#......... i'm gonna end up writing the thing aren't i gods dammit
malicemismanager · 1 year
Y'know considering the sheer amount of zombie media I consume (ha) it's surprising I've never written a zombie story. I mean, technically I did start one years and years and years ago, but it's currently judging me from the void I've yeeted all my original work into and I didn't even get 1k words into it (hel I don't think I even got to the zombies orz), so I'm choosing not to count it. XD
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cairavende · 10 months
Worm Arc 14 thoughts through 14.7 (there is too much for one post, I mean I could probably get four to five posts from 14.11 alone):
The team figures out Siberian's whole "is a projection" thing pretty quickly. Good for them.
I really want to know who ripped out page 325 for the "how horrible of a thing have I done that I don't want shared" check. I strongly lean Trickster but I'm not sure. I want more details on the Travelers and TiaV dammit!
Amy is having a bad day. Probably really a continuation of a bad few days. She probably didn't really need those fingers right?
Skitter criticizing Amy in her head for not being "creative" enough with her power is so on brand. Of course my daughter has already detailed out the complex ways she would use a power she doesn't even have. I love her.
I really wish the Undersiders/Travelers combo would stop splitting the fucking party. If they had just sent everyone after Siberian I bet the could have gotten the dude.
I do have have Skitter has gotten to a point where one of her "start of combat" actions is to just make a fuck ton of bug decoys. Almost without thought at this point.
Have I mentioned how much I love the "writing words in the air with bugs to communicate with people"? Cause I do. It makes sense. It would work. It lets her communicate long range. But it's also very silly to imagine. Very Silver Age in the best way.
Then it gets even better! Skitter makes a full blown animation to tell Amy that Siberian is trying to drop a building on her. Absolutely fucking perfection.
Tattletale maybe misjudged ever so slightly in what she revealed to Siberian. The combo of Siberian just flickering out of existence and everyone being like "oh fuck" was very good.
Amy trying to do her bullshit again and Tattletale having none of it, just destroying every argument before Amy even makes them until Amy agrees to come and help. More than makes up for any mistakes Tattletale made with Siberian.
The relay bugs are super neat.
Fucking high speed mutant dog/car chase. Absolutely fucking AMAZING. I loved every part of it. Ending with Sundancer just dropping a 50 foot wide sun on the road.
Tattletale trolling the shit out of Piggot and the heroes gives me life.
Also, Piggot's phone conversation with Tattletale was basically a villain monologue. For Piggot. Just all the shit about why she was doing it, why it was for the best, the coy little "sorry your teammates are gonna die, it's just an unfortunate side effect". All of it. This bitch is evil.
My daughter fucking tying up Crawler with spiderwebs. HOLY SHIT KID. God damn.
Very Mulan "Get off the roof, get off the roof, get off the roof" energy as they all run the fuck away from the bombing zone.
BUG HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It rescues her and she has to teach it how to fly and they form a bond and she saves it and it saves her and and and she gives it a NAME! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
She's only had Atlas for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I will burn the world to the ground. Then I'll find another world and burn it to the ground too.
Firebombs don't really do shit but destroy a chunk of the city, probably kill some civilians, and make the heroes lives pretty fucking hard as they have to rely on the randomness of Clockblocker's power.
Also weren't there supposed to be a bunch of Nazis also getting hit by the bombs? One of the only somewhat maybe kinda almost decent parts of the plan Piggot and they aren't even here!
Piggot's plan is terrible and evil is what I'm saying.
The only reason nearly every hero doesn't end up permanently trapped or whatever inside Cache's bag of holding is cause Skitter was there to keep him from being crushed by a car. Well, Skitter and her bug horse (BUG HORSE!)
Skitter got to shoot Mannequin in the back. Very satisfying even if it didn't do long term damage.
Sucks to be Cache. He's . . . probably fine? I mean at least he got everyone out as he was melting.
Really sucks to be Glory Girl. She is . . . uhhh . . . hmmm . . . not dead. I can at least say that.
I mean Skitter got her to Amy. And Amy did stop her from dying. So like . . . she's probably going to be fine. Yep. Juuuuuust fine.
(Look if Amy wasn't a bitch about giving Atlas a digestive system I might be willing to forgive a lot. My daughters (bug)horse comes first. But Amy didn't so I won't. At least Grue was able to help. He gets a lot of brownie points for that.)
Anyway, Victoria needed to take some time to heal the rest of the way so she left completely under her own free will. And it will never come up again.
Kill a few more civilians and maybe Crawler and Mannequin. Destroy more of the city (including the library!) in a way that will probably never be salvageable (I mean at least some of it is stopped in time for god knows how long). Jack, Bonesaw, and Siberian escape. And because of what was done Bonesaw is going to activate her bio-weapon.
Great job Piggot. Gold star. You fucking did it. You saved the city. You motherfucking idiot.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years
okay so, i think the biggest part of my hangup with both paldea and hisui as regions is that i like pokemon's dense, route-based design and i will take a well-designed and rich linear world over a comparatively empty open world, and a small route that's packed with things to find around every corner over a giant field full of nothing other than pokemon, every single time. i really have been having a lot more fun in paldea than in hisui and just loving all the different types of environments, loving seeing all the different pokemon wandering around, swimming, sleeping, and hanging out in groups, loving the beautiful designs of the towns and cities and loving that i can seamlessly go to them without loading screens. but god i miss environmental obstacles in pokemon?? i miss forest mazes, i miss caves filled with a bajillion confusing ladders, i miss enemy team bases with weird warp pad mazes and grunts all over the place, i miss rock smash puzzles and strength puzzles and cut puzzles and things that i actually NEEDED my hms or my ride pokemon to get past. in PLA and SV i pretty much only need to ride my pokemon to get places faster or cross a river. and even with the presence of towns and cities, the areas in SV still just feel so needlessly large to me and don't really have that many neat landmarks or unique elements that make me think "ooh i wanna go see what this is!!" and what actually caused me to stop playing and write this post was that i got extremely annoyed trying to find all the trainers in a certain area because the area is just too big and it's too hard to tell where i am and where i've been because everything looks too samey and honestly there aren't enough trainers spread across such ginormous areas and dammit where are the last 2 trainers already??
also i've run this point into the ground by saying it so much but i just wish the towns, as beautiful as they are and as glad i am that they exist, had buildings we could go in and more unique things to do in them. even if each town just had one Thing each like maybe artazon had a museum, levincia had a department store, cascarrafa/porto marinada had a hotel, etc, that would go a long way in making them all more interesting and making me stick around in them for longer. i hate seeming nitpicky and overly critical because i'm very much having fun with SV and i think it's gonna end up being the best game since sun and moon for me (largely due to the writing tbh) but i still have so many issues with the way gamefreak approaches the concept of an open world pokemon game and we are a long way from having "breath of the wild but pokemon", even if we're making progress.
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virmillion · 2 years
in with "darkness as corruption" <<< "blinding brightness as corruption," i know you aren't fully settled on the end yet and how moving on looks like, but in popular media it seems to be pretty often that it's brightness, stepping into a warm summer or something, and that's fine and whatever. i want the opposite. the whole thing is that ghosts get more and more exhausted the longer they stick around (hence being down more often, and losing memories when they're forcing themselves to be out), so it seems like it would make sense that it's the darkness of sleep and night time, y'know? like, people call dying an eternal rest, or the soul being at peace or whatever, and to me, here's what the process looks like
option A, the normal path:
you die in a relatively normal way
technically, you probably become a ghost? but it's for, like, a fraction of a second
your soul is already at peace, and pretty much without even thinking about it, you move on - disperse into the void, become a constellation, reincarnate, whatever, we don't really know
(see tgp because. obviously no one comes back from that to Tell Us what actually happens, but somehow they've put together that it's peaceful, you aren't just walking into hell (probably))
option B, the fucked up fun path:
you die in some abnormal or traumatic way, and/or you have major unfinished business to sort out
you become a ghost, but uh oh, it's long term!
for some reason or another, your soul isn't at peace. the longer you stick around (not moving on), the more memories you forget - starts with small things, like your favorite food, where you went to elementary school, but it starts turning into bigger things if you linger for super long
in the worst cases, you lose absolutely everything - see ghost, who straight up forgot their name, how and when they died, everything except the fact that they're a ghost in an unfortunate outfit
it's. extremely unlikely that you actually finish your unfinished business (bc it's next to impossible to affect the living world, takes a shit ton of time to master, in that time you'll probably forget what you were trying to do anyway, et al)
instead, it's more about coming to terms with and accepting it (heLLO stages of grief), and once you're at peace with it, cowabunga you've beaten the final boss
at this point, somehow you just Know what to do, that you can finally go rest/be at peace/all that fun stuff
for rough specifically, i think he probably expects to see, like, a bright shining gate that hurts to look at, but he instead sees this emanating darkness that's warm, almost breathing, inviting him in, and walking into it feels like crawling into your warm bed after coming in from shoveling the snow
it's literally about finally being able to rest
also maybe it feels like a piece of himself slots back into place, this being him and tumble coming back together and being whole again? idk*
(not sure what aleth sees, i doubt it's the same thing bc to each their own but also, all due respect, this isn't her story, and i don't think rough would think to ask)
*...god DAMMIT okay so the watsonian point of the story is that rough is basically writing it as an apology to tumble, right? he's literally taking all this down (somehow, idk how he learned 2 write but maybe it's easier to manipulate technology and he typed it or something) to Tell To Tumble, as an apology and explanation of his actions, ending with "and i'm sorry i fucked up so much, but i'm gonna move on now, so i hope that's good for you," and then he goes and talks to aleth and we wrap it up. issue BEING. he would stop writing there, so how the FUCK do we get all that moving-on shit into the story? like, obviously you can't just Leave It at him saying he's gonna move on, because i really want to show him actually going off and being at peace, not just talking a big game about it, yk. not sure how to fix that yet, and not a problem for anywhere in the near future, but i didn't want 2 forget, so here's. that. i guess
......well. so issue A is that he can't really physically write all this out, so maybe he's telling it all to ghost, and ghost is taking it down to give to tumble, and rough somehow forces tumble out to hear ghost read the story back to them? and then we see rough&tumble, now basically back together (but not quite as one), going to aleth and moving on, and we get to have tumble's pov of how it happens? bc from the whole point before, "i/me/myself" is rough adding in asides, "he/him/himself" is rough telling the actual story, "you/yours/yourself" is rough speaking directly to tumble, and "we/ours/ourself" is rough talking about himself and tumble, either as one or as a collective. to that end, maybe the last chunk with the moving on and everything can have it in that "we/ours/ourself" pov, because it's Rough And Tumble, now actually as one, getting over themself and moving on. idk, something like that. it's late, i'm tired, this is rambly and longer than i meant it to be
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kpdeek · 2 years
Personal (PCOS)
I've been meaning to write a KP fanfic since before the show ended, I've had inspiration stirring nonstop since EP1. I thought with the amount of free time I'd have this Summer this would be something fun to put my time and energy into, a project I can utilize everything I've learned from all the wonderful people I've interacted with on here in one way or another, but July has officially become the month of declining health for me.
I literally never used to see my doctor, I never had reason to. And suddenly I'm seeing 3-4.
It's a bunch of minor things piled on each other to create one BIG thing, but the main concern weighing on me is that I apparently have PCOS. And one particularly large cyst on my right ovary has been a real burden. It feels like constant cramping near my right pelvis, throbbing, bloating, heavy. I'm trying to go about my days as normal as possible as I monitor this thing (because it's supposed to go away on its own. & if it doesn't, then I'll need a minor surgery to get it out). But the discomfort is so constant it's all I'm ever dialed in to. I can't enjoy the vacations I'm going on, or just day to day activities.
It's not an agonizing pain, more like a dull pain. After doing a lot of research and educating myself on PCOS and related issues (to the point I drove myself into a panic attack in the middle of a family road trip 🙃), I realize that the stage I'm currently in is nothing compared to how bad this might be (or get), so I'm trying not to psych myself out too much. And yet, I've cried for three nights straight.
The mind is a strange thing. On the one hand, I know this is relatively common with people who ovulate, and what I'm experiencing isn't anything deemed too serious. In fact, it's pretty normal. On the other hand, I can't believe I'm spending the one summer I chose not to work doctor hopping instead (and not in the fun sense), and that I might need to get surgery for the first time in my life.
If this is a normal cyst (just a bit too big for my doctors' liking), then the 'surgery' isn't anything too complex. But I still need to run a few more tests (while waiting to see if the darned thing will clear up on its own) before I even know if it's worth removing, or what it even contains. (Don't search up images of a teratoma. Just...dont).
In the meantime, my brain is supplying me with all the helpful (sarcastic) things I've learned throughout all this. Namely, if it shrinks, I'm good! If it doesn't, teeny tiny incisions to get it removed. And if the bitch grows, or spreads, or turns out to be endometriosis, this is God or the universe's karmic retribution for all the times I've said "I don't like kids" or "I don't want kids", & I might say bye bye to one or both of my ovaries soon, and the option to have kids will become difficult, or be taken away from me altogether.
You see how my brain turns something that isn't anything yet and freaks me the fuck out? This was me for three hours until I finally broke down on hour 4 of said road trip.
Anyway, I'm trying to process everything it is and might be, driving myself crazy as I do. I don't want to be pessimistic, but at the same time I know I shouldn't be too optimistic. I've talked to close friends and family about it, I am thinking a lot about it, and the next step is to write about it, because that's how I've always processed things and ultimately comforts me more than my circle's generic words of encouragement (though I know they mean well & aren't intentionally trying to downplay the physical & mental toll this has taken on me. And honestly, I think the mental is exacerbating the physical).
I'm still going to write that KP fanfic, dammit!!! but as I write primarily for myself, I'm not going to put a specific time frame on it. I'm just gonna go about it as I'm comfortable.
Ummm...yeah, so this isn't intended for people to feel bad for me, or share my story, or whatever. I'm not even exactly sure how bad this thing is, or if my overthinking is getting overdramatic. Sometimes I just feel better after releasing everything I've got pent up into the void, as if I'm finally letting go of a bit of what's burdening me so I can care about it a little less. But if anyone else has or is going through something similar and would like to share their experience, I'd love to hear from you. It'll be cool to connect with others who get what I'm going thru.
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Fanart By Vanadise:
Jake Muller's Journal || Entry 01
November 12, 2019
"I hate days like these.
These types of days where I don't have to do shit. Just sit around all day and not do a damn thing.
People say I should relax more and sure, I like to relax some days. Hell, I need to sometimes, but what I hate is having to relax or sit around for too long. I always gotta do something or I just don't feel right, you know? I always think if I stay in one place for too long then there's a chance I can get attacked and hit the dirt as a forever resting place. Maybe it's the merc in me makin' me feel this way... Always on edge. Always in danger.
Since I got nothin' to do, I guess I'll just keep writing in this journal. 
God, I'm not really good at this shit--writing my thoughts down... Well whatever. Here goes nothing.
It's fuckin' cold outside. It's so cold that I could have freaking ice cycles comin' out my nose. While I was outside, my eye lashes were practically frozen together. I had bits of snowflakes all over me and my fingers were so cold that it hurt to move 'em when I needed to. Well, to be honest, the cold never really bothered me 'cause I grew up in it, yeah? Had no heating system when I was growing up. I only had my own body heat and one or two torn up blankets. When I was a little older, my mom would always try to make me get her blanket, too, but I would refuse 'cause I didn't want to make her freeze to death. I remember when I was real young, before she got sick, she would lie to me and tell me she didn't need any blankets to keep her warm. I'd always wake up in the middle of the night and check on her only to find her shakin' like a leaf, curled in her bed. I'd go grab all of my blankets and throw 'em on her and I wouldn't leave her side till she'd stop shakin'. Then I'd lay down on the floor and stay there with her during the rest of the night to make sure she didn't freeze  anymore. I didn't mind being cold if it meant she would be warm enough to sleep. After all, she worked all day, everyday, and I would be at home most of the time.
I'm in some fancy hotel room. The place is pretty nice and has air conditioning and running electricity and honestly it's way too fancy for me. There was a fuckin' towel folded up as a penguin on my bed. Like the hell? Who the hell gives a shit about what their towel looks like? Just give it to me so I can use it to dry off. The walls are all a dark red, the floor is a pale, tanned colored carpet, and the doors are the same color as the carpet. There's three fancy paintings of flowers and some of the other buildings that can be found in the town hangin' up in the bedroom, bathroom, and small lounging area. The bed has tan bed sheets and pillow cases and the blanket is a dark red-- almost the same color as the walls. There's a television placed on the dresser across from the foot of my bed, but I'm not gonna bother watching it. Never liked watching television, anyway. There's a big window on the right side of my bed. The drapes are the same color as the walls and the glass on the outside has frost covering most of it.
I'm only stayin' in this place 'cause a lady I was working for told me she was gonna pay for my stay while I'm in this small town. I finished a job for her two days ago. Had to kill some high and mighty prick who thought he'd win a mayor election by sending BOW's out to terrorize the town. He thought he could win by sending out military personnel to dispose of the monsters and pretend that he was the good guy. I hate people like that, who pretend to be somethin' they aren't just to get something they want. I'm not sure when I'll be getting another job. That's why I'm not leaving yet. Hopefully I'll get one soon so I can get the hell outta here and start movin' again. These jobs take me all over the world and I think I enjoy seeing the sights, culture, and people as much as I like taking up assignments. I really love tryin' new food and drinks, like different types of coffee.
Damn, coffee sounds good right about now...
Just sat down on my bed and got me a cup of black coffee while I was up. Took a quick shower to warm me up, too, and I kinda felt bad messin' up the penguin towel. Wonder how long it took the staff to fold it like that? Well, whatever. I bet they already have tons of others made that way, too. They gotta wash and dry the towels anyway. Got my pajamas on, also. Just a pair of navy blue, cotton pants. I never wear a shirt cause it's just uncomfortable wearing one when I sleep. Doesn't matter how cold it is, I still get too hot and sweat like a dog.
What else to write...?
Lookin' outside the window now as I gulp down my drink. It makes me warm up from the inside and so do a few memories. On days like these, where I don't have to do anything, all sorts of memories flood to the front of my mind. Good ones, bad ones... 
All of 'em. 
Used to, when I'd look out of a window while it was snowing, the snow would always remind me of my mom--and it still does, sometimes. Though, now when I see the snow... It reminds me of Sherry. It reminds me of the first day we met and how we had to survive together. I thought she was a preppy, know-it-all bitch who couldn't do a damn thing, but man, did she prove me wrong. She could beat the shit outta anyone and anything that got in her way and I bet she would have done the same to me if she had to. 
I remember when Ustanak, the crazy fucker, had shot down our helicopter and we landed in the snow. Somehow, we had survived the fall even though our parachute had gotten torn by the metal debris. I had blacked out and woken up to Sherry laying on top of me. My brain woke up real quick when I had lifted my hand to find it was covered in blood and I hurriedly got myself out from under her. My heart was pounding rapidly against my chest and a cold sweat came over me as I began to panic when I saw she had a piece of metal sticking out of her back. On the inside, I was freaking out 'cause some chick I just met was about to die in front of me. I kept thinking how it should have been me who should have had the shrapnel lodged into my back. Not her. Not some innocent woman. I doubt she had done anything bad in her life, while I had done all kinds of horrible shit...
She surprised me when she told me to pull it out of her and I thought she was nuts when she just begged me to do it. So I did. I pulled the thing outta her, tossed it to the side, and as I was about to start ripping pieces of clothing to make some sort of bandage, I was shocked to find her skin and muscles pulling themselves back together.
I gotta admit, that shit freaked me the hell out. 
After a while I got used to it. It was just part of her and something that helped formed her personality. I think she hated having it, though. Probably 'cause it reminded her of her parents and the shit she had to go through as a kid.  I never asked her about it, though.
I hope she's doing okay these days. Hopefully she isn't doin' anything stupid or getting herself into trouble. It's been seven years since I've last seen or heard from her. ...I wonder if she even remembers me. Well if she doesn't then it won't bother me. I couldn't care less if she remembers me or not. 
F U C K !
I spilled my fuckin' coffee all over me and my journal-! Son of a fuckin' bitch! Damn this shit burns like he--
The coffee has dried finally and now I can end this entry. God dammit. Didn't think I'd get so  sidetracked while thinkin' about Supergirl. Spilled my own drink all over me and I had to change my pants. Now there's a big coffee stain over a few pages. Oh well. So long as I can still write in this thing. That's all that matters to me. 
Well, the sun is goin' down and I think I'm gonna get some shut eye. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a new client so I don't have to stay here and get stuck in my memories for too long.
Jake Muller"
《You find some extra writing on the back of the page. It appears to have been scribbled over by three continuous, messy lines.》
"I need to stop thinking about her. Need to stop worrying about her so much. I'm sure she's doin' fine and has some pretty boy helping her out and giving her everything she could wish for. You can't give her everything she wants and you sure as hell can't stay by her side cause you gotta work. You don't wanna be like dad and leave her alone for the rest of her life... Besides, you're not good enough for her. She needs someone better than you. Time to move on, Jake....Even if you can't stop thinking about her. Dammit...
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Luka and Mary were sitting at the bar talking wait cor Robert fo show up.
Mary: How are things going, Sailor?
Luka: It's been a rough month since Amanda went away to college... It's just too quiet. (takes a sip from his beer) I know she'll be fine, but I miss her a lot, and I-I'm worried. She's my little baby girl.
Mary: Oh, sweetie. Come here. (pulls him into a hug) She's going to be okay. She's tough girl. Like me. She handle whatever life throws at her.
Luka: (smiles, and hugs) Thank you, Mary. And sorry if I'm whinny tonight.
Mary: Pfff please, have you met my husband, Oh, I mean ex- husband.
Luka: So... it's over between you guys?
Mary: Yep, and of course his mother is blaming me for the broke up. But who cares I don't have to do with her~. Luka: (turns to Nail) Neil, my good fellow, two shots for me and my beautiful friend over.
As the two took the shots Robert came walking into the bar.
Mary: Robert, over here. (waves)
Robert grins and walks over.
Robert: Hey, (kisses Luka on the lips and kisses Mary on the check) Luka, babe. We need to talk.
Luka: Hm? What?
Robert: Kodama and Betsy... (pulls out his phone shows a video of the two dogs napping on his couch) These two are fuckin' adorable. I'm going to lose my mind. And Ponyo is an old soul. (shows him a another video of Ponyo meowing and purring) These guys are going to kill me if before Damion does.
Mary: ... God fucking dammit what did you do now?!
Robert: What? Nothing nothing... (try to play it cool)
Mary: Robert. (crosses her)
Luka: Sweetie, did you break this time?
Robert: ... ... ... ... I knocked over one of his gargoyle statues and. ... And stepped on his flowers. I'm positive the feet broke another statue of a armless naked chick.
MaryxLuka: ... Seriously.
Robert: It was dark, okay? Or could have a ghost. You never know.
Both Mary and Luka gave him a look.
Robert: (roll eyes) I said I was sorry and told him
I'll for the damage. Happy?
As the Night went on, Robert sat at the end of the bar watching the football game tat was on.
Mary was chatting with Neil, while Luka was writing down and doing a few sketches.
Mary: C'mon, Luka, take the night off Watch me freak out few young scrappy men.
Luka: Huh? (Looks up)
Mary rolls eyes takes the sketch shuts it, and shoves a beer into his hand.
Mary: No working. It's your night off. Live a little.
Luka: ... Yeah, you're right. Sometimes.
Mary: Pff. I'm always right.
Luka: (chuckles and looks around) Oh. Check out those guy. (points at one of the Booth a wearing a black suit, Red tide Blue button-down shirt)
Mary: Ooooooh, Mary likes~. Good job, my Faith a wing man. (turns to him) How do I look?
Luka: Stunning as always. Go get'em.
Watches as Mary walks away. Just as Robert stands up.
Robert: Gonna powder my nose. Order my a coca-Cola.
Luka: Will do. (starts drying to sketchbook again)
Robert: One time I drowned a guy in public toilet?
Luka: (turns him) What?!
Robert: Yeah, fucker tried to rob me at good point, stabbed in the throat, and drowned his sorry ass in the one of the bathroom stalls.
Luka: ... ...
Robert: (start laughing and kisses Luka) You are too damn adorable. (walks away)
Luka: ... (Rolls eyes, chuckles)
After few months walks away someone came up next to Luka.
Man: Hey there, good lookin'.
Luka turns to his left and sees the well dress Guy that Mary to flirt with standing next to him.
Man: Hey, you're famous, right?
Luka: Excuse me?
Man: Yeah, you were in the newspaper, you're a local artists in the Maple Bay Area?
My name is Travis.
Luka: Oh, yes. Luka Jarvis. Please to meet you. And no I'm not famous at all. (smiles shyly)
Travis: C'mon, you were in the newspaper. I kinda makes you famous. (smiles)
Luka: I don't think so. Anyway, Nice to meet, Travis. (goes walker)
Travis: Well wait, do you do commissions?
Luka: Well, yeah. But commissions are close for the rest of the month. Sorry.
Travis: Aww, Shame. I was hoping you would draw me... (grins) Naked.
Luka: (blinks) Yeah, no sorry. Have a good evening. (walks away)
Travis: C'mon, it was only a joke, Lucas.
Luka: It's Luka. Good night.
Travis: (grabs Luka's waste and pulls him closer) Hey, don't leave, sweetheart. Well, unless you wanna go somewhere... private.
Luka: Let... Let me go.
Neil: (looks over) Hey, jackass, stop harassing my customers.
Mary: ...? (looks over)
Travis: (looks him) Piss off.
Robert walks out of the bathroom and looks over.
Luka: S-Stop. Let go, you fucking creep! (Feels Travis letting go of him)
Luka looks over and sees Robert bending Travis to the bar. Pinning his head the wooden surface he's right here bent in a uncomfortable.
Robert: Motherfucker! (glares deadly at him)
Travis: Owowowo. You're hurting my arm, asshole!
Robert: Give me a reason why I shouldn't fucking break it...
Neil: Robert, take the trash out.
Robert: With. Pleasure. (drags Travis to the back at the bar, throws them in the alleyway)
Travis: Gaaahh... (glares up at him) Who the hell do you---
Robert: (Hold him down and punches him twice in the nose) ... Never. And I mean, fucking never Touch. Luka. Again. (punches again) Get out here. Shitheads like you aren't welcome here.
Robert glares deadly at Travis again before walking back into Jim and Kim's.
Mary: Are you sure you're okay?
Luka: Yeah. Guy was a real creep.
Mary: No kidding. He was eyeing you before while I was talking to him. So I just moved on.
Robert walks back into the walks too Luka.
Robert: You okay, Luka?
Luka: Yeah, I'm fine.
Robert: You sure? We can call it a night and go home.
Luka: Nah. I'm good.
Three sat at bar watching the rest of basketball ball game before calling it a night.
The 2 older men walked Mary back to home apartment.
Mary: Welp, boys, mama's hittin the hay. Netflix and warm bed await.
Robert: Good night, honey.
Luka: Always a blast, gorgeous.
Mary: I am the life of the party. Night, guys. (she walk up to her complaxe before waving)
Robert: (puts an arm around Luka and the two start walking home)
The two men said nothing at first.
Luka: Thanks for saving me for saving me for that creep.
Robert: ... His corpse is in the back of my pick up truck. We I have a couple shovels bury him somewhere before he starts to stink.
Luka: W-WHA---?!
Robert: Hahaha. (kisses his cheek) You're welcome~.
Luka: You... have a very and unsettling sense of humor, Small.
Robert: Yep~.
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