#. verse 002 . run for your life
monogramic · 2 years
tag drop pt 1.
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ couldn’t be at home in the nighttime because it made her feel alone.  — verse 001. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ toss your dirty shoes in her washing machine heart.  — verse 002. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ control freak driven by a greed to succeed.  — verse 003. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ she’s such a good kitty. won’t put up fights.  — aesthetic. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ she laughs like god. her mind’s like a diamond.  — mentality. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ life was a willow & it bent right to your wind.  — mannerisms. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ she’ll be the beauty queen in tears.  — physicality. ❜  
🩰 ⋆。 ❛ everybody get your necks to crack around. — visage. ❜ 
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ your image overwhelms her brain. & it feels good.  — infatuations. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ tonight i’m gonna give you all my love in the backseat.  — desires. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ sweet like honey lavender. keep on running back to her.  — wardrobe. ❜  
#🩰 ⋆。 ❛ she’s been big & small & big & small again.  — headcanons. ❜  
#♡ ⋆。 ❛ balsamic vinegar! that’s a big word for elmo.  — ooc. ❜  
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deadn30n · 9 months
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Eden / Solstice is a very versatile character; they were designed specifically as such even in the book itself to allow for all different types of growth. this makes fitting them into alternate universes extremely easy. i would like to make a note and say that in their timeline, they are the most powerful creature known through the universe, save only for their maker. this does not, however, apply to other verses and out of respect for the fandoms i insert them into, i've significantly dumbed down their power to avoid any kind of god modding or discomfort. the list you find here is only a brief synopsis of each universe i've decided to toss them into. i will likely make more in depth versions of each one later on down the line. all of them will be linked individually on the character compendium you can find on my pinned post :>
001. MAIN UNIVERSE in the world of DEAD N30N, it is considered an apocalyptic future comprised of cyberpunk and steampunk aesthetics. the city of Hellix is Eden's stomping grounds, and the place where they've grown and evolved as an artificial angel since descending from heaven. DEAD N30N's universe is vast and unexplored, so inserting your character into this verse is extremely easy. but if you chose to interact with Eden in this place, you must take note that they are an artificial intelligence program straight from heaven. their mechanical and eldritch-esque presence is most prominent in this world, making them rather strange and even uncomfortable to interact with at times. their personality is only partially developed, and they struggle to exude human emotions with ease. their goal is to be human at all costs; and they believe themselves to exist as a servant to humans.
002. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PROJECT: EDEN was revered as the end all be all trump card for Noxus to win the war against it's neighboring countries in it's conquest to own the map. Eden was a vastayan baby stolen from the depths of the Ionian forests in the hopes of fusing ancient magic with noxian machinery. however, as the Noxian soldiers descended to take the finished product and present it to Swain, it's creator Juniper Hawthorne put up a hefty resistance. he realized his creation had grown a heart and soul for itself, and wanted to do anything but force it to face the horrors of war. after witnessing the ruthless slaughter of their 'father', Eden Hawthorne, who adopted the name Solstice as a way to separate themselves from the evil they were originally created to do, broke free and fled Noxus. now it's on the run, hiding wherever it can and avoiding it's noxian pursuers.
003. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: PILTOVER POPSTAR EDITION! takes place in the same universe as HEARTSTEEL. tied heavily to @goldenfists. | a young, rabbit-eared vastayan always dreamed of bringing what they loved most to the world stage; singing! but due to poor health and general fear that still lurked in human hearts for vastaya, this dream was a difficult one to accomplish. Eden Cielo ( stage name Solstice Maltyr ) grew up and lived a relatively peaceful life in the forests of Ionia. all of that would change when they finally decided to leave their homeland and enter into Piltover to chase their dream! with their older brother at their side && serving as their manager, they entered the city of Piltover and began their adventure! however, due to their fluctuating health, coupled with the rather nasty reception they were given at being a Vastaya, they were eventually confined in a private, out-of-the-way hotel where they could rest and operate in another way. they discovered 'virtual idols' and decided to become one as a good starter; created their avatar, and began putting on performances online exclusively! soon enough their popularity had skyrocketed and it wouldn't be long now before Solstice could reveal their identity to the public and hoped it would be a better reception than the first time. their goal? to be as well loved && accepted as Sett is! because if a vastaya like him could be adored in the spotlight, then couldn't they too?
004. GENSHIN IMPACT during the golden age of the archons lived a lesser god named Faustus. she ruled & protected over a small village in the outskirts of what would later become Mondstat. so much did she love the humans she governed over that she gifted them a guardian; a mechanical angel fashioned under her own magic by the name of Eden. when war began to break out amongst the gods and the archons, Eden was given strict instructions to take the humans of the village underground and protect them at all costs. they did this without question, knowing full well Faustus wouldn't survive the war, weak as she was. && they were right. Faustus perished in the war, but the humans of that village lived on under Solstice's careful protection. that village eventually became a legend passed down through generations of Mondstat's people and told as a fairytail, not knowing that somewhere deep beneath them that village still lived on. their generations survived and lived on, and remain safely hidden from the outside world under Eden's careful protection. perhaps though... one day someone might discover the secret door that leads to where they are? if they can survive Solstice's domain, first, however.
005. ONE PIECE neither human nor mink, a small child is born with tattoos of the constellations splashed over it's body. the baby is believed to be blessed by the moon itself, and grows up living a relatively normal life among the minks. it carries physical traits of the minks ( rabbit ears, a tail, even startling speed and incredible agility ) but also looks quite human. it's given the name Eden, and nicknamed Solstice because it was born during the autumn solstice. it's best friend is a young mink named Argun Maltyr who... to nobody's surprise... is the one they wind up falling in love with. Argun dreams of being a pirate & Eden dreams of being a doctor, so when the two are of age, they set sail together! their voyage is short, as their ship is marooned on a handful of islands. they decide to settle with the villagers for a while and intend to get married, until the day of their wedding when pirates strike && kill everyone, including Eden's beloved. stricken by grief and rage, Eden literally obliterates the pirates and tosses their remnants into the sea. afterward, they remain on the island and rumor of it being haunted by the 'violent lunar rabbit' begin to spread throughout it's neighboring islands. no one dares go near it for fear of their life. deep down Eden still dreams of being a doctor and longs to go out to sea, but is rather bristly and even violent with intruders, especially pirates.
006. DEATH NOTE 23-year-old Eden Cielo is overworked and underpaid as the primary medical examiner for the corpses of Kira's victims. originally from America, Eden later relocates to Japan due to their expertise and smart wits. the Japanese police force believe that Eden can somehow find clues to Kira's whereabouts through the bodies of his victims, and they think Eden can do that. big surprise: they cannot. what's worse, Eden feels this is not only a waste of their time, but also an extreme annoyance because the bodies won't stop piling up and a part of them wants to throw in the towel and hunt Kira themselves to give him a piece of their mind. they think his ideals are ridiculous and too far-fetched. fortunately, they never get the chance to actually go down that potentially life-threatening path, but they certainly do take the time to give the investigators a piece of their mind.
007. JUJUTSU KAISEN perceived as the government's greatest failure, 23 year-old Eden Cielo ( named PROJECT: SOLSTICE ) is kept under close wraps by the ones who created them. some time ago a child with absolutely no significant qualities was born; making it the perfect candidate for the government's experiments. their goal was the create a special-grade curse user with complete autonomous obedience toward the government, and the best way to do that was to take an ordinary human and turn it into something extraordinary. their fused it with machinery, believing this would be key into keeping Eden submissive, and spent years perfecting the thing... only for it to drastically fail in their eyes. it was a success, yes! the child eventually developed special-grade powers, the ability to create a domain called the garden of eden ; but it also failed. you see, it developed a soul, a mind of it's own, and emotions. it's power was only a fraction of what Gojo Satoru's was; it was meant to replace him, to avoid relying on a wild card, but it'd never come even close to what he is. however, it's still strong and trying to kill it proved to be very difficult, so the government keeps Eden under lock and key to avoid them from rebelling. it dreams of freedom, but can it ever have that? it's older brother is certainly working to make that a dream, still incredibly bitter his younger sibling was taken away from him all those years ago.
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nofooltadius · 1 month
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𝑌𝑂𝑈 𝐴𝑅𝐸 𝑁𝑂 𝐹𝑂𝑂𝐿, 𝑇𝐴𝐷𝐼𝑈𝑆. the prince's attendant tadius, the queen's loyal administrator of tsk's cinderella's castle. featuring themes of: the strong, silent type, knowing no family besides those you serve, their mistreatment is all you have, they assume you know nothing, revenge fantasies, these people are all idiots. 𝑌𝑂𝑈'𝑅𝐸 𝐴 𝐺𝑂𝑂𝐷 𝑆𝐸𝑅𝑉𝐴𝑁𝑇, 𝐴 𝐺𝑂𝑂𝐷 𝑀𝐴𝑁.
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muse info / rules, explored by aurora, 23, she/her pronouns, this blog is not spoiler free. pinterest board. sideblog, follows back from fallbefore.
♱⋆˚⊱。 tadius has spent nearly his whole life serving the royal family. charming, beloved, and simple minded. he spends the years being constantly subjected to their verbal, and occasionally physical when being punished for his sharp tongue, abuse. he knows nothing else but the castle and the church, where he had been raised when he was a boy. he always knew the king was rotten to his very core, but the prince... he was unfortunately loyal to him, had grown alongside him and hoped he would follow tadius' example. he did not. but tadius could've never done it to him. never done the thing that ended their bloodline. never could he have slayed the prince. the king, however. well, he doesn't know. he wasn't there. he's now loyal to queen ella of house ashmore, working as her administrator, not her servant, though he'd be happy to do whatever it takes to stay in her light and by her side.
interaction/plot ideas.
001. your muse being involved in one of the many failed alliances with the old king and his prince, tadius attending and trying to clean up his royal mess, being far more diplomatic than the prince all the while.
002. more alliances but instead after the old king falls, during queen ella's reign as tadius is now her royal administrator.
003. other servants surrounding the royal family as in his mind, they are his true family. they may sell royal secrets, but only to each other. it stays inside castle walls, they may be plotting
004. childhood connections could be so cute. tadius was orphaned incredibly young and before the castle laid claim on him, he lived in the main church, tending to chores there, too.
under his eye. the spoiled prince's attendant, loyal despite his mistreatment and a guard in his own right. he often ends up cleaning up his messes despite being a lowly, foolish servant.
rise above my station. main verse, tadius serves his good and green queen with the confidence of her greatness. he enjoys her company more than he ever has anyone else, especially royalty. he puts his faith entirely in her, and vows to protect and serve her however she commands. he does his best not to succumb to the darkness that whispers to him after satisfying a lifelong lust for blood and revenge with the tiniest drop. more, more, more.
kingslayer. an alternate verse where ella inspired him to kill the king without sheltering him from the backlash. tadius is forced to go on the run and explore his true self, independently of those who had been welcome to shadow him. 𖧷 ·  °
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blazeoflife · 6 months
~my makeshift verse page~
i will be rping junpei mainly in the 'main timeline' and will be attempting to tag all future rps with these tags and such. this also lists alternative timelines at the bottom.
Main Timeline :: 001 of 003 :: tagged as [ verse;; as it was ]
-> this timeline follows persona 3 reload. junpei is the same as he is normally and everything is still the same--shinjiro dies, chidori sacrifices her life and then is brought back to life, the same old same old. -> minato arisato is the leader.
Main Timeline :: 002 of 003 :: tagged as [ verse;; time to follow my dreams ]
-> this is a continuation of the previous timeline--occurs post p3r and up to the end of Ultimax. -> junpei is a little league coach, wanting to change lives of younger kids since he never had that person in his life to inspire him and wanted to do that for children. -> he does go to community college and gets an associate's degree in sociology and is able to form many bonds after the fact. -> everything is still the same in arena and ultimax.
Main Timeline :: 003 of 003 :: tagged as [ verse;; watch me change the world for the good ]
-> this is a continuation of the previous timeline--occurs after Ultimax and beyond. -> junpei eventually runs into the phantom thieves, unknown to him, and forms a bond with a couple of them. -> he is eventually brought into the fight, but that's to be brought up for a different time and when it actually happens ;)
However, there are moments where the butterfly effect occurs... leading into the next couple timelines being altered.
Alternative Timeline :: 01 of 06 :: tagged as [ verse;; arcana swap : magician to emperor ]
-> this is a timeline where junpei's arcana is swapped around. instead of him being the magician, he switches with Akihiko Sanada--he has the Emperor arcana. -> junpei loves baseball, but he takes up swimming as his school sport. and he excels at it.
Alternative Timeline :: 02 of 06 :: tagged as [ verse;; it takes two to make a thing go right ]
-> this is a timeline where the twins, Minako and Minato Arisato, are both the leaders of SEES--it leads to one being the main team lead while the other is backup, just in case something happens. -> in this timeline, everyone lives, except for Minato who offers himself to be the great seal.
Alternative Timeline :: 03 of 06 :: tagged as [ verse;; don't you forget about me ]
-> this is a timeline where Minako Arisato is the leader. same as the main timeline, but Minako dies whereas Shinjiro and Chidori both live. yadda yadda, the same stuff a la p3p.
Alternative Timeline :: 04 of 06 :: tagged as [ verse;; i've got your back--trust me ]
-> this is a timeline where Junpei actually becomes the leader of SEES, seeing as the leader (be it minato or minako) didn't want to. it blossoms junpei into a confident and more happier being, but it leads to many different outcomes with chidori, shinjiro, and strega.
Alternative Timeline :: 05 of 06 :: tagged as [ verse;; time to show my true colors ]
-> this persona 4 alternative timeline is one where junpei is a second year at yasoinaba instead of yosuke. -> his parents are together and created junes as a place for a family to meet up if anyone was ever lost. it was like a beacon of sorts lol -> WIP.
Alternative Timeline :: 06 of 06 :: tagged as [ verse;; i do things my own way ]
-> this final alternative timeline is one where junpei is a member of the phantom thieves, replacing ryuji. -> junpei was an avid baseball player and brought the school together when he was bringing home trophies with his friends. however, he received an arm injury, thanks to kamoshida, and cannot raise his left arm up all the way. -> he had to have surgery to fix the torn tendon and he had to eventually leave the baseball team--made him lose his friends and his close connections. even with the surgery and rehab, his arm is still not at 100%, not even at 80%. -> junpei's mom and dad are both together, but it's a strained relationship, almost leading into a separation because of his father drinking and his mom working long hours to pay for junpei's hospital bills.
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thousandflame · 2 years
tag drop: verses
002.  ╱  ARC I: PRE CANON.  familiarity breeds contempt.
this part of the timeline encompasses the time of cymbeline still being a member of the guild, following her uncle's disappearance and death as well as the death of her teammates. it also covers everything she does after leaving the guild, like joining the council and trying to figure out where things started to go wrong.
002.  ╱  ARC II: PRE TIMESKIP.  if it feels like a trap‚ you're already in one.
this covers the canon events that lead up to fairy sphere being cast. cymbeline is associated with the council as a rune knight, likely investigating allegations of corruption against certain council members. however, the person she is actually suspicious of, yajima, is outside of her reach. she leaves the council when the first building is destroyed by ultear, deciding to strike out on her own instead.
002.  ╱  ARC III: TIMESKIP.  burn all the files‚ desert all your past lives.
she has mixed feelings about the disappearance of the core group of fairy tail mages, but she tries to be mature about it. for the most part, they are children that joined the guild as literal children because they had no other options. she tries to remind herself that her quarrel is with the leadership in the guild, not with the average mage.
002.  ╱  ARC IV: POST TIMESKIP.  bend when you can‚ snap when you have to.
there is something in the air, something she cannot fully place. something she does not like at all. but she is a civilian now---has been for a few years, in fact, but the sense of novelty does not wear off that easily. she enjoys the peace and quiet. alas, the peace and quiet does not last.
002.  ╱  ARC V: WAR.  when you aim at the devil‚ make sure you don't miss.
cymbeline hates war. hates the senseless loss of life. hates the destruction and the chaos. but it is happening. it is happening and she is there. she can help. she can fight. she is just as strong as she was when she passed her s-class exam---and she is wiser, now. she has become better at fighting, at organising. she gets displaced by universe one, of course. and that is such a hassle.
002.  ╱  ARC VI: POST WAR.  get out your map‚ pick somewhere and just run.
her home is destroyed. once more, she has to start over. a lot of things have gotten easier with practice. this, however, has not.
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umbramortiis · 3 years
tag drop
. aes . killer within , . ask . mission accepted , . music . indulge , . meme . lets play a game , . ooc . vic stop talking , . hc . making an assassin , . musings . isms , . verse 001 . bite off the venomous head , . verse 002 . run for your life ,  . visage . she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing ,  . skill . i could do this blindfolded
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ofsoleanna · 5 years
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;;; brand new tags bc i dont like my old ones anymore!
general tags
verse tags
ship tags
crack / ooc / extra
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umbramortiis-blog · 6 years
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a quick summary of scorpios marvel verse is literally that project viper is another baddie group trying to take over the world and she is a product of it, oh and she is also a shape shifter. this will be written in full and stuff, i just wanted people to know.
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ratatticus · 3 years
☁️ 001. My name is Atticus but you can call me Atti! I am a transgender boy who is closeted for the most part — but I prefer he/him pronouns nonetheless. I am enrolled in biomedical courses, and certified nursing assistant (CNA) training and work as a cashier in my grandparent’s vegetable stand which is seasonal.
☁️ 002. Although I seem busy, I have a lot of time on my hands! I’m a frequent and enthusiastic roleplayer who makes sure to reply as quickly as possible given the time to make sure that the reply is higher quality! I’m very flexible seeing as I understand we have lives, and I don’t let careers or education dictate whether I’ll roleplay with someone. Although I love a good and fast reply, real life comes first!
☁️ 003. When it comes to lengths in replies, I love detail. I tend to write over 4K character responses per reply — but this does not mean I expect a novella reply back! I just prefer you write in paragraph forms, third person (being past, present, or mixed tense) and give me something to work with! I don’t want to know just the physical things! I want to know the character’s inter-workings, I want to know exactly what they’re feeling or thinking in that moment!
☁️ 004. I really only roleplay gay romances! Your character can be a cis male, trans male, non-binary masc presenting, etc.! I have some trans male characters as well as cis males, we don’t discriminate! If your character is male and loves dresses and makeup, that’s okay! No discrimination. Is your character female to male without top or bottom surgery? Perhaps maybe not even out yet or visibly masc presenting? That’s perfectly fine.
☁️ 005. NSFW content is plenty fine with me! Adult dialogue always adds depth and I don’t mind! Violence, angst, traumatic experiences, sexual scenes, etc. are perfectly fine as long as we discuss prior! Let’s try to communicate!
☁️ 006. I enjoy various subjects however most of which are very modern and present day, including drama, angst, and conflict. I enjoy playing characters ages mid twenties to mid-to-late thirties! You can, of course, play a younger character (no minors) as long as we agree to which their age difference makes us both comfortable! Non-binary masc presenting characters, trans males including closeted trans males, and genderfluid amab characters are very welcome!
☁️ 007. Omegaverse is a fun topic and I like when we create our own verse with headcanons and pick and choose from other headcanons to build it! I enjoy things like shifters, werewolves, witches and warlocks, and other whimsical characters! I just prefer our characters aren’t things along the lines of faes/fairies, trolls, ogres, etc.! Some elves, nymphs, and other things of course are allowed including merms, fauns, etc. **we can do modern fantasy or more medieval fantasy
☁️ 008. I love crime and drama! Subjects like mafia/gang leaders, assassins, royal drama (medieval or modern), criminals on the run, or even more casual things — CEOs and sexworkers, models and streamers, youtubers and actors, music artists. These things are so fun to me. I enjoy medieval and modern, as long as the roleplay has depth, good characters, and romance! I prefer slow burn with flirting, mind you.
☁️ 009. IMPORTANT — I am an enthusiastic and “extra” roleplayer. I use Discord as my only platform and I pre-make servers for 1x1 organization. They are detailed with places for us to store reference links and images, headcanons and imagines. It’s also important that you know I love having a “canon” roleplay — which is in all cases our first roleplay with our two characters. After that, I like to branch off with AUs, or Alternate Universes. We can have as many AUs at once as we’re comfortable, but it’s important to remember we reuse the same ocs, however the settings and their identities may be different! For example, perhaps our characters in canon are a professor and a sexworker. Yes their personalities are the same, but their occupation, species, and even in some cases gender, may differ. It’s also important you know that I do not expect you to have a wiki from amino or a google doc of your character, nor do I expect a face claim, but I do have them. I also make Spotify playlists in some cases and Pinterest boards for our characters.
How to contact me: bubs#7777 on discord! but message me here first!
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louisdegarmo · 3 years
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"It was my fault; the hunters took me down so easily.   If only I had paid a little more attention, I would have caught their scent before they got so close, or I would have heard them… But I didn’t."   Blood clouds his vision again, so he leans his head back against the wall and shuts them once more.   Memories of his family play silently behind his eyes, but he wills the tears not to spill.   "I spent seventy years going after them and their hunter children.   When there was only one remaining, I turned him.   Let him live as the thing he hated so much, but it was not long before he took his own life.   The hunters did not die painlessly.“
[Emotions running high and everywhere at once, Louis clenches his fists so tight that sharpened claw-tipped nails puncture the flesh of his palms.]   ——   He’s thankful for the sudden scent of blood, however, as it gives him something to focus on.   Something that isn’t ripping something—or someone, preferably—to shreds.
"Why would I hide it [his species/hybridism]?   —   Those I need mask my presence around do not notice a thing…  And even then, what could they do against one such as I?”
The little human is like a toy come to life and Louis wants nothing more than to play with her.   So he allows a wolf to slink from the shadows and take its place beside him.   Although young, she’s still fairly large; when she stands at her full height, the highest point of her back reaches close to Louis’ chest.   She’s entirely devoted to Louis and well-versed in his games, especially those concerning humans.   She tends to find it as fun as Louis does.   "I think you may be in need of a guide in these woods, my dear," his hand rests atop the she-wolf’s head, fingers running through her coal-colored fur,  "For your shortcut has led you straight into the wolves’ den."   ——   How strange this picture must be to her.   "Unless, of course, you would rather take your chances with her," with a nod he motions to the she-wolf, who growls lowly, as if trying to emphasize his point.
He hadn’t meant to drudge up dreadful memories of her past with his words of anger, but he won’t apologize, not when she acts as if this is his fault.   It isn’t, surely—it is nothing less than the finest gift he has given her, turning her as he did.   Immortality, power, an eternal companion if only she would allow him to be.   "You are either incredibly naïve or incredibly daft.   This is a gift, a fine one; you’d be mad not to want it.”
In over a thousand years, Louis has never seen anyone react to a threat the way she does.   Instead of flinching or lashing out, she is stone-cold calm against the vice grip he has on her throat, and if Louis wasn’t so infuriated at her insinuation that she would turn him into the ones he’d spent so long hiding from [hunters], he would have stopped to praise her.   She offers him but one moment of surprise and then… nothing but a smile and the showing of fangs.   It only angers Louis more—does he not deserve better?
Inferiority is not something he’s accustomed to and he’d rather not look her in the eye as he admits defeat.   He turns his back to her and suppresses a smile by running the tip of his tongue along the points of his fangs.   "Was your aim just to antagonize me?"   She’s vicious… he likes it.
[“I’ve never smelt anything like you before.   Why might that be?”]   ——   “New cologne,” he answers coolly, French lilt heavy with sarcasm as he steps away from the outskirts of the roof, a few feet closer to the stranger with very specific questions.   He won’t be giving her any straight answers, not until he knows her intentions, but despite how wary he is of her, he reaches his hand out in offering.   Ever the gentleman, Louis is.
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contrariian-archive · 6 years
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         ‘   i  used  to  waste  my  time  dreaming  of  being  alive   ——   NOW ,  i  only  waste  it  dreaming  of  you .  ’
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years
share five songs that represent ur muse! just repost, don’t reblog.
001 :  This Year | The Mountain Goats 
 I drove home in the California dusk / I could feel the alcohol inside of me hum / Pictured the look on my stepfather's face / Ready for the bad things to come / I downshifted / As I pulled into the driveway / The motor screaming out / Stuck in second gear / The scene ends badly  / As you might imagine / In a cavalcade of anger and fear / There will be feasting and dancing / In Jerusalem next year / I am gonna make it through this year / If it kills me / I am gonna make it though this year / If it kills me
002 :  Damaris | Patrick Wolf  
Black rain / Floods the downs / Ferrets burrow / Moles make mounds / Round your bones / Deep underground / But nobody knows / Nobody knows / How I wait for you / Summer, Spring / Autumn, Winter / Here perishing / Gypsy, stray / Bleak orphan / No one could say / The land you came from / But deep in my arms / You belonged / But nobody knows / No body knows / How I wait for you / Summer, Spring / Autumn, Winter / Here perishing / My god damned Damaris / Killed with last kiss / God damned Damaris / I loved you / Goddam these tears / And this religion / Thought I was more / Than just my father's son / Who says in limbo / Be where you've gone / But nobody knows / No body knows / How I wait for you / Summer, Spring  / Autumn, Winter / Here perishing (wait for me) /  My god damned Damaris / Killed with last kiss / God damned Damaris / I loved you / And now I kiss / I kiss the earth / Oh rise up / Rise up / Rise up / Now / From the earth / And I smash my fist / Into the earth / Oh rise up / Rise up  Rise up  / I loved you / Black rain / Floods the downs / The black rain / Black rain
003 :  Grapevine Fires | Death Cab For Cutie  
We bought some wine and some papercups / Near your daughter's school when we picked her up / And drove to a cemetery on a hill / On a hill / And we watched the plumes paint the sky gray / And she laughed and danced through the field of graves / There I knew it would be alright / That everything would be alright (burn) /  Would be alright /  And the news reports on the radio / Said it was getting worse / As the ocean air fanned the flames / But I couldn't think of anywhere I would have rather been / To watch it all burn away / To burn away... / The firemen worked in double shifts, / With prayers for rain on their lips / And they knew it was only a matter of time
004 :  Oh My Dear Lord | The Unlikely Candidates 
Here's my confession  / I've got a death wish / I'm in the fast lane / Addicted to excess / Living my best life / I was on top right / Sipping the limelight / A deer in the headlights / My future used to shine as bright as a diamond / Where did time go? / I was so high, it was frightening / I know I messed up, but there's no use in crying / (No use in crying) / Oh, my dear Lord / I've been running wild, had a good time / But I can't stop now / (Oh, my dear Lord) / Over my head in a landslide / Can you pull me out? / Oh, my dear Lord
005 :  All These Things That I’ve Done | The Killers 
When there's nowhere else to run / Is there room for one more son? /One more son / If you can hold on / If you can hold on, hold on / I wanna stand up, I wanna let go / You know, you know, no you don't, you don't / I wanna shine on, in the hearts of men /I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand / Another head aches, another heart breaks / I'm so much older than I can take / And my affection, well it comes and goes /I need direction to perfection, no no no no help me out / Yeah, you know you gotta help me out, yeah / Oh, don't you put me on the back burner / You know you gotta help me out, yeah /  I got soul, but I’m not a soldier / I got soul but I’m not a soldier / I got soul but I’m not a soldier / I got soul but I’m not a soldier / Over and in, last call for sin / While everyone's lost, the battle is won / With all these things that I've done
006 : St. Jude | Florence + The Machine 
Another conversation with no destination / Another battle never won / Each side is a loser / So who cares who fired the gun? / And I'm learning so I'm leaving / And even though I'm grieving / I'm trying to find a meaning / Let loss reveal it / Let loss reveal it / St Jude, the patron saint of the lost causes / St Jude, we were lost before she started / St Jude, we lay in bed as she whipped around us / St Jude, maybe I've always been more comfortable in chaos
Ok I cheated LOL.  Note: I am excluding like 50 songs from the Sixties because psychedelic rock is a little too obvious. <3 
tagged by: new garbage verse inductee, @nvmbcrtwo <3 
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cajunfoxnight · 4 years
Project Reconstruct Rambling (and general talking about Silvally)
SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT (but also kind of not sorry) So since I dont use this tumblr for much these days, I figure i’ll use it to yell into the void about my little AU idea. At least then I can keep them in one place and who knows...maybe someone else might like the ideas too. So this idea also goes into just general Sun/Moon/USUM HC anyways, but it all kind of correlates back together for my story, but this is me rambling... Anyway! So this idea pertains to my thoughts about the 3rd Type:FULL. Since its canon that there were 3 Type:FULLs that were created by Aether: Gladion taking one, and the player being gifted another, we dont really know for sure what happened to the third- other than that its (iirc...) still cryogenically frozen back at Aether. It always saddened me so much that there seemed like there was nothing that you could do to save it. So my thoughts on it were that that particular Type:FULL is actually shiny. Now course this doesnt count for those that soft rested their games in order to get a shiny one |D All in all while I know that all pokemon in canon look the same within their species (except those that actually have canon differences), im under the impression that that isnt actually the case in verse. Like actual animals there as small differences to each one, and the idea of pokemon hybrids that people come up with are pretty much my jam- but I digress.. My thought is that while Silvally is a man made pokemon, they werent actually all created to be the exact same. Aether had kept the general concept of their construction to look similar but they all differed from one another. 001- Gladion’s Silavlly (as I call it) was the “perfect” one. It was the first one made and had few imperfections to it. It was created to be more well rounded in its stats to be able to fit whatever needs were required of it, so it was more of a jack of all trades but didnt excel anywhere in particular. But since its success in being made it was also decided that they should create more. 002- The MC’s Silvally- this is the Silvally that is given to the MC as post game, and is built differently than Gladion’s Silvally. I suppose this one depends on what your version of it is or what you might have been looking for in terms of trying to find the nature that fit for your team best. But for talking sake, my thoughts are that this is a bigger Silvally, color is slightly different maybe a bit more off white or what have you, but again I suppose that can vary from person to person 003- The One You Cant Save- wow it just makes me sad to even say that! But in this story thats the point here. This is the 3rd Type:FULL, The Reconstruct Silvally- and by my HC the shiny one. In its creation there was a weird mutation within its DNA that when it all came together its color’s changed from white to a odd muted gold color. Nothing else about it was really different so it wasnt much need of a concern, its more of just aesthetics at that point. This Type:FULL was made very differently in that it was the smallest of the 3, and was built more for speed with a sleeker body, long serpentine like tail, nimble legs built for running, and other features that the other two dont have. Sadly, due to this, it is the weaker of the 3 Type:FULLs that were created, and it was the first one to have been cryogenically frozen, but ended up dying not long after the process. It was really only “alive” in a sense that were able to keep the body intact on a type of life support, but thats about it. 003 is the Silvally in Project Reconstruct that Gladion ends up being fused with, talk about recycling   In another rambling post i’ll make another day, i’ll explain a bit more about that and why that all works out the way it doe, but for now this is enough of of a text wall as it is xD;
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deerfests · 3 years
( 001. the young pope/the new pope || 002. lenny/brannox || 003. sir john brannox ) && ( 001. space force || 002. malloraird || 003. dr adrian mallory ) && ( 004. the new pope/space force )
just for the heck of it, and because i’m greedy ☺️
fandom ask
man wth that's a lot... 😂😂😂
Okay, off we go~
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: + The Young Pope/The New Pope
Favorite character:
Sir John Brannox, because I love the emo pope. He's got so many issues, and he's lovable for it.
Least Favorite character:
Um... I guess I don't know. I don't want to offend anyone.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I only have 2-- Sofia Dubois/Sir John Brannox and Lenny Belardo/Sir John Brannox. Judge me if you must *shrugs*
Character I find most attractive:
Lenny and Brannox gotta fight over that one. I like how both of them look.
Character I would marry:
My hand in marriage is saved for Trench, exclusively, and he's not even a character in the show. Sorry. 🤠
Character I would be best friends with:
Gutiérrez but that's cuz he's a nice man and stuff. The dude would be swept away by me doing bs and just end up enduring it, not because he likes me. Let's be real. Nobody in the show would like me enough to befriend me! Unless I somehow weasel my way to Brannox, and we bond over being sad bastards but I don't think I have the energy to deal with his moping...
a random thought:
I feel like Adam's grave fucked up the timeline, nothing adds up. I'm sorry, but how old is Brannox supposed to be?? I am confused.
An unpopular opinion:
I don't obsess with some characters the rest of the fandom seems to, so I guess that's my unpopular opinion.
my canon OTP:
Sofia Dubois/Sir John Brannox
Non-canon OTP:
Lenny Belardo/Sir John Brannox, because imagine how fun that'd be!
most badass character:
Fck, I feel it's Lenny in The Young Pope. He's just out there destroying things.
pairing I am not a fan of:
I don't desire to put a bullseye on my back.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Hmm, I feel like Adam is an easy pick cuz for real, they did fuck up the timeline with him.
favourite friendship:
Lenny and Gutiérrez
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
Nobody!! AH, that would screw me up big time.
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: + Lenny/Brannox
when of if I started shipping it.
Like love at first sight, I fell for that shit since I saw them doing the world's most awkward prom picture. I mean, look at it:
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And then I was pissed off... I watched the whole season and while I enjoyed it, I didn't get nearly enough interactions! But what I got, I treasure... Even if it probably tricks you into thinking this ship's dynamic is different than what I actually headcanon for them.
my thoughts:
Lenny would fuck up Brannox so badly. Then probably feel guilty about it to some extent, and try to do something about his incredibly low self-esteem. :) This is the only sfw thought I have.
What makes me happy about them:
:)) wouldn't you like to know.
I love, love, love the energy they would have, ok!? Imagine, the constant contrast of Lenny and Brannox! Just...imagine.
What makes me sad about them:
Lenny's dead. :((
Also, Brannox has no self-esteem. :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
IF there was fanfic of them, which there is none of, I checked-- I would be annoyed if somebody thought Brannox had any power to hold over Lenny. Also, IF there was fanfic, I would not hesitate to read it even if it was garbage, but there's none.
things I look for in fanfic:
Actually existing fanfic. There's none. I gotta write that shit myself, and I'm trying, but it's hard!
My kinks:
:)) I can't. I'll get shadowbanned. Lenny fucks him up, let's just say.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Sofia with Brannox, death with Lenny, I guess?? I'm quite happy how the show ended, but I've never been one to want my ships to be canon, most of the time.
My happily ever after for them:
They quit the clergy, I guess, and Lenny lives with Brannox in the estate and they slip into an awkward but working relationship? Brannox gets over his problems and so does Lenny.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you + Sir John Brannox.
How I feel about this character:
I feel I got into it before, but I love him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ah, this is a repeat. Sofia and Lenny, both in their own verses, never together at the same time.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Not in the mood to put a bullseye on myself~
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
We got to see him interact more with ghost!Lenny. Like the scene at Adam's grave, just replay it 100x more.
my het ship:
Sofia and him.
my fem/slash ship:
Lenny and him.
my OTP:
Lenny/Brannox. But that might be cuz I love suffering and pissing people off.
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
my kink:
He has a praise kink.Probably cries during it, too.
a head cannon fact:
*gently puts a hand on Brannox's head* This bastard can fit so many obsessive thoughts in himself!
Also, sorry tumblr user sirjohnbrannox, I am stealing all your headcanons about him.
His parents probably mainly hated him cuz he was a non-straight punk, then started drugs to deal with his problems, and genuinely I feel like he's a little bit...how do I put this, not stable cuz of that. Adam was a perfect son, John meanwhile ended up traumatized and soft and scared. He has no self-esteem cuz his parents fucking sucked and played favorites!! And also probably blamed him for Adam’s death, I guess.  Fuck Brannox's parents!! I don't want to see them!!
my gender bend:
I don't have one, cuz I don't like them~
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: + Space Force
Favorite character:
Dr. Adrian Mallory, duh.
Least Favorite character:
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
I literally only have one ship, Adrian/Mark.
Character I find most attractive:
In this episode of Dickie sets up ridiculous fights: Adrian Mallory vs Mark Naird. For whoever of the two, I actually find most attractive. Because I don't know, but boys are good.
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
Adrian, but only because we're both could be judgemental af... together!
a random thought:
Man, I hope they didn't make Malk shave for season 2. I'd hate that.
An unpopular opinion:
I don't care that much for Fuck Tony, I'm sorry. He's fine, I just-- don't really see the appeal of him. Maybe, just maybe, I'm too much into old men.
my canon OTP:
I...no? IDK!? Ali/Chan is cute, I guess and they're canon.
Non-canon OTP:
Adrian/Mark, which probably will never be actually canon and we'll keep getting ship baited.RIP. Good that I don't care about my ships being canon all that much.
most badass character:
pairing I am not a fan of:
I do not care for Ch*ntony. RIP. Not a NOTP but I just don't see it.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Erin Naird. I understand where's she's coming from, but my god.... they really wrote it poorly.
favourite friendship:
Mark and Adrian in the canon lense I guess.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: + Malloraird
when of if I started shipping it.
When tumblr user sirjohnbrannox didn't shut up about it.
my thoughts:
It's cute, but my kinky hands will continue rubbing off on it.
What makes me happy about them:
Adrian being head over heels for a dense fool.
What makes me sad about them:
Nothing, cuz there's nothing sad in the show? Or at least nothing I am emotionally invested into enough to actually be upset about?
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Y'all really think Adrian is vanilla? Y'all really think Adrian is anything but a brat?
things I look for in fanfic:
I am interested in a plot, that has a build-up for these two. So...my fic, In Need, which I am still working on. Cuz I literally stopped after my life fell apart and I couldn't handle the daunting comments. Anyways as I was saying. In Need-- except make it good.
My kinks:
:)) I don't want to get shadowbanned but Adrian is not vanilla, let's just say.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Just keep Mark with his wife, I don't care. Adrian, anyone but Jerome. It was painful to witness Jerome. I'm sorry, but how do you write Adrian-- a fairly not too stereotypical gay man? And then write him to be with somebody like Jerome, which just comes off as "oh shit we need a character for this and we didn't establish anyone!"
Also-- Jerome/Adrian is, unfortunately, canon-- why does the wiki make it creepy and one-sided?!!?
My happily ever after for them:
Maggie gets out of prison, runs off with her guard lover (which I'm actually fairly certain will happen), and Mark slowly enters a relationship with Adrian which actually results in both of them widening their views on things and getting along.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you + Dr Adrian Mallory
How I feel about this character:
He's pretty cool. Fun.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I literally only ship him with Mark, cuz Jerome gives me the worst vibes that make me actively partake in Jerome erasure.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
404 BrOTP not found.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
The man's a brat.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish he would have sung that song about Mark, and it would have actually been one side and nobody would have figured it out (so no photo kissing at the end) lmao cuz that'd -- now that'd be cursed and fun. >:3c
my het ship:
He's canonically gay so none. Unless season 2 decides to make him bisexual, this will continue.
my fem/slash ship:
Him with Mark.
my OTP:
Him and Mark. God, doing these memes is getting repetitve.
my OT3:
my cross over ship:
Lmao none. I mean, c'mon I don't even like crossovers 99% of the time.
my kink:
:DD are you trying to get me shadowbanned, bud.
a head cannon fact:
I have none that I can share here, or at least none springing to mind... but can we all agree that people saying Adrian is a spy or he has intentions for Space Force's downfall, is so funny, because it's literally not that deep. He's just gay and in love with Mark, how much do the r*dditors gotta overthink the damn show? It's not even that good to overthink!
my gender bend:
NO, I don't like them.
004 | send me 2 fandoms and I will give yo my crossover OTP + The New Pope/Space Force
None of these, I am not answering this, cuz this is the worst crossover ever conceived by man and I don't even like crossovers enough to begin with and my laptop is dying from heat--
no? ok.
Imagine poor ol' Brannox meeting Adrian. Goodbye.
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pocketknlves · 4 years
Tumblr media
NAME  :       thomas “tommy” jarvis
EYE   COLOUR  :      grey
HAIR   STYLE   /   COLOUR  :      dirty blonde / short, thick, curly and unruly
HEIGHT  :      6′2 .
CLOTHING   STYLE  :    truly small town boy. t-shirts, jeans, plaid button-ups, sweaters, denim jacket. 
BEST   PHYSICAL   FEATURE  :      he has an intense look to his face but also freckles.
FEARS  :      oh you know JV, dying by drowning specifically, very crowded areas, failure on counts of protecting the people he loves and completing what he perceives as his responsibility. to some degree fire, open water in general, losing people or disappointing them. being rendered powerless, being controlled, becoming something he can’t control.
GUILTY   PLEASURE  :     i don’t know how guilty it is but we do be into our nerd shit. our high fantasy lord of the rings shit and our dense textbooks shit and our video games shit. it’s just that he’s hesitant to be anything but very stormy looking near anyone let alone having HOBBIES.
BIGGEST   PET   PEEVE  :      getting any kind of mental health spiel from anyone. no talk me i’m ptsd and anxiety. like no i’m not good no i’m not functioning mind your business about it.
AMBITIONS   FOR   THE   FUTURE  :     he’s just really going thru it on the regular and is trying to survive his own paranoia before it uh... kills him. or mr. voorhees kills him. i don’t think he knows how to have normal ambitions for a long time, he probably just thinks he has a date w/ death sooner or later. but he used to want to go to school to design practical effects, these kinds of things.
FIRST   THOUGHTS   WAKING   UP  :     “fuck”. no but checking the time and it being stupidly early probably
WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   MOST  :      unfortunately for a long time it’s just the obsession abt crystal lake that he doesn’t get a hold on for many years and still like... doesn’t fully. but like when he’s not going thru it as much and you know. has people in his life. he probably thinks about them all the time bc he’s a fuckin softie
WHAT   THEY   THINK   ABOUT   BEFORE   BED  :      everything we have ever done wrong in our entire life and run it back seven times before we fall asleep.
WHAT   THEY   THINK   THEIR   BEST   QUALITY   IS  :     he’s bad about this and doesn’t think too highly of himself. probably the fact that he’ll do w/e it takes i guess so no one else has to. 
SINGLE   OR   GROUP   DATES  :      single, he always does better one on one with someone when it comes to letting the guard down.
TO   BE   LOVED   OR   RESPECTED  :     respected, because both should be hand in hand.
BEAUTY   OR   BRAINS  :      brains !
DOGS   OR   CATS  :      dogs! but he’s good with all animals.
LAYER 005 :    DO THEY…
LIE  :      he’s actually a pretty terrible liar so he’s usually very genuine and upfront. but he keeps a lot of things from people if he thinks it will keep them safer, or if he doesn’t want to hurt them.
BELIEVE   IN   THEMSELVES  :     we have never seen self confidence in our lives, aside from the belief that he’s probably the best one for a given dangerous situation.
BELIEVE   IN   LOVE  :      yes... he’s soft like that but he doesn’t express it until he’s very close with you.
WANT   SOMEONE  :      yeah. i mean in every sense he would fare better with someone on his side.. just thinks he doesn’t need anyone.
BEEN   ON   STAGE  :      probably not even in school
DONE   DRUGS  :      honestly probably not smh 
CHANGED   WHO   THEY   WERE   TO   FIT   IN  :    never really. he’s always been kind of... un-apologetically the way he is, even if that means driving people away. i don’t think he would know where to start being someone else.
FAVOURITE   COLOURS  :      blues and greens
FAVOURITE   ANIMAL  :      dogs, wolves, tigers, probably weird types of sea creature and bugs too. hate that but its true.
FAVOURITE   BOOK  :      can’t answer this bc i don’t have a braincell. bet its lotr series tho bc he read it as a kid
FAVOURITE   GAME  :      godlike at galaga and tetris and contra. actually just very good at most games he picks up
LAYER 008 :    AGE.
DAY   THEIR   NEXT   BIRTHDAY   WILL   BE  :     april 14th
HOW   OLD   WILL   THEY   BE  :      19-20 my main verse is confusing
I LOVE  :      her .
I FEEL  :      guilty .
I HIDE  :      my feelings .
I MISS  :      home .
I WISH  :      i could let go .
TAGGED BY :   i stole this...... TAGGING :    i would like to see it
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surgikill · 5 years
verses .
these are so vague i’ve never really done verses before and i’m sure i’ll add more but here’s a few for now ! i’ll try and toss them up onto my page at some point .  (  i was going to say tonight but lbr it’ll be like five months from now  )  
verse 001 / reflect ::  martin is captured and placed within the claremont psychiatric hospital . this one sort of speaks for itself . he is accepting visitors from all walks of life and very much enjoys conversations . if one wants to pick his brain about the murders he might be a bit closed off but will eventually talk if he trusts you enough . 
i headcanon martin killed more than twenty three people , those are the ones that were found but he has more scattered about . if the fbi / police wish to have a talk with martin about that then go for it ! he's much less welcoming toward anyone with a badge and there on official business but he still will welcome the distraction . you have an unsolvable murder ? perhaps martin knows the person ! martin has been in prison for about twenty years or so at this point in this verse but i can adjust the time for when he is first captured when he's still fresh in the news . 
verse 002 / gadabout ::  out on the town martin ! he's charming charismatic and the face of new york elite . will absolutely host lavish parties with his wife jessica and is into various charities , top interests include : bailey house  (  helps to secure housing / employment to people with aids  )  memorial sloan - kettering cancer center  (  the worlds oldest / largest cancer facility  )  while leading a double life of being an awful serial killer . he loves meeting new people , chatting , getting to know you and figuring out where you stand on the predatory food chain . which will  (  according to him , be below the surgeon LOL  )  
in this verse if you ever wanted to be a victim of the surgeon now is your chance ! or if you'd like to be that one that got away  (  which would infuriate him !! lmao  )  you ! yes you can be the one to run to the police and turn him in . get him all caught . i would just tweak canon that malcolm called the police . could probably be gore heavy in this or i can tone it down . remember eighteen plus blog here !! 
verse 003 / the surgeon ::  have you ever wanted to be mentored by a lunatic ? well this !! is !! your chance . if you have a killer character and was interested in martin teaching them the ins and outs of you know , murder then this is the verse for you friend .  could probably be gore heavy in this or i can tone it down . remember eighteen plus blog here !! 
verse 004 / territorial ::  while fancy free  (  before the capture  )  he quite possibly could have encountered more than one psychopath and they could have some sort of territory war fighting over people , taunting each other . martin could be captured by said killer and tortured or vice versa . i have no problem putting martin through bad times since you know , he's a monster . i even love the whole martin meets them at a fancy party and they have to act all civil while under their breath cursing each other out lmao .  
i am shit at plotting so hopefully this will help anyone ! if you wanna just tag me in w/e a starter go for it ! i don’t mind making starters i’m just awful at chit chat i drop off a lot , not because i don’t like you ! if i follow you i really really like you but life is just hectic here . so this is a basic rundown . 
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