#. btw check out anthropomorphic as well
spideypeaches · 1 year
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am i throwing up and screaming and sobbing on the kitchen floor at 3:30am? yes. yes i am
if you haven’t read this stellar tentoorose one-shot by @tenscupcake yet, you need to! go, go, go!
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sariels-world-ella · 3 months
Can we see more characters from UTY if they were in Sw!Fallenswap? (I think you're Ceroba design and AU's lore is very cool btw)
Sure and thanks! I'll even expand on each of them, though none of it is 100% canon to Sw!Fallenswap, and thought up quickly as they aren't canon.
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I couldn't settle on a Azimuth Dalv design but I did make a pacifist route Starlo design, he reminds me of a power ranger for some reason? (It's probably the mask.)
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I had to do some math to get it to fit in the Timeline, get everyone's ages and get Martlet's life expectancy and to get Dalv's persumed age by finding the life expectancy of a Fox Anthropomorphic (there is an equation I use to find life expectancies of all the Anthropomorphic races) to see if it lines up in the timeline for Kanako's grandparents to be alive in 1013, as that is the most notable year in the timeline where Anthropomorphics did kill a bunch of Undeads matching Fallen!Dalv's description on why he has beef with the Ketsukanes (though Dalv never mentioned a year). The life expectancy number came out to be 950, then by adding Ceroba's age of 39 (assuming either Ceroba or Chujin's parent(s) had their child near the end of their lifespan) minusing it by 1985, got me 996 which did check out timeline wise.
Character notes:
Clover Notes: Clover doesn't change much from their UTY appearance, changes are they are much more verbal, Clover can save and load, doesn't have Flowey/Temmie because Temmie wasn't made animate until the 90s and they carry around a Polaroid Camera (which was very popular in the 80s), which there are certain spots that you can take a picture of giving you the Achievement "Picture Perfect" and doing them all gives you the achievement "Photographer's Eye"
Clover will become a Myling with the other souls and kill Ultra Temmie in Chara's non-canon neutral ending still. Clover is one of the 11 characters known to be from Gen X.
Unlike Genocide UTY Clover, Genocide Fallen!Clover does die still, due to Sans ripping Clover's heart out and eating it before Clover was able to shoot Toriel, meaning the Clover’s Genocide Route in Sw!Fallenswap could technically be canon if it wasn't directly stated Sans only killed Patience, Bravery, and Perseverance.
The fact Sans was able to sneak up on Clover implies he was expecting Clover to show up, even though Clover managed to enter the castle undetected, so it's likely Dalv conversed with Sans beforehand.
Since Temmie didn't exist yet when Clover was alive, you can wait for Asgore to drop a rope for you gaining the Achievement “Patience is Virtue”, which will cause you to skip the Martlet fight and proceed like normal Undertale except you have to sneak out of ruins which is difficult but worth it as you also skip most of Snowdin as well, because Papyrus saves you from Sans and teleports Clover away,  Papyrus gives you a medallion and tells Clover to show it to Dalv and say “Papyrus sent you” which can skip the Dalv fight (if you so wish) which will get you straight to the portion of attempting to travel to Hotland, the medallion can actually also be used to instantly spare MOST random encounter enemies which will give you the achievement “VIP”
If you don't wait for Asgore to drop the rope the playthrough plays similarly to UTY, but without Flowey or Temmie, if you do a genocide route Dalv won't shapeshift into a wolf and swim you down the river, instead The Boatman (Wingding Gaster) does, but Clover still ends up falling off the dam, but instead of Sans causing a wave from striking a bone wall into the water, Wingding purposely knocks you off the dam knowing what you did.
Either way, you wash up on a Dunes’ shore on 1 HP, which makes the medallion very useful to have if you waited for Asgore to return and got the medallion from Papyrus as it can instantly spare most enemies, so you won't get killed by them before you reach a save point.
Martlet Notes: She's a hermit that lived in the ruins before they were abandoned, she met Chujin before and due to her age she is old enough to have met the Integrity soul who fell down in 1936. She likes jigsaw and logic puzzles, as well as reading textbooks.
She's the only known character from the Cavalier Generation. Her personality seems to be a blend of her original personality and Dalv's
Dalv notes:
Dalv (or Sir Alucard by Ceroba and Officer Alucard by Starlo) His personality is similar to his original and Martlet's, the most notable difference between his personality and UTY!Dalv’s personality is that Fallen!Dalv has much more of a spine when it comes to advocating for himself and speaking his mind, he is much more willing to stand his ground and overall is much more brave, he is also much more willing to use profanity, albeit not in English, usually in Romanian or Monstarian when speaking to another Monster (adult monster that is, as he doesn't swear at children).
Judging by the fact he is stationed in Snowdin but doesn't wear the Snowdin Guard Armor, means he was either off duty when he ran into Clover or not apart of the Snowdin police force, but he is also not wearing a deltarune so being off duty is more likely.
He has beef with The Ketsukanes due to Kanako's Grandparents role in the 1013 Mass Undead Racial Cleansing, but doesn't have that same resentment towards Kanako as she tried to right the wrongs. Judging by the fact Dalv mentioned having parents and a younger sibling, it means Dalv is either a traditional variant (parents are the Elden Variant) as Elden Variants are naturally spawned, or Ancient variant if his parents were Ancestral Undead (once Elves)
Dalv is seen to shapeshift into a bat and a wolf before, bat when trying to escape with Clover and when they dropped over a waterfall and a wolf when swimming in the river with Clover on his back to try to get to Hotland.
As a Vampire, like all Undeads, he does have telekinesis and teleportation, so in his fight Blue Soul Mode is used for some attacks. Instead of Puzzles in Snowdin, he sets up riddles due to his love of storytelling.
It’s implied Dalv likely conversed with Sans before the Azimuth Dalv fight due to the fact Sans was able to ambush Clover before Clover could kill Toriel, which isn't unlikely as they are both on the royal guard and Dalv seems to be on a first name basis with Sans as Dalv said “Sans, you're a tâmpit!" instead of “Sir Gaster, you're a tâmpit!” (tâmpit which in this case means "asshole" in Romanian) when Sans causes Dalv and Clover to get washed over the dam, this is notable because Royal Guards only refer to each other by first name if A.) They don't have one (which Sans does, it's “Gaster”) or B.) They are on frequent speaking terms outside of the Royal Guard, this means Dalv and Sans must converse frequently outside of guard duty to know each other's first names.
Genocide phases:
Dalv is in his normal form, and his fight is a harder version of his pacifist/neutral fight
When Dalv gets low on HP he injects something (either DETERMINATION or SPITE) into himself, which turns him into Azimuth Dalv
Once killed Dalv's Shade spawns, like all Shades in Sw!Fallenswap, it has high attack and defense but only one HP, meaning you have to do all the shots perfectly with the wild revolver to actually kill him, any mistake won't be enough damage to get through the Shade's Defense.
He seems to inject himself with either DETERMINATION or SPITE at the end of Genocide, due to the fact in that scenario DETERMINATION will turn a monster into a Draugr and races in the Undead Monster Type will not have that reaction to DETERMINATION but neither would SPITE as it creates a Shade after dying and doesn't put them into a temporary state, so it's unknown what caused that reaction, but it's still likely SPITE instead which explains why Dalv was able to handle it so easily and not melt as SPITE destroys light mana in a Monster’s soul while DETERMINATION melts it, but since Undead Souls have Dark Mana instead, SPITE doesn't harm their soul. It also explains why phase 3 Dalv is a Shade. It is also more likely to be SPITE instead of DETERMINATION, as that would be easier to acquire, only way Dalv would get his hands on DETERMINATION is if he extracted it from Undyne, though he does know her, Undyne would likely try to stop Clover herself. The way Dalv could get his hands on SPITE would be extracting it from Sans or another Undead, though Dalv did call Sans an asshole and Sans did cause a massive wave which caused Dalv and Clover to get washed over the dam and fall into the Dunes area in a Pacifist and neutral run, Sans would likely be willing to extract SPITE from himself to give to Dalv, and not go and fight Clover instead like Undyne would, as he is more likely to stay at New Home to defend Toriel which Sans does successfully in Clover's genocide run as he does very graphically and violently kill Clover.
Starlo Notes: he seems to work with Ceroba in some way, despite not being in the royal guard, he is either a part of the boomer generation or Silent generation in the case Starlo is a year older than Ceroba. Like his original counterpart, he had a crush on Ceroba and knew her since childhood, though unlike his UTY!Counterpart as he doesn't have this North Star Persona, he is more open about his nerdy side and seems to be rather intelligent when figuring out how to defeat the robots in Steamworks. Since Starlo has no attachment to Kanako's robots, killing Axis or Guardener will not abort the pacifist route, he's just relieved you made it out okay.
His personality is similar to UTY, but his temperament seems much more like UTY!Ceroba, he injected Chujin with the serum made from the Kindness Soul, because Chujin tricked Starlo into injecting Kanako's concoction into Chujin thinking it as harmless leaving Starlo into believing he accidentally killed Chujin, but he never told Ceroba this. Starlo also only tries to kill Clover as a mercy-kill-last-resort type thing because if Clover makes it to Toriel, Toriel will burn Clover alive resulting in a painful death, if Clover isn't handed over to Toriel, Clover will die of heart failure due to vitamin D deficiency, and if Clover somehow manages to kill Toriel the underground will possibly go into anarchy, so Starlo attempts to kill Clover in Pacifist route realizing these 3 outcomes.
Ceroba notes: Ceroba (or Sherif Ketsukane by Dalv) is an abrasive personality, and unlike UTY!Starlo she is affiliated with the Royal Guard, as Sherif and Dune's Police Chief are the same occupation in the Dunes region of the Underground, and unlike UTY!Starlo but like UTY!Ceroba, she has an antagonistic role. Ceroba will lash out at Clover if you kill Starlo, but Dalv will call her out as a hypocrite, as she was willing to condone murder of other people's loved ones, causing a short  altercation between the two, which Dalv does end up over powering Ceroba pushing her off the edge, which she survives after being found by some other royal guards.
Kanako Notes: Kanako was an intern, to whomever J.A River's Successor and Undyne's predecessor was and got cryogenically frozen, due to Undyne being non observant and the true lab access keycard being lost, it's unlikely Kanako will ever be found.
Kanako got her internship at 14 years old by submitting her idea of Steamworks to be a backup power supply if the core ever breaks, the robots were made in collaboration with a younger Undyne who was also an intern between 16-18 years old at the time.
Kanako wanted to make amends with Dalv Alucard as her ancestors killed his family during a massacre and wishes to right that wrong, which makes Kanako the only Ketsukane that Dalv doesn't have beef with.
Chujin notes: Very little is known about Chujin other than he tricked Starlo into administering the serum and that Chujin was a stay-at-home parent, we also know he's not a boss monster like he was in UTY, as Boss Monster is a specific race of Monster and not category. We also know like Ceroba and  unlike Kanako, he is unwilling to try to make amends for his ancestors wrongdoings in the 1013 Mass Undead Racial Cleansing, as implied by what Kanako said to Dalv, further supported by Ceroba's predisposition of hating Dalv. We can assume he had a lot of faith in Kanako's abilities as he was willing to try her concoction on himself, which ended his life and due to Undyne not being the Royal Scientist yet, he wasn't used in Undyne's experiments and died in hospice.
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bonefall · 10 months
Hi Bones!! Thank you for you hard work on this project and for sharing it with us!
I've seen your posts about weird representation of society (regarding the "natural order of things") in xenofiction, especially in lion king, so I wanted to ask:
could you recommend any xenofiction media that has all (or most of the) animal species sapient? Or is the only solution to make just one or two species sapient while the others (especially prey) are plain animals?
Really sorry if you've seen this ask from me before - my account had a weird laggy period when I couldn't send or receive messages and asks, so I don't know if you got the previous one! I just know that now it's fixed so I double all the asks sent haha
Honestly I'm not totally sure! If any 3rd person has some good recommendations for "every being is alive" xenofiction types, feel free to weigh in.
If you want to jump in with me though, I am following the webcomic Africa. It updates every Wednesday. Africa is about a mother Leopard on the verge of a great ecological disaster, the relationship between her children and the animals around her, and the strength of both instinct and choice as the characters face an uncertain future.
Since it's ongoing, I still don't know how it's going to end and can't judge it as a full work! But it's absolutely fascinating and I think the author is doing a fantastic job so far. Bonus points for the way it portrays humans, btw.
No more spoilers though, if you're interested, it's on Webtoons.
(I'm also planning to read Oren's Forge soon. Ask me about it again in a few months over on Bonebabbles and I'll give you my thoughts)
As an aside though, funny you mention it because like... ever since I was a kid I've had a story I want to tell with the premise. It's a scintilla I've kept close to me for well over a decade but haven't done anything official with. So this is actually a theme I've thought about a lot.
It's rare to see it done well though because like... its very premise butts heads with reality. The "natural order" that an animal follows is not something it moralizes. A tiger doesn't have the capacity to think about how fucked up it is to kill to stay alive, the deer doesn't know that if its population isn't controlled it will destroy the forest.
They're animals. They don't HAVE that agency. Your dog does not care about being sterilized. A snake doesn't differentiate between a pinky and an adult mouse except in terms of if it will fit in its mouth. But the minute you put human morality in there... they have the ability to reason, create and agree on the rules of a society, make choices about MORALITY.
If nothing is going to change about their world, you just end up putting human arguments about "natural order" in their mouths and, well... start telling a parable justifying this "natural order."
(Genuine) Does what I'm saying make sense? Animals DON'T rationalize or negotiate. HUMANS do.
So the minute you're approaching a world with that logic, like it or not, you are invoking those "arguments from nature." And you're putting them in a being that is not fully an animal or a human, but an anthropomorphic mix which CAN rationalize but WON'T make an effort to change their world.
(Which is why tbh the best examples i know of are works with a theme of "change.")
OH WAIT I also remember another that's interesting!! Leafy: Hen into the Wild actually has a fascinating take on it. It's not interested in "moralizing" or really being about an animal society. It's a very emotional sort of movie, and it's about joys in adversity, the freedom that choice gives you, how bad things are going to happen and you can never completely prevent them.
INTENSE movie emotionally, the ending will wreck you (especially in the English translation which leaves out a really important theme making it feel abrupt x_x) but it's really good. Check that one out.
OH and also You Are Umasou. That one has more pitfalls imo (it does try to moralize a bit) but it's super unique as a movie. And is about dinosaurs.
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pawphin · 2 years
the potential terumob in highschool has literally keeps me awake at night like i can't stop thinking about it. they would get into so many situations.. teru finds this 2 star rated thrift store on yelp and the first thing he does is ask shigeo if he wants to go. of course shigeo agrees and as soon as they walk in they notice this strange energy emanating from the owner but they just push it aside because something catches teru's eye. so he picks out the most awful sweater per-usual but as he's checking out the lady starts cackling and imbues an ancient, unyielding curse on him and he's just like oh. ok and psychic blasts her while the sweater floats inside a barrier. shigeo is still combing through the aisles completely oblivious. they leave after shigeo couldnt find anything and teru hands him the shirt while theyre walking home.
the next day shigeo is beaming and showing it off to his friends like "oh, hanazawa-kun gave me it, isn't it nice?" and they just smile and nod because his subtle joy is so infectious it doesn't matter that he's wearing a sweater that has a low quality jpg of an anthropomorphized banana with MLG sunglasses photoshopped onto its face. when he gets home ritsu remarks that it matches well with the monkey shirt teru got him before (hes lying). teru is still cursed btw
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: The Knight, aka Ghost, the protagonist of Hollow Knight. They are a small anthropomorphic bug-like being with a void-black body and a white mask-like head with empty eyes and long thin horns resembling insect mandibles. They are wearing a grey cloak and holding a white guitar with black designs depicting abstract screaming faces. The hand they would be using to strum the guitar is being held up, outer fingers extended in the "rock horns" hand sign. The background is dark blue with lighter blue bursting out behind Ghost. End ID.]
So a while back as I was getting into Hollow Knight, I was reminded that a music channel I follow did a couple HK covers so I was like "I wanna give 'em a listen, I'm not to the point where these tracks would play yet but why not" and hoo boy I was not disappointed :3c Needless to say, it inspired me to do a lil drawing that I admittedly was only just able to get to, but now I have so have a lil rockin' Ghost :3
Here are the covers btw: [Grimm / Nightmare King] | [Truth, Beauty, and Hatred]
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~Likes are appreciated, but reblogs are greatly preferred as they let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
The Knight/Ghost and other Hollow Knight concepts © Team Cherry Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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drawnaghht · 1 year
not sure if anyone here or or elsewhere in newer websites has mentioned this already but.... technically, isn't Tomoe Ame also a "two first names" kind of name? I don't think anyone assumes either name is her last name tho if they've read the comic... Now i'm thinking about going down this thread of thought to see what I find, just out of curiosity, since I've seen different stuff said about her name specifically.
I know she's named after a candy Stan once liked as a child called Tomoe Ame (トモエ飴) but also loosely on Tomoe Gozen, a real-life samurai who lived during the late Heian period and took part in the conflict that led to the first shogunate. I think some sources also say that while Tomoe "is her given name, Ame is her family name" - like this info page of the UY RP game in the HERO System Role--playing game.
But I wonder if older Usagi fans have brought this up about her name before? Or had arguments about it?
There is this Talk page, dating from 2005 and 2008 under the Wikipedia page for UY characters;
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"Ok, so "Ame" is her given name and "Tomoe" is her family name? I thought it was the other way around." (2005)
"Ok, that's backwards. See her official bio page:" (2005)
"But her bio reads "Ame Tomoe"..." (2008)
The Usagi Yohimbo fanwiki also has this trivia (as do other similar "fandom.com" wikis:
"Sakai claims to have based the character's appearance on female Japanese martial arts star Etsuko Shiomi, a member of Sonny Chiba's "Japan Action Club"."
But I cannot find this info or sources for these so I will have to check these later when I'm less tired x3 Basically, when it comes to fanwiki's, you can't always trust them. Having been a sole moderator for another fanwiki for years, I know just how many people like to add misinfo or their own headcanons or other things they've heard onto official/unofficial wikis, meaning most trivia without some source (like even what book or episode it was mentioned in), is a bit useless info in many cases. Sometimes I think that maybe I should make a Samurai Rabbit fanwiki, just to have one with legit info and have one new place to discuss things about the show itself but.... lol i am so tired of fandomcom wikis haha
Here is the official cast page info about her btw:
"Tomoe Ame is an anthropomorphic cat who is loosely based on the famous female samurai, Tomoe Gozen.[7][8] (Tomoe Ame is also a brand of Japanese candy.) She is a samurai of the Geishu clan and serves as Lord Noriyuki's personal bodyguard and closest adviser. She also happens to be a very close friend of Miyamoto Usagi, whom she and Lord Noriyuki first met in the story "Lone Rabbit And Child" (from "Book #1: The Ronin"), as they were being pursued by assassins that Lord Hikiji hired to kill the young lord. Usagi was able to help protect Lord Noriyuki as they made their way back to the Geishu manor, even when Tomoe almost died from drowning in a fast-moving river after being attacked by an assassin disguised as a ferryman. After recovering, she has become very grateful to Usagi, and the two have helped each other out many times since. In the events of "Book #4: The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy", Tomoe was captured by a villainous lord after discovering his scheme to assassinate the Shogun, and it was up to Usagi to rescue her. Even though Usagi and Tomoe have been very good friends as well as partners in combat, it is believed that the two have deep feelings for each other that go beyond mere friendship, as seen in the story "Chanoyu" ("Book #22: Tomoe's Story"). However, recently, Lord Noriyuki is preparing to form an arranged marriage between her with another lord. An animated version of Tomoe Ame appears in an episode of the 2003 TMNT animated series "The Real World - Part 1".\"
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So not much about the name again besides what already knew before haha ^^;
I'm still waiting for the Tomoe Ame book to come back in storage at my local book shop so I can order it, but until then, I'll probably slowly continue reading UY where I can and start a list for info shared abt the characters in the books.
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Blah Blah Woof Woof
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
As we prepare to start watching:
Wench: “Okay, count at will!” Jezebel: “3 2 1 go” Wench’s video: *freezes* Wench: Wait! Jezebel: … Un-go
– – –
Ah chess
Jezebel’s video: *freezes*Wench: DAMMIT
[Poor Logan… Doesn't he know?  "Always let the [transgenic] win"  Well, I guess it's the opposite; he wants her to let him win... but oh well]
“See ya”
[The music tho]
What ya doing Lintlicker
Le gasp
Oooof, a gun.  He crazy
Buddy you don’t dismiss everyone
Pervo ☠️☠️☠️
Ooooof close call
Took you long enough to see it  [Okay, I'm sorry, but it's not that good a photo]  
[I love these three. OC, Herbal, and Sketchy are my adored.  I also love Normal anthropomorphizing the packages :)]
Ahhh another intense episode
Oh noooo!  Intense for more than just Max
Ok I’m sorry maybe it’s just me but the doctor said this very weird  [Is true.]  Like at first his tone was you may need to do it.  Then it swapped to ehhh you don’t wanna do it.  [Tis true.  Also, Logan looking at him like, "Bud, you're not convincing me not to do surgery" is kinda funny]
Uh oh busted
[OH SHIT OH FUCK Max’s line about “Look how thin she is; can you say eating disorder?” is so horrible given what I've heard about Alba’s time on set.]
The thing I don’t get. These kids escaped… what does he think is gonna happen if he catches them after all this time… they are just gonna be like. Oooop ya got me! Now I’ll work for you again  [Yeah.  Don’t forget, you haven’t met PsyOps yet]  True
[Poor Normal, acting all hurt and slighted… "She didn't come back from her morning run; imagine that. I had some high hopes for you, pal, but you just turned out to be like all the rest, didn’t you? Just a great, big, fat goose egg." cough cough, you didn’t come back and that hurt my feelings :((((]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Looool true  [Am I wrong?  That's the vibe it's got.]  Not at all lol it really is
[Zach continues to annoy me, just btw]  OC gonnn fuck him up  [She should!!!]
Zogan pt 2  [I'm telling you; Lach]  Bruh.  Turn my brain off.  Turn it off.  I don’t wanna be here.  These aren’t the fics that Anon was asking for.
Oh wait it actually shows the mechanisms this time… Run him over!
But also, I feel like he wouldn’t be such a natural at a handicap vehicle.  Like, just have the trainer drive.
[Normal has a bad habit of doing what he thinks is right and it not being right, btw] ☠️☠️☠️
Normal.  My Buddy.  You got lipgloss on.  [WAIT WHAT?!  PAUSE.  We'll do the midpoint reaction early; I gotta check]  Ok lol  [oh my god he does.  OH MY GOD HE DOES.  YOU'RE NOT WRONG!!!]  😂😂😂
Ooooooo imma slap a Zach
Oh, speak of the devil (Max) and she shall appear
All these people shooting at her and all of them missing; she’s not even dodging?!?!  They’re like Stormtroopers!
– – – 
Midpoint reaction: (note: from here on out — on both this episode and the next, maybe on some others too, though they’ll be labelled if so — this reaction was done on a voice call.  The conversation has been assembled after the episode as well as we could, but it’s not word-for-word!)
Jezebel: This episode’s another intense one, and very nerve-wracking, but not a lot’s really happened in this one?
Wench: I KNOW.  Like, this is really intense, but also, somehow, really slow, and, come on, writers, are you ever going to advance the plot???
Jezebel: All I’ve got right now is Lach, and I don’t want it, but it’s there.  Like, that last exchange felt like a Max/Logan scene, but they swapped Max out for Zach
Wench: EXACTLY.  And that exchange about the window being open?  Literally a parallel to the pilot.  I think that line was an exact callback, in fact, though I haven’t checked to confirm for sure.
Jezebel: Normal’s got a decently big part in this episode…
Wench: Comments for Normal Anon?
Jezebel: He’s mighty shiny lol
Wench: And favorite characters at this point?
Jezebel:  Kinda hard to say.  Before I started watching NCIS again, I was like meh: Logan was just there.  But now that I’m back hyperfixating on the show again, I love Logan even though there’s no reason to.  OC is up there, then Herbal, just because I like their bits.  And I hate that I don’t like Max because Jessica Alba is hot.
Wench: (re. OC/Herbal et al) I feel so bad for not liking/rewatching season 1 much because I’m coming to the conclusion that I really love the Jam Pony scenes.
Jezebel: Right?!?!  I loved scenes like the last episode's
Wench: Normal did not deserve that!!!
Jezebel: He really didn’t!  He’s… I’m trying to come up with a comparable character, and it’s not much working.  He’s not “I can’t stand him; he’s so horrible.”  He’s not even that bad.  He’s just a bit annoying sometimes.  But I like him at other times.  Maybe Hotch?  I would say gibbs but I know you have strong feelings against him ☠️☠️☠️  Maybe the Gibbs gibbs is supposed to be?  He’s complex! Cause normal is an ass… but not an asshole. There’s a difference ☠️  And I don’t recall another character being that dorky kinda loveable but assish too.
Wench: Yeah, that makes sense!  And I think you’re gonna get more insight into him next episode, which is why I said wait until then for the Normal Bingo.
Jezebel: Ah, I see!
Wench: Any other comments before we go on?
Jezebel: Just this, and you should put it in bold and italics or something in the reaction… THIS ONE WAS VERY SLOW
Wench: All-caps and bold it is :) 
– – –
He looks like William Shatner from Star Trek
[btw, it bears mentioning that Max is already acting suspiciously, to the point that everyone at her workplace, aside from OC and kinda Herbal, thinks she might be the murderer the Wanted posters are looking for.  She’s suspicious even before the whole transgenic scare in season 2, so, once again, why does OC try to unite everyone behind her???]
“Are you not a man- *pause* -to be taken lightly?”
“Uh...mmm...Yeah. I mean, no. Uh...uh, yeah, I most certainly am...not.”  Not a man, huh?  I see.
[Why are the car scenes with Zach, Logan, and Max so awkwarddddd (I say as if I don’t know)]
Did she say “it’s sad”?  [I think so].  Who just says “it’s sad?!?”
Poor Sketchy [His hair just looks so disheveled]
“Blah blah woof woof”  Wot?  [No clue!!  She said that earlier and I still have no clue what it means]  I’m gonna have to use that.  Well, look it up and then use it
This is such a “oh, my woman just left.  Of course it’s gonna rain; I’m gonna go sit at the window” moment.  Didn’t he do that when the ex-wife left?  [Yup alksdjf]  He’s very Bella-Swan-coded.  [You’re right!!!]
The rain is making it look like he’s crying and that’s making it even sadder
[SHE’S DOING IT TOO. Little did we realize they’re both Bella Swan]
[He held onto that glass — and her hand around that glass — a bit too long]. This whole scene, like, screams “well, we aren’t really blood siblings”
You were twelve.
[This scene is so concernin-  *Zach brushes Max’s hair behind her ear* I’M SORRY?!?!  “SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED” WHO?!!?]
I love how Normal's actor realized he’d messed up his hair by brushing his hand through it, so he fixed it first
The guy in lock-up be like “Hey, I like your lipgloss” to Normal
Uh oh, something’s wrong.  What’s trainer see?  “Oh my god he’s dead”?
Did she just get a sixth sense or something?  [Apparently!!!]  There’s something not right with the force.  (Be funny if Zach looked up, too, though)
He ded
Logan didn’t really collapse; he just laid down on a table [this is only the first of two times minimum he does that this series]
[btw, there’s no way she didn’t just break her leg with that physics]
Oh, no, not again  [what is that prolonged eye contact between Max and Zach, too?!]
Oh, my god, that’s right where I passed out; this is why I can’t be a doctor.  Blood would shoot out at me and they’d be like, welp, doctor’s down
[I repeat, that photo does not even look like her]
What operating rooms are right there where you can see them from the waiting room?
I thought that was Logan; I was like, he’s cured!
[What is this doctor-patient confidentiality???  I didn’t realize all you had to do to bypass HIPAA was pull puppy-dog eyes and repeat, “Is he dying?”]  It’s ‘cause she’s pretty
“Yeah, no problem, stranger that I don’t know knows this patient; you can stay here all alone”
*Max begins a blood transfusion*  This is why you don’t just leave random people alone with patients
When Logan gets up, he needs to be like, so you care now?
[Wait, it’s that red balloon again alksdjf]
You couldn’t even dream him walking?
Needs to say “Bitch, I can’t walk”
He actually said it
Oh, and again: “If I can’t walk, I can’t dance”
I wonder if you donate organs, this happens.  That’d be weird
You gotta love when the writers are like, this is gonna be so sweet and cute and the best scene ever and it’s just… not.  [You’re not wrong]  Like, this is cute enough and all, but it’s also really weird
And it’s also gonna give some poor person with epilepsy a seizure
And that’s the end of the series; they die together
[They just put a blood-deprived person in general lock-up; how is she still standing?!]  Exactly!  And they didn’t even give her a bandaid; they just pulled out the needle.  And I’ve been to the hospital and gotten an IV, and they pulled out the needle, and blood went everywhere.  It’s like the scene in SPN where Dean broke his leg and then pulled out the IV and there was just nothing.  I’m like, this is a show about hunting supernatural creatures, but this is the unrealistic bit.  [This is the most unrealistic thing in this show, and the brothers fight god with a gun.]
Well, dang, they got Zach too
[I’m sorry, but that was such a teen movie way of leaving.  “Oh, I’m just gonna… toss my hair… and then jump over this wall.”]
Who licks their glasses arm like that?  Like, it’s one thing to chew on it, but Lintlicker, like… licked it
[Poor Sketchy’s still struggling.  And Normal looks beat.  But I like his jacket, btw]
[They let the stranger back in]  They were like, well, ya know what, she did a good thing; she saved him
[“He cares about you.  And I don’t mean just like a brother.”  DAMN IT STARTED THIS EARLY?]
And back to denying it.  Like, come on, you shared a blood dream.  [I can’t believe that even happened]
Right back to solving one problem and bringing up another one.
[Nasally monologue returns]  And so does her talking in circles!
— — — 
Jezebel: Well, in the second half, a lot happened!  They were like, we ain’t gonna put much in the first half because we’re gonna have to try and kill you in the second half.  Also, there’s like a ship… not unlocked, but it’s there.  They don’t want it to be there --- I don't want it to be there --- but it’s there.  Uh… I actually didn’t hate Max this episode.  Or even not-like her
Wench: I know!!! Though, admittedly, for an episode about Max, she was only in, like, three scenes
Jezebel: They could have made him collapsing a bit more dramatic, to be honest.  Like, sprawled out on the floor.  Or in his chair, still by the window.
Wench: I KNOW.  Like, I fell asleep over my homework all the time in high school/college, so he could just have been asleep; that was much less dramatic than it could/should have been.
Jezebel: And… the dream.  I’m gonna keep coming back to it.  If I had one final thought at the end of this episode, it was pinned back at that dream.  That was so weird.  But I think that’s a wrap, so.  Yeah!
– – –
Wench post-script during tagging; Kendra hasn’t been in, like, three episodes… I wonder if she’s off for good.  I know she leaves before s2, but I didn’t expect it this early!  I guess we’ll see as the episodes continue
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outdatedcakes · 4 months
I'm planning making a show called The Accident it's about a 25 year old woman anthropomorphic tiger who's struggling with her adulthood life
If you're interested you can join me in my server discord!
Btw I had one or two team in my discord server so had fun! :D
If the link doesn't work check out my Tumblr post! :D
haii!! thank you for the invitation, I appreciate it!! I'd love to help out, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to decline,, I'm very busy with exams as well as other projects that I'm working on - but I sincerely wish you good luck with your show!!
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askmyboys · 4 years
Here’s a furry character I made, im honestly getting invested into those types of babs but i... kinda suck at descriptions lmao, I’ll get better wiht it sooner or later though hopefully
I’ll post Noxis later, gotta just read over his desc again tho bc i cant remember the specific trigger warnings i need to put on his desc so yeye
| Name: Tyrone
| Nicknames: Tyre/Ty
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: N/A
| Height: 7’3”
| Species/Race: Anthropomorphic Dog (Cane Corso is the breed he’s based on)
| Hair style: His hair is essentially just part of his fur- but the fur is slicked back on top of his head to match the rest of his fur really (I mean… Cane Corso fur IS pretty slicked back and not super fuzzy ya know?)
| Eye Color: Caramel Brown
| Fur Color/Body Type: Black and overall he’s pretty average looking, looks a b i t muscular tbh
| Appearance: Let’s start off with the actual appearance instead of the clothing, he got his ears cropped from a young age (where he comes from, it's a mixed thing really, in his pack specifically cropped ears were a rite of passage while to other packs cropped ears were ghastly and considered cruelty but eh to each their own) so now his ears are pointed, he also has a silver earring on the top of his right ear! His teeth are razor sharp and his paw pads are relatively natural coloring a charcoal color, on the middle paw pad of his right paw there is some kind of birthmark there it seems, it’s shaped like a simple circle BUT the birthmark’s meaning is the crucial bit here, it is essentially a high stature sorta thing, only his father has that birthmark of the entire pack, even all the sons and daughters from various litters never held that birthmark, not until Tyrone came along.
His outfit he usually wears is a black leather jacket that has spikes on the shoulder pads with a white t-shirt underneath, he’s got a black collar with a LOT of spikes surrounding it on, more so than the usual spiked collars and they are actually VERY sharp (it’s essentially to protect his neck during fights, I’ll explain that in a bit though) but also it just looks cool, it’s got a bone hanging down the front with his name written in cursive on it, he usually wears charcoal black jeans that are ripped with chains hanging down them (even though his tail is stubby he still cut a hole for it bc that’d still be uncomfy tbh), he doesn’t wear any boots though, boots tend to give him aches while walking.
He’s also got a lot of scars, his most prominent scarring is one on the nose, three over his right eye but he can still see out of it surprisingly, a few long ones near his neck and some old puncture wounds from what looks like dog teeth, and finally claw marks up and down his arms, belly, back, and legs.
Oh btw, even tho he wears a shirt without it you can see he has white patch of fur running down his chest and stomach! Just another lil detail.
| Personality: Tough, stubborn, sometimes a little too cocky for his own good, narcissistic even sometimes? He can be VERY protective and loyal however to the right people/animals, he’s always on high alert of his surroundings and the people around him despite not seeming like he is sometimes, he can be very calm and stable and he USUALLY thinks before he acts but that’s not ALWAYS the case, he can be quiet and reserved sometimes as well but it’s rare, he’s usually pretty much an extrovert although not many people nor other animals approach him, he looks and sounds intimidating as hell and while it CAN be a good thing it can also be a bad thing, deep down he’s a good guy, he’s soft, sweet, kind, and caring! He doesn’t like that most treat him as a terrifying threat or beast, he ain’t about hurting someone just for fun!
The only time he EVER attacks is in self defense OR in defense of the people he cares about, and even then that has to be when he’s ABSOLUTELY pushed to his limit, he’s more so a big referee toward things like fights n shit like that, he’ll body block the two offenders or put himself in front of those he’s trying to protect and usually all he needs to do is speak or growl and that usually sends offenders running off, and even then if they persist he’ll then try giving corrections (corrections are a HUGE thing among his pack) while he won’t actually bite them, he’s going to make a lot of horrifying sounds and act like he’s going to, and usually because to most dogs, not just his pack (yeah corrections are common amongst most dogs too i know) he’ll even go as far as to put someone/another dog especially on their side.
Sure, humans… Are very different and more complex but even then, most of them after being checked by a huge seven foot three dog like him, most will think twice before continuing to try and escalate things. Unfortunately because of his size (he’s the second biggest in his pack, the first being his father likewise) most other dogs, especially ones of his own breed try to challenge him a LOT, and he doesn’t like fighting, usually he ignores these but if they keep on bothering him, he’ll try and give them a warning, aka something like a correction essentially, he’ll tell them very clearly to back off but if they lunge for him or try to go for him at all, then he will NOT hold back, he’s not going to let himself be pushed around or killed just because some dog is butthurt about him being bigger than they are.
| Side Facts: Likewise, his scars have come from SEVERAL fights, some even from his own pack which… His father didn’t take a liking to at all and especially not his mother… His father was the alpha and despite being a male in this situation he actually stepped in quite a lot, however his father was a bit more…
Let’s just say a little more forgiving, his mother was an absolute SPITFIRE, she ruled with an iron fist and she didn’t tolerate ANY bullshit, she’d never hurt any of her pack members nor babies especially but there was no tolerance for certain things and in her pack you HAD to obey the rules whether you liked them or not.
She was MUCH more harsh than his father was with corrections, heh- Tyrone remembers as a pup oh he can’t even COUNT how many times he heard his mom growling, snarling and of course can't count how many times he’s seen her bare her teeth even, she was a no nonsense kind of woman, even toward the puppies she ruled with an iron fist, they were taught along with Tyrone from a very young age how important the rules were and how important energy and certain cues from other dogs were.
Tyrone is very embarrassed however bc the stories his mom always tells were how as a young pup, he was the aggressive little spitfire who didn’t care how big his opponent was, he’d challenge them, try to dominate, and conquer essentially- Nothing was thought through then, in his adolescent years he was always SO damn serious! No play, no nothing! He even growled at the pups trying to play with him! Some little tiny marks that are barely able to be seen came from his mom and dad but, in dog society it’s kinda natural, I mean to be fair, dogs when correcting aren’t like humans, they only have their mouths so when a dog’s correction your BOUND to see a mark here and there.
He does thank his mama for setting him straight though that’s for sure… He sounded like such a handful and even though he has the second highest stature to his father, even he was not safe from the corrections lmao, his mother is actually first in command, father is in second co-command essentially and finally Tyrone is in third- all three of them are p much high ranking, of course since his parents are still living THEY are the alphas but he IS a Beta, the other brothers and sisters being mostly betas and omegas (there are a couple of his brothers n sisters who are also alphas but they are in fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh place- if i ever name his pack I’ll make sure to clarify who is which ranking)
Overall, Tyrone really loves his family, he’d do anything to protect them even if he wanders a lot and doesn’t stay with them the entire time, he does try and visit as often as he can, he knows eventually he’ll track wherever their roaming as well, usually packs stick together but… Given Tyrone’s status and the fact he’s got the birthmark and is high stature his parents are more so lenient with him, they do still worry bout him ofc but still, he was never the type to just sit still, while his other brothers n sisters don’t really care bout leaving the pack he’s ALWAYS been a wandering spirit, so… They’ll let him be free, they’ll still love him nonetheless in the end.
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Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Review
By Nico Beland
Movie Review: *** out of 4
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The world’s fastest hedgehog hits the big screen in Sonic the Hedgehog
The blue blur (or Blue Devil as the movie calls him) makes his big screen debut in Sonic the Hedgehog, based on the beloved Sega video game franchise of the same name. Believe it or not out of all the video game franchises, my favorite is and always will be Sonic the Hedgehog and have been a proud supporter of the hedgehog since childhood.             
Granted, it wasn’t until after Sega became a third-party developer for consoles like PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo when I became a fan of the blue hedgehog, but ever since I got my hands on the Nintendo GameCube port of Sonic Adventure 2 as a kid, my Sonic fandom was pretty much instant. I’ve played many of the video games both old and new, watched all the cartoons, read the comic books published by Archie Comics at the time, and I owned several action figures, plushies, and other Sonic merchandise throughout my childhood…in fact I still have most of those even to this day.             
I’ve been clamoring for a Sonic the Hedgehog theatrical movie for years despite video game film adaptations usually being critical and/or box-office poison. But given the popularity of Sonic especially during the 90s when he was rivaling Nintendo’s Mario franchise who already had a theatrical film released in 1993, I’d assume one would have been made back then or at the very least in the early-late 2000s when Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and Sonic Heroes as well as the hit Saturday morning anime series, Sonic X were released, I was so eager for a Sonic movie that a couple of friends and I got together and made movies of our own when we were kids (They sucked BTW!).             
After years of waiting and Sonic making a few big screen appearances prior in Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph movies and Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One, the beloved hedgehog finally gets a movie of his own which leads us to today. The film is directed by newcomer Jeff Fowler in his directorial debut, produced by Neal H. Moritz (Fast & Furious franchise, XXX, 21/22 Jump Street), and executive produced by Tim Miller (Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate) and is a live-action/animated hybrid (Yep, just like Alvin and the Chipmunks and The Smurfs), which had me very worried when it was announced back in 2014 and was even more worried and disgusted when the first trailer came out last year which had an absolutely atrocious design for Sonic, fortunately they fixed it.
So, how does Sonic’s first movie hold up? Honestly, while I can’t call it the Sonic movie I wanted as a child, I had a fun time with it. It isn’t a perfect representation of its source material and the plot is pretty generic, but the charm of the film’s leads, humor, and subtle references to the games that inspired it are enough for me to overlook that flaw.             
The film follows Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz-Parks and Recreation, The Other Guys, The Walk), blue anthropomorphic talking hedgehog from another dimension with extraordinary speed who travels to Earth to escape from those who want to capture him and harness his power. However, when he accidentally causes a power outage while hiding out in the town of Green Hills (Get it?), Sonic is targeted by the government and the tyrannical mad scientist, Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey-Ace Ventura 1 and 2, The Mask, The Truman Show) who plots to use Sonic’s power for world domination.             
This forces Sonic to team up with Green Hills sheriff, Tom Wachowski (James Marsden-X-Men franchise, Enchanted, Westworld) who agrees to help Sonic on his adventure to find his missing bag of magical rings that have the power to get him home. Of course, while getting into all sorts of trouble along the way.             The film also stars Tika Sumpter (Ride Along 1 and 2, Get On Up, Southside with You) as Tom’s wife Maddie, Adam Pally (Happy Endings, The Mindy Project, Iron Man 3) as Wade Whipple, and Neal McDonough (Star Trek: First Contact, Band of Brothers, Justified) as Major Bennington.             
Overall, Sonic the Hedgehog probably isn’t the movie longtime fans wanted, but it still manages to be an entertaining and fun adaptation in its own right. It’s easily one of the best films based on a video game alongside Pokémon: Detective Pikachu and The Angry Birds Movie 2 and shows that we’ve come a long way since the dark days of Uwe Boll’s directing career.
As mentioned before, the plot is nothing special and rehashed from other kids’ movies however what sets this apart from things like The Smurfs or Masters of the Universe is that Sonic and Tom do have a strong chemistry together. It’s amusing to see them interact with each other on their road trip, cracking jokes, getting into trouble, and over the course of the film they learn more about one another thus making you care more for them over ANY Smurf or Chipmunk. 
While there are a few jokes that don’t quite stick the landing, the humor for the most part not only made me laugh but there were moments in this movie where I laughed hard. Whether the film was poking fun at the entire Sonicfranchise, a particular running sequence that’s obviously a reference to the Quicksilver scenes from the X-Men movies, or Sonic breaking the fourth wall similar to Deadpool, I was laughing while also admiring how clever some of these jokes are, and let’s not forget Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik, but we’ll get to him momentarily.
The redesigned Sonic is a lot better than what we could have gotten, he doesn’t have those ugly small eyes, questionable muscular arms and legs, or the terrifying human teeth anymore. Now, his appearance is more faithful to the source material recreating the hedgehog’s cartoony nature but is different enough to stand out from the rest of the character’s previous designs and be its own unique creation, this is a really good design for Sonic and had the filmmakers went with their original version, this movie would have crashed and burned even harder than Sonic ’06.
Besides Sonic being more appealing to look at now, he’s also just as entertaining to listen to, Ben Schwartz while he’s far from being a replacement for Roger Craig Smith, Ryan Drummond, Jason Griffith, or even Jaleel White, does a solid job providing Sonic’s voice and captures the cocky, arrogant, but good-natured attitude Sonic is known for having. He actually almost sounds like Ryan Drummond’s Sonic voice without sounding like a cheap impersonation.             Moving on to Sonic’s new friend that doesn’t have two tails, James Marsden as Tom, his performance is decent even though he doesn’t quite make as big an impression as Ben Schwartz’ Sonic and especially Jim Carrey’s Dr. Robotnik. With that said, he gets some funny lines once in a while and as mentioned before has good chemistry with Sonic, so yeah, believe it or not James Marsden was partnered up with another CG animated character and this time came out with his dignity unlike his performance in Hop.             
Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik owns every scene that he’s in, he’s no Mike Pollock and is a radically different Robotnik than from the games, but Carrey’s energetic and wildly animated personality shines through and gives a million percent whenever the crazy evil genius is on-screen. He’s certainly a lot better than Dennis Hopper as Koopa from the Super Mario Bros. movie.
Hopefully, this movie will be a hit during its theatrical run because I’d love to see a sequel especially if it introduced other Sonic characters like Tails, Knuckles, or even Shadow. Don’t make this like the recent Power Rangers movie, I need my big screen version of those characters!
Whether a fan, newcomer, or just looking for something fun to take the kids to, Sonic the Hedgehog should make everyone happy. It’s not perfect but it has enough action, wit, and charm to make it worth checking out. You’ll be “Up, Over, and Gone” before you know it.
For more movie reviews please visit: https://moviewatchinpsychopath.blogspot.com
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atomicpanda · 6 years
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby
I feel lied to. 
There’s this show called  Uma Musume: Pretty Derby. It’s a new anime from this season. When I first looked it up on Crunchyroll I read the reviews. Most were not favorable. But more than that, several painted the show as a really unpleasant, sexist nightmare. 
Examples from several reviews:
...This show treats horse girls not as people, but as literal horses with just as much respect towards their personal space and how it treats them. The show is stupid, misogynistic, and needs to leave.
...I was so uncomfortable watching the first episode, being shown this visual treat of a vibrant and well-presented world that was just a sparkling happy veil over what is in concept a horrible world where the girls are trained... not taught... trained.
...this anime is trying to ride the 'girls doing stuff' wave by making the animation and visual presentation positively gorgeous while they almost literally treat their main cast like show animals.
...this anime actually has teen girls being called horses and being treated like horses (if I had a tail and ears on the top of my head I still would not be a horse).
So, yeah, I was like ‘No thank you! Screw this show!’ It was solidly on my list of never to watch based on the reviews I read. 
But, last night I was bored and I was like ‘Let’s just see how bad this is.’ I was prepared to HATE this show. But it turns out the reviewers were so completely off base that I can’t even believe they watched the same show I did. 
First of all, the only way the girls are ‘treated like horses’ is that they’re anthropomorphized versions of famous Japanese race horses and they race each other on what is essentially a horse track. That’s basically it. It’s silly, I know. I’m not defending the setup. But, honestly, if you take away the ears, tails, and horse tracks this could just be about a girls’ school with an emphasis on track. They’re not forced to race. They want to. It’s why they chose to go to the show’s academy. 
As for personal space, I watched seven episodes and one guy, basically a coach, touched a horse girl’s legs three times. Each time he got his face caved in for it. It’s made quite clear that this touching is not acceptable in this show’s world. Also, while it doesn’t make it any more acceptable, the touching was never done in a lecherous way. It was more just checking her racing potential. Again, still not acceptable. And the show makes it clear that it’s not acceptable. 
As for the girls being ‘trained’. There’s nothing, at all, in this show that shows anything more than you’d see in a track and field anime. The reviewers make it sound like they’re being whipped and forced to run or something. Most of the ‘training’ is basically, “You love to run. Just go out and have fun!” I can’t remember a single scene where any horse girl was forced to train. 
Also, it’s not like the girls are forced into races. It’s clear that the coach enters the girls with their approval, and in many cases the girls ask to be in specific races. 
Honestly, the closest thing to objectionable I found was that the coaches apparently pick out the girls’ running outfits (and the outfits are ridiculous, btw), and that the winning girls, for some reason, give an idol performance after each race?? That’s just a whole lot of what right there. Again though, this is something the girls want to do. Not something they’re forced to do. 
Some other nice things I noticed, this show has virtually zero sexual fanservice. They go to the beach, this is what they wear. 
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Other shows would have them jiggling around in bikinis. 
There’s an episode where they go to a bath house. The coach is like, “Ok, you all hit the baths.” The next scene is them going “Oh that bath was nice.” Zero shots of them actually in the bath. Is this even anime at this point? 
This is a running anime so I’m sure there’s tons of bouncing boob shots, right? No, actually. Their outfits are all completely ridiculous but at least they clearly have sports bras. 
Hell, there’s even a part where one girl is trying to lose weight and everybody’s like ‘If you’re hungry you should eat.’ and ‘It’s not good to starve yourself.’ and even the coach is like ‘Putting on some weight is not a bad thing.’ 
Look, long story a bit shorter, I have little patience for shows where girls are treated like crap. So, I went in to this anime thinking I’d hate it. And... I don’t. It’s actually surprisingly positive in a lot of ways.
That all said, I’m not sure that I like it enough to keep watching. I mean, it’s fun, and it has some funny bits, but I dunno. Mainly, I just wanted to say this show got a bad rap from some reviewers and I feel bad for having believed them. So, I just wanted to set the record straight a bit. 
Edit to add another nice thing: It also seems the spectators aren’t there to gamble. They’re honestly just there to watch the girls compete. 
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mcrmadness · 6 years
Rant about how I can’t draw anymore... it shouldn’t have got this long but as it did anyway, I’m gonna put a read more link there eh...
Asdfdeghawbfk I’ve been reading some webcomics on Tumblr and the more I see the pics the more I want to draw too! I just don’t know what to draw. I lost my inspiration years ago. I guess I just became this boring adult or something. Not really as I’m still very child-like by my mind but I think all my energy and imagination is rented by my mental illness as it loves to make up weird scenarios and false alarms 24/7 so there’s none left for my own use...
So far only things I can came up with is drawings related to my mental stuff and it makes me angry because it’s just lots of text along with badly drawn pictures of nothing interesting. I already write way too much of my nonsense no one is interested in and it’s spreading to my art too.
It’s sad because drawing had been my hobby since I could handle a pen. I guess it ended few years ago when I used to do lots of portraits. Just fanart basically but those were never good enough. For me as I’m a huge perfectionist. I was good at the mechanics but not so good at making them look original. I think the major breakdown was when my friend told me that she doesn’t understand people who draw portraits because it’s just basically a copy of a photo and is lacking the soul or story of the drawing itself. She got the point and I was and still am not angry at her, but it made me realize that they were just not-even-perfect copies of photos.
I also was bullied at school and made feel like I was worth nothing and everyone just hated (on) me and I felt pretty shit and I was lonely as hell (I had no friends at school for almst 2 years in straight), I drew a lot and that was my way of getting the attention and approval I couldn’t get. And it was never enough. I did not draw because it was fun but because I wanted it finished, uploaded to Deviantart and to see if I could get comments and I was ALWAYS disappointed and felt like the world is against me and it’s my destiny that no one will ever see me no matter what I do. I was grateful for everyone leaving a like or comment but it was not enough... so maybe they lacked the soul because y only intention with them was to get attention. So I slowly stopped drawing.
I also can’t draw anything just like that. I’m terrible and it also made me even more depressed and angry because everytime I tried drawing something that was no copying, they turned out 57825792 times worse. And I just felt like I actually couldn’t even draw shit so I was just lying to myself, I was pretending to be good at drawing when in reality I sucked so bad and just was faking for myself because I knew how to mechanically draw, but not how to draw with just my mind as the reference pic. I don’t know if they looked so horrible for everyone or just for me, but it made me so damn angry. And I’m not an angry person but when I tried to draw it just made me so stressed out and I wanted to break everything and throw stuff out of the window so I stopped.
AND YET I still feel the urge to draw but I don’t know WHAT to draw. Okay since the first Deadpool movie I’ve been wanting to draw this once scene from it but I’ve never started because it’s too much work to go and find that scene on the bluray and actually get that paused so you can see the lines well enough. So I’ve been thinking about that scene for over 2 years and have done nothing. Also it would just be one stupid-ass piece of fanart portrait which lack the soul and it’d be just for me to do something DP related for couple of hours as that’s probably only way to do something lasting that long. Unless I watch the movie or play the game 24/7 but... maybe not :DD (Also still can’t beat the last boss in the game because they really did not think about players using keyboard so it’s pissing me off too. I really want to know how the damn game ends!)
I also love comics and I started drawing comics when I was 9-10 years old. Or first I started with just series of pictures. Acually have to tell this one here: always the same story tho about a dino riding another dino like a horse in a competition, and then falling over this water hurdle that was deeper than swim pools what the fuck - and it ended with him watching the competition from tv with his family and he was in a wheel chair with an overall plaster cats what was wrong with me??? But I also did draw on coloring books, once I draw with a red crayon on some sort of swan, I drew wounds and blood everywhere and kept telling a story of how lion had attacked it and my aunt was there listening to me horrified :DDD I also remember how I once drew a cat family that apparently turned out to be so dangerous they had chains and all and eventually I ended up drawing lines over the whole paper because they were also behind a ighly securited fence. Okay, I know this sounds pretty creepy, but actually I’ve always liked animals over people so I have no clue why I drew things like these when in the end I could never hurt animals. Maybe Jurassic Park and other movies, as well as documents about animals, had something to do with this? Who knows...
(I also have traumas for the movie “Homeward Bound”, the scene where the cat’s in the basket in the middle of the river and the dog is trying to rescue it. I was very young at the time when my mom caught me in front of that movie crying like a... baby? because of that cat. I haven’t been able to watch that film ever again. So that probably tells you how much I love animals and especially cats as I’ve always lived with cats and we had three when I was born. But I did adopt this to my plays as a kid, I loved so much to play when someone or even better if it was a GROUP OF KIDS that were in a huge danger and they needed to be rescued. I did this with every single play I played back then. Still love it when x rescues y but nowadays more like on an emotional level as I was always alone against the people hating me and I could only dream about someone standing for me.)
BUT TO THE COMICS. At first they were just stream of consciousness without any plot, I created new characters all the time and never finished their stories as they had no plot ever. Also loved drawing “biographies”, usually it was some female anthropomorphic animal or insect that used clothes and had hair because I loved drawing different styles, make up and hair/hairdos to them. And often it started with couple of panels telling about her story from the beginning, then jumped to some age and next thing was panel per age at the same time telling about her in tht age. The idea was just to draw lots or hair and clothes, and then it ended with some age I considered “adult enough” and then their teenage/adult life started with boyfriends and stuff. Usually it was pretty much an ugly duckling kind of story where they were different and maybe bullied because of something (this one bunny had floppy ears so they did everything to get them pointy because she was bullied I guess? At least she hated her ears. Btw this was my first real comic ever!). But you can see why I still love playin The Sims games! :D
After these endless stories about nothing particular I came up with the idea of actually writing a plot and then drawing. Ended up with plenty of short comics that actually had a plot and some idea in them. The characters did change tho and I probably had couple of stories of each different characters. They were also always animals but no more antropomorphic but just animals that had speech bubbles.
My last comics ever (so far) have been two originals and one that I drew as a fanart. The two originals were called Micro - The Insane Murdered, and Little Emo Bird.
Micro was this dino-like creature, yet another anthropomorphic character because I did not know how to draw people without copying anyone’s style and I just never came up with humans as characters. So the header tells it, Micro is a murderer. This one I actually liked a lot! I was 15-17 when I drew him, but it was also much gore as, well, he’s a murderer. Or just a killer as he’s pretty much insane and doesn’t plan but just acts out of blue. I think I drew 3 different short stories for him and I had the last one written down. It was pretty interesting as I didn’t draw him for a while and when I remembered those plans and came back, I had had my identity crisis and EVERYTHING had changed. Original plan was to get him a girlfriend - after he was caught for his crimes and snet to prison,m he later was sent to an asylum for prisoners. This story should have taken place in there, introducing fellow inmates and Micro just felt like he was not in the right place as he was not ill. And then he would have met this girl and they’d have fallen in love and so on. But when I later checked that out I was so... confused :D Like, this is not me? This is what I hate now? Romance, ew, heteronormativity, ew, JUST THE CLICHÉS, BIG EW. So I just wrote these this very deep wall of text about his personality but it never turned into a comic. But I remember how proud I was about it as Micro was meant to be partly me but also something I could never be and never will be and what not, just some pretty cheesy blabber that felt good back then but right now would feel just as stupid as the first plan :D
The second one, Little Emo Bird, was an interesting one as well. I created it as a joke because I was a huge My Chemical Romance fan and there was this never-ending debate over if they’re emo or not (and as a fan I believed them so they were not emo) and created LEB. It was this bird and you usually saw just his head and occassionally wings too and he was very stereotypical emo with black hair and he was very suicidal and angry 24/7. Also others called him gay when he insisted that he was not. But actually I always imagined him with a girl emo bird instead of another boy bird but it was just the another stereotype that emoboys are gays. So it was not meant to be mean but just fun. I also liked him very much because he talked with me - the drawer/writer. Like he knew he can’t kill himself because I won’t let him and it pissed him off very. much. And he hated how the panels he was in had frames looking like scars. Oh my bad, the panels were not scars but the arrows pointing the next panel :D I’m not sure if he was actually suicidal but at least he acted like one because he was desperate for attention and tried to get attention to show no one gives a fuck about him and the would get angry for stupid reasons. So basically just a very moody teenager. 
I have all these on my DeviantArt if someone’s interested, but I want to link here one of the... memes? What the shit these DA fill-this-thing were actually called memes? I wonder if they still are o.O Anyway, I want to link this one because I think it’s still the best one and I really like the outcome here :D
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Here’s also the link to my dA as this empty meme was done by someone else and I wanna give credits. Oops, apparently it’s a deactivated account so nevermind, but here’s the link anyway.
The latter and so far the latest comic was about Die Ärzte, or more about the slash pairing (still my OTP) and I drew couple of comics about them, as well did write fanfiction too. These comics were my first to have human characters as I was tired of drawing everyone always in the form of animals (horses usually) just because I didn’t know how to draw people, and many people found their animal forms really disturbing to view so I changed to people.
After those I just haven’t drawn anything really. Comics would be nice, once I actually thought it would be interesting as a career but then again, I can’t work under pressure and I couldn’t live from art because you never know when the artblock hits you. Right now it’s been on for couple of years and basically only way to create something atm is to play The Sims 3 and write my TS3 blog. At least it’s something, pics with text so... I still would love to draw but I just have NO IDEA of any concept or anything.
Also just want to say here that after thinking about my Micro and LEB it’s weird how there’s certain things that actually are just the things that made me start liking Deadpool. (I’d have written ‘fall in love’ but as much as he is a fictional character, he’s still a human being and I don’t/can’t love humans...) It just shows that I’ve always like that kind of things with comics but didn’t know they existed outside of my comics until I found out about DP. Have to admit tho, that I haven’t read any DP comics... But I have an excuse: I don’t know if there’s a way to get those in Finland. ANYWAY, I just feel like someone would think these were affected by DP but actually they were not. Micro and LEB both were created in 2008 and I did not find out about Deadpool until in... 2013-2014 I think? And even then it was just occassional browsing in the internet before the movie trailers came out and that’s when I really got interested and started reading about him a lot and bought the game and here I am now. Acually not sure if it was in 2013 when we were just rewatching the X-Men movies and a friend of mine probably mentioned Deadpool at some point and told some things about him that got my attention. But really I got interested bit later anyway.
I really feel like I should do some sort of comparison between me drawing from photos vs. me drawing from my head to show how huge the difference is. And this annoys me a lot because I feel like I’ve been using these photos to LEARN to draw better but it just feels like my skills are at the maximum no matter how much I’d practice, and I’m not happy with the result as I feel like I should learn even more but how do you learn if your skill is stuck??? People always say that you just need to draw every day and a lot and they don’t understand that’s what I did and never could cross a certain point. I probably was also very jealous at my siblings because they were 5732850 times better than me who had been drawing longer than them (as I’m 3½ years older), just seeing them to improve made me so angry because I did not seem to improve at all. With copy drawings I did tho! But not with the ones I wanted to.
Now, I also know that lots of artists use lots of reference photos and that’s actually great and made me feel better as I always assumed everyone is naturally that awesome and I can’t even learn more; so it made me feel better because I also have permission? I’m not fake for using photos? But I’m just this... all or nothing so I very easily feel like I’ve betrayed myself if I don’t draw all by myself and then I need to point out that hey I’m not this good in reality I used a photo heh don’t think I’m a naturally gifted as I’M NOT asddd. So yeah, my need to constantly explain myself is on the way with this one too :))) But I don’t think this would be so bad anymore if I now started drawing again, but the biggest problem still is, that I still have that artblock and I haven’t had inspirations in years. Apart from that DP fanart idea which I don’t know if I should carry out or not... sigh.
...I want teh comics!!! I once even wanted to start this webcomic diary because I used to read lots of them but even that idea was dead from the beginning because my life is so boring there’s nothing to draw about. I also have drawn couple of comics of our cats but again it’s the thing I can’t (or I make myself believe that I can’t...) draw the way it’d look nice and appealing, now they’re just black and white mess.
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