#-it's ok to cut off toxic and abusive people!
wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
My favourite part of Nagisa's sidestory is when Nagisa, Yuu, and Inui had a lovely tea party with Nagisa's homemade cheesecake and emotional support for Inui to break up with her shitty boyfriend and emotional support for Nagisa dealing with her shitty mom's death and nothing bad happened!
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vaugarde · 2 years
also for screenwriting im basically like adapting and heavily rewriting natch and wisp’s story for like a 50 minute screenplay (partly having trouble bc i didnt care for natch’s original story and theyre now humans in an emotion driven magic realism setting about bigotry instead of the convoluted fantasy story they were in my head) and like everyones asking abt the characters and where i got the idea and i dont have the heart to say that they’re former kirby ocs that have been retooled to be their own thing twice now
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tallyica · 1 month
ok i have such a good request for you ml
i’m thinking maybe teenage james and he’s not very popular at school so sorta gets made fun of and reader is like a really popular girl on cheer and stuff so obviously she’s dating a jock and he james secretly likes her or something. Anyway i thought maybe reader and her jerk bf breakup ON prom night and James sees when he’s standing near the snack table and he really wants to do something and nervously asks her to be his prom date (even though they’re already there, idk)
i have faith in you wowza (please ignore how disgustingly horrid i wrote that out)
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maya omg ily sm this is sooooooo good you're so getting it tonight
also this pic gives off a lot of teen vibes so I thought it was rly cute and fitiing
uhhh idk what to make the readers name so its just ___
word count: 5,446
warnings: extremely toxic/abusive relationship, people get slapped twice, swearing, fluff, fighting, angsty start, happy ending
It seemed like I had a picture-perfect high school life, I was popular, on the cheer team, I had straight A’s, and my boyfriend was a football jock, which was every girl's dream it seemed. People at school adored me, I had beauty and brains. Though, I couldn't shake the feeling of unfamiliar eyes on me sometimes, watching me, but not in a creepy way.
The last few days have been full of excitement, as tomorrow was finally prom night, everyone had their prom dates, dresses, or suits, all of us ready for the festivities tomorrow night would bring. I was walking down the hall with my best friend Tammy, we had known each other for years and did cheer together. We were giggling and chatting when I heard a familiar voice, mixed with others and cruel laughter. It was none other than my boyfriend Darren. Tammy gave me a glance of confusion, and I just told her to shoo and let me deal with this, and she did, walking away. I quickly looked to see who he and his asshole friends were laughing at, and I saw a boy sitting on the floor, his long, curly blonde hair draping over his back and shoulders, a hurt expression on his face, watching as Darren went on to laugh and ridicule him before kicking him. I was not pleased with the sight, and I quickly approached the situation.
The boy was familiar, a past player of the football team. I didn't know his name, but I had seen him around school a lot, we had some classes together. I walked over to Darren, pushing him away from the group and the other on the floor, “What the hell are you doing?!” I asked, worried about the state of the familiar yet unknown man, searching Darren's face for any signs of regret.
“I'm putting that loser in his place, don't tell me you think he's more than that, he quit the team!” Darren yelled back at me, trying to convince me to forget about this.
I shook my head, “That doesn't mean you have to be a jerk to him!” I responded back, going to help the blonde boy off the floor, offering my hand, and he took it as he stood up.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you? If he did I'm-” I was quickly cut off by him.
“No, I'm fine, thank you..” He responded quickly, brushing off his well-worn jeans as I scanned over his face.
“Are you sure? I'm so sorry, Darren can be a real jerk sometimes.” I added, still watching him as his eyes finally met mine. This time, they felt familiar, though in an unfamiliar way. Could he have been the one watching me?
He nodded, “Yeah, I'm fine, I promise,” He smiled at me slightly, which made me feel a little bit better. “I'm James, by the way.” James introduced himself to me.
I nodded with a small smile, “I'm ___. It's nice to meet you, James.”
Of course, I couldn't get even a simple conversation in without Darren pulling me away, grabbing me by my arm, and dragging me away like a child. I looked back at James, giving him a small wave and he did as well.
Once Darren pulled us away from the crowd and around the corner, he quickly shoved me against a locker, holding me by my shoulders.
“You think you can just talk to other guys like that? Especially shitheads like him?” He scolded me through gritted teeth.
I always hated it when he got like this, it scared me so much. “No, no, I- I'm sorry, I won't do it again,” I barely mumbled in my shaky tone.
He slapped me across the face, causing me to wince in pain and cover the impacted area, the sting growing with each second, and I could feel tears pricking my eyes.
“You better keep that promise, or else you'll be bruised way worse next time.” He threatened, pushing me back against the locker again before storming off, leaving me there as I began to cry, my mascara starting to run as I quickly headed to the bathrooms so I could hide. No one could see me, not like this. I'm considered the queen of the school, and the queen doesn't cry, right?
I quickly scurried into a stall, locking the door as I heard other students enter the bathroom. I quickly grabbed toilet paper to wipe my eyes, trying to clean up the mess I had become, trying to stop the tears that just kept coming. I covered my mouth, hearing the mumbled words of the other girls in the bathroom, waiting for them to finally leave to clean myself up.
I didn't want to go to prom anymore, not with Darren. I thought back to James, he seemed so sweet, and he was cute too. But unless I wanted to be hurt again, I wouldn't be able to speak with him, which disappointed me slightly, as he seemed like a nice guy.
As I heard the girls leave the bathroom, I quickly came out of the stall, looking at my messy face in the mirror, using water to rinse off my eyes and remove the mascara stains. I could also notice the growing red mark on my cheek, making me frown that it would be obvious, and possibly even appear tomorrow night.
Luckily, I probably wouldn't have to see any more of Darren until cheer practice, since he leaves campus for lunch. He normally watches me at practice, or at least I think he's watching me. I finished cleaning myself up, walking out of the bathroom as I wiped the last of my tears away, and headed to the cafeteria to get my lunch, which was a plain, boring salad, a diet suggested by my coach, and one forced by Darren. I don't even know what he sees in me, or what I see in him, but love is a crazy thing I guess.
I grabbed my tray, heading towards the salad bar, grabbing a paper bowl, and scooping some lettuce and tomatoes into it, garnishing it with minimal sauce and other salad additions before looking for somewhere to sit. I normally sat with my friends, and the rest of the cheer squad, searching for Tammy, but I couldn't notice or see her, but I did notice a familiar face sitting at a table, alone in the corner.
It was James. Darren wasn't here, so maybe I could go sit with him and talk, he looked really lonely, though he was always shy anyway. I headed in the direction of his table, all the way in the back, pushed into a corner. 
I approached him, “Mind if I sit with you?” I asked James, who didn't notice me approaching, though he nodded.
“Uh, no, go ahead.” He responded, his voice soft and shy.
James watched as I sat in front of him, picking and mixing my salad before he spoke again.
“That guy, Darren, he didn't seem too happy about you talking to me,” He began, his voice still soft as he spoke.
I shrugged, “Oh, my boyfriend Darren, he's a bit.. Sensitive, I guess. But love works in odd ways, y’know?” I said to assure him, but it seemed it was more to assure myself instead.
James' face changed, maybe disappointment, “Darren is your boyfriend?”
I nodded as I continued to eat, “Yeah, we’ve been together for a couple of months. Do you know him?”
James shrugged with a nod, “Yeah, I was on the football team with him.”
I glanced up at James, “He said you quit the team, why was that?”
“Coach told me to cut my hair or quit the team. I didn't have much choice.” He answered with a small chuckle.
I smiled at his answer, finishing my small salad as James continued to eat his own lunch.
“Are you looking forward to prom tomorrow?” I asked James, expecting a ‘yes’ as it seemed everyone was, but with him, I don't think prom is his biggest dream at the moment.
James just shrugged, “I guess, I wasn't really planning on going, but my friend Ron is, so I'll just go to hang out with him.” He answered, though his voice did not convey a single bit of excitement.
I just nodded, “It'll be fun.” I added, getting up to put my lunch tray away, feeling James' eyes on me as I walked away. After a minute I returned, going back and sitting in front of him, looking to the side briefly, making the faint red handprint on my cheek obvious, and James watchful eyes definitely noticed.
“Hey, what's that on your cheek? Did someone hit you?” James asked, his voice worried.
I felt my stomach drop, quickly covering it up with my hand and shaking my head, “No, no, I just uh.. Fell, earlier.” I muttered quickly, my words obviously untruthful.
James clearly didn't buy it, sitting up straighter and reaching out to moe my hand, his touch gentle and caring.
“You don't get a handprint on your face from falling. Who hit you?” James carefully moved my hand away, gently caressing the slap mark, making me bite back a wince of pain.
“No one, James. I'm fine, it's nothing.” I kept denying the truth.
Even with my continued responses, James wouldn't let up. “___. No one just ends up with a red print on their face, someone hurt you. Who.” This time he demanded that I tell him, but if I did, things would be a lot worse for me, and I didn't want James to get hurt by Darren again.
I shook my head, “James, just drop it.” I sighed, and he slowly pulled his hand away, backing down to where he sat.
“Fine.” He mumbled, letting it go for now, but I could see him continue to think about it.
It was silent between us for a while, until the bell rang and we gave each other a look of goodbye, walking off to our separate classes.
School had finished for the day, and now I was at cheer practice. The whole day Darren was gone, a bit of a blessing for me, but I also noticed that Tammy was gone too. She probably just didn't feel well and left early, and Darren probably had a party with his friends.
I walked towards the gym where we normally practiced, expecting to see Darren in the bleachers and some of the other girls' boyfriends or siblings.
I entered the gym, hearing the squeak of sneakers on the wooden floor, noticing I was 4 minutes late. I sighed, setting my bag down as I joined the rest of the group, looking for Tammy, but I couldn't see her. Maybe she was just in the bathroom or something, so I walked up to Ashley.
“Ashley, have you seen Tammy?” I asked her, almost worried about my friend's absence.
She just shook her head, “No, not since our last class together. Why?”
I shrugged, “Nothing, thanks.”
I walked away, looking at the bleachers to also see that Darren wasn't there either. It had to be a coincidence, right?
Tammy wouldn't do that to me, we had been friends since middle school. I was probably just overthinking everything. The prom was tomorrow, and that should be what I'm focused on.
Until my coach snapped me out of my haze, grabbing my attention back to practice.
I awoke with a groan, stirring in my lonesome bed as my alarm clock rang. I slowly sat up, turning off the blaring machine. I sighed, the events of yesterday playing over in my mind, getting up and walking towards the full body mirror in my room, seeing that the mark Darren left had grown to a darker bruise, the faint and warped shape of his hand more obvious. I felt a sadness in my whole body, today was prom, and I'd be a mess all because of him. I looked to my prom dress I was so excited to wear, hanging on a rack, the slightly poofy, flowy baby blue dress, so beautiful, would now never be brought to its full prom night potential. I had spent months working up the money to finally get it, not to mention to heels I would be wearing with it.
I quickly got ready for school, wearing a denim skirt with a light pink sweater, quickly doing my hair, keeping it down, and working on my makeup before I could put on my shoes and head out for school.
As I drove to school, I couldn't help but wonder why Darren and Tammy were absent from cheer and lunch. Darren normally was gone during lunch, but Tammy was normally always there, sitting at the cheer table waiting for me.
And she had never missed one cheer practice, ever. This wasn't like her, but maybe she just felt sick and left early. Eventually, I shook the thoughts out of my head, my mind wandering somewhere more pleasant, James. He was so shy and sweet, though a complete opposite of me.
A guitar-playing metal head in a band, his beautiful long hair almost like a lion's mane, I couldn't help but feel a little attracted to him, even if I was in a relationship with Darren. I hadn't known James long, but he feels closer than that.
After a few more minutes of driving, I arrived at school, parking my car, and walking into the building, firstly headed to my locker, where I saw Darren hanging nearby, seeing him talk to a friend of his as I walked up to him.
“Hey, ‘you excited for prom? We're still going together, right?” I asked with a smile on my face as he broke away from his conversation, shooting me an annoyed glare.
“God, just leave me be, ____. I don't needa hear you bitch to me.” He replied coldly, ignoring my questions.
My smile quickly dropped, sighing and walking away with a frown, heading back towards my locker to grab my stuff, not paying much attention to my surroundings, my shoulder bumped into someone's arm snapping me out of my sad haze. 
“Sorry, I didn-” I glanced up at the person, realizing it was James.
He quickly noticed the bruise on my face, his face changing with worry, “What happened? I want an answer this time. You don't just get a bruise like that from nothing.” James more so demanded rather than asked.
I sighed, shaking my head, “I really shouldn't be talking with you right now,” I muttered, trying to walk away quickly, leaving him hurt and confused as he followed after me, grabbing my arm.
“Hey, where are you going? Why can't you talk to me?”
I grunted, trying to get out of his hold, Darren's threat replaying in my mind. I didn't want to get hurt further, and I really didn't want James to get dragged into this and hurt as well.
“James, I can't talk to you. Leave me alone!” I grumbled, and he let go of my arm, a look of hurt and sadness on his face as he watched me walk away from him. I felt horrible for treating him like that, but I couldn't put either of us at risk.
Even after I stormed off, I could still feel his eyes on my back, heading towards class. It was like he was glued to me, unable to remove himself until I got too far into the crowd where he could no longer see me.
School was slow that day, though the classes and students buzzed with excitement over prom, smiles, and laughs with last-minute prom-posals, though I couldn't get myself to feel excited over the eventful night.
Eventually, it had reached our lunch hour, everyone heading to the cafeteria, seeing the cheer table, where Tammy actually was, and I also saw James, alone again, in the corner.
I had to talk to Tammy for a minute, even though I would've almost preferred to be with James. He looked disappointed, sad in a way, and I knew I was part of it.
I sighed, grabbing my lunch and scurrying towards Tammy and the table of other cheer members, sitting down next to her.
“Where were you yesterday? You were gone all day basically and didn't make it to cheer.” I asked, slightly worried but confused.
She just shrugged it off, “Oh, I just didn't really feel like going. I had other things and people I wanted to do instead.”
Her voice had an undertone to it, I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly, but it was not good. She sounded snarky, and when she said ‘people she wanted to do’ I could tell something was off. I gave her an odd look, eyeing her before something caught my eye.
Hickies, on her neck. It wasn't something usual, she didn't have a boyfriend or crush or something, or at least not one that was known. She gave me a small smirk, noticing my staring.
“What? Is something wrong?” She teased rather than asked, and now everything clicked.
Why Darren was gone all day, why she was gone all day, why Darren disregarded the prom thing, why she is acting so strange.
It seemed that my world crumbled around me, my once perfect social life, shattered in just a day.
I quickly got up, not thinking to grab my food, I had lost any appetite I once had, storming towards the back of the cafeteria. I needed someone to talk to, but there was no one I could air something like this out to. I wasn't thinking much, quickly leaving through the back, but I could feel familiar eyes on me as my own welled up with tears.
I ignored the feeling, running out to the empty hall and outside the school, tears streaming down my face as I wandered towards the empty school courtyard, sitting in the grass as my emotions crashed down on me, everything coming loose in my head, though clicking.
Darren had always been an asshole to me, sure, there were the good moments, but I never felt truly happy with him because he never seemed that happy with me. I loved him, so much, but all that love was now thrown away for my own best friend. He doesn't even know that I know, but I doubt he could care.
I tried wiping my tears off of my face, staining my sleeves black with runny mascara as I heard footsteps approach, glancing up, my puffy eyes meeting James.
He slowed as he came closer, sighing. “I know you want me to leave you alone, but..” He trailed off, watching me as I sniffled, shaking my head.
“No, I don't want you to leave me alone,” I mumbled, and he came closer and sat next to me. 
I looked at him as I sighed, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it, I didn't mean it.”
He shrugged, “Why would you not mean it? I'm a fuckin’ loser and you're, well, you.”
We sat in silence together for a moment, and I sniffled again as I tried to stop my tears.
“What's wrong? Or do you not wanna tell me.” He asked, and I had to tell someone, I had to tell him.
I began to cry more as I explained what happened, Darren hitting me for talking to James, the threats he made, getting cheated on with my best friends, all the toxicity of my relationship with him finally coming to light as I leaned against James, and he held me, gently wrapping his arms around me as I sobbed into his shoulder, hearing every word, cry, and sound I made, careful to listen to me in a time of hurt.
The story seemed to make James upset that that had happened to me, but it also seemed to fuel a fire in him. For the short time he'd known me personally, he seemed to care a lot already.
I eventually stopped mumbling the story as I kept crying, his worn band shirt soaked with my tears as he gently rubbed my side with his hand, his touch making me feel warm, something that Darren never could do.
“Shhhh, you'll be okay, I'm here, alright?” He said to me in a soft voice, trying to comfort me as I kept crying against him.
“You don't need that asshole, you can do so much better than him. And if she was really your friend, she wouldn't have done something so shitty like that.” He kept comforting me, the soothing motions of his hands helping me reach a calm after a good couple more minutes of crying into him, my sobs slowly stopping as I just sat there with him, in his arms.
After a few more minutes of silence, just us together, James spoke up again, “You alright?”
I just shrugged, “I don't know.. Everything just.. Crashing down around me.” I mumbled, snuggling in closer to him, my hand on his shoulder/neck area as I moved my face from his shoulder, laying the side of my face there as I looked up at him, my puffy red eyes, tear-stained and mascara-ruined face, his eyes meeting mine.
We stayed like this for a few moments, our eyes breaking contact for a moment before he spoke up again, “Class is gonna start in a few minutes. Let's go to my car and I can get you cleaned up, alright?”
I nodded, and we got up and walked together to his beat-up truck, grabbing some tissues and an old bottle of water. I sat on the edge of the truck bed, James coming up to me and dampening the tissues with water, wiping my face clean of the stains, his touch gentle and caring, my cheeks heating up slightly.
School was done for the day, and now I was at home, hastily getting ready for prom.
I curled my hair, making sure I looked as beautiful as possible. I did my makeup, nothing too over the top, though I was careful to night use mascara, feeling that I would probably end things with Darren tonight.
I slipped on my beautiful dress, one that hugged my features well, the poofy skirt of it flowing amazingly, and I had never felt more pretty as I slipped on my heels, admiring my glam self in the mirror with a small smile. I had never felt so gorgeous as I walked to my car, and drove back down to the school.
Darren was supposed to be my prom date, and I'm guessing he still is unless he's changing his mind and going with Tammy. I tried to ignore the thoughts, hoping that James would be there if anything went wrong.
Something about him made everything feel… right, in a way. He made me happy, even though we'd only been friends for two days.
Eventually, I arrived at the school, the parking lot packed, trying to secure a spot so I could get in without being too late.
Soon enough I found a parking space, getting out of the car and sighing, beginning to walk towards the school and into the gymnasium which had become a makeshift banquet hall, a messy, rushed dance floor in the center, loud music, balloons, streamers, lights, the full nine yards. Couples danced together, some getting too touchy, friends laughed and talked, and then it caught my eye.
Darren and Tammy. Together. Again. Except this time, they looked like they were practically making out, hands dragging across each other, lips locked as she squealed in excitement and pleasure. 
I felt something in me snap, anger. I stormed towards the two, pushing Darren off of her, making him look pissed, “The fuck is your problem?” He sneered at me, pushing me back. The interaction garnered some attention from other attendees as I was pushed back by Darren.
“My problem is you're making out with my best friend!” I yelled back at him, more people watching by the second.
Darren just rolled his eyes as Tammy stayed silent, “You're just a basic whore, there's nothing to you.”
That hurt, deeply, but it only fueled my rage as I let out an annoyed grunt, my anger showing as I slapped my past friend hard across the face. She winced in pain, touching the stinging mark.
He was now beyond pissed with me, and I was even more pissed with him.
“You're a loser! I'm done with you! You think that you're all this and that because you're some fucking dumb jock, but you are just a loser!” I nearly screamed at him, feeling someone tug on my arm and pull me away, saving the three of us from experiencing a rough beating from each other.
I turned back to see who was dragging me away, and it was James. I was annoyed at first, needing to get some final words in, though I couldn't stay frustrated with him for too long, he was just doing me a favor. After we walked toward the back of the gym, he let go of me.
“You should go fix yourself up quickly. Not that you look bad, you look really pretty, but-” He paused himself, taking a breath. I nodded, walking out and into a nearby bathroom, adjusting my slightly tussled dress and fixing my hair.
I didn't look too messy, even after the mini tussle with my now ex-boyfriend. I just had to fix a few things, and I'd look as good as new, and now I do.
I took another breath, walking back into the gym, slightly sad, now alone. I couldn't see James, and I could see Darren and Tammy in a corner. The last two people I wanna be around right now. All of my other friends were messed about with their boyfriends or crushes, flirting with them.
Then it began. The slow dancing. The notes of a slow, soft love song stung my ears, and the sight of all the lovey-dovey couples who couldn't get enough of each other made me sick. I was always a sucker for romance, but I guess when you have no one to share it with, it just seems yucky.
I sighed, watching them all dance slowly with each other, debating if I should just leave or not, I had nothing to do here other than just stand in the middle of the floor, feeling jealous of truly in love couples.
I evaded my eyes from the sight, looking down at the floor, until I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, turning my head to see who it was.
A shy, nervous blonde boy stood beside me, his long curly hair hiding his face somewhat as he held the back of his neck with a hand, “Do you uh.. Wanna be my prom date..?” James asked me softly, his eyes not meeting mine out of embarrassment and nervousness.
I smiled lightly, nodding, “Mhm, yeah. That'd be nice.” I answered, my voice also soft as a small pink crept up on my cheeks.
He raised his head, a sheepish grin on his face as he placed his hands on my waist, and I placed mine on his shoulders as we began to slowly sway to the music, our eyes meeting with a sense of familiarity.
“I'm not much of a dancer, so… sorry,” He muttered with a small chuckle, and I just smiled in response.
“That's fine. You're doing great anyway,” I reassured him, and he smiled slightly wider.
I took him in with my eyes, admiring his fresh, orderly dark grey buttoned-up blazer with matching slacks, and his little blue tie the white undershirt, his whole suit was so fitting on him, he looked very handsome, very cute.
“You look, really, really pretty tonight, I know I kinda rambled it earlier, but-” He complimented me with a smile before I cut him off.
“Thank you, you look pretty handsome yourself,” I returned the compliment, smiling up at him still as we continued to dance slowly to the music, both of our cheeks having a hint of pink to them as we looked into each other's eyes, and for a second, everything felt right in the world. Even though I hadn't known James long, I felt closer to him than I do with some longtime friends.
After another minute of dancing with each other, the slow dance had ended, though we didn't leave each other. We stood with each other, sat with each other, and just talked about so many different things.
He told me about his band, how he played guitar and did some vocal work, and told me all about his favorite bands and musicians, and I just listened with a smile on my face. His voice was calming, and he was such a fun person. I admired him with my eyes, his beautiful features filling my senses. His icy blue eyes fit his features so well, accenting his angel-like hair, and I just wanted to stroke it, he was so beautiful and very caring.
We were in the middle of a conversation about one of his favorite bands, Motorhead.
“They're this like, super heavy rock band, and their front guy, Lemmy, is a total badass! I wanna reach his heights one day. Musics has always been there for me, y'know?” He explained to me, acting almost childlike with his excitement over the topic.
I nodded with a smile, “Mhm, they sound pretty cool. Maybe you can show me some of their music sometime.” I added, hoping he would say yes. I could care less about the music, but I'd love to spend more time with him.
He nodded with a wider grin, “Yeah! Sure, I'd love to show you some of their stuff,” he responded with excitement.
I smiled again, “Good, I like that.”
Another hour or so later, prom had ended, and people began to leave the gym, heading to their cars and leaving with their partners or friends. James walked away, looking for his friend Ron who was his ride to prom and supposed to be his ride home too.
James approached me again, slightly confused and nervous, “Uhm, my buddy, Ron, he was supposed to take me home but uh, I think he took his date home and forgot about me, you mind giving me a ride back to my place? It isn't that far,” James requested, and I couldn't say no.
I nodded, “Sure, I don't mind. You wanna go now?”
“Yeah, let's get out of here,” He responded, and we began to walk out together toward my car. I got in the driver's seat, James next to me in the passenger seat as we began to drive, James giving me directions to his home, the car ride was scattered with random conversations and rapidly switching topics. One minute were talking about class, then TV shows, movies, music, friends, stores, clothes, everything. 
After a good 10 minutes of random talking and directions given by James, we reach his home, my car slowing across the street from his home, giving him a glance, “The house across the street, right?” He nodded in response.
“Yeah, that's the one,” James answered, though he didn't leave the car yet. I watched him as he sat still for a second, his eyes looking down in thought before he glanced back up at me.
“I uh, I had a great time tonight, a lot better than I thought. Thank you for, well-” I cut him off, my wants giving in as I leaned in and gave him a quick, soft kiss on the lips, which surprised him, and also myself. I pulled back, staring at him to examine his reaction.
After he was silent for a couple of moments, I grew worried that maybe I did something wrong, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't-”
James just shook his head, “No, that was.. Good, I've wanted that for a while,” He answered with a small, loving smile on his face, I nodded.
“Good, I.. I liked that.” I admitted, glancing down as my cheeks heated up.
This time he leaned in, giving me another soft, gentle kiss. We pulled away after a few moments, both smiling softly and glancing at each other before James undid his seatbelt.
“Well, I should get going, I guess,” James informed with a small smile, getting up and out of the car.
“Bye, James,” I said with a smile, watching him walk away.
“Bye,” He answered with a smile as well, heading back to his home.
next fic will be a Dave mechanix fic!!!!
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Toxic Reappearance
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Request: no this is pure self indulgence. However, they are open for Max, Charles, Lando, Oscar, Daniel, and I’ve now added George to the list.
Summary: an old friend reappears into your life, one that left you traumatized. Having thought you’d never see them again you didn’t ever say anything. When Charles figures out what’s been going on he may just be to late to save you from your past.
Warnings: toxic friendships, abusive behavior,
Notes: written in second person. I feel like abusive friendships aren’t talked about enough. It still hurts and still leaves you with trauma. I’m basing the reader’s feeling off my own from when I went through it. George is actually my stand-in for someone else involved.
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Charles always tried his to appear calm and collected. However, when you started acting different then what he’d used to, calm and reasonable went out the window.
You’d always struggled with friends. Mainly because the one you had was incredibly possessive. She managed to cut you off from a good chunk of the people you once were close with. Using guilt and lies to confuse everyone involved.
You knew her home life wasn’t the greatest and mentally she wasn’t in a good spot, so you tried to be her rock.
It started out great in grade school. The two of you were fast friends and could hardly ever be seen without the other in two. Then it started to become a toxic loop. One you couldn’t get out of due to the guilt every time you tried to set boundaries.
You were so young. You wanted to help. Not that her home life is an excuse for what she did, but it puts it into perspective. Helps you understand why she did what she did.
Playful punches when she was annoyed with you. Blaming not knowing her own strength on why it was so hard. Never being allowed to have your own interests. Always overshadowed by what she was feeling.
You shrunk into yourself. Not able to talk to anyone because you believed her. You thought she left bruises on accident, your boyfriends kissed her first, she really just wanted those revealing pictures of you to bless you with compliments only to turn around and compare your bodies.
In your sophomore year of high school she had to move. Her mom had received a job farther away. You were able to cut contact after that. The weight slowly lifting off your shoulders. The bruises that once littered your skin now clearing without fear of them coming back later.
You’d talked about it, understood that what happened was not okay in the slightest. Your family was floored when you opened up about it to them a couple years later. Then you decided it was in the past, determined ti put everything behind you and move on.
Unfortunately the past has a way of catching up with you.
It was around this time that Charles sped into your life. Quite literally.
You’d been walking through the town. Busy with people in town for the grand-prix weekend. You’d wanted to go but it was more expensive then you could afford. Settling for enjoying it from afar.
You were not at fault for what happened next, having looked both ways before crossing the street. Only to be met with a nice looking car whipping around the corner. It was so fast your only reaction was to protect your head and brace for impact. Surprise flooding your system when nothing happened.
You slowly looked up. Thanking your guardian angel for saving you from what could have been disastrous.
The man in the driver seat frantically got out of the car. Rushing over to you to make sure you were okay. His frantic apoligizing almost went unheard as you began laughing.
You blamed the adrenaline. "I can't believe I almost got hit by a really nice care and now a good looking man is trying to make sure I'm ok."
The man had no words to respond with. Finding himself oddly flattered. The woman he could've killed is completing him? It feels like a corny romance movie.
He offered you a ride to your destination, which you accepted. Joking about how he could be a serial killer.
He assured you he wasn't. Explaining how he was racing this weekend. Killing someone was definitely not on the agenda.
You two exchanged numbers that day. Getting to meet up with him a few times before he left. Then having to resign to text and video call.
You two became good friends. The first truly good friendship you'd had in a while. You were grateful for Charles and his never-ending patience. And he was grateful you were there to listen in good times and in bad.
You were ecstatic when he invited you to a race Monaco. He got to show you around his world and his home. Your eyes lighting up at every little piece of himself he shared with you.
It was then that he asked you out on an official date. Letting the feelings that he'd developed for you spill out.
Obviously you'd reciprocated.
Now, you two have been in a relationship for two years. Learning and growing with each other. First over long distance before Charles had enough and asked you to travel with him.
You were thankful that remote studies had become increasingly popular since quarantine. Giving you the opportunity to follow Charles all around the world.
It was exciting for both of you. Sharing experiences together brought you closer together.
You'd also become friends with others around the paddock. You got along with most everyone. George has become a good friend through your travels.
So it only made sense when he was excited to introduce you to his girlfriend.
You and Charles were walking to the Ferrari garage when he came running up to you.
"Charles! Y/N! I want you to meet someone!" He shouts to you. Joy clearly evident in his voice.
Charles immediately noticed your entire demeanor change when you turned around. The woman he didn't know embracing you in a tight hug. You looked like you wanted to throw up but tried to put a smile on for George.
"You two already know eachother?" Charles asked quizzically.
"We were best friends growing up! I'm surprised she hasn't talked about me." She was referring to you and you knew you should respond but the shock of seeing her wouldn't let you.
She looked different, but you'd still recognize her anywhere. She'd started modeling after high-school. Turns out she met George at a show and they hit it off.
The whole time they talked, you were silent. Trying to choke down the need to tell George to leave her before he gets stuck. But maybe she'd changed and has been able to heal some.
When you and Charles continued walking, he immediately was trying to figure you out. Asking questions you couldn't hear. Your breathing labored.
He got you into his driver's room as fast as possible. "You don't have to tell me everything right now, mon amour. But I do need to know if this is a security issue and if you're okay."
You shake your head and play with his fingers. "I don't think so. She just wasn't the greatest friend." You confessed, hoping it would be enough for now.
Charles pulls you into him. He's unsure what to do, having never been in this situation. Seeing you respond to someone like this makes him more nervous than he wants to admit.
Through the next few months, you opened up little by little. Though with the girl constantly with you, it was starting to send you backwards.
It felt like your body just reacted to her. Your conversations with anyone were distant. You started flinching away from sudden hand gestures.
Charles tried his best to keep you separated from her. It never worked, though. She always found you, and you are too nice to tell her to go away.
It's was even more concerning when he noticed George exhibiting similar behaviors.
The group had gone out to the bar to celebrate the end of the race weekend. George seemed closed off to everyone. Responding almost exclusively to his girlfriend. Her hand on his bicep made him flinch away.
You also were very quiet. She was sitting in between you and George, giving the benefit of control.
Charles was ready to kick her out. You'd finished telling a story only to immediately be shut down and made to feel inferior.
When the two of you arrived back at the hotel, you broke. Falling into Charles and letting the tears flow freely.
"I can't do it anymore." You wailed. Taking comfort in Charles embrace and his hand smoothing your hair.
"We'll figure this out mon amour. I won't let her hurt you."
Things only got worse from there.
She'd managed to get into your phone while you weren't paying attention. You curse yourself for using the same pincode since high school.
When you went to check it, you noticed things were missing and out of place.
You stared at her, pondering if you should say something. And letting the anger win, you did so.
"Did you go through my phone?" You kept your voice as if you were just curious. Hopefully, to deter her from getting angry.
It didn't happen that way. She was furious you'd evernask such a thing. Ranting about how she's been so loyal to you even after you started ignoring her when she moved.
She'd gripped your shoulder far too aggressively. Telling you she only wants to see you happy.
The missing contacts on your phone were frustrating. Even Charles' number was missing. All your pictures with friends had been deleted. Including those on your socials.
You curled farther into yourself after that.
Charles struggled to help you open up. Having to treat you like glass that might shatter.
You'd started wearing sleeves regularly. Barley letting him touch you in the simplest of ways. Changing in the bathroom when you once didn't care because he'd seen it all.
It hurt him seeing you like this, and he became determined to fix it once and for all.
On the other side, George had been exhibiting similar behaviors. It felt that nobody could get in contact with him. His girlfriend practically held his phone hostage.
The shirtless pics had suddenly stopped, and he'd started wearing sleeves daily. It made everyone concerned for his well-being.
His teammate needed answers. So Lewis made his way to find them.
Two men on a mission, practically the same one, run into each other.
"Lewis! How are things?" Charles tried to put a smile on his face.
"Could be better at the moment, I'm actually really concerned about George." Lewis' honesty never failed to throw Charles off.
"I'm worried about him as well. Y/N has also been worrying lately."
"Maybe we should talk somewhere more private."
The two ended up back in Charles' driver room. Knowing that the female in question would most likely be around the Mercedes garage.
"Maybe we should talk to George and explain our concerns?" Suggested Lewis. His boy sprawled out across the floor.
Charles shakes his head in response. "I've done that already with my girlfriend." He sighs in pained defeat. "She doesn't want to be around her, but for some reason, it always ends up happening. She barely lets me hug her now."
"I think George is too nice to tell her to get lost." Confesses the Brit. "I don't know what we can do then. Unless it becomes a security thing." He shrugs.
"Have we ever actually caught her being aggresive?"
It dawned on them both that they'd never caught her in the act.
And so the two males formed a plan.
It took three mire race weekends to catch her. She had you gripped by the shoulders and backed into the wall. Oddly enough it was George who had arrived on scene first. His race suit tied around his waist.
He’d made an attempt to reason with the irrationality angry woman in front of him. The situation only becoming more escalated.
It wasn’t long that the staff and drivers around the area were alerted by the commotion. Charles and Lewis caught each others eyes before the two were jogging to the center of the scene.
Charles stepped defensively in front of you. Lewis managing to putt George farther away. Now that three drivers are involved, it didn’t take long for security to step in.
“I think we need to talk about what happened.” Sighs Charles. Grateful that she’s gone but feeling that this won’t be the end of situation.
You find yourselves back in yours and Charles hotel room. Accompanied by Max and Lando who though you were going to the bar as usual. Charles explained why that would probably not be happening tonight, the two deciding they would help the mood by bringing alcohol with them to the room for a mini party of sorts.
George was constantly looking over his shoulder and you checked the room multiple times over to be sure everything is locked.
You immediately sank into Charles the moment you felt safe. George is pacing back and fourth mumbling to himself, attempting to get words out that seemed to be difficult to say.
“Do you think we can help with the anxiety?” Asks Lewis. He found his home on the couch. George pauses for a moment fumbling around with his words.
Lando and Max are completely clueless and find themselves seated at the table. Trying to be supportive but not knowing how.
“She’s crazy.” George finally manages. You shake your head in agreement, to exhausted for words. “I’ve tried breaking up with her multiple times but she keeps coming back.” He slumps against the wall. His body curling in on itself. “She knows where I live, she’s messaged me with multiple phone numbers, she somehow manages to get a key to my hotel rooms, she’s even broken into my car.” He’s crying now, all the boys shooting him and you looks of sympathy.
“She was the same way when we were younger. It seems to have escalated more now.” You drawl, eyes closed from feeling safe in Charles arms. He pulls you closer, his fingers playing with your hair. It was the first time he’d had you those close in months. Determined to embrace every second of the contact.
“No wonder you two look paranoid.” Lando places his head in his hands. Max shot him a look, saying that was probably a poor choice of words.
This time around, though, you knew things were going to be different. You had people around that could help.
After everyone left for the night, George having gone with Lando so he didn't have to stay in his room, Charles didn't let you go.
Things were going to get better for you. Finally getting the help you needed all these years. Almost an element of closure.
When you put on comfy clothes in front of him, he wasn't sure what to do. His eyes couldn't leave your body. It looked like you had been at war.
The tears slide down your cheeks as Charles places gentle kisses on each painful mark.
"My kisses are magic, I assure you."
You smile at him through the tears. Overwhelmed by all the emotions you'd gone through in one day.
"Good thing I have you around to make it better then."
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poopingonthefloor · 1 year
Davesport is Toxic NOT abusive
(((WARNING: PRETTY LONG POST UNDER THE CUT.))) I've seen some people making the claims that Davesport is comship/proship (ok well i've more seen people bitching about it) and im tired of the Davesport slander so this will be an analysis of their relationship. My motive isn't to force anyone to ship it or anything- i really dont care what you do with your life, my frustration is just when people try to make up REASONS why they don't like the ship, even though its literally canon (and not badly written). My main point is -- You can hate what you want. You don't need a reason, and it doesn't need to be bad just because you don't like it. But I will not take any slander on their ship nor any slander of people who like davesport. Davesport is absolutely toxic-- No DSAF fan would disagree. They are literally child murderers with little to no souls and literally are physically disfigured to the point they don't have the capacity to feel proper humanity anymore. You cant expect 2 men who live their lives willingly murdering and then partying in vegas to celebrate on repeat to be gentle and kind to themselves or anyone else.
However, its NOT abusive. I've seen multiple people (mostly from twitter screenshots) claim that Davesport is abusive or the way people portray it is in a fetishy or romanticizing way of abuse, when that's just not the case. I don't blame a lot of people, since a lot of it comes from reading context and intent of the artist, which not everyone is good at-- BUT I'm here to assure you that MOST people don't intend to do that much and just like to portray how their dynamic is canonically like or portray Daves obsession with Jack. Another argument I've seen (by a twitter screenshot...) is that people are comshipping Davesport because people draw Jack annoyed a lot at Dave when...thats not true? That's just Jack's personality, first off:
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(From the Dave x Reader fanfic by Directdoggo)
"Jack is a bastardman not very touchy-feely. We can see this in many scenes, where Dave more or less says “I love you” and Jack responds with deflecting humour, or outright scorn. When Dave says it for the final time, this time, Jack tries to say it back, but can’t outright, only getting out: “Why is this so hard?” and “I hope you can find peace with what you’ve done.” Which Dave understood the meaning of. (Hey, better than Henry (LEGACY Jack) hearing “I love you” and proceeding to tear Dave limb from limb, huh?"
(Directdoggo describing Jack's personality)
I know it can be a little confusing to some people, but as someone who struggles with similar issues, just because he struggles to express intimately doesn't mean he can't love anything. Sometimes people are just different and communicating like that doesn't come as easily, even to the people you're closest to. To make it as easy as possible to comprehend-- He's quite literally a tsundere. (Minus the exaggerated ridiculousness in anime) He loves Dave, he just cant bring himself to say or act like it. The dismissiveness or rudeness in response to Dave's affection is not abuse, it's just a defensive response since he doesn't know how to say it back. (His way of being "shy") -- Also note its important that Dave UNDERSTANDS this about him by that point.
However Jack isn't the only thing I've seen regarding the claims that their ship is abusive-- and to debunk all of those I'm going to explain the three points that keep Davesport from being abusive, and I'll use Henry x Dave (which is what I'll call it to prevent it getting confused for FNAF willry) as an example alongside it since its super obvious why that one is messed up. Firstly, They are both bad people. By this point, Dave and Jack are murderers. It's just not surprising that they will be willing to kill each other at at least some point, considering they are willing to kill 5 year olds without remorse- and they'll both deserve it. It's only their own faults that they teamed up with the other, and it's meant to be the ultimate irony when Jack becomes even worse than Dave by "An ending". My point is- they're bad people. It's not like they're owed perfect company or would choose wholesome people to hang out with when they're literally both child murderers. Dave wasn't evil and didn't want to kill by the time he teamed up with Henry (and even after it was Henry's fault), so by that point his suffering was absolutely undeserved.
Secondly, They're lacking any specific power dynamic. Unlike Henry and Dave- whom have several levels of "Age, Father figure, and Employer", the most important one is that Henry is Dave's abuser. He manipulated him and purposefully harmed him both mentally and physically, whereas Dave never had any intention of doing either because Dave loved him and didn't want to lose him (because he had nobody else) This obviously much different with Dave and Jack, whom other than being taller and several years older than (which you can argue their 6 year age gap is weird but they didnt get to know each other till they were both older than 30 so by that point age difference doesnt rlly matter and (also theyre "mentally" like 24 and 22 canonically anyways (as much as I usually hate that argument)) Other then that they are only co-workers. This is a bit more arguable during DSAF 1, where Dave comes across more threatening and comes across like he's manipulating Jack, but I don't exactly count that because I wouldn't say theyre "shippable" or in their "situationship*" by that point (but also because them even being a ship was barely considered by the creator at that point obviously)-- whereas Dave is certainly more easily recognized as sincere to Jack in DSAF 2. Jack also is not someone who is afraid to defend himself against Dave, as shown by the fact he's willing to call out Dave's ridiculous behaviors (which is reasonable of him to do).
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(Also from the Dave x reader fanfic) (I just think this specific screenshot debunks any sort of "power dynamic" claim)
My Third and Final point: There is a CHOICE involved I haven't really done much Dave defense in this post, but his defense is very simple: He is literally physically unable to comprehend guilt or conscience. Dave didn't want to murder anyone in the first place, but it was Henry who fucked with his (literal) head so much to the point he stopped being able to feel guilt. He doesn't care about murder and doing wrong because he CAN'T care. You can't really let that reflect Dave as a character when he's really not in control of himself in the first place. Now with that, that doesn't change the fact he could certainly affect and hurt people, and it's fully up to Jack as to whether or not he wants to deal with this purple man's freakish life choices and hobbies or not. And that's honestly super dependent on the ending you decide to base Jack on. Most people see the 'canon' endings to be: Gnarly ending (DSAF 1) -> An ending (DSAF 2) -> Good ending (DSAF 3) Where in all of these, Jack DOES choose to deal with Dave and basically is completely cool with murder. You don't have to follow those endings if you don't want to, but that's just typically what the modern "Davesport" is known for, but its what I'm using for my defense (considering this is a defense of both fandom and canon Davesport.) Though as opposed with Henry and Dave- Dave had no choice. Henry only ever manipulated him into thinking he did, and Henry made sure to feed this whole 'we will be a family' ideal into Dave (who never had one) so that Dave would be terrified to lose him. Jack never manipulates Dave (when teamed up with him), and Dave never manipulates Jack (tho arguable in DSAF 1 as well). They stay with each other despite all of their issues, and I believe its due to some co-dependency (imo I think Jack is also obsessed with Dave just in a different way before DSAF 3) Which isn't healthy, but not...inherently abusive.
I believe my main three points kind of cover the most of why I dont consider Davesport to be inherently a bad ship, but like I said- if you don't like it, none of that matters anyways. You dont NEED a reason to like something, and I wont try to convince you why you should ship something because I like it. Just don't hate it just because of what someone else says-- 90% of the dsaf fandom aren't comshippers, and Davesport isn't gross or "toxic /neg" just because it's not healthy. I think "Don't fetishize/romanticize literal abuse like its normal or sexy" and "We should explore more complicated and unhealthy dynamics" can and SHOULD coincide with each other!!!! I think Davesport is great because of how bittersweet it is that these two people finally found solace and acceptance in each other but couldn't get past the self-sabotaging nature of what Henry turned them both into, ultimately making it impossible to work out forever. I think embracing the Davesport makes the (kind of aged) trilogy a lot more enjoyable of an experience and I DO encourage any davesport skeptics to keep an open mind. [Pretend I wrapped this up super nicely I can never do that--- Also this is open for conversation and/or debate, and also yada yada my bad if i said something randomly terrible I have extremely poor social skills lol let me know so I dont do it again yada yada] *Also if anyone doesnt know a situationship is (at least in the context im using it in ive heard other definitions for it but its not a real word so i actually dont care) when 2(or more) people basically treat eachother like lovers but they never communicate this outright and dont technically officially date but like they treat and commit to eachother like a partner would) (So its kind of what all those people who playfully flirt and call each other their spouses as a commited running joke are in)
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 5 months
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ah yes my favorite duo 💃🕺 : centuries old eldridge horror and his ✨favorite man slut✨
close-ups and my ramblings under the cut (it’s a lot guys. i have a lot of feelings about them and i was just YAPPING 😫)
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yall really ate up my last post with Nightmare which omg thank u guys so much for that 🥺
now here’s more 😈
slutty manservant isn’t the only outfit Killer has, but it’s definitely his favorite lmao (the amount of times he’s been asked if he’s a Lust variant is crazy 💀. don’t get me wrong tho they r besties 💅)
the trench coat vibe was also definitely the way to go with Nightmare and i just 😫
now what’s their dynamic?
i definitely feel like my version of Nightmare and Killer are very much a “talks and listens” duo like shown with the chibi little guys
honestly tho, at first their relationship was strictly business and transactional, but the more time they spent together, the more comfortable they got in each others company and eventually became friends and equals and maybe more
and i feel like during all of that it’s just the two of them. Murder and Horror don’t show up until waaay later once Killer and Nightmare’s relationship has already been established
and no their relationship (whatever it may be, romantic or not i’ll be honest i still haven’t decided 🥲) isn’t toxic, as how i c my Nightmare isn’t anything like cannon Nightmare if that wasn’t already clear
my Nightmare, once free from the rage fueled haze of his corruption, is actually rather calm, collected, and dare say kind in his own way (he is a man of action and very few words)
he doesn’t create negativity out of malicious intent, but rather out of necessity, and actively will comfort those who are greatly struggling, which is how he first came into contact with Killer, seeing him isolated in his dying world
Killer was the first person Nightmare had attempted to “comfort” per say, and was freshly free from his corrupted mentality, hence, y he wasn’t very good at it lol. also, the corruption was reason he hadn’t gotten to Killer sooner in the first place, as he as actively enjoying the suffering Killer was going through at the time. if that makes sense???
anyway, sure they might have been cold to each other at first, with a lack of comforting on Nightmare’s part which somehow turned into a partnership?? but nothing was ever abusive within their relationship
i feel like the turning point for them would be that Nightmare admits to Killer in a moment of vulnerability that he was the first and only person to treat him like he wasn’t some, abomination. monster. freak
he’s never judged him based on his poor past actions, nor is role/duty
he accepts him. and all of him. fully and with all of his flaws not that he has any
(god i love them)
i do feel like if they were in a romantic relationship it’d be rather casual in a way that makes it clear there’s something going on between them, but they’re definitely not the type for pda (veeerrry rarely and only in front of people the trust. it’s a different story when they’re in bed tho 😏)
they’re the old married couple that banters and teases each other but with much more sexual tension lol
ok that’s enough yapping from me haha
if you’ve made it this far genuinely ur the best like wow 🥹
this was a looooot of nonsense so thanks for taking the time to read it all
i’ll be honest i still have more to say but like 💀 nah im cut off-
maybe someday tho…
alright bye 😘
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xxlemon-chanxx · 7 months
Ok, what about if philip/belos has a partner toxic as him but they still love each other?
Now—there are a LOT of relationship dynamics that fall under the general “toxic” umbrella. I'm going to go ahead and explain the one my mind went to first when I initially read this ask, so it might not be the same version of “toxic” that you're thinking of. I'm sorry in advance!
Also, this is going to be more or less the same between Philip and Belos, so I'm not going to do two separate sections, and I'm just going to explain the one that I'd find more interesting narratively.
So—here’s the “toxic” relationship that I first imagined:
⚠️⚠️TW for suicide baiting and general emotionally abusive behaviors!⚠️⚠️
overly dependant, insecure SO who constantly needs reassurance and hangs off of Belos’s every action because they worry he’ll grow bored of them and leave them, and is overall very possessive of him to the point of being incapable of wanting to leave Belos’s side for even a moment + overly-controlling and manipulative Belos who revels in the idea that his love is too desperate to ever want to leave him despite his flaws.
S/O can barely stand it. Their husband constantly talks to countless people every day—its part of his job description as the annihilator of an entire populous! And there are so many talented, intelligent, and attractive witches that make up the castle staff. They can't help but feel that rush of anxiety in their chest when one of said witches needs to talk to their husband—seriously, why not give the news to them? They'd be more than happy to pass along the message to their husband if it was really THAT important.
Even when Belos tells them countless times that he'd never trade them for a witch, no matter how much venom is in his voice as he practically spits the word, there's that lingering doubt. They're so much prettier. Does he think those witches walking the halls are prettier than them? His gauntlet lingered by that coven head’s hand for a few moments too long for their tastes, surely that means he's having an abhorrent love affair with that witch.
Whenever their anxiety flares up like this, it inevitably ends in a freakout and breakdown. They’ll fall to their knees at Belos’s feet, clutching letters that were strictly business but had just enough reverent language from an underling for S/O to misconstrue as romantic or intimate feelings between them.
They’ll scream, they’ll cry, initially demanding to know why he'd trade them for a witch, after all they've given him. What do they have that they don't? What could they possibly offer him? Is it their body? They're prettier than me, is that it? Are they smarter than me? What is it, damn you? What? What? WHAT?
Then, after Belos manages to calm them down, that rage turns to sorrow as they realize that they snooped through their husband's possessions, his private, confidential letters to find evidence that didn't even exist. They’ll apologize incoherently, clutching at his robes, spewing promise after promise that this was going to be the last time, that they were never going to snoop again and please don't leave them because they can't imagine a world where he doesn't want them, and please, if he doesn't want them, they might just die. No, scratch that. They WILL die. They. Will. DIE. If he tosses them out like trash.
And as they fumble out their apologies and half-baked, empty, rehearsed promises, Belos simply wraps them in his arms, tucking their head under his chin as a soft, tired smile graces his lips. He knows this will not be the last time, but he can't bring himself to be too annoyed by it. After all, he does partially enjoy a few of the behaviors his beloved exhibits.
He loves the way they're practically attached to his hip. He loves the way he never has to worry whether or not they're truly loyal to him or if they genuinely love him. That desperation is so thick he could cut it with a knife and spread it on toast. He doesn't need to constantly have his hand in them like a sock puppet because they follow him around like a lovesick puppy, staying quiet and out of the way while he does the important work and then swooping in during down moments to squeeze in some affection and much-needed fishing for reassurance.
He still lies to them, obviously. His dishonesty is probably the biggest trigger for S/O’s insecurity. Nevertheless, S/O would never leave Belos because—well…who else would willingly put up with that level of inconvenience? And Belos would never want them to leave because that's the most loyal and devoted to him someone could possibly be, and they're a human who accepts him despite his issues. Why in the Hells would he ever give that up?
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askfriskandcompany · 1 year
Hey, I was thinking about Frisk's father lately. While her mother was terrible, I honestly don't think her father was nearly as bad. He didn't exactly do much, aside from trying to teach Frisk to stand up for herself by beating up a bully. But I think he cares about his children more than the mother does. If you think about it, their almost like Amity's parents. (If you've seen Owl House, you know what I'm talking about)
Do you think there's a possibility that Frisk's father could return and reunite with his children? I'd also think he would ditch the woman who treated them horribly.
Ok so first off, Frisk’s pronouns are they/them.
Second, I would say that the situation with Amity’s parents is wildly different from Frisk’s situation. Not every toxic family situation can be handled the same way.
Amity’s dad eventually stopped being neglectful and stood up for his kids, which is why we look at him as a flawed but ultimately good parent to his kids.
Armando Torres hasn’t yet appeared, so we can’t exactly tell if he’s going to redeem himself or not. But whether he gets to have a relationship with his kids will depend on if he’s willing to admit he hurt them, whether willing to change, AND whether his kids even want to talk to him again after all this. Because Frisk and Aidrian have every right to say “No, I don’t want a relationship with you” and he’ll just have to live with that.
And the exact same stuff is true about Susan Torres. Her crimes aren’t worse than his, only different. Susan actively tore down her kids’ self esteem and treated them with contempt. Armando did the same, but in a more chilly passive way with less yelling and more neglect. Both parents may or may not regret their actions, especially now that they believe Frisk to be dead. But there’s a reason why Frisk fears them and Aidrian hates them.
For those of us who grew up in loving homes, seeing this kind of family can be an uncomfortable experience. Especially when the kids say they don’t want to see their abusive parents again. We think to ourselves “How horrible! Surely reconciliation is the correct path here?” But that thought comes from the fact that we don’t actually understand. Sometimes you need to cut people out of your life. You may even care about those people, or they may care about you even if they suck at showing it. But regardless of that, if you can’t trust them to not treat you like garbage all the time, then the healthiest thing you can do is close that door. Yes it’s sad. Yes it sucks. But that’s life sometimes.
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Gamzee Makara from Homestuck vs Maeglin Lómion from The Silmarillion/The Fall Of Gondolin
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Gamzee Makara:
LOVE: - "Okay, so Gamzee is such a divisive character that I even hesitated on choosing "love". Sad clown with an absentee father raised in a fascist dictatorship. Was mind controlled into killing his friends and then mind controlled during a toxic relationship (or two). Suffers from addiction so fandom likes to go "Oh, how scary his withdraws are. Clearly being drugged up was the only thing keeping this THIRTEEN YEAR OLD from murdering his friends (who largely ignored him, insulted him, demeaned him and acted like they wanted nothing to do with him). Having one such friend gently touch his face didn't cure him of his issues (or the mind control) so obviously he is an irredeemable monster and an abuser. This is genetic." I know you've gotten tons of Vriska, so basically insert any of Vriska's apologists' points here." - "Gamzee is a complex character who is used as a puppet both by the other villains of Homestuck and by the arthur. Once someone takes a deeper look at him they might find a tragic character who had lots of chances where he could have gotten onto a better path but those chances were not able to be given or taken. On the flip side Gamzee suffers from some poor writing that leaves aspects of the character to based off poor stereotypes, he also lacks chances to show his internal character as thr story goes on and is treated like a tool by the story. He also killed some fan favorite characters and has a version of himself (homestuck is a multi timeline story) that abused a different fan favorite character." - "I know Vriska is the obvious pick for controversial HS blorbo, but consider: He is the world's shittiest boy. No one knows why he does the things he does he might just be a murderclown but he might be mind controlled or something no one knows and people have really strong opinions on him based on what they believe. He makes me very sad because I did think he was a cool character before he snapped." - "He was written so poorly 💔" - "when i was 12 i had a crush on him i was like a gamzee apologist and i was probably right i dont remember homestuck. i used to listen to icp and think wowww this is just like my clwon boyfriend and giggle and blush and kick my legs and i still do that with my fake boyfriend but hes not gamzee and its not icp and im not 12 but he kind of sounds like gamzee but thats because hes a smoker and he wouldnt listen to icp he likes techno. anyway i used to get so sad when people said they didnt like him because of the killings and i brought him up to my old therapist a couple times thats kind of funny looking back but i would do it again (but not with gamzee. with my fake chain smoker boyfriend who likes techno). anyway anyway my mom listens icp because her old friend from highschool who died was a juggalo and whenever i hear her listen to it i think about gamzee so i havent forgot about him yet. hes wasnt my favorite character thouhg my favorite character was the gemini one (i also had a crush on him when i was 12 i tried to lucid dream to see him once) (it didnt work). ok love you bye." - "-Funny clown -Cares about his friends -Absent parental figure :( -Did some murder but it wasn't his fault really he didn't have all of his mental faculties (see next point) -Got brainwashed by a universe-destroying god that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time through the form of a rapping marionette -The author(s) fucking hates him for some reason and retconned his previous characterization to make him a one-dimensional shitty villain and used canon text to make fun of fans who like him and no I'm not exaggerating -If I don't make him my blorbo who will"
Maeglin Lómion:
LOVE: - "LISTEN okay so he DID betray the city of Gondolin to the guy who literally invented evil, and that DID result in it getting destroyed and a whole bunch of people dying or being taken prisoner (which is probably worse in this instance), and also he DID attempt to throw his cousin's seven-year-old son off the city walls to his death during the attack. BUT. I love him. Also, and more substantially, a) he didn't go out of his way to betray the city, he was taken prisoner and threatened into it, b) he had an incredibly painful history with Gondolin involving both his parents' violent deaths happening like ten minutes after he arrived there, and he was legally not allowed to leave, and c) he was SO YOUNG (only 180! that's hardly anything for an elf!) and he is SO ANGSTY and INTERESTINGLY GOTH and SELF-HATING and I LOVE him. So." - "First of all he was LITERALLY CURSED TWICE OVER so there was NO WAY he was coming to a good end okay. Sure he had a crush on his cousin but he canonically didn't say anything and she only knew because she read his mind and he wasn't able to hide it from her. He had a major éowyn moment (iconic) and was trapped in cage after cage all his life and tbh after what he saw in the Nirnaeth I'm NOT surprised he voted to stay instead of go. Or just told the king what he wanted to hear. Anyway the POINT is that breaking under mental torment to morgoth, whose force and victory he'd seen firsthand, is NOT a moral failing, and idril started conspiring against him before he'd actually done anything wrong. The attempted murder was, admittedly, not great though. But he didn't even SUCCEED like c'mon he just got homoerotically yeeted from a cliff about it. In conclusion: maeglin did nothing wrong except all the things he did wrong, and the version in which he's most openly evil is also the one where both the narrative and the other elves are racist to him so like they had it coming"
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estrellota · 4 months
RIP Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft you would have loved History of Man by Maisie Peters.
(to anyone who hasn’t heard the song, I highly recommend giving it a listen and then coming back and buckling up bc I have some Thoughts)
History of Man is a breakup song and also about, to quote Maisie herself, the generations of women “who never got to tell their own story, who had their narrative taken away from them by a man who did not deserve the pen he stole.” Sound familiar?
DBDA is a show about, among other things, the ways toxic masculinity visits harm on those who exist in proximity to it (aka everyone). Crystal puts it best when she tells Edwin and Charles “Well I guess all three of us lost our lives to boys who went too far”.
In The Case of the Two Dead Dragons, Brad and Hunter don’t just hurt Shelby and Maren, they rewrite their stories, turning themselves into victimized heroes and the girls into villains. They do terrible things to Shelby and Maren and then blame the girls for both deserving said things and for reacting/retaliating to them. This mirrors how David treats Crystal.
Throughout the show, when Crystal is (super understandably) angry about David possessing her and stealing her memories, David often retorts that Crystal asked for it/had it coming, as though being a Mean Girl somehow warrants demonic possession and literal identity theft (spoiler alert: it doesn’t). But Crystal feels and expresses a tremendous amount of guilt for having allowed David in anyways.
Now, on to lyric analysis:
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The song begins by establishing that heartbreak (and the people who inflict it, boys who go too far) have existed since the dawn of time. They existed when Jericho (the first city) was founded and when Edwin was sacrificed to Hell and when Charles was pelted by rocks and when Crystal was possessed. The show points out that these stories are mirrors of each other, connecting our beloved detectives through the trauma they’ve endured (yay!).
Regarding Crystal specifically: David burnt the bridge to Crystal’s past, depriving her of what was sacred (herself).
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This is the chorus and it is SO Crystal Coded!!!
As a psychic, Crystal has definitely seen things “in the poems and the sands”. Line 2 reminds me of her conversation with the Washer Woman and her desperate attempt to use something from Tragic Mick’s to get David out of her head. She’s trying so hard to rewrite (recall) her past and rewrite (change) her future. But she can’t.
She begs David for her memories back, but all he wants is her power. She’s in this mess in the first place because she genuinely loved David, and he doesn’t care. Why? It’s the history of man. Men like David (abusers) have always existed, it’s human history. But also, it’s the History of Man. Men like David have always held power, so they’ve gotten to shape the narrative, making the story about them and forcing people like Crystal (women) (and also queer ppl and pocs but for the purposes of this song, women) into the margins.
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Ok so I see verse 2 as Crystal addressing David directly, dragging him for his complete lack of remorse over betraying/using/hurting her.
Samson and Delilah are biblical characters. Samson was this super strong man, and Delilah was his lover who betrayed him by cutting off his hair, thus weakening him. Delilah is generally painted as a treacherous seductress, but here the singer is commiserating with her. I think David would relate himself to Samson in this story. He genuinely believes he has a right to Crystal’s power and blames her for taking it back, making him weaker. When speaking to Crystal, he says things like “how dare you” and asks whether he “gets to be a god again”. But Crystal was right to make David weaker. He should have never gotten his grubby little hands on her power to begin with.
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We’re in the home stretch now — the bridge and final chorus. I’m going to go line by line.
Line 1: This line is such a perfect fit. David stole Crystal’s youth (her time and memories) and promised heaven, trying to convince her that she needed him to save her at several points throughout the story (ex. in the Devlin attic)
Line 2: The Trojan War was a legendary conflict in Greek mythology waged by the Greeks on the city of Troy after Paris of Troy took (stole) Helen from her husband, the king of Sparta. Helen had no say in her kidnapping, and yet she was blamed for the bloody war it sparked. Similarly, Crystal is blamed for her possession and amnesia. David argues repeatedly that she invited him in, that she’s a terrible person, that she belongs to him. But also (and this is no shade to the boys don’t come for me I still love them to death) Edwin especially is super judgmental about it. While the boys quickly accept that Crystal knowing that David was a demon doesn’t make her at fault for what he did to her, I still think that initial perceptual shift is important for narrative and thematic purposes, especially since Crystal’s arc is a metaphor for toxic relationships.
Lines 3-6: Crystal is addressing David again. David is definitely threatened by the power Crystal wields, but for most of the narrative, she’s haunted by him. She hates him, but she can’t get him out of her head. He’s her great obsession.
Finally, I want to focus on the last two lines of the song, “So you'll lose me, the best you'll ever have / It's the history, the history of man”.
Because the conclusion of this story — and this is the most important part — is that Crystal wins. She gets her powers back, she gets her self back, and she buries David. In the end, David loses Crystal, the best he’ll ever have. All three of our detectives — Edwin, Charles, and Crystal — win because they get out, they escape, they break the cycle. In real life, winning probably doesn’t look like burying your demon ex under a tree in your head or throwing a Molotov cocktail at your best mate’s demon, but that’s what fiction is for. To tell us that for all that terrible men have always existed, so too have the people who beat them.
It’s the history of man.
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psychicpuppyarcade · 11 months
Just to add onto my last post but not enough people are acknowledging how fucked up izzy apologizing to Ed is. And before I get into it I want you to know that I love the show and there are parts of s2 that were just amazing I mean I stayed up till midnight for every single one, I don't hate watch things. But we're here for discussing I'm here to talk it through with the crew ok? Anyway,
You're telling me that Ed cut off multiple of izzys toes till his leg started to rot, proceeded to shoot his leg off and then barely acknowledge or try to apologize after? I mean yeah Izzy shut him down usually when he was trying to talk but it doesn't take long to say I'm sorry it doesn't take long to write a letter even, it doesn't take much to apologize to the dying man. But instead izzy lays there and apologizes to Ed! For what? For fueling blackbeard I guess. Which I understand because in the first season if they had this discussion it would've made 100% sense but really in season 2 it doesn't. Ed is the one pushing himself, abusing the crew and killing and killing and killing. Izzy is breaking down about it, he's trying to get Ed to talk to the crew, which, again, gets him shot! I'm in a haze right now so maybe I don't know his last words word for word but all I know is that they were all about Ed and how izzy somehow could think he wronged Ed after Ed wronged him time and time again. They were toxic to eachother on both sides but at the end of the day they wouldn't have been around eachother by the finale had Izzy lived. Izzy would be on the boat with the crew, hell he might've even been the captain. And Ed would've been with stede at the inn. And so again it really is just death for what feels like the sake of death. Just because they needed some kind of justification for a cute ending and instead of making one they threw izzy away. I understand it's HBO or Max's or whatevers fault, that's why I'm not blaming the writers. I cant imagine how much they must've limited this season, so again, fuck you HBO!
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facioleeknow · 1 month
Hi! I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, and I just started reading your series and I really like it... It made me wonder, we get involved and end up learning on pleasure and sex mostly from people that we are in a relationship in and if that happens to be a toxic relationship or just boring we may learn that sex is that way and that's all there's. If we did learn it from our friends and people we trust we could learn things like the ones mentioned in your story, how a person should treat you at a date, how the sex should be respectful, how there are people who will put their needs first or your needs first. It's an interesting thing to think about I guess... Like I've had sex with one guy in my life and it was usually very ok, sometimes abusive... And, I'm scared of having casual sex... I wish I had a friend I could trust like that, to show different ways to have sex in a safe environment
So first of all fuck the guy you had sex with for being abusive, I hope his dick falls off so he can never use it again and I hope he gets the karma of a lifetime. I wholeheartedly hope you meet someone you can learn with and have a good experience with, you deserve it <3.
Regarding everything else you said, you're very right, nobody teaches us about these things and I think that having a 50/50 chance that you're gonna get treated well does not cut. That is why I think sex ed is important but not the one they do now which is basically anatomy and one lesson about contraceptive. We need to learn about consent, about how to treat people we're being intimate with and especially how to distinguish porn from reality since a lot of people seem to not know how. We also need to learn about queer relations and talk about them because everybody always talks about straight sex and young queers are left wondering, which can be dangerous.
But unfortunately, society isn't ready for this conversation, we can only hope it changes in a few years.
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sarasometimes · 2 months
different anon replying to the ask about athena taking sage's car- what other side is there...? she abused nearly everyone around her. that wasn't the first time she stole and broke something someone needed.
ok like im not sayin she didnt mess up and hurt people. she did. but that doesnt mean thats all she is u know?
n like weve actually been talkin n shes been tellin me abt all that went down n how it came 2 be. again this isnt my drama to tell but there was a L O T of toxicity from everyone involved from what i am hearin n a lot of really negative energy that was rly bad 4 the whole coven
like ppl do crazy things when theyre in that space for too long. the last coven i was in split n i straight up threw a bitchs laptop in the fuckin lake lmao was it wrong of me to do that? yes. do i regret it? no.
she was tryin to keep thing in control n couldnt. she lost connection with a v important energy to her n bein cut off like that is disorienting n painful. we do stupid shit when were desperate n hurting.
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allgoldenelite · 1 year
ok, as a kinda sorta quasi continuation of this, i'm gonna dump some more thoughts i've had lately about kenny, don, and everything.
cw for abusive relationships, toxic behavior, manipulation
first of all, i'm gonna give credit where credit is due: the storyline as it stands rn has had some things added to it which i would never have thought a wrestling story dare add, let alone handle well. some of it is more subtext and some of it is more out there, but so far i have found that the elements i examined and interpreted only ever enhanced my reading of the kenny omega character, so i've personally enjoyed them as enrichment of the text.
don callis is a sociopathic abuser (there's some subtext there that could be read to mean the abuse is also sexual). the first part he's said so himself, and the second part...well, there's enough material there now to write a book about, but i just want to make sure we're all on the same page here. all those times when him (and kenny!) during the collector run made sure to remind the audience that callis has been in kenny's life since he was 6 (or 10; neither of them are consistent with it) years old were sickeningly recontextualized when kenny said in his sitdown with JR that don fed him substances and started drilling him for wrestling by cutting him off from outside interests and friends pretty much as soon as he entered his life. and in don's sitdown with JR, he of course proclaims it was all because the golden sheik and kenny's family had told him to take care of kenny, so he was merely acting out of selflessness and philanthropy.
but what don did was essentially create a deeply, deeply traumatized weapon. it's all there in kenny's vtrs, moves and akas (the cleaner, the best bout machine, terminator dive, calling himself an unstoppable android, saying he wants to be a weapon for njpw). a cold, clinical thing that others decide what to do with, controlled and manipulated by others (well, i say others, but basically it always come back to don callis), and which exists without its own agency. that thread even comes back in his collector run during a segment with christian cage, where christian correctly pins down what's been happening all this time ("i don't know what's weirder, don, the fact that you manipulated a 10 year old kenny omega, or that the adult kenny omega is still letting it happen."). and as abuse and trauma go, kenny was (and in some ways still is) continuing the cycle in how he treats people close and important to him like take, bucks, hangman, and so on.
now, the don abuser backstory is mostly meant to be read when looking at the latter half of kenny's time in njpw and especially his aew career, but imo you could even go as far with the reading as saying that his time in ddt was like an escape from don for kenny, something he did for himself for a change (maybe the first and only time he did something for himself), rather than for don or because he wanted to prove he's the best. and then you look at the way this is all breaking down because of jealousy and feelings of inadequacy and deeply rooted fear, and you go, of course, the poor guy has so built his entire being and sense of self-worth around winning and recognition of superiority that as soon as that doesn't come in a steady stream (or is indeed threatened by different, unknown and scary feelings such as actually wanting to be the no 2, not the no 1) his mental and emotional health just collapses like a house of cards.
either way, all kenny has known his entire life is wrestling. and the largest swath of that wrestling life has been spent trying to prove he's unbeatable and immortal, while repeatedly having difficulties accepting love and help from others and pushing those closest to him away. and don callis takes credit for all of it.
but here's the thing. in a way, he's right, about taking credit for the winning. of course, from don's twisted perspective, he is right; he spent nearly every waking hour "preparing" kenny for wrestling and pulling strings behind the scenes (seriously, the guy claims to have connections to the european parliament, for crying out loud) to pave his path of destruction through multiple promotions. but the cut runs deeper than that. because ever since don turned on kenny, kenny's been losing, a lot, and commentary and other characters have been picking up on that fact. the fact that, as it seems for right now, without don callis, kenny isn't the winner he so desires to be. he's not just lost singles but random tags or multimans as well, and if he does win, he's getting crucifixed to the ropes and getting his head smashed in with a chair. kenny had the bucks back at his side but that didn't fix it. the elite welcomed hangman back into their midst, but that didn't fix it. ibushi came back to reform the golden elite but that didn't fix it. kenny kept falling down.
so now what?
i don't have an answer. i've seen some discussion lately about kenny's questionable or lackluster performance in this story. as in, not his in-ring kayfabe performance, but the actor's performance. some people say they noticed him having less energy than usual or looking like he's not all there at times, like his head isn't fully in the game, and that translating to how the character is perceived (or not perceived; he's been notably absent from a lot of recent btes, but that could also be due to how little actual story there is on bte these days) and backstage segments when viewers were expecting him to have a comment or a role in response to something that happened in the story).
the thing is...normally i don't really care too much? i'll get angry at this and that in front of the tv and say my peace on it, and then maybe a week later it'll flare back up if the wound's getting picked, but aside from that i don't care about wrestling, and especially not shoot stuff, enough to give a shit. dude could have a million reasons why he's not having the time of his life right now and by no means is he obligated to be in every little thing that happens. he's done enough.
but if you caught him on the street fighter stream he did for crown, it was night and day. it's like he was a different person. which is to say, it leads me to believe that this unmotivated, somewhat muted version of kenny we're seeing on our screens right now is part of the story. that don had his hooks so deep in kenny and yanked them out with such force that all that's left there now is mangled flesh. it reminded me of how kenny reacted when don got attacked by bcc and wasn't available to second him for his match vs jeff cobb: when the news were brought to him he seemed immediately crestfallen and made his entrance looking noticeably intimidated and distracted. like the reliance on don had been so strong and so deeply ingrained for so many years that he legitimately didn't know what to do. no manipulator to pull the trigger.
but still the question remains, what's the cure going to be, if none of the things i listed earlier helped? because at the end of the day this is still a story that involves wrestling, and altho the thought has crossed my mind that maybe this is going to be one of the very very few wrestling stories that do not equate a happy ending with a victory in the ring, i think at least somewhere along the road they will want to show kenny's rejuvenation via a win or two. so, what's it going to take to make that happen, when everything is said and done? i've followed people discussing that one way would be for him to go back to the drawing board specifically in japan (ddt, ibushi, you see where this is going), and of course that'd be very exciting and interesting, but somehow it feels to me like that's not the route they're taking. i'd be happy to be wrong, yet so far there haven't been any signs that i could decipher that that's a possibility in the story, and when kenny said at the wrestledream scrum that his primary focus is on aew in the us, it only reinforced that feeling for me.
this is a slightly different topic, but in addition, there's continued criticism about the confusing or meandering way the story flip-flops between seemingly portraying kenny as all alone and distraught and in need of help and not being any of those things the next week. this one i kinda have to agree with.
i'm not tired of the story in a way that some people are; i think there's still stones left to turn and interesting threads to pull on and characters to explore. but i do think it's been dragged out a little bit too much at times and that it has felt sluggish during some of those stretches, just like how the elite stories did after they came back up until they suddenly pressed the turbo button and kenny was best friends with hangman again. as a result, it has felt meandering, altho i do not agree with the criticism that there isn't anything left to do for both parties in the feud. don said he was going to cut out the elite and that he isn't anywhere near being done with that. it just remains to be seen what kenny's and by extension the elite's motivation in this all will be.
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apologies if someone has already said this but I only finished it last night so here’s my two cents about good omens season 2
Nina and Maggie are a parallel to Crowley and Aziraphale but not in the way you’d expect.
You’d expect Nina and Crowley to be paired together. They’re both the grumpy, glass half empty, albeit more “realistic” half of their duos. They wear dark colored clothes and have more similar, sarcastic, personalities. The grumpy to their partner’s sunshine.
Maggie and Aziraphale are the same. They’re cheery, idealistic, glass half full people. Their clothes are lighter and brighter and they’re always smiling and looking on the bright side of life. Sunshine people.
Thinking back on the last scene between Maggie, Nina, and Crowley, I can’t help but feel like the dynamic is Nina/Aziraphale and Maggie/Crowley.
Here’s why:
All throughout, we see Nina in an emotionally abusive relationship with her girlfriend. She’s constantly getting texts telling her she’s awful and she doesn’t care and eventually, threats that her partners leaving and won’t return. The same can be said about Aziraphale’s relationship with Heaven. They’re both aware the relationship is bad, but they’re so far in they feel a duty to uphold it and make things work, despite the clear imbalance (they care for their abusers more than their abusers care about them). Like Crowley said, Heaven, Hell, they’re all toxic—but Aziraphale still values that relationship because it’s all he’s been conditioned to know. Until or course, Crowley came along and showed him the truths of the world, challenged him to think for himself and showed him it’s ok to walk your own path—which is exactly what Maggie offers to Nina. A clean slate, a chance to rediscover her individuality, and time to figure that all out.
Likewise, Maggie’s been shown throughout the entirety of season 2 to be happy and self-sufficient with her independence. She runs her own shop, connects with people through the shop keepers monthly meetings, and dedicated her time to a passion and shop that other people may not value but SHE does and that’s enough. What’s more Crowley-coded than that? Marching to the beat of his own drum, caring for the Bentley more than he does people, forming his own eccentricities around ducks, music, wine, etc. BUT like Crowley, Maggie is shown to be missing one thing, wanting one thing: love. She has a crush on Nina across the street and has been silently pining after her for a while now (close proximity slow burn sound familiar anyone?) and much like Crowley, she’s the one to admit her feelings to a very hesitant Nina.
But the scene with the three of them at the end is very inspiring for the future of Aziraphale and Crowley, in my opinion. Nina and Maggie sit Crowley down and tell him they’re people and they can’t be toyed with for the sake of celestial matters. Nina even goes as far to say she’s not ready for a new relationship (because her previous one was so awful) but hopes if Maggie sticks around, they can make it work—which Maggie is almost immediate in reassuring she will be there. It’s played for laughs here, but looking back with the knowledge of what happens with Crowley and Aziraphale just after this, I’m looking back on the line with a quiet hope that it’s a sign of what’s to come for our ineffable duo. Because really, in what universe can anyone see Crowley NOT wait for Aziraphale?
What I think this means for next season (God, PLEASE give us a third season) is Aziraphale will finally start to cut off ties with Heaven (or maybe they’ll cut off ties with him, a la Lindsay), especially after realizing a relationship with Crowley is possible (shoutout Gabriel and Beelzebub). But whatever happens, I’m positive Crowley will be there, as always, to welcome him back. And Aziraphale will perform one hundred I-was-wrong dances and they’ll drive the Bentley off into the sunset (to their new cottage in the South Downs).
Or maybe I’m just delusional and coping ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tldr: Nina is Aziraphale, Lindsay/Heaven are their abusives exes, and Maggie/Crowley are the people who actually love them and will wait for them to come around.
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somerandomcryptid · 2 days
Does anyone want almost 1k words of unedited, unfinished dod!cryptid and quackity being their toxic dynamic?
Too bad
Warnings include: Mentioned child abuse, and implied underage drinking, also Q being a condescending dick
Also just going to say it here: Dreaming of death is an au of the fic Penpal by @calamari-minecraft-corner
Anyway enjoy :)
It was routine these days. And throwing an ender pearl through Quackity’s window no longer felt scary. They would prefer to just walk through the building like a normal person, especially given that they were a regular face in Las Nevadas now. But Q refused to give them a key. Like the dickhead he was.
This time they almost didn't make it and had to haul themselves up a little.
“Having fun?” The wingless man asked, doing absolutely nothing to help pull them up from where they were hanging 4 stories up.
“What do think assh-” they were cut off as they fell to Quackity’s floor with a thud. Quackity chuckled. And they pushed themselves up enough to glare at his smug ass face mixing a drink like 6 feet from them. “You couldn't have helped?”
“I never asked you to come bother me every other night.” They scoff at that. Before standing up fully and leaning on the counter next to him.
“Surreeee. Like you don't need my visits way more than I do.” It was Quackity’s turn to scoff now.
“Then why do you keep coming?”
“I get alcohol and piss off my- Dream and Punz.” They correct themself but Q has this annoying habit of always pointing out stupid shit like that.
“Awfully possessive of people you hate.” It wasn't teasing. It never felt teasing. It was just.. judgy.
“I’m not fuckin’- I’m not calling them mine. I- I was going to call them.. something else ok?” Quackity scoffed at their defense, pouring a peachy liquid from that alcohol shaker thing into two cocktail glasses. And responding without even looking up at them.
“Then what were you going to call them? Your friends? Your brothers? Your family? God. I can't believe Dream still has you on that family bullshit.” He pushes one of the cocktail glasses over to them uttering a quick “Here drink.” Before going back on his rant. They sipped the drink with a roll of their eyes. They knew by now it wasn't ever poison. And they would interrupt, but that usually just prolonged these rant sessions. “When are you going to get it through your head that he doesn't care about you. I don't know why you even still live with those assholes.” Quackity ended in a grumble, before finally shutting up to take a sip of his drink.
“Free living.”
“Already offered that to you in Las Nevadas.”
“Have you maybe considered that I actually like the people I live with beyond my abusers?” It still felt so wrong to refer to them like that. But what they did was abuse. And Quackity was always a bit more.. workable with when they acknowledged that fact.
Of course it didn't help much. He still scoffed at their words. He almost always did. Unless they were agreeing with him. Just another one of the things that made them hate him.
“They're bad people too! If you weren't an oblivious child,” they almost snarled at that, but kept it back. “Then I would be condemning right along with everyone living there. I mean Phil’s a terrorist, Wren fucking supports Dream still, even after his abuse of you, Wilbur’s a manipulative two faced prick, Schlatt is an abusive power hungry alcoholic bastard,” that one was spit with particular venom. “and don't even get me started on Techno. Just because they're “nice” to you doesn't mean they're good pe-”
“You tortured a guy for months. How the fuck is that good? How can you call yourself a good person?” The words slip out through gritted teeth no matter how hard they try to force them down. Quackity falls silent for a few blissful seconds as he glares at them.
“I had reasons.” He too was speaking through gritted teeth. The words made them scoff.
“Selfish ones.” They mutter, looking down at their feet. The second they hear Quackity put his glass down they know they’re getting an earful. Him sighing heavily only increases the dread in their gut.
“He's a monster. And his actions towards you prove it even more. I don't get how you someone who has literally experienced his cruelty can't see how fucked up he is.” Quackity’s tone is scolding. It always is. Just like Sam’s, just like Punz’s, just like Dream’s. They hate acknowledging the pattern.
“Q. You’ve given me the speech before. I know your feelings on the matter.” Their voice is as level as they can manage, which is to say, mildly annoyed. They can practically feel how he prickles despite not being touching or looking at him.
“Clearly you don't understand me though.. or reason.” He mutters bitterly as he raises his glass to his lips again. They force themself to not snap at the jab.
In fact, they force themself to stay silent for once. And instead let the taste of sweet alcohol almost calm them. Almost.
Eventually Quackity sighs, and they glance over at him. His gaze has softened. At least a bit. And his eyes trace the plains of their face.
“I shouldn't be blaming you for being without reason. You're a kid who's been living with literal psychopaths.” Their fingers twitched with the urge to correct him. Or maybe punch him in the face.
They knew he willed himself to not strangle them because they were a “kid”. And they knew that if they were an adult, he would hate their guts, and probably have killed them. They hate that their age is the reason he doesn't.
“But it's a bit hard not to when you just. Won’t acknowledge what is so obviously in front of you.” He added with a chuckle that was clearly just to mask the hatred behind the words.
Yeh sorry, tis unfinished but I'm on 2% battery and don't feel like I'll continue later
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