back fully into wakefulness at the sound of the door to your apartment creaking open. The kitten has fallen into a light doze of her own, and so you sit up with the utmost care as you watch your boyfriend slide into the living room. “Katsuki.” you whisper, beaming as your thumb strokes the length of the kitten’s back.
“Did I wake you-” he begins, but he breaks off as soon as he turns his eyes your way.
Your beam just gets bigger, and you gaze at him excitedly. “It’s a kitten!”
Katsuki stands frozen, still half bent over from toeing his shoes off. His mouth hangs open, his forehead scrunched. It’s not his usual scowl. “Ah.” he says, sounding strangled.
Your smile falters a little, confused by his unenthusiastic reaction. You had thought he would be more excited - the more you sober up though, the more you start to wonder if your lack of impulse control had impaired your judgement. It might have been the rum, either. “I want to keep her.”
“[Y/N].” Katsuki says, approaching slowly. You frown at him, a little bewildered at the uncharacteristic caution he was displaying; it’s not as though you were going to attack him. “That… is a rat.”
You gasp, scandalised, and pull away from him as he approaches, clutching the kitten to your breast. “Katsuki!” you snap. “How could you say that? She’s underfed and a little ragged, maybe, but she’s been living on the streets! She just needs a little love and care! What the hell is wrong with you!”
“With me?!” Katsuki shouts reflexively, then squeezes his eyes shut tight and takes a deep, forced breath. When he speaks again his eyes remain shut, but his voice is steadier. “Babe. That’s a rat. Give it to me now. It might be diseased.”
You stare at him, hurt, bewildered, and still a little tipsy. “I think I know what a rat looks like, Katsuki.” you sniff, but you can’t help the doubt that begins to creep in and you steal a look down at the kitten(?) that is still laying pliantly in your arms. Grey/black fur, little pink nose, rounded ears, long hairless tail. 
You blink at her, feeling a bit betrayed. “Right. Okay. Hm. This is a rat.”
“Give it to me.” Katsuki says, his voice stiff with forced calm.
“No!” you blurt, holding the kitten rat protectively. “I rescued her.”
Katsuki’s shoulders twitch, his jaw clenching against his aborted movement. His calm is beginning to crack around the edges. “I think,” he growls, “It was probably happy where it was. Give it to me, before it decides to go feral and chew your dumb face off.”
He’s right, obviously, but you still frown. You can’t help but feel protective over the little guy. “Lots of people have pet rats.”
“Yeah, but not sewer rats found in alleyways, idiot.” Katsuki’s calm facade fractures, but the look he shoots down at the rat in your arms is a combination of panic and disgust with very little of his usual annoyance mixed in. “Has it scratched you anywhere? Or bitten you? You could get really fucking sick.”
“No.” you say quickly, adjusting your hold on the dozing animal. “She’s been a perfect angel!”
Now it’s Katsuki’s jaw that twitches from where he’s clenching it so tight. “Of course it has.”
“I don’t see why she can’t stay.” you say, scratching the rat behind its ear. She flicks her tail, but otherwise sits placidly still.
“Because it’s a rat!”
“I let you stay!”
Katsuki’s nostrils flare dangerously. “At least I ain’t gonna eat you in your sleep!”
You pout. “Aw.”
Katsuki momentarily looks like he’s going to explode, his palms sparking ominously until he clenches them tight into fists. “Let it sleep on the fire escape.” he says at last, apparently having come to the conclusion that you’re not going to back down about this. “Decide whether you’re gonna keep the gross fuckin’ thing in the morning.”
You bite at your lip sharply, thinking. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that your ridiculous, emotionally-constipated boyfriend is worried about you, and you don’t like causing him stress. Besides, his suggestion really isn’t all that bad. You just hope the little guy will be there in the morning and that she doesn’t wander off in the night. “Okay.” you say quietly, and a little reluctantly.
Katsuki exhales, quick and sharp, then stands to make room as you move off the couch, still clutching the rat. “Don’t let it fuckin’ bite you.” he says, hovering at your shoulder as you move toward the still open window. “Watch it!”
You set the rat down very gently on the fire escape, and watch as it moves immediately to the corner and begins sniffing around. Now that you’re looking at it from a bit of a distance, you’re really not altogether sure how you had mistaken it for a kitten; you supposed you could blame that on the rum, too. “She’s a good rat.”
“Right.” says Katsuki, a little doubtfully. He frowns mistrustfully at the rodent, who has started to wash its face with its paws, and then at you when you awww over it. “You’re such a dumbass. D’you know how many diseases they carry? It’d be fuckin’ embarrassing if you’d had to be hospitalised cause you got scratched by some gross rat.”
“Lucky I didn’t then, hm?” you smile in an attempt to appease him.
His scowl remains fixed for a moment or two, then his shoulders relax and he presses a kiss to your temple. “Don’t put yourself at risk like that again.” he says seriously, then adds hesitantly, “It was...a nice thought, I guess. I want a better present next time.”
Grinning, you reach up to cradle his face, only for him to catch you by the wrists. “Shower first.” he says, grimacing at your hands and making you laugh for real. The sound of your laughter pulls a genuine warm smile from him as he directs you towards the bathroom.
It’s when you reach the bathroom that you hear a low chuckle, and you look back to see Katsuki shaking his head a little. “What?”
It’s Katsuki’s turn to grin at you, his white teeth flashing in the dim bathroom light. “I’m just thinking about how much Kirishima is going to love this story.”
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arcticfox007 · 4 years
The Wych Elm and the Cemetery
Happy Christmas @aibari! I’m you’re secret santa and I hope you enjoy your gift!
Thanks to @destielsecretsanta2020 for putting all of this together :)
Wishlist fulfilled: Angst with a Happy Ending, Case Fic, Weird Small Towns (well city in this case), Weird Angel Lore, Hand holding, and Americana (I tried to work in as much as I could) – if you want specific info on all of the Americana I tied in, check out my endnotes on AO3 😊 Also, @aibari I’m happy to list you as the giftee on AO3 if you have a name over there.
The is roughly set during early Season 12, but I’m not married to canon or anything.
               Dean wasn’t easily impressed these days, but even he had to admit that the tree growing out of the grave was unlike anything he’d come across before. The historic cemetery in the middle of Missouri had its fair share of trees, but they had come here for this one. Cas stood next to him looking like he was attempting to interrogate the tree with his mind. For a moment Dean was distracted by the angel, smiling a bit at the memory of the time Cas had insisted on interrogating a cat. Luckily, Cas had gotten better at blending in, so at least he wasn’t actively asking the tree questions. There was the sound of someone clearing their throat to Dean’s other side and Dean directed his attention back to the cemetery’s caretaker, Mrs. Paige.
               “I’m not sure why the FBI would be interested in something like this.” The older woman sniffed and looked at both Cas and Dean suspiciously. Dean turned on the charm and gave her a warm smile.
               “Unfortunately, we aren’t at liberty to discuss the details of the case, but we’d appreciate anything you can tell us about this tree Mrs. Paige, or the woman who was killed, Louisa Abbot.”
                We’d also like any information you might have on the person who was buried here,” Castiel interrupted. “Most of the marker seems to be missing, perhaps destroyed by the sudden growth of this tree.”
               “Well, I can certainly get you the information on who was buried here, this was one of our more famous gravesites. The man buried here died in the early 1800s, he is one of two Revolutionary War veterans laid to rest in the cemetery, his name was William Abbot. I believe he held the rank of Captain. The Boone Historical Society may have more information about him, but he is one of the earliest burials in the cemetery and a lot of those records have been lost over the years.” Mrs. Paige chewed on her lower lip for a moment, staring along with Dean at the tree once again. “The tree will have to be removed to restore Captain Abbot’s grave.”
               “Was Captain Abbot an ancestor of the victim?” Cas’ question caught Dean off guard. There was something strangely mesmerizing about the massive twisting trunk rising out of the ground exactly where the remains of Captain Abbot would have been. Dean registered that Cas and the caretaker were continuing to talk, but Dean stepped away to examine the tree more carefully. It’s roots, on the surface at least, didn’t seem to spread out much. Rather they seemed to go straight down into the Earth. Its trunk was thick enough to have been there for hundreds of years despite having only appeared a few days ago. The tree itself was knotted in appearance, with ugly, twisted branches shooting out in all directions. For some reason it occurred to Dean that the tree looked like it was screaming in pain. Dean jumped when he suddenly felt Cas’ hand on his shoulder.
              “Dean. Are you listening?” Dean pulled his eyes away from the tree and turned towards Cas who continued to keep his hand on Dean’s shoulder.
               “Ah, no, sorry. This,” Dean waved vaguely at the impressive scene before them, “is kind of distracting.” Cas nodded seriously. Dean noticed that the caretaker had left, but was distracted again by Cas pulling his hand back. They always touched a bit longer than was probably normal, but Dean still regretted the loss of the warmth on his shoulder.
               “Mrs. Paige said that the victim may have been a descendant of Captain Abbot, but she wasn’t sure. She suggested the Historical Society again, if we needed further information. She did say that she knew Louisa Abbot when she was a teenager. She was one of several teenagers she used to call the police on for breaking into the cemetery after hours to party. Mrs. Paige said she hadn’t really seen her in more recent years.
               “Is there any way to tell if the good Captain is still here?” Dean waved towards the roots of the tree. Cas shook his head. “Ah well, I’d be surprised if they were still here. I guess we better find out what exactly Louisa Abbot was into.” They started walking back towards the car.
               “I agree. I’d also like more information on the tree. I know it’s a type of elm, but I’m not sure of the significance, if there is any.”
               “Call Sam and get him to work on it.” Cas let out an exasperated huff in response to Dean’s delegation of research to his brother.
               “Dean. The entire reason we are here without Sam is so he can rest. He needs to sleep to get over the flu, especially since he refused to let me heal him. I am more than capable of finding the information, perhaps while you visit the historical society.”
               “Alright. You want me to drop you off at the library?”
               “That would be acceptable.” Cas paused to look out over the cemetery again before opening the passenger side door of the Impala. Dean noticed the angel’s hesitation.
               “Everything okay man?” Castiel turned towards Dean upon hearing his words and Dean notices the sadness that ghosts across the angel’s face. “Seriously, Cas, what’s going on with you? You seem more, I dunno, out of it than usual.”
               “I – this place is a lot like the cemetery where Mary was originally buried. I don’t like the memory of you leaving to die.” Cas looks away abruptly and climbs into the passenger seat. Dean is at a loss for words, so he doesn’t say anything at all. He drops Cas off at the library with all the things left unsaid hanging between them.
               It’s off season for the small college town, most of the students having gone home for winter break, so the hunters end up with better than normal accommodations. Dean is more than happy to discover a decent grill-themed restaurant practically in the parking lot of their hotel, and Cas is happy to wait until his companion is content with food before telling him what he’d found during his time in the library. Dean talks ideally about the pie store the server had told him about, wondering if they’ll have time to check it out before they leave. Cas lets Dean talk, he finds himself still grateful that he can have these moments, he truly thought he was going to lose him in the attempt to destroy Amara.
               Ever since Castiel’s brief time as a human he’s found that the emotions he’d been slowly acquiring over the years have amplified at a rate that he has had difficulty adjusting to. He’d hoped at the beginning that regaining his grace would have given him back some of the control that had spiraled away from him, but he can’t help but dwell on almost losing Dean.
               When they reach their room, Dean opts to take a shower before swapping case notes so Cas tries to take that time to compose himself. When given moments away from Dean, where there is a chance for quiet, the angel forces himself to let the feelings he has for the infuriating man wash over him. He lets himself feel the pain at having to let him go up against Amara alone. He lets himself feel the overwhelming joy at seeing him alive once again. He lets himself feel how much he’s fallen in love with the beautiful human being. He recalls talking to Anna at the beginning of what would become his fall, her telling him it only gets worse. He has no doubt now that she wasn’t just referring to his struggle with doubt. An angel that can feel things akin to a human can easily become overwhelmed. They were not built for these sensations, and so, every time Castiel lets go to indulge in the wash of his emotions he pulls on his grace and works to reign them in one at a time. By the time Dean emerges from the shower Castiel has regained some semblance of stoicism.
               “So, this lady at the historical society was great. She apparently teaches genealogy classes for free to the public or something, so she was able to pull up the victim’s ancestry pretty fast. Captain Abbot was her ancestor all right, so at least we have that connection. Couldn’t find much out about the family besides that, so we should talk to Louisa’s next of kin tomorrow. I think the police report said she had a sister locally.” Castiel agrees to the plan and pulls out some information he had printed at the library.
               “The tree is called a ‘Wych Elm’ and is a common wood used to build coffins, which may explain it’s presence. It’s possible, if Captain Abbot’s coffin was made from this wood, that whatever spell was cast had the side effect of growing a new tree from the wood.” Dean raises his eyebrows skeptically when Cas shares this information.
               “It’s called a witch elm Cas; do you really think it’s there because of the coffin wood?” Castiel rolls his eyes at his companion.
               “W-Y-C-H Dean, not witch. It means pliable, it’s named for the characteristic of the wood. But no, to answer your question. I doubt it has anything to do with the coffin wood. It’s not a tree common to this area.” Dean waves his hand to indicate Castiel should continue. “You are not the only one to mistake the name of the tree for something else. More recent lore does associate the tree with actual witches as many of them seem to like these trees as ritualistic sites. The rest of the lore associates them with melancholy and death, especially because the trees are known for unexpectedly dropping branches and injuring the unsuspecting people standing below them.”
               “Yeah, okay. Does that mean that Louisa was some sort of witch, and grew the tree there on purpose?” Cas thinks about Dean’s suggestion for a few moments.
               “Possibly. The other thing these trees are known for is guarding the entrance to Hades, so it may also be a result of an attempt to raise the dead. I cannot be certain as this seems unlike any other necromantic ritual I’ve heard of. I am also uncertain at to the motivation of raising someone who died over two centuries ago, as the more recent dead are usually preferrable to necromancers.”
               “Alright, well there’s not much more we can do tonight.” Castiel nods and watches Dean dig through his bag. Dean hesitates for a moment and Castiel begins to wonder if he forgot something at the bunker. Dean shakes his head and pulls a bundle out of his bag, tossing it to Castiel.
               “Here, I forgot I brought this for you.” Dean looks expectantly at the angel as Cas looks at the material in his hands.  
                “Clothing? Dean, I have no need to change clothes.” Castiel’s confusion is evident on his face. Dean sighs rubs the back of his neck.
                 “I know man. Just try though, you’re more human-like than before with Heaven losing power. I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I noticed that you eat more often, and even sleep sometimes. I think you’ll actually appreciate relaxing in something that isn’t a suit and trench coat.” Cas looks at the clothing in his hands, dismayed that Dean has seen the weakening of his connection to Heaven. He hadn’t wanted Dean to think him less capable but at the same time he’s touched by the thought the man had put into the angel’s situation.
                 “Thank you, Dean. I will try.” Castiel goes into the bathroom to change and when he emerges, he finds Dean sitting on one of the beds flipping through TV channels. Dean slides over, indicating that Cas should sit down as the TV is only visible from the one bed. Dean complains that the only thing on is a Law & Order marathon because the hotel doesn’t have a streaming service on the TV. Cas doesn’t mind though, sharing the bed to watch television gives him an excuse to watch over Dean as he sleeps without Dean complaining about it. Even nicer is how Dean falls asleep gradually in the middle of an episode and doesn’t seem to notice how he curls into Cas’ side as he does it. Cas smiles and allows his feelings to wash over him again as he thinks about how the softer PJs must be more comfortable for Dean to lay on.
                  The following evening found the hunter and the angel at a place called Warm Springs Ranch. When they called Louisa’s sister, she told them she could talk during her break. The ranch ran some sort of Christmas event and Janice Abbot was one of the people in charge of it. Dean tried to play it cool, but he couldn’t help getting a bit excited over the chance to see the Budweiser Clydesdales. He did remind Cas that interrogating the horses was unnecessary to which he had received one of the angel’s full body eyerolls. Dean would never admit it out loud, but he really enjoyed Cas’ sarcasm. He thought the eyerolling was kind of adorable.
               Dean hadn’t meant to spend last night half snuggling with his best friend, but Cas didn’t seem to mind so he wasn’t going to worry about it. Dean figured his secret crush on the guy was his problem, not the angel’s – as long as it didn’t mess up their friendship it wasn’t worth agonizing over.
               They had unexpectedly spent the morning at the morgue. There was another strange death last night, something had eaten the victim’s spleen. They’d only received a call about it because the original victim, Louisa, had also been missing her spleen along with several other organs and most of her blood. If it was the same creature it certainly seemed to enjoy the bloodier organs of the body. The only other thing the victims had in common was proximity to the cemetery. The most recent victim had visited the cemetery the previous day according to her wife.
               After that trip, they had gotten access to Louisa’s duplex and were now in agreement that she had been a practicing witch dabbling in necromancy. Cas had been on the phone with Rowena during the drive to the ranch giving her a rundown on the information they had in the hopes that she could help then understand more of what was going on. Eventually Cas had given in and called Sam, admitting that the younger Winchester had a much easier time getting Rowena’s cooperation.
               When they finally arrived at the front of the line of cars entering the ranch, Dean began to understand why there was a crowd. The lights draped everywhere were impressive and Dean was happy to note that Cas seemed taken in by the display. It always cheered Dean up to see Castiel happy, it felt like those instances were all too rare in their line of work. Dean and Cas showed their badges at the entrance and asked where they could find Janice. They were directed to a side road for staff and Dean noticed the small frown of Cas’ face.
               “Hey, want to ask if we can drive through the light display if we have time before we leave? It looks kinda awesome.” Castiel didn’t exactly smile but Dean could tell the suggestion pleased him. Dean wasn’t always sure why, but he was much better at reading Castiel than anyone else. Dean drove around to the back to park his car in what he assumed was the employee parking lot. They made their way through the staff entrance and asked around until they found Louisa’s sister.
                “I honestly don’t know what I can tell you guys that I haven’t already told the other cops. I’m sorry she’s dead but Louisa and I were not close. She and I have barely spoken since we were kids. She was friends with some really weird people and did a lot of drugs when we were younger. I’m really not surprised she ended up dead in a cemetery.” Janice was clearly frustrated at her sister’s death and the notoriety it had brought with it. They did manage to find out the names of some of the ‘weird’ friends Louisa hung out with but beyond that she had been more than happy to offer them free access to the Christmas event just to be rid of them.
                Dean was fairly certain the interview had been a dead end outside of assuring himself the sister wasn’t also a witch, but he didn’t feel their time had been wasted as he watched Cas roam through the stables. Cas attracted the few colts in residence leading to the kids in attendance following him around so they could see the young horses up close. Dean felt a soft warmth spread out from his chest as he watched his best friend talk with both the children and the colts. The children didn’t think anything of Cas having conversations with horses.
              They eventually made their way back to the car and drove through the light display. Maybe they should have talked about the case, but Dean didn’t want to ruin the moment. Cas gazed out at the decorations with a look of quiet contentment on his face and Dean reached for the angel’s hand without thinking about it. Cas threaded his fingers through Dean’s without even turning away from the window.
             Later that night, after grabbing burgers at a drive thru, they poured through the case notes together hoping to find something they had been missing. Dean didn’t even remember falling asleep until he woke up to Cas rolling him onto a pillow and laying a blanket on him. He mumbled a drowsy thank you and sunk into a dreamless slumber.
               Cas thought that maybe it was a mistake, but after last night he didn’t want to be away from Dean. Once he had pulled a blanket over his exhausted friend, Cas changed into the pajamas Dean had given him again and laid down beside him. He stayed above the covers and just watched Dean sleep. He didn’t tell Dean anymore that he’d watch over him as he didn’t enjoy being called creepy. Dean didn’t seem to understand that watching was part of who Castiel was as an angel. While he had rebelled and fallen it didn’t change his need to watch over the man he pulled out of hell. It would be like going to long without air for a human. Cas needed to watch Dean, to protect him, to assure himself that he was safe.
                He noticed Dean shivering despite the blanket draped over him and Castiel found himself giving into another impulse that he wasn’t sure Dean would appreciate. He pulled on the smallest amount of his grace to give some substance to his wings and dropped one of them on top of the man he loved. They were broken and battered, but over the years they had healed enough to fill out a bit. Dean quieted as he felt the weight of the wing, and Cas saw a small smile ripple across his face. The angel would just have to pull his wings back from the physical realm before Dean woke up, but it was worth the grace to keep Dean more comfortable as he slept.
               Dean opened his eyes in the morning to find a sleeping angel next to him. He froze as soon as he saw Cas there, more worried that the angel had fallen asleep than about the fact that Dean was all to happy to wake up to his best friend lying beside him. He reached over to see if he could wake Cas up and ran into – feathers? Dean quickly rubbed his hands over his face and woke up more definitively. Yup, those were feathers. Large, gorgeous, black feathers that shimmered like obsidian in the sunlight. It was as if every color that had ever existed had come together to create the shimmering black of Castiel’s wings. While concerned about why Cas was sleeping and why his wings were manifested when Dean had only ever seen shadows, Dean couldn’t help but be enthralled with the things. His hand reached out to pet the one blanketing him before he actually thought about it. He had just enough time to appreciate how amazingly soft they felt before Castiel awoke with a gasp. The wing pulled back suddenly and Cas was sitting up staring at Dean in shock.
               “Sorry, sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean anything by it, they were just so amazing… I’m so sorry Cas!” Dean held up his hands trying to placate the angel as he also sat up. Cas looked at his wings as if he had just realized they were physically present. Surprise travelled over his features and with a roll of Cas’ shoulders the wings disappeared. Dean tried not to look as disappointed as he felt. Cas turned back to Dean and briefly touched his jaw.
               “It’s alright Dean. I was just surprised. They were manifested more than I intended and the sensation of you touching them was unexpected.”
               “Did I hurt you?”
               “No, like I said it was just unexpected, not harmful. I apologize, I didn’t mean for them to be out for so long.” Dean was surprised to note that Cas looked embarrassed.
               “I – I’m glad I got to see them. They’re fucking awesome Cas, the shadows were badass enough, but wow. If I had known you could manifest them like that, I’d have been begging you to show me for years.” Cas laughed and the tension between them evaporated. Dean got ready in the bathroom and found Cas back in his regular clothing hanging up the phone when he’d finished brushing his teeth.
               “Rowena thinks she knows what happened, or at least some of it. She’s not completely sure about the role of the Wych Elm, but she did say that it’s likely we will need to use wood from the tree to kill the creature that was raised.”
               “Did she say what it is?” Cas nodded in response to Dean’s question.
               “She thinks Louisa was trying to make her own vampire. Ties of blood are necessary for control and the age of the corpse increases the power of the risen dead in a ritual like this. Rowena said that no one tries this type of thing though, because the amount of power and control needed are astronomical. She said she wouldn’t try it herself, that there are easier ways to get a loyal servant. Then she said something about how maybe Louisa didn’t have the ‘assets’ Rowena had?” Dean broke into laughter and Cas tilted his head in puzzlement. Dean always enjoyed Cas’ air quotes.
               “Don’t worry about it, Cas. Okay, so Louisa was trying to make her own breed of vampire.”
               “It would seem so. Obviously, she wasn’t successful, and not just in regards to her lack of control. Whatever the creature technically is, it’s not just drinking blood.” Dean chewed over Cas’ words as the angel did something on the laptop. All Dean could think is that this thing seemed to be some sort of zombie vampire. It didn’t really make a difference though, as long as they had a way to kill it. Or re-kill it as it were.
               “So, Rowena said we can use the Wych Elm wood to kill the thing?” Cas didn’t even look up from the screen to answer Dean’s question.
               “Not exactly. She said it had to be the specific tree that grew out of the grave. She also said it wouldn’t be enough by itself. I’m looking at the spell now.” Dean decided to leave Cas to it and work on getting their gear together. It was still a vampire after all, even if it was some sort of mutant version.
               “Dean. I think this will work. Dead man’s blood should still help to incapacitate it. We also need the ashes of it’s creator and the blessing of the divine.” Dean widened his eyes at that list, but he supposed it was doable. They could steal Louisa’s body from the morgue if necessary. “We use the spell to seal the ingredients into the wood of the elm. Then we have to stab the creature with the elm wood through its heart.”
               “So, we have to stake the vampire? Seriously?” Dean was amused at the idea of staking a vampire actually working.
               “Yes, Dean. Afterwards I’d still suggest decapitation and burning whatever is left, just to make sure it stays dead.” Cas closed the laptop and pushed it aside.
               “Sure. You have a plan for blessing of the divine?” Cas smiled at Dean.
               “That’s easy enough.” Cas didn’t even warn Dean, one moment he’s standing there looking at the angel expectantly, the next he has a faceful of feathers.
               “Um, I thought you didn’t want me touching them.” Dean couldn’t see Castiel, but he could hear him snickering. Dean pushed the wing away from his eyes in time to see Cas laughing at him.
               “I said it was unexpected, not that I minded you touching. Anyway, this will work.” Dean watches as Cas runs his finger through the feathers and finds one that comes loose. In between one blink and the next the wings are hidden once again. Cas hold a single feather in his hand, the echo of his earlier laughter still present in his smile.
               “What about the ashes? Do we need to break into the morgue?”
               “We don’t need a specified amount; we can get away with most anything. Maybe just hair or something small, we needn’t steal an entire corpse.” Dean sighs in relief, that’s one less complication.
               “Well let’s head out then, I’d like this taken care of before sunset. Wait, how are we going to find the thing anyway? You think it’s prowling around the cemetery?” Cas nods.
               “Yes, Dean. Rowena seems to think it’s probably tied to the elm and with the other victim also being close to the area I’m inclined to agree with her. Using the tree for the spell may even be enough to draw it to us. If you want to drop me off at the cemetery, I can start preparing everything while you get the ashes.” Dean agrees and grabs his keys.
               Cas is somewhat relieved to be dropped off at the cemetery. While Dean hadn’t reacted poorly to being draped in an angel wing this morning, or the fact that Cas was asleep in the same bed, he couldn’t help feeling that he had been pushing things too far. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep while also solidifying his wings. He needed to conserve his grace for more important tasks. While Castiel was truly content to just be a part of Dean’s life it was difficult to remind himself that he could not have more, especially with his poor control over the very human-like emotions he now experienced. What was really tipping him over the edge though, was how Dean kept reacting. Dean did not react with anger or defensiveness when he found himself in situations that hinted of a more intimate relationship with Cas. He acted as if it were normal and even welcome. It surprised Cas, but it also gave him some of the hope that he had never really allowed himself to have. It was distracting, which made it all the better that he would be prepping the spell by himself.
               Cas collected a branch from the Wych Elm growing out of Captain Abbot’s grave, mindful of the tree’s reputation for dropping branches on unsuspecting passersby. Then Cas took a few moments to make sure the caretaker knew that he and his partner may be around afterhours because of the attack yesterday and was happy to find out that she had already decided to stay with a friend until she felt safer. Cas made quick work of the elm branch, pleased with how easy it was to shape into a stake. The sun would set soon so Castiel got to work engraving the sigil they would need directly into the tree trunk. Once Dean brought the last ingredient it should only take them a few minutes to complete everything. With any luck the vampire would come to them.
               He was so absorbed in creating the sigil that he almost didn’t hear the movement behind him in time.
               As usual, things had not gone according to plan. Dean had arrived to see Cas holding the mutant-vamp at bay, but clearly struggling to gain an upper hand over the creature they didn’t yet have the means to kill. Dean knew better than to jump into the middle of that fight, it was more important to finish Rowena’s spell. He dumped the ashes in with the rest of the material. Luckily Cas had left a copy of the actual spell out by the bowl with all the ingredients. The incantation was pretty straightforward and Dean quickly scooped up the resulting concoction on two fingers and began filling in the sigil carved into the tree. Dean picked up the branch Cas had sharpened into a stake and touched it to the sigil, running through the incantation one more time. In a brief flash of light, the sigil was absorbed into the stake.
               “Cas!” Dean threw the stake towards the angel who managed to catch it neatly without even looking. Ducking down as the creature threw itself towards him, Cas pushed the stake up and underneath the monster’s rib cage with more force than a normal human could have managed. Dean breathed a sigh of relief too early, the vamp surged back up and made another run at the rapidly tiring angel.
               “Rowena may have overlooked something.” Cas sounded remarkably composed considering how ragged he looked. Dean looked around them desperately for something they had missed. Then he saw how the tree was shivering and pulsing as if trying to reach out to the vampire. Of course!
               “Hey asshole, leave my goddamn angel alone!” Dean knew the shotgun wouldn’t work against the creature but it got his attention, and with the impact to its shoulder and the stake still protruding from its ribcage the monster snarled as it barreled towards Dean. Dean was backed up against the tree as Cas turned on him with a horrified look on his face.
               “DEAN!” Cas sounded both angry and devastated as he chased after the vampire, but Dean just yelled out instructions, all too aware what this probably looked like from Cas’ point of view.
               “Stake it to the tree!” Cas caught on quick and as Dean threw himself out of the way Cas leapt after the thing that had once been Captain Abbot. Cas reached down to where the stake was sticking out and wrenched until the creature’s back was on the trunk of the Wych Elm. Pushing off from the ground Cas slammed the stake further in, until the vampire was stuck to the tree. It screeched as light pulsed from the stake into the tree. The Wych Elm seemed to come to life as it collapsed in on itself, dragging the mutant-vamp back to wherever the tree had come from. Within moments all that was left was a broken gravestone.
               “Huh. Guess we don’t have to worry about burning it,” Dean quipped. Castiel rounded on him, clearly not feeling amused.
               “What were you thinking? What if I hadn’t been fast enough?” Dean let Castiel rant at him for a few moments, standing up and dusting off the dirt from the back of his jeans.
                  “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t want to tip it off.”
                  “So instead, you made it look like you were drawing it away from me? Getting yourself killed for me!?” Castiel’s eyes flashed dangerously blue.
                   “Yeah, and it worked. For the record, I’d have done that even if it wasn’t to trick the thing though. Better me than you.” Dean was maybe angrier than he expected. He realized he’d been worried about how long Cas would last against that thing as he noted cuts that weren’t healing and the way the angel was swaying as he tried to hold himself upright. He also noticed that the blue in Cas’ eyes was in no way diminishing as he glowered at Dean.
                    “You. Are. Absurd. You are worth everything to me.” Then, rather abruptly, Cas fell over. Dean’s heart was pounding in his ears, both from what the angel had said and the sudden alarm he felt at a cosmic being fainting. He pulled Cas up into his arms, and damn, he was heavier than Dean had expected. Not just the muscle that Dean could feel, but he idlily wondered if the wings somehow added weight. Either way, Dean eventually made it back to their hotel room, although his back wouldn’t thank him for it later.
               Cas woke up in the pajamas Dean had given him with an arm thrown over his chest. Confused, Cas turned slowly and realized that they were back in the hotel and Dean was asleep beside him, curled around the angel’s torso. As small rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains Cas could see his normal clothing folded nearby on a chair. He noticed that the wounds his grace hadn’t healed yet had been cleaned and bandaged, and that the blanket was pulled up around both him and Dean. As Dean let out a contented sigh in his sleep and burrowed closer, Castiel thought that perhaps he too was worth everything to someone. Smiling the angel allowed himself to drift back to sleep, happily thinking about how Dean had told the vampire to stay away from “his” angel.
@destielsecretsanta2020, @aibari
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Fire, Note books and a- kid? •Part 1 of M-Verse•
Warning! This series will include gruesome descriptions of blood, bodies etc. These may be rare but they will be graphic. (This one doesn't have much tickling but it has a⁸ little haha)
This Series is also a tickls series, so if you dont like it, sorry oof.
Fandom: Marvel
"CRAP" Sam yelled as he flew right under a collapsing tie beam. "Language!" The cap yelled through the intercom, they were on a mission. There had been an explosion in an old warehouse building, no one knows how it happened but once they got there the place was covered with fire and dead bodies.
They were now in the building, fighting what they believed to be ex hydra workers that went into hiding for more experiments.
Cap fought from the ground whilst Sam was trying to get some shots from above while reading looked for any potential prisoners.
"Ain't seeing nothing from RedWibg Cap, the place is about to blow, we've gotta get out" Steve had just taken out about 17- now 18 Hydra agents, throwing them in the burning flames or beating them in combat.
"Alright, have one more look around the perimeter. Nat get the Jet prepared for exit incase the place actually does blow" He yelled, fighting off the last two Hydra agents in his area, throwing one onto another knocking them into a large fire screaming.
"K, sam make sure there arent any survivors" Nat ran back to the jet and started it up, the lights turning on as it slowly began to hover over the ground.
"Will do Widow" Sam flew up above the collapsing building to get another view of the area.
"Black Widow or Natasha" A sassy voice explained down the intercom.
"Okay Spider Lady" A grunt was heard that made both Cap and Sam laugh. Sam was looking through Redwing and his own eyes and couldn't seem to spot anything. "It all seems clear" Just as he were about to fly back down though he noticed something.
A young girl, her hair stuck together with some blood, mixed with dirt and wood. Her skin covered with brown mud and small cuts, she wore a white ripped hospital gown, too no longer white- or had seemed to be in years?...
"Holy shit-"
"There's a kid- west bound, see if you can get her. Covered in dirt and seemingly blood, right near where the fire seemed to have started from the burnt wood scraps and dying fires around her"
"A kid? West bound? Nat how long we got left?" Steve asked, running through the flames, dodging their burns and running as fast as he could.
"Before the place explodes? From my view about 150 seconds, just over two minutes. But you're gonna need to be fast so we can all get out." Nat watched over the intercoms and the computers showing where Steve was.
"Take a left"
"Take a left! I'm giving you the fastest route to the west bound. Keep running until you find large doors, go through them and the last one at the end should lead to the girl"
Steve stopped asking the questions and complied. It wasnt his first time saving a kid, but the closer he got, the more he saw about the place. Cages, torture chambers, training halls.
This place wasnt a good one, especially for a kid... He thought.
He found the large doors, chained shut. Before he reached them he threw his shield, breaking the locks almost instantly. He ran through, but stopped in his tracks. The room was full of blood, the sticky walls glossed over, there were bones, some shattered, some scattered. Not hundreds, probably enough for the bodies of a good couple of people though... it was gruesome. Some of the worst things he had seen in a while, probably since... well. The blip?..
How was a kid kept here? How did we not know sooner?...
The thoughts span round the super solider head, taking up more time than he would have cared for.
"Steve? What's happened why'd you stop? We've got a minute!" Nat asked, she was getting impatient, the adrenaline was rising and so were the flames, everyone felt on edge here, as soon as they stepped down something felt very wrong.
"Shit, yeah. Alright, I'm going!" Steve ran and soon found the young girl, she didn't seem too strictly harmed for being so close to the flames. And for surviving in this, this prison.
"Got her, how long have I got left?"
"45 seconds"
Steve now had the young girl over his shoulder, he was trying to run even faster than he had before. This place. Something else had been happening here.
As the 100 year old ran though, he seemed to notice the fire die down wherever he ran to, creating a simple path for him to run in. He spotted the jet, Sam was standing in the open doorway, waiting to see if cap would make it. Silently cheering him on.
"10 seconds Cap"
"Start taking off now, we'll make it."
"FUCK NO! HURRY UP MAN" Sam yelled, this time to Captain America ratger rgan through the intercoms.
Time felt like it was going in slow motion, Steve got close enough just to jump and as soon as he did the whole place behind blew up. It all went so quickly after that, Sam grabbed his hand, holding on with all his might as Steve held the young girl. Nat, quicker than ever, sped off into the sky, miles from the ground to make sure the explosion wouldn't hit them as harshly as it should have.
Steve lay on the floor, with the young girl cradled in his arms behind the shield so she wouldn't get burnt. He was staring at her, even though she was covered in- well not so flattering things, she was beautiful. Something within began stirring. Something warm, familiar...
"Holy shit my dude. We almost died!" Sam droned, going to sit down on the chairs they had.
"We usually almost die, its part of our job" Nat explained, walking in and rolling her eyes. "Nahhh, Nat even you know that place was off" Sam looked over to the spy who sighed and walked over to Steve to help him up.
"How's the kid?"
Steve stood up and pulled away the shield to show off a little girl with y/c/h hair, covered in mud and pieces of blood, tucked up into his chest, breathing gently. "Wow" Sam sighed from the back.
"She's not in as much bad of a state as I would have imagined?" Nat said, watching over the little girl. "She wasnt too close to the big fire, must have been thrown into the mud and spotty snow from the explosion." Sam suggested.
Steve just held onto the small angel in his arms. He felt as though it were only he and she in the world, that time was no longer relevant. He memorized every piece of her face, even the pieces with dirt, cuts and bruises.
Suddenly Nat snapped him out of it, "Alright, I'm going to go get Bruce over. See if she's alright. For now just but her on a bed." Steve nodded as the Spider left to go call Dr. Banner.
"We haven't got beds though?- oh fuck you man" Steve laughed at Sam, he had just pulled out a bed from the sides of the ship. "You didnt know?" He teased. He and Nat had let sam sleep on the chairs or ground for the past few years. It seemed to be a secret agreement not to tell him amongst the avengers.
"Nah man, that's cold" Steve placed the little girl down and pulled up the walls of the bed to make sure she wouldn't fall out. Watching her little breaths as Sam's words started to fade away.
"Oi you even listening to me?" Sam asked unamused sitting up and looking at the fallen solider. "She's gonna be alright Steve" Steve sighed, deep down he knew she'd be fine. But he felt something strange. Fear. Like he had just found an old journal or someone he hadn't seen for a very long time.
He sighed and stood up, walking over to the bird man who was now sitting up watching the soldiers actions. They both heard Natasha in the background talking with Bruce.
"She's gonna be alright Steve"
"I hope so..."
It was a while till they had all landed at the compound. Rogers and Wilson played some card games- dont question it, Roger's made Tony buy him loads for each mission. He enjoyed the games. He also won most of them.
Steve picked the young girl up and brought her to Bruce as the doors opened up, they lauded her down on a hospital bed and hurried off. Bruce stayed back checking in on everyone. "The mission?"
"A success as always"
Steve seemed quiet, Sam answering fir him rather than fir himself. He watched the girl be scurried along into the building.
"Did you clean all her wounds?"
Steve looked down and nodded before they all began walking. He didnt mean to seem any less- well captain america-y, but he definitely had something on his mind. Bruce began to follow quickly to ask what's up.
"Hmm? Oh.. nothing. Just worried for the child" Steve tried to brush the feeling off but couldn't his gut had other plans. They wanted to see the girl, see if she was okay.
"She's gonna be alright, she only needs a few tests done- safe ones of course, blood pressure, cut cleansing etc" Bruce smiled at the much taller man. Oh god he was short. Steve smiled back to the Dr with 7 PHD's.
"Thanks Banner, I'm gonna go see Stark"
"Okay, stay safe, I'll tell you when she's improved"
Steve nodded and walked into the building, turning an opposite way to Banner and going to go see Stark. Steve was secretly very grateful Bruce would tell him about the child once she was improving. He felt a connection.
"Stark?" The 100 year old asked, knocking on the doors to the Lab.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, Open the Doors for Roger's Pleade and Thank you" The billionaire didnt move from his seat, he had been working on some new tech as usual.
"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y" Steve walked in, still in his spandex from the mission covered in blood and dirt with little scuff marks all over from the fire flames.
"Its an 8 Code Pin Rogers"
"I know I know, I just can't seem to remember it"
Tony rolled his eyes and looked up leaning on his chair with one arm resting over the top.
"What's up?"
Steve furrowed his brows. "Hmm?"
"You, you seem... less Super, more Man"
Steve rolled his eyes, "I'm not Super Man Tony!" Tony just shrugged and chewed the side of his cheek.
"Dunno there Cap" The genius stood up and walked over to him, the man was much seemingly smaller without his heals on, just bare foot walking around. He got extremely close to the Cap and got on his tip toes leaning in. If he wanted he could have kissed the man he were so close, though they both knew it wouldn't happen, Tony just liked getting close to annoy people.
That's when the billionaire squealed and almost fell to the ground with a jump back, a light blush on his face. "Dick" Steve smirked at the man, he sure was one ticklish man, billionaire, genius who cares. He was still ticklish. Tony went to go sit back down.
"So what's up?" This time, happily keeping his distance.
"I saved a kid today"
Tony furrowed his brows and chuckled, slowly clapping his hands. "Well done soldier, you saved a kid"
"Tony im serious"
"Well I didn't really think you were lying-"
Steve stepped forward making the Billionaire loose his confidence. He never minded being tickled, but then again it didnt help his reputation being melted into a giggly mess. He was still really nervous. Steve smirked at the man but then continued.
"She was covered in dirt and bits of blood. But before I found her, I ran through a hall. It was Dark, but the raging fires lit it up. There were bones, scattered. Probably enough for a good few people, some big some small. And blood, all over the walls..."
Steve tensed up, remembering the place. "It reminded me of the war with Thanos."
Tony stayed quiet, no longer fearful of childish tickles. It seemed horrifying. Even for them. "Okay, send me the Locations, I'll get F.R.I.D.A.Y up and working on it alright?" Tony wasn't the best when it came to comforting, but he knew he could do something.
Steve looked up at him and smiled thankfully, but Tony coukd tell there was something else bothering. Yet he didn't want Steve to be too focused on it all.
"Hey, here" Tony grabbed something from within a draw, it had a captain America's shield on the front, he handed it to steve. Just a normal sketch book. And some pencils. "You're welcome to use these and sit down at the window or something while I work. Keep your mind off things.
"Thanks Tony" Steve smiled at the billionaire, he wasnt great at comforting, but he knew what Steve wanted. It was a strange friendship that's for sure.
"Look at the first page too! I did a little something" The billionaire smirked as Steve turned the book open, on the front was an IronMan helmet with a little speech bubble saying "I Am IronMan" and a little stick figure with a shield in a cage in the bottom corner saying "I stink!"
Tony burst out laughing at Steve's expression. Let's just say his laughing continued for longer than expected...
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yes-i-have-thoughts · 3 years
Day 24: Fly
Sorry I was gone for a day, guys, the night before was pretty rough and I spent the other day...Not feeling well. Let’s leave it at that But we’re bacc with more Ink Demonth shenanigans! (TW: Somewhat religion-based, death mentions, car crash mention I can't write about Alice without warning about religion, it seems.)
In which cloud-gazing gets a little personal and Boris learns how Alice ended up in Hell.
"D'you ever miss flying, miss Angel?" Alice shrugged. She wasn't totally sure how to answer that. She looked over at Boris, the two toons laying side-by-side watching the clouds drift by in the sky. "Sometimes, I suppose," she said at last. "It was...Difficult, but great fun sometimes." "If you ever went back up, do you think you'd get your wings back?" Another shrug. "After I earn them again, maybe." Boris nodded. The two fell into silence again and Alice stretched, starting to feel a little sleepy. She was about to offer they go inside for ice cream when the wolf spoke again: "Do you miss Heaven?" She shook her head slowly, then sighed and nodded. "Often. Don't tell Bendy, though." Boris sat up and looked over at her. "Then why don't ya go back? I'm sure they'd love to have such a lovely gal again." Alice chuckled and smiled a little. "I'm not a lovely girl, Boris." "You are!" "I was cast out for a reason." That got Boris' attention. Alice heaved a sigh and sat up to rest her head on his shoulder. "I was a guardian angel," she started. "I guarded teenagers. Sometimes young adults or older people too, but mostly teenagers. I nudged them out of harm's way or started a butterfly effect to set things into motion for good fortune. When they became of age, another angel took over and I would be assigned a new teenager to guide." Boris put an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder, encouraging her to go on. She smiled weakly up at him. "One day God decided to put me with a baby. She wanted to see how I would do with guarding someone for their entire life." "Uh oh," Boris said. "'Uh oh' is right. The kid made it to sixteen. They got their driver's license and first car, everything was going fine, until they had the idea to crash it so they had an excuse to get a newer one. I didn't see anything wrong with it-heck, I encouraged it. I pulled out all the stops so the car was totally wrecked and they had to get a new one. I wasn't thinking." "So...The crash killed them," Boris concluded. Alice shuddered. "The crash killed thirteen people. My charge, the friend they were driving with and several other drivers. There was a pile-up...So many were injured." "God wasn't happy about this, as you might expect. She hauled me to the court and chewed me out in front of everyone. My punishment for causing the death of over ten humans was to have my wings cut off and be cast down to Hell." Boris moved his gloved hand to one of the twin jagged black scars on Alice's shoulder blades. The fallen angel shuddered again when he touched it-it still seared with pain. "So that's what these are..." "Yep." Alice sighed. "That's what remains of my wings." "Well-there's gotta be a way we can get you back!" Boris jumped up with an eager look on his snout. "C'mon, angel! Let's get you back where you belong!" Alice smiled weakly at him again when he held his hand out to her. "That's sweet of you, Boris, but...I've been cast out for a thousand years. Maybe when I have a trial, they'll let me back in, but for now...I'm stuck here." "It's not all bad, though!" She added quickly when the wolf's ears drooped. "I love all the friends I made here-you, Bendy, er...Others. I feel more at home here than I ever did back in Heaven." "Well well well!" A cocky voice growled. "What've we got here?" Alice flinched and looked over her shoulder to see Bendy, his hands on his hips and one foot tapping the ground. Boris yanked his hand back and the angel sat up straighter. "B-Bendy, it's not what it looks like-" "You started cloud gazin' without me!" Bendy pointed an accusing finger at the angel. "I know ya did, I can still see yer body shapes in the grass!" Oh thank goodness, that's what he was angry about. Biting back a sigh of relief, Alice faked a guilty expression. "I'm sorry..." Bendy humphed and crossed his arms, looking away. "I ain't buyin' it." "We was just talkin', Bendy," Boris said as he came over. "There were no interesting clouds anyway." "Ah, that's b'cause you two got no imagination is all." Alice decided to let that comment slide and held her hand out to the imp. "If I let you use me for a pillow again, would all be forgiven?" Bendy glanced at her hand, broke out into his trademark grin and slammed into her to hug her tightly. "I can't stay mad at ya, angel, yer too sweet!" Alice laughed and hugged him back, then kissed the imp on the forehead when he looked up at her. He practically melted into a puddle. The three friends situated themselves back into their cloud-gazing positions, Bendy resting against Alice's stomach and Alice tucked up against Boris' shoulder. Every so often Bendy would get excited and sit up to point out a cloud that looked like some kind of animal or someone they knew, Boris would either agree or disagree and (in the latter cases) they'd get into a fight over it with Alice acting as the mediator. Hell may have been not the greatest place for an angel to live, but with goofball friends like these Alice had no doubt the thousand-years banishment would fly by. Leaving them behind will be ridiculously hard. 'Do I even want to go back anymore?'
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writtenvisionary · 3 years
Pique, Turn - #AdrienAugust
Day 11 - “Partners” @adrienaugust
Read on Ao3
Might make this into a multi chap idk lol
His shoes squeaked on the floor as he lifted one leg up, bringing his arms to a circle shape, and made a 360-degree turn… one, two, and three times. Green eyes stared at the same spot across the room, keeping the blonde boy from getting dizzy. When he stops spinning, he releases his tight hold by allowing his right foot to fall behind him into his prepping position.
He breathes a smile as the dance teacher claps, commenting on his technique and how it is nearly perfect.
“Thank you again, Adrien, for agreeing to step in for this competition season,” she says.
Adrien smiles, walking over to his bag by the wall and picking up his water bottle. Unscrewing the cap, he responds.
“It’s no problem! I needed a change of environment, actually. My mother’s studio gets kinda stuffy sometimes.”
Her content expression turns into something more sullen as he takes a large gulp of water.
“Ah, yes. I am so sorry for your loss. How are you doing?”
He shrugs, screwing the bottle cap on.
“I’m alright. Dancing helps me take my mind off the tragedy, at least.”
That’s all it takes for her happy, contented expression to return.
“I’m glad! Well, our group lesson is about to begin. I’d like to introduce you to everyone, as well as your duet partner.”
He nods, grateful that the conversation is back to dance.
“Of course. I’m going to have a snack real quick, if that’s okay.”
“Yes! Take your time.”
She turns away and walks out of the room, leaving him alone in the dance studio.
He sighs, wanting nothing else but to dance, but he knows that his body needs fuel. Especially after such a tiring class.
Adrien’s mother had opened a dance studio a few years before he was born, so he had been training ever since he could remember. After she had tragically passed away from cancer two months ago, he had fought to keep the studio up and running. But as he told Ms. Monroe, it has been very stressful. Adrien feels as if he’s suffocating, simply being there. That’s why he couldn’t resist taking her offer for dancing on her advanced team.
He had been an instructor, taking over his mother’s duties when she had fallen ill. Coming back to his roots was refreshing, to say the least. Plus, he gets to meet his new team, which he is so excited for.
After snacking on his carrots and scrolling through Instagram for a few minutes, the sound of footsteps catches his attention. He looks to the door, finding a girl with curly brown hair and woah.
His chewing ceases as he ogles the bluenette walking in next to her. She’s beautiful. With her shiny, black hair that looked blue in the light… her pink lips.
He blinks, shaking his head and looking away.
I can’t think like that. Be professional, Adrien. Don’t disappoint your mother.
Before he’s even aware, class has started.
Ms. Monroe clears her throat and brings her hands together, making a smack sound echo throughout the room.
“Hi everybody! So as you all know, Tommy just recently moved to Ohio to be with his family due to an emergency. This put a halt on our competition rehearsal schedule. I have taken it upon myself to find a new member for our advanced team, so if you could all please welcome Adrien Agreste!”
She gestures him to join her, to which he does, and the girls in the front row seem to freeze. A blush creeps onto his cheeks as he watches their eyes widen, turning to look at one another in alarm.
“He is an instructor at the Agreste Dance Company. He has been kind enough to help us train for and win this next competition! I will be introducing him to his duet dance partner privately after we rehearse our group number.”
Adrien’s eyes find the bluenette from earlier, causing her cheeks to flush. 
She looks to her feet, knowing that Tommy was my partner so that means Adrien will be my partner. Ohmygosh he is SO HOT—
Ms. Monroe’s clap brings her back to reality.
“Alright, let’s practice!”
The group routine went smooth enough, considering that Adrien was still learning all of the moves. He would be lying if his eyes weren’t on a certain blue-haired beauty in front of him. Her movements were fluid and elegant, as if she was an angel floating across the room.
It was a jazz piece, and each snap of her arm or leg caught his attention. He knows that everyone is supposed to work in conjunction and that one person shouldn’t stand out more than the others, but it isn’t his studio and he’s not in the place to critique. Thank goodness, because this girl deserves every solo.
She’s beautiful and talented, and her eyes sparkle and — okay, be professional.
It’s hard to be professional, though, when she’s right there.
“Alright, everyone! That was excellent. Keep up the good work and I will see you all tomorrow.
“Marinette, Adrien. Could you two stay after?”
He wasn’t sure who Marinette was, but he was about to meet her.
Everyone starts to slowly file out of the room, and he glances around nervously to see who isn’t moving to leave. The curly-haired girl with glasses is already halfway out the door. He frowns, wondering who his partner could be.
His eyes widen when he realizes there’s only one girl, besides Ms. Monroe, left in the room — and that the girl is the one who’s been catching his eye this entire time.
“Adrien, meet Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette, meet Adrien Agreste.”
He smiles awkwardly as their instructor introduces them to one another and the girl returns the gesture.
“Hi,” she says softly.
The butterflies in his stomach basically explode when he hears her voice. It’s so cute.
“Hi,” he responds.
She giggles, making him weak in the knees, but he stays strong. With a small burst of confidence, he takes a step forward and kisses her cheek.
He tries not to notice her blush, and to ignore the blush that is creeping onto his cheeks.
“Pleasure to meet you, Marinette.”
“You too, Adrien.”
Ms. Monroe must have decided that was enough because she claps her hands and gets down to business.
“So, this duet is a contemporary piece. Marinette already has her part all memorized, so that’s one less thing for you to worry about, especially since we’re short on time. We will be running the number step by step at first, until you have all of the steps down. Then we’ll speed it up. Okay?”
He nods, putting his game face on.
Each step by itself was pretty easy, in his opinion. He picked up all of the moves very quickly and before he knew it, they were already rehearsing the dance together.
Luckily, he was able to maintain his focus. Learning a new dance always came before his feelings; those feelings would help him build chemistry with his partner when the time comes. For now, he knew that knowing the steps and getting the flow down were his top priorities.
“One more time.”
This time, he let himself feel.
He paid attention to the girl he twirled into his arms. He acted the part and pretended like they were truly falling in love.
When blue eyes met green, they froze.
Maybe… maybe he really was falling in love.
Her eyes are like the ocean. They were pulling him in, and he was drowning. Lost in the deep sea, unable to float up to the surface. They shone so bright, twinkling, and he had to blink but he didn’t want to.
If this is what it’s like falling in love, he never wanted to stop.
“Guys? Marinette?”
She snaps her head to the right to look at Ms. Monroe, breaking the eye contact and giving him a chance to breathe.
“Is everything alright?”
Marinette gulps and nods, purposely avoiding the blonde who was still staring at her from the side.
“Okay… take it from the top.”
Reluctantly, she looks back to him. And once again, they’re lost in a trance. The music had started again but they weren’t moving.
Ms. Monroe just groaned in frustration. He thought he heard her mutter, “Young love, god help me,” but he didn’t care enough to make sure.
A smirk played on his lips, pulling the bluenette in his arms closer to his chest.
“Hey, um….”
Shit. My nerves are kicking in. Quick quick quick!
“Do you wanna,” he licks his lips. “Do you —maybe— wanna, uh, get some dinner with me tonight? After we’re done here?”
Her breath hitches. He’s afraid he made a mistake.
But then she smiles.
And he knows that if it was a mistake, then it was a good one.
Marinette clears her throat, pulling away from him and looking at their instructor. She shrinks into herself at the look of frustration that Ms. Monroe is conveying on her face. Then she turns back to him.
“Let’s finish this number, though.”
He smiles, then winks.
“Right. Let’s do it then, partner.”
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