#. ooc . vic stop talking
whctewidow · 9 months
*pokes head around corner*
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psychosith · 11 months
cal kestis x reader
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summary: despite being close for years, you and cal go your separate ways after a particularly harsh argument. cal doesn’t see or hear of you for a long time, but stumbles across an old jacket of yours that reveals something to him
warnings: angsttttt, yelling/arguing, injuries, death, perhaps ooc!mean cal
a/n: i’m so sorry to the reqs sitting in my drafts ive had no motivation😭 specifically to the person who requested modern!anakin @ a halloween party it’s a little late for that now i feel like…. but anyways y’all might not know this but i’m obsessed w our boy cal and UGH. this prompt from @fallen-vic just struck me right and i had to get writing right away
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the last four months had been a blur.
one second you were stripping an old star destroyer on bracca with cal, and the next he was fighting an imperial inquisitor while you cowered away in the corner. then you had boarded a ship with a lanky woman and abrasive latero. they had taken you to a planet hidden from the empire, a place where you thought you and cal could live safely. you couldn’t have been more wrong.
cal returned from the temple on bogano that first day talking about restoring the jedi order and a holocron? from there, it was all downhill. back and forth between kashyyyk, zeffo, and dathomir, all the while cal was forced to face strong enemies that left him on the brink of death every day. and you were tasked with patching him up at the end of every mission.
too many times have you entered his rooms while he was preparing to leave again and begged him to stay. it was always the same answer- i’ll be back before you know it. he couldn’t know, though, the feelings you harbored for him. he couldn’t understand how it pained you physically to watch him leave and come back beaten and bruised. but you stayed, because you loved him, and because you believed he wanted you with him.
it was all too much for you today. it seemed insane; they were planning to infiltrate the fortress inquisitorius and retrieve the holocron. you had stopped on a small planet to stock up on supplies before the big mission, and you were in your usual position: pleading with cal.
“cal, please,” you begged, tears welling up in your eyes. “this is just- it’s too dangerous cal! i mean, an imperial fort, for fucks sake! cal, if you didn’t come back from this… i don’t know-“
he cut you off with a reassuring hand on your arm. “y/n, i’ll be alright. i’ll have cere with me, and i’m stronger than ever. trust me.”
“you say that every time, you know. and every time, without fail, you come back closer to death than i’ve ever seen you. cal, we’ve found you passed out in the mud on kashyyyk. we’ve found you slumped against a generator on zeffo with a blaster wound in your stomach. no one will be there to find you if things go wrong this time, cal.” you say numbly, vaguely aware that there’s nothing you can say to make him stay.
“you’re being dramatic.” he says plainly. “you have no reason to be worried. i always come back, y/n. this time will be no different. you need to calm down.”
you groan in frustration, at his naïveté. “no, cal! you don’t understand… how much it hurts to watch you go. and who knows where you would be without me to put your pieces back together.”
you hear him scoff and look down at your hands as tears finally fall down your cheeks. you can tell he’s stressed by the tension in his shoulders.
“without you? y/n, i don’t need you to do this.” his words hurt, but you try to tell yourself the mission is getting to his head, that he doesn’t mean what he’s saying.
“y/n,” he says, waving a hand in front of your face, “did you hear me? i. don’t. need. you. if you’re so worried about me, maybe you should just leave. then i wouldn’t be bothering you so much.” he stood up angrily and marched off.
was he being honest? did he really want you to leave? all these years you had told yourself that he needed you with him, but maybe you had been mistaken.
you didn’t give yourself time to think. cere and greez had both made it clear that your presence on the mantis was unnecessary, and now that cal had said the same you had to go. you only packed the bare essentials: a canister of water, a couple weeks of rations, and a thick jacket for cold nights. you left through the front entrance without a word to anyone. cal simply watched you go.
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a year later - cal's pov
there was no use in trying to hide it, it had been a hard year for cal. a year made much harder by your absence. he had tried to tell himself that you leaving was your decision, that it wasn't his fault. but as he played the argument over in his mind he found himself regretting everything he'd said. cal had been nervous, scared even, of the upcoming mission in the fortress. he'd let trilla and the empire get in his head, and it had cost him everything.
even after he'd retrieved the holocron - and ultimately destroyed it - he never searched for you. he didn't know why. the urge had struck him many times, but he never knew where to begin looking or what he would say to get you back.
it hurt even now, as cal lay in his bunk on the mantis weeping silently to himself. the mantis was empty, the engine humming softly as it flew through hyperspace. all the lights were out and cal's pillow was damp with tears. he hesitantly rose from his bed, staggering to the navigation panel in a sleep-deprived stupor. his cheeks are stained and his hair is tousled as he falls back into the pilot's chair, and he plugs the coordinates to a forgotten outer rim planet into the navigation system.
cal was exhausted, hungry, and mentally drained, but he managed to make it back to his bunk before he passed out.
. . .
something in the cockpit beeped quite loudly, waking cal from his sleep and alerting him that they were nearing their destination. the royal blue color of nez peron was pleasing to the eye, but brought back painful memories for cal. this was where they had made their last supply run before heading toward the fortress. this was the last place he saw the love of his life.
landing the mantis was the easy part; finding you, not so much. cal started in the sparse cities, scanning cantinas and shops, asking about a y/n l/n at every apartment complex and inn. he began to lose hope as he neared the edge of the latest city. just then he remembered you talking absentmindedly as he worked on his lightsaber, saying how it was your dream to live in the forest and live off the lands. it sounded crazy at the time, but now it made sense.
with a newfound passion, cal began searching the forests and plains for you. each dead end made him want to find you more and more, but there were no signs of life anywhere he looked.
one day, he was scanning the ground for any human tracks when a piece of fabric caught his eye. it was dusty, black, and oddly familiar. there were pieces of the same fabric just a little further up the trail he was following. up ahead, cal could just make out the shape of your thick winter coat on the ground.
his steps picked up into a light jog as he neared the jacket. as he examined it closer, he saw a dark stain had dried down on the stomach, and when he bent over to pick it up he was flooded with a powerful force echo.
you had misjudged how hard life in the wild would be. the coat you wore did almost nothing to keep you warm, the water you brought only lasted for a few days, and the rations you thought would last had gone bad within the month. you were cold and hungry, and had only a pairing knife to ward off any threats in the forest. this would be a crucial mistake.
it was a particularly cold day and you were resting against a tree when you heard the crunch of leaves and the distinct mechanical whirring of an electrostaff. raiders. well, just one this time. it was a difficult feat, but you managed to ward off the raider not without sustaining many injuries. you had garnered a deep wound in your thigh and a large gash in your shoulder, luckily most of your vital organs were intact.
you hardly had time to catch your breath before a large mammal had sprung up from a ditch and pinned you to the ground. you screamed and struggled for your knife. your wounds had impaired your fighting skills, and you didn’t last long before the predator had beaten you into the floor. it was so, so cold. you must have lost your jacket at some point. you supposed the animal had lost interest, as it wandered off back into the trees, leaving you in a pool of your own blood.
the sun set behind the trees and you were still laying there, unable to move, slowly succumbing to the cold embrace of death. you could form only one coherent thought in your adrenaline crazed mind, and thus it became your last word.
the memory was like a knife to the heart for cal. he was helpless as he watched you draw your last breath, only to utter his name before closing your eyes for the final time. it finally dawned on him.
you were dead.
cal fell to his knees beside your tattered coat, a broken cry escaping his lips. it was all his fault. if’s and should’ves ran circles around his mind, but he understood the depth of this. you were gone, stolen from this world far to soon. cal mourned. he sobbed into his hands for hours on end, cursing you for leaving, cursing cere and greez for letting you leave, and cursing himself for letting his love for you blind him. of course he needed you. he always would. but he couldn’t have you any more.
his mind was blurry as he frantically followed the path he was on, searching for your body. he tripped and stumbled down a leaf covered hill, where he saw you. you were exactly as you were in the force echo, but your cheeks were hollow and your skin was sickly green. you had been dead for a long time. cal ran to your body, crying your name. he hoisted you into his arms and wept into your dirty hair.
“i love you” he muttered softly, hoping that perhaps you could hear the words he was to cowardly to speak when you were alive.
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a/n 2: BYE the ending is so rushed. sorry.
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lunar-knight84 · 1 year
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Adult Kyle broflovski x reader summary : it's been years since you last seen kyle and going to your high school reunion may make it a bit awkward then normal
Warning/stuff inside: Fluff, OOC, small angst, a bit of touching without consent (yall he just takes you to dance without asking!and does some other romantic touches without asking ), suggestive flirting, not spell checked or proof read.
Kind of inspired by the song red dress by magic
Disclaimer: this is my first fanfic so please be kind I didn’t have any one to look at it or anything and I think the ending is kind of rush so if you have any tips feel free to share! Also I’m sorry if this is really bad I tired. I hope you enjoy
It's been years and finally it's the night you have been dreading ever since you left your high school to begin with. It's your 10 year highschool reunion and it's going to absolutely suck. You have been dreading the night since your friend victor chaos mentioned it a few nights ago. He was super excited to see his old friend Kenny again but you on the other hand were not so keen on seeing old friends especially the one and only kyle broflovski. He turned your life upside down when you actually started talking to him in junior year of high school. He not only stole your food but he most importantly stole your heart ... .which is why it hurt so terribly when broke up with you on the last day of senior year. You honestly didn't see it coming just like how you cant seem to find anything wearable to this event. ¨cmonnn Y/N we are gonna be so lateeee¨ say your friend Red who you called to come help you with what to wear ¨red give me a moment i think i found what to wear!!!¨ you say excitedly as you come out of your bathroom wearing a beautiful red dress which shows off your body just in the right way to make you look stunning. Red gasp and giggles excitedly as she pulls you in for a hug ¨you look beautiful!¨ you chuckle ̈thanks Red you look absolutely stunning as well! Are you ready to go?¨ you say kind of excited at the thought maybe actually having some fun with red at this event ¨yup!¨ she links arms with you as you both head out to the event. Once you arrive your high school still looks the same as you and red reminisce about all the memories you had here together as you walk into the gym. The gym is packed and you could see a few faces that you recognize as you start to believe that Kyle might not be here. Red waves at you and points to her cousin Craig letting you know she's gonna talk with him for a bit as you find yourself walking around the gym exploring it. Soon you bump into your old friend Victor chaos ¨hey vic!¨ you say as you hug him ¨hey Y/N It's awesome that you came! You look fantastic!!¨ he says in a cheery voice and his eyes soon spot someone else ¨oh look there kenny!¨ he says again in a cheery tone as he points to where kenny is and your about to go p to kenny but that when you see the familiar color of apple red hair that stops you in your tracks ¨what wrong Y/N-Oh i see¨ victor says as he notices kyle ¨well the Y/N you know where to find me if you want some NFTs or if you need something else! Victor says as he walks over to Kenny leaving you in somewhat of a conflicted state. You decide to get some punch to figure a way out of this event without seeming rude as you hear a voice call out ¨HEY YOU IN THE RED DRESS¨ which immediately catches your attention and causes you to spin around and be met with emerald eyes looking at you. You immediately feel heat rise to your cheek as you begin to remember all the memories you had with those precious green eyes as you mumble out ¨hello Kyle¨. Kyle smiles at you ¨hello Y/N…you look beautiful tonight…¨ he says with a charming tone as he continues to scan your body in that beautiful red dress. ¨thank you kyle..so um how have you been…¨ you say nervously as you hope a bit of small talk will get him to leave your side .¨ive been well N/N…what about you?¨ he says as he sips his drink still staring at you. Hearing the nickname he gave you tumble out of his lips makes more heat spill out onto your cheek as you smile nervously ¨i've been good kyle what about yourself?¨ you say as you hope this awkward conversion will end soon ¨i've been good as well N/N…had my mind on someone lately…¨ he said with a charming smile as he winked at you. You look at him with conflicted eyes as you not sure how to feel about his words as you bite your lip in thought but you suddenly feel him get closer to you ¨N/N what are you thinking about~¨ he whispers with a soft smile as if his words were innocent but you could tell by the mischievous glimpse in his eye that it could possibly be anything but innocent. You brush him off as you lean away from him ¨nothing of importance to you kyle… ¨
you say with a small smile unsure of how to proceed from here. Kyle chuckles as you take your hand and pulls you by your back closer to him to dance. This obviously catches you off guard as you're about to push him away as he softly says ¨i'm sorry Y/N…i'm sorry for hurting you…i didn't..¨ he says in a sorrowful tone as it seems he can't get the rest of his words out as he hangs his head a bit low . You're swaying with him now as you realize the whole break up must have been on Kyle's mind if he's apologizing for it now. You sigh as you're not sure whether to forgive this man in front of you or to leave his embrace and try to move onto the night. You stare up at him as you hug him gently ¨it's okay kyle..¨ you say gently unsure of how to comfort him. He immediately cups your cheeks making you look at his emerald eyes as he speaks ¨Y/N its not okay… I heard how badly you were taking the break up and I truly didn't know how it would affect you…I thought that it would be better to break up before we headed to college to prevent more feelings getting hurt…im sorry..forgive me please…¨ his emerald eyes look into your silently pleading for you to forgive him. You think for a moment as you tightly hug him and say ¨it's in the past kyle…i forgive you okay..¨ you cup his cheek as you smile softly as you both hug each other and sway a bit more enjoying this event together . It takes some time until you hear Kyle's voice in your ear as he says ¨you know.. N/N i think i gotta find a way to take this off..¨ He moves his hand lower down your back and grips gently at the fabric of your dress. This causes heat to spread to your cheek as you chuckle a bit but before you could respond he then say ¨i've got a lot of love for you N/N that i should've given you back then..and believe me it's only grown stronger seeing you in this beautiful red dress… …mind if i make it up to you and maybe take you out to dinner?...¨ He makes eye contact with you as he asks this and smiles a bit sheepishly hoping you'll say yes. You smile brightly at his offer and say ¨of course kyle…i would love to go to dinner with you..¨ You hug him again as you feel a warmness fill your heart. While kyle broflovski may sometimes turn your world upside down…it was always worth it…<3
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rosietrace · 10 months
Hello Rosie [evil] we need to interact more so ∅ for Walton with Max and Sam or Victoria with Keres >:)
Hi Mercie! I'm gonna do a separate post for Vic and Keres, since this post is gonna be longer if I do both in one go HSJSHDJS
Edit: I'm so sorry this took so long to post 💀
Oc thoughts: Walton Morrigan on Maxwell Murray and Samuel
Character Featured: Walton Morrigan
Mentioned: Maxwell Murray, Samuel
Warning(s): Walton /j, Samuel being a little shit, Trinity™, implied murder(?), Walton's room, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
[ Reblogs > Likes ]
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“Hmm….. My dorm leader intrigues me. I don't know much about Maxwell, but I wish to know more… It's funny, really. Uncharacteristically tall, with a unique magic that makes him almost invisible… He'd make a wonderful test subject.”
“Samuel. That troublesome little- Ugh…. They exasperate me, to no end. His childishness and annoying voice make my ears bleed, and sometimes, in the dead of night, I wonder what would happen if I…. Oh, hah. You didn't hear that.”
— Walton Morrigan
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ They don't talk to Walton. Or rather, Walton doesn't talk to them as much as he should.
➜ Walton's always busy with his machinery and computer work, and in general, pretty unapproachable. Not because no one wants to talk to him, but because Walton doesn't allow anyone closer to him. Simply put: He keeps everyone at arm's length.
➜ And Maxwell and Samuel aren't exceptions. Not in the slightest. Walton only goes to them when it concerns any conditions he needs to meet regarding his machinery, but that's about it.
➜ They've interacted with him, of course, but it's just unusually rare. Walton doesn't make it any better, his eerie — almost uncanny — sort of personality.
➜ Perhaps there's another reason Max doesn't approach Walton. The latter claims he works at a hospital on the side, after all…
➜ Walton's one of the few people who immediately notice Max is around. Quietness doesn't stop him from being as analytical as he is.
➜ Samuel's shenanigans frustrate him to no end. He has this almost murderous look in his eyes every time he talks to them. He gets progressively angrier when Samuel starts messing with him through his ‘childish’ pranks.
➜ Trinity seems to be the only one who can properly restrain Walton from throttling Samuel, then and there, at any given moment. Despite that, Walton's significantly taller than they were, and has gotten close to see the light leave Samuel's eyes…. Allegedly.
➜ When they do dorm room check-ins, Walton doesn't allow Max to check up on him in his room. And frankly, Max prefers it that way.
↳ There's just this…. Stench, to Walton's room. Max didn't wanna know what was the cause of it, and just left Walton's room be.
➜ Walton begrudgingly accepts the candy Samuel offers, even if — at times — there's probably some sort of concoction to them.
↳ If it can get Samuel away from him, then so be it.
「 Interactions 」
❐ Well- Walton was in Terrovania since before Max became the dorm head. It was no surprise that he met Max, and later met Samuel.
➜ Walton wants to do experiments on Maxwell. Weird, I know, but he really isn't trying to beat the ‘mad scientist/potential serial killer’ allegations. (Maybe the latter, but not so much for the former.)
➜ He recommends movies to Max from time to time. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Oddly enough, Walton would usually recommend children's movies.
➜ He legitimately believed Samuel was like…. 12, at most. Then again, he didn't care how old he was, Samuel was a continuous nuisance to him.
➜ Walton ‘Samuel-proofed’ the ceilings in Terrovania so he couldn't crawl on them anymore. But, alas, it was only a temporary little addition.
➜ They really can't point their finger at it, but…. There was just something off about Walton. He talks, acts, and thinks like a normal overly analytical genius would. But, something about him just… Doesn't feel right.
➜ Walton brings lollipops everywhere he goes, just to shove them in Samuel's mouth to get him to shut up.
➜ ‘Conversations’ between Max and Walton barely feel like conversations. Because of how quiet the two are, most would just assume they were having an unusually tense staring contest.
➜ Learning about Max's unnatural strength, only made Walton want to run experiments on him even more. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, he can't do that as long as Max is still Terrovania’s dorm head.
➜ Both Max and Samuel can agree that they don't want to go into Walton's room at all. The stench emitting from it was enough of a reason, but it seemed there were more reasons than they let on…
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teamphobia · 1 year
I couldn't stop thinking about what you said in the tags
Bane sees Vic
Bane: Safrina say that special hello to Vic in Merrtozian
Safrina unknowingly says a merrtozian curse to Vic
Yinny is laughing her ass off
Vic tries to tease at him by talking to Safrina again and she just says some horribly vulgar merrtozian gibberish LMFAOOOO)
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awn-moo · 1 year
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
Three in one here! Didn't feel like separating :)
((*Pushes Vic aside as he's about to say something* THIS ONE'S ALL MINE!
SEE NO EVIL: Anger. He's not a subtle being when it comes to anger, he gets mad. And not just verbally, physically. He doesn't admit it, nor likes to acknowledge it, but during his gym challenges he has nearly gotten physical with trainers. He especially gets aggressive when someone goads over him about winning. There were a lot of trainers in Kalos that definitely had an air about them he didn't like. (Mostly Flare grunts, as they were JUST starting to pop up). But I digress. He doesn't like to get angry, he doesn't want others to see him get angry, and he doesn't want to remember that he's gotten angry. I'd like to say that he's mellowed, but really? He's just gotten better at suppressing his anger, gotten less impulsive. He'll still be able to be pushed to the edge, but it won't be pretty.
SPEAK NO EVIL: Care of Pokemon. He deeply loves his pokemon, maybe even more than himself. If someone scoffs at him for any reason about how he's improperly treating his pokemon, he will chew them out. He will also advocate for Pokemon no matter what. He can't possibly fathom seeing them hurt. It's how he's gained a lot of Pokemon, from taking them in and caring for them. Hell, Dyre was his first pokemon, who he found injured and took in. He loves his mons, enough to even let a few go.
HEAR NO EVIL: "Shut Up", or "No-One Cares/Asked You". Those are the two(three?) big things that will make him stop dead in his tracks. Especially if it's someone he loves/cares for. He's had trouble with friends in Hoenn, his main one being Lux. If he tried to make friends, people would just use him, never actually caring for what he had to say. It makes him hesitant to reach out and meet new people. Sure, Curt was different, but sometimes you just meet people and it feels like you've known them forever. Anyway, as mentioned earlier he loves to talk, and gets carried away. Sometimes this has lead to being tuned out or just flat out telling him to stop. He'd prefer someone try to carefully slow him down, or let him know he's going many miles a minute, than being harsh.
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umbramortiis · 3 years
does my theme look okay for anyone? just wanna make sure i don’t have to change it up
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Father son day
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Teen dad!Billy Hargrove x Teen mom!hopper!Reader
Summary: Its your first day away from Vic just for a few hours rather than leaving him with your hopper this was a great opportunity for some father son time.
A/n: This is another part of the dad Billy fic set idk how many of these imma make. 
Warnings: teen parenting , fluff, Neil's terrible and abusive parenting, established relationship, strong language, Billy is slightly ooc, She/her pronouns, 
Word Count: 1330 
Stranger things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You handed Vic over to Billy the day being your first day really away from Vic since you've had him. you told max you would go shopping with her and El in  the new Starcourt mall. 
“Okay his milk is in the freezer I didn't remember if I had left bottles here or if you had any diapers.” you rambled,
It wasn't like you were worried Billy wouldn't know how to handle your guys baby he got that you were a bit anxious leaving victor for the first time. 
“Doll, doll its fine i have everything, me and Vic will be fine have a bit of father son time ” Billy says grabbing your waist and caressing your cheek pecking your lips trying to help you calm down a bit. you take a deep breath.
“I know, I know, sorry just be safe okay if you need to leave you have the car seat in your car and I'll be back by like 5 at the latest'' you say with a long sigh.
Before you knew it you and the 2 girls were out the door and that left Billy and baby Vic alone. Vic was out it being his typical nap time and he would probably be like that for a while, leaving Billy to do some homework the end of the school year coming up with finals. so he sits next to the swaddled baby asleep in the cradle and finishes his homework determined to not get below a C in the last science class he had to take.
 The baby stirred in the cradle next to his bed as he sat on it going threw the science book looking at the time remembering that you had given Vic a bottle a few hours ago realizing he was gonna have to get up and make the bottle, took another look at the squishy face in the cradle and hoping he wouldn't stir.  Billy gets up moving to the kitchen down the hall making a bottle he hears the front door open suspecting its Neil with Susan. Neil slamming the door while Billy is  making the bottle in the kitchen.
“Victors in the room sleeping '' Billy says while they walk through the house Billy knew they wouldn't be there for very long at 10 at most seemingly like they forgot something, Susan coming in behind Neil staying by the door.
“Where Maxine?” Susan ask.
“She's with y/n and her friend at the mall.” Billy says flatly. 
“Billy We told you we don't want that goddamn whore around Maxine she's a bad influence” Neil walked past Billy grabbing a bag from the closet 
“She's not a whore and can we not do this with my son in the other room” Billy says, making eye contact with his father. Neil moves forward but Susan puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Neil its fine can we just go” as Vic starts crying in the other room. while Susan worried about you rubbing off on Max, it didn't feel right having Neil digging in to Billy with a baby in the other room.
Billy finishes warming and testing the bottle on his hand and quickly walks to his room after cleaning things up quickly.  
“Its me and you today lil’ guy” Billy says, feeding the baby in his arms feeding the hungry baby. 
“Lets go Neil, you can talk to him later.” While she might not be able to stop the argument about the baby in Billy's arms but she could at least keep Neil from trying something while the baby was with him.  Neil continuously tried to accuse you of cheating and Vic not being Billy's baby despite after giving birth the baby looking a lot like Billy matching pretty eyes and lashes the same smile despite the baby not having teeth along with Billy's widow's peak. The baby was a perfect combo of the two of you. That day is a story within itself needless to say, Neil wasn't allowed to touch Billy with Vic in the house due to some aggressive threatening from the chief of police's daughter.
 The door closes and Billy lets out a sigh while the baby in his arms looks his dad with big eyes. 
“wide awake aren't ya” Billy says as the baby sucks on the bottle he's holding for Vic to finish.
 Billy uses his other hand to grab the cloth to sling over his shoulder to burp Vic once the bottle is finished.  
With Vicky burped and Billy sitting him on the floor with the blankets for a bit of tummy time Billy thought this would be a bit easier typically Vic was a playful  baby but his want for his momma was over riding his normal playfulness so this left Billy with a very unhappy Vic. Vic would not stop cry not matter what Billy tried he wasn't hungry he fed him not long ago and burped him so not uncomfortable stomach issues for baby Vicky. The idea suddenly coming to him, grabbing his wallet keys, Vic and the baby bag getting the baby in the car with the bag making sure Vic was in right before starting up the car. Driving much more carefully than he usually as he made his way down the roads of Hawkins the crying finally went down. 
“yeah a good drive calms me down too kid.” he says as he makes his way back home realizing Vic is asleep. After about ten minutes of struggling to not play  Billy finally gets Vic in the house. The baby asleep after the drive around town Billy got Vic back in the crib deciding to clean and finish his boring homework and the time. you and the girls coming home was coming up. Billy ended up having to wake Vic up to eat again in which Vic was mad but was willing to accept the warm milk as an apology. With feeding finished one more attempt with tummy time was made going much better with the baby giggles echoing through the room “see all you need was a little car ride huh” Billy said having a full blown convo with the baby seemingly about his science final and the adventures Billy and you use to go on Vic laying on his back looking at Billy, babbling loudly seemingly in response to some of the stuff coming out his dads mouth. when you got home Billy was playing with Vic's hands, Waved little fist clamped around his fingers around making little noise with his music playing in the back ground. the sound of the door could be hurd followed by shushed and whispering.
The footsteps got louder coming closer to Billy's room “there's my two boys!” you said decidedly Vicky giving you a gummy smile and laugh as he threw his hands around the fingers still yanking Billy's “ow what are you feeding this baby” he laughs as the happy baby waving the fingers around.
“How was today,” you said dropping the bag of stuff on Billy's bed taking out some of the stuff you bought. 
Billy looks at his son smiling, 
“We took a ride in the Camaro today” “How did that go you say.” sorting threw your own clothes vs stuff you bought for Vic that would have to be washed 
“Fell right asleep” Billy said. 
“That's good anything else happen,” 
“Neil came home earlier,” Billy said a bit lower in volume.
 You paused what you were doing,
“Not much happened but he’ll probably bring it up later” 
You frowned, 
Billy turned to you sitting on the bed “why are you sorry its not your fault Neil’s an ass”
“I just know that he hasn't been easier on you since I got pregnant.” you say sighing. “He cant do anything with Vic here so that's something, now why don't you show me what my girl spent so long at the mall getting.”
Billy changes the subject smirking.
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dad!Billy taglist:
Let me know if you would like to be added or taken off the taglist 
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
gentle hands ( can we slow dance? ) | s. tomura 
➳ tags ;; fluff, ooc shiggy probably but i do not care, role reversal 
➳ wc ;; 790
➳ a/n ;; no i dont simp for shiggy yes i am writing this and it is @/saintdabis fault. vic this is on u and u alone. 
➳ plot ;; shigaraki reflects on love when you offer a hand to hime 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
“Do you wanna slow dance?” 
He thinks your joking at first, bristling under the implication of your words. He blinks at first but you’re serious - like completely serious. You’ve got the most honest look on your face (maybe his least favorite thing about you) and you’ve got a hand stretched out to him. It’s a genuine question, he knows. 
Unable to hide his feelings, he frowns at you and you have the audacity to laugh. It’s gentle and unassuming - open to him. He stays in his seat, stiff. 
“What are you talking about,” 
You don’t acknowledge his tone or his agitation. You don’t even really seem all that bothered by it. His heart flutters but he doesn’t know how to tell you that so he simply huffs. 
“Why the hell do you wanna slow dance? There’s not any music,” 
You shake your head and flash your phone at him. There’s a love song on it, an old one from what he can tell. He knows it, you’ve played it before. For him, before but he ignores that details. He crosses his arms over his chest. 
“Why’re you listening to that?” 
You shrug. It’s nonchalant but a grin crosses your face. It’s a dead give-a-way that you’re teasing him. He finds you to be too much but he doesn’t know how to tell you. He doesn’t know how to deny you either. 
Overwhelming. You’re too much, Shigaraki feels this more than anything. You stand and stretch - feet padding on old wood floors and  you hold out your hand. You take your headphones out and the song plays from the speaker of your phone. 
He could just deny you. He could easily tell you to stop or leave him alone. He could do so many things but he doesn’t know how to. To deny any chance of love from you would be his greatest folly. 
He takes your hand, his gloved one in yours and stands in front of you. He’s stiff but you’re not expecting much else - and you’re beaming. Shigaraki briefly wonders what you were in a past life. Maybe, if he’d met you in another universe, you would also stand togehter like this. And maybe it’d be easier and less constricting to love you. 
There’s a world in which loving you in moderation is an option. But he doesn’t live there - he lives here. Here where he can’t help but want to slow dance with you even though it’s so overwhelming. And all this intimacy feels like it should come with consequences. Love has always proved to follow with cold.
A bitter and sore winter that nips at his fingers. Unforgiving grief whenever Shigaraki tries to love.
You’re beaming, smiling ear to ear and he’s most just trying to wipe the blush of his face. Love could never be a choice, he doesn’t think. If he had to guess - love is a would that never stops bleeding. It will take your senses and you will let it. It will make you slow-dance in an empty bedroom. 
“D’ya know how?” 
“Obviously not,”
You shake your head, a hand on his waist. You smile at him, warm and pleasant and pretty. Too much. 
“Just follow my lead, okay?” 
He wants to reply with something snarky about not having a choice but within seconds you’re moving. Your foot falls back and his goes forward, and suddenly your chest to chest. Two bodies moving in synchronicity -like how heavenly bodies move through space. He moves and then you move and it’s fluid. 
And once he’s gotten the hang of it, he realizes he has no place to look but your eyes. They’re full of something inexplicable and affection. His face drops into your shoulders - he’s too embarrassed to think straight.  
How does he tell you he likes it? He likes this feeling so much he feels like he’s going to fall to his knees. This part of him is so human, he flinches when he sees it. Your hand so easily in his. You’re light laugh and smile. The sun closing in until the room is painted in a soft blue. This love is so melancholy - it’s perfect and tragic all at once. If he could stay in just one place, it would be here. Slow dancing with you. 
The song plays for a few long minutes, and when it loops - once or twice or three times, he doesn’t say anything. He holds your waist close to his and he takes an inhale of your scent. Like soap and clean clothes and home. 
You asked him to slow dance, but really, he never stood a chance
. He simply moves with you like heavenly bodies must. One step at a time. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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ars0nist-slvt · 2 years
Hdjdjd you didn't like Vic at first? I want a context for this story please, poor kid, he is your friend, how he ended being your friend after that?! Omg that's so fun!
(ooc: don't worry, even if you stop answering on this account there is no problem, you don't owe us anything)
Nah nah, Victor was fun. We just had to y’know… toughen him up a little. 🥴
Vic only joined the gang by the grace of fucking god, ended up following us around like a stray kitten one day. Where ever we went, he found a way to mingle in with us. He never talked much, for the first few weeks he only ever spoke to Belch. Guess Henry and me were too intimidating lmaooo
Victor was lowkey a pussy though! So once he got more comfortable with us we had to teach him what it was really like to be part of the gang. We rock each other’s shit all the time, nothing new, and victor was no exception.
Think he only stuck around with us so he didn’t get bullied or some shit lol. I assure you we would’ve if he didn’t force his way into our group. Kind of glad he did though, he’s fun to mess with.
(OOC: thank youuu <3)
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whctewidow · 9 months
sigh i wish i had muse to come back, but i've lost it for anything marv.el NOW ANIME, I'll rp as go/jo any day
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1egacy · 2 years
-    mutually    exclusive    and    selective    roleplay    blog    so    i’ll    only    write    with    people    i    follow    and    who    follow    me    back.    
-    do    not    interact    with    me    if    you    write    n͟a͟t͟e͟    ͟j͟a͟c͟o͟b͟s͟*,    t͟a͟t͟e͟    ͟l͟a͟n͟g͟d͟o͟n͟*,    b͟i͟l͟l͟y͟    ͟h͟a͟r͟g͟r͟o͟v͟e͟*,    n͟i͟c͟k͟    ͟g͟o͟o͟d͟e͟*,    kai    parker,    kylo    ren,    white    washed    characters,    or    real    people.    don’t    follow    me    if    you’re    a    solo    13rw,    supernatural    or    glee    rp    blog.    (    **    these    characters    are    canonically    racist,    abusive    and/or    rapist.    it’s    one    thing    to    rp    villains    with    unrealistic    tropes    to    meet    end    goals    but    it’s    another    to    write    characters    whose    personalities,    beliefs    and    morals    are    genuinely    rooted    in    real    life    problematic    behaviors.    **    )
-        don’t    powerplay,    metagame,    godmod,    etc.    like    we’re    in    2022    lets    not    do    that    anymore.
-    pre-established    and    chemistry    based    dynamics    are    the    vibes    here    just    don’t    push    it    and    i’m    also?    not    shipping    with    any    minor    characters    g͟o͟    ͟a͟w͟a͟y͟    if    you    find    that    ok.
-    anyways    no    smut    is    gonna    be    on    this    blog!!
-    mains    and    exclusives    are    being    practiced    on    this    blog    but    i    realistically    need    to    be    extremely    comfortable    with    you    ooc    in    order    for    it    to    be    established.
url    as    character    name
carpenter2    as    tara    carpenter
weathrs    as    gale    weathers
sequelkilled    as    randy    meeks
-    ok    so    introduction    time!!    hi    my    name    is    vic,    22,    proud    latina    and    hispanic    social    worker    in    the    behavioral    health    field    which    can    occupy    my    time    but    i    can    also    be    found    at    lizzei,    graveg1rl    and    sl4shed.
-    i    do    explore    sam    suffering    from    psychosis    which    was    triggered    by    her    long    term    heavy    and    active    drug    use    as    a    teenager.    when    the    truth    was    revealed    regarding    her    biological    father    being    billy    loomis,    it    triggered    a    heavy    amount    of    trauma    which    started    the    hallucinations    during    her    teen    years    and    having    those    conversations.    sam    knows    they    are    hallucinations    and    that    she    is    talking    to    him    only    but    her    brain    won't    shut    them    off    until    she    acknowledges    it.    at    first    they    weren't    active    but    overtime,    especially    as    the    kills    started    approaching    again,    they    were    coming    more    and    more    apparent.    she    does    take    quetiapine    to    help    with    the    hallucinations    but    the    dosage    amount    had    stopped    working    as    time    progressed.    
-    sam    does    have    the    fear    of    turning    out    like    her    billy    because    of    the    visual    and    auditory    hallucinations    she    experiences;    billy    trying    to    convince    her    to    behave    the    same    way    he    did    but    sam    knows    she    is    not    him.    she,    at    the    end    of    the    day,    is    responsible    for    herself    and    her    actions.
-    moral    of    story    with    the    first    two    bullets    :    you    cannot    separate    her    mental    health    from    her    character    but    simutaneously    do    not    associate    condemn    mental    health    with    biological    psychotic    serial    killer    behavior    aka    don't    assume    sam    will    be    a    serial    killer    just    because    her    bio    dad    was.
-    ghostface    to    her    was    a    sick    joke    that    sam    didn't    take    seriously    until    tara.    she    felt    like    it    was    her    fault    for    not    being    there    and    it's    something    sam    struggles    forgiving    herself    for.
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ask-a-hopscotch · 4 years
ooc post bc twilight wings happened and it was amazing
i want to scream about all my favorite things so apologies in advance if this is a bit annoying agshdjdj (heads up for spoilers and cursing)
-i love opal i like that they included her theories (?) abt leon. we know in the game it’s said that she thinks he’s difficult to read and i rlly liked how that translated over
-i loved that john noticed leon wasn’t really smiling on tv like he noticed it was fake that was a nice touch
-i want to know what the letter says 😭 pls
-ty taxi man for stopping when john saw leon
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-leon literally get a compass, a gps, something so u don’t end up on a cliff in the middle of the wild area
-leon is a himbo confirmed
-leon oversleeps confirmed ahshjdhd
-“just call me leon” ahhhhh he’s so kind. love him stop it
-also leon, why r u taking a child who’s been in the hospital on a corviknight ride like bro that’s dangerous
-ummm the animation in twilight wings is amazing i’ll talk about it more but i just want to say how much i love it
-wait,,,,rose snapping when lee and john arrived on the corviknight did kinda scare me and idk why
-rose do be intimidating doe 😳 he has so much power it’s scary okay
-leon why did u grab john so aggressively chill bro we get it u wanna battle but he’s literally like eight years old just go battle raihan
-speaking of raihan, YOU SEXY MAN!! MARRY ME PLEASE
-the animation for the battle scene was so beautiful
-how is this battle so much more epic than the battle scene in journeys (don’t answer that i know, twilight wings had more creative freedom than journeys and allowed the artists to be more involved in the story)
-DRAGAPULT!!! i am a dragapult stan first, a human second
-bede u look pretty, u asshole
-marnie has a morpeko phone case
-y’all piers is totally watching the battle with marnie he’s just trying to look like he doesn’t care. he does✨
-leon’s so fucking pretty dude 🥺💕
-the animation is immaculate i so proud of every animator that’s worked on this series because they worked so hard and the end result beautifully captures that
-ummmmm gloria and victor have voices but no heads
-ppl on twitter were freaking out bc they exist in the same a universe??? idk why bc all the other protags exist in the same universe??? why wouldn’t vic and glo???
-theres prolly more that i’m missing OH THE SCORE IS AMAZING
-the orchestral sound really fit well with everything else
anyways i’m prolly missing something but i didn’t write this while watching it so this is the important stuff. i love twilight wings, i wish it wasn’t a mini series. i wish we had a full galar series bc it’s what we deserve. i love how big they made galar bc since the game is so linear it’s hard to grasp that it’s a big region. they rlly succeeded there and in most other aspects. i don’t think i have any complaints other than i wish it was longer. anyway that was me screaming, back to your regularly scheduled hop 😌✨
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deadmansgun · 4 years
Itsuki’s Day Out ||Drabble for a friend||
Everyone has bad days, I’ve def had plenty in my time like we’ve all had. 
I noticed my friend @yukikorogashi​ is having a bad day, despite our talks a few times in the tags and the few messages in between, I don’t feel I’m close enough to talk about issues and such yet. But I wanted to write this little drabble for ya in hopes of bringing some kind of positive outlet in your day/evening. I’m also tagging @matteredloyalty​ bc his Arthur is in this :3
I’m not sure when you’ll see this depending on tumblr but;
Beckowsky. I know we haven’t really spoke ooc much, but I hope you enjoy this piece of writing and it brings some kind of shine to your day/night.
PS: Please don’t mind my take on Arthur and Itsuki for this lil drabble, I def can’t be as on point as you two with your muses~ Its a quite long, but only bc I tried to make it as adorable and precious as possible. 
Please enjoy and I hope you have a better day tomorrow bc you deserve it!
It had been a typical day like any other. It was about the second week since they had moved here to Clemens Point, a truly beautiful location for camp that everyone seemed to enjoy very much. It was nice that a good spot for camp would make a big difference in the morale of everyone. Despite positive moodlet, there was still this stinging tension he could feel from Abigail, her glare burning an imprint on his mind. 
He didn't feel like an agruement right now, he wanted to keep the peace, and a verbal disagreement with Abigail would defiitely disturb it. Whenever John was like this, everyone left him alone, but Itsuki never let his mood ruin her from coming to see him, and he didn't ever take his anger out on her or anyone within camp, he tried not to anyway. As he sat there thinking about things, arms would hug him from behind making him look up
. "I found you John broooo~" 
She playfully speaks, her cheery personality bringing a small smile to his face.
"Lil Itty! how's it goin' sweetie." 
"Y’should come with me and Arthur bro, we're going out fer today." She suggests, full of energy like she always was.
"Ya don't need me t'come along t'have fun. You two can go ahead." His answer generates a small pout on her face, she could tell something was on John's mind. With a nod, Itsuki had made up her mind, she would bring John along no matter what, she knew that a day away from camp would help him.
"But ah want you to come too! An ah'm gonna make ya come along." Itsuki would then grab John's right hand with two of her hands and began to attempt to pull him up to his feet.
"Hey what're you doin'?" He asks with a light chuckle  She would continue to try pulling John up, and surprisingly, he would feel her manage to pull him up off the chair a little bit.
"Okay alright, I'm comin' I'm comin'." He says with a chuckle. he gently takes back his hand and holds them up playfully in defeat while Itsuki's eyes seemed to light up at his answer. Not long after, the sound of boots walking towards them as Arthur approached the two.
"There ya are Itsuki." Greeting her with a smile before he looks over at John, his smile fading. "Arthur bro! John bro is comin' with us!" She chimed, a bit more cheery with John's agreement on joining them.
Arthur looks at Itsuki then back to John. "We're just havin' a day out, not huntin' wolves." 
He says, looking directly at John as he said that, John just scoffing lightly, he expected some kind of comment from Arthur, their relationship was still a bit strained due to last year, but John had learned to ignore any insults that came his way.
"Huntin' wolves." He repeated. "Real funny Arthur."
"Ahhhhh I'm just jokin' relax." He says with dismissive wave of his hand, Arthur was still a little lacking in respect for John, and he knew John knew it. Despite that, they seemed to be able to get along for the most part. "Yay! Let's get goin' bro's!" She exclaims, already rushing to the horses out of excitement.
"C'mon then John, make sure ya keep up. Don't want ya endin' up wolf food again." One last jab at him before he goes to join Itsuki near the horses. John just nods a few times, every single joke aimed at him involving wolves, he'd heard it all so this kind of thing wasn't new, especially from Arthur. Brushing it off, John joined the two. John mounted Old Boy while Arthur mounted Vic. Itsuki didn't have her own horse yet, but they'd likely take care of that after the next job that paid well, so for now, Itsuki got on Vic behind Arthur. With that, they were on their way.
After they left the area around camp, John already felt better, he could understand now why Arthur enjoyed being outside of camp often. Peace and quiet but also free from any problems there, almost like an escape so they could come back with a clear head and be ready to work.
"So where we goin'" 
John asks Arthur as they ride alongside each other on their horses, Itsuki holding onto Arthur for the ride.
"Was thinking one of them hillsides around Grizzlies East. Why?" 
From Clemens Point, the ride to Grizzlies East would be quite a long ride, there had to be another place just as nice as the place they were going. "That's a pretty long trip, I know another place closer by, just as beautiful."
  Arthur narrows his eyes at first, he would let John take the lead, he just hoped John wouldn't get them lost. "And exactly where would that be?" 
"This hillside cliff area I found just past Flatneck Station, it's just across from The Heartlands." John replies, surprising Arthur a bit that he was able to remember a location.
"Alright then, just make sure you don't get us lost." "I know where I'm goin'." Was all he said in response.
The ride was peaceful, and since the location they were going was closer, the ride ended up being a bit shorter. the trio passed Flatneck Station and just the far left across from the center of the Heartlands was the Hill John had mentioned. The horses managed to manover their way up and once up top, the three were greeting with an amazing view of the landscape as well as the Dakota River, the sunlight reflecting and sparkling in the shine of the sun. Itsuki's eyes lit up at the view, it really was an amazing view.
"Okay, not bad Marston." Which was probably the best he'd get from Arthur as a compliment.
"Dis place is amazin' bro!" She looked on with wide eyes admiring the view. "It is ain't it? Looked pretty plain t'me at first, then I saw this view and it took my breath away." John comments.
"But I'll show ya the best part." John joined Itsuki at the cliff, Arthur watching on with a raised brow.
"Oh? An' what's dat bro?" She asks, a curious tilt of her head. John arched his hands together over his mouth to sound louder.
"This place echoooooesss!" John shouts, his voice repeating his sentence as his voice bounced from place to place before fading, this would prompt a little giggle from Itsuki.
"Why don't you give her a shout?" John insists, and Itsuki excitedly took her turn. Taking a deep breath, she prepared to speak up.
"Echoooooooooo!" She exclaims, her voice now bouncing from place to place before it faded. "You can really belt can'tcha? I bet everyone over in Rhodes heard ya hollarin'." A light laugh from the little girl as she turns her attention towards Arthur now. "Arthur broooooo, yer turn~" She cooes playfully.
"Ah dunno, this kinda thing ain't really me." Arthur replies with a shake of his head. "Ahhh c'mon brooo!" 
"Yeah c'mon Arthur." John added.
A sigh of defeat as he gave into to John and Itsuki's pleading, taking a few steps closer to the cliff, Arthur took a deep breath and shouted. "Uh.. "
He clears his throat.
His deep voice bounced from place to place, causing a large flock of birds to fly off in fear as his voice sounded out throughout the area before it faded, prompting a bunch of other animals to take off to. Itsuki laughed a bit looking at Arthur's face when he saw all the animals run away from his voice.
"Well, look at that." Arthur commented as he watched the animals run off.
“I think that sounded more like a lion..” John joked.
“Dat was a loud roar bro!” She adds, playfully going along with it
Their enjoyment of the cliff would become boring eventually, but John had a few idea's to keep this little outing fun. While Itsuki was distracted by the nearby flowers. John whispered to Arthur.
"Hey Arthur, remember that one time we were messin' around with our lasso's and ended up foolin' around with em all day?" He asked.
Arthur gives a few nods as he recalls it, one of the few memories they had together that was positive.
"Yeah I remember, what about it?" John points at Itsuki, it only took a minute for Arthur to catch on. "Itty c'mere for a minute. Arthur an I got somethin' t'show ya."
Hearing her name, she perked up and came up to her two bro's curious to what they were going to show her.
"Check this out." John widened the loop in his lasso and began swinging it around trick roping. He rotated the loop as he swung it around before beginning to do some tricks that went from swinging it around and guiding it around him before lowering it to the ground and stepping his foot inside and outside of the spinning loop quickly without getting tangled before finishing it off with John swinging the loop and jumping into the air passing through the loop. Itsuki watched his performance in awe, clapping and cheering for each trick that would be successful, John performance ended after he tossed the lasso letting it spin before stopping.
Next it was Arthur to do the trick that John always messed up on, the large looping tricks, Arthur always seemed to do better at them then he did. With a large loop, Arthur began by yanking the roping towards him, jumping each time it passed him through. Next, he swung the rope as the loop danced around him easily without getting caught or tangled on anything. Eventually, he would take John's lasso and his own, tie it up the make an extended loop, Arthur would take off his hat and hold it to his chest while still passing through the loop with a jump each time before ending it after jumping off a small rock and through the large loop of the lasso. Itsuki watched Arthurs performance amazed as what he was doing, she knew they were good with their lasso's, but this proved that they were much more skilled with them then she had thought.
She applauded
. "Oh mah gosh! dat was so amazin!'." Itsuki would run up to John and give him a hug to which he returned before running to Arthur to give him a long hug before looking back at the two.
"Thank ya so much fer showin' me all dat! It was really cool!" Itsuki had been overjoyed at the show they had just put on for her and only her. Itsuki didn't want to head back because she was having so much fun. After enjoying a meal by the campfire, the day had come to an end so John and Arthur began to tear down camp and get ready to head back.
Arthur began to put out the fire and get the horses ready while John went to find Itsuki, only to find her fast asleep looking up at the starlit sky. Carefully, John picked her up and carried her on his back bringing her back to the horses. 
 Arthur's expression softened a little seeing Itsuki sleeping peacefully.
"I guess she had a busy day huh?" John quietly commented.
"Yeah, even ah'm tired.."
"Well, we did mess around with them lasso's. Least it made her night though." John added. Arthur nods.
"Yeah, that's true." A brief pause before Arthur looked over at John. "Hey uh..John..thanks fer comin'. Made her day a whole lot more fun." Arthur never thanked John for anything, but when it came to Itsuki, he was glad to have someone else looking out for her other than himself, it gave him comfort knowing that whenever he was away from camp, that John would always be there to keep an eye on her.
"Glad I came, needed a nice day outta camp." Arthur mounts Vic and John gently places Itsuki on the horse behind him, she was really tired from today, evident by how she immediately nuzzled herself against Arthurs back as they began to ride off into the night headed back for camp.
“Oh and John..” 
‘If you tell anyone what you saw here tonight, yer gonna end up with knife scars ta add to yer collection.” Arthur made it very clear, his voice deep and low, tone completely serious.
“Uh....right got it.”
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nephelite · 4 years
Improvements for S4
Things that I need for S4 of Station 19:
More friendship scenes: A lot of the friendships were non-existent this season esp Vic and Travis and I’m so upset about that. I want friendships that are not about “friends with benefits”, “friends falling in love” or “friends fighting over the same job”. I feel like once the characters had a love interest, the friendships were forgotten and I hate that. And the friendships need to be balanced. Some gets the fun scenes and others get emotional scenes. I want a mix of both for all friendships.
More cast scenes: One thing I really loved in S1+2 was that they were a family but this season we barely saw them as one. They barely had any scenes with the entire cast together sitting in the beanery talking and eating. I miss those scenes. Bring them back.
Less Grey’s Anatomy: If I wanted to watch Grey’s I’d watch Grey’s but I don’t. I want to see the S19 characters. Some of them already have very little story and I hate to see screentime being given to Grey’s characters that do nothing for the S19 characters. Let S19 stand on its own. Also, if they didn’t have to pay the Grey’s actor all that money they might have more money to do more fire scenes which I was really missing this season.
More fire and less medical: I’m tired that they barely spent time on the job and if they did it was mostly medical stuff. I hate the PRT stuff with Ben because it gives Grey’s characters a way to appear even more esp Jackson who I really don’t like on the show. Also, if Ben can’t be a firefighter on a firefighter show then maybe it’s time to ship him back to Grey’s. He was off doing his own thing this season like Sullivan and I thought that their stories were some of the most boring ones.
Less plot driven and more character driven: I feel like some of the storylines were so contrived and not organic at all. I hate nothing more than when a plot is introduced and it makes zero sense for the character and makes them totally OOC. I hate forced storylines and I feel like the whole Jackson and Vic dating and now the whole Dean suddenly having feelings for Vic out of nowhere to be those kind of storylines. The writers had to kill Vic’s friendship with Travis to make her BFFs with Dean this season so they could do this whole BFF falling in love with his roommate story happen. That’s just bad writing imo.
More balance: I feel like some characters got way more storyline and attention this season with depth and development and others got the bare minimum or none at all. Do better. Stop throwing a million storylines at one character and ignoring others. Give them an even amount. It’s supposed to be an ensemble show so make it one. Instead of having the same 3 characters gets all the scenes.
Funny vs emotional: I get that some actors are better at the funny stuff than others but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be allowed to get the emotional scenes. I’m super annoyed that Vic got almost nothing in the emotional department this season. How they just skipped her entire grieving and summed it up in two little speeches and one little tear and instead made her the funny girl this season without depth or development.
Less romance: I don’t think that everyone has to date or fuck around. There are other stories for the characters. I’d love to see more about Jack and his past and did he ever try to find his siblings? That would be a great story. I know people may not care for it anymore but not letting Vic grieve was a huge mistake and it robbed Barrett of a great emotional story with depth. Let her grieve in S4 and don’t throw her into a new relationship with Dean. Let the story be that Vic suppressed her grief in S3 and it’s all coming out now and she actually works through it (including flashbacks with Ripley since they didn’t mind bringing Pruitt back for a million flashbacks and still plan on doing it next season). Give me more of Dean with his parents and sister and Pru. I want to see more of Travis’ past and how he dealt with Michael and why he doesn’t seem to be able to fall in love anymore.
The Flashbacks: Some I liked and some I didn’t. Some really helped to sell a character and some I was just scratching my head because it didn’t really do anything for the character. The writers need to do better with the flashbacks and make some of them less contrived. And I think it was overkill with the flashbacks this season. They should do less of them next season.
Better storylines: This season consisted of fights, backstabbing, cheating, unnecessary deaths and super predictable storylines. I predicted half the storylines this season and that’s just bad. There are other ways to create drama between a ship than triangles and cheating. There are better ways to let a person grow than death and if you are doing death then let it mean something and don’t do it for just shock value. Don’t let that character just be forgotten by everyone. So tired of writers using the same old stories over and over again.
The season wasn’t bad but it definitely wasn’t my favorite either. I’m mainly a Vic fan so I was super frustrated with her lack of story this season.
I hope Krista and the writers do better next season.
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umbramortiis · 3 years
just a warning this blog is heavily under construction
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