#-yone notices
wheucto · 2 years
instead of, like, actually announcing he’s an alien, fan just sprinkles little bread crumbs around so that if someone was actually inanimate insane enough to try and figure it out it can be revealed that way instead
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
There’s an anonymous poll for “Who’s the fairest of them all?”. Percy is proud to say he’d always choose Annabeth. Leo doesn’t need to think to know Piper’s his choice. The whole camp votes Piper actually. Or Drew. Generally someone in the Aphrodite cabin.
And then there’s that one vote for Nico.
Hmm. Wonder who that’s from. Jason. Of course it’s Jason
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walls-actual-ly · 11 months
i wanted to stop being obsessed with heartsteel for once, stopped writing my fanfic, opened league of legends and ofc the first thing i see are Yones tits, Kayns abs and tongue and Ezreals pretty teeth... why is league making it so hard for me
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silversurfersx · 2 months
Beautiful Man
jenson button × platonic!reader × lando norris
-in which lando is a snitch
mentioning to lando who you thought was the most beautiful f1 driver might have been a mistake
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Being friends with Lando has it's ups and downs, one good thing was meeting Max Farewell and one bad thing was Lando itself. Now not to mistake the absolute joy in person Lando represents, bringing a smile to your face on several occasions, but that boy could talk. And how he loved to do exactly that.
Having an interview session with Jenson Button gave him exactly that opportunity. And with newly revealed information he just couldn't help himself. He didn't even know when it slipped out of how it came up, but it did. The fact that you were in fact standing right between him and Jenson didn't matter.
"Oh, did you know that Y/N thinks you are the hottest F1 driver." He announced smiling cheekily. His boyish face lightened up with a teasing expression. Your divers senses locked in when you realised the words and your head shot over at him. Your eyes wide and mouth agape, while you head a deep laugh from beside you, clearly coming from Jenson.
"Lando!" You called out. "What the fuck, mate?"
Joining into Jenson's laughter the british men found the whole thing hilarious, completely opposite to you, who didn't know what to feel or think. For a moment embarrassment was all that filled you, but then you became achingly aware that people were staring and if you made it embarrassing now, it would be haunting you for a lot longer than if you just pretended and played it cool.
"I mean, I take it as a compliment." Jenson said smirking at you. Playfully you shook your head, shaking off the embarrassment and turned to Lando.
"See what you did there, Lan? Now he's getting all cocky." You said in mock seriousness pointing at Jenson next to you, getting more laughs from him and Lando. You too chuckled lightly.
"How is it my fault, I was just quoting you?" Lando argued hand on his heart as you pusred your lip. "I did not say he was the hottest driver. I just said that I thought he was the most beautiful one. I mean have you seen his face?"
Jenson only smirked more at the continuing compliments, wiggling his eyebrows at the camera. From the corner of your eye you saw exactly that and a sense of regret build up in you. You could have just let the whole tying go, but as often you spoke before you thought, riding yourself further in the embarrassing situation.
Groaning internally you cursed yourself out for all the things you just said. On the outside though you tried to stay strong and not let the situation get to you. The blush on your cheeks didn't agree with your internal desicion.
"Lando, I think we should stop before Y/N dies from embarrassment. And although I am quite flattered by your very truthful confession, I think that we should probably move on." Jenson said, noticing your blushing cheeks and Lando's cheeky look as he looked at you.
"Yes!" You said almost all to eager. "Thank you Jenson!"
"Also, I am sadly in fact already married." The blonde added just to put a bit more oil in the fire of embarrassment. Groaning you put a hand on your face, hiding behind it, as Jenson chuckled and Lando giggled at you embarrassment.
But Lando wouldn't be yone of our best friends, if he didn't have something else to add. "Oh she knows. She had a funeral for the posters of you in her room when she found out."
It was a quick reaction from your side that resulted in you knocking your microphone into Lando's jewels. Smiling at the groan of paing coming from him before you turned towards Jenson who didn't quite know how to feel.
"He is lying about that part. I never had a poster of you in my room, I swear on my car." You announced to him, eyes wide a expression all serious. You needed to keep at least some of your pride. And Lando was in fact lying, about the funeral, not the posters, that was a lie from you.
Jenson looked over at Lando, holding a hand in front of the spot you hit his face in a grimace. Complementing about your possible reactions, Jenson just agreed. "I don't doubt a word you say."
He did, but he didn't say that.
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writerblue275 · 11 months
How Heartsteel would react catching their S/O singing/dancing to “Paranoia” (to their part if applicable)
Inspiration: Me being a dancing/singing/lip syncing fool every time I listen to the damn song, especially while I’m cleaning my apartment.
Genre: Headcanon
Category: FLUFF
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: Swearing
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^^(How did they get this GIF of me dancing?? 😂)
General things:
Setting the scene, let’s say it’s the first time they’re coming home after the song has released so they’re really getting your reaction to the finished song for the first time.
Ok let’s be clear, all of them would be so flattered and would love this.
Having a supportive partner means EVERYTHING TO THEM.
So even if I don’t put “it means a lot to them to catch you doing this, etc…etc…, it’s still implied.
He’s had a long day in the studio working with Yone on the next album’s instrumentals after doing a debut music show, so he’s very ready to be home with you and to take it easy tonight.
Grins under his mask as he opens the door and hears “Paranoia” blasting on the Bluetooth speaker he got you for your birthday. He knows how much you love to jam to music!
Sneaks to wherever you are, not wanting to disrupt you and absolutely wanting to grab a photo he can send to Alune (after swearing her to secrecy [not that she would send the photo of you to anyone anyway! You and her are good friends too]).
Manages to get an excellent photo of you using the duster as a microphone, a smidge of dust on your cheek.
You’re so absorbed in your “performance” you don’t notice him at all.
Right after you mime the *ding ding ding* of the bell in Sett’s verse, your smart watch buzzes with a text message.
“I hate to disrupt your award-worthy performance, but what would you like for dinner? (Also you have a little dust on your cheek, cutie.)”
When you spin around and finally see him, he’s spinning his mask on his finger and giving you a sly grin, winking as you gasp in surprise and blush at being caught.
He grabs a tissue and gently wipes off your cheek before giving you a gentle kiss hello.
(I have a headcanon that he would primarily communicate to his partner using sign language)
*Signing* “I’m glad you enjoy our work, love!”
Seeing you love something he put so much effort and time into really brings him a LOT of pride and will continue to motivate him.
He helps you clean and asks you more about your thoughts on the song.
You were in the studio while he worked so you’ve heard parts of it, but you and him agreed that you shouldn’t hear the finished song until it released to the public. It was your suggestion actually. He was ready to let you listen to it early but you wanted to experience the full excitement of waiting for their debut just like everyone else.
Which he LOVED.
This litTLE SHIT (said lovingly)!
Smug man #1
The SMIRK he has when he walks through the front door and hears the all-too-familiar intro to the song.
And when he hears you RAPPING along with Kayn’s part??
NO WAY is he missing this!!
He immediately makes his way to wherever you are and positions himself so he can see you without you seeing him.
Phone camera is at the ready.
Starts recording a video right before the pre-chorus begins and his part starts.
He can’t help but smile as you switch to lip syncing, clearly wanting to hear/focus on his voice.
You’ve told him many times how much you adore his singing voice.
(And he’ll never admit to anyone how much hearing you say that means to him but that’s a different story)
It takes every fiber of his being to not reveal himself while he’s recording.
He’s about two seconds from giggling.
Records through the end of the chorus before stopping the recording and immediately sending the video to the Heartsteel group chat with all the members and Alune. They all love you so he knows they’ll love seeing the video.
He puts his phone away and plans to sneak up on you. (Lmao sneak up? I mean flash.)
This man is an EXPERT at surprising you.
Flashes right behind you before the second pre-chorus starts and starts singing, bursting into laughter as you let out a surprised scream.
He gets a well deserved pillow to the face for that.
Later Yone texts you and tells you that he’s “glad you like the song enough to sing and dance to it throughout your daily tasks.”
And Aphelios hits you with the “:)”
And Ez gets another pillow to the face before bed.
Followed by a kiss because he is POUTING.
This SMUG motherfucker!! (Again, said lovingly!!!)
Smug man #2!!
Comes home to you cooking dinner for you and him, using the spatula as a mic.
Does THE shoulder lean against the door frame (y’all know what I mean, especially if you read romance novels) and just watches you with the biggest shit-eating smirk on his face.
That smirk only get bigger as the song ends and restarts and you don’t change it, telling him you’ve had their song on repeat for who knows how long!
If anything, you’re getting even more into it, starting to dance a little more now and adding some little ad libs while he raps.
Ex: “If you try to step to me, it’ll be the last time” You *in rhythm*: “FUCK YEAH”
He absolutely loves it.
Honestly you’re making him fall in love with you all over again.
Also gives him the idea to ask Alune if you can help make up the fan chants (although he’s sad because he knows they’ll have to be a bit more PG)
Can’t help himself as he lets out a chuckle, giving himself away in the process.
Holds his hands up peacefully as you spin around, ready to throw the spatula if needed.
“Sorry baby, I’m afraid you can’t use me for target practice.”
“God Damnit, Kayn, you know I scare easily! How long have you been home?”
“There’s a reason I stayed over here instead of startling you over there where there are a bunch more kitchen utensils you could have reacted with. And to answer your question, enough time for me to understand how much you seem to enjoy our song.”
You playfully, roll your eyes, shake your head, and smile as he comes over and wraps his arms around your waist, kissing you hello.
He’d definitely tell the guys what he saw, but he wouldn’t film or photograph you (this time 😉).
I get such immaculate vibes from Heartsteel K’Sante.
Like I’m a BTS fan (woot woot ARMY) and I get very very similar energy/vibes from K’Sante and RM.
Like I do not know what it is, but I would trust K’Sante with holding/watching my drink at a club if I needed to run to the restroom. He has that sort of good energy.
I suppose it’s the…safe? energy??
Absolutely hilarious to use that word considering the batshit things they did in that movie studio.😂
But you know what I mean!
And being in a relationship with someone who has this sort of energy would be A++++.
(I know this is a bit of a tangent but I swear it’s relevant to the topic)
K’Sante’s part in “Paranoia” has that same sort of energy to it. (It’s so hard to explain what I meannnn)
And when he catches you singing and dancing along to his part, the bridge of the song, while you’re folding/putting away laundry, I think he’d watch you for a couple moments.
But only a couple.
He’d make his presence known a bit earlier
Because then I think he’d come join you! ☺️
He’d start singing with you and encourage you to keep singing with him.
He’d gently pull you a little closer to him.
And obviously the slower paced part of bridge doesn’t last forever, but even then I think he’d still dance with you once the song ramped up with you (hard to explain but think casual dancing with a partner at a club/bar).
It would be so FUN??? Such a fun sweet moment between the two of you.
He’d of course then help you fold the laundry.
“It’s only fair since I distracted you from it for a bit!”
You’d keep listening to music with him as you both get some chores done around the house.
Definitely making sure to take time for more dance breaks (duhhhh).
(A/N: I love the entirety of “Paranoia” but something about Sett’s verse makes me absolutely FERAL!! THE LYRICS. THE VIBE. THE INSTRUMENTALS. PerFECTION! ØZI fucking nailed it.)
When I first started thinking about this, I thought that Sett would be smug guy #3.
Now I’m not quite so stuck to that idea.
Oh don’t get me wrong, he’d definitely hug you and tease you once you saw him watching you and blushed a deep red.
But they would mainly be half-hearted teases.
And internally? You know this man is melting about you and how lucky he is to have you as his partner and how much he loves you.
Sett clearly has such a soft side for the people he truly loves and cares about.
Have you seen how much he adores his Mama???
You are like the only other person who can really bring that soft side out of him.
And catching you already having the lyrics to his verse down 100% is something that would bring that out of him.
Speaking of his Mama…
Sett would absolutely take photos or videos of you.
But they’re only going to one person.
That’s right, to Mama.
We’re going to assume that his mother really likes you and you really like her. (You think this man is going to be with someone his mother doesn’t get along with? BFFR)
Though let me say I think she’d be very easy to get along with.
Like I definitely don’t think she’s the mother-in-law from hell I keep seeing stories about on TikTok.
But anyway, he just wants to show off his favorite person to his other favorite person (who also adores his favorite person).
And little do you and Sett know but that just inspired Mama to knit you a sweater that matches the beanie she made that he wore in the MV. As like a holiday present!
(I’m so sorry this one was admittedly a little self-indulgent but I think it’s so cute!)
Oh this man.
Obviously everyone has worked extremely hard so that Heartsteel can debut. Everyone has had late nights and long days on little sleep.
But as Heartsteel’s main producer…
(Not to mention band mom!!)
Yone really had a record number of late nights at the studio.
Reworking a passage over and over and over….
Until it’s right (or until Aphelios/Alune drag him out of the studio at 3am telling him to work on it tomorrow with fresh ears).
And he’d never tell you, but you know he’s felt really bad about all those late nights. All those nights he wasn’t with you.
Potential dates missed because of deadlines.
Not that you were angry with him or anything.
You love him and you know how much pressure he’s put on himself.
And the last thing you want to do is potentially add more pressure on him.
In fact, you and him made a routine the past couple months. Whenever he’d have to work on the weekends, you’d come over to his studio each night during the weekend and bring a movie/couple episodes of a show and takeout.
And he gladly lets you pull his attention away from work for other media and cuddles.
(I feel like in private Yone would be more cuddly than one might expect of a stoic man like him.)
But during these media breaks??
This tall man was like a damn koala the way he cuddled you (not that you were complaining).
So seeing you sing and dance to the song he produced…
Even though the production of this song meant you often went to bed alone….
Was so fucking cathartic for him.
It made him feel like every sacrifice was worth it. Just to see how happy you were to dance and sing to the song he put so much of himself into.
His expression would be so soft as he watched you.
And after you noticed him and gave him a smile, he’d come over and give you a hug, burying his face against your neck.
You are his MUSE, and don’t you forget it.
Ahh thank you for reading! This is my first bit of creative writing in over 5 years, so apologies if it’s not great!
Shout out to @coco6420 for telling me on my main account to not stop myself when I talked about being tempted to post headcanons for Arcane/Heartsteel. Well here we go. 😂
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ccraccz · 11 months
HELLOOOO I AM BACK AGAIN, May I request for Heartsteel! (all of em again) x fem! reader how would they treat you on your first date/where would yall be in your first date? (pls do include Alune too if you may!) thank you so much!
Our first date
Characters: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, K'sante, Yone, Alune x fem!reader
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Aphelios is such a gamer boy
He'd probably take you to one of those claw machines shops
You know the ones that just have a bunch of functional claw machines, and you get to try your luck at them
He'd be a total god at them it's unbelievable
He'd get you anything that you lay eyes on for more than 2 seconds
That Badtzmaru plush? It's yours in 7 seconds
That figurine of your favorite character? He's getting it right now
And if you get him anything? He will melt
Aphelios will cherish what you got him more than anything (other than you or alune)
During the date, he'll speak to you softly and, if you want, he'll teach you his ways on the claw machine
He'll stand behind you while you play and would not mind any affection given to him out of excitement
He tries to get you something in secret, and if he succeeds, he would be smiling so hard under his mask
You both exit the claw machine place with your arms filled with prizes, most for you and some for himself
Then he takes you out to eat something, anything
Though he does love his takeout 🙃
When he takes you home, be sure to show him your gratitude by kissing him on the cheek after placing your stuff on your living room
He'll be thinking about what to do for the next date 💙💙
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For a first date, he'd probably take you out to karaoke
He'd be able to show off what he likes to do and see your taste in music
And by that, he'll definitely be able to determine things about you
To get you comfortable, he'll sing to you a few times and encourage you to sing either with him or alone
If you sing a duet with him, he'll be very pleased and choose some type love song like "can't help falling in love" or something lol
and if you get the courage to sing a song for him, he'd totally encourage you and sing praises
He'd get shivers down his spine while you sing and if you mess up he wouldn't even laugh
He would just smile at you sweetly and listen as you sing
He's so mesmerized by you that he doesn't notice that you finished the song until you poke him on the cheek
After a while, both of you get tired of singing, throats stomachs hurting from singing and laughing
When he drives you back home, and after some ice cream, he walks you up to your door and opens his arms while asking for a goodbye hug💚💚
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Sett would probably have a mall date with you 🙃
He wants to fet to know you in a more relaxed setting where it's just you and him
He'll get to know your style and what you usually look forward to while shopping
BTW, he learned all this because he asked his mom about it
Anyways, he'd also get to show off his arms and strength by carrying the bags!
Win win situating right?
He'd definitely want to get the photobooth pictures with you and keep them in his wallet
He's so cute oml
If you recommend something to him, like a sleeveless jacket, protein powder/shakes, or pins?
He's getting them and putting them on his person instantly
Especially if it's a plush! He's adding that to the collection that you haven't seen yet
Other than that, he'd be able to ask you questions while walking, and when you get hungry, you both would just go to the food court and get what you guys want!
He's so gentle with you, following you to every store like a pup, a smile on his face as you show him a dress you like or shoes you think would look good with his fit
He's looking at you with the most live striken eyes as you go on about your week and more
if you ask him any question, he'll answer very truthfully
And when he drives you home, he helps bring the bags up to the front door before attempting to leave with a wave and a smile
But you pull him back for a hug and a kiss on the cheek
When he gets inside his car, his face is as pink, and his hair and his ears perked up higher than anyone's used to seeing💜
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You don't know what you're getting into
Kayn is scared
Before meeting up with you, he had to tall Rhaast some basic rules like, don't be disrespectful and some other ones that he need to keep in mind
Even though Kayn is quite wild, he didn't want to scare you on the first date
So he met up with you at your place on foot and you both went on the bus to the nearest paintball/airsoft park
He showed you the basics of the games, you watched and admired him intently, and played some yourself
You guys didn't go against each other as he spectayed while you played and you spectator while he played
At first, he was slightly romantic, helping you with putting on gear and protection so you wouldn't get hurt
But when the adrenaline started getting to the both of you, he started to get a bit roudy
But you know it's because of the adrenaline
He treats you with utmost care and affection
If you're nervous about the first game, he'll comfort you, though it's kinda difficult because he's not used to it
He makes sure you're not too hurt, and if you get a mark due to a bb
After a few hours, you guys walked to the closest convenience store, and he called one of his friends to pick him and you up in a few minutes
He bought you a few snacks and some drinks to cool off and walked towards a nearby park to sit around and talk to you
When the ride came and you arrived home, you held his hand and sqeezed it lightly before leaving the car with a soft smile
You, sadly, didn't see him cover his face with his hands after you shut the door and walked inside
Yone definitely saw that 🤭
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K'sante would 100% have a first date at a pottery painting place!!!
He'd suggest painting something for you and you painting something for him!
He designed a Ramen bowl for you while asking about your favorite things, like color, character, music genre, and clothing style
You also asked him some questions, but your creative piece didn't come out as well because you were so distracted with how gentle he was with the details of your bowl and how handsome he was
The plate you were designing looked,,, not as good, and you felt he definitely deserved a better plate
So you kept silent and concentrated
Some questions here and there are to get to know each other better, but most of the time is used on painting.
So, in the end, it was a silent date with him
Very comforting and soft
After you both finished your pieces for each other and washed your hands, you both went out to eat out together!
Two days later, K'sante appeared at your front door with a ramen bowl that was your favorite color with your favorite shape.
The plate you made is something he uses when you're around to make you feel proud of yourself!!
Before he leaves you with your new favorite bowl, you grab him by the hand and pull slightly before hugging him 🧡
Aigh I love himsosomuch its unfair
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He'd totally, 100%, bring you to an all-out dinner.
He'd call beforehand, asking you to wear the fanciest dress you have because later that day, you're both going to a fancy restaurant
Just the two of you
No gang. No annoyance. Nothing
He had told the group that he had something very important to do and does not want any problems
And in the first minute with you in the restaurant, he was called by Sett
He turned off his phone after that call and apologized sincerely
At the start, he was mesmerized with your looks, so when you asked a question, he had to double take on what you said
(The fancy restaurant was a sushi restaurant, I hope you like that)
He answered your questions and you answered his
And when your orders came, it was quite silent
His looks, his hands, his hair!!! He was just so handsome
You couldn't help but stop eating to just,,,
Stare at him for a minute or so
And as if feeling your eyes on him, he looked up to see you looking at him with hearts in your eyes
After your meal, he drives you home and walks you to your door
He was shaky and nervous as you looked at him
And like any cringey romance movie, you kissed his cheek and left a red/pink/gloss mark on it before entering your home and saying thank you and good night
He had to take a minute to himself
He walked back to his car and turned on his phone
Taking a picture of himself with your lips marked on his cheek, he texted you good night and the picture before being spammed by both you and the boys
He put the picture you took of both you and him in front of the restaurant as his background
Now he's gonna be stressed out because of the gang
Let's hope everything goes alright
He'll be thinking about you all night before rubbing off the mark of your lips, guiltily ❤️
He's so freaking pretty
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Alune would definitely invite you to her place and have a movie date with you
Both you and her would do your nails and play games before watching movies or series
She had to tell her twing that she was inviting you over and wants some privacy
So he went to hang out with the boys for the day while his sister has her special day
Before anything, she buys some snacks and asks you to bring anything you'd like, plushies, clothes, blankets, anything!!
She does your nails, you do her nails
She does your hair (with some struggle since aphelios is the one that does hair best), you do her hair
She turns every light off and on the couch, you both cuddle and ask questions to each other before watching the movie or series
After that, if there is time, you both play games! Whether board or online, you both enjoy your time
Her voice is very alluring, so every word she says, it takes all of your attention to her
Before you leave her place, she tells you to call her so she knows that you're safe
She knows how people are and wishes nothing bad to happen upon you
I will say one thing, idk much about kayn, so I really have to do some research on his character. I'm also feeling a bit better, but tomorrow there won't be an update because I have a really long essay I have to write, and I'm very nervous about it 😭😭
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timetoeatthebread-blog · 11 months
Heartsteel! Members suddenly have to take care of a child; Headcanons (Gender neutral and in an imaginary world where police is THAT useless. I like to think it isn't)
How they found you and how they reacted :
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- He was literally minding his own business
- You ran up to him because of his pink eye and pink hair.
- Just straight up grabbing his left leg and not letting go, like a little menace.
- He tried to shake you off
- Almost fell face first into a wall while jumping around with his free leg.
- The little tic (You) had the grip of a true warrior.
- You bit him in his calf.
- Didn't hurt him that much. Instead it spooked him because he didn't expect a small child to have such sharp teeth. He hit his face on a pole on the sidewalk.
- What are you, a vampire? You little menace.
- You didn't know what menace meant, but vampire sounded cool. You pretended to be a vampire from this moment on, trying to bite him.
- At some point he finally got you off his leg and carried you under his arm like a bag.
- Wha- THE FU--
- Yes, you bit his arm
- Dude was so confused that he didn't even call the police
- Instead he took you home so Yone can take care of you.
- Was grocery shopping, rolling his cart and checking the list if he needed anything
- Suddenly there was you, running around with a mini shopping cart.
- Totally proud of yourself. You were acting like an adult and you liked it (Because rolling the cart is fun).
- At some point you got lost from your family and then you saw Yone.
- It's not everyday you see someone in a zebra (in your child words. It wasn't a zebra print) shirt print.
- Like the young and cultured child you were, you asked if he saw your parents.
- The mom of the group tried to find your parents.
- Failed.
- The police wasn't really much help either. No one reported you missing.
- They (Police) were trying to take you but you cried so much because you didn't want to be separated from the gentle giant.
- One thing led to another and the police have his number and they will call him if they have any information.
- Brought you a pair of clothes so you have a change of clothes for later.
- Everyone was surprised when Yone didn't return with groceries and instead with a child.
- Was walking out of the gym and through a park
- Instantly noticed that you were alone on the playground.
- Checks for anyone in the vicinity of the park.
- The nearest residential area was a long way from the park.
- Walks up to you, crouches and greets you.
- Another gentle giant. But more energetic.
- Your sibling left you here as a prank to scare you.
- Parents gone on a trip.
- Cue inner anger at your sibling.
- Takes you to an ice cream shop. Buys you your favorite. With extra whipped cream/fruit.
- Contemplates his next options.
- Decides to take you home since it was getting dark, left his number at the police station and let them know the situation.
- Let's Yone know. Yone buys you a few things.
- Shows you his big armadillo plushie.
- The rest doesn't know that you are there yet (minis Yone)
- Yes, he was in a store.
- Yes, they sold plushies.
- Yes, he bought a plushie gun and he was buying ammo.
- It's all for a prank I swear.
- You were hiding under one of the tables.
- Initially didn't care for you. Was sure your parents were nearby.
- They were not.
- Walks with you hand in hand, slow peace isn't a problem for him
- Thinks how you follow after him with your steps is cute.
- Calls his sister for help. She is completely serious and comes to you guys.
- She falls instantly in love with how cute and precious, scoops you up in her arms and carries you around.
- Aphelios kinda regrets not picking you up sooner.
- They go to the police station and they do nothing.
- Time to let Yone know what was happening...
- Since you were cute and you made his sister happy, he was quite happy himself to join his sister to buy cute things for you.
- Was buying himself boba in a mall.
- And a new phone charger.
- His last one got destroyed by a mistake by Aphelios' prank.
- Saw you in the cutest, silliest outfit.
- Dude loves cute things almost as much as Aphelios.
- But you were alone. Like sitting in the corner alone and looking at people.
- You noticed him.
- Big pant look cool.
- Cue you running up to him and asking all about his pants, not understanding why it had so many unnecessary accessories.
- He discovers you were left alone by your sibling (again).
- You've been in the mall since the early morning. It was almost evening now.
- Goes to the police. Police is useless.
- Carries you around on his shoulders. Your laugh is precious and so is your happiness.
- His (not biological) little sibling! His little angel!
- He swore to protect you until the end.
- Gave you his boba since you were thirsty.
- MMm boba balls. They pop. It's cool as frick.
- Was totally practicing basketball
- Found you alone. No one around.
- You asked about his ears. Reminded you of a dog.
- You love dogs.
- So does he.
- Instant connection.
- Calls his Mama for help.
- She is far away now but tells him to get you something to drink and eat and then take you to the police.
- Does as told.
- Buys you something to drink.
- Buys you dino nuggets.
- You both love them.
- Hols your hand and walks with you.
- Gives up when his back eventually starts hurting from bending so much and walking so slowly.
- Police is useless.
- Comes home and notifies Yone so he can take care of it.
- Feeds you more dino nuggets and sugar, while Yone does all the work.
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ghostlykeyes · 11 months
Hello! :)
First, I'd like to say that I've been enjoying your works so much! They're so well-written and fun to read ^^ I especially loved the one with Kayn and a cute partner, it was so sweet! <3
If it's alright (and there's no worries if not!), may I ask for either Sett or Yone with a shy, soft-spoken partner? Both seem like they'd make a cute pairing! Just completely sfw please.
Tysm! 🩷💫
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HEARTSTEEL SETT/ SHY READER ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW ♡ No TWs ♡ YESSSS I'm so excited to write for Sett ! While the amount of Kayn content might indicate otherwise I have ALWAYS been a Sett main and I will ALWAYS maintain he is BEST BOI ♡ Thank you for your kind words anon! Hope you enjoy ~
Wonderful, sweet Sett—he can tell exactly when you're worried about a social situation. All it takes is a look, and he knows that you're stuck in your own head, stressed about meeting new people or replaying the last conversation you stumbled through. "Hey," he says gently, bumping you with his shoulder. "You okay?" Sett listens as you talk through your concerns, rubbing a comforting thumb over your knuckles. He's silent until you finish. "I know other people can be rough" he says once you've expressed your struggles. "But honestly? Screw what anyone else thinks about you. You're sweet, kind, cute..." Sett continues the list until he coaxes a smile out of you. "But for real," he says, once you feel better. "I think you're the greatest. If someone else can't see that just because you're a little shy, that's their loss."
Sett knows he's got those Scary Boyfriend Privileges and he's not afraid to put them to work for you. Trapped in a conversation? He'll stand behind you, arms crossed, and glare. Usually the other person says their goodbyes pretty quickly. Need to confront someone? Any disagreement, big or small; say less. Sett is there, definitely not flexing menacingly. And asserting yourself? Well, telling your roommate to do their own dishes is a hell of a lot easier with over six feet of solid muscle backing you up.
Whenever you've got something to say, Sett shushes everyone so that you can speak. It's a little embarrassing, suddenly having all the attention suddenly on you. You do have to admit, though, it's nice to have people actually listen to you for once.
Obviously he can't avoid fans approaching him, but Sett feels so bad whenever you're out together and someone recognizes him. You've already got limited social energy, and now you have to waste it playing nice with heart-eyed fangirls ogling your boyfriend? He understands it's not pleasant. "Sorry, baby," he says to you. "I'll make it quick, I promise." After taking a selfie or two with them, he politely but insistently makes an excuse to leave. "Awesome to meet you," he smiles, winding his fingers through yours, "but we gotta go. Heartsteel schedules, man!" After you make your escape, Sett bends down to kiss your forehead and apologizes for the unwanted attention.
The best way Sett supports you in social situations is through his body language. He comforts you with the soft pressure of a hand on your back, or a reassuring thumb rubbing circles over your knuckles. When you speak, he turns his head to you, fully engaged. And, if you're in a group, he always makes sure to angle his body so that you're included in the circle.
When introducing you to his mom, Sett sticks to you like velcro. The two people he cares about most, finally meeting? Of course he wants it to go well! He practically hovers over you, trying to give you as much support as he can. You can barely go to the bathroom without him chaperoning. Bless his heart, though—he's so nervous and eager to please both his mom and you that it actually ends up making you more withdrawn. Thankfully, his mom—angel that she is—notices how nervous you are. She gives you a comforting smile (the exact same one her son often offers you, you note) and tells you both to relax. "Don't pressure yourself, my dear," she says to you. "My son adores you, which means I do, too. You've already got my approval." Her kindness and warmth is incredibly disarming, and you find it's very easy to come out of your shell around her.
God help the poor soul who tries to speak over you. Sett gets so pissed whenever anyone cuts you off. It doesn't matter if it's a Heartsteel member, or one of your friends, or, fuck it, your own damn mother—Sett's jaw locks and he gives them the dirtiest of dirty looks. "Uh, hey? I think they were trying to say something," he interrupts them, voice firm and eyes hard. And with Sett glaring down at them like that, all bulging muscles and barely-concealed growls and pissed-off-boyfriend energy? They usually quiet down pretty quick, and you're free to continue. They're on Sett's shit-list for the next couple of days, though. He's giving them a glare every time your back is turned.
While Sett loves his bros in Heartsteel, he knows that they all have really big, loud personalities. It can be a lot to deal with, especially for someone so shy. So, he invites you to everything—music video filming, birthday parties, movie nights— but he makes it clear that he completely understands if you don't want to come. Oh, but if you do show up? He's over the moon, and he'll do anything to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. Feeling overwhelmed and need a social break? He'll step outside for a walk with you. Kayn's teasing you? Sett's got him in a 'friendly' headlock in .2 seconds. Said something embarrassing? Don't worry. Sett will immediately distract everyone, even if he's got to say something twice as embarrassing to change the subject. Whatever you need, he's got you.
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duckchu · 10 months
… Hello, I hope it's not rude I'm just looking for drabbles or anything League of Legends since I'm in the mood to read the LoL fandom content after being away for a while…
Coincidentally when I found out about Heartsteel when I was watching anime edits with LoL songs and I was like WTH??! And an idea came up and now I'm hungry for some crackhead and platonic cuteness (For Yone + Yasu) and romance (for othe boys).
So can I please ask for headcannons or drabbles (you can choose which is easier) of the Heartsteel Boys (Kayn, Aphelios, Sett and Ezreal separately) having a crush on F! Reader who is a game streamer and is the little sister of Yone and Yasu who is the living example of Wife Material with an affectionate and bubbly cinnamon roll personality?
She likes to take care of her siblings even though she's the youngest (Yone and Yasu would kill if someone hurt her, good luck running away from them) and spoils them rotten! Are they both always busy and stressed with the whole band and Idol thing?
No problem, she, with her divine culinary skills, cooks their favorites or prepares them a lunch box with nutritious homemade food or brings them some snacks after an exhausting day of recording MVs and songs. (Sometimes she likes to deliver it in person, especially if they are showing hints of extreme exhaustion).
Sore muscles? Nah, her angelic hands know how to work and ease any tension and pain. Do they need a shoulder to vent on? Okay, she's there ready to listen and support her siblings and shower them with comfort and words of affirmation when they're on the verge of burning out.
Trouble sleeping and sleep schedule being a mess? Enjoy her divine voice when she sings and Yone and Yasu are out in seconds for a nice nap (Yasu looks dead when he naps on her lap, if it weren't for his noisy snoring while Yone looks like a cat almost purring when she massage his scalp with her fingers lmao) or a good night's sleep.
Need help with other household tasks? Fear not, she is ready to help! Do any conflicts or fights arise? She is a good mediator! Someone being a brat? Nah, she just needs to look strictly and sternly and that's enough for them to stop being brats and shut up.
But she's also the precious cinnamon roll who is the kind of cinnamon roll who can kick ass if someone is being toxic and mean to her brothers because when she's really mad it's not a pretty sight… (Yone and Yasu are secretly highkey traumatized from the first time she got really mad when they saw her pissed off frown when she threatened to beat up a bully who picked on Yasu when they were younger).
But also her brothers overworking themselves? Nuh-uh! Not when she's watching! She doesn't care if she's the youngest, she'll scold them as if she were the the oldest and they are going to listen to what she wants to say, willing or not!
(My lil brainrot bonus: Here was a time that everyone in True Damage saw Yasu who was kneeling on the floor in front of his little sister for fear of irritating her even more while still being scolded for over an hour for neglecting his health while he was running on energy drinks and fast food and messing with his sleeping schedule, she understands that he is part of a famous band but it doesn't stop her from saying 'I know how important music is to you, but for Heavens' sakes! Don't sacrifice your health Yasu! I don't want to receive the news that you passed out and I have to visit you in a hospital bed!')
Holy...this is a long request but also this was my reaction reading it
I've decided to do headcanons since I feel their easier to showcase all of their personalities (also decided to add platonic K'Sante)
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When he first saw you, he thought you were lame
You came on set to give Yone some food and he noticed how bubbly you were
But then he had a thought
You were kinda cute
So he nabbed some food from Yone
And laughed as you protested
Which got him an elbow between the ribs from you
Next day he was surprised to see you come to the shoot again, this time with food for all of them
Decided he needed you to be his wife
Started flirting with you mercilessly
Yone wasn't pleased
But you looked so cute flustered~
It was only to cover his own embarrassment tho
It's not his fault you're just perfect for him
A cute little thing for him to ruin ~
When he saw you, it was love at first sight
Like heart eyes all that jazz
Yone noticied
But honestly, he prefers him to for example Kayn
How could Phel not fall for you?
You were just perfect
Every time you came by to make sure Yone wasn't overworking himself, you were so sweet to him
Sometimes even bringing by food for him
He always thought he wasn't really the guy to fall in love
But there you were, making him all soft
You were just Yone's little sister, no one to be bothered about
But why did he feel so warm everytime you came over?
And you did often to check up on Yone
And Ezreal always thought you didn't mean much to him
But there he was, head over heels for you
And slowly realising it
And so was everyone else
The way he was stealing glances everytime you were busy with something
If looks could kill, he'd be dead
At least that's what he thought from the way Yone was glaring at him
At the begining, he didn't think much of you
You were just Yone's sister, someone who came over frequently but that was that
Untill he started noticing how you treated everyone
You were really kind, always bringing over something to eat and a shoulder to cry on
How could he not fall in love with you?
Yone's gonna kill him, but it's worth it
He met during an unfortunate situation
It was him finding out Aphelios replaced his protein powder with flour
He was furious
Almost killed Aphelios right in front of you
But you were a great meditator so you managed to make Aphelios live to see another day
And K'Sante gained a person to talk to
Since he's usually the one giving out advice, he has problems with opening up himself
But you were so nice to him and didn't push him at all so it became natural
Especially if you were staying for the night and he happened tobe grabbing a glass of water at the same time as you
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collidescopeeyes · 4 months
Hey all, know I've been quiet but I'm in the home stretch!! Just gotta survive three more days and then exams are over, pray for me 🙏
Anyway in honor of me spending my weekend fighting for my life trying to memorize formulas that look like alphabet soup:
Heartsteel helping you study headcanons
- Let's be real he ain't helping. Like he understands this is important and you need to focus but he also really, really wants your attention, are you sure it's not time for you to take a break? No? :(
- Like you'll be taking notes and you'll just see him in the background slowly vibrating out of his skin restraining himself from bothering you. But also, he ain't gonna leave unless you ask him to, he'd still rather hang out with you ignoring him than not spend time with you.
- Let him quiz you or something, please he'll do such a good job just pleeeease pay attention to him. Or just talk him about whatever it is you're working on, he'll do his best to follow along but really it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, if having someone to bounce ideas off of helps you then he's absolutely there for that.
- Largely mollified if you work while sitting on his lap. He'll do his best not to be distracting, he promises. That being said, if you try to work one minute past when you said you were gonna stop your laptop is getting ejected and he will be pouncing on you, he's been so patient goddamnit.
- Will actually help you study. He's pretty well read so there's a few subjects he can help you with, otherwise he just sits next to you and keeps you on track. There will be no getting distracted by your phone on his watch, and you will be taking regular breaks. Mostly he's doing his own thing so he doesn't bother you, like mixing tracks with his headphones on, but trust me he Will notice if you start slacking off.
- Honestly he's the kind of guy who appreciates just spending time in the same space as you
- Recruits Alune to retrieve snacks. She's also very willing to help if it's a subject she's familiar with, but she's also very talkative with people she likes so Phel will shoo her away if she's distracting you.
- If he can, will help organize your notes or put together flash cards. Great at quizzing you, though he also tends to ask insane niche question that really tests your understanding.
- The only reason he had decent grades in high school was because he didn't want to upset his mom, so he knuckled down and worked his ass off. He sucks at studying otherwise, he never had the patience for it, so he really respects your determination
- If you tell him you're gonna work and then end up on your phone he Will notice. He knows all the tricks in the book, he used them himself, you are not gonna start after just one more video, you're gonna start now. He's pretty hard to argue with when he's got his Boss voice on.
- That being said, he ain't gonna be much help with academics–even the stuff he's great at, like songwriting, he doesn't really consciously think about; he just has an intuitive sense of what does and doesn't work, and goes purely off of what feels right.
- Any other support he can offer though, he's There. You want snacks? A quiet spot to study? Coffee on the hour every hour? He's got you, ask and you shall receive.
- He's drawing the line if you start going overboard though, working tired is worse than not working at all so you're gonna call it for the night and come back when you're back on your game.
- Another man who's likely to actually know the subject you're studying. He'll sit down with you and help you make a study plan, and then he'll make sure you actually stick to it. A firm yet gentle hand–he’s used to dealing with that lot, keeping you on track is easy mode comparatively. Also, he'll find a way to minimize potential distractions so sneakily you won't even notice, like you get the urge to go on your socials but your phone's somehow all the way over on the couch so it's too much effort.
- Offers to let you study at his place. It's a very quiet and relaxing space, and also he point blank bans any of the other band members from bothering either of you while you're working.
- You thought that thing about herbal tea helping with concentration was an old wives tale but whatever is in this little clay cup is legitimately a god send. He also makes his own wagashi, and it's so pretty you'd almost feel bad about eating it if it didn't taste so good.
- Helps you with flashcards and quizzes and anything else that will help you feel prepared. Will go out of his way to read up on the subject so he can help you better.
- This guy 100% has undiagnosed ADHD, I don't make the rules. Unlike Kayn who has some pretty obvious hyperactivity symptoms, Ez is one of those people whose like ‘nahhh I can't have that, I get on just fine when it's something I'm interested in :)) in fact I'm so good at studying things I'm interested in that I'll do it for hours at a time without taking breaks! :)) that's normal!’. So while he really wants to be helpful, he has horrible studying habits and honestly he's impressed you're starting before midnight the night before your test. If you need someone to keep an eye on your bad study habits, he is not the guy. If you need a quick confidence boost or moral support though, he's absolutely there for you.
- Extremely knowledgeable on a very specific and eclectic range of subjects. If you happen to by studying ancient history he will explode with excitement, babygirl he knows facts you couldn't even begin to be assessed on.
- He'll bring you your favorite snacks and drinks! Occasionally he'll start talking to you only to remember you're busy and cut himself off mid word–he doesn't mean to, it's just whenever he finds something interesting he immediately wants to share it with you.
- Second you say you're done he'll insist on doing something to celebrate, whatever gets your batteries recharged, whether that's going out and doing something fun or snuggling down and watching a movie, he thinks you deserve a reward.
- Actually very studious, he knows how to knuckle down and get something done. If you have trouble keeping on track he can help with that. Like he gets this gaggle of dumbasses to meet deadlines, he's pretty good at figuring out what motivates people
- His knowledge base is mostly music theory and visual design, but he'll help out if he can.
- He'll invite you to his place and make you lunch as a treat, which is very motivating because he is a fantastic cook. Plying you with food is also his way of maneuvering you into taking breaks when you need them.
- He can tell when you start slowing down and need to call it for the day, and gently extracts you from your work by suggesting you take a walk and stretch your legs or something.
- Whole band is throwing you a party as soon as your exams are over, whether it's a celebration of your hard work or a ‘thank fuck it's over’ bash. There will be another party when you get your results back, they'll take any excuse for a party if it means you'll be there.
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saey707 · 10 months
I’m starving for some hearsteel Yone x reader headcanons😭🙏 literally anything you have I will gobble up PLEASE😭😭😭 either that or poly heartsteel x reader🤭
✿ Prompt: Yone and you take care of yourselves ✿
♡ champion focus: yone ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Here's some fun self-care headcanons with Yone, arcade! (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭ I really love writing dynamics with Yone because he's so old man, and I think he values the little things with you! Enjoy!
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Yone was a very busy man, and you knew that very well. While date nights may be far too few during the touring season and recording days in the studio, you didn't mind! You can make a romantic date out of midnight ramen runs and sleepy nights, cuddling up on the studio couch while you both work.
You get a lot of perks dating Yone... Yeah, totally...! For one, you get a smoking hot older boyfriend who lacks sleep and healthy water-drinking habits! Not only that, but you also get an all-access pass to his creative approach and tendencies to lecture his bandmates! I mean, who doesn't want to hear all the stress your boyfriend has trying to keep his friends under control!
Admittedly, most days, it becomes too much, even for you. But you love Yone and wouldn't change a single thing about him. He was hardworking, loyal, giving... Everything and all you could ever ask from a partner. How could you ever think to leave him, especially knowing if you weren't there to balance him out he would drown?
On days when you particularly noticed how stressed Yone is, you were always sure to take extra care of him. Usually, it involves wrapping him up in a blanket, leaving a bowl of fruit at his desk, or even making him a plain-black cold brew. And you most definitely saw no harm in sitting in silence beside him, occasionally raising your fork to his lips so he could have a bite of a hot meal.
But the one thing Yone valued most was when you reassured him with gentle praises and reminders, smothering him with butterfly kisses and hugs.
"I admit, I am... A bit more stressed than usual. I know he's done this before. But... it just hurts. It hurts seeing Kayn being called out because of a stupid mistake." Yone grumbled, pushing his cheek against the side of your head while you cradled him from behind. "I know... But we're in this together. You don't have to deal with all of this yourself, Yone. We can turn things around... Kayn will be just fine, trust me."
"I know that... And I appreciate it. Trust me. When all of this blows over, I'll take you somewhere nice. Somewhere where it's just the two of us." "You don't have to do that, Yone. I'm happy just being here with you." You interjected, shifting to sit beside him, leaning against his shoulder. He shut his eyes, dropping his head atop of yours. "I know I don't, but I want to... We deserve it."
It's trying times like this when Yone begins to value self-care. After spending days neglecting his personal needs? Yeah, he definitely needed some time for himself... And you.
He doesn't do it only for himself, but for you too. He knows sometimes the weight of his job can stress you out, so he's always sure to treat you well during these times.
For him, self-care is a means of relaxation, but at the same time, it also truly reflects his older age. He doesn't like going out often if he doesn't need to. He doesn't enjoy drinking, partying, or trying completely unfamiliar things.
This certainly doesn't stop you from spending all the time you can with him, and you take immense pleasure in participating in relaxation sessions with him! In fact, you think it's good for you.
He's a sucker for using the internet as a means of self-care! He'll watch J-Dramas on his iPad (and fall asleep watching them...).
Definitely, Yone is the type to splurge a bit on his retail therapy, especially if it means he can find a new matching outfit or necklace for the both of you! ...Or even a nice skirt. Would he look good in a patterned print?
But Yone tends to start his mornings digitally detoxing, allotting time for himself to make a smoothie bowl, meditate, and settle into his day.
"You're laughing an awful lot..." He mumbled, startled when he opened his eyes. You were inches away from his face and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
"Sorry~ You're just so cute with your eyes closed!" "Oh? You flatter me..." His cheeks were flushed pink, only transforming into a steamy red when you dropped yourself into his lap.
You tilted your head up, placing a kiss on his chin. "Are we done yet?" "You're cute... But no. We still have time on the clock." He informed you, snickering when you let out a frustrated groan. "But we've been doing this for 20 minutes!" you whined, catching your boyfriend's wrists as he raked his fingers through your hair.
"Well, if you finish off these last ten minutes with me, I'll let you braid my hair." He wrapped his arms around you, permitting you just enough time to contemplate his offer, "How does that sound~ Hm?" "... Pretty good, actually! Okay!"
He usually doesn't trust anyone touching his hair, but he can make an exception for you! He knows you'll be gentle. Besides, it's kind of relaxing... And it gives him time to figure out where he should order from. Hopefully, you don't mind eating Japanese food for lunch for the fourth time this week!
When it's time to finally eat, Yone is dedicated, engaged in deep conversations with you, and hungry to learn more about you. And sometimes, you'll get lucky enough to catch him subtly flirting with you... Just try not to point it out!
At the end of your long, relaxing day, the both of you apply face masks on each other, your thumbs grazing against his cheeks. You always envied how smooth his face was... How perfect his skin was in general. Hell, some days you felt like everything about Yone was perfect...
And falling asleep in each other's arms only confirmed how perfect your relationship could be despite all the stress the two of you endure.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Jasico (Typical) American Boy x Exotic Venetian Boy
in which Bianca and Thalia are friends and this is the first time Nico comes to the US to visit his sister who’s studying aboard. His English isn’t good so when Bianca’s busy she asks Jason - Thalia’s exemplary student of a brother aka the only one who knows some Italian - to shows Nico around so that his ADHD brother wouldn’t burst.
Bonus point if Nico’s extremely affectionate regardless of status because that’s just how Italians and specifically his family are - tight huggings, cheek kisses, etc… - and Jason’s having a sexual crisis.
Another bonus point when someone mistakes them for a couple and Nico’s totally clueless whereas Jason is red like a tomato.
Another bonus point if Leo asks Nico with wiggling eyebrows that “Do you love Jason?”, the kid just lights up and exclaims with broken English “Yes I love Jason! He’s a good person!” ———To which Leo cackles and Jason’s spluttering stammering trying to explain to Nico that Leo def doesn’t mean it like that——
Final bonus point if Nico confesses first while Jason’s still burning from the inside with his crush and that just makes him explode. Figuratively ofc.
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icequeenbae · 9 months
Hii! This is a more slow burn request so I’m sorry if it’s a little difficult, but could I request Heartsteel Ezreal x reader who’s knowledgeable and quite sarcastic and quick witted with their replies? I just wonder how their meeting would go with the whole Black cat, golden retriever vibe!
And maybe the reader sometimes suffers from low self-esteem and burnout.
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Pairing: Heartsteel!Ezreal x Reader ft. all members
Heartsteel AU, attempted humor, fluff
Warnings: grumpymanager!Reader, Kayn is annoying as fuck… language? lol
Word Count: ~1.4k
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s Note: Hiii~ Thank you for the Ezreal request, sweetie! I do have my favorites in Heartsteel to write for, and he is definitely at the top of that list <3 Not sure if this is exactly what you wanted, but let’s give it a try! As usual, let me know via comments/ asks/ reblogs, I try stay on it~ P.S. The stuff I post for requests is usually not beta’ed, so pls bear with me…
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You rubbed your tired eyes and cursed, checking if your fingers had any mascara on them. There was an issue to resolve, and you had hoped to finish up before the Heartsteel members returned to the waiting room after their rehearsal. But your plan failed miserably.
‘Our dearest manager!’ Kayn appeared next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. ‘Always working, what a busy little bee!’
You raised your eyebrow at him and stayed silent until he cleared his throat and retracted his arm, while the rest of the members scattered around the room, minding their own business.
‘Someone has to work around here,’ you replied, typing away on your laptop.
‘You should take a break and go grab something to eat at least,’ Yone suggested.
His amiable comment made you release a desperate sigh.
‘They messed up the mic backup, Yone. Not to mention that we have the music video budget due tomorrow and someone screwed up the calculations. I cannot let you film without the drones or the special effects crew. If you do everything yourselves, you’ll be dead before you go on stage again, and I will be ripped into a million tiny pieces by the company or your fans. And I don’t know which one’s worse…’
‘If that’s Sett’s fans you’ll live. They all twinky as shit, look at Phel.’ Kayn cackled, and Yone glared at him.
Sett and Aphelios exchanged looks, probably deciding to give their most annoying member a proper thrashing another time just for the sake of your emotional wellbeing. At least someone understood how dire the situation was.
‘How can I help?’ The producer asked.
Although you appreciated the offer, you knew that they had to perform tomorrow, so Yone would have to supervise the last of preparations starting early morning. You could not allow him to spend the night helping you and then go straight into tomorrow’s work. The price of a screwup was too high on this one.
‘You can help by taking them out for dinner and making sure they’re tucked in later. I don’t want anyone out wreaking any havoc while I’m not around to settle everything.’
‘That I can arrange.’ Yone nodded, giving the rest of the members a solid onceover. ‘You heard Y/N, boys. No fun for you tonight, we have a very long day tomorrow.’
‘Ugh. Buzzkill…’ Sett sighed, and Phel pinched him on the arm, hard. ‘Ow!!’
‘I think we can live with one night in, guys,’ Ezreal interjected. ‘We’re so tired anyway.’
‘Speak for yourself, young man. I am full of energy!’ K’Sante retorted.
What a traitorous blow! You’d expect it from anyone but him.
Noticing your flabbergasted expression, K’Sante quickly continued.
‘…which I can spend by working some iron in the gym before bed time.’
You shook your head, trying to focus on your spreadsheet again. It was a little- no, it was extremely overwhelming, trying to fix several urgent issues at once, while running on a couple hours of sleep, half a sandwich (had to donate the rest to Sett – he’s still growing, after all… or so he thinks) and way too much coffee.
‘Are you going to stay here though?’ Ezreal asked, sounding too quiet for his usual bubbly self.
You assumed he was afraid to get the short end of the stick and make you explode with his question. But you were too tired to even yell at any of them.
‘Not that I have any choice,’ you answered dryly. ‘Not everyone can teleport, Ezzie.’
He pursed his lips, probably realizing that it was best to leave you alone before you gave him the same glare that Kayn had earned earlier. Unlike the demonic bastard, Ezreal was among the members who preferred to stay away from you when you were fuming, as opposed to irritating you further to poke some fun. Yone had already spent a week negotiating for you to take back your resignation once, so they were on their best behavior ever since. Well, the best they could muster, which wasn’t that great but in the grand scheme of things… you’d take what you could get.
After they all vacated the premises, you finally managed to send the updated budget numbers for approval, and made a few calls about the mic replacement. It was unbelievable, but you really had to find someone to get the necessary equipment and fly in to bring it on time. So you stayed at the venue to be able to check whether everything worked fine right away.
But later that night, a mystery visitor woke you up while scooping you off the chair to get you onto the sofa.
‘Mhm- what… Who’s here??’ You jerked up from your uncomfortable sleeping position, accidentally hitting someone in the face with your head.
‘Ow!’ You heard someone squeak and turned around, finding Ezreal in pain, holding his hand to his nose.
‘What on Earth brings you here??’ You instinctively pinched the bridge of his nose as if that would help with the pain. ‘Wait, what time is it? Where is my phone??’
‘I took it,’ he said, wiping under his nose to check for blood.
Thankfully, there was none, and he was okay. Your nervous system, however, was not as lucky.
‘What do you mean, you took it??’ You frantically checked the time on your laptop. ‘3:23? I was supposed to meet someone an hour ago! Why didn’t you wake me up?!’
You grabbed your phone from blabbering Ezreal, but he clung to you like a koala.
‘Y/N, I-’
‘I know. You didn’t think properly, and now I will have to find a way to get that guy to come back if he isn’t sleeping in his hotel already… Shit, Ezzie, you fucked up! No, I fucked up. How could I have fallen asleep?? Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ You knocked on your own head with your knuckles to make a point, and Ezreal caught you by the wrist with his two hands, looking as if you had hit him and not yourself.
‘Y/N, I already met with him and took the mics. We ran a test downstairs with some of the overnight technicians. Everything is set up and working fine.’
You blinked at him a few times, still confused.
‘Uh- You… did?’
‘Yes. I came back earlier and you were asleep. Then someone called you, so I figured- And then I went down and checked everything,’ he delivered anxiously. ‘I also brought you a sandwich- but I didn’t want to wake you, so…’
He grabbed a paper bag from the sofa and shoved it into your hands. You looked at it, and then back at Ezreal, your sleepy and stressed-out brain still catching up with everything.
‘Um- so you brought me… a sandwich?’ You asked.
‘Yes,’ he nodded, strangely bashful. ‘And a juice box.’
His cheeks became rosy, and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Ezreal looked like a stray puppy, unsure about whether it was safe to express his affection.
As your laughter settled, you finally exhaled. Everything was okay, thanks to your unexpected little helper for tonight. And now that he’d mentioned the food…
‘I hope you got me an extra-large one.’ You hummed, sitting your butt down.
‘I got two,’ he beamed. ‘And a chocolate bar.’
‘Good. You look like you could have some chocolate right about now.’
And of course, after such an eventful night, as well as the previous few days, having a full belly made you dozy again. Although you did notice Ezreal’s head slowly tilting towards your shoulder through the layer of drowsiness, you didn’t catch your own head leaning onto his.
Due to your carelessness, you were in for a rude awakening in just a few hours.
‘Now, isn’t that adorable?’ Even from the depths of hell you would have heard Kayn exclaim in the most obnoxious voice possible.
‘I’m taking a picture. For the family album!’ K’Sante announced, quick to utilize the camera on his phone.
‘Or future blackmail…’ Kayn sneered evilly.
‘Maybe I should post that picture of you stuck in the vault with your pants down, Shieda Kayn.’ You mused out loud, eyes still shut.
There were a few sounds resembling muffled cursing, and then Kayn walked it back.
‘Hey man, we shouldn’t take pictures of people sleeping. It’s illegal or some shit. Let’s just go check on the preparations, come on.’
And so, they went back to where they came from. ‘Manager…’ You heard Ezreal whisper, head still laying on your shoulder. ‘You’re amazing.’
Non-EXO masterlist
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A/N: Thank you for reading and happy holidays my sweethearts!! I have just a couple more requests to go~ I don't think I will take more for the time being but I might come up with another requests event for 900 or 1000 milestone! Please don't forget to comment and reblog if you want to support me 💜 And check out my masterlist for more of my HEARTSTEEL and kpop content 💕
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mazosstuff · 10 months
Heartsteel boys × classical singer!reader
Pairings: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, Yone, K'sante (separately) × gn reader
Cw: maybe reader being a little insecure?
Words: 1.1 k
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• You sometimes forget he's in the house, so, thinking you're alone, you start singing a little.
• You were no master at it so it was a little hard for you to say if you were singing with your throat or not, and that was one of his reasons why you never sang infront of him, but following some advices from your vocal coach helped alot.
• You were cooking something when you remembered the part of an opera you did when you didn't know Phel.
• Not noticing him, you started singing the solo and, my my, our boy was shocked.
• He realised you didn't know he was there, but he just stared at you awestruck.
• You never raised your voice in front of him, but to hear it so loudly, he was certainly amazed by it. (Doesn't mean that you were screaming, but it is pretty loud when someone sings right next to you, been there, done that myself)
• It was powerful, and even if he didn't understand a word of what you said, he still thought it was beautiful.
After ending your solo, you turned around and saw him, completely frozen in the spot.
Your cheeks went red
"Phel!" You exclaimed. "I didn't know you were home."
He grabbed his phone and wrote on the notes: do it again
"You... wanna hear me sing?" He nodded his head.
"And to think people say I'm too loud when I sing like this... don't you mind?" He shook his head to indicate a no.
• He kinda knew you sang a little, but he never knew what kind of genre you would be into.
• When you heard their song for the first time, you liked it a lot, so he thought your favourite genre of music must be electronic or pop.
• Truth to be told, you were really versatile with your taste in music.
• You two have a shared playlist where you once put an aria by accident, and you didn't notice until he told you.
"Babe, do you listen to classical music?" You stared at him. How did he know?
"Yeah... I usually sing it too..."
"Shut up, let me hear you! I wanna hear you sing the one you put in our playlist."
Panic. Total fucking panic. What if he didn't like it? What if you messed up the high note? What if...?
"Okay" you finally gave in.
"Let me just prepare a little... I don't wanna hurt my vocal cords."
After preparation, you started. Your heart pounded like crazy.
All went smoothly. You were so scared of having a voice crack but it never happened.
He got his yellow glasses and put them on his face just to push them down (like the scene in the MV).
"Why didn't you tell me I have a soulmate who sings better than me?"
"You can do high notes and everything! I need to tell this to everyone! My soulmate is already special by themselves, but this? You're amazing!"
• I feel like his mother would turn up the volume of the radio whenever classical music was put.
• He usually rolled his eyes when he was younger, but with age he started to understand the work and the vocal training people put to reach those levels. He respected it.
• Once you were going somewhere so he turned on the radio to put some music and the station the radio was on was the one of classical music.
• Before he could change the station you started singing.
• He secretly started to record you.
• He was impressed to say the least.
You looked over to him. "Delete that. Now."
"Oh come on, babe. You have millions of videos of me singing. Why can't I have one of you?"
"Do you think I can sing whatever you sang now?"
"Do you wanna end up like Phel?"
"Omg, no"
"Then don't"
• Bro rolls his eyes whenever he hears the words classical and music put together.
• He will pretend to throw up whenever you make him listen to a song that's not rock, pop, metal, or anything that doesn't have fast rhythm.
• One time it happened that you found a recording of you singing.
• He wanted to listen to make fun of your taste in music, but he was...
• He couldn't understand.
• Something he thought was lame just became... angelic.
"So... what do you think...?"
"It's okay, I guess"
"Wait... you are telling me that you liked it? Kayn, sweety, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. And what's with the sweety now? Don't say that again"
So, under that façade of the bad boy, there is a golden heart after all.
• He listens to the classic music playlists on spotify. You can't tell me otherwise.
• Would be delighted to know that you two shared this little interest.
• Would let you sing him to sleep if he allowed himself to rest.
• Once, because you had a minor argument, you slept in separate rooms.
• He couldn't sleep so tried with the music he had saved of spotify but nothing worked.
He knocked at your door.
"What?" You asked him, still pretty pissed off, but probably because of the tiredness and the sadness.
"I can't sleep."
"Me neither"
"Can... can you sing me that one melody you sing me everytime?"
"Can't you just listen it on your own?"
"Why deprive myself of the better version when I have it right in front of me?" The reality was that he needed your voice and not some of a stranger.
If your body wasn't a solid, it would have melted right there.
(But no seriously, how can you not love this man)
• He would start humming with you some famous pieces.
• I don't know why but I have the feeling that he also has heard somethings so he has a basic knowledge of classical music.
• He asked why didn't you join a choir yet. With your talent, you should.
• He once tried sneaking up on you while you were reading a music sheet.
• With how scared you were you hit a high note that wasn't even in your range, or at least you thought it wasn't.
• The man was too stunned to speak.
"Did you just...?"
"I didn't even know that was in my range..."
"What were you reading anyway? Did you join a choir?" He gasped in excitement.
"Yeah... I followed your advice. It's actually more welcoming than I thought it would be"
"I'm so happy you're comfortable there!" He picked you up and hugged you.
A/n: Hi there! Paranoia has been stuck in my mind for quite some time, so I thought I might write something for the boys from the perspective of someone who grew up in a family of musicians and professional classical singers.
Riot... you gotta tell me why do you create them, make them drop a banger, and make them disappear into thin air.
I am waiting for a comeback of both K/DA and True Damage.
I hope you liked this! As always, requests are open. Check my pinned post!
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milksuu · 10 months
I’ve been on the Ezreal brainrot ever since I discovered Heartsteel. And my little brain has been scheming
How would a relationship with him work out if his partner is an idol too and they have to sneak out to have fun together??👀
(Btw, unrelated, but I love how you write, it’s super fun and easy to read)
Dirty Little Secret | (O1)
❥ prompt: Let's face it. You and Ezreal hardly have time for anything with your busy idol lives. Unfortunately, things get a bit messy after you first meet. Luckily, both of you share a secret hobby nobody knows about. And boy, does it come in handy. ❥ content/warnings: ecchi, drama bomb, forbidden romance ❥ characters/pairings: Heartsteel!ezreal x idol!f!reader , Heartsteel gang an: omggg tysvm anon! honestly, im so sorry but looks like your ask is getting a part two lmfao! guess i went overboard with my idea, and so, your actual req. will be fulfilled in the next part. i also blame all american rejects for my non-original title. thanks for understanding.
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No one knew about Ezreal's secret hobby. When anyone asked where he was going with a black gym duffle bag, he gave everyone the same answer. "J-Just heading to the main studio to warm-up before you guys get there. Nothing else." Little did they know, that's not where he was going. Instead, he was heading to a photoshoot. A very specific kind: a cosplay photoshoot.
I mean, who wouldn't want to dress up as their favorite anime/manga character, superhero, or original fantasy creation? Even better, who wouldn't want to be photographed while doing it? Ezreal felt he could be anyone and anything. Adored with attention in more ways than one. Best part was, with so many cosplays to shift through, no one ever knew it was him. Except you did.
And that all happened because you went to that same photoshoot. It was a group event held in a public park, surrounded by retail shops. It was perfect for both slice of slice or nature-esque shots. It was by coincidence your character and Ezreal's character were canon together in the anime lore you were cosplaying. Which sparked you two being asked to pose romantically with one another, and pretend to be going in for a kiss.
You gave your consent and Ezreal tipped your chin up, his face mere inches away from yours. You squinted your eyes against his features and whispered. "You look kind of familiar." As if you had seen him walking around your workplace just the other day. Maybe somewhere else you frequented? You couldn't quite place a finger on it. Ezreal couldn't shake off the feeling either. He tilted your face another way for a different angle. He laughed nervously, whispering back. "That's funny. I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've met. Maybe we're at the same cosplay shoots a lot. And now we've just noticed each other."
You accepted the rational. Either way, you didn't want to press it, in case he flipped the coin around and started asking you personal questions. Cosplay and anonymity were one in the same for certain individuals—especially in your case.
After a couple more pictures, you parted ways. Ezreal felt his phone buzz. He checked his messages:
[Yone:] Where are you? You're late. I believe you said earlier you would be here before us to 'get in some extra practice'. [Yone:] Care to explain?
OH CRAP! Ezreal didn't realize how late the hour was. He'd been so distracted, he forgot to set his reminder. And now he was officially going to be late— or, well, late-er. Sweating bullets, Ezreal quickly let his fingers type:
[Ezreal:] i'm there! just in the bathroom. might be a while. lunch is kicking my butt. 😳🚽💩💩💩
[Yone:] Thank you for the TMI. Hurry up then.
Ezreal wiped at his brow. He was running on borrowed time. Yone was sure to find out if he wasn't back within the next fifteen minutes. Snatching his bag from the public lockers, he ran to the public restroom. To his utter surprise, there was a line for the men's restroom. Seriously!? That never happened. And it's not like he could waltz into the women's restroom (which, not surprisingly, also had a line). He went around, and found a private unisex bathroom.
He flung himself inside, locked it, and striped away his cosplay. Something shifted in the corner of his eyes—it was you. And there you both were, standing in awkward positions down to your undergarments. You pointed at each other accusingly, and shouted at the same time; "I do know you!" You both recognized each other as idols; him being with Heartsteel, and you as a solo-artist. Even though brief, you two bumped into each other more than once at the company building.
"G-get out! I was here first." You blushed, taking your moon-wand and smacking him with it. "Ouch—it said vacant!" He cried out, trying to block your magical melee attacks. "It was your fault for not locking it. How was I supposed to know?"
"I really don't have time for this. Do whatever you want." You tossed your wand into your bag, fetching your skirt. You shot a narrowed look. "Just don't look over here, or else."
"Fine." Ezreal huffed, rubbing at his sore collar bone. "Don't look over here either."
With grumbles and protests, the two of you changed back to back. All the while, still bickering. He heard you struggling, turned over his shoulder, and found you trying to reach your back zipper. He sighed, helping you raise it to the back of your neck. You turned sharply. "I told you not to look but...thank you." You peeked down and noticed his pants weren't zipped up. You reached and returned the favor. He blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. He gulped. "Don't sweat it. Thanks for catching that for me."
A silent truce settled between the two of you as you finished dressing, and shared the mirror to freshen up. Ezreal realized you were also in a rush to get ot the studio as well. He called an Uber for the both of you. His phone buzzed and buzzed, blowing up with messages. He opened his group chat:
[Aphelios:] yone is pissed btw. rip ez. ☠️
[Sett:] Sorry, Ez. We tried to cover for ya'h. Hope you're alright. 😓
[K'Sante:] I'm sure he's fine. For now. Once Yone finds him, we may not see him again in one piece. hehe.
[Sett:] Watch it, Kayn. Else im tellin' Yone you snuck out on the motorcycle last night.
[Apehlios:] i have footage from the house cam. 😏
Ezreal sank down into the back seat. Kayn was right—he was so screwed. You watched his whirlwind of expressions from the side of your lashes. You couldn't help but feel bad for him. You were right on time for your schedule. And it was all too apparent he wasn't. You stared out the car window. It really was tough to balance certain things as an idol, and some were better at it than others.
When you both arrived at the Riot building, and walked passed the double swinging doors, there was definitely Hell to be paid. A bead of sweat ran Ezreal's temple. Finding Yone standing with his arms crossed, and looking down with a razor-sharp gaze.
"Is this why you were late?" Yone directed the comment towards you. Ezreal bit his bottom lip. Yone tapped his foot against the ground. "You have exactly five seconds, or I'm addressing your conduct with Alune. And if that happens, I promise, you won't like the result of our conversation."
He stumbled to get the proper words out. "No—I—it has nothing to do with her—I was just—"
"Ezreal did nothing wrong. I'm the one responsible for making him late." You stepped forward, garnering Yone's interrogative attention. "You see. I'm absolutely crazy in love with him." The whole lobby fell to dumbstruck silence. "I blackmailed him into going out with me today. I even went as far as to give him this hickey," you pulled down the top his shirt, revealing the bluish bruise against his clavicle from when you smacked him. "I took a picture of it. And told him if he didn't finish our date, I would tell all his precious fans he was taken. So...." you trailed off, unsure of what else to say. Ezreal's eyes were as wide as saucers from the blatant forgery of your lie.
Yone narrowed his gaze against you, as if trying to siphon the real truth. You only stared harder in return, solidifying your stance. Yone breathed out a tensive puff of air. "I'll be speaking to your manager then. Whoever it is, they'll be responsible for reprimanding you. In any case, don't you ever come near him again. Or else you won't have a career in this business—I'll make sure of that. Do you understand?" You paused, then gave a veiled smile. "Of course."
Before Ezreal could speak up again, Yone snapped a finger, pointing for Ezreal to head in the direction of the recording studio. He took a breath, as if wanting to say something—anything to you. But Yone spoke with a silent bite. "Don't make the rest of your team wait for you any longer." Ezreal nodded, bit the inside of his cheek, and walked away. About to turn into a hallway, he gave one last glance over his shoulder. Catching his stare, you placed a finger against your lips, before disappearing with Yone into an elevator.
And all Ezreal could think was: he really needed to see you again.
to be continued...
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redtsundere-writes · 10 months
Out Of My League | Kayn Shieda / Rhaast
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heartsteel!kayn shieda / Rhaast x f!reader
Part 3: Skillcurve.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 4.
Sypnosis: A chronically online girl goes bowling with Heartsteel and ¿her boyfriend? Contents: fluff. Friends to lovers. A couple of dumbasses. Flirting. PDA. Word Count: 2876 words. Author's Note: I really like writing about Kayn cause I´m kinning so hard, I don't know it's bad or good. Requested by: @lovewhatsnotreal
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After Kayn satisfied his need to kiss you until sucking your soul out, both returned to the auditorium holding hands. The Heartsteel members quickly realized what had happened once they noticed the pale red hickey on your neck. They were a bit surprised to find out what you were willing to do at school but they were still happy for you two. Yone was proud of you for achieving your goal, but he was disappointed in your indecency. 
Your love for each other was as young as the night and it was barely starting. While you were aware of Kayn's rebellious and reckless personality, you were unaware that his driving mirrored those traits. On the way to the bowling alley, he had run 5 red lights, 7 stop signs and almost ran over a woman. The entire ride you spent praying and holding on to your seat belt as if your life depended on it. Let me correct that, your life DID depend on it. 
Everyone had arrived at the bowling alley, including the captain of the volleyball team who didn’t want to leave Yone's side. “It seems that Kayn wasn't lying,” you thought, relieved when you saw how the girl forcibly hugged Yone's arm but he was just shooting disapproving glances at her. Ezreal was excited to finally be able to rest after weeks of rehearsals leading up to the talent show. K'Sante and Sett were arguing about who was going to have the highest score at bowling while Aphelios just listened to them even though he knew who was going to win: Him.
While Yone and Aphelios paid for the hours everyone would be playing, the others ordered snacks and drinks stupidly in the restaurant bar of the place. 
"I want some nachos with extra cheese, extra beef and… extra everything!" Kayn asked excitedly. He hadn't eaten all day because he had forgotten to do so out of jealousy. 
"What do you want, beautiful?" He asked you before snaking his arm around your waist. 
"I’m good," you said shyly.
You really didn't have much of an appetite being surrounded by strangers. You weren't afraid of the people you didn’t know because you knew, for what you had heard from Kayn and Yone, that they are good people. Yet, you couldn't shake the shame away. You had to know them better to be able to trust them. 
"And chicken nuggets!" Kayn shouted so that the cashier could include that in the order. 
Everyone got their shoes. Sett helped Aphelios tie his shoelaces like the prince he is. The captain, seeing this, asked Yone to do the same but he flatly refused. Having his shoes on, Ezreal began to dance to check that they were tied properly. You and Kayn just watched him and laughed at him because he looked funny. 
Everyone was playing in their respective turns. You asked to be the last because you had never played in your life. Not having many friends, you had not had the opportunity to do things that other kids your age usually do for fun, such as going to karaoke, going to the arcade, or skipping class. Your life used to consist of playing League, practicing your guitar skills, and aimlessly surfing the vast web. Maybe that would change now that Kayn was your boyfriend... only if he asked you.
Even though Kayn confessed and kissed you, you didn't know exactly what he wanted from you. Did he want you to be his girlfriend, his lover, his friend with benefits or was this just going to be a situationship? You wanted to ask him where you stood with him but this wasn't the right time. 
"You may be better than me at playing League but you won’t beat me in this," Kayn said with a proud smile. 
Kayn is very competitive. He loves to compete and that is why he usually turns everything into a competition. Even the most ridiculous thing can become a competition if he puts his mind to it: seeing who can fold a burrito the fastest or who can stay awake the longest.
You rolled your eyes at his statement but didn't look away to watch how you were supposed to play, since you didn't have the slightest idea what you were supposed to do. Kayn took one of the heavier balls, stood in front of the throwing line, swung the bowling ball back to create momentum, and then threw it so that it glided fluidly down the lane. The ball knocked out all the pins with one shot. Strike. 
"HOT DAMN!" Kayn exclaimed, showing off his satisfying shot. 
“Oh wow, it's Faker” you thought. Aphelios indicated with his finger that it was your turn, so you approached the throwing line. Kayn smiled at you as you approached him to exchange turns. 
"You got it, cutie." He said before spanking you. The colors rushed to your face instantly. 
"Hey!" You barked embarrassed. He just stuck his tongue out at you and scooted away to watch you throw.
You took a deep breath to ignore what Kayn had done. You approached the bowling balls station. The balls came in various sizes and colors. You decided to take one just because it was your favorite color and stood in front of the line again. You replayed in your mind how Kayn had launched his shot and tried to imitate it as best as possible with the best aim. Your ball ended up deflecting into the left channel. 
Kayn poke fun at your missed shot as you blushed. You felt like a humiliated tomato. You went back to the ball station to grab another one. You took a deep breath and tried again but the ball fell back into the same channel. You dropped your head in surrender as Kayn laughed harder. Aphelios came over to smack the back of his head for mocking while Sett approached you. 
"You don't know how to play, do you?" Sett asked empathetically. 
"It's the first time I play," you declared embarrassed. Kayn stopped laughing upon hearing that. Now he felt bad for making fun of a rookie. 
"Don't worry, I can teach you," Sett offered. He had done it partly out of kindness and because Aphelios asked him via chat. Kayn did not hesitate to interject. 
"I'm better at playing, I think I can teach my girlfriend," Kayn reproached the big man. 
You frowned at the title he gave you. Not because you didn't want to be his girlfriend, but because he hadn't asked you. Maybe you weren't good at reading social parameters but you knew that those kinds of things are asked. At least now you knew what Kayn wanted from you. You decided to get revenge for making fun of you. 
"Girlfriend? Where?" you asked while pretending to look for an imaginary person on the horizon. Kayn was now frowning at you, an expression that made Sett chuckle. 
"I'm talking about you, dummy," he scolded. You stopped, pretending not to understand. 
"Me? I don't remember you asking me," you said while inspecting your nails as if you didn't care. Kayn ground his teeth in frustration. 
"You're mine, I made that hickey," he reproached, pointing at your neck. 
"This? A friend did it to me," you said with an evil smile. Sett burst into laughter. 
"Go fight somewhere else, it's my turn." K'Sante said as he approached you. You gave Kayn a wink to indicate that you were just joking, to which he just shook his head, drawing away from the fact that you were playing with his little heart. You both returned to your seats to wait for the next turn. 
The food arrived minutes later. Ezreal had ordered a little of everything but encouraged everyone to grab from his plate. K'Sante and Sett ate wings as if they had never eaten a bite in their entire lives. Kayn's nachos looked monstrous but appetizing. While he ate, he struck down anyone who even thought of grabbing his food. You were obviously the only exception but you only ate one to try them out and covered your mouth while you did so in shame. 
"Who ordered the nuggets?" asked Yone, who was distributing the food. Kayn, having his mouth full of cheese and meat, only pointed to you so Yone would give them to you. 
"I didn't order this," You told him confusedly as you looked at the nuggets in a plastic basket. Kayn swallowed what was in his mouth to answer you. 
"I ordered them for you," he answered before taking a mouthful of nachos. You were surprised to hear that.
"I know you love nuggets and that you don’t like eating in public, but you must eat," he said, encouraging to eat without feeling embarrassed. You smiled to yourself seeing that he knew you so well and cared about you. You decided to eat the nuggets because he was right, they were your favorite. 
"Strike, baby!" Kayn shouted as the ball knocked down all the pine trees in his next turn. You approached him to follow the turn pattern. 
"I'm going to teach you, so pay attention," he asked as he examined the weights on the balls. 
She picked up a  bowling ball number 10, a ball for the average weight of an adult woman. He gave you the ball to hold and then pulled you towards him so that your back was against his chest. This way you could imitate his movements precisely. His slippery fingers grabbed your wrist and with his other hand he adjusted your back to make sure your posture was straight. 
You blushed as you felt his warm breath tickling your ear. It was the first time you were so close to him with several people watching you around. You swallowed to calm your nerves. 
"Do you see the marks on the floor of the track? Focus on those, not the pines," Kayn explained patiently. You nodded, signaling that you had understood his indication. 
"Good girl, now just follow me," he asked.
He forced you to move your arm and legs back to create momentum. They then walked forward while you swung your arm in the same direction to shoot. As he had promised, the ball hit the second row of pine trees and caused them all to fall in a domino effect. You smiled when you saw the result. 
"I made a strike!" You exclaimed happily as you raised your arms in victory. Kayn smiled at you seeing you so excited and imitated you in celebration. 
"Thank you. I teach on Thursdays," he said with a mischievous smile. 
"How much is it for private lessons?" you asked, playing along. 
"Just a couple of kisses," He purred before pulling you by the waist and kissing your smile. He gently held your chin as he guided you to paradise with his lips. 
"Get a room! There are people who did come to play!" Ezreal scolded before throwing an empty soda can at Kayn's head. The pink-haired boy turned to glare at him. You just laughed, blushing. 
"Thank you for inviting me," you thanked the members of Heartsteel once they were ready to go home.
Ezreal said it was a pleasure and all the boys said goodbye to you. Yone advised you to call him if Kayn ended up being detained by the police before heading to his car with the captain. Your date took you by the hand back to the car so he could take you home “safe and sound.”  
They got into the car and you melted into the seat from the exhaustion caused by social interactions. Kayn massaged your shoulder from the driver's seat and told you that you did a good job. You smiled weakly at the compliment. You had really had a good time, you just weren't used to having so many people around you. 
Kayn turned on the car's interior lights and reached for something in the back seat. You looked at him confused. He brought a makeup bag with him as soon as he sat up straight again. 
"Are you going to touch-up your makeup?" you asked curiously. 
"You're the one who needs a touch-up. I'm not going to let your mom see that hickey," Kayn said seriously. 
You instinctively covered your neck as soon as you remembered the mark he had given you that afternoon after confessing. You looked in the visor mirror to check the severity of the mark. You were relieved to see that it was a pale red shade and not purple. Kayn approached you to inspect the mark and adjust your neck to begin covering it. 
"I'm going to apply concealer," he said before reaching his hand into his small makeup bag. 
"I didn't know you wore makeup," you commented without moving your neck. 
"Do you think all this beauty is natural?" Kayn joked as he applied the product to your neck.
"Eh... yes," you giggled. 
"Well, you're right. I'm too beautiful for this world, but sometimes I get pimples on my face," he joked while blending the product with a makeup sponge. 
You laughed at his comment. Kayn smiled to himself seeing that you weren't surprised or made fun of him for wearing makeup. In his life he had come across people who had distanced themselves from him just because they knew that he wore eyeliner, he was happy that you were not like them. You weren't really surprised by this because Rhaast would sometimes call you while he was painting his hair or nails, so it was safe to say that he did more than just his eyeliner. 
"I did my makeup today thinking it would surprise you but I see that you are better than me at it," You said, feeling a bit silly for feeling like a makeup artist just because your eyeliner was symmetrical. 
"You look beautiful," he flattered you. You still weren't used to him saying those things to you, but you would soon. He finished covering the hickey with translucent powder over the concealer so it wouldn't sweat away on the way home. You thanked him when he finished and he replied that it wasn't a problem. 
After a crazy car ride while listening to his favorite songs at excessively high volume, Kayn finally parked in front of your building. You wanted to stay with him longer but you both needed to rest after a hectic day full of emotions. 
"Thank you for driving me," You said before leaving a kiss on his cheek. 
You were going to move away but Kayn's hand on your neck didn't allow you. He clenched your jaw slightly to keep you close to him while he kissed your entire face. He also wanted to stay with you longer. If you lived alone, he would have stayed the night to make the most of every moment with you. The only thing stopping him was that he now had a couple of in-laws who wouldn't be too happy with that idea. 
Your hands briefly ran over his chest until they reached his shoulders to feel him closer to you. Kayn tilted his head to deepen the kiss, an intimate and profound expression of affection that transcended the surface. The safe feeling in his chest every time he kissed you made him drift into a peace that he hadn't felt in a long time. He was sure that he had found the person with whom he wanted to have a thousand and one adventures. 
You detached from each other when both started to lack air and a thin trail of saliva briefly connected you. Kayn wiped your lips with his thumb to release your face and take your hand. Both smiled upon the realization that you were finally together, well, now you were closer than ever. 
"I've never wanted to be someone's boyfriend so bad," Kayn whispered to you as his fingers gently played with yours. Brushing your skin with his fingertips, wishing you could touch each other like this later in your relationship. 
"Can I?" He asked before kissing the back of your hand. 
It was something you had only heard in your deepest dreams, now it is your new reality. Kayn loved you the same way you loved him. You smiled at his interesting proposal. 
"Only if you promise me you won't break up with me in a month," you joked. Kayn rolled his eyes at that tasteless joke. 
"I'll break up with you when hell freezes," he said between joking and serious. 
"You convinced me, I accept," You said before planting a kiss on your nose. 
Kayn got out of the car and walked around it to get to your door to open it. He helped you down and walked you to the entrance of your building. You said goodbye to each other and then you entered. As soon as you disappeared from Kayn's sight, you started jumping excitedly to your apartment. You did! You were officially Kayn's girl! All your hard work had paid off and you felt like you would explode with excitement. Because of your strange burst of energy and the makeup, your parents didn't even realize that a handsome vampire had bitten you.
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