#... except for Vanilla Extract
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mooniace · 2 years ago
What happened
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whatjanesays · 3 months ago
Just a little experiment to check back on in a year or four.
Current prices from a central Florida area grocery store today (November 7th 2024). These are the non-sale prices for the store's house branded items. All items I've purchased more than once over the last year, with prices and package sizes that have had minimal to no fluctuations during that time (or reasonable seasonal fluctuations that return to previous prices as normal).
Bread, sliced wheat 20oz - $1.49
Milk, whole 1 gal - $3.25
Eggs, large 1 dozen - $2.39
Cheese, cheddar block 8oz - $2.15
Vegetable oil, 48oz - $4.15
Butter, salted quarters 16oz - $4.39
Flour, all purpose 5 lbs - $2.40
Sugar, granulated 4 lbs - $3.29
Ground Beef, 1 lb. - $3.79
Chicken, boneless skinless breast 1 lb. - $2.49
Salmon, frozen 1 lb. - $5.22
Sliced Turkey, lunch meat 1 lb. - $4.15
Potatoes, Russet 5 lb. bag - $4.09
Broccoli, frozen 12oz - $1.29
Corn, frozen 12oz - $1.05
Diced Tomato, canned 14.5oz - $1.05
Carrots, 1 lb. - $0.78
Bananas, 1 lb. - $0.49
Grapes, green 1 lb. - $1.79
Strawberries, 1 lb. - $3.09
Apples, Fuji 1 lb. - $1.30
Apple Juice, 100% 64oz - $2.09
Frozen Waffles, 10 count 12.3oz - $2.39
Bacon, 1 lb. - $4.39
Maple Syrup, 100% pure 12.5oz - $6.05
Canned Chili, no beans 15 oz - $2.39
Potatoes, Russet 5 lb. bag - $4.09
Spaghetti, 32oz - $2.09
Pasta Sauce, 24oz - $1.85
Chicken Pot Pie, frozen 7oz - $1.09
Ranch Dressing, 16oz - $2.15
Ketchup, 38oz - $2.05
Mustard, 20oz - $1.09
Mayonnaise, 30oz - $3.65
Minced Garlic, in water 8oz - $2.55
Paprika, 2.12oz - $1.25
Vanilla Extract, pure 2oz - $5.49
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pocketramblr · 2 years ago
So glad food names like "pigs in a blanket" exist. "Ants on a log". "Angels on horseback". "Frog in the wall". Putting animals in situations. Evocative names.
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lexalovesbooks · 10 months ago
Man I love how “I’m bald” is starting to become the “other” answer on polls it’s so funny and indecipherable to outsiders
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ozzyfromthecafeteria · 2 years ago
Okay so I had probably one of the funniest thoughts ever to date and.
Aurora teamwork cooking experiment.
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tomurkle · 2 years ago
gonna quickly expose myself here as a weirdo that prefers the middle seat,, usually unless its me n only one other in the back bc then it feels too crowded...
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icyfox62 · 5 months ago
This is animal, dinosaur, fairy, and mermaid erasure.
“You never pretended to be a bride when you were a little girl?” No???? Like literally never?
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dear-ao3 · 2 months ago
so. as you may know it’s christmas eve. as you probably don’t know i am eastern european. and probably the only real tradition anyone holds onto is christmas eve. normally my great aunt does all the food and very begrudgingly sometimes lets everyone help make like. one thing.
this year. the year of our lord two thousand and twenty four. she decided she was done cooking and it was up to everyone else.
so i got a phone call from my mom a few weeks ago being like hey so. you’re making the cake. got it? good.
the cake in question is a walnut cake. i was entrusted with my great aunts recipe about seven years ago. i’ve made it twice. the first time i fucked up the frosting quantity. the second time i fucked up the eggs. both times were passable at best and notably! my great aunt did not taste either of them.
and i have to make this cake. on christmas eve. it is dessert. for everyone. my extended family will all be eating the cake. the walnut cake. on christmas eve. even my great aunt.
so yesterday, december 23 if you are counting, i went on the annual Last Minute Christmas Food Shopping Trip with my father, watched him climb into the case to get his half and half like he does every year, and stressed about my cake as i made sure i had all of the ingredients.
then. we went to my great aunts house. where i was met with Trial Number 1: The Cognac
this cake has cognac in the frosting. not a big deal really. except for the fact that my mom hates that there is cognac in the frosting. (my mom is hell bent on making christmas eve dinner vaguely healthier. no one else agrees.) and i was to be making the cake in my moms house.
also important to note: we (as in my parents) do not own cognac. mostly because none of us drink.
so my great aunt is like oh i have to give you the cognac. cause she knows. i am baking the cake. the walnut cake. (my dad told her. he is a traitor). and i say okay. sure. this won’t be a problem at all.
so she gives me. a shot of cognac. and when i say a shot. i mean an Entirely Full Shot Glass of Three Hundred Dollar Cognac. in a jar. for the cake. the walnut cake. that i have to make.
upon bringing the cognac home my mom says no we’re not putting that in. the cognac sits on the counter in its jar. no one touches it.
then i was met with Trial Number 2: The Frosting.
this recipe requires a pound of chopped walnuts. first. i couldn’t even find the walnuts. my sister and i searched high and low and in every cabinet we could find but no nuts. i called my mom. and said mom where are the walnuts? and she said. “they’re in the nut bag behind the basement door.”
oh of course. how could i have missed the nut bag? a holiday bag full of bags of nuts that was half hidden by wrapping paper and also behind a door?
in any case. could i have used a food processor? absolutely. did i? no. half because i forgot and half because i didn’t want to accidentally grind the walnuts into a paste. so i enlisted the help of my younger sister to chop the walnuts By Hand while i embarked on the real devil: the frosting.
which remember. is supposed to have cognac.
so i cream my butter. i add my sugar. i’m careful not to over sugar. i taste it a million times. i add my coffee and my vanilla extract (instead of cognac. which is still sitting on the counter) and it was all going so well until. the butter rebelled.
now remember. one time when i made this. seven years ago. i made too little frosting. so i made more this time. and i thought i had all my conversions right but evidently i did not because suddenly there was too much liquid in my frosting and it split.
the frosting for the walnut cake that everyone was going to eat. on christmas eve. the very next day.
i felt like a contestant on great british bake-off getting smited by the tent.
so i did the logical thing and shoved the whole mess into the fridge hoping that it would sort itself out overnight.
then it was time to face Trial Number Three: The Cake Itself.
as i have said this cake is a walnut cake. the christmas eve walnut cake that has been at christmas eve longer than i have been alive. and it requires no less than ten egg whites. which i whipped and i added to my walnuts and shoved the whole thing into the oven in my two baking dishes.
only to discover no less than 40 minutes later that the batter in the pans was Not Even (despite my best efforts). so i cooked one longer than the other and hoped that i hadn’t monumentally fucked up the walnut cake. like i had the frosting. which was in the fridge. and i was ignoring.
which leads to Trial Number Four: The Egg Yolk Cake
see i had ten egg yolks. i didn’t know what to do with them. my mom said flush them. my dad said make a custard. i proposed making egg nog. my mom said she didn’t want it in the house cause it was too fattening (a blatantly incorrect statement. please, if you are reading this, go drink a glass of eggnog. or some other fun festive drink. food is for the soul.) so i produced a recipe for an egg yolk pound cake. i made it. i still don’t know if it came out good cause i haven’t tasted it. i hope it did. but that was not the point. the point is the walnut cake. the christmas eve walnut cake.
and the following morning i was met with Trial Number Five: The Frosting Part 2
first i threw my failed frosting back in the mixer and it immediately secreted a brackish combination of vanilla extract and coffee so i did the only thing i could. facetimed my dad and said “father there are problems abound.” and he gave me the fatherly advice of “make it again.”
and so i did.
with more correct measurements. still scared it would split at any second.
though it didn’t.
and i didn’t add the cognac.
maybe no one will be able to tell???
my mom said that if anyone asks the first batch of frosting failed and i had to toss it. this is technically true.
but i had frosting. i had two uneven cakes. and it was time for Trial Number Six: Decorating
decorating cakes is easily in my top ten least favorite activities. decorating the christmas eve walnut cake is easily in my top three least favorite activities. because i am terrible at decorating cakes. and also because it has a filling.
the filling is jam. and i once again made the wrong choice because i put the jam on first before the frosting. which to be fair is what the directions say. but as everyone knows, the directions in recipes you get from your eastern european great aunt are not the real directions. so now i had to smear butter cream. on top of jam. for the filling of the walnut cake. for christmas eve. that we would be eating in a few hours.
and we didn’t have a cake plate. we had a large dish.
i had to use my fingers. i had to use three spatulas. i got jam everywhere. but i did it. and as soon as i set the top cake on top of the filling i realized my monumental mistake: i was supposed to trim down the cakes.
so now they were uneven. and lopsided. and there was nothing i, a mere mortal tasked with the impossible task of making christmas eve walnut cake, could do about it.
so i continued to spread my frosting. which i had enough of. and tried and failed to not get jam everywhere.
in the end it was almost presentable. not great. slightly lopsided. and definitely not as nice as any of my great aunts cakes.
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which left me with Trial Number 7: Chilling It
our fridge was being taken up by other important christmas eve things (though not as important as my cake. the walnut cake) so i had to put it in the car. which was fine because there is snow on the ground.
i covered my cake. the walnut cake. in tin foil and hoped i wouldn’t accidentally squish it. and then i went outside. i tried to steal my moms shoes to walk outside. she was not impressed.
“you know, saph,” she said. “some of the time you’re pretty great. the other half of the time you’re really weird.”
i could not agree more.
i put my cake on the trunk. prayed to the cake gods and went inside.
on the one hand if the cake is good, i will be stuck making walnut cake for christmas eve for the rest of my life. on the other hand, if it sucks i will never have to make another one.
Trial Number Eight: The Tasting still waits.
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moxie-girl · 9 months ago
Star Wars clone wars-era tumblr dashboard simulator! this meme format is so old sorryyyy
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hate hate HAAATE that holoblr is so core-centric and you’re expected to post in basic or people just comment asking you to translate. I should be able to post in shryiiwook.
⬜️ senatesux-deactivated00192…
Hey, your choice of Shyriiwook as an “exotic” language to post in ties inherently into old colonialist views on Wookies and I need you to be aware of that, if it wasn’t intentional. Many people on the holonet these days…
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hi! op here. I’m a wookie.
🪐 outer-rim-4lyfe Follow
#core holoblr users stop assuming everyone is human challenge
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🛸 fuckthatoldman Follow
ok but whys grandmaster yoda kinda… 🥵🥵
🧑🏾‍🚀 sora-the-explora Follow
Everybody on here claiming to be attracted to GILFs is lying except for this guy
#everyone unfollow me i wanna be alone with them
6,969 notes
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5️⃣ 55555555 Follow
some of the ppl posting on here against clone rights are so funny like do you have any idea how many clones are on holoblr?? have fun losing like all ur followers lmao
#what do u think we’re doing between deployments??? just standing around waiting to fight????? #clone rights #cloneblr
84,255 notes
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🌃 coru-ssant Follow
I sure hope my pet piece of flimsi is doing well! good thing I left my apartment window open so he could get some fresh air while I was at work :)
🌃 coru-ssant Follow
by the stars this can’t be happening
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🧋 bubble-tea-bounty Follow
⚒ keldabekisses Follow
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#anyways vote vanilla extract for mand’alor it’s what jaster would’ve wanted #mandalore #mando discourse #<- for those of u who have it filtered
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🦾 hero-with-many-fears Follow
anakin skywalker is 22??? he should be at da club….
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🌌 posts-from-a-darker-galaxy Follow
so was anyone gonna tell me they found out the chancellor is a sith or was I supposed to learn it from a CNL skit???
🌝 pizzathehutt Follow
posts that make you read op’s url
🚀 hyperdriven Follow
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#op if you go asking at enough temples eventually a sith might answer
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ekjohnston · 28 days ago
There was a poll going around a couple days ago about your "automatic no"s for fanfic, and along with the things I expected (formatting, grammar, POV, etc), quite a few people listed short fics as reasons not to click. I'm not judging (I used to be that person, but with AO3's tags there are better ways for me to filter), but as someone who specializes in short fic, it did make me think.
(These definitions are by no means official, except the drabble of course, so ymmv, but I had to call them SOMEthing.)
Please reblog this, i am legit curious about the answer and will have a follow up question when the poll is closed.
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batsintheshadows · 1 year ago
i want everyone to know that when a poll slinks its way across my dashboard i shut my eyes and click randomly until i actually manage to hit a result. your data is Nothing to me
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gorysims · 1 month ago
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ৎ୭ synopsis - house husband Nanami, whose favorite hobby is baking, wants you, his pretty little wife, to taste his new custard cream pie filling.
ৎ୭ wrd count - 721
ৎ୭ house husband series
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House husband! nanami who loves his pretty little wife just as much as he loves baking, isn't particularly open about his love for baking like he is for his wife; he enjoys it enough to consider it a hobby.
House husband! Nanami, who's recently been studying a new pie recipe for you to try, and he's almost perfected it, except for the cream filling. For the past week and a half, he's been struggling to find the perfect filling, and as of lately, it's really been annoying him.
House husband! Nanami ears perked up the second he hears the locks on the front door unlocking and soon enough he’s wiping his flour covered hands on his ‘kiss the cook’ apron before heading towards the front door to greet you his lovely wife.
House husband! Nanami who greets you with a look of content as he steps forward to grab your purse with one hand and paper bag filled with groceries in his other hand before setting them down on the console table near the front door.
House husband! Nanami who then helps you take of your coat before tilting his head down slightly and pecking a kiss onto your lips, “how was your day?” he’s asking as he hangs your coat up on the coat rack while you hum thinking about how to answer his question and slipping off your sling back stiletto kitten heels and stepping into your house shoes.
“It was good Ken, Oh! and I just remembered—it's Higuruma's birthday! Make sure to give him a call so he knows you haven't forgotten.” you say as nanami nods his head in remembrance before grabbing the bag of groceries and heading off to the kitchen.
House husband! Nanami not typically one for talking, quickly apologies for the mess he made…The sink holding a small stack of dishes, while flour dusted the dark oak hardwood floors. and bowls of different fruit flavored custard cream fillings just sitting there lined up on the granite island counter top.
“baby you don’t need to apologize, i know how hard you’ve been working lately” you comment softly while sneakily dipping your finger into one of the fillings while his back is turned, you knew your husband could be quite the neat freak so you never minded when nanami made small messes because you know he’d clean up after himself either way.
House husband! Nanami whose ears flushed pink after hearing you call him baby, even though you’ve been married for years he still never got used the the pet names you’d call him…thankfully he was turned around so you wouldn’t be able to how flushed his face was.
“this one needs some vanilla extract” you say after licking the lemon-flavored cream off your finger, the taste was somewhat sour and with the little knowledge of baking you had, you knew adding vanilla would balance the flavor. Honestly, you were surprised that Nanami hadn’t thought of it already.
House husband! Nanami whose left eye twitches slightly after hearing your words, how could he not think to add vanilla of all things.
and now here House husband! Nanami was letting out gruntled groans as he sank himself into the warmth of your cunt, your body was pushed against the granite counter top, black pencil skirt somehow pushed up your to your waist while the sheer stockings your wore were now ripped open with your panties pushed to the side.
needy moans leave your lips as you clench around your husband’s girth, nanami, whose grip on your hair never falters while muttering the nastiest of praises into your ears. You’re practically hanging on by a thread—Nanami stretching out your walls with each thrust and muttering how much he adores and appreciates you and your pussy.
his apron long gone and forgotten to the side, same with the grocery, “kennnnn” you moan out dragging out the n in the little nickname, your so close to reaching your orgasm and nanami knows it, he’s studied everything about you, from how pretty you look cumming on his dick to how your eyes get droopy and your pupils would dilate.
nanami leaned forward feeling himself working through his own and letting his grip on your hair go, another round of gruntled groans leave his mouth as his hot sticky cum shoots into you.
guess you could say your husband’s pie wasn’t the only thing getting filled. <3
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@gorysims — this is my first time writing on tumblr so I’m very new to shit like this so constructive criticism is very much welcomed and appreciated.
all work belongs to me @gorysims, do not try to copy or revise my work without asking me cause I’ll shut that shit down real fast.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 1 month ago
12 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 ~ 𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓
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Synopsis: Christmas Eve baking turns smutty with Coach!Miguel 🍪🎄Words 1.2k
a/n: was supposed to be written for a dear moot 😭💕 ILY Vicky wherever you are. 😭🎄🎁
12 days of smutmas masterlist 🎁🎄
dividers by @/saradika-graphics,pics from Pinterest
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"And now we need to add three cups of flour...haah, Miguel, are you paying attention...?"
You slowly breathed out as you felt a faint tickle at the nape of your neck. A fanning breath from your tall husband at your back. 
Miguel's eyes, coarse and rich like the chocolate chips he loved to steal out of the bag(and denied doing so), hang heavy with the irresistible sight in front of him, large hands gliding sensually over the soft shape of your bare body underneath your snowman apron that thinly shrouded his most favorite parts of you that would soon be unraveled at his unhurried leisure. 
Baking naked together had been your idea, but soon you discovered this little plan of yours may have entailed more than you bargained for when the added element of being snowed in and deprived of one another for weeks came with a heavy dose of raw desire fueled by the tranquil atmosphere. 
It was Christmas Eve. All light in the apartment was non-existent except for the residual glow of multi-colored lights and fireplace that carried from the adjacent living room, bathing the air in a way that was subdued and balmy.
Little Gabriella's jovial cries that once graced the halls were at her mother, Dana's, and Miguel had awaited this night with dread knowing this would be the first year he'd be forced to go without hearing them after the foundation of his home had been shaken.
Enter you, and, for the first in a long while, the feelings of loneliness were kept at bay long enough that he started to believe that Christmas could feel whole once again from having the assurance and warmth of another person by his side. 
Now, it was here, in the intimate solitude on the dawn of the holiday, that the festive backdrop of Nat King Cole on casual repeat only further endeared you to this gorgeous man that awakened the parts of you that you thought were asleep. 
"I'm listening..." He mumbled worshipfully as his hands couldn't help but portray the opposite, skimming lowly along the raised surface of goosebumps that pebbled all over your naked back. 
He hums as a rough palm skids past the pale blue canvas that hugged your bare breasts, in search of the perky nipples that were hardening underneath his lingering touch. "Three cups of flour, and then..." 
He pauses as his knuckles brushed what hair concealed the smooth skin of your neck away from him, leaving a prolonged kiss in his wake.
"And then..." You let out a haggard breath as the recipe book you were holding clattered to the floor, bracing both hands in a death grip on the flour dusted countertop. "Goddamn it, Miguel..." 
You sighed and parted your thighs, making way for Miguel's thick finger that made tantalizing work of slow circles along the pearly slick that had begun to build steadily and drip ever since the winter sun  had dipped below the horizon. 
"I think it was vanilla extract..." He purred as his solid muscle bestowed you warmth more potent than the mild cackles of the fireplace that hummed against your ear. 
He squeezed your left breast in his free hand while his finger rubbed along the wet puffy lips of your cunt, just ghosting past your velvety clit that pulsed more steadily with each passing movement. "Did it come before, or after the eggs...?" 
"Miguel..." You huffed as you bit back a smile with lustful frustration when he buried his face in your neck. "Don't play with my pussy and expect me to give you coherent answers." 
"I'm not the one who insisted on baking with no clothes on." 
"Well, what about the fundraiser...?" You asked in a honey ladden tone as you turned around and coyly cocked your head to allow him more access. 
"Grocery store's open after Christmas..." He smiled against your neck before sinking to his knees and disappearing underneath your apron, feeling the brush of his wavy umber locks as those plump lips teased along your left inner thigh, followed by the right. 
"Fuck the fundraiser. Miguel, don't stop..."
You sighed as the ingredients were haphazardly pushed to the side in the heat of blinding passion, going back to those breathy pleas when your bare back met the coolness of the granite countertop, calves resting on his shoulders as Miguel began to slowly lap at the warm, glistening feast in front of him. 
Perhaps the divorce did shift things, yes, but something long lasting was being forged in flour dusted cheeks and too much tea. 
You reflected as the inner corners of your eyes began to wet with fuzzy pleasure when his slick coated jaw underneath those mesmerizing brown eyes came up to gaze at you as one long finger gently pushed past your dribbling entrance, followed by a second. 
He watched, entranced as he wetly squelched and massaged each one of his fingers in and out of you until it coated his wedding ring. 
It was cemented in the kind of laughter that aches your belly and the ember your lover ignites with a look from across the room that comes from months of inhabiting the other's space. The knowing that comes from loving. You and him. 
Now, your apron was discarded somewhere along the fervid trail that departed the kitchen, and your back was arched beautifully against the plushy cushions of the couch. You raised your chin, your pretty lips parting as the soft bottoms of your feet gently grazed the subtle pudge of fat that sat just above his grey flecked, darkened bush. Every sculpted detail about Miguel that embodied his strength was illuminated in the orangey glow of the burning fire behind him. 
You wondered if in a past life your deeds were so benevolent that they had to be rewarded in the present with the tender love of this man who found you when you were not looking. 
This same man who was now steadily fucking his thick, veiny cock into you by the expiring fire with the passion of a million unspoken words. 
A waffle making technique that became perfected because of a pair of glittering eyes with a shiver of sleep in them one autumn morning said she preferred them over pancakes. 
He leaned on his forearms as he cradled the halo along your jawline which was brought out by the shadow of his form swallowing yours, using the position to sink his cock more deeply into the wealth of silky wetness between your thighs that dripped and massaged each groove of his cock. 
Your legs squeezed him like the ice that frosted the streets and quiet rooftop that hung over you both in this heated fest of steamy lovemaking. Miguel panted as his cock strained and his balls drew impossibly tighter with each soft bounce of your breasts with every deliberate thrust of himself into you. 
Syrupy, milky white soon leaked all over your soft mound, coating both forests of your pubes in a sinful gloss. 
The fire wasn't so quickly extinguished, however, as he slowly traced the fat tip around your weeping hole, using the mixture to allow himself to quickly slip inside you deeply again with another groan, nails digging in his back as you prepared for another round of many that would surely last until the snowflakes no longer clung to the fresh blankets of  Christmas snow. 
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fuckingrecipes · 3 months ago
hey there! came here from your crockpot post, and have been having a great time browsing your blog. it’s so cool :D
kind of random, but i have a question about said post, if it’s okay to ask it here? i’m muslim, so i can’t drink/cook with alcohol (there are some kind of exceptions like vanilla extract, but generally it’s a no), so i was wondering — if you have any ideas, what do you suggest i could replace with the red wine from your post for a similar, as close ish as possible effect? genuinely just wondering — i love cooking, but whenever i see stuff like deglaze your pan with wine or add wine as a flavour enhancer i’m always like that sounds so cool, but lol i can’t use grape juice here or can i, and it’s a whole thing lol. any advice would b super appreciated:D
The BEST thing to use in place of red wine, for a similar taste and texture WHEN YOU ARE DEGLAZING A PAN, without the alcohol is Verjus.
It's a highly acidic juice made by pressing unripe grapes, crab-apples, or other very sour fruit. It is nothing more than sour, acidic fruit juice. However, it can be a bit difficult to find.
The next-best is unsweetened Pomegranate juice.
In third place is a 1:1 mixture of meat stock (like chicken or beef stock) with Vinegar. <-- I worry a little about suggesting Red Wine Vinegar, because it does still have a small amount of alcohol in it, though it is the best one to use here)
Theoretically, you could just use water, cream, straight meat broth, or any vinegar, but it'll change the flavor and texture.
But that's specifically for Deglazing - adding liquid to a hot pan to remove the brown flavorful bits stuck to the bottom.
When you are trying to use alcohol as a flavor enhancer.... unfortunately, no, there is no substitute.
You can get rich flavors by adding vinegar, but the reason alcohol is used is because there are flavor compounds that are ONLY accessible when alcohol attaches to them.
For example; many spices and herbs are Fat Soluble. Toasting seed spices in a dry pan will likely mellow or the flavor, while frying briefly in oil will release and extract a ton of flavor. The fat-solubility of those flavor chemicals means you NEED to cook it in fat, in order for that flavor to suffuse the dish.
Some flavors - especially ones in tomatoes - are soluble in alcohol, but less so in fat or water.
Penne al Vodka uses a touch of flavorless alcohol to make the whole dish taste more explosively & richly like tomatoes. The alcohol pulls compounds from the tomatoes and makes them vibrant and in-your-face. The difference between Penne al Vodka WITH vs WITHOUT the vodka is fascinating.
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nonasuch · 4 months ago
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So I am still really enjoying making gradients! To the point that right now I have a whole bunch of them temporarily strung and waiting to be made up into finished necklaces, and I cannot decide which one to do next. These will all be made into wire-wrapped rosary chain necklaces, except for the last one which I might put on knotted silk cord.
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bethanydelleman · 4 months ago
My opinion below the jump, as to not bias:
I find it very hard to believe that Lady Catherine would tell lies about her dead sister unopposed, so I tend to think that there was at least some truth to her assertion that Lady Anne, her sister, wanted an alliance between her son and niece. It is also a super common rich people thing to want money to stay in the family, so it's a normal enough plan.
I think there are several possible explanations, none of which make Lady Catherine into a delusional person. It easily could have been the wish of a young mother Lady Anne to see her son marry his cousin, how perfect it seemed that they were opposite genders! I could see Lady Catherine holding onto the plan as a form of mourning her sister and honouring her wishes. It also may be a plan that formed before Anne was sickly, there are so many childhood vaccine-preventable illnesses. If Lady Anne was already dead at this point, the plan would carry on.
What we do know is that the marriage plan was known enough that Wickham is aware of it, but informal enough that Darcy, who takes family duty seriously, doesn't seem compelled to act on it. This could be because his father opposed the plan or because circumstances significantly changed since his mother agreed. I think he is doing what he can to put Lady Catherine off, given her excitement about his extended visit, it seems he's doing the very bare minimum in a hope that she'll take the hint.
I think in the end, it's unknowable. We just don't have that much information about Lady Anne, except that she doesn't seem to have been as admired as her husband. She could have certainly been a lot like Lady Catherine, which would make sense given her son's initial issues with snobbery. But I do think that most people who deny that Lady Anne agreed to this plan just want Lady Catherine to be a worse villain than she really is in the novel.
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