#-but i got real impatient REAL fast lmao
beetroot-merchant · 2 years
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this took way longer than it should've and it also took WAY more layers than necessary. anyway wouldn't it be messed up if
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glitterdustcyclops · 1 year
okay it's nearly one in the morning and i can't sleep because i'm thinking too much about astarion so permit me to ramble for a moment (you actually have no choice)
but just
the more and more i play the game and experience all the different facets of the conversations you can have with him (and also ruthlessly spoil myself on his arc both ascended and not because i'm impatient lmao) the more i am just, completely in awe of the depth and care that went into writing him??
like, okay, cards on the table, i have a pretty major vampire kink, biting kink, blood kink, etc. and from the first moment i heard there was a romanceable character in a fantasy rpg that was a flirtatious queer vampire pretty boy with a Traumatic Backstory and a twisted master/slave relationship with an Evil Dude i was immediately like 👀👀👀
could not draft the marriage proposal fast enough, you know?
and larian could've just stuck with that! they could've had him be an incorrigible flirt, and have his whole arc focused on getting revenge against the horrid man what wronged him, and by helping him on his quest you earn his love and you two ride off into the sunset, happy forever
but no. instead we got something so much more, and it's entirely fascinating to me. all of his layers and contradictions!! the different masks he wears on top of each other, and all his pain and trauma barely simmering under the surface of his pretty polished façade.
and not only do we go ahead and take this man whomst on the surface appears to be a walking vampire erotica trope in a gorgeous package, but we pull off the reveal (and depending on how you play it this can happen almost immediately after you express interest in him) that this whole thing, is a very blatant, deliberate act. one cultivated by a sexual abuse survivor, as a way to protect himself from the things that scare him, that make him vulnerable.
he straight up tells you to your face that this is a lie!! this all pretend!!! you're supposed to fall for it, he wants you to. what he does not want, what he could never predict, not in centuries, is that you would see past his mask(s), and then go ahead and love him anyway. him. the real him, the one he barely knows himself, the flashes he reveals to you accidentally in small moments, as much as he doesn't want to: all those messy cruel capricious terribly horribly wonderfully real parts of himself, and how he wants to be real with you in turn, even though it scares the absolute bejeezus out of him
and THEN!!!! the further you go in his romance, the more you realize that this walking series of pickup lines, this supposed master seducer, is actually incredibly wary of sex because of all the trauma and pain it's caused him. sex is not something he associates with true joy or pleasure or even intimacy, not anymore; the ability to feel good about his body was taken from him. the game makes it explicit that, as a man who was robbed of his agency and his ability to meaningfully consent to sex, not only is it the objectively wrong decision but it is downright evil to force him into doing anything sexual with you, even though you're his True Love or whatever, and as he learns and grows and feels more secure in himself he will straight up dump your ass if you violate his boundaries around sex!!!
and instead of flirt-flirt-flirt-true-love-forever you get all these really sweet, tender moments of nonsexual intimacy, hand holding and hugs and just, honest sweet conversations? you can even tell him "hey i don't think it's good for us to be serious right now, but i still want to be your friend." and even if you do keep romancing him, you can reassure him that you don't hold his lack of interest in sex against him, you still want to be with him just as he is!! he is worth it to you, with his ten-piece designer set of luxury baggage. and he practically melts about it!!
and this is not even getting into everything post cazador quest, i haven't even gotten to those scenes yet except for the "evil" version (trying not to ruin it for myself haha) but the way his arc ends in the "good" version where you talk him out of doing the ritual, out of perpetuating the cycle of abuse that was forced on him, and instead show him a better way forward? and he experiences true actual freedom for the first time in centuries, and he hesitantly decides that he wants to keep going forward with you??
UGH!! i just, i care about astarion so much!!!! i am absolutely head-over-heels-stupid in love with him and the way he's written and i will never fucking get over it, oh my god, help me, i'm DYING
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
Jason, randomly, out of nowhere, without warning: Hah, I'm taller than you now. LMAO. Loser.
Dick, who knows perfectly well that height has absolutely nothing to do with self worth and also that he's supposed to be above being blatantly baited by his little brother, who is obviously the REAL loser, and needs to be reminded of that fact which so doesn't count as actually being baited: Please. You're only that tall now because you got revived in a magical pit of green ooze that optimized your growth when bringing you back from the dead which is CHEATING, and thus doesn't count. Loser.
Jason: Really? Me dying and being dunked in a magical pit of green ooze to undo the physical trauma of my MURDER and also the years of malnutrition that led to my growth previously NOT being optimized is 'cheating?'
Dick: I regretted it as soon as I said it but I can not afford to set the precedent that I made a misstep in the minefield that is our fraught sibling relationship. I have no choice but to double down. The only way this ends well is if you choose to let it slide and gracefully accept a subject change. I'll even let you pick. As long as its understood that me letting you pick is not an admission of wrongdoing on my part, its just me being Awesome and you're welcome.
Jason: First off, I have never let anything slide gracefully a day in my life and I'm damn sure not about to start NOW, when you were being an ASS....
Dick: Oh biiiiig surprise, little brother can talk a big talk about being the bigger man, but god forbid someone give him the opportunity to back it up.....
Jason: Not my fault if you're feeling particularly SMALL at the moment, pun absolutely intended. Since its not like you have a monopoly on those no matter HOW much you've tried to act like you do over the years....
Dick: Hey, I've never claimed to have a monopoly on puns. I just said I find it INTERESTING that you were totally cool with using the name, costume and SIGNATURE BRAND OF HUMOR I DELIBERATELY SPENT YEARS CULTIVATING AS A LITERAL SIGNATURE BRAND all while insisting that noooooo, no need to CREDIT your older brother who quite literally paved the way with all of that and gave you his express PERMISSION to adopt it all as your own, hahaha, who actually gives credit where credit's due, that would be so weird right....
Jason: Tell you what, since you're sooooo sore about not being properly credited for your work why don't you go ahead and figure out a royalty rate for all the times I used YOUR intellectual vigilante property or what the fuck ever, and I will PAY you to never bring it up again.....
Dick: I would LOVE that, actually. I think it would be a great way to acknowledge MY trailblazing hard work, but I think we both know you'd literally just make a show of stealing the money from Bruce to make some kind of statement about how beneath you all this is which KINDA DEFEATS THE POINT of acknowledging or crediting someone's work as WORTH something, so -
Their siblings, who have been standing right there the whole time, and who are all Very Tired, and literally just wanted to know if their older brothers wanted to go to Bat-Burger with them and are now regretting everything, why does this always happen and why don't any of them know better by now: Is it done? Is it over? Can you stop? Ever?
Dick and Jason, simultaneously swiveling in instant older sibling solidarity: Wow. So impatient. So entitled. So demanding. Why, in OUR day, we'd be LUCKY to be granted even ten minutes between patrol and bedtime, to scarf down an Alfred-Approved Healthy Snack, but its not enough that Bruce lets you run around Gotham stuffing your faces with fast food at any hour of the night, noooooooo, its gotta happen RIGHT NOW, like THIS INSTANT, how dare anyone make you wait five whole minutes to get whatever you want.....
Tim: I honestly can't tell if I hate it more when they're just being obnoxious at each other & we're stuck bearing witness or when they combine their powers of obnoxious and aim it at us.
Cass, gravely: There are no winners here.
Damian: And Father doesn't get why I wish I was an only child.
Duke, wistfully: I took being an only child for granted.
Stephanie, with popcorn: None of you appreciate good theater.
Bruce, from somewhere offscreen, even miles away: My parents died because of the theater, STEPHANIE.
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hakubunii · 1 year
HC for Baka Trio and Souji when their partners have trouble taking dick.
✨You know what? I’m actually so fucking glad you asked anon!! I also ended up adding general nsfw hcs to bc,if I’m anything, I’m someone who goes overboard! This ask had me giggling and throwing my phone down. Get ready bc this one’s kind of long, no pun intended.✨
Hakuouki Boys With a Partner Having Trouble “Taking It”
Heisuke- First off, he’s very flattered and it secretly gives him an ego boost that his partner is having a hard time getting him in there. It must mean his junk’s big, right? (Yeah, IK that this is not always the case.) But then he gets a little freaked out that he’s hurting them and wants to stop immediately. He’s, like, actually distraught that he even had the slightest chance of hurting his lovebug. It takes a lot of coaxing from his partner for him to even try to have sex with them again. The problem could be that he’s a bit inexperienced and is having a tough time himself putting it in rather than his partner taking it. Either way, he’s like “OMG, I’m horrible in bed and they will never want to sleep with me again”. If it’s a him thing and he gets the hang of it, the whole issue is completely forgot about because…well…he’s got other priorities once it’s in. As for the partner struggling to accept him, he gets really nervous about it and almost needs more coaxing to put it in than his loved one who’s taking it. He probably confides into one of his bros for advice, and honestly? I think he’s probably a very good listener and fast learner about this kind of thing so he might be more capable after that. He likes when his partner gives him instructions bc, in the end, it will make things better for them. He can definitely be gentle- I mean, one of his quotes is literally “I’ll be gentle with you…” or something. This happens a lot throughout the whole shabang but he kisses his partner all over and is very vocally appreciative of their efforts. He probably says stuff like (and oh lord this kind of thing flusters me lmao): “I love you so much!” “thank you!” “You’re doing so good!” “You’re so beautiful/pretty/hot/tight/warm/wet/ect” “you feel so good.” He also just kind of babbles incoherently, too enthralled with you to make any kind of sense at all. Bro’s loud and obvious when he’s going to town. He’s actually been scolded a few times for getting carried away and annoying everyone. He just gets so excited, he doesn’t know how to keep quiet. He’s the same way with leaving marks- it’s like he’s so into it, he doesn’t even realize he’s left like a million hickies on you. If you scold him, he’ll try to have some self restraint and this will naturally improve with time. Real big on “Do you need me to hold you’re hand?” If they seem like their struggling. Speaking of the aforementioned size thing, I think he’s like…probably above average, not gigantic or anything but enough for someone to be like “….huh, would you look at that. 😳” If his partner was also inexperienced, it might take them a while to fit him in. He’s also like a damn jackrabbit in bed- has lots of stamina and gets a “little” too excited and just starts going ape shit in you. His body just naturally wants to do things a bit faster and that kind of reflects in the bedroom. He kind of does everything in excess and is slightly impatient about sex- he’ll wait or take it slow but his body is like “for the love of God, let me freak out up in this bitch” and that’s hard for him to restrain himself. If you look at him and tell him to “go nuts” he will absolutely take that chance to. When this happens and he’s done with you, you’re kind of just sat up there in bed while he’s asleep, dumbfounded, covered in marks, hair destroyed, and probably full of his…you know. (For those who can get pregnant) You think to yourself “If I keep indulging him, I’m bound to be with child by next Spring.”
Shinpachi- Oh…..That’s not good. He almost doesn’t even notice until he glances down and realizes that he’s not even in there. It’s a little embarrassing for some reason. He’s still super chill about it, why would he be upset with you over such a thing when you allowed him to sleep with you. He’s very strong so he kind of just picks you up, bends you, or holds you in every which way, trying to figure out what position will help get it in there. He’s a big fan of taking it from behind or hoisting you up and taking you like that (reverse cowgirl in the air anyone?) He’s actually pretty reassuring about the whole thigh, understanding that this is something that happens and that he’s a big guy. He makes sure to bring something that will help him fit in you better next time you’re alone. He’ll probably start calling you little lady/Little guy- referring to your entrance. He does kind of brag about you having trouble accepting him inside of you but he’s also big on “kissing and telling” to his close friends, much to their dismay. Like his hair pulled. A big fan of when his partners fan the flames of his ego. He can get super rough and he makes note to stop certain behaviors if it’s too much for you. He’s pretty loud but will shut up for once if your on top riding him. He’s too mesmerized to say anything- he just stares at you, mouth open, and eyes wide. Hell pull you into him to sit on his lap a lot. HE HATES A MF SUIT but he’ll wear it with pride if you tell him he looks hot in it. Likes doing it drunk- or honestly any other time, he’s just extra thirsty when inebriated and will either send tons of intimate pictures or just can’t keep his hands off you. Like when you sit on his face, a lot…like he gets real sloppy doing it and you’re like “you slut…” Kind of likes partners a bit more chubby with a filler figure, likes the way it jiggles and how squeezable it is. Big fan of ass, tummy’s, and thighs. He’ll grope you in public if he thinks he can get away with it. Don’t bother wearing a sexy outfit for him, he’ll take one look at you and rip it off.
Sanosuke- I hope you like praise and affirmations! Also? It’ll take you by surprise but he’ll dirty talk you like a mf. Like, it’s almost too much and really gets you flustered. Really into being called Daddy in bed. He’s pretty considerate though and often will read you to figure out what things you like so he can use it to his advantage later. He’s pretty good at reading folks in general and will use that just to figure you out. He takes notes of things that flusters you or turns you on throughout the day- really determined to know what makes you tick.
As for the “trouble taking it” thing, he’s very calm about this, positioning you in different way, gently trying to get you to accept him. He figures it could be a number of reasons: his size, your angle, is it lubricated enough, are you excited enough, or even if you’re just a bit too nervous. He’s actually kind of an angel how patient he is about the whole thing. Instead of trying to force it in, he’s more concerned about going in when your body is ready. he’s dealt with this problem a few times and has a good amount of confidence to tackle it. Until you two can figure out this conundrum, he’ll please you in other ways. He has no qualms about just laying you down somewhere and focusing only on making you feel good. He’s got a mouth and hands, after all.This is why your little problem won’t last for long to be honest. Once he finally gets it partially in, he’ll be very deliberate and gentle about sliding the rest of himself deep in you. He’ll take notice in your discomfort and ask if you’d like to continue. If you say ‘yes’, he’ll instruct you to take deep breaths as he fills you completely, modeling them for you by going “Breath in, breath out”. It’s surprisingly soothing. He wants to make sure you feel calm and comfortable while the two of you make love and will hold your hand if that’s what it takes. He offers a lot of praise for how well you’re doing accepting him, how brave you are, what a good girl/boy/lover you are and how proud he is of you. It’s really hot too lmao. He knows he’s got it going on and uses his confidence in that to his advantage, playing your body like a fiddle.
He does NOT want to share you at all and is willing to beat the hell out of anyone who puts their hands on you. He trusts you and is confident in you but he still hates when men stare at you for too long. (This is for people who have babies) If you’re in the throngs of passion and happen to mention something along the lines of “Put a baby in me” “get me pregnant” or “Wait. You’re going to get me pregnant”, he will make absolute certain you’ll be carrying his baby in the next couple weeks.
Souji- Boy….He’s a tease. If you were having trouble accepting him, I think he might be a little alarmed at first. He’s pretty smart, so he’ll figure it out, but there’s just a few minutes where he’s perplexed and annoyed with himself. Despite how sexy and playful he can be, you’re surprised to discover that he doesn’t really have any experience. He might even have less experience with women in general than Heisuke. He hadn’t been interested in them before you- women or sex. He eventually gets it in there and lets out what almost sounds like a sigh of relief to you. He likes being touchy-feely with you, mostly enjoying when you were affectionate with him. He’s got an iron will so you can’t really tell if he’s close or not, not until he tells you at least. He actually prefers to use his hands with you anyhow. He teases you relentlessly. He loves making fun of the faces and sounds you make. He’ll probably bring it up long afterwords. He loves sneaking secret touches when he’s supposed to be focusing on daily tasks, sneaking a kiss when no one is looking, always touching you, his hand accidentally brushing the small of your back when he’s passing you. Calls you “little kitten” affectionately much to your dismay. He knows you like it. In modern AU, he’s constantly sending you scandalous pictures at inappropriate times. Really reallly leans into the cat theme, often getting you cat ears and various cosplays that he expects you to wear for him- sometimes asking if you’d wear them in public. You refuse. He almost becomes one of those discord mods. He adores taking pictures of you wherever you are: On the train, at school, the grocery store, sometimes while you’re doing it- actually a lot of the times you’re doing it. He just likes being able to look at you later. God help, anyone who scrolls too far in his gallery, they might actually be met with something unbecoming.
(now back to either modern or original time period) He’ll torture you with either nonstop orgasms or will edge you until you beg him to cum. He likes watching you squirm. You look cute when your begging, red faced, with tears rolling down your face. Saying all kinds of embarrassing, filthy things to you as he does so. He likes hearing you say his name, more so when your pleading. He’s a bit of a sadist in and out of the bedroom. As long as you’re overstimulated, he’s happy. Don’t worry though, he is a big fan of when you’re in control and take what’s yours too. Maybe even more so than when he’s tormenting you.
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cinnaminsvga · 4 months
tbf i think the grandma shit started because of my own fault. i think I felt so old compared to everyone that I said i feel like a grandma or something, or even told them to call me grandma in a "just call me grandma" kinda way and it stuck with a few of them haha
you know what, im kind of the opposite, I feel like my writing now is of a worse quality than back then. i think I got too used to writing just for myself so I got lazy and impatient and skipped over adding details and more descriptions and such But for you, I think it would be a good way to see how much you've improved in your personal opinion! Though like I get churro chumps specifically was crack so maybe use something you took more seriously when writing for comparative purposes haha
omg that's me with soonyoung, he's my actual bias even if seungcheol is constantly tackling me and shaking his ass in my face to remind me how much he owns my ass, but anyway, yeah soonyoung is my precious babie. i just want to love and protect him, he's just a poor innocent little soul
also, sorry if these asks are annoying, I never know when to shut up or how to real social cues so feel free to stop responding at any point. i am very aware that I ramble and it's a lot at times
(double also i know this response may seem fast, I just happened to see that you had responded when I came online lol. triple also(I need more vocab) no idea why im still remaining anon when you can probably easily guess my user at this point but im pretending there is a valid reason for clicking anon)
that's interesting to hear you think your writing got worse! well, i can sort of understand that... for me, when i take a break from writing, sometimes it can feel a little difficult to get back into the groove of things... but i get what you mean a little about "writing for yourself." when you have no intention of sharing your work, sometimes specific details aren't necessary when your target audience is, well, yourself.
as for rereading my old stuff... i do actually reread a lot of my stuff, just not the ones from when i was like 16 LOL it's not because i don't wanting to read my "unserious" stories, it's more because i hate cringing at my old stylistic choices. i like to think ive gotten better at adopting writing styles that i think can make my stories flow smoother. but as a teen, i had trouble structuring my stories because i relied heavily on dialogue to move them. which... isn't a very sustainable approach LMAO but yeah churro chumps is still a story i will always cherish, because even after all this time... i do love me some sillay yoongay fanfics :3
i like soonyoung too :D he was my bias prior to seungcheol... it started with jihoon, then soonyoung, then cheol... leading me to accept my fate as a leader line fan lol but tbh ive gotten really into seokmin lately... something about silly guys is getting to me...
and never apologize for rambling :D i ramble a lot too!! im president of yap city, as they say... i was always the kid who got moved around the classroom bc i would NOT shut up, no matter who i got paired up with... oh woe is the mouth that yaps... anyway thanks for sending these in!! its nice to talking to ya anytime!!
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Vincenzo : Episode 20
I love how globally we've all decided that when one of our main leads gets shot, there will be a slow motion realisation
spoilers for rizzoli and isles but after seeing rizzoli shoot someone through shooting her body, i am always worried if the person trying to protect someone from getting shot has managed to shield their person 💀 #tvtraumatings
it's just her shoulder though? isn't it? I can't see. i know she's gonna make it because protagonist tings
why has everyone else stopped lol
brother you're still alive !!!
it has actually taken me so long to complete this show lol.
it is. it is her shoulder!
also i just realised making her wear those earrings, i should've clocked earlier than her walking alone that she was gonna get kidnapped
now 💀✋ i would be gone too if i got in the shoulder so let me not critique.
they're acting like she died though! get her help !!! do something
the little brother is the brother that's stepping up
My girlie is gone after a shoulder shot how will you survive this 😭😭😭 NOOO
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Chayoung's awake now ?!??? what are we doing here
i really dislike all of you rn 😭😭😭
EVIL CEO you're toast
no no no 😭
slow as a turtle the day we needed you to be fast. pick it up Vince
no he's going for real. why did I think he'll make it 😭
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come back ?!??? 😭
someone lied to me because i thought he was going to make it oh I'm mad. I'm sorta done....
the way i kind of don't even care anymore 💀✋
I think this brother was the person someone wrote a big ass post about once as to how this was rude, painful and necessary (paraphrasing here) but i get them so bad now
we're playing soft uplifting music when my guy is already gone 😭😭😭
and we're still not together and are friends as if y'all didn't almost give up your life for each other. FREE ME.
so funny how if evil lawyer queenie had not messed with our girl's dad none of this would've happened.
the gentle caressing is cute 🥺 we're not in the friends territory anyway. we've moved. i have said it 🧑‍⚖️
the building people are adorable as heck lmao my goon gasped when his hair almost got attacked
I'm an impatient and heartbroken bitch so I scrolled a little and the scene of vincenzo and the little brother appears to be a memory or a dream. baited me real good 🤩 i really thought he was gonna make it
y’all I’ll write the second half when I’m awake but how did this finale rob me of so many things omg ?!!! at least I got a kiss.
I’ll say 3 things : building people I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I think our girl should’ve gotten the right to go after evil lawyer lady with him, she lost her dad to her shenanigans and that it’s true I truly did not care about the evil CEO going 💀 I was like bye I guess
why would they rob me of a romantic few last minutes. did we get it ? yes but to be fair we did not. I knew they’d at least acknowledge their feelings but he had to leave as well and that has me feeling empty and half happy. 🥲
anyway !!! done with Vincenzo. It was a very good journey so I’ll come back with a better head to speak about it. I just feel bummed out with this finale
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marshmallowsqoosh · 2 years
[Ghost (Band)] Just Ask [Mature | Links to AO3]
Fandom: Ghost (Band) Title (and AO3 link!): Just Ask Rating: Mature  CW: Uh... kinda pwp??? Porn with Feels and Some Plot?  Lesser Warnings: Some headcanon floated in but honestly it’s just spicy shenanigans lmao
Summary: Rain joins Aether and Dew for a night and kinda wonders why he didn't think of this before. It's not like he hasn't fucked or been fucked by both of them, the next logical step was at the same time, right?
A/N: [shrugs to infinity] Cetus said a thing, so I did a thing, and I haven't posted spicy shenanigans in like ten years, despite semi-regularly writing spicy headcanon/snippets so this is a huge step for me and I'm proud of myself lmao.
But real talk, this was a fun challenge that I didn't quite succeed (minor plot/feels/implicative over explicit prose happened), but it's a step in the right direction! /)(\ enjoy!
Remember, Kiri doesn't have a beta, so if you see typos or something reads weird, please let me know and I'll fix it asap!
Extras: Status (and AO3 link!): Complete! Word Count: ~2.2k
♠♥ Enjoy ♥♠
It takes a concentrated effort for Rain to hold himself up—hands fisted in yet another set of sheets that they've clawed through—and forearms braced on the mattress and shaking with the effort to hold his weight. He whimpers when a hand knots in his hair and pulls his head back, forcing him to follow and his body to arch to accommodate the motion. It straightens his arms out, just enough to take some strain off his own efforts. Just enough he isn't trying to curl in on himself.
"F-fuck, Aeth—" He quickly realises the motion wasn't just for Aether or Rain's sake, even with Aether's free hand still gripping his hip to hold him in place. It wasn't just so Aether can nip at the tip of his ear—and that elicits a shrill swear on its own—but, more specifically, probably to give Dew access to his neck. To give him access to bite down on the juncture of neck and shoulder, his own claws digging at Rain's back and shoulders to keep Aether from pulling him too far away.
Claws that remind him this isn't just Dew being a demanding brat, for once—well. He is. He's always a demanding brat, but it's a reminder that even as Aether fucks him senseless into the mattress—Rain desperately trying to be quiet, when he knows it's largely useless—and, in turn, pushes Rain against Dew… Dew's impatient. When he finally stops biting it's only because he's working through the over stimulation. The pent up energy that built too damn fast between Rituals, more so when they didn't have much time to themselves. His chest heaves and his hair is splayed out around him—Rain's careful not to catch any strands by accident, even when he has to adjust his grip on the sheets—and it would be deliciously distracting, if Rain weren't overly aware of the fact Dew's trying to glare at him. Except, with the darker flush on his cheeks and chest, he just looks… cute. Especially when all he can do is beg and whine.
"Rainy—harder—" The whine reaches a higher pitch, the tips of his horns starting to glow a faint orange, when Aether finally gives Rain some reprieve. Stops railing him, stops puling his hair—Rain damn nearly collapses on the smaller Ghoul below him and barely catches himself without accidentally landing on Dew's hair—to reach around him and run a thumb over the clipped left horn.
Aether's the only one he's ever seen get away with that—anyone else that got too close to the left got teeth and snarls, if they were lucky.
"No fires, Dew. Remember? The whole point of this is you not setting things on fire… you don't want to hurt Rain, right?"
That is a glare and Rain is suddenly very aware of how dangerous it is to be between these two. That the biting remarks and snark and sass was normal for them—but Dew does listen and just screws his eyes shut, pulling and releasing shaky breaths as he tries to calm down, his body giving small, involuntary jerks every few seconds. Aether curls over them, pushing his face against Rain's shoulder blades—bites gently at Dew's fingers to get him to stop digging his claws in—and kisses at the burning scratches left in his back.
"You holding up?"
"You pulled my hair and he bit me, I'm—" Not the one that generally gets this worked up between Rituals, for starters. … Generally. He shudders when he feels Aether's hand finally leave his hip, moving between his and Dew's body to press his palm flat to Rain's chest. His rings are freezing, somehow, and he hears Dew give a weak, albeit violent hiss, to announce it's touching him, too, and he doesn't appreciate it. Rain placates him with a gentle kiss, with a cautious roll of his hips, just to see what happens.
He feels Aether's hand flex, most of his body tense for that brief moment that Rain pushes back on him, despite the pleased sigh; and, in turn, when he pushes forward back into Dew it gets another whine and the Fire Ghoul trying to wriggle despite being mostly squished to the bed.
"—I'm… really confused how we haven't done this before."
It wasn't exactly a secret, where Aether and Dew ended up when no one could find them. Swiss didn't have a problem admitting he'd crashed the moments a few times and—the times he wasn't avoiding a very angry Fire Ghoul for interrupting—joined in even more frequently. Mountain had affirmed as much, too. Rain… maybe just thought they were avoiding him. As a pair. Individually, things happened regularly, but—
"You never asked. Dew had to invite you and we're both very grateful you said yes… but, you should maybe probably pay a little more attention to him." Aether kisses the healing bite mark—and it's only then he even realises Dew bit hard enough that his void hasn't completely healed yet—and then Rain's neck. "Your pace, Rain—either I can do the work or we both can. Or I can sit back and watch—"
"Don't you dare—!" Rain manages to hold himself up on one arm so he can reach back to keep Aether from pulling away. Still too embarrassed to ask what he wants to. Not… as bluntly as Dew does, anyways. "I can handle it—wait, is Dew—?"
The swear is less shrill—he still bites, hard, on his lip to keep from being any louder than the startled fuck! that escapes his throat and lips when Aether pulls almost all the way back, just to slam back into him. Hard enough it pushes him further into Dew and jumps him in turn.
"Fuck you, Aether—" Dew goes from annoyed—probably from being told to calm down just to get nailed into the mattress out of nowhere—to a protesting squeak in record time and Rain realises that Aether got a hold of his tail. The length wriggles, trying to free itself and Dew's gripping the sheets so tight that Rain worries he'll end up puncturing the mattress when Aether doesn't immediately let go. Instead, he runs his thumb up the middle of the spade, easily reducing Dew to a shaking mess with minimal effort.
"Dew can handle it, if you can." He sounds amused and finally, once he's sure Dew isn't going to try sassing him again, releases the tail, both hands braced on Rain's hips again. That's the only warning before the relentless, pounding pace from before resumes. Rain's barely able to keep his grip on the floor, even as his legs protest supporting even a little bit of his weight—prays to every Prince he can think of in those moments that his claws don't tear into the carpet—and it isn't long before Dew's clinging to him again, full on attached with his arms and legs tight around Rain's body, with absolutely no concern to how loud he's getting.
"Rain—oh, fu—"
Rain feels Dew's claws sharpen, feels his entire body tense when Rain finally gives up on remaining passive. He wasn't when it was just him—whether it was Aether nailing him to the nearest surface or Rain fucking Dew in a quiet corner of the Ministry between daily tasks—and there isn't a reason to be passive now. Even when it means he's pushing back to meet Aether's thrusts—and absolutely relishing the shudder that goes up his spine, when he does—it's worth watching Dew turn into a mess of an incoherent, broken mantra that slurs between begging and their names. Rain buries his face next to Dew's shoulder, breathing heavier until he finally bites down on Dew's neck—partially in retaliation; but, mostly in his own vain attempt not to get any louder. The heat and smoke that fills his mouth from the other Ghoul is almost intoxicating in that moment.
Dew's entire body tenses with the bite and he doesn't care when the short scream echoes in the room; specifically, him tightening around Rain as he cums—splattered over both of their stomachs and chests—and Aether pushing into him one last time, pushing him further into the tight body beneath him has him muffling his own voice in Dew's neck. It's only as he's coming down from the post-coital high that he even really considers that Aether's… not all that vocal. He was more likely to talk to them and it.. kinda makes a lot sense when he thinks of how vocal Dew is.
Aether also, apparently, has a stupidly fast recovery. He'll probably appreciate it later; but, right now, all he's focused on is that he can feel Aether carefully prying Dew's grip loose—gently persuading him to retract his claws and relax his body—before he reaches around and caresses Rain's neck and jaw until he finally relaxes and release's Dew from biting down on his neck.
"There you go… c'mere, beautiful."
Rain doesn't fight being moved so he's laid out properly. He hears Dew hiss, weakly, when they're separated, and again, a bit more violently, when Aether moves him and then tries to brush his hair away from where it's sticking to his face and neck. Still sensitive, still over stimulated; Aether leaves him to his own devices and turns his attention to Rain, leaning down to kiss his temple, just below his horn, gently. "How are you holding up, now?"
"Mmm… thought Dew was beautiful."
"You can both be beautiful." Aether doesn't miss a beat and just continues inspecting both of them. "I have plenty of other pet names for Dew, he can share one."
"My Rain." Dew's voice is still slurred and, despite the protest, he hisses when he tries to reach for Rain and the two immediately sizzle on contact. Rain hardly feels it but he knows Dew tends to be more sensitive to touch and water when he's overheating.
"... How has he not caught your bed on fire, yet…" It's not what he means to ask. He does, at least, manage to get Dew's attention by tapping his fingers on the bed, close to the other Ghoul's arm, as a proximity warning before covering his hand, gently, once he's sure his own body is… cooler. The expected pain of fire and water coming into contact when they're both more than a little stimulated—Dew might still be over stimulated—is brief and doesn't elicit more than a brief flinch from both before it settles and Dew finally turns onto his side so he can crawl the short distance and snuggle up to Rain. It's only when he pushes his face against Rain's neck—stubbornly, inaudibly asking for his hair to be pet with incessant nuzzling and gentle nips—that Rain even remembers biting him. "Wait, Dew, your neck—"
"He's fine." Aether assures him. When Rain looks over his shoulder, Aether's still standing—leaning, a little, against the post of the headboard—just watching them, with a faint smile on his lips. "I didn't know you could do that—cool him off, I mean."
"It's… difficult to match when we're both awake and aware." He looks back down, careful to avoid the left horn as he pets the damp hair back. Damp but drying quickly with his own body heat. "We both get worried about output and it ends… badly."
"Rain worries too much." Dew mumbles against his shoulder, yawning wide enough his fangs are on full display before he snuggles in. His right arm is under Rain, curled possessively around his waist, with his hand resting up near the claw marks that are still healing. His left arm drapes over Rain's body, reaching for Aether. He raises his head, briefly, when he doesn't immediately find him… but, just as quickly, he apparently decides he prefers sleep and settles back down. It doesn't take him long to fall asleep, his tail lazily draped over Rain's hip so it can hook on the length of his. Rain's tail moves up to twist with his, a loose hold, so neither of them risk yanking the other if they try to move.
He feels the bed shift when Aether finally lies down with them, careful not to startle either of them. His left arm folds under his head and one of the pillows, for extra cushioning; his right drapes over the two smaller Ghouls, easily pulling Rain flush to his chest and Dew with him. Dew's hand, even in his sleep, immediately moves to resting on Aether's arm and a deep, sleep laden sigh escapes as he finally relaxes completely.
Rain would almost say he's jealous, but he's having trouble keeping his own eyes open, secure between the two warm bodies. He always forgets how easy it is to fall asleep against Aether until it's happening. This time is no different; he's already mostly asleep when he feels Aether kiss the back of his head.
"Get some sleep, Rain. We've got you."
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moranasgrave · 1 year
Eren X Morana Kraven (OC) sneak peek !
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okay so this is a sneak peek of my wattpad story that’s coming soon! it’s the one i have the most progress in right now and it’s gonna be a longgg one 😝. i will be using an OC of mine bc it’s fun to create characters and backstories of my own and her backstory is based off of someone i know who gave consent for me to write this story. also please let me know if i should write this in 3rd or 1st person so far im doing 1st but i’m not sure.
disclaimer : morana kraven is not the same as me morana. she’s her own person that i based off of someone i know irl (with consent ofc), i had the OC named first actually but i love that name and it goes with my real name so that’s why it’s my user on everything. so no this isn’t a self insert or anything like that i already have a self insert character lmao i just wanted to clear that up.
also this prob won’t be proofread yet lolz this is just a small portion of chapter 1 that’s in the form of a drabble! it’ll be much better in the book.
okay i hope you enjoyyy chapters 1-3 should be uploaded to wattpad by august the 25th 🫶🏼 then after i’ll be releasing 5 chapters at a time.
Morana knew she wouldn’t be able to attend this party unless she pregamed first. Her nerves were shot through the roof.
Everything happened so fast with meeting connie, her new plug and close friend. To meeting his friends for lunch at the mall and shopping, and finally getting invited to the back to school party that was happening at Zeke jeagers house.
Connie insisted she come and meet the rest of the people they’ll be hanging out with and Sasha said she’d cry if she didn’t come so here she was.
She got ready with pieck her new roomate, and sasha while connie passed 2 blunts around the room, along with a bottle of Casamigos. They shopping so she had confidence with her brand new outfit and her blunt.
Standing at the front door as connie and pieck impatiently banged on the tall wooden frame, Morana felt so good with all the alcohol and weed dancing in her system.
Eren sat on the couch lighting a blunt waiting for his other friends to arrive. He was already pissed off because his ex mikasa and her little crew of wannabes have been staring him down all night. Purposely walking past him and laughing to eachother and dancing where he could see them.
They broke up 4 months ago after mikasa said some cruel things to him. He had enough of her bad attitude and stuck up ways, she treated him horribly. She only cared about them being the most popular couple at school, but he loved her.
Mikasa was cut throat, she used her popularity and her mindless minions to tear down anyone who stood in her way. Pissing off her ex was a daily task though, her way of still letting him know she was around and not going anywhere.
He dreaded this school year all over again. The next 3 years having to endure this pain alone, no one understood him for real.
He needed his lively friends tonight to get his minds off of things. He perked up in his seat when he heard the loud banging at the door. A devilish grinned crept onto his face as he shifted in his seat, putting out the blunt momentarily so the others could join him.
Jean speeds walking from the kitchen pushing random people as he yells “GOT DAMMIT IM COMING YOU MANIACS.”
Connie’s the first to walk in, wearing an all black nike tech with some jordan’s as usual. His matching diamond earrings and chain sparkling brightly in the lighting of the party. “PARTYSSSS HEREEE”, he shouts as he spots eren jogging over to him.
Sasha and pieck walk in booty bumping and being loud as fuck, clearly both drunk, the pair wearing similar versions of moranas outfit. Morana steps in last greeting jean with a smile and a light hug.
Erens eyes immediately divert towards them, spotting morana his jaw slacked a little as he gawked at her. She had on a black pleated mini skirt with one of those belly dancer tie-around-the-waist scarves draped around the skirt. The gold metal plates jingling together with every step she took. She had a cropped longsleeve black skin tight skirt on with her leopard print bra that peeked through the top, boobs kindly threatening to spill out the top. Black leg warmers running down her tanned smooth legs, and some clear heels that displayed her leopard print french tip pedicure.
‘Wow she is fucking gorgeous’ eren thinks as he continues to stare. Mikasa catches this and saunters her way closer to the scene.
Morana wore her infamous huge black juicy couture purse that had an assortment of pins and keychains also jingling with every step. Her long crimson red hair was down and curly but not in it’s natural state, more of a tight wand curl that gave it a more kempt appearance. She had it half up half down with her bangs curled falling over her forehead. Her strip lashes long and spiked with black eyeliner smudged around her eyes. She changed her face jewelry to gold diamonds to match her outfit, her nose, cheek ,belly, and lip dazzling against the light.
Eren noticed every little detail in her outfit and made a mental note of how good she looked. He irritated himself with the thought of anyone seeing her how he saw her. Yea mikasa was beautiful and popular with everyone, but morana just had an essence and pure beauty that was unmatched. Her gorgeousness was something hard to put into words for eren.
Everyone finally makes their way over to the couch and starts settling in while the blunt makes it’s way around. Mikasa and her crew on one side of the couch, on their phones while mikasa talks to sasha. Eren hated that she still hung out with them, but that’s just how their group was no matter what they all still hung out and had eachothers backs.
Even though she broke his heart in the worst way possible she was still always welcomed. ‘what a joke’ he thought to himself.
Eren didn’t look her way once, instead focusing his attention on morana. She was sandwiched in between connie and pieck on the end of the couch. Diagonal from erens view in the middle of the couch next to armin and the guys.
Mikasa noticed eren staring and immediately followed his gaze to morana, pinching connie’s nipple and everyone laughing as he yelped and rubbed it. She scoffed under her breath, ‘of course he’s interested by her she looks like a hooker’ she thought to herself as she pretended to be interested in what sasha was saying.
“Morana i wanna kiss you bitch you look so hot”, pieck says laying across moranas lap eyes already glazed over. “Stoppp your gonna make me blushhh”, morana playfully hides her face from her.
“Can you guys stop flirting and pay attention to MEEE”, connie says passing the blunt to sasha. “Oh shit hold on before anything”, he stands up looking around at everyone. They all stopped their conversations and looked at connie.
“Everyone this is our new friend Morana Kraven, she’s going to our college this year and she lives in our apartments she’s piecks roommate”, he announces smiling proudly obviously excited about his new friend.
“Hey guys it’s nice to meet you all i hope we can be friends”, morana flashes a toothy smile to everyone.
Everyone gawks at her, Reinas the first to speak “Nice to meet you as well gorgeous.” He’s clearly already drunk but morana pays him no mind saying thank you sweetly.
Everyone goes around introducing themselves welcoming her to their hetic friend group.
“How do you guys know eachother”, eren finally speaks after everyone is done.
“I scared the shit out of her smoking on the porch last night and after she was done peeing her pants we started talking and we just clicked she’s cool as fuck, i think she’ll fit right in”, connie said squeezing moranas cheeks with his hands. “Connie stopp my makeup dude”, she laughs as she slaps his hands away.
Eren laughs and says “yea she looks like a perfect fit.” He secretly curses himself for being infatuated with her. He wasted 4 months of his life getting drained by mikasa, was he really ready to start looking at someone else the same way?
He sits back and watches her as everyone else begins interacting with her, making a mental note to get her number to do more research on her later.
Bertholt and reina start laughing hysterically, even annie cracks a small smile. “No yea she’ll totally be a good fit to our group we needed more girls, plus she’s super hot i mean come on”, sasha says shoving her hand into a random bag a chips that were on the table.
Everyone greets her with open arms, except mikasa. She stares intensely as she watches the boys get red in the face as their talking to her. Armin stuttering over his words like he’s forgotten english. The girls, annie and sasha even her dumb friend historia are gushing over her outfit and hair.
She gets up from her seat, her minions following suit as she strides over to morana standing directly in front of her. Hoping to scare her off from the group before she gets to comfortable.
Pieck sits up and scoffs taking out her phone and touching up her makeup with the camera.
“Mikasa Ackerman, you may of heard of me my fashion blog is pretty popular”, she said with her hands on her hips in a blasé tone. Morana looked away from pieck giving her a confused smile, “Um…sorry but i haven’t, i’ll definitely check it out though i love your outfit.”
Historia and Frieda wince behind mikasa, they knew they’d have to hear about this for hours tonight. Everyone in town knew mikasa, she was powerful there.
Mikasa felt her skin heating up, how dare she act like she doesn’t know her. She showed no signs of this though, she refused to look embarrassed infront of anyone. “Thanks, yours is to for like the club”, mikasa said back as she plucked an imaginary piece of lint off her hot pink mini tube dress.
Before she could respond mikasa made her way back to her area of the couch. “I’m historia and this is my sister frieda, you are so pretty by the way”, the short blonde girl in the blue version of mikasa dress says as she pulls her sister by the arm back to their spots.
“The fuck was that?”, morana asks pieck as she grabs the blunt from connie. “That was the most popular group of girls in the school they call themselves the 30, just stay out of their way they like run the school it’s ridiculous.” Morana nods her head confused about the name but shrugs it off. ‘i’ll ask her more later’ she thinks to herself as she hits the blunt.
She wasn’t dumb, she knew she had a huge secret she had to keep under wraps but she won’t let anyone punk her. ‘This is college not highschool, i don’t know how popular they could be’ she thinks to herself as she passes the blunt back to eren.
His hands linger on her for a second causing her to look into his eyes. “Wow you have really pretty eyes, eren right?” she says holding her gaze.
Eren finally breaks away sitting back in his seat. “Thank you i can’t tell if their blue or green they always mix or some shit, and yea i’m eren”, he say as he hits the blunt to hide his flushing face.
Morana laughs grabbing her chest, “Thats so cool i wish mine we’re a cool color.” Her eyes were black, she looked alien like because of how dark her eyes were and how whites the outer part was. When she looked at someone it was like she was peering into their soul. Eren was absolutely intrigued about this, it was as if her eyes were asking him to spill all his secrets, he almost wanted to give in.
“I think their pretty cool though, you are the first person i’ve seen with all black eyes”, Eren can feel mikasas eyes boring into the side of his head, but he refused to give her any spec of attention.
Mikasa was seething, some new random chick gets accepted into the group just like that? No one discussed this and why is everyone up her ass.
“Kay i gotta use the bathroom, come on girls”, she say quickly getting up and brisking away.
Eren continues casual conversation until morana says “OHMYGOD THIS IS MY SONGGG.” She stands up grabbing pieck and sasha’s hand. “LETS DANCE PLEASEEE”, she shouts over the music already swaying her hips to the music. S.O.S by rihanna is blasting from all the house speakers, everyone making a dash for the dance floor.
Morana looks back at eren, “Sorry that was rude as fuck, but we should talk again sometime! find me at school”, she says as she drags her friends onto the dance floor.
Morana starts really feeling herself when she gets to the dance floor. The lights flashing pink, then purple, then blue giving it a club vibe. The footsteps of people stomping drunkily around dancing on the black hardwood floors.
Morana pulls pieck into her turning around swaying her hips back and forth, using sasha as balance. Pieck immediately follows her lead grabbing her by the waist and following her movements. The sound of moranas belly dancer scarf and piecks chains that hung around her skirt were making a jingling beat to the music.
Morana spins around now face to face with pieck, she bounces around stomping her heels as she feels up her own body dancing between her friends. Eren is on the couch watching in awe, there were 100 people on the dance floor and she still stood out like a dazzling star.
He shifted his pants in his seat when started whining all the way to the floor then popped up, hands around her ankles as she was bent over. He could see her leopard print panties peeking under her skirt. “She’s hot isn’t she”, a voice says on the left side of eren making him jump.
Connie is leaning over his shoulder following his friends eyes towards the new recruit. “Yea whatever she’s cool”, eren says trying to keep his composure. “You should talk to her more after this, i think you guys will have a lot in common.” He slides over the top of the couch plopping next to eren.
“She told me to find her at school so we’ll see what’s up.” He secretly wished they would have at least one class together.
“Tomorrow morning we’re probably gonna wake n bake then help sasha shop for her apartment, you should comeeee”, connie sings raising his eyebrows at his friend. He could tell he was intrigued by her, and with the conversation he had with her last night he figured they could use eachothers company.
“Why the fuck not, jus come wake me up in the morning.” Eren found himself excited about this school year, if she was cool enough to win connie over that quickly, she had to be special. “Bettt we’ll have fun i’ll show you, this year will be amazing.”
They turned their attention back to the dance floor, a girl bumps into sasha, causing morana to almost fall over. “Watch there the fuck your going idiot”, the girl says go sasha. “Ew isn’t that the one who was stuffing her face in the kitchen?”, her friend says furrowing her brows in disgust.
Morana turned around as quick as the sentence came out of the girls mouth. “Yea what we’re not finna do here is talk to my friend like your crazy”, she says laughing. “How about YOU watch where YOUR going and watch your mouth while your at it too thanks”, she says grabbing sasha’s hand pulling her behind her.
“Who the hell even are you don’t start something you can’t finish, take your dumb friend and go back to dancing SLUT”, the girl says taking a sip of her drink.
Morana feels her blood go cold. She knows it’s probably just the alcohol but she hated when people insulted her friends. She’s heard the slut comment plenty of times but talking shit about her friend was doing too much. She closed her eyes trying to count to ten, when she got to 7 and still felt that anger she shrugged.
“I guess it can’t be helped huh”, she backs away from sasha stepping towards the girl close enough to kiss her. “Call my friend another name and see what happens”, she grits through her teeth. The girl leans her head to the side so sasha is in her field of vision, “DUMB. BITCH.”
Morana cracks a half smile before grabbing the girl by her hair and pulling her to the ground. She starts hitting her while her friend pleads on the side for her to let go.
“Ahhhh SHIT, THIS is part of the in common i was talking about, i should get her before she goes to jail”, connie stands up running towards the cat fight. Eren sits there watching as every hit she threw connected to the girls face. ‘She’s definitely done this before’ eren thinks to himself as she throws another punch. He’s kind of shocked that such a sweet looking girl could hit like that.
Mikasa and her girls were coming out the bathroom before they saw morana fighting. “EHMAGAWD SHES BEATING HER ASS”, historia exclaims throwing a fist in the air. “Shut it.”, mikasa warns her dumb friend to tone it down. “What an attention whore, fighting at a party is so middle school.” She walks off leading her girls to the backyard. She couldn’t handle watching everyone ogle that girl anymore. ‘I give her two weeks and i’ll have her out of here’ she thinks to herself as she pushes past people.
Connie runs up and grabs morana by the waist lifting her as high as he can. “ALRIGHT WERE OUT THIS BITCH LETS GO”, he yells as he starts hauling her towards the door. Pieck and sasha follow close behind watching their friend still cussing the girl out over connie’s shoulder.
They’ve barley just met and she already got in a fight over them. Sasha giggled “Thank you Momo you are the best bitch.”
Morana finally stops arguing looking down at sasha. Her face softens, “That was nothing i would’ve killed her if i was sober”, she said laughing a little embarrassed. Sasha could tell she was half serious by her tone which warmed her heart in a weird way.
“YEA YOU TOTALLY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HER”, pieck says grabbing sasha’s hand as they make their way out the door.
Eren watched as connie left with the girls, feeling kind of sad that HIS party had to leave.
‘Tomorrow morning’ he thought to himself as he sat back thinking about her.
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salmonidos · 2 years
Personal spiritual rambles and introspection ahead
Hm. Weaving nets
Imma put in bold what I think is most relevant from my word vomit.
Last reading I got said something about this and in first instance I didn't understand. Not sure I do still but curious I got specifically that card, I am so new to all this small things like those never fail to surprise me and I go all like "oh shit ok this is happening" fjslssjdlckdl. I thought it meant like making contacts with people which I'm not discarding but it felt a bit off at that time. Work with Loki went from chill to scary real fast but the scary is not about Loki, it's about me being scared of change I'm sure. Yet it's so rewarding. A lot is going on yet I think it's the perfect moment for me to get serious with this. I think he was patient at first because he knew how difficult it was going to be for me to kickstart it. Or perhaps he was waiting for me to take the step of properly asking... not leaving it as an uncommitted maybe. And now I have committed.
So, we did harsh truths once, and it was hard and it stang deep but overall was for the better, now we're onto second harsh truth I am struggling to see I think? Doesn't help my memory is shitty af and tunes out what I learn... Or perhaps I don't want to see it, perhaps I am avoiding it, perhaps I should just write it down when I think about it yes? I might start carrying a small journal with me... or just post it here. I do tend to get this weird head pressure when there's something I can't see yet, as if my brain was hiding info from me. I think I'm slowly getting closer to figure out something useful. I mean, I have been doing stuff useful for my personal growth, I think I am too impatient too. Change doesn't always come quick and sudden, but I always seem to want it that way.
I think my general failure to see the bigger picture keeps me bound to small details which in the end makes me lose sight of the rest of interconnected things... making a single knot bigger than it should be, bearing more weight than it should, in a net that should be balanced - or at least I want it to be, a bit more. There's a lot of strain... That is one thing. So I am working on my perfectionism but I think that's not exactly the issue, rather like, hyperfocus, overworry; is one of the things. I'm too caught up with what's familiar to me and struggle accepting the new. Ohh. Struggling to accept and implement changes, to see myself differently... There we go. Back to that square? I guess it makes sense if I have been taking refuge in familiarity all my life. Ok but, back to that square in some areas. I have made progress with change in others.
I gotta think about rewiring my brain, way of thinking, concept of self and how I see and interact with the world around me. I do struggle with connecting to the external world and get too caught up with myself (autism related isolation and social difficulty plus trauma are fun!/s) but my brain net as I'm picturing (?) is old and weary and barely handles the weight of the current circumstances. It is unbalanced and what worked back then doesn't work nowadays. Self-isolation, freezing and avoiding isn't it and there's a lot of things I react to this way that should be worked on and changed. Rather that I should work on and change, nobody else will do that for me lmao.
Change doesn't come through sudden epiphany most of the time. Sometimes it does! but it's extremely situational dependent. And even so you can go back to familiarity pretty easily. Something becomes familiar and automatic through repetition... so picking one thing to do differently and repeat may help. And nets, interconnected. Okay. So changing one small thing through repetition consistently may cause changes in other areas. Like that's how people do it right?
I think I might get another reading soon. Perhaps today or sometime this upcoming week since I have more free time. It might be useful.
Okay writing about this helped I think, new viewpoint. Now I gotta decide on how I'll apply this... and not leave it just at thought.
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dollyyun · 4 months
and sorry for my broken english bcs english i not my first language 🙏🏻
- 🍓
hello bbg! lmao love the passive aggressiveness but naurr don't apologise! i understand that real life responsibilities come first <333 thank you sm for taking your time to read!🫶🏻
😭😭😭😭😭😭you're fr down bad for hee (same) and as for the fivesome, it may or may not happen in part 7 instead of part 6 bc y'know the saying of save the best for last?🏃🏻‍♀️💨 you know me, i always give out spoilers so you can expect some 🤓
thank you as well for the reminder! i've been juggling between school and writing (bruh i got way to immersive in my google docs, hence i'm not that active on tumblr) naurr don't worry about your english because it's not my first language either <3
i appreciate you so much ☹️🤍 ily and don't forget to take care of yourself as well!
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I might as well start a TikTok trend Masterlist lmao. But not a request, but I saw this the other day and I was dying imagining how the BSD characters would react lol. Let me know if you guys want another character or fandom (I already know I’m bout to do this with the Obey Me boys 😩) Reader is gender neutral!
CW: suggestive/spicy content but no NSFW. The challenge suggests nudity but you’re not naked (even if your man thinks you are 💀)
The Towel Prank (Tiktok Trend) with: Dazai, Kunikida, and Atsushi
So you two were just goofing off getting ready to go to bed. You just “got out of the shower” and was doing stupid stuff with him in the bathroom mirror: making faces, dancing, anything obnoxious that was making you both laugh
He was too distracted by your beauty to really ask why you had your phone out, but thought that you’re just saving this to look back on later as fun memories. He was playing right along with you-
His face morphed from smiling to in shock so QUICK
Remember how he looked in BSD Wan when Atsushi gave him flowers? That’s what he looked like lmao
Cue you being bearhugged and almost tackled to the ground, with his back facing your phone
You have never seen him move so fast in your life before
He would have wrapped you in his trench coat if he still had it on
When he expected to feel bare skin, he only felt…material?
And how you’re nearly in tears laughing at him while still being in his arms. He realizes now that you’ve planned this, that he’s been pranked
Now Dazai has never been one to be pranked, let alone tricked like this. He can’t have you one-upping him like this! So if it’s a prank war you want, he’ll be more than happy to oblige. But first-
You’re already getting up and reaching for your phone when he grabbed it before you, oddly quiet. “Oh c’mon Osamu you aren’t really mad at me are you? You gotta admit that it was a little funNY-“
You didn’t realize how severe the consequences of your actions were until you dropped on your shared bed with him towering over you
“You didn’t really think you would tease me like this and get away with it, do you?”
If that devious smirk was anything to go by, you’re gonna be in for a long night
Bonus: he definitely pulls the same prank on you, but instead in front of everyone and blames it on you! :D
You deal with a very angry Kunikida
He was not paying you any attention, instead just writing in his notebook as always, more than likely about work. It was finally time to relax for the both of you, and this is what he wanted to do?
Well that’s about to change
You have something that’ll get his attention no problem
Even when you set your phone up pointing right in his direction, he didn’t stop writing. Yeah that’s about to change real soon
Walking in front of him with nothing but a towel and looking back at him, he just sighed and shook his head, “Listen dear, I told you to give me five more minutes and then I’ll indulge you in whatever you want to do, and you whining isn’t going to change that.” And he still didn’t look up!
Looks like it’s time for drastic measures
“Fine. Looks like I have to give my attention elsewhere then.”
“(Y/N) what are you going on abo-”
It didn’t fully click to him that you’re only in a towel and he had to do a double take when it did. He felt his heart stop when you unraveled it with the camera sitting right there-
When I tell you that he launched himself at you
He was latching onto you like a spider monkey with the reddest face, trying to cover your whole body with his while
Idk if you guys remember this show called Hole in the Wall where they had to match the pose or fall in the water? He’s posing like that trying to cover you
Well your plan worked- his notebook was forgotten!
Bad news: he didn’t find it funny when it was revealed you had clothes on underneath. Relieved, but not amused, and his anger was steady rising the more you laughed
Which lead to now: him still latching onto you in bed, not having said a word since. His idea of a punishment (which it really wasn’t to you), hold you until you tire yourself out because he is so terrified that you’ll do something even more drastic if he lets you go
And he was already planning on holding you anyway once he was done writing, but of course your impatience got the best of you
“Oh Doppo-”
“Absolutely not. Since you showed that you can’t be without supervision, this is your punishment. I can’t write in my notebook peacefully, so you can’t go around causing mayhem. And you finally got what you wanted: my attention, correct?”
“Well, yeah but-”
“Alright then. Now go to sleep, you’ve already given me a headache.”
“But I’m not-"
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
He really didn’t let you go for the whole night, but this was fine. You liked being in each other arms any way
Also he watches you like a hawk every time you’re either on the app or using your camera. He does not trust you and that “abomination” together
Poor guy was just minding his business when you decided to do what you always do: cause chaos
You set up your phone and called your loving boyfriend into the room, claiming that you want to show him something exciting. He came in and was already blushing when he saw you in the towel, and his heart rate skyrocketed when he saw your phone recording
You aren’t about to do what he think you are…right? He’s just jumping to conclusions!…right?
“Um…honey, why are you recording- and why don’t you have clothes on yet?”
“Because of THIS-”
You have never heard him scream so loud before, you’re pretty sure he cracked a mirror and all of your windows. But that wasn’t what got you, no-
His arms (now as a weretiger) were trying to cover you while also getting you away from your phone. You’re grateful for his quick reflexes but also scared that he’s gonna faint at any second
He scanned over your clothed body to make sure he didn’t scratch you on accident- wait, clothed?! And why are you laughing?!
“What the hell?! That wasn’t funny you know, I thought you were really…”
As cute as Atsushi’s pout is, you didn’t want him to be upset, so you grabbed your phone and stopped the video. He looked more embarrassed than anything, so you had the perfect way to apologize to him
Crawling in his lap and peppering his face with one kiss after the next, you felt his resolve breaking bit by bit. You knew you were forgiven when he tightened his grip around your waist-
“Let me make it up to you At-su-shi~”
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sleepysnk · 4 years
alright y'all i finally got some headcanons after showering. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THESE. i kinda liked the idea, so lmk if you guys would like a part 2! :)
Pool Day Headcanons
Characters: Eren, Jean, Reiner, and Colt
Warnings: slight suggestive?
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Eren Jaeger:
- ok so you already know it was Eren's idea to go swimming at the waterpark. there was a giant heatwave coming, so he figured it'd be a perfect date for the two of you.
- not in a bad way ofc, but he'd be a dick to the kids, or he'd do some petty stuff 😭. he'd run when a lifeguard would yell at him, or push a little kid to get to the water slide. you'd just stand there embarrassed while a parent cusses him out.
- Eren would force you to go into the water, even if you protested that you didn't want to. he'd drag you off the chair and force you in.
- "babe! come on! it's a waterpark, don't just sit there all day,"
- Eren would splash water in your face or force you on the tube slides with him, he'd purposely make it go fast so you'll fly off at the end.
- he would probably push you off the diving board because you took too long, he's just impatient like that.
- Eren would get tan as fuck. he'd be so golden after you both leave, you never have to worry about sunscreen with him.
- not gonna lie, Eren would love seeing you in your swimsuit. he'd kind of be more protective of you, especially if other guys stared at you. he'd probably put his arm around you.
- he'd put you on his back to go to the deep end, and probably scare you acting like he was going to throw you off.
- lifeguards would yell at him for almost making you drown.
- probably got kicked out once because of it too.
- his hair would be so messy, since we're talking about manbun Eren, he'd have to re-tie his bun a few times. sometimes you'd pull on it, and he'd have to re-do it.
- Eren would probably get a hard-on seeing the water droplets going down your body, and he'd press it against you while be in the water leaving you with a huge blush.
- this would be a really fun date, definitely a 10/10.
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Jean Kirstein:
- this would probably be Jean's idea to go to a waterpark. he's really fun in that way, and plus he gets to see you in a swimsuit, so it would be perfect ;).
- Jean would absolutely LOVE the water slides, he'd be the type to wait in long ass lines just to ride it, even if you complained.
- "be patient babe! it's gonna be so worth it in the end,"
- like Eren, Jean would kind of be an ass to people at the waterpark. he'd steal a tube a little kid was going for, and run away laughing his ass off while the kid cried. he'd be a dick like that i'm sorry 😭. the parent would probably roll their eyes at you both as you word a "sorry" to them.
- Jean would probably sneak food into the waterpark, even if it isn't allowed, he still somehow finds a way for snacks to be snuck in. HE'S SNEAKY LIKE THAT.
- his dumbass would get water up his nose every 30 seconds and have a huge coughing fit.
- accidentally swallowed pool water 😀.
- he'd be the type to slowly inch you into the water, and hold your waist 🥰.
- Jean would take you on his back around the deep end making sure you're safe and secure, so he doesn't drop you, sometimes he'll hold you in the front with your legs around his waist.
- Jean would get tan, you wouldn't have to worry about him getting burned. plus his tan would be hot as fuck.
- knowing this guy, seeing you in your swimsuit made his jaw drop to the floor. he loved the way your body glowed in it, and it made a huge blush go across his face. he couldn't keep his eyes off of you 🥺.
- SO PROTECTIVE. if a guy even looked in your direction, Jean would instantly put his arm around you or even kiss you in front of the dude staring at you. he didn't want any guy thinking they had a chance with you, it's honestly super adorable.
- you'd come back to your spot during the break and feel his print when you sat down on his lap 😳😳. boy was it a surprise for you.
- his hair would be all messy and water would be going down his face, ngl it's really hot to you 😏.
- pls doing this with Jean would be so worth it and fun.
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Reiner Braun
- not gonna lie, this was probably a date you two both came up with while trying to figure out your weekend plans. it was going to be a real hot one, so you figured why not? a waterpark sounded fun.
- Reiner would probably not be a huge fan of water slides, but you forced him to go on one and he wanted to do them all.
- "baby we're going on that one next, i don't care about the line,"
- he wouldn't be an ass to anyone at the waterpark, but he would definitely roll his eyes at the annoying teenagers that won't shut up. you both were waiting in a line and they kept complaining, and Reiner literally wanted to backhand them.
- Reiner in swim trunks 🥵 oh boy.. my imagination is running wild. it is definitely the sight to see.
- he uses his charm to get free snacks 😭😭, girls cannot resist this man and his body.
- Reiner would probably tan with you for a bit, he'd for sure wait by your side holding your hand or waiting on his phone for you to finish. my man has patience when it comes to you.
- he'd probably jump in with you and laugh as people would be annoyed with you two splashing them with water.
- Reiner would probably try to do some weird trick in the water and bump his head on the bottom of the pool floor. he'd come back rubbing his head and shaking his head.
- like a dumbass, he'd get water up his damn nose and cough for like 30 seconds.
- Reiner would slightly tan but also burn? if that makes sense.
- he is 100x more protective of you at waterparks, many guys would stare at you and my man would put his hand straight onto your ass or your waist.
- he loves your swimsuit, he thinks you look absolutely stunning and just breath taking.
- Reiner would lowkey hold you in the pool with your legs around his waist leaving small neck kisses. this man has had a boner all day, he probably would take you home after and see your fresh tan lines 😳.
- THIS WOULD BE SO FUN. please take this man to a waterpark gn.
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Colt Grice:
- this was definitely a date idea that you had since Colt doesn't really think about waterparks that much lmao. plus with the heatwave coming, you figured why not?
- he got forced to take Falco.
- Colt would do absolutely everything the place has to offer, whether it be going down the water slides or going onto the diving board. HE WANTS TO DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. let this man have fun, ok?
- he's definitely respectful and wouldn't do anything that would get him kicked out, this soft baby is just too sweet for that.
- Colt would probably enjoy the lazy river with you, he loves the relaxation, and just being by your side would make him feel so calm and soft. he would hold your hand as you floated down on it, IT WOULD BE SO SO CUTE. you can't change my mind.
- he'd splash water in your face and get pool water in his mouth, he'd be coughing so much.
- ok this is something i thought of just now, but he would so buy goggles to go underwater and kiss you. he loves to see your smiling face under the water, IT JUST MAKES HIS HEART SWELL AND FEEL SO SOFT 🥺.
- he'd take you on his back and to the deep end while you place your head on his shoulder, he'd probably joke around and act like he's gonna drop you. it'd be kinda funny.
- "you want me to drop you? okay!"
- Colt would be so protective of you, knowing many prying eyes would be on you, it made him a little insecure:((, but he did his best to show those people you were his. you also assured him that nobody else would ever replace him, you probably kissed him a few times in front of those guys.
- Colt would burn jfc you needed so much sunscreen.
- he'd absolutely love your swimsuit, he thinks you look like something from heaven 🥺. he would call you every name in the book, he's just a sweetheart like that.
- he'd peck your lips a few times and say sweet words to you <3333.
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
The Perfect Wingman.
Pairing: Single Dad!Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of Angst
Warnings: mentions of injuries, blood
Requested: Nope
Summary: Felix, Sebastian Stan's five year old son, is the perfect matchmaker (with the help of Uncle Anthony, of course!)
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Another matchmaker fic lmao there's just something about that trope where kids play matchmaker for adults that's just... 💞 anyway enjoy!
"Buddy! Hi!"
Y/N glanced at Chris Evans as her boss spoke to her, seeing him running towards somebody. After her boss left, she turned around and smiled when she saw him chatting with Felix, Sebastian Stan's five year old son. The kid was literally sunshine in a bottle, making everyone around him happy. Guess that's another thing he got from his father.
Aside from looks.
Then she looked around, but couldn't see Sebastian anywhere. "Boo!" Startled, Y/N screamed and held a hand over her chest as she whirled around to see Sebastian doubled over in laughter behind her, clutching his stomach. "Oh my God!" she groaned as several heads turned to her at her scream. "You should've seen your face," Sebastian wheezed.
Y/N pouted at him and swatted his chest. "I could've had a heart attack!" Y/N wasn't an actress, she was just an assistant on set. Her only work was to make sure that all the actors on set were hydrated, which in turn led to her becoming good friends with all of them. They were all very friendly people, the Marvel cast. "But you didn't. Felix!" Sebastian called out and his son looked up.
Running as fast as his little feet could carry him, Felix jumped into his father's open arms, giggling. Y/N watched them with a smile on her face; Sebastian was a great father. "Meet Y/N," Sebastian introduced her and she waved at the kid. "Hi Felix," she grinned but Felix was mesmerized. Wow, she's so beautiful.
He simply blinked at her a few times, his jaw dropped. Y/N raised a questioning but amused brow at him, her eyes flickering to Sebastian who was watching his son with an exasperated look on his face, all too aware of his shenanigans. She laughed at Sebastian's expression and Felix snapped out of his thoughts. He raised his arms and leaned forward; a silent request of please pick me up.
Y/N gathered him in her arms, his tiny arms going around her neck as she held him on her hip. "Hello!" He had surprisingly clear speech, he did not mispronounce his L's and R's much. "Hi! How are you today? Enjoying yourself?" Felix nodded excitedly. "Yes!" Sebastian simply watched them with a soft smile as the girl he fancied talked to his son.
Sebastian had had a crush on Y/N ever since they began filming, and at this point, 4 months later, the only person who was oblivious to his feelings was Y/N. Everyone knew, and everyone heartily teased him for it. He had always wanted to ask her out; seeing his son get along so well with her only fueled his feelings. "Are you… are you an actwess too, Y/N?"
"No, darling, I'm a helping hand. I help everyone stay hydrated."
"What does that mean?"
"I give everyone water when they ask for it," she explained and Felix nodded, eyes the same colour as Sebastian's blinking at her in wonder. "Water is impowtant," Felix stated matter-of-factly making Y/N giggle. Felix decided he wanted to hear that sound much more frequently. "Felix! Is that you?!" Y/N, Felix and Sebastian turned to see Anthony making his way towards them.
"Uncle Anthony!" Felix squealed and Y/N put him down on his feet, smiling at the way he ran to Anthony Mackie. "Your son is so cute," she commented, turning to Sebastian only to see him already staring at her, a soft smile on his face. "It seems as though he has taken a liking to you. I wouldn't blame him." Y/N rolled her eyes at his flirting but blushed.
He did flirt with her a lot, but come on, that was just a part of his personality. Surely he didn't have feelings for her, he couldn't. Oh but he did; very strong feelings, on top of that. "Cheesy," she jabbed back and Sebastian clutched his chest with a pretend hurt look on his face. "You wound me," he pouted and Y/N grinned at him.
What they didn't see was Felix and Anthony staring at them, eyebrows raised in an identical manner. "Uncle Anthony, can I ask you something?" Anthony smirked but nodded. "Does papa… does papa love Y/N?" Anthony laughed loudly, realising that the adorable kid was the perfect wingman for Y/N and Sebastian. So he said, "Yes, yes he does."
"She is really pwetty…" Felix confessed, his own cheeks turning pink. "Aw, look who's blushing," Anthony teased, pinching his little cheeks. Felix blushed more and slapped his hands away, pouting. "Do you want your papa to go on a date with Y/N?" Anthony asked the child. Felix thought for a moment before nodding.
"Yes. If he likes her, he should just tell her!" Oh, bless his innocent heart. If only it were that easy in real life. "He will ask her soon, we'll make sure of it. Here's what you can do to help…"
2 months had passed since Felix visited the sets and Sebastian was getting impatient. If you thought his flirting was too much then, you should see him now. He flirted with her every chance he got but Y/N used to brush him off each time; he possibly couldn't be genuinely interested in her. She didn't think herself to be worthy of his affections, so, as much as she liked his flirting, she never reciprocated.
As Y/N gathered a few bottles of water in her arms, she heard a screech behind her. "Y/N!" Smiling, she turned, dramatically faking an 'oof' as a tiny body collided with her legs. "Felix, honey, hi! Didn't expect you to visit the sets today," she grinned as Felix let go, smiling broadly up at her.
"His babysitter couldn't make it, had to bring him down."
Her smile turned nervous as she saw the father of the cute kid walking towards her, a suave smile plastered on his face. "That's okay, papa, I can just hang out with Y/N!" Felix assured him before frowning at the dozens of bottles in her arms. "Do you need help?" Ah, ever the gentleman. One more thing he gets from his dad.
"Thank you so much, sweetie," she cooed as she handed him two bottles. It wasn't much, but seriously, how much could a little child carry? That was enough for him. "Can you go give these to Scarlett and Chris?" she requested, pointing to the spot where Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth were standing. "Okay, Y/N!"
She grinned when he left. "Seriously, how did you manage to birth the most perfect kid in the world?" she commented, turning to Sebastian. "Look at me," he said unabashedly, wiggling his eyebrows. "Seb," she huffed and nudged him, raising her eyebrows in shock when he took the bottles from her arms. "I have some time before my next scene."
"That's my job—"
"Nope, can't have you carrying all these bottles, sweetheart. What if you drop them?" She pouted as she followed him through the busy set. "Do you think I'm clumsy?" He glanced at her, worried that he actually offended her, but smiled when he saw her playful look. "Nope, but I don't want you to trip over the fallen bottles and hurt yourself."
"Now that was a good line," she whistled and Sebastian laughed. As Sebastian and Y/N chatted more, they heard a loud wail coming from a few feet away. Freezing up, both of them turned to see Felix sitting on the floor, surrounded by Elizabeth Olsen and Chris Evans as he moaned in pain. Y/N's eyes went wide with fear when she saw the cut on his knee.
Talk about hurting oneself...
Forgetting the world around her, she quickly rushed to the child, Sebastian hot on her heels. "Bub, stop crying," Chris tried but Felix wouldn't listen. The moment he saw Y/N, though, his tears ceased. "Y/N," he whimpered and reached towards her, finally content when she took him in her arms. "Oh, honey bun, you'll be okay," she whispered, kissing his forehead.
"It hurts," Felix insisted. "I know, darling, let's patch you up." Without any word to anyone, Y/N led him away from the crowd, sitting him down on one of the chairs littered across the place. Sebastian, Chris and Elizabeth watched her; Chris and Lizzie were smirking but Sebastian was beyond shocked. The worry on her face the moment she found out he was hurt, the way she cradled him…
The way his son had stopped crying when he saw her, as if she were his mother. The way he reached out to her instead of him. "Just ask her out, pal, look at her. She's perfect for you. And for Felix," Chris told him, patting him on the back before leaving with Elizabeth.
Sebastian stayed where he was for a few more minutes, heart racing and mind in an overdrive, watching as Y/N took care of Felix. Be mine, please.
"All okay, bub?" Y/N crooned as she tied a bandage on his knee after cleaning the blood off. "Thank you, Y/N!" Felix threw his arms around her neck and buried his face in her neck, smiling widely. Y/N returned the hug ardently, rubbing his back. "Felix?" Felix looked over Y/N's shoulder to see his dad standing there, a small smile on his face. "Papa!"
He made no point in moving out of Y/N's arms and Sebastian took the hint, merely ruffling the boy's hair. "You doing okay? Y/N take care of the boo-boo?" Felix nodded eagerly. "It doesn't even hurt now," he said proudly and Sebastian smiled. "Did you say thank you?" "He did, Sebastian," Y/N assured him.
"I wish Y/N took care of my boo-boos all the time!" Felix pouted. Sebastian froze again, his eyes darting to Y/N when he saw her stiffen. "How is that possible, sugar?" Y/N joked nervously as she stood up, Felix still in her arms, holding him on her hip like before. "Papa can date you! And then you can get married and then you'll be my mama and then you'll take care of all my boo-boos!"
Sebastian and Y/N stared at each other as Felix innocently looked at Y/N with a huge smile on his face. "M-Married? Bubba, I don't think your papa likes me in that way…" Sebastian suddenly found his voice. How dare she? "Y/N, I do like you, why do you think I flirt with you all the time?" he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Y/N's eyes went wide. "Wait, I thought you were joking—"
"I wasn't. Will you go on a date with me?"
"Sebastian, I-I… I'll be honored."
"Oh please, iubi, the honor's all mine," he chuckled and, not caring about who was watching (including his own son), leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers in a sweet kiss. Y/N's heart fluttered at the term of endearment as she kissed him back. Felix groaned loudly in Y/N's arms, covering his eyes. "Yucky!"
Sebastian and Y/N had to break the kiss because they laughed too hard. Felix slid down Y/N's arms and ran towards Anthony, who was watching them with a small smile, proud of his best friend for finally making a move on the woman he liked. Anthony smirked when the pipsqueak stopped next to him. "Good job, bud."
"Thank you, Uncle Anthony." And Felix gagged again as he and Anthony turned to Sebastian and Y/N, only to see them in another liplock.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you enjoyed, reblogs will be accepted and appreciated too <3
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buckys-little-hoe · 4 years
The Bet | Jake Peralta x Reader
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Pairing: Jake Peralta x Reader
Summary: You and Jake make a bet. Who can last longer without Sex.
Warnings: Implied Smut, my non existent knowledge of police work, sexyness lmao, mentions of drugs and murder
A/N: There is not much to say. I just wanted to try writing about someone else. The next thing that i have planned is something for our fav fast guy Pietro (who owns my heart btw)
It all started about a year ago. You were new to the station and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Not only were you beautiful, no, you were a real badass too. You solve one case after the other without any complications. And while you sometimes had to be physical, you looked hot too. Amy had asked several times if you could teach her how to look good while you had blood on your uniform, but you just shrugged your shoulders. In all honesty, you just did it without even thinking about it. Holt was incredibly proud to have hired someone so talented. You lived for your work, but your private life suffered as a result. 
You spent your nights researching and in the morning you just came out of bed. And so after about a week you were at your desk. Rosa came in with her blank expression and sat across from you. You gave her a smile, which she didn't return, but she gave you coffee. You accepted it gratefully and immediately felt better. "Hey, Y/N! Could you bring me the new file? It's on Peralta's desk.” Terry asked you as you sat closer and you nodded. With your coffee cup in hand, you got up and went to his desk. What a mess. Sighing, you rummaged around with one hand. Was that a crushed granola bar? Disgusted, you took your hand out of the mess and took a sip. At about the same time, Jake strutted in and was immediately involved in a conversation with Charles. So he ran backwards towards his desk. You didn't even notice your surrounding anymore, you were too focused on finding the files without your hand touching anything rotten. And so Jake ran against you. Startled, you tightened your grip on the cup, which caused the lid to fly up from the pressure and some coffee spilled onto your blouse. You whimpered softly because the shit was really hot. "Fuck ..." Carefully you lifted the blouse a little so that it doesn't stick to your skin. Jake immediately walked away from you and spoke to you. "Shit, I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Y/L/N?” He asked with a guilty conscience and you turned around. With gritted teeth you nodded and walked slowly towards the washroom. "If you want, I'll help you take it off!" He called after you and you had to pull yourself together not to beat him up. This was his first attempt at flirting, and it wasn't his last. About a month later, you were sitting across from Rosa again, but your eyes were on Holt. He was talking to Jake again, but you couldn't see what kind of conversation. Was it praise? Or maybe scolding? You were bored with no case to resolve. Besides, you were kind on a sex withdrawal. After all, you were new to this neighborhood and didn't really know anyone. You hadn't even gotten to masturbation in the past few weeks. Annoyed, you let your head drop on your crossed arms. It could be that the withdrawal made you a little pissed. "What's going on?" Rosa asked and Amy perked up her ears. And since Charles didn't really have anything to do either and was a self-proclaimed consolation giver, he came straight to it. A kind of meeting came into being. "I'm just not in a good mood," you said and looked up. "Why?" Amy asked immediately. Even Gina was now at your table. "Is it because we don't have any cases right now?" Charles asked, but you denied it. A bit of free time was actually good, but you were in the wrong place to satisfy yourself. "Stress with the partner?", Amy guessed. "I don't have anyone.", You grumbled. "Aha!" Gina shouted. "You haven't had sex in a long time!" With red cheeks you buried your head in your arms again. Satisfied, she nodded as she hit the nail right on the head. Terry came along now. "I know some nice men," he said and you rolled your eyes. Great, now everyone knew. "I know some great girls too," Rosa suggested. “That's enough, guys. If I want then I'll surely find someone. ", You grumbled and looked up again. By now everyone had a sympathetic smile on their faces. You groaned annoyed. Gina pushed Charles aside and showed you a couple of Instagram accounts with some guys. Somehow you wanted meaningless sex, but not with someone strange. Jake stepped out of the office again and noticed everyone standing at your table. "What's going on here?" He asked aloud and walked to your desk. "We're looking for someone to lay Y/N.", Gina answered without looking up. Embarrassed you avoided his gaze. Did everyone finally know? "I'll volunteer.", He grinned and everyone started laughing, including you. "Why are you laughing?" Confused, he looked at his colleagues. Charles put a hand on his shoulder. "Not bad for Jake, but Y/N is way out of your league.", He replied with pity in his voice. Jake looked at him indignantly. “Thanks, Boyle! It doesn't matter now. Y/N, take your bag or whatever, we have a little drug case in a gelateria.”Peralta said, avoiding Boyle's hurt expression. A gelateria and he didn't take his best friend with him? Excitedly, you grabbed your service weapon and your jacket. “I’m ready!"
"I think the owner is the dealer," you said quietly to yourself. Jake nodded in agreement. "Now we just have to catch him red-handed," he added. He turned to you and put both of his hands on your shoulders. You looked at him with a raised brow. "Flirt with him," he ordered and shook you. "What! Why? ”You hissed softly and glanced over at the guy. "You distract him and I'll go back through the door," he explained and you sighed. "Okay." So you stepped inside slowly, purposefully towards the counter and looked at the many different types of ice cream. "Hi!", You smiled shyly, and he took the bite immediately. "Hello beautiful woman, what can I do for you?" He asked charmingly with his heavy Italian accent. Your heart went soft with all the ice cream. "What can you recommend?" "It depends on what you like," grinned the man. "I like it extraordinary, maybe something Mediterranean.", You said and suppressed your gag reflex. "I should have- Hey!", He interrupted himself and looked past you. Inwardly, you just gave yourself a facepalm. He couldn’t be serious. "What are you doing back there, huh?" Slowly you turned around and saw Peralta with a mustache stuck on. You sighed softly to yourself and just mimicked your fate. "Well, searching the drugs.", He replied as if it were the most normal thing in the world. You took your badge in your hand ready to turn around when the swanky Italian slapped it out of your hand, jumped over the counter and hit you on the floor. With a thud, you landed on the floor. Jake was about to walk towards you, but you waved in the direction of the door. He bit his lip and hesitantly ran after him. Slowly you got up and cracked your fingers. Why did he have to bite his lip so badly? Now you ran after them too, it didn't take long for the Italian to land in a dead end. Jake seemed to have everything under control, so you stood to one side to take a deep breath. But when he handcuffed him, you couldn't prevent your dirty thoughts. How would the handcuffs feel on your hands? You rubbed your thighs together to release some friction. You realized one thing. Jake was the one who had to fuck you. You just had to make him do it.
A few days later, you were leaning your arms on Gina's desk, your bum up. In the reflection you could see his eyes on it while he was talking to Amy. Even your blouse had one button open today. At least time was running and you were getting more and more impatient. Gina told you something about a dance group and normally you'd like to listen, but this time it was more difficult. When you turned around he was no longer there. Instead, Amy gave you a friendly wave. You returned her gestures with a smile. Suddenly you smelled his perfume in your nose. He was right next to you. Your breathing became a little more irregular, as did your heartbeats. Oh God. His sleeves were rolled up and he was smiling slyly. “We're going to Shaw’s after work today. Would you like to come with us?” He wanted to know and you didn't miss how his eyes briefly wandered to your breasts. “Oh yes, Y/N! You absolutely have to go.", Gina agreed, so you nodded."I'll be happy to come, Peralta. "
That evening, you sat in a corner with your drink in hand. If he stopped giving you any more signs, you would look for someone else, which you would find a shame. Time passed and slowly the troop broke up. Until there was only Jake left, who sat down next to you with a new drink. "Here." Smiling, he pushed the glass towards you. You took the straw slowly in your mouth and didn't break eye contact. If he didn't get that hint now, you'd probably freak out. Instead, the detective put his hand dangerously close to your clothed core. You gasped loudly. "Could it be that you want me to fuck you?" He asks quietly and your heart almost popped out of your chest. You opened your mouth, but not a word came out. So you just nodded. “Unfortunately that's not enough, babygirl. Use words. ”Jake said. Slowly he tilted your head to one side and kissed the back of your neck. "Please, fuck me," you breathed. He removed his head and grinned. "I will, but just because you asked so nicely." Shortly afterwards you landed in his apartment. And at three in the morning you woke up and left like nothing happened. And it went on and on. Some days he would hold you against the shelves in the evidence room. On others it was in his car. And you liked the dominance he exuded. You liked how he took what he wanted from you, while still not forgetting your satisfaction. But after the sex you were always the first to go.
After a year it was still just sex and nothing more. So you were all the more surprised when he suddenly showed up on a date. You apologized to the nice man and pulled Jake on his ear out. He followed you gasping. When you finally stood in the parking lot, you crossed your arms. “What's this crap, Peralta?” You wanted to know, annoyed. "I ... I just wanted to make sure the guy was decent," he lied, which you could clearly see. “Bullshit. You are jealous. ", You replied." No, I am not. " "Yes you are." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." “Okay! Our sex is fantastic okay? But what am I talking about here anyway? You wouldn't even go a day without it.” The cop defended himself. "Oh yes? I think you're confused, darling. You can't last a day without it.” You replied angrily. “Then let's bet. Whoever gives up first loses,” he suggested. “What do I get if I win?” You asked suspiciously. Betting with Jake always goes wrong and ends in chaos, you've been aware of that since Halloween. "I'll give you the murder case." "Okay, and you?" "I want one waking up." Confused you pulled your eyebrows together. "What do you mean?", You said. "I want you to wake up with me once. No escaping," he explained with ruddy cheeks. You examined him briefly and finally nodded. "Deal."
It started very easily. Here and there he brushed your hips, of course quite unobtrusively. Sometimes your file fell down, so you had to bend down very low. But he didn't jump on it. So you had to get more extreme. Bananas were eaten and he was flirting with Amy. And somehow your heart got heavier. So you had to act differently. Shortly before the end of the day you accidentally spilled your water on your white blouse. While your red lace bra became visible, you apologized with red cheeks and promised to come back. You didn't miss Jake's eyes, but you had other plans. From your closet you pulled a top with a deep neckline and tight jeans that made your bum stick out. You pulled the hair elastic out of your hair and freed your voluminous mane. You even forced yourself into high shoes and for once you leave your underwear off. "Show Time.", You mumbled and drove to the bar. And as soon as you stepped in, everyone's eyes were on you. Rosa whistled loudly and grinned honestly. Flattered you gave her a hug. "I thought I could dress up a bit." You explained your outfit to her. "Good girl," she winked. She’s the only one who knew about you and Jake since she caught you in the evidence room. With a swing of your hips that could only drive someone crazy, you strutted towards the bar. The bartender leaned down to you. "What will it be, my lady?" He grinned charmingly and you laughed out loud. still focused on getting what you wanted. “A shot would be a start,” you answered. He pushed one over to you pretty quickly. "It’s on the house.", He smiled. You nodded as a thank you and drank it. The warmth spread through your body and you let your shoulders circle. And so you flirted with the bartender for an estimated two minutes, when a well-known body was already pressing against yours. And with it his erection too. Your grin grew bigger. "What do you think you're doing?" He whispered in your ear. Goosebumps graced your body. He let his hand slide gently under your top. "You don't even wear a bra," Jake said, breathing irregularly. Inconspicuously, you rubbed your bum against his reaction. "That's enough," he whispered through clenched teeth. And so he pulled your wrist towards his apartment. And for the first time you didn't care what your colleagues thought about you.
Tired you opened your eyes and looked directly at the alarm clock next to you. Three o'clock at night. But this time you didn't get up. Instead, you turned around, put your arms around his body, and closed your eyes again. And Jake's smile grew bigger.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
The One Where Harry and Y/n Ring In The New Year
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One 
A/N: This is my first post of 2021 so that's exciting! It’s hot as fuck so y’all can start the year off the right way lmao. I had an idea for this fic that had two different smut elements but I decided to make it two separate ones so stay tuned for thatt!! Anywaysss...enjoy🙃
This New Years was a bit different for you and Harry. Since there was a raging on outside, resulting in you and Harry not having any plans for the celebratory evening, the two of you decided to spend your New Years Eve in bed with each other and have a little party of your own. Even though you and Harry were having sex all the time, the two of you quite enjoyed making an event out of it on the different holidays throughout the year. Especially this year, now that it would only be a party of two. While some were dressing up for the occasion, the two of you were undressing. The only dressing up that took place was you putting on a pretty white set of lingerie. But that was quickly canceled out by means of Harry ripping it off of your body to get a look at what was underneath. You and Harry spent your night tangled up in each other, blissfully ringing in the new year together.
Like all of you and Harry’s hot and beyond heavy nights in bed, it started out with a with a simple make out session that got you both riled up and ready for the night steamy night ahead. As soon as you stepped into the bedroom to reveal the incredibly sexy and revealing yet dainty and soft white lingerie set to Harry, his hands were all over you. He was already sitting at the end of the bed, completely naked and a bit hard from the anticipation of seeing seeing you, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. And once you did, he was quick to pull you onto of his lap and attach his mouth to yours. He didn’t even give himself enough time to drool over your appearance, he just went right in. His mouth moved feverishly against yours as his hands roamed your body, touching and squeezing you all over. 
Your mouths sloppily moved and softly smacked against each others as you two excitedly and passionately kissed. You could feel his hands start from the top of your body and work their way down. The way his large and strong hands cupped your breasts and pinched your pebbling nipples through the thin lacy bra felt absolutely amazing. After spending some time on your chest, Harry’s hands traveled a bit lower, squeezing at your sides (tickling you a little too since that not only got you wet, but also because he wanted you to jump around on his cock a bit more) before continuing down to your hips. He squeezed at the soft and supple flesh, and as he did, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and pulled them up even higher on your waist. Because he tugged on your panties like this, the fabric that was barely covering you as it is went between your ass and between your folds a bit more, causing you to let out a little squeal into Harry’s mouth. He gave your panties one final tug before unhooking his forefingers from the bands and bringing his hands down to your backside. Harry pushed his hands all the way around, curling his fingers into the center of your ass and pulling you apart before massaging the supple flesh. As Harry continues to fondle you, he wastes no time gliding his tongue past your parted lips and right against yours. Your once soft moans became louder as he moved his tongue against yours, loving how he was taking control over you. On top of him licking into your mouth, kissing you in the most amazing way, and toying with your body, you could feel Harry’s rock hard cock moving against your barely clothed and very sticky center. His cock was so warm and hard against your pussy that you couldn’t help but to move move against him.
And the same way you couldn’t help yourself, Harry couldn’t help himself either. He could feel your warm cunt and juices against his cock and he just had to push his hips up towards yours, and in turn, pushing his cock against your beyond perfect cunt. Harry used his grip on your backside as leverage to move you against his cock, only making his need to be inside of you even greater. It didn’t help that you were in his lap, moaning in his mouth, and pulling on his hair either.
And before long, the both of you became impatient and beyond needy.
“Need t’fuck you so bad.” Harry rushes out after pulling his mouth away from yours. As he says this, he quickly shuffles you both around. Keeping you on him, he lifts you both up from the bed then turns you both around and drops you down onto the bed  before swiftly crawling on top of you. 
“Fuck me daddy.” You huff through your pink, wet, and swollen lips, dying to have his cock inside of you already. So without wasting anymore time, Harry jumps right in. Starting with removing the lingerie you’d put on. 
He manages to quickly and skillfully pull you up from the bed and undo your bra with one hand and rid your body of it, flinging the small article of clothing behind him. When he gets down to your panties, Harry simply grabs onto your ankles, lifting your legs up before resting them against his chest and reaching down to pull the ruined garment off your body. The material was completely soaked and it smelled just like you. So instead of just tossing it in the same direction that the tossed your bra, Harry simply drops it on the bed, deciding to save it for later so to speak. Now that you were all naked, Harry does a final once over of your body, muttering a string of curses under his breath as he took in your body beneath him. Harry then brings a hand up to spit in his palm before wrapping it around his hard cock that was standing proudly between his legs, getting himself nice and wet to push into you. 
“Daddy’s gonna fuck you real good.” He promises, coming in closer to paint the head of his cock with your sticky arousal, getting himself even wetter.
“Please da-“ You begin to whine, your statement completely forgotten about as Harry starts to sink his cock into you. It felt so good to have his big and warm cock stuffing and stretching your cunt again. No matter how many times you took his cock between your legs, you never got used to the delicious stretch that came along with his size, nor the feeling of being full of him. That’s why your words were completely replaced with mindless whines and little cries as he pushed into you. 
“Daddy loves this pussy so much doll. Such a perfect little home for daddy’s cock.” He groans, reaching down to lightly tickle at your lower stomach where you could perfectly feel him. Once he’s fully inside of you, going as deep as he could go, Harry begins rocking his hips back and forth, moving his cock in and out of you. As he continues, he gradually picks up the speed of his hips, moving his hips faster than the strokes before and slamming his hips down into yours harder and harder. 
As he did this, the both of you were losing your minds. Moaning uncontrollably, filling the room with your senseless and loud moans and whimpers. You were grabbing onto anything you could get your hands on, needing to dig your nails into something from the immense pleasure. You were able to grab onto Harry’s biceps, digging your nails into his muscles as you cried out to him from below, going in complete circles about how good it felt to have it hard and rough like this. While you were going crazy over his cock, Harry was going insane over your cunt. He too was loudly and uncontrollably moaning out into the room at how good it felt to be buried inside of you, completely amazed at how perfect your cunt was for his cock. Your walls were incredibly spongy and warm, completely delectable and addictive to Harry.
Continuing on in his consistent and rough thrusts, Harry felt like it was time to switch it up with the position he had you in. So without any warning, Harry stops his thrusts and removes his cock from you, letting go of the backs of your thighs that he had pushed up and apart while fucking into you. Immediately upon being devoid of his cock, you were quick to whine and get a little bratty as you were completely and utterly addicted to having him inside of you. But your protests were quickly shut down with a sudden swat to your cheek and a growl from Harry, reminding you that only good girls were allowed to cum.
“Now on all fours.” He instructs, giving the insides your sensitive and quivering thighs a little slap before moving out from between your legs so that you could move into the position he wanted you in. Within seconds you’re shakily positioned on your hands and knees, quickly complying with his instructions because you were so desperate to have him fucking into you again. Harry then moves back in between your legs from behind, wasting absolutely no time bringing his hands to your backside and spitting right down onto your second entrance that was exposed to him. When he sees the puckered ring of muscles contract from him spitting down onto you, his cock twitches in his lap and he guides himself back to your entrance, sinking back into you. And as he does, his eyes roll back into his head and he lets out a loud grunt from not only how good you felt but also from how good you sounded. As he pushed into you, he could hear how creamy and wet your pussy was for him which was beyond amazing to him.
“Yes! Fuck daddy!” You cry out in relief, finally being full of him again. Harry quickly jumps right back into the pace he had before, picking right back up where he left off in pounding you before. He had his hands firmly planted on your ass as he slammed himself in and out of you from behind. In this position, you were absolutely losing it, more than before if that was even possible. You were screaming and moaning out to daddy about how much you loved being pounded by his big cock and how good it felt. At one point, Harry was fucking you so hard and fast that your arms became too weak to hold your upper body up, causing you to fall flat against the bed and leaving your ass up for him to fuck you even harder. As he did this you were biting and clawing at the sheets below you, trying your hardest not to explode right then and there. 
Now even though it was increasingly difficult to keep it together when he went extra hard, you absolutely loved it. Which was exactly why you began to messily move yourself back against him when he went a bit slower than the rough pounding. Upon seeing this, Harry decided to let you fuck yourself on his cock which would in turn get you both off. It was a win win situation through and through. He got to watch you go crazy on his dick and he got to cum, and you got his dick and you got to cum as well if you didn’t go all bratty on him. 
“Since you keep movin’ around and can’t stay still, how about you ride me instead. Tire yourself out so that you’re nice and still when I fuck you again.” He huffs, pulling himself out of your cunt and plopping down onto the bed next to you. Because you were completely addicted to Harry’s cock, you were quick to move yourself around and straddle his lap so that you could have him inside of you. At first you move to straddle him in his direction, but Harry quickly stop you and motions for you to turn in the other direction and ride him like that for a little while. “Wanna see my cock disappear inside that cunt.” He briefly explains as you turn around in his lap. You then proceed to quickly sink down onto him, letting out the most desperate moans before moving yourself up and down on him. As you rode his cock, Harry watched as your pussy gripped onto him and made his cock appear and disappear inside of you. It was one thing to fuck into you and experience just how magical the area between your legs was, but it was a completely different thing when you were laying it on him and working your magic on him. Harry’s head was firmly tilted back into the pillows, and he was a moaning mess behind you as you moved against him. As you continue to beautifully ride him, Harry brings his hands out to your backside and uses both hands to deliver a swift and stinging slap to your ass.
“Ah fuck!” You yelp out at the sudden slap, continuing to move yourself back and forth on his cock. “Another one daddy.” You beg, enjoying the tinge of pain.
“Such a filthy little whore.” Harry chuckles through his moans, delivering another slap to your ass while you ride his cock. 
“Think m’gonna cum daddy!” You whine, feeling a warmth beginning to spread  throughout your body along with a prominent tingling sensation.
“Turn around baby, daddy wants t’see you when you cum.” Harry pants, feeling his own release catching up with to him. Upon his instruction, you lift your shaky body off of his cock and you turn around to face him, quickly dropping yourself down onto him and moving back and forth. When you start to messily grind down on him, trying to get yourself off, Harry steps in and takes control. He brings his legs up and plants his feet flat against the bed before slamming his hips up into you as you fall apart above him. He has both hands firmly planted on your chest, squeezing you breasts as he fucks up into you. When your walls begin to contract and almost pulsate around him, Harry knows that you’re about to cum and he’s going to be cumming right along with you. “Cum with daddy baby!” He grunts, delivering two hard blows up into you, catapulting you both over the edge and into your blissful and seismic releases.
And if the moment couldn’t get any better, the clock downstairs struck twelve and the fireworks were bursting in the air outside, signaling to you both that you’d had crossed over into the new year.
“Happy new year daddy.” You softly whisper happily above him, still very loopy as you ride the waves of your release.
“Happy new year darling.” Harry softly hums back, mirroring your dazed smile and loopy demeanor as he was also still on the high of his release. “Now c’mere.” He instructs before reaching up to softly wrap a hand around your throat and pulling you down to seal the deal with a kiss. And the kiss he plants on your lips was absolutely perfect. It was a sweet, wet and open mouthed kiss that was a definite favorite between you two.
Once the kiss is over you and Harry lay there together, still in the same position of you being on top of Harry, taking a moment to just relax in each other and enjoy the feeling of being in a new year. Now Harry was doing that as well, but he was also thinking of another round. On top of still being hard, you were clenching your walls up then relaxing them back around him as you laid against his chest. And after almost ten minutes of that, Harry had to do something.
“Wanna go again baby?” He proposes, loosening his arms around your back. 
“Mhm, you just have to do all the work though. M’tired and sore.” You mumble cutely into his neck.
“Of course sweets.” He agrees, slightly turning his head to press a quick peck to the side of yours. He then rolls you both over, placing him on top of your tired out body. 
“Can you take me from behind daddy? Like it when you pin me down and sit on my thighs.” You hum, reminiscing on the many times he did that and the many times you came hard because he did it.
“Anything for my pretty little cockslut.” He coos condescendingly before reaching down to give your sensitive and cum filled pussy a couple taps.
And that was how you started the year off right. If tonight was any type of foreshadowing for the year ahead, you and Harry were pretty confident that it was going to be a very good year.
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ac3id · 4 years
Hawk’s eye| 18+
Tumblr media
pairings: hawks [keigo tamaki] x female! reader
summary: hawks is in his rut, desperate for some relief. his annoying secretary won’t stop irritating him so he decides to take his pent up frustrations on her.       ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
anonymous said:
hi!! so while the requests are still open, could you write some headcannons for Hawks x reader when he's in rut? maybe the reader is a bit clueless and doesn't even know he goes through stuff like that? dirty details are welcome 👀❤️
this was high-key inspired by @tainted-wine​‘s this fic. (i hope u like my take on it !! 💓) 
a/n: aaaa this took so much longer than i thought it would take 😭, also thanks @the-grimm-writer  for proof reading this! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) also this is porn w plot so if u just was to skip to da porn. skip to this ‘◌’ bhai 
tagging: @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa​, @koiibito​, @reinawritesbnha​, @shorkbrian​
warnings: noncon, hate fucking, one slap, she bites his dick at some point, scumbag hawks.
word count:  5862
The sound of your phone buzzing on the side table with a loud, irritating noise jolts you awake. You roll around on the bed, your fingers reaching to turn the vibrating device off. Groaning, you sit up straight. The warm mattress under you threatens to lull you back to sleep but you shove the thought away instead choosing to stretch your arms over your head and yawn endlessly. You were tired, so goddamn tired. Rubbing your temples lazily you start thinking about the dreadful day you have ahead of yourself. You think about your boss: Hawks, the man who makes you hate your life and job. He has trapped you into a never-ending nightmare which starts the second you open your eyes till the moment you fall asleep and even then he still manages to haunt you in your dreams. 
Cleaning up after his messes, obeying his ever so pliantly. He has turned you into his little pet slave. He says that it’s your job as you are his assistant, his little helper there to make his job a little less hectic. You must listen to his needs and wants and to some degree, you do agree with him: it is your job, it’s what you signed up for after all but you can also sense him misusing his title when he is with you. He never listens to your suggestions which results in him calling you late after work hours to help with his problems knowing damn well you had already warned him beforehand. And, oh his flirty, suggestive comments which borderline sexual harassment. Hawks is a difficult man to work with and you often find yourself wondering how much calmer your life would be if you never worked for him but you do not have that luxury of leaving the job. It pays ridiculously well and you have bills to pay, your family to support. No, you cannot afford to lose this job. So you sit through his torment and hope for the best.
Seconds later after you have gathered your will to live you start scrolling through your phone, skimming through the morning news lazily. Your eyebrows furrow and eyes turn into angry slits as you glance upon a displeasing, astonishing article.
 ‘No. 2 Hero Hawks spotted partying with strippers–’
Your heart stops for a moment.
What the fuck was this? 
You hesitantly read through the article, your heartbeat increasing every second that your eyes focus on the led screen, reading the details of the damned article. Eyes widening as panic settles in your nerves, you realize the gravity of the situation you had found yourself under as Hawks’ manager. Hawks had been spotted partying with strippers in a nightclub with a bunch of celebrities. The crazy stalker who had managed to follow him succeeded in capturing exclusive pictures of Hawks dressed in an expensive suit, his hair styled to perfection dancing under the dim lights of the club with women in basically their underwear shamelessly grinding upon him. You honestly couldn’t have given a single fuck about what Hawks did in his free time but since he had managed to get a paparazzi to tail him and now that his career was at risk; it became your problem. Your first and foremost instinct was to call Hawks and ask him what the hell he was thinking. Not being careful enough, he had managed to taint his entire reputation. The people of Japan now probably viewed him as a reckless party animal rather than the No. 2 Hero! 
Before you could call him, your phone’s screen lights up illuminating a contact you dread. ‘Hero Commission’ it’s written in bold letters, your face drops. Your fingers shake, filled with anxiety as you accept the call. Inhaling and exhaling, you try to calm your nerves. If it is a call from the Commission, you know it’s bad. Bad. 
You pick up the phone and instantly regret it, “What were you doing?” an angry, masculine voice snarls through the screen. You open your mouth to answer but are not given a chance too. “How did you let him go to a strip club during patrol hours?” you bite your lip thinking of an acceptable excuse, “He had to go there for work! It’s a misunderstanding. He went down to the strip club undercover to meet up with a crook to get some intel– that’s what he told me. This is a misunderstanding, I–” your explanation was cut short as the person on the other end of the call deemed it enough. “Whatever it is, fix it and never let this happen again.” he sneers a warning before cutting the call. It wasn’t a complete lie, Hawks did tell you that he was investigating a case on his own and that he would be gaining information from shady people but you did not expect him to go to a strip club out of all places. The worst part: he never even told you in detail anything about this case neither did he notice the paparazzi tailing his back. You sigh in frustration, rubbing your forehead, you quickly ring up his number only for it be sent right to voicemail. You almost scream. Where the fuck was this bastard?
Managing Hawks was not a walk in the park. The hero commission had sent you down especially to be Hawks’ secretary. You had a reputation: you were known to be responsible, diligent, and punctual. You were one of their best, entrusted with the responsibility to manage Hawks and you did a good job but it was Hawks who just made the job so hard. 
Creating problems he could never solve by himself; on lucky days you would get a call from him at three in the morning, him begging you to come to help him. You want to say no, deny him any help. Let him suffer by himself but you cannot do that. If he screws up and you are not there to fix it. You lose your job, you can’t afford that. You give your 100%, you do but it’s Hawks. He has a problem with you, well, he has a problem with everyone in the commission but projects it mainly at you. He does not respect you. 
He chooses to ignore your decisions and suggestions, diminishing them with a cruel chuckle, “Look, I need you but just not now.” He would say with an apologetic smile, “just let me work at my own pace, I will call when I will need you. After all, I love seeing your cute face.” You would always have to force yourself from not slapping his smug face before he took off into the bright, blue sky.
The truth untold, it wasn’t his fault completely either. He was just so fast. It was hard for anyone to keep up with him and since he did his job right; bringing peace to the nation you could not deem him worthless. But it still was a bother at times like this when you were left completely in the dark while Hawks ruined his hard-earned reputation. 
You got into the building earlier that morning to wait for Hawks in his office, you needed to talk to him. This was not his first mishap. Not long ago, another article about him shamelessly flirting with a fan had been published. It had said the fan was visibly uncomfortable with him but Hawks didn’t seem to care, he kept presting. You had managed to cover it up as the two being close friends who were publicly joking around, there was no real harm done. It was a lie though, you had to pay the fan a large check to keep her mouth shut. She accepted the money and the story was lost and forgotten but you had no idea how you were going to cover this hell up.
The clock struck nine as the day began, people rushing into the building all tensed but there was no sign of Hawks. You tried calling him on his number but the call directed to voicemail yet again. You were growing impatient, did something happen to him? Sure Hawks fucked things over sometimes but he never disappeared like this. It got you genuinely worried. Something horrible could have happened to him. After all, he was on a case. 
You waited for another thirty minutes and there was yet no sign of him. His sidekicks came knocking on his office door only to be surprised to see you there instead of their boss. You told them to continue with their day and not worry about Hawks, he was just awfully late. Not a big deal, he will be here soon. Soon. 
Another hour passed by, no sign of Hawks and about now your phone was blowing up with angry calls from his sponsors and business partners, screaming at the top of their lungs frowning upon the scandal. Heck, even Endeavor called you after he couldn’t reach Hawks himself. The call made you nervous as anxiety crept in yet again. Hawks wasn’t answering to Endeavour something bad must have happened. Getting tired of the wait, you make up your mind to drop by his penthouse and to go see him for yourself. His silence was driving you crazy and worried at the same time, you just hoped he would be there well and safe. You could not imagine the ruckus that would create if something were to happen to him. 
You walked out of his office after waiting for an hour. Rushing down to the basement you got into your car and before driving away to his house. Just before leaving, you decided to test your luck by calling him. Hoping, praying he would answer this time and luckily he did .
“Hawks!” you cried, a wave of relief washing over you, “Where are you? What are you doing?” you began pestering him with questions, not letting him answer even once. Hawks, tired of waiting,  interrupted your monologue of questions with a chuckle. “Aw, you’re worried about me, baby?” his tone was low and mischievous, the sentence slurring almost into a moan at the last word. You rolled your eyes and clenched your fists in irritation, you weren’t new to his teasing. Hawks thought it was appropriate for him to casually flirt with his secretary. Send unasked comments about your figure, perverted implications about what he would do to a ‘cute little thing like you’ which made you very uncomfortable being around him at times. But it wasn’t that what made him get on your last nerves. It was the fact that he could even think about joking at a time like this which made you furious. 
You screamed into the phone, giving him a piece of your mind. Degrading him for not taking care of himself, complaining about how he had managed to put you in such a tight spot. 
“Once again I am asking, where the fuck are you. Hawks?” you ended your speech with spite in your words. Hawks sighed, “I am in the office,” he says your name with an edge in his voice, instantly shutting you down, “Where the hell are you?” The smugness in his tone remains and you can tell he is smirking on the other side of the screen as if he’s won. You hang up abruptly before walking out of your car and into the building, hurriedly making your way towards Hawk’s office. 
You slam the door open glaring upon hawks as he sits behind his table. Dirty boots resting pliantly on the shiny, polished wood. His wings out, stretched to their fullest, filling up the room standing on high alert. They have a deeper hue to them, they look darker– a darker red. How did that happen? You find yourself wondering. Is he on drugs? His face is tilted upwards, facing the ceiling. Eyes screwed shut. They open as he hears you enter and walk towards him, his wings falling back behind him calm and collected. 
“You’re late,” he says with a smirk, you bang your fist on the table beside where his feet rest, making him flinch and bring them down instinctively. His eyes widened in shock, he was not expecting you to be this furious. Sure, he knew he knew he had gotten you mad but he was not expecting you to be this angry. Without any hesitation, you start scolding him again. He watches you ramble in ominous glee. A poker face masking his expression, he watches you trot about how much trouble he is in. His job is to protect meek and weak citizens who cannot fight for themselves, what he was doing in a strip in the name of business is something you cannot grasp your head around. You repeat your lecture which you had already tortured him over the phone while the entire time Hawks drums his fingers underneath the table, waiting for you to get over with your dumb speech. His eyes trail on your lips, watching it move. Plump, pillow-like features tinted dark red ramble on about how much of an irresponsible person he was. Complaining about how much trouble he puts you through daily. Honestly, he doesn’t quite catch what you were saying. His mind busy imaging you shutting the fuck and letting him get through the day– or better yet how pathetic you would look underneath him while he shoves his dick down your throat. The thought makes his cock throb. His eyes change from an unbothered, bored look to something sinister as they start trailing all over your body. His eyebrows slightly furrow as he catches up on the few degrading terms you throw at him. 
You talked too much. Way too much, do you realize how much better you would look if you keep your pretty, little mouth shut? The entire time, it’s always: Hawks don’t do this, Hawks don’t do that. Don’t you ever get tired? He wonders whether your dumb little brain had any thoughts other than the ones which tell you to irritate him all the time. You should shut up, really stop talking. He might do something bad, he’s already stressed enough as it is being in his rut and having no way to relieve himself, he is going through a rough time here. The other night he escaped to a strip club in hopes of relieving some stress and it had worked but it had also brought along a mind splitting scandal.
The entire morning, Hawks was busy avoiding people. Whether it be his fans, reporters, or even someone he knew; he paid no mind to them trying to get to the office as soon as possible to deal with the mess he had created.
It wasn’t his fault entirely, he was in his rut and needed sexual relief which he was finding very hard to receive. With his work piling up and you breathing down his neck, he couldn’t even take represents as they slowed him down. He couldn’t risk falling asleep on duty. A stupid, little headline about what he does in his free time was much more favorable than a failed mission in which he would let countless innocent lives slip by his fingers. 
He watches you ramble, his eyes trailing over your body locking on your tits. He stares at them intensely, watching them bounce slowly every time you huff out of irritation and frustration. Your work shirt works him favors, the white almost translucent material shows off the slightest shadow of your black, lacy bra. It’s enough to get him going- imaging how your soft mounds would feel in his hands. How you would whimper under his touch as he tugs and pulls on your perky nipples, you probably wouldn’t sound as monstrous as you do right now. Your moans would be girlish, small whimpers would leave your lips as you would try your best to cover them up. You would try to hide your face under his assault but he wouldn’t let you, pinning you down instead and forcing himself on you while you cried for him to stop. Beg for his mercy. 
He can feel his jeans tighten. 
“So please, Hawks. Just be a little more responsible.” you finish, your voice turning into a plea. He hums and apologizes for his impulsive thinking, like always, he is not sorry. “Let's fix this mess, what do you say?” he asks with an apologetic grin, trying to be polite. You on the other hand don’t even spare him a glance, walking right out the door instead. It leaves him very offended. 
“Ah! What a troublesome day it was,” Hawks chimes in walking into his office with you closely following behind, “It was all your fault.” you spit making hawks chuckle, “Whatever happens, happens for the good.” he says, a scoff leaves your lips, “What was good about that?” you ask annoyed. “I get to have you alone with me now~” Hawks winks at you making you roll your eyes dramatically. Both of you stand together in Hawks’ office after hours. The day is done, everyone in the agency building has taken their leave excluding the two of you. It had been a long day fixing up after Hawks. You were tired and all you wanted was a warm bath and some sleep. 
“Do you want to know why it happened?” Hawks asks out of the blue, “What happened?” you question, “Why was I at the strip club?” you sigh, “I don’t give two shits about your personal life, Hawks.” replying sternly. A look of disappointment arises on his face, “It’s actually more than that, really, I u-uh have this condition- it gets very hard to work during these times-”
 “What are you even talking about?” You interject confused and clueless. You turn to him, a glare evident on your face you stare at him sheepishly. What was he on about now?
“I am serious, I went into my rut, and that's why I went to the strip club-” “Into a what?” Hawks’ eyes widened, were you really that clueless? “A rut, [y/n],” he says like it is a matter of fact, something everybody is aware of. “A rut. You know like how some animals go into heat and they-” your face scrunches as he explains his rut to you, you visibly grow more and more repulsed. Hawks studies you face, his heart genuinely breaking at your expressions. “Why are you telling me this?” you screech, “jeez Hawks, I did not need to know any of that!” you continue. 
Hawks is hurt, he accepted a reaction which showed more concern. Maybe he went a bit too far imagining that you would offer him help but seeing you so disgusted by him shattered his heart and made him lose all his respect for you. You were a terrible human being, no different from those villains he put behind the bars every day. “I am telling you all of this because- this actually happens!  Many- fuck- millions of people like me actually suffer from this shit! You should be a little more emphatic.” he reasons. He accepts you to understand at least now but you gloriously manage to disappoint him yet again. A rude snarl leaves your lips followed by a scoff, “What are you really trying to tell me Hawks? That you don’t want to do your job and to justify your laziness; you are making lame excuses now?” you shove a finger to his chest, it pushes him off the edge. 
Something in his snaps, he looks down where your fingertip touches his chest. You are smaller than him, he’s at least a foot bigger than you. Where does your bratty, puny self get all this confidence from? His eyes darken as something sinister floats within him. He stares down at your finger, wanting to rip it off. He wants to see you cry. He wants to see you in pain and misery, suffering a great deal while nobody comes to help you. 
“Hawks, you know what? I am so done with your bullshit. I am leaving.” You turn away from him, heading to the door but before you could move a step. Hawks grabs you by writs, caging your delicate hand into a bone-crushing death grip, “What the fuck?” you question, “Hawks?” you continue. You wait for his response, turning to him. He is facing the floor, his hair scanning over his eyes making it impossible for you to read his expression, not that you could read what was going on with him normally but now; it’s even harder. “Are you going to let go?” you ask again only to be met by him squeezing your wrists even tighter. You bring your other hand over him to pry yourself free from his clutches but he doesn’t want to let go. 
“Hawks wha-” you don’t get to complete your statement as Hawks pushes you down on the floor making you fall on your butt. You let out a loud hiss. You frown, yelling out “What is wrong with you!?” You try to stand back up but his hands settle on your shoulder pushing you back down. You try fighting but it’s to no use. Did you forget he is the no. 2 Pro- Hero? He is much stronger than you, he brings down villains twice his size daily. What makes you think your weak kicks and punches will be enough to beat him? 
You keep struggling under him, screaming how you were going to report him and ruin his career, how he is going to be sorry for messing with you.
 “Shut. Up.” he finally speaks, he brings his gloved hand to your perfectly styled hair. Pulling tightly on your roots he stretches your face upwards, making it easier for him to look down on you while you cry in agony, “Stop crying.'' His voice is deep and raspy, much different from how he usually talks. You look up at him, fear swimming in your eyes as tears prick at the corners of your sockets, lips trembling. If you already weren’t terrified enough, your horror becomes tenth fold when you see his boner raging in his pants, “Come, on. Hawks..” your voice is small and weak, it's a broken cry. You know what he is going to make you do. He was going to violate you, break you beyond repair. 
This was so wrong. As much you hated Hawks, you never would have thought he would do something like this. Hawks was a hero. He is meant to fight for justice, punish evil. Why is he doing this? “Hawks no. Please. Was it something I said? I take it back I didn’t mean it-” 
“You know, y/n, you are not so different from those villains yourself,” if looks could kill, you would be dead. The pure, anger, and hatred he looks at you with bothers you. It makes you hate yourself, there is something sinister in his eyes which makes you sure about the fact that he is not afraid of hurting you. He has given up on you, after all, his polite gestures, generosity you always ignored- he’s fed up with your sheer ignorance and your ego. He hates you. He does and heck if he wasn’t in his rut; he would never bring his dick anywhere near you. He does not respect you as a human and in no way does he have any romantical attachment to you. All he ever saw was a walking alarm clock, bugging him every second, and now all he is going to see you as is his cocksleeve whom he can stuff his fat cock into whenever and however he seems fine. To him you are just a walking hole he can ruin whenever he wants to, you have managed to get on his bad side and he is going to show you his bad side.
He undoes his belt, his pants falling to his thighs displaying his expensive boxers and his growing hardness. His cock is throbbing within its confines, fighting desperately to come free. His free hand pulls his boxers down and his cock springs free, hitting his abdomen. It stands long and hard, the tip blushed red and angry, tiniest bit of pre-cum spilling sweetly from his slit. He pumps his cock in his hand before forcing it against your mouth, pressing it to your lips smearing his pre all over your lips. You whimper in protest, moving your head the littlest you can under his tight grip. “Bitch open up. You had this coming for a long time,” his dick slaps your cheek while his fingers try to pry open your mouth. Pushing his gloved digits forcefully into your mouth, the rough fabric feels disgusting on your tongue. His fingers capture the lower part of your jaw, tearing your mouth apart with deranged strength. A loud cry escapes from you as he stuffs your empty mouth full of his cock, “Yeah, that’s more like it. Fuck.” he bottoms out into your throat, his shaft hitting the back of your throat making you gag, “get on with it. A slut like you would have the experience, right?” he taunts you. You do as he says, puckering your lips firmly around his length, your hands resting on his exposed thighs while you stroke him with your tongue. You feel his chiseled thigh muscles flex under your fingers as he melts in pleasure, tiny moans leaving his lips shamelessly. 
As Hawks drowns in overwhelming pleasure, a criminal idea crosses your mind. Your eyes trail up to his face. His eyes are screwed close, he bites his lower lip softly. Carefully and slowly, you graze your teeth over his cock. Clamping down on it lightly, you hold your position. Your heart beats faster when Hawks stiffens and in a quick flash, he pushes you off his cock throwing you into the ground before backing up, squealing in pain.
 “YOU LITTLE BITCH!” he screams, you sprint to the door. Trembling fingers try to unlock the doorknob while Hawks cries in agony behind you. You can feel him loom behind you, ready to come for your neck. A part of you tells you that you will not make it but the adrenaline rushing in your veins calls to be hopeful. Just open the door and just run. 
Your cold, quivering fingers almost unlock the heavy wooden door but before you can push it open. Hawks appears right behind you, pushing his body onto your back. You feel his cock poking at your ass, his hand grabs your head pulling you, prying you off the door. You scream and cry trying to break free, grabbing his hand clawing on it to let you free. Hawks chooses to show no mercy as he drags you by your hair to his desk, your scalp hurts from his grip. You can feel tiny strands breakaway. He turns you around and slams your back to his wooden desk, you whimper at the contact. He stands in front of you, pressing his knee between your thighs. His hand reaches out to pull at your collar, forcing you to look at him. 
He is livid, eyebrows furrowed with a death glare his jaw clenched, and his eyes darker than you have ever seen before. He looks at you with murderous intent, you think he might as well kill you with his wings flared open. The feathers turning into knives, you beg for your life. 
Hawks observes your face. Broken, scared for your life your eyes are glassy, ridden in fear your makeup smeared all over your face. He thinks it's beautiful, he has finally got you begging for mercy, finally thinking of him as the man he is. He appreciates your submission but it does not erase the fact that you just bite oh his dick. You beg for mercy, your voice is small and broken. It comes barely above a whisper, “I am so sorry hawks, please don’t do this.” He doesn’t listen, staring at you head-on with his jaw clenched. He brings his free hand to the air, keeping it steady for a second before bringing it down with a horrendous force. You feel it before it happens; white, hot flashing pain erupts through your cheek stinging you hard. You cry out in agony as your face drops to the other side. The strike was powerful, it left you sore, you can still feel it sting your face. It leaves you swollen, you try to bring your hand up to your face lightly to carcasses you paining cheek but Hawks pushes your face on the wooden desk before you could, trapping your arms behind your back holding it with one hand. “You don’t realize your position, do you? You know what? I was going- planning to be gentle with you. I thought I would at least make you cum but now,” he pulls a feather out his wings preceding to tear open your pencil skirt with the sharp end. The ripped fabric falls to the ground leaving you in your panties and the pantyhose you always wear under your skirts, “There we go. I hope you are a pain slut, otherwise you would really not enjoy this.” he says with a small chuckle before ripping you out of your bottoms, leaving you in your panties completely vulnerable to him. He abandons his gloves, rubbing his fingers on your clothed cunt roughly trying to gather slickness from your dry hole. Pleasure shoots down your body as his digits find your clit, rubbing tight circles on the little pearl, “Does this feel good? You are getting wet.” a smirk scars his face, “Who gets off to being raped?” he says sharply. Your face scrunches up in disgust and embarrassment. A heavy lump forms in your throat and the waterworks that you had been holding off burst open. Big, fat tears roll down your cheeks as you cry for mercy. You didn't know why this was happening to you, for your entire life you had been a nice person: always helpful, sensitive, and kind. At least, that was what you thought yourself to be. Never in a million years could you- or anyone, in fact, could have ever thought that you would be crying pathetically while your boss: a person known to all as a Hero, the truest, most honest person to exist ever would be the one defiling you, tearing you down to nothing just for his pleasure. 
“Shut up, you like this.” He snarls at you, so sick of your loud wails he even shoves two fingers inside your mouth plunging them to the back of her throat, “Don’t you dare bite now, slut.” he warns. His fingers stop prodding at your clit when he notices the wet spot forming on your panties, he wastes no time shimming them down to your ankles, whistling when he sees your glistening pussy. You only wail louder pleading him not proceed any further. Hawks turns a blind eye to all your begging, “I should just shove it in, right?” he asks petting his finger over your hole, “but that won’t be fun,” he snickers. You feel his move away from your cunt and move higher. Panic settles, he couldn't be serious, “Hawks. Please no. Please don’t. I don-” finger rims along your asshole, inching to dip in, “What? Don’t want me to fuck your ass?” he spanks your ass hard making you flinch, “Please I’ve never-” you cry out hoping he would understand, “No one’s ever fucked you in the ass before?” you whine at the lewd words which shamelessly fall from his lips, “Guess there’s a first for everything.” he says with a scoff. 
His digits bury into your hole, stretching you out in a way you’ve never felt before. The stretch burns, filling a fresh set of tears rolling down your eyes, smudging your mascara and eyeliner You looked like a whore. He keeps hammering his fingers inside you without mercy, a loud whine leaves your lips as you feel a tingle of pleasure from him hitting the right spot. “Do you like that? Too bad, this isn’t for you.” he moves his fingers from you before lining his fat cock to your almost too tiny hole, “How will this fit?” he laughs to himself, pressing his engorged tip in slowly, “Will be a tight fit,” he continues to shove his cock into your hole, his face turns off one to ecstasy as your walls take him inch by inch. You scream in pain, his cock was much bigger than his fingers. It was stretching you out, numbing your mind and soul, you did not know how much more you could take. Salty tears fell from your eyes as Hawks bottomed himself in you, he waited for a moment before starting to thrust into you unforgivingly. Dragging his fat cock out and your walls pulling him right back in. As he kept ramming into you. Slowly, you start to pleasure tingle up your spine as his tip smashed against the right spots. Your cries of pain turn to pleasurable moans. Hawks wastes no time in teasing you, “Look at you moaning like a slut,” he spanks your ass with swift force sending your rear to sting. You feel unbearable pleasure starting to build up in your abdomen, a straining coil wanting to burst which each of Hawks’ strong thrusts yet it is left unfilled as the simulation is not enough to make you cum from all alone. Hawks notices this, the pitiful crying for him to touch your swollen little clit which was begging to be played with. He almost thought he would give it to you, after all, he was a good person. Almost. 
Hawks just snicker, his cruel, sadistic laugh echoing in the room, “No, no, no.” he teases, “no matter how much you cry, baby. I am not letting you cum. This is your punishment, you deserve this. You’ve been a bad girl.” Hawks couldn’t formulate how he was able to form complete sentences. The moment he had caught you, he had let himself go feral. Dragging you down like a predator, he finally had you under him. He kept grunting and breathing profanity down your ear along with shameful praises about how well your slutty ass takes him. He is glad he is finally getting his much-deserved relief but he is not done yet. He won’t be done until he is filling your vulnerable womb with his seed, he won’t be done until he hears you asking him to give you his children. He is not going to leave you be until he has destroyed you, balls deep in your tiny pussy. He is going to keep you here all night fucking you, he is going to stay there all night fucking you with hate which he has buried within himself for you over the years. He is going to melt you in his hand, break you until only he can build you up, and maybe he will not let you go even after that. Maybe he will keep you after all hawks mate for life. 
Just hope he lets you cum the next time. 
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